
《20世纪西方文论》 第九章 女性主义

对精神分析理论所做的批判和改造,其要义 并不在于要修改弗洛伊德的理论从而发展精 神分析学,而是要强调性别身份的发展和建 设。
(二)解构主义与女性主义批评 解构主义反对将任何概念或结构看作本质性
的存在,这给了女性主义批评重新思考“女 性”概念以很大启示。 女性主义批评家认为,男性和女性不应该是 尖锐的对立关系,因而女性不应该作为男性 存在的证据,也不应该是男性对自己不喜爱 的属于自己的品质的憎恶的对象化。
西方女权运动的第二次浪潮发生在20世纪 60至70年代。
在这波浪潮中,妇女们除了继续争取自身的 社会权利之外,更充分意识到了性别的不平 等虽然存在于社会生活领域中,但文化才是 男性霸权的制度化的根源所在。
这一时期的女性批评首先大量揭露了文学作 品尤其是男性作家创作的文学作品中对女性 形象的歪曲,代表作有西蒙·波伏娃的《第 二性》(1949)、玛丽·埃尔曼的《想想女 人》(1968)、凯特·米利特的《性的政治》 (1969)和苏姗·考尼隆主编的《小说中的女 性形象:女性主义透视种种》等。
(二)实践性和理论性的融合 女性主义批评和20世纪以来的其他批评方法
最大的区别可能就在于它不单纯属于文学或 文化领域,而是直接酝酿产生于女权运动, 并以改变女性在现实当代境遇中的地位为根 本诉求的。因此,在女性主义的批评实践中, 批评家们更关注的往往是其政治参与作用。
(三)跨学科性和多元化发展 女性主义批评不仅仅是文学批评,更是一种
米利特指出,政治不是一个狭隘的领域,政治 其实是人类某一集团用来支配另一集团的权力 组合,在这种权力组合中,性作为人的生物历 史以及文化历史的一部分已经充分介入到政治 权力分配的过程中去了,对于女性自身来说, 这个过程是隐蔽而至关重要的,因为“交媾从 来不在真空中进行;尽管它本身是一种生物和 肉体的行为,却根植于人类活动大环境的最深 处,从而是文化所认可的各种态度和价值观的 集中体现。”

而中国的封建主义束缚了女性两千多年,男权至 上的儒教思想深入人心,也深深地影响着女性主 义理论的在中国发展,因此中国女性在潜意识中 大都是顺从于儒教的传统道德观和价值观。西方 女性主义的出现正好唤醒了中国女性的自我解放 意识,无论在家庭生活当中还是在社会活动领域 上,都有着摆脱对男性的依附和屈从而独立自强 的意愿,唤醒了中国女性的自我解放意识。
九十年代以来,在中国女 性问题的研究越来越普及。但 由于各自不同的文化社会背景 及其不同的语言环境,中国女 性主义理论的发展与西方有着 显著差别,同时也对中国有着潜 移默化的影响。
从文化背景上看,西方文化提倡对自然的改造、 竞争和进步,在这样的文化背景下的西方女性更 有激情,在表达处我解放的思想更为强烈,其真 实意愿的理论上更为勇敢。
从经济背景上看,西方女性主义理 论的出现,为中国与联合国关系的 新时代奠定了基础,为中国参与世 界范围内的促进妇女平等的事业搭 建平台,也为世界女性主义资源大 量、密集地进入中国创造了良好的 条件,并影响着中国女性文学的视 野。
从政治背景上看,西方女性主义理论的出现,有利于中国更 加关注弱势属性群体的利益问题。近20年来,对处于弱势 地位的普通劳动妇女命运的关注,始终是妇女研究的重要内 容之一。关于农村妇女或边远山区少数民族妇女的贫困化问 题Байду номын сангаас生殖健康问题、女童的受教育问题,以及打工妹的权益 保障问题、老年妇女的生活保障问题、保姆的人格尊严和待 遇问题、女工的工作环境改变问题、等等,都已进入妇女研 究的视野。正因为西方女性主义理论的出现,让中国更加关 注女性的利益问题,通过对弱势妇女群体的高度关注各深度 考察,不仅为学术研究积累了大量第一手的实证调研材料和 口述资料,让中国政府聆听到草根妇女的各种不同声音,同 时为政府了解妇情以及解决各种国计民生的问题提供了重要 的科学事实依据。

四、女性主义文学批评的实践案例1.弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(Virginia Woolf):伍尔芙是20世纪重要的女性作家之一,她以其小说《到灯塔》等作品进行了对传统文学观念的挑战,并探索了妇女身份和自由意志的问题。
2.西蒙·德·波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir):波伏娃以其巨著《第二性》为基础,阐述了妇女在社会中的处境,并对男权社会进行了深入分析。
3.贝拉·阿布祖格(Bell Hooks):阿布祖格是一位知名的黑人女性主义者,在她的著作中探讨了性别、种族和阶级之间的交叉关系,以及它们如何影响文学创作和传播。

核心观点德国女性主义文学批评理论的核心观点包括以下几个方面:1. 反抗传统的男性中心视角:德国女性主义文学批评坚持批判传统文学中男性中心的视角,呼吁重视女性的审美经验和视角,以女性的观点来理解和分析文学作品。
2. 揭示性别霸权的存在:德国女性主义文学批评理论强调文学作品中存在的性别霸权,通过对作品中的角色关系、权力结构和语言表达的分析,揭示社会对于女性的压迫和歧视。
3. 关注女性创作和女性文学:德国女性主义文学批评理论重视女性的创作和女性文学的发展,推动女性在文学领域的存在和发展,倡导女性写作和女性审美的独特性。
4. 关注身份和多元性:德国女性主义文学批评理论强调文学作品中的身份和多元性问题,关注种族、阶级、性取向等方面的差异和冲突,通过对不同身份的女性作家和作品的研究,拓展了对女性文学的理解和批评。


女性主义文学批评基本概念双性同体(Androgyny )p205 又译为“雌雄同体”,英文源于希腊语,将希腊语中“男性”(andro )和女性(gyny )融合在一起构成的新词。
权威authority p206 指文学艺术工作者进行文学创作的权威性。
Harold Bloom 认为在诗歌创作中,认为在诗歌创作中,年轻的诗人常常无意识地年轻的诗人常常无意识地受到父辈的影响,只有走出父辈的影响才能获得创作的自由,即诗人不可避免地试图变成权威或取代权威。
Jane Spencer 认为,女性创作的权威是18世纪文学艺术界关注的一个重要问题。
自传Autobiography 女性自传的新的研究方法:个人文学批评、跨文学类型批评、新主题意识批评、叙述批评等文学批评理论。

2 0世 纪 , 学 批 评 理论 种 类繁 多 , 种 文 化 思 文 各 潮 和流 派层 见 叠 出 , 富 多 彩 。在 当代 文 学 批 评 理 丰 论 中, 女性 主 义理论 极具 活 力 , 西方妇 女 运动 是其 产 生 和发 展 的根源 。西方 妇女 运动 一 般可 以划 分 为 三 个 阶段 ( 或称 三次 浪潮 ) : 1 8世 纪 8 O年 代 至 2 0世 纪 2 O年 代 , 一 次 浪 第 潮 发端 于法 国 , 之相 联 系 的是 法 国大 革命 和 美 国 与
Au . 0 1 g 2 1
再 谈 西 方 女 性 主 义 文 学 批 评
西方女 性 主 义文 学批 评 理论 概 述
( 化 学院 教 育 系, 南 怀化 怀 湖
480) 1 0 8
要: 回顾 社 会发 展 进程 , 性 主 义 对 西方 各 国 的 女 性 文 学 都 产 生 过深 远 的影 响 。西 方 女性 主 义 理 论 的 发 展 , 经 不 断 的创 新 、 女 历
次浪 潮 紧接 着 第 二 次 浪 潮 的发 展 而 进 入 一 个 新 阶 段 , 致力 于 普遍 考察 作为 人 的女性 权 力和发 展 , 其 消 除男 女性 属差 别 。
西 方 女 性 文 学 批 评 理 论 的 诞 生
女 权 主义 理论 流派 众 多 , 是 各 种流 派 有 着 共 但 同的 斗争 目标 —— 即 消灭不 平 等 的男性 中心 主义 和 对 女性 性 别歧 视 主义造 成 的社会 现 实 。历 经 了一 个 多世 纪 的西 方妇 女 运 动 , 人 类 社 会 的发 展 产 生 对
生 活 更 广 泛 的 领 域 中 消 除 两 性 差 别 , 充 分 意 识 到 并

BI YE LUN WEN(20_ _届)英语伍尔夫《一间自己的房间》的女性主义解读A Feminism Reading of Virgina Woof’s ARoom of One’s Own内容摘要弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是20世纪文坛上的一名杰出的女作家,她被尊为意识流小说的鼻祖之一,与乔伊斯、福克纳等意识流小说大师齐名。
关键字:弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫;独立;空间;双性同体;女性主义AbstractVirginia Woolf is an outstanding woman novelist in 20th century. She has been regarded as one of the representatives of the stream of consciousness, enjoying equal popularity with Joyce and Faulkner. Meanwhile, she is regarded as the mother of modern feminism in the west. She thinks that females should be financially and spiritually independent and have their own living space and spiritual space. In addition, women also need to express themselves bravely and sincerely. She considers the final goal of feminism is to dispel the opposition between males and females and to reach a harmonious state. Therefore, she proposes the theory of androgyny in A Room of One's Own. This thesis