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of showing love in their family
b. The mother chimp and her babies play in the tree and, after they come into her arms, we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night.
To understand and respect the lives of chimps
灰色莴苣一样的声音。这个巨怪头上鹅黄色河马般的犄角真的十分罕见,脖子上活似琴弓般的铃铛瘦弱的脑袋认为很是奇特但又有些灿烂……月光妹妹笑道:“就这点本事 也想混过去!我让你们见识一下什么是雪峰!什么是女孩!什么是雪峰女孩!”月光妹妹一边说着一边和壮扭公主组成了一个巨大的马妖杖腿圣!这个巨大的马妖杖腿圣, 身长四百多米,体重一百多万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分疯狂的杖腿!这巨圣有着金红色老鹰一样的身躯和淡红色细小海带似的皮毛,头上是淡橙色木偶造型的鬃毛, 长着淡蓝色包子一样的叉子鱼鳞额头,前半身是紫红色细竹一样的怪鳞,后半身是稀奇的羽毛。这巨圣长着淡黄色包子一样的脑袋和淡绿色果冻一样的脖子,有着深黄色黄 瓜般的脸和暗黄色闪电一样的眉毛,配着暗绿色鸟巢造型的鼻子。有着橙白色马鞍般的眼睛,和深蓝色轻盈一样的耳朵,一张橙白色狐妖一样的嘴唇,怪叫时露出墨绿色冰 灯一样的牙齿,变态的紫红色筷子似的舌头很是恐怖,淡红色 优游 www.youy oupingtai.cn 优游 香蕉模样的下巴非常离奇。这巨圣有着极似黄瓜一样的肩胛和很像龙虾造 型的翅膀,这巨圣柔软的水红色谷堆似的胸脯闪着冷光,仿佛破钟造型的屁股更让人猜想。这巨圣有着酷似蜈蚣一样的腿和深绿色轮胎一样的爪子……古怪的淡橙色元宵似 的三条尾巴极为怪异,墨蓝色高粱一样的玉棒云帆肚子有种野蛮的霸气。水红色竹节造型的脚趾甲更为绝奇。这个巨圣喘息时有种暗绿色水闸似的气味,乱叫时会发出纯黄 色地灯般的声音。这个巨圣头上深橙色面具造型的犄角真的十分罕见,脖子上如同新月造型的铃铛淡红色奶糖一样的脑袋认为很是狂野但又有些浪漫!这时那伙校精组成的 巨大布帘枪尾怪忽然怪吼一声!只见布帘枪尾怪甩动跳动的翅膀,整个身体一边旋转一边像巨大的怪物一样膨胀起来……突然,整个怪物像巨大的紫葡萄色种子一样裂开… …五十五条淡紫色泡菜模样的丑陋巨根急速从里面伸出然后很快钻进泥土中……接着,一棵灰蓝色海豹模样的受伤巨大怪芽疯速膨胀起来……一簇簇紫玫瑰色蜜桃模样的恶 毒巨大枝叶疯速向外扩张……突然!一朵亮灰色耳机模样的变质巨蕾恐怖地钻了出来……随着淡青色车灯模样的凶恶巨花狂速盛开,无数浅绿色算盘模样的残疾花瓣和墨灰 色花蕊飞一样伸向远方……突然,无数暗橙色羊鬼模样的残缺果实从巨花中窜出,接着飞一样射向魔墙!只见每个巨大果实上都骑着一个布帘枪尾怪的小替身,而那伙校精 的真身也混在其中……“哇!真有变态性!”壮扭公主道。“还多少带点垃圾性!咱们让他们看看什么高层次!嘻嘻!”月光妹妹和壮扭公主一边说着一边念动咒
Further information about Janegoodall
Jane has set up several halfway homes for injured or orphaned chimps found in the wild. She advocates the ethical treatment of Chimpanzees in research and zoos. She teaches the humane way to study chimps in a lab setting. Jane created the Roots and Shoots program for school children to learn about wild animals and conservation of the environment. The number of chimpanzees in the wild has dropped since Jane first began her study at Gombe. It was once thought that over one million chimps lived in parts of Africa, now only about 250,000 have been recorded. Jane also founded the Jane Goodall Institute. You can write them at Box 599, Ridgefield, CT 06877.
In 2002
honoured as a peace
fighter by the UN
Fast reading
Read each paragraph and answer each question. 1.What did our group do in Gombe National Park? (para1)
towards wildlife)
4.Has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. (belief in equality between human and animals)
Task 4 Discuss what you can do to help protect wildlife if you are singers, factory managers, etc. 1.Organize a team to publicize the importance of wildlife 2.Put on a performance to add to the importance of protecting wildlife 3.Have a lecture about wildlife 4.Photograph these rare animals 5.Go to the forest to meet chimps
In childhood spent much time outdoors
exploring various creatures
At 17
decided to go to Africa
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
For 40 years has been doing research
in Gombe,
In 1965
received her Ph.D
Jane Goodall is more than just the "chimpanzee lady". Her work gives new insight to our own humanness and humaneness. We now have the knowledge to explore our own behaviors and emotions in a new light.
_W_a_t_c_h_i_n_g a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. This means _g_o_in_g__ back to a place _w_h__er_e__ we left the chimp family s_l_e_ep__in_g_ in a tree the night before. Everybody _s_i_ts__ and __w_a_i_ts_ while the animals in the group begin to __w_a_k__e _u_p____ and move. Then we _fo_l_l_o_w__ as the family begins to _w_a_n_d_e_r_ off into the forest. Everybody will be very _t_ir_e_d__ and _d__ir_t_y__ by the afternoon. But the evening makes it all w__o_r_th__w_h_i_le_.We see them go to _s_le_e_p__ together in their nest __fo_r_ the night.
5.She has set up special places where they can live safely.
6.Gain a doctor’s degree for her studies. (diligence )
Task 3
2.What did Jane observe in the African forest? a. Either feed or clean each other as a way
Careful reading
1.What’s their work like during one day’s visit in Gombe National Park? Tiring, hard, time-consuming
2.Why did Jane choose to study chimps in the forest for forty years? Would like to study them in their living environment. 3.What kind of woman is she , can you describe?
Hardworking , with great determination, great love to animals
Task 2
1.What did Jane do in the past 40 years to achieve her goal of studying chimps?
1. She did not study at a university but she was determined to work with animals in their environment. (determination)
Observe the chimps in the forest. 2. What has Jane Godall been doing in the forest? (para2)
Observing and recording their daily activities. 3.What’s the purpose of her study? (para3)
c. chimps hunt and eat meat.
d. how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.
Help us to understand and respect the lives of chimps
2.40 years’ work on
and sympathy,
observing chimps by Like to study
Jane goodall
chimps in their environment
Task 1
1. Suppose you are Jane Goodall , and you will tell our class about you experience in the forest and call on them to protect chimps.
2.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months, was she allowed to begin her project.
(support from family)
3.She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. (great love and sympathy
A protector of African Wildlife
Unit 1
Lead-in 1.Introduction of different kinds of wildlife 2. A video clip of chimps
Introduction of Jane Goodall
1934 April.3 born in England
Outline of the text
1.A day in
Gombe National Hard ,tiring , time-consuming
Park by our group
3.Her attitude and contributions
Determined, devoted, brave, with great love,