Give a love, warm the world's true feelings.2、你我多一份慈善,城市多一份和谐。
You and I have more charity, more harmony in the city.3、博施康乐e点通,日行一善更轻松。
Bosch Comfort E-Point, a good day more relaxed.4、用爱心点燃生命之光,用真情奏响生命乐章。
Light the light of life with love and play the movement of life with true feelings.5、让小爱汇成大爱,让大爱影响世界。
Let small love merge into big love, let big love influence the world.6、让所有的孩子,永远充满希望。
Let all children, always full of hope.7、播洒爱心,点燃希望。
Sow love and light hope.8、乐善好施,真诚与人。
Kindness, kindness and sincerity.9、乐施就上施乐会。
Oxfam goes to Oxfam.10、善待那些具有爱心的人。
Be kind to those who have love.11、语言无国界,大爱无边界。
Language knows no boundaries, love knows no boundaries.12、播种爱心希望,成就未来梦想。
Sow love and hope, and achieve future dreams.13、公益一手掌握,乐善一动天下。
Public welfare should be mastered at one hand, and good will should move the whole world.14、爱心接力赛,以爱争第一。
Light a lamp and warm a heart.2、爱心无限,大爱无边。
Love is infinite, love is infinite.3、爱付出,心有福。
Blessed is the heart that loves to give.4、慈善献爱心,真情暖人心。
Charity and love warms the heart.5、慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。
Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause.6、只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。
As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world.7、情暖通州,心系希望。
Heart warm T ongzhou, heart hope.8、播撒爱心阳光,温暖你我心房。
Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart.9、心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。
Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand.10、把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。
Turn your love into action and use your action to support and move.11、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。
It takes patience and patience to show love.12、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关心和支持。
Thank you for your concern and support for charity.13、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永恒!Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal!14、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。
Warm post, loving cabin.2、让爱永驻人间。
Let love last forever.3、因为你的爱,世界更精彩。
Because of your love, the world is more wonderful.4、感谢是爱心的第一步。
Thank you is the first step in love.5、真情关爱,伴您成长。
True love, grow up with you.6、用微笑拥抱孩子,用真心对待孩子。
Embrace the child with a smile and treat the child with sincerity.7、语言无国界,大爱无边界。
Language knows no boundaries, love knows no boundaries.8、播种爱心希望,成就未来梦想。
Sow love and hope, and achieve future dreams.9、送人玫瑰手有余香。
A rose hand is fragrant.10、爱心点燃希望,奉献成就未来。
Love ignites hope and contributes to the future.11、慈善送温暖,爱心献社会。
Charity gives warmth and love to society.12、众人捐善款,爱心洒满城。
People donate money and love the city.13、希望工程手拉手,和谐通州心连心。
Hope that the project hand in hand, harmonious Tongzhou heart to heart.14、人人可慈善,城市更美好。
Everyone can be charitable and the city is better.15、因为有爱,明天才会更美好。
With love and hope.2、播撒爱心,真情永溢。
Spread love, love will never overflow.3、慈心为民,善举济世。
Kindness for the people and good deeds for the world.4、爱心万人行,万人献爱心。
Ten thousand people love each other.5、收集爱心阳光,做你黑暗中的暖光。
Collect the sunshine of love and be the warm light in your darkness.6、致力公益事业,爱心成就未来。
Committed to public welfare, love to achieve the future.7、和谐家园,用爱凝聚。
Harmonious home, with love cohesion.8、奉献一份关爱,收获一份惊喜。
Dedicate a love, harvest a surprise.9、爱心接力在线,快乐永不掉线。
Love Relay Online, Happiness Never Drop Off.10、爱心倾注安全,构建和谐电力。
Love is devoting to safety and building harmonious electric power.11、一颗爱心,一份欣喜,只有施乐会!A love, a joy, only Xerox!12、施乐会,乐善施。
Oxfam, be merciful.13、爱心在前方,接力在路上。
Love is ahead, relay is on the way.14、爱自心中生,心以爱作魂。
