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Ⅰ.Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(1%×20=20%)

1. For some years, the United Nations been suggesting that we need to cut back on meat for the sake of the planet.

A. having

B. has

C. have

D. had

2. Again, that early success had to be taken with a of salt.

A. piece

B. group

C. pack

D. grain

3.I congratulated him and contestants who had set a new record at this event.

A. the other all

B. all the other

C. the all other

D. all other the

4.Julia will come to give you a hand the moment she her homework.

A. will finish

B. finishes

C. had finished

D. finished

5.She has started to put more focus into her fashion choices,because she to understand how important style can be.

A. begins

B. began

C. is beginning

D. will begin

6.More than 100 people in such attacks since December 2016.

A. killed

B. are killed

C. have been killed

D. being killed

7.Mr. Sumaila Sabo advised that the remains of the dead boy at the place he was found.

A. was buried

B. bury

C. be buried

D. buried

8.We wait for a special occasion. Let the kids feel our love now!

A. mayn't

B. needn't

C. daren't

D. can't

9. You are a very successful lawyer now! I'm sure you hard to obtain a Law Degree from the University.

A. may have studied

B. can have studied

C. must have studied

D. must study

10. For a romantic evening, you'd better for slow, quite songs, or even something mystical.

A. opt

B. to opt

C. opting

D. opted

11.One of the men attempted money out of the shop's cash register but was unsuccessful.

A. get

B. to get

C. getting

D. gotten

12.There are a couple of key changes that deserve .

A. mentioning

B. to mention

C. mentioned

D. being mentioned

13. Weddings, baptisms and even funerals are still held in the church.

A. beautiful old wooden

B. old beautiful wooden

C. old wooden beautiful

D. beautiful wooden old

14.The man reported that he was robbed of $799 cash by two unknown men.

A. in

B. on

C. of

D. with

15.The fossil is extremely rare it contains the animal's complete skeleton.

A.so that

B. such that

C.in that

D.in order that

16.The children we so lovingly indulge might just hold us responsible for their misfortune.

A. what

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

17.The day you accept the defeat rather than finding excuses makes you stronger.

A. on which

B. at which

C. which

D. in that

18. Seven victims have been identified, and the police working to identify the other three children who might also be victims.

A. were

B. is

C. are

D. was
