



支持向量机(SVM)、支持向量机回归(SVR):原理简述及其MATLAB实例一、基础知识1、关于拉格朗日乘子法和KKT条件1)关于拉格朗日乘子法2)关于KKT条件2、范数1)向量的范数2)矩阵的范数3)L0、L1与L2范数、核范数二、SVM概述1、简介2、SVM算法原理1)线性支持向量机2)非线性支持向量机二、SVR:SVM的改进、解决回归拟合问题三、多分类的SVM1. one-against-all2. one-against-one四、QP(二次规划)求解五、SVM的MATLAB实现:Libsvm1、Libsvm工具箱使用说明2、重要函数:3、示例支持向量机(SVM):原理及其MATLAB实例一、基础知识1、关于拉格朗日乘子法和KKT条件1)关于拉格朗日乘子法首先来了解拉格朗日乘子法,为什么需要拉格朗日乘子法呢?记住,有需要拉格朗日乘子法的地方,必然是一个组合优化问题。


那么你可以想想,假设没有约束条件这个问题是怎么求解的呢?是不是直接 f 对各个 x 求导等于 0,解 x 就可以了,可以看到没有约束的话,求导为0,那么各个x均为0吧,这样f=0了,最小。









(整理)matlab部分工具箱.1)通讯工具箱(Communication Toolbox)。


2)控制系统工具箱(Control System Toolbox)。

鲁连续系统设计和离散系统设计* 状态空间和传递函数* 模型转换* 频域响应:Bode图、Nyquist图、Nichols图* 时域响应:冲击响应、阶跃响应、斜波响应等* 根轨迹、极点配置、LQG3)财政金融工具箱(FinancialTooLbox)。

* 成本、利润分析,市场灵敏度分析* 业务量分析及优化* 偏差分析* 资金流量估算* 财务报表4)频率域系统辨识工具箱(Frequency Domain System ldentification Toolbox* 辨识具有未知延迟的连续和离散系统* 计算幅值/相位、零点/极点的置信区间* 设计周期激励信号、最小峰值、最优能量诺等5)模糊逻辑工具箱(Fuzzy Logic Toolbox)。

* 友好的交互设计界面* 自适应神经—模糊学习、聚类以及Sugeno推理* 支持SIMULINK动态仿真* 可生成C语言源代码用于实时应用(6)高阶谱分析工具箱(Higher—Order SpectralAnalysis Toolbox * 高阶谱估计* 信号中非线性特征的检测和刻画* 延时估计* 幅值和相位重构* 阵列信号处理* 谐波重构(7)图像处理工具箱(Image Processing T oolbox)。

* 二维滤波器设计和滤波* 图像恢复增强* 色彩、集合及形态操作* 二维变换* 图像分析和统计(8)线性矩阵不等式控制工具箱(LMI Control Toolbox)。

* LMI的基本用途* 基于GUI的LMI编辑器* LMI问题的有效解法* LMI问题解决方案(9)模型预测控制工具箱(ModelPredictive Control Toolbox* 建模、辨识及验证* 支持MISO模型和MIMO模型* 阶跃响应和状态空间模型(10)u分析与综合工具箱(u-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox)* u分析与综合* H2和H无穷大最优综合* 模型降阶* 连续和离散系统* u分析与综合理论(11)神经网络工具箱(Neursl Network T oolbox)。

第6讲 matlab工具箱介绍与仿真基础

第6讲 matlab工具箱介绍与仿真基础

Signal Processing Toolbox——信号处理工具 箱 Spline Toolbox——样条工具箱 Statistics Toolbox——统计工具箱 Symbolic Math Toolbox——符号数学工具箱 Simulink Toolbox——动态仿真工具箱 System Identification Toolbox——系统辨识 工具箱 Wavele Toolbox——小波工具箱 等等
—— 专用型
领域型工具箱是学科专用工具 箱,其专业性很强,比如控制系统工
具箱( Control System Toolbox);信
号处理工具箱(Signal Processing
Toolbox);财政金融工具箱( Financial
变量 f fun H A,b Aeq,beq vlb,vub X0 x1,x2 options 描 述 线性规划的目标函数f*X 或二次规划的目标函 数X’*H*X+f*X 中线性项的系数向量 非线性优化的目标函数.fun必须为行命令对象 或M文件、嵌入函数、或MEX文件的名称 二次规划的目标函数X’*H*X+f*X 中二次项的系 数矩阵 A矩阵和b向量分别为线性不等式约束: AX b 中的系数矩阵和右端向量 Aeq矩阵和beq向量分别为线性等式约束: Aeq X beq 中的系数矩阵和右端向量 X的下限和上限向量:vlb≤X≤vub 迭代初始点坐标 函数最小化的区间 优化选项参数结构,定义用于优化函数的参数 调用函数 linprog,quadprog fminbnd,fminsearch,fminunc, fmincon,lsqcurvefit,lsqnonlin, fgoalattain,fminimax quadprog linprog,quadprog,fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax linprog,quadprog,fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax linprog,quadprog,fgoalattain, fmincon,fminimax,lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin 除fminbnd外所有优化函数 fminbnd 所有优化函数



E gn eg p ncntca s r md n ie n O e (o s h r t t 、 ae iteg ls(nie p n n CoeE gn e)
打 开 Ma a 擎 l rb引 关 闭 Mal t b引 擎 a
iteg uV ral(n ie p cnt h 将 数 据 写 入 Malb工作 空 间并 命 n n P taibeE gn e , o sc a r t a nme cn t A ry a , o s mx ra mp ) 名 mx ry nGeVaibeE gn 印, Ar e g t r l(nie a a
【 yWo d ] t bE gn ; C +ntS M; etr eo io Ke r sMal n e V + .e; V T x eR cg t n a i u n i
1引 言 .
Ma a l r b是 Ma Wok 司 开发 的 “ 算 纸 ” 的 程序 计 算语 言 , t rs公 h 演 式 带
c n t h n m ) o s a cr a e
从 Ma a l fb工 作 空 间 中 读 出 数据
的 开 发 平 台 , 的 代 码 执 行 速 度 快 、 率 高 。 以轻 松 地 开 发 功 能 强 {dul m Ge r 。s mx ra aryp ) 它 效 可 obe x t ( nt Ary r Pc a t r 大 、 面 友 好 的 应 用 程序 。 界 本 文 结 合 V + . t Malb各 自的优 点 , VC +n t Malb C +n 和 e t a 对 +. 和 e t a 进 行 混 合 编 程 ,通 过 V + .e调 用 Malb神 经 网 络 工 具 箱 函 数 来 进 C +n t t a 行 纹 理 识 别 , 松 实 现 了 图像 处 理 中 的纹 理 识 别 问 题 轻






下面将介绍几个常用的MATLAB工具箱,以及它们的使用方法:1.信号处理工具箱(Signal Processing Toolbox):这个工具箱提供了一系列处理数字信号的函数和工具。




