
Traffic Engineering 交通工程Transportation Engineering 运输工程Rail Transportation 铁路交通Air Transportation 航空交通Pipeline Transportation 管道交通Traffic Characteristic交通特性Human Characteristics人的特性Vehicular Characteristics车辆特性Traffic Stream Characteristics交通流特性Roadway Characteristics道路特性Traffic Flow Theory交通流理论Traffic Statistics交通统计学Automobile Machanics汽车力学Automatic Control自动控制Bus 公共汽车Trolley Bus无轨电车Tram Car有轨电车coach大客车sedam小轿车Truck 载货客车Bicycle Flow Characteristics自行车流特性Driver Characteristics驾驶员特性Stimulation 刺激Reactive Characteristics反应特性Traffic Volume交通量Traffic Density交通密度Spot Speed 地点车速Instantaneous Speed瞬时车速Time mean Speed时间平均车速Space mean Speed 空间平均车速Time Headway车头时距Traffic Flow Model交通流模型Free-Flow Speed自由行驶车速Jam Density阻塞密度Speed-Density Curve 速度密度曲线Flow- Density Curve流量密度曲线Optimum Concentration最佳密度Flow-Speed Curve流量速度曲线Optimum Speed最佳速度Uninterrupted Traffic连续流Interrupted Traffic间断流Traffic Survey and Analysis交通调查与分析Traffic Volume Survey交通量调查Capacity Survey通行能力调查Energy Consumption Survey车辆耗油调查Trip Survey居民出行调查Vehicle Trip Survey车辆出行调查Parking Area Survey停车场调查Traffic Accident Survey交通事故调查Traffic Noise Survey交通噪声调查Vehicle Emission Survey车辆废气调查Average Daily Traffic(ADT)平均日交通量Annual Average Daily Traffic年平均日交通量Peak Hour Volume高峰小时交通量Highest Annual Hourly Volume年最大小时交通量Thirtieth Highest Annual Hourly Volume年第30位最高小时交通量Peak Ratio高峰小时比率Peak Hour Factor高峰小时系数Time Variation时间变化Spatial Variation空间变化Selection Sample样本选择Size of Sample样本大小Speed Distribution车速分布Cumulative Frequency累计频率Level of Service服务水平Capacity Studies通行能力调查Simulation of Traffic Flow交通流模拟Queueing Theory排队论Stopping Wave停车波Starting Wave起动波Urban Traffic Planning 城市交通规划Origin-Destination survey起讫点调查Desire line期望线Trip Generation出行发生Trip Production 出行产生Trip Attraction 出行吸引Model Split,Mode Choice交通方式划分Marking标线Yield Sign 让路标志Stop Sign停车标志No-Entry禁止进入Traffic Control and Management交通控制与管理Traffic Signal 交通信号Split 绿信比Urban Traffic Control System 城市交通控制系统Traffic Simulation交通仿真饱和流量——Saturation Flow交通监视——Traffic Surveillance渠化交通——Channelization traffic人行天桥——Passenger Foot-Bridge人行地道——Passenger Subway栅栏——Gate立体交叉——Underpass(Overpass)无信号控制交叉口——Uncontrolled Intersection禁止超车——Prohibitory Overtaking单点定时信号——Isolated Pre-timed Signal信号相位——Signal Phase周期长度——Cycle Length优先控制——Priority Control流量比——Flow Ratio有效绿灯时间——Effective Green Time绿灯间隔时间——Intergreen Interval信号配时——Signal Timing (or Signal Setting)交通感应信号——Traffic Actuated Signal城市交通控制系统——Urban Traffic Control System联动控制——Coordinated Control区域控制——Area Control时差——Offsetventilation 通风first gear -档reverse——倒车档tread 轮距chassis 底盘bonnet 发动机盖roof rack/luggage rack 行李架license plate/number plate 车号牌bumper 保险杠front blinker 前信号灯trunk/boot 行李箱tailpipe 排气管horn 喇叭hooter 汽笛starter 起动钮transmission 传动piston 活塞shaft 传动轴valve 阀门carburettor 汽化器radiator 散热器silencer 消音器中途调度站imtermediate control office。

Traffic Safety专业是研究交通安全相关知识和技能的学科领域。
1. Traffic Safety - 交通安全
2. Traffic Accidents - 交通事故
3. Road Safety - 道路安全
4. Traffic Laws - 交通法规
5. Traffic Engineering - 交通工程
6. Driver Education - 驾驶教育
7. Traffic Control - 交通管制
8. Transport Planning - 交通规划
9. Traffic Signs - 交通标志
10. Traffic Police - 交警
11. Traffic Violation - 交通违法行为
12. Traffic Congestion - 交通拥堵
13. Pedestrian Safety - 行人安全
14. Vehicle Safety - 车辆安全
15. Transportation System - 交通系统
16. Speed Limits - 限速
17. Seat Belt - 安全带
18. Traffic Safety Culture - 交通安全文化
19. Traffic Safety Education - 交通安全教育
20. Traffic Safety Campaign - 交通安全宣传活动

专用公路accommodation highway
国家干线公路(国道)nationaltrunk highway省级干线公路(国道)provincialtrunk highway县公路(县道)countyroad
自行车道cycle path
分隔带lane separator
中央分隔带median divider
中线测量center line survey
施工测量construction survey
竣工测量final survey
虚交点imaginary intersection point
辐射式公路radial highway
环形公路ring highway
行驶速度running speed
运行速度operating speed平均速度average speed
路基排水subgradedrainage边沟side ditch

