
第三课 晶体管及其基本电路
现在,晶体管是电子技术中最重要的器件。它们不仅作为独立元件, 而且在集成电路微薄的硅片上可包含成千上万个晶体管
晶体管由3层半导体材料构成:一种类型的薄层在中间,两边分别是另 两种类型。可以有两种排列方式:N型在中间,P型在两边(PNP); P型在 中间,N型在两边(NPN )。中间层称为基极,两边外层分别称为发射 极和集电极(如图1-17所示)
电子信息是当今国内外发展最迅速、技术更新最快的工程领域之一, 电子信息专业英语对学习电子信息新知识和新技术起着非常重要的作 用。
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本书是一本突出高等教育实用特点的电子信息专业英语教材,内容涉 及电工电子基础、仪器仪表使用、传感器技术、通信技术等方面,基 本覆盖了现代电子信息的各个领域,同时收录了一些电子信息新技术 领域发展前沿方面的文章(如太阳能、电子纸、蓝牙技术和3G等)。课 文内容丰富,题材广泛,通俗易懂,选择的文章实用性强并尽量保证 学生能利用已有专业知识理解课文内容。每课课后有词汇、注释、练 习及阅读等。在本书书后附有课文参考译文及部分练习参考答案,供 读者参考对照。另外,书后还附有电子专业词汇和科技英语阅读与翻 译技巧相关知识,供相关专业读者参考。
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本书由王菲、施亚齐担任主编,并编写了第四、第五篇,董小琼编写 了第一篇,王俊清编写了第二篇,邹淑云编写了第三篇。
由于编者水平有限,时间仓促,书中难免有纰漏和不足之处,请尊敬 的教师、同学和广大学者批评指正。
《电子信息工程专业英语导论》课件PART 1 unit2

The amount of resistance offered by a resistor is determined by its physical construction [8].
be determined by 由…决定 A carbon composition resistor has resistive carbon packed into a ceramic cylinder, while a carbon film resistor consists of a similar ceramic tube,
For example, gold, silver, and copper have low resistance, which means that current can flow easily through these materials.
Glass, plastics, and wood have very high resistance, which means that current can not pass through these
Resistance can be written in a number of different ways depending on the ohm rating. For example, 81R represents 81 ohms, while 81K represent 81,000 ohms. The resistance varies in different materials [3]. [3].不同物体的阻抗不同。 vary in … 依据…而变化 。

1.1. Lesson 1 电子技术发展史
New Words and Technical Terms
astronomically available device benefit radar adv. 天文数字地;天体地 adj. 可得到的;可利用的 n. 器件,设备;部件;组件 vt. 有益于,有助于 n. 雷达,电波探测器 n. 钥匙;解答;关键; 键
1.1. Lesson 1 电子技术发展史
Notes to the Text
Development of Electronics
[1] vacuum tube:真空管是一种电子元件,因为参与工作的电极被封装在一个真空的玻璃容器 内,所以被称为真空管。在中国大陆,真空管有时会被称为电子管。在香港和中国广东地区, 真空管有时又会被称作“胆”。 [2] a sealed glass in which electrons flow between electrodes separated by vacuum:in which关系 代词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,由介词 + 关系代词引导定语从句。separated by vacuum过去 分词修饰electrodes。句子可以翻译为:在密封的玻璃管中,电子在由真空隔离的电极间流动。 [3] it became possible to amplify and transmit the electrical energy:it代替不定式to amplify and transmit the electrical energy在句中作形式主语。句子可以翻译为:放大和传送电能成为可能。 [4] radio communication:无线电通信。
[5] as more specialized tubes were made for many applications:as引导状语从句,句子可以翻译 为:随着越来越多的适用于各种用途的专门真空管制造出来。

