
Specification Approval Sheet 产品规格承认书Customer 客户名称:域拓Model产品型号:4LType 产品类型:Li-ion battery Specification产品规格:3.7V/1400mAHAMENDMENT RECORDSCatalogue 目录1 .Battery type and scope电池型号和适用范围 (4)1 . 1: model产品型号: (4)1 . 2: scope适用范围:客户定义 (4)2 . Basic character and compose of battery电池的基本特性及组成 (4)2 . 1: fundamental performance parameter of battery电池基本性能参数: (4)2 . 2: Main components and parts主要零部件 (6)2 . 3: Regular performance and unfailing performance产品常规性能和可靠性能 (6)2 . 4: Contour Dimension of the Battery电池外形尺寸 (11)3 . Specifications of Parts零部件规格 (152)3 . 1: fender保护板 (152)3 . 2: general electric and protection characters一般电气与保护特征 (152)3 . 2: electric schematic diagram of battery电池电路原理图: (173)3 . 3 : PCB layout 电路布局图………………………………………………………………….错误!未定义书签。
34 . Specifications of the Cells电芯规格 (184)Announcements注意事项 (195)Danger 危险 (195)Warnings 警告 (206)Announcements 注意事项 (217)1 .Battery type and scope电池型号和适用范围This Specification Approval Sheet is for rechargeable Li-polymer battery provided by Shirui Battery Co., LTD.This product is according with the national standard of PRC. ‘GB/T18287-2000’. ‘General specification of lithium-ion battery for cellular phone’.本《规格书》为时瑞电池有限公司提供的可充电式锂离子电池规格。

深圳市***电子有限公司ShenZhen BaoWeiYu Electronics Co.,LTD样品承认书Specification Approval Sheet客户名称 Customer: **科技产品名称 Part Name:锂离子电池【】高档【】中档【√】低档产品型号/规格Part Model/Specification: 5BP/5.5*33.6*46.2mm±0.1产品编号Part Number:供应商标识 Supplier logo: ***样品数量 Sample Quantity: 8PCS送样时刻 Issue Date: 2011/08/05项目名称 project Name: AINY-001手机型号 Mobile Model: AINY989 【】高档【】中档【√】低档手机市场类不 Mobile Market Type 【】CIF 【√】FOB 供应商电话:0755-**********供应商传真:0755-********供应商地址:深圳市************目录1. 适用范围2. 引用标准3. 电气特性4. 电池框图5. 要紧物料6. 可靠性测试规范7. 常规性测试规范8. 运输9. 贮存10. 包装和标志11. 使用讲明和安全规程12. 质量评定13.环保14. 其它事项附件:1.爱护板原理图2.爱护板贴片图3.爱护板BOM清单4.PCB Layout 图5.标贴示意图6.外观尺寸图7.包装图1、适用范围:本规格书描述电池之标称参数、电气特性、安全性能、环境适应性及事实上验和判定、使用讲明和安全规程、质量评定及包装、标志、贮存、运输等。
2.引用标准:GB/T 18287-2000中华人民共和国蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范。
3.要紧技术参数中期(3个-20~45℃月内)长期(1年-20~20℃内)3.27 出货电压≥3.8V 3.75~3.9V 70%电量电芯采购:品质信誉度良好的一级供应商4.电池方框图:5.要紧物料:电池物料清单(BOM)材料规格描述数量备注厂商锂电芯053443AR/500mah 1PCS 路华PCB板5BP 1PCS 路路通6.可靠性测试规范:6. 1 测试条件:除非另有规定,本规范中各项试验应在试验的标准大气条件下进行:温度: -5℃-35℃推举(25±5℃)相对湿度:≦75%大气压强:86KP—106KP6.2 测量仪表与设备的要求:6.2.1 测量电压的仪表准确度应不低于0.5级, 内阻应不小于10KΩ/V6.2.2 测量电流的仪表准确度应不低于0.5级.6.2.3 测量时刻的仪表准确度不低于±0.1%.6.2.4 测量温度的仪表准确度不低于±0.5℃.6.2.5 恒流源的电流恒定可调,在充电或放电过程中,其电流变化应在±1%范围内.6.2.6 恒压源的电压可调, 其电压变化范围为±0.5%.6.2.7 尺寸测量仪的准确度不低于0.02mm, 量程为200mm.6.2.8 称量质量的仪器感量不低于0.1g,秤量为1.5Kg.. 6. 2 测试项目判定标准测试方法:7.常规性测试规范:7.1除非另有规定,本规范中各项试验应在试验的标准大气条件下进行:温度: -5℃-35℃推举(25±5℃)相对湿度:≦75%大气压强:86KP—106KP7.2 测试的手段和仪器7.2.1 测量尺寸的工具用0.01mm或更精确的工具来测量尺寸,其量程为0~200mm.7.2.2 电压表和电流表电压表的精确度为±5mV, 其量程为0~20V; 电流表的精确为当前电流的±(0.3%±30mΩ).7.2.3 测量内阻使用AC 1KHZ检测方法及准确度不低于0.5级的仪表,测量电池接口处正负极之间的内阻值7.3 目视7.3.1目视检查无擦痕,裂纹,龟裂,生锈, 褪色.7.3.2目视检测电池标贴完整无破损,字符图案工整完好无缺损,内容完整,正负杉字符和电池极性完全对应。

2-1 标称容量:600mAh(实际容量600mAh)
2-2 标称电压: 3.70V
2-3 放电终止电压:2.75V
内 容
2-1 标称容量
2-2 标称电压
2-3 充电终止电压
2-4 充电电压
2-5 充电电流
2-6 充电时间

