



课程名《多媒体计算机应用基础》课程设计《红楼梦》与中国文化《计算机网络》课程设计《数据库应用技术》课程设计《数字媒体制作》课程设计《数字通信》课程设计《数字信号处理》课程设计《通信原理Ⅱ》课程设计《现代交换原理》课程设计《移动通信》课程设计3D图形程序设计3D图形程序设计7号信令和通信网信号系统ASIC设计原理及应用ASIC设计原理及应用C + +程序设计C#程序设计C++程序设计C++程序设计基础C++程序设计基础C++高级语言程序课程设计C++高级语言程序设计C++高级语言程序设计C++高级语言程序设计C++高级语言程序设计C++语言程序设计CAD/CAM技术CI策划Computer Networks and Internet C程序设计实践C程序设计实践C高级语言程序设计C高级语言程序设计C高级语言程序设计C高级语言程序设计C语言程序设计C语言程序设计C语言程序设计基础DSP技术DSP设计及应用DSP原理与应用DSP原理与应用EDA技术ERP沙盘模拟实战ERP沙盘模拟与价值管理ERP原理与应用Flash动画编程Flash动画制作ICT管制Internet 技术Internet 应用基础Internet 应用技术Internet服务质量与NS2仿真INTERNET技术Internet技术与网页制作IP电话与软交换IT服务管理IT企业文化教育Java EE平台技术Java SE 程序设计实践JAVA编程JAVA程序设计JAVA程序设计JAVA高级语言程序设计JAVA高级语言程序设计JAVA高级语言程序设计Java高级语言程序设计Java网络编程JAVA语言程序设计Java语言与编程Java语言与程序设计LABVIEW虚拟实验系统的设计Linux 操作系统Linux 操作系统LINUX操作系统Linux环境及开发工具应用实践Linux系统与程序设计Linux系统与程序设计Linux系统与程序设计基础Linux系统与程序设计基础LSI/VLSI数字集成电路MATLAB程序设计MATLAB及其在通信中的应用MATLAB应用Matlab语言及其信号处理应用MATLAB在信号与系统课程中的应用Multisim电路设计软件Multisim电路设计软件应用NS2网络仿真方法office 开发技术Photoshop电脑美术基础SoC设计方法SoPC与嵌入式系统应用TCP/IP原理与编程UNIX编程环境Unix操作系统UNIX操作系统及应用UNIX原理与编程VI形象设计VLSI原理与CAD技术VLSI原理与EDA技术WEB编程Web开发技术WEB搜索技术WINDOWS NT 系统管理WINDOWS NT系统管理WTO法XML&WebserviceXML及其应用安全及认证安全及验证安全教育办公自动化半导体器件电子学半导体器件物理半导体物理半正定规划保险学报刊选读比较政府体制毕业论文毕业论文毕业论文毕业论文毕业论文毕业论文毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计(上)毕业设计(上)毕业设计(上)毕业设计(下)毕业设计(下)毕业设计(下)毕业设计Ⅱ毕业设计Ⅱ毕业实习编码理论编码理论编码理论编译原理与技术编译原理与技术编译原理与技术编译原理与技术编译原理与技术课程设计并行计算并元理论材料力学财务管理财务管理财务会计财政学财政学财政与税收采购管理操作系统操作系统操作系统操作系统基础操作系统课程设计操作系统原理测控电路测控电路课程设计测控电子工艺实习测控技术课程设计测控软件设计实践测控系统课程设计测控仪器设计测试与检测技术基础测试与检测技术基础产品概念设计产品结构设计与表达产品开发产品开发产品开发设计产品设计(二)(信息产品)产品设计(三)(结构设计)产品设计(一)产品设计课程设计(产品、数字媒体)产品设计课程设计(产品/交互)产品摄影产品系统设计产品与品牌管理产业经济学常微分方程常微分方程成本会计程序设计基础程序设计基础程序设计课程设计程序设计实践程序设计实践程序设计语言原理与实践冲压工艺与模具设计抽样调查初等软件工程实践传感技术与应用传感技术与应用传感器网络传媒与经济传送网技术创新管理创新实验创业管理创意训练创作写作大客户营销与客户关系管理讲座大气化学与环境保护大型程序设计大型程序设计大型程序设计(二)大型程序设计(二)大型程序设计(一)大型程序设计(一)大学俄语1大学俄语2大学俄语一外1大学俄语一外2大学俄语一外3大学俄语一外4大学国文大学计算机基础大学计算机基础大学计算机基础大学美学大学日语1大学日语2大学日语3大学日语4大学日语一外1大学日语一外2大学日语一外3大学日语一外4大学生安全教育大学生心理健康教育大学生心理健康与咨询大学数学(上)大学数学(下)大学物理大学物理 (双语)大学物理(上)大学物理(下)大学物理(选修)大学物理A班大学物理B(上)大学物理B(上)A班大学物理B(上)双语班大学物理B(下)大学物理B(下)A班大学物理B(下)双语班大学物理C大学物理D(上)大学物理D(下)大学物理E大学物理解题法大学物理解题方法(上)大学物理解题方法(下)大学物理拓展与应用大学物理拓展与应用大学学习论大学学习论大学英语1-2级大学英语2大学英语3大学英语3-4级大学英语4大学英语5大学英语5大学英语二级大学英语二级大学英语二外1大学英语二外2大学英语二外3大学英语二外4大学英语二外5大学英语二外6大学英语三、四级大学英语三级大学英语四级大学英语听力口语测试大学英语五级大学英语选修大学英语一、二级大学英语一级大学英语一级大学语文大学语文大学语文水平测试大学语文水平测试大众传播学单片机C语言及应用系统设计单片机原理及PLC控制单片机原理及应用单片机原理与系统设计当代国际关系当代世界经济与政治当代世界经济与政治当代西方哲学当代中国外交当代中国政府与行政笛子演奏基本技巧典型机构分析点集拓扑学电波传播电波传播电磁场理论与微波技术电磁场实验电磁场与电磁波电磁场与电磁波电磁场与电磁波测量实验电磁场与微波技术实验电磁场与无线通信原理电磁兼容原理电磁学电磁学电动力学电动力学电机控制电接触、电连接理论电接触及电连接理论与应用电接触与电连接基础电力电子技术电路分析电路分析基础电路分析基础电路分析基础(双语)电路分析与电子电路电路分析与电子电路基础电路分析与电子电路基础电路辅助设计与仿真电路基础电路基础程序设计电路课程设计电路与电子学基础电路与电子学实验电路与信号电路综合创新实验电路综合设计类课程设计电路综合设计应用