宝泰尔电话机 T021说明书
WONDER TW21880GE-B 来电显示型无线电话 说明书
(初 次 使 用 時,請 務 必 詳 閱)
為避免錯誤來電或被盜用,當手機放回座機上充電時,本機會自動對碼。 更 換 手 機 電 池 或 重 裝 電 源 線 時 , 需 將 手 機 放 回 座 機2 0秒 以 上 , 以 便 對 碼 。
1 0 .換 頁 鍵 1 1 .靜 音 鍵 1 2 .座 機(充 電 座) 1 3 .暫 停/設 時 鍵 1 4 . (呼 叫 鍵) 1 5 .使 用/充 電 中
指示燈 1 6 .數 字 鍵 1 7 .暫 切/刪 除 鍵 1 8 .退 出 鍵 1 9 .設 定/貴 賓 鍵 2 0 .座 機 天 線
當 接 收 來 電 訊 息 時 , 會 自 動 更 新 日 期 、 時 間 。 若 為D T M F系 統 , 則 須 自 行 設 定 時 間 。 意
對 比 度 的 設 定 ※對比度共有5級可調
在待機狀態下,按住 設定/貴賓鍵 不放約3秒,進入功能設定選項,顯示幕顯示
"。按 ▲鍵 或 ▼鍵 選擇顯示幕的對比度,選擇完畢,再按 設定/貴賓鍵
合 交通部電信總局 格 審定合格
來 電 顯 示 的 服 務,是 由 您 所 在 地 的 電 信 局 所 提 供!便 於 您 選 擇 接 聽 或 追 查 惡 意 電 話,在 無 人 接 聽 時,能 將 來 電 號 碼 及 時 間 紀 錄 下 來, 供您查閱使用。 如 您 裝 好 話 機,仍 無 法 顯 示 來 電 號 碼,請 向 所 在 地 電 信 局 申 請 。
TCL电话机使用说明TCL 电话机使用说明1.话机设置:在挂机状态按“设置”键液晶屏显示“set date”,按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择设置的项目,按“删除”键回到挂机状态。
2.时间设置:在挂机状态下按“设置”键,可进入设置状态,液晶屏显示“set date”,再按“设置”键,液晶屏显示年份的闪烁,此时可按“上翻”、“下翻”键可修改,正确后按“设置”键进入月、日、时、分的设置,其设置方法与年份设置相同,调好后按“设置”键进入区码设置。
3.区码设置:时间设置完后,当液晶屏显示“set c0de”,按“设置”键可进入区码设置,液晶屏显示“0----”,此时按“上翻”、“下翻”键设置相应的区号,按“设置”键可移向下一位(不足四位的可直接移出)。
4.外线码设置(若普通用户可跳过此项):区码设置完后,当液晶屏显示“set pcode”,按“设置”键可进入外线码设置,液晶屏显示“-”并闪烁,此时按“上翻”、“下翻”键可修改为“0—9 此项设置适用于小型交换机或汇线通业务,当话机设置好外线码后,用户在回拨来电号码时会自动在号码前加上外线码。
5.液晶屏亮度调节:外线码设置完后,当液晶屏显示“set lcd”,此时按“设置”键确认,液晶屏显示“lcd 3”,按“上翻”、“下翻”键可改变液晶屏的亮度级别(共八级),完成后按“设置”键进入“r”键时间设置。
7.设置自动ip 号码:设置完“闪断”时间后,当液晶屏显示“set lp0”,按“设置”键,液晶屏显示“--------”,键盘直接输入固定ip 号码(如中国电信的ip 号17909),按“删除”键可删除当前位。
电话线预留端口电话线端口MIC预留端口MIC号码设置端口烧录端口按钮端口电源端口SPEAKER预留端口SPEAKER 号码设置键盘按钮产品各部件名称简介安装调试:1、将电话机可靠固定,电话机底部线路不要与金属导体接触,避免因为短路而造成电话机的损坏。
Table Top Type Robot TT 第一步指南 第二版说明书
Table Top Type Robot TTFirst Step Guide Second EditionThank you for purchasing our product.Make sure to read the Safety Guide and detailed Instruction Manual (CD) included with theproduct in addition to this First Step Guide to ensure correct use.This Instruction Manual is original.• Using or copying all or part of this Instruction Manual without permission is prohibited.• The company names, names of products and trademarks of each company shown in thesentences are registered trademarks.This product is comprised of the following parts if it is of standard configuration.If you find any fault in the contained model or any missing parts, contact us or our distributor.1. Parts (The option is excluded.)No.Part Name Model1Robot Main Body(with a built-in controller)Refer to “How to read the model plate” and “How toread the model of the controller.”Accessories2 Power Supply Plug AP-400-C (Manufacturer: Yamate Electric Co., Ltd.)3 I/O Flat Cable CB-DS-PIO0204 First Step Guide5 Operation Manual (CD)6 Safety Guide2. Optional ComponentsNo.Part Name Model1Main Body Mounting Bracket(with set bolts and nuts)TT-FT3. Teaching Tool (Option)The personal computer application software or teaching pendant is required for theoperations including program creation and setup such as position setting and parametersetting with teaching. Use either of them.No.Part Name Model Remarks1PC Software(with RS232C Cable + Emergency Stop Box)IA-101-X-MW RS232C→RS232C*12PC Software (USB conversion adapter +RS232C cable + Cable and Emergency StopBox)IA-101-X-USBMW USB→RS232C*13 PC Software (with USB Cable + Dummy Plug) IA-101-TT-USB USB→USB*14 Teaching pendant SEL-T -5 Teaching pendant (with deadman switch) SEL-TD -6 Teaching pendant IA-T-X -7 Teaching pendant (with deadman switch) IA-T-XD -*1 The communication port on the left is for the personal computer and on the right is forthe TT.4. Operation manuals related to this product, which are contained in the CD. Manual No.1 Table Top Type Robot TT Operation Manual ME01492 PC software IA-101-X-MW Operation Manual ME01543 Teaching pendant SEL-T/TD Operation Manual ME01834 Teaching pendant IA-T-X/XD Operation Manual ME01605 DeviceNet Operation Manual ME01246 CC-Link Operation Manual ME01237 PROFIBUS-DPOperationManual ME01538 X-SEL Ethernet Operation Manual ME01406. How to read the Model No.Model No. Example TT - A3 -I - 2020 - 05B - DV①②③④⑤⑥①Series②Type③Encoder type④XY Stroke⑤Z Stroke⑥OptionA2:Gate Type with2-axisC2:Cantilever Typewith 2-axis-TT(Normal) A3:Gate Type with3-axisC3:Cantilever Typewith 2-axisI: Incremental2020200×200mm4040400×400mm05B50mm10B100mmDV :DeviceNet SpecificationsCC :CC-Link SpecificationsPR :PROFIBUS SpecificationsET :Ethernet SpecificationsFT :Main Body MountingBracket includedP :I/O PNP SpecificationsBasic Specifications[Common Specifications]Item SpecificationsSurrounding air temperature・humidity0 to 40°C, Room Humidity 20% to 85% or lessMotor Type Pulse Motor (Servo Control)Position detection method Incremental EncoderDriving System Ball Screw (φ10mm, Rolled C10), Ball Screw Lead 6mmPositioning Repeatability± 0.02mmBacklash 0.1mm or lessGuide Direct Driven Infinite Circulation TypeAllowable Load Moment*1Ma:6•5N•m Mb:9.3N•m Mc:16.4N•m*1 Value found on the assumption of the life of 5000 km run[Individual Mechanism Specifications]Stroke (mm)Max. Speed foreach axes(mm/sec)Max. LoadCapacity(kg)*2TypeXAxisYAxisZAxisXAxisYAxisZAxisAcceleration/Deceleration(G) XAxisYAxisZAxisWeight(kg)Model200 200- 14.8 TT-A2-I-20202-axis400 400-300 0.310 5-33 TT-A2-I-404050300 280TT-A3-I-2020-05B200 20010030016.5TT-A3-I-2020-10B50300 280TT-A3-I-4040-05BGateTypewith 3-axis400 4001003000.3 10- 235TT-A3-I-4040-10B200 200- 16.3 TT-C2-I-20202-axis400 400-300 0.2-4-35 TT-C2-I-404050300 280TT-C3-I-2020-05B200 20010030018TT-C3-I-2020-10B50300 280TT-C3-I-4040-05BCantileverTypewith 3-axis400 4001003000.2 --237TT-C3-I-4040-10B*2 The load capacity in the case of rated acceleration is shown (Gate Type: 0.3G, Cantilever Type: 0.2G)[Controller Specifications]Item SpecificationsNumber of axes 2-axis 3-axisSupply