Love comes from the heart, and love is the soul of the heart.15、会心所至,乐善好施。
Light a lamp and warm a heart.2、爱心无限,大爱无边。
Love is infinite, love is infinite.3、爱付出,心有福。
Blessed is the heart that loves to give.4、慈善献爱心,真情暖人心。
Charity and love warms the heart.5、慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。
Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause.6、只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。
As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world.7、情暖通州,心系希望。
Heart warm Tongzhou, heart hope.8、播撒爱心阳光,温暖你我心房。
Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart.9、心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。
Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand.10、把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。
Turn your love into action and use your action to support and move.11、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。
It takes patience and patience to show love.12、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关心和支持。
Thank you for your concern and support for charity.13、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永恒!Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal!14、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。
以下“关于爱⼼的英语谚语三篇”由⽆忧考整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注⽆忧考!【篇⼀】关于爱⼼的英语谚语 1、点亮⼀盏灯,温暖⼀颗⼼。
Light a lamp and warm a heart. 2、爱⼼⽆限,⼤爱⽆边。
Love is infinite, love is infinite. 3、爱付出,⼼有福。
Blessed is the heart that loves to give. 4、慈善献爱⼼,真情暖⼈⼼。
Charity and love warms the heart. 5、慈善事业是⾼尚的事业,⼈道的事业。
Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause. 6、只要⼈⼈都献出⼀份爱,世界将变成美好的⼈间。
As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world. 7、情暖通州,⼼系希望。
Heart warm Tongzhou, heart hope. 8、播撒爱⼼阳光,温暖你我⼼房。
Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart. 9、⼼连⼼,献爱⼼;⼿牵⼿,伸援⼿。
Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand. 10、把你的爱⼼化做⾏动,⽤你的⾏动⽀持感动。
Turn your love into action and use your action to support and move. 11、育⼈更需耐⼼,耐⼼⽅显爱⼼。
It takes patience and patience to show love. 12、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关⼼和⽀持。
Thank you for your concern and support for charity. 13、爱是⼤家共有的,只有⼼到爱才会永恒! Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal! 14、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。
Love begets love.
Ten men banded together in love can do what ten thousand separately would fail in.
——Thomas Carlyle
The presence of inner manners.It is changing the form of love.the resulting from an external performance out of the most appropriate manners. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe存在着一种出自内心的礼貌。
歌德Treat those who have the love.
There are only hungry, eat only good, likewise, only when you incompassionate mixwith, go to the blog will only be good.
关于爱心的英语谚语摘抄1. i need him like i need the air to breathe我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。
2. i know someone in the world is waiting for me, although i’ve no idea of who he is but i feel happy every day for this 我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。
3. i love you not because who you are,but because who i am when i am with you我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前是谁关于爱心的英语名言关于爱心的英语名言。
4. love’s tongue is in the ey es爱情的话语全在双眼之中。
5. he has made his weapons his gods when his weapons win he is defeated himself 他把他的刀剑当作他的上帝。
6. there is no hiding from lover’s eyes什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。
7. love to talk about a bit of a surprise to people to learn the total patient injury 谈一场恋爱学会了忍耐总有些意外会让人受伤害。
