
In optimal design for robot structures, design modelsneed to he modified and computed repeatedly. Becausemodifying usually can not automaticallyberun, itconsumes a lot of time.Thispaper gives a method thatuses APDL language of ANSYS5.5software togenerate an optimal control program, which mikeoptimal procedure run automatically and optimalefficiency be improved.
A lot of methods are used in optimization design ofstructure. Finite element method is a much effectivemethod. In general, modeling and modifying are manual,whichisfeasible when model is simple. When modeliscomplicated, optimization timeislonger. In the longeroptimization time, calculation time is usually very little,a majorityoftime is used for modeling and modifying.It is key of improving efficiency of structureoptimization how to reduce modeling and modifyingtime.

工业机器人中英文翻译、外文文献翻译、外文翻译外文原文:RobotAfter more than 40 years of development, since its first appearance till now, the robot has already been widely applied in every industrial fields, and it has become the important standard of industry modernization.Robotics is the comprehensive technologies that combine with mechanics, electronics, informatics and automatic control theory. The level of the robotic technology has already been regarded as the standard of weighing a national modern electronic-mechanical manufacturing technology.Over the past two decades, the robot has been introduced into industry to perform many monotonous and often unsafe operations. Because robots can perform certain basic more quickly and accurately than humans, they are being increasingly used in various manufacturing industries.With the maturation and broad application of net technology, the remote control technology of robot based on net becomes more and more popular in modern society. It employs the net resources in modern society which are already three to implement the operatio of robot over distance. It also creates many of new fields, such as remote experiment, remote surgery, and remote amusement. What's more, in industry, it can have a beneficial impact upon the conversion of manufacturing means.The key words are reprogrammable and multipurpose because most single-purpose machines do not meet these two requirements. The term “reprogrammable” implies two things: The robot operates according to a written program, and this program can be rewritten to accommodate a variety of manufacturing tasks. The term “multipurpose” means that the robot can perform many different functions, depending on the program and tooling currently in use.Developed from actuating mechanism, industrial robot can imitation some actions and functions of human being, which can be used to moving all kinds of material components tools and so on, executing mission by execuatable program multifunctionmanipulator. It is extensive used in industry and agriculture production, astronavigation and military engineering.During the practical application of the industrial robot, the working efficiency and quality are important index of weighing the performance of the robot. It becomes key problems which need solving badly to raise the working efficiencies and reduce errors of industrial robot in operating actually. Time-optimal trajectory planning of robot is that optimize the path of robot according to performance guideline of minimum time of robot under all kinds of physical constraints, which can make the motion time of robot hand minimum between two points or along the special path. The purpose and practical meaning of this research lie enhance the work efficiency of robot.Due to its important role in theory and application, the motion planning of industrial robot has been given enough attention by researchers in the world. Many researchers have been investigated on the path planning for various objectives such as minimum time, minimum energy, and obstacle avoidance.The basic terminology of robotic systems is introduced in the following:A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move parts, materials, tools, or special devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of different task. This basic definition leads to other definitions, presented in the following paragraphs that give a complete picture of a robotic system.Preprogrammed locations are paths that the robot must follow to accomplish work. At some of these locations, the robot will stop and perform some operation, such as assembly of parts, spray painting, or welding. These preprogrammed locations are stored in the robot’s memory and are recalled later for continuous operation. Furthermore, these preprogrammed locations, as well as other programming feature, an industrial robot is very much like a computer, where data can be stored and later recalled and edited.The manipulator is the arm of the robot. It allows the robot to bend, reach, and twist. This movement is provided by the manipulator’s axes, also called the degrees of freedom of the robot. A robot can have from 3 to 16 axes. The term degrees of freedom will always relate to the number of axes found on a robot.The tooling and grippers are not part of the robotic system itself: rather, they areattachments that fit on the end of the robot’s arm. These attachments connected to the end of the robot’s arm allow the robot to lift parts, spot-weld, paint, arc-well, drill, deburr, and do a variety of tasks, depending on what is required of the robot.The robotic system can also control the work cell of the operating robot. The work cell of the robot is the total environment in which the robot must perform its task. Included within this cell may be the controller, the robot manipulator, a work table, safety features, or a conveyor. All the equipment that is required in order for the robot to do its job is included in the work cell. In addition, signals from outside devices can communicate with the robot in order to tell the robot when it should assemble parts, pick up parts, or unload parts to a conveyor.The robotic system has three basic components: the manipulator, the controller, and the power source.ManipulatorThe manipulator, which dose the physical work of the robotic system, consists of two sections: the mechanical section and the attached appendage. The manipulator also has a base to which the appendages are attached.The base of the manipulator is usually fixed to the floor of the work area. Sometimes, though, the base may be movable. In this case, the base is attached to either a rail or a track, allowing the manipulator to be moved from one location to anther.As mentioned previously, the appendage extends from the base of the robot. The appendage is the arm of the robot. It can be either a straight, movable arm or a jointed arm. The jointed arm is also known as an articulated arm.The appendages of the robot manipulator give the manipulator its various axes of motion. These axes are attached to a fixed base, which, in turn, is secured to a mounting. This mounting ensures that the manipulator will remain in one location.At the end of the arm, a wrist is connected. The wrist is made up of additional axes and a wrist flange. The wrist flange allows the robot user to connect different tooling to the wrist for different jobs.The manipulator’s axes allow it to perform work within a certain area. This area is called the work cell of the robot, and its size corresponds to the size of the manipulator. As the robot’s physical size increases, the size of the work cell must also increase.The movement of the manipulator is controlled by actuators, or drive system. The actuator, or drive system, allows the various axes to move within the work cell. The drive system can use electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic power. The energy developed by the drive system is converted to mechanical power by various mechanical drive systems. The drive systems are coupled through mechanical linkages. These linkages, in turn, drive the different axes of the robot. The mechanical linkages may be composed of chains, gears, and ball screws.ControllerThe controller in the robotic system is the heart of the operation. The controller stores preprogrammed information for later recall, controls peripheral devices, and communicates with computers within the plant for constant updates in production.The controller is used to control the robot manipulator’s movements as well as to control peripheral components within the work cell. The user can program the movements of the manipulator into the controller through the use of a hand-held teach pendant. This information is stored in the memory of the controller for later recall. The controller stores all program data for the robotic system. It can store several different programs, and any of these programs can be edited.The controller is also required to communicate with peripheral equipment within the work cell. For example, the controller has an input line that identifies when a machining operation is completed. When the machine cycle is completed, the input line turns on, telling the controller to position the manipulator so that it can pick up the finished part. Then, a new part is picked up by the manipulator and placed into the machine. Next, the controller signals the machine to start operation.The controller can be made from mechanically operated drums that step through a sequence of events. This type of controller operates with a very simple robotic system. The controllers found on the majority of robotic systems are more complex devices and represent state-of-the-art electronics. This is, they are microprocessor-operated. These microprocessors are either 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit processors. This power allows the controller to the very flexible in its operation.The controller can send electric signals over communication lines that allow it to talk with the various axes of the manipulator. This two-way communication between therobot manipulator and the controller maintains a constant update of the location and the operation of the system. The controller also controls any tooling placed on the end of the robot’s wrist.The controller also has the job of communicating with the different plant computers. The communication link establishes the robot as part of a computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) system.As the basic definition stated, the robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator. Therefore, the controller must contain some type of memory storage. The microprocessor-based systems operate in conjunction with solid-state memory devices. These memory devices may be magnetic bubbles, random-access memory, floppy disks, or magnetic tape. Each memory storage device stores program information for later recall or for editing.Power supplyThe power supply is the unit that supplies power to the controller and the manipulator. Two types of power are delivered to the robotic system. One type of power is the AC power for operation of the controller. The other type of power is used for driving the various axes of the manipulator. For example, if the robot manipulator is controlled by hydraulic or pneumatic drives, control signals are sent to these devices, causing motion of the robot.For each robotic system, power is required to operate the manipulator. This power can be developed from either a hydraulic power source, a pneumatic power source, or an electric power source. These power sources are part of the total components of the robotic work cell.Classification of RobotsIndustrial robots vary widely in size, shape, number of axes, degrees of freedom, and design configuration. Each factor influences the dimensions of the robot’s working envelope or the volume of space within which it can move and perform its designated task. A broader classification of robots can been described as blew.Fixed and Variable-Sequence Robots. The fixed-sequence robot (also called a pick-and place robot) is programmed for a specific sequence of operations. Its movements are from point to point, and the cycle is repeated continuously. Thevariable-sequence robot can be programmed for a specific sequence of operations but can be reprogrammed to perform another sequence of operation.Playback Robot. An operator leads or walks the playback robot and its end effector through the desired path. The robot memorizes and records the path and sequence of motions and can repeat them continually without any further action or guidance by the operator.Numerically Controlled Robot. The numerically controlled robot is programmed and operated much like a numerically controlled machine. The robot is servo-controlled by digital data, and its sequence of movements can be changed with relative ease.Intelligent Robot. The intellingent robot is capable of performing some of the functions and tasks carried out by human beings. It is equipped with a variety of sensors with visual and tactile capabilities.Robot ApplicationsThe robot is a very special type of production tool; as a result, the applications in which robots are used are quite broad. These applications can be grouped into three categories: material processing, material handling and assembly.In material processing, robots use to process the raw material. For example, the robot tools could include a drill and the robot would be able to perform drilling operations on raw material.Material handling consists of the loading, unloading, and transferring of workpieces in manufacturing facilities. These operations can be performed reliably and repeatedly with robots, thereby improving quality and reducing scrap losses.Assembly is another large application area for using robotics. An automatic assembly system can incorporate automatic testing, robot automation and mechanical handling for reducing labor costs, increasing output and eliminating manual handling concerns.Hydraulic SystemThere are only three basic methods of transmitting power: electrical, mechanical, and fluid power. Most applications actually use a combination of the three methods to obtain the most efficient overall system. To properly determine which principle method to use, it is important to know the salient features of each type. For example, fluidsystems can transmit power more economically over greater distances than can mechanical type. However, fluid systems are restricted to shorter distances than are electrical systems.Hydraulic power transmission systems are concerned with the generation, modulation, and control of pressure and flow, and in general such systems include:1.Pumps which convert available power from the prime mover to hydraulicpower at the actuator.2.Valves which control the direction of pump-flow, the level of powerproduced, and the amount of fluid-flow to the actuators. The power level isdetermined by controlling both the flow and pressure level.3.Actuators which convert hydraulic power to usable mechanical power outputat the point required.4.The medium, which is a liquid, provides rigid transmission and control aswell as lubrication of components, sealing in valves, and cooling of thesystem.5.Connectors which link the various system components, provide powerconductors for the fluid under pressure, and fluid flow return totank(reservoir).6.Fluid storage and conditioning equipment which ensure sufficient quality andquantity as well as cooling of the fluid..Hydraulic systems are used in industrial applications such as stamping presses, steel mills, and general manufacturing, agricultural machines, mining industry, aviation, space technology, deep-sea exploration, transportation, marine technology, and offshore gas and petroleum exploration. In short, very few people get through a day of their lives without somehow benefiting from the technology of hydraulics.The secret of hydraulic system’s success and widespread use is its versatility and manageability. Fluid power is not hindered by the geometry of the machine as is the case in mechanical systems. Also, power can be transmitted in almost limitless quantities because fluid systems are not so limited by the physical limitations of materials as are the electrical systems. For example, the performance of an electromagnet is limited by the saturation limit of steel. On the other hand, the powerlimit of fluid systems is limited only by the strength capacity of the material.Industry is going to depend more and more on automation in order to increase productivity. This includes remote and direct control of production operations, manufacturing processes, and materials handling. Fluid power is the muscle of automation because of advantages in the following four major categories.1.Ease and accuracy of control. By the use of simple levers and push buttons,the operator of a fluid power system can readily start, stop, speed up or slowdown, and position forces which provide any desired horsepower withtolerances as precise as one ten-thousandth of an inch. Fig. shows a fluidpower system which allows an aircraft pilot to raise and lower his landinggear. When the pilot moves a small control valve in one direction, oil underpressure flows to one end of the cylinder to lower the landing gear. To retractthe landing gear, the pilot moves the valve lever in the opposite direction,allowing oil to flow into the other end of the cylinder.2.Multiplication of force. A fluid power system (without using cumbersomegears, pulleys, and levers) can multiply forces simply and efficiently from afraction of an ounce to several hundred tons of output.3.Constant force or torque. Only fluid power systems are capable of providingconstant force or torque regardless of speed changes. This is accomplishedwhether the work output moves a few inches per hour, several hundred inchesper minute, a few revolutions per hour, or thousands of revolutions perminute.4.Simplicity, safety, economy. In general, fluid power systems use fewermoving parts than comparable mechanical or electrical systems. Thus, theyare simpler to maintain and operate. This, in turn, maximizes safety,compactness, and reliability. For example, a new power steering controldesigned has made all other kinds of power systems obsolete on manyoff-highway vehicles. The steering unit consists of a manually operateddirectional control valve and meter in a single body. Because the steering unitis fully fluid-linked, mechanical linkages, universal joints, bearings, reductiongears, etc. are eliminated. This provides a simple, compact system. Inapplications. This is important where limitations of control space require asmall steering wheel and it becomes necessary to reduce operator fatigue.Additional benefits of fluid power systems include instantly reversible motion, automatic protection against overloads, and infinitely variable speed control. Fluid power systems also have the highest horsepower per weight ratio of any known power source. In spite of all these highly desirable features of fluid power, it is not a panacea for all power transmission problems. Hydraulic systems also have some drawbacks. Hydraulic oils are messy, and leakage is impossible to completely eliminate. Also, most hydraulic oils can cause fires if an oil leak occurs in an area of hot equipment.Pneumatic SystemPneumatic system use pressurized gases to transmit and control power. As the name implies, pneumatic systems typically use air (rather than some other gas ) as the fluid medium because air is a safe, low-cost, and readily available fluid. It is particularly safe in environments where an electrical spark could ignite leaks from system components.In pneumatic systems, compressors are used to compress and supply the necessary quantities of air. Compressors are typically of the piston, vane or screw type. Basically a compressor increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume as described by the perfect gas laws. Pneumatic systems normally use a large centralized air compressor which is considered to be an infinite air source similar to an electrical system where you merely plug into an electrical outlet for electricity. In this way, pressurized air can be piped from one source to various locations throughout an entire industrial plant. The compressed air is piped to each circuit through an air filter to remove contaminants which might harm the closely fitting parts of pneumatic components such as valve and cylinders. The air then flows through a pressure regulator which reduces the pressure to the desired level for the particular circuit application. Because air is not a good lubricant (contains about 20% oxygen), pneumatics systems required a lubricator to inject a very fine mist of oil into the air discharging from the pressure regulator. This prevents wear of the closely fitting moving parts of pneumatic components.Free air from the atmosphere contains varying amounts of moisture. This moisture can be harmful in that it can wash away lubricants and thus cause excessive wear andcorrosion. Hence, in some applications, air driers are needed to remove this undesirable moisture. Since pneumatic systems exhaust directly into the atmosphere , they are capable of generating excessive noise. Therefore, mufflers are mounted on exhaust ports of air valves and actuators to reduce noise and prevent operating personnel from possible injury resulting not only from exposure to noise but also from high-speed airborne particles.There are several reasons for considering the use of pneumatic systems instead of hydraulic systems. Liquids exhibit greater inertia than do gases. Therefore, in hydraulic systems the weight of oil is a potential problem when accelerating and decelerating and decelerating actuators and when suddenly opening and closing valves. Due to Newton’s law of motion ( force equals mass multiplied by acceleration ), the force required to accelerate oil is many times greater than that required to accelerate an equal volume of air. Liquids also exhibit greater viscosity than do gases. This results in larger frictional pressure and power losses. Also, since hydraulic systems use a fluid foreign to the atmosphere , they require special reservoirs and no-leak system designs. Pneumatic systems use air which is exhausted directly back into the surrounding environment. Generally speaking, pneumatic systems are less expensive than hydraulic systems.However, because of the compressibility of air, it is impossible to obtain precise controlled actuator velocities with pneumatic systems. Also, precise positioning control is not obtainable. While pneumatic pressures are quite low due to compressor design limitations ( less than 250 psi ), hydraulic pressures can be as high as 10,000 psi. Thus, hydraulics can be high-power systems, whereas pneumatics are confined to low-power applications. Industrial applications of pneumatic systems are growing at a rapid pace. Typical examples include stamping, drilling, hoist, punching, clamping, assembling, riveting, materials handling, and logic controlling operations.工业机器人机器人自问世以来到现在,经过了40多年的发展,已被广泛应用于各个工业领域,已成为工业现代化的重要标志。