深圳市昆泰光电技术有限公司KontaKonta Optoelectronic Technology (ShenZhen) CO.,LTD规格书锂离子可充电电池客户名称深圳市多达康通讯设备有限公司产品型号__________ DOTOCO D818 __________________电芯型号_____________ 553455A __________________文件编号KTGC・WI-DD520・A0PDF 文件使用n pdf Fact ory Pro"试用版本创建 nepr i M cn深圳市昆泰光电技术有限公nJ标准文件1适用范围木规格书适用于DOTOCO D818S1号电池,采用553455A电芯2电池型号2. 1 电池型号:DOTOCO D8182.2 电芯型号勺规格:553455A3.7V/ 950mAh3基本性能PDF 文件使用"pdf Fact or y Pr o M试用版本创建 nepr i nt cn深圳市昆泰光电技术有限公司标准文件文件名称DOTOCO D818电池规格|5 版别A0 页次2/13PDF 文件使用"pdf Fact ory Pro"试用版本创建 new i nt cn3/13文件编号实施I I 期2008-06-30PDF 文件使用"pdf Fact or y Pro” 试用版本创建 new i nt cn项冃测试方法判定标准 4.5.2低温放电特性在环境(20 ±5) °C 的条件卜,电池快速充电结束后, 将电池放入(*20±2) °C 的低温箱中恒fi16-24h,然后 以0.2C5A 电流恒流放电至2. 75Vo放电时间M3 h 外观无变形、漏 液、爆裂。
4.6内阻值使用AC Ik Hz 检测方法及准确皮不低JQ 5级的仪表,测量电池接口处正负极之间的内阻值。
锂离子电池产品规格书 MLP502030 250mAh 3.7V说明书

History of specification规格书修订记录Date Contents Remarks 2018-05-12First issue A0Content/目录1.Scope/适用范围Page42.Cell Specification/电芯规格说明Page4/53.Battery/Cell performance test Criteria/电池性能标准Page6 3.1Appearance inspection by visual/外观目测Page6 3.2Environmental test condition/外界环境条件Page6 3.3Electrical characteristics/电气特性Page6 3.4Mechanical characteristics/机械特性Page73.5Safety performance/安全性能Page7/84.Cell initial Dimensions/电芯初始尺寸Page84.2Picture of assembled battery组合电池图5.Protection Circuit保护电路5.1PCM parameter PCM参数6.Circuit topology Drawing and PIN Explanation电路布线图和焊盘说明6.1PCM BOM保护板物料清单6.2Assembled cell parameters包装后电芯组参数附录Page9 Page9 Page9 Page10 Page10 Page101.Scope/适用范围The specification shall be applied to Li-ion Polymer rechargeable battery pack of MLP502030 250mAh3.7V,which is manufactured.本规格书适用于公司生产的MLP502030250mAh3.7V可充电聚合物锂离子电池.2.Cell Specification/电芯产品规格No.Item项目Specification性能1Rated Capacity额定容量250mAh,0.2C discharging2Minimum Capacity最小容量250mAh,0.2C discharging3Normal Voltage标称电压3.70V4O.C.V出厂电压 3.80-4.2V5Charge Ending Voltage充电截止电压4.20±0.03V6Discharge Ending Voltage放电截止电压3.0V7Standard charging method标准充电方式0.5C constant current charge to 4.2V,then constantvoltage4.2V charge till charged current declines to≤0.01C,0℃~45℃8Charge current充电电流Standard charge:0.2CRapid charge:1.0C9charging Time充电时间Standard charge:5.5~6.5hRapid charge:1.5~2.5h10Max.Charging Current最大充电电流1.0C(5℃~+45℃)11Standard dischargingCurrent标准放电电流0.2C constant current discharge to3.0V.10℃~+60℃12Max.Discharging Current最大放电电流1.0C(10℃~+60℃)13Operating environment工作环境Charging:0℃-45℃,65%±25%RHDischarging:10℃-60℃,65%±25%RH14Cell Impedance单电芯内阻<140mohm,(4.2V AC1KHz measured)15Dimension of Single Cell单电芯尺寸Thickness Max5.0mmWidth Max20.5mmHeight Max30.5mm3.Picture of single cell 单体电芯图Fig.(1)The Dimension of Single Cell图(1)单体电池尺寸图厚度T 宽度W 长度L L1W1E 5.0±0.120.0±0.530.0±0.56.5±1.52.0-3.07.0±1.5UNIT 单位:MM4.Picture of assembled battery组合电池图Fig.(2)The Dimension of Assembled Battery图(2)组合电池外形尺寸图厚度T 宽度W 长度L 线径Ø线型插头型号5.0±0.120.0±1.033.0±1.00.9UL1007/24#XH2.54-2P备注:UNIT 单位:MM5.产品规格及电气参数Product Specification and Electrical Parameters序号Item项目Specification性能1Assembled Mode组合方式1P2Normal Capacity标称容量≥250mAh,0.2C discharging3Normal Voltage标称电压3.7V4Impedance成品内阻<240mohm,(100%charge AC1KHz measured)5Assembly Dimension装配尺寸Thickness Max5.1mmWidth Max21.0mmHeight Max33.0mm4.Battery/Cell performance test Criteria/电池性能标准4.1Appearance inspection by visual/外观目测There shall be no such defect as rust,leakage,which may adversely affect commercial value of battery.电池外观应没有锈渍、污渍、漏液等影响商业价值的缺陷存在。

Specification Approval Sheet 产品规格承认书Customer 客户名称:域拓Model产品型号:4LType 产品类型:Li-ion battery Specification产品规格:3.7V/1400mAHAMENDMENT RECORDSCatalogue 目录1 .Battery type and scope电池型号和适用范围 (4)1 . 1: model产品型号: (4)1 . 2: scope适用范围:客户定义 (4)2 . Basic character and compose of battery电池的基本特性及组成 (4)2 . 1: fundamental performance parameter of battery电池基本性能参数: (4)2 . 2: Main components and parts主要零部件 (6)2 . 3: Regular performance and unfailing performance产品常规性能和可靠性能 (6)2 . 4: Contour Dimension of the Battery电池外形尺寸 (11)3 . Specifications of Parts零部件规格 (112)3 . 1: fender保护板 (122)3 . 2: general electric and protection characters一般电气与保护特征 (122)3 . 2: electric schematic diagram of battery电池电路原理图: (133)3 . 3 : PCB layout 电路布局图………………………………………………………………….错误!未定义书签。
34 . Specifications of the Cells电芯规格 (144)Announcements注意事项 (155)Danger 危险 (155)Warnings 警告 (166)Announcements 注意事项 (167)1 .Battery type and scope电池型号和适用范围This Specification Approval Sheet is for rechargeable Li-polymer battery provided by Shirui Battery Co., LTD.This product is according with the national standard of PRC. ‘GB/T18287-2000’. ‘General specification of lithium-ion battery for cellular phone’.本《规格书》为时瑞电池有限公司提供的可充电式锂离子电池规格。

