绝不能错过的兰迪教授经典语录Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.人生路上有阻挡你梦想的砖墙,那是有原因的。
Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.当你得不到你想的到的东西时,你会得到经验。
Never lose the child-like wonder.永远不要失去孩童一样的好奇心。
If we do something which is pioneering, we will get arrows in the back. But at the end of the day, whether we succeed or not, the journey will be worthwhile. 当我们做一些前人没做过的事情时,有人会放冷箭。
Be good at something; it makes you valuable.在某些方面要能突出你的专才,这会使你有价值。
If you live your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, and the dreams will come to you.如果你用正确方式地去度过你的一生,命运会让合适的梦想会来到你身边。
Stay positive no matter what, but not in denial.无论发生什么事情,一定要往好的方面想,但是不要拒绝接受事实。
Make things fun.凡事尽量弄得有趣些。
Dream a big dream.有大的梦想。
兰迪·波许在卡内基梅隆大学毕业典礼英语演讲稿想必大家一定都还记得Randy Pausch那篇曾经感动过无数人的《真正实现你的童年梦想》的演讲吧。
最后,谨以此文献给Randy Pausch。
September 18, 2022兰迪·波许在卡内基梅隆大学毕业典礼上的演讲演讲稿中英文对照I am glad to be here today, Hell, I am glad to be anywhere today.很快乐今天能够来到这里。
President Cohon asked me to come and give the charge to the graduates.I assure you, it'snothing compared to the charge you have just given me.柯汉校长邀请我来给毕业生一些鼓励。
This is an incredible place. I have seen it through so many lenses.I saw it when I was agraduate student that didn't get admitted and then somebody invited me back and said, OK,we'll change our mind.这所学校棒极了!我可从很多方面了解它。
Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams 等作者:来源:《新高考·高三英语》2013年第03期Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams兰迪·波许最后的一课:《真正实现你的童年梦想》兰迪·波许是卡耐基梅隆大学的一位计算机科学教授,也是虚拟科技(Virtual Reality)的先驱者之一。
演讲内容可以概括为三部分:My childhood dreams (兰迪自己的童年梦想及他是如何逐一实现的); Enabling the dreams of others(兰迪如何通过开设“构建虚拟世界”课程、创建娱乐技术中心和开发Alice软件帮助别人实现梦想,并感受其中的快乐); Lessons learned: how you can achieve your dreams or enable the dreams of others (关于生活态度、学习、团队合作等的人生经验)。
演讲的主题并不仅仅是如何面对死亡,而是人生中至关重要的一些东西,比如诚实、正直、感恩、克服困难、追求社会平等、实现儿时梦想……波许教授在演讲中讲到:When you’re screwing up and nobody’s saying anything to you anymore, that means they gave up. 当你搞砸,却没有人愿意责备你时,这代表他们已经放弃了你。
Your critics are your ones telling you they still love you and care. 批评你的人是在告诉你,他们还在乎你,还爱你。
The time famine时间饥荒一个有关时间的解决方案提到:我在未来二十四小时帮你把事情弄好。
有人问walt dsney 你是怎样在366天完成的?他面无表情地回答:“我们善用们一天。
关于兰迪教授兰迪·弗雷德里克·波许(Randy Frederick Pausch,1960-2008)是美国卡内基梅隆大学的计算机科学、人机交互及设计教授。
在演讲开始之前,卡内基梅隆大学副教务长英迪拉·内尔向与会师生引荐了当天的嘉宾:电子艺界(Electronic Arts) 负责Sims品牌的副总裁史帝夫·西柏特,西柏特是波许的好友兼同事,他介绍了波许的学术和工作简历。
”演讲分为三个部分:1波许自己的童年梦想及他是如何逐一实现的;∙体验零重力∙参加NFL比赛∙编写大百科全书条目(其中特别提到了维基百科全书)∙成为Star Trek中的柯克船长∙赢取游乐场的毛绒玩具∙成为迪士尼幻想工程的工程师2波许如何通过开设“构建虚拟世界”课程、创建娱乐技术中心和开发Alice软件帮助别人实现梦想,并感受其中的快乐;3关于生活态度、学习、团队合作等的人生经验。
Our Villain; but all’s well that ends well
Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Virtual Jungle Cruise
Enabling the Childhood Dreams of Others
… or, “Boy, am I glad I became a professor!”
