

操作说明二:设备运行前的准备工作1. 检查设备是否处于正常工作状态,是否有异常声音或震动。
2. 检查筛网的状况,确保其没有损坏或堵塞。
3. 检查振动发生器的电源连接是否稳固。
操作说明三:启动振动筛1. 打开振动筛的电源开关,确保电源接通。
2. 调节振动发生器的工作频率和振幅,根据筛选物料的特性进行设置。
3. 带动电机通过皮带驱动振动发生器,产生振动力。
操作说明四:进行筛分操作1. 将待筛物料均匀地投入进料口,避免过量或不均匀的投料。
2. 根据需要,可以根据物料的特性选择相应的筛网规格。
3. 振动筛开始工作后,物料会在振动力的作用下向前移动,较大颗粒物料被阻挡在筛网上,而较小颗粒的物料则通过筛网。
4. 筛分过程中可以根据需要调整振动力的频率和振幅。
操作说明五:维护与清洁1. 每天工作结束后,应关闭振动筛的电源开关。
2. 清理筛网上的堵塞物料,确保筛孔通畅。
3. 定期检查振动发生器的工作状态,如发现异常应及时维修或更换。
操作说明六:安全注意事项1. 操作前应穿戴好符合规范的劳动防护用品。
2. 切勿将手或工具伸入正在运行的振动筛内。
3. 操作时要保持严谨和谨慎,防止发生意外。
4. 若发现设备有异常状态或故障,应及时停止操作并通知维修人员。
ZD DD系列单轴惯性振动筛说明书

ZD DD系列单轴惯性振动筛使用说明书前言随着我国煤炭工业的发展,对煤的筛分设备提出了更高的要求,由一机部,煤炭部组成的煤用筛子系列设计组设计了ZD和DD系列单轴惯性振动筛,以满足目前煤炭工业发展的需求。

目录注意事项 (1)机械系统说明 (2)一、概述 (2)二、结构、工作原理和主要性能参数 (3)三、安装与调试 (8)四、使用、操作和维护 (13)五、故障分析与排除 (15)六、易损件明细 (16)七、运输、贮存 (16)八、承诺及售后服务 (16)控制系统说明 (17)一、概述 (17)二、控制原理及工作参数说明 (17)三、操作步骤 (18)四、控制柜安装要求及注意事项 (20)五、控制柜所用备件型号 (21)六、附:控制柜接线端子例图 (22)注意事项1、安装和使用设备之前请详细阅读此说明书。

目录一. 概述二. 型号、规格、主要尺寸三. 主要技术参数四. 结构及特点五. 工作原理及性能比较六. 运输、安装与调试七. 安全注意事项八. 维护保养九. 电气控制十. 常见故障及排除十一. 订货须知附录1:易损件清单附录2:发货清单一概述在钻井过程中,井底产生的岩屑由钻井液带到地面,要求将岩屑及时从钻井液中清除掉。
二型式、规格、主要尺寸2.1 结构型式单筛,双联筛,三联筛2.2 筛网规格筛网目数:20-200筛网面积:1250×630mm2.3 筛网型式楔块固定2.4技术参数三结构及特点3.1主要结构HG320A型直线振动筛采用双激振电机自同步原理,通过激振力的合成形成直线运动轨迹。

美国康威德工业有限公司西弗吉尼亚州普林斯顿市香蕉筛手册安装—使用—维护目录1.0 紧固件和扭矩规格 3 1.1 螺柱的规格及扭矩 3 1.2 振动器润滑油的规格 3 1.3 振动器轴承和迷宫的润滑 41.4 电动机和万向传动轴轴承 42.0 吊装、运输和储存 4 2.1 吊装和运输 4 2.2 储存 5 2.3 万向轴的运输和储存 5 2.4 基础螺旋弹簧的运输、储存和处理 62.5 基础橡胶弹簧的搬运和储存 63.0 安装和调试7 3.1 使用前的准备工作7 3.2 安装7 3.3 安装说明83.4 调试84.0 使用95.0 维护9 5.1 安全守则9 5.2 技术描述10 5.3 维护指导115.3.1. 拆除振动器115.3.2. 重新安装振动器115.3.3. 更换筛板125.3.4. 拆除电机和联接轴125.3.5. 重新安装电机和联接轴125.3.6. 更换支承底架135.3.7. 一般的维护135.4 故障诊断145.5 维护周期表145.5.1. 调试后振动器油的更换145.5.2. 周检145.5.3. 月检145.5.4. 每三个月的检查155.5.5. 每六个月的检查155.5.6. 年检155.5.7. 每两年的检修155.5.8. 振动器的修理和更换155.5.9. 油渣的检测166.0 振动器安装示意图17第一部分1. 紧固件和扭矩规格筛机主梁、托架梁、支撑梁等与侧板的联结采用环槽铆钉联结,在需要解体运输现场组装的筛机及部件使用高强螺栓或螺钉联接,除了振动器以外,其它高强螺栓和螺钉为8.8级,相应的螺母为8级。
螺栓和螺钉使用时应符合下列扭矩:紧固件尺寸扭矩( 8.8级)M10 55 NmM12 100 NmM14 160 NmM16 245 NmM20 475 NmM24 820 NmM30 1630 Nm1.1 螺柱的规格及扭矩联结振动器与主梁的双头螺柱是特殊设计的,统一强度为10.9级,在任何情况下都不允许使用其它规格的紧固件代替,这些紧固件应符合下列扭矩。

三、安装与调试1. 在选择安装地点时,应确保地面平整稳固,并且能够承受振动筛分机的重量和振动力。
2. 按照设备图纸和相关规定,正确安装振动筛分机的各个组件。
3. 进行电气连接,确保电源与设备匹配,并按照电气图纸连接线路。
4. 进行机体合理位置调整,使之达到最佳筛分效果。
5. 连接驱动装置,并确保装置正常运转。
四、操作与使用1. 启动前检查:每次使用振动筛分机前,应进行必要的检查。
2. 启动设备:按照操作面板上的启动按钮,启动振动筛分机。
3. 物料投入:将需要筛分的物料均匀地投入到振动筛分机的进料口,并控制物料投入量,以免超过设备工作范围。
4. 调整振动力:通过调整振动力的大小,可以控制物料在筛网上的运动速度和筛分效果。
5. 监控筛分效果:定期观察筛分效果,确保物料筛选合格。
6. 停止与保养:停止振动筛分机时,应按照操作面板上的停止按钮进行操作。
五、安全注意事项1. 操作前应熟悉设备的使用方法和操作规程,根据说明书正确操作。
2. 使用时应戴好防护用具,确保人身安全。
3. 操作过程中及时发现设备异常情况,应及时停止使用,并进行故障检修。
4. 设备维护和保养应由专业人员进行,不得随意更换、拆卸设备部件。