机器人技术发展中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文资料:RobotsFirst, I explain the background robots, robot technology development. It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results, for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology. It attributed the development of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the country's economic development. But they also demand the development of the productive forces the inevitable result of human development itself is the inevitable result then with the development of humanity, people constantly discuss the natural process, in understanding and reconstructing the natural process, people need to be able to liberate a slave. So this is the slave people to be able to replace the complex and engaged in heavy manual labor, People do not realize right up to the world's understanding and transformation of this technology as well as people in the development process of an objective need.Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustomed to regarding robots are divided into three categories. is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is through a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then issued a directive so the robot can repeat according to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement again, For example, the car spot welding robots, only to put this spot welding process, after teaching, and it is always a repeat of a work It has the external environment is no perception that the force manipulation of the size of the work piece there does not exist, welding 0S It does not know, then this fact from the first generation robot, it will exist this shortcoming, it in the 20th century, the late 1970s, people started to study the second-generation robot, called Robot with the feeling that This feeling with the robot is similar in function of a certain feeling, for instance, force and touch, slipping, visual, hearing and who is analogous to that with all kinds of feelings, say in a robot grasping objects, In fact, it can be the size of feeling out, it can through visual, to be able to feel and identify its shape, size, color Grasping an egg, it adopted a acumen, aware of its power and the size of the slide.Third-generation robots, we were a robotics ideal pursued by the most advanced stage, called intelligent robots, So long as tell it what to do, not how to tell it to do, it will be able to complete the campaign, thinking and perception of this man-machine communication function and function Well, this current development or relative is in a smart part of the concept and meaning But the real significance of the integrity of this intelligent robot did not actually exist, but as we continued the development of science and technology, the concept of intelligent increasingly rich, it grows ever wider connotations.Now I have a brief account of China's robot development of the basic profiles. As our country there are many other factors that problem. Our country in robotics research of the 20th century the late 1970s. At that time, we organized at the national, a Japanese industrial automation products exhibition. In this meeting, there are two products, is a CNC machine tools, an industrial robot, this time, our country's many scholars see such a direction, has begun to make a robot research But this time, are basically confined to the theory of phase .Then the real robot research, in 7500 August 5, 1995, 15 nearly 20 years of development, The most rapid development, in 1986 we established a national plan of 863 high-technology development plan, As robot technology will be an important theme of the development of The state has invested nearly Jiganyi funds begun to make a robot, We made the robot in the field quickly and rapid development.At present, units like the CAS ShenYng Institute of Automation, the original machinery, automation of the Ministry, as of Harbin Industrial University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Qinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also includes automation of some units, and so on have done a very important study, also made a lot of achievements Meanwhile, in recent years, we end up in college, a lot of flats in robot research, Many graduate students and doctoral candidates are engaged in robotics research, we are more representative national study Industrial robots, underwater robots, space robots, robots in the nuclear industry are on the international level should be taking the lead .On the whole of our country Compared with developed countries, there is still a big gap, primarily manifested in the We in the robot industry, at present there is no fixed maturity product, but in theseunderwater, space, the nuclear industry, a number of special robots, we have made a lot of achievements characteristics.Now, I would like to briefly outline some of the industrial robot situation. So far, the industrial robot is the most mature and widely used category of a robot, now the world's total sales of 1.1 million Taiwan, which is the 1999 statistics, however, 1.1 million in Taiwan have been using the equipment is 75 million, this volume is not small. Overall, the Japanese industrial robots in this one, is the first of the robots to become the Kingdom, the United States have developed rapidly. Newly installed in several areas of Taiwan, which already exceeds Japan, China has only just begun to enter the stage of industrialization, has developed a variety of industrial robot prototype and small batch has been used in production.Spot welding robot is the auto production line, improve production efficiency and raise the quality of welding car, reduce the labor intensity of a robot. It is characterized by two pairs of robots for spot welding of steel plate, bearing a great need for the welding tongs, general in dozens of kilograms or more, then its speed in meters per second a 5-2 meter of such high-speed movement. So it is generally five to six degrees of freedom, load 30 to 120 kilograms, the great space, probably expected that the work of a spherical space, a high velocity, the concept of freedom, that is to say, Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedom. Have more than six degrees of freedom robot, in different occasions the need to configure.The second category of service robots, with the development of industrialization, especially in the past decade, Robot development in the areas of application are continuously expanding, and now a very important characteristic, as we all know, Robot has gradually shifted from manufacturing to non-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue,relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign t o complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the basic characteristics.For example, domestic robot is mainly embodied in the example of some of the carpets and flooring it to the regular cleaning and vacuuming. The robot it is very meaningful, it has sensors, it can furniture and people can identify, It automatically according to a law put to the ground under the road all cleaned up. This is also the home of some robot performance.The medical robots, nearly five years of relatively rapid development of new application areas. If people in the course of an operation, doctors surgery, is a fatigue, and the other manually operated accuracy is limited. Some universities in Germany, which, facing the spine, lumbar disc disease, the identification, can automatically use the robot-aided positioning, operation and surgery Like the United States have been more than 1,000 cases of human eyeball robot surgery, the robot, also including remote-controlled approach, the right of such gastrointestinal surgery, we see on the television inside. a manipulator, about the thickness fingers such a manipulator, inserted through the abdominal viscera, people on the screen operating the machines hand, it also used the method of laser lesion laser treatment, this is the case, people would not have a very big damage to the human body.In reality, this right as a human liberation is a very good robots, medical robots it is very complex, while it is fully automated to complete all the work, there are difficulties, and generally are people to participate. This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the exhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through amanipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.We regard this country excel, it should be said that the United States, Russia and France, in our nation, also to the international forefront, which is the CAS ShenYang Institute of Automation of developing successful, 6,000 meters underwater without cable autonomous underwater robot, the robot to 6,000 meters underwater, can be conducted without cable operations. His is 2000, has been obtained in our country one of the top ten scientific and technological achievements. This indicates that our country in this underwater robot, have reached the advanced international level, 863 in the current plan, the development of 7,000 meters underwater in a manned submersible to the ocean further development and operation, This is a great vote of financial and material resources.In this space robotics research has also been a lot of development. In Europe, including 16 in the United States space program, and the future of this space capsule such a scheme, One thing is for space robots, its main significance lies in the development of the universe and the benefit of mankind and the creation of new human homes, Its main function is to scientific investigation, as production and space scientific experiments, satellites and space vehicles maintenance and repair, and the construction of the space assembly. These applications, indeed necessary, for example, scientific investigation, as if to mock the ground some physical and chemical experiments do not necessarily have people sitting in the edge of space, because the space crew survival in the day the cost is nearly one million dollars. But also very dangerous, in fact, some action is very simple, through the ground, via satellite control robot, and some regularly scheduled completion of the action is actually very simple. Include the capsule as control experiments, some switches, buttons, simple flange repair maintenance, Robot can be used to be performed by robots because of a solar battery, then the robot will be able to survive, we will be able to work, We have just passed the last robot development on the application of the different areas ofapplication, and have seen the robots in industry, medical, underwater, space, mining, construction, service, entertainment and military aspects of the application .Also really see that the application is driven by the development of key technologies, a lack of demand, the robot can not, It is because people in understanding the natural transformation of the natural process, the needs of a wide range of robots, So this will promote the development of key technologies, the robot itself for the development of From another aspect, as key technology solutions, as well as the needs of the application, on the promotion of the robot itself a theme for the development of intelligent, and from teaching reappearance development of the current local perception of the second-generation robot, the ultimate goal, continuously with other disciplines and the development of advanced technology, the robot has become rich, eventually achieve such an intelligent robot mainstream.Robot is mankind's right-hand man; friendly coexistence can be a reliable friend. In future, we will see and there will be a robot space inside, as a mutual aide and friend. Robots will create the jobs issue. We believe that there would not be a "robot appointment of workers being laid off" situation, because people with the development of society, In fact the people from the heavy physical and dangerous environment liberated, so that people have a better position to work, to create a better spiritual wealth and cultural wealth.译文:机器人首先我介绍一下机器人产生的背景,机器人技术的发展,它应该说是一个科学技术发展共同的一个综合性的结果,同时,为社会经济发展产生了一个重大影响的一门科学技术,它的发展归功于在第二次世界大战中各国加强了经济的投入,就加强了本国的经济的发展。

The Auto Body General Arrangement Design Based on ErgonomicsModern car design emphasizes people-centered, safety, comfort has been the subject of car design and the pursuit of the goal, but the comfort, safety is directly related to people, the study of ergonomics in automotive applications more and more attention. In the car body the overall layout design process required to fully take into account the theoretical knowledge of ergonomics, ergonomics reasonable size to ensure that different populations car comfort, safety, ease of operation, and on and off has important significance .Car Body general arrangement is based on vehicle general arrangement design carried out, its ultimate goal is within the limited dimensions of the body assembly and arrangement of all components, and get the most of interior space and improve the market competitiveness of products. However, the workload of general arrangement car body, it takes a long time, if possible based on the theory of ergonomics and CATIA V5 knowledge engineering module as a tool for knowledge-driven car overall layout parametric design, will greatly improve the design efficiency and quality and shorten the design cycle.1 . Driver's seat arrangement1.1 Layout of driver's seatStudies have shown that the human body to take joint angle when seated directly affect the ride comfort of the occupants of subjective feelings. Human drive, ride comfort and fatigue and design joint angle is determined according to the posture of the body, and therefore, according to the joint angle comfortable all-sized mannequin positioned, re-evaluation of its vision encompasses, comfort and so on. Different types of cars, its cab and the cab floor height of different heights, the driver must take a position corresponding.Driver's seating position and vehicle size must be appropriate to ensure the driver a good forward visibility, in order to meet different driver sitting comfort, the seat position is generally designed to be adjustable. Driver's seating position design principle is to ensure forward visibility conditions, to determine the limits of the human body has a size (women's and men's 95th 5th body size) limits the driver's seating position, from which to determine the adjustment range of the seat position.1.2 The driver's seat position and stroke adjustment determinedDriver's seat through the seat reference point position is determined SgRP point. SgRP point is the design of the seat reference point specified by the manufacturer, taking into account all the adjustments of the seat forms (horizontal, vertical and tilt adjustment), seat reference point to determine the final position in normal driving or riding, it means that when 95th one hundred When quintile manikin placed on the seat as required, the actual H point shall coincide with the seat reference point SgRP. When the accelerator pedal, the driver's seat and steering wheel position arrangement completed, in order to visually check the driver has a good layout on the angle of the seat in a sitting position when normal driving is able to meet the requirements of ergonomics, through CATIA V5 software platform to perform determined that the driver sitting corner. CATIA V5 building blocks of the human body model and management standards can be established in a virtual environment digitized virtual human model, based on its mannequin database, can easily be generated directly each percentile male and female mannequin, which set up the body The method of the model, since it needs the measurement data greatly reduced, thereby reducing the human body model to establish the amount of time, material and financial resources, has great practical value.2. Drivers eyellipse and head profile envelope designMotorists eyellipse refers to the different body according to their wishes driver seat adjusted to the appropriate location, and the normal seated driving position, the position of their eyes statistical distribution pattern in the vehicle coordinate system. Eyellipse established as the driver of automobile vision capability provides a scientific vision of the origin of benchmarks for measuring and evaluating the quality of the driver's field of vision provides an effective method. Eyellipse can use car windscreen defrosting site OK, OK car windshield shade band position and design car mirror position and vision checked, and so on.Head profile envelope refers to the different body occupant in a normal sitting position to sit right on its head (including hair) of the envelope, which is used to determine the occupants of the head space in the design. The space between the occupant's head and the body structure of activities for ensuring the occupant's head, and the head has the necessary buffer space is important in the bumps and roll and so on.Referring to SAE standard position of driver eye and head oval profile envelope surface by the pedal position, seat position reference point, the position of the steering wheel center constraints, that position eyellipses and head profile envelope will be with pedal , different seats and steering wheel position disposed correspondingly change. In order to be able to accurately and easily reflect these constraintsCoordinate positioning eyellipse and head profile envelope surface in automobile body coordinate system can be set up in the above-mentioned constraints CATIA V5 platform, based on its parametric design model to drive complete different percentile eyellipse and head profile establish envelope surface of the package. Parametric design is driven by the size and characteristics of the drive in the form of an independent geometric constraints and a certain function formula relation to product design. Therefore, by giving a different value for each ergonomic size, it can easily get a new position coordinates eyellipse and head profile envelope surface and a different three-dimensional eyellipse percentile and head profile envelope surface model, thus analysis and comparison of different size under the model to determine the optimal value, thereby greatly reducing the workload modeling and improve work efficiency.3. Driver's field of vision designThe driver has a good view of the cars is to ensure ease of manipulation and with the importance of safety conditions, depending on the field of vision of the position of the seat, the structure of the seat and backrest height and tilt angle, window size, shape and arrangement of pillars , hood and fender shapes, and so on. By eyellipse can design and check the driver's front and rear blind spot size, traffic lights vision and car windscreen squeegee device sweeps an area, but also be able to use eyellipses car dashboard and post calculation and blind check. When the cars with more than 80% of the traffic information is obtained by the driver's vision, so the use of the driver's field of vision eye ellipses design is important to guarantee the safety lane.4. Occupant's head and the car roof space arrangementHead space is the key to the overall arrangement of the general arrangement need to determine the size of the body, the method is used SgRP prevailing point of H61-1 and H61-2to judge the size of the head space. Head space, the greater the passengers in the car space, comfortDegree better, but the resulting total vehicle height greater flow line models will be destroyed, aerodynamic deteriorated. Currently, SgRP point rear seat and head profile envelope surface position after arrangement is completed, according to the effective headroom dimensions H61-1, H61-2 experience, taking into account the size of the Ukrainian head gap 8, H41-1, Ukraine 9, H41-2 combined with dynamic styling and aerodynamic requirements can be finalized car roof height. Meanwhile, the head profile envelope surface is after taking into account normal hair spatial statistics out, in determining the size of the head space also need to consider wearing a hat, car bumps, space crew headdress and normal activities require.5. CATIA knowledge engineering and parametric technologyIn the body during general arrangement, each member of the body is arranged to be understood as to satisfy certain constraints (such as internal body size, passenger space, parts and accessories positional parameters, etc.), its program arrangement optimization process, requiring to be checked arrangement, consultation and modify repeated. If you modify each program must change the overall layout model the entire body, then it will undoubtedly take enormous time and energy, affecting the progress of the vehicle design. Because of this, CATIA V5 knowledge engineering and parametric design technology reflects its great value.CATIA V5 can be "knowledge" to the parameters, formulas, rules, checks, design tables and other forms. In the product design process, all product-related information collected, such as industry standards, corporate standards, design specifications, dimensions associated size constraints, features related design experience, material requirements, manufacturing processes and similar products to be classified information, , abstract and improve the composition of a product design knowledge base, by the definition reflect the product characteristics of knowledge between dependency and constraint knowledge rules relationships form the basis of the knowledge driven product design to achieve product parameters, intelligent design .Parametric design is driven by the size of the graphics driver or modify drawing state inthe graphic design, the main idea is to use geometric constraints, engineering equations and relationships to describe the shape characteristics of the product model. CATIA V5 parametric design layout to achieve a total body size is automatically updated and optimized to avoid duplication of work, it is the product variability, reusability, parallel design provide means by which designers can easily change models generate serialization products, improve production efficiency.6. ConclusionErgonomics is the physiological and psychological characteristics of people, studies the people, machines, relationships and interactions of environmental laws in order to optimize the man-machine system of a discipline whose goal is to make people feel that the use of a mechanical process safe, healthy, comfortable and efficient. By the ergonomics theory and CATIA V5 knowledge engineering and parametric technology, reducing the previous model Work positioning and reduce errors by hand drawing model diagram caused, shorten design cycles, reduce design costs; theory based on ergonomics to CATIA V5 as a tool for the average car driver seat arrangement method, eyellipses and the importance of head profile envelope surface of the application as well as knowledge engineering and parametric design technology in general arrangement design has also been discussed and studied.基于人机工程学的车身设计现代轿车设计强调以人为中心,安全性、舒适性一直是轿车设计的主题和追求的目标,而舒适性、安全性直接与人相关,所以研究人机工程学在汽车上的应用越来越受到重视。