labelled base (B), collector (C) and
emitter (E).
Transistors have three leads which must be connected the correct way round [4]: [4]: 晶体管的三级都必须在电路中正确连接。 这里which must be connected the correct way round……是一个定语从句,修饰three leads,which在从句里作主语,从句里是一个 被动语态。
Prior to the invention of transistors, digital circuits were composed of vacuum tubes, which had many disadvantages[5].
There are two types of standard transistors, NPN and PNP, with different circuit symbols [2]. [2].标准的晶体管有两种类型:NPN和PNP, 它们的电路标志不一样。 with different circuit symbols是介词短语作 非限定性的定语,故后置且用逗号与中心词分 开。
transistors, computing as we know it today
would n ot be po ssible ; w ithout the
invention of transistors 是 tha 从句中的条
件状语,后面的 computing是动名词作主语。 Exercises: Ⅰ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ
电子信息工程专业英语教程__ Lesson 3 Microprocessors

• A technique where the microprocessor fetches the next instruction before completing execution of the previous instruction, in order to increase processing speed.)
Latest Pentium architecture started out with a 400MHz system bus and 256KB L2 cache (later increased to 800MHz and 2MB). The first models contained 42 million transistors, used the 0.18 micron process and came in 423pin and 478-pin PGA packages. Intel's first Pentium 4 chipset was the 850 and supported only Rambus memory (RDRAM), but subsequent chipsets switched to DDR SDRAM.
• 流水线是一种在前一条指令全部执行完之前就开始取下一条指 令,以提高处理速度的技术。
A brief summary of all Pentium families
• Pentium 4 - Introduced in 2000 (1.4-3.4GHz)
自动化与电子信息专业英语教程(英文版)(ppt 72页)

2.1 Interpreting a digital IC datasheet 2.2 Diodes and Transistors(Ⅰ) 2.3 Diodes and Transistors(II) 2.4 The Ideal of Op-amp(I) 2.5 The Ideal of Op-amp(II) 2.6 Boolean Algebra 2.7 Number System 2.8 Flip-Flops and Latches 2.9 Programmable logic Device
negative portion
full-wave bridge rectifier 全波桥式整流
in conjunction with
bipolar junction
proportionality constant 比例常数
“in which” 引起 定语从句,修饰 “power supplies”
全句可译为“二极管的一个主要应用是 AC信号 整流,尤其是在某些需要将 AC 电转化为 DC 电的电源中。”
2.3 Diodes and Transistors(II)
2.3.2 Specialized English Words
本句结果较复杂,主句为“Saying that … beyond ” ,“Saying”为动名词作主语,它的宾 语为“that” 引导名词从句。 “means”为主语 “Saying …”的谓语动词,而“that its impedance…”为“means”的宾语从句,而这个从 句又有自己的结果状语“so that…” 。 全句可译为“我们说二极管在 以上导通的电流 无穷大实际上是指它的阻抗变得如此之小导致它 不再是电路中的限制因素。”

Transistor vs. vacuum tube
• Solid state means that it doesn't change its physical form as it switches. There are no moving parts in a transistor.
Lesson 1 VLSI Technology
• Backgrounds • Text tour • Language in use
– Vocabulary – Structure – Reading/writing techniques
• Terminology
creation of integrated circuits that had previously been made from multiple discrete components. • VLSI:Very Large-scale Integration 超大规模集成(电路) • VLSI circuits can contain millions of transistors.
• 真空管是一种内部气 体全部或部分抽空的 电子管,从而使电子 在不受或少受气体分 子的干扰下运动。
Transistor vs. vacuum tube
• A transistor is a device that conducts a variable amount of electricity through it, depending on how much electricity is input to it. In other words, it is a digital switch. However, unlike the vacuum tube , it is solid state .