Building Virtual Worlds
50 students from art, design, drama, and CS Randomly chosen teams, change per project Two weeks to design, implement, and test Five projects during the semester
Optional Internship
Second Year Fall
Second Year Spring
Project Course
Project Course
ETC Curriculum
First Year Fall
First Year Spring
The Visual Story Improvisational Acting Intro to Entertainment Technology Building Virtual Worlds
Don has taken the ETC global: Australia, Korea, Singapore
”(Never, never, never give up.) 就走下讲台。
Class of xx! I don't think I heard you. (Larry Page)09届的同学们!你们的掌声在哪里?(拉里·佩奇)Thank you for that nice reception and thank youVirginia for the incredible introduction. I thought some of them were about somebody else. (Tim Cook)谢谢大家,谢谢弗吉尼亚(主持人)那么卖力地推销我。
(蒂姆·库克)The first thing I would like to say is "thank you". Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honor, but the weeks of fear and nausea I've experienced at the thought of giving this mencement address have made me lose weight. (J.K. Rowling)我想说的第一句话是”谢谢”。
兰迪波许在卡内基梅隆大学毕业典礼英语演讲稿Randy Bosch's English speech at Carnegie Mellon University演讲人:JinTai College兰迪波许在卡内基梅隆大学毕业典礼英语演讲稿前言:演讲是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。
想必大家一定都还记得Randy Pausch那篇曾经感动过无数人的《真正实现你的童年梦想》的演讲吧。
最后,谨以此文献给Randy Pausch。
September 18, 2019兰迪·波许在卡内基梅隆大学毕业典礼上的演讲演讲稿中英文对照I am glad to be here today, Hell, I am glad to be anywhere today.很高兴今天能够来到这里。
President Cohon asked me to come and give the charge to the graduates. I assure you, it'snothing compared to the charge you have just given me.柯汉校长邀请我来给毕业生一些鼓励。
This is an incredible place. I have seen it through so many lenses. I saw it when I was agraduate student that didn't get admitted and then somebody invited me back and said, OK,we'll change our mind.这所学校棒极了!我可从很多方面了解它。
兰迪,演讲稿,英文篇一:兰迪,演讲稿,英文篇一:兰迪教授最后一课演讲中英文cmu兰迪.鲍西教授的“最后一课”一场感动百万美国人的讲座张放(中英文演讲全文)randy pauschs last lecture: really achieving your childhood dreamsgiven at carnegie mellon universitytuesday, september 18, XXmcconomy auditoriumcopyright randy pausch, XX1note that this transcript is provided as a public service but may contain transcription errors.verify it. – randythis translation is far from perfect and i presented it in the sprit of old chinese saying throwing a brick译文可能有诸多不当,疏漏之处。
但抛砖引玉, 望读者不悋指正。
兰迪.波许的最后讲座:真正实现你童年的梦想XX 年9 月18 日,星期二, 于卡内基.梅隆大学introduction by indira nair, carnegie mellons vice provost for education: 卡内基.梅隆大学副教务长英迪拉.内尔us reflections and insights on their personal and professional journeys. todays journeys lecture as you all know is by professor randy pausch. the next one is on monday, september 24th by professor roberta klatzky.嗨。
谈论兰迪奥顿的英文作文Randy Orton: The Apex Predator of the Wrestling RingRandy Orton is one of the most prominent and charismatic figures in the world of professional wrestling. Known as "The Viper," Orton has left an indelible mark on the industry with his exceptional skills, intense presence, and captivating persona.Orton's in-ring abilities are truly remarkable. His athleticism and technical prowess allow him to execute a wide range of moves with precision and power. Whether it's his devastating RKO finisher or his fluid chn wrestling, he always keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.Beyond his physical skills, Orton's character work is what sets him apart. The cold and calculated demeanor of "The Viper" makes him a fearsome opponent. His ability to play the heel or the face with equal conviction showcases his versatility as a performer.One of the most impressive aspects of Orton's career is his longevity and consistency. He has remned a top star in the wrestling world for many years, adapting to the changing landscape of the industry while mntning his unique style and appeal.Orton's matches agnst some of the biggest names in wrestling history have bee legendary. His rivalries have been filled with drama, intensity, and unforgettable moments that have solidified his status as a wrestling icon.In conclusion, Randy Orton is not just a wrestler; he is a force to be reckoned with. His contributions to the world of professional wrestling have made him a beloved and respected figure among fans and fellow wrestlers alike.。
