



英语演讲稿美国总统每周电台演讲(2007THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This Memorial Day weekend, Americans honor those who have given their lives in service to our Nation. As we pay tribute to the brave men and women who died for our freedom, we also honor those who are defending our liberties around the world today.On Wednesday, I met with some of the courageous young men and women who will soon take their place in the defense of our Nation: the graduating class of the United States Coast Guard Academy. Since its inception, the Coast Guard has patrolled and protected America’s shores. And in this time of war, the Coast Guard has assumed new responsibilities to defend our Nation against terrorist infiltration and help stop new attacks. I was proud to stand with the Class of 2007 and thank them for their bold decision to wear the uniform.The men and women of the Coast Guard are fighting alongside soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who have alsovolunteered to protect America. We live in freedom because patriots such as these are willing to serve, and many have given their lives in defense of our Nation. On Monday, I will lay a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in their country’s cause.One of those who gave his life was Sergeant David Christoff, Jr., of Rossford, Ohio. The day after the attacks of September the 11th, David walked into a recruiting station to become a United States Marine. Asked why he made the decision to serve, David said: “I don’t want my brother and sister to live in fear.” David eventually deployed to Iraq, where he fought street by street in the battle of Fallujah and earned a Purple Heart for wounds suffered in action.While on leave back home, David learned his company was headed for combat in Afghanistan. But he knew there was also a job to finish in Iraq. So he asked to be reassigned to a unit headed for Iraq, and last May he died in Anbar province where the Marines are taking the fight to al Qaeda. When his family received his belongings, his mother and his father each found a letter from David. He asked that they pray for his fellow Marines and all those still serving overseas.On Memorial Day, our Nation honors Sergeant Christoff’sfinal request. We pray for our men and women serving in harm’s way. We pray for their safe return. And we pray for their families and loved ones, who also serve our country with their support and sacrifice.On Memorial Day, we rededicate ourselves to freedom’s cause. In Iraq and Afghanistan, millions have shown their desire to be free. We are determined to help them secure their liberty. Our troops are helping them build democracies that respect the rights of their people, uphold the rule of law, and fight extremists alongside America in the war on terror. With the valor and determination of our men and women in uniform, I am confident that we will succeed and leave a world that is safer and more peaceful for our children and grandchildren.On Memorial Day, we also pay tribute to Americans from every generation who have given their lives for our freedom. From Valley Forge to Vietnam, from Kuwait to Kandahar, from Berlin to Baghdad, brave men and women have given up their own futures so that others might have a future of freedom. Because of their sacrifice, millions here and around the world enjoy the blessings of liberty. And wherever these patriots rest, we offer them the respect and gratitude of our Nation.Thank you for listening.。





































1. 加大基础设施投资,创造更多就业岗位。


2. 优化税收政策,降低企业税负。


3. 加强职业教育,提高劳动者素质。




1. 加大科研投入,支持基础研究。


2. 加强知识产权保护,激发创新活力。


3. 深化国际科技合作,推动全球科技进步。






Remarks of President Barack ObamaWeekly AddressThe White HouseSaturday, March 24, 2012Hello. This week, I traveled across the country to talk about myall-of-the-above energy strategy for America – a strategy where we produce more oil and gas here at home, but also more biofuels andfuel-efficient cars; more solar power and wind power and other sources of clean, renewable energy.Now, you wouldn’t know it by listening to some of the folks running for office today, but producing more oil at home has been, and will continue to be, a key part of my energy strategy. Under my Administration, we’re producing more oil than at any other time in the last eight years. We’ve quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high. And we’ve added enough oil and gas pipeline to circle the entire Earth and then some. Those are the facts.But as I’ve been saying all week, even though America uses around 20 percent of the world’s oil, we only have around 2 percent of the world’s known oil reserves. So eve n if we drilled everywhere, we’d still be relying on other countries for oil.That’s why we’re pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy. We’re producing more biofuels. More fuel-efficient cars. More solar power. More wind power. This week, I was in Boulder City, Nevada, where they’ve got the largest solar plant of its kind anywhere in the country. That’s the future. I was at Ohio State University, where they’ve developed the fastest electric car in the world.That’s the future. I don’t want to cede th ese clean energy industries to China or Germany or any other country. I want to see solar panels and wind turbines and fuel-efficient cars manufactured right here in America, by American workers.Now, getting these clean energy industries to locate here requires us to maintain a national commitment to new research and development. But it also requires us to build world-class transportation and communications networks, so that any company can move goods and sell products all around the world as quickly and efficiently as possible.So much of America needs to be rebuilt right now. We’ve got crumbling roads and bridges. A power grid that wastes too much energy. Anincomplete high-speed broadband network. And we’ve got thousands of unemployed construction workers who’ve been looking for a job ever since the housing market collapsed.But once again, we’re waiting on Congress. You see, in a matter of days, funding will stop for all sorts of transportation projects. Construction sites will go idle. Workers will have to go home. And our economy will take a hit.This Congress cannot let that happen. Not at a time when we should be doing everything in our power –Democrats and Republicans –to keep this recovery moving forward. The Senate did their part. They passed a bipartisan transportation bill. It had the support of 52 Democrats and 22 Republicans. Now it’s up to the House to follow suit; to put aside partisan posturing, end the gridlock, and do what’s right for the American people.This is common sense. Right now, all across this country, we’ve got contractors and construction workers who have never been more eager to get back on the job. A long term transportation bill would put them to work. And those are good jobs. We just released a report that shows nearly 90 percent of the construction, manufacturing and trade jobs created through investments in transportation projects are middle class jobs. Those are exactly the jobs we need right now, and they’ll make the economy stronger for everybody.We’ve done this before. During the Great Depression, America built the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge. After World War II, we connected our states with a system of highways. Democratic and Republican administrations invested in great projects that benefited everybody, from the workers who built them to the businesses that still use them today.So tell Congress that if we invest in new technology and new energy; in new roads and bridges and construction projects, we can keep growing our economy, put our people back to work, and remind the world why the United States is the greatest nation on Earth.Thanks and have a great weekend.。