ZD—3型采用组合式结构,它是由以下几个部分组成的:( l) DF滴定放大器(以下简称DF);(2) DK滴定控制器(以下简称DK);(3) DZ滴定装置(以下简称DZ);(4) DQ滴定管(以下简称DQ);(5) DC手动控制器(以下简称DC);(6) XWT—1044S台式记录仪。
在DK 滴定控制器中,设定电位用一个拨盘开关来调节,设定电位直接由开关上的数字显示。

BESONDERE MERKMALE• Vier Siebkörbe je Siebkorbfilter • Schraubdeckel• Gerader Durchfluss dank Spezialkonstruktion • Kompakte Konstruktion• Entleerung über einen Gewindeanschluss• Siebkorb mit Perforation oder Drahtgewebe aus AISI 316 L (Edelstahl)• Niedrige Bauhöhe für einen einfachen SiebkorbaustauschOPTIONEN• Perforierter Siebkorb mit Lochung von 1/32 Zoll bis 1/2 Zoll • Siebkörbe aus Drahtgewebe mit 20, 40 oder 60 Mesh • MONEL ®-Siebkörbe • Entleerungsventile • Messhähne, 1/4 Zoll NPT• Siebkörbe mit Korbunterdichtungen • Hebehilfe• Edelstahlkonstruktion• Magnetische Siebkorbeinsätze • Differenzdruckmesser mit SchalternMONEL ® ist eine eingetragene Handelsmarke von Special Metals Corporation group of Companies.• Nennweiten von 8 bis 36 Zoll • G ussausführung in Eisen oder C-Stahl • FlanschanschlüsseFür Rohrleitungssysteme mit großen Nennweiten und Durchflussraten von bis zu 9.000 m 3/hDas Modell 510 (Simplex-Aus-führung) von Eaton unterscheidet sich von anderen Einfach-Sieb-korbfiltern für große Rohrlei-tungsnennweiten aufgrund seiner Konstruktion mit mehreren Sieb-körben. Das Prozessmedium wird von vier Siebkörben gereinigt, sodass dieses Modell eine extrem hohe Schmutzauf-nahmekapazität zeigt. Dies ist bei Siebkorbfiltern für große Rohr-leitungsnennweiten ein wichtiger Entscheidungsfaktor, da diese Siebkorbfilter aufgrund ihrer Größe und Bauweise längere Reinigungs- und Wartungs-arbeiten erfordern. Je länger der Siebkorbfilter zwischen denReinigungen in Betrieb ist, desto geringer fallen die Gesamt-betriebskosten aus.Geringer DruckverlustUm den Druckverlust auf ein absolutes Minimum zureduzieren, wurde das Modell 510 so entwickelt, dass durch die einzigartige Siebkorbkonstruktion mit Schrägsitz ein gerader Durchfluss entsteht.Bauweise mitmehreren SiebkörbenVier statt einem oder zwei Sieb-körben halten die Betriebskosten niedrig, da aufgrund der höheren Anzahl die Siebkörbe selbst kleiner konstruiert werdenkönnen. Die Reinigung kann daher von einer einzelnen Person durch-geführt werden. ZusätzlichesBedienpersonal oder Aushebehilfe zum Herausheben der Siebkörbe aus dem Gehäuse des Siebkorb-filters ist nicht erforderlich. Um diese Arbeiten noch schneller und einfacher erledigen zu können, ist das Modell 510 optional mit einer Hebehilfe ausgestattet. Der Siebkorbfilter-deckel kann so vom Bedien-personal angehoben und für den Zugang zu den Siebkörbengeschwenkt werden. Dank seiner vier Siebkörbe bietet das Modell 510 noch weitere Vorteile: der Abstand von der Oberkante sowie der Unterkante zur Mittellinie ist sehr kurz. Dadurch ergibt sich eine niedrige Bauhöhe, sodass der Siebkorbfilter auch für die Aufstellung an Orten mitgeringem Platzangebot perfekt geeignet ist.In Rohrleitungssystemen mit großen Nennweiten und hohen Durchflussraten zeichnet sich das Modell 510 im Gegensatz zu gewöhnlichen Siebkorbfiltern für große Rohrleitungsnennweiten durch eine verbesserte Leistung und niedrigere Betriebskosten während der Lebensdauer des Siebkorbfilters aus.P e r m a n e n t e S i e b e l e m e n tFür weitere Informationenkontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail unter ********************oder online unter /filtration© 2018 Eaton. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Sämtliche Handelsmarken und eingetragenen Warenzeichen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Unternehmen. Sämtliche in diesem Prospekt enthaltenen Informationen und Empfehlungen hinsichtlich der Verwendung der hierin beschriebenen Produkte basieren auf Prüfungen, die als zuverlässig angesehen werden. Den n och obliegt es der Verantwortung des Benutzers, die Eignung dieser Produkte für seine eigene Anwendung fest z ustellen. Da die konkrete Verwendung durch Dritteaußerhalb unseres Einflussbereiches liegt, übernimmt Eaton keinerlei ausdrückliche oder stillschweigende Gewährleistung für die Auswirkungen einer solchen Verwendung oder die dadurch erzielbaren Ergebnisse. Eaton übernimmt keinerlei Haftung in Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung dieser Produkte durch Dritte. Die hierin enthaltenen Informationen sind nicht als absolut vollständig anzusehen, daweitere Informationen notwendig oder wünschenswert sein können, falls spezifische oder außergewöhnliche Umstände vorliegen, beziehungsweise aufgrund von geltenden Gesetzen oder behördlichen Bestimmungen.Nordamerika44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Gebührenfrei: 800 6563344 (nur innerhalb Nordamerikas)Tel: +1 732 2124700Europa/Afrika/Naher Osten Auf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Deutschland Tel: +49 2486 8090Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Deutschland Tel: +49 6205 20940An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Deutschland Tel: +49 6704 2040ChinaNo. 3, Lane 280, Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335 Shanghai, P .R. China Tel: +86 21 52000099Singapur100G Pasir Panjang Road #0708 Singapur 118523Tel: +65 68251668BrasilienRua Clark, 2061 Macuco13279400 Valinhos, Brasilien Tel: +55 11 36168400DEEF-SSEA-1008-2018MODEL 510 SIMPLEX STRAINER125# FLAT FACE FLANGE SIZES 8" T HRU 24" CAST IRON SD510041Auswahltabelle 8 bis 24 Zoll Eisen Flansch 125# Asbestfrei 8,6 bar bei 38 °C 30 bis 36 Zoll Eisen Flansch 125# Asbestfrei 4,8 bar bei 38 °C 8 bis 24 Zoll C-Stahl Flansch 150# Asbestfrei 10,3 bar bei 38 °C 8 bis 16 Zoll C-StahlFlansch 300#Asbestfrei20,7 bar bei 38 °CDie hier angegebenen Abmessungen und Gewichte dienen nur zu Referenzzwecken. Wenden Sie sich für zertifizierte Zeichnungen bitte an Eaton.Abmessungen (Zoll / mm )----Trockengewicht (kg ) ----Guss C-Stahl 8 23,25 / 591 11,63 / 295 9,13 / 232 20,13 / 511 38 / 965 18,00 / 457 18,50 / 470 249 249 10 26,13 / 664 13,06 / 332 11,38 / 289 23,75 / 603 44 / 1118 20,25 / 514 21,00 / 533 332 332 12 29,00 / 737 14,50 / 368 14,63 / 372 28,38 / 721 52 / 1321 22,25 / 565 22,75 / 578 491 491 14 30,50 / 775 15,25 / 387 16,75 / 425 31,25 / 794 60 / 1524 24,63 / 626 25,13 / 638 618 618 16 33,50 / 851 16,75 / 425 19,13 / 486 35,50 / 902 66 / 1676 27,13 / 689 27,75 / 705 795 795 20 44,75 / 1137 22,00 / 559 28,50 / 724 46,25 / 1175 88 / 2235 32,75 / 832 34,75 / 883 1.514 1.514 24 44,38 / 1127 22,19 / 564 31,50 / 800 52,25 / 1327 98 / 2489 36,63 / 930 38,50 / 978 2.068 2.068 30 61,50 / 1562 30,75 / 781 41,63 / 1057 66,50 / 1689 125 / 3175 47,50 / 1207 47,50 / 1207 4.036 4.0363662,00 / 157531,00 / 78741,63 / 105766,50 / 1689125 / 317547,50 / 120747,50 / 1207 4.4094.4090,10,20,30,40,50,60,81,02345681020304060801000,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,91,02345678910D r u c k v e r l u s t – [P S I ]Durchflussrate (Wasser) [GPM]7507090,020,050,070,110,180,20,50,70,91,11,41,82,34,56,99,1182311,4Durchflussrate (Wasser) [m³/h]0,71,42,12,73,44,85,567142128344148556269D r u c k v e r l u s t [k P a ]20"30"12"10"8"16"24"36"14"C v -Faktoren*8 Zoll 1600 14 Zoll 4800 24 Zoll 13000 10 Zoll 2500 16 Zoll 5800 30 Zoll 1900012 Zoll350020 Zoll900036 Zoll23000**Bei Wasser durch einen sauberen, perforierten Siebkorb。

