Parker Hannifin SD 7200喷雾胶结剂喷嘴说明书
![Parker Hannifin SD 7200喷雾胶结剂喷嘴说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9bdb47c46429647d27284b73f242336c1fb9304e.png)
Product Features and Benefits:• Pneumatically powered, no explosion risk, no electricity required, adaptable worldwide • Completely sealed, minimal exposure to fumes• Solvent applied only where you want it, providing accurate consistent bonds with no solvent waste • O.D., I.D. bonding or both simultaneously, for improved operator efficiency • Non-clogging design for minimal downtimeSD 7200Solvent DispenserContact Information:Parker Hannifin CorporationComposite Sealing Systems Division 7664 Panasonic WaySan Diego, CA 92154 USA phone 619 661 7000fax 619 671 3208*******************Solvent Dispensing:A vast number of medical and non-medical products are assembled using plastics joining solvents. Traditionally, these assemblies have been made by dipping the components into a small container of solvent and then blotting away the excess. This method although effective, presents a number of issues:• The operator is exposed to high levels of solvent vapor.• The wetting of the component is inconsistent as the depth of solvent in the container is constantly varying.• The operator is less efficient due to the wasted motion of blotting.• Solvent usage is increased due to blotting.• There is a fire hazard associatedwith solvent in an open container.Solvent DispensingAfter years of using the dip and blot method and struggling with the few commercially available dispensers, we designed the SD7200. Sinceits introduction, the SD7200 has become the product of choice for many of the world’s largest medical device manufacturers. Due to the value engineered design it is also selected by much smaller firms as well. The product is so versatile,it is used by several companies to apply other fluids such as silicone lubricants to components.The Parker SD7200 Solvent Dispenser represents a break though in solvent dispensing technology. From the ground up, this dispenser has been engineered with diverse medical bonding in mind. Designed for the operator, the technician, the manufacturing/ process engineer and the safety manager, the model SD7200 is unsurpassed in performance, reliability and safety. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONThe SD7200 consists of two primary subsystems: A pump drive module and a fluid delivery module.The pump drive module is100% pneumatically operatedto minimize explosion hazards associated with solvent dispensing. Plant line air is coupled to the dispenser with a standard quick disconnect fitting. A dual actingair cylinder is controlled by an air bearing, pneumatically piloted control valve. This bidirectional valve is speed controlled by a precision integral regulator to allow repeatable metering of solvent. The fluid delivery moduleconsists of a primary reservoir, apositive displacement pump, asecondary reservoir and a solventapplicator. Solvent is transportedfrom the primary reservoir to thesecondary reservoir by a fullysubmerged piston pump. Thispump is actuated by the pumpdrive module described above.The solvent is then gravity fed fromthe secondary reservoir into theapplication area. A solvent film isuniformly applied to the desiredcomponent by transfer fromnon clogging porous materialscontained in the applicator.DESIGN CRITERIAThe Parker SD7200 is designed andmanufactured to provide highlyaccurate uniform dispensingwith a minimum of effort and amaximum of operator safety. Theproduct will perform reliably on awide range of external diameters,internal diameters, and bothsimultaneously.PERFORMANCEAccurate Uniform Wetting:Uniform and consistent wetting isa primary objective in achievingreliable repeatable solvent bonds.Using the integral regulator, theParker SD7200 is adjustableover a broad range of solventdelivery rates. The right amountof solvent is applied to the desiredcomponent without the need forpart rotation. As part diametersvary, solvent delivery can beadjusted to match. The regulator issupplied with an adjustment guardto prevent unauthorized changesonce the optimal setting is made.Uniform wetting is assured byusing porous application materialsin a size and shape specific to yourparts. Porous materials have beenproven to apply highly consistentfilms of solvent when the surfaceis continually fed under slightpositive pressure.I.D. and O.D. Bonding, or BothSimultaneously:Parker suppliesapplicators to apply solvent oninternal surfaces, external surfaces,or both simultaneously. Allapplicators are interchangeablemaking the SD7200 extremelyversatile. The ability to applysolvent to I.D. and O.D. surfacessimultaneously saves theoperator time while facilitatinga more consistent bond thancan be obtained from a two stepapplication process.Anti-Capillary Action:Withtraditional solvent applicationmethods, small inside diametercomponents are prone toundesirable capillary filling.When this happens, the operatormust take extra steps to removethe excess solvent. The removalprocess not only subjects theoperator to additional vapors orsolvent mist, but also increasessolvent consumption by as muchas 80%. The Parker SD7200 can beregulated so that capillary actionis eliminated simply by adjustingthe solvent delivery rate with theintegral precision regulator. Theuse of porous application materialsalso helps assure an optimalvolume of solvent is present at alltimes. The net effect is shortenedassembly time, reduced solventusage and minimized scrap.Drip Stop Applicators: The unique design of the applicator prevents solvent droplets from pooling on the end of the component and then being inadvertently withdrawn into the work area. This feature keeps the work area clean, minimizes solvent waste, and controls vapors. SAFETYVapor Control: The generation of potentially harmful vapors is an undesirable side effect of solvent dispensing. The Parker SD7200 dispenser has been specifically designed to minimize solvent vapor exposure without the use of cumbersome and expensive vapor removal systems. The pump shaft incorporates a PTFE spring loaded seal to prevent solvent in the primary reservoir from entering the pump drive module. The fluid path is integrated into the pump housing to eliminate tubing, connections, and potential leaks. Finally, solvent inert gaskets have been provided at all fluid interfaces, leaving only the immediate application opening in contact with the room atmosphere. 