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Investigation on sexual health knowledge and attitudes among 1107 college students in Shanghai XU Zhe-yi, WEI Xiao-min. Shanghai Health Education Institution,Shanghai 200040,China
Chinese Journal of Health Education,October 2012,Vol. 28,No. 10
1107 名上海大学生性健康知识和性观念的调查分析
【中图分类号】 R193; R167 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】1002 - 9982 ( 2012) 10 - 0822 - 05 【摘要】 目的 了解大学生性健康知识、性观念现状,为今后开展高校性健康教育干预活动提供科学依据。 方法 采用问卷调查方法,对上海财经大学和上海交通大学 1127 名非医学类专业在校一年级学生进行调查。结果 共收回有效问卷 1107 份 ( 98. 2% ) ,男女生比例接近 1∶ 1. 3。调查对象对艾滋病传播途径、淋病致病菌和淋病传染 源正确认知程度分别为 97. 9% 、82. 8% 和 94. 7% 。对健康的定义正确认知率文科女生 ( 95. 0% ) 明显高于同组男 生 ( 87. 1% ,P < 0. 01) ,对体外射精是不安全有效的避孕措施正确认知程度文科男生 ( 62. 1% ) 明显高于同组女 生 ( 38. 8% ) 和理工科男生 ( 50. 3% ) ( P < 0. 01) 。77. 3% 调查对象对婚前性行为表现出相当高的接受度,83. 1% 调查对象认为有必要在高校中开展性健康教育,且女生支持率 ( 85. 7% ) 高于男生 ( 79. 5% ,P < 0. 01) 。调查对 象认为大学开展性教育最好形式为开设健康讲座 ( 49. 1% ) 。结论 在高校中应重视性健康宣传教育活动的开展, 通过开设性健康教育讲座与咨询、短信等服务方式,为学生提供值得信赖的、注重个人隐私的帮助,培养大学生 树立正确的性观念,提高性病防护意识。 【关键词】 大学生; 性健康; 性观念;ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้卫生热线
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate status of sexual health knowledge and attitudes among college students in Shanghai,and provide scientific basis for further intervention development in universities. Methods By using a face-toface questionnaire surveys,1107 non-medical professional first-year students selected from Shanghai University of Finance Economics and Shanghai Jiaotong University were investigated. Results In a total of 1107 valid questionnaires ( valid rate: 98. 2% ) ,the gender ratio of male to female was closed to 1∶ 1. 3. Awareness rates of the route of transmission of AIDS,of gonorrhea’s pathogen and of source of infection were 97. 9% ,82. 8% and 94. 7% ,respectively. The correct answering rate of the health definition in girls of the liberal arts group ( 95. 0% ) was significantly higher than that of boys ( 87. 1% ,P < 0. 01 ) . The correct answer rate of extracorporeal ejaculation as an unsafe and ineffective contraceptive measure in boys of the liberal arts group ( 62. 1% ) was significantly higher than the girls of the liberal arts group ( 38. 8% ) and the boys of the science & engineering group ( 50. 3% ) ( P < 0. 01) . 77. 3% of the respondents showed much high acceptability to premarital sexual behavior. 83. 1% of the respondents considered that it was necessary to carry out sexual health educations in universities, and the support rate by girls ( 85. 7% ) was higher than that by boys ( 79. 5% ,P < 0. 01) . The respondents thought that the best form for sexual education was health lectures ( 49. 1% ) . Conclusion Sexual health education activities should be paid more attentions in universities to help students to improve correct sexual idea as well as STD protection consciousness.