3.3 控制部分 3.3.1 ZDK控制器(图2)
ZD电动机构的电气控制部分由独立的控制模块ZDK控制器完成。 ZDK控制器主要特点为:显示操作状态和分接位置;
记录并显示操作次数; 设置就地操作按键和就地/停/远方转换开关; 检测供电电源并闭锁和灯光报警; 检测箱内温度和湿度并输出控制信号; 输出多种状态信号及控制信号; 配置RS485通讯接口和光纤通讯接口(特殊配置)。 ZDK控制器上通讯灯状态:RX—接收到数据时闪烁;
ZD电动机构远方控制器可以根据用户需要配置。配套型号分别为:CY50分接位 置控制器(以下简称CY50)或YK-6有载调压控制器(以下简称YK-6)。
ZD电动机构与CY50间传输电缆为RS485通讯电缆。 ZD电动机构与YK-6间传输电缆为RS485通讯电缆或光纤电缆(特殊配置),两者 任选其一。 远方控制器安装在控制室内。
箱体和箱盖用铰链连接,标准产品箱盖打开的方向为左向,开门的角度为 180º。 箱体和箱盖之间用成型海棉橡胶密封,操作需要的所有开孔(传动轴,观察窗 等)都是完全密封的,从而保证了对灰尘和溅水的防护(防护等级 IP66)。 箱体的左右侧各有一个迷宫式带金属网的透气孔,使箱体内空气流通,并可防 止虫蚁侵入。 箱体的下侧设有两个电缆进线孔和一个通讯电缆进线孔,作为进出线通道。
端子上输出的信号是:一一对应无源输出分接位置和BCD码无源输出分接位置,供用户外 接分接位置信号时选用。如需输出十进制编码信号或电阻位置信号以及其它分接位置信号时, 用户可在订货时提出要求,我们可以通过特殊设计来满足相应的使用要求。
3.2.4 手摇装置 电动机构手摇装置和手摇操作工具合二为一,同时具有手动和电动操作的联锁

目录1、概述 (1)2、结构特征与工作原理 (2)3、技术特性 (2)4、安装、调试 (3)5、使用、操作 (4)6、故障分析与排除 (5)7、保养及维修 (5)8、运输与贮存 (6)9、警告和安全说明 (6)10、订货须知 (7)1、概述1.1 产品特点:1.1.1 等厚滚轴筛对物料的适用性强,对于含水量高的煤种效果更为突出,不易堵塞。
1.1.2 传动机构采用独特的单轴单驱结构,具用体积小、重量轻、传动扭矩大、起动平稳、低损耗等特点,适用于工况复杂的原煤筛分,整个筛面运动平稳、可靠,单轴故障不会影响整机运行,便于维护与维修。
1.1.3 筛轴采用变倾角结构,入料口到出料口方向按15 º、10 º、5 º 进行布置,使入料口处煤流迅速分层并布满整个筛面,有利于煤流在筛面等厚均匀流动,进而充分筛分。
1.1.4 筛片为特有的十角渐开线结构,有利于物料的运动、分层、透筛;坚固耐用,更换方便。
1.1.5 保护功能完善,机壳与筛轴交汇处加装耐磨衬板,筛轴下加装清扫装置,电气加设了故障报警信号、堵煤报警信号,起到了安全保护及防堵作用。
1.1.6 维修方便,本机在入料口处增设了旁路装置,筛路出现故障或维修时,物料可直接进入系统。
1.2 主要用途及适用范围HGS 系列等厚滚轴筛适用于电力、冶金、化工、建材及煤碳等行业。
1.3 型号组成说明1.4 使用条件物料进入破碎机之前,将物料中小于破碎机排料口宽度的细粒级物料筛分出去,将大于排料口宽度的粒料送入破碎机进行破碎,这样可以减少破碎机的负荷,提高破碎效率,提高环锤使用寿命,减少无用功耗。
1.5 影响筛分效率的物料特性影响筛分效率的物料特性有容积密度、堆积角、颗粒形状、物料流动性、粒子表面水分、粒度分布等。