100% Pneumatically Operated: Since many common bonding solvents are flammable, the Parker SD7200 has been engineered to use only pneumatically driven powertrain components. There are no electrical power requirements. Air logic circuitry provides precise dispensing volume controlwhile minimizing the potentialfor explosions.Large Stable Base:The SD7200 has a low center of gravity to prevent accidental tipping. This further protects the operator from accidental solvent exposure and vapors. Safe Refilling: The SD7200 can beeasily and safely refilled at the workstation. The filler cap provides apositive seal and yet is easy to open.The filler hole is level with the top ofthe primary reservoir which assuresthe solvent head height is neverabove the pump drive module. Ahigh quality sight gauge is builtinto the reservoir to providecontinuous indication of the filllevel. The high volume primaryreservoir minimizes the frequencyof refilling and resulting solventand vapor exposure.CONVENIENCENon-Clogging Design:Theporous materials used in theapplicator area are continuouslyflushed by the gravity fed solvent.Unlike porous materials fedby wicking action, clogging isvirtually eliminated. The uniqueporous materials self clean eachtime a component is inserted.Although the use of clean solventsis recommended, a pump inletscreen is provided to preventpossible contaminates fromentering the fluid path.High Capacity Primary Reservoir:The Parker SD7200 holds one literof solvent. This will typically allowuninterrupted bonding for oneweek or more between refills.This minimizes down time andincreases throughput. In addition,many solvents are supplied in oneliter bottles. By using the entirebottle, time is saved in materialtransport and partially filledbottles are eliminated from theproduction floor.Easy Component Insertion:Applicators are available with avariety of tapered lead-ins to makepositioning components into theapplicator easier. This allowsthe operator to perform multipletasks simultaneously.Rugged and Stable:The size of themodel SD7200 provides a stablebase thus preventing it from slidingeven if the operator aggressivelypushes a large component intothe applicator. This allows thedispenser to be located in a varietyof work areas without requiringspecial mounting.Quick Applicator Exchanges: Ifa line changeover is required thedispenser applicator can be quicklyexchanged. The applicators arekeyed to make alignment positiveand easy.Universal Power Requirements:The SD7200 can be used wherevercompressed air is available.A simple change of the quickdisconnect coupling will allowoperation anywhere around theglobe without the concern forvoltage variations associatedwith electrically powereddispensing systems.CONFIGURATIONApplicators are custom made toyour components. Each ParkerModel SD7200 comes withone applicator of your choice.Applicators can also be orderedwith large tapered lead-ins tofacilitate easier componentlocation. All configurationsare interchangeable.SD7200 SpecificationsDELRIN® is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.© 2019 Parker Hannifin CorporationCSS 5915 06/19。
操作指南维科喷盘式均匀给湿机Compact trendKronospan订单号2206145重点!在调试前请仔细阅读和查看操作指南。
内容1安全1.1危险等级1.2标志的使用1.3危险总述2使用意图2.1安装安全设备2.2目标群2.3标准2.4板子的类型3了解系统3.1木料工业中原理图的应用3.2总览45°连接3.3系统空间要求3.3.1软管连接3.4供应3.4.1信号柱3.4.2气动系统3.4.3双滤器的自动操作3.4.4回流过滤器3.4.5配料泵3.4.6供应罐3.4.7输入/输出板3.4.8配电板和供应柜3.4.9配电板3.4.10运行装置3.5操作规章原则4操作4.1操作4.1.1打开之前4.2配料泵的操作5安装5.1机械安装5.1.1机械安装5.4电气安装6维修6.1维修器材61.1维修:什么事情?多久一次?61.2清洁双滤器61.3清洁回流过滤器和罐子7故障处理7.1故障处理7.1.1条纹的形成7.1.2不规则喷水方式8技术参数8.1技术供应参数8.1.1技术供应参数8.1.2浮控开关8.1.3液体比例8.1.4电源装置8.1.5转子携带装置8.1.6计量流量计9运输9.1一般注解9.2包装9.3运输9.4打开包装9.5中间存储器10参考部分10.1索引11备件清单11.1配电板11.2电源装置11.3配料装置11.41 安全维科转子携带均匀给湿机是根据所有相关安全规则而设计。
二、喷嘴的类型为提高使用寿命,喷嘴都采用耐磨的硬质合金,如碳化钨等材料制成的,但它却有多种类型:1、按喷嘴结构和使用功能分类:(1)标准型喷嘴标准型喷嘴使用最普遍,喷嘴的开口呈橄榄形,如图一所示,喷雾图形呈椭圆形,这种喷嘴的型号很多,喷雾图形幅宽从150mm 到600mm,涂料喷出量为(0.2~5.0)L/min,甚至可达10L/min以上,可以满足各种喷涂需要,这种喷嘴的口径称为等效口径,所谓等效口径是指开口呈橄榄形的喷嘴口径,相当于同一涂料喷出量圆形开口喷嘴的口径。
Carter 下翼加油喷嘴模型60427及其配件说明说明书
![Carter 下翼加油喷嘴模型60427及其配件说明说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/49818825ae1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45b207fe59.png)
2EATON Aerospace Group TF100-78D May 2013Model 61656Blockout DeviceModel 61656 Blockout Deviceis recommended for use whendefueling through a hoseend regulator or when it isnecessary to check out thesecondary pressure controldevice in a system. It does notintroduce fuel into the ambientport of the regulator whichcan later become a dangerousspray during operation.Model 64000Poppet AdjustmentGaugeThis simple inexpensive gaugeprovides an accurate methodof achieving the properadjustment of the poppet ofthe Model 60427 nozzle. Thegauge can be used on many ofEaton’s underwing nozzles.Model IF220351Inspection GaugeThe ball locking sleeve on thestandard quick disconnect(QD) and the dry breakdisconnects will wear withage. Wear of the sleeve cancause the disconnect toaccidentally separate resultingin a possible spill. Inspectiongauge IF220351 is designedto determine the safe limits ofthe sleeve wear.Eaton’s Carter Model 60427 Underwing Refueling Nozzle is utilized worldwide by more companies and at more airports than any other nozzle. T ens of thousands have been produced for the industry since its introduction in 1970. Although designed for commercial application, it has been widely used by the military, especially in pantograph hot refueling operations. It is of modular design with various swivel disconnects, hoseend control valves (HECVs) and other options available to tailor the nozzle to specific requirements. Model 60427is a family of nozzles building upon the base unit to achieve the desired end product.Features•Lightweight and rugged •Connects to 3-lug international standard aircraft adapter•Self-adjusting pressure-loaded nose seal•No mechanical adjustments or springs used. Leak free under extreme side loads, worn adapters and extreme temperatures.