电路综合实验电路综合实验电路综合实验电路综合实验电路综合实验(1)电路综合实验(2)电信传播学电信法电信管理电信管制理论与政策电信基础电信竞争与规制电信企业资本运营电信企业资本运营电信市场竞争与规制电信系统电信系统电信新业务及技术电信与互联网基础电信运营管理电信组织管理电影欣赏电子材料学基础电子测量与电子电路实验电子测量与电子电路实验(上)电子测量与电子电路实验(上)电子测量与电子电路实验(下)电子测量与电子电路实验(下)电子电路基础电子电路基础电子电路基础电子电路自动化设计与VHDL语言电子废弃物的资源化电子工艺实习电子工艺实习电子工艺实习电子工艺实习电子工艺实习1电子工艺实习2电子及电磁场理论电子科学与技术专业课程设计电子科学与技术专业实验电子商务电子商务电子商务安全管理电子商务法电子商务法电子商务法电子商务法电子商务法电子商务概论电子商务概论电子商务概论电子商务开发技术电子商务模拟电子商务实习电子商务实习电子商务网站设计基础电子商务物流管理电子商务物流组织与管理电子商务系统建设与管理电子商务系统与技术电子商务与安全协议电子商务与电子金融电子商务与网络营销电子商务与网络营销电子设备机构设计(二)电子设备机构设计(一)电子设备结构设计电子设备结构设计(二)电子设备结构设计(一)电子系统基础电子线路设计与仿真电子信息科学与技术专业课程设计电子信息科学与技术专业实验电子信息系统概论电子学导论电子证据法概论电子政务电子政务网站设计基础电子政务网站设计实验电子政务专题讲座电子支付与网络金融调幅调频及立体声广播东西方数学文化选讲动画编剧动画场景设计动画创作动画创作动画创作实践动画概论动画技法动画技法(上)动画技法(下)动画脚本程序设计动画片赏析动画原理动画原理动画原理动漫创作综合实践动漫艺术分析动漫音乐评析短片创作短片配乐对称密码技术对称密码学及其应用多媒体和数字电视类课程设计多媒体计算机应用基础多媒体技术多媒体技术多媒体技术应用基础多媒体技术与应用多媒体技术与应用多媒体技术与应用多媒体通信多媒体通信多媒体通信类课程设计多媒体通信专业综合实验多媒体网络编程多媒体网页设计多媒体系统多媒体系统多媒体信息处理多媒体信息处理多媒体信息处理与传输多媒体信息处理与传输多媒体应用程序设计多模态信息处理多模态信息处理多元统计分析俄罗斯国情与文化概况俄语二外1俄语二外2俄语二外3二维动画创作实践二维动画制作基础发展经济学发展经济学法理学法律基础法律事业认识实习法律思想史法学论文写作技巧法语二外法语二外法语二外1法语二外2法语二外3法哲学与法社会学翻译基础翻译理论与实践 1翻译理论与实践 2翻译理论与实践(1)翻译理论与实践(2)翻译实践犯罪心理学犯罪学泛函分析仿真技术应用非线性编辑非线性光学非线性光学导论非线性光学导论非线性微分方程非线性物理非线性物理学非线性最优化方法非营利组织管理分布式计算分布式计算分布式系统分布式系统分子细胞生物学风险理论风险投资与管理服务科学与服务工程概论服务科学与工程服务营销学复变函数复变函数复变函数复杂问题的算法及程序设计概率论与数理统计概率论与数理统计概率论与数理统计概率论与随机过程概率论与随机过程高层网络协议高等代数高等代数(上)高等代数(下)高等软件工程实践高等数学(上)高等数学(上)高等数学(文上)高等数学(文下)高等数学(下)高等数学(下)高等数学A(上)高等数学A(下)高等数学B(上)高等数学B(下)高等数学解题法高等数学解题法(上)高等数学解题法(下)高等数学解题方法高等数学解题方法(下)高等统计学高级变换高级变换高级财务会计高级日语1高级日语2高级商务英语高级商务英语(双语)高级网络程序设计高级网络程序设计高级物理实验高级英语1高级英语2高频电子线路个人发展计划Ⅰ个人发展计划II个人发展计划III个体软件过程工程材料工程高等代数工程管理概论工程光学工程光学(二)工程光学(一)工程经济学工程力学工程力学与材料工程数学工程图学工程图学工程图学(二)工程图学(上)工程图学(下)工程图学(一)工程图学辅导工程项目管理实训工程项目监理工程制图基础工业机器人工业设计导论工业自动化系统课程设计工业自动化与控制网络工作分析与绩效管理工作站技术及其应用公共财政公共法语二外1公共法语二外2公共关系学公共关系学公共日语二外1公共日语二外2公共事业管理概论公共信息管理专题讲座公共行政学公共形体与礼仪公共政策公共政策公司并购法理论与实务公司法公司理财公司理财学公司运营与管理公司治理公文写作公益劳动公钥密码技术及其应用公钥密码应用供应链管理供应链管理构成设计(上)构成设计(下)构形与造型设计赏析固体物理固体物理学固体物理与半导体物理固网与移动网融合技术管理沟通管理沟通(双语)管理会计学管理经济学管理经济学管理前沿理论(第五项修炼)管理实习管理实习管理文秘管理心理学管理心理学管理信息系统管理信息系统课程设计管理学管理学概论管理学概论管理学原理管理学原理管理研讨光波导原理光波导原理与技术光传送与接入技术光电检测技术光电检测与传感技术光电检测与传感技术光电信息科学专题讲座光电子器件与集成技术光电子器件原理及应用光电子学光电子学光电子学光计算机简介光交换技术光通信的物理基础光网络基础光网络技术光纤通信光纤通信基础光纤通信类课程设计光纤通信网络光纤通信系统光纤通信系统光纤通信原理光信息处理光信息科学与技术专业课程设计光信息科学与技术专业实验光学光学光学光学系统与光电仪器光学系统与光电仪器光学信息处理广播电视艺术广告策划广告设计广告学与广告设计广告学与广告设计广告与营销策划国际电信服务贸易国际法国际法学国际会计国际会议交流英语国际结算国际结算国际金融学国际经济法国际经济法国际经济合作国际经济学国际经济学(双语)国际贸易国际贸易理论与实务国际贸易理论与实务国际贸易模拟国际贸易与国际金融国际贸易与国际金融国际贸易与金融国际企业管理国际商法国际商务函电国际商务函电(双语)国际商务礼仪国际商务礼仪国际商务礼仪(英文授课)国际市场研究国际市场营销国际市场营销国际市场营销学国际私法国际私法国际投资国际投资学国家大学英语四级考试国家大学英语四级考试国家地理资源国家公务员制度国家日语四级国家英语六级统考国家英语四级统考过程控制汉语阅读与写作航天技术概论合唱训练与指挥合同法合同法宏观经济学互动多媒体设计(二)互动多媒体设计(一)互动媒体课程设计互动媒体设计(二)互动媒体设计(一)互换性与测量技术互联网(社会)概论互联网编程互联网数据库互联网协议互联网协议互联网应用互联网应用环境法环境物理汇编语