1. 交通工具 (Transportation)- Car - 汽车- Bus - 公共汽车- Bicycle - 自行车- Motorcycle - 摩托车- Train - 火车- Plane - 飞机- Boat - 船2. 交通信号 (Traffic Signals)- Traffic light - 红绿灯- Stop sign - 停车标志- Yield sign - 让行标志- Crosswalk - 人行横道- Pedestrian signal - 行人信号灯3. 交通规则 (Traffic Rules)- Look both ways before crossing the street. - 过马路时要先左右看。
- Hold an adult's hand when crossing the street. - 过马路时要牵大人的手。
- Wait for the green light before crossing the street. - 过马路前要等绿灯亮。
- Don't run into the street. - 不要跑到马路上。
- Always wear a seatbelt in the car. - 坐车时要系好安全带。
4. 交通安全知识 (Traffic Safety)- Look out for cars when playing near the street. - 在街边玩耍时要注意汽车。
- Never play in or around parked cars. - 不要在停着的车辆周围玩耍。
- Always walk on the sidewalk. - 走路时要在人行道上走。

交通标识英文词汇大全Transportation标志1.道路交通信息road traffic information2.公共交通信息public transportation information3.高速公路Expressway4.公路Highway5.道路Road6.高架道路Elevated Road7.环路Ring Road8.312国道G3129.前方学校School Ahead10.禁止长时停车No Parking11.禁止临时停车、停留No Stopping12.飞机场Air Port13.火车站Railway Station14.大型港口Port15.客运码头、轮渡站Ferry Terminal 或Pier16.货运码头Wharf17.装卸码头Loading/Uploading Dock18.轨道交通线路Line19.具体线路Line+阿拉伯数字20.公共汽车线路Bus Route21.具体公交线路Route 可省略,直接用阿拉伯数字表示22.公交63路Bus 6323.轨道交通站点Station24.公共汽车始发站和终点站Terminal或Station25.公共汽车沿途站点Stop26.飞机或列车上的厕所Lavatory27.行李Baggage或Luggage28.民航售票用Airline TicketsTransportation词汇1 公路Highway2 高速公路Expressway3 干线公路Trunk Highway4 国道National Highway5 省道Provincial Highway6 县道County Highway7 城市道路Urban Road8 地面道路Ground-Level Road9 高架道路Elevated Road 或Elevated Highway10 支路Access Road11 辅路Side Road12 绕城公路; 环路Beltway 或Ring Road13 主干路Arterial Road14 次干路Sub-Arterial Road15 收费公路Tollway 或Toll Road16 桥梁Bridge17 高架桥Overpass [指城市中的高架桥]; Viaduct [指横跨河流或山谷的高架桥]18 立交桥[车行] Highway Interchange 或Flyover19 安全岛; 交通岛Refuge Island 或Pedestrian Refuge20 环岛; 环形交叉口Roundabout21 交通信号灯Traffic Lights22 标线Marking23 人行横道线Pedestrian Crossing24 车辆上下客区Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Area [Area 可以省略]25 车辆下客区Passenger Drop-off Area [Area 可省略]26 卡车停靠点Truck Parking Only 或Trucks Only27 路侧停车点Roadside Parking28 公共停车场Public Parking29 内部停车场Private Parking [私人用]; Staff Parking [员工用]30 全日停车场[昼夜服务] 24-Hour Parking31 免费停车场Free Parking32 收费停车场Pay Parking33 残疾人专用停车位Parking for People With Disabilities34 出租车专用停车位Taxi Parking Only 或Taxi Only35 非机动车专用停车位Non-motor Vehicle Parking Only 或Non-motor Vehicles Only36 大客车停车位Bus Parking Only 或Buses Only37 停车港湾Parking Bay38 专属停车位Reserved Parking39 临时停车位Temporary Parking40 计时停车位Hourly Parking 或Metered Parking Transportation路牌1.no u-turns–This sign indicates that u-turns are not allowed at the intersection where the sign is posted。

英语交通标志单词大全IntroductionIn order to ensure smooth and organized traffic flow, countries around the world have implemented various traffic signs. These signs are essential for maintaining road safety and providing clear instructions to drivers. As an English learner, understanding the meanings of different traffic signs is crucial. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of English traffic signs and their corresponding words.1. Regulatory SignsRegulatory signs inform drivers of specific laws and regulations on the road. They are usually white with black or red letters. Here are some commonly used regulatory signs and their corresponding words:- Stop: 停车- Yield: 让行- No Entry: 禁止通行- One Way: 单行道- Speed Limit: 限速- No U-turn: 禁止掉头- No Parking: 禁止停车- Pedestrian Crosswalk: 人行横道2. Warning SignsWarning signs are used to alert drivers of potential dangers or hazards ahead. They are usually yellow with black symbols or words. Here are some common warning signs and their corresponding words:- Curve Ahead: 前方曲线- Slippery Road: 公路湿滑- School Zone: 学校区域- Pedestrian Crossing: 人行横道- Road Work Ahead: 前方施工- Animal Crossing: 动物穿越- Traffic Light Ahead: 前方交通灯- Railway Crossing: 铁路平交道3. Guide SignsGuide signs provide information and directions to drivers, ensuring they reach their destinations smoothly. They are usually green or blue with white letters or symbols. Here are some commonly used guide signs and their corresponding words:- Exit: 出口- Hospital: 医院- Gas Station: 加油站- Airport: 机场- Rest Area: 休息区- Tourist Attraction: 旅游景点- Parking: 停车场- Highway: 高速公路4. Construction SignsConstruction signs are temporary signs placed in areas where road construction or maintenance is taking place. They help drivers navigate through temporary detours and potential hazards. Here are some common construction signs and their corresponding words:- Road Work Ahead: 前方施工- Detour: 绕行- Construction Zone: 施工区域- Road Closed: 道路封闭- Men Working: 工人作业- Flagger Ahead: 前方有交通指挥员- Rough Road: 道路崎岖- Slow Down: 减速ConclusionUnderstanding English traffic signs is essential for safe and efficient driving. This article provides a comprehensive list of traffic signs commonly used worldwide. Remember to refer to this list whenever you encounter unfamiliar traffic signs to ensure your driving experience is smooth and secure. Drive safely, follow the signs, and respect the rules of the road.。