•Nose seal can be changed with minimal disassembly •Lead-in ramps of stainless steel for longer life •Operating handle fully protected from damage •Bicycle-type handles with replaceable grips standard for ease of operation and low cost replacement •Two threaded ports in nozzle body allow simultaneous vacuum breaker and product sampling fitting installation •Modular construction— easy to customize to specific requirements•2, 2½ and 3-inch NPTand BSPP threaded quick disconnect (QD) inlets available•Optional 60- and 100-mesh screens retained with snap ring for ease of removal •35, 45 and 55 psi (2.413, 3.103 and 3.792 bar) hose end control valves available •Choice of new ball valve or dry break disconnect for easy strainer inspection available•Bonding cable, vacuum breaker and longer (6-inch) handles optional•Low pressure drop Special T oolsCertain special tools are recommended for the maintenance of Model 60427 nozzles (see followingdescriptions).Design ConceptsEATON Aerospace Group T F100-78D May 2013 3Whittaker model Eaton model F116, F116N, F11760427, 64348F116A, F116AN, F117A 60427D, 64348D F116B, F116BN, F117B 60427E, 64348E F116G, F116GN, F117G 60427F4, 64346F4F116H, F116HN, F117H 60427F3, 64348F3F116P , F119NP , F117P 60427F5, 64348F5F116ES 64349H F116ER 64349J F116T, F116NT, F117T 60427B, 64348B F116U, F116NU, F117U 60427B, 64348B F116V, F116NV, F117V 60427C, 64348C F1163A, F116N3A, F1173A 604276H, 643486H F1167A, F116N7A, F1177A 604276H, 643486H F1163B, F116N3B, F1173B 60427K, 64348K F1167B F116N7B, F1177B 604276K, 643486K F1163C, F116N3C, F1173C 604276L, 643486L F1167C, F116N7C, F1177C 604276L, 643486L F1163D, F116N3D, F1173D 604276P , 643486P F1167D, F116N7D, F1177D 604276P , 643486P F1163E, F116N3E, F1173E 604276M, 643486M F1167E, F116N7E, F1177E 604276M, 643486M F1164A, F116N4A, F1174A 604278H*, 643488H*F1164B, F116N4B, F1174B 604278K*, 643488K*F1164C, F116N4C, F1174C 604278L*, 643488L*F1164D, F116N4D, F1174D 604278P*, 643488P*F1164E, F116N4E, F1174E 604278M*, 643488M*F1167b, F116N7B, F1177B 604276K, 643486K F1163C, F116N3C, F1173C 604276L, 643486L F1167C, F116N7C, F1177C 604276L, 643486L F1163D, F116N3D, F1173D 604276P , 643486PF1167D, F116N7D, F1177D 604276P , 643486PF1163E, F116N3E, F1173E 604276M, 643486MF1167E, F116N7E, F1177E 604276M, 643486M* If a hose end control valve is utilized (Option F) then the “*” should be replaced with a “7” in all cases.Hose End Control Valve Eaton’s Carter product line includes Hose End Control Valves (HECVs) designed to provide a maximum control pressure at its outlet (at the pressure sensing port of the nozzle). The control pressure is a function of the main spring that loads the poppet. In addition to limiting downstream pressure under flow conditions, the HECV is designed to limit surge pressures caused by aircraft (downstream) valve closures. Lockup pressure (downstream pressure trapped between a closed HECV and a closed downstream system) is also limited. The following characteristics are typical:• Nominal spring settings 35 psi (2.413 bar), 45 psi (3.103 bar) and 55 psi (3.792 bar) available • Surge pressure control 10 psi (.689 bar) maximum over spring setting, with 0.5 second downstream valve closure minimumNozzle Model Number Conversion T able The following table offers equivalent Eaton’s nozzle models for Whittaker units and are fully interchangeable with them:Flow Characteristics Curve 1Model 60427CF*6H nozzle with 100-mesh screen, HECV and 2½-inch inletCurve 2Model 60427C6H or C6K nozzle with 100-mesh screen and 2½-inch inletCurve 3 Model 60427F*6H nozzle without screen, with HECV and 2½-inch inletCurve 4 Model 604276H or 6K nozzle without screen, with 2½-inch inletT echnical Data • Lock-up pressure — 10 psi(.689 bar) maximum overspring setting• Pressure limitation —+5 psi (.345 bar) abovespring setting with 90 psi(6.205 bar) inlet pressure fordecreasing flow rates from500 USgpm• Hysteresis (difference inpressure control betweenincreasing and decreasingflow rates) — controlpressure with decreasingflow rates will normally beslightly greater than forincreasing flow rates• Defueling possible throughunit, however block outdevice required to maintainmaximum flow. UseEaton’s Block Out DeviceModel 61656.• Model 61656 blockoutdevice recommended ifsystem secondary controlvalve is to be checked4 EATON Aerospace Group TF100-78D May 2013Illustrated OptionsDimension “A ”Dimension “B” Options inches (mm)inches (mm)Basic 8.22 (208.79)12.78(324.61)F*12.44 (315.98)F*6H, F*6K, F*6N 16.54 (420.12)F*6, F*6R 15.14 (384.56)6H, 6K, 6N & 6P 12.32 (312.93)6 & R 10.92 (277.37)6L, 6M, 6Z 12.82 (325.63)4 & 710.88 (276.35)5 & 812.93 (328.42)G 17.88 (454.15)F*4H, F4*K-N, F*4P ,F*7H, F*7K-N, F*7P 18.12 (460.25)5H-5P , 8H-8P 16.21 (411.73)9U 14.05 (356.87)F*9V 18.27 (464.06)3H, 3K, 3N, 3P 16.20 (411.48)Envelope DimensionsDimensions shown in inches (millimeters)Part 3The configuration of the inletis defined by adding the appro-priate number or number and option letter from the table (right) in conjunction with the appropriate option letter from Part 4 below. The nozzle may terminate in an adapter half only, if desired. In this case, leave Part 4 blank. To obtain a female half, quick disconnect (QD) or dry break, or to complete the specification of the ball valve outlet, Part 4 must be com-pleted. Weights vary depending on inlet configuration selected in Part 4.Option Description Option Description3Adds ball valve (64015). Select inlet configurationfrom Part 4 to complete part number.5Adds male adapter half to mate 64001 QD swivel whenused without HECV (any F option) (44700)D Adds glass inspection port to Option 3 ball valve6Adds male adapter half (43046) to mate std QD (43108)and old style dry break QD (60672-1)E Adds drag ring to Option 3 ball valve7*Adds male adapter half to mate 61154 dry break whenHECV (any F option) is used (44185)J Adds long spanner handle for use with Option 3ball valve only. Order as part of each nozzle or seeModel 64015 catalog sheet (TF100-88A) to orderseparately.8*Adds male adapter half to mate 61154 dry break whenused without HECV (any F option) (44700)R Adds defuel key for use with Option 3 ballvalve only. Order as a part of each nozzle or seeModel 64015 catalog sheet (TF100-88A) to orderseparately.9Adds male adapter half to mate high flow female QD(includes 100-mesh screen). Only available as completeQD with 3-inch JIS inlet thread (42275-3). Specify withOption U, Part 4.4Adds male adapter half to mate 64001 QD swivelwhen HECV is used (any F option) (44185)* Safety clip (p/n 210641) for the 61154 dry break QD isconsidered foreign object debris (FOD) and is not includedon military nozzle assemblies, however, it can be added asa no cost optionOption Description Option DescriptionH