介绍家乡的英语作文3篇 .doc

介绍家乡的英语作文3篇我的家乡MyHometown(一)MyhometownisXiamen.Iwasborntheretwelveyearsago.NowIliveinFuzhou ,thecapitalofFujianProvince.Xiamenisabeautifulcitythatmanypeoplevisitth ere.Thewholecityiscleanandtidy.Ilivedindowntown.It’sneartotheport,whereisthebusiestplace,becausethousandsofpeoplegotothe Gulangyu.Gulanyuisasmallisland.Therearemanydistinctivebuildingsandpa thsthere.Youmaygetlostinsomanypaths,butyoudon’thavetoworry.Andeverypathhasitsownbeautifulscenery.Ilovemybeautifulh ometown.我的家乡MyHometown(二)Myhometownisabeautifulplace.Itstandsbesideawideriverandisrichinfishan drice.Butintheolddaysitwasapoorandbackwardlittletown.Manypeoplehadn owork.Theylivedahardlife.In1949myhometownwasliberated.Sincethengre atchangeshavetakenplacethere.Thestreetshavebeenwidened.factories,scho ols,hospitals,cinemasandtheatershavesprunguponeafteranother.Thelifeofth epeopleisgreatlyimproved.Ilovemyhometownandallthepeoplethere.Theyar eworkinghardsoastomakeitstillricherandmorebeautiful.我的家乡MyHomeTown(三)Myhometownisabeautifulplace.Itstandsbesideawideriverandisrichinfishan drice.Butintheolddaysitwasapoorandbackwardlittletown.Manypeoplehadnowor k.Theylivedahardlife.In1949myhometownwasliberated.Sincethengreatchangeshavetakenplacet here.Thestreetshavebeenwidened.Factories,schools,hospitals,cinemasandt heatreshavesprunguponeafteranother.Thelifeofthepeopleisgreatlyimprove d.Ilovemyhometown.AllthemoreIloveitspeople.Theyareworkinghardsoasto makeitstillricherandmorebeautiful.演讲稿我爱我的家乡IloveMyHometown(一)Dearteachersandfriends:Goodmorning!MynameisSomiar,andmyChinesenameisLuZiyan.I’mfromtheSecondExperimentPrimarySchoolinJinyun.IstudyinClass3,Grad e5.Ilikemyteachersandclassmates.AndIlikemyfamily,too.Thatisalovelyfa mily.Therearethreemembersinmyfamily---myfather,mymotherandme.My motherisateacher,myfatherisacook.Theyallloveme,andIlovethem,too.Yous ee,I’malovely,easy-goingandkindgirl.Ilikereadingbooks,singingsongsandplayingcomputergames,andalsoI’mfondofspeakingEnglishwithmyEnglishteacher,MissChen.BecauseIlikeE nglish.DoyoulikeEnglish?Doyouloveme?IhopeIcannotonlyimprovemyEn glishbutalsomakemorefriendsbythespeech.Today,I’dliketotalkaboutmyhometown---Lishui.Ilovemyhometown.It’sabeautifullandinthesouthwestofZhejiang.It’sfamousforgreenmountainandcleanwater.It’sthefirstcountrypicturedinChina.Therearemanygreatplacesofinterestinmyh ometown,suchasSendo,NanmingMountain,East-westRockandsoon.Every years,manypeoplecometovisitLishuiandtakesomebeautifulphotos.Andyou canseethephotosinsomebooks.Howbeautiful!Haveyoubeenthere?It’sapityreally,ifyounot.DoyouknowOuRiver?It’sariverofpeople’slife.Itkeepsrunningandrunningalltheyearround,justlikealivelyhorse.There aremanyresourcesandspecialproductsinmyhometown,likeQingtianstoneca rving,Longquandouble-edgedswordandQingyuanmushroom.Doyouknowt hem?Allofthemarefamousintheworld.Howcool!Ilovemyhometown.It’sgettingmoreandmorebeautifulnow.Oneday,Ithinkitwillbethecentreofshop pingaswellastraveling.Wouldyouliketovisitmyhometown?Ihopetoseeyousoon.“Oneworldonedream.”Le t’shaveagreattimeinmyhometownLishui.That’sall.Thankyou!演讲稿我爱我的家乡IloveMyHometown(二)Iwasborninasmallvillagewithahillbehinditandmanybigareasoffeildsinfront .Mostofthevillagersliveintallbuildingslikethepeopleincities.Intheirhome,th eyhavetelephones,TVsets,washingmachinesandsoon.Theycanalsousedrink ingwatersuppliedbythewatercompanyinthevillage,butitcoststhemalittlemo neyeveryyear.Iftheyplantcrops,thegovermentwillgivethemsomemoneyase ncouragement.Themorelandtheyfarm,themoremoneytheywillget.Allaroun dtheyear,theyworkontheirfarmlandforonlyfourorfivemonths.Intheresttime, theyoftenworkinthecitiesnearbyformoney.Theyneedn’tworryaboutanythingforliving,suchasfoodorclothes.Thereisatallteachingbuildingwithacomputerroom,areadingroom,ameetingr oom,alabandsixteenclass-roomsinourschool.Arounditarebigtreesandbehin dthebuildingisawideplaygroundforustodosportson.Alltheteachersworkcare fullyandteachusverywell.Whatismore,whenweareillorwanttodosomeshoppingandsoon,everythingis OKwithoutleavingthevillage.Butinthepast,itissaidtherewerefewpeoplelivingintwohousesmadeofwood,g rassandmud.ThatiswhyitisstillcalledTwoHousestoday.Itisnothardtoimagin ewhattheirlifewaslike.NowIfeelthatIamproudofmyhometown.Asastudent,Imuststudyhardtogetm oreknowledgesothatIcanbuildmyvillagebetterwhenIgrowup.演讲稿我爱我的家乡IloveMyHometown(三)Everyonehashisownhometown,sodoI.Doyouwanttoknowmyhometown?Le tmetellyousomethingaboutit.IwasborninShicunTown.ItliesinthenorthofGuangrao.It’sabout10kilometersfromGuangraocounty.Althoughtherearenothighmount ainsorlongrivers,therearefriendlyandhard-workingpeoplelikemyparents,th erearemygoodfriendsthathaveplayedandstudiedwithmesincewewereyoung children.SoIstillthinkitisthemostbeautifulandIloveitverymuch.Manyyearsago,peoplelivedinlowandsmallhouses,theyworeshabbyclothesa ndatesimplefood.Theydidn’thavecomputersorTVsets.Ican’timaginewhattheydidforfun.Theydidn’thavecars,buses,motorbikes,evenbikes.Whentheywentout,theycouldonlyb eonfoot.Inaword,theirlifewaspoorandsimple.Butnow,greatchangeshavetak enplaceinmyhometown.ThankstothegoodpolicyoftheParty,peoplearegettingricherandricher.Theybuildwideandbrighthouses,theywearnewandmodern clothes.Theycannotonlygetenoughfood,butalsodeliciousandhealthyfood.N owtheyhavedifferentkindsofdigitaltoolsforfun,suchasmobilephones,TVset sandcomputers.Theycanusethemtorelaxthemselvesafterwork.Whentheywa nttogotosomeplaces,theycangotherebybike,bus,car,eventrainandplane.The ycantravelaroundourcountrytoseebeautifulsceneryinanyway.Iamproudtosa ythatmyhometownisgettingbetterandbetter!Manyyearsago,therewerefewfactories.Theskywasblue,theriverwasclearan dclean,andthereweresomedifferentkindsoffishes,thereweremanygreentrees andbeautifulflowersonbothsidesoftheroad.Butwiththedevelopmentofthein dustry,theenvironmentaroundusisgettingworseandworse.Manytreesarecut downtobuildmorefactories.Theskyisnotsoblueasbefore,waterintheriversisg ettingdirtieranddirtier,fishesarefewerthanbefore.Somefactoriesevenmaket heairterrible.Itisbadforourhealth.Iamsorrytosaythatthepollutioninmyhomet ownisgettingbad.Butluckilypeoplehavealreadyrealizedthatitisimportanttop rotectourenvironment.Manythingshavebeendoneforthat.Asamemberofmyhometown,itisourdutytobuildandprotectourhometown,w eshouldactquickly.Weshouldcallonpeoplenottopourthedirtywaterintotheriv erormaketheairterrible.Everyoneshouldcareforourlivingenvironment.Wes houldplantmoretreesandflowerstomakeourhometownmoreandmorebeautiful.Asastudent,Imuststudyveryhardtogetmoreknowledge.WhenIgrowup,Iw illtrymybesttobuildmyhometown.Iamsuremyhometownwillbebetterandbet ter!Doyouthinkso?Myspeechisover.Thankyou!介绍家乡的英语作文篇二:英语作文大全myfamily英语作文(5篇)篇一MyFamilyIlovemyfamily,becauseIhaveahappyfamily.MyfatherisanEnglishteacher.HisnameisJacky.Heisthirty-eight.Helikesplay ingbasketball.What’smymotherjop?Issheateacher?Yes,you’reright!Mymotherisverykindandnice,sheisthirty-seven.Mymotherisalways laboriouswork.Ilovemyparents!OnStaurdayandSunday,Ioftengotothelibraryandplaythepiano,Myfathergot oplaybasketball.Sometimes,wewatchTVandlistentomusicathome.Ilovemyfamily.BecauseI’mveryhappytolivewithmyparentstogether!篇二MyFamilyMyFamilyEveryonehasafamily.Weliveinitandfeelverywarm.Therearethreepersonsin myfamily,mymother,fatherandI.Welivetogetherveryhappilyandtherearemanyinterestingstoriesaboutmyfamily.Myfatherisahard-workingman.Heworksasadoctor.Healwaystrieshisbesttoh elpevery,patientandmakepatientscomfortable.Butsonetimesheworkssohard thathecan”trememberthedate.Mymotherisawomanwithabadmemory.Shealwaysdoesalotofhousework,bu tsometimesshemakesmistakesoutofcarelessness.Forexample,oneday,shew ashedclothesinthewasher,afterthewasherfinishedthework,shefoundshehad n”tfilledthewasherwithwater.Nowletmetellyouafunnything:oneday,fatherwantedtogetupearlyasusual,bu thewasn”tabletodothat,becausehehadn”tsetthealarmclockthenightbefore,s owhenhegotup,hedideverythinginahurry.Afterfatherleft,mothersaidtomem ysteriously,”Hewillcomebacksoon.”“Why?”Iwasgreatlysurprised.”Becaus etodayisSunday,hisholiday!”Justasmothersaid,fathercamebackhomesoon, andwenttobedagain--hewastootired.Yousee,whataninterestingfamilyhave!Ihopethatyouwillhaveonelikemine,t oo.篇三ILoveMyFamilyIwasborninanordinaryfamily,butitisverywarm.Myfatherisaclerkinacompan y.Andmymotherisahousewife.Everyweekdaymorningmyfatherwillgotowo rkandgoesbackinthelateafternoon.Andmymotherwillgetupearlytocookforu sandthenpickmeuptoschool.Thensometimesshewilldosomecleaningandso metimesshewilldosomethingshelikes.Shewillpickmeupafterschoolandthen cookthedinner.Afterdinner,myparentswillteachmetofinishmyhomeworkan dthenwewillwatchTVtogether.Atweekend,usuallywewillgooutforfamilyac tivity.Ilovemyfamily.篇四MyfamilyIhaveahappyfamily.Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily,theyaremygrandma,myfather,mymotheran dI.Mygrandmaisseventyyearsold,sheisoldandthin,shelikewatchimgTV.Myfat herisfortyyearsold,heisaengineer,heistallandstrong,helikereadandrun.My motheristhirty-eightyearsold,sheisbeautiful,shelikemusicandread.Theylov emeverymuch.Ilovemyfamilyverymuch.篇五MyfamilyHello,everyone,I’mLiuDongdong.I’mastudent.Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily—myfather,motherandI.Myfatheris40yearsold.Heisaworker.Ithinkheisagoodworker.Becausehewor ksveryhard.Hegetsupveryearlyeverydayandheworksformorethan10hoursa day.Soheisalwaysbusy,helooksverytiredwhenhegetshome.Helikesreadingn ewspapers.Heusuallyreadsitaftersupper.Sohegetslotsofnews.Mymotheris38yearsold.Sheisaworkertoo.Sheworksinaverysmallfactory.S heisnottallandshehastwobigeyes.Shelovesmeandsheisgoodforme.Shealwa ysbuyssomebooksforme.Shewantsmetobeatopstudent.Shealsocaresformyd ietandlife.I’m15yearsold.Iwearglasses.Ilikereading.Ialwaysreadbooksafterschool.Ilike singing,too.MyfavoritesingerisJayChou.Hismusicisverynice.Whatdoyouth inkofhim?Ialsolikemakingfriends.Ifyouwanttomeetme,pleasewritetome.Oh,myparentslovemeandIlovethem,too.Myfamilyisahappyfamily.介绍家乡的英语作文篇三:描写家乡景色的作文5篇美丽的……美丽的生物岛我的家乡在广州,它位于中国的南边,那里风景优美,物产丰富,空气清新甜润。