ZD91 系列自行拆卸式 数字回弹仪 使用手册说明书

感谢与您的合作!目录1 概述 (6)1.1 简介 (6)1.2 功能特点 (6)1.3 主要技术指标 (7)1.4 注意事项 (9)1.5 维修与保养 (9)1.6 责任 (12)2 仪器介绍 (13)2.1 数字模块 (13)2.2 机械回弹仪 (16)2.3 USB线 (16)2.4 充电器及电池 (17)2.5 其它附件 (17)3 操作说明 (18)3.1 采集程序简介 (18)3.1.1 主菜单界面项 (18)3.1.2 测量界面 (19)3.1.3 菜单及设置选择 (20)3.2 功能操作说明 (20)3.2.1 回弹测量 (20)33.2.2 测量设置 (23)3.2.3 浏览数据 (27)3.2.4 管理数据 (28)3.2.5 删除数据 (30)3.2.6 钢砧率定 (31)3.2.7 系统设置 (32)3.2.8 关闭电源 (35)4 快速操作指南 (37)4.1 测试前准备 (37)4.1.1 现场准备 (37)4.1.2 开机 (37)4.2 回弹及测量参数 (37)4.2.1 回弹测量 (38)4.2.2 测量参数 (38)4.3 数据处理 (39)附录一:自行拆卸及装配方式 (40)附录二:菜单快速索引 (43)附录三:规程一览表 (44)附录四:回弹仪保养与维修指南 (45)产品合格证 (50)装箱单 (51)产品保修卡 (52)本手册说明:1、本手册中带【】均为产品面板上一个按键,如【】键。

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b.观察“测试视图”中的能谱曲线与浓度显示, 样品浓 都稳定时点击“自动存储”。存10组以上数据。 度显示 数据显示没变化一次存储一次结果。 数据显
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样品测试 人工测试
记录数据 自动 a.超声自动结束后,按下循环键,这时将有数据 存储 显示。也可按超声停止键,随时人为停止超声。