half a million secrets中文演讲稿
half a million secrets中文演讲稿Jai Pausch(Randy’s wife):洁.波许(兰迪的夫人):It’s hard to hear you.[adjusts Randy’s microphone]很难听到你的声音。
[调整兰迪的麦克风]Randy Pausch:Thanks honey.[laughter]So here are some bears.We didn’t have quite enough room in the moving truck down to Chesapeake,and anybody who would like a little piece of me at the end of this,feel free to come up,first come first served.谢谢,亲爱的。
All right,my next one.Being an Imagineer.This was the hardone.Believe me,getting to zero gravity is easier than becoming an Imagineer.When I was a kid,I was eight years old and our family took a trip cross-country to see Disneyland.And if you’ve ever seen the movie National Lampoon’s Vacation,it was a lot like that![laughter]It was a quest.[shows slides of family at Disneyland]And these are real vintage photographs,and there I am in front of the castle.And there I am,and for those of you who are into foreshadowing,this is the Aliceride.[laughter]And I just thought this was just the coolest coolest environment I had ever been in,and instead of saying,gee,I want to experience this,I said,I want to make stuff like this.好,下一个,做迪士尼幻想工程师。
兰迪教授1.Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.人生路上有阻挡你梦想的砖墙,那是有原因的。
2,Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.当你得不到你想的到的东西时,你会得到经验。
3.Never lose the child-like wonder.永远不要失去孩童一样的好奇心。
4.If we do something which is pioneering, we will get arrows in the back. But at the end of the day, a whole lot of people will have a whole lot of fun.当我们做一些前人没用做过的事情时,有人会放冷箭。
5.Be good at something; it makes you valuable.在某些方面要很能干,这会使你有价值。
6.If you live your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, and the dreams will come to you.如果你用正确方式地去度过你的一生,好运会自然而来,梦想会来到你身边。
7.Stay positive no matter what, but not in denial。
8.Make things fun。
9.Dream a big dream。
10.Learn from all the people in your life。
Working on Aladdin VR
once in five careers opportunity Forever changed me
real people, real HCI issues how to put engineers & artists together
Really being an Imagineer…
Project Course
ETC Curriculum
First Year Fall
The Visual Story Improvisational Acting Intro to Entertainment Technology Building Virtual Worlds
First Year Spring
CHI ‘91, and Tom Furness asks a question…
Jon Snoddy
I had to brief the Secretary of Defense Disney’s Aladdin project Lunch with Jon…
“ But you're in the business of telling stuff, and we're in the business of keeping secrets” He taught me: “wait, and people will surprise you.”
The First Year
Listed in Five Departments (I love CMU!) Content: Anything you want
Two kindred spirits: try things a new way; we’re both a little uncomfortable in academia
v3.0 will release in 2008, in Java, with characters from the bestselling PC game in history: The Sims
Can’t mention everyone, but…
Dennis Cosgrove is building it Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper, Don
Optional Internship
Second Year Fall
Second Year Spring
Project Course
Project Course
ETC Curriculum
First Year Fall
First Year Spring
The Visual Story Improvisational Acting Intro to Entertainment Technology Building Virtual Worlds
Really being an Imagineer… and I said “no.”
Virtual Jungle Cruise
Enabling the Childhood Dreams of Others
… or, “Boy, am I glad I became a professor!”