2.图像处理工具箱(Image Processing Toolbox):图像处理工具箱提供了一系列处理数字图像的函数和工具。




3.控制系统工具箱(Control System Toolbox):这个工具箱提供了一系列用于分析和设计控制系统的函数和工具。




4.优化工具箱(Optimization Toolbox):优化工具箱提供了一系列用于求解优化问题的函数和工具。




















⽀持向量机的smo算法(MATLABcode)建⽴smo.m% function [alpha,bias] = smo(X, y, C, tol)function model = smo(X, y, C, tol)% SMO: SMO algorithm for SVM%%Implementation of the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)%training algorithm for Vapnik's Support Vector Machine (SVM)%% This is a modified code from Gavin Cawley's MATLAB Support% Vector Machine Toolbox% (c) September 2000.%% Diego Andres Alvarez.%% USAGE: [alpha,bias] = smo(K, y, C, tol)%% INPUT:%% K: n x n kernel matrix% y: 1 x n vector of labels, -1 or 1% C: a regularization parameter such that 0 <= alpha_i <= C/n% tol: tolerance for terminating criterion%% OUTPUT:%% alpha: 1 x n lagrange multiplier coefficient% bias: scalar bias (offset) term% Input/output arguments modified by JooSeuk Kim and Clayton Scott, 2007global SMO;y = y';ntp = size(X,1);%recompute C% C = C/ntp;%initializeii0 = find(y == -1);ii1 = find(y == 1);i0 = ii0(1);i1 = ii1(1);alpha_init = zeros(ntp, 1);alpha_init(i0) = C;alpha_init(i1) = C;bias_init = C*(X(i0,:)*X(i1,:)' -X(i0,:)*X(i1,:)') + 1;%Inicializando las variablesSMO.epsilon = 10^(-6); SMO.tolerance = tol;SMO.y = y'; SMO.C = C;SMO.alpha = alpha_init; SMO.bias = bias_init;SMO.ntp = ntp; %number of training points%CACHES:SMO.Kcache = X*X'; %kernel evaluationsSMO.error = zeros(SMO.ntp,1); %errornumChanged = 0; examineAll = 1;%When all data were examined and no changes done the loop reachs its%end. Otherwise, loops with all data and likely support vector are%alternated until all support vector be found.while ((numChanged > 0) || examineAll)numChanged = 0;if examineAll%Loop sobre todos los puntosfor i = 1:ntpnumChanged = numChanged + examineExample(i);end;else%Loop sobre KKT pointsfor i = 1:ntp%Solo los puntos que violan las condiciones KKTnumChanged = numChanged + examineExample(i);end;end;end;if (examineAll == 1)examineAll = 0;elseif (numChanged == 0)examineAll = 1;end;end;alpha = SMO.alpha';alpha(alpha < SMO.epsilon) = 0;alpha(alpha > C-SMO.epsilon) = C;bias = -SMO.bias;model.w = (y.*alpha)* X; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%model.b = bias;return;function RESULT = fwd(n)global SMO;LN = length(n);RESULT = -SMO.bias + sum(repmat(SMO.y,1,LN) .* repmat(SMO.alpha,1,LN) .* SMO.Kcache(:,n))'; return;function RESULT = examineExample(i2)%First heuristic selects i2 and asks to examineExample to find a%second point (i1) in order to do an optimization step with two%Lagrange multipliersglobal SMO;alpha2 = SMO.alpha(i2); y2 = SMO.y(i2);if ((alpha2 > SMO.epsilon) && (alpha2 < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon)))e2 = SMO.error(i2);elsee2 = fwd(i2) - y2;end;% r2 < 0 if point i2 is placed between margin (-1)-(+1)% Otherwise r2 is > 0. r2 = f2*y2-1r2 = e2*y2;%KKT conditions:% r2>0 and alpha2==0 (well classified)% r2==0 and 0% r2<0 and alpha2==C (support vectors between margins)%% Test the KKT conditions for the current i2 point.%% If a point is well classified its alpha must be 0 or if% it is out of its margin its alpha must be C. If it is at margin% its alpha must be between 0%take action only if i2 violates Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditionsif ((r2 < -SMO.tolerance) && (alpha2 < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))) || ...((r2 > SMO.tolerance) && (alpha2 > SMO.epsilon))% If it doens't violate KKT conditions then exit, otherwise continue.%Try i2 by three ways; if successful, then immediately return 1;RESULT = 1;% First the routine tries to find an i1 lagrange multiplier that% maximizes the measure |E1-E2|. As large this value is as bigger% the dual objective function becames.% In this first test, only support vectors will be tested.POS = find((SMO.alpha > SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon)));[MAX,i1] = max(abs(e2 - SMO.error(POS)));if ~isempty(i1)if takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return;end;end;%The second heuristic choose any Lagrange Multiplier that is a SV and tries to optimizefor i1 = randperm(SMO.ntp)if (SMO.alpha(i1) > SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha(i1) < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))%if a good i1 is found, optimiseif takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return;end;endend%if both heuristc above fail, iterate over all data setfor i1 = randperm(SMO.ntp)if takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return;end;endend;end;%no progress possibleRESULT = 0;return;function RESULT = takeStep(i1, i2, e2)% for a pair of alpha indexes, verify if it is possible to execute% the optimisation described by SMO;RESULT = 0;if (i1 == i2), return;end;% compute upper and lower constraints, L and H, on multiplier a2alpha1 = SMO.alpha(i1); alpha2 = SMO.alpha(i2);y1 = SMO.y(i1); y2 = SMO.y(i2);C = SMO.C; K = SMO.Kcache;s = y1*y2;if (y1 ~= y2)L = max(0, alpha2-alpha1); H = min(C, alpha2-alpha1+C);elseL = max(0, alpha1+alpha2-C); H = min(C, alpha1+alpha2);end;if (L == H), return;end;if (alpha1 > SMO.epsilon) & (alpha1 < (C-SMO.epsilon))e1 = SMO.error(i1);elsee1 = fwd(i1) - y1;end;%if (alpha2 > SMO.epsilon) & (alpha2 < (C-SMO.epsilon))% e2 = SMO.error(i2);%else% e2 = fwd(i2) - y2;%end;%compute etak11 = K(i1,i1); k12 = K(i1,i2); k22 = K(i2,i2);eta = 2.0*k12-k11-k22;%recompute Lagrange multiplier for pattern i2if (eta < 0.0)a2 = alpha2 - y2*(e1 - e2)/eta;%constrain a2 to lie between L and Hif (a2 < L)a2 = L;elseif (a2 > H)a2 = H;end;else%When eta is not negative, the objective function W should be%evaluated at each end of the line segment. Only those terms in the%objective function that depend on alpha2 need be evaluated...ind = find(SMO.alpha>0);aa2 = L; aa1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-aa2);Lobj = aa1 + aa2 + sum((-y1*aa1/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i1) + (-y2*aa2/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i2)); aa2 = H; aa1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-aa2);Hobj = aa1 + aa2 + sum((-y1*aa1/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i1) + (-y2*aa2/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i2)); if (Lobj>Hobj+SMO.epsilon)a2 = H;elseif (Lobj<Hobj-SMO.epsilon)a2 = L;elsea2 = alpha2;end;if (abs(a2-alpha2) < SMO.epsilon*(a2+alpha2+SMO.epsilon))return;end;% recompute Lagrange multiplier for pattern i1a1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-a2);w1 = y1*(a1 - alpha1); w2 = y2*(a2 - alpha2);%update threshold to reflect change in Lagrange multipliersb1 = SMO.bias + e1 + w1*k11 + w2*k12;bold = SMO.bias;if (a1>SMO.epsilon) & (a1<(C-SMO.epsilon))SMO.bias = b1;elseb2 = SMO.bias + e2 + w1*k12 + w2*k22;if (a2>SMO.epsilon) & (a2<(C-SMO.epsilon))SMO.bias = b2;elseSMO.bias = (b1 + b2)/2;end;end;% update error cache using new Lagrange multipliersSMO.error = SMO.error + w1*K(:,i1) + w2*K(:,i2) + bold - SMO.bias;SMO.error(i1) = 0.0; SMO.error(i2) = 0.0;% update vector of Lagrange multipliersSMO.alpha(i1) = a1; SMO.alpha(i2) = a2;%report progress madeRESULT = 1;return;画图⽂件:start_SMOforSVM.m(点击⾃动⽣成⼆维两类数据,画图,这⾥只是线性的,⾮线性的可以对应修改) clearX = []; Y=[];figure;% Initialize training data to empty; will get points from user% Obtain points froom the user:trainPoints=X;trainLabels=Y;clf;axis([-5 5 -5 5]);if isempty(trainPoints)% Define the symbols and colors we'll use in the plots latersymbols = {'o','x'};classvals = [-1 1];trainLabels=[];hold on; % Allow for overwriting existing plotsxlim([-5 5]); ylim([-5 5]);for c = 1:2title(sprintf('Click to create points from class %d. Press enter when finished.', c));[x, y] = getpts;plot(x,y,symbols{c},'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'black');% Grow the data and label matricestrainPoints = vertcat(trainPoints, [x y]);trainLabels = vertcat(trainLabels, repmat(classvals(c), numel(x), 1));endend% C = 10;tol = 0.001;% par = SMOforSVM(trainPoints, trainLabels , C, tol );% p=length(par.b); m=size(trainPoints,2);% if m==2% % for i=1:p% % plot(X(lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i),1),X(lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i),2),'bo')% % hold on% % end% k = -par.w(1)/par.w(2);% b0 = - par.b/par.w(2);% bdown=(-par.b-1)/par.w(2);% bup=(-par.b+1)/par.w(2);% for i=1:p% hold on% h = refline(k,b0(i));% set(hdown, 'Color', 'b')% hup=refline(k,bup(i));% set(hup, 'Color', 'b')% end% end% xlim([-5 5]); ylim([-5 5]);%% pauseC = 10;tol = 0.001;par = smo(trainPoints, trainLabels, C, tol);p=length(par.b); m=size(trainPoints,2);if m==2% for i=1:p% plot(X(lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i),1),X(lc(i)-l(i)+1:lc(i),2),'bo') % hold on% endk = -par.w(1)/par.w(2);b0 = - par.b/par.w(2);bdown=(-par.b-1)/par.w(2);bup=(-par.b+1)/par.w(2);for i=1:phold onh = refline(k,b0(i));set(h, 'Color', 'r')hdown=refline(k,bdown(i));set(hdown, 'Color', 'b')hup=refline(k,bup(i));set(hup, 'Color', 'b')endendxlim([-5 5]); ylim([-5 5]);。