言与接口技术会计报表分析会计报表分析会计电算化会计电算化会计电算化与ERP沙盘模拟会计学会计学会计学基础会计学基础与模拟会计综合实训婚姻家庭法混沌计算混沌理论及其应用货币银行学机电控制系统机电一体化机器人嵌入式系统实验机器人系统综合实验机器视觉机器学习机器智能机械创新设计机械设计机械设计基础机械设计基础实验机械设计课程设计机械设计课程设计机械原理机械原理及设计机械原理课程设计机械制造工程基础机械制造工艺实习机械制造工艺实习机械制造基础机械制造基础(上)机械制造基础(下)机制工艺课程设计机制工艺实习基础会计学基础力学实验基础日语1基础日语2基础日语2基础日语3基础日语4基础设计基础素描基础英语(二)基础英语(一)基础英语1基础英语2基础英语3基础英语4基于C/C++语言的编程实践基于多媒体信息检索平台的设计激光光谱激光技术激光原理激光原理与技术激光原理与技术集成电路工艺及电子化学品集成电路设计概论集成电路制造技术集散控制系统集体创作集邮学集邮学计量经济学计量经济学计算导论与程序设计计算方法计算方法程序设计计算机3D造型设计计算机病毒及其防治计算机病毒及其防治计算机操作基础和程序设计计算机导论计算机犯罪计算机犯罪计算机仿真计算机仿真计算机仿真计算机辅助工业设计(二)计算机辅助工业设计(一)计算机辅助机械工程计算机工程实践计算机工程实践计算机和网络类课程设计计算机检测控制系统课程设计计算机检测控制系统课程设计(上)计算机控制仿真课程设计计算机控制系统计算机控制系统计算机控制系统设计计算机类课程设计计算机立体辅助设计计算机平面辅助设计计算机软件技术基础计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机视觉计算机算法与数学模型计算机算法与数学模型计算机算法与数学模型(上)计算机算法与数学模型(下)计算机通信与网络计算机通信与网络实验计算机图形图像处理计算机图形学计算机图形学计算机图形学计算机图形学计算机图形学基础计算机图形学基础计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络基础计算机网络技术实践计算机网络技术与应用计算机网络技术与应用计算机网络课程设计计算机网络课程设计计算机网络课程设计计算机网络实验计算机网络与通信计算机文化基础计算机系统结构计算机系统结构计算机系统结构计算机应用基础计算机游戏开发计算机与办公自动化计算机原理计算机组成与系统结构计算机组成与系统结构计算机组成原理计算机组成原理计算机组成原理计算机组成原理课程设计计算机组成原理与系统结构计算机组织与结构计算机组织与结构计算数学计算物理与实践计算物理与实践计算智能计算智能技术经济学技术经济学技术美学价格管理讲座价值评估与管理检测技术与信号处理检测与估值检测与估值理论健美健美操交互设计交互式媒体设计交互式媒体设计交互式网页设计交换网络与性能分析交流技能1交流技能2角色与场景设计脚本设计接口技术课程设计接入网技术界面设计金工实习金工实习金工实习金融法金融风险管理金融工程与风险管理金融市场金融数学金融学金融学金融学金属腐蚀和防护近代光学近代物理基础近代物理实验近代物理实验(续)近世代数近世代数及其应用近世代数及其应用经典英文电影赏析经济法经济法经济法经济法概论经济法学经济管理经济管理论文研究与写作方法经济管理综合案例分析经济统计学经济学经济学原理精密机械与仪器精密机械与仪器课程设计精算数学精算学基础竞争情报技术镜头画面设计镜头画面设计I镜头画面设计II就业指导就业指导矩阵理论剧作结构分析决策分析军事理论军训军训科技法科技史与方法学科技史与方法学科技文献检索与利用科技文献阅读与翻译科技英语笔译科技英语口译科技英语文献阅读与翻译科技英语阅读科学计算与Fortran语言科学计算与编程科学技术史可编程逻辑设计可用性测试技术客户关系管理客户关系管理前沿课程设计课程设计课程设计空间解析几何控制工程基础控制原理跨国财务管理跨国公司财务管理跨国经营跨文化交际实用技能跨文化交际学宽带接入网宽带通信网宽带通信网络宽带网络与媒体传输扩频通信篮球劳动法和社会保障法劳动合同法学乐理垒球离散多元分析离散计算机技术离散计算技术离散事件控制系统离散数学离散数学离散数学离散数学离散数学离散数学(上)离散数学(下)离散数学(下)礼仪与形象理解人际沟通理论力学理论力学力学历史管理学立体构成立体构成量子力学量子力学量子力学导论量子力学与统计物理量子力学专题讲座量子信息基础量子信息科学领导学领导学概论流体传动与控制旅游日语马克思主义基本原理马克思主义哲学原理马克思主义政治经济学原理毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想(上)毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想(上)(实践)毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想(下)毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论(下)(实践)毛泽东思想概论毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(实践)贸易实务操作实训贸易实务操作实验美国经济、商业与股市的理解与分析美国文学美国文学简史及选读美术基础与欣赏美术鉴赏美术经典作品鉴赏美术造型基础(上)美术造型基础(下)美学概论秘书学面向对象程序设计面向对象程序设计面向对象程序设计方法面向对象程序设计与交互系统面向对象程序设计与实践(C++)1面向对象程序设计与实践(C++)2面向对象程序设计与实践1面向对象程序设计与实践2面向对象大型程序设计实践面向对象的UML与JAVA面向对象的UML与JAVA面向对象的分析与设计面向对象方法与C++面向对象分析与设计面向对象分析与设计(Java)面向领域的实践1面向领域的实践2民法分论民法学(上)民法学(下)民法总论民事诉讼法模糊集合与灰色系统应用模糊数学模拟电子技术模拟电子技术模拟法庭模拟集成电路设计模式分析模式识别模式识别模式识别模式识别及应用模式识别及应用模型制作纳米材料与技术纳米技术与纳米材料脑与认知科学基础脑与认知科学认识实验排队论排队论排球偏微分方程品牌管理与CI策划乒乓球平面构成平面构成企业ERP及应用企业电子商务管理企业管理企业管理企业管理。