夸夸我的家乡英语作文篇1My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.夸夸我的家乡英语作文篇2What do you ask me a paradise on earth? I dont know, only know like stars in the sky, the number is countless. You ask me the most lovely place in where? To tell you, in my heart, it is my hometown - weifang.Speaking of which, in my mind gradually emerged hometown change picture, cant help but see elegantly beautiful picture.High, Bridges, like a rainbow across the across the river, on both sides of the connection with traffic, also add endless to whitewater river scenery. Walk to the bridge, wide the floodplain, is to use road paved with cement. Path ZhaiZhai suppress round,but also smooth smooth, snaked into view from deep in the woods. Low flower, a tree a tree, there seems to be no rules, but also a harmonious layout, no messy feeling, perhaps this is not intentionally, deliberately in random Flower, herself standing, jiaojiao small let life flow. Ah, I did not come of, if it is four, in May, you can catch a glimpse of their delicate and charming face! After pruning of pine trees also many, short pudgy, fat fat fat, proud to make a green between the flower, like a strong defender. Some tuft, I dont know its name, although naked branches now, but look from its green color, I want to spring flowers, also is a bit bright beautiful scenery.夸夸我的'家乡英语作文篇3In the distance, the undulating mountains covered with clouds, is like concealed, very beautiful. Hill, hits the tall trees lined with thick layer upon layer, from a distance, like a sea of green.Nearby, a putting green of a beautiful lake at the foot of the mountain. There are often a few ducks or swan lake in the cheerful swim in the water. Behind the lake a few houses, every one in the front will have a small yard. Our yard is the largest, there is kind of tomatoes, capsicum frutescens var and towel gourd... But also many kinds of fruits! In behind my house there is a bamboo forest, spring, where a piece of green, full of vitality. In the summer, they straightened up, like a guard of soldiers here. The autumn, the leaves are slowly falling down, like the beautiful butterflies dance. Winter, white snow on their body, like a beautiful snow and ice girl.When I was a child, I often come here to play. By the way, my house there is a bed, there is kind of a variety of flowers, a peony, azaleas, sunflower...My hometown is very beautiful! I like my hometown very much, in my eye, where is my beautiful and warm home.夸夸我的家乡英语作文篇4My hometown is Xiamen. I was born there twelve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. It’s near to the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu. Gulanyu is a small island. There are many distinctive buildings and paths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you don’t have to worry. And every path has its own beautiful scenery. I love my beautiful hometown.我的家乡是厦门,十二年前我出生在那里。

介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译精选10篇我的家乡英语作文篇一My hometown is beautiful, the hometown of a stream is the most worth up attachment to place.In spring, in the thick forest, streams hua hua to sing, songs of joy into the distance. Bird chirp over the stream, is greeting the stream sister! Look, the spring breeze mother-in-law also came here, is to stream b my hair! The glimmer of layers of ripples, is the stream sister. Then, we came here. We send the stream sister bundles of beautiful flowers.Summer arrived, streams and singing a happy song, to wele summer sister. The fiery red sun shines on the lush forest, cicadas in the trees cried, as if speaking to stream sister. The stream to the crops, see they are going to die, then, gave a drink of water. Rootstocks spirit up immediately, curved waist, as if he were to stream sister thanks! The stream is pleased to go. Autumn has e, the stream through the crops, and saw the farmer uncle is a bumper harvest this year, flattered, for she helped farmers uncle! Streams in orchard, see we are picking fruit, her naughty to fruit took a bath, fruit happily laughed, look, laugh all red in the face. A stream of happiness.In winter, with a thick layer of ice streams, became our paradise. I and friends in skating together. Look, snow! We cried happily in the water. For a while, the snow stopped, we are a big snowman on the stream. Snowman smile more happy, to see it so happy, even we smiled happily.Hometown river like a kindly mother, care for us. I love you, hometown of stream!介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译篇二My hometown is in the east of Inner Mongolia. It is a betiful all town. Becse of the reform and opening up, it has bee cher and cher.But a few years ago, this all town was a poor and dirty place, with ws of all and dirty bck houses, sparse vegetation, peoples clothes were ugly, there were black and blue garbage piles rywhere, there was a bad ell rywhere, and the ad was very . When a truck passed by, it raised a cloud of dust. You can imagine how the envinment has been since the great changes have taken place in my hometown Peoples living standards are impving ry year.Big shops and in the past few years, the park has been built, the streets have been straightened, the flowers and trees on both sides of the ad are gwing, people not only work hard, but also participate in vaous recreational activities: adncing last summer, I went back to my hometown, I found another big park is in this park, there is one By the lake, you can w on it and enjoy the betiful scenery.中文翻译:我家乡在内蒙古东部,是一个美丽小城镇,因为改革开放,它变得越来越富裕,越来越富有。

介绍家乡英语作文篇1I love my home in Jilin City,Jilin City is a surrounded by mountains,the famous Chuanliubuxi the Songhua River in the town of the beautiful city.Here the mountains of water beauty more beautiful.The mountains of Jilin City:It is located in the urban areas in the two famous (Beishan) (Longtan Mountain),located in the suburbs (Mopanshan) (Suzaku Hill).First,"(Beishan) there is the religious holy places,the mountains there are many temples,the annual temple fair and Jidian,when many of the visitors to this Tour." Saying that "(the Longtan Hill) mountains ancient architecture lush trees air Fresh,so people become a good place for morning exercises."Saying that" (Mopanshan) is a famous mountain temple "Lingyansi",where incense heyday."Saying that" (Suzaku Hill) is a forest park,the mountains A horseback archery skiing,and other entertainment projects,many of the day to attract visitors."Jilin City in the waters:the famous Songhua Hu of Jilin City in the suburbs,where there are rich water resources,there are delicious Songhua Hu wild fish,is a tourist resort in the Holy Land.Is also available in the Songhua River from the city Chuanliubuxi.Jilin City of the United States:Jilin City has many,many lovely people,the special police in Jilin City is a model for studying the police,special police in Jilin City for the safety of their bloody sweat,you can say that they are also the most lovable person.Jilin City cab drivers,they are the example.Jilin City in a lot of unexpected events,they always冲在最前面also played an important role,for example:the scene rescue Jianyiyongwei Shijinbumei,etc.in their possession of the obvious.Jilin City,my home and I love my praise in Jilin City of Jilin City. 介绍家乡英语作文篇2Its very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city.Now Id like to tell you something about my hometown Quanzhou.The city stands on the west bank of the Taiwan Straight.It is a beautiful place for people to live in.Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years.New factories,houses,roads and bridges have been built.More schools and hospitals are available for its people.However,there are still some problems,such as water,air and noise pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours.In my opinion,Quanzhou should develop its economy scientifically.I would also think that the growth of its housing construction should be brought under control so that well have a better hometown in future.介绍家乡英语作文篇3My home village is a beautiful village far from the town.There is a clear brook arcs around the village,making the vil]age like a peninsula.On one side of the brook,are farmlands stretching as far as the eyes can see with farmers busy in the fields.The sunshines brightly through the pure,fresh air.After dark,I liked to roamaround the fields along footpaths.The feeling was excellent.On the other side of the brook,there are many trees.There are lots of green bamboo groves.The trees offer nice shade in the summer,and birds like singing in them.The bamboos sway gently in the fresh summer breeze.The brook runs calmly anti quietly through all this greenness,making a very nice picture.This is my home village.It is far away in the country,but always with me,wherever I am.