


行 了深 人 研 究 和模 拟 试 验 .推 卅 了新 一 代 的 T F CC
主机设 备 向大 型化 、 高效 率 、 能耗 方 向发 展 于 是 . 低 8 0年代 末 , 国有 关水 泥 装备 设 计 、 各 制造 公 司 开始 开
发第三 代 篦冷机 .至 9 0年代 中期 各 国生产 的 第 i代 篦冷机 开始 推广 使用 但是 随着水 泥生产对烧 成 系统 的节能 降耗 的要求 .对篦冷机 工艺及 设备运转 性能提 出了更高 的要 求 .第 代充 气梁 型篦 冷机 已很 难适 应 技 术进步 的需 求 . 如 . 例 通过活 动篦板 与 固定篦 板之 间
殊 四联 杆 机 构 的传 动 支 撑 系 统 在 内 的 多 项 专 利 技
术 . 用 国 际 先 进 的 Wakn or 进 式 原 理 , 过 采 ligf o 行 l 通
2 1 . C NA 0 12 HI CEME 5 NT 5
模块 化 等一 系列优 化设 计 .真正 实 现 了篦 冷 机 的高
效、 低故 障率 。
21 技 术 参 数 及 性 能 指 标 .
冷 机 中 .F C s a 在 世 界 上 推 广 使 用 范 嗣较 大 , S—- r B 近
三代篦 冷机 第 一代篦 冷机 已经 基 本上 满足 了湿 法 、
半 干 法 及 一 般 干法 窑 生 产 配 套 的需 要 :0年代 初 预 7 分 解窑 技术 的 出现和逐 渐推 广 应用 . 使熟 料烧Байду номын сангаас成 技术 发 生 了巨大 的飞跃 . 它要 求篦 冷机 相 应地 大 幅度提 高 单位 有效 面积 产量 .并 提高 热 回收率 以降低 热耗 . 于

熟料的冷却及设备 -其他类型冷却机讲解

熟料的冷却及设备 -其他类型冷却机讲解
பைடு நூலகம்
单击此处编辑母版标题样式 建材行业企业案例
熟料的冷却及设备 知识点
立筒式冷却机由德国瓦尔泽尔-勃啦什姆公司制造,是一种对流热 交换相结合的冷却机。 图1为这种冷却机结构原理图。
3 1 4 5 6 7
“g”型冷却机由德国克劳迪斯-彼得斯公司在70年代初 开发,是一种再冷式冷却机,不能独立使用。“g”型冷却机实 际上是一种间接空气换热器。
谢 谢!
图1 立筒式冷却机
4-沸腾层;5-运动颗粒;6-冷 却机;7-辊篦;8-节流阀门; 9-鼓风机;10-锁风装置;11熟料输送装置
熟料从回转窑进入竖直的圆柱形立筒。如同在立窑上一样慢慢地 向下运动,经几个破碎辊篦轧碎后卸出,鼓入的冷空气从两个或三个不 同高度的部位进入熟料层,对熟料进行对流冷却。立筒的上端口径缩小, 用以增加气流速度,形成一个约50mm后的沸腾层,使熟料得到充分冷 却。立筒冷却机的优点是无废气排放,热效率高,缺点是熟料出口温度 高,动力消耗大,冷却机操作受熟料颗粒级配影响很大。


5 调试 .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 5.1 调试前检查和准备工作 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3 各部件和模块功能 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.1 综述 .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.2 液压驱动功能原理 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.3 篦冷机壳体 ................................................................................................. 12 3.4 固定段篦床 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.5 空气炮 ........................................................................................................ 14 3.6 篦床布置 ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.7 熟料破碎机 ................................................................................................. 16 3.8 充气系统 ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.9 熟料输送设备.............................................................................................. 19



