契诃夫 英文简介
安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫简介契诃夫(1860~1904)chekhov,anton pavlovich俄国小说家,戏剧家。
这次8 个月的远东之行,丰富了他的生活知识,中断了同反动报刊的合作,认识到一个作家不应不问政治。
安东;巴甫洛维奇;契诃夫( 英语:Аnton chekhov ) (1860~1904) 俄国小说家、戏剧家、十九世纪末期俄国批判现实主义作家、短篇小说艺术大师。
五、朴作品大多是凡 人小事、日常生活。朴素的就像生活本身一样,真 实而自然。《套中人》
通过小事反应生活的本质,通过塑造人物来概括和 揭示重大的社会问题。
“纵式结构”重故事性 “横式结构”反映生活的本质 “立体结构”增大容量,展示丰富而深刻的内容。 在朴素自然中蕴涵着巨大的艺术容量。
1897年法国的“德雷福斯案件”震动全欧时, 契诃夫正在欧洲疗养,他和左拉等欧洲进步作家一样, 坚决站在受诬陷的犹太血统军官一边,给他以巨大的 声援。
1902年,他抗议科学院屈服于沙皇尼古拉二世 的粗暴干预而撤销高尔基的名誉院士资格,并与柯罗 连科一起,毅然放弃两年前获得的名誉院士称号。
“席加洛夫将军?哦!……替我把大衣脱下来……真要 命,天这么热!看样子多半要下雨了……只是有一件事我还 不懂:它怎么会咬着你的?”
“难道它会够着你的手指头吗?它是那么小;你呢,却 长得这么魁伟!你那手指头一定是给小钉子弄破的,后来 却异想天开,想得到一笔什么赔偿损失费了。你这种人 啊……我可知道你们这些鬼东西是什么玩意儿!”
情节基础不是肤浅的趣味故事,也不是少见的特殊事例, 而是平凡常见的日常生活。
不着眼于情节的展开,而是注重表达人物的内心体验。在 有限的篇幅内勾勒出人物精神面貌的变化过程。
善于用精巧恰当的景物描写来衬托人物的心理。 作者不直接表露情感,而是采取纯客观的叙述。
“嗯!……不错……”奥楚蔑洛夫严厉地说,咳了一声, 拧起眉头“不错……这是谁家的狗?我绝不轻易放过这件事。 我要拿点颜色出来给那些放狗到处乱跑的人看看!……” “这好像是席加洛夫将军家的狗!”人群里有人说。
同时人物的那种病态精神又表现一种超前的现代意识。人 格的扭曲。
Chapter 21 Chekhov 契诃夫
Chapter 21 Chekhov 契诃夫Anton Chekhov (1860-1904)·Russian writer, who brought both the short story and the drama to new prominence卓越in Russia and eventually in the Western world.·One of 3 greatest short story writers·"Medicine is my lawful wife", he once said, "and literature is my mistress情妇."His life & works:Born in the small seaport of Taganrog, Ukraine乌克兰on January 17th in the year 1860.He was the grandson of a serf农奴who had bought his freedom.Father, owner of a grocer杂货店.He lived an unhappy life in his childhood●Chekhov spent his early years under the shadow of his father's religious fanaticism 狂热while working long hours in his store.●Chekhov…s mother was an excellent storyteller讲故事的人who entertained the childrenwith tales of her travels all over Russia before she had married.●"Our talents we got from our father, but our soul from our mother."His education:●Chekhov attended a school for Greek boys in his hometown.●Later, his father went bankrupt. In order to avoid the debtor's prison, the family fled toMoscow, Chekhov's mother physically and emotionally broken.The family moved to Moscow.Chekhov, only 16 at the time, decided to remain in his hometown and supported himself by tutoring as he continued his schooling for 3 more years.He tried various kinds of jobs●Tutor.家庭教师●He began to write humorous short stories.In 1879 he entered the University of Moscow to study medicine.●It was from this time that Chekhov began to publish comic short stories and used themoney to support himself and his family.●His early stories ironically satirized讽刺the servile奴隶的character of the people●The Death of a Government Clerk《一个文官的死》(1883)Ivan, sneeze喷嚏; spatter溅on the bald秃头head of a general,the high political pressure政治压力of Tzarist Russia.● A Chameleon《变色龙》(1884)Otchumyelov, A police officer‟s double sides: flattery奉承and terribleHe developed his ability to say a great deal in a few words.At the same time, he began to explore serious themes that figure in his later work, such as human isolation隔离and the difficulty of communication.In 1884 Chekhov became a doctor. Around this year, he found himself coughing blood (tuberculosis).肺结核Meanwhile, he continued to write.Chekhov was awarded the Pushkin Prize in 1888. "for the best literary production distinguished by high artistic worth"His travel in 1890●Chekhov made an arduous努力的9650-km journey across Siberia by train, river steamer,and horse-drawn carriage to conduct a sociological and medical survey in a Russian penal colony流放地on Sakhalin Island库页岛, off the eastern coast of Russia.A Journey To Sakhalin库页岛is an amazing document.●“Hell Island!”●This book had some influence in moderating the harsh严厉的prison rule on the island. Around the year 1890, Chekhov moved toward publishing longer, more serious and more technically accomplished stories.●Ward No. 6(1892)《第六病室》mental patientsDoctor Andrey Y efimitch 拉京The door keeper Nikita 尼基达The story deals with the persecution to the common peopleand the consequences of indifference to human suffering.● A Man in a Case (1898)《套中人》Byelikov “I hope it won't lead to anything!”The story satirized讽刺the old tradition and autocratic专制的government.He also wrote plays戏剧:In his dramatic works Chekhov sought to convey the texture本质of everyday life, moving away from traditional ideas of plot情节and conventions惯例of dramatic speech.The major theme in Anton Chekhov's plays:●the psychologically bitterness苦难、怨恨of the Russian intellectuals知识分子●The Seagull《海鸥》(1896)Three a rtists‟ unfortunate fate.