1. 交通规则 traffic regulation2. 路标 guide post3. 里程碑 milestone4. 停车标志 mark car stop5. 红绿灯 traffic light6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯 red light8. 绿灯 green light9. 黄灯 amber light10. 交通岗traffic post11. 岗亭police box12. 交通警traffic police13. 打手势pantomime14. 单行线single line15. 双白线double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线zebra stripes18. 划路线机traffic line marker19. 交通干线artery traffic20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary22. 双车道two-way traffic23. 自行车通行cyclists only24. 单行道one way only25. 窄路narrow road26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27. 陡坡steep hill28. 不平整路rough road29. 弯路curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路winding road31. 之字路double bend road32. 之字公路switch back road33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade34. 道路交叉点road junction35. 十字路cross road36. 左转 turn left37. 右转 turn right38. 靠左 keep left39. 靠右 keep right40. 慢驶 slow41. 速度 speed42. 超速 excessive speed43. 速度限制 speed limit44. 恢复速度 resume speed45. 禁止通行 no through traffic46. 此路不通 blocked47. 不准驶入 no entry48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头 no turns50. 让车道 passing bay51. 回路 loop52. 安全岛 safety island53. 停车处 parking place54. 停私人车 private car park55. 只停公用车 public car only56. 不准停车 restricted stop57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting58. 临街停车 parking on-street59. 街外停车 parking off-street60. 街外卸车 loading off-street61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing62. 当心牲畜 caution animals63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥 hump bridge65. 火车栅 level crossing66. 修路 road works67. 医院 hospital68. 儿童 children69. 学校 school70. 寂静地带 silent zone71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends72. 交通管理 traffic control73. 人山人海 crowded conditions74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam76. 水泄不通 overwhelm77. 顺挤 extrusion direct78. 冲挤 extrusion impact79. 推挤 shoved80. 挨身轻推 nudging81. 让路 give way82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车 careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor88. 无证驾驶 driving without license89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate92. 安全第一 safety first93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision95. 相撞 collided96. 连环撞 a chain collision97. 撞车 crash98. 辗过 run over99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement。