Text tour
• Outline
– – – – – – Brief introduction (para.1-4) Inside a microprocessor RAM and ROM Microprocessor Instructions Microprocessor Performance Microprocessor Trends
2019/1/19 《电子信息工程专业英语教程》 3
micron, data width, MIPS
• micron是“微米(百万分之一米)”的意思,和μm一样。Micron值 用于度量相应芯片中的最小线宽。Micron值越小,芯片中集成 的晶体管数量就越多。 data width是指算术逻辑单元ALU的字长。8-bit的ALU可以进行 两个8-bit 数的加、减、乘等运算,32-bit 的ALU可以对32-bit的 数进行操作。外部数据总线的宽度一般和ALU的数据宽度相同, 但也有例外。如8088 的ALU 是16-bit,而其外部数据总线为8bit;而Pentium处理器的ALU 是32-bit,而其外部数据总线为64bit. MIPS Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万条指令。MIPS是 一个粗略表征微处理器性能的指标。因为现代微处理器的种类 繁多、结构各不相同,MIPS 指标所能反映的信息很有限。
• Terminology
– – – – micron, data width, MIPS reset tri-state buffer pipelining

Unit5 Digital modulation
Unit11 Optical Fiber
Unit6 Digital Signal Processing
Unit 7 ISDN
12 Modern Switching
Unit 1 科技英语基础知识
1.1 科技英语的特点
anode 阳极
cathode 阴极
Ohm’s law
microprocessor 微处理器
electromagnetic wave 电磁波
resonant frequency 共振频率
phase-shift keying(PSK) 相移键控
modem 调制解调器 codec 编解码器
可将其分解为: beam sweeps each line. then flies back to scan another line. it is desired to break picture into lines in desired sequence.
例2.The technical possibilities could well exist, therefore, of nation-wide integrated transmission network of high capacity, controlled by computers, interconnected globally by satellite and submarine cable, providing speedy and reliable communications throughout the world.

作业一:翻译:Lesson1 Contents of Electronics Course要求:每个人必须做,写在纸上,注明姓名、班级、学号。
要求翻译:abstract (摘要),introduction(引言),conclusion(总结),其中引言和总结指的是每篇文章正文的第一部分和最后部分。
电子信息工程专业英语Part 1第一课关于电子技术一、课文习题参考答案Ⅰ. (1)alternating current circuits (2)semiconductor diodes(3)passive component(4)the combinatory logic electric circuit(5)rectification(6)Laplace transform(7)inductor(8)Fourier series and Fourier transformⅡ.(1)控制理论(2)场效应管三极管(3)布尔代数(4)稳压(5)相关性和功率谱密度(6)滤波器类型(7)模/数转换器(8)时序逻辑电路的分析与综合Ⅲ.(1)Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the field of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics. The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuit and so on.(2) Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits,Analog electronics,Digital electronics,signal and systems,Circuit theory and design, Control theory, Microcontroller systems,Computer programming for engineering applications.(3) This curriculum mainly introduces the characteristics of semiconductor devices in linear application scope.The content involved in semiconductor diodes (PN junction diodes, special purpose diodes), transistors (field effects and bipolar transistors), signal amplifiers, practical amplifiers, biasing circuits, operational amplifiers circuit and other circuits (rectification, regulation and DC power supplies).(4) This partial studies take the basic electric circuit theory and the operational amplifier knowledge as the foundation. The main study goal is to enhance understanding of the electric circuit theory. Its main content includes the elementary theory in circuit theory (network functions, characteristic frequencies), types of filter (lowpass,bandpass), review of operational amplifiers (design of first and second order using operational amplifiers, cascade design), filtercharacteristics(Butterworth, Chebyshev, frequency transformations in design, sensitivity design of passive LC ladder filters and a brief introduction to switched capacitor filters).(5) Perfect.二、参考译文电子学的发展电子学是电学的一部分。

• Condition or state in general: 情况
• The established system of social organization: 体制
• Formal written instructions to report for military duty at a specified
• 在使用拉普拉斯变换分析瞬态响应时,我们用sL和 1/sC分别表示电感的阻抗和电容的阻抗。
• While the complex frequency's imaginary part (j) helps describe a response to AC signals, the real part () helps describe a circuit's transient response.
• A language object that may take different values, one at a time. Note: The values of a variable are usually restricted to a certain data type.
• In programming, a character or group of characters that refers to a value and, in the execution of a computer program, corresponds to an address.
• The number of elements in a finite group. 元素个数
• The number of rows or columns in a determinant or matrix. 行或列的数目
电子信息工程专业英语教程__ Lesson 4 Operational Amplifiers