tries to discuss A Room of One's Own from the angle of feminism, and analyze Woolf's feminism so as to seek a broader understanding of feminism literature in general. Studying Woolf still has a profound meaning in 21st century.Key words:Virginia Woolf; independence; space; androgyny; feminismContentsAbstract (ii)1 Introduction (4)2 What’s feminism (5)2.1 The etymology of the term "feminism" (6)2.2 T he definition of the term “feminism” (6)2.3 Virginia's concepts of feminism (7)3 Virginia’s feminist idea in A Room of One’s Own (7)3.1 Economic independence (8)3.2 Having a room of one's own (10)3.2.1 Living space (10)3.2.2 Spiritual space (11)3.3 Establishing female's value (11)3.4 The pursuit of androgyny (11)4 Factors leading to Virginia’s feminist view (14)4.1 Her parents’s influence (14)4.2 The Bloomsbury Group’s influence (16)4.3 Sexual Assault by her brothers (17)4.4 The Industri al Revolution and the Women’s Right Movement (17)5 Conclusion (18)Bibliography (47)Acknowledgements (18)1 IntroductionVirginia Woolf (1882-1941), is a famous woman novelist in the 20th century and she is one of the important modernist novelists. Meanwhile, she is one of the representatives of the stream of consciousness, enjoying equal popularity with Joyce and Faulkner. What's more, she is regarded as the mother of modern feminism in the west.Literary criticism of Virginia Woolf has proliferated since the1980s. Some critics appraise her works and some appraise her person; some analyze her work’s consciousness, and some analyze her feminism; some study her works from ethics, some from aesthetics, some from homosexuality, some from psychology. She is not only a great writer, but also a "forerunner, indeed the 'mother' of the contemporary Anglo-American feminism” as Zhu Gang describes. (Z hu Gang 2006: 342) As for her feminism, some criticize her feminism as an extreme type for they think her represented idea of feminism—androgyny means she intends to replace male value with female value; some criticize her deviating the feminism for they think she couldn't bear her own female identity, so she had to give up to the patriarchal society and swamped in the mud of utopian thought of androgyny; while the others praise it highly for it is an advancement in the stage of feminism's development.Xu Wei analyzes Woolf's feminism, both as a theoretical analysis of gender inequality and oppression, and as a political movement. Her paper analyzes that Woolf how to analyze the question of "women writing" in the theory and how to practice it in her writing. Woolf is concerned with the nature of womanhood. The focus on women characters in Woolf's fiction is central to much early feminist criticism, as well as non- or anti-feminist criticism. To an extent, "anger" and "androgyny" are the two terms most central to feminist debates on Woolf. Their centrality serves to further increase the importance of A Room of One's Own as the key text of Woolf's feminism and feminism's Woolf, for it is here that "anger" and "androgyny" are most fully discussed. And A Room of One's Own is seen by many critics to subdue and repress women's anger in favor of a more serene gender—transcendent or androgynous creativity. (Xu Wei, 2004: 38-39) Wu Qinghong tries to analyze, to show and to criticize Virginia's feminism in the development of western feminism. And she indeed did it, comprehensively andintensively. Her main viewpoint is that Virginia Woolf is the most important representative person in the history of feminism's development. Woolf's analysis on feminism corrected the shortage of feminism in 1890s to 1990s, which emphasized the equality between men and women on law. What's more, her feminism inspired the new feminist in 1960s and 1970s to deconstruct male's political and cultural supremacy and establish female's visual angle, which predicted the development direction of post-feminism in 1990s. (Wu Qinghong, 2005: 5) Ma Tingting draws a conclusion that Woolf's feminism is not a panacea for all women, but an occidental one with intense tendency of racialism.