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学生姓名:XXX 学号: XXX


入学时间:2011 年9 月

导师姓名:XXX 职称/学位:XXX


完成时间: 2015 年 5 月





Inquiry Curriculum Development Software Based on Mobile



Syllabus plays a vital role in modern teaching practices. Not only does it allow educational facilities, such as classrooms, laboratories, playgrounds, etc., to be allocated in a rational way, but also it coordinates the teaching order between teachers and students. Since university students select courses and take classes in a self-directed way, their course arrangements usually vary. Therefore, university students need to check their curriculum schedules whenever and wherever it is required. However, traditional syllabuses in educational administrative systems cannot meet this situational demand because they are displayed on the PC side. Considering the current popularity and multi-function of smart phones, it is of significant importance to make university syllabuses checking available on cell phones. Based on Java, PHP, database and other techniques, this graduation project uses Android smart phone as an operating platform, attempting to develop software program through which the syllabuses are expected to be viewed on mobile terminals.

Keywords: curriculum; smart phone; mobile terminal; android; database


1 引言 (1)

1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.2 研究意义 (1)

1.3 软件开发的目标 (2)

1.3.1 实用性 (2)

1.3.2 易用性 (2)

1.3.3 可重复利用 (2)

1.3.4 稳定性 (2)

1.3.5 美观性 (2)

1.4 软件设计开发的内容 (2)

2 软件开发使用的开发工具及技术简介 (3)

2.1 Java (3)

2.2 JDK (3)

2.3 eclipse (4)

2.4 Android Development Tools(ADT) (4)

2.5 Mysql数据库 (4)

2.6 myeclipse (4)

2.7 Axure RP (4)

2.8 软件开发及运行环境 (5)

3 软件可行性分析 (5)

3.1 技术可行性 (5)

3.2 操作可行性 (5)

3.3 经济可行性 (5)

3.4 法务可行性 (5)

4 软件需求分析 (6)

4.1 功能需求 (6)

4.1.1 教务系统学号与密码验证 (6)

4.1.2 自动获取课程表数据 (6)

4.1.3 显示本周的整体课程表 (6)

4.1.4 切换不同周次进行查看 (6)

4.1.5 查看某一课程的详细信息 (6)

4.1.6 本地缓存课程表数据 (6)

4.3 安全性需求 (7)

5 需求分析细化 (7)

5.1 软件结构E-R图 (7)

5.2 软件运行状态转换图 (8)

6 对需求进行验证 (9)

6.1 一致性 (10)

6.2 现实性 (10)

6.3 完整性 (10)

6.4 有效性 (10)

7 软件主要功能及使用过程流程图 (11)

7.1 验证学生身份 (11)

7.2 自动导入教务系统课程表 (11)

7.3 查看周历课程表 (11)

7.4 刷新课程表信息 (11)

7.5 切换周次 (11)

7.6 查看某一门课程的具体信息 (11)

8 编码实现 (12)

8.1 网络通信 (12)

8.2 账号验证与登录 (12)

8.3 获取课程表的实现 (13)

8.4 课程表手机端的设计实现 (13)

8.4.1 周历课程表 (13)

8.4.2 课程详情 (13)

8.4.3 客户端界面实现 (13)

9 软件实现效果 (14)

9.1 登录页面 (14)

9.2 周历课程表页面 (15)

9.3 周次切换操作 (16)

9.4 课程具体信息 (17)

9.5 刷新课程表功能 (18)

10 软件功能性测试 (18)

10.1 用户登录模块 (18)

10.1.1 正常登录 (18)
