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(Attention of calling at USA Ports)

现在我公司所管理的船,近期一段时间在去美国时,由于不熟悉一些必要的进入美国水域的基本知识而被罚款,引起不必要的麻烦,也对我们公司的形象产生了不良的影响。为此,现将一些到美国的一些注意事项简要地介绍一下,以供船长们在去美国的时候有所参考。Recently, some our fleet ships were penalized in USA due to not familiar with some local regulations and requirements, and exact harmed our company’s reputation. Therefore I collected some attention to call at USA ports and giving some briefing, and hope it maybe helpful for your calling at USA ports.


Process to enter USA waters:


When entering AMVER area: any vessel when entering in AMVER area must report to USCG her movement. Regarding to AMVER area design and the reports format, you can find in NP286

(1). Firstly, you should send SP (Sailing Plan) to USCG when entering and/or before entering

AMVER area; Secondly, the PR (Position Report) should be sent every 48hrs from last report until arrival at port; Thirdly, the FP (Final Report) should be sent when you arriving at the destination (normally when arrive at Pilot Station or entering the Harbour Limitation). Fourthly, the DR (Deviation Report) should be sent once ship encountered special situation and deviated from the present route.

Attention: when your ship depart from USA ports, the above mentioned reports are also reported to USCG until completely leave the AMVER area. All relevant reports should be kept in specific file for USCG inspection.

二.及时递交eNOA/D:每次抵达美国水域96小时前,要向USCG(sans@)递交ARRIV AL REPORT (INITIAL NOTICE)。所谓的美国水域,就是从最近的美国沿岸向外延伸200海里的毗邻区(EEZ)起算为美国水域。递交INITIAL NOTICE只可提前,而不能推迟。否则要重新回至96小时之前再次递交(一般来说,代理会提醒及早递交)。有关具体填写的细节,请参照以下说明:

Submit Enoa/D in time: you should submit to USCG (sans@) the arrival report (initial notice) 96hrs before entering USA Waters, the USA Waters means the area which from USA coast to 200 miles (EEZ). This initial notice should be submitted as earlier as possible, otherwise for any postpone, you have to return to the position where you are 96hrs before arrival USA waters and resend the initial notice (generally, your local agent will remind you to submit in time). For the details of filling the notice, please refer to the followings:

1.在填写时当选中哪一栏时,右边的帮助栏里都有提示,可以参照。需要注意的是:船东是指船籍证书上的登记的船东,而不是指的实际船东;OPERATOR指的就是船舶管理公司,这里指的就是COSCO-WALLEM;在填写24小时联系人时,一般指的是当地的代理的联系方式;在填写:ARRIVE INFORMATION一栏时,如不知所靠港口属于哪个州,可以在右栏帮助栏中找(或在进港指南中找);ARRIVE TIME是指抵达所靠港口泊位的时间,而不是指抵达引水站的时间,因为美国有些港口是河港,两者相差太大,一定要分清楚;在RECEIVING FACILITY是指你船所要靠泊的泊位,这一信息你要事先向代理索要;ARRIVE PLACE是指所要抵达的引水站,要填写上抵达引水站的名称及ETA时间。

When you select one column for filling, there are reminding at STBD help column, you can refer to it. You should note that the owner is the registered owner on registry certificate, not the actual