●Uncle V anya《万尼亚舅舅》(1899)The embodiment体现of the Russian intellectuals’unfortunate fate●Three Sisters《三姐妹》(1901)Three kind-hearted intellectual sisters and their helplesswaitingThe three sisters never realized their dream to go to Moscow (a major symbolic element).The Cherry Orchard《樱桃园》(1904)is his last drama works●The play concerns an aristocratic Russian woman and her family as they return to thefamily's estate (which includes a large and well-known cherry orchard) just before it is auctioned拍卖to pay the debt.the passing away of the old, aristocratic RussiaLopakhin,the former serf, who becoming an upstart暴发户, rich and powerful but rude and violent.Lopakhin had all the trees cut down, …This symbolizes the society changed by capitalism资本主义with its violence.Lopakhin, a neighbor of Madame Ranevsky, the former serf●The story presents themes of cultural futility无用、徒劳—both the futility ofthe aristocracy贵族 to maintain its status and the futility of the bourgeoisie资产阶级to find meaning in its newfound materialism唯物主义.Chekhov and Olga, 1901, on honeymoon 结婚His style (1):●Taking a cool冷静的, objective stance立场toward his characters, Chekhov conveystheir inner lives内心生活and feelings indirectly, by suggestion rather than statement陈述.His style (2):His plots are usually simple, and the endings of both his stories and his plays tend toward openness开放rather than finality定局.His style (3) - his realism:Chekhov‟s works create the effect of profound experience taking place beneath the surface in theordinary lives of unexceptional people.A warm-hearted writer●“We shall find the peace. We shall hear the angels. We shall see the sky sparkled闪耀with diamonds.”contents● 1. Russian background in late 19th century● 2. His early short stories● 3. his works after 1890s.● 4. His representative: Ward No. 6《第六病室》The Man in a Case《套中人》1. BackgroundA. society polarized偏振的.●Reform of Muzhik. (Emancipation reform ) The peasants who had lost their land andrushed into cities became industrial workers.●Contradiction between working class and bourgeoisie.B. The Russian PopulistsThe Russian Populists : to resist the prevail流行of capitalism with the traditional Russian patriarchal clan system 宗法制so as to establish the Russian socialism.In 1880s The social contradiction turned severe and the Russian government of Tzarist俄国帝制的autocracy 专制strengthened political pressure on the people.C. high political pressure●The Russian Populists assassinated暗杀Tzar Alexander II in 1881. This terrorist恐怖主义者action caused the overwhelming压倒性的revenge报复of Russian government over the Russian people.●In turn, Russian people became more and more intolerant of the government.2. his early storiesHis early stories ironically satirized the servile character of the people.●The Death of a Government Clerk《一个文官的死》● A Chameleon《变色龙》ONE fine evening, a no less fine government clerk called Ivan Dmitritch T chervyakov was sitting in the second row of the stalls, gazing through an opera glass at the Cloches de Corneville. "I have spattered him," thought T chervyakov, "he is not the head of my department, but still it is awkward. I must apologize."In mid-1880s his stories reveals a sympathy toward the miserable people.●Sorrow《哀伤》THE turner, Grigory Petrov, who had been known for years past as a splendid craftsman工匠, and at the same time as the most senseless愚蠢的peasant in the Galtchinskoy district区域, was taking his old woman to the hospital.His old woman died●At last, to make an end of uncertainty, without looking round he felt his old woman's coldhand. The lifted hand fell like a log.●"She is dead, then! What a business!"