美国总统发言稿英语版Ladies and gentlemen,I stand before you today as the President of the United States, honored to address this great nation and to speak to the American people. I want to take this opportunity to share with you my vision for our country, my plans for the future, and the challenges that lie ahead.First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to the American people for electing me as your President. It is a responsibility that I do not take lightly, and I am committed to serving you with dedication and integrity. Together, we will build a stronger, more prosperous, and more inclusive America.One of my top priorities is to strengthen the economy. We have the strongest economy in the world, but we cannot rest on our laurels. We must continue to innovate, to invest in infrastructure, and to create good-paying jobs for all Americans. This means supporting small businesses, expanding access to education and training, and ensuring that our tax and trade policies are fair and beneficial to all. By doing so, we will ensure that the American dream remains within reach for everyone.But a strong economy alone is not enough. We must also prioritize the well-being of our citizens, particularly in the areas of healthcare and education. Every American deserves access to quality, affordable healthcare. We must work towards a system that provides healthcare for all, regardless of their income or pre-existing conditions. Additionally, we must invest in our educationsystem, from early childhood education to higher education, to ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed.Climate change is another urgent issue that requires our attention. The science is clear - our planet is warming, and we must act now to mitigate the effects. We must invest in renewable energy, reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, and prioritize sustainable practices. By doing so, we can create a cleaner, healthier environment for future generations.To maintain our place on the world stage, we must also address national security and foreign policy challenges. We must work with our allies to combat terrorism, to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and to promote peace and stability around the world. We must navigate the complex relationships with countries such as China and Russia, balancing our economic and security interests with our commitment to human rights and democracy.Finally, we must address the urgent issue of racial inequality and social justice. The events of the past year have reminded us that we still have much work to do to ensure equality and justice for all. We must reform our criminal justice system, address systemic racism, and work towards a society where every person, regardless of their race or background, is treated with dignity and respect. This includes comprehensive immigration reform, providing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, and ensuring that our immigration policies are fair and just.In conclusion, my fellow Americans, the road ahead will not be easy. We will face challenges and setbacks, but we must remainunited and focused on the goals that unite us as a nation. Together, we can build a better future for all Americans, one that is characterized by opportunity, fairness, and justice. Let us work together to make this vision a reality. Thank you, and may God bless the United States of America.。


























总统演讲稿(通用6篇)总统篇1Hello, Chicago!芝加哥,你好!If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.如果有人怀疑美国是个一切皆有可能的地方,怀疑美国奠基者的梦想在我们这个时代依然燃烧,怀疑我们*的力量,那么今晚这些疑问都有了答案。

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.学校和教堂门外的长龙便是答案。




It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, *, straight, disabled and not disabled —Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of red states and blue states; we are, and always will be, the United States of America.无论年龄,无论贫富,无论*党人或共和党人,无论黑人、白人,无论拉美裔、亚裔、印地安人, 无论*、异性恋,无论残障人、健全人,所有的人,他们向全世界喊出了同一个声音:我们并不隶属“红州”与“蓝州”的对立阵营,我们属于美利坚合众国,现在如此,永远如此!It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.长久以来,很多人说:我们对自己的能量应该冷漠,应该恐惧,应该怀疑。