我的专业数字媒体英语作文English:As a student majoring in Digital Media, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of various digital tools and technologies used in the production and distribution of media content. Through courses such as Digital Media Design, Web Development, and Social Media Marketing, I have developed the skills necessary to create engaging and interactive digital content across different platforms. I have also learned about the importance of audience analysis and user experience in designing effective digital media campaigns. In addition to technical skills, I have studied the cultural and ethical implications of digital media, including issues related to privacy, intellectual property, and online harassment. Overall, my education in Digital Media has equipped me with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the fast-paced and ever-evolving field of digital media production and communication.中文翻译:作为一名数字媒体专业的学生,我对用于制作和传播媒体内容的各种数字工具和技术有了全面的了解。



《数字媒体传播基础》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:19170033课程名称:数字媒体传播基础英文名称:Basics of Digital Media Arts Communication课程类别:专业课学时:45学时学分: 3适用对象: 数字媒体艺术专业学生考核方式:考查先修课程:专业导论二、课程简介本课程将简要梳理数字媒体发生发展的过程,总结透析数字媒体传播发展过程中的焦点问题,使学生牢固掌握大数据、物联网、VR、云计算等基本概念,厘清其与设计学及传播学的关联及应用,为进一步学习后续课程打下坚实的基础。








This course will briefly sort out the development process of digital media, summarize and analyze the key issues in the development of digital media communication, so that students can firmly grasp the basic concepts of big data, Internet of Things, VR, cloud computing, etc., and clarify therelationship between design and communication The association and application of, lay a solid foundation for further study of subsequent courses. Lead the students to look at the future development direction of the digital media era. At the same time, it enables students to draw inferences about the phenomenon of digital media, learn by analogy, and inspire students' divergent and critical thinking. This course will try to cultivate the core factors of students' humanistic background, scientific spirit, responsibility, practical innovation, etc., and play a supporting role for students to cultivate the thickness of the foundation, broaden the breadth of knowledge, and enhance the ideal height.In view of the wide range of content contained in the course and rapid changes, the teaching team adopts the method of "no fixed teaching materials", with "digital" as the basic guiding ideology, and "communication" as the core feature. Digital media communication is divided into eight major sections. It lasted for eight weeks. In addition, this course not only pays attention to the particularity of design, art and communication, but also pays attention to the universal application of digital media communication, and provides the most cutting-edge thinking and practical guidance. Pay attention to systemicity in the syllabus, flexibility in teaching design, and creativity in teaching methods. Guide students to think in multiple dimensions, cultivate interdisciplinary thinking, improve students' basic and professional qualities, and enable students to acquire necessary observation and judgment capabilities, value analysis capabilities, and lifelong learning capabilities.三、课程性质与教学目的《数字媒体传播基础》是数字媒体艺术专业的必修课程之一,数字媒体艺术理论知识在数字媒体艺术各领域以及制作数字艺术作品的各环节中均是不可或缺的知识基础,所以本课程是使学生了解并掌握数字媒体艺术相关知识。



数字媒体技术专业英文自我介绍英文回答:Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a recent graduate of the Digital Media Technology program at [Your University]. I am passionate about the power of digital media to connect people, inform the public, and drive change.During my time in the program, I gained a strong foundation in the technical and creative aspects of digital media. I am proficient in video production, web design, and social media marketing. I have also developed a keen understanding of the ethical and legal considerations that come with working in the digital media landscape.I am eager to use my skills to make a positive impact on the world. I believe that digital media has thepotential to be a powerful force for good, and I am committed to using my knowledge and experience to createcontent that is both engaging and meaningful.I am a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a strong work ethic. I am also a team player and enjoy collaborating with others to achieve common goals.I am confident that I have the skills and the drive to succeed in the digital media industry. I am eager to learn new things and I am always looking for ways to improve my craft. I am excited to join a team of passionate andcreative individuals who are committed to using digital media to make a difference in the world.中文回答:大家好,我叫[你的姓名],是[你的大学]数字媒体技术专业的应届毕业生。



课程编号:070305Code: 070305课程名称:单片机及应用Name: Principle and Application of Single Chip Microcomputer (SCM)学时:44讲授学时,12实验学时Hours : 44.00 hrs lecture,12.00 hrs lab学分:3Credit:3.00课程简介:本课程介绍MCS-51单片机的功能结构、工作原理、指令系统、编程技术、接口技术和实际应用。


Brief introduction: This course shows the introductions to functional structure, principle, instructions, assemble language programming, interface and application of MCS-51single chip microcomputer. By the study of this course, the students can get the design and development ability of simple SCM application system.课程编号:070306Code : 070306课程名称:计算机原理Name: Principle of Microcomputer学时:72讲授学时,16实验学时Hours : 72.00 hrs lecture,16.00 hrs lab学分:4Credit:4.00课程简介:本课程是计算机科学技术专业的一门专业基础课;该课程介绍主流微机的结构、指令及汇编语言程序设计和常用的接口电路。

Brief introduction: Principle of Microcomputer is a basic course of Computer Science and Technology; The course introduces the structure of the mainstream computer, instructions and assembly language programming and common interface circuit.课程编号:070307Code : 070307课程名称:接口技术Name: Microcomputer Interface Technology学时:28讲授学时,12实验学时Hours : 28.00 hrs lecture,12.00 hrs lab学分:2Credit:2.00课程简介:本课程是计算机应用专业的必修课;该课程介绍微机的总线及接口技术。