(Ma Tingting, 2006: i-ii) Wu Haixia probes the unique feminist thoughts of Virginia Woolf, which she thinks are quite different from most of the other feminists. It is clearly that since the appearance of feminism, the oppositions between men and women have been highlighted, and feminism is related to the marginalization of all women, with their being relegated to a secondary position. Most feminists hold their views that the social culture is a patriarchal culture. Woolf realizes that women are confronted with inequalities and exclusion in the patriarchal society. Woolf witnesses the efforts and achievements the feminists have made to get equal rights and positions with men, whereas she airs her view that the final goal of feminism is to deconstruct the binary oppositions between the two sexes. She presents her famous theory of "androgyny" in A Room of One's Own. She argues that androgyny is the best state of mind for writing, in which a writer can make perfect artistic expression. (Wu Haixia, 2007: ii)Woolf criticizes the patriarchal society in her works, and prompts us to reexamine the history of human by a female angle to create a new civilization. Her ideology and perception opens and enlightens the idea of feminism in many aspects. This paper tries to analyze Woolf's concepts of feminism through the reading of A Room of One's Own, to get a further understanding on feminism, which can also help deepen Chinese female’s comprehension of feminism.2 What’s feminismAt the very beginning of this paper, a basic question needs to be answered. That is what feminism is? In the academic circles of Europe and America, "feminism" generally refers to any activities to strive for and tick up for the right of females. It has several hundred years' history and has complex contents. Therefore, it is difficultto define it.2.1 The etymology of the term "feminism"The term "feminism" is derived directly from the Latin word fēmina,which means woman. This term and its derivatives originated in France during the late 19th century. The first person who called herself feminist was a French suffragette activist, Hubertine Auclert(1848-1914).She first used this term in her periodical called La Citoyenne in 1880.(Cai Qing, 2005: 3) However, although this term was used in her periodicals, it was not popular among women advocates who were rather moderate. Instead of "feminist", these women called their organization "feminine". It was not until the beginning of the 20th century when "feminism" became accepted by most women suffragette activists.2.2 The definition of the term “feminism”In broad sense, feminism can be defined as social movement, which takes eliminating sex discrimination and ending the oppression on women as its political goals. It also includes the revolution in ideology and culture which emerged from the process for pursuing its political goals. In this sense, feminists represent those who devote themselves in this movement sincerely, and any males and females who take part in the revolution of ideology and culture. In its narrow sense, feminism refers to a kind of methodology that regards and analyses a question in a gender perspective.Feminism now stands for a movement or philosophy that questions the unequal balance of power between men and women. Feminists fight for equality between men and women. The term "feminism" has become the name for the women's movement, the quest for social changes aimed at improving the position of women. Feminism is defined both as "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes " and " organize activity on behalf of women's rights and interests".(Merriam-Webster, 2003: 461) Hence, the term feminism is not only about the struggle for political rights. It is a system of ideas and a social movement, directed towards opposing men's privilege of position and women's subordination. This term contains redistribution of power and recognition of sex equality.2.3 Virginia's concepts of feminismVirginia Woolf is not only a female writer, but also a pioneer of feminism. Her essential contribution to feminism is her perseverance that social and economic elements are critical to shape women's creativity and perception. According to her idea, women play a historical role to join in the creation of human civilization, especially the arts. What she emphasizes is that females should face the reality and think things that related to them instead of thinking things that concerned men. Therefore, she puts forward the idea that females should set up a literature of their own. To deal with the anger that appears in the process of writing and derives from the inequality between men and women, she proposes a concept of androgyny. An androgynous mind is the best state of