介绍家乡英语作文篇4Although I am now in a busy town,I prefer my lovely and beautiful hometown!There is a beautiful scenery in my hometown!I like the dusk of my hometown.When the evening comes,the drunken drunken man falling in the sun falls on the other side of the sky.Sweet grass,beautiful flowers in the evening breeze slowly stroking,quietly to sleep.Only the night fragrance is full of spirit,busy dressing oneself.They make the rouge with the sunset glow,and make the skirt with the bright sun.To the gentle brother of the river to a wave to praise the love of the sunset.In the face of the beautiful dusk,I always come to the grass with my partner.When the evening did not come,we would climb on the grass and observe the flowers under the grass.I always think:why cant the flowers come out?Until one time,I and partners in Mongolia fine down on to the grass,I know,it is not for the flowers that we can know,dont see the weak,but their courage is great.Home not only the beautiful dusk,the brave little flower,and the clear brook.The brook is clear at the bottom,and there is a small bridge on it.I like to walk through the bridge,sprinkle the petals in the stream,let the stream send them to the distance,andmake the river more beautiful.The brook minnows were alive and kicking,full of vigor and vitality.Fish sometimes hide in the creek bottom sand play hide and seek......The beautiful scenery in my hometown is not in the city.Even if the city is beautiful again,it is not better than the beauty of his hometown.介绍家乡英语作文篇5How do you do!You have not yet come to my hometown - to sound water.My hometown is located in the yellow sea shore,it is beautiful and rich,it is water by the bridge,the bridge is the irrigation river bridge,the water is the river water.I would like to sincerely invite you to visit my hometown.The most pleasant scenery in my hometown is the river irrigation bridge.Irrigation river like a amorous girl just woke up from my dream,and across the filling and majestic,magnificent river bridge on the river,the total length of 636 honey,16 meters wide,with three holes,the maximum pore diameter of 90 metres.Every day the bridge under the bridge is noisy.In the morning there were schoolboys rushing to school,the little girls and young men who were going to work,and the old grandmothers and grandmothers who were walking on the bridge.There are fishermen fishing in the river under the bridge,and there are a lot of big ships passing by.Every time I opened the gate,I had a great momentum.My hometown is not only beautiful,but also has many interesting activities.One of the most interesting is the annual kite festival.In march,when the flowers are red and green,the town of huangwei is very noisy.On the scene of kite flying,there will be many kinds of kites in the air.On the ground,youll see that theres a line running and theres a cheering viewer.Besides,there are many special products in my hometown,and my favorite is the shallow lotus root.We are rich in shallow lotus root,neither the bitter taste of the southern lotus root,nor the taste of northern lotus root.The lotus root cake made of lotus root is very fragrant,and every family will make lotus root cake every year.How about,listen to my introduction,you want to wings to fly to my hometown?Once again,I sincerely welcome you to my hometown.你们好!你们还没有来过我的家乡——响水吧。

【篇一关于我的家乡英语作文】Welcome to my hometown!My home town is a good place .It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food.There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too.There is little air pollution,because cars cant go into the centre of the town.Peple here are very friendly and helpful .I think my home town is a wonderful place to live.I love my home town!【篇二My Hometown】My hometown is Haimen. Its not very large, but its very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong.There is a beautiful park; its name is Dongzhou Park. You can exercise and go walking there. There are about one million people in Haimen. Most of us live in flats. They are not very high. There is a supermarket here. Its name is Times Supermarket. It has three floors. It is very large. There are many things in it, such as clothes, snacks, stationery, an electrical shop and a bookshop.The weather in Haimen is good. In spring its warm. Many birds fly in the sky. The flowers are very beautiful. Its hot in summer. We keep air-conditioners on every day. It is cool in autumn and in winter its very cold. Do you like my hometown?【篇三介绍家乡的英语作文】My home is in a town. It lies in the east of Zhejiang near the East SeA.It has a population of fifty thousand. Our town is in the south of our county.The Ease Sea is to the east of the town. To the south is flat land. Mountains are on the west. And a river runs from north to south in the west of my town.The weather here is good. It is not so cold in winter or so hot in summer. So the sea near my town is full of all sorts of fish. The fishermen of my home town are all living a happy life【篇四我爱我的家乡】Everyone has his own hometown, so do I. Do you want to know my hometown? Let me tell you something about it.I was born in Shicun Town. It lies in the north of Guangrao. Its about10 kilometers from Guangrao county. Although there are not high mountains or long rivers, there are friendly and hard-working people like my parents, there are my good friends that have played and studied with me since we were young children. So I still think it is the most beautiful and I love it very much.【篇五漂亮的家乡】My hometown is Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province. Changsha used to be a prasperous city in ancient times. It is widely known of a tomb in Changsha, Mawangdui. Mawangdui has witnessed how rich Changsha was in han dynasty.Although Changsha is a historical city, it is not enough modern as Beijing or Shanghai. It became less important and prosperous due to its ordinary location. On account of the development of industry, Changsha is polluted severely. Sky is not that blue and water is no longer clean. Fog casts a shadow on every person in Changsha.。

介绍家乡英语作文篇1Chengdu City Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province in China, has been recognized as “the land of abundance” for a long time. With rich cultural heritage, Chengdu is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in China. People who once step onto the land of Chengdu city will quickly fall in love with life there. It seems that Chengdu people are living a happy life with less pressure from their occupation, family or from the conflict social competition. Children, for example, can enjoy the child-only facilities in the parks. They can play with peers and make friends with each other. For teenagers and adults, the various entertainment places and snack streets are indispensable part of their life. The old in Chengdu can also sit in a teahouse with a cup of tea after dinner and gossip their family. The pace of life in Chengdu is slower than in other big cities. People tend to spend more time and efforts to create and experience happiness.Chengdu is a city where one comes and doesn’t want to leave. There are many famous scenic spots such as Jingli, Kuanzai Street, Tianfu Square and Chengdu Panda Base. In Chengdu, one can not only enjoy shopping in Tianfu square, walking on the ancient streets and buy souvenirs in traditional houses or stores on Jingli and Kuangzai Street, but also play with cute pandas and help feed their cubs in the Panda Base. Furthermore, watching aSichuan Opera Show will also provide a newcomer with unforgettable and precious memories. The delicate face-changing in Sichuan Opera has become a symbol of Sichuan culture.介绍家乡英语作文篇2My hometown is in Puyang south, I love my hometown beauty.When spring comes, the snow melt, everything recovery, green grass also secretly drilled the ground, the swallow also flew back from the south. Pink peach, white pear, in the spring breeze blowing, zhengqidouyan. Roadside wildflowers also quietly blooming, the whole home is enveloped in intoxicating flowers.Summer is coming, the field is the endless golden wheat, and seemed to greet you, it seems to you nod.The cool breeze. At this time, the hometown showed a harvest scene, white cotton, golden corn, heavy millet, red sorghum, and that full of soybeans...... Happy leisurely in the autumn in the swing dance. The home of the apple pear jujube persimmon are mature, agate like lantern like covered with branches, bending the branches off into his mouth to bite, sweet sour, intoxicating.In winter, snow, home into a snow world. Morning, when the sun rises from the East, immediately flashed a dazzling light snow. Children make snowmen in the snow snowball fights, run chase slapstick, here became a sea of joy.I love my hometown and I love the beautiful scenery of my hometown介绍家乡英语作文篇3If Anshun is a ship, then I'm on board the diligent crew. If Anshun is a vast sea, then I am a small fish in the sea. If Anshunis a kingdom, then I am the loyal people of this kingdom. If... Yes, Anshun is my home. I can't have it without it.Of course, some people hate Anshun, she felt dirty and messy, almost can be used to describe the The atmosphere was foul. A few years ago was clear moat, now become the paradise of flies and mosquitoes. People are so narrow - minded that they start to fight like the machine gun that can't stop. It's a habit to spit and throw rubbish everywhere...But if you are a citizen of Anshun, then, will you hate it? Destroy it? Or is it going to build it? Protect it? Not to say, you will choose the latter, but it is easy to say, it is difficult to do it, after all, people have formed a habit. Yes, Anshun is not Dalian clean, less than Japan's grave, but it has the world's second largest waterfall - Huangguoshu Waterfalls falls, it is beautiful and magical underwater, quiet and huge waterfalls in Zhijin cave, the scenery is more beautiful...... It also has the colorful spring, the luxuriant summer, the beautiful autumn and the white and silent winter. Here also has laughter and laughter, and also has the sadness and loneliness... Anshun, it has the beauty of nature, the magic of nature, the endless charm of nature! I know that people love is the beauty of simplicity, in this city far away from the denitration place, we can relax my heart, more simple. However, people do not know how to cherish the natural beauty, the simple beauty, let us start from now, learn to cherish it!Spring girl came to us. Although the greening of Anshun is still not very GOOD, there are always some strong grass that quietly sneak out of the little head and show the green of life to us.翻译假如安顺是一艘大船,那我就是船上那勤勤恳恳的船员。