页码:1 / 11
页码:5 / 11
3.8、运行温度充电温度0— +45℃
页码:7/ 11
三星18650 2200mAh规格书

SPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTfor Lithium-ion Rechargeable CellModel : ICR18650-22FMAug, 2008Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.Battery Business DivisionHistory of Revisions1. ScopeThis product specification has been prepared to specify the rechargeable lithium-ion cell ('cell') to be supplied to the customer by Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.2. Description and Model2.1 Description Cell (lithium-ion rechargeable cell)2.2 Model ICR18650-22FM3. Nominal SpecificationsNote (1): If the cell is kept as ex-factory status(50% of charge),the capacity recovery rate is more than 80%.4. Outline DimensionsSee the attachment(Fig. 1)5. AppearanceThere shall be no such defects as scratch, rust, discoloration, leakage whichmay adversely affect commercial value of the cell.6. Standard Test Conditions6.1 Environmental ConditionsUnless otherwise specified, all tests stated in this specification areconducted at temperature 25±5℃and humidity 65±20%.6.2 Measuring Equipment(1) Ammeter and VoltmeterThe ammeter and voltmeter should have an accuracy of the grade 0.5 or higher.(2) Slide caliperThe slide caliper should have 0.05 mm scale.(3) Impedance meterThe impedance meter with AC 1kHz should be used.7. Characteristics7.1 Standard ChargeThis "Standard Charge" means charging the cell with charge current1100mA and constant voltage 4.2V at 25℃for 3hours.7.2 Standard Discharge CapacityThe standard discharge capacity is the initial discharge capacity of the cell, which is measured with discharge current of 440mA with 2.75V cut-off at 25℃within 1 hour after the Standard charge.Standard Discharge Capacity ≥2150mAh7.3 Initial internal impedanceInitial internal impedance measured at AC 1kHz after Standard charge.Initial internal impedance ≤100mΩ7.4 Temperature Dependence of Discharge CapacityDischarge capacity comparison at each temperature, measured with dischargeconstant current 1100mA and 2.75V cut-off with follow temperature after the standard charging at 25℃.Note: If charge temperature and discharge temperature is not the same,the interval for temperature change is 3 hours.Percentage as an index of the Standard discharge capacity(=2150mAh) is 100%.7.5 Temperature Dependence of Charge CapacityCapacity comparison at each temperature, measured with dischargeconstant current 1000mA and 2.75V cut-off at 25℃after the Standard charge isas follow temperature.Note: If charge temperature and discharge temperature is not the same,the interval for temperature change is 3 hours.Percentage as an index of the Standard discharge capacity(=2150mAh) is 100%.7.6 Charge Rate CapabilitiesDischarge capacity is measured with constant current 440mA and 2.75V cut-offafter the cell is charged with 4.2V as follows.Note: Percentage as an index of the capacity at 25℃(=2150mAh) is 100%.7.7 Discharge Rate CapabilitiesDischarge capacity is measured with the various currents in under table and 2.75Vcut-off after the standard charge.Note: Percentage as an index of the capacity at 25℃(=2150mAh) is 100%.7.8 Cycle LifeEach cycle is an interval between the charge (charge current 1760mA) and thedischarge (discharge current 2200mA) with 2.75V cut-off. Capacityafter 299cycles and plus 1 day, measured under the same condition in 7.2Capacity ≥1500mAh7.9 Storage CharacteristicsCapacity after storage for 30days at 25℃after the Standard charged,measured with discharge current 1100mA with 2.75V cut-off at 25℃.Capacity retention(after the storage) ≥1720mAh7.10 Status of the cell as of ex-factoryThe cell should be shipped in 50% charged state.8. Mechanical Characteristics8.1 Drop TestTest method: Cell(as of shipment or full charged) drop onto the oak-board(thickness:≥30mm) from 4feet height at a random direction 6 times.Criteria: No leakage8.2 Vibration TestTest method: Cell(as of shipment) is vibrated along 2 mutuallyperpendicular axes with total excursion of 1.6mm and withfrequency cycling between 10Hz and 55Hz by 1Hz/min.Criteria: No leakage9. Safety10.1 Overcharge TestTest method: To charge the standard charged cell with 12V and 2200mA at 25℃for 2.5 hours.Criteria: No fire, and no explosion.10.2 External Short-circuit TestTest method: To short-circuit the standard charged cell by connecting positive and negative terminal by less than 50mΩwire for 3 hours.Criteria: No fire, and no explosion.10.3 Reverse Charge TestTest method: To charge reversely the standard charged cell with charge current2200mA for 2.5 hours.Criteria: No fire, and no explosion.10.4 Heating TestTest method: To heat the standard charged cell at heating rate of 5℃per minute up to 130℃and keep the cell in oven for 60 minutes.Criteria: No fire, and no explosion.10. WarrantySamsung SDI will be responsible for replacing the cell against defects or poor workmanship for 15month from the date of shipping. Any other problems caused by malfunction of the equipment or unsuitable use of the cell are not under this warranty.The warranty set forth in proper use, handling conditions described above,and excludes in the case of a defect which is not related to manufacturing of the cell.11. Others12.1 Storage for a long timeIf the cell is kept for a long time(3months or more), It is strongly recommendedthat the cell is preserved at dry and low-temperature.12.2 OtherAny matters that specifications does not have, should be conferred withbetween the both parties.12. PackagingSee Fig.2,Package DrawingFig. 1 Outline Dimensions of ICR18650-22FMUnit : mm Max. 18.4 Max. 65.0Fig 2. Package DrawingProper Use and Handling of Lithium Ion CellsSee before using lithium-ion cellSupplied bySamsung SDIEM1. GeneralThis document has been prepared to describe the appropriate cautions and prohibitions, which the customer should take or employ when the customer usesand handles the lithium ion cell to be manufactured and supplied by Samsung SDIEM in order to obtain optimum performance and safety.2. Charging2.1 Charging currentCharging current should be less than maximum charge current specified inthe product specification.2.2 Charging voltageCharging should be done by voltage less than that specified inthe product specification.2.3 Charging timeContinuous charging under appropriate voltage does not cause any loss ofcharacteristics. However, the charge timer is recommended to be installedfrom a safety consideration, which shuts off further charging at time specifiedin the product specification.2.4 Charging temperatureThe cell should be charged within a range of specified temperatures inthe product specification.2.5 Reverse chargingThe cell should be connected, confirming that its poles are correctly aligned.Inverse charging should be strictly prohibited. If the cell is connectedimproperly, it may be damaged.3. Discharging3.1 Discharging3.1.1 The cell should be discharged at less than maximum discharge currentspecified in the product specification.3.2 Discharging temperature3.2.1 The cell should be discharged within a range of temperatures specified inthe product specification.3.2.2 Otherwise, it may cause loss of characteristics.3.3 Over-discharging3.3.1 The system should be equipped with a device to prevent further dischargingexceeding discharging cut-off voltage specified in the productspecification.