mind for doing literary creation. However, it causes a heated debate among later feminists. Although it is controversial, she creates a bright future for females.Virginia's view of feminism is embodied intensively in the idea of androgyny. Androgyny has more than one meaning. It may refer to the anatomical coexistence of two sorts of sex organs in the same body; or else to the allegory of a form of spiritual perfection. In other cases, it is related to the explicit coexistence of male and female qualities in the same entity. (Wu Haixia, 2007: 23-24) To put it simply, androgyny means full balance and command of an emotional range that includes male and female elements. She thinks the final goal for feminism is to eliminate the opposition between males and females. Virginia's feminism includes economic independence, spiritual independence. Her analysis on feminism corrected the shortage of feminism in 1890s to 1990s, which emphasized the equality between men and women on law. What's more, her view of feminism inspired the new feminist in 1960s and 1970s to deconstruct male's political and cultural supremacy and establish female's visual angle, predicting the orientation of post-feminism in 1990s.3 Virginia’s feminist idea in A Room of One’s OwnA Room of One's Own is Virginia's representative work of feminism. In October, 1928, Virginia Woolf was invited to give two academic speeches by Cambridge University. One was in the Art Society of Newnham, the other was in the Gordon women college. The lecture topic was Women and fiction. The next year, she published a brochure,which was written on the basis of these two lectures. Quickly, the booklet amazed the world with a single feat at that time. Up to now, it has become the most famous work and has most readers compared to her other works. It is universally acknowledged as a declaration of western feminism.The work---A Room of One's Own can be divided into six parts. The first part describes an experience in Oxbridge University fabricated by the author, which shows an unfair treatment that females received in a patriarchal society. The second part represents a phenomenon that the author found a large amount of books about women's problems written by men in the England museum. What’s worse, one professor claimed absolutely in his marvelous work that female's intelligence, physical power and morality are all lower than males. In the third part, the writer sketches a hypothetical "Judith" Shakespeare, sister of William, who is as brilliant and promising as he, but her talent is undoubtedly buried by the patriarchal society. Woolf traced back to the females' rough process for getting in the literature arena in the forth part. Aphra Behn (1640-1689), a playwright, novelist and poet of England, who is the first English female to became a professional writer in 17th century. Then women writers began to feel proud and elated. However, most English women writers had to use males' name as pen names to relieve their social pressure during the 19th century. In the fifth part, the author points out that it is necessary to strengthen females' awareness of knowing the difference between males and females. Only in this way, she thinks, females can realize the true value of themselves. In the last part, Virginia agrees with Samuel Taylor Coleridge's androgynous idea, believing that a writer's creative soul should have both masculinity and femininity. In other words, a person is a bisexuality instead of a unisexuality. A person is androgynous. When full balance and command of an emotional range that includes male and female elements reached, these men writers or women writers can create great works.3.1 Economic independenceFemales are facing an economic problem. As is known to all, economy is the basis of living. Women lose their economic source, when the patriarchal society excludes them from the public work, which causes them sink in a poor state. In reality, what females are engaged in are human beings' personal production and all kinds of necessary house works to maintain many families’ functions. When women are doingthese, they use up their physical power, energy, and even sacrifice their lives. However, these are all done in the area of family. Their yields often cannot leave any tangible fruits. For example, the cooked food will be eaten up, the washed clothes will be dirty after wearing again, and children