介绍家乡英语作文篇1My home village is a beautiful village far from the town. There is a clear brook arcs around the village, making the vil]age like a peninsula.On one side of the brook, are farmlands stretching as far as the eyes can see with farmers busy in the fields. The sunshines brightly through the pure, fresh air. After dark, I liked to roam around the fields along footpaths. The feeling was excellent.On the other side of the brook, there are many trees. There are lots of green bamboo groves. The trees offer nice shade in the summer, and birds like singing in them. The bamboos sway gently in the fresh summer breeze. The brook runs calmly anti quietly through all this greenness, making a very nice picture.This is my home village. It is far away in the country, but always with me,wherever I am.介绍家乡英语作文篇2When you visit NuJiang in addition to enjoy the beautiful landscape, there are three things you should try, or the extreme views will lack some climax. The first thing is to drink concentric wine, the second thing is to try liusuo, the third thing is to play in the water. Today I will mainly introduce NuJiang’s culture of concentric wine .Lisu’s culture of wine can be described as broad and profound, colorful, unique, it is not only the crystallization of the Lisu material culture and spiritual culture, but also as the representative of Lisu enthusiasm that is bold and uestrained. Lisu is the host of Sanjiang, which Lisu nationality are mainly distribution in the Jinsha River, Lan -cang River, Nu River where is my hometown.Lisu is a hardworking , brave and bold nation. Wine has a very unique feelings in their cultural life, which is the symbol of their expression of joy and friendship. Lisu’s wine have rich culture, and best known as to the number of "concentric wine", concentric wine is representative of the Lisu wine culture.When Lisu preside guests, the host or hostess generally toast guests three bowls of concentric wine and will toast no longer. But if guests to retaliate the owner, it will make guests until drunk. Lisu drink concentric wine very civilized, men and women bend each arm round each shoulder and antiphonal singing, which is men andwomen drink and nobody produce evil, lyrics or long or short. The lyrics content from the history of the Chinese nation to grandparents, friendship, lucky life, work orders, etc.Lisu people entertain with it is brewed rice wine that alcohol degree is not high and taste sweet , but the stamina is very high, if drinking in the cool wind, red will float in the face at once. In recent years, the concentric wine has spawned a new form of toast "Three Rivers", which is similar to the concentric wine, The difference is three people drink a bowl of wine. Theother way toast, called "high mountain and flowing water" that is the most horrible way of toast. It is said, when the guests drink, the host side the flagon and add wine until wine is exhausted by theguests. During this process without stopping and can’t spilled the wine out of mouth, or do it again. 到介绍家乡英语作文篇3I am from shenzhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet.I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry.I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snows.介绍家乡英语作文篇4My hometown is located in the southwest of the motherland, there a point of the Guizhou Province, said a little small Qianxi Prefecture, and Xingyi city is small. There, beautiful scenery, rich in property, is a lovely place. There are known as "the most beautiful scar on the earth" -- Malinghe Canyon, "blue Trinidad" - Wanfeng Lake, there are thousands of peaks actually show - wanfenglin. Although these places are very beautiful, but I love the most of the scenic area is ranked fourth in the "Jinzhou eighteen king", "Guizhou Chun winery scenic area".There, Shanqingshuixiu, abundant water, rich in grape.The best place to visit: Pine teahouse, Nagu Longtan, bridge, pavilion, for fear of psychic scent buildings, restaurants, acres of vineyard worthy of the day......The place I love the most is: pine teahouseand nacool longtan.Pine teahouse, a lush pine forest, the forest branches packed closely layer upon layer seal tightly, blocking the line of sight of people, cover the blue sky. It is a place of leisure, you can buy barbecue, roast the fragrance, hot and spicy, pepper up a sprinkled, eat the mouth with relish.The most worth visiting is: "Nagu Longtan Longtan", is outof a huge rock in the Longtan water Nagu throughout the year will not dry, but also clear, water fish, shrimp, small tadpoles, have a zillion, like people say a kind: "the river is half water, half fish".On both sides of the weeping willow, face to face through his long hair, as the general beauty.I walked slowly forward, and I didn't feel very confused and walked up quietly before the bridge. I saw a poem called "confused bridge". The content is like this: "intelligence is not easy to be confused, but it is difficult to get confused." The two sides of the two sides of the two sides of the river water, a line of green sky dust ring.This poem chanting great confused bridge quiet environment and beautiful.I am passionate waiting for friends and friends all over the world, if you love here, please come here to enjoy the play! We must be looking forward to your arrival!介绍家乡英语作文篇5Xiamen is abeautiful seashorecity,likeXiamento give peoplethe feeling,quiet andleisurely.Xiamen isno themeof the city on foot,by the side of the roadDemons and monsters danced like mad.wirewas probably trying tocomb out acityof music,apettyfeelingstoencountera e to Xiamenwill go to theattractions: Gulangyu Islet,whichdo not have to say?;southern Putuo:tickets are not,andcan receive free of chargeafragrant;Hulishan fortress,tickets 25 yuan;Hulishanfort nearBaichengbeach,on the way toa play;Xiamen University;the road around the island,the scenery is very good,you canride a bike around;Zeng CuO an:Zeng CuO anis a smallfishing villagea pluralisticculturecross,there are a lot of verylovelyshop,alsocan go。

介绍家乡的英语作文(22篇)介绍家乡的英语作文篇3 介绍家乡的英语作文篇8 介绍家乡的英语作文篇11 介绍家乡的英语作文篇14 介绍家乡的英语作文篇15Hacve you ever been to Yongchuan? Yongchuan is my hometown. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in China. It’s in the west of Chongqing. It’s famous for the tea and the bamboo.The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It’ s a good place to visit. Every year there are many tourists from all over our country coming here for vacation. Some go sightseeing, some go shopping while others go enjoying the delicious tea and food.My hometown has all kinds of fruits. When summer and autumn comes, many businessmen drive here to buy them.These years Yongchuan has changed a lot. It is becoming more and more beautiful. It has become an important business center. It is becoming an international big city.My hometown is very beautiful, the people are kind and friendly. Welcome to Yongchuan!介绍家乡的英语作文篇16My home town is located in from tribute a devious little village. Before a few years, mom, father and I take a car to e home together visit grandmother, . We sit on the way home,all the way of bumpy, the person trembles get be tired out, we should sit almost 5, the car ability of 6 hours returns the home. When bathing in the evening, burn with firewood, because do not have water heater, sleep in the evening, on the bed frosty also, because do not have electric heat blanket. The first when I live in the home night, have to heavy cold, kill so that I was defeated by the fluid of a week. I pledge, after, also do not return old home again. After a few years, mom and father are forcing I take a car to answer native place to visit grandmother. Of my loathing sit on the way home, I write down this paragraph of road is extremely rough calm so, turned cement into the road now, road both sides. Greenery is shady.I want to take the car of a few hours so, be inferior to beautiful now beauty sleep shut-eye. But did not think of, without how long, mom called me to get off, arrived, see watch, still be less than two hours. Really fast! In the evening, when mom calls me to bathe, I am very loath also, but, cannot think of, in me slowly when bathe, I discover grandmother home has water heater. When sleeping in the evening especially, there also is electric heat rug on the bed, worry no longer fall ill caught a cold. Grandmother calls banquet of l ittle one‘s mother‘s sister the dress, I think, this can want a littleone‘s mother‘s sister tired bad, so much dress. Think of in accept, little one‘s mother‘s sister loses the dress into washing machine, press finish sth. The change of home town is really big, I also was brought up, I must bee home town more beautiful later!介绍家乡的英语作文篇17I live in yushan. its a quite munity.Ther are mang old people living here .mang families with yong children live here and mang students live here ,too.there are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in my munity .my home is nan apartment building. there are mang stores close to my home.the bank near pharmacy.