英语演讲稿美国总统每周电台演讲(2007THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Today I would like to talk to you about an urgent priority for our Nation: confronting the rising costs of health care. In my State of the Union Address, I invited Democrats and Republicans in Congress to work with my Administration to reform our health care system. In the past few weeks, I’ve discussed my health care proposals with citizens across our country. Next week, I’ll visit a hospital in Tennessee to hear directly from people who do not have access to basic, affordable health insurance. I’ll also meet with a panel of experts at the White House to discuss how we can build a vibrant market where individuals can buy their own health insurance.The problem with our current system is clear: health care costs are rising rapidly, more than twice as fast as wages. These rising costs are driving up the price of health insurance and making it harder for working families to afford coverage. These rising costs also make it harder for small businessesto offer health coverage to their employees. We must address these rising costs so that more Americans can afford basic private health insurance. One of the most promising ways to make private coverage more affordable and accessible is to reform the tax code. Today, the tax code unfairly penalizes people who do not get health insurance through their job. If you buy health insurance on your own, you pay much more after taxes than if you get it through your job. I proposed to end this unfair bias in the tax code by creating a standard tax deduction for every American who has health insurance, whether they get it through their job or on their own. For example, every family that has health insurance would get a $15,000 deduction on their taxes. This deduction would also apply to payroll taxes, so that even those who pay no income taxes would benefit. Americans deserve a level playing field. If you’re self-employed, a farmer, a rancher, or an employee at a small business who buys health insurance on your own, you should get the same tax advantage as those who get their health insurance through their job at a big business. At the same time, I proposed “Affordable Choices”grants to help states provide coverage for the uninsured. Governors across our country have put forward innovative ideas for health care reform. Under myproposal, states that make basic private health insurance available to all their citizens would receive Federal funds to help them provide this coverage to the poor and the sick. Next week, the Nation’s governors will come to Washington to discuss challenges facing their states. I’ve asked my Secretary of Health and Human Services, Mike Leavitt, to meet with the governors and discuss ways we can work together to help reduce the number of uninsured Americans. Reforming health care is a bipartisan priority. Earlier this week, I was pleased to receive a letter from 10 senators -- five Democrats and five Republicans -- who expressed their desire to work together on health care reform. I look forward to discussing our proposals and hearing more about their ideas. I appreciate the commitment of this bipartisan group to work with my Administration, and I will continue to reach across party lines to enact common-sense health care reforms. From my conversations with Democrats and Republicans, it is clear both parties recognize that strengthening health care for all Americans is one of our most important responsibilities. I am confident that if we put politics aside, we can find practical ways to improve our private health care system, and help millions of Americans enjoy better care, new choices, andhealthier lives. Thank you for listening.。








































































英语演讲稿美国总统每周电台演讲(2007THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. In a time of war, America’s top priority should be to ensure that our troops on the front lines get the funding they need. So beginning in February, I submitted detailed funding requests to Congress to fund operations in the war on terror. Congress has had months to pass this funding. Unfortunately, with just days to go before members leave for their Christmas vacation, they still have not come through with these funds.This week Congress considered a defense authorization bill. An authorization bill is a pledge to spend money. Under such a bill, Congress will make a promise to fund our troops in combat. But a congressional promise -- even if enacted -- does not pay the bills. It is time for Congress to provide our troops with actual funding.The stakes are high for our men and women on the front lines. Our troops are striking blows against the terrorists and extremists in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and these funds arecritical to their continued success. The funds I have requested include money to carry out combat operations against the enemy. They include money to train the Iraqi and Afghan security forces to take on more responsibility for the defense of their countries. They include money for civilian agencies deployed in the field with our military to help build local governments and create jobs. And they include money for intelligence operations to protect our troops on the battlefield. Congress has had plenty of time to consider the emergency funds our troops need. Time is running out. And Pentagon officials say that continued delay in funding our troops will soon begin to have a damaging impact on the operations of our military. Congress’ responsibility is clear: They must deliver vital funds for our troops -- and they must do it before they leave for Christmas. Our men and women on the front lines will be spending this holiday season far from their families and loved ones. And this Christmas, they deserve more than words from Congress. They deserve action.Thank you for listening.。




























英语演讲稿美国总统每周电台演讲(2007THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Earlier this week, the newly elected members of the House and the Senate took their oaths of office and became part of the 110th Congress.I congratulate them all, and I look forward to working with them over the next two years. Since the November elections, I’ve had a number of productive meetings with the new leaders in Congress, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. I was encouraged by our discussions, and I’m confident that we can find common ground in our efforts to serve our fellow citizens and to move our country forward. One area where we are already finding agreement is in our effort to spend the people’s money wisely. This week, I announced that I will submit a five-year budget proposal that will balance the federal budget by 2012, while making the tax relief we passed permanent. Some Democrats have indicated that balancing thebudget is a top priority for them as well. By holding the line on spending and continuing our pro-growth policies, we can balance the budget and address the most urgent needs of our Nation, which are winning the war on terror and maintaining a strong national defense, keeping our economy growing, and creating jobs. We also see bipartisan agreement emerging on reforming the earmark process in Congress. Earmarks are spending provisions that are often slipped into bills at the last minute -- so they rarely get debated or discussed. Many earmarks divert precious funds away from vital priorities like national defense and education to wasteful pork-barrel projects. I appreciate Democratic leaders who have pledged to maintain our current levels of spending without additional earmarks this year. And I support the temporary moratorium on all new earmarks announced by the Democrats. This is a good start, but I believe we can do more. This week, I proposed my own earmark reforms, which would make the earmark process more transparent, end the practice of concealing earmarks in so-called report language never included in legislation, and cut the number and costs of earmarks by at least half. These common-sense reforms will help prevent billions of taxpayers’dollars from being spent on unnecessary earmarks. Another areawhere Democrats and Republicans can work together is in the effort to improve our schools. We have done so before. In my first year as President, Democrats and Republicans saw that our schools were failing too many students, so we worked together to pass the No Child Left Behind Act. This good law gave our schools new resources -- and in return, we asked them to show results. By setting high standards and measuring student progress, we’re holding schools accountable for teaching every student to read, write, add, and subtract. Since No Child Left Behind was passed, we have seen major improvements in student achievement all across America. In reading, nine-year-olds have made larger gains in the last five years of the test than in the previous 28 years. In math, nine-year-olds and 13-year-olds earned the highest scores in the history of the test. And in both reading and math, African-American and Hispanic students are scoring higher and starting to close the achievement gap. This year the No Child Left Behind Act is up for reauthorization. I’m confident that both parties can work together to help our Nation’s students. By reauthorizing this important legislation, we can help make our schools a gateway to opportunity for every child. With this new Congress and new year, Democrats and Republicans will havemany opportunities to serve the American people. We must rise to meet those opportunities and build a stronger and more compassionate Nation for generations to come. Thank you for listening.。