• µA741 followed the µA709 • a never-ending series of new op amps released
each year since then…
– using graphical methods – a log technique – simple and perceptive – the application of feedback to machines began to grow
Op amps & computer
• Op amps in signal conditioning applications • Op amp survived…
– the analog computers lost favor to digital computers – the demand for op amps increased as measurement
Language in use
• Vocabulary
– underlying , present, graphical , perceptive , passive, predominant
• Structure
– to the point where
• Reading/writing techniques

Cutoff in use
• • • • • • current-gain cutoff 电流增益截止 grid-current cutoff 栅流截止 grid-voltage cutoff 栅压截止
2019年1月20日 《电子信息工程专业英语教程》 11
• A topology is … • Each topology has its own merits within certain applications. • Some of the factors which determine the suitability of a particular topology to a certain application …
• Switching regulator
– operates the power devices in the full-on and cutoff states – efficiencies of between 70 to 90 percent – an attractive choice for output powers greater than 10 watts or where multiple outputs are desired
2019年1月20日 《电子信息工程专业英语教程》 16
Load in text
• Historically, the linear regulator was the primary method of creating a regulated output voltage. It operates by reducing a higher input voltage down to the lower output voltage by linearly controlling the conductivity of a series pass power device in response to changes in its load. This results in a large voltage being placed across the pass unit with the load current flowing through it. • 在历史上,线性稳压器曾是产生稳压输出电压的主要 方法。通过对级联功率通过器件导电性线性控制以响 应负载变化,线性稳压器将输入高电压降为输出低电 压。这种方法导致在负载电流流经的通过单元两端出 现一个大电压。

在翻译增加倍数的时候, 若按增加净量(不含基数, 如译 文2), 则应遵循(n-1)的规则。若按增加后的总量(包含基数, 如译文1), 则按原句的倍数翻译。
Unit 2 科技英语基础知识(二)
2.2 数学符号与数学式(Mathematic Symbols and Expressions) 1. 常用数学符号(Mathematic Symbo1s) 常用数学符号见表2.3。
Unit 2 科技英语基础知识(二)
Unit 2 科技英语基础知识(二)
4. 常用希腊字母(Grecian Letters) 常用希腊字母2.4。
段为1000 MHz。
Unit 2 科技英语基础知识(二)
2. 量词的缩写(Abbreviations about Numbers) 科技英语中大量采用量词的缩写, 如表2.2所示, 在使
Unit 2 科技英语基础知识(二)
Unit 2 科技英语基础知识(二)
3. 关于数量的增减(About Increase and Decrease)
Unit 2 科技英语基础知识(二)
(2) The switching time of the new type transistor is shortened by a factor of three.
译文1: 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了2/3。 译文2: 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短为1/3。
为避免引起歧义, 关于减小的翻译最好不译成减小多少 倍, 而译成分数或百分数。按减小净量来翻译, 则遵循(n-1)/n 的规则(如译文1)。若按减小后的余量翻译, 则为1/n(如译文2)。