8. i’ll think of you every step of the way 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步关于爱心的英语名言文章关于爱心的英语名言出自9. ·neither separation to make it up不要等到分开了,才想到去挽回。
关于爱的英语谚语 1.Lo ve ma kes t he wo rld g o aro und.爱让世界转动。
2.A hear t the love s isalwas ys yo ung.有爱的心的永远年轻。
3.Lov e cur es pe ople--both theoneswho g ive i t and theoneswho r eceiv e it.爱能医人--奉献者和接受者皆然。
4.W herethere is g reatlove. ther e are grea t mir acles. 哪里有爱,哪里就有奇迹。
5.Life with out l ove l ike a tree with out b losso m orfruit. 缺少爱的生命,就像未开花结果的枯树。
6.Lov e isnot g eting butgivin g. 爱是付出,不是占有。
7.I'vedicid ed to stic k tolove.Hates is t oo gr eat a burd en to bear. 我决定要不断的给予爱,恨是不能承受的负担。
8. If y ou lo ve th e lif e you live,youwilllivea lif e oflove.如果你爱你的生活,你的生活就会充满爱。
9.Lov e and youwillbe lo ved.爱人,你就会被人爱。
10.Ajoyfu l hea rt is theinevi table resu lt of a he art b urnin g wit h lov e. 内心只要有爱在燃烧,就不然有快乐。
有关爱的英语谚语摘抄1.Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies,爱情是同时落在荆棘与百合上的露珠。
2.Love is like the moon; when it does not increase it decreases.爱情像月亮,非盈即亏。
3.Love is neither bought nor sold,爱情不能买卖。
4.Love is never without jealousy,没有妒忌就没有爱情。
5.Love is not to be found in the market,市场上找不到爱情。
6.Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending,爱十青开士台日才甜蜜,结束时苦涩。
7.Love is the mother of love.爱情产生爱情。
8.Love is the reward of love.爱的报酬便是爱。
9.Love is the touchstone of virtue.爱情是美德的试金石。
10.Love is the true price of love,爱情只能用爱情来报答。
11.Love is without reason,爱情没有理智可言。
12.Love laughs at locksmith.爱情是锁不住的。
13.Love lives in cottages as we I I as in courts.爱情无贵贱,贫富皆有之。
14.Love looks with telescope; envy with microscope.爱情大处着眼,忌妒吹毛求。
15.Love makes a I I equal.恋爱不分贵贱。
Dedicate your love and fulfill your children's dreams.2、施乐会,将您的爱心全部注入需要的人身上。
Oxfam, pour all your love into those who need it.3、让爱的接力棒,永远传递;让爱的圣火,用不熄灭。
Let the baton of love pass on forever; let the flame of love never extinguish.4、慈善吹遍千万家,爱心温馨你我他。
Charity blows through thousands of families, and love warms you, me and him.5、画出爱的温情,与心一起共鸣。
Draw the warmth of love and resonate with your heart.6、奉献一点爱,收获满怀情。
Give a little love and harvest full of feelings.7、以实际行动帮助困难群体走出困境,走向幸福。
Actions to help groups in need out of difficulties, towards happiness.8、和蔼可亲的态度,永远是教师良好教态的注脚。
Kindness is always the footnote of teachers'good teaching attitude.9、接力爱心棒,牵起万众心。
Relay the love stick and draw the hearts of all.10、携手奉献爱心,用心接力幸福。
Hand in hand to devote love, relay happiness with heart.11、以行动成就爱心,让慈善走进生活。
Light a lamp and warm a heart.2、爱心无限,大爱无边。
Love is infinite, love is infinite.3、爱付出,心有福。
Blessed is the heart that loves to give.4、慈善献爱心,真情暖人心。
Charity and love warms the heart.5、慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。
Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause.6、只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。
As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world.7、情暖通州,心系希望。
Heart warm Tongzhou, heart hope.8、播撒爱心阳光,温暖你我心房。
Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart.9、心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。
Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand.10、把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。
Turn your love into action and use your action tosupport and move.11、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。
It takes patience and patience to show love.12、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关心和支持。
Thank you for your concern and support for charity.13、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永恒!Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal!14、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。