英语演讲稿美国总统每周电台演讲(2007THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, Congress began to debate its annual spending bills. The American people expect us to spend their tax dollars wisely, or not at all, and to pursue pro-growth economic policies that will allow us to reduce the deficit while keeping our economy strong.Since my Administration’s tax relief was implemented four years ago, our economy has added more than eight million new jobs, and we’ve experienced 45 months of uninterrupted job growth. With more Americans working and more businesses thriving, our economy has produced record tax revenues. The Treasury Department recently reported that this year’s Federal revenues are up eight percent over last year. As a result, our Nation’s budget deficit is about one-third lower than it was at this time last year.In addition to pursuing pro-growth tax relief, my Administration is working to reduce the Federal deficitthrough strict fiscal discipline. Over the past three years, we have met the urgent needs of our Nation while holding the growth of annual domestic spending close to one percent -- well below the rate of inflation. I’ve also proposed policies that would slow the unsustainable growth of our most serious long-term fiscal challenge: entitlement spending. By keeping taxes low and restraining Federal spending, we can meet my plan to have a balanced budget by 2012.The Democrats in Congress are trying to take us in a different direction. They’ve passed a budget that would mean higher taxes for American families and job creators, ignore the need for entitlement reform, and pile on hundreds of billions of dollars in new government spending over the next five years. This tax-and-spend approach puts our economic growth and deficit reduction at risk.For months, I’ve warned the Democrats in Congress that I will not accept an irresponsible tax-and-spend budget. I put Democratic leaders on notice that I will veto bills with excessive levels of spending. And I am not alone in my opposition. In the House, 147 Republicans have pledged to support fiscal discipline by opposing excessive spending. These 147 members are more than one-third needed to sustainmy veto of any bills that spend too much.Another key area of difference between my Administration and the Democratic leadership in Congress is my support for meaningful earmark reform. Earmarks are spending provisions that are slipped into bills by individual members of Congress, often at the last hour and without discussion or debate. It’s not surprising that this leads to unnecessary Federal spending. And the problem is growing. Over the last decade, the number of earmarks has more than tripled.In January, I proposed reforms that would make the earmark process more transparent, end the practice of concealing earmarks in so-called report language that is never included in legislation, and cut the number and cost of earmarks by at least half. My Administration has also developed the government’s first public database of earmarks, and we’ve posted them on a website: . On this website, we will also be releasing information on new earmarks, because this Administration wants you to see where your tax dollars are being spent.After I announced my earmark reforms in January, the House passed a rule that called for full disclosure of earmarks. But in the past few weeks, Democratic House leaders announcedthat they were abandoning this commitment. Instead of full disclosure, they decided they would not make public any earmarks until after Members had already voted on the spending bills. This change would have allowed a small group of lawmakers and their unelected staff to meet behind closed doors to decide how and where to spend your tax dollars. I’m pleased to report that earlier this week a group of House Republicans stopped this plan and extracted a commitment from House Democrats to list all earmarks in advance and give lawmakers a chance to strike them. The American people need to hold House Democrats accountable for keeping that commitment.In the weeks ahead, my Administration will continue pushing for earmark reform and holding the line on Federal spending. The American people do not want to return to the days of tax and spend policies. They expect accountability and fiscal discipline in Washington, D.C. And I will use my veto to stop tax increases and runaway spending that threaten the strength of our economy and the prosperity of our people.Thank you for listening。




