介绍家乡的英语作文篇18My hometown is located in a very beautiful place. It was once a green city. But now it is being dirtier and dirtier. Lots of buses are running on the streets and plenty of factories are built around my hometown so that the heavy smoke is the most usual view there. Besides, more and more trees are cut down, as a result, we can not hear the birds singing in the blue sky. But I still love my hometown like before. It is in the place that I was born.So I hope that we can take action to change our hometowninto that beautiful place like before.介绍家乡的英语作文篇19My home town is located in from tribute a devious little village. Before a few years, mom, father and I take a car to e home together visit grandmother, . We sit on the way home, all the way of bumpy, the person trembles get be tired out, we should sit almost 5, the car ability of 6 hours returns the home. When bathing in the evening, burn with firewood, because do not have water heater, sleep in the evening, on the bed frosty also, because do not have electric heat blanket. The first when I live in the home night, have to heavy cold, kill so that I was defeated by the fluid of a week.I pledge, after, also do not return old home again. Aftera few years, mom and father are forcing I take a car to answer native place to visit grandmother. Of my loathing sit on the way home, I write down this paragraph of road is extremely rough calm so, turned cement into the road now, road both sides. Greenery is shady. I want to take the car of a few hours so, be inferior to beautiful now beauty sleep shut-eye. But did not think of, without how long, mom called me to get off, arrived, see watch, still be less than two hours. Really fast! In the evening, when mom calls me to bathe, I am very loath also, but,cannot think of, in me slowly when bathe, I discover grandmother home has water heater. When sleeping in the evening especially, there also is electric heat rug on the bed, worry no longer fall ill caught a cold.Grandmother calls banquet of little one‘s mother‘s sister the dress, I think, this can want a little on e‘s mother‘s sister tired bad, so much dress. Think of in accept, little one‘s mother‘s sister loses the dress into washing machine, press finish sth. The change of home town is really big, I also was brought up, I must bee home town more beautiful later!介绍家乡的英语作文篇20My hometown is beautiful, the hometown of a stream is the most worth up attachment to place.In spring, in the thick forest, streams "hua hua" to sing, songs of joy into the distance. Bird "chirp" over the stream, is greeting the stream sister! Look, the spring breeze mother-in-law also came here, is to stream comb my hair! The glimmer of layers of ripples, is the stream sister. Then, we came here. We send the stream sister bundles of beautiful flowers.Summer arrived, streams and singing a happy song, towelcome summer sister. The fiery red sun shines on the lush forest, cicadas in the trees cried, as if speaking to stream sister. The stream to the crops, see they are going to die, then, gave a drink of water. Rootstocks spirit up immediately, curved waist, as if he were to stream sister thanks! The stream is pleased to go. Autumn has come, the stream through the crops, and saw the farmer uncle is a bumper harvest this year, flattered, for she helped farmers uncle! Streams in orchard, see we are picking fruit, her naughty to fruit took a bath, fruit happily laughed, look, laugh all red in the face. A stream of happiness.In winter, with a thick layer of ice streams, became our "paradise". I and friends in skating together. "Look," snow!" We cried happily in the water. For a while, the snow stopped, we are a big snowman on the stream. Snowman smile more happy, to see it so happy, even we smiled happily.Hometown river like a kindly mother, care for us. I love you, hometown of stream!介绍家乡的英语作文篇21My home town is every beautiful. it stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.many people had no work. they lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. since then great changes have taken place there. the streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. the life of the people is greatly improved.I love my hometown. all the more i love its people. they are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.介绍家乡的英语作文篇22I am from shenzhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet.I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry.I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snows.。

家乡的英语作文篇1Its very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now Id like to tell you something about my hometown Quanzhou.The city stands on the west bank of the Taiwan Straight. It is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories, houses, roads and bridges have been built. More schools and hospitals are available for its people. However, there are still some problems, such as water, air and noise pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion, Quanzhou should develop its economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its housing construction should be brought under control so that well have a better hometown in future.家乡的英语作文篇2I am from shenzhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet.I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry.I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snows.家乡的英语作文篇3HuangMei is my hometown. It is in the East in HuBei.It is Easton the city named AnQing of AnHui.And it is south to the city named JiuJiang of JiangXi.It is a great city in my heart.It has a long history for about 1800 years in China .Example .The temple named SiZu and WuZu were in HuangMei for a long years-old.Today,Every year many visitor come different part to there.As a daughter from Huangmei.I leaved it away for about seven years. But I miss it everyday .Even in a lot of my dream in the night .I belive HuangMei will be richer and richer .The new year 2009 will going .Tonight I hope everything will be well in my new 26 years-old.All my friends will be well.I must work hard in the new year.I will be ain growth as my hometown .家乡的英语作文篇4家乡的变化 Changes in My HometownMy hometown used to be a backwardplace, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildingsand the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life.我的家乡过去是一个落后的地方,因为它在深山里面,那里没有漂亮的建筑物,公路也是又小又脏的。

介绍家乡英语作文介绍家乡英语作文篇1The Longhu villa in my hometown Pengshui County, where the fog is floating, (.) is a magical and beautiful place.The flag up to an altitude of about 1000 meters high, halfway up the mountain air is very sweet, very refreshing. The mountain long rows of trees under the tree is a wild profusion of vegetation, and insects and other small animal snake, so you walk can hear small animal sounds.The most interesting, is that the top of the thick fog, one or two months a year, on the top of the mountain will have a thick layers of fog, you can put the fog blowing a "hole" in one breath, but it closed in neither fast nor slow, steep peak, have a piece of egg shaped stone. It's a good place to watch the fog, but prone to hallucinations sitting on the stone, you will feel as if you are sitting in the clouds is Sun Wukong, somersault cloud, all of a sudden to jump down! And it's easy to sit on the stone and jump down! You know, this stone is surrounded by a cliff! So, it's better not to sit on the stone, because it's a safe one!介绍家乡英语作文篇2My hometown in Quanzhou.Quanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road starting point, Seashore, the City of Light. "Look Xi'an underground, to the point of view of Quanzhou," walking in the middle ofthe city, the eternal legacy will still inadvertently flashed repeatedly, both restrained and unrestrained deep stretch again介绍家乡英语作文篇3My hometown is in the village of Geng's circle in Cangzhou, Hebei province. Although it is not very beautiful and moving here, the air is refreshing and refreshing, and some natural objects are engraved.The mountain bag in our village far away looks like a green large cashmere.A slate paved path that curved across the dense forest of the hill. At the end of the slate Road, there is a clear spring called five yuan spring.The water of the five yuan spring is so clear and clear that it is so crystal clear that it is as green as jade. There is a neatly arranged stone on the edge of the spring. There is a black green and green moss on the stone. The moss stone like jade wears a necklace. The trees on the side stood straight, like a soldier guarding the precious spring. Tinkling tinkling singing, the breeze blowing, the trees beside the flowers dancing with the wind. As for the spring dance.The green waters of the mountain have been bred in the mountains. It takes the naive show, flowing to the meaning of life. Hometown of spring, you like a flowing light, circulating in the hill; as if the girl neck fluttering white gauze, surrounded by trees and flowers; like a mighty dragon, hovering over the hill. You are the soul of the earth, the blood of the mountain.I love the five yuan spring in my hometown, but I love my beautiful hometown, Geng family circle!