了解数字媒体技术作文英语With the rapid development of technology, digital media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From social media platforms to streaming services, digital media technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, consume information, and entertain ourselves. In this essay, we will explore the impact of digital media technology on society and the opportunities and challenges it presents.One of the key benefits of digital media technology is its ability to connect people from all over the world.Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have made it easier than ever to stay in touchwith friends and family, share photos and videos, and engage with a global audience. This has not onlytransformed the way we communicate, but has also created new opportunities for collaboration and networking.Furthermore, digital media technology hasrevolutionized the way we consume information. With therise of online news outlets and digital magazines, we now have access to a wealth of information at our fingertips. This has empowered individuals to stay informed about current events, research topics of interest, and engage in meaningful discussions with others. Additionally, digital media technology has made it easier for businesses to reach their target audience through targeted advertising and personalized content.In terms of entertainment, digital media technology has opened up a world of possibilities. Streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify have made it easier than ever to access a wide range of movies, TV shows, and music on demand. This has not only changed the way we consume entertainment, but has also created new opportunities for content creators to reach a global audience and monetize their work.While digital media technology has brought about many benefits, it also presents a number of challenges. One of the biggest concerns is the issue of privacy and security. With the amount of personal information we share online,there is a risk of that information being compromised or misused. Additionally, the rise of fake news and misinformation has made it difficult to discern fact from fiction, leading to a lack of trust in the information we consume.In conclusion, digital media technology has had a profound impact on society, transforming the way we communicate, consume information, and entertain ourselves. While it has brought about many benefits, such as increased connectivity and access to information, it also presents challenges in terms of privacy and security. As we continue to navigate the digital landscape, it is important to be mindful of these challenges and work towards creating a safe and inclusive digital environment for all.。



目录《Direct3D编程》教学大纲(106001) (1)《互动业务系统设计》教学大纲(106002) (3)《计算机图形学》教学大纲(106003) (5)《计算机网络协议基础》教学大纲(106004) (8)《计算机组成与设计》教学大纲(106005) (11)《媒体内容安全技术》教学大纲(106006) (13)《媒体网络规划与设计》教学大纲(106007) (16)《媒体网络与交互电视技术概论》教学大纲(106008) (18)《媒体资产与业务管理技术》教学大纲(106009) (20)《面向对象程序设计—C++》教学大纲(106010) (23)《面向对象程序设计-JAVA》教学大纲(106011) (26)《面向对象程序设计-VB》教学大纲(106012) (28)《嵌入式计算机系统C》教学大纲(106013) (29)《数据库技术与SQL语言》教学大纲(106015) (34)《数字图像处理A》教学大纲(106016) (35)《数字图像处理B》教学大纲(106017) (38)《数字影视保护技术》教学大纲(106018) (40)《数字语音技术(A)》教学大纲(106019) (41)《数字语音技术(B)》教学大纲(106020) (43)《信息安全数学基础》教学大纲(106022) (45)《虚拟现实技术》教学大纲(106023) (48)《游戏测评技术》教学大纲(106024) (50)《游戏人工智能》教学大纲(106025) (51)《游戏设计基础》教学大纲(106026) (53)《游戏音效技术》教学大纲(106027) (55)《智能视频分析技术》教学大纲(106028) (57)《自然人机交互技术》教学大纲(106029) (58)《游戏引擎原理》教学大纲(106030) (60)《电子商务和信息安全》教学大纲(106031) (62)《现代电视技术》教学大纲(106032) (64)《Direct3D编程》教学大纲(106001)一、课程基本信息课程编号:106001英文名称:Direct3D Programming授课对象:数字媒体技术专业本科生开课学期:第三学年春季学期学分/学时:2学分/32学时先修课程:C语言程序设计(131002),面向对象程序设计-C++ (106010)教学方式:课堂讲授课程简介:《Direct3D》课程主要涵盖了Direct3D初始化、绘制流水线、颜色、光照、纹理、Alpha 融合、模板以及如何使用Direct3D实现游戏中所需的技术。



我的专业数字媒体英语作文English Answer:Digital media has permeated every aspect of our lives, from the way we communicate to the way we learn and work. The rise of digital media has created new opportunities and challenges, particularly for those working in the field of English language teaching and learning.One of the most significant impacts of digital media on English language teaching is the increased access to authentic materials. With the internet, learners now have access to a vast array of authentic English texts, videos, and audio recordings. This exposure to authentic language can help learners to develop their listening and reading skills, and to improve their understanding of English grammar and vocabulary.Digital media has also made it possible for learners to connect with native English speakers from around the world.Through online forums, chat rooms, and video conferencing, learners can interact with native speakers in real time, which can help them to practice their speaking and pronunciation skills.In addition to providing access to authentic materials and opportunities for interaction with native speakers, digital media can also be used to create interactive and engaging learning materials. For example, teachers can use interactive whiteboards to create interactive quizzes, games, and simulations. They can also use digital storytelling tools to create engaging stories that can be used to teach English language concepts.Of course, there are also some challenges associated with the use of digital media in English language teaching. One of the biggest challenges is the potential for distraction. With so many distractions available online, it can be difficult for learners to stay focused on their studies. Additionally, digital media can be expensive to purchase and maintain, which can make it inaccessible for some learners.Despite these challenges, the benefits of using digital media in English language teaching far outweigh the drawbacks. Digital media can provide learners with accessto authentic materials, opportunities for interaction with native speakers, and interactive and engaging learning materials. By using digital media effectively, teachers can create more effective and engaging learning environmentsfor their students.中文回答:数字媒体对英语语言教学的影响。

数字媒体技术 英语

数字媒体技术 英语

数字媒体技术英语Digital Media TechnologyDigital media technology refers to the technologies used to create, store, transmit and view digital media. Digital media is any media that is in digital form and is created or distributed through digital technology, such as computers, mobile phones, digital television, digital radio, CDs, and DVDs.Digital media technology includes a variety of different technologies and systems that are used to create, store and distribute digital media. For example, computer software is used to create digital media such as videos, audio recordings and digital images. Digital media is also stored on various types of electronic storage devices such as hard drives, flash drives, and DVD media, while digital networks are used to transmit digital media from one device to another. Finally, digital media can be viewed on many different types of digital devices, such as computers, televisions, mobile phones, and other digital devices.Digital media technology is constantly evolving and new technologies are being developed all the time. Digital media technology includes a wide range of different technologies,including audio and video broadcasting technologies, web technologies, multimedia technologies, animation technologies, and digital imaging technologies. Digital media technology also includes digital rights management technologies, which are used to control the distribution and use of digital media. Overall, digital media technology has changed the way that people communicate and consume media. Digital media can be easily distributed and shared through digital networks, making it possible to reach a large audience very quickly and easily. Digital media also allows for more creative control, as digital media can be manipulated and altered in many different ways. Finally, digital media is often much more affordable than traditional media, making it more accessible to people of all income levels.。



