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周峙苗,何 清,马晓宇
(温州大学生命与环境科学学院,浙江 温州 325027)
摘 要:分析龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis )的主要营养成分、18种氨基酸及矿物质的含量,并与其他藻类如海带、紫菜、羊栖菜等进行营养学对照评价。结果表明,龙须菜的主要成分是多糖类和粗纤维,占藻体的59.4%,蛋白质含量18.9%,在几种海藻中较高。氨基酸组成均衡,必需氨基酸(EAA)占氨基酸(TAA)总量的36.6%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸的比值(EAA/NEAA)为0.58;呈味氨基酸占总量的51.5%;谷氨酸、天门冬氨酸、亮氨酸、丙氨酸等含量相对较高。脂肪含量较低,为0.8%。矿物质和维生素含量丰富,其中M g 、F e 、C a 、N a 、Zn 等含量都很高,尤其是Fe 、Mg 含量高于海带、紫菜。 因此龙须菜是一种高膳食纤维、高蛋白、低脂肪的富含矿物质的食用海藻。
Evaluation of Nutritional Components in Gracilaria lemaneiformis
ZHOU Shi-miao ,HE Qing , MA Xiao-yu
(School of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325027, China)
Abstract :Nutritional components including amino acids and minerals in Gracilaria lemaneiformis collected from Wenzhou Eastern Sea area were analyzed and compared with other seaweeds such as Laminaria japonica , Porphyra haitanensis , Hizikia fusiformis and Undaria pinnatifida for evaluating their nutritional values. Results indicated that polysaccharides and crude fibers in Gracilaria lemaneiformis reached up to 59.4%. The total protein in Gracilaria lemaneiformis was 18.9%, which was higher than that of other seaweeds. Amino acid compositions of protein in Gracilaria lemaneiformis remained a balance status with the ratios of 36.6% for EAA/TAA and 0.58 for EAA/NEAA. The content of amino acids for flavor development was 51.5% of total amino acid. In addition, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine, leucine, proline, serine and methionine exhibited higher contents and crude fat exhibited a lower level in Gracilaria lemaneiformis . Minerals and vitamins were rich in Gracilaria lemaneiformis ,especially for Mg, Fe, Ca, Na and Zn. Moreover, Fe and Zn were higher than other seaweeds. Therefore, Gracilaria lemaneiformis might be the safe and healthy seaweed containing higher dietary fibers and proteins, lower fat and richer minerals.Key words :Gracilaria lemaneiformis ;nutritional value evaluation ;analysis ;amino acid
中图分类号:TS207.3;Q949.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2010)09-0284-04
作者简介:周峙苗(1964—),男,副教授,硕士,主要从事海洋藻类的开发和研究。E-mail :zsm1226@
龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis )又名江蓠、凤菜等,属于红藻门(Rhodophta),杉藻目(Gigartinales),江篱属(GracialariaGreville )[1],是一种红藻类海洋植物。龙须菜味性寒,具有软坚化痰,清热利水的功效,有一定的药用价值,经常食用龙须菜还可以预防肥胖、胆结石、便秘等代谢疾病以及起到降血脂、降胆固醇等作用[2]。近年来在福建、浙江洞头等沿海养殖成功并大量种植[3]。随着龙须菜产量的迅速增加,人们对其生物及药用价值产生了浓厚的兴趣,目前有关单位正在加速开展对它的研究与开发。之前的研究结果表明龙须菜是