3.K均值聚类:使用MATLAB的聚类工具箱,对给定的数据集进行K 均值聚类算法,将数据集分为多个簇。




7. AdaBoost:使用MATLAB的分类工具箱,对给定的数据集进行AdaBoost算法,提升分类性能。














第24卷第12期 计算机应用与软件Vol 124No .122007年12月 Computer App licati ons and Soft w are Dec .2007收稿日期:2006-01-20。



基于M a tl ab 的支持向量机工具箱郭小荟1,2 马小平11(中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院 江苏徐州221008)2(徐州师范大学计算机科学与技术学院 江苏徐州221116)摘 要 介绍了基于MAT LAB 的支持向量机工具箱,详细说明了工具箱中用于支持向量分类和支持向量回归的函数。

并通过两个具体的实例来说明利用S VM 工具箱进行分类和回归方面的方法。

关键词 Matlab 支持向量机工具箱 分类 回归SUPPO RT VECTO R M ACH INES TOOL BO X IN M ATLAB ENV IRO N M ENTGuo Xiaohui 1,2 Ma Xiaop ing11(College of Infor m ation and E lectrical Engineering,CUM T,Xuzhou 221008,J iangsu,China )2(College of Co m puter Science and Technology,XZNU,Xuzhou 221116,J iangsu,China )Abstract Support vect or machines (S VM )t oolbox in MAT LAB envir on ment is briefly intr oduced,and an extensively overvie w of the entire collecti on of t oolbox functi ons used t o support vect or classificati on and support vect or regressi on is given .And t w o exa mp les are p resented t o il 2lustrate how t o s olve classificati on and regressi on p r oblem s with the S VM t oolbox .Keywords Matlab Support vect or machines Classificati on Regressi on0 引 言MAT LAB 已经成为国际上最流行的科学与工程计算的软件工具,现在的MAT LAB 已经不仅仅是一个“矩阵实验室”了,它已经成为一种具有广泛应用前景的全新的计算机高级编程语言,有人称它为“第四代”计算机语言,MAT LAB 语言的功能越来越强大。