Inlet thread — 2½-inch NPT N Inlet thread — 2-inch BSPPK Inlet thread — 2½-inch BSPP P Inlet thread — 2-inch NPTL Inlet thread — 3-inch NPT U Inlet thread — 3-inch JIS(only applicable with Option 9, Part 3)M Inlet thread — 3-inch BSPP(not available w/ Option 3 ball valve)Z Inlet thread — 3-inch JIS(only applicable with Option 6, Part 3)Examples:60427CD6H Nozzle with 100-mesh screen, bonding cable and standard QD with 2½-inch NPT inlet thread60427BDE3DEJRP Nozzle with 60-mesh screen, bonding cable, vacuum breaker, ball valve with glass inspection port, drag ring, operating spanner, defuel key and 2-inch NPT inlet thread60427EF46 Nozzle with vacuum breaker, 45 psi (3.103 bar) HECV and male adapter to mate standard female QDPart 4One of the following letters must be included as Part 4 to specify the inlet thread size (leave blank except for Option 9 in Part 3 if male adapter only is desired):The part number of a complete nozzle consists of four basic parts as illustrated below.Part 1Basic model number. Options from parts 2, 3 and 4 must be added to achieve a complete unit. Basic unit weight: 6.3 lbs (2.857 kg)Part 2The following options may be added as Part 2 of the part num-ber as indicated above to order a unit to meet your requirement.Option DescriptionWeightlbs kg Option DescriptionWeightlbs kg*B Adds 60-mesh screen+0.050.023G Adds 15-inch handles+1.50.680*C Adds 100-mesh screen+0.050.034†H Adds drag ring +.880.399D Adds bonding cable (44311)+0.200.091R Adds flight refueling male disconnect+1.80.816E Adds vacuum breaker (41599)+0.100.399S Stirrup handle package added+1.20.544**F3Adds 35 psi (2.413 bar) HECV+2.250.453T Pressure gauge (no longer available)- -**F4Adds 45 psi (3.103 bar) HECV+2.250.544V Deletes handles (nozzle w/o handles)-1.0-0.453 **F5Adds 55 psi (3.792 bar) HECV+2.250.635Z Arctic nose seal assemblytemperatures -65°F (-53.88°C)--* Options B and C only available when a male half or a ball valve from Part 3 or Option R is specified** To obtain a nozzle with two HECVs, specify two options in series, F5F4 results in 55 psi (3.792 bar) and 45 psi (3.103 bar) units with the 55 psi (3.792 bar) unit assembled as the one nearest the inlet. If two HECVs with different pressures arerequired the higher pressure unit should be specified first.† Option H can only be used with any Option FOrdering DataEATON Aerospace Group T F100-78D May 2013 5Copyright © 2013 Eaton All Rights Reserved Form No. TF100-78D May 2013Eaton Aerospace Group 9650 Jeronimo Road Irvine, California 92618 Phone: (949) 452 9500 Fax: (949) 452 9555 /aerospace EatonAerospace GroupFluid & Electrical Distribution Division 9650 Jeronimo RoadIrvine, California 92618Phone: (949) 452 9500Fax: (949) 452 9992E-mail:***********************。
各类喷嘴的规格及应用产品名称:塑料螺旋喷嘴(CALX-PP)喷雾模式:空心锥形、实心锥产品材质:加纤聚丙烯(PP)规格型号:1/4、3/8、1/2、3/4、1寸一般应用:废气洗涤、气体洗涤、洗涤与漂淋过程、防火灭火、烟气脱硫系统、除尘降尘系统、P CB、PCBA、LCD、铝材厂、钢管理厂、家具厂、电脑机箱、电冰箱厂、空调厂、烤漆厂、喷涂厂、纺织厂、钢铁厂、发电厂、集装箱厂、船舶制造厂、电镀厂以及与这相应的设备制造厂。
其耐磨性、耐腐性、成雾性、防堵性已被该行业众 这种结构紧凑的喷嘴有着畅通的流道设计,可以最大程度地减少液体阻塞,使液体在给定尺寸的管道上达到最大流量。
Teflon特氟龙螺旋喷嘴喷雾效果图:60°90°120°150°170°0.7ba r 1.5ba r 3.0ba r 7.0ba r 25ba r 071/4SPJT-TEF60071/4SPJT-TEF90071/4SPJT-TEF12007 2.4 2.4 2.6 3.9 5.58.416131/4SPJT-TEF60131/4SPJT-TEF90131/4SPJT-TEF120131/4SPJT-TEF150131/4SPJT-TEF17013 3.2 3.2 4.97.310.315.730201/4SPJT-TEF60201/4SPJT-TEF90201/4SPJT-TEF120201/4SPJT-TEF150201/4SPJT-TEF170204.0 3.27.611.215.82446073/8SPJT-TEF6007 2.4 2.4 2.6 3.9 5.58.416133/8SPJT-TEF6013 3.2 3.2 4.97.310.315.730203/8SPJT-TEF60203/8SPJT-TEF90203/8SPJT-TEF120203/8SPJT-TEF150203/8SPJT-TEF170204.03.27.611.215.82446流量(升/分)管子尺寸NPT或BSPT(外)喷孔孔径(毫米)自由畅通直径(毫米) Teflon特氟龙螺旋喷嘴(SPJT)是一种实心锥形或空心锥形喷雾喷头,喷流角度范围可为60度-170度,常规为120度。
Sherwood 公司以及他的授权经销商及代理商认为他们自己应对仪器的安全性、可靠性 及性能负责,而且仅对如下情况的仪器负责:
l 装配操作、升级、调整、维修等工作只能由被他们授权的人所进行。 l 有关房间的电气安装操作需要遵从 IEC 需求或当地的管理条例。 l 设备要按照操作手册规定的步骤操作。
410 型工业及 410 型医用火焰光度计
410 型工业及 410 型医用 火焰光度计
(P)2007 北京中科科尔仪器有限公司 ( C ) 2007 Sherwood Scientific Limited
410 91 001 Issue 1 8th February 2007 ECN406
北京中科科尔仪器有限公司 1
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这一本手册是被授权的,而且保留所有的权利。这本书在没有征得著者的同意前不允许 以任何方式发表。
Sherwood Scientific Ltd 1 The Paddocks, Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge, CB1 8DH, United Kingdom
410 型工业及 410 型医用火焰光度计
使用说明...............................................ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้.......................................................................... 2 1.介绍 ........................................................................................................................... 5
Operating Manual操作说明书Automatic Powder Spray Gun自动粉末喷枪DANGER危险High Voltage!Turn power off beforeservicing!高压!维修前切断电源!CAUTION当心Read rules for safe op-eration and instructionscarefully!仔细阅读安全操作规则和说明!PEA-C4-HiCoat0390893Powder spray gun PEA-C4-HiCoat Article No. 0390004 PEA-C4高效粉末喷枪部件号 0390004A Fan spray nozzle (Deflector cone)扁喷嘴(导流锥)B Electrode电极针C Outer nut套筒螺母D Spray gun body喷枪枪身E Electrical connection电源插口F Atomizing air connection雾化气口G Powder hose connection粉管接口Z Assembly dimension on the reciprocator 在升降机上的组装尺寸1.) Length for installation dimension Z calculation when utilizing a deflector cone.安装长度Z按使用导流锥时计。
The Corona automatic spray gun can be used for conventional types of powder and metal powder that can be electrostatically charged.电晕星自动喷枪可使用普通类型的粉末和可带静电的金属粉末。
The spray gun is used for industrial powder coating in automatic plants and can be operated with individual control units or with control cabinet modules.本喷枪可用于自动设备中的工业粉末喷涂,并可通过独立的控制模块或者控制柜模块进行控制。
产品型号国外相应型号材质外形尺寸M P a压力下的流量(1/m i n)喷射角(度)L B0."P Z4180B14080FH62H p b59—11C r18N i9T i 22.58 2.3 3.3 4.1 4.9 5.47580833/8"P Z5280B15080F22.58 2.8 4.2 5.2 5.8 6.4758083 3/8"P Z5680B15580F22.583.2 4.8 3/8"P Z6680B16580F22.584.2 5.8 3/8"P Z12480B112080F22.587.11012.414.316.0758083 3/8"P Z34110B1650.567.30189 1.9 2.7 3.4 3.9 4.398110115 3/8"P Z31110B11100821.59 1.8 2.6 3.1 3.64102110116 3/8"P Z39110B11101021.59 2.3 3.2 3.9 4.55103110116 3/8"P Z59110B11101521.59 3.4 4.8 5.9 6.87.6104110116 3/8"P Z2395B1950621.59 1.4 1.9 2.3 2.738695100 3/8"P Z3995B1951021.59 2.3 3.2 3.9 4.5 5.08995100 3/8"P Z7895B1952021.59 4.5 6.47.8910.1909599 3/8"P Z l l795B1953021.59 6.89.611.713.515.19195100 3/8"P Z15695B1954024.59912.815.618.120929599 3/8"P Z19595B I955024.5911.31619.52325939598 3/8"P Z3165B1650821.59 1.8 2.6 3.1 3.64556570 3/8"P Z3965B1651021.59 2.3 3.2 3.9 4.55566570 3/8"P Z5965B1651521.59 3.4 4.8 5.9 6.87.6566569 3/8"P Z7865B1652021.59 4.5 6.47.8910.1576569 3/8"P Z l l765B1653021.59 6.89.611.713.515.1586568 3/8"P Z15665B1654024.59912.815.618.120596567 3/8"P Z19565B1655024.5911.31619.52325606567 3/8"P Z3150B1500821.59 1.8 2.6 3.1 3.64455054 3/8"P Z3950B1501021.59 23 3.2 3.9 4.554550543/8"P Z 7850B1502021.59 4.5 6.47.8910.14550543/8"P Z11580B11158022.58 6.69.411.513.314.97590833/8"P Z21595B12159522.5812.417.621.524.827.786951002007-5-17B2扁平形喷嘴喷雾特性及用途:该喷嘴具有结构简单、喷嘴均匀的特点,根据喷雾面积需要,可在集管上安装许多喷嘴,当喷嘴均匀排列时,可保证喷雾的互相交叉,并略有重叠部分,使整个集管喷射分布均匀;主要适用于连铸机、初轧和各种需要扁平喷雾冷却的机械设备中。