voltage Single-phase 100 to 115VAC, 200 to 230VAC ± 10%Power frequency50Hz/60Hz100VAC 150VA 210VAPower-sourcecapacity 200VAC 155VA 215VAMaximum Current*33A (100VAC), 1.6A (200VAC) 4.2A (100VAC), 2.2A (200VAC)Rush Current*415A (100VAC), 30A (200VAC)Leakage Current0.75mAInsulation Strength 2000VAC for 1 min.Momentary Power Interruption Tolerance500μs or moreSpeed Setting 1 to 300mm/secAcceleration Setting0.01G to 0.3GProgram language Super SEL languageNumber of programs (Number of multitask programs)64 programs (16 programs)Number of program steps 6000 steps (Total)Number of positions 3000 positions (Total)Program Startup Special Digital Switch + Special Start SwitchData storage device Flash ROM + SRAM*5Standard I/O Board 16 Input Points / 16 Output PointsApplicable Field Bus DeviceNet / CC-Link / PROFIBUS / EthernetProtective functions Over-voltage, motor over current, motor overload, driver temperatureabnormality, encoder abnormality, etc.*3 The current reaches its maximum level when the servo-motor exciting phase is detected which is to beperformed in the first servo-motor turning ON processing after the power injection. (Normal: Approx. 1 to 2sec, Max.: 10 sec)*4 Rush current at the power connection continues for about 20 msec. Consider the safety rate at the timewhen rush current passes. The rush current value varies depending on the impedance of the power line.*5 The SRAM data is not battery backed up. Accordingly, when the power is turned off, the data of flags andvariables used in the program, are not saved. Take the greatest care.The same procedure is applied when the program or position data is not written on the Flash ROM.External Dimensions[Gate Type with 2-axis TT-A2]*1 Fine slider adjustment (for manual tweaking of position).(Unit mm)Model A B C DEFGXstYstTT-A2-I-2020 369.7 330 338.5 133.318524088.2200200TT-A2-I-4040 569.7 530 538.5 333.3385440188.2400400[Gate Type with 3-axis TT-A3]*1 Fine slider adjustment (for manual tweaking of position).(Unit mm)Model ABCDEFXst Yst ZstTT-A3-I-2020-05B 369.7 330 338.5 83.313524020020050TT-A3-I-2020-10B 369.7 330 338.5 83.3135240200200100TT-A3-I-4040-05B 569.7 530 538.5 283.333544040040050TT-A3-I-4040-10B 569.7 530 538.5 283.3335440400400100 Warning : Operation of this equipment requires detailed installation and operationinstructions which are provided on the CD included in the box this devicewas packaged in. It should be retained with this device at all times.A copy of the CD Manual can be requested by contacting your nearest IAISales Office listed at the back cover of the Instruction Manual or on theFirst Step Guide.[Cantilever Type with 2-axis TT-C2]*1Fine slider adjustment (for manual tweaking of position).(Unit mm)Model A B C D E F XstYst TT-C2-I-2020 405 320 135 120 310 42 200 200 TT-C2-I-4040 605 520 335 213.6 510 142 400 400[Cantilever Type with 3-axis TT-C3]*1 Fine slider adjustment (for manual tweaking of position).(Unit mm)Model A B C D E F Xst Yst Zst TT-C3-I-2020-05B 405 330.6 135 120 310 71 200 200 50 TT-C3-I-2020-10B 405 330.6 135 120 310 71 200 200 100 TT-C3-I-4040-05B 605 530.6 335 213.6 510 171 400 400 50 TT-C3-I-4040-10B 605 530.6 335 213.6 510 171 400 400 100Do not use this product in the following environment:• Location where the surrounding air temperature exceeds the range of 0 to 40°C • Location where condensation occurs due to abrupt temperature changes • Relative humidity less than 20%RM or greater than 85%RM • Location exposed to corrosive gases or combustible gases• Location exposed to significant amount of dust, salt or iron powder • Location subject to direct vibration or impact • Location exposed to direct sunlight• Location where the product may come in contact with water, oil or chemical dropletsWhen using the product in any of the locations specified below, provide a sufficient shield.• Location subject to electrostatic noise• Location where high electrical or magnetic field is present • Location with the mains or power lines passing nearbyInstallation and Noise Elimination1. There is a cooling vent hole on the main body’s rear panel section. Do not close the vent hole when the main body is installed.2. When it required to fix the main body, fix it as follows using the optional mounting brackets3. Protective Ground4. Noise Elimination Grounding (Frame Ground)Connect it using a soft copper wire with the diameter of 1.6 mm or more to the frame ground on the main body (Refer to the above figure).Do not share the ground wire with or connect to other equipment. Ground each controller. The same procedure is applied for the protective ground.5. Precautions Regarding wiring Method6. Noise Sources and EliminationCarry out noise elimination measures for power devices on the same power path and in the same equipment. The following are examples of measures to eliminate noise sources:①AC solenoid valves, magnet switches and relays [Measure] Install a Noise killer parallel with thecoil.②DC solenoid valves, magnet switches and relays [Measure] Install a diode parallel with the coil.Use a DC relay with a built-in diode.Table Top TTTable Top TTOther equipmentOther equipment Other equipment+24V 0V4-M4 Depth 82- φ 4H7 Depth 5(Cable Projection Length) Set Hole Section4-M5 Depth 10T-Groove SectionRear Panel Section*1 For the selection of the circuit breaker, perform it according to the following items.Breaker Teaching pendant Value > Power Capacity ÷ AC Input Voltage(Refer to the item for the controller specifications for the power capacity).•The current reaches the maximum level when the servo-motor is turned on and theservo-motor exciting phase is detected. Select the circuit breaker rated current thatdoes not trip the maximum current.