介绍数字媒体艺术设计专业的英语作文(中英文实用版){z}Title: Introduction to Digital Media Arts Design MajorDigital Media Arts Design is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field that integrates technology and creativity to produce innovative visual and audio content.This interdisciplinary major encompasses various forms of digital expression, including graphic design, animation, video game design, and interactive media.Students pursuing a degree in Digital Media Arts Design typically acquire a strong foundation in artistic principles, such as drawing, composition, and color theory.They also learn to master industry-standard software tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite, Autodesk Maya, and 3ds Max, which are essential for creating professional-quality digital art.One of the key aspects of this major is the emphasis on storytelling and conceptual thinking.Students are encouraged to develop their unique creative voices and apply their artistic skills to communicate ideas and tell stories through digital media.They learn to integrate traditional art-making techniques with cutting-edge technology, allowing them to push the boundaries of visual expression.In addition to artistic and technical skills, students also learn about the business and marketing aspects of digital media arts.They explore thestrategies and techniques used to promote and distribute digital content, which is crucial for success in the entertainment and advertising industries.The Digital Media Arts Design major prepares students for a wide range of careers in the creative industry.Graduates can pursue careers as graphic designers, animators, game developers, interactive media designers, and more.With the rapid growth of the digital economy, the demand for professionals with skills in digital media arts continues to rise, offering exciting opportunities for creative individuals.In conclusion, the Digital Media Arts Design major is a comprehensive and forward-thinking program that equips students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of digital media arts.。

数字媒体艺术专业 英语

数字媒体艺术专业 英语

数字媒体艺术专业英语Digital Media Arts Major in EnglishIntroductionDigital media arts is a rapidly growing field that combines art, technology, and communication. It encompasses a variety of artistic practices that utilize digital technologies for creative expression and communication purposes. This article aims to provide an overview of the digital media arts major and its relevance in today's society.Overview of Digital Media Arts MajorThe digital media arts major is an interdisciplinary program that equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in multimedia production, interactive design, animation, video editing, and other related fields. It focuses on the integration of technology and creativity to produce visually appealing and engaging content.CourseworkIn this major, students are exposed to a wide range of coursework that covers various aspects of digital media arts. They learn about graphic design, digital photography, web design, video production, animation, and sound design. Additionally, they delve into subjects such as art history, visual culture, and media theory to develop a deeper understanding of the context in which their work exists.Hands-on ExperienceA key component of the digital media arts major is hands-on experience. Students have the opportunity to work with industry-standard software and equipment, giving them practical skills that are highly sought after in the job market. They engage in projects that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing them to develop proficiency in using digital tools and techniques.Collaborative ProjectsCollaboration plays a significant role in the digital media arts major. Students often work together in teams to create multimedia projects, reflecting the collaborative nature of the industry. This collaborative approach encourages students to share ideas, problem-solve, and develop effective communication skills, essential for success in the field.Career ProspectsUpon completing a digital media arts major, graduates can pursue various career paths. They can work as graphic designers, animators, web developers, multimedia artists, or video editors. With the growing demand for digital content across industries, the job market for digital media arts professionals remains promising.Artistic Expression and StorytellingDigital media arts is not just about technical skills; it also emphasizes artistic expression and storytelling. Through their work, digital media arts students explore creative ways to communicate ideas, emotions, and narratives. They experiment with different media forms, pushing boundaries and challenging traditional artistic conventions.Emerging TechnologiesThe digital media arts major keeps pace with emerging technologies. Students stay updated on the latest advancements in digital media tools and techniques such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive installations. This exposure allows them to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of digital arts and utilize new technologies to enhance their creative output.Impact on SocietyDigital media arts has a significant impact on society, shaping how people consume and interact with media. It influences advertising, entertainment, education, and various other sectors. Digital media artists have the power to convey powerful messages, provoke thought, and drive social change through their work.ConclusionIn conclusion, the digital media arts major offers an exciting and dynamic educational experience. It combines artistic creativity with technological expertise to equip students with the skills necessary for a career in the digital media industry. The interdisciplinary nature of the program fosters collaboration, critical thinking, and innovation. As digital media continues to evolve, the demand for proficient and creative digital media artists will only increase.。



数字媒体英文作文1. Digital media has revolutionized the way we consume information and entertainment. With just a few clicks, we can access a vast array of content from around the world, from news articles to films and TV shows. This has made our lives more convenient and connected than ever before.2. However, the rise of digital media has also brought with it some negative consequences. One of the biggest problems is the spread of fake news and misinformation. With so much content available online, it can be difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is false. This has led to a decline in trust in traditional news sources and a rise in conspiracy theories and propaganda.3. Another issue with digital media is the impact it has on our mental health. Social media in particular can be addictive and can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Studies have shown that excessive use of social media can even alter our brain chemistry, leading toa decrease in attention span and an increase in impulsivity.4. Despite these challenges, digital media has also opened up new opportunities for creativity and self-expression. Anyone with an internet connection can nowshare their ideas and art with the world, and this has ledto a flourishing of independent media and cultural movements. Digital media has also made it easier for marginalized voices to be heard and for social justice movements to gain traction.5. In conclusion, digital media is a double-edged sword. While it has brought many benefits, it has also created new challenges that we must address. As we continue to navigate this rapidly changing landscape, it is important to be mindful of the impact that digital media has on our lives and to use it in a way that is responsible and sustainable.。