– By the “most efficient” algorithm one normally means the fastest. 在人们学习某一系统前,必须要定义和讨论一些 重要的术语。 – Before one studies a system, it is necessary to define and discuss some important terms.
第一节 词类—代词
• 1.物主代词作定语时所表示的主谓关系和动宾关系
Physics is the most quantitative of the sciences, and we must become accustomed to its insistence upon accurate measurements and precise relationships if we are to appreciate its results.(主谓关系) 物理学是各种科学中最讲究定量的,因此如果我们要理解其各种结 果的话,我们必须习惯于它坚持要有的精确的测量和各种精密关系, The questions of convergence are not simple, and their study forms an important chapter in modern analysis.(动宾关系) 有关收敛的问题并不简单,对它们的研究构成了现代分析中重要的一 章。
第一节 词类—名词
• 1.表示尺寸、大小等的名词短语作后置定语 “Basic Electronics” is a book much the same size as this one. • 2.用不带冠词的单个名词作方式状语或方面状语 This device can be computer controlled. 该容器是防水的。 • 3.名词短语用作同位语的情况 When we use this multiplication method it is not necessary to figure out all possibilities, a procedure which is often very lengthy, or even impossible from a practical point of view. An instrument for measuring electric resistance, the ohmmeter is widely used in electrical engineering.
电子信息类专业英语unit 1课件

1.1 科技英语的特点 1.2 词汇 1.3 虚拟语气 1.4 翻译的技巧
1.1 科技英语的特点
科技英语是专指描述科技内容的英语。比起非科技英语, 科技英语有以下特点:
(1) 复杂长句(Long Sentences)多。 科技英语中常使用长句,一句话里经常包含三四个甚至 五六个分句。译成汉语时,长句可用两种方法使之简化,以 便正确理解。 ① 依据谓语动词把复合句分解为一组简单句。 ② 依据关键词简化各词组。
Speciality vocabularies
electron diode transistor field-effecradar radio ohm’s low cathode anode microprocessor amplifier varactor impedance modem
KVL -- Kilchoff’s law LTI -- linear time invariant FET -- field-effect transistor MOS -- metal-oxide-semiconductor IC -- integrated circuit AM -- amplitude modulation FM -- frequency modulation , Foreign Ministry DM -- delta modulation PCM -- pulse code modulation SSB -- single-side band
Long Sentences
★ 依据谓语动词把复合句分解成简单句。
★ 依据关键词简化词组。
(1) The ratio of the capacitance with some material other than air between the plates, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with air insulation, is called the electric constant of that particular matrial .
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• Lesson 13 Overview of modern digital system design
• Lesson 14 Electronic design with FPGAs • Lesson 15 VHDL
Unit 6 Digital Signal Processing
• Lesson 25 Choosing the right core • Lesson 26 Design Languages for Embedded
Systems • Lesson 27 Choosing a Real-Time Operating
Unit 10 Electronic Instruments & Measurements
Unit 1 Electronic Devices
• Lesson 1 VLSI Technology • Lesson 2 Memory Devices • Lesson 3 Microprocessors
Unit 2 Electronic circuits
• Lesson 4 Operational Amplifiers • Lesson 5 Low-pass Filters • Lesson 6 Analog to Digital Converters
• Lesson 16 Basic Concepts of DSP • Lesson 17 Digital signal processors • Lesson 18 Comparison of DSP and ASP
Unit 7 Audio & Speech
• Lesson 19 High Fidelity Audio • Lesson 20 Audio Compression • Lesson 21 Third-Generation Mobile Phones:
任治刚 主编 电子工业出版社
• Unit 1 Electronic Devices • Unit 2 Electronic circuits • Unit 3 Electronic System Components • Unit 4 Electronic System • Unit 5 Modern Digital System Design • Unit 6 Digital Signal Processing • Unit 7 Audio & Speech • Unit 8 Image &Video • Unit 9 Embedded application • Unit 10 Electronic Instruments & Measurements
Unit 3 Electronic System Components
• Lesson 7 Switching Power Supply • Lesson 8 Clock Sources • Lesson 9 Interconnects
Unit 4 Electronic System
• Lesson 10 The mobile telephone system (I) • Lesson 11 The mobile telephone system (II) • Lesson 12 Personal computer system
Digital Voice and Data
Unit 8 Image &Video
• Lesson 22 Digital Image fundamentals • Lesson 23 Digital Camera • Lesson 24 Television Video Signals
Unit 9 Embedded application
• Lesson 28 Signal Sources • Lesson 29 Oscilloscopes • Lesson 30 Logic Analysers