介绍家乡英语作文篇4My hometown is the most famous snack - delicious wonton. Whenever it is the taste of delicacy I drool with envy, relaxed and happy.Eat wonton have patience if you want to hurry, eat a soup, wonton in your mouth is not hot bubble. Eat wonton is also very particular about, you can turn your skin and in separate eating; can also cut the skin and then eat it. Like spicy guests, put some pepper to eat again.The National Day holiday day, my mother took me to taste the delicious wonton shop master Huang wonton. Began to eat wonton. I saw this wonton purses bulging flesh, attractive color, each long, let a person look really want to export a cram. At this point. I first picked up a bottle of pepper to wonton Tanglisa pepper, and then pick the largest one, carefully use chopsticks Zhapopi, suddenly burst into the aroma curl my nostrils, I could not help but shed slobber. I chewed a bite of skin first. It was really chewing. Then a group of red meat from the naughty wonton skin in ran out. It seems to be looking at me in a naughty way. At this time, I can not resist the temptation of the meat can not wait to bite, the tender and smooth feeling arise spontaneously, that I don't want to put the succulent wonton to swallow, just want wonton in the mouth long aftertaste. I ate about seven, eat up my belly bulging. Mother saw me so delicious that I was a greedy ghost. Hey, who so delicious wonton! I'd rather be a greedy ghost, and I'd like to taste the gourmet. Back home, the smell of overflowing wonton in the mouth!How, listen to my introduction, everyone must flow the mouth! We come to taste this is the delicacy, wonton, lead a person to endless aftertastes!介绍家乡英语作文篇5In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several years ago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of my hometown.Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a year to build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money.And we have more communication with other places, which is a good way to develop ourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, there have been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown has developed into a big and rich town.People live a happy life.介绍家乡英语作文篇6i live in yushan. it's a quite community .ther are mang old people living here .mang families with yong children live here and mang students livehere ,too.there are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in my community . my home is inan apartment bbuilding. there are mang stores close to my home.the bank near pharmacy.介绍家乡英语作文篇7Sichuan is located in the Upper Yangtze Valley in the southwestern part of the country. The second largest of the Chinese provinces, it covers an area of 220,100 square miles (570,000 square kilometres). Szechwan is bordered by the provinces of Kansu and Shensi to the north, Hupeh and Hunan to the east, and Kweichow and Yunnan to the south and by the Tibet Autonomous Region to the west and the province of Tsinghai to the northwest. It is the most populous province in China. The name Szechwan means “Four Streams”and refers to the four main tributaries of the Yangtze River, which flows through the province. The capital, Ch'eng-tu, is located in the centre of the province.From economic, political, geographical, and historical points of view, the heart and nerve centre of Szechwan is in the eastern basin area, commonly known as the Sichuan, or Red, Basin. Its mild and humid climate, fertile soil, and abundant mineral and forestry resources make it one of the most prosperous and economically self-sufficient regions of China. The area has been seen by some as China in a microcosm and is often viewed as a country within a country. The Chinese call the basin Tien Fu Chih Kuo, which literally means “Heaven on Earth”.介绍家乡英语作文篇8HuangMei is my hometown. It is in the East in HuBei.It is East on the city named AnQing of AnHui.And it is south to the city named JiuJiang of JiangXi.It is a great city in my heart.It has a long history for about 1800 years in China .Example .The temple named SiZu and WuZu were in HuangMei for a long years-old.Today,Every year many visitor come different part to there.As a daughter from Huangmei.I leaved it away for about seven years. But I miss it everyday .Even in a lot of my dream in the night .I belive HuangMei will be richer and richer .The new year 20xx willgoing .Tonight I hope everything will be well in my new 26 years-old.All my friends will be well.I must work hard in the new year.I will be ain growth as my hometown .介绍家乡英语作文篇9My hometown is in ZhenZhou city china,There are a lot of people live here,It's a famous city.The people are very friendly.The climate here is very pleasant.My hometown has different seasons,spring.summer.autumn and winter.I like the spring ,because flowers are very beautiful,the weather is very sunny,what a lovely spring days!i hate cold weather,so i don't like winter.we have a lot of rain in autumn,this is my favoures seasons,in this seasons,we can see many different colors,i love the colors of the trees-red,gold,yellow and brown .fairly cool for this time of years!summer is always hot,It's quit muggy in summer.My hometown has different food,the food is excellent and quit cheap ,It's doesn't pollute.In the restaurant,you can enjoy good service and delicious food .welcome you to my hometown travel!。

介绍家乡英语作文篇1On this sunny morning, I finally returned to my long lost hometown. Here I saw a little friend who had accompanied me crying and laughing. My friendship with them is so pure and sincere.On the way back, my eyes were bustling, noisy, noisy cars, brakes, cars, and … … slowly, there was a lot of green in front of me, and I was traveling in the green sea … … wasn't it my hometown? Near, closer, I see the green around the home, really familiar ah! I heard the cattle grazing chewing sound, I heard the duck ducks swim in the water splash sound, I heard my woodpecker catch insects in the tree rub-a-dub, I heard the chickens chirr, I heard the frog jumped into the water splash sound, I heard I heard!Only a short while ago, my friends play together with the guy, the laughter shaking the snow on the trees, the birds fly to rest. It's good to think about it now. How I want to go back to that carefree childhood!介绍家乡英语作文篇2Sichuan is located in the Upper Yangtze Valley in the southwestern part of the country. The second largest of the Chinese provinces, it covers an area of 220,100 square miles (570,000 square kilometres). Szechwan is bordered by theprovinces of Kansu and Shensi to the north, Hupeh and Hunan to the east, and Kweichow and Yunnan to the south and by the Tibet Autonomous Region to the west and the province of Tsinghai to the northwest. It is the most populous province in China. The name Szechwan means “Four Streams” and refers to the four main tributaries of the Yangtze River, which flows through the province. The capital, Ch'eng-tu, is located in the centre of the province.From economic, political, geographical, and historical points of view, the heart and nerve centre of Szechwan is in the eastern basin area, commonly known as the Sichuan, or Red, Basin. Its mild and humid climate, fertile soil, and abundant mineral and forestry resources make it one of the most prosperous and economically self-sufficient regions of China. The area has been seen by some as China in a microcosm and is often viewed as a country within a country. The Chinese call the basin Tien Fu Chih Kuo, which literally means “Heaven on Earth”.介绍家乡英语作文篇3In the southwest of our county town, there is a beautiful Cultural Square. It is like a bright pearl inlaid on the Bank of the left river. Where beautiful scenery, birds'twitter and fragrance of flowers. It is a good place for people to have leisure, entertainment and fitness.The cultural square has a beautiful landscape. In the central square, the first thing is a huge statue, it is like a take-off from the White Swan, meaning the future development of our county, under the vigorous engraved with four characters, the other hand engraved with the names of soldiers who love many. The square is surrounded by different size and shape of the lawn grass tender, green, such as covered with a green carpet. There are false areca,small banyan and so on on the lawn. The fake areca is straight and straight, like a full of energetic warriors protecting our hometown. Banyan leaves Zizhi flourish, like a big umbrella of a wild profusion of vegetation, open, Zhetianbiri, let people enjoy the cool.Every spring, a variety of flowers such as plum blossom, Phoenix flower, peach blossom, red like fire, yellow like gold, white like snow. The trees draw out the green leaves, and the grass is also green and green. Every night, the square there are a lot of people, bustling, huge crowds of people, some walk or play some dance, full of laughter.I like the cultural square, I like my hometown more.介绍家乡英语作文篇4How do you do! You have not yet come to my hometown - to sound water. My hometown is located in the yellow sea shore, it is beautiful and rich, it is water by the bridge, the bridge is the irrigation river bridge, the water is the river water. I would like to sincerely invite you to visit my hometown.The most pleasant scenery in my hometown is the river irrigation bridge. Irrigation river like a amorous girl just woke up from my dream, and across the filling and majestic, magnificent river bridge on the river, the total length of 636 honey, 16 meters wide, with three holes, the maximum pore diameter of 90 metres. Every day the bridge under the bridge is noisy. In the morning there were schoolboys rushing to school, the little girls and young men who were going to work, and the old grandmothers and grandmothers who were walking on the bridge. There are fishermen fishing in the river under the bridge, and there are a lot of big ships passing by. Every time I opened the gate, I had a great momentum.My hometown is not only beautiful, but also has many interesting activities. One of the most interesting is the annual kite festival. In march, when the flowers are red and green, the town of huangwei is very noisy. On the scene of kite flying, there will be many kinds of kites in the air. On the ground, you'll see that there's a line running and there's a cheering viewer.Besides, there are many special products in my hometown, and my favorite is the shallow lotus root. We are rich in shallow lotus root, neither the bitter taste of the southern lotus root, nor the taste of northern lotus root. The lotus root cake made of lotus root is very fragrant, and every family will make lotus root cake every year.How about, listen to my introduction, you want to wings to fly to my hometown? Once again, I sincerely welcome you to my hometown.你们好!你们还没有来过我的家乡——响水吧。