关于爱的英文谚语摘抄1.A beautiful woman smiling, bespeaks a purse weeping,美人一微笑,就有人破财。
2.A cheerful wife is the joy of life.有个乐天的妻子是人生一大乐事。
3.A life with love is happy; a life for love is foolish,生活中有爱是幸福;为爱而生活是愚蠢。
4.A maid that laughs is half taken.少女露笑脸,婚事已半成。
5.A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst,少女要是多人追,往往挑中最差的那一个。
6.A man may woo where he will, but wed where is his ward.追求爱情靠自己,与谁结婚靠机运。
读后感7.A man’ s best fortune or his worst is his wife, —个男人最好和最坏的财富都是他的妻子。
8.Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小别胜新婚。
9.Absence sharpens love; presence strengthens it.相聚爱益切,离聚情更深。
10.AM shall be well, Jack shall have Jill.有情人终成眷属。
11.AIT s fair in love and war.爱情和战争,都是不择手段的。
12.Beauty and honesty seldom agree.美貌与贞洁难和睦。
Warm post, loving cabin.2、让爱永驻人间。
Let love last forever.3、因为你的爱,世界更精彩。
Because of your love, the world is more wonderful.4、感谢是爱心的第一步。
Thank you is the first step in love.5、真情关爱,伴您成长。
True love, grow up with you.6、用微笑拥抱孩子,用真心对待孩子。
Embrace the child with a smile and treat the child with sincerity.7、语言无国界,大爱无边界。
Language knows no boundaries, love knows no boundaries.8、播种爱心希望,成就未来梦想。
Sow love and hope, and achieve future dreams.9、送人玫瑰手有余香。
A rose hand is fragrant.10、爱心点燃希望,奉献成就未来。
Love ignites hope and contributes to the future.11、慈善送温暖,爱心献社会。
Charity gives warmth and love to society.12、众人捐善款,爱心洒满城。
People donate money and love the city.13、希望工程手拉手,和谐通州心连心。
Hope that the project hand in hand, harmonious Tongzhou heart to heart.14、人人可慈善,城市更美好。
Everyone can be charitable and the city is better.15、因为有爱,明天才会更美好。
英语谚语摘抄情感文案短句1. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." - True love knows no distance; it only grows stronger with time apart.2. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." - Loyalty is not about sharing laughter, but standing together in times of sorrow.3. "All's fair in love and war." - When it comes to matters of the heart and battles of will, anything goes.4. "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." - The pain of loss is a testament to the depth of love once shared.5. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." - Love is not measured by proximity but by the strength of the bond that endures.6. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." - Hope for the best, but prepare for all outcomes.7. "Every cloud has a silver lining." - Even in the darkest moments, there is a glimmer of hope that can guide you through.8. "Familiarity breeds contempt." - Sometimes, the things we know best can become the source of our disdain.9. "Good things come to those who wait." - Patience is notjust a virtue; it's a path to the rewards that life has in store.10. "Home is where the heart is." - It's not the place that defines home, but the love that resides within its walls.11. "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."- Life is a collection of risks; the biggest risk is nottaking any at all.12. "It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness."- Action is the antidote to despair; let your efforts be the light in the darkness.13. "Love conquers all." - The power of love can overcome the greatest of obstacles and heal the deepest of wounds.14. "The course of true love never did run smooth." - Thepath of love is often fraught with challenges, but it's the struggle that makes the victory sweeter.15. "True love stories never have endings." - When love is real, it's not a fleeting moment but a journey without an end.。