妥思球型风口妥思球型风口目录?简介简介,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 气流技术参数,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9初步选型,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 噪声参数,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13构造与尺寸,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 订货须知,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14安装与装配,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 ,,,,,,,简介,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15材料,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 ,,,,,,,结构与尺寸,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16符号说明,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 ,,,,,,,安装与材料,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17选型计算,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 ,,,,,,,选型参数与订货代码,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 冷风热风喷口主要用于空调送风口与人员活动区域有较大距离送风的方向可以在现场手动进行调节,还可以在?30?的环境里( 的范围内通过执行机构调节(妥思公司可根据用户需要提供气动或电动执行器(当公共场所(如各种大厅及装配车间等)空调空间很大时,利用天花板送风口不能将空气均匀送到或达不到设妥思公司的球形喷口采用空气动力学喷口结构设计,达计效果时,这种情况下就要安装喷口在侧面送风(当送到了理想的噪声控制,又由于它的高品质的外形设计,风温差发生变化时,送风气流将向上(热风)或向下(冷可用于音乐厅、剧场、博物馆等高级场所(风)偏移(送风方向也还可能受到其他外部因素的干扰,如局部对流气流或横向气流扰动(基于上述原因妥思球妥思公司提供各种型号的喷口,适合各种室内条件,能满形喷口设计成可旋转方式( 足很高的噪声要求,适用于各类空调系统(2 初步选型下表为各种规格的球形喷口的选型数据表中的数据以水平方向的等温自由射流为测试对象。
Hi-Force SJS10 台阶式法兰分离器产品说明书
![Hi-Force SJS10 台阶式法兰分离器产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f072fedb1b37f111f18583d049649b6648d709d0.png)
HI-FORCE SJS10&SJS10-TK台阶式法兰分离器操作手册产品介绍Hi-Force SJS10台阶式法兰分离器为伸开,锲入和撬动操作等在多种工业应用提供理想的解决方案。
这个套组包括:• 2 x SJS10 分离器• 1 x HP212 泵• 2 x HC3C 软管• 1 x HM2C 流量控制分配器• 2 x HG63G 压力表• 2 x HGA1-25 压力表座• 1 x MSB1 金属盒SJS10 性能参数检查收到的货物收到货物时,目视检查是否有损坏。
Hi-Force 不必知道特定工具的使用情况。
• 当操作液压设备时穿戴好适合的个人防护设备,确保身体的每个部位远离工作件和负载。
• 不要超过工具的额定工作能力。
Hi-Force SJS10的最大工作压力为700bar。
• 确保系统里所有的元件额定工作压力都是700Bar。
• 尽量在系统中使用压力表。
• 不要用手拖拉施压的软管。
新建 文本文档.txt喷流角度(3巴时)流量 代码 诺杰尔金属HVV扇形喷头喷嘴型号/入口连接尺寸NPT或BSPT(Nozzle品牌) 等效喷孔孔径MM1/81/43/81/23/41110°11001喷嘴CC 1/8-SS11001CC 1/4-SS11001CC 3/8-SS11001 CC 1/2-SS11001 CC 3/4-SS11001CC 1-SS110010.66110°110015喷嘴CC 1/8-SS110015 CC 1/4-SS110015CC 3/8-SS110015 CC 1/2-SS110015 CC3/4-SS110015CC 1-SS1100150.79110°11002喷嘴CC 1/8-SS11002CC 1/4-SS11002CC 3/8-SS11002 CC 1/2-SS11002 CC 3/4-SS11002CC 1-SS110020.91110°11003喷嘴CC 1/8-SS11003CC 1/4-SS11003CC 3/8-SS11003 CC 1/2-SS11003 CC 3/4-SS11003CC 1-SS11003 1.1110°11004喷嘴CC 1/8-SS11004CC 1/4-SS11004CC 3/8-SS11004 CC 1/2-SS11004 CC 3/4-SS11004CC 1-SS11004 1.3110°11005喷嘴CC 1/8-SS11005CC 1/4-SS11005CC 3/8-SS11005 CC 1/2-SS11005 CC 3/4-SS11005CC 1-SS11005 1.4110°11006喷嘴CC 1/8-SS11006CC 1/4-SS11006CC 3/8-SS11006 CC 1/2-SS11006 CC 3/4-SS11006CC 1-SS11006 1.6110°11008喷嘴CC 1/8-SS11008CC 1/4-SS11008CC 3/8-SS11008 CC 1/2-SS11008 CC 3/4-SS11008CC 1-SS11008 1.8110°11010喷嘴CC 1/8-SS11010CC 1/4-SS11010CC 3/8-SS11010 CC 1/2-SS11010 CC 3/4-SS11010CC 1-SS11010 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1-SS1508 1.815°1510喷嘴CC 1/8-SS1510CC 1/4-SS1510CC 3/8-SS1510 CC 1/2-SS1510 CC 3/4-SS1510CC 1-SS1510 2.015°1515喷嘴CC 1/8-SS1515CC 1/4-SS1515CC 3/8-SS1515 CC 1/2-SS1515 CC 3/4-SS1515CC 1-SS1515 2.415°1520喷嘴CC 1/8-SS1520CC 1/4-SS1520CC 3/8-SS1520 CC 1/2SS1520 CC 3/4-SS1520CC 1-SS1520 2.8。
Swisher 2645 净化器喷头产品说明书
![Swisher 2645 净化器喷头产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8ddcd5706fdb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f77c64d00.png)
ATV ACCESSORIESMANUFACTURING QUALITY LAWN CARE EQUIPMENT SINCE 1945IMPORTANT Read and follow all Safety Precautions and Instructions Before Operating thisEquipment.Made In TheUSAASSEMBLY OPERATIONSERVICE AND ADJUSTMENTREPAIR PARTS2803REV. 05-2702646264326442645LIMITED WARRANTYThe manufacturer’s warranty to the original consumer purchaser is: This product is free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase by the original consumer purchaser. We will repair or replace, at our discretion, parts found to be defective due to materials or workmanship. This warranty is subject to the following limitations and exclusions:1) Commercial Use The warranty period for any product used forcommercial or rental is limited to ninety (90) daysfrom the date of original purchase.2) Limitations This warranty applies only to products which havebeen properly assembled, adjusted, and operatedin accordance with the instructions containedwithin this manual. This warranty does not applyto any product of Swisher Mower Co., Inc., thathas been subject to alteration, misuse, abuse,improper assembly or installation, or shippingdamage.3) Exclusions Excluded from this warranty are normal wear,normal adjustments, and normal maintenance.2In the event you have a claim under this warranty, you must return the product to an authorized service dealer. All transportation charges, damage, or loss incurred during transportation of parts submitted for replacement or repair under this warranty shall be borne by the purchaser. Should you have any questions concerning this warranty, please contact us toll-free at1-800-222-8183. The model number, serial number, date of purchase,and the name of the authorized Swisher dealer from whom you purchasedthe product will be needed before any warranty claim can be processed.THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO THE SAME TIME PERIODS STATED HEREINFOR ALL EXPRESSED WARRANTIES.Some states do not allow the limitation of consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights, which vary from state-to-state. This is a limited warranty as defined by the Magnuson-Moss Act of 1975.3• Read the manual. Learn to operate this machine safely.• Keep the operating speed LOW• Allow only responsible adults who are familiar with these instructions tooperate this machine. Never allow children to operate this machine.