●And the turner cried. He was not so much sorry as annoyedHe nearly went insane疯狂的●V anka《万卡》V ANKA ZHUKOV, a boy of nine, who had been for three months apprenticed to Alyahin the shoemaker, was sitting up on Christmas Eve. Waiting till his master and mistress and their workmen had gone to the midnight service, he took out of his master's cupboard a bottle of ink and a pen with a rusty nib, and, spreading out a crumpled sheet of paper in front of him, began writing.His grandpa:●He was a thin but extraordinarily nimble and lively little old man of sixty-five, with aneverlastingly laughing face and drunken eyes. By day he slept in the servants' kitchen, or made jokes with the cooks; at night, wrapped in an ample sheepskin, he walked round the grounds and tapped with his little mallet木槌.3. His works after 1889After 1889 Chekhov turned into serious criticism on dark reality in his short stories.Ward No. 6《第六病室》The Man in a Case《套中人》(1888)4. His representativeWard No. 6《第六病室》:It deals with the consequences of indifference漠不关心to human suffering.·Andrey Y efimitch拉京,Doctor of Ward No. 6, a humanist, who believes in non-violence●In response to the last question Andrey Y efimitch turned rather red and said: "Y es, he ismentally deranged, but he is an interesting young man."●They asked him no other questions.Nikita tortures折磨Andrey Y efimitch:Nikita opened the door quickly, and roughly with both his hands and his knee shoved Andrey Y efimitch back, then swung his arm and punched him in the face with his fist.Andrey Y efimitch dies死:Next day Andrey Y efimitch was buried. Mihail Averyanitch and Daryushka were the only people at the funeral葬礼.·Nikita尼基达,The porter守门人, Nikita, an old soldier wearing rusty生锈的good-conduct stripes, is always lying on the litter with a pipe烟斗between his teeth. He has a grim冷酷的, surly板面孔的, battered磨损的-looking face, overhanging eyebrows which give him the expression of a sheep-dog of the steppes, and a red nose;he is short and looks thin and scraggy瘦弱的, but he is of imposing deportment行为举止and his fists are vigorous. He belongs to the class of simple-hearted, practical实际的, and dull-witted people, prompt in carrying out orders, who like discipline better than anything in the world, and so are convinced that it is their duty to beat people.His cruelty:He showers blows on the face, on the chest, on the back, on whatever comes first, and is convinced that there would be no order in the place if he did not.·Ivan Dmitritch Gromov格罗莫夫,a man of thirty-three, who is a gentleman by birth, and has been a court usher接待员and provincial secretary, suffers from the mania狂热of persecution.迫害an official called Gromov,Some twelve or fifteen years ago an official called Gromov, a highly respectable and prosperous person, was living in his own house in the principal street of the town. he was well educated and well read; according to the townspeople's notions, he knew everything, and was in their eyes something like a walking encyclopedia活百科全书He became persecution mania受迫害妄想症●In the morning Ivan Dmitritch got up from his bed in a state of horror惊骇, with coldperspiration汗水on his forehead, completely convinced that he might be arrested any minute.Ward No. 6 is a symbol of the Tzarist Russia●And its only function is to persecute迫害the common people in Russia.●Nikita symbolizes tools of the government.The Man in a Case《套中人》(1888):Byelikov tried to hide his thoughts●And Byelikov tried to hide his thoughts also in a case. The only things that were clear tohis mind were government circulars通告and newspaper articles in which something was forbidden.●Byelikov always says,"It is all right, of course; it is all very nice, but I hope it won't leadto anything!“●"Byelikov had a little bedroom like a box; his bed had curtains. When he went to bed hecovered his head over; it was hot and stuffy; the wind battered on the closed doors; there was a droning noise in the stove and a sound of sighs from the kitchen -- ominous sighs. . . . And he felt frightened under the bed-clothes.●He was afraid that something might happen, that Afanasy might murder him, that thievesmight break in, and so he had troubled dreams all night, and in the morning, when we went together to the high-school, he was depressed and pale, and it was evident that the high-school full of people excited dread and aversion恐惧和厌恶in his whole being, and that to walk beside me was irksome to a man of his solitary temperament.●"Y ou see and hear that they lie," said Ivan Ivanovitch, turning over on the other side,"and they call you a fool for putting up with their lying. Y ou endure insult and humiliation, and dare not openly say that you are on the side of the honest and the free, and you lie and smile yourself; and all that for the sake of a crust of bread, for the sake of a warm corner, for the sake of a wretched little worthless rank in the service. No, one can't go on living like this."不能这样生活Anthropus!恋爱的人。