• Select the circuit breaker that does no trip with the rush current described in thecontroller specifications.(Refer to the operating characteristic curve described in the manufacturer’s catalog.)• For the rated breaking current for the circuit breaker, select the breaking current valuewith which the current can be securely broken down even when short-circuit currentpasses.Rated Breaking Current > Short-circuit Current = Primary Power SupplyCapacity/Power Voltage.• Select the breaking current value for the circuit breaker leaving some margin.*2When the leakage breaker is to be installed, it is required to select it with the purposeclarified such as protection from fire or human body protection.Measure the leakage current at the location where the leakage breaker has beeninstalled.Use the “applicable to higher harmonics type” leakage breaker.Input*1Set the input functions using the I/O parameter Nos. 30 to 45 (Input Function Selection 000 to 015) and set the port Nos.that assign the each of the set functions, using the I/O parameter Nos. 282 to 298.*2If the input function selection 000 (program start) is assigned to any port except for the Port No. 000, the start switch onthe front panel is disabled.*3When the input function selection 007 to 013 (program No. designating digital switch) are assigned to any port except forthe port Nos. 007 to 013, the program change digital switch on the front panel is disabled.Output*4Set the output functions using the I/O parameter Nos. 46 to 61 (Output Function Selection 300 to 315) and set the portNos. that assign the each of the set functions, using the I/O parameter Nos. 299 to 314. Also, setting the output functionsusing the I/O parameter Nos. 331 to 346 (Output Function Selection 300 Area 2 to 315 Area 2) and setting the Port Nos.that assign the each of the set functions, using the I/O parameter Nos. 315 to 330, are available.When the system output signal is output to the I/Os on the above table, use the Output Function Selection Area 2.*5Because the output function selections 300 to 304 are allocated to the LEDs on the panel window, when the parameters of46 to 50 are set to universal output, or the Port No. allocation is changed using the parameter 299 to 303 settings, theLEDs are disabled.I/O Flat Cable (Accessories) CB-DS-PIO020No.Color Wirings No.Color Wirings1BR118GY22RD 119WT 23OR120BK24YW121BR35GN 122RD 36BL123OR37PL124YW38GY125GN39WT126BL310BK 127PL 311BR 228GY 312RD 229WT 313OR 230BK 314YW 231BR 415GN 232RD 416BL 233OR 417PL 2Flat cable(Presswelding)34YW 4Flat cable(Presswelding)I/O Circuit DiagramsNPN Specifications PNP SpecificationsPinNo.ElectricwirecolorPortNo.Function inStandardSetting(in Delivery)1 BR1 -I/O PowerSource +24V2 RD1 016UniversalInput3 OR1 017UniversalInput4 YW1 018UniversalInput5 GN1 019UniversalInput6 BL1 020UniversalInput7 PL1 021UniversalInput8 GY1 022UniversalInput9 WT1 023UniversalInput10 BK1 024UniversalInput11 BR2 025UniversalInput12 RD2 026UniversalInput13 OR2 027UniversalInput14 YW2 028UniversalInput15 GN2 029UniversalInput16 BL2 030UniversalInput17 PL2 031UniversalInputRemarksIt is set to the universal input when it is delivered. However, the change of the inputfunction is available with the I/O parameter setting.Parameter*1No. Parameter Name Remarks30 Input function select 000*21: Program Start31 Input function select 001 0: Universal Input1: Software Reset32 Input function select 002 0: Universal Input1: Servo ON signal33 Input function select 003 0: Universal Input1: Program automatically started when the power ON is reset inAUTO mode and software is reset2: Automatic Starting Program Signal34 Input function select 004 0: Universal Input1: All servo-axes soft interlock (OFF level)35 Input function select 005 0: Universal Input1: Pause Release (ON edge)36 Input function select 006 0: Universal Input1: Pause Signal (OFF level)37 Input function select 007*30: Universal Input1: Program No. appointment (LSB)38 Input function select 008*30: Universal Input1: Program No. appointment(The second bit)39 Input function select 009*30: Universal Input1: Program No. appointment(The third bit)40 Input function select 010*30: Universal Input1: Program No. appointment(The fourth bit)41 Input function select 011*30: Universal Input1: Program No. appointment(The fifth bit)42 Input function select 012*30: Universal Input1: Program No. appointment(The sixth bit)43 Input function select 013*30: Universal Input1: Program No. appointment(MSB : The seventh bit)2: Error Reset(ON edge)44 Input function select 014 0: Universal Input1: Driving Power Interruption Cancellation Input (ON Edge)45 Input function select 015 0: Universal Input1: All Effective Axes Homing (ON Edge)2: All Increment Effective Axes Homing (ON Edge)PinNo.ElectricwirecolorPortNo.Function inStandardSetting(in Delivery)18 GY2 316UniversalOutput19 WT2 317UniversalOutput20 BK2 318UniversalOutput21 BR3 319UniversalOutput22 RD3 320UniversalOutput23 OR3 321UniversalOutput24 YW3 322UniversalOutput25 GN3 323UniversalOutput26 BL3 324UniversalOutput27 PL3 325UniversalOutput28 GY3 326UniversalOutput29 WT3 327UniversalOutput30 BK3 328UniversalOutput31 BR4 329UniversalOutput32 RD4 330UniversalOutput33 OR4 331UniversalOutput34 YW4 -I/O PowerSource 0VRemarksIt is set to the universal output when it is delivered. However, the change of the outputfunction is available with the parameter setting.Parameter*4No. Parameter Name Function46331Output function select 300*5Output function select 300(Area 2)0: Universal Output1: Error Output at the operation cancellation level or more (ON)2: Error Output at the operation cancellation level or more (OFF)3: Error Output at the operation cancellation level or more +emergency stop output (ON)4: Error Output at the operation cancellation level or more +emergency stop output (OFF)47332Output function select 301*5Output function select 301(Area 2)0: Universal Output1: READY Output (PIO Trigger Program Operation Available)2: READY Output (PIO Trigger Program Operation Available)and without occurrence of any error at the operationcancellation level or more3: READY Output (PIO Trigger Program Operation Available)and READY Output (PIO Trigger Program OperationAvailable, and without occurrence of any error at the cold startlevel or more or more level or more48333Output function select 302*5Output function select 302(Area 2)0: Universal Output1: Emergency-stop output(ON)2: Emergency-stop output(OFF)49334Output function select 303*5Output function select 303(Area 2)0: Universal Output1: AUTO Mode Output2: Output during the Automatic Operation (In addition, when theparameter No. 12 is set to “1”)50335Output function select 304*5Output function select 304(Area 2)0: Universal Output1: Output at the time of “All Effective Axes Homing (=0)”2: Output when all the effective axes homing is completed3: Output when all the effective axes home preset coordinatesare set51336Output function select 305Output function select 305(Area 2)0: Universal Output2: Output during the first axis servo ON52337Output function select 306Output function select 306(Area 2)0: Universal Output2: Output during the second axis servo ON53338Output function select 307Output function select 307(Area 2)0: Universal Output2: Output during the third axis servo ON54339Output function select 308Output function select 308(Area 2)0: Universal Output55340Output function select 309Output function select 309(Area 2)0: Universal Output56341Output function select 310Output function select 310(Area 2)0: Universal Output57342Output function select 311Output function select 311(Area 2)0: Universal Output58343Output function select 312Output function select 312(Area 2)0: Universal Output59344Output function select 313Output function select 313(Area 2)0: Universal Output60345Output function select 314Output function select 314(Area 2)0: Universal Output61346Output function select 315Output function select 315(Area 2)0: Universal OutputWhen using this product for the first time, make sure to avoid mistakes and incorrect wiring by referring to the procedure below.Set-up for operation is completed.TroubleshootingThe following alarm displays are frequently generated at the start-up operation.Head Office: 577-1 Obane Shimizu-KU Shizuoka City Shizuoka 424-0103, JapanTEL +81-54-364-5105 FAX +81-54-364-2589website: www.iai-robot.co.jp/Ober der Röth 4, D-65824 Schwalbach am Taunus, GermanyTEL 06196-88950 FAX 06196-889524SHANGHAI JIAHUA BUSINESS CENTER A8-303, 808, Hongqiao Rd. Shanghai 200030, ChinaTEL 021-6448-4753 FAX 021-6448-3992website: Technical Support available in USA, Europe and ChinaHead Office: 2690 W. 237th Street, Torrance, CA 90505TEL (310) 891-6015 FAX (310) 891-0815Chicago Office: 110 East State Parkway, Schaumburg, IL 60173TEL(847) 908-1400 FAX (847) 908-1399TEL (678) 354-9470 FAX (678) 354-9471website: Atlanta Office: 1220 Kennestone Circle, Suite 108, Marietta, GA 30066825 PhairojKijja Tower 12th Floor, Bangna-Trad RD., Bangna, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, ThailandTEL +66-2-361-4458 FAX +66-2-361-4456Manual No.: ME0205-2D。
阿尔卡特 OT-S211C CDMA 1X 移动电话 说明书
ta阿尔卡特 OT-S211C CDMA 1X 移动电话用 户 手 册目录1.了解您的手机 (2)2.开始使用 (5)3.基本功能 (6)4.UTK (9)5.最近通话 (9)6.娱乐 (10)7.闹钟 (11)8.电话本 (11)9.短消息 (13)10.设置 (15)11.情景模式 (17)12.工具箱 (17)13.常见问题 (18)14.安全及注意事项 (19)温馨提示本款用户手册适用于OT-S211C手机,如描述、图片与实际产品有些微差别,请以实际产品为主。
11.了解您的手机1.1基本规格名称 规格尺寸:98mm[长]×44mm[宽]×12.3mm[厚] 手机重量:约60g(含锂电池)屏幕分辨率128×128电话本 500条通话记录已接来电/未接来电/已拨电话各10条.短信息 收件箱200条,发件箱100条,草稿箱50条,UIM卡视卡的存储容量而定。
额定容量:670mAh标准电压:3.7V通话时间:约100 ~ 180分钟待机时间:约60 ~ 120小时锂电池工作温度:-10℃~+55℃说明:待机时间是指手机在不通话、不移动情况下的持续开机工作时间。
SAR标准值为:2.0W/Kg, 本机最大实测值为:0.877W/Kg为减少电磁波影响,请妥善使用。
.UTK:UTK 为中国电信增值服务功能。
Philips DECT2152S 无线电话机回声机说明书
PhilipsCordless phone answermachineIncredible soundEnjoy the best sound quality in the most straightforward and easy-to-use phoneExperience best sound quality•Talk on the phone without holding the handset•Near to real instrument-sounding ringtones•CS² Crystal Sound System improves message intelligibilityBenefit from easy-to-use technology•Plug & Play for fast setting and use of answering machine•Display indicates the caller's name and number•Locate your headset by making it ring when pagedMulti-pack for ultimate convenience•Free intercom - Free internal calls between handsetsIssue date 2018-01-18Version: 2.0.412 NC: 9961 400 02847EAN: 87 10895 83833 7© 2018 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective SpecificationsCordless phone answer machineHighlightsHandsfree on HandsetThe handsfree speaker phone lets you hold a conversation while your hands are busy withsomething else and wherever you are. With both the speaker and the microphone in front of the handset, it is just like talking face to face with your correspondent.Instrumental ringtonesInstead of the traditional aggressive "buzzer" ringers, instrumental melodies are a more pleasant way to let you know when someone is calling.CS² Crystal Sound SystemPhilips' unique Crystal Sound System (CS²) audio technology improves the sound quality of Philips DECT phones. CS² audio quality is demonstrably better than competitive DECT products and brings with it distinct benefits.Plug & Play answering machineDECT phones