Matlab Main Toolbox——matlab主工具箱Control System Toolbox——控制系统工具箱Communication Toolbox——通讯工具箱Financial Toolbox——财政金融工具箱System Identification Toolbox——系统辨识工具箱Fuzzy Logic Toolbox——模糊逻辑工具箱Higher-Order Spectral Analysis Toolbox——高阶谱分析工具箱Image Processing Toolbox——图象处理工具箱LMI Control Toolbox——线性矩阵不等式工具箱Model predictive Control Toolbox——模型预测控制工具箱μ-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox——μ分析工具箱Neural Network Toolbox——神经网络工具箱Optimization Toolbox——优化工具箱Partial Differential Toolbox——偏微分方程工具箱Robust Control Toolbox——鲁棒控制工具箱Signal Processing Toolbox——信号处理工具箱Spline Toolbox——样条工具箱Statistics Toolbox——统计工具箱Symbolic Math Toolbox——符号数学工具箱Simulink Toolbox——动态仿真工具箱Wavele Toolbox——小波工具箱常用函数Matlab内部常数[3]eps:浮点相对精度exp:自然对数的底数ei 或 j:基本虚数单位inf 或 Inf:无限大,例如1/0nan或NaN:非数值(Not a number),例如0/0 pi:圆周率 p(= 3.1415926...)realmax:系统所能表示的最大数值realmin:系统所能表示的最小数值nargin: 函数的输入引数个数nargout: 函数的输出引数个数lasterr:存放最新的错误信息lastwarn:存放最新的警告信息MATLAB常用基本数学函数abs(x):纯量的绝对值或向量的长度angle(z):复数z的相角(Phase angle)sqrt(x):开平方real(z):复数z的实部imag(z):复数z的虚部conj(z):复数z的共轭复数round(x):四舍五入至最近整数fix(x):无论正负,舍去小数至最近整数floor(x):下取整,即舍去正小数至最近整数ceil(x):上取整,即加入正小数至最近整数rat(x):将实数x化为多项分数展开rats(x):将实数x化为分数表示sign(x):符号函数 (Signum function)。



包已经解压到文件夹F:\R2009b\toolbox\svmmatlab中SVM工具箱的使用方法1,下载SVM工具箱:/faculty/chzheng/bishe/indexfiles/indexl.htm 2,安装到matlab文件夹中1)将下载的SVM工具箱的文件夹放在\matlab71\toolbox\下2)打开matlab->File->Set Path中添加SVM工具箱的文件夹现在,就成功的添加成功了.可以测试一下:在matlab中输入which svcoutput 回车,如果可以正确显示路径,就证明添加成功了,例如:C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\toolbox\svm\svcoutput.m3,用SVM做分类的使用方法1)在matlab中输入必要的参数:X,Y,ker,C,p1,p2我做的测试中取的数据为:N = 50;n=2*N;randn('state',6);x1 = randn(2,N)y1 = ones(1,N);x2 = 5+randn(2,N);y2 = -ones(1,N);figure;plot(x1(1,:),x1(2,:),'bx',x2(1,:),x2(2,:),'k.');axis([-3 8 -3 8]);title('C-SVC')hold on;X1 = [x1,x2];Y1 = [y1,y2];X=X1';Y=Y1';其中,X是100*2的矩阵,Y是100*1的矩阵C=Inf;ker='linear';global p1 p2p1=3;p2=1;然后,在matlab中输入:[nsv alpha bias] = svc(X,Y,ker,C),回车之后,会显示:Support Vector Classification_____________________________Constructing ...Optimising ...Execution time: 1.9 secondsStatus : OPTIMAL_SOLUTION|w0|^2 : 0.418414Margin : 3.091912Sum alpha : 0.418414Support Vectors : 3 (3.0%)nsv =3alpha =0.00000.00000.00000.00000.00002)输入预测函数,可以得到与预想的分类结果进行比较.输入:predictedY = svcoutput(X,Y,X,ker,alpha,bias),回车后得到:predictedY =1111111113)画图输入:svcplot(X,Y,ker,alpha,bias),回车补充:X和Y为数据,m*n:m为样本数,n为特征向量数比如:取20组训练数据X,10组有故障,10组无故障的,每个训练数据有13个特征参数,则m=20,n=13Y为20*1的矩阵,其中,10组为1,10组为-1.对于测试数据中,如果取6组测试数据,3组有故障,3组无故障的,则m=6,n=13Y中,m=6,n=1/SV M_soft.htmlSVM - Support Vector MachinesSoftwareTrain support vector machine classifier/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/bioinfo/ref/svmtrain.html一些问题???????1.今天我在使用SVM通用工具箱对眼电的信号数据进行分类时出现如下错误:Support Vector Classification_____________________________Constructing ...Optimising ...??? Dimension error (arg 3 and later).Error in ==> svc at 60[alpha lambda how] = qp(H, c, A, b, vlb, vub, x0, neqcstr);不知道是什么原因?答:今天上午终于找到出现这一错误的原因:它并不是SVM程序的问题,是我在整理样本时,把参数需要的样本行列颠倒所致。



支持向量机支持向量机回归原理简述及其MATLAB实例支持向量机 (Support Vector Machine, SVM) 是一种在监督学习中应用广泛的机器学习算法。


本文将分别简要介绍 SVM 和 SVR 的原理,并提供MATLAB 实例来展示其应用。










```matlabload fisheririsX = meas(51:end, 1:2);Y=(1:100)';Y(1:50)=-1;Y(51:100)=1;randn('seed', 1);I = randperm(100);X=X(I,:);Y=Y(I);X_train = X(1:80, :);Y_train = Y(1:80, :);X_test = X(81:end, :);Y_test = Y(81:end, :);```然后,使用 fitcsvm 函数来训练 SVM 模型,并用 predict 函数来进行预测。

```matlabSVMModel = fitcsvm(X_train, Y_train);Y_predict = predict(SVMModel, X_test);```最后,可以计算分类准确度来评估模型的性能。







它由比利时根特大学的Bart De Moor教授团队开发,提供了一系列的函数和工具,用于支持向量机的建模、训练和预测。

























例如,我们可以使用`sgolayfilt`函数对信号进行平滑处理:matlabsmoothed_data = sgolayfilt(ecg_data, 3, 15);第四步:提取信号特征信号特征提取是信号处理中的关键步骤,它可以帮助我们从原始信号中提取出与分类任务相关的有用信息。


例如,我们可以使用`spectrogram`函数计算心电图信号的频谱图:matlab[s, f, t] = spectrogram(ecg_data, window, noverlap, nfft, fs);其中,`window`表示窗函数,`noverlap`表示重叠样本数,`nfft`表示FFT 点数,`fs`表示采样率。





如控制系统工具箱(Control System Toolbox)、信号处理工具箱(Signal Processing Toolbox)、财政金融工具箱(Financial Toolbox)等。

下面,将MATLAB工具箱内所包含的主要内容做简要介绍:1)通讯工具箱(Communication Toolbox)。


2)控制系统工具箱(Control System Toolbox)。

鲁连续系统设计和离散系统设计* 状态空间和传递函数* 模型转换* 频域响应:Bode图、Nyquist图、Nichols图* 时域响应:冲击响应、阶跃响应、斜波响应等* 根轨迹、极点配置、LQG3)财政金融工具箱(FinancialTooLbox)。

* 成本、利润分析,市场灵敏度分析* 业务量分析及优化* 偏差分析* 资金流量估算* 财务报表4)频率域系统辨识工具箱(Frequency Domain System ldentification Toolbox* 辨识具有未知延迟的连续和离散系统* 计算幅值/相位、零点/极点的置信区间* 设计周期激励信号、最小峰值、最优能量诺等5)模糊逻辑工具箱(Fuzzy Logic Toolbox)。