New Words
animation [,æni'meiʃən] ʃ n. 活泼,生气;激励;卡通片绘制 活泼,生气;激励; animare: 给无生命的物体以有生命气息的灵魂 : cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] ɑ n. 卡通片,[电影 动画片;连环漫画 卡通片, 电影 动画片; 电影] vt. 为…画漫画 vi. 画漫画 画漫画 原本动画(Animation)与卡通(Cartoon)是相同的, (Animation)与卡通(Cartoon)是相同的 原本动画(Animation)与卡通(Cartoon)是相同的,可自从 一秒十五幅的制作方法打破了一秒二十四幅的传统后 的制作方法打破了一秒二十四幅的传统后, 一秒十五幅的制作方法打破了一秒二十四幅的传统后,就开 始有所区别了。 始有所区别了。 characteristic [,kærəktə'ristik] adj. 典型的;特有的;表示特性的 典型的;特有的; n. 特征;特性;特色 特征;特性;
1、定义 是指由许多帧静止的画面 以一定的速度(如每秒16 许多帧静止的画面, 16张 是指由许多帧静止的画面,以一定的速度(如每秒16张)连续播放 肉眼因视觉残象产生错觉,而误以为画面活动的作品。 时,肉眼因视觉残象产生错觉,而误以为画面活动的作品。 动画和视频一样,也是利用人眼的视觉暂留现象, 动画和视频一样,也是利用人眼的视觉暂留现象,在单位时间内连 续播放静态图形,从而产生动的感觉。与视频信息不同的是, 续播放静态图形,从而产生动的感觉。与视频信息不同的是,动画是 人为创作的,而视频往往是真实世界的再现。 人为创作的,而视频往往是真实世界的再现。 2、手法 为了得到活动的画面,每个画面之间都会有细微的改变。 为了得到活动的画面,每个画面之间都会有细微的改变。而画面的 制作方式,最常见的是手绘在纸张或赛璐珞片上, 制作方式,最常见的是手绘在纸张或赛璐珞片上,其它的方式还包含 了黏土、模型、纸偶、沙画等。 了黏土、模型、纸偶、沙画等。 由于电脑科技的进步,现在也有许多利用电脑动画软体,直接在 由于电脑科技的进步,现在也有许多利用电脑动画软体, 电脑上制制作出来的动画, 电脑上制制作出来的动画,或者是在动画制作过程中使用电脑进行加 工的方式,这些都已经大量运用在商业动画的制作中。 工的方式,这些都已经大量运用在商业动画的制作中。通常动画是由 大量密集和乏味的劳动产生, 大量密集和乏味的劳动产生,就算在电脑动画科技得到长足进步和发 展的现在也是如此。 展的现在也是如此。



《数字媒体技术》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:课程名称:数字媒体技术课程类别:专业必修课学时:48学时学分:3学分适用对象: 新闻学专业本科生考核方式:考试先修课程:无二、课程简介中文简介:《数字媒体技术》是新闻与传播类本科专业选修课程,本课程通过系统化、理论化地梳理当前数字媒体上各类应用软件的基本类别与发展情况,结合传播学、社会学、心理学等其他学科的理论知识,来帮助学生理解数字媒体技术的发展历史与演变规律,提高学生对于数字媒体与各类应用软件的认识,培养学生在媒介、社会、文化方面的分析与思考能力,课程的内容结构包括社交类软件、音视频类软件、生活类软件等方面。


英文简介:New Media Applications is an elective course for undergraduates majoring in Journalism and Communication. Combining the theories of communication, sociology, psychology and other disciplines, it systematically and theoretically sorts out the contemporary basic categories and development of various apps in new media so that students will understand the development as well as the evolution laws of various apps. The course aims at raising student awareness of new media and various apps, and developing their thinking and analytical ability about media, society and culture. It covers social software, audio and video software, life software. Another important consideration is to develop students’ practical operational ability by teaching how to use and operate some relevant apps.三、课程性质与教学目的本课程是针对新闻学本科生开设的一门专业必修课程,该课程旨在通过系统地介绍当前数字媒体技术的基本类别与发展情况,来帮助学生掌握各类数字媒体技术的演变历史与发展规律。



了解数字媒体技术英语作文Digital media technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and consume information. From social media platforms to streaming services, digital media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has enabled us to connect with people from all over the world and access a vast amount of content at our fingertips.One of the most significant impacts of digital media technology is its role in shaping public opinion and influencing societal trends. With the rise of social media influencers and online communities, individuals have the power to amplify their voices and shape public discourse on various issues. This has led to a more democratized media landscape where diverse perspectives can be heard and shared.Furthermore, digital media technology has transformed the entertainment industry, giving rise to new forms of content creation and distribution. Streaming services havedisrupted traditional media channels, allowing consumers to access a wide range of content on-demand. This has not only changed the way we consume entertainment but has also created new opportunities for content creators to reach global audiences.In addition, digital media technology has also played a crucial role in the field of education. Online learning platforms and digital resources have made education more accessible and flexible, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and convenience. This has democratized access to education and has the potential to bridge the gap in educational opportunities.Moreover, digital media technology has enabled businesses to reach their target audiences more effectively through targeted advertising and personalized content. This has transformed the way businesses market their products and services, allowing them to tailor their messaging to specific demographics and consumer preferences.In conclusion, digital media technology has had aprofound impact on various aspects of our lives, from the way we communicate and consume information to how we entertain ourselves and learn. Its influence will continue to shape our society and culture, presenting both opportunities and challenges as we navigate this digital age.。



数字媒体的英文作文英文:As a digital assistant, I believe that digital media has revolutionized the way we communicate and consume information. With the rise of social media platforms, we are able to connect with people from all over the world and share our thoughts and experiences in real-time. We can also access news and entertainment on-demand, anytime and anywhere.However, digital media has also brought about some negative effects. The constant barrage of information can be overwhelming and lead to information overload. It can also lead to addiction and a lack of face-to-face communication skills. Additionally, the spread of fake news and misinformation can be dangerous and harmful.Despite these drawbacks, I believe that digital media has more benefits than drawbacks. It has allowed us toconnect with people and share information in ways that were once impossible. It has also given a voice to marginalized groups and allowed them to share their stories and experiences with a wider audience.Overall, I believe that digital media has greatly impacted our lives and will continue to do so in the future.中文:作为一名数字助手,我相信数字媒体已经彻底改变了我们的交流和信息消费方式。


B 等级旳学校有: 青岛大学 北京林业大学 四川师范大学 徐州师范大学 新疆师范大学 上海第二工业大学 广东工业大学 西北民族大学 山东师范大学 汕头大学 湖南工业大学 山东经济学院 西安邮电学院 南京艺术学院 浙江财经学院 浙江林学院 曲阜师范大学
C+等级旳学校有: 沈阳航空工业学院 绵阳师范学院 渭南师范学院 北方工业大学 苏州科技学院 聊城大学 上海建桥学院 中国传媒大学南广学院 成都理工大学广播影视学院 吉林动画学院
程序设计语言、 数字平面艺术、 数字立体艺术、 数字媒体技术及应用、 图像处理技术、 计算机网络、 场景设计与体现、 Windows编程、 JAVA语言、 动画运动规律、
素描、动画概论、 数字色彩艺术、 三维图形设计、 数据构造、 计算机图形学、 数据库系统原理、 软件工程、 CAD技术、 景观体现技术、 计算机动画原理与技术
A等级旳学校有: 中山大学 中国传媒大学 东华大学
B+等级旳学校有: 厦门大学 福州大学 北京邮电大学 西北师范大学 河海大学 大连工业大学 浙江传媒学院
2023年,全国已经有17个国家 创意产业基地。17家国家创意产 业基地自主制作完毕国产动画片 132部,80457分钟,约占全国总 产量旳79%,比2023年增长58% 。 制作型人才