integrate a Plug & Play answering machine which is by default activated with a pre-recorded outgoing message and the answer & record mode for easy setting and use.Caller name & number displayThe name of the person or company calling is shown on the telephone display. The names of first-time callers can be displayed as well as those that are programmed into the telephone beforehand.Paging keyInstead of looking in every corner of the house, simply call the handset from the base by pressing the dedicated key on the base station and the handset lets you know where it is hiding.Free intercomNo need to stop what you are doing and go to give the handset to your son when his friend calls: you can freely and easily call the handset in his bedroom and transfer the call.Picture/Display•Diagonal screen size - tele: 4.0 cm •Effective viewing area: 34 x 20.5 mm •Lines of text:1Sound•Handset ringers: Instrumental •Volume Control: digitalConvenience•Auto out-of-range warning •Base Station keys: Paging key •Battery full indication •Battery low indication•Call Management: Call Time, Call Waiting*, Caller ID*, Conference Call, Explicit Call Transfer •Drop proof: 120 cm•Ease of Use: Hands free mode•Function: Chain dialling, Free handset to handset call•Handset Keys: Line, Cancel / Recall, Dialling keypad, Loudspeaker, Call log, Phonebook•Hard Icons: Battery level, In range / Out of range, Line / Internal call, Loudspeaker •Lines of text:1•Multi base capability: 1•Multi handset capability: 4•Volume controlAccessories•AC/DC Adaptor•Batteries: Ni-MH battery pack •Charger: yes, 1 charger •User ManualRelated Products•Package contents: Handset, Base, Battery pack NiMh, Telecom Line Cord, Power adapter, User Manual, Warranty leaflet, StickerGreen Specifications•Chemical composition: Nickel-Metal Hydride •Eco Designed•Halogen-free housing•Lead-free soldered product •Packaging material: Carton •Packaging type: GiftboxDimensions•Base dimensions: 130x85mm •Base weight: 175g•Form Factor: Standing on base station •Handset color: silver•Handset dimensions: 149mm •Handset weight: 100g•Packaging dimensions (W x H x D): 177 x 112 x 182 mm•Relative humidity (operation): up to 95% at 40°C •Relative humidity (storage): up to 95% at 40°C •Temperature range (operation): 0°C to 40°C •Temperature range (storage): -25°C to 70°C •Weight incl. Packaging: 0.955 kg Power•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 40 °C •Battery Type: NiMH•Charging time: 24 hours hr •Kind of Battery: Rechargeable •Power supply: 220-240V •Radio RF power: <250mW •Standby time: up to 250 hours •Talk time: up to 18 hoursNetwork Features•Antenna: Fast Selection Technology, Integrated on base, Integrated on handset •Compatible:GAP •Dialing: Tone, PulseOperator Requirements•Name and Caller ID •Caller ID on call waiting•Operators services phonebookAnswering Machine•Plug & Play Answering machine•Recording time capacity: up to 9 min •Call screening•Answerphone remote accessMemory Capacity•Call log entries: 10•Phonebook: 2 phonebooks of 20 entries。
4ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1. 简介
安装与操作指南, ATS021
EN-IEC 61000-4-8:电磁兼容-第4-8部分:试验和测量技术:工频磁场抗扰度试验(等级5) EN-IEC 61000-4-11:电磁兼容-第4-11部分:试验和测量技术:电压暂降、短时中断和电压变化的抗扰 度试验(100ms/5S ,B,C准据) CISPR11(30MHz...1GHz)发射(通用标准,工业)-辐射 CISPR11(0.15MHz...30MHz)发射(通用标准,工业)-传导 CISPR/IEC61000-6-3: 电磁兼容-第6-3部分: 通用标准 居住、商业和轻工业环境中的发射标准 IEC 60068-2-2: 电工电子产品环境试验,第2部分:试验方法 .试验B:高温 IEC 60068-2-6: 电工电子产品环境试验,第2部分:试验方法 .试验Fc:振动(正弦) IEC 60068-2-27: 电工电子产品环境试验,第2部分:试验方法 试验Ea与导则:冲击 IEC 60068-2-30: 电工电子产品环境试验,第2部分:试验方法 试验Db:交变湿热(12h+12h循环) IEC 60068-2-1: 电工电子产品环境试验,第2部分:试验方法 试验A:低温
产品总览............................................................. 7
典型应用 ........................................................................... 7 ATS021功能 ........................................................................ 8
Dwyer Instruments TP2热敏电话计说明书
SPECIFICATIONSRange:K: -328 to 2372°F (-200 to 1300°C);J: -202 to 1652°F (-130 to 900°C);T: -328 to 662°F (-200 to 350°C).Accuracy:K: ±0.3% of reading + 1°C;J/T: ±0.1% of reading + 0.7°C.Display: 4 digit LCD.Resolution:K: 0.1°F/C: -328 to 1202°F (-200 to 650°C); 2°F/1°C (others);Over 1000°C 1°F/C.J: 0.1°F/C: -202 to 932°F (-130 to 500°C); 2°F/1°C (others);T: 0.1°F/C: -328 to 662°F (-200 to 350°C).Temperature Limits: Ambient -4 to 122°F (-20 to 50°C).Power Requirements: One CR-2032 lithium battery.Weight: 3.2 oz (91 g).Agency Approvals: CE.The Series TP2 Thermocouple Thermometerscan accurately measure a largetemperature range fora wide rangeof applications includingfood safetyinspection, lab testing, and HVAC. This hand-held thermometer offers threemodels that measure the probe temperature, ambient temperature, and relativehumidity. Additional features include a data hold function, high/low audible alarm,and auto power off. Device includes a K type probe and battery.FEATURES1. Auto power off with disable feature (15 minutes).2. Data hold function freezes readings on display.3. Complete with type K bead wire temperature probe and CR2032 battery.4. °C/°F select function.5. High/low alarm threshold setting is available.