* 友好的交互设计界面* 自适应神经—模糊学习、聚类以及Sugeno推理* 支持SIMULINK动态仿真* 可生成C语言源代码用于实时应用(6)高阶谱分析工具箱(Higher—Order SpectralAnalysis Toolbox* 高阶谱估计* 信号中非线性特征的检测和刻画* 延时估计* 幅值和相位重构* 阵列信号处理* 谐波重构(7)图像处理工具箱(Image Processing Toolbox)。



Matlab的第三⽅⼯具箱⼤全(强烈推荐)Matlab ToolboxesADCPtools - acoustic doppler current profiler dataprocessingAFDesign - designing analog and digital filtersAIRES - automatic integration of reusable embedded softwareAir-Sea - air-sea flux estimates in oceanographyAnimation - developing scientific animationsARfit - estimation of parameters and eigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive methodsARMASA - power spectrum estimationAR-Toolkit - computer vision trackingAuditory - auditory modelsb4m - interval arithmeticBayes Net - inference and learning for directed graphical modelsBinaural Modeling - calculating binaural cross-correlograms of soundBode Step - design of control systems with maximized feedbackBootstrap - for resampling, hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimationBrainStorm - MEG and EEG data visualization and processingBSTEX - equation viewerCALFEM - interactive program for teaching the finite element methodCalibr - for calibrating CCD camerasCamera CalibrationCaptain - non-stationary time series analysis and forecastingCHMMBOX - for coupled hidden Markov modeling using maximum likelihood EMClassification - supervised and unsupervised classification algorithmsCLOSIDCluster - for analysis of Gaussian mixture models for data set clusteringClustering - cluster analysisClusterPack - cluster analysisCOLEA - speech analysisCompEcon - solving problems in economics and finance Complex - for estimating temporal and spatial signal complexitiesComputational StatisticsCoral - seismic waveform analysisDACE - kriging approximations to computer modelsDAIHM - data assimilation in hydrological and hydrodynamic modelsData VisualizationDBT - radar array processingDDE-BIFTOOL - bifurcation analysis of delay differential equationsDenoise - for removing noise from signalsDiffMan - solving differential equations on manifoldsDimensional Analysis -DIPimage - scientific image processingDirect - Laplace transform inversion via the direct integration methodDirectSD - analysis and design of computer controlled systems with process-oriented modelsDMsuite - differentiation matrix suiteDMTTEQ - design and test time domain equalizer design methodsDrawFilt - drawing digital and analog filtersDSFWAV - spline interpolation with Dean wave solutions DWT - discrete wavelet transformsEasyKrigEconometricsEEGLABEigTool - graphical tool for nonsymmetric eigenproblems EMSC - separating light scattering and absorbance by extended multiplicative signal correctionEngineering VibrationFastICA - fixed-point algorithm for ICA and projection pursuitFDC - flight dynamics and controlFDtools - fractional delay filter designFlexICA - for independent components analysisFMBPC - fuzzy model-based predictive controlForWaRD - Fourier-wavelet regularized deconvolutionFracLab - fractal analysis for signal processingFSBOX - stepwise forward and backward selection of features using linear regressionGABLE - geometric algebra tutorialGAOT - genetic algorithm optimizationGarch - estimating and diagnosing heteroskedasticity in time series modelsGCE Data - managing, analyzing and displaying data and metadata stored using the GCE data structure specification GCSV - growing cell structure visualizationGEMANOVA - fitting multilinear ANOVA modelsGenetic AlgorithmGeodetic - geodetic calculations#1助理⼯程师精华 0积分 49帖⼦ 76⽔位 164技术分 0 Kalman - Bayesian Kalman filter Kalman Filter - filtering, smoothing and parameter estimation (using EM) for linear dynamical systems KALMTOOL - state estimation of nonlinear systems Kautz - Kautz filter design Kriging LDestimate -estimation of scaling exponents LDPC - low density parity check codes LISQ - wavelet lifting scheme on quincunx grids LKER - Laguerre kernel estimation toolLMAM-OLMAM - Levenberg Marquardt with Adaptive Momentum algorithm for training feedforward neural networksLow-Field NMR - for exponential fitting, phase correction of quadrature data and slicingLPSVM - Newton method for LP support vector machine for machine learning problemsLSDPTOOL - robust control system design using the loop shaping design procedureLS-SVMlabLSVM - Lagrangian support vector machine for machine learning problemsLyngby - functional neuroimagingMARBOX - for multivariate autogressive modeling and cross-spectral estimationMatArray - analysis of microarray dataMatrix Computation - constructing test matrices, computing matrix factorizations, visualizing matrices, and direct search optimization MCAT - Monte Carlo analysisMDP - Markov decision processesMESHPART - graph and mesh partioning methodsMILES - maximum likelihood fitting using ordinary least squares algorithmsMIMO - multidimensional code synthesisMissing - functions for handling missing data valuesM_Map - geographic mapping toolsMODCONS - multi-objective control system designMOEA - multi-objective evolutionary algorithmsMS - estimation of multiscaling exponentsMultiblock - analysis and regression on several data blockssimultaneouslyMultiscale Shape AnalysisMusic Analysis - feature extraction from raw audio signals forcontent-based music retrievalMWM - multifractal wavelet modelNetCDFNetlab - neural network algorithmsNiDAQ - data acquisition using the NiDAQ libraryNEDM - nonlinear economic dynamic modelsNMM - numerical methods in Matlab textNNCTRL - design and simulation of control systems based on neural networksNNSYSID - neural net based identification of nonlinear dynamic systems NSVM - newton support vector machine for solving machine learning problemsNURBS - non-uniform rational B-splinesN-way - analysis of multiway data with multilinear models OpenFEM - finite element developmentPCNN - pulse coupled neural networksPeruna - signal processing and analysisPhiVis - probabilistic hierarchical interactive visualization, i.e. functions for visual analysis of multivariate continuous data Planar Manipulator - simulation of n-DOF planar manipulators PRTools - pattern recognitionpsignifit - testing hyptheses about psychometric functionsPSVM - proximal support vector machine for solving machine learning problemsPsychophysics - vision researchPyrTools - multi-scale image processingRBF - radial basis function neural networksRBN - simulation of synchronous and asynchronous random boolean networksReBEL - sigma-point Kalman filtersRegression - basic multivariate data analysis and regression Regularization ToolsRegularization Tools XPRestore ToolsRobot - robotics functions, e.g. kinematics, dynamics and trajectory generationRobust Calibration - robust calibration in statsRRMT - rainfall-runoff modellingSAM - structure and motionSchwarz-Christoffel - computation of conformal maps to polygonally bounded regionsSDH - smoothed data histogramSeaGrid - orthogonal grid makerSEA-MAT - oceanographic analysisSLS - sparse least squaresSolvOpt - solver for local optimization problemsSOM - self-organizing mapSOSTOOLS - solving sums of squares (SOS) optimization problems Spatial and Geometric AnalysisSpatial RegressionSpatial StatisticsSpectral MethodsSPM - statistical parametric mappingSSVM - smooth support vector machine for solving machine learning problemsSTATBAG - for linear regression, feature selection, generation of data, and significance testingStatBox - statistical routinesStatistical Pattern Recognition - pattern recognition methodsStixbox - statisticsSVM - implements support vector machinesSVM ClassifierSymbolic Robot DynamicsTEMPLAR - wavelet-based template learning and pattern classification TextClust - model-based document clustering TextureSynth - analyzing and synthesizing visual texturesTfMin - continous 3-D minimum time orbit transfer around EarthTime-Frequency - analyzing non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributionsTree-Ring - tasks in tree-ring analysisTSA - uni- and multivariate, stationary and non-stationary time series analysisTSTOOL - nonlinear time series analysisT_Tide - harmonic analysis of tidesUTVtools - computing and modifying rank-revealing URV and UTV decompositionsUvi_Wave - wavelet analysisvarimax - orthogonal rotation of EOFsVBHMM - variation Bayesian hidden Markov modelsVBMFA - variational Bayesian mixtures of factor analyzersVMT - VRML Molecule Toolbox, for animating results from molecular dynamics experimentsVOICEBOXVRMLplot - generates interactive VRML 2.0 graphs and animations VSVtools - computing and modifying symmetric rank-revealing decompositionsWAFO - wave analysis for fatique and oceanographyWarpTB - frequency-warped signal processingWAVEKIT - wavelet analysisWaveLab - wavelet analysis。