英语演讲稿美国总统每周电台演讲(2007THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.This week was filled with more good news about America’s economy. We learned that our economy grew at an annual rate of 3.5 percent in the fourth quarter of last year. Overall, our economy grew 3.4 percent in 2006 -- up from 3.1 percent in 2005. The Dow Jones reached an all-time high this week for the 27th time in the past four months. And we learned that America created 111,000 new jobs in January, which means we have added over 7.4 million jobs in the past three-and-a-half years.This good news is a result of the hard work of the American people and pro-growth economic policies like tax relief. By cutting taxes, we put more money into the hands ofAmerican families and small businesses. You have used this money to produce strong and lasting economic growth. And now Congress needs to make this tax relief permanent, so we can keep America’s economy growing.Pro-growth economic policies also play a vital role in our plan to balance the Federal budget. Our growing economy has produced record levels of tax revenue. This increase in tax revenue has helped us cut the deficit in half three years ahead of schedule. And on Monday, we will take the next step when I submit to Congress a budget that will eliminate the deficit by 2012.To meet this goal, we must set priorities for government spending. My top priority will continue to be keeping America safe and winning the war against extremists who want to destroy our way of life. The budget I will submit to Congress includes the cost of funding the global war on terror, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our troops deserve our full support, and this budget gives them the resources they need.Cutting the deficit during a time of war requires us to restrain spending in other areas. One good way to help eliminate wasteful spending is to pass earmark reform. Earmarks are special interest items that are often slipped intobills at the last hour. Even worse, more than 90 percent of earmarks never make it to the floor of the House and Senate for a vote. They are dropped into committee reports that are not even part of the bill that arrives on my desk. Yet they are treated as if they have the force of law. The time has come to end this practice. So I will work with Democrats and Republicans in Congress to continue reforming the budget process, expose every earmark to the light of day and a vote in Congress, and cut the number and cost of earmarks at least in half.Another important tool for eliminating wasteful spending is the line-item veto. Today, when lawmakers tack pork-barrel spending onto large bills, the President is left with an all or nothing choice: either sign the bill with the wasteful spending or veto the whole bill and deny funding for vital programs. With the line-item veto, the President can sign the funding for necessary programs into law and send the unnecessary provisions back to Congress for a prompt up-or-down vote on whether to uphold the spending. Forty-three governors have a line-item veto. I urge Congress to pass the line-item veto, so we can work together to control Federal spending.Controlling spending also requires us to address the unsustainable growth of entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Spending for these programs is growing faster than inflation, faster than our economy, and faster than our ability to pay for it. Unless we act, we will saddle our children and grandchildren with tens of trillions of dollars of unfunded obligations. They will face three bad options: huge tax increases, huge budget deficits, or huge and immediate cuts in benefits. Republicans and Democrats need to come together to confront the challenge of entitlement spending and ensure that these vital programs are there when our children and grandchildren need them.I look forward to working with Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to address these challenges. Together, we can pass a budget that keeps our economy strong, keeps America safe, and makes deficit spending a thing of the past.。



美国总统每周电台英文演讲稿Hi, everybody. On Tuesday, I gave my final State of the Union Address. And a focus was this:how do we make the new economy work better for everyone, not just those at the top?After the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, we're in the midst of the longest streak ofprivate-sector job growth in our history. More than 14 million new jobs. An unemploymentrate cut in half. At the same time, our economy continues to go through profound changesthat began long before the Great Recession hit. It's changed to the point where even when folkshave jobs; even when the economy is growing; it's harder for working families to pullthemselves out of poverty, harder for young people to start out on their careers, and tougherfor workers to retire when they want to.That's a big part of the reason a lot of working families are feeling anxious. And it offends ourfundamentally American belief that everybody who works hard should be able to get ahead.That's why we've been fighting so hard to give families more opportunity and more security –by working to create more good jobs, invest in our middle class, and help working people get araise. That's what the Affordable Care Act is all about – filling in the gaps in employer-basedcare so that when somebody loses a job, or goes back to school, or starts that new business,they still have health care. And it's why I believe we've got to take steps to modernize ourunemployment insurance system.If a hardworking American loses her job, regardless of what state she lives in, we should makesure she can get unemployment insurance and some help to retrain for her next job. If she'sbeen unemployed for a while, we should reach out toher and connect her with careercounseling. And if she finds a new job that doesn't pay as much as her old one, we should offersome wage insurance that helps her pay her bills. Under my plan, experienced workers whonow make less than $50,000 could replace half of their lost wages – up to $10,000 over twoyears. It's a way to give families some stability and encourage folks to rejoin the workforce –because we shouldn't just be talking about unemployment; we should be talking about re-employment.That's when America works best –when everyone has opportunity; when everyone has somesecurity; and when everyone can contribute to this country we love. That's how we make surethat hardworking families can get ahead. And that's what I'll be fighting for with every last dayof my presidency.Thanks, everybody. Have a great weekend.以上英语是小编整理,希望大家喜欢。



英语演讲稿美国总统布什每周电台演讲附原文(2008THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. At the stroke of midnight tonight, a vital intelligence law that is helping protect our nation will expire. Congress had the power to prevent this from happening, but chose not to.The Senate passed a good bill that would have given our intelligence professionals the tools they need to keep us safe. But leaders in the House of Representatives blocked a House vote on the Senate bill, and then left on a 10-day recess.Some congressional leaders claim that this will not affect our security. They are wrong. Because Congress failed to act, it will be harder for our government to keep you safe from terrorist attack. At midnight, the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence will be stripped of their power to authorize new surveillance against terrorist threats abroad. This means that as terrorists change their tactics to avoid our surveillance, we may not have the tools we need to continue tracking them -- and we may lose a vital lead thatcould prevent an attack on America.In addition, Congress has put intelligence activities at risk even when the terrorists don’t change tactics. By failing to act, Congress has created a question about whether private sector companies who assist in our efforts to defend you from the terrorists could be sued for doing the right thing. Now, these companies will be increasingly reluctant to provide this vital cooperation, because of their uncertainty about the law and fear of being sued by class-action trial lawyers. For six months, I urged Congress to take action to ensure this dangerous situation did not come to pass. I even signed a two-week extension of the existing law, because members of Congress said they would use that time to work out their differences. The Senate used this time productively -- and passed a good bill with a strong, bipartisan super-majority of 68 votes. Republicans and Democrats came together on legislation to ensure that we could effectively monitor those seeking to harm our people. And they voted to provide fair and just liability protection for companies that assisted in efforts to protect America after the attacks of 9/11.The Senate sent this bill to the House for its approval.It was clear that if given a vote, the bill would have passed the House with a bipartisan majority. I made every effort to work with the House to secure passage of this law. I even offered to delay my trip to Africa if we could come together and enact a good bill. But House leaders refused to let the bill come to a vote. Instead, the House held partisan votes that do nothing to keep our country safer. House leaders chose politics over protecting the country -- and our country is at greater risk as a result.House leaders have no excuse for this failure. They knew all along that this deadline was approaching, because they set it themselves. My administration will take every step within our power to minimize the damage caused by the House’s irresponsible behavior. Yet it is still urgent that Congress act. The Senate has shown the way by approving a good, bipartisan bill. The House must pass that bill as soon as they return to Washington from their latest recess.At this moment, somewhere in the world, terrorists are planning a new attack on America. And Congress has no higher responsibility than ensuring we have the tools to stop them.Thank you for listening.END。