广播电视编导(数字媒体艺术)专业课程中英文简介CI原理与实务课程中英文简介 (3)Java语言程序设计课程中英文简介 (4)程序设计概论课程中英文简介 (5)传播学课程中英文简介 (6)电视概论课程中英文简介 (7)电影艺术概论课程中英文简介 (8)二维动画软件课程中英文简介 (9)广告平面设计课程中英文简介 (10)剪辑艺术课程中英文简介 (11)Course Description: (11)交互广告设计课程中英文简介 (11)交互设计(双语)课程中英文简介 (12)录音工程课程中英文简介 (14)三维动画软件课程中英文简介 (15)设计基础课程中英文简介 (16)设计美学课程中英文简介 (17)摄影与照明艺术课程中英文简介 (18)声音原理课程中英文简介 (19)数字表现技法中英文简介 (20)数字动画制作(双语)课程中英文简介 (21)数字动漫艺术(双语)课程中英文简介 (22)数字合成课程中英文简介 (23)数字媒体策划与营销课程中英文简介 (25)数字媒体艺术概论课程中英文简介 (26)数字色彩课程中英文简介 (26)数字影视广告创作课程中英文简介 (27)数字影像特技(双语)课程中英文简介 (29)网络程序设计课程中英文简介 (30)撰写人:盖龙涛审核人:郑春辉 (30)网络原理(双语)课程中英文简介 (31)撰写人:景东审核人:郑春辉 (31)网站设计与实现课程中英文简介 (32)艺术概论课程中英文简介 (33)影像作品分析课程中英文简介 (34)用户体验研究课程中英文简介 (35)造型基础Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ课程中英文简介 (36)专业导论课程中英文简介 (37)装置艺术设计中英文简介 (38)字体与版面设计课程中英文简介 (39)组合媒介策略课程中英文简介 (40)CI原理与实务课程中英文简介课程编码: SC课程中文名称:CI原理与实务课程英文名称: CI Principles & Practice总学时:32学分:2课程简介:《CI原理与实务》是数字媒体技术、数字媒体艺术专业本科生的一门专业课,主要研究CI 战略的基本理论和运作规律。



关于数字媒体的自我介绍(中英文实用版)英文文档:Digital media refers to various forms of media that are delivereddigitally, such as audio, video, and photographs.It has become an integral part ofour daily lives, enabling us to consume information, communicate, andentertain ourselves in new and exciting ways.In today"s digital age, digital media is more prevalent thanever.We use our smartphones to take photos and videos, stream music andmovies, and stay connected with friends and family through social media.Wealso rely on digital media for news, weather, and sports updates, as well asfor entertainment purposes, such as playing video games and reading e-books.One of the key benefits of digital media is its convenience.It allowsus to access and consume content anytime, anywhere, using our smartphones,tablets, or computers.This has transformed the way we interact with media, aswe are no longer tied to traditional methods of consumption, such as watching TVat a specific time or reading a newspaper at a certain location.Digital media also offers a level of customization that was notpossible with traditional media.We can tailor our newsfeeds and playlists toour interests, and we can even create our own content andshare it with theworld through social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.However, digital media also has its challenges.With so muchcontent available, it can be difficult to filter out what is relevant andaccurate, and what is not.Additionally, concerns about privacy and data securityhave arisen, as our personal information is increasingly stored and shared online.Despite these challenges, digital media continues to evolve andoffer new opportunities for communication, entertainment, and informationdissemination.As users, we must navigate this digital landscape responsiblyand safely, while also enjoying the many benefits that it offers.中文文档:数字媒体是指通过数字技术传递的各种形式媒体,如音频、视频和照片。

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Course Description:
This is an ideological and political course which helps students to learn the basic contents of MAO Zedong Thoughts and the Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory System, and understand that is great theoretical achievements in the integration of basic principle of Marxism and Chinese reality. This course introduces historical progressing, theoreticalachievement and essentials of Sinicization of Marxism, new-democratic revolution theory, socialism nature and ultimate goal, as well as theory of the socialism primary stage
Course Description:
Framed by Standard C, within the Visual C++6.0 programming environment, this course introduces the basic standard, ideas and method of C language programming according to the foundation and application principle. Starting from cultivating the practical programming ability, it pays attention to the case study and practice exercise, especially on the analysis of key points.
Course Name
以标准C为框架,以Visual C++6.0为编程环境,按照紧扣基础和面向应用的原则,介绍了C语言程序设计的基本规范、思路和方法。从培养学生的实际编程能力出发,注重实例教学和实践练习,突出重点讲解和难点分析。
学分(Credits)1来自Course Name
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Students would be introduced to western art songs in the first step, then Chinese folk music and are songs. Art songs are created by composers, which normally stem from the famous poems.
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It focus on the materialism of the world and its development law, the general relationship and development of things, objective regularity and subjective initiative.
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Linear algebra is an important foundation for the theory courses, through this course of study, students can commonly used in applied sciencematrix method, linear equations, quadratic form theory and the basic knowledge and skilled operation of matrix capacity and matrix methods to solve some practical problems, such as powers, roots, ratios, and proportions, so as to improve the quality of students in mathematics.
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Course Description:
On the one hand it for subsequent math courses and professional course provides the necessary basic mathematical knowledge, on the other hand, the further improving student's mathematics quality. Through this course, students of abstract thinking ability and general ability and logical reasoning ability, space imagination ability and self-educated abilities, also pay special attention to the cultivation of students' operation ability, use knowledge and ability to solve practical problems.
(Brief Introduction tothe MainCoursesofDigital Media Technology)
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The definition of military science and its study object, overview of military thought, Mao Zedong's military thinking, investigative surveillance technology, overview of military high-end technology.
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Course Description:
Graphic Designing is aprofessional course of undergraduates of digital media technology, digital media art majors, which mainly study on the basic theory, knowledge and skills of graphic designing. Its main content includes the development and genre of graphic designing,Bauhaus and new graphic, composition principle of print ads, the basics of color design, words and format design basis, design forms of print ads, and so on. This course aims at helping students improve their aesthetic ability, master the basic theory ,basic knowledge, basic skills of design so that they can improve connoisseurship of beauty and advertising works, and creativity.