和爱心有关的英语谚语范文一:As a student, we should not only focus on our studies, but also care about the society and the people around us. Love and kindness are essential qualities we need to cultivate. Here are some English proverbs related to love and kindness:1. Love conquers all. (爱可以战胜一切。
)This means that if we have love, we can overcome all obstacles and challenges. Love has the power to unite people, build bridges and heal wounds. It is the most powerful force in the world.2. Charity begins at home. (仁爱从家中开始。
)This means that we should show kindness and compassion to our family members first, before extending it to others. We need to take care of our own before helping others.3. A kind word goes a long way. (一句好话可以走很远。
)This means that a simple act of kindness, like saying a kind word, can have a big impact on someone's life. We should always choose our words carefully and speak with kindness and respect.4. Love is blind. (爱情是盲目的。
有关爱的谚语英文1.Love makes the world go around. 爱让世界转动。
2.A heart the loves is alwasys young. 有爱的心的永远年轻。
3.Love cures people--both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. 爱能医人--奉献者和接受者皆然。
4.Where there is great love. there are great miracles. 哪里有爱,哪里就有奇迹。
5.Life without love like a tree without blossom or fruit. 缺少爱的生命,就像未开花结果的枯树。
6.Love is not geting but giving. 爱是付出,不是占有。
7.I've dicided to stick to love.Hates is too great a burden to bear. 我决定要不断的给予爱,恨是不能承受的负担。
8. If you love the life you live,you will live a life of love. 如果你爱你的生活,你的生活就会充满爱。
9.Love and you will be loved. 爱人,你就会被人爱。
10.A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love. 内心只要有爱在燃烧,就不然有快乐。
热门谚语The love we give away is the only love we keep. 我们付出的爱是我们唯一长久拥有的爱。
Plant trees for the benefit of posterity.2、要散布阳光到别人心里,先要自己心里有阳光。
To spread sunshine to other people's hearts,we should first have sunshine in our hearts.3、关爱使人xx。
Care makes people beautiful.4、每天要想着不计报酬地为别人做点事情。
Every day, think about doing something for others without pay.5、千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。
Giving goose feathers from thousands of miles is more important than gift.6、人家帮我,永志不忘;我帮人家,莫记心上。
Never forget to help me; never forget to help others.7、只有努力去减少别人的苦难,你才会快活。
You will be happy only if you try to reduce the suffering of others.8、一箭易断,十箭难折。
One arrow is easy to break, ten arrows are hard to break.9、现代化建设需要助人为乐的精神。
Modernization needs the spirit of helping others.10、为朋友两肋插刀。
Two ribs for a friend.11、千里送鹅毛,物轻礼重。
Goose feathers are given from thousands of miles.12、一人知识有限,众人xx无穷。
One man has limited knowledge, and all men have infinite wisdom.13、你要记住,永远要愉快地多给别人,少从别人那里拿取。
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Light a lamp and warm a heart.2、爱心无限,大爱无边。
Love is infinite, love is infinite.3、爱付出,心有福。
Blessed is the heart that loves to give.4、慈善献爱心,真情暖人心。
Charity and love warms the heart.5、慈善事业是高尚的事业,人道的事业。
Charity is a noble cause and a humane cause.6、只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。
As long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world.7、情暖通州,心系希望。
Heart warm T ongzhou, heart hope.8、播撒爱心阳光,温暖你我心房。
Sow love sunshine, warm your heart and my heart.9、心连心,献爱心;手牵手,伸援手。
Heart to heart, love; hand in hand, hand in hand.10、把你的爱心化做行动,用你的行动支持感动。
Turn your love into action and use your action to support and move.11、育人更需耐心,耐心方显爱心。
It takes patience and patience to show love.12、感谢社会各界对慈善事业的关心和支持。
Thank you for your concern and support for charity.13、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永恒!Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal!14、献出爱,你将变成爱的天使。
Give love and you will become an angel of love.15、送人玫瑰手有余香。