高考英语道路交通标识类单词一、限令禁止禁止货车及小型客车直行No Straight Turn for Trucks or Minibuses禁止小型客车右转No Right Turn for Minibuses禁止载货货车及拖拉机左转弯No Left Turn for Trucks of Tractors禁止载货货车及拖拉机向左向右转弯No Left or Right Turn for Trucks of Tractors或No Turns for Trucks of Tractors禁止载货货车左转No Left Turn for Trucks禁止外来车辆驶入Staff Vehicles Only禁止二轮摩托车驶入No Motorcycles禁止农用车驶入No Farm Vehicles禁止汽车拖、挂车驶入No Trailers禁止三轮机动车驶人No Motor Tricycles禁止超越;禁止越线Stay in Lane禁止酒后开车Do Not Drink and Drive或 Driving After Drinking Is Prohibited by Law禁止疲劳驾驶Do Not Drive Tired禁止超高Do Not Exceed Height Limit禁止超载Do Not Overload或 Do Not Exceed Weight Limit禁止超速No Speeding或 Do Not Exceed Speed Limit禁止开车使用手机Do Not Use Cellphone While Driving禁止骑自行车上坡Do Not Cycle Uphill禁止骑自行车下坡Do Not Cycle Downhill未经允许货车禁止通行No Trucks Unless Authorized禁止通道两侧停车No Parking on Either Side请勿将头手伸出窗外Keep Head and Hands Inside请勿向窗外扔东西Do Not Throw Anything Out of Window二、指示指令1.指示标志语直行Go Straight向左转弯Turn Left向右转弯Turn Right直行和向左转弯Straight or Left Turn 直行和向右转弯Straight or Right Turn 向左和向右转弯Turn Left or Right 靠右侧道路行驶Keep Right靠左侧道路行驶Keep Left立体交叉直行和左转弯行驶Overpass Ahead//Straight or Left Turn 立体交叉直行和右转弯行驶Overpass Ahead//Straight or Right Turn 环岛行驶Round about单行路〔向左或向右〕One Way〔需要标示单行路“向左”或“向右”的方向时,在使用此译文的基础上辅以相应的箭头图形符号〕单行路〔直行〕One Way〔需要标示单行路“直行”的方向时,在使用此译文的基础上辅以相应的箭头图形符号〕步行Walk鸣喇叭Honk最低限速:____千米/小时Minimum Speed :____ km/h路口优先通行Priority at Intersection会车先行Priority Over Oncoming Vehicles 人行横道Pedestrian Crossing右转车道Right-Turn Lane〔Lane可以省略〕左转车道Left-Turn Lane〔Lane可以省略〕直行车道Straight Lane〔Lane可以省略〕直行和右转合用车道Straight and Right Lane〔Lane可以省略〕直行和左转合用车道Straight and Left Lane〔Lane可以省略〕掉头车道U-Turn Lane〔Lane可以省略〕掉头和左转全用车道Left or U-Turn Lane〔Lane可以省略〕分向行驶车道Road Divides Ahead公交路线专用车道Bus Lane或Buses Only〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕机动车行驶Motor Vehicles Only机动车车道Motor Vehicles Lane或Motor Vehicles〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕非机动车行驶Non-Motor Vehicles Only非机动车车道Non-Motor Vehicles Lane或Motor Vehicles〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕快速公交系统专用车道Bus Rapid Transit Lane或BRT Lane或BRT Only〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕多乘员车辆专用车道High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane或Carpools Only〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕停车位Parking Space允许掉头U Turn2.其他保持车距Keep Distance或Keep a Safe Distance 谨防追尾WARNING//Rear End Collision平稳驾驶,注意安全Drive Safely 小心驾驶Drive With Caution车辆慢行SLOW雨雪天气请慢行Drive Slowly in Rain or Snow 前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead//Slow Down或SLOW//Bend Ahead前方学校,减速慢行School Ahead//Slow Down前方有事故,减速行驶Accident Ahead//Slow Down 长下坡慢行Long Descent//Slow Down转弯慢行Turn Ahead//Slow Down陡坡减速;陡坡慢行Steep Descent//Slow Down干路先行Yield to Main Road Traffic 车辆绕行Detour施工请绕行Construction Ahead// Detour请按车道行驶;分道行驶Stay in Lane大型车靠右Large Vehicles Keep Right避让行人Yield to Pedestrians请停车入位Park in Bays Only行人绕行Pedestrians Detour人行过街,请走天桥Please Use the Footbridge请下车推行〔指自行车〕Please Walk Your Bicycle停车接受检査Stop for Inspection三、说明提示1.指路标志语错车道Passing Bay人行天桥Footbridge或Pedestrian Overpass 人行地下通道Pedestrian Underpass 残疾人专用设施Accessible Facilities 应急避难设施〔或场所〕Emergency Shelter休息区Rest Area绕行Detour此路不通NoThrough Road或 Dead End车道数变少Fewer Lanes Ahead车道数增加More Lanes Ahead交通监控设备Traffic Surveillance 两侧通行Pass on Either Side右侧通行Keep Right左侧通行Keep Left入口预告Entrance Ahead下一出口预告Next Exit道路交通信息Traffic Information停车领卡Stop for Toll Card车距确认Check Your Following Distance特殊天气建议速度Suggested Speed Under Special Weather 紧急电话Emergency Call救援电话First Aid Call计重收费Toll-by-Weight加油站Petrol Station加气站Natural Gas Station 紧急停车带Emergency Stop Area 服务区预告Service Area Ahead爬坡车道Climbing Lane爬坡车道结束End of Climbing Lane超限检测站Weigh Station2.辅助标志语除公共汽年外〔其他车辆不得进人或停靠〕Buses Only机动车Motor Vehicles货车Trucks货车、拖拉机Tractors私人专属Private向前200米200 Meters Ahead 学校School事故Accident塌方Landslide教练车行驶路线Learner Driver Training Route 驾驶考试路线Driving Test Route校车停靠站点School Bus Stop3.其他硬路肩Hard Shoulder免费通行Toll Free汽车修理Garage或 Auto Repair或 Automobile Maintenance 汽车租赁Car Rental洗车Car Wash或 Auto Wash驾培学校Driving School市区〔指示市区方向〕To City或 To Downtown往地铁站〔指示地铁站方向〕To Metro或 To Subway。

交通标志专用名词中英对照警告标志|| Warning sign禁令标志|| Prohibition sign指示标志|| Mandatory sign指路标志|| Guide sign旅游标志|| Tourist sign标线|| Marking禁止超越线|| No-passing line大型车|| Oversize vehicle小型车|| Light-duty vehicle自行车|| Bicycle非机动车|| Non-motor vehicle公共汽车|| Bus机动车|| Motor vehicle公共汽车优先|| Bus preemption,Bus priority行车道|| Roadway,carriageway超车道|| Overtaking lane硬路肩|| Hard shoulder国道|| National road省道|| Provincial road县道|| County road高速公路|| Expressway起点|| Starting point终点|| End point一般道路|| Ordinary road城市道路|| Urban road**街道|| * * street互通式立交|| * * interchange高架桥|| Viaduct隧道|| Tunnel收费站|| Toll station应急停车带|| Emergency stop area休息处|| Rest area服务区|| Service area避车道|| Lay-by,Passing bay火车站|| Railway station飞机场|| Airport停车场|| Parking长途汽车站|| Inter-city bus station急救站|| First aid station客轮码头|| Passenger quay餐饮|| Restaurant汽修|| Breakdown service洗车|| Vehicle cleaning加油站|| Filling station电话|| Telephone轮渡|| Ferry爬坡车道|| Climbing lane追尾危险|| Rear-end collision danger 保持车距|| Keep space道路交通信息|| Traffic information路面结冰|| Icy pavement小心路滑|| Slippery road be careful陡坡慢行|| Steep descent,slow-down 多雾路段|| Foggy section软基路段|| Weak subgrade大型车靠右|| Oversize vehicle to right注意横风|| Alert to cross wind事故多发点|| Blackspot保护动物|| Protect animal长下坡慢行|| Long descent,slow-down道路封闭|| Road closed车道封闭|| Lane closed车辆慢行|| Slow down道路施工|| Road construction,Road works 车辆绕行|| Vehicle by-pass方向引导|| Direction guide落石|| Falling rocks双向交通|| Two-way traffic其他危险|| Other dangers道路或车道变窄|| Carriageway narrows 堤坝路|| Embankment road限制高度|| Limited height限制宽度|| Limited width禁鸣喇叭|| Silence(No audible warning) 渡船|| Ferry boat此路不通|| No through road。