《我的家乡英语作文》我的家乡英语作文(一):《我的家乡》英语作文Wele to my hometown! Shanghai is my hometown。
It is a modern and busy town。
It has a long history。
There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here。
It is very easy to go shopping。
You can see big trees and nice flowers。
There are many restaurants in Shanghai。
The food tastes very delicious。
You can enjoy eyery minutes of it。
Many visitors e here to enjoy it。
我的家乡英语作文(二):My hometown is suizhou, there is very beautiful in a city park and the south of baiyun shennong park, is recreation visit places。
Winding road, and thick vegetation and Xuan mesh to deprive aperson bonsai, let a person with nature。
To realize fall, lake feeling, the hushan is right choice。
The hushan LiuAn supple, boasts beautiful scenery, jade stroll,relaxed。
In the evening, jiefang road, LongTai pedestrian street lights,shopping shopping two not mistake; Pearl plaza, railway station plaza, leisure, sports and tide of stream of people, boisterous,might as well go see suizhou of mass cultural life。

介绍家乡英语作文篇1My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It s warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is very suitable for living .It is a modern and busy town.It has a long history.But it has not always been like that.In the old days,it was a sad dirty little ndlords and merchants lived in the few good houses.For the working people there were only dark,unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets.Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.Everything has changed since liberation.The people,led by the Party,have got rid of the mud and dirt.They have put up schools,theaters,shops and flats.They have an assembly hall and a hospital.Along the river they have built offices,hotels and parks.A lot of factories have sprung up.On the river,streamers and boats come and go busily,day and night.They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.I love my hometown very much !It is a nice place to live in.Do you like my hometown?If you come,I will show you around this beautiful city!介绍家乡英语作文篇2In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built. Previously, my hometownwas closed to the outside world. Several years ago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of my hometown.Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a year to build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money.And we have more communication with other places, which is a good way to develop ourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, there have been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown has developed into a big and rich town.People live a happy life.介绍家乡英语作文篇3Our hometown Quanzhou is the "Maritime Silk Road" point of origin, is a long history of the civilized city. Millennium temple Kaiyuan Temple, the famous Qing Jingsi, jade ball pneumatic Lingshan Holy Sepulcher, longevity Laojun rock, beautiful Luoyang Bridge in Quanzhou are all well-known buildings; high A drama, Liyuan opera, puppetry and so on implies the Quanzhou rich culture. It is these witnesses to history Quanzhou us proud!Now, in this City of Light upcoming national sports Festival - the Sixth National Peasant Games. As the host of us, is not it should be his hometown do? Then let us do our best to make a civilized Quanzhou bar! Let us start from the side, from small start vomit gentle, care for the young, courtesy. Attention to environmental protection to keep the city clean, in a civilized manners and we are trying to cover area: encountered stranger ask for directions, we have to smile, passion for their direction; in public places, to keep order, not to abuse the queue; on the bus,Encounter sick and elderly persons to take the initiative to give them your seat; but also for those uncivilized people to give correct and criticism ... ... believe that we can do it bit by bit, creating a thriving Quanzhou. Make friends from all over the world to remember this beautiful city of Quanzhou, and fell in love with our hometown.Students, for tomorrows Quanzhou, Quanzhou to 20xx, action bar! Your smile is the Quanzhou business card, your manners are Quanzhou face, your warm wishes of Quanzhou, Quanzhou, your efforts will contribute to!Let us join hands to meet the Peasant, vying for civilization Quanzhou!介绍家乡英语作文篇4Although my hometown is not a tourist attraction, but in my heart, it is still the most beautiful.Winter is behind us, we were greeted by the spring, in this season, things started to recover, the original bare branches began to grow a few leaves, the earth is full of busy season comes, the hottest time of the year, it is the summer, in the summer, people put a thick cotton padded jacket in short, with luxuriant foliage trees standing on both sides of the road, and the tree has become the best cool tool, you see the shade is a group of 351 or in chat, or playing chess, and we children are under the tree chasing play slapstick laughter.Autumn has come, originally the village is full of trees with luxuriant foliage guard tree golden, in a burst of autumn wind howling in the bare trunk, when everywhere is golden leaves, as if the earth is paved with brick like, walk on, like in Wonderland, I feel at this moment my hometown is more beautiful than the big city park, because only the natural scenery is the mostbeautiful.The last season of the year is coming - winter. This season, so that our country child excited even cant sleep well, you may think of it, in the cold season, we are the most active season, we will go to the fields of snowball, snowman, dig hole, sled, happy playing extremely. So far our laughter is often spread in the open field far away.My hometown is also very rich in resources, especially our rice there, very delicious, famous far and near. This is my hometown. I love my beautiful hometown.介绍家乡英语作文篇5My hometown which is in the south of shanxi Province is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a small river surrounded by green mountains In the past my hometown was poor and people led a hard life.They couldnt afford to send their children to school. But great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past twenty years. Many families 。

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介绍自己家乡的英语作文1It still enjoys great reputation for culture. There are not only rich varieties of modern entertainment facilities, but also some special entertainment items only for Changchun, such as Yangge Dance and Errenzhuan, which is a song-and-dance duet in the Northeast of China.If you have the opportunity of doing some sightseeing in Changchun, I recommend you to taste my hometown’s specialties. There are two kinds of famous dishes in Northeast China: Stewed young chicken with mushroom and Stewed Pork with Vermicelli介绍自己家乡的英语作文2In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown. Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It’s at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Haimen is a modern city. There are lots of high buildings in it. Most of us live in flats. We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends. In the center of Haimen, there are many shops. You can buy some nice things here. Things in most shops aren’t expensive. You can pay a little money and they are yours. My hometown is a beautiful city. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable. The seasons here are very nice.I like autumn best. It’s neither hot nor cold. A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing, then fly away. And yellow leaves ofautumn, which have no songs, just fall there with a sign.” It’s very cool.I love Haimen. It’s a nice place to live. Welcome to my hometown.介绍自己家乡的英语作文3Spring coming, hometown scenery especially beautiful. The grass stretch and a yawn, emerged from the dirt, leaves sprout up, too. At that time, the lovely swallow flew back from a distance, chattering under one roof, as if to say: here is a good place, here we are a home! Flowers blinked his pair of big eyes, curiously looked at all the world. The children take off the thick cotton-padded jacket, free to play on the grass, singing and dancing, happy like a free bird.When the hot sun hot summer comes, a green watermelon let people go to chan mouth water. When the children came to the brook, took off his sandals, soaked feet in the river, the clear river water enabled us to forget about the heat.The golden autumn season, pomegranate like a red lanterns hanging on the trees. The autumn wind blowing, the rice layers on the golden waves, especially beautiful. This time of year is the busiest time of the adults: rice and cotton ……although they have been too tired to breath, but depend on their face hung the joy of harvest.Winter, the earth covered with a layer of thick quilt. Friends to chase in the snow, make a snowman, snowball fights …… is really fun!I love my hometown, the home of this beautiful, simple!