Ergonomics and DesignModern high-tech society of rapid development, is gradually changing to the production of human life in every aspect the display of human greatness and strength to conquer unparalleled wisdom, but it has brought new human anguish and anxiety That is the feeling of loneliness, alienation and emotional imbalance. In a high-tech society, people would seek a balance -- a high-tech and high emotional balance, A high and high human rational balance. Technology progressed, the greater the desire to balance strong. So John that : "No matter where needed compensatory high emotion. Our high-tech society more We hope to create more high emotional environment, the techniques used to balance the software side of rigid side, " Such emotion and humanity to achieve balance, and human life as closely related to the design of the responsibility.Goods modeling and ergonomics is combined. They can be described as : Center for psychological, physiological radius, used to establish and things (products) harmonious relations between the way to maximize the potential of excavation, a comprehensive and balanced use of muscle energy, the protection of human health, and thereby increase productivity. From the context of industrial design, the big aerospace systems, urban planning, infrastructure construction, factory automation, mechanical equipment, transport, small furniture, clothing, stationery and flower pots, cups, bowls and chopsticks production, such as the creation of life with the "objects" in the design and manufacture must take the "human factor" as an important condition to consider. If the product categories divided into professional supplies and general supplies, professional supplies in ergonomics, on the other hand, there will be more consideration, It relies a lot on the level of physiology; and general products it must balance the psychological problems need more aesthetic and the design trend, which is to be the product of human nature-based demand.Ergonomics application areas :1 computer terminal : Design and layout : computer products and peripherals design and layout, computer terminal workstations, display equipment and rules of the screen health and safety, ergonomic office environment;2 industrial design application, "Information design and market / user research, medical equipment, seating comfort and design study seating design and classification, classification and selection of furniture;3 man-machine interface design and evaluation : the man-machine interface design and development, knowledge systems, man-machine interface forms, HCI/MMI prototype GUI prototype4 computer terminals : Design and layout : computer products and peripherals design and layout, computer terminal workstations, display equipment and rules of the screen health and safety, ergonomic office environment;5 office ergonomics and design : office automation, office equipment and office design, layout and ergonomics;other special ergonomic applications : nuclear energy, the military man-machine engineering, process control, cultural surveys and research methods Automatic Speech Recognition;,Many aspects of the application of ergonomics.Well, for a product is how to evaluate it in ergonomics standard with regard? Germany design center, for example, in selecting the annual quality products, ergonomic set on the following criteria :1) products and human dimensions, shape and strength match;2) the product is easy to manage and make good use;3) to prevent the use of operator injury and accidents at the wrong time with the danger;4) the practical operation of the units; placement of the components on the significance of it can no doubt be identified and tracked;5) whether or not the products to facilitate cleaning, maintenance and repair.So-called ergonomics, which is the application of anthropometry, the human body mechanics, work physiology, working on the fields of psychology research methods, the human body structure and function characteristics, Body parts of the size, weight, body surface area, density, the focus of some of the human activities in the mutual relations and the scope of the human and structural characteristics of parameters; also part of the human effort, the scope of its activities, movement speed, movement frequency, focus changes and movements of human habits function parameters, the analysis of the visual, auditory, Skin Sense and sensitivity, and other sensory characteristics of function; Analysis of labor in the various physiological changes, energy consumption, The mechanism of fatigue on various labor load adaptability; To investigate the impact of the work of psychological factors and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact.Ergonomics Research content and design disciplines for the role can be summarized as the following :Industrial design considerations "human factors" for the human scale parameters : anthropometry, human biomechanics, physiology, psychology and other disciplines of study to human muscle structure and characteristics can be studied with parts of the human body, the size, body weight, body surface area, density, the focus of some of the human activities in the mutual relations and the scope and structure of the human body such as the characteristic parameters for each part of human hair of the scope, the scope of activities,movement speed, frequency, the focus changes when he inertia and dynamic parameters of the visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory sensory muscular limbs, which can be analyzed in the labor physiological changes, energy consumption, fatigue and work load of various adaptations, investigate the psychological impact of the work of the state, and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact. Ergonomic research, industrial design fully consider "human factors" for the human scale structure, physiological criteria and the psychological scales, and other data, such data can be effectively applied to the industrial design.Industrial design "products" function that provides a reasonable scientific basis : a modern industrial design, If pure functional material creative activities without considering the needs of ergonomics, it will be creative activities failure. Therefore, how to solve the "product" and people related to the function of the optimization, created with the physiological and psychological muscle coordination can be the "product", which will be contemporary industrial design, in a functional issue a new topic. Ergonomic principles and laws of the designer before the design consideration.Ergonomics notable feature is that the serious study of the human-machine, the three elements of the environment itself on the basis of characteristics, not simply focus on the individual elements of the fine or not, but would use "objects" and designed "objects" and with "objects" by the coexistence of the environment as a system to study . Ergonomics in the system will be known as "-- machines -- environmental system." The system, man-machine-environment interactions between three elements, interdependent relationship determines the overall system performance. The subject of man-machine system design theory is that the scientific use of the three elements of the organic links between the search for the best system parameters. The general design approach is usually clear in the whole system under the prerequisite that will focus on analyzing and studying the people and the airplane, Environment three elements of the system's overall performance, such as aircraft systems and the division of functions; tie; how to adapt to the environment; Machines on what is the impact on the environment and other issues, through constant revision and perfecting the three elements of the structure, ultimately ensure that the optimum combination is achieved. This is the ergonomics of the Industrial Design opened up new ideas, and offers a unique design methods and theory.Design and ergonomics of the arts and cultural atmosphere and man-machine interface using inexpensive to make products more user - in the human self-transformation gradually returning to the material world, to gradually create a human living space of their own.Design elements of the modeling for the design concerns the most important aspect The essence of design and characteristics must pass some form of which is clear, specific,to fruition. In the past, for a very long time it was known industrial design as "the industrial images," although not very scientific and norms, However, the number of shows in the design modeling of the importance and attention was. "Product Semantics," Modeling has become an important symbol. Italian designers stalled Kosovo roots in the 1980s designed Bra chairs, the chairs using the traditional structure, However, it covers the use of soft and full of design curves of the female body shape, and people get comfortable and soft to the imagination. very interesting. The design and colors have to rely on themselves to form can exist, we must shape if it is a reflection of specific significance. But color is a specific configuration and integration, it will have a very strong feeling and color features and a powerful spiritual impact. Contemporary American visual arts psychologists Mexico said : "various colors to arouse emotions and express their feelings, even affect our normal physiological feelings. " So is the general aesthetic color most commonly in the form of colors design humanized expression of the important factors. Bauhaus modern design uphold the tradition of modernist design, mostly black, white, gray and other colors of the neutral expression of language, reflect a calm, rational product characteristics. Modern Design strongly opposed empty and the few decorations, decorative anti-known. However, in line with mechanized technology for large-scale production, under the premise of the decorative design can really increase the taste and character. enable design at T. J. Modern designers often use industrial design or add natural materials, through material adjustment and changes to increase natural amenities or the sentimental mood to create a strong emotional response.Modern methods of production have a standardized design and process requirements on the design of spectrum and type series. Its purpose is to seek to design and the use of standardized mass production design means, to achieve reunification of the normative sense of beauty and order. Product design must see clearly the development of science and technology trends, pay close attention to new theories, new technologies, new processes, the emergence of new materials should be used as much as possible. full play to advanced scientific and technological research results into practical function of the value of the media, design aesthetic characteristics of the times and cultural inclinations products. Design products with the conditions of the times and social environment and social and psychological accordingly to reflect the change is inevitable. Research and forecast the trend of this change, tend to grasp the design and characteristics of the designer is extremely important. Because of all the world's countries and regions, the nation's geographical location and the environment, political and economic conditions, Cultural traditions and beliefs of different cases have developed its own unique character, hobbies, interests, habits and the pursuit This requires different branches of product design with different art forms and styles, corresponding to the formation of a nation's character.Design is to take the initiative to understand the user's present and future needs, and attention to the different needs of different levels, constantly designed to meet the different needs of various user products.Design is a kind of people's thinking of the form, Design is all the beautiful creatures entrusted to be the purpose and achievement, and outstanding design is the embodiment of truth, virtue and beauty. Designed to function from the past to meet the increased further to the right person in the spiritual care, which is designed into the culture, increase the value-added products of the culture of lies, this is the responsibility of the designer. With the level of human understanding gradually improved, deepened and increased human knowledge will be the "realm of necessity" to the "realm of freedom", which is the development of knowledge essential law. And the design of mankind will inevitably raise their awareness to a higher level, that the human society has been pursued by the idealistic, the arts and the way of living creatures, to consciously or unconsciously, by the pursuit of material needs of both the main and the main pursuit of the spirit of enjoyment. Design of the continuous development and improvement in the process that is the understanding, thinking and feeling constantly improve the process, human design is the emotional, cultural and ethical spirit of the mapping. Design is no "intelligence" and there is "sentimental". "Intelligence" that the mapping of the human ordinary design; Design is no life. Also have life, "life" that contains a human right in the design and use of the process. All human societies have been hallmarks of the human spirit awareness of the brand, the design is no exception. Let me quote a designer of the United States said the timing to end this paper : "People always think that the design of 3-D : aesthetic, technology and the economy, but more important is the fourth dimension : human nature. "人机工程学与造型设计现代社会高科技的迅猛发展,正逐步改变着人类生产生活的方方面面,在展示人类伟大的征服力量和无与伦比的聪明才智的同时,也带给人类新的苦恼和忧虑,那便是人情的孤独、疏远和感情的失衡。
人机工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 人机工程学评价舒车辆内饰设计,并提出改善建议

Ergonomic evaluation of interior design of Shoka vehicle and proposingrecommendations for improvementAdel Mazloumi * , PhDDepartment of Occupational Health, School of PublicHealth, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IranMohammadreze Fallah, MScDepartment of Ergonomics, University of Social Welfare andRehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, IranHedayat Tavakoli, MScDepartment of Occupational Health, Polytechnic University of Chamran, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,IranObjectives: One of the applications of ergonomics disciplinary is designing driver workstation compatible to users’ characteristics. The aim of this study was evaluation of interior design of Shoka vehicle with respect to the accommodation for Iranian population and proposing suggestions for customizing design of the vehicle. Method: This study was a descriptive-analytical study conducted among thirty men from Iranian drivers population in 5, 50, 95 percentiles of the stature variable. Objective variables related to the occupant packaging and vehicle visual aspects including anthropometric variables, frontal, lateral, and side view and so on were investigated first. Then, subjective variables related to the driver mental workload and body comfort discomfort were studied using BMDMW and comfort questionnaires during 2-hour driving trial sessions.Results: Occupant packaging variables and hand-arm angle showed the least accommodation percent(%53).Seating angles showed low accommodation as well (%73). Among three percentile groups there were no significant differences between the mean values of mental Workload during two hours driving task. The mean value related to the comfort discomfort was 3.9 during driving sessions. Conclusion: Considering the findings in this study, it can be concluded that seating angles need correction and optimization. Taking mental workload results into account, it can be concluded that the interior design of the studied car had no influence on drivers’mental workload. From the aspect of comfort/discomfort, Shoka vehicle showed neutral state among drivers.Optimizing seating angles, decreasing vibration, correcting stiffness of seating pan are suggested for customization of the ergonomicsaspect of this vehicle.Keywords: Ergonomic evaluation, Vehicle, Shoka, Anthropometric, CompatibilityIntroductionSafety and comfort are of the most important criteria for both car manufacturing companies and for drivers as well as occupants from many points of views. Therefore considering the principles of ergonomics in automotive design will make remarkable benefits to many extents .Different researches have shown that fatigue played an important role in incidence of thirty percent of traffic accidents. One of the major causes of fatigue while driving is the car interior design. Features such as seats, steering wheel and pedals have shown a large impact on driver fatigue. The interior design may also cause human error .Inappropriate design of the vehicle may lead to some health problems among driverpopulation as well. The risk of lumbar discs deformation, pain in neck, back and shoulder tension,reduced blood circulation in the legs and buttocks are the instances of those problems .Moreover, interior design has impact on driver mental workload.Mental workload refers to engaging the mind while performing a task like driving task. Problems such as distraction,performance reduction and human error are somehow related to the drivers' mental workload.Several ergonomics indicators are used by car manufacturing companies for car design evaluation. These indicators are either qualitative (subjective) or quantitative indicators.Qualitative indicators are achieved with the use of questionnaires and special checklists among users population.Quantitative indicators such as anthropometric measures, access limits,forces and so on are also used to evaluate interior design and its compatibility with the user population in different percentiles.Several questionnaires, such as BMDMW and body comfort-discomfort questionnaire,have been published to evaluate the vehicle design. BMDMW questionnaire is a subjective measure based on driving behavioral patterns which evaluate drivers’mental workload and state.Body comfort discomfort questionnaire also evaluate whole body and comfort-discomfortrelated to body limbs.Quantitative indicators to assess ergonomics-related aspects of interior design are generally related to the design dimensions.Dimensions can indicate humanaccommodation;and many research studies are based on evaluating those dimensions in 5,50,95 percentiles.The greatest differences in anthropometric values that are more relevant to the driver accommodation are three variables:stature, sitting height and weight. But, some research studies have shown that stature is most important anthropometric variable involved in the automotive design .Occupant packaging can be used for ergonomic quantitative evaluation of car design when considering stature as an anthropometric variable.Occupant packaging is the interior design process of a vehicle to achieve a good level of accommodation, comfort and safety for passengers. The most relevant to the ergonomics variables when considering occupant packaging are: interior dimensions (SAE J1100), hand control reach (SAE J287), ellipse (SAE J941) and driver selected seat position (SAE J1517 . The optimal dimensions of the anthropometric data that utilized or ergonomic design are valuable; but it dose not comprehensively cover other aspects of vehicle design such as: ease of use, comfort, field of view and safety aspects . That is the reason why vehicles are evaluated after design process.Particularly, if the vehicle would be an imported car, its design features and compatibility with the users are of crucial importance. Car manufacturers that are not original designer and they just assemble car products need to do researches in the field of vehicle ergonomics evaluation. Methods and materialsThis study was a cross-sectional case study to evaluate the Shoka vehicle. Itis a small truck car as a new model of the Nissan Z 24 which is manufactured in Zamyad Car Company in Iran.Main chassis as well asengine for this car are exactly for the Nis-san model Z 24. But, its body is completelya new design.There were two groups of variables to evaluate this car:1) Quantitative variables selected from occupant packaging and were related to SAE J1100 (interior dimensions),SAE J941(driver's eye location) SAE J1517 (accommodation) these variables and the comparison standard values are shown in Table 1. Tools used for measuring these variables included: goniometer, rulers in various sizes, tape and label as marker. Sitting pattern in the vehicle,definitions of the variablesand measuring methods and required adjustment of the vehicle during measurement activity was done according to the requirements of the SAE J1100 standard. Reference points of measurement were: seating reference point (SgRP), accelerator heel point (AHP) and Pedal Reference Point(PRP) that the other variables were deter-mined with respect to these points .Vision related quantitative variables included: nearest visible point on the ground from left sides and front that determined by a marker in meter Fig 1 shows the quantitative variables related to this study.2) Qualitative variables:Qualitative variables were investigated using BMDMW and body comfort-discomfort questionnaires during 2-hour driving sessions. TheBMDMW questionnaire, which evaluates driver mental workload, has been developed by Francesco Di Nasera in Rome University . Reliability and face validity of the BMDMW questionnaire was investigated and confirmed after translating into Persian language. BMDMW has six internal factors include: Disengagement, Vehicle Monitoring,Route Monitoring,Road Awareness,Control and Fatigue and has Likert scale that shows drivingevents from one" rarely" to five "high". Variables related to comfort-discomfort were collected during the two-hour road trial sessions by body comfort-discomfort questionnaire. This is one of the common tools for assessing comfort-discomfort that measures comfort-discomfort state by averaging twelve members state of the body during the driving.Validity and reliability of this questionnaire has been done in previous researches (4, 5). This questionnaire has seven point Likertscale that shows comfort-discomfort state from one “very comfortable” to seven veryuncomfortable” .Data for the occupant packaging and vision was collected first and then,after a two-hour road trial test the questionnaires were administered by selected drivers as participants. Statistical software of SPSS version 15 was conducted for data analysis. Data analysis included two parts: examine the aspects of the mean and standard deviation of the variables related to the descriptive statistics. Then from aspect of analytical statistics data normality was assessed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and normal data was used for the ANOV A test to examine mean differences.ConclusionConsidering the findings of this study it can be concluded that some changes in interior dimensions specially in sitting angles required in this vehicle. These changes should cover the entire percentile groups. The angles of trunk and hand-arm should beincreased and the angles related to the knee and foot should be decreased.This car has neutral conditions for Iranian drivers.Vehicle interior dimensions have no remarkable effects on whole body comfort-discomfort and other factors like: softness and rigidity of the seat, vibration of the vehicle and contact pressure will be effective on the d river’s comfort-discomfort.Tall drivers have more control over the vehicle.Fatigue, vehicle monitoring, route monitoring are same be-tween the drivers with different statures. Changes in H-Point, front hood bulge and wipers would be effective ways for improving driver view.人机工程学评价舒车辆内饰设计,并提出改善建议阿德尔Mazloumi *,博士职业卫生部门,公立学校健康,德黑兰大学医学科学院,伊朗德黑兰mohammadreze法拉赫,硕士人类工效学系,大学和社会福利康复治疗科学系,德黑兰,伊朗hedayat Tavakoli,硕士职业卫生署,理工大学chamran,德黑兰,伊朗德黑兰大学医学科学院,公共卫生学院,目标:人体工程学的应用学科之一,是兼容的驱动程序的工作站用户的特点设计。