(over-discharging)3.3.2 Over-discharging may cause loss of performance, characteristics, ofbattery function.3.3.3 Over-discharging may occur by self-discharge if the battery is left fora very long time without any use.3.3.4 The charger should be equipped with a device to detect cell voltage and todetermine recharging procedures.4. Storage4.1 Storage conditions4.1.1 The cell should be stored within a range of temperatures specifiedin the product specification.4.1.2 Otherwise, it may cause loss of characteristics, leakage and/or rust.4.2 Long-term storage4.2.1 The cell should be used within a short period after charging becauselong-term storage may cause loss of capacity by self-discharging.4.2.2. If long-term storage is necessary, the cell should be stored at lowervoltage within a range specified in the product specification, becausestorage at higher voltage may cause loss of characteristics.5. Cycle life5.1 Cycle life performance5.1.1 The cell can be charged/discharged repeatedly up to times specified inthe produce specification with a certain level of capacity also specifiedin the product specification.5.1.2 Cycle life may be determined by conditions of charging, discharging,operating temperature and/or storage.6. Design of System6.1 Connection between the cell and the battery6.1.1 The cell should not be soldered directly with leads. Namely, the cellshould be welded with leads on its terminal and then be soldered withwire or leads to soldered lead.6.1.2 Otherwise, it may cause damage of component, such as separator andinsulator, by heat generation.6.2 Positioning the battery in the System6.2.1 The battery should be positioned as possible as far from heat sourcesand high temperature components.6.2.2 Otherwise, it may cause loss of characteristics.6.3 Mechanical shock protection of the battery6.3.1 The battery should be equipped with appropriate shock absorbers in order tominimize shock.6.3.2 Otherwise, it may cause shape distortion, leakage, heat generationand/or rupture.6.4 Short-circuit protection of the cell6.4.1 The cell is equipped with an insulating sleeve to protect short-circuit whichmay occur during transportation, battery assembly and /or systemoperation.6.4.2 If the cell sleeve is damaged by some causes such as outside impact,it may cause short-circuit with some wiring inside the battery.6.5 Connection between the battery and charger/system6.5.1 The battery should be designed to be connected only to the specifiedcharger and system.6.5.2 A reverse connection of the battery, even in the specified system,should be avoided by employing special battery design such asa special terminals.7. Battery Pack Assembly7.1 Prohibition of usage of damaged cell7.1.1 The cell should be inspected visually before battery assembly.7.1.2 The cell should not be used if sleeve-damage, can-distortion and/orelectrolyte-smell is detected.7.2 Transportation7.2.1 If the cell is necessary to transport to order place, such as thebattery manufacturer, careful precautions should be taken to avoiddamage of cell.8. Others8.1 Disassembly8.1.1 The cell should not be dismantled from the battery pack.8.1.2 Internal short-circuit caused by disassembly may lead to heat generationand/or venting.8.1.3 When the electrolyte is coming in contact with the skin or eyes,wash immediately with fresh water and seek medical advice.8.2 Short-circuiting8.2.1 Short-circuit results in very high current which leads to heat generation.8.2.2 An appropriate circuitry should be employed to protect accidentalshort-circuiting.8.3 Incineration8.3.1 Incinerating and disposing of the cell in fire are strictly prohibited,because it may cause rupture.8.4 Immersion8.4.1 Soaking the cell in water is strictly prohibited, because it may causemelt of components to damaged to functions.8.5 Mixing use8.5.1 Different types of cell, or same types but different manufacturer's cellmay lead to cell rupture or damage to system due to the differentcharacteristics of cell.8.6 Battery disposal8.6.1 Although the cell contains no environmentally hazardous component,such as lead or cadmium. the battery should be disposed according tothe local regulations when it is disposed.8.6.2 The cell should be disposed with a discharged state to avoid heat generationby an inadvertent short-circuit.8.7 Caution - The Battery used in this device may present a risk of fire or chemical burn ifmistreated. Do not disassemble, heat above 100℃or incinerate. Replacebattery with Samsung SDI battery only. Use of another battery may present a riskof fire or explosion. Dispose of used battery promptly. Keep away from children.Do not disassemble and do not dispose of in fire.8.8 AttachedSystem Pack Quality Guideline8-8-1 The battery pack’s consumption current.- Sleep Mode: Under 250uA.- Shut Down Mode: Under 10uA (under 2.5V).8-8-2 SOC 0%- Any bank voltage in SOC 0% of Pack should be higher than 3.0V.(Discharging Cut-off Voltage)8-8-3 Operating Charging Voltage of a cell.- Normal operating voltage of cell is 4.20V.- Max operating voltage of cell is 4.25V.8-8-4 No continuous charge- Charge cut-off condition : Cut-off Current is higher than 1/20C(Charging method: CC-CV)- Initial recharging condition : Remaining Capacity is lower than 90% or Voltageis lower than 4.10V8-8-5 Pre-charging function- Pre-charge function should be implemented to prevent abnormal high ratecharging after deep discharge.- Pre-charging condition :Operation: less than 3.0VCharging current : Under 150mA/Cell.(Continuous)Pre-charge stop (Normal Charge Start) : All cells reach 3.0V8-8-6 Cell voltage monitoring system.- The system (Charger or Pack) should equip a device to monitor each cellvoltage and to stop charging if a cell imbalance happened.8-8-7 The battery pack should have warning system for over temperature, over voltage, over current, and unexpected events would be harm to system. If battery facesharsh condition such as over temperature, Battery pack should control FET-offdirectly.8-8-8 Mechanical guides.- PCBA and Cell stack should have heat insulation material between them. (Suchas plastic barrier which is giving air isolation or non-thermal conductivematerial.)