who have been raised up will leave home to get in their own world. Don't these household labors have any value? Is there anybody who pays them salary? Therefore, these natural, non-commercial labors are excluded from the social labor by the patriarchal society, because they are only related with personal family members and they cannot create value directly. Since the unpaid labor take up most energy of females, they lose their subject position in the society and lose the source of finance. Therefore, if females want to get rid of the disadvantaged status imposed on them by history and reality, they should strive for the economic position. Just like what Woolf says in A Room of One's Own, women should have revenue of 500 pounds every year. She considers that the main reason why there are so less women writers is that our mother is too poor. For example, if Mary's mother " had gone into business; had become a manufacturer of artificial silk or a magnate on the Stock Exchange; if she had left two or three hundred thousand pounds to Fernham, we could have been sitting at our ease tonight and the subject of our talk might have been archaeology, botany anthropology, physics, the nature of the atom, mathematics, astronomy, relatively, geography. If only Mrs. Seton and her mother and her mother before her had learnt the great art of making money and had left their money, like their fathers and their grandfathers before them, to found fellowships and lectureships and prizes and scholarships appropriated to the use of their own sex, we might...have looked forward without undue confidence to a pleasant and honorable lifetime spent in the shelter of one of the liberally endowed professions. We might have been exploring or writing; mooning about the venerable places of the earth; sitting contemplative on the steps of the Parthenon, or going at ten to an office and coming home comfortably at half-past four to write a little poetry." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 576) They haven't learned how to make money, how to manage their own property. For thousands of years, women are handling house works and rearing children, while men are doing business for making money. While princes and aristocrats use their properties to build many schools and libraries, women are rejected out of the colleges; they are restricted in a small circle of family. They have no rights to receive education. As a result of being deprived of enjoying rights of owning their ownproperty, females' desires for making money are constrained. The thousands of years' influence of patriarchal society places women in a penniless position.Women began to walk out of the household in 20th century. Thus, many women writers sprung up. We can see that for the latest hundred years, the appearance of many women writers are concerned with the rights women have achieved, especially the acquirement of economic right, which plays an important and positive role in art creating. Woolf herself also admitted that she and her sister obtained all their father's books after their father's death, so she could start her writing career. In A Room of One's Own, the narrator also repeatedly says that but for her aunt's 500 pounds' heritage, it might have been hard for her to break away most women's fate---working hard in the household or going out for earning money to keep the pot boiling. All in all, females should be independent in the economy.3.2 Having a room of one's ownVirginia said that “a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 555) It has been discussed that females should be financially independent. Now, it turns to a room of one's own. Having a room of one's own not only indicates that females should have their basic living space, but also means that females should have a comparatively free spiritual space.3.2.1 Living spaceIn the past, women were restrained in a small room, being busy at doing trivial house works all day. It was not uncommon that their works would be suspended. What's worse, they had to hide their works quietly to avoid being scoffed. Jane Austen is a good example in A Room of One's Own." For she had no separate study to repair to, and most of the work must have been done in the general sitting-room, subjecting to all kinds of casual interruptions. She was careful that her occupation should not be suspected by servants or any persons beyond her own family. Jane Austen hid her manuscripts or covered them with a piece of blotting-paper." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 604) Therefore, having a living space for one's own plays an essential role in females' creation.3.2.2 Spiritual spaceMany women writers were born in rich families. They had money and their own living spaces. However, they depended on their parents so much that they didn't go out for traveling to broaden their eyes. They did what their fathers asked and even married to who their fathers picked for them. When they were children, they were subjected to their fathers; when they were married, they were obedient to their husbands; when they were old, they complied with their sons. It is just like the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the ancient Chinese feudal ethical code. Women never had their own minds and their own spiritual space, they were not spiritually independent. Woolf pays more attention to the influences of patriarchal society on women's writing.3.3 Establishing female's valueWoolf finds that women's writing hasn't had their own tradition. Therefore, she proposes that females should set up their own value. To create females' literature or other careers, they have to take two times adventures. First of all, killing the "angel in the house", to be ourselves. Here, the "angel in the house" represents the stipulations that imposed on women by social norms and ideology of traditional culture. It also refers to females' conscious compliance to this oppression. They even turned patriarchal oppression and forbidden into their self requests and self-conscious actions. Facing this, Woolf realizes that the only way is to kill it, otherwise "she will kill me, she will dig out my heart of writing". The second adventure is to express truly the physical experience of ourselves. Women's requests suffered an extreme suppression and twist in the patriarchal society. According to Woolf, the consciousness that how a man will look at a woman who expresses her own real lust disturbs a female writer's imagination and damages her creativity. Therefore, expressing one's own real idea becomes an important means to remove the patriarchal ruling.3.4 The pursuit of androgynyAndrogyny is Woolf's social and literary ideal, but its premise is getting rid of the two sexes inequality and opposition, and the discrimination on females. Many feministsare unwilling to accept this viewpoint. For example, Elaine Showalter points out that "Woolf's androgyny is a female writer's reaction to her crag-fast condition". (Zhugang, 2006: 355) It is a utopia imagination of an ideal artist. Although it is quite controversial, it is a revolt to the creative standpoint of literature which regards male value as the unique standard. It is an initial deconstruction to the binary opposition of sex. It has a great influence on the generation of subsequent feminism theory and its criticism.Androgynous mind is central to Woolf's feminism. She defines it as "a mind that is reason; that transmits emotion without impediment; that is ceaselessly creative; incandescent; undivided. In fact one goes back to Shakespeare's mind as the type of the androgynous, the man-womanly mind." (Huangzhong, 2005: 23-24) Simply speaking, androgyny means full balance and command of an emotion range that includes male and female elements. She thinks that an androgynous mind is the best state of mind for doing literary creation.Woolf proposes at the beginning that "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 555) However, she also points out that the economic problem is not the only element that impacts women's writing. A placid and healthy state of mind is also necessary. The narrator takes Lady Winchester as an example in the 4th chapter of A Room of One's Own. She was noble both by birth and by marriage; she was childless; she wrote poetry. Her mind was disturbed by alien emotions like fear and hatred, so her poems showed traces of that disturbance:How we are fallen! fallen by mistaken rules,And Education's more than Nature's fools;Debarred from all improvements of the mind,And to be dull, expected and designed;And if someone would soar above the rest,With warmer fancy, and ambition pressed,So strong the opposing faction still appears,The hopes to thrive can ne'er outweigh the fears.Yet it is clear that could she have freed her mind from hate and fear and