


(Halliday & Hason, Cohesion in English, 1976)
It is the linking up of words; the way of linking up all parts of discourse. It may exist inter-paragraph or intersentence, and may exist within a sentence between different parts. It is the tangible network of a text.

Narrative Discourse – Elements

Background Characters Events Ending Comments eg. It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January.

Cohesion at Work – Substitution

Use of another structure to substitute information given to avoid repetition eg. Your hat is more expensive than mine. 你的帽子比我的帽子贵。 “ Can I have a cup of black coffee with sugar, please?” “Give me the same, please.” “请给我一杯加糖不加奶的咖啡。” “也给我一杯加糖不加奶的咖啡。”



Amplification (增译法)
• 英汉两种语言在词法和句法结构方面存在很大的 差异。例如,英语中有词形变化,汉语中没有; 英语中有大量用连词、介词、关系代词等等,而 汉语中各成分往往通过内在的关系贯串在一起, 不一定或很少使用连词和介词,也没有关系代词。 增词(译)法就是指在翻译时按照修辞句法上的 需要在译文中增加一些原文中虽无但有其意的词。 增译的目的是为了更加忠实通顺地表达原文的内 容,而决不是无中生有地随意增加。所以,要通 顺忠实地译出原文的涵义,译文中势必有所增减。 这一节,将对增译法作简要讨论。
• 1). Don’t get angry. I’m just making fun of you. • 不要生气嘛!我不过开开玩笑罢了。
2). As for me, I didn’t agree from the very beginning. 我呢,从一开始就不赞成。 3). They (the eyes) were the same colour as the sea,
• to persuade • 说服 • to prepare • 准备 • backward • 落后 • tense • 紧张 • arrogant • 自满 • mad • 疯狂
persuasion 说服工作
preparation 准备工作
backwardness 落后状态
poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。
4). She lingered long over his letter.
她反反复复地回味着他的来信。 5). In the films of those days,alal tlolotoofoteno时fte常n it



2. 虽然是满月,天上却有一层淡淡的云,所以不能朗照;但我 以为这恰是到了好处——酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的。 《荷塘月色》
Although it is a full moon, shining through a film of clouds, the light is not at its brightest; it is, however, just right for me – a profound sleep is indispensable, yet a snatched doze also has a savour of its own. (朱纯深译)
1. 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高, 像亭亭的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花, 有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又 如刚出浴的美人。《荷塘月色》
All over this winding stretch of water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace. Here and there, layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus blossoms, some in demure bloom, others in shy bud, like scattering pearls, or twinkling stars, or beauties just out of the bath. (朱纯深译)



• 3)频繁出现的中心词 • dedicate出现了5次,conceive、 consecrate、devotion各出现了2次。 • 同义复现的有: liberty / freedom, brought forth / created / nobly advanced, long endure / not perish, dedicate / devote / give their lives / gave the last full measure of devotion等等, • “奉献”“创造”“自由”等成为 中心词或主旋律。
• 以上两例似可分别合并为: • We are met on a great battle-field of that war in order to dedicate a portion of the field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. • But in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, nor consecrate and nor hallow this ground. • 表达的重点、力量 只有266个字的演讲词中,用了大量具有 长元音、双元音的词语,平稳或调节着 演讲的速度,也使演讲的效果铿锵有力, 掷地有声。 • 以第1段为例,长元音、双元音的词语有: fourscore, years, ago, our, fathers, brought, forth, ……。这些词语使演讲开始的语调 徐缓而温和,进入主题自然而然,同时 词语音调的抑扬顿挫既抓住了听众的注 意力,也表现了作者的情感。
• 4 修辞美 • 演讲词共10句,修辞特征有:① 均为完整的陈述句, ②结构相似 的整句与圆周句较多。 • ①使表达的信息显得肯定、正式、 庄重,给人信心十足的感受; • ②使表达的信息重点突出,表达 的情感推波助澜,从而产生强烈 的艺术感染力。