• Be sure the area is clear of other people before operating. Children are oftenattracted to the machine and the operating activity. Never assume that children will remain where you last saw them. Keep children under the watchful care of another responsible adult.• Watch for traffic when operating near or crossing roadways.• Do not operate the attachment if it has been dropped or damaged in anymanner. Repair as necessary. • Dress properly. Do not operate when barefoot or wearing open sandals. • Do not operate the machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.• Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper operation regularly.• Do not operate over 5 MPH (8KMH)• Operate attachments up and down slopes. There is significant risk of overturnswhen operating across slopes.• Stop and inspect the equipment if you strike an object. Repair, if necessary, before restarting.• Never make adjustments or repairs with the engine running.This Safety Alert Symbol indicates important messages in this manual. When you see this symbol, carefully read the message that follows and be alert to the possibility of personal injury. Read this manual completely. Failure to observe the following safety instructionscould result in serious injury or death. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS4ASSEMBLY, INSTALLATION and PARTS LIST5REFER TO FIGURES 1 AND 2 WHILE ASSEMBLING THIS PORTION OF THE PLOWATTACHMENT1.Unpack parts and make sure all are included. If they are not contact the dealer where the Swisher Plow waspurchased.2.Locate the pivot weldment (1) and assemble to the blade (2) using two ½-13 X 2” bolts (12) two ½-13 nylocnuts (13) and two bushing (18) as shown. It is important to assure these two bushings are installed between the blade and pivot to allow for the correct rotation of the pivot.3.Assemble the tilt blocks (3) to the pivot weldment using two ½-13 X 2” bolts (12) and two ½-13 nyloc nuts (13).4.Assemble two 3/8-16 nuts (14 ) to two eye-bolts (6). Assemble the eye-bolts into the holes at the top of theblade. Secure with two 3/8 washers (15 ) two 3/8 -16 nuts (7). Place plastic caps (17) over the remainingthreads of the eye-bolts.5.Attach the tilt springs (16) to the eye-bolts and to the tabs on the pivot weldment (1). See Figure 1 below.6.Connect the skids (5) through the channels on the outer edges of the blade. Adjust their height with clevis pin(10) and hair pin (11).Figure 1 6Tilt Blocks set the vertical “tilt” or rake of the blade1166Attach springs here 5PLOW ATTACHMENT ASSEMBLY7FIGURE 2See detail on Page 84895101112181316614157171218133127132226281319283027202121REFER TO FIGURES 2 AND 3 WHILE ASSEMBLING AND INSTALLING THIS PORTION OF THEPLOW ATTACHMENTThe next steps need to be done in sequence:1.Disassemble Pivot Latch assembly from the plow mount. Lay parts down in the exact order they were removed.Replace lock nuts (25) with lock nuts in hardware kit.2.Slide the plow mount (19) into pivot weldment (1), secure with ½-13 X 3 1/2 bolt (28) and ½-13 nyloc nut (13).3.Re-assemble the Pivot Latch assembly in the reverse order that it was removed in step 1. The Pivot Latchassembly consists of the following components -lock arm (29), two bushing (18), two ½-13 lock nut (25), Washer (23), pivot spring (24) and ½-13 X 3½ bolt (28) to plow mount (19). Make sure the tail of the pivot spring is secured into the bent washer on plow mount, see fig 3.Note, lock arm should be able to pivot freely after assembled.4.Bolt plow mount bracket (22) and plow bracket support (27) to plow mount (19), as shown, using two 3/8-16 X 3bolts (30) and two 3/8-16 nyloc nuts (7).5.Insert ½-13 X 3 bolt (26) into plow mount bracket (22) and secure with ½-13 nyloc nut (13). Do not over tightenas this can bend the plow mount bracket. This is where you will attach your winch or manual lift pulley, sold separately.6.With your Swisher ATV Accessory Mount already installed, attach the plow using plow mount pin (20) and two3/16 click pins (21).7.Attach red rope (31) to eyelet on lock arm (29) and loop over front of ATV so it can be reached by the operator.8.Read Dangers on the back of the Swisher Plow and consult this manual.9.It would be wise to become familiar with your plow using a slower speed.10.Operating instructions are on page 9.Figure 382928182324Top of weldment is removed for clarity.191292522PUSH YOUR PLOW AROUND!!THE TENSION PLACED ON THE TILT SPRINGS DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF PRESSURE THAT MUST BE APPLIED TO THE BLADE BEFORE IT FOLDS OVER IF SOMETHING IS HIT.ADJUST THE SPRINGS BY LOOSENING THE NUTS (7) ON THE EYEBOLTS (6)AND ADJUSTING UNTIL THE BLADE DOES NOT FOLD OVER DURING NORMAL OPERATION BUT WILL FOLD IF AN OBJECT IS STRUCK.AFTER INSTALLING YOUR PLOW, SECURE THE ROPE SO IT IS ACCESSABLE WHILE OPERATING THE ATV AND SECURELY HELD. THERE SHOULD BE A SMALL AMOUNT OF SLACK, IN THE ROPE, TO AVOID ACCIDENTAL RELEASE OF THE LOCK ARM OR TANGLING.IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE BLADE ANGLE WHILE OPERATING, COME TO A STOP, PULL THE ROPE AND RELEASE THE LOCK ARM. DRIVE THE PLOW INTO A SNOW BANK AT AN ANGLE TO MOVE THE BLADE. WHEN THE PROPER ANGLE IS ACHIEVED RELEASE THE ROPE, LOCKING THE BLADE IN PLACE.9Notes:10Notes:11 MANUFACTURING QUALITY LAWN CARE EQUIPMENT SINCE 1945WHEN ORDERING PARTS, PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING INORMATION AVAILABLE:* PRODUCT –________________* SERIAL NUMBER -_______________* MODEL NUMBER -_______________TYPE -_______________* PART NUMBER WITH PAINT CODE * PART DESCRIPTION TELEPHONE -1-800-222-8183FAX -1-660-747-8650SWISHER MOWER & MACHINE CO. INC.1602 CORPORATE DRIVE P.O. BOX 67WARRENSBURG, MO 64093ATV ACCESSORIES IMPORTANTRead and follow allSafety Precautionsand InstructionsBefore Operating thisEquipment.。
RIELLO 40 F10燃油喷嘴说明书
![RIELLO 40 F10燃油喷嘴说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/14e0414f78563c1ec5da50e2524de518964bd3f0.png)