经典演讲稿-兰迪·波许演讲-时间管理?? -20071127 , .,.randypausch? Copyright Randy Pausch,2007Friederike SophieBrand.., ,,.,. Lichao Chen!, , .,,.Email: ocirlin@gmail: []. .Randy Pausch:??:Thank you, that's very kind, but never tip the waiter before the meal arrives..Thank you, Gabe and Jim, I couldn't imagine being more grateful foran introduction.These are two people that I've known a long time, I taught here at UVA, I love this school,it's an incredible place ?lled with tradition and history and respect, the kind of qualities thatI really admire, that I want to see preserved in American society. And this is one of theplaces that I just love for preserving that. I think the honor code alone at the University ofVirginia is something that every university administrator should study and look at and say:“Why can't we do that too?“ I think there are a lot of things about this place to love., , .I'm going to talk today on the topic of time management. The circumstances are, as youprobably know, a little bit unusual. I think at this point I'm an authority to talk about what todo with limited time. My battle with pancreatic cancer started about a year and a half ago.Fought, did all the right things but as my oncologist said, if you could pick off a list, that'snot the one you'd want to pick. On August 15th, these were my CAT scans. You can seethat if you scroll through all of them, there are about a dozen tumors in my liver, and thedoctors at that time said, - I love the way they say it: “You have three to six months of good1health left.“ Optimism and positive phrasing. It's like when you are at Disney: “What timedoes the park close?“ - “The park is open until eight.“ So I have “three to six months ofgood health.“ Well, let's do the math: Today is three months and twelve days. So what Ihad on my day-timer for today was not necessarily being at the UVA. I'm pleased to saythat we do treat with palliative chemo, they're going to buy me a little bit of time on theorder of a few months if it continues to work. I'm still in perfectly good health. With Gabe inthe audience, I'm not going to do push-ups, because I'm not going to be shown up. Gabeis really in good shape! But I continue to be in relatively good health, I had chemotherapyyesterday, you should all try it, it's great.But it does beg the question, I have ?nite time - some people said: “So why are you goingand giving a talk?“ There are a lot of reasons I'm coming here andgiving a talk. One ofthem is that I said I would. That's a pretty simple reason. And I'm physically able to.Another one is that going to the University of Virginia is not like going to some foreignplace. Pe ople say: “Aren't you spending all your time with family?“ And by coming backhere for a day, I am spending my time with family both metaphorically and literally becauseit turns out that - many of you have probably seen this picture from the talk that I gave,these are my niece and nephew Chris and Laura. My niece Laura is actually a senior... afourth- year! here at Mr. Jefferson's university. Laura, could you stand up, so they seeyou've gotten taller? There you are. I couldn't be happier to have her here at thisuniversity. The other person in this picture is Chris, if you could stand up so they seeyou've gotten much taller? They have grown in so many ways, not just in height. It's beenwonderful to see that and be an uncle to them. Is there anybody here on the faculty orPh.D. students of the history department? Any history people here at all? Anybody herewho is from history, ?nd Chris right after the talk. Because he is currently in his sophomoreyear at William and Mary and he's interested in going into a Ph.D. program in history downthe road and there aren't many better Ph.D. programs in history than this one. So I'mpimping for my nephew here! Let's be clear!, .。
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篇一:兰迪教授最后一课演讲中英文cmu兰迪.鲍西教授的“最后一课”一场感动百万美国人的讲座张放(中英文演讲全文)randy pausch?s last lecture: really achieving your childhood dreamsgiven at carnegie mellon universitytuesday, september 18, 2007mcconomy auditorium? copyright randy pausch, 20071note that this transcript is provided as a public service but may contain transcription errors.verify it. – randythis translation is far from perfect and i presented it in the sprit of old chinese saying ?throwing a brick译文可能有诸多不当,疏漏之处。