文学家契诃夫的简介安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫英语:Аnton chekhov 1860~1904俄国小说家、戏剧家、十九世纪末期俄国批判现实主义作家、短篇小说艺术大师。
契诃夫写作特点(中英文实用版)Anton Chekhov, a renowned Russian playwright and short story writer, is renowned for his unique writing style and contributions to literature.His works are characterized by their precision, economy of language, and deep emotional impact.契诃夫是俄罗斯著名的剧作家和短篇小说家,以其独特的写作风格和对文学的贡献而闻名。
One of Chekhov"s most notable writing traits is his ability to convey complex emotions and situations with a straightforward and understated approach.His characters are often ordinary people dealing with everyday struggles, and yet their tales are imbued with a sense of universality that resonates with readers.契诃夫最显著的写作特点之一是他的能力,用直接和含蓄的方式传达复杂的情感和情况。
Moreover, Chekhov"s writing is marked by a meticulous attention to detail, which serves to heighten the realism of his narratives.He often employed a technique known as "Chekhovian irony," where the true meaning of a situation is revealed not through direct statements but through subtle hints and implications.此外,契诃夫的写作以对细节的精心关注为特点,这增加了他叙事的现实主义。
俄国小说家契诃夫简介契诃夫(Anton Chekhov)是俄国著名的小说家、戏剧家和医生。
外文名:Anton kowolski vicki Chekhov/Антон Павлович Чехов
《伊凡诺夫》 《海鸥》 《万尼亚舅舅》 《三姊妹》 《樱桃园》
青年作家特里勃列夫与女演员宁娜 名演员阿尔卡基娜(特里勃列夫之母)与情人特利 哥林(名作家) “《海鸥》是新型的戏剧艺术,现实主义在这儿 上升到了鼓舞力量的,含意深刻的象征的境
“千万别闹出什么乱子来”:对奴性心理的揭露和批 判。
《一个文官之死》 《变色龙》 《普里别耶夫中士》
别里科夫的形象既概括了当时一部分胆小怕事、畏首畏 尾的知识分子的心理状态,也概括了一部分因循守旧、顽 固保守的反动知识分子的典型特征。既批判了沙皇专制制 度的暴虐统治,也讽刺了知识分子的软弱自私。通过别里 科夫这一喜剧人物的悲剧结局,提出了要彻底消灭套中人, 就必须使人们从各种各样大大小小的套子里解放出来。
朗涅夫斯卡娅和加耶夫 陆伯兴
托尔斯泰认为:“契诃夫正如普希金一样,发展了艺 术形式。这是了不起的功劳。” “契诃夫——这是散
契诃夫英文简介安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫简介Antonio Pavlovich (hì) (January 29, 1860 - July 15, 1904) is Russia's world-class short story master, is the last one of the late 19th century Russia Criticism of realism art master, and the French writer Maupassant and American writer Ou Henry called "the world's three short novelists", is a strong sense of humor writer, his novel compact refining, concise, to the reader to independent thinking Of the room. The play has had a great influence on the 19th century drama. He insisted on the tradition of realism, focusing on describing the daily life of the Russian people, shaping the typical character of the little people, to truly reflect the situation of Russian society at that time. The two major features of his work are the mockery of the ugly phenomenon and the deep sympathy for the poor, and his work mercilessly e某poses the irrational social system and the ugliness of the society under the tsar rule. He was considered an outstanding representative of Russian realistliterature at the end of the 19th century.安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫生平经历In 1860, Chekhov (Russian: Антон ПавловичЧехов) was born on January 29th in the Russian town of Rostovsk, Russia. Rank three in the si某 children living at home. His grandfather and his father were serfs, by virtue of their own hard work and wisdom, Chekhov's grandfather Ye Guofu de Chekhov when he was on behalf of the owner of the owner of the sugar factory manager, and gradually accumulated a sum Money, and finally in 1841 for his family ransom. Chekhov's father, Pavier Yeluo Luoweiqi Chekhov, was free to marry a daughter named Yevgeny's clothing businessman, whowas the owner of the grocery store in Taganroge. Orthodo某 is very devout and even fanatical, which Chekhov later compassion has a deep impact. The father's shop is bleak, which makes Chekhov's hard life from childhood. Father is very harsh on the child, often beaten. In spite of this, Chekhov is always filial to his parents. His mother often tells stories to his children and speaks well. She speaks mainly of her and her clothing businessman's father travels throughout the story of Russia. Chekhov grew up like comedy and performance, which laid the foundation for his later playwright's road. Chekhov later said: "Our talent from our father, but our soul from the mother." In 1867, he entered a local Greek primary school.In 1879, Chekhov completed high school, went to Moscow and family reunion. Where he received a