天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
第四代篦冷机采用标准化模块设计可 以适应不同规模水泥生产线,模块化 柔性结构可节省设计和工程设备安装 时间,提高维护效率,降低维护成本
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
• 四连杆传动机构非常适合水平物料输送形 式,在四连杆传动机构的滑动轴承上完成 循环往复运动,密封性能好。 • 具有显著的维护优势:维护简单且维护费 用低,在长时间运转后仅需维护轴承。
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
•水平输送物料 •最佳的输送效率 •无漏料篦床结构
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司 中天仕名科技集团有限公司
第三 代 第四 代
38~42 44~46
70±2 >75 约10~18


4 3
2 1 年 第5 02 期
N . 2 1 o5 02
叶浩荣 ,等 :S co r 四代篦冷机配风的优化 -ol S e
烧 礅丝朱
篦 冷机 风机

设计工况风量 ( / ) m h
2 06 4 3
标 定 风量 ( ) m/ h
3 0 1 6 2
重庆公 司一期5 0 采用的Scor 0/ 0 t d -ol ̄四代篦冷机 - e 是分8 个风塞 , 台风机 , 际况风鼢 9 0 7 m/, 732N h 总 风机装 机 功率是 137k 。若 采用第 三代 篦冷 机 6 W
则要 l 台风 机 ,总标况 风量 是5 58 7N / ,总风 6 8 2 m h
分 0 4 28 0
176 9 6
窑头 排风 机赫兹 数 ( ) Hz
5. 35
高温 风机赫 兹数 ( z H)
8 6
从表1 、表 2 知 , 出篦 冷 机 的 熟 料 温 度 偏 可 高 ,窑 头排 风 机 的 实 际 运 行 赫 兹 数 较 低 ,风 量 明 显 偏小 ,除篦冷 机 1 、2 和8 等4 室 室 室 台风 机运行 压 力 、风量 正 常 外 ,其 他 各 室共 5 台风 机 已达 到甚 至
第 四代篦 冷机风 机 的配风 进行 了如下 调整 :
( )重 庆公 司一 线 :在 风 量缺 额较 大 的三 、 1
S coe篦冷 机装 机工况 风量 是5 45 2m / , - olr 4 4 h
四室 增 加一 台风 机 ,风 量是 4 0 h 00 0m /,风 压 是
熟 料工序 电耗 (W ・ t k h/ )
2 .7 70