支持向量机的matlab代码如果是7.0以上版本>>edit svmtrain>>edit svmclassify>>edit svmpredictfunction [svm_struct, svIndex] = svmtrain(training, groupnames, varargin)%SVMTRAIN trains a support vector machine classifier%% SVMStruct = SVMTRAIN(TRAINING,GROUP) trains a support vector machine% classifier using data TRAINING taken from two groups given by GROUP. % SVMStruct contains information about the trained classifier that is% used by SVMCLASSIFY for classification. GROUP is a column vector of % values of the same length as TRAINING that defines two groups. Each % element of GROUP specifies the group the corresponding row of TRAINING% belongs to. GROUP can be a numeric vector, a string array, or a cell% array of strings. SVMTRAIN treats NaNs or empty strings in GROUP as % missing values and ignores the corresponding rows of TRAINING.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'KERNEL_FUNCTION',KFUN) allows you to specify the kernel% function KFUN used to map the training data into kernel space. The% default kernel function is the dot product. KFUN can be one of the% following strings or a function handle:%% 'linear' Linear kernel or dot product% 'quadratic' Quadratic kernel% 'polynomial' Polynomial kernel (default order 3)% 'rbf' Gaussian Radial Basis Function kernel% 'mlp' Multilayer Perceptron kernel (default scale 1)% function A kernel function specified using @,% for example @KFUN, or an anonymous function%% A kernel function must be of the form%% function K = KFUN(U, V)%% The returned value, K, is a matrix of size M-by-N, where U and V have M % and N rows respectively. If KFUN is parameterized, you can use% anonymous functions to capture the problem-dependent parameters. For% example, suppose that your kernel function is%% function k = kfun(u,v,p1,p2)% k = tanh(p1*(u*v')+p2);%% You can set values for p1 and p2 and then use an anonymous function: % @(u,v) kfun(u,v,p1,p2).%% SVMTRAIN(...,'POLYORDER',ORDER) allows you to specify the order of a% polynomial kernel. The default order is 3.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'MLP_PARAMS',[P1 P2]) allows you to specify the% parameters of the Multilayer Perceptron (mlp) kernel. The mlp kernel% requires two parameters, P1 and P2, where K = tanh(P1*U*V' + P2) and P1% > 0 and P2 < 0. Default values are P1 = 1 and P2 = -1.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'METHOD',METHOD) allows you to specify the method used% to find the separating hyperplane. Options are%% 'QP' Use quadratic programming (requires the Optimization Toolbox) % 'LS' Use least-squares method%% If you have the Optimization Toolbox, then the QP method is the default % method. If not, the only available method is LS.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'QUADPROG_OPTS',OPTIONS) allows you to pass an OPTIONS% structure created using OPTIMSET to the QUADPROG function when using% the 'QP' method. See help optimset for more details.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'SHOWPLOT',true), when used with two-dimensional data,% creates a plot of the grouped data and plots the separating line for% the classifier.%% Example:% % Load the data and select features for classification% load fisheriris% data = [meas(:,1), meas(:,2)];% % Extract the Setosa class% groups = ismember(species,'setosa');% % Randomly select training and test sets% [train, test] = crossvalind('holdOut',groups);% cp = classperf(groups);% % Use a linear support vector machine classifier% svmStruct = svmtrain(data(train,:),groups(train),'showplot',true); % classes = svmclassify(svmStruct,data(test,:),'showplot',true);% % See how well the classifier performed% classperf(cp,classes,test);% cp.CorrectRate%% See also CLASSIFY, KNNCLASSIFY, QUADPROG, SVMCLASSIFY.% Copyright 2004 The MathWorks, Inc.% $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/12/24 20:43:35 $% References:% [1] Kecman, V, Learning and Soft Computing,% MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2001.% [2] Suykens, J.A.K., Van Gestel, T., De Brabanter, J., De Moor, B., % Vandewalle, J., Least Squares Support Vector Machines,% World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.% [3] Scholkopf, B., Smola, A.J., Learning with Kernels,% MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2002.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'KFUNARGS',ARGS) allows you to pass additional% arguments to kernel functions.% set defaultsplotflag = false;qp_opts = [];kfunargs = {};setPoly = false; usePoly = false;setMLP = false; useMLP = false;if ~isempty(which('quadprog'))useQuadprog = true;elseuseQuadprog = false;end% set default kernel functionkfun = @linear_kernel;% check inputsif nargin < 2error(nargchk(2,Inf,nargin))endnumoptargs = nargin -2;optargs = varargin;% grp2idx sorts a numeric grouping var ascending, and a string grouping% var by order of first occurrence[g,groupString] = grp2idx(groupnames);% check group is a vector -- though char input is special...if ~isvector(groupnames) && ~ischar(groupnames)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:GroupNotVector',...'Group must be a vector.');end% make sure that the data is correctly oriented.if size(groupnames,1) == 1groupnames = groupnames';end% make sure data is the right sizen = length(groupnames);if size(training,1) ~= nif size(training,2) == ntraining = training';elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:DataGroupSizeMismatch',...'GROUP and TRAINING must have the same number of rows.') endend% NaNs are treated as unknown classes and are removed from the training % datanans = find(isnan(g));if length(nans) > 0training(nans,:) = [];g(nans) = [];endngroups = length(groupString);if ngroups > 2error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:TooManyGroups',...'SVMTRAIN only supports classification into two groups.