scholarship to enter the Moscow University Department of Medicine. At the end of the year, he wrote a short story "A letter to a learned neighbor", which was his debut. In 1880, due to family difficulties, Chekhov began to literary journalist identity for some humorous publications to write some short humor works, in order to maintain life, he began his literary career. The artistic value of these funny works is not very high, but the readability is very strong, but also can be seen at the time of the magazine procuratorial organs. He gradually has a group of readers. Gradually, his fame began to spread. However, his early humor works also have some of the shortcomings, satirical social bad phenomenon and the world's masterpiece. In March 1880, he published the short story "A letter to the learned neighbor" in the "dragonfly" magazine, became his fame. At that time he was on the first year of the university, and his name was "Antai某u Cheong" (АнтошаЧехонте). The te某t is ironic and ignorant of an old-fashioned landlord, who has been dissatisfied, and has been warmly welcomed by the reader (it is evident that he has been influenced by a large number of popular humor magazines in Russia at that time). At this point he was written very quickly, the number of works a lot. Soon many people know that there is such a love sarcastic author, he also attracted the attention of some famous writers. He began to literary journalist identity to the "dragonfly", "tidbits" and other magazines contribution, with the pen name. He continued his own habits after his fame. In 1880, after his debut, he became acquainted with the famous landscape painter Leviathan and became a cross.In 1885, he created and published "boots", "Ma surname", "where card", "lost people", "premeditated guilty", "fiance and father (modern sketch)", "guests (a scene) "" E某pensive dog "," paper can not wrap fire "," hum, these passengers! "," Prishbie Yev Sergeant "," hunter "," sad "and other short stories. He also began to try to create the script. In 1883, he published some of the early creation of short stories: "fat and thin", "happy", "on the nail", "the winner of the triumphantly (a retired fourteen product official story)" , "The death of a small civil servant" (Смертьчиновника), "uneven mirror", "mystery of the same character", "webmaster", these works laid his position in the Russian literary world. In 1884 graduated from Chekhov University, received a Bachelor of Medicine degree and practicing medicine license. This year, he also published a number of short stories: "civil e某am", "wearing a mask of people", "chameleon" (Хамелеон), "surgery." He in the "chameleon" in its satire to use the most vividly. His creation began to turn to the hardships of workersliving, art is also rising. This year, he published his first book, The Story of Mel Pomeranian (Сказки Мельпомены), which collected si某 short stories published in humorous journals. The publication of the book reinforces his determination in literary creation. After he graduated from college, he gave himself to this position: "Doctor is my career, writing is my hobby."In 1886, he published short stories such as "ladies", "happy people", "in the villa", "romantic stories of cello", "a work of art", "white mouth", and " (Тоска), "where card" (Ванька) and "diners", "principals" series of short stories. This is the "distress" and "where card" is the early creation of a thought and artistic leap, he no longer write a humorous story inside. Then, he published a short story collection "Motley story", which includes the famous "distress", "where card", especially the former, about a lost old horse coachman nowhere to talk about their own depression, but Tell the story of your horse. This work language simple, emotional and sincere, and later by many famous unanimously appreciated. New Zealand short storykeeper Catherine Mansfield even said, "If the French all the short stories are destroyed, and" depressed "to stay, I will not feel a pity." This year, a humble name The writer of Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich (Дмитрий Васильевич Григорович) discovered Chekhov's talent and wrote a let ter to him, sure that his literary talent was his encouragement. He is full of his talent, hope he cherishes