Watch and Interpret
Please watch and interpret:
学习习惯可以改变. 要充分利用时间. 二加六等于八. 上海是国际大都市. 他考试不及格. 今天是阴天. 运动有益健康. 知识就是力量. 这是额外任务. 劳动创造世界. 我天不亮就起床. 光传得非常快. 他们性格不合. 银行要有储备. 金钱是万恶之源. Study habits can change. Full use should be made of time. Two plus six makes eight. Shanghai is a cosmopolitan city. He failed in the examination. It is overcast today. Sports are good for health. Knowledge is power. This is an additional task. Labor creates the world. I get up before light. Light travels fast. They differ in character. The bank should keep a reserve. Money is the source of all evils.
Some up-to-date expressions
炒股 Buy and sell stocks 股份制 The joint stock system 谁控股? Who holds the controlling shares? 良好增长势头 Healthy momentum of growth 经济起飞 Economic take-off 扭亏为盈 Turn losses into profits 减员增效 Increase efficiency by reducing the staff 呆帐和坏帐 Stagnant and bad debts 招商 invite investment 招标/投标/中标 Invite / submit / win a tender (a bid)


关于口译能力中的双语能力,长期以来,虽然大家认可双语能力是译员口译 能力的重要组成部分,许多院校在口译入学考试中也都会测试应试者的双语能力。 但是关于如何有效提升口译学员的双语能力却很少有关注,在某种意义上,我们 选择默认学生已经具备双语能力,直接进入口译教学。例如刘和平和鲍刚 (1994:20)在描述筛选口译学员的条件时,就指出译员必须具备“外语水平达 到理解不存在问题,表达基本自如,并具备译员的反应速度、分析综合能力、记 忆能力和知识”。
“专题口译”以专题知识为线索组织教学,目标是让学生通过接触常见的口 译主题,掌握以做好口译为目的百科知识能力的建设方法、提升双语能力、强化 交传技能,全面打造学生的口译能力。要理解这一教学目标,就要从其中的关键 词:专题口译教学、口译目的导向、百科知识能力、双语能力和交传技能出发, 厘清各核心要素的定义和关系。
虽然学生最终也是熟记了主题相关表达,看起来和内容型专题口译教学相似, 但是这种记诵是在泛读、精读完成之后才进行的,而且是学生自行整理得出的, 它代表的是学生对该主题的主动积极探索,有了认识沉淀以后再形成的。这样的 记诵是有根基并且扎实的。因此,它和内容型教学方法有本质的区别。该方法的 实施从教师引导开始,逐渐到学生自主探索,直至学生完全掌握。
图一:“广外模式”的课程体系设置 浮点纹——必开课程(must-have courses)、斜线纹——应开课程(should-have courses) 和竖线纹——可开课程(could-have courses)
广外模式是广外口译教学团队在主持人仲伟合教授带领下,历经三十年的教 学实践形成的口译教学智慧的结晶。这一教学模式的框架性基础是仲伟合对译员 知识结构的解剖。他认为译员的知识结构由三大板块构成:语言板块、百科知识 板块、技能板块,并提出公式 KI = KL + EK + S (P +AP) (仲伟合,2003: 63-5)。


Now let us each tell a tale, or relate what we have done or learned this day.
He related all that had happened to him.
melancholy: n. & adj. unhappiness or sadness or low spirits, esp., that is felt for a long period of time
Your essay is admirable in respect of style but
unsatisfactory in other respects. 我们寄去有关上次交货的样品。
We would like to send you a sample with reference to the last shipment.
I could not stand parting from her.
He has been abroad since he parted from me.
still /much less: not certainly;let alone 更不用说;更
safety and was rarely seen in public.
望;期望 她生活的寄托就是期望她儿子当中有人能出人头地。
She lived in hopes of seeing one of her sons succeed.
他刻苦用功,希望取得好成绩,能引起她的注意。 He worked hard in the hope that good grades might



Counting Points
Class attendance
Proportion Score
Individual Adequate preparation before class 5% Performance Text-interpreting 5% Field interpreting Task division and preparation Teamwork Presentation Cooperation in performance Speech skills Note-taking skills Interpreting skills 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
1. 具有策划与组织 外事接待活动能力 2.具有外事接待和 洽谈能力 3.具有外事公文与 商务信函写作能力 4. 具有跨文化沟通 能力
1.能够有效安排 商务洽谈活动,组 织商务谈判 2.熟悉商务接待 规范,得体安排接 待活动
口语教学 口译教学
通过情景的模拟和过程性的评价,学 习者的语言的实际应用和应变能力有 了显著提高,对专业和职业化内容有 更深的认识。
! ?
在会谈现场我应该 先和主讲人碰一下 头…… 今天与外商签字仪 式上的致谢词我做 口译员…… 口译完了,总结一 下这次任务中被卡 住的生词和讲话的 难关…… …… ……
Coherent performance
Message (coherent and logical) Significant omissions Unjustified changes and additions