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPlease read the manual completely before using this device.KEY FUNCTION1. PWR: Turn on/off the meter or holds current readings.2. MX/MI/AVG:Cycles between minimum, maximum, and average measurement.3. MODE:Cycles between probe temperature, ambient temperature and humidity(depending on model) (TP2-20/TP2-30 only), RH (TP2-30 only). Press and hold for3 seconds to charge the thermocouple type between K, J, and T (depending onmodel) (TP2-10/TP2-20 only).OPERATIONPower On/OffBefore powering on the meter, plug the thermocouple probe into the meter. Pressthe PWR button to turn on the meter. It will make a beep sound and the full screenof LCD icons will briefly show on the display. The meter is now in normalmeasurement mode. While the meter is on, press and hold the PWR button to turnoff the meter.Sleep Mode (Auto Power Off)The meter will turn off automatically after 15 minutes if no buttons are pressed. Todisable the auto power off function, when the meter is off, press and hold theMX/MI/AVG button then press the PWR button to turn on the meter. When the LCDdisplay shows the following, sleep mode is disabled.Taking MeasurementMake sure you have plugged the K sensor probe in the meter. If the probe is notplugged in appropriately, the LCD will show “----” on the display.545/64Data HoldPress and release the PWR button to freeze the reading. Press and release thePWR button shortly again, the meter will return to normal measurement.Change ModePress the MODE button to select probe temperature or ambient, air temperature(TP2-20 & TP2-30) and probe temperature, ambient air temperature or relativehumidity (TP2-30).Select Probe TypePress and hold the MODE button more than 3 seconds to select probe type K/J/T(TP2-10 & TP2-20).Note: Please check your probe type before selecting this function to ensure acorrect reading.to normal measurement.Change UnitWhen the device is off press the MODE and PWR button at the same time to enter function. Press the MODE button to select °C or °F. Pressbutton again to save the unit.Alarm SettingStep 1. Hi Temp. Alarm SelectWhen the meter is off, press the MODE and PWR button at the same time. Pass Step 2. Hi Temp. Alarm SettingWhen Hi Temp. alarm is on, “Hi Set” icons with the default value 50°C (122°F) or the last setting will appear on the LCD. Keep pressing the MODE button to increase and release the button when you reachStep 3. Lo Temp. Alarm Select Step 4. Lo Temp. Alarm SettingPWR button to save Lo Temp. settings, and go back to normal measurement. Example 1 - Set Hi Temp. Alarm at 1283°CError MessagesNote: If above error messagesInstruments, Inc. for technical service.Step 1:Keep pressing the MODE button, the numbers willE-2E-3E-4E-5E-6Humidity sensor is failed.Temperature sensor is failed.Operation temperature is too high.Operation temperature is too low.Some hardware has failed.。
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“5”,液晶屏幕显示:1-F 2-PT 3-d,进入闪断时间、P/T转换和防盗功能设置子菜单,此时输入数字“1”,进入下一层的闪断时间设定状态,液晶屏幕会提示:
FLASH 600,同时闪断时间在闪烁,按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择闪断时间按“设置/闪断”键确认(闪断时间有:
AL 1-2-3,进入闹铃设置子菜单,同时字体1-2-3在闪烁,直接输入数字“1”进入第一组闹铃设置,此时屏幕显示:
ALAr OFF,字体OFF在闪烁(表示其初始状态为关,如已设置了闹铃时间则显示已设置的时间),直接输入闹铃所需时间(或在字体OFF在闪烁时,按“上翻”、“下翻”键,液晶屏幕显示00 - 00后再输入时间),按“设置/闪断”键确认;如要关闭闹铃则按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择,屏幕显示ALAr OFF,后按“设置/闪断”键确认。其他2组闹铃的设定与第1组的设定方法相同。第2组闹铃,初始状态为关,相应的液晶屏幕显示为:
rIng VOL 04,表示进入铃声音量选择状态,同时字体04在闪烁,按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择所需铃声音量后按“设置/闪断”键确认(铃声音量为01~04四级调节,黩认值为最大档)。铃声音量选择成功后,按“删除/免IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
堡狮龙HCD133(2)TSDL电话机说明书(通用)铃声音量调节在挂机状态下,按『音量』键可循环调节铃声音量大小,共有4级音量可选,“IN9U0L 4”为最大、“IN9U0L 4”为最小“CrESC”为声音渐强。
免提音量调节在按『免提』键摘机状态下,按『音量』键可循环调节免提接收音量大小,共有2级音量可选,“HFU0L 2”为最大、“HFU0L 1”为最小。
显示亮度调节在挂机状态下,按『亮度调节』键可循环调节显示屏亮度,共有5级亮度可选,“LCD 5”为最大,“LCD 1”为最小。
菜单设置(设置菜单如有出错可按﹡#06﹡恢复默认设置,清除存储)挂机状态下按『设置』键进入设置状态,LCD显示“SE£ 1 DA£E”,此时可以按上查键或下查键选择设置项,LCD同时显示对应的设置项,再按『设置』键进入该项设置。
在某项设置完成后,按『设置』键确认同时将会进入下项设置,所以设置都已按『设置』键确认完成并转到下一项,用上查键或下查键修改具体设置项,按『删除』键退出设置状态,具体设置如下:设置日期/时间1.显示屏显示“SE£1 DA£E”,按『设置』键确认进入日期/时间设置。
3.重复以上步骤可依次修改日、小时、分钟4.按『删除/R』键退出设置区域码1.显示屏显示“SE£ 2 CODE”,按『设置』键确认,显示屏显示“CODE-----”2.按上查键或下查键,设置第一区域吗3.第一位设置好后,再按『设置』键确认,进入第二位设置,同上方法一样依次设置4.按『删除/R』键退出设置出局码1.显示屏显示“SE£ 3 PCODE”,按『设置』键确认,显示屏显示“CODE—”2.按上查键或下查键设置出局码,再按『设置』键确认3.按『删除/R』退出例如:用户是公司内线直拨打外,前面需先拔“9”再拨外线电话号码的,那么“9”就是出局码,按上设置好出局码,再回拨来电,预拨号时,若号码大于或等于6位且首位与出局码不同,按『重播/回拨』键,滑稽会自动加拨9,回拨去电则不考虑添加出局码。
2、话机设置:在挂机状态按〈设置〉键启动主菜单,LCD显示“SET 1 DA TE”,设置过程中按〈上翻〉或〈下翻〉可修改参数,修改完后按<设置>键确认可进入下一项设置。
时间设置:在挂机状态下按〈设置〉键,LCD显示“SET 1 D ATE”,按〈设置〉键确认,LC D上显示的年闪烁,此时可按〈上翻〉或〈下翻〉键可将当前闪烁位修改,完成后按〈设置〉键确认,然后按同样的方法设置月、日、时、分,完成后按〈设置〉确认。
区码设置:在时间设置完后按〈设置〉键,LCD显示“SET 2 CO DE”,此时按〈设置〉键确认,可进入区码设置,L CD显示“0 – - – -”,并在第一位闪烁,此时按〈上翻〉或〈下翻〉键可将当前闪烁位修改为“0~9或-”,按〈设置〉键确认并移向下一位,设完后按〈设置〉键可完成区码的设置及进入下一项设置。
如本地码已设为“0752”,当地交换机所送的号码为“ 07522288888”时,液晶屏显示“ 07522288888”,回拨时,只将2288888拨出。
LCD亮度设置:在设置完出局码后按〈设置〉键,LCD显示“SET 4LCD”,按〈设置〉键进入亮度设置屏幕显示“LC D 3”,(上电默认为第3级,共8级),按〈上翻〉或〈下翻〉键可修改。
Coral数字话机使用手册目录前言 (3)指南中使用的标识 (4)音频和扬声器调节 (5)振铃调节(Ring Adjustment) (5)保留(Hold) (6)自动应答(Auto Answer) (6)三方通话(Three-Way Conference) (7)最后号码重拨(Last Number Redial) (8)预约回叫(Camp On) (8)会议电话(Conference,Multiparty) (9)呼叫转移(Call Forward) (10)跟随电话(Follow Me) (11)编程(Programming) (12)静音(Mute) (12)免打扰(Don’t Disturb) (13)保密通话(Security) (13)提醒(Reminder) (14)留言(Message) (15)代答(Pick Up) (16)驻留(Park) (16)语音寻呼(V oice Page) (17)区域寻呼(Zone Page) (17)缩位拨号(Speed Dial) (18)灵活呼叫(FlexiCall) (18)转向呼叫(Divert Call) (19)Softkey按键的功能定义 (20)编程号码索引 (23)前言欢迎使用Tadiran的Coral数字程控交换系统及其终端设备FlexSet、DKT系列数字话机。
该系列话机采用ISDN 2B+D接口标准,通过软按键的功能选择或按键编程设置,使系统更灵活,更易于使用。
Suncorp,电话机,说明书Colombo Two
5. 菜单和功能......................................................................8
5.1 出厂设置 ..............................................................................9
11. 故障排除 .....................................................................13 12. 常规说明 .....................................................................14
1. 欢迎 ................................................................................2