英文文献Advances in Robotics TechnologyThis article reviews the recent advances in robotics technology. One of the biggest usages of robots is in the industrial sector, where the use in manufacturing process yields benefits such as increased efficiency and reduced costs. There are also a variety of robots for medical purposes, such as surgery and rehabilitation. In addition, robots are being used in the military and exploration of hostile environments to reduce risk to human life. The article concludes that robotics technology will continue to evolve and transform various industries with the potential to improve efficiency and reduce human error.Social Interaction with Robots结论本文翻译了关于机器人技术发展的中英文文献,并提供了机器人对人类生活的影响,机器人在工业、医疗中的应用等信息。

Ergonomics and DesignModern high-tech society of rapid development, is gradually changing to the production of human life in every aspect the display of human greatness and strength to conquer unparalleled wisdom, but it has brought new human anguish and anxiety That is the feeling of loneliness, alienation and emotional imbalance. In a high-tech society, people would seek a balance -- a high-tech and high emotional balance, A high and high human rational balance. Technology progressed, the greater the desire to balance strong. So John that : "No matter where needed compensatory high emotion. Our high-tech society more We hope to create more high emotional environment, the techniques used to balance the software side of rigid side, " Such emotion and humanity to achieve balance, and human life as closely related to the design of the responsibility.Goods modeling and ergonomics is combined. They can be described as : Center for psychological, physiological radius, used to establish and things (products) harmonious relations between the way to maximize the potential of excavation, a comprehensive and balanced use of muscle energy, the protection of human health, and thereby increase productivity. From the context of industrial design, the big aerospace systems, urban planning, infrastructure construction, factory automation, mechanical equipment, transport, small furniture, clothing, stationery and flower pots, cups, bowls and chopsticks production, such as the creation of life with the "objects" in the design and manufacture must take the "human factor" as an important condition to consider. If the product categories divided into professional supplies and general supplies, professional supplies in ergonomics, on the other hand, there will be more consideration, It relies a lot on the level of physiology; and general products it must balance the psychological problems need more aesthetic and the design trend, which is to be the product of human nature-based demand.Ergonomics application areas :1 computer terminal : Design and layout : computer products and peripherals design and layout, computer terminal workstations, display equipment and rules of the screen health and safety, ergonomic office environment;2 industrial design application, "Information design and market / user research, medical equipment, seating comfort and design study seating design and classification, classification and selection of furniture;3 man-machine interface design and evaluation : the man-machine interface design and development, knowledge systems, man-machine interface forms, HCI/MMI prototype GUI prototype4 computer terminals : Design and layout : computer products and peripherals design and layout, computer terminal workstations, display equipment and rules of the screen health and safety, ergonomic office environment;5 office ergonomics and design : office automation, office equipment and office design, layout and ergonomics;other special ergonomic applications : nuclear energy, the military man-machine engineering, process control, cultural surveys and research methods Automatic Speech Recognition;,Many aspects of the application of ergonomics.Well, for a product is how to evaluate it in ergonomics standard with regard? Germany design center, for example, in selecting the annual quality products, ergonomic set on the following criteria :1) products and human dimensions, shape and strength match;2) the product is easy to manage and make good use;3) to prevent the use of operator injury and accidents at the wrong time with the danger;4) the practical operation of the units; placement of the components on the significance of it can no doubt be identified and tracked;5) whether or not the products to facilitate cleaning, maintenance and repair.So-called ergonomics, which is the application of anthropometry, the human body mechanics, work physiology, working on the fields of psychology research methods, the human body structure and function characteristics, Body parts of the size, weight, body surface area, density, the focus of some of the human activities in the mutual relations and the scope of the human and structural characteristics of parameters; also part of the human effort, the scope of its activities, movement speed, movement frequency, focus changes and movements of human habits function parameters, the analysis of the visual, auditory, Skin Sense and sensitivity, and other sensory characteristics of function; Analysis of labor in the various physiological changes, energy consumption, The mechanism of fatigue on various labor load adaptability; To investigate the impact of the work of psychological factors and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact.Ergonomics Research content and design disciplines for the role can be summarized as the following :Industrial design considerations "human factors" for the human scale parameters : anthropometry, human biomechanics, physiology, psychology and other disciplines of study to human muscle structure and characteristics can be studied with parts of the human body, the size, body weight, body surface area, density, the focus of some of the human activities in the mutual relations and the scope and structure of the human body such as the characteristic parameters for each part of human hair of the scope, the scope of activities,movement speed, frequency, the focus changes when he inertia and dynamic parameters of the visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory sensory muscular limbs, which can be analyzed in the labor physiological changes, energy consumption, fatigue and work load of various adaptations, investigate the psychological impact of the work of the state, and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact. Ergonomic research, industrial design fully consider "human factors" for the human scale structure, physiological criteria and the psychological scales, and other data, such data can be effectively applied to the industrial design.Industrial design "products" function that provides a reasonable scientific basis : a modern industrial design, If pure functional material creative activities without considering the needs of ergonomics, it will be creative activities failure. Therefore, how to solve the "product" and people related to the function of the optimization, created with the physiological and psychological muscle coordination can be the "product", which will be contemporary industrial design, in a functional issue a new topic. Ergonomic principles and laws of the designer before the design consideration.Ergonomics notable feature is that the serious study of the human-machine, the three elements of the environment itself on the basis of characteristics, not simply focus on the individual elements of the fine or not, but would use "objects" and designed "objects" and with "objects" by the coexistence of the environment as a system to study . Ergonomics in the system will be known as "-- machines -- environmental system." The system, man-machine-environment interactions between three elements, interdependent relationship determines the overall system performance. The subject of man-machine system design theory is that the scientific use of the three elements of the organic links between the search for the best system parameters. The general design approach is usually clear in the whole system under the prerequisite that will focus on analyzing and studying the people and the airplane, Environment three elements of the system's overall performance, such as aircraft systems and the division of functions; tie; how to adapt to the environment; Machines on what is the impact on the environment and other issues, through constant revision and perfecting the three elements of the structure, ultimately ensure that the optimum combination is achieved. This is the ergonomics of the Industrial Design opened up new ideas, and offers a unique design methods and theory.Design and ergonomics of the arts and cultural atmosphere and man-machine interface using inexpensive to make products more user - in the human self-transformation gradually returning to the material world, to gradually create a human living space of their own.Design elements of the modeling for the design concerns the most important aspect The essence of design and characteristics must pass some form of which is clear, specific,to fruition. In the past, for a very long time it was known industrial design as "the industrial images," although not very scientific and norms, However, the number of shows in the design modeling of the importance and attention was. "Product Semantics," Modeling has become an important symbol. Italian designers stalled Kosovo roots in the 1980s designed Bra chairs, the chairs using the traditional structure, However, it covers the use of soft and full of design curves of the female body shape, and people get comfortable and soft to the imagination. very interesting. The design and colors have to rely on themselves to form can exist, we must shape if it is a reflection of specific significance. But color is a specific configuration and integration, it will have a very strong feeling and color features and a powerful spiritual impact. Contemporary American visual arts psychologists Mexico said : "various colors to arouse emotions and express their feelings, even affect our normal physiological feelings. " So is the general aesthetic color most commonly in the form of colors design humanized expression of the important factors. Bauhaus modern design uphold the tradition of modernist design, mostly black, white, gray and other colors of the neutral expression of language, reflect a calm, rational product characteristics. Modern Design strongly opposed empty and the few decorations, decorative anti-known. However, in line with mechanized technology for large-scale production, under the premise of the decorative design can really increase the taste and character. enable design at T. J. Modern designers often use industrial design or add natural materials, through material adjustment and changes to increase natural amenities or the sentimental mood to create a strong emotional response.Modern methods of production have a standardized design and process requirements on the design of spectrum and type series. Its purpose is to seek to design and the use of standardized mass production design means, to achieve reunification of the normative sense of beauty and order. Product design must see clearly the development of science and technology trends, pay close attention to new theories, new technologies, new processes, the emergence of new materials should be used as much as possible. full play to advanced scientific and technological research results into practical function of the value of the media, design aesthetic characteristics of the times and cultural inclinations products. Design products with the conditions of the times and social environment and social and psychological accordingly to reflect the change is inevitable. Research and forecast the trend of this change, tend to grasp the design and characteristics of the designer is extremely important. Because of all the world's countries and regions, the nation's geographical location and the environment, political and economic conditions, Cultural traditions and beliefs of different cases have developed its own unique character, hobbies, interests, habits and the pursuit This requires different branches of product design with different art forms and styles, corresponding to the formation of a nation's character.Design is to take the initiative to understand the user's present and future needs, and attention to the different needs of different levels, constantly designed to meet the different needs of various user products.Design is a kind of people's thinking of the form, Design is all the beautiful creatures entrusted to be the purpose and achievement, and outstanding design is the embodiment of truth, virtue and beauty. Designed to function from the past to meet the increased further to the right person in the spiritual care, which is designed into the culture, increase the value-added products of the culture of lies, this is the responsibility of the designer. With the level of human understanding gradually improved, deepened and increased human knowledge will be the "realm of necessity" to the "realm of freedom", which is the development of knowledge essential law. And the design of mankind will inevitably raise their awareness to a higher level, that the human society has been pursued by the idealistic, the arts and the way of living creatures, to consciously or unconsciously, by the pursuit of material needs of both the main and the main pursuit of the spirit of enjoyment. Design of the continuous development and improvement in the process that is the understanding, thinking and feeling constantly improve the process, human design is the emotional, cultural and ethical spirit of the mapping. Design is no "intelligence" and there is "sentimental". "Intelligence" that the mapping of the human ordinary design; Design is no life. Also have life, "life" that contains a human right in the design and use of the process. All human societies have been hallmarks of the human spirit awareness of the brand, the design is no exception. Let me quote a designer of the United States said the timing to end this paper : "People always think that the design of 3-D : aesthetic, technology and the economy, but more important is the fourth dimension : human nature. "人机工程学与造型设计现代社会高科技的迅猛发展,正逐步改变着人类生产生活的方方面面,在展示人类伟大的征服力量和无与伦比的聪明才智的同时,也带给人类新的苦恼和忧虑,那便是人情的孤独、疏远和感情的失衡。