Instructions and Operations ManualforInline, Side Entry, Side Outlet& Dual StrainersDixon SanitaryN25 W23040 Paul Road • Pewaukee, WI 53072ph: 800.789.1718 • fx: 800.789.4046 Read and understand this manual prior to installing, operating or servicing this equipment.February 2019Table of ContentsSafety (3)Care of Stainless Steel (4)Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................................5-6 Installation and Start-Up .. (7)General Maintenance (8)Changing Filter Media .....................................................................................................................................................................9-15 Inline ............................................................................................................................................................................................10-11 Disassembly . (10)Assembly (10)BOM (11)Side Entry ......................................................................................................................................................................................12-13 Disassembly . (12)Assembly (12)BOM (13)Side Outlet .....................................................................................................................................................................................14-15 Disassembly . (14)Assembly (14)BOM (15)Dimensions (16)Inline (16)Side Entry & Side Outlet (16)Warranty (17)800.789.17182Strainer I & O ManualSafety InformationDo’s and Don’ts•Do read and understand these instructions before installing or using the strainer.•Do use Dixon spare parts when replacing any components of the strainer.•Do Not attempt to service the strainer while under pressure.•Do Not place the strainer in an application where the service ratings are exceeded.•Do Not attempt to modify the strainer assembly as it may compromise the integrity of the assembly and will void all warranties.Safety Precautions When Installing Strainer•Do relieve product line pressure before attempting to install strainer assembly.•Do check the distance between the clamp ferrules to assure there is proper clearance for the strainer assembly.•Do Not install a damaged filter or strainer.•Do Not install strainer between damaged clamp ferrules.•Do Not install strainer between tubing that is significantly out of alignment.Safety Precautions When Strainer is in Operation•Do monitor the strainer assembly for any signs of leaks.•Do check all clamp assemblies often to ensure that they have not loosened from any excessive vibration.•Do check the pressure on either side of the strainer to monitor for any possible blockages.•Do Not attempt to loosen any clamp assemblies while the strainer is in operation.•Do Not attempt to perform any type of service or adjustment to the strainer during operation.Safety Precautions When Servicing the Strainer•Do drain piping run as much as possible.•Do vent line to relieve any pressure.•Do secure necessary lifting equipment to strainer assembly if necessary.•Do remove line clamps first before removing strainer body clamp.•D o use caution and wear protective clothing if strainer has been used in applications using acids or other chemicals that may be harmful.Strainer I & O Manual800.789.17183Care of Stainless SteelThe stainless steel components in Dixon Sanitary equipment are machined, welded and assembled by skilled craftsmen using manufacturing methods that preserve the corrosion-resistant quality of the stainless steel.Retention of corrosion-resistant qualities under processing conditions requires regular attention to the precautions listed below.1.R egularly check all electrical devices connected to the equipment for stray currents caused by improper grounding, damagedinsulation or other defects. Corrosion: Pitting often occurs when stray currents come in contact with moist stainless steel.2.N ever leave rubber mats, fittings, wrenches, etc. in contact with stainless steel. Corrosion: Pitting or galvanic action. Objectsretard complete drying, preventing air from reforming the protective oxide film. Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals touch when wet.3.I mmediately rinse equipment after use with warm water until the rinse water is clear. Clean the equipment (manual or CIP)as soon as possible after rinsing. Corrosion: discoloration, deposits, pitting. Product deposits often cause pitting beneath the particles.4.U se only recommended cleaning compounds. Purchase chemicals from reputable and responsible chemical manufacturersfamiliar with stainless steel processing equipment, they continuously check the effects of their products on stainless steel.5.U se cleaning chemicals exactly as specified by the manufacturer. Do not use excessive concentrations, temperatures or exposuretimes. Corrosion: Pitting, discoloration, stress cracks. Permanent damage often occurs from excessive chemical concentrations, temperatures or exposure times.6.F or manual cleaning, use only soft non-metallic brushes, sponges or pads. Brush with the grain on polished surfaces, avoidscratching the surface. Corrosion: Pitting, scratches. Metal brushes or sponges will scratch the surface and promote corrosion over a period of time. Metal particles allowed to remain on a stainless steel surface will cause pitting.7.U se chemical bactericides exactly as prescribed by the chemical manufacturer in concurrence with local health authority. Usethe lowest permissible concentration, temperature and exposure time possible. Flush immediately after bacterial treatment. In no case should the solution be in contact with stainless steel more then 20 minutes. Corrosion: Protective film destroyed. Chlorine and other halogen bactericides can destroy the protective film. A few degrees increase in temperature greatly increases chemical activity and accelerates corrosion.8.R egularly inspect the joints in pipelines. Be sure all connections are tight fitting without binding. Corrosion: Crevice corrosion.Small crevices caused by improperly seated gaskets will promote crevice corrosion. Stainless steel under stress will develop stress cracking especially in the presence of bactericides containing chlorine.9.R egularly inspect equipment for surface corrosion (i.e. pitting deposits, stress cracks, etc.). If deposit or color corrosion isdetected, remove it immediately using mild scouring powder and detergents. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry. Review production and cleaning procedures to determine the cause. Note: If corrosion is not removed, the protective film cannot be restored and corrosion will continue at an accelerated rate.800.789.17184Strainer I & O ManualTechnical SpecificationsSpecifications:Materials:•Product wetted steel parts: AISI 316L Stainless Steel•Product wetted elastomers: Buna (Standard)•Optional wetted elastomers: FKM•Non-Wetted components: CF8•Finish: 32 Ra on product contact surfacesStrainer Back Up Tubes:•Full flow coarse strainer tubes•1/4" perforations standard•1/8” perforations availableFilters:•Full flow filters•Micron rating from 40 to 800 (others available upon request)•Polyester, Cotton cheesecloth, and Nylon mesh filter material availableMesh Over Screens:•Full flow fine and medium over screens (not 3A compliant)•Square mesh 20 to 100Connections:•Clamp (Standard)•Bevel Seat, I-Line, and Weld ends availableSizes:•1" to 3"Types:• Inline• Short• Long•Side Entry• Long•Side Outlet• LongStrainer I & O Manual800.789.171856Strainer I & O Manual800.789.1718Technical SpecificationsPressure Drop Chart - Short StrainersPressure Drop Chart - Long Strainers7Strainer I & O Manual 800.789.1718Installation & Start UpInline, Side Entry and Side Outlet1. Be sure adequate line supports exist to prevent stress on fittings and strainer body.2. Install supports approximately every ten feet on either side of the strainer assembly.3. A ll Dixon strainer assemblies operate in any position. However, to maintain 3A certification, the unit must be installed in thevertical position.4. E nsure that the strainer assembly is in the proper orientation so that the inlet and outlet are configured according to the markingson the strainer body.5. Align the filter, strainer and gaskets such that they are centered with the clamp ferrule faces.6. C lamp ends must be parallel in all planes and on center line. CAUTION: Failure to ensure line ends are centered and parallel inall planes, could result in leaking from the valve or strainer assembly.7. Tighten all standard clamp assemblies to 25 in-lbs and high pressure bolted clamps to 20 ft-lbs.8. Once strainer assembly is installed, cycle water through the unit to ensure there are no leaks from any of the connection points.Dual Strainers1. W hen installing a dual strainer assembly with ball or butterfly valves, install supports on both sides of the valves as close to theconnections as possible.2. B efore starting product flow through the dual strainer unit, ensure that the valves are in the correct position. On manual ballvalves, check the flow path machined in the valve stem to ensure that the valves are positioned so that product is only flowing through a single strainer at any one time. For actuated valves, check the indicator beacon located on top of the actuator.3. For proper flow direction and orientation, please refer to the following diagram.4. Install supports approximately every ten feet on either side of the strainer assembly.5. A ll Dixon strainer assemblies operate in any position. However, to maintain 3A certification, the unit must be installed in thevertical position.6. E nsure that the strainer assembly is in the proper orientation so that the inlet and outlet are configured according to the markingson the strainer body.7. Align the filter, strainer and gaskets such that they are centered with the clamp ferrule faces.8. C lamp ends must be parallel in all planes and on center line. CAUTION: Failure to ensure line ends are centered and parallel inall planes, could result in leaking from the valve or strainer assembly.9. Tighten all standard clamp assemblies to 25 in-lbs and high pressure bolted clamps to 20 ft-lbs.10. Once strainer assembly is installed, cycle water through the unit to ensure there are no leaks from any of the connection points.OutletInletPos. 