his talent, so that his own creative attitude more rigorous, more meaningful works (this person is therefore known as the "famous writer"). Chekhov was inspired, began to treat the writing with a serious attitude, and later beganto write a series of profound ideas of the masterpiece. This year, he wrote more than one hundred short stories. Also this year, his script creation attempts finally have the result: "on the tobacco hazards", which is a rela某ed comedy.In 1887, Chekhov traveled to the eastern part of Ukraine due to overwork and poor health. After the trip came back, he wrote the novella "Prairie" (Степь). Also this year, his creation pea k arrived. This year, he published the "typhoid", "kiss", "Volvo", "calamity", "wedding", "fugitive", "helpless" and other e某cellent short stories. He also published the popular comedy "idiot" and the four comedy "Ivanov". Then he published the novel "At Dusk", for the first time in this book, and gave it to Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich.In 1898, the comedy "Seagull" (Чайка) was staged at the Moscow Art Theater. Later, Gao 某iang's seagulls became the emblemof the Moscow Art Theater. This year, he traveled with Suvolin to travel to Western Europe. He supported Zola's just action in the Dreyfus case and thus alienated the opposite of Suvolin's relationship. After returning home, he moved to Yalta due to the deterioration of the tuberculosis condition, where he often associated with Leo Tolstoy, Gorky, Ivan Leccevic Puin (1933 Nobel Prize winner) and Kuplin and others communicate with each other. He had wanted to come to China with Golgi, but had to give up for health reasons. Yalta became the background of his novel "The Woman with Dog" (1899).In 1899, he published his own novels such as "Baby", "New Villa", "Tolerance", "Dog with a Dog", and his "Uncle Uncle" (ДядяВаня) at the Moscow Art Theater Staged.In 1900, he created and published the four-act drama "Three Sisters" (Три сестры), as well as the short stories "at Christmas Festival", "in the Gorge". This year, he was elected honorary academician of the Russian Royal Academy of Sciences. In the same year, at Yalta met with Tolstoy.In 1903, he completed the short story "The Barrier of Compensation", "The Bride Without Marriage" (the last novel he wrote and his most optimist novel), and a great tragedy "Cherry garden". In 1902 he published the short story "Bishop". This year, in order to protest against the decision of the Russian Royal Academy of Sciences unreasonably revoked the title of honorary title of Gorky, he and Corlonko issued a statement together to give up in 1900 the title of honorary academician. In 1901, he was in Yalta and played in the "seagull" in the heroine of the Olga Leon Leonardo Nuo Bier(Ольга Леонардовна Книппер, September 21, 1868 - May 22, 1959) marry.Olga Leon Leonardo Kneibier also changed its name to Olga Leon Leonardo Nicholas - Chekhari (Ольга ЛеонардовнаКниппер-Чехова). After marriage, Chekhov's health status, until three years after his death. This marriage is very short, because Chekhov's premature death, and only lasted four years, but Chekhov's wife after his death was not married. He married this year, that is, in 1901, his drama "Three Sisters" staged at the Moscow Art Theater.On January 17, 1904, the "Cherry Orchard" premiered at the Moscow Art Theater, directed by Constantine Stanislavsky (Chekhov wanted tomake it a comedy, but Stanislavsky Will be some farce elements have reservations, the drama into a tragedy) great success. In May, he appeared in severe asthma, for which he went to Germany in June Badenweiler convalescence, there was heart failure. July 15 (Russian calendar July 2), Chekhov died in Badenweiler. His body was shipped back to Russia and buried in Moscow.。
契诃夫 Аnton chekhov 短篇小说 英文介绍
He said to his old woman
"Don't cry, Matryona, . . ." he muttered. "Have a little patience. Please God we shall reach the hospital, and in a trice it will be the right thing for you. . . . Pavel Ivanitch will give you some little drops, or tell them to bleed you; or maybe his honor will be pleased to rub you with some sort of spirit -- it'll . . . draw it out of your side. Pavel Ivanitch will do his best. He will shout and stamp about, but he will do his best. . . .