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Prepared Remarks of PresidentBarack ObamaWeekly AddressSaturday, August 27, 2011In just two weeks, we’ll come together, as a nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. We’ll remember the innocen t lives we lost. We’ll stand with the families who loved them. We’ll honor the heroic first responders who rushed to the scene and saved so many. And we’ll pay tribute to our troops and military families, and all those who have served over the past ten years, to keep us safe and strong.We’ll also recall how the worst terrorist attack in American history brought out the best in the American people. How Americans lined up to give blood. How volunteers drove across the country to lend a hand. How schoolchildren donated their savings. How communities, faith groups and businesses collected food and clothing.We were united, and the outpouring of generosity and compassion reminded us that in times of challenge, we Americans move forward together, as one people.This September 11th, Michelle and I will join the commemorations at Ground Zero, in Shanksville, and at the Pentagon. But even if you can’t be in New York, Pennsylvania or Virginia, every American can be part of this anniversary. Once again, 9/11 will be a National Day of Service and Remembrance. And in the days and weeks ahead, folks across the country—in all 50 states—will come together, in their communities and neighborhoods, to honor the victims of 9/11 and to reaffirm the strength of our nation with acts of service and charity.In Minneapolis, volunteers will help restore a community center. In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, they’ll hammer shingles and lay floors to give families a new home. In Tallahassee, Florida, they’ll assemble care pack ages for our troops overseas and their families here at home. In Orange County, California, they’ll renovate homes for our veterans. And once again, Michelle and I look forward to joining a local service project as well.There are so many ways to get involved, and every American can do something. To learn more about the opportunities where you live, just go online and visit . Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost; a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.On this 10th anniversary, we still face great challenges as a nation. We’re emerging from the worst economic crisis in our lifetimes. We’re taking the fight to al Qaeda, ending the war in Iraq and starting to b ring our troops home from Afghanistan. And we’re working to rebuild the foundation of our national strength here at home.None of this will be easy. And it can’t be the work of government alone. As we saw after 9/11, the strength of America has always been the character and compassion of our people. So as we mark this solemn anniversary, let’s summon that spirit once more. And let’s show that the sense of common purpose that we need in America doesn’t have to be a fleeting moment; it can be alasting virtue—not just on one day, but every day.Prepared Remarks of PresidentBarack ObamaWeekly AddressSaturday, August 20, 2011Hello from the Country Corner Farm in Alpha, Illinois! For the past few days, I’ve been traveling to small towns and farm towns here in the heartland of this country. I sat down with small business owners in Gutenberg, Iowa; and ranchers and farmers in Peosta. I had lunch with veterans in Cannon Falls, Minnesota; and talked to plant workers at a seed distributor in Atkinson, Illinois. And to the girls volleyball team at Maquoketa High School, let me just say one thing: Go Cardinals.Now, I’m out here for one reason: I think Washington, DC can learn something from the folks in Atkinson and Peosta and Cannon Falls. I think our country would be a whole lot better off if our elected leaders showed the same kind of discipline and integrity and responsibility that most Americans demonstrate in their lives every single day.Because, the fact is, we’re going through a tough time right now. We’re coming through a terrible recession; a lot of folks are still looking for work. A lot of people are getting by with smaller paychecks or less money in the cash register. So we need folks in Washington – the people whose job it is to deal with the country’s problems, the people who you elected to serve – we need them to put aside their differences to get things done.There are things we can do right now that will mean more customers for businesses and more jobs across the country. We can cut payroll taxes again, so families have an extra $1,000 to spend. We can pass a road construction bill so construction crews – now sitting idle – can head back to the worksite, rebuilding roads, bridges, and airports. We’ve got brave, ski lled Americans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Let’s connect them with businesses that could use their skills. And let’s pass trade deals to level the playing field for our businesses. We have Americans driving Hyundais and Kias. Well, I want to see folks in Korea driving Fords, Chevys and Chryslers. I want more products sold around the globe stamped with three words: Made in America.These are commonsense ideas –ideas that have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans. The only thing holding them back is politics. The only thing preventing us from passing these bills is the refusal by some in Congress to put country ahead of party. That’s the problem we have right now. That’s what’s holding this country back. That’s what we have to change.Bec ause, for all the knocks we’ve taken, despite all the challenges we face, this is still the greatest country on earth. We still have the best workers and farmers, entrepreneurs and businesses, students and scientists. And you can see that here in Alpha. You can see it along the country roads that connect these small towns and farmlands.These past few days, I’ve been seeing little kids with American flags and grandparents in lawn chairs. I’ve shaken hands with folks outside machine shops and churches, corne r stores and farms. It reminds me why I got into public service in the first place. Getting out of Washington and spending time with the people of this country –seeing how hard you’re working, how creative you are, how resourceful you are, how determined you are – that only makes me more determined to serve you