1Pos. 2F l o w D i r e c t i o n F l o w D i r e c t i onOutletGeneral Maintenance1. WARNING: Prior to loosening the ferrule clamps, be sure to drain piping as much as possible to prevent injury.2. Vent line to relieve any pressure that could potentially be built up in the strainer housing.3. Loosen clamps to decompress valve gasket seals.4. Secure any necessary lifting equipment required to remove the strainer from the line.5. Completely remove clamps from the strainer ends and remove the unit from between the clamp ferrules.6. Check all wetted components for any sign of damage that could have resulted from large particulate or water hammer.7. F or dual strainer units, inspect valves for any signs of damage and replace wetted components as necessary. Refer to Dixon ball and butterfly manuals for instructions.8. Remove and replace as necessary the filter bag or mesh over screen.9. T he strainer back up tube should not need to be replaced unless significant damage has occurred as a result of abnormally harsh media.800.789.17188Strainer I & O ManualChanging Filter Media1. W hen installing a filter sock or over screen, save the original packaging. This will aid in identifying your filter media type when reordering.2. Relieve all pressure inside the system and make certain the filtration system is drained of all liquid.3. R efer to the disassembly section of the manual for procedures on removing the back-up tube and filter bag or over screen assembly.4. I f you are using a filter bag (8), remove retaining rings (9) from either end of the strainer back-up tube (4). Check the retaining rings for any sign of wear or damage, and replace as necessary.5. I f you are using an over screen (7), slide the over screen off of the strainer back-up tube (4) and clean or replace as necessary.6. I nsert a new filter bag (8) or over screen (7) over the strainer back-up tube (4). If using a filter bag, insert the retainer rings (9) inside each end of the strainer back-up tube to hold the filter bag in place.7. Refer to the Assembly section of the manual for reassembly of the strainer unit.Strainer I & O Manual800.789.17189InlineDisassembly1. R emove the clamp (10) and lift off the outlet assembly (1). Note: Apply pressure to the outlet assembly when you remove the clamp, as the spring (2) will force the outlet assembly away from the body (6) when the clamp is removed.2. R emove the gasket (3) and inspect it for damage or wear.3. R emove the spring (2) and the distributor cap (5).4. R emove the back-up tube (4) and the filter bag (8) or mesh over screen (7).5. C hange the mesh over screen (7) or filter bag (8) if necessary. Refer to Changing The Filter Media section of the manual for specific instructions.Assembly1. E nsure that the filter media is in place on the strainer back-up tube (4). Refer to the Changing The Filter Media section of the manual for specific instructions.2. P lace the gasket (3) on the outlet assembly (1).3. P lace the strainer back up tube (4) in the outlet assembly (1).4. P ress the distributor cap (5) onto the strainer back-up tube (4).5. P ress the spring (2) onto the outside diameter of the distributor ca p.6. Press the strainer inlet (6) over the entire assembly and compress it to the outlet assembly (1).7. A ttach and tighten the squeeze clamp (10) to 25 in-lbs.800.789.171810Strainer I & O Manual11Strainer I & O Manual800.789.1718InlineBill of MaterialsItem #Description1" Part #1½" Part #2" Part #2½" Part #3" Part #Material Qty 1Strainer End Cap (Short)BS-01-R100BS-01-R150BS-01-R200BS-01-R250BS-01-R300316L1Strainer End Cap (Long)--BS-01-R151BS-01-R201--BS-01-R30112Strainer Spring BS-02-R100-200BS-02-R250-300BS-02-R250-30013Gasket40MP-U40040MPV-U40040MPV-U400Buna 14Back-Up Tube ⅛" Perforations (Short)BS-1418-R100200BS-1418-R250300BS-1418-R250300316L1Back-Up Tube ⅛" Perforations (Long)BS-2418-R100200BS-2418-R250300BS-2418-R2503001Back-Up Tube ¼" Perforations (Short)BS1425-R100200BS-1425-R250300BS-1425-R2503001Back-Up Tube ¼" Perforations (Long)BS-2425-R100200BS-2425-R250300BS-2425-R25030015Distributor Cap BS-05-R100-200BS-05-R250-300BS-05-R250-30016Strainer Inlet (Short)BS-16-R100BS-16-R150BS-16-R200BS-16-R250BS-16-R3001Strainer Inlet (Long)--BS-26-R150BS-26-R200--BS-26-R30017Mesh Over Screen (Short/Long)Contact Dixon Sanitary For Options --18Filter Bag (Short/Long)Contact Dixon Sanitary For Options--19Retaining Ring BS-09-U100-200BS-09-U250-300Buna 210Squeeze Clamp13MHHM-Q40013MHHMV-Q400CF81Side EntryDisassembly1. Remove the clamp (10) and lift off the end cap with handle (1).2. Remove the gasket (3) and inspect it for damage or wear.3. Remove the spring (2) and the distributor cap (5).4. Remove the back-up tube (4) the filter bag (8) or the mesh over screen (7).5. C hange the mesh over screen (7) or filter bag (8) if necessary. Refer to Changing The Filter Media section of the manual for specific instructions.Assembly1. E nsure that the filter media is in place on the strainer back-up tube (4). Refer to the Changing The Filter Media section of the manual for specific instructions.2. I nsert the strainer back-up tube (4) inside the strainer body (6) ensuring that the bottom of the back-up tube is seated firmly against the bottom of the strainer body.3. I nsert the distributor cap (5) inside the strainer body (6) ensuring that the cap is seated firmly against the top of the strainer back-up tube (4). Note: The opening on the handle of the distributor cap should be facing the opening of the inlet port so that the port is not blocked.4. I nsert the spring (2) inside the strainer body (6) ensuring that the spring is seated firmly against the ridge on the distributor cap (5).5. Place the gasket (3) on the strainer body (6).6. Compress the end cap with handle (1) onto the strainer body (6) and attach and tighten the squeeze clamp (10) to 25 in-lbs.800.789.171812Strainer I & O Manual13Strainer I & O Manual 800.789.1718Side EntryBill of MaterialsItem #Description1½" Part #2" Part #3" Part #Material Qty 1End Cap With Handle BS-31-R100-200BS-31-R250-300316L 12Strainer Spring BS-32-R100-200BS-32-R250-30013Gasket40MP-U40040MPV-U400Buna14Back-Up Tube ⅛" Perforations BS-2418-R100200BS-2418-R250300316L1Back-Up Tube ¼" Perforations BS-2425-R100200BS-2425-R25030015Distributor Cap BS-35-R100-200BS-35-R250-30016Strainer Body BS-36-R150BS-36-R200BS-36-R30017Mesh Over Screen Contact Dixon Sanitary For Options --18Filter Bag Contact Dixon Sanitary For Options --19Retaining Ring BS-09-U100-200BS-09-U250-300Buna 210Squeeze Clamp13MHHM-Q40013MHHV-Q400CF81Side OutletDisassembly1. Remove the clamp (10) and lift off the end cap with handle (1).2. Remove the gasket (3) and inspect it for damage or wear.3. Remove the stand-off tube (11) and the PTFE retainer ring (12).4. Remove the back-up tube (4) and the filter bag (8) or mesh over screen (7).5. C hange the mesh over screen (7) or filter bag (8) if necessary. Refer to Changing The Filter Media section of the manual forspecific instructions.Assembly1. E nsure that the filter media is in place on the strainer back-up tube (4). Refer to the Changing The Filter Media section of themanual for specific instructions.2. P lace the distributor cap (5) on the strainer back-up tube (4) ensuring that the cap is seated firmly against the back-up tube.3. P lace the spring (2) on the distributor cap (5) making sure that the spring is seated firmly on the ridge of the cap.4. I nsert the back-up tube (4), distributor cap (5), and spring (2) assembly into the strainer body (6).5. P ress the PTFE retainer ring (12) firmly into place on top of the back-up tube assembly.6. P lace the stand-off tube (11) inside the strainer body (6) with the three legs facing toward the retainer ring (12).7. Place the gasket (3) on the strainer body (6).8. Compress the end cap with handle (1) onto the strainer body and attach and tighten the squeeze clamp (10) to 25 in-lbs.800.789.171814Strainer I & O Manual15Strainer I & O Manual800.789.1718Side OutletBill of MaterialsItem #Description1½" Part #2" Part #3" Part #Material Qty 1End Cap With Handle BS-31-R100-200BS-31-R250-300316L 12Strainer Spring BS-02-R100-200BS-02-R250-30013Gasket40MP-U40040MPV-U400Buna14Back-Up Tube ⅛" Perforations BS-1418-R100200BS-2418-R250300316L1Back-Up Tube ¼" Perforations BS-1425-R100200BS-2425-R25030015Distributor Cap BS-05-R100-200BS-05-R250-30016Strainer Body BS-36-R150BS-36-R200BS-36-R30017Mesh Over Screen Contact Dixon Sanitary For Options --18Filter Bag Contact Dixon Sanitary For Options --19Retaining Ring BS-09-U100-200BS-09-U250-300Buna210Squeeze Clamp 13MHHM-Q40013MHHV-Q400CF8111Stand-Off Tube BS-411-R100-200BS-411-R250-300316L 112Retainer RingBS-412-R100-200BS-412-R250-300PTFE116Strainer I & O Manual800.789.1718DimensionsShort and Long InlineSide Entry and Side OutletLimited WarrantyDIXON VALVE AND COUPLING COMPANY (herein called "Dixon") warrants the products described herein, and manufactured by Dixon to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of shipment by Dixon under normal use and service. It's sole obligation under this warranty being limited to repairing or replacing, as hereinafter provided, at its option any product found to Dixon's satisfaction to be defective upon examination by it, provided that such product shall be returned for inspection to Dixon's factory within three (3) months after discovery of the defect. The repair or replacement of defective products will be made without charge for parts or labor. This warranty shall not apply to: (a) parts or products not manufactured by Dixon,the warranty of such items being limited to the actual warranty extended to Dixon by its supplier; (b) any product that has been subject to abuse, negligence, accident, or misapplication; (c) any product altered or repaired by others than Dixon; and (d) to normal maintenance services and the replacement of service items (such as washers, gaskets and lubricants) made in connection with such services. To the extent permitted by law, this limited warranty shall extend only to the buyer and any other person reasonably expected to use or consume the goods who is injured in person by any breach of the warranty. No action may be brought against Dixon for an alleged breach of warranty unless such action is instituted within one (1) year from the date the cause of action accrues. This limited warranty shall be construed and enforced to the fullest extent allowable by applicable law.Other than the obligation of Dixon set forth herein, Dixon disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and any other obligation or liability. The foregoing constitutes Dixon's sole obligation with respect to damages, whether direct, incidental or consequential, resulting from the use or performance of the product.Some products and sizes may be discontinued when stock is depleted, or may require a minimum quantity for ordering.Strainer I & O Manual800.789.171817N25 W23040 Paul Road • Pewaukee, WI 53072Customer Service: 800.789.1718Fax: 800.789.4046Dixon Sanitary© 2015 DVCCStrainer I & O Manual_inhouse1015DixonCustomer ServiceDixon ™, founded in 1916, is a premier manufacturer and supplier of hose couplings, valves, dry-disconnects, swivels, and other fluid transfer and control products. The company’s global reach includes a wide range of products for numerous industries including petroleum exploration, refining,transportation, chemical processing, food & beverage, steel, fire protection, construction, mining and manufacturing. Dixon ™’s strategic objective is to create solutions that make products safer, leak-free, longer lasting, and always available.。
伊塔顿Model 72L简单筛子说明书