机器⼈外⽂⽂献翻译、中英⽂翻译外⽂资料robotThe industrial robot is a tool that is used in the manufacturing environment to increase productivity. It can be used to do routine and tedious assembly line jobs,or it can perform jobs that might be hazardous to the human worker . For example ,one of the first industrial robot was used to replace the nuclear fuel rods in nuclear power plants. A human doing this job might be exposed to harmful amounts of radiation. The industrial robot can also operate on the assembly line,putting together small components,such as placing electronic components on a printed circuit board. Thus,the human worker can be relieved of the routine operation of this tedious task. Robots can also be programmed to defuse bombs,to serve the handicapped,and to perform functions in numerous applications in our society.The robot can be thought of as a machine that will move an end-of-tool ,sensor ,and/or gripper to a preprogrammed location. When the robot arrives at this location,it will perform some sort of task .This task could bewelding,sealing,machine loading ,machine unloading,or a host of assembly jobs. Generally,this work can be accomplished without the involvement of a human being,except for programming and for turning the system on and off. The basic terminology of robotic systems is introduced in the following:1. A robot is a reprogrammable ,multifunctional manipulator designed to move parts,material,tool,or special devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of different task. This basic definition leads to other definitions,presented in the following paragraphs,that give acomplete picture of a robotic system.2. Preprogrammed locations are paths that the robot must follow to accomplish work,At some of these locations,the robot will stop and perform some operation ,such as assembly of parts,spray painting ,or welding .These preprogrammed locations are stored in the robot’s memory and are recalled later for continuousoperation.Furthermore,these preprogrammed locations,as well as other program data,can be changed later as the work requirements change.Thus,with regard to this programming feature,an industrial robot is very much like a computer,where data can be stoned and later recalled and edited.3. The manipulator is the arm of the robot .It allows the robot to bend,reach,and twist.This movement is provided by the manipulator’s axes,also called the degrees of freedom of the robot .A robot can have from 3 to 16 axes.The term degrees of freedom will always relate to the number of axes found on a robot.4. The tooling and frippers are not part the robotic system itself;rather,they are attachments that fit on the end of the robot’s arm. These attachments connected to the end of the robot’s arm allow the robot to lift parts,spot-weld ,paint,arc-weld,drill,deburr,and do a variety of tasks,depending on what is required of the robot.5. The robotic system can control the work cell of the operating robot.The work cell of the robot is the total environment in which the robot must perform itstask.Included within this cell may be the controller ,the robot manipulator ,a work table ,safety features,or a conveyor.All the equipment that is required in order for the robot to do its job is included in the work cell .In addition,signals from outside devices can communicate with the robot to tell the robot when it should parts,pick up parts,or unload parts to a conveyor.The robotic system has three basic components: the manipulator,the controller,and the power source.A.ManipulatorThe manipulator ,which does the physical work of the robotic system,consists of two sections:the mechanical section and the attached appendage.The manipulator also has a base to which the appendages are attached.Fig.1 illustrates the connectionof the base and the appendage of a robot.图1.Basic components of a robot’s manipulatorThe base of the manipulator is usually fixed to the floor of the work area. Sometimes,though,the base may be movable. In this case,the base is attached to either a rail or a track,allowing the manipulator to be moved from one location to anther.As mentioned previously ,the appendage extends from the base of the robot. The appendage is the arm of the robot. It can be either a straight ,movable arm or a jointed arm. The jointed arm is also known as an articulated arm.The appendages of the robot manipulator give the manipulator its various axes of motion. These axes are attached to a fixed base ,which,in turn,is secured to a mounting. This mounting ensures that the manipulator will in one location.At the end of the arm ,a wrist(see Fig 2)is connected. The wrist is made up of additional axes and a wrist flange. The wrist flange allows the robot user to connect different tooling to the wrist for different jobs.图2.Elements of a work cell from the topThe manipulator’s axes allow it to perform work within a certain area. The area is called the work cell of the robot ,and its size corresponds to the size of the manipulator.(Fid2)illustrates the work cell of a typical assembly ro bot.As the robot’s physical size increases,the size of the work cell must also increase.The movement of the manipulator is controlled by actuator,or drive systems.The actuator,or drive systems,allows the various axes to move within the work cell. The drive system can use electric,hydraulic,or pneumatic power.The energy developed by the drive system is converted to mechanical power by various mechanical power systems.The drive systems are coupled through mechanical linkages.These linkages,in turn,drive the different axes of the robot.The mechanical linkages may be composed of chain,gear,and ball screws.B.ControllerThe controller in the robotic system is the heart of the operation .The controller stores preprogrammed information for later recall,controls peripheral devices,and communicates with computers within the plant for constant updates in production. The controller is used to control the robot manipulator’s movements as well as to control peripheral components within the work cell. The user can program the movements of the manipulator into the controller through the use of a hard-held teach pendant.This information is stored in the memory of the controller for later recall.The controller stores all program data for the robotic system.It can store several differentprograms,and any of these programs can be edited.The controller is also required to communicate with peripheral equipment within the work cell. For example,the controller has an input line that identifies when a machining operation is completed.When the machine cycle is completed,the input line turn on telling the controller to position the manipulator so that it can pick up the finished part.Then ,a new part is picked up by the manipulator and placed into the machine.Next,the controller signals the machine to start operation.The controller can be made from mechanically operated drums that step through a sequence of events.This type of controller operates with a very simple robotic system.The controllers found on the majority of robotic systems are more complex devices and represent state-of-the-art eletronoics.That is,they are microprocessor-operated.these microprocessors are either 8-bit,16-bit,or 32-bit processors.this power allows the controller to be very flexible in its operation.The controller can send electric signals over communication lines that allow it to talk with the various axes of the manipulator. This two-way communication between the robot manipulator and the controller maintains a constant update of the end the operation of the system.The controller also controls any tooling placed on the end of the robot’s wrist.The controller also has the job of communicating with the different plant computers. The communication link establishes the robot as part a computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM)system.As the basic definition stated,the robot is a reprogrammable,multifunctional manipulator.Therefore,the controller must contain some of memory stage. The microprocessor-based systems operates in conjunction with solid-state devices.These memory devices may be magnetic bubbles,random-access memory,floppy disks,or magnetic tape.Each memory storage device stores program information fir or for editing.C.power supplyThe power supply is the unit that supplies power to the controller and the manipulator. The type of power are delivered to the robotic system. One type of power is the AC power for operation of the controller. The other type of power isused for driving the various axes of the manipulator. For example,if the robot manipulator is controlled by hydraulic or pneumatic drives,control signals are sent to these devices causing motion of the robot.For each robotic system,power is required to operate the manipulator .This power can be developed from either a hydraulic power source,a pneumatic power source,or an electric power source.There power sources are part of the total components of the robotic work cell.中⽂翻译机器⼈⼯业机器⼈是在⽣产环境中⽤以提⾼⽣产效率的⼯具,它能做常规乏味的装配线⼯作,或能做那些对于⼯⼈来说是危险的⼯作,例如,第⼀代⼯业机器⼈是⽤来在核电站中更换核燃料棒,如果⼈去做这项⼯作,将会遭受有害放射线的辐射。

南京理工大学泰州科技学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):机械工程学院专业:姓名:学号:外文出处:Profession English for Industrial(用外文写)Engineering, 181-190附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
附件1:外文资料翻译译文人机工程学1 简介1.1人机学的定义在试图定义人机学之前,我们有必要了解一下这个术语。
1.2 人机学的关注重点人机学关注的是人以及人和产品、设备、设施、程序和环境在工作和日常生活中的交互。
1.3 人机学的目标人机学主要有两个目标。

外文原文Introduction to Industrial RobotsIndustrial robets became a reality in the early 1960’s when Joseph Engelberger and George Devol teamed up to form a robotics company they called “Unimation”.Engelberger and Devol were not the first to dream of machines that could perform the unskilled, repetitive jobs in manufacturing. The first use of the word “robots” was by the Czechoslovakian philosopher and playwright Karel Capek in his play R.U.R.(Rossum’s Universal Robot). The word “robot” in Czech means “worker” or “slave.” The play was written in 1922.In Capek’s play , Rossum and his son discover the chemical formula for artificial protoplasm. Protoplasm forms the very basis of life.With their compound,Rossum and his son set out to make a robot.Rossum and his son spend 20 years forming the protoplasm into a robot. After 20 years the Rossums look at what they have created and say, “It’s absurd to spend twenty years making a man if we can’t make him quicker than nature, you might as w ell shut up shop.”The young Rossum goes back to work eliminating organs he considers unnecessary for the ideal worker. The young Rossum says, “A man is something that feels happy , plays piano ,likes going for a walk, and in fact wants to do a whole lot of things that are unnecessary … but a working machine must not play piano, must not feel happy, must not do a whole lot of other things. Everything that doesn’t contribute directly to the progress of work should be eliminated.”A half century later, engi neers began building Rossum’s robot, not out of artificial protoplasm, but of silicon, hydraulics, pneumatics, and electric motors. Robots that were dreamed of by Capek in 1922, that work but do not feel, that perform unhuman or subhuman, jobs in manufacturing plants, are available and are in operation around the world.The modern robot lacks feeling and emotions just as Rossum’s son thought it should. It can only respond to simple “yes/no” questions. The moderrn robot is normally bolted to the floor. It has one arm and one hand. It is deaf, blind, and dumb. In spite of all of these handicaps, the modern robot performs its assigned task hour after hour without boredom or complaint.A robot is not simply another automated machine. Automation began during the industrial revolution with machines that performed jobs that formerly had been done by human workers. Such a machine, however , can do only the specific job for which it was designed, whereas a robot can perform a variety of jobs.A robot must have an arm. The arm must be able to duplicate the movements of a human worker in loading and unloading other automated machines, spraying paint, welding, and performing hundreds of other jobs that cannot be easily done with conventional automated machines.DEFINITION OF A ROBOTThe Robot Industries Association(RIA) has published a definition for robots in an attempt to clarify which machines are simply automated machines and which machines are truly robots. The RIA definition is as follows:“A robot is a reprogrammabl e multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.”This definition, which is more extensive than the one in the RIA glossary at the end of this book, is an excellent definition of a robot. We will look at this definition, one phrase at a time, so as to understand which machines are in fact robots and which machines are little more than specialized automation.First, a robot is a “reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator.” In this phrase RIA tells us that a robot can be taught (“reprogrammed”) to do more than one job by changing the informaion stored in its memory. A robot can be reprogrammed to load and unload machines, weld, and do ma ny other jobs (“multifunctional”). A robot is a“manipulator”. A manipulator is an arm( or hand ) that can pick up or move things. At this point we know that a robot is an arm that can be taught to do different jobs.The definition goes on to say that a ro bot is “designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices.” Material includes wood,steel, plastic, cardboard… anything that is used in the manufacture of a product.A robot can also handle parts that have been manufactured. For example, a robot can load a piece of steel into an automatic lathe and unload a finished part out of the lathe.In addition to handling material and parts, a robot can be fitted with tools such as grinders, buffers, screwdrivers, and welding torches to perform useful work.Robots can also be fitted with specialized instruments or devices to do special jobs in a manufacturing plant. Robots can be fitted with television cameras for inspection of parts or products. They can be fitted with lasers to accurately mearure the size of parts being manufactured.The RIA definition closes with the phrase,”…through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” This phrase emphasizes the fact that a robot can do many different jobs in a manufacturing plant. The variety of jobs that a robot can do is limited only by the creativity of the application engineer.JOBS FOR ROBOTSJobs performed by robots can be divided into two major categories:hazardous jobs and repetitive jobs.Hazardous JobsMany applications of robots are in jobs that are hazardous to humans. Such jobs may be considered hazardous because of toxic fumes, the weight of the material being handled, the temperature of the material being handled, the danger of working near rotating or press machinery, or environments containing high levels of radiation. Repetitive JobsIn addition to taking over hazardous jobs, robots are well suited to doingextremely repetitive jobs that must be done in manufacturing plants.many jobs in manufacturing plants require a person to act more like a machine than like a human. The job may be to pick a piece up from here and place it there. The same job is done hundreds of times each day. The job requires little or no judgment and little or no skill. This is not said as a criticism of the person who does the job , but is intended simply to point out that many of these jobs exist in industry and must be done to complete the manufacture of products. A robot can be placed at such a work station and can perform the job admirably without complaining or experiencing the fatigue and boredom normally associated with such a job.Although robots eliminate some jobs in industry, they normally eliminate jobs that humans should never have been asked to do. Machines should perform as machines doing machine jobs, and humans should be placed in jobs that require the use of their ability,creativity, and special skills.POTENTIAL FOR INCREASED PRODUCTIVITYIn addition to removing people from jobs they should not have been placed in, robots offer companies the opportunity of achieving increased productivity. When robots are placed in repetitive jobs they continue to operate at their programmed pace without fatigue. Robots do not take either scheduled or unscheduled breaks from the job. The increase in productivity can result in at least 25% more good parts being produced in an eight-hour shift. This increase in productivity increases the company's profits, which can be reinvested in additional plants and equipment. This increase in productivity results in more jobs in other departments in the plant. With more parts being produced, additional people are needed to deliver the raw materials to the plant, to complete the assembly of the finished products, to sell the finished products, and to deliver the products to their destinations.ROBOT SPEEDAlthough robots increase productivity in a manufacturing plant, they are notexceptionally fast. At present, robots normally operate at or near the speed of a human operator. Every major move of a robot normally takes approximately one second. For a robot to pick up a piece of steel from a conveyor and load it into a lathe may require ten different moves taking as much as ten seconds. A human operator can do the same job in the same amount of time . The increase in productivity is a result of the consistency of operation. As the human operator repeats the same job over and over during the workday, he or she begins to slow down. The robot continues to operate at its programmed speed and therefore completes more parts during the workday.Custom-built automated machines can be built to do the same jobs that robots do. An automated machine can do the same loading operation in less than half the time required by a robot or a human operator. The problem with designing a special machine is that such a machine can perform only the specific job for which it was built. If any change is made in the job, the machine must be completely rebuilt, or the machine must be scrapped and a new machine designed and built. A robot, on the other hand, could be reprogrammed and could start doing the new job the same day.Custom-built automated machines still have their place in industry. If a company knows that a job will not change for many years, the faster custom-built machine is still a good choice.Other jobs in factories cannot be done easily with custom-built machinery. For these applications a robot may be a good choice. An example of such an application is spray painting. One company made cabinets for the electronics industry. They made cabinets of many different sizes, all of which needed painting. It was determined that it was not economical for the company to build special spray painting machines for each of the different sizes of enclosures that were being built. Until robots were developed, the company had no choice but to spray the various enclosures by hand.Spray painting is a hazardous job , because the fumes from many paints are both toxic and explosive. A robot is now doing the job of spraying paint on the enclosures.A robot has been “taught” to spray all the different sizes of enclosures that the company builds. In addition, the robot can operate in the toxic environment of the spray booth without any concern for the long-term effect the fumes might have on aperson working in the booth.FLEXIBLE AUTOMATIONRobots have another advantage: they can be taught to do different jobs in the manufacturing plant. If a robot was originally purchased to load and unload a punch press and the job is no longer needed due to a change in product design, the robot can be moved to another job in the plant. For example, the robot could be moved to the end of the assembly operation and be used to unload the finished enclosures from a conveyor and load them onto a pallet for shipment.ACCURACY AND REPEATABILITYOne very important characteristic of any robot is the accuracy with which it can perform its task. When the robot is programmed to perform a specific task, it is led to specific points and programmed to remember the locations of those points. After programming has been completed, the robot is switched to “run” and the program is executed. Unfortunately, the robot will not go to the exact location of any programmed point. For example, the robot may miss the exact point by 0.025 in. If 0.025 in. is the greatest error by which the robot misses any point- during the first execution of the program, the robot is said to have an accuracy of 0.025 in.In addition to accuracy , we are also concerned with the robot’s repeatability. The repeatability of a robot is a measure of how closely it returns to its programmed points every time the program is executed. Say , for example, that the robot misses a programmed point by 0.025 in. the first time the program is executed and that, during the next execution of the program, the robot misses the point it reached during the previous cycle by 0.010 in. Although the robot is a total of 0.035 in. from the original programmed point, its accuracy is 0.025 in. and its repeatability is 0.010 in.THE MAJOR PARTS OF A ROBOTThe major parts of a robot are the manipulator, the power supply, and the controller.The manipulator is used to pick up material, parts, or special tools used in manufacturing. The power supply suppplies the power to move the manipulator. The controller controls the power supply so that the manipulator can be taught to perform its task.外文翻译工业机器人的介绍20世纪60年代当约瑟夫和乔治合作创立了名为Unimation的机器公司,工业机器人便成为了一个事实。