亚特兰蒂斯科 Atlas Copco TCA 55-215型号混合工业冷却机说明书

亚特兰蒂斯科 Atlas Copco TCA 55-215型号混合工业冷却机说明书

Hybrid Industrial Cooling Chiller TCA 55-215IntroductionTCA 55-215Hybrid Industrial Cooling ChillerTCA- USAAtlas Copco TCA55-215 series is a hybrid plug’n’play water chiller. It's specificities include a free-cooling section and adiabatic pre-cooling (patented adiabatic system) on inlet. The cooling capacity ranges from 55 to 228 kW.Reliable and robust, equipped with proved scrollcompressors, air-cooled microchannel condensers and integrated hydro module, it provides easy and cost-effective installation and maintenance and safety for your day-to-day operations.Atlas Copco TCA55-215A's range fully complies with the Eco Design Directive 2021 meeting the Seasonal Energy Performance Ratio (SEPR1) to reach the highest level of energy saving.Using energy-efficient equipment made by Atlas Copco,you reduce production costs and increase the competitiveness of your company.The components of the chiller allow it to be used in a wide range of applications and across industrial sectors.The use of a shell’n’tube evaporator enables to achieve the highest level of reliability with various types ofprocesses in both closed and open hydraulic circuits. All configurations can have a built-in hydro circuit with buffer atmospheric tank and single or double (work/stand-by)pumps with a wide range of working pressures (1, 3, 5bar). The list of applicable segments includes, but is not limited to, mechanical engineering, all types ofmetalworking, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals,cement industry, chemistry and petrochemistry, oil and gas industry, cooling of data centers andtelecommunication hubs, plastic production of all types.TCA55-215 series chillers can be installed both indoors and outdoors, thanks to the use of the necessary reliable components with IP54 protection. This enables to save internal space, optimize the distribution of cooling water and allows the chiller to work with air temperature. It is especially efficient during winter to make use of the cold air to gain efficiency with free-cooling coils.Plug’n’play solution for process cooling systemsMaximum energy efficiencyVariety of industrial applicationsFor indoor and outdoor installationIndustry-standard level of efficiency and lower cost withphase-cut regulation (std for TCA-A)Premium efficiency level with EC brushless fans to ideally meet partial loads for your industrial application. Standard for TCA-AF, -AD, -P versions and optional for TCA-A version.Proven algorithms provide operational efficiency for the whole range.You can always track the machine status and working parameters using Atlas Copco Smartlink connection. Built-in set of safety options like phase sequence relay provides ultimate protection and reduced risk of malfunction.Speed-Regulated Axial Fans Elektronikon MarkV Touch withSmartlinkTCA- USAImmune to galvanic corrosion.Light-weighted with a high rate of heat transfer. Provides lower cost of maintenance with reduced refrigerant charge.Saves up to 40% of the chillers energy compared to non-free cooling units.Integrated solution for easy installation and smaller footprint.Optimal balance between clogging-free water flow, heat transfer and life-cycle cost with this tube-fin free-cooling heat exchanger.Total free-cooling starting from deltaT of 5,5 degrees with the set-point of 15 degrees.Closed atmospheric for a wide range of applications. Protected continuous operation with a set of onboard safety devices.Twin refrigerant circuit for redundancy.Electronic expansion valve (EEV) as standard option for highest energy efficiency, flexibility and time saving during maintenance.Continuous uptime and perfect serviceability with the industry-standard scroll compressor.Option of low-noise jacket for sensitive applications.Vast range of configurations with maximum available pressures of 1, 3 or 5 bar to meet the variety of hydro circuitsStand-by pump with automatic switching available in all versions for operation with no interruptionImpellers made in 316L stainless steelIE3 efficiency motorPatented evaporative cooling system provides peak temperature safety during operation.Cooling capacity boost up to 17% for dry climatic conditions.Durable components in stainless-steel.Strainer and water hammer arrestor on inlet as standard. Easy installation with one point of connection.Vaste range of connections to meet your needs: BSP and NPT tread, UNI or ASME flanges.Easy and fast connection for manual or automatic cooling circuit filling and adiabatic system with 1/2 inch female tread.Manual (std) evaporator bypass to prevent chiller from interrupted process water circulation.Can withstand long-term temperature loadsIdeal balance between oil return, heat transfer rate and energy efficiency with two-pass heat exchanger for your cooling process.Robust and reliable for any type of industrial application. Well-suitable for open circuit.Microchannel Condensers with Epoxy CoatingFree-Cooling CoilsInsulated On-board Water Tank Refrigerant circuit with Hermetic Scroll Compressors Pumps with stainless-steel impeller Adiabatic System PadsHydro ConnectionsShell-n-Tube Evaporator5TCA- USAWhen operating in ambient temperatures higher than the set-point, the TCA55-215 chiller works as an ordinary chiller. The hot inlet water flow goes through the motorized valve directly to the evaporator.After passing the evaporator, the water flow goes into a water tank containing a set of safety sensors. It then flows to a pump group, which consists of one or two pumps with outlet pressure versions of 1, 3 or 5 bar bringing cooled water to the application.An external temperature sensors, allows the switch to free-cooling. When the ambient air