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室管膜下瘤( subependymoma,SE)是一种罕见、生长缓慢的良性肿瘤, Schenker于 1945 年首次命名,属于室管膜来源肿瘤,WHOI 级。2016年 WHO新分类中室管膜肿瘤( ependymal tumors)的其他肿瘤包括黏液乳头型室管膜瘤、室管膜瘤、RELA 融合阳性室管膜瘤与间变性室管膜瘤,后者为WHOⅢ级。SE约占室管膜肿瘤的8%。SE起源于多潜能的室管膜-星形细胞的前体细胞。病理学上肿瘤含有室管膜细胞和星形细胞,其中星形细胞占50%。镜下为簇状细胞核埋入致密的胶质细胞纤维基质中,常伴小囊腔形成,核分裂偶见或无。瘤细胞核形态一致,类似于管膜下胶质细胞,偶见多形核。易见小而融合的囊腔及钙化与出


Subependymoma (SE) is a rare, slow-growing benign tumor, Schenker was first named in 1945, belongs to ependymal source tumor,WHOI grade. In 2016 the WHO classification of ependymal tumor (ependymal tumors) of other tumors including mucous nipple ependymoma, ependymoma, a positive RELA fusion ependymoma and anaplastic ependymoma, which is a category WHO Ⅲ. SE accounted for about 8% of ependymal tumors. SE originates from the pluripotent ependymal precursor of astrocytes. Pathologically, the tumor contains ependymal cells and astrocytes, 50% of which are astrocytes. Microscopically, the nuclei are clustered into a dense glial fibrous matrix, often accompanied by the formation of small cysts, with or without nuclear division. The tumor nuclei are uniform, similar to subtubular glial cells, with occasional polymorphisms. Small fused lumens, calcification, and hemorrhage are common. Tumor microvessels may proliferate, with occasional cellular protuberances surrounding blood vessels to form pseudochrysanthemum masses. At this point, mixed ependymoma/subependymoma can be diagnosed. The disease can be seen in all age groups, but often occurs in the elderly, more than 85% over 15 years old, more male. Clinical manifestations are associated with the location of the tumor, often hydrocephalus.



CT lesions can be round, round, nodular or irregular, with clear boundary. Subependymal neoplasms on CT scan were mostly uniformly dense masses with calcification and cysts in some tumors. The blood supply of subependymal tumors is poor, the blood-brain barrier is relatively complete, and the tumors are rich in glial fibers. In the case of lateral ventricles, the lateral ventricles are usually enlarged, and the third ventricle can be invaded through the interventricular foramen to block the bilateral interventricular foramen, resulting in the enlargement of bilateral lateral ventricles. Subependymal tumors of the fourth ventricle often block the midbrain aqueduct and expand the supratentorial ventricular system

MR室管膜下瘤呈类圆形、椭圆形或分叶状,边界清楚。肿瘤实性部分在T1WI上多表现为较均匀的等信号或略低信号,肿瘤内可无囊变或伴数量不等的小囊状低信号区,个别病例也可有较大的囊状低信号区,囊状低信号区为富含黏液的囊状结构。T2WI肿瘤呈较均匀的高信号,T2- FLAIR呈高信号,囊变区呈水样极高信号。由于室管膜下瘤瘤体中实性部分和囊性部分比例不同,其MR表现也不完全一致,当肿瘤内局灶性囊变较多,或伴有钙化、含铁血黄素沉积以及硬化的肿瘤血管时,MRI信号可不均匀。T1WI增强扫描,室管膜下瘤大多数无明显强化或轻度强化,少数有不典型的中度强化,偶尔可见强化的肿瘤血管蒂。MRS符合良性肿瘤波谱特征,表现为NAA峰轻度降低,Cho峰正常。

MR subependymal tumors were round, oval or lobulated, with clear boundaries. The solid part of the tumor mostly showed uniform isosignal or slightly low signal on T1WI, and there was no cystosis or small cystlike low signal area with different number of patients. Some cases also had large cystlike low signal area,