not heaped it with bitterness and resentment, she could create pure poetry as follows:Nor will in fading skills compose,Faintly the inimitable rose. (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 599-600)Charlotte Brontěmay be another example. As we all know, she is an brilliant English novelist. However, Woolf finds that there is a certain shrillness arising out of her works. Although Woolf thinks that she is more genius than Jane Austen, her anger makes her books "deformed and twisted" (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 606). There is no doubt that a woman writer would become angry in a man-dominated society. She expresses her dissatisfaction in her famous work---Jane Eyre: “Women are supposed to be very calm generously: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer..." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 606) As a consequence," She will write in a rage where she should write calmly. She will write foolishly where she should write wisely. She will write of herself where she should write of her characters. She is at war with her lot. How could she help but die young, cramped and thwarted?" (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 606)On the other hand, Jane Austen had been constantly disturbed when writing Pride and Prejudice. Therefore, Woolf thinks that the environment should have influenced her and she would write a better one if there were no disturbances. To Woolf's surprise, when she "read a page or two to see, but I could not find any signs that her circumstances had harmed her work in the slightest." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 605) She thinks that because Austen wrote "without hate, without bitterness, without fear, without protest, without preaching. That was how Shakespeare wrote." And "when people compare Shakespeare and Jane Austen, they may mean that the minds of both had consumed all impediments; and for that reason we do not know Jane Austen and we do not know Shakespeare, and for that reason Jane Austen pervades every word that she wrote, and so does Shakespeare. (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 605)What is the difference between these two groups of examples? We can see that in the last chapter of this essay. The narrator gets the inspiration when she sees a very ordinary sight out of the window: a girl and a young man are coming down the street, meeting at the corner and getting into a cab. Then she sketches a plan of the soul so that "in each of us two powers preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the man. The normal and comfortable state of being is that when the two live in harmony together, spiritually co-operating. If one is a man,still the woman part of his brain must have effect; and a woman also must have intercourse with the man in her. (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 623-624) She thinks that perhaps what Coleridge meant when he said that a great mind is androgynous.4 Factors leading to Virgini a’s feminist viewVirginia Woolf is a productive writer and a great feminist, but first of all she is a social being, so her ideas can not be separated from the factors leading to her feminist view. As a result, it is far from enough to know about her and her work only by knowing her talents and achievements. Her parents and the Bloomsbury Group are of great influence on her writing and her feminist ideas. Besides, there are sexual assault by her brothers, the Industrial Revolution and the Women’s Right Movemen t.4.1 H er parents’ influenceVirginia Woolf was born in a literary family. Her father was the distinguished Victorian author, critic and Alpinist, Sir Leslie Stephen (1832-1904), editor of the Cornhill Magazine (1871-82), of the Dictionary of National Biography (1882-90) and of the Alpine Journal (1868-72), who counted Thomas Hardy, Henry James and George Meredith among his friends (Jane Goldman, 2008: 3). Her mother was Julia Prinsep Stephen (1846-95), who was born Julia Prinsep Jackson, in India, the daughter of John and Maria Jackson. Her maternal grandmother, and Woolf’s great-grandmother and namesake, was Adelin (1793-1845), daughter of Antoine Chevalier de L’Etang and Thérèse Blin Grincourt,who married James Pattle (1775-1845) of the Bengal Civil Service (Jane Goldman, 2008: 4). There is no denying that her parents exerted great influence on her thinking. She was born in a large and well-to-do family, with learned father and mother, intelligence and wide social connection.Her father, Leslie Stephen, a widower, had married Julia Jackson in 1878. Between them they already had four children; after they got married, they had another four children: Vanessa, Thoby, Virginia and Adrian. This family was a typical patriarchal family of Victorian time. In the family, the patriarchs were in charge of everything, owing unassailable powers, capable of enforcing everything upon women. There is evidence in the article of Virginia Woolf and Leslie Stephen: History and。