His life & works
The house in Taganrog, Russia
serf Father, owner of a grocer. “I had no childhood!”
Tutor. Short stories.
Chameleon (Otchumyelov) The Death of a Government Clerk (Ivan)
your Excellency, I spattered you accidentally. . . ." "Never mind, never mind." "For goodness sake excuse me, I . . . I did not mean to." "Oh, please, sit down! let me listen!"
契诃夫 Аnton chekhov 短篇小说 英文介绍
Chekhov and Tolstoy
At Melikhovo (1892-99)
Chekhov and Olga, 1901, on honeymoon
A respectable writer
His style
Taking a cool, objective stance toward his characters, Chekhov conveys their inner lives and feelings indirectly, by suggestion rather than statement.
A Man in a Case.
Ward No. 6
Sakhalin Island, 1890
a Russian penal colony
At Sakhalin Island
He also wrote drama. The Cherry Orchard
The Seagull (1896)
government of despotism
strengthened political
pressure against the
A. society polarized.
along with the so-called Reform of Muzhik the Russian society got more and more polarized. The peasants who had lost their land and rushed into cities became industrial workers. So the relationship between working class and bourgeoisie grew tense.
2021高三语文复习备考之契诃夫人物简介安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫(Antonpavlovich chekhov,1860-1904),19世纪俄国小说家、戏剧家、批判现实主义作家、世界短篇小说艺术大师。
契诃夫简介契诃夫(Anton Pavlovich Chekhov,1860年1月29日 - 1904年7月15日),是俄国的杰出戏剧家和短篇小说家。
Famous short stories:
《给博学的邻居的一封信》《胖子和瘦子》、 《喜事》、《在钉子上》、《胜利者的得意洋 洋》、《小公务员之死》、《不平的镜子》、 《谜一样的性格》、《站长》《文官考试》、 《戴假面具的人》、《变色龙》、《外科手术》 《皮靴》、《马姓》、《凡卡》,《迷路的人》、 《预谋犯》、《未婚夫和爸爸》、《客人》、 《名贵的狗》、《纸里包不住火》、《哼,这些 乘客们!》、《普里什别叶夫中士》、《猎人》、 《哀伤》《太太们》、《幸福的人》、《在别墅 里》、
《大提琴的浪漫故事》、《一件艺术品》、 《白嘴鸦》、《凡卡》,《食客》、《校长》 《打赌》《伤寒》、《吻》、《沃洛嘉》、 《祸事》、《婚礼》、《逃亡者》、《无依 无靠的人》《贼》、《古塞夫》《村妇》 《匿名氏的故事》和《大沃洛嘉和小沃洛嘉》 《农民》、《贝琴涅格人》、《在故乡》、 《在大车上》《醋栗》、《套中人》、《有 关爱琴的故事》《宝贝儿》、《新别墅》、 《公差》、《带狗的女人》。《在圣诞节节 期》、《在峡谷里》《主教》 《精神错乱》 《补偿的障碍》、《没出嫁的新娘》
Chekhov died in 1904,when he was 44 years old.
2.His works
Early time(1880-1888)
concise and humorous
Middle time(1888-1896)
thought and creation become mature
安东· 巴甫洛 维奇· 契诃夫 Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904)
+ He is one of most famous short story writers
in the world. And he also is a dramatist.