文献出处: Louis Freund. The application of Human body engineering in modern designs [J] Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 2014, 16(3): 61-83.(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,其他网站不得转载,完整译文请到百度文库。
)原文The application of Human body engineering in modern designsAuthor: Louis FreundAbstractThe wider application of ergonomics in the design for the improvement of the design creation play a supporting role. Correct understanding of the position and role of ergonomics in the design of art, in the design innovation, scientific and reasonable, moderate application of ergonomics, can let the modern design industry rapid development.Key words: Design art; Design innovation; The human body engineeringErgonomics is the study and things (the products) and interaction between work environments and to coordinate the relationship between each other, it is widely used in industry, agriculture, business, health, construction, transportation, service industry and military industry and other fields. Its purpose is through revealing human relationship between the three elements, content, environment and the law of construction with the optimization of human - machine - environment system as a whole. In terms of design, the human body engineering is a scientific, rational, logical, and certainty, the emotional characteristics and commonness, material thinking, for its research, for the formation of the design product provides the scientific basis of the corresponding physical and chemical.In general, the product design has five principles: practicality andsecurity, maintenance, appearance, price, sales force. With human body engineering to reduce potential safety hazard, ensure its security, has been the design of the consensus. Every field of human body engineering in product design, the appearance of many products is also improved according to it, such as a mouse. The elf appeared in 1984, is one of the best design of the 20th century, it extends the man's finger, make the person of computer operation more convenient and comfortable. When apple first mouse design task to hart, a spa Salinger and his frog studio, they present box model. In 1987, the design team for the design of "apple SE" there has been substantial change: the surface of the box adds a slope, to adapt to the curvature of the palm of your hand. Now take out the modelling of the mouse, we are familiar with the appearance of the ellipse with arc, it is easy to hold in one hand, and out of the index finger and middle finger to easily fall on its left and right key, this change makes the man-machine harmonious relations are important step. The small products from the mouse, we see the power of the human body engineering.Reasonable engineering student to design art of the human bodyStudy of art design is the core of human services, is to use artistic creation and modern advanced science and technology to meet the demand of modern society, people's physical and mental activity of creation., the subjects of study is a person, is the object of performance, through the people to use and changes in time and space, embodies a way of life in society. Therefore, the essence of design art is to create content to the developing and changing, a more reasonable way of life. Design art, on the study of "person" not only is to study the structure of the human body and appearance, more important is to explore people's thought, mental, emotional, and the differences of human nature and appeal, this is the person's social attributes of the complexity and deep-seated problems. Although human body engineering, the question of study, it studies focuson the efficiency of people and things with problems, focus on people's physical property research.Today's society, science and technology, culture development changes with each passing day, design trends also changed a lot, for rational demand more and more people to the perceptual demand. How to face to service the people demand change? How to use high-tech means to treat the high emotional problems? How to suit increasingly diversified and personalized, differentiated on mental attributes such as designing problems of design innovation and the relationship of human body engineering? These are all designers to ponder question. For this, I think from the following two aspects in this paper, the modern design of the reasonable use of human body engineering problems: first, can't simply copy form; second, adjust the design innovation and using the relationship between the human body engineering. If too much emphasis on the design of dependence on human body engineering, inevitably affect the design innovation, introduces design thinking of mechanical, rigid, lack of vitality of the guide. So, to face the design innovation and the relationship of human body engineering is to determine the design of the key factors.Design innovation and the relationship of human body engineering From a design perspective, the study of human body engineering in general can be divided into the following several aspects: the morphology of the human body data, the human body movement parameters, the characteristics, the response characteristics of human perception, etc. The purpose of the study of human body is designed in order to make things better cooperate in the characteristics of the people, and people's physiology and the psychological demand, so as to achieve safe, comfortable, healthy and efficient role, make the content is suitable for people to use.Research on human activity spacePeople at work have a certain scope of activity space, its design is reasonable is directly related to people's work efficiency. Therefore, studying the working space and people's activities in order to maximize meet people habits of directional movement and action, make the design content of space and more effectively with people's behavior way, play a good work efficiency. Design of today's enterprise, for example, the office is in the big open space Settings screen partition combined work within range of styles, so for staff to communicate with each other, can effectively solve the relationship between the individual and group work, the formation of efficient working environment.The services provided by the research productsOnce product is used by people, in the process of the service, the service of moderate or not closely associated with people demand. The level of service is not enough, can let the user feel to solve the problem is not in place or can't solve the problem, make the person feels things of value, inconvenience; And the service is excessive, but let us bewilder, cause waste. In today's cabinet design, for example: through the study found that when use of the traditional engineering design ambry main problems: (1) the average height of people generally increase than in the past, now past 800 mm high standard mesa have less. It will make you old is bent to do things, time is long, easy to cause the tiredness of the waist, back, is not conducive to health. (2) the depth of condole ark is deep, so the location of the feeling after installation writes a facial, blocking the line of sight so easily. (3) the condole high distance away from the table, let a person it is difficult to see condole ark layer board the items above. (4) of lampblack machine is too low, when you are cooking, need to be around his waist, bow to see whether the pot of delicious is ready, may accidentally run into his forehead.(5) the busy cooking,usually frequently open or close a door condole ark, so you may simply let it after opening has been open. But this will lead to more narrow in sight in the process of cooking, might even be turned in a flash meet his forehead.(6) cabinet installed in the ground ark of layer board if not reasonable, once you want to take on the items inside, have to bow down and down, and the insufficient light inside, is very difficult to see that you need items.(7) enter inside rural line installation space is not enough, that is to say when you stand in front of the chest, feet easily rural line; If it is filled with adjustable feet, without the foot line, there might be to foot and fall. In order to solve these problems, in the cabinet design and production, can adjust the mesa height and depth, increase special back slot, functional components, drawer, reasonable use of the space of corner position, and with the appropriate lighting effects.Too high or too low ambry mesa, body will feel uncomfortable. When cooking may even twist to the waist. Different people have different height, and most of today's mesa is used "standard size", and the current average height is higher than in the past, but the "dimension" but did not get the corresponding adjustment. A lot of brand ambry design still is total height is 800 mm or 850 mm to 110 mm tank configuration rural line. Depth of more than 350 mm condole ark, can give a person causes too close to the feeling of face, and condole ark installation at least 540 mm from the surface, to ensure that the cooking have a better view. But so after implementation, because the condole ark is too deep, will cause you to be very difficult to see and access objects in it. In cabinet design and production, therefore, can be used to reduce condole ark depth or increase the depth of the ground ark more humanized measures to solve this problem. Depth is greater than 600 mm to counter top for more activity space and you ready for a better sight, at the same time will reduce theheight of condole ark from mesa to 480 mm, convenient access to your items. In addition, the deeper ground ark can bring you more space and perfect line of sight, you can even to condole ark from mesa height down to 420 mm, and so even on condole roof space can be used to store items. Through the above analysis: ambry have quite relationship with human body engineering, so in the design and choice when buying ambry, also should follow such engineering, healthy, perfect and comfortable. ConclusionsErgonomics is through investigation, observation, measurement, calculation, statistics, analysis and other scientific methods, find out the related data, provide a relatively scientific basis for design of rationalization. N-depth study on the relationship between the human body engineering and design innovation, the correct understanding of the position and role of ergonomics in design art, diversified and personalized market demand for high-tech environment benefit greatly. In design innovation, scientific, reasonable, appropriate application of ergonomics, to help today's related work in the field of design.译文人体工程学在现代设计中的应用路易斯·弗洛因德摘要人体工程学在设计应用中较为广泛,对设计造物的完善起到一定的辅助作用。

ERGONMICSErgonomics is the study of the relationship between man and machine and environmental science, also known as ergonomics ergonomics ergonomics or interpersonal, after World War II developed a new discipline.Ergonomic research in foreign countries due to different methods, resulting in a lot of different names. In the United States called "human engineering" or "human factors engineering; while many Western European countries known as the" ergonomics, other countries, most cited the name of Western Europe.Ergonomics is the study of "man - machine - environment" system of human, machine and environment between the three elements in order to solve the system of human performance, health problems of theory and methods of science.People, machines, three elements in the environment, "person" means an operator or user, including the psychological characteristics, physical characteristics and human ability to adapt to the machine and the environment are important research topics.` "Machine" refers to the machine, but the more general meaning of technical terms much broader, including all operation and use of human products and engineering systems. How can we design to meet the request, in line with the characteristics of the human machine products, is the important issue of ergonomics. In interior design "machine" means, mainly refers to all kinds of furniture and the relationship between people, such as doors, windows, railings, stairs, etc.Inseparable relationship between man and machine, mainly in: 1. Human beings in order to achieve certain goals, to meet some human needs and design the machine. (2) re-design, manufacture, use, monitoring and maintenance process, the machine is always constrained and influenced by people, machinery and progress much faster than humans. Imbalance between the two results gives the machine the one hand, the burden has increased, so have great effects on human beings; the other hand, humans are about and influence the mechanical performance. Hence, if the set of machinery and equipment does not meet the technical operator of physical and mental characteristics, not only the mechanical properties can not be fully realized, but also may cause accidents."Environment" refers to people working and living environment, noise, lighting, temperature and other environmental factors on people's work and lives, is the main target."System" that is, by the interaction and interdependence of several components combined into an organic whole with a specific function, and second, the "system" itself is its subordinate part of a larger system.Due to mental stimulation and physiological changes caused by the phenomenon known as stress. It was first proposed by selye. Experimentalresults show that long-term psychological disturbance can be detrimental to health. Noise generated stress, interferes with mood, blood pressure, heart rate and other physiological changes is an example.Thus, ergonomics is not only the height from the system of man, machine and environment, the relationship between the height from the study of the various system elements.The performance of people who work mainly refers to the performance requirements that must be completed in accordance with an operation shown by the efficiency and performance. Workers have their work performance is to measure the efficiency and productivity. A person's performance depends on the nature of work, human capacity, tools and working methods, depending on man, machine and environment, whether the relationship between the three elements are properly addressed.People's health, including health and safetyIn recent decades, people's mental health attention has been attached. Psychological factors can directly affect the physical health and job performance, therefore, not only to study some of the ergonomic factors on people's physical damage, such as strong noise on the auditory system of direct damage, but also to study these factors on the human heart damage, for example, some noise, although not directly harm people's hearing, but psychological disturbance, causing people's emergency response.Understand the basic concepts later, we can better understand the definition of ergonomics. The key is that we should understand two things: First, ergonomics is the man and machine, human and environmental disharmony, or even a history of serious conditions such contradictions gradually built up, which itself is still under development; first Second, the study focuses on ergonomic system of people.Ergonomics in solving the system of people's problems, mainly in two ways: First, the machine, the environment for people; the second is through the best training methods, people adapt to the machine and the environment.Any system according to the principles of human engineering design or management, must be considered from two aspects.Ergonomic research is broadly divided into three main1 person working the systemThe study includes: body size, experience and information processing, movement, learning ability, physical and psychological needs, the sensitivity of the physical environment, social environment, sensitivity, intuition and the ability to feel, the difference between personal, environmental on the human body can influence people's long-term, short-term capacity limits and comfort point, the human form of reflection and response, and differences in people's habits, ill-conceived research.2 people working the system directly by using the mechanical part of how people adapt to the use ofThese sections are divided into three categories:(1) Display:instrumentation,signal display(2) manipulator: the manipulation of various machinery parts, rods, buttons, plates, wheels, pedals and so on.(3)Equipment: furniture, equipment and so on.3 the use of the environment and people(1) the general environment: interior architecture and space environment lighting, temperature, humidity control.(2) special circumstances: for example, metallurgy, chemical, mining, aviation, aerospace industry and polar exploration, encounter and sometimes special circumstances, such as temperature, pressure, vibration, noise, radiation and pollution.From the ergonomics point of view of the problem, covering the technical sciences and human sciences of many cross-cutting issues.Ergonomic basic data and measurement toolsFirst, the human body's basic data underlying data are the following three aspects, namely, the body structure, human scale and human actions such as the domain of the data.1, the body structure most closely with the ergonomics of the motor system in the bones, joints and muscles, the three parts of the nervous system dominated, so that all parts of the body completed a series of movements. Bone from the skull, trunk bones, limbs of three parts, the spine can complete a variety of sports, is the backbone of the human body, the connection between the bone joints and can play active role in skeletal muscle by muscle contraction or relaxation of the nervous system command, so that coordination of the various parts of the body movements.2, the human scale is human scale ergonomic studies of one of the most basic data.3, the domain of human action that people work and live in the interior of the size range of activities, namely the action domain, it is important to determine the spatial scale based on indoor factors. Determined in a variety of measurement domain of human action, is the basis for ergonomic research data. If the human scale is a static, relatively fixed data, the scale of the domain of human action was dynamic, the dynamic state of scale and activity scenarios.Interior design at the size of the human-scale use of specific data should be considered at different spatial and envelope of the state, the safety of people movement and activity, and suitable for most people's size and to highlight the security as a precondition.For example: a high degree of openings, clear height access stairs, railings handrail height, shall be taken as the maximum height of male body and dynamic when appropriate margin to the body design; for stepping height, hang on a shelf or structure height shall be the average height of the female body by design.Second, physiological measurement based on the human bodyduring various activities, changes in the physiological state of the case, by means of measurement, to be objective and scientific measurement to analyze the energy in activity and load size.Physiological measurement methods are:1, EMG method to human activities in the state of muscle contraction Zhang current chart recorder, which can quantitatively determine the activity of human strength and load.2, the rate of energy metabolism in the body activities as methods of energy consumption and consequential oxygen values, compared with normal oxygen consumption, as measured active intensity, energy metabolism rate calculation, and the rate of energy metabolism of different activities (RMR). The calculation formula is as follows:Oxygen consumption during exercise - resting oxygen consumption rate of energy metabolism (RMR)Basal metabolic rate of consumption of 3, the current method of spiritual reflection on the human body due to the amount of activity and sweat for the current measurement, quantitative understanding of the outside world and thus the intensity of psychological factors, thus determining the size of the load of human activities.Third, the human psychological measurement used in psychological measurement of mental and physical measurement scale method.1, the spirit of physics measurements with physics method for the determination of the minimum amount of stimulation of human nerves, and the smallest difference between the amount of sensory stimulation.2,scales in order to measure the division of psychology, for example,a straight line into segments, according to the order of calibration reviews by experts or ordinary people,corresponding to the beauty and ugliness,old and new,the pros and cons for evaluationErgonomics in the interior design of the applicationBecause ergonomics is an emerging discipline, ergonomic interior design application in the depth and breadth, to be further serious development, the current application has been carried out as follows:First, determine and interpersonal activities in the indoor space required for the main basis in accordance with the relevant ergonomic measurement data from the human scale, the action domain, mental space and interpersonal space, in order to determine the spatial extent.Second, determine the furniture, physical facilities, scale and use of the main basis for the use of human furnishings, their shape, scale must be based primarily on the human scale; the same time, people and facilities in order to use the furniture, must be around leaving room for activities and use the minimum, these requirements by the human body engineering science to be resolved. The smaller interior space, the longer the stay, the test requirements in this area the higher the content, such as cars, cabin, cabin and other modes of transport within the design space.Third, to adapt the body's interior to provide the best physical environment physical parameters of the indoor environment are indoor thermal environment, acoustic environment, light environment, gravity, radiation environment, interior design with the requirements of the scientific parameters in the design when it is possible to have the correct decisions.Fourth, the measurement of visual elements designed for indoor visual environment to provide a scientific basis for human eye visual acuity, field of vision, light perception, color vision is the visual elements, ergonomic data obtained through the measurement of interior lighting design, interior color design visual areas to provide the best scientific basis.Environmental psychology and environmental psychology, interior design in the set, we first of the "environment" and "psychology" of the concept of a brief look. Environment is "the situation around," as opposed to people, the environment can be said to revolve around people, and people's behavior have an impact of external things. Environment itself has a certain order, pattern and structure, that environment is a series of elements and a variety of comprehensive human relations. It can either make changes in things outside, and these changed things for the actors in turn affect people. For example, one designed to create a simple, bright, elegant, orderly office environment, corresponding to the environment can also work in this atmosphere that people have a good psychological feeling, can induce people more civilized, more effectively work. Psychology is the "research awareness, emotion, will, psychological processes and abilities, personality and other psychological characteristics" of the subjects.。