as best I can as President. And it only makes me more confident in our future.That’s why it’s so important that folks in Washington put country before party. That’s why it’s so important that our elected leaders get past their differences to help grow the economy and put this nation back to work. Because here in Alpha it couldn’t be more clear: if we can come together,there’s no stopping the United States of America. There’s no doubt that our futur e is bright.Thanks, and have a great weekend.Prepared Remarks of PresidentBarack ObamaWeekly AddressSaturday, August 13, 2011On Thursday, I visited a new, high-tech factory in Michigan where workers are helping America lead the way in a growing clean energy industry.They were proud of their work, and they should be. They’re not just showing us a path out of the worst recession in generations –they’re proving that this is still a country where we make things; where new ideas take root and grow; where the best universities, most creative entrepreneurs, and most dynamic businesses in the world call home. They’re proving that even in difficult times, there’s not a country on Earth that wouldn’t trade places with us.That doesn’t mean we don’t face some very tough economic challenges. Many Americans are hurting badly right now. Many have been unemployed for too long. Putting these men and women back to work, and growing wages for everyone, has got to be our top priority.But lately, the response from Washington has been partisanship and gridlock that’s only undermined public confidence and hindered our efforts to grow the economy.So while there’s nothing wrong with our country, there is something wrong with our politics, and that’s what we’ve got to fix. Because we know there are things Congress can do, right now, to get more money back in your pockets, get this economy growing faster, and get our friends and neighbors back to work.The payroll tax cut that put $1,000 ba ck in the average family’s pocket this year? Let’s extend it. Construction workers who’ve been jobless since the housing boom went bust? Let’s put them back to work rebuilding America. Let’s cut red tape in the patent process so entrepreneurs can get g ood ideas to market more quickly. Let’s finish trade deals so we can sell more American-made goods around the world. Let’s connect the hundreds of thousands of brave Americans coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan to businesses that need their incredible skills and talents.These are all things we can do right now. So let’s do them. And over the coming weeks, I’ll put forward more proposals to help our businesses hire and create jobs, and won’t stop until every American who wants a job can find one.But we can no longer let partisan brinksmanship get in our way – the idea that making it through the next election is more important than making things right. That’s what’s holding us back – the fact that some in Congress would rather see their opponents lose than see America win.So you’ve got a right to be frustrated. I am. Because you deserve better. And I don’t think it’s too much for you to expect that the people you send to this town start delivering.Members of Congress are at home in their districts right now. And if you agree with me –whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican or not much of a fan of either – let them know.If you’ve had it with gridlock, and you want them to pass stalled bills that will help our economy right now – let them know.If you refuse to settle for a politics where scoring points is more important than solving problems; if you believe it’s time to put country before party and the interests of our children before our own– let them know.And maybe they’ll get back to Washi ngton ready to compromise, ready to create jobs, ready to get our fiscal house in order – ready to do what you sent them to do.Yes, we’ve still got a long way to go to get to where we need to be. We didn’t get into this mess overnight, and it’s going to take time to get out of it. That’s a hard truth –but it’s no excuse for inaction. After all, America voted for divided government, not dysfunctional government, and we’ve got work to do. And when we come together and find common ground, there’s no stop ping this country. There’s no stopping our people. There’s no holding us back. And there is every reason to believe we’ll get through this storm to a brighter day.Thanks for listening, and have a great weekend.Prepared Remarks of PresidentBarack ObamaWeekly AddressSaturday, August 6, 2011This week, Congress reached an agreement that’s going to allow us to make some progress in reducing our nation’s budget deficit. A nd through this compromise, both parties are going to have to work together on a larger plan to get our nation’s finances in order. That’s important. We’ve got to make sure that Washington lives within its means, just like families do. In the long term, the health of our economy depends on it.But in the short term, our urgent mission has to be getting this economy growing faster and creating more jobs. That’s what’s on people’s minds; that’s what matters to families in this country. And the fact is, this has been a tumultuous year for the economy. W e’ve weathered the Arab Spring’s effect on oil and gas prices. The Japanese earthquake and tsunami’s effect on supply chains. The economic situation in Europe. And in Washington, there was a contentious debate over our nation’s budget that nearly dragge d our country into financial crisis.So our job right now has to be doing whatever we can to help folks find work; to help create the climate where a business can put up that job listing; where incomes are rising again for people. We’ve got to rebuild this economy and the sense of security that middle class families've felt slipping away for years. And while deficit reduction has to be part of our economic strategy, it’s not the only thing we have to do.We need Democrats and Republicans to work together to help grow this economy. We’ve got to put politics aside to get some things done. That’s what the American people expect of us. And there are a number of steps that Congress can take right away, when they return in September.We need to extend tax cuts for working and middle class families so you have more money in your paychecks next year. That would help millions of people to