1.1 1.2 1.3 功能 .....................................................................................2 盒内配备物 ..........................................................................2 重要事项 ..............................................................................2
7. 电话本 ...........................................................................10
iHome iBTW281双闹钟时钟电话系统说明书
Gadgets: Multi-functional clock radio has alarm and so much moreNovember 13 2019, by Gregg EllmanCredit: iHomeBedside clock radios are critical for time displays and alarms to get yougoing in the morning. These days they are also needed for so much more, and the new AC powered iHome iBTW281 dual alarm clock speaker system does it all; it even cleaned up my nightstand mess of cables.Along with an endless number of up-to-date features incorporating today's technology, the critical features of time and dual alarms are there. The time, date and alarm settings are on a front-facing display, with adjustable brightness levels. For snoozers, the snooze duration can be adjusted.A quick start guide runs you through the basic setup, which includes a switch inside the backup battery compartment to automatically adjust for daylight savings time. A coin battery is also included to keep the time in the event of a loss of power.The fun features are pairing your device with Bluetooth, enabling the sound system to play whatever tunes you choose through the built-in speaker and you can have your smartphone's playlist used as your wake-up alarm source.Once paired, you'll also have a speakerphone with echo noise cancellation. The voice control allows access to Siri and Google Assistant.I have a newer smartphone with Qi wireless charging and charging couldn't be easier. Just lay any compatible wireless charging phone on top where wireless fast charging is built-in, and charging starts, even with a case on.If you don't have a wireless charging smartphone (you need to get one, it makes life easy) there's a USB charging port on the back to connect your device.All this adds up to cleaning up a nightstand mess of cables.Before using this iHome device, my nightstand held an older standard clock radio with an AC power cord, a Qi charging pad with an AC power cord and an AC plug/cord for USB charging cords, all plugged into a power strip. Now, with the iHome iBTW281 alarm clock, I have one AC power cord and I connect a USB cable to the backside port to charge my iPad.Both sides of the iBTW281 have color-changing ambient lights with a choice of presets, including a night mode. The ambient light display also has an off option. If you're playing music, one of the choices will have the lights play and pulse to the beat of your music. They are purely cosmetic but will give a room a nice look with the vibrant color lights. $79.95V-Moda has launched M-200, the award-winning company's first-ever reference studio headphone, which they refer to as the world's finest high-fidelity audio device.The over-the-head studio headphones are designed to produce a clean, refined and spacious sound with transparent clarity, resulting in the perfect sound for producers, musicians, and sound professionals alike. They feature a combination of meticulous Japanese engineering and classic V-MODA shapes and materials. Inside the headphones are 50 mm drivers with neodymium magnets and CCAW voice coils, that reproduce a wide range of frequencies up to 40 kHz.As with every pair of V-Moda headphones I've tried over the years, comfort and design are as good as it gets. These have larger, flatter ear-cup housings compared to the Crossfade series. The closed-back M-200features extra internal amplifying room for spacious sound with superior noise isolation.The design includes a durable, adjustable and flexible headband, with even-weight distribution to wear in silent comfort. The exterior is made with premium, sweat-resistant PU leather, and detachable magnetic memory foam cushions.The M-200 is available for pre-order for $350, with delivery expected in late November©2019 Gregg EllmanDistributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.Citation: Gadgets: Multi-functional clock radio has alarm and so much more (2019, November 13) retrieved 23 December 2023 from https:///news/2019-11-gadgets-multi-functional-clock-radio-alarm.htmlThis document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.。
威宝 TEL-011 电话机 使用说明书
包装盒内应包括:l 话机,听筒和捲線l 电话線l 使用说明书电池的安装1. 打开话机背面的电池盖。
2. 参照电池室内标示的正负极性装入3颗1.5V 的4号(SIZE AAA )电池。
3. 盖上电池盖。
72有線电话机使用说明书型号 TEL-011一、安全上的注意事项及紧急处理方法二、功能特点简介三、安装、特别提示四、电话机功能图示说明五、电话机设定时间和日期设定、区域码设定、回电前置码设定 暂切时间设定、电信业者IP 码设定 闹钟设定、萤幕亮度设定六、操作说明基本操作(来电铃声音量选择,预置拨号功能,免持拨号功能,重拨功能,设定键,删除键,单键拨号储存,暂停 功能,暂切键,萤幕亮度调整) 来电显示讯息 来电显示系统操作七、简易故障排除方法八、注意事项九、产品规格十、服务说明7-82-51213-156910111注意安装设定说明1617-18操作说明192021规格说明22345FSK+DTMF 双制式来电显示最多可储存66组来电者的号码、日期和时间最多可储存20组已拨电话号码删除单笔或所有记录萤幕亮度5段调整时间显示区域码设定电信业者IP 码设定闹钟功能来电(保密/重/超出服务范围/错误)提示来电响铃和使用中指示末码重拨免持扬声器来电回拨壁掛功能铃声音量选择开关暂停功能暂切时间设定3组单键拨号储存複6如果您希望将话机安装在墙上,请根据以下步骤操作。
a. 将两颗螺丝(未提供)相隔 80.5mm 安装在同一条垂直線上。
06mm---08mmb. 将话机的壁掛孔放置在螺丝头上,向下推动使其固定好。
螺丝图示1图示2壁掛功能8910本话机包含以下特殊功能:时间和日期设定,区域码设定,回拨设定,暂切时间设定,电信业者IP 码设定,闹钟设定,萤幕亮度设定。
1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 1.4.1 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 A.1 A.1.1 A.1.2 安全上的注意 .......................................................................................................................4 概述 .....................................................................................................................................4 在当地办公室LAN上使用集团电话专用话机 ....................................................................4 在当地和远程办公室的LAN使用集团电话专用话机 ..........................................................6 网络管理 ..............................................................