A rose hand is fragrant.16、留下爱心,带走幸运。
Leave love and take away luck.17、鸟儿飞翔,需要翅膀。
Birds need wings to fly.18、建设富有人文关怀的慈善爱心城。
Build a city of charity and love full of humanistic care.19、汇聚爱心力量,共建和谐社会。
Gather love and build a harmonious society.20、让我们手拉手,让爱心从指尖传过。
Let's hand in hand, let love pass through our fingertips.21、一方有难,八方支援。
If one side is in trouble, the eight sides will support it.22、心手相连,希望递传。
Hand in hand, hope to pass on.23、帮困助学,敬老扶残。
Help the poor and help the students, respect the old and help the disabled.24、爱如阳光,施乐传播。
Love is like sunshine, Xerox spreads.25、用爱心的沃土,助希望的青苗茁壮成长。
Use the fertile soil of love to help the seedlings of hope grow vigorously.26、慈善只有起点,爱心没有终点。
Charity has only a beginning, but love has no end.27、请把我们的爱献给需要我们关心的人。
Please give our love to those who need our care.28、用爱心浇灌事业,用真情感动上帝。
Irrigate your career with love and move God with true feelings.29、公益在线,爱心无限。
Public welfare online, infinite love.30、爱链链接爱,供需总关情。
Love chain links love, supply and demand.31、慈善献红心,真情华夏人。
Charity gives hearts, true feelings of Chinese people.32、情系我的兄弟姐妹,帮扶贫困残疾人。
Love my brothers and sisters, help the poor disabled.33、爱心是一泓清泉,洗净你我的心灵。
Love is a clear spring that cleanses your heart and soul.34、一点一滴汇成大海,一分一角凝聚希望。
Little by little, they converge into the sea, and little by little, they gather hope.35、我行动、我慈善,为世界贡献正能量。
I act, I am charitable, and I contribute positive energy to the world.36、相助手牵手,关爱心连心。
Help each other hand in hand, care for each other.37、成长路上有爱同行。
On the way to grow up, there are people who love each other.38、精彩在线,爱心相伴。
Wonderful online, companion love.39、施他,乐我,会天下。
Give him, please me, and you will see the world.40、用心帮助,行善无忧。
Help with your heart and do good without worry.41、发展慈善事业,造福特困群体。
Develop philanthropy to benefit the needy groups.42、让爱永驻人间。
Let love last forever.43、慈善,蓝天下的至爱。
Charity is the love of the blue sky.44、传递爱的接力,奉献爱的温馨。
Pass on the relay of love, dedicate the warmth of love.45、大爱无疆,真爱永恒。
Great love knows no boundaries, and true love lasts forever.46、人人献出一份爱,和谐三门更精彩。
Everyone gives a love, harmony is more wonderful.47、慈善暖人心,互助见真情。
Charity warms people's hearts and helps each other to see the truth.48、乐自施中,福从心来!Happiness comes from the heart when you are willing to give!49、帮助别人,快乐自己。
Help others and be happy with yourself.50、爱是生命的火焰,没有它,一切变成黑暗。
Love is the flame of life. Without it, everything becomes dark.51、施乐会,会施乐,会乐施!Oxfam, Oxfam, Oxfam!52、弘扬人道主义,帮扶贫困残疾。
Promote humanitarianism and help alleviate poverty and disability.53、多一份爱心,多一份希望。
More love, more hope.54、人人心中有慈善,慈善爱心为人人。
There is charity in everyone's heart, and charity is for everyone.55、乐善好施,博爱互助。
Kindness, charity and mutual assistance.56、用心传递爱,你我共接力。
Heart to heart, you and I relay.57、你的爱心,我们用良心传递!Your love, we convey with conscience!58、你帮我帮大家帮,同一首歌大家唱。
Help me to help you, sing the same song.59、多一份捐赠,多一份贡献,多一份爱心。
One more donation, one more contribution, one more love.60、温情手拉手,爱心在顾中。
Warm hand in hand, love in mind.61、慈心不分多少,善举不分先后。
There is no difference between kindness and good deeds.62、施一滴爱心,社会和谐。
Give a drop of love, social harmony.63、施予善,乐于爱。
Give kindness and love.64、给人以关爱、给人以方便、给人以欢乐、给人以希望。
Give people care, give people convenience, give people joy, give people hope.65、伸出您温暖的双手,献出您无限的爱意。
Stretch out your warm hands and give your infinite love.66、发展慈善事业,构建和谐社会。
Develop philanthropy and build a harmonious society.67、奉献爱心,构建和谐。
Dedicate love and build harmony.68、阳光、雨露、雪中炭;真爱、慈善、人间情。
Sunshine, rain, snow and charcoal; true love, charity, human feelings.69、善心留万代,真情永千秋。