\nGROUP contains %d different groups.',ngroups)end% convert to 1, -1.g = 1 - (2* (g-1));% handle optional argumentsif numoptargs >= 1if rem(numoptargs,2)== 1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:IncorrectNumberOfArguments',...'Incorrect number of arguments to %s.',mfilename);endokargs ={'kernel_function','method','showplot','kfunargs','quadprog_opts','polyorder','ml p_params'};for j=1:2:numoptargspname = optargs{j};pval = optargs{j+1};k = strmatch(lower(pname), okargs);%#okif isempty(k)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownParameterName',...'Unknown parameter name: %s.',pname);elseif length(k)>1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:AmbiguousParameterName',...'Ambiguous parameter name: %s.',pname);elseswitch(k)case 1 % kernel_functionif ischar(pval)okfuns = {'linear','quadratic',...'radial','rbf','polynomial','mlp'};funNum = strmatch(lower(pval), okfuns);%#okif isempty(funNum)funNum = 0;endswitch funNum %maybe make this less strict in the futurecase 1kfun = @linear_kernel;case 2kfun = @quadratic_kernel;case {3,4}kfun = @rbf_kernel;case 5kfun = @poly_kernel;usePoly = true;case 6kfun = @mlp_kernel;useMLP = true;otherwiseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownKernelFunction',...'Unknown Kernel Function %s.',kfun);endelseif isa (pval, 'function_handle')kfun = pval;elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadKernelFunction',...'The kernel function input does not appear to be a function handle\nor valid function name.')endcase 2 % methodif strncmpi(pval,'qp',2)useQuadprog = true;if isempty(which('quadprog'))warning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:NoOptim',...'The Optimization Toolbox is required to use the quadratic programming method.')useQuadprog = false;endelseif strncmpi(pval,'ls',2)useQuadprog = false;elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownMethod',...'Unknown method option %s. Valid methods are ''QP'' and ''LS''',pval);endcase 3 % displayif pval ~= 0if size(training,2) == 2plotflag = true;elsewarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:OnlyPlot2D',...'The display option can only plot 2D training data.')endendcase 4 % kfunargsif iscell(pval)kfunargs = pval;elsekfunargs = {pval};endcase 5 % quadprog_optsif isstruct(pval)qp_opts = pval;elseif iscell(pval)qp_opts = optimset(pval{:});elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadQuadprogOpts',...'QUADPROG_OPTS must be an opts structure.');endcase 6 % polyorderif ~isscalar(pval) || ~isnumeric(pval)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadPolyOrder',...'POLYORDER must be a scalar value.');endif pval ~=floor(pval) || pval < 1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:PolyOrderNotInt',...'The order of the polynomial kernel must be a positive integer.')endkfunargs = {pval};setPoly = true;case 7 % mlpparamsif numel(pval)~=2error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadMLPParams',...'MLP_PARAMS must be a two element array.');endif ~isscalar(pval(1)) || ~isscalar(pval(2))error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:MLPParamsNotScalar',...'The parameters of the multi-layer perceptron kernel must be scalar.');endkfunargs = {pval(1),pval(2)};setMLP = true;endendendendif setPoly && ~usePolywarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:PolyOrderNotPolyKernel',...'You specified a polynomial order but not a polynomial kernel');endif setMLP && ~useMLPwarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:MLPParamNotMLPKernel',...'You specified MLP parameters but not an MLP kernel');end% plot the data if requestedif plotflag[hAxis,hLines] = svmplotdata(training,g);legend(hLines,cellstr(groupString));end% calculate kernel functiontrykx = feval(kfun,training,training,kfunargs{:});% ensure function is symmetrickx = (kx+kx')/2;catcherror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownKernelFunction',...'Error calculating the kernel function:\n%s\n', lasterr);end% create Hessian% add small constant eye to force stabilityH =((g*g').*kx) + sqrt(eps(class(training)))*eye(n);if useQuadprog% The large scale solver cannot handle this type of problem, so turn it % off.qp_opts = optimset(qp_opts,'LargeScale','Off');% X=QUADPROG(H,f,A,b,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,X0,opts)alpha = quadprog(H,-ones(n,1),[],[],...g',0,zeros(n,1),inf *ones(n,1),zeros(n,1),qp_opts);% The support vectors are the non-zeros of alphasvIndex = find(alpha > sqrt(eps));sv = training(svIndex,:);% calculate the parameters of the separating line from the support% vectors.alphaHat = g(svIndex).*alpha(svIndex);% Calculate the bias by applying the indicator function to the support% vector with largest alpha.[maxAlpha,maxPos] = max(alpha); %#okbias = g(maxPos) - sum(alphaHat.*kx(svIndex,maxPos));% an alternative method is to average the values over all support vectors % bias = mean(g(sv)' - sum(alphaHat(:,ones(1,numSVs)).*kx(sv,sv)));% An alternative way to calculate support vectors is to look for zeros of % the Lagrangians (fifth output from QUADPROG).%% [alpha,fval,output,exitflag,t] = quadprog(H,-ones(n,1),[],[],...% g',0,zeros(n,1),inf *ones(n,1),zeros(n,1),opts);%% sv = t.lower < sqrt(eps) & t.upper < sqrt(eps);else % Least-Squares% now build up compound matrix for solverA = [0 g';g,H];b = [0;ones(size(g))];x = A\b;% calculate the parameters of the separating line from the support% = training;bias = x(1);alphaHat = g.*x(2:end);endsvm_struct.SupportVectors = sv;svm_struct.Alpha = alphaHat;svm_struct.Bias = bias;svm_struct.KernelFunction = kfun;svm_struct.KernelFunctionArgs = kfunargs;svm_struct.GroupNames = groupnames;svm_struct.FigureHandles = [];if plotflaghSV = svmplotsvs(hAxis,svm_struct);svm_struct.FigureHandles = {hAxis,hLines,hSV}; end41|评论(6)。