以下是一些常见的交通领域英语表达:1. Transportation Modes(交通方式):Public transportation: 公共交通Private transportation: 私人交通Bicycle: 自行车Pedestrian: 行人Carpooling: 拼车2. Roads and Infrastructure(道路和基础设施):Roadway: 道路Highway: 高速公路Street: 街道Intersection: 十字路口Lane: 车道Roundabout: 环形交叉口3. Traffic Signs and Signals(交通标志和信号):Stop sign: 停车标志Yield sign: 让行标志Traffic light: 交通信号灯Speed limit: 限速4. Driving and Maneuvers(驾驶和操作):Turn left/right: 向左/右转Merge: 合流Overtake: 超车Parallel park: 平行泊车Uturn: 掉头5. Public Transportation(公共交通):Bus stop: 公交车站Subway/Metro: 地铁Train station: 火车站Ticket: 票6. Safety and Regulations(安全和规定):Seatbelt: 安全带Speeding: 超速No parking: 禁止停车No entry: 禁止通行7. Emergencies and Assistance(紧急情况和援助):Emergency exit: 紧急出口Breakdown: 故障Tow truck: 拖车Emergency services: 紧急服务这些表达涵盖了交通领域中常见的词汇和短语,帮助你在与交通相关的场合中更流利地使用英语。

一、交通工具的英语词汇:1.汽车(Car):- 汽车(Automobile):a car powered by an internal combustion engine- 轿车(Sedan):a car with a separate trunk and seats for four or more people- SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle):a vehicle designed for both on-road and off-road driving- 敞篷车(Convertible):a car with a roof that can be lowered or removed2.自行车(Bicycle):- 自行车(Bicycle):a vehicle with two wheels, pedals, and a handlebar for steering- 山地车(Mountain Bike):a bicycle designed for off-road cycling - 跑步车(Road Bike):a bicycle designed for use on paved roads3.摩托车(Motorcycle):- 摩托车(Motorcycle):a two-wheeled vehicle with an engine- 三轮车(Tricycle):a three-wheeled vehicle with an engine4.火车(Train):- 火车(Train):a vehicle that runs on tracks, used for transporting people and goods- 地铁(Subway):an underground train system5.船(Ship):- 船(Ship):a vehicle for traveling on water- 大客船(Cruise Ship):a large ship used for pleasure cruises二、交通规则的英语词汇:1.交通信号(Traffic Signal):- 红绿灯(Traffic Light):a signal with red, yellow, and green lights that controls the flow of traffic- 斑马线(Zebra Crossing):a marked path on the road for pedestrians to cross- 行人信号灯(Pedestrian Signal):a signal that indicates when pedestrians can cross the road2.交通标志(Traffic Sign):- 禁止停车(No Parking):a sign that prohibits parking in a certain area- 限速(Speed Limit):a sign that indicates the maximum speed allowed- 注意行人(Watch for Pedestrians):a sign that alerts drivers to be cautious of pedestrians3.交通指示(Traffic Direction):- 左转(Left Turn):to turn left- 直行(Go Straight):to continue moving forward- 右转(Right Turn):to turn right4.交通事故(Traffic Accident):- 车祸(Car Accident):an accident involving one or more cars- 撞车(Collision):the act of two or more vehicles hitting each other- 刮擦(Scratch):a minor accident that causes surface damage to a vehicle三、交通出行的英语词汇:1.乘坐交通工具(Using Transportation):- 坐公交车(Take a Bus):to travel by bus- 坐地铁(Take the Subway):to travel by subway- 坐飞机(Take a Plane):to travel by plane- 坐火车(Take a Train):to travel by train2.交通运输服务(Transportation Services):- 出租车(Taxi):a car that can be hired to take passengers to a destination- 租车服务(Car Rental Service):a service that allows individuals to rent cars for a specific period of time- 快递服务(Courier Service):a service that delivers packages and documents3.导航和路线规划(Navigation and Route Planning):- 地图(Map):a visual representation of a geographical area- 导航系统(GPS):a device that uses satellite signals to determine the location and provide directions四、其他相关英语词汇:1.交通堵塞(Traffic Jam):a situation in which the movement of vehicles is severely hindered2.交通管理(Traffic Management):the control and regulation of traffic to ensure safety and efficiency3.交通违法(Traffic Violation):a violation of traffic rules and regulations4.交通运输部门(Transportation Department):the government department responsible for transportation and infrastructure总结:掌握交通工具和交通规则的专业术语对于我们在日常生活中的交通出行非常重要。