外文原文:RobotAfter more than 40 years of development, since its first appearance till now, the robot has already been widely applied in every industrial fields, and it has become the important standard of industry modernization.Robotics is the comprehensive technologies that combine with mechanics, electronics, informatics and automatic control theory. The level of the robotic technology has already been regarded as the standard of weighing a national modern electronic-mechanical manufacturing technology.Over the past two decades, the robot has been introduced into industry to perform many monotonous and often unsafe operations. Because robots can perform certain basic more quickly and accurately than humans, they are being increasingly used in various manufacturing industries.With the maturation and broad application of net technology, the remote control technology of robot based on net becomes more and more popular in modern society. It employs the net resources in modern society which are already three to implement the operatio of robot over distance. It also creates many of new fields, such as remote experiment, remote surgery, and remote amusement. What's more, in industry, it can have a beneficial impact upon the conversion of manufacturing means.The key words are reprogrammable and multipurpose because most single-purpose machines do not meet these two requirements. The term “reprogrammable” implies two things: The robot operates according to a written program, and this program can be rewritten to acc ommodate a variety of manufacturing tasks. The term “multipurpose” means that the robot can perform many different functions, depending on the program and tooling currently in use.Developed from actuating mechanism, industrial robot can imitation some actions and functions of human being, which can be used to moving all kinds of material components tools and so on, executing mission by execuatable program multifunction manipulator. It is extensive used in industry and agriculture production, astronavigation and military engineering.During the practical application of the industrial robot, the working efficiency andquality are important index of weighing the performance of the robot. It becomes key problems which need solving badly to raise the working efficiencies and reduce errors of industrial robot in operating actually. Time-optimal trajectory planning of robot is that optimize the path of robot according to performance guideline of minimum time of robot under all kinds of physical constraints, which can make the motion time of robot hand minimum between two points or along the special path. The purpose and practical meaning of this research lie enhance the work efficiency of robot.Due to its important role in theory and application, the motion planning of industrial robot has been given enough attention by researchers in the world. Many researchers have been investigated on the path planning for various objectives such as minimum time, minimum energy, and obstacle avoidance.The basic terminology of robotic systems is introduced in the following:A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move parts, materials, tools, or special devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of different task. This basic definition leads to other definitions, presented in the following paragraphs that give a complete picture of a robotic system.Preprogrammed locations are paths that the robot must follow to accomplish work. At some of these locations, the robot will stop and perform some operation, such as assembly of parts, spray painting, or welding. These preprogrammed locations are stored in the robot’s memory and are recalled later for continuous operation. Furthermore, these preprogrammed locations, as well as other programming feature, an industrial robot is very much like a computer, where data can be stored and later recalled and edited.The manipulator is the arm of the robot. It allows the robot to bend, reach, and twist. This movement is provided by t he manipulator’s axes, also called the degrees of freedom of the robot. A robot can have from 3 to 16 axes. The term degrees of freedom will always relate to the number of axes found on a robot.The tooling and grippers are not part of the robotic system itself: rather, they are attachments that fit on the end of the robot’s arm. These attachments connected to the end of the robot’s arm allow the robot to lift parts, spot-weld, paint, arc-well, drill, deburr, and do a variety of tasks, depending on what is required of the robot.The robotic system can also control the work cell of the operating robot. The work cell of the robot is the total environment in which the robot must perform its task. Included within this cell may be the controller, the robot manipulator, a work table, safety features, or a conveyor. All the equipment that is required in order for the robot to do its job is included in the work cell. In addition, signals from outside devices can communicate with the robot in order to tell the robot when it should assemble parts, pick up parts, or unload parts to a conveyor.The robotic system has three basic components: the manipulator, the controller, and the power source.ManipulatorThe manipulator, which dose the physical work of the robotic system, consists of two sections: the mechanical section and the attached appendage. The manipulator also has a base to which the appendages are attached.The base of the manipulator is usually fixed to the floor of the work area. Sometimes, though, the base may be movable. In this case, the base is attached to either a rail or a track, allowing the manipulator to be moved from one location to anther.As mentioned previously, the appendage extends from the base of the robot. The appendage is the arm of the robot. It can be either a straight, movable arm or a jointed arm. The jointed arm is also known as an articulated arm.The appendages of the robot manipulator give the manipulator its various axes of motion. These axes are attached to a fixed base, which, in turn, is secured to a mounting. This mounting ensures that the manipulator will remain in one location.At the end of the arm, a wrist is connected. The wrist is made up of additional axes and a wrist flange. The wrist flange allows the robot user to connect different tooling to the wrist for different jobs.The manipulator’s axes allow it to perform work within a certain area. This area is called the work cell of the robot, and its size corresponds to the size of the manipulator. As the robot’s physical siz e increases, the size of the work cell must also increase.The movement of the manipulator is controlled by actuators, or drive system. The actuator, or drive system, allows the various axes to move within the work cell. The drive system can use electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic power. The energy developed bythe drive system is converted to mechanical power by various mechanical drive systems. The drive systems are coupled through mechanical linkages. These linkages, in turn, drive the different axes of the robot. The mechanical linkages may be composed of chains, gears, and ball screws.ControllerThe controller in the robotic system is the heart of the operation. The controller stores preprogrammed information for later recall, controls peripheral devices, and communicates with computers within the plant for constant updates in production.The controller is used to control the robot manipulator’s movements as well as to control peripheral components within the work cell. The user can program the movements of the manipulator into the controller through the use of a hand-held teach pendant. This information is stored in the memory of the controller for later recall. The controller stores all program data for the robotic system. It can store several different programs, and any of these programs can be edited.The controller is also required to communicate with peripheral equipment within the work cell. For example, the controller has an input line that identifies when a machining operation is completed. When the machine cycle is completed, the input line turns on, telling the controller to position the manipulator so that it can pick up the finished part. Then, a new part is picked up by the manipulator and placed into the machine. Next, the controller signals the machine to start operation.The controller can be made from mechanically operated drums that step through a sequence of events. This type of controller operates with a very simple robotic system. The controllers found on the majority of robotic systems are more complex devices and represent state-of-the-art electronics. This is, they are microprocessor-operated. These microprocessors are either 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit processors. This power allows the controller to the very flexible in its operation.The controller can send electric signals over communication lines that allow it to talk with the various axes of the manipulator. This two-way communication between the robot manipulator and the controller maintains a constant update of the location and the operation of the system. The controller also controls any tooling placed on the end of the robot’s wrist.The controller also has the job of communicating with the different plant computers. The communication link establishes the robot as part of a computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) system.As the basic definition stated, the robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator. Therefore, the controller must contain some type of memory storage. The microprocessor-based systems operate in conjunction with solid-state memory devices. These memory devices may be magnetic bubbles, random-access memory, floppy disks, or magnetic tape. Each memory storage device stores program information for later recall or for editing.Power supplyThe power supply is the unit that supplies power to the controller and the manipulator. Two types of power are delivered to the robotic system. One type of power is the AC power for operation of the controller. The other type of power is used for driving the various axes of the manipulator. For example, if the robot manipulator is controlled by hydraulic or pneumatic drives, control signals are sent to these devices, causing motion of the robot.For each robotic system, power is required to operate the manipulator. This power can be developed from either a hydraulic power source, a pneumatic power source, or an electric power source. These power sources are part of the total components of the robotic work cell.Classification of RobotsIndustrial robots vary widely in size, shape, number of axes, degrees of freedom, and design configuration. Each factor influences the dimensions of the robot’s working envelope or the volume of space within which it can move and perform its designated task. A broader classification of robots can been described as blew.Fixed and Variable-Sequence Robots. The fixed-sequence robot (also called a pick-and place robot) is programmed for a specific sequence of operations. Its movements are from point to point, and the cycle is repeated continuously. The variable-sequence robot can be programmed for a specific sequence of operations but can be reprogrammed to perform another sequence of operation.Playback Robot. An operator leads or walks the playback robot and its end effectorthrough the desired path. The robot memorizes and records the path and sequence of motions and can repeat them continually without any further action or guidance by the operator.Numerically Controlled Robot. The numerically controlled robot is programmed and operated much like a numerically controlled machine. The robot is servo-controlled by digital data, and its sequence of movements can be changed with relative ease.Intelligent Robot. The intellingent robot is capable of performing some of the functions and tasks carried out by human beings. It is equipped with a variety of sensors with visual and tactile capabilities.Robot ApplicationsThe robot is a very special type of production tool; as a result, the applications in which robots are used are quite broad. These applications can be grouped into three categories: material processing, material handling and assembly.In material processing, robots use to process the raw material. For example, the robot tools could include a drill and the robot would be able to perform drilling operations on raw material.Material handling consists of the loading, unloading, and transferring of workpieces in manufacturing facilities. These operations can be performed reliably and repeatedly with robots, thereby improving quality and reducing scrap losses.Assembly is another large application area for using robotics. An automatic assembly system can incorporate automatic testing, robot automation and mechanical handling for reducing labor costs, increasing output and eliminating manual handling concerns.Hydraulic SystemThere are only three basic methods of transmitting power: electrical, mechanical, and fluid power. Most applications actually use a combination of the three methods to obtain the most efficient overall system. To properly determine which principle method to use, it is important to know the salient features of each type. For example, fluid systems can transmit power more economically over greater distances than can mechanical type. However, fluid systems are restricted to shorter distances than are electrical systems.Hydraulic power transmission systems are concerned with the generation, modulation, and control of pressure and flow, and in general such systems include:1.Pumps which convert available power from the prime mover to hydraulicpower at the actuator.2.Valves which control the direction of pump-flow, the level of powerproduced, and the amount of fluid-flow to the actuators. The power level isdetermined by controlling both the flow and pressure level.3.Actuators which convert hydraulic power to usable mechanical power outputat the point required.4.The medium, which is a liquid, provides rigid transmission and control aswell as lubrication of components, sealing in valves, and cooling of thesystem.5.Connectors which link the various system components, provide powerconductors for the fluid under pressure, and fluid flow return totank(reservoir).6.Fluid storage and conditioning equipment which ensure sufficient quality andquantity as well as cooling of the fluid..Hydraulic systems are used in industrial applications such as stamping presses, steel mills, and general manufacturing, agricultural machines, mining industry, aviation, space technology, deep-sea exploration, transportation, marine technology, and offshore gas and petroleum exploration. In short, very few people get through a day of their lives without somehow benefiting from the technology of hydraulics.The secret of hydraulic system’s success and widespread use is its versatility and manageability. Fluid power is not hindered by the geometry of the machine as is the case in mechanical systems. Also, power can be transmitted in almost limitless quantities because fluid systems are not so limited by the physical limitations of materials as are the electrical systems. For example, the performance of an electromagnet is limited by the saturation limit of steel. On the other hand, the power limit of fluid systems is limited only by the strength capacity of the material.Industry is going to depend more and more on automation in order to increase productivity. This includes remote and direct control of production operations,manufacturing processes, and materials handling. Fluid power is the muscle of automation because of advantages in the following four major categories.1.Ease and accuracy of control. By the use of simple levers and push buttons,the operator of a fluid power system can readily start, stop, speed up or slowdown, and position forces which provide any desired horsepower withtolerances as precise as one ten-thousandth of an inch. Fig. shows a fluidpower system which allows an aircraft pilot to raise and lower his landinggear. When the pilot moves a small control valve in one direction, oil underpressure flows to one end of the cylinder to lower the landing gear. To retractthe landing gear, the pilot moves the valve lever in the opposite direction,allowing oil to flow into the other end of the cylinder.2.Multiplication of force. A fluid power system (without using cumbersomegears, pulleys, and levers) can multiply forces simply and efficiently from afraction of an ounce to several hundred tons of output.3.Constant force or torque. Only fluid power systems are capable of providingconstant force or torque regardless of speed changes. This is accomplishedwhether the work output moves a few inches per hour, several hundred inchesper minute, a few revolutions per hour, or thousands of revolutions perminute.4.Simplicity, safety, economy. In general, fluid power systems use fewermoving parts than comparable mechanical or electrical systems. Thus, theyare simpler to maintain and operate. This, in turn, maximizes safety,compactness, and reliability. For example, a new power steering controldesigned has made all other kinds of power systems obsolete on manyoff-highway vehicles. The steering unit consists of a manually operateddirectional control valve and meter in a single body. Because the steering unitis fully fluid-linked, mechanical linkages, universal joints, bearings, reductiongears, etc. are eliminated. This provides a simple, compact system. Inapplications. This is important where limitations of control space require asmall steering wheel and it becomes necessary to reduce operator fatigue.Additional benefits of fluid power systems include instantly reversible motion,automatic protection against overloads, and infinitely variable speed control. Fluid power systems also have the highest horsepower per weight ratio of any known power source. In spite of all these highly desirable features of fluid power, it is not a panacea for all power transmission problems. Hydraulic systems also have some drawbacks. Hydraulic oils are messy, and leakage is impossible to completely eliminate. Also, most hydraulic oils can cause fires if an oil leak occurs in an area of hot equipment.Pneumatic SystemPneumatic system use pressurized gases to transmit and control power. As the name implies, pneumatic systems typically use air (rather than some other gas ) as the fluid medium because air is a safe, low-cost, and readily available fluid. It is particularly safe in environments where an electrical spark could ignite leaks from system components.In pneumatic systems, compressors are used to compress and supply the necessary quantities of air. Compressors are typically of the piston, vane or screw type. Basically a compressor increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume as described by the perfect gas laws. Pneumatic systems normally use a large centralized air compressor which is considered to be an infinite air source similar to an electrical system where you merely plug into an electrical outlet for electricity. In this way, pressurized air can be piped from one source to various locations throughout an entire industrial plant. The compressed air is piped to each circuit through an air filter to remove contaminants which might harm the closely fitting parts of pneumatic components such as valve and cylinders. The air then flows through a pressure regulator which reduces the pressure to the desired level for the particular circuit application. Because air is not a good lubricant (contains about 20% oxygen), pneumatics systems required a lubricator to inject a very fine mist of oil into the air discharging from the pressure regulator. This prevents wear of the closely fitting moving parts of pneumatic components.Free air from the atmosphere contains varying amounts of moisture. This moisture can be harmful in that it can wash away lubricants and thus cause excessive wear and corrosion. Hence, in some applications, air driers are needed to remove this undesirable moisture. Since pneumatic systems exhaust directly into the atmosphere , they are capable of generating excessive noise. Therefore, mufflers are mounted on exhaust portsof air valves and actuators to reduce noise and prevent operating personnel from possible injury resulting not only from exposure to noise but also from high-speed airborne particles.There are several reasons for considering the use of pneumatic systems instead of hydraulic systems. Liquids exhibit greater inertia than do gases. Therefore, in hydraulic systems the weight of oil is a potential problem when accelerating and decelerating and decelerating actuators and when suddenly opening and closing valves. Due to Newton’s law of motion ( force equals mass multiplied by acceleration ), the force required to accelerate oil is many times greater than that required to accelerate an equal volume of air. Liquids also exhibit greater viscosity than do gases. This results in larger frictional pressure and power losses. Also, since hydraulic systems use a fluid foreign to the atmosphere , they require special reservoirs and no-leak system designs. Pneumatic systems use air which is exhausted directly back into the surrounding environment. Generally speaking, pneumatic systems are less expensive than hydraulic systems.However, because of the compressibility of air, it is impossible to obtain precise controlled actuator velocities with pneumatic systems. Also, precise positioning control is not obtainable. While pneumatic pressures are quite low due to compressor design limitations ( less than 250 psi ), hydraulic pressures can be as high as 10,000 psi. Thus, hydraulics can be high-power systems, whereas pneumatics are confined to low-power applications. Industrial applications of pneumatic systems are growing at a rapid pace. Typical examples include stamping, drilling, hoist, punching, clamping, assembling, riveting, materials handling, and logic controlling operations.工业机器人机器人自问世以来到现在,经过了40多年的发展,已被广泛应用于各个工业领域,已成为工业现代化的重要标志。

Wrist Elbow Shoulder Back
WMSDs factors: job demands
Work factors
Repetitiveness Vibration Strain Posture
Matching the job to the worker : Biomechanics
It studies the mechanical forces in human movement.
Its principles can help to minimize damage to muscles, joints, and tissues.
Important information are larger and bolded
Setup buttons are of different colors
"negative" actions on the left
"positive" actions on the right
Size of the buttons according to the finger tip size
Psychological ergonomics
Explores design issues in terms of cognitive psychology, cognitive work load, human error, the way humans perceived their surrounding and, very important, the task they choose to undertake. Their issues of user experience are less predictable and less objectively measurable.

