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The Shining of Freedom and Hope

------the comment on “The Shawshank Redemption”

“Some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice.”

Freedom is so precious that everyone who has lost it has a strong desire for it. Just like the hero of the movie, “The Shawshank Redemption”, Andy Dufresne.

The movie is based on the short novel named “RITA HAYWORTH AND SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION” of Stevin King. On my view of it, freedom and hope are two main themes. To tell the truth, I was shocked by the scenes. When all the prisoners were rinsed through a big waterpipe, I couldn’t believe it is called “shower”… And the scene Andy crowed to fre edom in the foulness for 500 yards makes me cry…

In this movie, the daily life in Shawshank prison is played so real. The brutal jailer who kills a man crying in his first night in prison, the warden who forced Andy to help him channel dirty money, all of them are spokesmen of the incredible Shawshank. Since Andy is innocent, he has ever had a chance to be discharged form prison, but the malicious warden shoots the deponent. Yes, he wants Andy help him forever.

Although the background is hard for Andy to survive, but he never gives up. He says, “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best thing in the world. And no good thing ever dies.” So, only could he escape from prison and then live safely. He is not only a great president of a large Portland bank, but als o a satisfying friend, even a terrific prisoner…

Another two characters must be mentioned are Old Brooks and Red. After being clocked in prison for 50 years, Brooks is totally institutionalized. When he leaves the stone walls and goes to outside world, it is hard for him to accept the cruel fact that he is nothing to the world. In the end, he leaves his name and commits a suicide. Brooks’ ending indicates that the freedom of body is meaningless, and the important thing is the freedom of one’s heart. Well,Red is the narrator in this movie. Also he is Andy’s friend in Shawshank. When he

goes out, the same thought as Brooks comes to him. But luckily, he doesn’t dy. Because he knows, all one wants is to be back where things make sense, where he won’t have to be afraid all the time. So he comes to his friend, Andy, who has already get freedom.

Just like the bird of Old Brooks, every soul in Shawshank will have a day that they get “free”. But something when you have lost it for a long time, you will be strange to it. And even you’ll be afraid.

To show the theme, the movie creates Andy. Because of his desire to be free, he lets the jailer buy beers for him and his friends by using his wisdom. Because of he is urge to gain freedom, he is brave enough to play CDs for all the prisoners. Of course, without the permission of the warden. I still remember the scene when the beautiful sound flies to the ground; everyone puts up his head and stares at the broadcasting. ‘Some things are best left unsaid.’ The sound is h igher and farther than everybody in a gray place dares to dream. The sound represents freedom and hope. I feel that everywhere in the world needs warm and free, even in prisons.

When you look back on the way you were, maybe as a person who commit a crime, you want to talk to the young man, and tell him the way things are. This is the real use of law and prison. Not for punishment, but for rehabilitated. If every prison in the world works like the Shawshank, there will be more and more prisoners. The soc iety won’t develop. The thought of human beings have no improvement. What a terrible thing!

Andy said, get busy living, or get busy dying. Undoubtedly he is getting busy living all the time. Through the movie, I can fiercely feel the meaning of life. We live in order to live better. And only if there is hope in your heart, you will not be defeated all the time. Hope is the source to strength, just like the head to a fountain.

Succeed is prepared for the man who is smart, brave and persistent enough, so as the freedom. For Andy, being free is his biggest succeed. Just like Red said, he is like a bird that will never be controlled by the cage. Because he has the bright wings and the heart full of certain determination!