一、交通工具1.汽车 - car2.公交车 - bus3.火车 - train4.出租车 - taxi5.电动车 - electric bike6.自行车 - bicycle7.摩托车 - motorcycle8.地铁 - subway9.飞机 - airplane10.轮船 - ship/boat11.直升机 - helicopter二、道路和交通标志1.街道 - street2.马路 - road3.高速公路 - highway4.交叉路口 - intersection5.人行横道 - pedestrian crossing6.红绿灯 - traffic lights7.停车场 - parking lot8.行驶 - drive9.停车 - park10.禁止停车 - no parking11.禁止通行 - no entry12.让路 - yield13.限速 - speed limit14.警告 - caution15.停车位 - parking space三、问路与指示1.问路 - ask for directions2.地方在哪里?- Where is the place?3.怎样去…?- How can I get to...?4.向左转 - turn left5.向右转 - turn right6.直走 - go straight7.在…的下一个路口向左转 - take a left at the next intersection8.在第二个红绿灯处向右转 - take a right at the second traffic light9.一直前进直到看到一个邮局 - go straight until you see a post office10.在第一个十字路口向左拐 - take a left at the first crossroad四、旅行工具和服务1.行李 - luggage2.机场 - airport3.航班 - flight4.航站楼 - terminal5.登机牌 - boarding pass6.托运行李 - check-in luggage7.安全检查 - security check8.过海关 - go through customs9.候机室 - waiting area10.登机口 - gate11.航空公司 - airline12.出租车站 - taxi stand13.旅游巴士 - tour bus14.停靠站 - bus stop15.火车站 - train station16.轮船码头 - ferry terminal17.客运站 - bus terminal五、交通意外和紧急情况1.事故 - accident2.紧急情况 - emergency3.报警 - call the police4.医院 - hospital5.救护车 - ambulance6.消防车 - fire truck7.警察 - police8.保险 - insurance9.失窃 - theft10.迷路 - get lost11.打电话 - make a phone call12.帮助 - help六、购票和预订1.买票 - buy a ticket2.单程票 - one-way ticket3.往返票 - round-trip ticket4.预订 - make a reservation5.确认 - confirm6.取消 - cancel7.座位 - seat8.头等舱 - first class9.经济舱 - economy class10.登机 - board11.票价 - fare12.余票 - available seats通过掌握以上交通英语词汇,读者将能够更自信地应对与交通相关的情况,无论是在国内还是国外。

交通标志英语1. 交通规则traffic regulation2. 路标guide post3. 里程碑milestone4. 停车标志mark car stop5. 红绿灯traffic light6. 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯red light8. 绿灯green light9. 黄灯amber light 10. 交通岗traffic post11. 岗亭police box 12. 交通警traffic police13. 打手势pantomime 14. 单行线single line15. 双白线double white lines 16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线zebra stripes 18. 划路线机traffic line marker19. 交通干线artery traffic 20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary 22. 双车道two-way traffic23. 自行车通行cyclists only 24. 单行道one way only25. 窄路narrow road 26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27. 陡坡steep hill 28. 不平整路rough road29. 弯路curve road ; bend road 30. 连续弯路winding road31. 之字路double bend road 32. 之字公路switch back road33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade 34. 道路交叉点road junction35. 十字路cross road 36. 左转turn left37. 右转turn right 38. 靠左keep left39. 靠右keep right 40. 慢驶slow41. 速度speed 42. 超速excessive speed43. 速度限制speed limit 44. 恢复速度resume speed45. 禁止通行no through traffic 46. 此路不通blocked47. 不准驶入no entry 48. 不准超越keep in line ; no overhead 49. 不准掉头no turns 50. 让车道passing bay51. 回路loop 52. 安全岛safety island53. 停车处parking place 54. 停私人车private car park55. 只停公用车public car only 56. 不准停车restricted stop57. 不准滞留restricted waiting 58. 临街停车parking on-street59. 街外停车parking off-street 60. 街外卸车loading off-street61. 当心行人caution pedestrian crossing 62. 当心牲畜caution animals63. 前面狭桥narrow bridge ahead 64. 拱桥hump bridge65. 火车栅level crossing 66. 修路road works67. 医院hospital 68. 儿童children69. 学校school 70. 寂静地带silent zone71. 非寂静地带silent zone ends 72. 交通管理traffic control73. 人山人海crowded conditions 74. 拥挤的人jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤traffic jam 76. 水泄不通overwhelm77. 顺挤extrusion direct 78. 冲挤extrusion impact79. 推挤shoved 80. 挨身轻推nudging81. 让路give way 82. 粗心行人careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪committing traffic offences 84. 执照被记违章endorsed on driving license 85. 危险驾驶dangerous driving 86. 粗心驾车careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶driving without an instructor 88. 无证驾驶driving without license 89. 未经车主同意without the owner's consent 90. 安全第一safety first91. 未挂学字牌driving without a "L" plate 92. 迎面相撞head-on collision93. 轻微碰撞slight impact 94. 无第三方保险without third-party insurance 95. 相撞collided 96. 连环撞a chain collision97. 撞车crash 98. 辗过run over99. 肇事逃跑司机hit-run driver 100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement。