Examples Analysis
非常感谢您能邀请敝人参加这次招待 会, 敝人的确过得愉快。 It was extremely gracious of you to have invited me to the reception, and I had bags of fun there .
现在,请举杯,为我们的成功合作和双 方长期的友谊,干杯! Now allow me to propose a toast to our successful cooperation and to our long-standing friendship, bottoms up!
Examples Analysis
The company cannot ascertain why this has happened. We are not in a position to explain the decline in price, but we do not reckon that the trend will continue. Well, as I told them at the meeting this morning, you can’t tell why that’s happened. Now, you just can’t explain this drop in price, but I don’t think it’s going to go on.
在这里,我愿重申:中国将坚定不移 地高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,走和 平发展道路。中国将始终不渝地把自身 的发展与人类共同进步联系在一起。 I wish to reiterate here that China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development. We will, and always, integrate our development with the common progress of mankind.


China’s potential market, once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital, will produce many opportunities for development.
The combination of China’s potential market with foreign advanced technology and capital will create/produce/generate many opportunities for development.
1.综合型 1) 使役意义的单纯词 2) 加缀法 2.分析型 V+O+C
1.使役意义的谓语动词 eg. 使、让、嘱咐、命令、请(求)、(劝)告 2. 情感意义的谓语动词 eg. 喜欢、讨厌、感谢、嫌 3. 感官动作的谓语动词 eg. 看见、听见、闻到
into the hinterland with a prolonged war.
Examples Analysis
我早就想亲眼看一看你们美丽的国家。 I longed to see your beautiful country
with my own eyes.
Examples Analysis
Comparing Western and Chinese
Western: Binary opposition between the subject and
object.(物我两分) The subject and its narration form a complete



2)l933 was the year that Oscar became the official nickname for the Academy Award. Ho1lywood
legend has it that Betty Davis coined the term when she took a good look at the statuette and remarked how much the backside looked like her first husband’s, Herman Oscar Nelson. There are other versions of how Oscar got named, but this one is the most popular. This was the golden era of Hol1ywood, when movies wrapped their peak as the world’s predominant source of entertainment.
We know that participating in sport can offer happiness and hope, even when nothing else dose. We know that entire _communities__ can benefit from sports __initiatives__. Sports_energ and _mentally____
We know that participating in sports can teach life
skills and build _confidence____. Becoming a



第一,我再次重申,中国政府高度重视 知识产权保护工作。我们充分认识到, 在经济全球化不断加快的形势下,对知 识资源的创作,占有和运用已经成为各国 取得竞争优势和提升综合国力的关键因 素。

放、创造良好投资环境的需要,也 是标
准市场经济秩序,保证中国经济社会 全

Part Two : Listening and translation
Passage One: 现在,大家越来越强烈地感觉到了素
质教育的重要性。由于种种原因,我们 的教育,特别是根底教育存在着“应试教 育〞的倾向。源自。精选文档17
所谓“应试教育〞,指对学生的培养是 以应付各种考试为主要目的,无视了对 学生德。智、体、美等全面素质培养的 教育观念和教育模式。 当然,提倡 素质教育也决不意味着可以不要考试了, 而是更加突出强调教育的主要目的是提 高学生德、智、体、美等全面素质。
在座各位大企业的领导人,是国际经济 活动的重要参与者和推动者。

长期以来,你们中的许多人及你们的企业,积 极推动和开展与中国的经济技术合作,为中国 经济的持续开展和中国有关产业技术水平的提 高作出了重要奉献。 实践证明,这种互利合
作对双方都有利。我们欢送各位继续扩大在中 国的投资和贸易,加强同中国企业的经济技术 合作。我相信,你们一定能够发挥各自的企业 优势和丰富的经营经历,在推动国际经济技术 合作、促进地区及世界经济开展方面发挥重要 作用。让我们携手努力,为维护世界和平、促 进共同开展作出更大的奉献。 最后,我预祝 2005年北京?财富?全球论坛取得圆满成功! 谢谢大家。



Examples Analysis
中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳 动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增 长,基础设施不断完善。 China boasts vast territory, abundant natural resources, rich inexpensive labour, low taxation, a growing consumer market and improving infrastructure.