- B+ and B- wire connection should not be crossed each other. Do not make wirewhich had the voltage difference more than 4.0V get together.- The material such as double sided tape and rubber which are used in batterypack should be verified for its flammabilityHandling Precaution and Prohibitions of Lithium Ion & Lithium Ion PolymerRechargeable Cells and BatteriesInaccurate handling of lithium ion and lithium ion polymer rechargeable battery may cause leakage, heat, smoke, an explosion, or fire.This could cause deterioration of performance or failure. Please be sure to follow instructions carefully.1.1 StorageStore the battery at low temperature (below 20℃is recommended), low humidity, no dust and no corrosive gas atmosphere.1.2 Safety precaution and prohibitionsTo assure product safety, describe the following precautions in the instruction manual of theapplication.[ Danger!]■Electrical misusageUse dedicated charger.Use or charge the battery only in the dedicated application.Don't charge the battery by an electric outlet directly or a cigarette lighter charger.Don't charge the battery reversely.■Environmental misusageDon't leave the battery near the fire or a heated source.Don't throw the battery into the fire.Don't leave, charge or use the battery in a car or similar place where inside of temperature may be over 60℃.Don't immerse, throw, wet the battery in water / seawater.■othersDon't fold the battery cased with laminated film such as pouch and Polymer.Don't store the battery in a pocket or a bag together with metallic objects such as keys, necklaces, hairpins, coins, or screws.Don't short circuit (+) and (-) terminals with metallic object intentionally.Don't pierce the battery with a sharp object such as a needle, screw drivers.Don't heat partial area of the battery with heated objects such as soldering iron.Don't hit with heavy objects such as a hammer, weight.Don't step on the battery and throw or drop the battery on the hard floor to avoid mechanical hock.Don't disassemble the battery or modify the battery design including electric circuit.Don't solder on the battery directly.Don't use seriously scared or deformed battery.Don't put the battery into a microwave oven, dryer ,or high-pressure container.Don't use or assemble the battery with other makers' batteries, different types and/or models of batteries such as dry batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, or nickel-cadmium batteries.Don't use or assemble old and new batteries together.[ Warning! ]Stop charging the battery if charging isn't completed within the specified time.Stop using the battery if the battery becomes abnormally hot, order, discoloration, deformation, orabnormal conditions is detected during use, charge, or storage.Keep away from fire immediately when leakage or foul odors are detected. If liquid leaks onto your skin or cloths, wash well with fresh water immediately.If liquid leaking from the battery gets into your eyes, don't rub your eyes and wash them with clean water and go to see a doctor immediately.If the terminals of the battery become dirty, wipe with a dry cloth before using the battery.The battery can be used within the following temperature ranges. Don't exceed these ranges.Charge temperature ranges : 0℃~ 45℃Discharge Temperature ranges : -20℃~ 60℃Store the battery at temperature below 60℃Cover terminals with proper insulating tape before disposal.[ Caution! ]■Electrical misusageBattery must be charge with constant current-constant voltage (CC/CV).Charge current must be controlled by specified value in Cell specification.Cut-off Voltage of charging must be 4.2V.Charger must stop charging battery by detecting either charging time or cur rent specified in Cell’s specification.Discharge current must be controlled by specified value in Cell’s specification.Cut-off Voltage of discharging must be over 2.5V.■othersKeep the battery away from babies and children to avoid any accidents such as swallow.If younger children use the battery, their guardians should explain the proper handling method and precaution before using.Before using the battery, be sure to read the user's manual and precaution of it's handling.Before using charger, be sure to read the user's manual of the charger.Before installing and removing the battery from application, be sure to read user's manual of the application.Replace the battery when using time of battery becomes much shorter than usual.Cover terminals with insulating tape before proper disposal.If the battery is needed to be stored for an long period, battery should be removed from the application and stored in a place where humidity and temperature are low.While the battery is charged, used and stored, keep it away from object materials with static electric chargers.Safety Handling Procedure for the Transporter■Quarantine : Packages that are crushed, punctured or torn open to reveal contents should not be transported. Such packages should be isolated until the shipper has been consulted,provided instructions and, if appropriate, arranged to have the product inspected andrepacked.■Spilled Product : In the event that damage to packaging results in the release of cells or batteries, the spilled products should be promptly collected and segregated and the shippershould be contacted for instructions.Design of positioning the battery pack in application and charger To prevent the deterioration of the battery performance caused by heat, battery shall be positioned away from the area where heat is generated in the application and the charger.Design of the Battery PackBe sure adopting proper safe device such as PTC specified type or model in Cell Specification.If you intend to adopt different safety device which is not specified in Cell Specification, please contact Samsung SDI to investigate any potential safety problem.Be sure designing 2nd protective devices such as PTC & PCM at the same time to protect Celljust in case one protective device is fault.Please contact following offices when you need any help including safety concerns.Samsung SDI Emergency Contact Information■Samsung SDI Headquarter.575 Shin-dong, Youngtong-gu, Suwon, Kyunggi-doTel:(+82)31-210-7114 Fax:(+82)31-8006-3689■Samsung SDI Chonan factory.508, Sungsung-Dong, Chonan City, Chungchongnam-Do, KoreaTel:(+82)41-560-3669 Fax:(+82)41-560-3697■Samsung SDI America office.18600 Broadwick Street Rancho Dominguez CA 90220Tel:(+1)310-900-5205 Fax:(+1)310-537-1033■Samsung SDI Taiwan office.Rm. 3010, 30F., 333, Keelung Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei, TaiwanTel:(+886)2-2728-8469 Fax:(+886)2-2728-8480。