RIELLO 40 F10TECHNICAL DATADIMENSIONSF10 - 1F10 - 2OIL BURNER COMPONENTS IDENTIFICATIONF10BURNER COMPONENTSSERIAL NUMBER IDENTIFICATIONThe Riello 15 character serial number, example, 97 A 8511111 00025, is identified as follows: 97 = last two digits of the year of manufacture; A = BI-week of manufacture;8511111 = burner product code; 00025 = increment of 1 for each burner produced - spe-cific to product code - reset to zero each January 1st .INITIAL SET -UPA)Remove burner and air tube from cartons. Check parts list (inside cover) to ensureall parts are present.B)Remove burner cover by loosening the three screws securing it. Remove control box and air tube cover (see page 7).C)Remove drawer assembly from air tube, insert nozzle and set turbulator adjustment for specific input required (see pages 7 & 8), then set aside.D)Mount air tube to burner chassis (see page 3).1.Lockout indicator lamp and Reset button2.Primary control3.Primary control sub-base4.Pump pressure regulator adjustment screw5.Motor6.Capacitor7.Air adjustment fixing screws 8.Air shutter9.End cone10.Turbulator adjustment screw 11.Air tube cover 12.Coil13.Vacuum gauge connection port 14.Pressure gauge and bleeder port 15.Return fuel line port 16.Supply fuel line port 17.Adjustable collar18.Mounting flange with gasketBI-week of manufactureburner product codeYear of ManufactureSequence (97)(A)(851111)(00025)ASSEMBLY OF AIR TUBETO BURNER CHASSISThe air tube and drawer assembly are shipped in a carton separate from the burner chassis. Choose the proper air tube length to obtain the tube insertion for the specific installation.A) Remove the AIR TUBE and BURNER CHASSIS from their respective cartons.B) Remove the DRAWER ASSEMBLY (1) from inside the AIR TUBE by loosening the screw (2). Carefully pull the DRAWER ASSEMBLY out of the AIR TUBE, instal the required nozzle (see page 7) and set aside.C)Remove the two BOLTS (3) from FRONT PLATE (4) of the BURNER CHASSIS. Align the two holes on the AIR TUBE HOLDING PLATE (5) with the two holes left open on the BURNER CHASSIS FRONT PLATE when the BOLTS (3) were removed. Replace the BOLTS and finger tighten only. Re-install DRAWER ASSEMBLY into AIR TUBE. Tighten SCREW (2) securely (see page 7).D) Tighten the two bolts (3) securely.S7462MOUNTING THE BURNERTO THE BOILER OR FURNACEThere are three possible methods to mount the burner, depending on the individual application. These are:1)Universal flange bolted to Boiler/Furnace unit.2)Semi-flange collar bolted to Boiler/Furnace unit.3)Universal flange mounted to optional Pedestal mount, where flange-mounting direct to appliance is not possible. Pedestal kit must be ordered separately. METHOD 1 - UNIVERSAL MOUNTING FLANGEA)Insert the two BOLTS (1) into the UNIVERSAL MOUNTING FLANGE (10) from the flat side, ensuring the bolt heads are flush with the flat surface. Secure in place using two special CHROME NUTS (2) provided.F10 - 3F10 - 4B)Position the MOUNTING GASKET (3) between the flat surface of the UNIVERSAL MOUNTING FLANGE (10) and the appliance. Line up the holes in the UNIVERSAL MOUNTING FLANGE with the STUDS (4) on the appliance mounting plate and securely bolt the UNIVERSAL MOUNTING FLANGE to the plate.C)Secure the two semi-flanges of the ADJUSTABLE COLLAR (9) to the AIR TUBE using the two long BOLTS (6). Be sure that the ADJUSTABLE collar is properly positioned so the outside edge of the END CONE will be at least 1/4 inch (6.5 mm) back from the inside wall of the refractory of the combustion chamber (see dimension B at right). The measured length (A), is to include MOUNTING GASKET and FLANGE, if used.D)The burner may now be attached to the heating unit by inserting the AIR TUBE through the BURNER ACCESS HOLE (8)and into the appliance, making sure the BOLTS (1) line up with the two HOLES (5)in the ADJUSTABLE COLLAR. Secure the burner in place using two NUTS (7).A visual verification of the air tube insertion into the combustion chamber of the heating unit is suggested. DimensionB should be at least 1/4” (see drawing).NOTE: A suggested method for creating mounting bolt holes in the mounting gasket:Hold the gasket against the appliance mounting bolts using the mounting flange for proper positioning. Lightly tap the flange with a hammer to form the holes.S7461METHOD 2 - SEMI-FLANGE COLLARA)Follow item C from METHOD 1.B)Align the air tube and attached adjustable collar so air tube is centered in the burner access hole of the boiler/furnace unit. Mark the center of the two holes in the ADJUSTABLE COLLAR on to the front plate of the heating unit. Then drill 1/4 inch(6.5mm) holes through the front plate of the unit, using marks as a guide.C)Install two short BOLTS (1) through the front plate of the heating unit from the inside, and secure on the outside using the two special CHROME NUTS (2).D)Follow item D from METHOD 1.METHOD 3 - PEDESTAL MOUNTSecure the MOUNTING FLANGE to MOUNTING PEDESTAL using the hardware provided with the pedestal. Secure burner to MOUNTING FLANGE as in METHOD 1, items A, C and D.NOTE:It is suggested that the pedestal be anchored in position on the floor by installing brackets over the pedestal tube and securing brackets to the floor.Earth ground conductor terminal(black) wireter-(white)NsafetyS7454Do not connect either wire to theF10 - 5The burner may be controlled using either a DIRECT LINE VOLTAGE control circuit (120V AC 60 cycle) OR a LOW VOLTAGE control (24V AC 60 cycle) using a R8038A Honeywell switching relay or equivalent.Using the appropriate diagram below, make electrical connections to burner. All wiring must be done in accordance with existing electrical codes, both national and local. When all electrical connections have been made, the control box may be put back in place on the sub-base.F10 - 6NOZZLE PLACEMENTA)Determine the proper firing ratefor the boiler or furnace unit, consid-ering the specific application, thenuse the Burner Set-up chart on page12 to select the proper nozzle andpump pressure to obtain the requiredinput from the burner.B)Remove the NOZZLE ADAPTER(2) from the DRAWER ASSEMBLY byloosening the SCREW (1).S7459C)Insert the proper NOZZLE into theNOZZLE ADAPTER and tighten securely (Do not overtighten).D)Replace adapter, with nozzle installed, into drawer assembly and secure with screw (1).INSERTION/REMOVAL OF DRAWER ASSEMBLYA)To remove drawer assembly, loosen SCREW (3), then unplug CONTROL BOX (1) by carefully pulling it back and then up.B)Remove the AIR TUBE COVER PLATE (5) by loosening the two retaining SCREWS (4).C)Loosen SCREW (2), then slide the complete drawer assembly out of the combustion head as shown.D)To insert drawer assembly, reverse the procedure in items A to C above, then attach fuel line to the pump.S7460F10 - 7F10 - 8ELECTRODE SETTINGTURBULATOR SETTINGA)Loosen NUT (1), then turn SCREW (2) until the INDEX MARKER (3) is aligned with the correct index