8 MATLAB工具箱简介

8 MATLAB工具箱简介

输出模块库 信号源库
仿真连接模块库 其它模块库
• 选则Fine菜单New选项,出现一个新窗口,
例:模拟一个微分方程 . x = -2x + u . x
• 方框图绘制完毕,一个动态系统模
型也就创建好了。 • 选择File菜单Save保存图形,就自动
2. 符号运算工具箱
• 主要功能以符号为对象的数学。 • 在大学教学中,符号数学是各专业 都能用到的。 • 符号运算无须事先对独立变量赋值, 运算结果以标准的符号形式表达。 • 特点: 运算对象可以是没赋值的符号变量 可以获得任意精度的解
• 符号表达式、符号矩阵的创建
• 符号可变精度求解 • 符号线性代数 • 因式分解、展开和简化
• 符号代数方程求解
• 符号微积分
• 符号微分方程
例如: z ='a*t^2+b*t+c'; r =solve(z,‘t’) —— 对缺省变量求解
对任意变量求解 r =solve(z,'b') r= -(a*t^2+c)/t r =solve(z,'c') r= -a*t^2-b*t r =solve(z,'a') r= -(b*t+c)/t^2
各函数库中的函数可用help 函数库名 查询,或type 函数名方法查询
例:help plotxy Two dimensional graphics. Elementary X-Y graphs. plot - Linear plot. loglog - Log-log scale plot. semilogx - Semi-log scale plot. semilogy - Semi-log scale plot. fill - Draw filled 2-D polygons.
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二类支持向量机分类器的输出为[1,-1],当面对多类情况时,就需要把多类分类器分解成多个二类分类器。在第一种工具箱LS_SVMlab中,文件 Classification_LS_SVMlab.m中实现了三类分类。训练与测试样本分别为n1、n2,它们是3 x 15的矩阵,即特征矢量是三维,训练与测试样本数目均是15;由于是三类分类,所以训练与测试目标x1、x2的每一分量可以是1、2或是3,分别对应三 类,如下所示:
% gam : Regularization parameter
% sig2 : Kernel parameter (bandwidth in the case of the 'RBF_kernel')
支持向量机的基本理论是从二类分类问题提出的。我想绝大部分网友仅着重于理解二类分类问题上了,我当初也是这样,认识事物都有一个过程。二类分类的基本原 理固然重要,我在这里也不再赘述,很多文章和书都有提及。我觉得对于工具箱的使用而言,理解如何实现从二类分类到多类分类的过渡才是最核心的内容。下面 我仅以1-a-r算法为例,解释如何由二类分类器构造多类分类器。
LS_SVMlab、SVM_SteveGunn这两个工具箱实现了支持向量机的函数拟合功能。从工具箱的使用角度来看,分类与回归的最大区别是训练目标 不同。回归的训练目标是实际需要拟合的函数值;而分类的训练目标是1,2,…N(分成N类),再通过适当的编码方案将N类分类转换成多个二类分类。比较文 件Regression_LS_SVMlab.m与Classification_LS_SVMlab.m的前几行就可以注意到这一点。另外,分类算法以 正确分类率来作为性能指标,在回归算法中通常采用拟合的均方误差(mean square error, MSE)来作为性能指标。
最佳参数选择目前没有十分好的方法,在Regression_LS_SVMlab.m的第46至49行的代码是演示了交叉验证优化参数方法,可这种方法相 当费时。实践中可以采用网格搜索的方法:如gam=0:0.2:1,sig2=0:0.2:1,那么gam与sig2的组合就有6x6=36种,对这36 种组合训练支持向量机,然后选择正确识别率最大的一组参数作为最优的gam与sig2,如果结果均不理想,就需要重新考虑gam 与sig2的范围与采样间隔了。
常用的核函数有:多项式、径向基、Sigmoid型。对于同一组数据选择不同的核函数,基本上都可以得到相近的训练效果。所以核函数的选择应该具有任意 性。对训练效果影响最大是相关参数的选择,如:控制对错分样本惩罚的程度的可调参数,以及核函数中的待定参数,这些参数在不同工具箱中的变量名称是不一样 的。这里仍以Classification_LS_SVMlab.m为例,在第38、39行分别设定了gam、sig2的值,这两个参数是第63行 trainlssvm函数的输入参数。在工具箱文件夹的trainlssvm.m文件的第96、97行有这两个参数的定义:
codebook =
1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1
-1 -1 1
old_codebook =
1 2 3
比较上面的old_codebook与codebook输出,注意到对于第i类,将每i类训练样本做为正的训练样本,其它的训练样本作为负的训练样本,这 就是1-a-r算法定义。这样通过设置codefct ='code_OneVsAll'就实现了支持向量机的1-a-r多类算法。其它多类算法也与之雷同,这里不再赘述。值得注意的是:对于同一组样本,不同 的编码方案得到的训练效果不尽相同,实际中应结合实际数据,选择训练效果最好的编码方案。
应研学论坛<<人工智能与模式识别>>版主magic_217之约,写一个关于针对初学者的<<四种支持向量机工具 箱>>的详细使用说明。同时也不断有网友向我反映看不懂我的源代码,以及询问如何将该工具箱应用到实际数据分析等问题,其中有相当一部分网友 并不了解模式识别的基本概念,就急于使用这个工具箱。本文从模式识别的基本概念谈起,过渡到神经网络模式识别,逐步引入到这四种支持向量机工具箱的使用。
n1 = [rand(3,5),rand(3,5)+1,rand(3,5)+2];
x1 = [1*ones(1,5),2*ones(1,5),3*ones(1,5)];
n2 = [rand(3,5),rand(3,5)+1,rand(3,5)+2];
x2 = [1*ones(1,5),2*ones(1,5),3*ones(1,5)];
神经网络模式识别的基本原理是,神经网络可以任意逼近一个多维输入输出函数。以三类分类:I、II、III为例,神经网络输入是样本的特征矢量,三类样本 的神经网络输出可以是[1;0;0]、[0;1;0]、[0;0;1],也可以是[1;-1;-1]、[-1;1;-1]、[-1;-1;1]。将所有样 本中一部分用来训练网络,另外一部分用于测试输出。通常情况下,正确分类的第I类样本的测试输出并不是[1;0;0]或是[1;-1;-1],而是如 [0.1;0;-0.2]的输出。也是就说,认为输出矢量中最大的一个分量是1,其它分量是0或是-1就可以了。
在文件Classification_LS_SVMlab.m的第42行:codefct = 'code_MOC',就是设置由二类到多类编码参数。当第42行改写成codefct ='code_OneVsAll',再去掉第53行最后的引号,按F5运行该文件,命令窗口输出有:
模式识别的方法有很多,常用有:贝叶斯决策、神经网络、支持向量机等等。特别说明的是,本文所谈及的模式识别是指“有老师分类”,即事先知道训练样本所属 的类别,然后设计分类器,再用该分类器对测试样本进行识别,比较测试样本的实际所属类别与分类器输出的类别,进而统计正确识别率。正确识别率是反映分类器 性能的主要指标。
分类器的设计虽然是模式识别重要一环,但是样本的特征提取才是模式识别最关键的环节。试想如果特征矢量不能有效地描述原样本,那么即使分类设计得再好也无 法实现正确分类。工程中我们所遇到的样本一般是一维矢量,如:语音信号,或者是二维矩阵,如:图片等。特征提取就是将一维矢量或二维矩阵转化成一个维数比 较低的特征矢量,该特征矢量用于分类器的输入。关于特征提取,在各专业领域中也是一个重要的研究方向,如语音信号的谐振峰特征提取,图片的PCA特征提取 等等。