Specification Approval Sheet产品规格承认书Customer 客户名称:域拓Model产品型号:4LType 产品类型:Li-ion battery Specification产品规格:1400mAHAMENDMENT RECORDSCatalogue 目录1 .Battery type and scope电池型号和适用范围........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1 . 1: model产品型号:.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1 . 2: scope适用范围:客户定义 (4)2 . Basic character and compose of battery电池的基本特性及组成......... 错误!未定义书签。
2 . 1: fundamental performance parameter of battery电池基本性能参数:............... 错误!未定义书签。
2 . 2: Main components and parts主要零部件 (6)2 . 3: Regular performance and unfailing performance产品常规性能和可靠性能 (6)2 . 4: Contour Dimension of the Battery电池外形尺寸 (11)<3 . Specifications of Parts零部件规格 ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
23 . 1: fender保护板 ....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

BL-4U 锂离子电池规格书1、适用范围⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.042、引用标准⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.043、技术要求⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯...⋯054、试验方法⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ (06)5、运输⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯...⋯⋯096、贮存⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ (09)7、包装和标识⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.098、安全规程及使用说明⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.099、保修期⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯. ..⋯⋯⋯..1010 、附录⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯101.适用范围本规格书规定了适用于诺基亚BL-4U 所使用的锂离子可充电电池的规格要求。
2. 引用标准GB/T18287-2000 蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范YD/T 999·1-1999移动通信手持机锂离子电池及充电器之行业标准GB 191-1990 包装储运图示标志GB/T 2828-1987 逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于连续批地检查)GB/T 2829-1987 周期检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于生产过程稳定性的检查)GB/T 2900.11-1998 蓄电池名词术语(eqv IEC 6048:6 1986)3.技术要求3.1 定义本规格书采用 GB/T 2900.11中规定的术语和下列定义:4.1.1、 蜂窝电话用锂离子电池: 由一只或多只锂离子单体蓄电池及附件组合而成的,用于蜂窝电话的电池。

1. 产品信息:
- 产品名称:
- 产品型号:
- 电池类型:
- 电池容量:
- 工作电压范围:
- 充电电压范围:
- 放电电压范围:
- 电池尺寸:
- 重量:
- 电池包装方式:
- 保质期限:
2. 电性能:
- 额定电压:
- 充电电压:
- 放电电压:
- 充电电流:
- 放电电流:
- 循环寿命:
- 自放电率:
- 充电时间:
- 放电时间:
- 温度范围:
- 电池内阻:
3. 安全性能:
- 过充保护:
- 过放保护:
- 过流保护:
- 短路保护:
- 温度保护:
- 防爆设计:
- 工作温度范围: - 存储温度范围: - 防水等级:
4. 适用范围:
- 适用设备:
- 应用领域:
5. 认证标准:
- 国际认证标准: - 国内认证标准:
6. 包装清单:
- 电池数量:
- 电池包装方式:。

Criteria 标准
18650-3.7V-2600mAh BQ27541
Remarks 备注
4.1 Appearance 外观和结构
There shall be no such defect as scratch, bur and other mechanical scratch, and the connector should be no rust dirt. The structure and dimensions see attached drawing of the battery.
当电池电压达到 8.4V 时改为恒压充电,直到充电电流小于或等于 0.01C 时停止充
When connecting with load, the battery can supply power. Charge the battery with
standard charge mode, then rest for 0.5h, then discharge with 1C until the voltage is
项目编号:E053-01 3/14
Type: Li-ion Battery(锂离子电池)Model: 18650-5200mAh-7.4V
3.Battery configuration 电池主要组成
NO 序号 3.1
Item 项目
Cell 电芯 PCM 保护板
4.Battery Performance Test
(2) Voltmeter 电压表 Class with national standard or more sensitive class with inner impedance not less than 10 KΩ/V. 国家标准或更灵敏等级,内阻不小于 10 KΩ/V。

CR2032 210mAh 3.0V 电池规格书 纽扣电池源

-2-1ScopeThe specification applies to CR2032(Li/MnO 2)battery supplied by Shenzhen pkcell battery Co.,Ltd2Characteristics and Performance2.1Battery type:CR20322.2Nominal voltage:3.0V2.3Normal capacity:210mAh (15KΩto cut-off voltage 2.0V at 23℃±3℃)2.4Operating temperature range:-20-60℃2.5Storage temperature range:25±15℃2.6Normal weight:3.0g2.7Structure and Outside dimensions :Fig1.2.8:Performance:CR2032Performance Table1.ItemConditionTest temperatureCharacteristicOpen circuit voltageNo load23℃±3℃3.05-3.45V3.05-3.45VLoad voltage 15kΩ,after 5s23℃±3℃3.00-3.45V3.00-3.45V Discharge CapacityContinually discharge at 15kΩresistance to cut-off voltage 2.0V23℃±3℃Normal1100hThe lowest1000h-3-Table2.ItemConditionCharacteristicFast Discharge Capacity Continually discharge at 3kΩresistance tocut-off voltage 2.0V 210hSelf-dischargerateThe normal temperature and humidity undernormal storage for 12monthsLess than 5%3Test3.1Conditions:Temperature:25±15℃,Relative Humidity:65±10%Pressure:1.0atm,(unless otherwise specified)。

文件名称 文件编号 版本 R01
产品型号 产品代码
项目 3.1.13 3.1.14 压 3.1.15 3.1.16 压 3.1.17 3.1.18 流 3.1.19 3.1.20 3.1.21 时 3.1.22 3.1.23 过充保护电压 过充保护恢复电 过放保护电压 过放保护恢复电 过流检测电压 放电过流保护电 过充保护延时 过放保护延时 放电过流保护延 短路保护延时 正常静态电流 最小值 4.25 V 4.05 V 2.30 V 2.90 V 0.12 V 2 A / / / / / 典型值 4.30V 4.10 V 2.40 V 3.00 V 0.15 V 3A 80ms 40 ms 10 ms 250us 3.0 uA 最大值 4.35 V 4.15 V 2.50 V 3.10 V 0.18 V 5 A 120 ms 60 ms 15 ms 375us 6.0 uA
TianJin Lishen Battery Joint-Stock Co.,LTD.
承认 审核 拟制
文件名称 文件编号 版本 R01
产品型号 产品代码
1 2
00 01
2013-7-12 2013-7-27 初版制定
Rev00 Rev01

1.适用范围本规格书规定了深圳市汇业电子有限公司向客户提供的18650 (1100mAh)圆柱型锂离子电池的技术参数及测试标准。
2.种类型号2.1种类:圆柱型锂离子二次电池2.2 型号:1 86501-1100mAh3.参考标准此规范参考GB/T18287-2000、UL1642及IEC61960—1:2000等技术标准规范编制。
4. 注意事项4.1在测试或使用电池之前,请仔细阅读本规格书,以防止不当操作引起电池功能失效、发热、漏液、起火甚至爆炸;4.2 对电池进行充放电测试时,请使用锂离子电池专用测试设备,严禁使用普通恒流恒压源等不能限压限流设备对电池进行充放电,以避免电池被过充过放而引起电池功能失效或发生危险;4.3对电池充放电或将电池装入设备时,注意不要将电池正负极反置,否则将会使电池发生过充过放,导致电池严重失效甚至发生爆炸等危险;4.4不要直接对电池进行焊接,严禁对电池进行分解;4.5不要把电池同项链、发夹、硬币或螺丝等金属品一起放在兜中或包中,也不要把电池同上述物品一起储存,严禁用金属等导电材料直接连接电池正负极而使电池发生短路;4.6禁止敲击、抛掷或踩踏电池,更不要将电池放入洗衣机或高压容器内;4.7请勿将电池靠近热源,如火、加热器等,不要在烈日下或在温度超过60℃的条件下使用或存放电池,否则可能会引起电池发热、起火及功能失效等;4.8不要将电池弄湿或将电池投入水中,暂不使用时,请放置在低温干燥的环境中;4.9使用、测试或存放电池时,如发现电池有变热、散发气味、变色、变形或其它反常时,请立即停止使用或测试,设法隔离电池并远离;4.10如电池漏液并不慎将电解液溅入眼睛,不要揉擦你的眼睛,立刻用干净的水清洗,严重时请去医院就医,如皮肤或衣物溅上电解液,则需马上用清水清洗干净。
5.6. 测试条件7. 外观外表清洁,无机械损伤、漏夜、锈蚀;另表面有必须的产品标识。
8. 性能9. 包装电池在包装时需处于半充满状态,包装箱外应标明产品名称、型号、标称电压、数量、毛重、出厂日期及相应等级的内阻、容量。