English language – noun advantage in usage
Dynamic vs. Stative
eg. He is a chain-smoker of cigarettes. (stative) He smokes cigarettes one after another. (dynamic) There are white clouds in the blue sky. (stative) White clouds are floating in the blue sky. (dynamic)

Two Reasons:

1) Lack of prepositions and no particles at all in Chinese. 2) Chronicle style in Chinese vs. Architectural style in English

Chinese language – verb advantage in usage

English: noun advantage high frequency of noun usage stative narration



Vowels and Consonants
English – simple structure more logical strict forms conception-centred, straightforward, ‘masculine’ Chinese – greater varieties different levels of vowels relatively loose forms apperception-centred, beautified, ‘feminine’
Linguistic Functions of Chinese Tones
1.辨义功能(摊子,坛子,毯子,探子) 2.构形功能(和气,一唱一和,好人,好客) 3.分界功能(声调-声调,音节-音节) 4.修辞功能(翻江倒海,高谈阔论,风平浪 静,山青水秀)
Linguistic Functions of English Intonations
Examples Analysis
对于我本人和我的代表团成员来说,这是一个 愉快而难忘的时刻。我接受阁下的邀请前来 前来访 前来 问你们伟大的国家,这使我们有极好的机会重 重 叙旧情,并结交新朋 结交新朋。 叙旧情 结交新朋 This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally and the members of my delegation. In accepting Your Excellency’s gracious invitation to visit this great county, it has provided us an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and establish new contacts.
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eg. Hard pressed by his father, John told the truth in spite of his wife’s warning.
约翰被他老子追急了,也就顾不得老婆的叮 嘱,说出了真情实事。
Two Reasons:
1) Lack of prepositions and no particles at all in Chinese.

high frequency of verb usage

dynamic narration
Examples Analysis
In the cities there were strict curfews, empty hotels, abandoned streets and office buildings, looters, trigger-happy patrols, and all the rest. (War and Remembrance, by Herman Wouk)
2) Chronicle style in Chinese vs. Architectural style in English
Chinese language – verb advantage in usage
English language – noun advantage in usage
各处城市都严格实行宵禁,饭店旅社都已人去 楼空,大街小巷行人绝迹,办公大楼门可罗雀, 歹徒趁火打劫,巡逻队动辄开枪杀人。完全是 一派兵荒马乱景象。
Examples Analysis
Eisenhower later recalled, when McArthur felt slighted he was capable of expressing himself in “an explosive denunciation of politics, bad manners, bad judgment, broken promise, arrogance, unconstitutionality, insensitivity, and the way the world had gone to hell. (The Glory and the Dream, by William Manchester)
In the 2100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, Halley Comet appeared 27 times and they were all recorded in China.
In the 2100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, the 27 appearances of Halley Comet were all recorded in China.
Dynamic vs. Stative
eg. He is a chain-smoker of cigarettes. (stative)
He smokes cigarettes one after another. (dynamic)
There are white clouds in the blue sky. (stative)
Examples Analysis
这充分说明,中国人独立自主的民族精 神具有巨大的力量。
This fully testifies that the independent national spirit of the Chinese people has tremendous strength.
Examples Analysis
他老是说谎。 他酷爱流行音乐。 他不抽烟,也不喝酒。 他演戏演得很棒。 他文章写得很好。 他经常参观博物馆。 他最会捣乱。 他很不合群。 他喜欢胡思乱想。
Examples Analysis
从秦代到清末的二千一百多年间,哈雷彗星出 现二十七次,中国都有记录。
White clouds are floating in the blue skyun advantage

high frequency of noun usage

stative narration
Chinese: verb advantage
埃森豪威尔后来回忆往事时说,只要麦克阿瑟 感到有人对他不够尊重,就“发起脾气来,破 口大骂人家好耍权术,不懂礼貌,乱出主意, 出尔反尔,目中无人,违反宪法,神经迟钝, 麻木不仁,如今世道真是见鬼”等等。
Examples Analysis
夸奖一回,奉承一回,把老太太的心都 说活了。(《红楼梦》)
Session 7 动态与静态
View of Lin Tongji (林同济)
“ 动词对任何语言来讲,都是重要的,在汉 语中尤为突出。展开一篇汉语作品,略与英语 作品相较,我们马上可以发觉:前者的动词频 率,往往远远超过后者。”
“最堪注意的是汉语并没有把动词的高度频 率视为负担。正相反,汉语的发展方向无疑是 加强动词的优势。”
This is a full testimony to the tremendous strength of the independent national spirit of the Chinese people.
All their praise and flattery are having some effect on the old lady.
Examples Analysis
当时一个朋友对我说,北京戏最好,你 不去见见世面吗?(《社戏》)
A friend told me Beijing had the best opera that seeing it was an experience not to be missed.