人机工程学与造型设计中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料外文翻译Ergonomics and DesignModern high-tech society of rapid development, is gradually changing to the production of human life in every aspect the display of human greatness and strength to conquer unparalleled wisdom, but it has brought new human anguish and anxiety That is the feeling of loneliness, alienation and emotional imbalance. In a high-tech society, people would seek a balance -- a high-tech and high emotional balance, A high and high human rational balance. Technology progressed, the greater the desire to balance strong. So John that : "No matter where needed compensatory high emotion. Our high-tech society more We hope to create more high emotional environment, the techniques used to balance the software side of rigid side, " Such emotion and humanity to achieve balance, and human life as closely related to the design of the responsibility.Goods modeling and ergonomics is combined. They can be described as : Center for psychological, physiological radius, used to establish and things (products) harmonious relations between the way to maximize the potential of excavation, a comprehensive and balanced use of muscle energy, the protection of human health, and thereby increase productivity. From the context of industrial design, the big aerospace systems, urban planning, infrastructure construction, factory automation, mechanical equipment, transport, small furniture, clothing, stationery and flower pots, cups, bowls and chopsticks production, such as the creation of life with the "objects" in the design and manufacture must take the "human factor" as animportant condition to consider. If the product categories divided into professional supplies and general supplies, professional supplies in ergonomics, on the other hand, there will be more consideration, It relies a lot on the level of physiology; and general products it must balance the psychological problems need more aesthetic and the design trend, which is to be the product of human nature-based demand.Ergonomics application areas :1 computer terminal : Design and layout : computer products and peripherals design and layout, computer terminal workstations, display equipment and rules of the screen health and safety, ergonomic office environment;2 industrial design application, "Information design and market / user research, medical equipment, seating comfort and design study seating design and classification, classification and selection of furniture;3 man-machine interface design and evaluation : the man-machine interface design and development, knowledge systems, man-machine interface forms, HCI/MMI prototype GUI prototype4 computer terminals : Design and layout : computer products and peripherals design and layout, computer terminal workstations, display equipment and rules of the screen health and safety, ergonomic office environment;5 office ergonomics and design : office automation, office equipment and office design, layout and ergonomics;other special ergonomic applications : nuclear energy, the military man-machine engineering, process control, cultural surveys and research methods Automatic Speech Recognition;,Many aspects of the application of ergonomics.Well, for a product is how to evaluate it in ergonomics standard with regard? Germany design center, for example, in selecting the annual quality products, ergonomic set on the following criteria :1) products and human dimensions, shape and strength match;2) the product is easy to manage and make good use;3) to prevent the use of operator injury and accidents at the wrong time with the danger;4) the practical operation of the units; placement of the components on the significance of it can no doubt be identified and tracked;5) whether or not the products to facilitate cleaning, maintenance and repair.So-called ergonomics, which is the application of anthropometry, the human body mechanics, work physiology, working on the fields of psychology research methods, the human body structure and function characteristics, Body parts of the size, weight, body surface area, density, the focus of some of the human activities in the mutual relations and the scope of the human and structural characteristics of parameters; also part of the human effort, the scope of its activities, movement speed, movement frequency, focus changes and movements of human habits function parameters, the analysis of the visual, auditory, Skin Sense and sensitivity, and other sensory characteristics of function; Analysis of labor in the various physiological changes, energy consumption, The mechanism of fatigue on various labor load adaptability; To investigate the impact of the work of psychological factors and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact.Ergonomics Research content and design disciplines for the role can be summarized as the following :Industrial design considerations "human factors" for the human scale parameters : anthropometry, human biomechanics, physiology, psychology and other disciplines of study to human muscle structure and characteristics can be studied with parts of the human body, the size, body weight, body surface area, density, the focus of some of the human activities in the mutual relations and the scope and structure of the human body such as the characteristic parameters for each part of human hair of the scope, the scope of activities, movement speed, frequency, the focus changes when he inertia and dynamic parameters of the visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory sensory muscular limbs, which can be analyzed in the labor physiological changes, energy consumption, fatigue and work load of various adaptations, investigate the psychological impact of the work of the state, and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact. Ergonomic research, industrial design fully consider "human factors" for the human scale structure, physiological criteria and the psychological scales, and other data, such data can be effectively applied to the industrial design.Industrial design "products" function that provides a reasonable scientific basis : a modern industrial design, If pure functional material creative activities without considering the needs of ergonomics, it will be creative activities failure. Therefore, how to solve the "product" and people related to the function of the optimization, created with the physiological and psychological muscle coordination can be the "product", which will be contemporary industrial design, in a functional issue a new topic. Ergonomic principles and laws of the designer beforethe design consideration.Ergonomics notable feature is that the serious study of the human-machine, the three elements of the environment itself on the basis of characteristics, not simply focus on the individual elements of the fine or not, but would use "objects" and designed "objects" and with "objects" by the coexistence of the environment as a system to study . Ergonomics in the system will be known as "-- machines -- environmental system." The system, man-machine-environment interactions between three elements, interdependent relationship determines the overall system performance. The subject of man-machine system design theory is that the scientific use of the three elements of the organic links between the search for the best system parameters. The general design approach is usually clear in the whole system under the prerequisite that will focus on analyzing and studying the people and the airplane, Environment three elements of the system's overall performance, such as aircraft systems and the division of functions; tie; how to adapt to the environment; Machines on what is the impact on the environment and other issues, through constant revision and perfecting the three elements of the structure, ultimately ensure that the optimum combination is achieved. This is the ergonomics of the Industrial Design opened up new ideas, and offers a unique design methods and theory.Design and ergonomics of the arts and cultural atmosphere and man-machine interface using inexpensive to make products more user - in the human self-transformation gradually returning to the material world, to gradually create a human living space of their own.Design elements of the modeling for the design concerns the most important aspect The essence of design and characteristicsmust pass some form of which is clear, specific, to fruition. In the past, for a very long time it was known industrial design as "the industrial images," although not very scientific and norms, However, the number of shows in the design modeling of the importance and attention was. "Product Semantics," Modeling has become an important symbol. Italian designers stalled Kosovo roots in the 1980s designed Bra chairs, the chairs using the traditional structure, However, it covers the use of soft and full of design curves of the female body shape, and people get comfortable and soft to the imagination. very interesting. The design and colors have to rely on themselves to form can exist, we must shape if it is a reflection of specific significance. But color is a specific configuration and integration, it will have a very strong feeling and color features and a powerful spiritual impact. Contemporary American visual arts psychologists Mexico said : "various colors to arouse emotions and express their feelings, even affect our normal physiological feelings. " So is the general aesthetic color most commonly in the form of colors design humanized expression of the important factors. Bauhaus modern design uphold the tradition of modernist design, mostly black, white, gray and other colors of the neutral expression of language, reflect a calm, rational product characteristics. Modern Design strongly opposed empty and the few decorations, decorative anti-known. However, in line with mechanized technology for large-scale production, under the premise of the decorative design can really increase the taste and character. enable design at T. J. Modern designers often use industrial design or add natural materials, through material adjustment and changes to increase natural amenities or the sentimental mood to create a strong emotional response.Modern methods of production have a standardized design and process requirements on the design of spectrum and type series. Its purpose is to seek to design and the use of standardized mass production design means, to achieve reunification of the normative sense of beauty and order. Product design must see clearly the development of science and technology trends, pay close attention to new theories, new technologies, new processes, the emergence of new materials should be used as much as possible. full play to advanced scientific and technological research results into practical function of the value of the media, design aesthetic characteristics of the times and cultural inclinations products. Design products with the conditions of the times and social environment and social and psychological accordingly to reflect the change is inevitable. Research and forecast thetrend of this change, tend to grasp the design and characteristics of the designer is extremely important. Because of all the world's countries and regions, the nation's geographical location and the environment, political and economic conditions, Cultural traditions and beliefs of different cases have developed its own unique character, hobbies, interests, habits and the pursuit This requires different branches of product design with different art forms and styles, corresponding to the formation of a nation's character. Design is to take the initiative to understand the user's present and future needs, and attention to the different needs of different levels, constantly designed to meet the different needs of various user products.Design is a kind of people's thinking of the form, Design is all the beautiful creatures entrusted to be the purpose and achievement, and outstanding design is the embodiment of truth,virtue and beauty. Designed to function from the past to meet the increased further to the right person in the spiritual care, which is designed into the culture, increase the value-added products of the culture of lies, this is the responsibility of the designer. With the level of human understanding gradually improved, deepened and increased human knowledge will be the "realm of necessity" to the "realm of freedom", which is the development of knowledge essential law. And the design of mankind will inevitably raise their awareness to a higher level, that the human society has been pursued by the idealistic, the arts and the way of living creatures, to consciously or unconsciously, by the pursuit of material needs of both the main and the main pursuit of the spirit of enjoyment. Design of the continuous development and improvement in the process that is the understanding, thinking and feeling constantly improve the process, human design is the emotional, cultural and ethical spirit of the mapping. Design is no "intelligence" and there is "sentimental". "Intelligence" that the mapping of the human ordinary design; Design is no life. Also have life, "life" that contains a human right in the design and use of the process. All human societies have been hallmarks of the human spirit awareness of the brand, the design is no exception. Let me quote a designer of the United States said the timing to end this paper : "People always think that the design of 3-D : aesthetic, technology and the economy, but more important is the fourth dimension : human nature. "人机工程学与造型设计现代社会高科技的迅猛发展,正逐步改变着人类生产生活的方方面面,在展示人类伟大的征服力量和无与伦比的聪明才智的同时,也带给人类新的苦恼和忧虑,那便是人情的孤独、疏远和感情的失衡。

人机工程学基础自考(中英文实用版)英文文档:Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the design and study of computer technology and the interaction between humans and computers.It encompasses the design of user interfaces, the investigation of user behaviors, and the development of systems that effectively support human tasks.The foundation of HCI involves understanding the capabilities and limitations of human users, as well as the design principles that guide the creation of user-friendly interfaces.This includes knowledge of cognitive psychology, visual design, and usability testing.One of the key aspects of HCI is to ensure that computer systems are accessible and usable by people of diverse abilities and backgrounds.This includes considering factors such as age, gender, culture, and language.In addition, HCI also encompasses the study of how people interact with computer systems, and how these interactions affect their performance and well-being.This includes examining issues such as user fatigue, stress, and the impact of technology on our daily lives.Overall, the foundation of HCI is essential for anyone involved in the design, development, or evaluation of computer systems.It provides a framework for creating systems that are not only functional, but also easyto use and accessible to a wide range of users.中文文档:人机工程学(Human-Computer Interaction,简称HCI)是一个多学科领域,专注于计算机技术的設計和研究以及人与计算机之间的互动。

MSD Risk Factors
Intensity Frequency Duration Posture
Common Risks for Office Workers
Poor Posture
rather than making people adapt to fit them.
Musculo Skeletal Disorders
Common Physical Injuries/Illnesses
“fitting the job to the worker”
Definition of Ergonomics
The goal of ergonomics is to
create jobs, tools, equipment and workplaces that fit people
Workstation Essentials
0~15º support 90~120º 90~110º
~0º 18”-26” 0º
Workstation Essentials
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有Schmitt 和Simonson撰写的《市场推广美学》一书中阐述了视觉形象系统的价值,以及为什么产品的各个方面清晰的、始终如一的传达给用户。
交互设计基于人机交互(Human Computer Interaction,HCI),是人机工程研究的一个新领域,人们认识到有必要跨越软件和硬件的界限创造新的人性化的互动产品。
原文:Usability and DesirabilityAccording to file Human Factors Ergonomics Society (HFES), the discipline of human factors focuses on the “discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds.” What is often thought of as a focused approach in biomechanics and anthropometrics is actually a much broader understanding of who and what aperson is. As you will learn in this section, there are many other members of the product development team, beyond human factors specialists, who are interested in the characteristics of human beings and their relationship to systems and devices.The HFES evolved from the systems analysis conducted by the military during WWII. The three main types of research were anthropometrics,interpreting and managing complex information, and systems analysis in the deployment of troops and equipment. The systems analysis varied in scale and complexity, ranging from the large-scale systems planning used in preparing the invasion of Normandy to the understanding of how to best place and equip personnel from an aptitude and size point of view. The D-Day invasion is one of the most complex events of the 20th century. It required a scale of logistical organization of men and material that was unknown prior to the beginning of the war. At a smaller scale, the range of equipment and military assignments meant understanding how to organize, train, and assign military personnel to make the most of their aptitude and body type. Soldiers had to be trained quickly and effectively to use and maintain the vast array of war technology developed during WWII. There were size limitations for pilots, submariners,and tank drivers. The development of complex new equipment required finding the best personnel with the right training for navigators, cryptographers, code breakers, radar and sonar operators, and bomber pilots and crew.After the war, as post-war companies and the products they produced grew in size, scope, and complexity, many of the systems analysts found opportunities in the commercial sector. While this post-war focus gave rise to the formation of HFES in 1957, the early origins of human factors can be traced back to the development of mass production and the need to improve efficiency in production. As the nature of work shifted away from craft production and agrarian labor, new concepts for working in factories evolved. The Ford assembly 1ine and Taylor‟s theories of efficiency started to have an effect on the planning of the nature of work and education, and even in home economics, where women were instructed to organize and plan their homes around modem principles of domestic management. At the end of the 20th century, there is a much broader concept of human factors emerging.This new version is in response to the recognized need for a deeper insight into customers‟ patterns of behavior. It is starting to involve qualitative research methods and to explore emotional as well as cognitive issues in human factors. The HFES has avariety of technical groups, including aging cognitive engineering and decision making, environmental design, individual differences, industrial ergonomics, medical systems and rehab, macroeconomics, safety, and visual performance. Currently, however, most research in the discipline of human factors focuses on usability, not on desire.There are a number of new trends that are beginning to change the way companies attempt to know their customers and their needs, wants, and desires. Many companies are using ethnography as a research tool in early stages of product development. Ethnographic techniques are qualitative processes that take methods from cultural anthropology and apply them to the field of product research. These techniques are proving to be valuable in early phases of marketing and in helping product teams develop the actionable insights they need to translate into the style and features that people are looking for. A second reason this is changing is the result of the new locus on brand management. Many companies realize that giving a product a strong brand identity is a clear competitive advantage. The book Marketing Aesthetics by Schmitt and Simonson describes the value of a visual identity system and how all aspects of a product must communicate clearly and consistently with customers. A successful brand creates a Gestalt image in the market formed from a variety of factors, which include the look and features of the product, the name, the advertising, the price, and the perceived value to the customer, By taking a broader view of what it means to factor the characterization of humans, this new category of human factors explores how a company‟s core values call connect with the lifestyle goals of its customers. Harley Davidson has created one of the most powerful brand identifies in the world, which merges the logo, core product (motorcycle), and complementary lifestyle products (clothing and gear) with the way their customers want to live their lives. Even the noise a Harley makes is part of the brand. Another reason the study of human factors is changing is as a result of the emergence of interaction design. Interaction design is a new area in human factors research and is based on human-computer interaction (HCI). This group recognizes that there is a need to create more humane interactive products that cross hardware and software boundaries. It is also clear that quantitative research is not enough to solve these problems alone. Ethnographic research has become a part of HCI research so that researchers can better understand how people use and need computing in work and play (and how computers are integrating work and play).While the human factors discipline is comprised primarily of professionals and faculty from the fields of systems engineering,physiology,and cognitive psychology, both the origins and current manifestations of the field are far broader. For nearly a century advertising, marketing, industrial design, communication design, architecture, and the entertainment industry have all used a variation of human factors to help to define the parameters and evaluate the success of their products. Although these other fields may have lacked the formal research and forum for dissemination of their methods through academic journals,recently their methods for abstracting behavioral models and likes and dislikes of their customers have found important relevance in industry and research. The newer view of human factors by those in the field reaches out to this view of what it means to characterize and interface with the human. A human factors/ergonomics conference held in Singapore in the Summer of 2001 used the term “Affective Human Factors” as the theme. The conference was endorsed by the International Ergonomics Society and was an attempt to bridge the two schools of thought about usability and desirability.外文文献翻译译稿2设计困难与乐趣来自Pierre-Henridejean 简介人们普遍的倾向认为,困难有碍于乐趣。