1. traffic regulation 交通规则2. guide post 路标3. milestone 里程碑4. mark car stop 停车标志5. red light 红灯6. green light 绿灯7. amber light 黄灯8. traffic post 交通岗9. traffic police 交通警10. pantomime 打手势14. single line 单行线15. double white lines 双白线16. dual carriage-way 双程线17. zebra stripes 斑马线18. artery traffic 交通干线19. carriage-way 车行道20. lane auxiliary 辅助车道21. two-way traffice 双车道22. cyclists only 自行车通行23. one way only 单行道24. narrow road 窄路25. steep hill 陡坡26. curve road ; bend road 弯路27. winding road 连续弯路28. double bend road 之字路29. dangerous down grade 下坡危险30. road junction 道路交叉点31. cross road 十字路32. turn left 左转33. turn right 右转34. keep left 靠左35. keep right 靠右36. slow 慢驶37. speed 速度38. excessive speed 超速39. speed limit 速度限制40. resume speed 恢复速度41. no through traffic 禁止通行42. blocked 此路不通43. no entry 不准驶入44. keep in line ; no overhead 不准超越45. no turns 不准掉头46. passing bay 让车道47. loop 回路48. parking place 停车处49. private car park 停私人车50. resticted waiting 不准滞留。

交通标志专用名词交通标志专用名词交通标志专用名词警告标志warning sign 急救站first aid station禁令标志prohibition sign客轮码头passenger quay指示标志mandatory sign餐饮restaurant指路标志guide sign汽修breakdown service旅游标志tourist sign洗车vehicle cleaning标线marking加油站filling station禁止超越线no-passing line电话telephone大型车oversize vehicle轮渡ferry小型车light-duty vehicle爬坡车道climbing lane自行车bicycle追尾危险rear-end collision danger非机动车non-motor vehicle保持车距keep space公共汽车bus道路交通信息traffic information机动车motor vehicle路面结冰icy pavement公共汽车优先bus preemption, bus priority 小心路滑slippery road be careful行车道roadway,carriageway陡坡慢行steep descent, slow-down超车道overtaking lane多雾路段foggy section硬路肩hard shoulder软基路段weak subgrade国道national road大型车靠右oversize vehicle to right省道provincial road注意横风alert to cross wind县道county road事故多发点blackspot高速公路expressway保护动物protect animal起点starting point长下坡慢行long descent, slow-down 终点end point道路封闭road closed一般道路ordinary road车道封闭lane closed城市道路urban road车辆慢行slow down街道street道路施工road construction, road works 互通式立交interchange车辆绕行vehicle by-pass高架桥viaduct方向引导direction guide隧道tunnel落石falling rocks收费站toll station双向交通two-way traffic应急停车带emergency stop area其他危险other dangers休息处rest area道路或车道变窄carriageway narrows 服务区service area堤坝路embankment road避车道lay-by,passing bay限制高度limited height火车站railway station限制宽度limited width飞机场airport禁鸣喇叭silence(no audible warning) 停车场parking渡船ferry boat长途汽车站inter-city bus station此路不通no through road交通标志专用名词相关内容:。

交通工程专业英语词汇(整理版)1. Infrastructure 架构,基础设施2. Highway 高速公路3. Road 路,街道4. Street 道路,街道5. Freeway 高速公路6. Expressway 高速公路7. Lane 车道8. Intersection 十字路口9. Bridge 桥10. Tunnel 隧道11. Roundabout 环状交叉路口12. Overpass 高架桥13. Underpass 地下通道14. Shoulder 路肩15. Sidewalk 人行道16. Traffic congestion 交通拥堵17. Traffic flow 交通流量18. Traffic signal 交通信号灯19. Traffic light 交通信号灯20. Pedestrian 行人21. Bicycle 自行车22. Parking 停车23. Ramp 匝道24. Flyover 天桥25. Crosswalk 人行横道26. Speed limit 限速27. Road sign 路牌28. Traffic control 交通控制29. Traffic regulation 交通规则30. Roadway 车道31. Curb 道缘石32. Median 隔离带33. Right of way 优先通行权34. Traffic safety 交通安全35. Transport transportation 运输36. Public transportation 公共交通37. Car vehicle 汽车38. Bus 公交车39. Taxi 出租车40. Motorbike 摩托车41. Scooter 踏板摩托车42. Truck 卡车43. Pedestrian zone 步行区44. Road construction 道路施工45. Traffic accident 交通事故46. Traffic police 交警以上是一些交通工程专业常用的英语词汇,希望对您有所帮助。