电话机使用说明书—、使用注意事项1、电话机应安装在干燥、通风、无腐蚀气体的地方.2、来电显示功能必须要本地电信局开通并向电信局申请才能显示对方号码.没有开通来电显示的地方不影响话机普通功能使用.二、主要功能1、8种普通铃声 + 1组贵宾铃声,普通铃声可选。
3、来电30组(16位显示),去电5组(16位显示),贵宾35组,回拨功能.4、键盘设置防盗功能.5,全自动IP(32位)快速、保密拨号.6、机械锁“0 ”.7、预拨号及消号、回拨功能.8、2位出局码,适应虚拟网.9、本地区号过滤功能.三、操作说明1、铃声设置挂机状态下连续按“铃声选择”犍,当LCD屏幕显示“TING 1至8 ”,表示有八种铃声可选.2、功能设置挂机状态按“设置”键进入设置菜单,LCD显示“SET 1 DRTE ” ,此时用上、下查健可改变设置项,再按设置键进入该项设置。
所有设置均用上、下查键修改该具体设置项.用“删除”键退出设置状态.具体设置如下:(1)日期/时间设置:按“设置”键LCD显示“SET 1 DRTE ”,此时按设置键确认。
小时和分钟的设置可分十位和个位分别设置.(2)设置区域码(即本地区号):LCD会提示“SET 2 CODE ” ,此时按设置键确认,LCD会显示“CODE - - - - - ”,进入区号的设置,第一个“-”闪烁(若已设置了区号,则显示设置的区号,区号第一个号码闪烁)。
如北京用户则设置区域码为:CODE 010--。
(3)设置出局码:LCD提示“SEt 3 PCODE”,按设置键确认,LCD会显示“PCODE - - ”,第一个“-”闪烁(若已设置了出局码,则显示已设置的号码,号码的第一位闪烁)。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
翻”、“下翻”键选择所需拨号方式后按“设置/闪断”键确认,若要选择为脉冲拨号,液晶屏幕应显示为:PT PULSE ; 在闪断时间、P/T 转换和防盗功能设置子菜单输入数字“3”,进入防盗选择状态,LCD 提示:dEFEnd OFF ,同时字体 OFF 在闪烁,表示防盗的初始状态为关,此时按“上翻”、“下翻”键开启防盗按“设置/闪断”键确认,防盗功能打开,液晶屏幕 显示为:dEFEnd ON ,同样要关闭防盗,则在防盗选择子菜单下按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择后按“设置/闪断”键确认即可。 该项功能设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
第 1 组为单次闹铃,即每次启动后只有当次有效,第 2、3 组为每日闹铃,即该两组一经启动后,每日到有效时间都会闹铃。
每组闹铃的铃声都不相同,闹铃过程中,按任意键可退出)。闹铃设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“4”,液晶屏幕显示:OFF_r 00-00,进入免打扰设置子菜单,同时 00-00 字体闪动(“-”之前的两个零表示小时,后面的两个零表示分钟),输入所需的免打扰时间按“设置/闪断”键确认。免打扰功 能启动后,屏幕会显示免打扰时间并倒计时到 00-00 后自动取消免打扰;或免打扰功能启动后, 提机或按 “免提” 键也 可退出。 免打扰期间来电不振铃。 免打扰功能设置成功后, 按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
● DTMF/FSK 来电双制式兼容、全国通用 ● 50 组来电号码显示(8 位)、来电翻查、回拨、加 0 回拨 ● 16 组去电号码(8 位)查询、实时显示通话时间 ● 日期、时钟及星期显示,LCD 亮度 5 级可调 ● 16 首铃声选择 ● R 键功能 ● IP 直接拨号 ● 闪断时间 90/95/100/120/180/300/600/1000MS 可选 ● 3 组闹铃设置功能 ● 8 位本地码设置,来电自动过滤 ● 超强防雷、抗电磁干扰
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“2”,液晶屏幕显示:r 1r 2VIP3VOL ,表示进入铃声设置子菜单,直接 输入数字“1”此时进入铃声选择状态,液晶屏幕会提示:rIng TYPE 01 ,(若已设置了某种铃声,则显示已设置的铃声代号), 按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择所需铃声后按“设置/闪断”键确认。选择铃声成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退回到上一菜单即铃声 设置子菜单,输入数字“3”,液晶屏幕显示:rIng VOL 04 ,表示进入铃声音量选择状态,同时字体 04 在闪烁,按“上翻”、 “下翻”键选择所需铃声音量后按“设置/闪断”键确认(铃声音量为 01~04 四级调节,黩认值为最大档)。铃声音量选择成 功后, 按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
IP 功能设置
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“8”,液晶屏幕显示:1-AU 2-3-IP ,进入 IP 设置子菜单,此时输入数 字“1”,进入下一层的自动 IP 选择状态,液晶屏幕会提示:AUIP OFF ,同时字体 OFF 在闪烁,表示自动 IP 的初始状态为关,此时按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择所需的 IP 号码后按“设置/闪断”键确认(自动 IP 号码有 17909、 17908、 193、 17911、 17921、 17931、 17951、 17991、 068、 96300、 96333、 196、 190、17969、197、IP1 和 IP2 供选择); 在 IP 设置子菜单直接输入数字“2”,进入手动 IP 的号码输入状态,此时液晶屏幕为空屏显示,提示直接输入 1~32 位号码, 在输入号码过程中,如有错误,可按“删除/免 IP”键进行修改,输入完后按“设置/闪断”键确认,液晶屏幕会显示:IP1 CODE , 表示 IP 存储成功。在设置自动 IP 号码时,如没有所需的 IP 号码,可选择为 IP1 状态,则自动 IP 拨号时,会启用 IP1 里存储 的号码。IP 号码设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
动加上所选的 IP 号码。
免 IP 功能
在自动 IP 开的状态下,摘机拨号前按“删除/免 IP”键,以 0 为首的号码将不走 IP,而直接拨出;如开启出局码,摘机 拨号前按“删除/免 IP”键同时也会被过滤。
将锁箭头指到红点时,凡是以“0”开头的号码均不能拨出,其它开头的号码则不受限制。将锁箭头指到绿点时,为开锁 状态,任何号码都可拨打。
在挂机或摘机状态, 按“去电”键按进入去电翻查状态, 然后再 “上翻”、“下翻” 键可查阅去电信息;在挂机状态, 长按“*” 键 3 秒,也可进入去电翻查状态。
在挂机状态下,直接输入电话号码,如有错误可用 “删除/免 IP”键修改, 号码输入完成后,可按“免提”键或按“回 拨”键或提机直接将号码拨出。
1 日期设置
2 时间设置
1 闪切时间
2 P-T 转换
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1 铃声种类选择
3 防盗
2 贵宾铃声选择(本机无此功能)
3 铃声音量选择
1 本地码设置
2 出局码设置
1 第一组闹铃
1 LCD 亮度调节
2 第二组闹铃
1 自动 IP
3 第三组闹铃
2 手动 IP1
1 免扰时间
3 手动 IP2(本机无此功能)
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“3”,液晶屏幕显示:AL 1-2-3 ,进入闹铃设置子菜单,同时字体 1-2-3
在闪烁,直接输入数字“1”进入第一组闹铃设置,此时屏幕显示:ALAr OFF , 字体 OFF 在闪烁(表示其初始状态
为关,如已设置了闹铃时间则显示已设置的时间),直接输入闹铃所需时间(或在字体 OFF 在闪烁时,按“上翻”、“下翻”
LCD 亮度调节
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“7”,液晶屏幕显示:LCD con4 ,进入亮度选择子菜单,同时有数字 4 在闪烁,表示亮度的初始值为第 4 级(亮度值为 1~5 级可调节),此时按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择适当亮度后按“设置/闪断” 键确认。亮度功能设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“6”,液晶屏幕显示:1 - LOC 2-OL,进入本地码和出局码设置子菜单, 此时输入数字“1”,进入下一层的本地码设定状态,液晶屏幕会提示:LOC -------- ,同时光标--------在闪烁,表示可输入 1~8 位的本地号码,输入号码后按“设置/闪断”键确认;在本地码和出局码设置子菜单,输入数字“2”,进入下一层的出局 码设定状态,LCD 会提示: OuT OFF,同时字体 OFF 在闪烁,表示出局码的初始值为关,直接输入 1~8 位数字,输入号 码后按“设置/闪断”键确认。该项功能设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
在挂机或摘机状态, 按 “上翻”、 “下翻” 键可向上或向下查看来电信息, 液晶屏幕显示来电的号码、日期、时 间等信息;在挂机状态,长按“#” 键 3 秒,也可进入来电翻查状态。若想对某组来电回拨,只需翻查到该组来电号码,按 “回拨”键即可;如要在回拨的号码前加“0”,则需长按“回拨”键 3 秒。
当有来电时,话机自动侦测并显示来电号码、日期、时间, 同时记录这是第几个来电。 若是新号码会有新入标志。若 是已有号码则有重复标志。若是来电保密则显示 P。若是来是出范围则显示 O。若来电信号不正确则显示 E。当话机移至另一 处使用时,若无来电,则在挂机状态下按“*”、“*”、“#”键转换来电制式。
在预拨号状态,可用“删除/免 IP”键删除输入错误的号码;在查询号码状态,可用“删除/免 IP”键来删除当前号码及 其信息或长按“删除/免 IP”键 3 秒可删除所有号码。
自动 IP
自动 IP 功能启动后,在预拨号或号码查询状态按“回拨”键或摘机状态,拨号时若首位号码为“0”,则会在所拨号码前自
1.必须向当地电信局申请开通来电显示服务,本机才能正常接收来电号码。 2.首先,请按电池的正负极性将电池装在电池盒里。如发现显示淡时,请 尽快更换电池。 3.将电话曲线两端插头分别插入座机左侧插座及手柄插座。 4.将两芯直线插在主机的外线插座上,另一端与市话网连接。 5.电话机应安装在干燥,通风,无腐蚀气体的地方。.
注:以上所有设定按“设置/闪断”键确认,按“删除/免 IP”键退回上一目录,按“免提”键退出。
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字 “1”,液晶屏幕显示:1-DATE 2-CL ,表示进入日期和时间设置子 菜单,再直接输入数字 “1”,液晶屏幕显示:d 2005 01-01 ,进入日期设置状态,同时数字光标在闪烁,提示输入日期, 输入完后,再按“设置/闪断”键确认。日期设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退回上一菜单继续进行时间设置,时间设定状态 下液晶屏幕显示:CL 00-00 ,其设定与日期设定的方法相同。设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键 退到待机状态。
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“5”,液晶屏幕显示:1-F 2-PT 3-d ,进入闪断时间、P/T 转换和防盗功 能设置子菜单,此时输入数字“1”,进入下一层的闪断时间设定状态,液晶屏幕会提示:FLASH 600,同时闪断时间在闪烁, 按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择闪断时间按“设置/闪断”键确认(闪断时间有:90、95、100、120、180、300、600、1000 毫秒 供选择,默认值为 600 毫秒);在闪断时间、P/T 转换和防盗功能设置子菜单输入数字“2”,进入 P/T 转换状态,液晶屏幕提 示:P T TONE ,同时字体 TONE 在闪烁,表示拨号的初始状态为音频状态(拨号方式有音频和脉冲选择),按“上