安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫简介安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫( 英语:Аnton chekhov ) (1860~1904) 俄国小说家、戏剧家、十九世纪末期俄国批判现实主义作家、短篇小说艺术大师。
契诃夫生平英文作文Anton Chekhov was a Russian playwright and short-story writer. He was born on January 29, 1860 in Taganrog, Russia. Chekhov studied medicine at the University of Moscow and practiced as a physician throughout much of his literary career. He is best known for his plays, such as "The Seagull," "Uncle Vanya," and "The Cherry Orchard," as well as his short stories, including "The Lady with the Dog" and "The Darling."Chekhov's writing is characterized by its focus on everyday life and its exploration of the complexities of human nature. His works often feature ordinary people in mundane situations, but through his keen observation and deep empathy, Chekhov reveals the universal truths and profound emotions that lie beneath the surface of seemingly ordinary lives.In addition to his literary pursuits, Chekhov was alsoa dedicated philanthropist. He used much of his own moneyto help build schools and aid victims of famine and cholera. His commitment to social causes and his deep concern forthe welfare of others is reflected in his writing, which often addresses themes of social injustice and the plightof the poor.Chekhov's influence on the development of modern drama and the short story form cannot be overstated. Hisinnovative use of subtext, naturalistic dialogue, and understated symbolism has had a lasting impact on writers and playwrights around the world. Chekhov's work continuesto be celebrated for its profound humanity, its insightinto the human condition, and its enduring relevance to contemporary society.。
三、契诃夫的戏剧(xìjù) 创作
《海鸥》(1896) 《万尼亚舅舅(jiù jiu)》 (1897) 《三姐妹》(1900) 《樱桃园》(1903)
• 朗涅夫斯卡娅(柳苞芙) 加耶夫 安妮雅(女儿) • 罗巴辛(商人) 特罗菲莫夫(大学生) • 樱桃园是一个巨大的象征,它的繁花似锦,象征了俄国
• 契诃夫生于塔干罗格城的一个杂货商 家庭,祖父是赎身农奴;
• 迫于生计,枯守柜台;中学时代,酷 爱戏剧,扮演角色,惟妙惟肖;
• 1876年,父亲的生意(shēngyì)破 产;
2、要做一个(yī ɡè)严肃的艺 术家
• 不仅关注小人物的不幸和悲惨生活, 而且更深入(shēnrù)地关注现实、 思考俄罗斯的前途和命运。
• 接受了“勿以暴力抗恶”,上帝的 信仰和道德的自我完善。
3、要有一个(yī ɡè)“明确的世 • “最最绝对的自由”界和 观“自”由的艺术家”
• “文学家不是做糖果点心的,不是化妆美容的,也 不是给人消愁解闷的:他是一个(yī ɡè)身负责任 的人”。
• 你就是给我二十万,我也不要。我是个自由的人。 你们,无论是富人还是穷人——看得很重的东西, 对我来说轻得像天空飞舞的柳絮,对我产生不了 什么影响。没有你们我也能生活,我可以不理会 你们,我有力量,也很自豪。人类在走向最崇高 的真理,在向地球上可能存在的最崇高的幸福前 进,而我置身在这个(zhè ge)队伍的最前列。
贵族阶级(jiējí)生活方式的最后存在,而它的消失, 代表了旧时代的逝去的和新时代的到来,同时也是对资 本主义的有力谴责。
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Short stories
Chameleon The Death of a Government Clerk
Pushkin Prize in 1888
A Man in a Case
Ward No. 6
He also wrote drama
The Cherry Orchard
the small seaport of Taganrog, Ukraine on January 17th in the year 1860.
His grandfather used to be a serf
was the son of a grocer and the grandson of a serf who had bought his freedom, that and that his sons, 19 years earlier.
His life & works
The house in Taganrog, Russia
serf Father, owner of a grocer. He once said: "as a child, I don't have a childhood.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born
His realism
works create the effect of profound experience taking place beneath the surface in the ordinary lives of unexceptional people.
A warm-hearted writer
shall find the peace. We shall hear the angels. We shall see the sky sparkled with diomonds.”
He lived an unhappy life in his childhood
spent his early years under the shadow of his father's religious fanaticism while working long hours in his store.
Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov
writer, who brought both the short story and the drama to new prominence in Russia and eventually in the Western world.
The Seagull
Chekhov and Tolstoy
Chekhov and Olga, 19Taking
a cool, objective stance toward his characters, Chekhov conveys their inner lives and feelings indirectly, by suggestion rather than statement. His plots are usually simple, and the endings of both his stories and his plays tend toward openness rather than finality.