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1.Peter is _______ boy in our class and he often helps us carry heavy things.

A. strong

B. stronger

C. strongest

D. the strongest

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】考查形容词的级,根据in our class这个范围知道用最高级,同时strong 是形容词,最高级前要用the,故选D。

2.—Guess what? The university has accepted my application!

—Wow! That's ________ new I've heard this year, Boris! Let's celebrate.

A. a worse

B. the worst

C. a better

D. the best

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:——猜猜什么?那所大学已经接受我的申请了。——哇喔,那是今年我听到的最好的消息,Boris,让我们庆祝一下。A.一个更糟的,比较级;B.最糟的,最高级;C.一个更好的,比较级;D.最好的,最高级。因为大学接受申请了,所以是好消息,排除A、B。根据 I've heard this year,今年我听到的,可知是最高级,故选D。


3.His grandfather did his best to keep the tree , but it died in the end.

A. alive

B. asleep

C. absent

D. awake

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:他的爷爷尽最大的努力让树生存,但最后它死掉了。A.活着的;B.睡着的;C.缺席的;D.醒着的。根据it died in the end.可知,但是树最后死掉了,可见爷爷是尽力让树活着,故答案是A。


4.We're very about the graduation ceremony next Saturday, we can't wait to be there.

A. boring

B. bored

C. excited

D. exciting

【答案】 C


【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意 excited 的用法。

5.When we read a piece of news online, we'd better make sure it's ______ before sending it to others. If not, we may spread something bad.

A. true

B. special

C. strange

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:我们在网上看到一条新闻时,发给别人之前最好要确认它的真实性。否则,我们可能散布不好的消息。A.真实的;B.特殊的;C.奇怪的。根据If not, we may spread something bad,所以我们确定网络新闻的真实性,故答案是A。


6.—I don't want this book because of the price. May I have another one?

—How about this one? It is as interesting as that one and expensive.

A. more

B. less

C. little

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——因为价钱问题,我不想要这本书。请给我另一本好吗?——这本怎么样?它和那本一样有趣,更便宜。根据 I don't want this book because of the price. 可知可知此处要便宜的。两事物比较用比较级结构,more expensive更贵;less expensive 便宜些,故选B。


7.I live next to a supermarket. It's ______for me to do some shopping.

A. crowded

B. valuable

C. convenient

D. awful

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我住在超市旁边,所以购物对我来说很方便。A拥挤的,B贵重的,C方便的,D糟糕的;根据 I live next to a supermarket. 可知我住在超市旁边,所以购物对我来说很方便。故选C。


8.Wu Dajiang, a _________Chinese skater, set a new world record at the Short Track World Cup last year.

A. 25-years-old

B. 25 year old

C. 25-year-old

D. 25 years old

【答案】 C



9.Compared with newspapers or TV, the Internet offers people ______ information.

A. much

B. more

C. most

【答案】 B