Features• Excellent corrosion resistance • Abrasion resistant 1/8" Tefzel lining • Tefzel-coated baskets• Service temperatures to 149 °C • Quick opening covers • Large capacity baskets • Flanged drain• Low cost alternative to exotic alloy strainersOptions• MONEL ® baskets • HASTELLOY ® C baskets• Consult Eaton for available perf and mesh sizes• Carbon steel with Tefzel ® liner • Corrosion resistant • Sizes 1" to 6"• FlangedA continuous lining ofadvanced fluoropolymer resin makes the Eaton Model 72L simplex strainer an excellent low cost alternative to exotic alloy strainers in a wide variety of corrosive or abrasive lined piping applications. These applications includewastewater treatment, paper mills, hazardous materials, flue gas systems, ultra pure water handling, chemical and petrochemical processing. The basic design of the Model 72L is Eaton’s time tested Model 72 simplex basket strainer.The body and cover of the Model 72L are lined, not just coated with Tefzel. This protects all wetted surfaces of the strainer, making it impervious to attack by chemicals that can cause rapid deterioration of other types of plastics and all but the most costly metal alloys.The Tefzel fluoropolymer lining is inert to strong mineral acids, inorganic bases, halogens and metal salt solutions. Even carboxylic acids, anhydrides, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, esters, chlorocarbons and classic polymer solvents have no effect on the Tefzel lining. Service temperatures can range up to 149 °C in many applications. The lining also displays excellent mechanical strength when handling abrasive slurries.Fitted with fluoropolymer coated perforated baskets or mesh baskets made of MONEL or HASTELLOY C, these strainers can be used in almost any lined piping or similar corrosive/abrasivestrainer application.Tefzel ® and Viton ® are registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and company.MONEL ® is a registered trademark of Special Metals Corporation group of Companies.HASTELLOY ® is a registered trademark of Haynes International Inc.P i p e l i n e S t r a i n e rC a s t C o n s t r u co nP e r m a n M e d i aTefzel-Lined Basket StrainerFor more information, please email us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2018 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All information and recommenda-tions appearing in this brochure concerning the use of products described herein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for his own use of such products. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use or the results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liability arising out of the use by others of such products. Nor is the infor-mation herein to be construed as absolutely complete, since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or government regulations.North America 44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle East Auf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0ChinaNo. 3, Lane 280, Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335 Shanghai, P .R. China Tel: +86 21 5200-0099Singapore100G Pasir Panjang Road #07-08 Singapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1668BrazilRua Clark, 2061 - Macuco 13279-400 - Valinhos, Brazil Tel: +55 11 3616-8400ENEF-SSEA-808-2018Selection chart End connections Seals Pressure rating1" to 6" Carbon steel with Flanged 150# Viton ® 13.8 bar @ 38 °CTefzel linerC v factors*Size Value 1" 23 2" 722-1⁄2" 135 3" 170 4" 350 6" 880* F or water with clean, perforated basketDimensions and weights are for refer-ence only. Contact Eaton for certified drawings.Dimensions (in/mm )Dry wt kg 1 7.88 / 200 9.00 / 229 4.00 / 102 5.00 / 127 12 / 305 2.75 / 70 – – – 4.50 / 114 7 2 10.75 / 273 13.75 / 349 6.75 / 172 7.63 / 194 20 / 508 1.88 / 48 5.63 / 143 5.50 / 140 2.50 / 64 5.88 / 149 22 2-1⁄2 11.88 / 302 15.75 / 400 8.00 / 203 8.88 / 226 23 / 584 2.19 / 56 6.25 / 159 6.50 / 165 2.88 / 73 6.50 / 165 32 3 13.75 / 349 18.75 / 476 8.00 / 203 12.00 / 305 27 / 686 2.31 / 59 6.38 / 162 7.00 / 118 3.13 / 80 7.38 / 187 43 4 17.50 / 445 20.00 / 508 10.75 / 273 10.69 / 272 30 / 762 2.38 / 60 7.75 / 197 10.00 / 254 3.88 / 99 9.75 / 248 63619.88 / 50528.25 / 71810.75 / 27318.31 / 46546 / 11682.19 / 567.88 / 20010.00 / 2545.00 / 12711.00 / 279113Basket & screen effective area – T efzel-coated basketPipe Perf. Pipe Screen Free Free/pipe size (in) size (in) area (in 2) area (in 2) area (in 2) ratio1" 1/32 0.86 19.5 5.2 6.1 2" 1/16 3.35 50.9 15.8 4.7 2-1⁄2" 1/16 4.78 80.2 24.9 5.2 3" 5/32 7.39 114.5 72.1 9.8 4" 5/32 12.73 168.3 106.0 8.3 6"5/3228.90324.2204.27.1102030405060801002003004005006008001000200030000."2"21/2"3"4"5"6"P r e s s u r e d r o p [P S I ]Flow rate (water) [GPM]P r e s s u r e d r o p [k P a ]Flow rate (water) [m 3/h]"11/2"。