make ends meet. And that extra money for expenses means businesses will have more customers, and will be in a better position to hire.Yesterday, I proposed a new tax credit for companies that hire veterans who are looking for work after serving their country. We’ve got a lot of honorable and skilled people returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, and companies that could benefit from their abilities. Let’s put them together. We need to make sure that millions of workers who are still pounding the pavement looking for jobs are not denied unemployment benefits to carry them through hard times.We’ve got to cut the red tape that st ops too many inventors and entrepreneurs from quickly turning new ideas in the thriving businesses – which holds back our whole economy.It’s time Congress finally passed a set of trade deals that would help displaced workers looking for new jobs, and that would allow our businesses to sell more products in countries in Asia and South America – products stamped with three words: Made in America.And we ought to give more opportunities to all those construction workers who lost their jobs when the housing boom went bust. We could put them to work right now, by giving loans to companies that want to repair our roads and bridges and airports, helping to rebuild America. Those are a few commonsense steps that would help the economy. And these are ideas that have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans in the past. So I’m going to keep calling on both parties in Congress to put aside their differences and send these bills to my desk so I can sign them right away. After all, both parties share power. Both parties share responsibility for our progress. Moving our economy and our country forward is not a Democratic or a Republican responsibility; it is our responsibility as Americans.That’s the spirit we need in Washington right now. That’s how we’l l get this economy growing faster and reach a brighter day.Thanks for listening, and have a great weekend.Prepared Remarks of PresidentBarack ObamaWeekly AddressSaturday, July 30, 2011WASHINGTON—In this week’s address,President Obama urged both Republicans and Democrats to take action to avoid defaulting for the first time in our nation’s history. While the two parties are not far apart in their goals, they must resolve their differences quickly so that the United Sta tes can continue paying its Social Security checks, veterans’ benefits, and contracts with thousands of American businesses. The time has come to stop endangering the Triple A bond rating of the United States, put aside partisan politics, and behave responsibly to ensure a balanced approach to reducing our nation’s deficit.Today, I’d like to speak with you about the ongoing and urgent efforts to avoid a first-ever default and get our fiscal house in order.Republicans in the House of Representatives just spent precious days trying to pass a plan that a majority of Republicans and Democrats in the Senate had already said they wouldn’t vote for. It’s a plan that wouldn’t solve our fiscal problems, but would force us to re-live this crisis in just a few short months. It would hold our economy captive to Washington politics once again. If anything, the past few weeks have demonstrated that’s not acceptable.Any solution to avoid default must be bipartisan. It must have the support of both parties that were sent here to represent the American people – not just one faction of one party. There are multiple ways to resolve this problem. Congress must find common ground on a plan that can get support from both parties in the House and the Senate. And it’s got to be a plan that I can sign by Tuesday.Look, the parties are not that far apart here. We’re in rough agreement on how much spendingwe need to cut to reduce our deficit. And we agree on a process to tackle tax reform and entitlement reform. There are plenty of ways out of this mess. But there is very little time.We need to reach a compromise by Tuesday so that our country will have the ability to pay its bills on time –bills like Social Security checks, veterans’ benefits, and contracts we’ve signe d with thousands of American businesses. If we don’t, for the first time ever, we could lose our country’s Triple A credit rating. Not because we didn’t have the capacity to pay our bills – we do –but because we didn’t have a Triple A political system t o match it. And make no mistake – for those who reflexively oppose tax increases on anyone, a lower credit rating would be a tax increase on everyone –we’d all pay higher interest rates on mortgages, car loans, and credit cards. That would be inexcusable, and entirely self-inflicted by Washington. The power to solve this is in our hands. All that’s needed is a simple vote that Democrats and Republicans have taken for decades, including all of the leaders in Congress today. It was done 18 times under President Reagan. 7 times under George W. Bush. And it must be done again now. It’s not a vote that allows Congress to spend more money. Raising the debt ceiling simply gives our country the ability to pay the bills the Congress has already racked up. It gives the United States of America the ability to keep its word. And it will let businesses and our economy breathe a sigh of relief. On Monday night, I asked you to make your voice heard in this debate. And the response was overwhelming. One of the emails we received was from a woman named Kelly Smith, who wanted to send this message to Washington:"I keep my home clean,” Kelly wrote, "I work hard at a full time job, give my parents any monies I can so they can afford their medications, I pay my bills and by all appearances I am a responsible person. All I’m asking is that you be responsible. I have my house in order and all I’m asking is that you get yours the same way.”Here in Washington, we need to get our house in order. And I have to say, Democrats in Congress and some Senate Republicans have been listening and have shown themselves willing to make compromises to solve this crisis. Now all of us – including Republicans in the House of Representatives – need to demonstrate the same kind of responsibility that the American people show every day. The time for putting party first is over. The time for compromise on behalf of the American people is now. Thank you.。