交通标志专用名词中英对照警告标志|| Warning sign 禁令标志|| Prohibition sign 指示标志|| Mandatory sign指路标志|| Guide sign 旅游标志|| Tourist sign 标线|| Marking禁止超越线|| No-passing line 大型车|| Oversize vehicle 小型车|| Light-duty vehicle自行车|| Bicycle 非机动车|| Non-motor vehicle 公共汽车|| Bus机动车|| Motor vehicle 公共汽车优先|| Bus preemption/Bus priority 行车道|| Roadway,carriageway超车道|| Overtaking lane 硬路肩|| Hard shoulder 国道|| National road省道|| Provincial road 县道|| County road 高速公路|| Expressway起点|| Starting point 终点|| End point 一般道路|| Ordinary road城市道路|| Urban road **街道|| * * street 互通式立交|| * * interchange高架桥|| Viaduct 隧道|| Tunnel 收费站|| Toll station应急停车带|| Emergency stop area 休息处|| Rest area 服务区|| Service area避车道|| Lay-by,Passing bay 火车站|| Railway station 飞机场|| Airport停车场|| Parking 长途汽车站|| Inter-city bus station 急救站|| First aid station客轮码头|| Passenger quay 餐饮|| Restaurant 汽修|| Breakdown service洗车|| Vehicle cleaning 加油站|| Filling station 电话|| Telephone轮渡|| Ferry 爬坡车道|| Climbing lane 追尾危险|| Rear-end collision danger 保持车距|| Keep space 道路交通信息|| Traffic information 路面结冰|| Icy pavement小心路滑|| Slippery road be careful 陡坡慢行|| Steep descent, slow-down 多雾路段|| Foggy section软基路段|| Weak subgrade 大型车靠右|| Oversize vehicle to right 注意横风|| Alert to cross wind事故多发点|| Blackspot 保护动物|| Protect anima 长下坡慢行|| Long descent, slow-down 道路封闭|| Road closed 车道封闭|| Lane close 车辆慢行|| Slow down道路施工|| Road construction, Road works 车辆绕行|| Vehicle by-pass 方向引导|| Direction guide落石|| Falling rocks 双向交通|| Two-way traffic 其他危险|| Other dangers道路或车道变窄|| Carriageway narrows 堤坝路|| Embankment road 限制高度|| Limited height限制宽度|| Limited width 禁鸣喇叭|| Silence(No audible warning) 渡船|| Ferry boat 此路不通|| No through road。

警告标志 warning sign急救站 first aid station禁令标志 prohibition sign客轮码头 passenger quay指示标志 mandatory sign餐饮 restaurant指路标志 guide sign汽修 breakdown service旅游标志 tourist sign洗车 vehicle cleaning标线 marking加油站 filling station禁止超越线 no-passing line电话 telephone大型车 oversize vehicle轮渡 ferry小型车 light-duty vehicle爬坡车道 climbing lane自行车 bicycle追尾危险 rear-end collision danger非机动车 non-motor vehicle保持车距 keep space公共汽车 bus道路交通信息 traffic information机动车 motor vehicle路面结冰 icy pavement公共汽车优先 bus preemption, bus priority 小心路滑 slippery road be careful行车道 roadway,carriageway陡坡慢行 steep descent, slow-down超车道 overtaking lane多雾路段 foggy section硬路肩 hard shoulder软基路段 weak subgrade国道 national road大型车靠右 oversize vehicle to right省道 provincial road注意横风 alert to cross wind县道 county road事故多发点 blackspot高速公路 expressway保护动物 protect animal起点 starting point长下坡慢行 long descent, slow-down 终点 end point道路封闭 road closed一般道路 ordinary road车道封闭 lane closed城市道路 urban road车辆慢行 slow down街道 street道路施工 road construction, road works 互通式立交 interchange车辆绕行 vehicle by-pass高架桥 viaduct方向引导 direction guide隧道 tunnel落石 falling rocks收费站 toll station双向交通 two-way traffic应急停车带 emergency stop area其他危险 other dangers休息处 rest area道路或车道变窄 carriageway narrows 服务区 service area堤坝路 embankment road避车道 lay-by,passing bay限制高度 limited height火车站 railway station限制宽度 limited width飞机场 airport禁鸣喇叭 silence(no audible warning) 停车场 parking渡船 ferry boat长途汽车站 inter-city bus station此路不通 no through road。
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警告标志 warning sign
急救站 first aid station
禁令标志 prohibition sign
客轮码头 passenger quay
指示标志 mandatory sign
餐饮 restaurant
指路标志 guide sign
汽修 breakdown service
旅游标志 tourist sign
洗车 vehicle cleaning
标线 marking
加油站 filling station
禁止超越线 no-passing line
电话 telephone
大型车 oversize vehicle
轮渡 ferry
小型车 light-duty vehicle
爬坡车道 climbing lane
自行车 bicycle
追尾危险 rear-end collision danger
非机动车 non-motor vehicle
保持车距 keep space
公共汽车 bus
道路交通信息 traffic information
机动车 motor vehicle
路面结冰 icy pavement
公共汽车优先 bus preemption, bus priority 小心路滑 slippery road be careful
行车道 roadway,carriageway
陡坡慢行 steep descent, slow-down
超车道 overtaking lane
多雾路段 foggy section
硬路肩 hard shoulder
软基路段 weak subgrade
国道 national road
大型车靠右 oversize vehicle to right
省道 provincial road
注意横风 alert to cross wind
县道 county road
事故多发点 blackspot
高速公路 expressway
保护动物 protect animal
起点 starting point
长下坡慢行 long descent, slow-down 终点 end point
道路封闭 road closed
一般道路 ordinary road
车道封闭 lane closed
城市道路 urban road
车辆慢行 slow down
街道 street
道路施工 road construction, road works 互通式立交 interchange
车辆绕行 vehicle by-pass
高架桥 viaduct
方向引导 direction guide
隧道 tunnel
落石 falling rocks
收费站 toll station
双向交通 two-way traffic
应急停车带 emergency stop area
其他危险 other dangers
休息处 rest area
道路或车道变窄 carriageway narrows 服务区 service area
堤坝路 embankment road
避车道 lay-by,passing bay
限制高度 limited height
火车站 railway station
限制宽度 limited width
飞机场 airport
禁鸣喇叭 silence(no audible warning) 停车场 parking
渡船 ferry boat
长途汽车站 inter-city bus station
此路不通 no through road。