Installation & Service Instructions 83-719-000Filter Models F35, F36, F37 & F43 with Variations and Accessories ISSUED: August, 2011 Supersedes: July, 2011Doc. #83719000, EN#110617, Rev. 3Bowl guards are recommended for added protection of polycarbonate bowls where chemical attack may occasionally occur.! WARNINGTo avoid polycarbonate bowl rupture that can cause personal injury or property damage, do not exceed bowl pressure or temperature ratings. Polycarbonate bowls have a 150 PSIG pressure rating and a maximum temperature rating of 125°F.WARNING To avoid unpredictable system behavior that can cause personal injuryand property damage:• Disconnect electrical supply (when necessary) before installation, servicing, or conversion.• Disconnect air supply and depressurize all air lines connected to this product before installation, servicing, or conversion.• Operate within the manufacturer’s specified pressure, temperature, and other conditions listed in these instructions.• Medium must be moisture-free if ambient temperature is below freezing.• Service according to procedures listed in these instructions.• Installation, service, and conversion of these products must be performed by knowledgeable personnel who understand how pneumatic products are to be applied.• After installation, servicing, or conversion, air and electrical supplies (when necessary) should be connected and the product tested for proper function and leakage. If audible leakage is present, or the product does not operate properly, do not put into use.• Warnings and specifications on the product should not be covered by paint, etc. If masking is not possible, contact your local representative for replacement labels.WARNINGFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THEPRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from The Company, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application, including consequences of any failure and review the information concerning the product or systems in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by The Company and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.EXTRA COPIES OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR INCLUSION IN EQUIPMENT / MAINTENANCE MANUALS THAT UTILIZE THESE PRODUCTS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE.!!! CAUTIONPolycarbonate bowls and sight domes, being transparent and tough, are ideal for use with Filters and Lubricators. They are suitable for use in normal industrial environments, but should not be located in areas where they could be subjected to direct sunlight, an impact blow, nor temperatures outside of the rated range. As with most plastics, some chemicals can cause damage. Polycarbonate bowls and sight domes should not be exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketones, esters and certain alcohols. They should not be used in air systems where compressors are lubricated with fire-resistant fluids such as phosphate ester and diester types.Metal bowls are recommended where ambient and/or media conditions are not compatible with polycarbonate bowls. Metal bowls resist the action of most such solvents, but should not be used where strong acids or bases are present or in salt laden atmospheres. Consult the factory for specific recommendations where these conditions exist.TO CLEAN POL YCARBONATE BOWLS USE MILD SOAP AND WATER ONL Y! DO NOT use cleansing agents such as acetone, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, gasoline, toluene, etc., which are damaging to this plastic.Installation1. Refer to WARNINGS and CAUTIONS.2. Purge downstream air line of oil.3. Install the unit with the air flowing in the direction indicated by the arrow on the body and / or the DP2 indicator.4. The drain line connection is dependent on the type of drain that is selected.5. Maximum inlet pressure and operating temperature ratings are: units with DP2 150 psig (10.3 bar) 150°F (66°C); units without DP2: 300 psig (20 bar) 150°F (66°C).Maintenance1. TO CLEAN OR REPLACE FILTER ELEMENT: Shut off air supply andreduce pressure in the unit to zero, remove the 8 screws from the filterhousing, unscrew the filter support and remove filter element.a. IF THE UNIT HAS A RIGID FILTER ELEMENT: remove and clean period-ically by tapping on a hard surface, and blowing off with air blow gun.T orque element support to 8 ±1 FT.-LB. when replacing element. Element should be cleaned/replaced when the DP2 pressure indicator iscompletely red or when the DP3 reads 7 psi (0.5 bar).2. When the bowl becomes dirty, clean by wiping with dry, clean cloth.3. Before placing the unit in service, make sure that the bowl is properly reinstalled, and securely bolted in place using the noted torque specifications.Repair Kits And Replacement PartsFilter Element kit (F35)(includes filter element, o-ring / gasket) ...........................FRP-95-505Filter Element kit (F36)(includes filter element, o-ring / gasket) ...........................FRP-95-506Filter Element kit (F37F)(includes filter element, o-ring / gasket) ...........................FRP-95-507Filter Element Kit (F43)(includes filter element, o-ring / gasket) ...........................FRP-95-508Drain Plate Kits:Drain Plate 9/16 diameter (use with internal automaticmechanical float drain no. P32KA00DA)... .......................GRP-95-391Drain Plate (1/2 NPT) ......................................................GRP-95-393Drain Plate (1/2 BSPP) ....................................................GRP-95-395Bowl O-ring Kit (43F) ...........................................................GRP-95-290Bowl O-ring Kit (35F) ...........................................................GRP-95-291Differential Pressure Gauge ................................................DP3-01-000Differential Pressure Indicator (Standard) ...........................DP2-01-001Differential Pressure Removal Cap Kit ................................GRP-95-022Safety GuideFor more complete information on recommended application guidelines, see the Safety Guide section of Pneumatic Division catalogs or you can download the Pneumatic Division Safety Guide at: Richland, MI 49083 T el: (269) 629-5000Automatic Electric Drain ValvesModel Number Kit Port Size NPT Voltage Operating Pressure WDV3-G14BL 1/2"115 VAC 232 PSIG WDV3-G24BL 1/2"230 VAC 232 PSIG WDV3-G34BL1/2"24 VDC232 PSIGZero Air Loss Condensation DrainModel Number Kit Port Size NPT Voltage Operating Pressure ED3002N115-KL 1 x 3/8, 3/8115 VAC 232 PSIG ED3004N115-KL 1 x 1/2, 3/8115 VAC 232 PSIG ED3007N115-KL 2 x 1/2, 3/8115 VAC 232 PSIG ED3030N115-KL 2 x 1/2, 3/8115 VAC 232 PSIG ED3100N115-KL2 x 1/2, 3/8115 VAC232 PSIGO-ringDrain PlateDrain CockPipe Bushing Screws (6 Required)(Torque 4 ± 1 ft-lb)Filter Models F35, F36, F37 and F43 with Variations and Accessories 83-719-000F35 / F36 / F37 / F43DP3 Differential Pressure Gauge Installation Instructions on 3x / 4x Series Filters1. Remove and discard the plastic cap, screws and O-rings from top of unit.2. To install the new DP3 Differential Pressure Gauge, pry the cap out of the housing and separate the mounting block from the DP3 by removing the 2 screws under the cap. Make sure that air flow direction arrows on DP3 match flow arrows (same direction) on filter unit. Make sure O-Rings are properly seated on bottom of DP3, and attach DP3 to filter, using the special 60mm mounting screws (2 required) with flat ground on threads.CAUTION! Overtightening the screws may damage the Differential Pressure Gauge. Recommended torque for screws is 36 in-lbs.!Automatic Mechanical Float DrainRepair Kits And Replacement Parts (continued)Internal Drains:Automatic Mechanical Drain:(Fluorocarbon seals w/ 1/8 NPT stem) ............................GRP-95-981Automatic Mechanical Drain:(Fluorocarbon seals w/ R1/8 stem)..................................GRP-96-300Manual Override for Auto Drain:(GRP-95-981) NPT Body Threads...................................GRP-96-001(GRP-96-981) BSPP-G Body Threads ............................GRP-96-101External Drains:External Automatic Mechanical Drain ...............................X01-04-000External Automatic Mechanical Drain ...............................X02-04-F00External Automatic Mechanical Drain ...............................XB3-04-000filter only.3. Replace coalescing element when differential pressure reaches the red band.*。
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Z-表示座式 D-表示吊式
处理能力: 30t∕h
最大进料尺寸: 50mm
筛网: 1000*2200
筛网层数: 1层
电机功率: 4KW 供电电压: 380V 设备重量: 3400kg