3.6V/5.0Ah 锂离子电芯规格书Specification for 3.6V/5.0Ah Lithium-ion Rechargeable Cell电芯型号: 21700-5000mAhCell type: 21700-5000mAhContents 目录1 Preface 前言2 Cell type,Barcode,Color 电芯型号、喷码、颜色2.1 Description and model 电芯说明及型号2.2 Cell barcode 电芯喷码2.3 Cell color电芯套膜颜色3 Nominal Specification标准规格4 Technical requirements技术要求4.1 Cell testing conditions电芯测试条件4.2 Requirement of the testing equipment测量仪表要求4.3 Standard charge 标准充电4.4 Standard discharge 标准放电4.5 Characteristics电池性能4.6 Safety characteristics安全性能4.7 Package schematic diagram 包装示意图5 Cell safety criterion 电芯安全准则5.1 Design and usage of chargers and battery packs充电器和电池组设计及使用注意事项5.2 Safety regulations安全守则6 The restriction for the use of hazardous substances有害物质控制要求7 Contact information联系方式8 Version change record修改记录Note: Jiangxi Far East Battery co., LTD. Hereinafter referred to as Far East Battery(FEB)注:江西远东电池有限公司以下简称远东电池(FEB);1Preface 前言This specification describes the type, dimensions, performance, technical characteristics, warning and caution of the lithium ion rechargeable cell. The specification only applies to 21700 cell supplied by Jiangxi Far East Battery co. LTD.本标准描述了圆柱型锂离子电芯的外型尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项,本标准适用于江西远东电池有限公司生产的圆柱型21700锂离子电芯。