介绍自己家乡的英语作文4My hometown is Xiamen. I was born there twelve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. It’s near to the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu. Gulanyu is a small island. Thereare many distinctive buildings and paths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you don’t have to worry. And every path has its own beautiful scenery. I love my beautiful hometown.介绍自己家乡的英语作文5My hometown is in xiangfan. There are parks, the park is rowing. The sand painting. NiHua painting. There are bears in the zoo, the monkey. The lion. The tiger. Turkey. All sorts of lovely bird, etc. Many trees and grass. Flowers.There are not only xiangfan park plaza. There are many people in the evening on the square dancing. The day when there are a lot of people in the square, leisure, photography as a souvenir kite.Xiangfan everywhere is tall buildings. Spacious and level of asphalt road. On both sides of the street greening is beautiful.Xiangfan into two halves, north is a beautiful and clear of hanjiang river. The river has twonorth-south bridge, connects with on both sides of the city. One road and rail or tianxinzhou bridge.Xiangfan, the air is fresh, favorable climate, beautiful environment. Is a very good place for people to live.介绍自己家乡的英语作文6My village is big and beautiful!There are many houses in the village.They are small.There are many high and beautiful mountains near the houses.There is a big forest behind the houses.There are many big trees in it.There are many rivers in front of the houses.The water is clean.There are many fish in the rivers.There are many bridges over the rivers.There are many big trees on the river banks.And there is grass and flowers on it.The grass is green.The flowers are colourful and beautiful.There is a lake in the village.There are many ducks in thelake.The sky is blue.The rivers flow.The air is fresh and clean.I like my village very much!介绍自己家乡的英语作文7My village is very beautiful .There is manyvolunteer ,doctor ,teacher and other people there. They all work hard, and they all love their life. They try to take care of this beatiful village. They hope this village isnt had pollution.What a lucky pleace.Lets love the earth too muc介绍自己家乡的英语作文8My village is very beautiful. There are many houses in the village. Near the village, there is a forest. A small river is in front of the village. The water in it is very clean. We can see some fish in the river. Near the river, you can see a mountain. Some flowers and grass are on the mountain. I like my village. Welcome to my village!介绍自己家乡的英语作文9First this is my house, I live in a big house.We have a smallyard.Now. They are is growing up.Near my house is army. It takes me twelve minutes to get the army on foot. There are lots of gardens there.There are more than three shops in my home town, So Iam very easy to get things. When I like it,there is also a Dance Hall near the centre of town.My favourite place is street. Because I can play with my friends there.There are lots of games to play, I always happy.I like going into town on my bicycle When I feel sad .介绍自己家乡的英语作文范文文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。
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介绍家乡英语作文篇一:英文介绍家乡及其问答Hello everyone, today my presentation is about my hometown .it is an old city.Firstly,let’s play a game. I’ll give you 3 pictures Please guess the city’s name.开封简介Kaifeng ,a prefecture-level city(地级市) in eastern Henan province, located along the southern bank of the Yellow River ,is one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. During the Song Dynasty, it was called Dongjing or Bianjing ,then, Kaifeng was the capital of China ,with a population of over 400,000, living both inside and outside the city wall.Typhus was an acute problem of the city. And Kaifeng reached its peak of importance in the 11th century, when it was a commercial and industrial center at the intersection of four major canals. During this time, the city was surrounded by three rings of city walls and probably had a population of 600,000 to 700,000. It is believed that Kaifeng was the largest city in the world from 1013 to 1127.开封,一个地市级城市(地级市)在河南省东部,位于黄河南岸,是中国的七大古都之一。
张择端清明上河图清明上河园As the representative work of Zhang Zeduan, a famous palace painter livingin the late Northern Song Dynasty, Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is a handscroll of painting reflecting the life and customs of the Northern Song Dynasty additionally, the most famous construction of the antique buildings is the Garden Landscape in Qingming Festival at Bian River,and it is built based on the Qingming scroll。
张Zeduan的代表作,一位著名宫廷画家生活在北宋后期,河畔现场在清明节是一个画卷反映了北宋的生活和习俗此外,仿古建筑的最著名的建筑是园林景观在清明节扁河,它是建立基于清明节滚动名胜古迹简介As the capital cities of Kingdom Wei(Warring States Period),Liang, Jin,Han, Zhou(the five dynasties), Song dynasty and the end of Jin dynasty, Kaifeng was founded in 4500 years ago, named Qifeng in Xia dynasty. Therefore, there are a lot of places of historic interest, such as Longting, Tower Bo,the tower of Kaibao temple(Kaifeng iron tower),Great Xiangguo Temple and the place of interest around the lord bao lake. 王国的首都城市魏(战国)、梁、晋、汉、周(五代),宋代和金王朝的终结,开封成立于4500年前,名叫齐峰夏朝。
因此,有很多名胜古迹,比如哈哈,塔博Kaibao寺塔(开封铁塔)伟大的相国寺,主宝湖周围的名胜古迹包公祠Lord Bao Memorial Temple is located in Baohe Park just southwest of the city center. It wasinitially built in 1066 in memory of Baozheng, a famous upright officer during the Northern Song Dynasty (960 - 1127).Lord Bao Memorial Temple is a typical ancient architectural complex with style imitating that of the Song Dynasty. Covering an area of one hectare,主保纪念寺位于Baohe公园西南的城市中心。
最初建于1066年在Baozheng内存,一个著名的正直的官员在北宋(960 - 1127)。
占地一公顷,铁塔 The Iron Pagoda is located in Iron Pagoda Park in the northeast part of the city, this structure was built in 1049 during the Northern Song Dynasty. With a history of more than nine hundred years, it is one of the earliest constructions made of glazed bricks and tiles in China. It got its name from the iron-gray color of its glazed bricks. The octagonal pagoda is fifty-five meters high (with its foundation buried in silt from the Yellow River) and has thirteen levels. Although it was constructed of glazed bricks of different shapes and sizes, it looks very much like a huge wooden pillar, with carved patterns of Buddhas, flowers, human figures and legendary animals, all representing the highly developed workmanship of the Song Dynasty. The top of the pagoda affords a good view of theundefined whole city of Kaifeng.他铁佛塔坐落在铁宝塔公园东北城市的一部分,这种结构在北宋建于1049年。
开封犹太人天主教堂Kaifeng is also known for having the oldest extant Jewish community in China, the Kaifeng Jews. This church is the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ,and it is built by the Kaifeng Jews 夜市小吃Kaifeng offers a wide range of food specialities such as steaming pie andChinese dumpling. In the evening, Kaifeng’s streets turn into restaurants while hundreds open their stands and begin selling their food in the famous night market. Often people from the nearby Zhengzhou come to Kaifeng to spend an evening with their family as the atmosphere is very appealing. Less adventurous Western tourists may prefer to eat inside the restaurants and just have their drinks outside because they might not want to try chicken feet, pork feet or bucks. Particularly famous is Kaifeng’s five-spice bread (wǔxiāng shāobǐng), which, like pita, can be opened and filled. The lively unusual snack night market is this old city one of allnight long big characteristics. it has many varieties, if completely eats, perhaps you could not be able to return to the hotel篇二:英文介绍家乡Hubei College of Arts and Sciences湖北文理学院 Historical novel of three kingdoms三国演义A brief introduction to the ancient lung:Gu Long is an outstanding statesman of the Three Kingdoms period, the military strategist Zhu Geliang youth (17-27 years old) place to live in seclusion. Zhu Geliang tuck song farm for 10 years. Zhuge Liang of the Shandong Langya people, young lost parents, after with his uncle to Jingzhou, dead uncle at the age of 17, went to Xiangyang Longzhong, Gonggeng hard, pay attention to the world, known as “Wolong”. Later Sangumaolu Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, a comprehensive analysis of the situation in three minutes of the world at that time, and puts forward the strategies of world domination, this is the f amous “Longzhong”.Now the ancient Grand is a former residence of Zhu Geliang as the main scenic spots in the Northwest Hubei historical and cultural city of Xiangyang and Nanzhang, Gucheng junction, with a total area of 209 square kilometers. Paleo uplift formed in heritage scenic area has been 1700 years of history, the“mountain is not high and fair; water is not deep and clear; not broad and flat; Lin little and lush, within the scenic area surrounded by mountains, towering pine and cypress, and the scenery is quite beautiful. The main attractions of Wuhou Temple, “Zhuge Cooper, pavilion, pavilion, tuck Gonggeng Tian Xiaohong, ancient bridge, six angle wells, theobservatory etc.. In 1994 by the State Council approved the national 4A level scenic spots.古隆中简介:古隆中是三国时期杰出政治家、军事家诸葛亮青年时代(17-27岁)隐居的地方。