吴小英在《女性主义社会学初探》(《中国社会学年鉴(一九九五——一九九八)》,社科文献出版社版)中指出,二十世纪六七十年代之交,西女性主义文化思潮在学术界各学科领域掀起的一场“性别革命”——其主旨在于揭示西方传统学术中的性别偏见和男性中心的假设,将被忽略和排斥的女性经验有形化、合理化,使女性成为研究的主体和知识获取中的主体;并以性别化(gendered)理解的方式重新诠释现有知识框架和社会现象,建构一种不同于西方主流学术的女性主义学术(feminist scholarship)。


其中最为重要的应当是弗里德里克娅--雄辩(Phyllis Chesler)、嘉芙莲•A•克拉斯(Caroline A. Krass)、贝蒂•弗里德曼(Betty Friedman)、希拉•罗登•克林顿(Hillary Roden Clinton),还有许多其他的女性主义学者都对英国文学中女性主义理论的探索做出了巨大的贡献。


一般而言,前两次女性主义思 潮被称为现代女性主义,而产 生于20世纪80年代初的第三次 女性主义又被称为后现代主义 女性主义 。
•后现代女性主义的 主要观点
第一,它否认任何关于妇女问题的 本质主义的宏大理论。 第二,它力图建构一套女性的话语 权力理论。 第三,它反对二元论,主张多样性 和差异性。 第四,关于标准化或正常化及惩戒 凝视(disciplinary gaze)的理论 。
“我一贯视自立为人生之最大 幸福、一切美德之根基;即便 生活在贫瘠荒凉之地,我也要 寻求自立,哪怕是降低需求。”
第一次世界大战期间(1914年8月—1918 年11月),西方国家高呼“女权也是人 权”掀起女权运动的狂潮。在女权运动 的第一次浪潮进入尾声时,妇女在选举 权、教育和就业方面取得了极大的成就。
社会主 义女 权 主义和 激进 主 义女权 主义
20世纪 70年 代后 期
克里斯蒂瓦 后现代 (JuliaK 女 risteva), 塞克瑟斯 权 (Helene 主 Cixous), 伊丽加莱 义 (Luce Irigaray)
妇女研究理论和妇女运动两个领域,都可以追溯到西 方女性主义理论和女性主义运动 对妇女和性别的哲学思考。围绕着如何认识妇女所处 的被压迫地位以及如何使妇女摆脱这种压迫。
欧美妇女赢得了选举 权、财产继承权、受 高等教育权和经商权 等基本权利
已经认识到父权制在 所有的社会中运行, 它通过教育、文学和 宗教这些手段的强 化,使人们将其对妇 女的压迫和歧视内化 在心灵深处。
唯本论继承了传统女权主义的男女 二元分界,试图在承认男女差异的 基础上消除男女不平等。构成论则 从根本上否定男女二元分界,强调 性别角色的社会性,把男女平等的 主张看成父权制的产物。


女权主义文献综述1. 前言女权主义是一种倡导人类男女平等的思想体系,旨在推动社会公正和和谐。
2. 女权主义的起源与发展女权主义的诞生可以追溯到19世纪中叶,当时欧洲和美国流行着一种被称为“第一波女权主义”的运动。
3. 女权主义的理论思考女权主义理论主要涵盖三个方面:性别、权力和认同。
4. 女权主义的实践行动女权主义的实践行动包括政治、社会和文化三个方面。

变成 “ 女性 ”,男性也 同样 受到 了要使 其成为 “ 男性 ”的
其次 ,2 世 纪之后 ,欧美妇女受 到了较好 的教育 ,妇 教 育 ,任何 人 都 必须成 为 根据 其性 别 而规 定好 的那样 的 O
女的文化 水平普遍得 到 了提升 ,许多优秀 的女性作 家和女 人 ,否 则 ,就会被 看作异类 ,这正是性别 二元对立形 成的 性思想 家涌现 出来 ,从伍尔芙 、波伏娃 到西苏 ,伊 丽格瑞 直接 原因 。事 实上 ,二元对立 的 问题是 人类 社会发展 过程
“ 者 ”,是根据 男性这 一性别而存在 的 “ 他 第二性 ”。但
方 强势一方 弱势 ,一方主 动一方ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ动 ,一方处在 中心一
正如 西蒙 ・ 波伏 娃所认为 的那样 , “ 并不存在 先验的 ‘ 女 方位 于边缘 ,在 一定程度 上说 ,对立 的二元 中一 方处于压 性气 质 ’,从 生物 学和 心 理学 意 义上 看 ,两 性之 间的差 迫 地 位 另 一方 处 于 被 压 迫地 位 。 异 ,并不 比两个单个 人之 间的差异更 大,而从整个 社会历 女 性 主义 认识 到 的 男性 与女 性 之 间 的二 元对 立关 系 史过程看,女人却被降低成 了男人 的对象 。”[换言之 ,传 也 是这 样 的 ,男性 与 女性本 应 只 是两种 生理 属性 上 的区 z ] 统社会 中,在长期 的男性 中心 主义思想 浸淫之下 ,男女之 别 ,但 随着人类社会 的发展 ,受到政治 、经 济的影 响,这 间的关系, 已然形 成根深 蒂固的二元对 立关系 ,男性是主 两种性属 之间 出现 了不平等 ,出现 了相互对 立的关系 。同 誉
最后 ,也 是最为重要 的一 点,这时 的妇 女经历 了女人 产 阶级与无 产阶级之 间的二元对立 ,封建社会 中地主 阶级



激进女权主义将其理论重心放在男性针 对女性的暴力行为以及性对女性身体的统治, 它视男性群体为压迫女性的群体,要在一个 男性中心的社会争取女性的中心地位。这一 理论的极端形式是攻击异性恋、性暴力和淫 秽色情品的制造与销售。它认为妇女受压迫 的根源是男性对女性身体的统治,这种统治 是通过两种途径来实现的,一是通过意识形 态途径,包括淫秽色情品的制造,贬低妇女 的思维定势等;二是通过实践的途径,包括 男性中心的婚姻和财产法,剥夺女性的生育 权利,性暴力等。
马克思主义女权主义是在审视马克思主义的基础上产生的, 分为古典的马克思主义女权主义和非古典的马克思主义女 权主义。
古典的马克思主义女权主义以马克思主义的经济决定论和 阶级压迫论为唯一标准来分析女性受压迫的根源,把妇女 解放置于人类解放中的一个次要地位,代表人物,波伏娃, 卢宾 。
教学目的——了解和掌握女性社会学主要理论 流派,为分析女性问题做理论准备
教学重点与难点 ——西方女性主义的四大大主 要派别
• 自由主义女权主义 理性与感性
• 激进女权主义
• 马克思主义女权主义 公共领域与私人领域
• 社会主义女权主义
多元化和全球女性主义不仅同意后女性主义者关于“自 我”是破碎的、分裂的观点,而且认为所谓支离破碎的自 我,并不在于性、心理和语言文字,其根源主要在于文化、 种族和民族。
多元化和全球女性主义承认世界各地女性经历的各种 压迫之间是有联系的,提出女性通过两种途径联合起来, 一是发展姐妹情谊,加强不同种族、文化、阶级和族裔的 女性之间的友谊;二是包容差异,鼓励女性之间相互接受 和容忍对方并成为朋友。
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MOUNTAIN FLOWERS并不是所有的女性写作都是女权主义的,但许多女性主义文本反映了女权主义所关注的问题。
这种观点在朱迪丝・菲特利(Judith Fetterley)的作品《抗拒性读者》(The Resisting Reader,1976)中得到极为充分的表达。
照玛丽・伊格尔顿(Mary Eagleton)的说法,弗吉妮娅・伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)是“当代女性主义论争开创之母”,她宣布了许多后来的女性主义者们争论不休的问题,而且她本人也成了某些论争展开的场地;伍尔夫的两个关键文本对女性主义理论做出了重要贡献,即《一间自己的屋子》(A Room of One’s Own,1929)和《三个畿尼》(Three Guineas, 1938)。
在这一点上,一些女性主义批评家,特别是伊莱恩・肖沃尔特认为伍尔夫在两性冲突中采取了一种被动的撤退立场,但托里尔・莫娃(Toril Moi)则提出了一种完全不同的解释,她认为这是伍尔夫的一种策略。
照哈姆(Maggie Humm)的说法,波伏娃及其《第二性》则成为“第一潮”女性主义的终结。
波伏娃对“是一个女性”(being a female)与“被建构成‘一个女人’”(being constructed as‘a woman’)作了重要区分,由此她能够在女人只要求打破她们的客观化处境时彻底摧毁父权制。
强调生理差异胜过社会化作用主要是男人们的论点,目的是让女人们“安分守己”,古老的拉丁俗语说“女人不过是子宫而已”(Tota mulier in utero)是最早确立这种态度的一个证据。
戴尔・斯彭德(Dale Spender)的《男人创造的语言》(Man-Made Language,1980),正如其标题所示,认为女人一直被男人控制的语言从根本上压迫着。
不过,稍后出现的“法国”女性主义批评观点与此不同,,它强调的不是作家(“女性”)的性别,而是文本(“女性的”)的“写作效果”——也就是女性写作(l’écriture femi-nine)。