Date (日 期)
文件编号:BD-WI-SPC-028 文件版本:A/0 文件页次:第 3 页 共 16 页
1、Application Scope/适用范围-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2、Battery Specification Amendment/ 电池规格书修订
If the raw materials, production processing, production system or battery usage environments & other conditions need to be changed, the amendment side needs provide the written advice to the other side, only the both sides come to agreement, the amendment will be effective. 如果原材料、生产过程、生产系统或电池使用环境及要求发生改变,提出更改方须将改变的信息以书面形式 通知对方取得供需双方同意后再行修订。
Prepared By/Date 编 制/日 期
Checked By/Date 审 核/日 期
Approved By/Date 批 准/日 期
Add: 3th Floor,B Building ,He Fu Qin Industrial Park,lang Street, Longhua, Shenzhen, China
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规 格 书锂离子可充电电池客户名称深圳市多达康通讯设备有限公司DOTOCO D818文件编号KTGC-WI-DD520-A0电芯型号553455A产品型号深圳市昆泰光电技术有限公司标准文件版 别A0页 次受 控 号实施日期171 适用范围本规格书适用于DOTOCO D818型号电池,采用553455A 电芯2 电池型号2.2 电芯型号与规格:553455A3.7V/950mAh 3 基本性能3.1 额定容量 3.2 额定电压 3.3 (放电)截止电压 3.4 充电方式(标准) 3.5 充电电流(标准) 3.6 充电电压(标准) 3.7 放电电流(标准) (最大值) 3.8 内阻 3.10环境温度: 标准充电 标准放电长期 一年以内2.1 电池型号:DOTOCO D8183.9 重量-5℃~+30℃-20℃~+45℃≤150m Ω相对湿度:45%~75%CC/CV 1425mA(1.5C S A)4.20V 190mA (0.2C 5A )190mA (0.2C 5A )AC 1kHz 交流阻抗值0.2C 5A 放电备 注0℃~50℃-20℃~+60℃1/132008-06-30DOTOCO D818电池规格书文件名称文件编号3.11 存储温度: 短期 一个月以内中期 三个月以内项 目2.75V3.7V 950mAh 性 能-20℃~+60℃0℃~+50℃-20℃~+60℃深圳市昆泰光电技术有限公司标准文件版 别A0页 次2/13受 控 号实施日期4 性能及测试方法4.1 快速充电CC/CV 方式,在环境温度为(20±5)℃条件下,充电电源 以1C 5A(950mA)电流恒流充电直到电池电压达到4.2V ,然后改为恒压充电方式充电直到充电电流低于或等于 0.01C 5A (9.5mA)。
4.2 标准充电0.2C 5A(190mA)电流恒流充电直到电池电压达到4.2V , 4.3 容量①标准充电后,搁置1h ,在环境温度为(20±5)℃条件 下,以0.2C 5A(190mA)电流恒流放电到2.75V 。
②快速充电后,搁置1h ,在环境温度为(20±5)℃条件 下,以1C 5A(950mA)电流恒流放电到2.75V 。
4.4 循环寿命在环境温度为(20±5)℃的条件下,快速充电,当 电池端电压达到充电电压时,改为恒压充电,直到充 电电流≤20mA ,停止充电,搁置1h ,然后以1C 5A 恒 流放电至终止电压2.75V ,放电结束后,搁置1h , 再进行下一个充放电循环。
4.5 温度特性4.5.1 高温放电 在环境(20±5)℃的条件下,电池快速充电结束后,放电时间≥54min 特性将电池放入(55±2)℃的高温箱中恒温2h ,然后 外观无变形、漏 以1C 5A 电流恒流放电至2.75V 。
文件名称判 定 标 准项 目文件编号DOTOCO D818电池规格书测 试 方 法2008-06-30CC/CV 方式,在环境温度为(20±5)℃条件下,充电电源以300次后,放电时间≥36min 放电时间≥54min然后改为恒压充电方式充电直到充电电流低于或等于0.01C 5A(9.5mA)。
放电时间≥300min版 别A0页 次3/13受 控 号实施日期 4.5.2 低温放电在环境(20±5)℃的条件下,电池快速充电结束后,特性将电池放入(-20±2)℃的低温箱中恒温16-24h ,然后 外观无变形、漏 以0.2C 5A 电流恒流放电至2.75V 。
4.6 内阻值 使用AC 1kHz 检测方法及准确度不低于0.5级的仪表,测量电池接口处正负极之间的内阻值。
(*注1)4.7 荷电保持能力 电池快速充电结束后,在环境温度为(20±5)℃条件下,将电池开路搁置28d ,以0.2C 5A 放电至 2.75V 。
*注1:若检测仪表在检测过程中使用附加的电池固定夹具,可以视情况减去固定夹具和引线 的电阻值。
但是,同一批次检测的电池,内阻值的取值只能减去相同的夹具和引线电阻 值,且最大值与最小值的差值不得大于30m Ω。
放电时间≥4.25h测 试 方 法≤150m Ω项 目 放电时间≥3h判 定 标 准文件编号文件名称DOTOCO D818电池规格书2008-06-30版 别A0页 次4/13受 控 号实施日期5 环境适应性能5.1 恒定湿热性能 电池快速充电结束后,将电池放入(40±2)℃,相放电时间≥36min 对湿度为90%-95%的恒温恒湿箱中搁置48h 后,将电 外观无变形、无 池取出在环境温度(20±5)℃的条件下搁置2h ,目测 爆炸,不起火、 电池外观,再以1C 5A 电流恒流放电至终止电压2.75V 。
5.2 振动电池充满电后,将电池直接安装或通过夹具安装在振动电池电压≥3.7V 台的台面上,按下面的振动频率和对应的振幅调整好试外观应无明显损伤、验设备,X 、Y 、Z 三个方向每个方向上从10Hz ~55Hz 循漏液、冒烟或爆炸。
环扫频振动30min ,扫频速率为1 oct/ min ;振动频率:10Hz ~30Hz 位移幅值:0.38mm 振动频率:30Hz ~55Hz 位移幅值:0.19mm 振动结束后,观察电池外观,检测电池电压。
5.3 碰撞快速充电结束后,将电池平均按X 、Y 、Z 三个互相电池电压≥3.7V 垂直轴向直接或通过夹具坚固在台面上,按下述加外观应无明显损伤、速度、脉冲持续时 间进行碰撞试验:漏液、冒烟或爆炸。
脉冲峰值加速度 100m/S 2 每分钟碰撞次数 40~80 脉冲持续时间 16ms 碰撞次数 1000±10碰撞结束后,将电池自实验台取下,检查电池外观。
5.4 自由跌落 快速充电结束后,将电池样品由高度为1000mm 的位 置自由跌落到置于水泥地面上的18mm-20mm 厚的硬木外观不漏液、不冒烟 板上,从X 、Y 、Z 正负方向(六个方向)每个方向自由不爆炸,装入手机, 跌落1次。
目测电池外观,再以1C 5A 电流恒流放电至锁扣可靠。
2.75V ,然后按1C 5A 方式进行不少于3次充放电循环。
文件名称2008-06-30项 目DOTOCO D818电池规格书判 定 标 准文件编号测 试 方 法6 安全性能6.1 过充电保护各项保护功能工作正性能检查电池外观,测量开路电压。
6.2 过放电保护各项保护功能工作正性能爆炸,不起火,不冒烟或漏液。
6.3 短路保护性能电池应不爆炸、不起火、不冒烟或漏夜;瞬时充电后,电池电压应不小于3.7V6.4 重物冲击电池放置与冲击台上,将10Kg 重锤自1m 高度自由落下,冲击已固定在夹具中的电池,电池的面积最大的面应与但应不起火,台面垂直。
6.5 热冲击电池放置于热箱中,温度以(5ºC ±2ºC )/min 的速率升至150ºC ±2ºC 并保温30min 。
常,外观不变形,不目测电池外观,将正负极连接电阻断开,电池以1C 5A 试验回路后,按1C 5A 方式进行不少于3次充放电循环。
后,外接30Ω 负载放电24H ,然后检查电池外观,测量开路电压。
断开过放电保护性能试验回路后,按1C 5A 当电池快速充电结束后,用电压为2倍标称电压(7.5V ),可输出电流为2C 5A 的外接电源持续给电池加载8H 后,方式进行不少于3次充放电循环。
电池在(20±5)℃ 的条件下,以0.2C 5A 恒流放电至2.75V 项 目常,外观不变形,不测 试 方 法判 定 标 准电池快速充电结束后,将正负极用0.1Ω 电阻器短接1H ,恒流瞬时充电5S 后,用电压表测量电池开路电压 。
电池应不起火,7 测试条件7.1 测试环境条件除非另有规定,本规格书中各项试验应在标准大气条件下进行:温度:15℃~35℃相对湿度:45%~75%大气压力:86kPa~106kPa7.2 测量仪表与设备要求7.2.1 测量电压的仪表精度应不低于0.5级,内阻应不小于10KΩ/V。
7.2.2 测量电流的仪表精度应不低于0.5级。
7.2.3 测量时间的仪表相对误差为±0.1%。
7.2.4 恒流负载在被测电源电压范围内恒定电流可调,其电流相对误差为±0.1%。
7.2.5 充电电源(或充电器)在电池电压达到充电电压恒压值后应能改为恒压充电。
10 贮存电池应贮存在环境温度为-5℃~35℃的清洁、干燥通风的室内,应避免与腐蚀性物质接触,应远离火源及热源。
深圳市昆泰光电技术有限公司标准文件版 别A0页 次7/13受 控 号实施日期11 标志和包装11.1 包装每个电池都应有包装盒。
11.2 标志每个电池上应有下列中文标志:产品名称、型号、标称电压、额定容量、充电限制电压、 执行标准编号、正负极性、商标和警示说明、以及制造日期、批号、制造厂名(或包括以上 数据的串号)。
其中允许将执行标准编号、制造厂名、厂址、邮编及联系电话标识在包装盒或使用说明书中 12 安全规程和使用说明12.1 推荐使用事项12.1.1 使用电池前,请仔细阅读使用说明书和电池表面标识。
12.1.2 请在正常的、室内环境中使用电池。