但抛砖引玉, 望读者不悋指正。
兰迪.波许的最后讲座:真正实现你童年的梦想2007 年9 月18 日,星期二, 于卡内基.梅隆大学introduction by indira nair, carnegie mellon?s vice provost for education:卡内基.梅隆大学副教务长英迪拉.内尔us reflections and insights on their personal and professional journeys. today?s journey?s lecture as you all know is by professor randy pausch. the next one is on monday, september 24th by professor roberta klatzky.嗨。
我很高兴向大家介绍我们大学的题为旅途的新系列讲座的首场演讲- 这些演讲是我们的社团成员与我们一起分享他们对个人和专业旅途的思考和洞察。
下一个是9 月24 日,星期一,罗伯塔.克莱兹基教授。
purposes. -- randyto introduce professor randy pausch, our first journeys speaker, i would like to introduce randy?s friend and colleague, steve seabolt. steve has been at electronic arts for six years and is the vice president of global brand development for the sims label at electronic arts. as you all know, the sims is one of the most, ifnot the most successful pc games in the world, with sales approaching over 100,000. prior to that, steve was the vice president for strategic marketing and education at ea, bridging academia and electronic arts. his goal was to work with academics so there was an effective educational pathway for kids with building games as their dreams. it was in that role that randy and steve became colleagues and friends. before electronic arts, steve was the worldwide ad director for time magazine and ceo of sunset publishing, which is a very favorite magazine in the southwest, and as ceo there, one of the things he started was school tours, because like randy he shares a passion for inspiring kids of all ages to share their excitement for science and technology.要介绍兰迪.波许教授, 我们旅途演讲的第一位主讲人,我希望先介绍兰迪的朋友和同事, 史蒂夫.西伯特。
你们都知道, “模拟人生”起码来说,是世界上最成功的个人计算机游戏之一, 销售了接近十万套。
在那之前, 史蒂夫是艺电公司的战略行销和教育副总裁, 与学术界沟通。
在加入艺电公司之前, 史蒂夫是时代杂志世界广告部的主任和日落出版,一本在西南地区非常受喜爱的杂志,的总经理。
在任总经理期间, 他开始做的一件事是参观学校, 因为他和兰迪一样都热望让所有上进孩子们能分享他们对科技的热情。
so to introduce randy, his friend steve seabolt. steve? 那, 由兰迪朋友史蒂夫.西伯特来作介绍。
史蒂夫?[applause][掌声]steve seabolt, vice president of worldwide publishing and marketing for electronic arts(ea):史蒂夫.西伯特,艺电公司世界出版行销副总裁thank you very much. i don’t mean to sound ungracious by correcting you, but given that our pr people are probably watching this on webcast, i’d catch heck if iwent home and didn’t say that it was 100 million units for the sims. [laughter] notthat big numbers matter to electronic arts. [laughter]i don’t see any empty seats anywhere, which is a good thing, which meansi just won a bet from randy as a matter of fact. depending upon who’s version of thep a u s c hp a g e | 33story you hear, he either owes me 20 dollars or his new volkswagen.[laughter] so, i’lltake the car.谢谢。
我不想显得很粗鲁地纠正您, 但是我们公关人员可能正在看网络直播, 如果我没有说模拟人生销售额是一亿套, 那我回去后要吃不了兜着走[ 笑声] . 当然艺电公司并不在意大数字[ 笑声] 我看不到任何空座位, 这很好, 这就意味着我和兰迪打赌赢了。
根据你听谁说了, 他要么欠我20 美元,要么欠我他的新大众汽车[笑声] 好吧, 我要汽车。
it’s a pleasure to be here, thank you very much. i’m going to start by covering randy’s academic credentials. it’s a little bizarre for me to be standing here at carnegie mellon, which is a school i couldn’t get into no matter how much i contributed to this institution. [laughter] but, no really, i’m not kidding! you all think,oh gosh he’s humble. really, no, i’m not humble at all. very average sat scores, you know, right in the middle of my high school class of 900. anyway, randy. randy earned – it really pisses me off that randy’s so smart—actually i called him, we decided about, what, four weeks, ago and we heard the news went from bad to horrific. it was on a wednesday night and i said look – we have two choices. we can play this really straight and very emotional, or we can go to dark humor. and for those of you who know randy well, he was like oh, dark humor! so i called him the next day and i was like, dude you can’t die. and he’s like, what do you mean?and i said, well, when you die, the average of iq of sea bolt’s friends is going to likedrop 50 points. [laughter] to which he responded, we need to find you some smarter friends. [laughter] so you’re all smart because you’re here, so if you want to be my friend, i’ll be over in a corner of the reception room.很高兴能来到这里, 非常感谢。