number as per the Burner Set-up chart, on page 12.B)Retighten the RETAINING NUT (1).NOTE:Zero and five are scale indica-tors only. From left to right, the first line is 5 and the last line 0.OIL LINE CONNECTIONSThis burner is shipped with the oil pump set to operate on a single line system. To operate on a two line system the by-pass plug must be installed.Warning: Do not operate a single line system with the by-pass plug installed.Operating a single line system with the by-pass plug installed will result in damage to the pump shaft seal.Note: Pump pressure must be set at time of burner start-up.A pressure gauge is attached to the PRESSURE PORT (8) for pressure readings. Two PIPE CONNECTORS (5) are supplied with the burner for connection to either a single or a two-pipe system. Also supplied are two ADAPTORS (3), two female 1/4” NPT, to adapt oil lines to burner pipe connectors. All pump port threads are British Parallel Thread design. Direct connection of NPT threads to the pump will damage the pump body.Riello manometers and vacuum gauges do not require any adaptors, and can be safely connected to the pump ports. An NPT (metric) adapter must be used when connecting other gauge models.SINGLE LINE (GRAVITY FEED SYSTEM)A)The burner is shipped configured for use in single line applications. No changes to the oil pump are required for use in single line applications.NOTE: If the pump cover (1) is removed for any reason, be sure the O-ring (2), is properly seated in the pump cover (1) before re-attaching the pump cover to the pump housing.B)Connect the pipe connector to the SUPPLY PORT (6) of the pump. Attach the required piping to this pipe connector. Be sure that the plug in the RETURN PORT (9) is tightened securely.F10 - 9TWO LINE (LIFT SYSTEM)A)If a two line system is required, install the By-pass plug (4) provided. The by-pass plug is installed in the return port (9) of the pump. A 2.5 mm hexagonal key provided with the by pass plug is to be used to install the plug. DO NOT use an inch size hexagonal key, damage to the by-pass plug may result. When operating on a two line system, supply and return lines should be the same diameter and both should extend to the same depth inside the fuel tank. Be sure there are no air leaks or blockages in the piping system.Any obstructions in the return line will cause failure of the pump shaft seal. Do not exceed the pipe lengths indicated in the tables.To install the by-pass plug:1) Remove the return plug (9).2) Install the by-pass plug (4) using the 2.5 mm hexagonal key.B)Attach the two PIPE CONNECTORS (5) to the pump SUPPLY and pump RETURN PORTS (6 and 9). Attach the required piping to these two pipe connectors using the NPT/METRIC ADAPTERS that are supplied with the burner.WARNING:Pipe dope or Teflon tape are NOT to be used on any direct oil con-nection to the fuel pump.WARNING:The height “P” in Pipe Length charts on page 9 and 10 should not exceed 13feet (4 m).WARNING:The vacuum should not exceed 11.44 inches of mercury. IMPORTANT:An external, appropriately listed and certified oil filter must be placed in the fuel line between the fuel tank and the burner pump.F10 - 10。
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压力单位换算表 Kg/cm2 10.2 0.011 1.02 1 0.07 1.033 1.36
P.S.I 145 0.145 14.5 14.22
1 14.7 19.3
atm 9.87 9.87 x10‐3 0.987 0.968 0.068
1 1.32
mHg 7.5 7.5 x10‐1 0.75 0.736 0.052 0.76 1
A (mm) 12.0 13.5 17.5 21.5 24.0 12.0 13.5 17.5 21.5 24.0
Mpa 1
0.001 0.1
0.09807 0.00689
0.101 0.133
Kpa 1000
1 100 98.07 6.89 1.01x102 1.33 x102P
Bar 10 0.01 1 0.981 0.069 1.013 1.33
cm3 1
1000 1x106 2.83x104 3.79x103
Liter 1x10‐3
Us gallon 2.64x10‐4
0.264 264 0.749 1
机器人自动喷涂线 钢铁行业轧辊冷却
变压器消防喷淋 车间加湿
空调系统中的空气清洗 离心式湿式收集器 洗涤喷漆室中的空气 反应堆清洗系统 管道气体洗涤 空间加湿除静电 烟气脱硫
假设: 喷嘴的喷雾角度=α 喷嘴距离被喷物体的距离=H 重叠部分的宽度=O 喷嘴喷雾直径=D 喷嘴之间的间距=P
2、 密度 密度是其他的液体的一定容量与同容 量水的质量之比。当您所喷的介质是 水以外的液体时,您需要用以下的公 式对照我们的数据表来计算喷嘴的流 量。 液体的喷射流量
3、 喷雾的角度 喷雾角度是指在喷雾的过程中,最接 近喷雾两侧的夹角角度。喷雾的角度 和喷嘴口与被噴物体的距离,决定喷 雾覆盖面积的大小。如后图所示
喷淋重叠面的宽度: O=D-P1 喷嘴的间距P1为
喷嘴的间距P2为 P2=3/4D
假设: 喷嘴的喷雾角度=α 喷嘴距离被喷物体的距离=H 重叠部分的宽度=O 喷嘴喷雾直径=D 喷嘴之间的间距=P
喷淋重叠面的宽度: O=D-P 喷嘴的间距为
数量中间直径 是指 50%的液滴落下直径,有一半的液 滴大于这个直径,也有一般的液滴小
意外损伤: 在安装和清洁中由于应用不正确的工具会 因为意外对喷嘴造成损害。
喷雾形状 喷射流量 喷射角度 液滴尺寸 喷射速度
打击力 磨损
压力增加 改进 增加
先增后减 减小 增加 增加 增加
密度增加 粘度增加 适度增加
选用喷嘴时,需要注意的物理特性: 1、 喷嘴的流量
喷嘴的流量是指在单位时间内,喷嘴 喷射的流量。在本目录中流量一般以 升/分钟(L/min),或者立方米/小时 (m3/hr)为单位;压力则以巴(bar) 为单位。喷嘴的流量因喷雾压力的变 化而变化。一般地说,流量和压力(bar) 的关系如下:
喷雾形状是选择喷嘴的一个重要的指标,在不同的场合应用时选择的喷雾形状是 不同的。按照喷嘴的喷雾形状主要分为以下几种:
空心锥形喷雾形状实 质是一个圆形的液体 环。这种喷嘴由进液口 与涡流腔相切或者通 过一个紧靠喷嘴口上 游的内部开槽叶片形 成的
215~370 410~700
80A 3B 80.7 89.1
100A 4B 105.3 114.3
液体配管参考资料入口压力 3bar
配管管径 (inch)
建议最大流量 (L/min)
6、 喷雾液滴大小 喷雾液滴大小是指构成喷嘴喷雾形状 的各个喷射液滴的大小。它取决于喷 嘴的雾化结构、液滴能量的强弱、液 滴表面张力以及液体密度等。在给定 的某一喷嘴的喷雾过程中,并不是所 有的液滴都是一样大小,那么平均喷 雾粒径就成为代表颗粒大小的重要的 数据。在不同的场合,尤其是比较特 殊的场合,喷雾颗粒的大小是非常重 要的。喷雾液滴大小有如下几种表示 方法,其中以邵特平均粒径(Sauter Mean Diameter,简称 SMD)最为常用, 用 D32 来代表,单位为:μm
表面张力增加 可忽略 无影响 减小 增加 可忽略 可忽略 无影响
这种喷嘴是各种喷嘴中结构最简单的一 种。这种喷嘴内部流道没有任何阻挡的部 件,液体经过加压后直接从喷嘴的开口方 向喷出,并呈现出设计要求的喷雾形状。 不同的喷嘴口的形状可喷射出不同的喷雾 形状。
“喷雾过程”简单地说就是将某种介质通过喷嘴雾化成微小的液滴,并且将这些液滴按 照预期的流量、角度、打击力覆盖到制定的表面。
在实际应用的行业中,由于客户对喷雾特性的要求不同,选用喷嘴的连接方式、喷雾角 度、流量等参数也不同,我们将在此目录中为您详尽地讲述喷嘴的说明。相信在您看完我们 专业的目录后,您也将成为喷雾选型专家!
3.28 x10‐6 3.28 x10‐3 3.28 x10‐2
3.28 8.33 x10‐2
钢管 内外 径径
每 10m 压力损失 0.1~0.3bar(L/min)
6A 1/8B 6.5 10.5
8A 1/4B 9.2 13.8
10A 3/8B 12.7 17.3
由压缩气体辅助雾化,并加上特殊的进液 口以及进气口设计,让液体能雾化成为极 其微小的液滴。这样的雾化颗粒是最细的 能达到 10μm
此种喷嘴前端安装一个特别设计的钛合金 材质的超声波震荡器,利用流体高速冲击 钛金属的能量让振荡器产生高频震荡波将 已经雾化的颗粒再次雾化。从而得到更加 微小的液滴。
结垢: 由于液体蒸发引起的在喷嘴口内、外边缘 上的喷溅、雾气或者化学堆积作用,能留 一层干燥的凝固层,阻塞喷嘴口或者内流 通道。
热损害: 高温对非高温设计的喷嘴材料有很大的伤 害,容易使喷嘴变形、融化。
不正确的安装: 偏离轴心的垫圈,过度拧紧或者其它改变 位置的问题都能导致渗漏以及其它对喷雾 性能产生的不良影响。
于此直径。 7、 喷雾喷嘴常见问题以及原因 磨损: 由于液体的流动摩擦使得喷嘴喷口和内流 通道表面的物质逐渐脱除,使它们逐渐变 大或变形,从而影响流量和喷雾形状。
腐蚀: 喷雾液体或者周围环境的化学作用引起的 腐蚀破坏了喷嘴的材料。
堵塞: 污垢或者其它的杂质阻塞了喷嘴口或者通 道,能限制流量并且干扰喷雾形状以及喷 雾的均匀性。
4、 打击力 喷嘴的打击力是指在喷雾过程中,被 喷射物体表面所承受的打击力。一般 以kg/cm2或者lb/inch2来表示大小强 弱。一般来讲,在相同的压力和流量 下,直线型喷嘴的打击力最大而广角 实心锥的打击力最小。
5、 流量分布 在设计喷嘴的过程中,考虑到各种不 同环境的使用需求,每一种喷嘴都有 不同的流量分布特性。在本目录中力 量分布基本分为一下几个大类:山型 分布、均等分布、凹型分布和单点分 布。不同的设计是为了让喷嘴在单独 使用或做排列使用时能够有更均匀的 覆盖和打击力。为了方便客户的选用, 我们会在每一类的喷嘴页面中,加入 流量分布的图示。
15A 1/2B 16.1 21.7
20A 3/4B 21.6 27.2
25A 1B 27.6 34 32A 11/4B 35.7 42.7 40A 11/2B 41.6 48.6
38~65 70~120 120~210
50A 2B 52.9 60.5 65A 21/2B 67.9 76.3
Cm2 1
1 x104 6.45 9.30x102
1 x10‐4
1.551 x103
6.45 x10‐4
9.301 x102
1.441 x102
Ft2 1.08 x10‐3
10.8 6.94x10‐3
1 1 x103 1 x104 1 x107 2.54 x104 3.05x105
1 x10‐3 1 10
1x103 25.4 3.05x102