temperature drops to a lower temperature, the motorized valve allows the inlet water flow water to run through the free cooling system. Lower ambient air temperature is more energy efficient to cool the water in the system by running it through the tube-fin heat exchanger.When the ambient temperature, goes even lower, the motorized valve continues to lead the whole inlet flow to the free-cooling heat exchanger, the heat-transfer then goes in a total free-cooling mode.When the chiller operates using only the mechanical energy of the compressors, the water goes through the motorized valve directly to the evaporator where its temperature is lowered to the desired set-point thanks to the work of the refrigerant circuit.When the ambient temperature comes closer to the set-point, the chiller starts to work in a partial free-cooling mode. The refrigerant circuit operates with a lowered load based on the water temperature in the tank, to prevent negative impact on the outlet water temperature.In total free-cooling mode, a built-in free cooling module allows the TCA55-215AF, -AP to take advantage of the low outdoor air temperatures in the water-cooling process. During free-cooling, the compressors are fully at stop, which is highly energy efficient and significantly increases the life of the compressor.The air inlet is situated on the surface's side of the chiller going through the free-cooling coils and the microchannel condensers. On top of the machine are two speed-regulated axial fans that create an air flow which fully reveal their efficiency, especially during partial loads.In free-cooling mode the ambient temperature alone is sufficient to decrease the water temperature to the desired set-point. In this case the speed-regulated axial fans are the only consumer of electrical energy.Our standard air-cooled chiller has a reduced performance when the ambient temperature rises. Therefore, a chiller must be sized using peak temperatures for the region where it should be installed. A maximum cooling capacity specific for the application should also be taken as an input for calculations.This can lead to higher initial costs as well as more energy consumption and a larger footprint. However, 90% of the time the ambient temperature will be lower than a peak temperature.Our TCA-AD and TCA-AP variants offer a solution which allows to decrease inlet cooling air temperature moisturizing it with adiabatic panels situated on both sides of the chiller.Only when needed, tap water goes into the adiabatic system through an inlet placed on the back side of a chiller together with other water connections and then it is injected on the adiabatic pads.The adiabatic function operates under control of our Elektronikon Mk5S Touch using a patented water consumption control system and control philosophy with the aim to reduce tap water consumption as much as possible without losing the set-point control.1.Water flow2.Refrigerant flow3.Air flow4.Adiabatic7TCA - ARobust industrial chillerSaves up to 40% of the chillers energy.TCA - AFIndustrial Chiller with Integrated Free-Cooling Peak temperature safety and cooling capacity boost up to 17% in dry climate conditions.TCA - ADIndustrial Chiller with Adiabatic Pre-CoolingTCA- USAThe TCA chiller is applicable for a variety of applications such as the cooling of a photovoltaic power station or a plastic machine, for a telecommunication rig and a chemical bath. This chiller range show exceptional robustness and efficiency. The free-cooling chiller fully reveals its effectiveness when the outlet water temperature set-point higher than 12°С, resulting in energy savings up to 40% of the total consumption.Wide range of applicationsThis graph shows the difference between the energy consumption of a free-cooling chiller versus non-free-cooling variant. When the TCA is operating in free-cooling mode, only the speed-regulated fans are consuming energy and compressors, the main energy consumer for a chiller are either off or working in a partial load mode. The graph’s blue zone shows the direct benefit form using the free-cooling principle.A = Kw/hB = Degrees F 1 = Chiller2 = Free-cooling3 = Free-cooling savings zoneTotal power consumption vs. Temperatureduring the year9Free-cooling savingsAtlas Copco’s engineering team has many years of experience indesigning and calculating complex energy saving equipment.Based on estimations and prepared for different climatic zones, wecan state with confidence that the benefits from using an integratedfree-cooling TCA55-215 chiller can bring you up to 40% savings oftotal power consumption for a 5 year life-cycle cost.A = ElectricityB = Purchase costC = 39% Free cooling savingsTCA- USAFeatures table TCA 55-215GeneralF-gas R407C GWP1774 IP grade IP54Installation Lifting with bars + ropes + sprader beam Standard Forklift Standard (only for TCA 55-65)Electrical400V/3ph 50Hz IEC Standard 460V/3ph 60Hz IEC (with electrical components UL marked)Standard 400V/3ph 60Hz UL 508A StandardControlController type Elektronikon MKVS 4,3 inch touch screen Standard Text on display in local language Standard Day and week scheduler Standard Service timer Standard Refrigerant High pressure transmitter (digital)Standard Refrigerant Low pressure transmitter (digital)Standard Automatic priority for compressors Standard Compressor direct on line starter (DOL)StandardSafetyPhase sequence motor direction Standard Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers protection on compressors, pump and fan Standard High pressure switch with manual reset Standard Flow switch - paddle type Standard Low pressure switch - with auto reset (with hysteresis)StandardLow pressure transmitter - with auto reset (hysteresis)Standard Winter protection: auto-on of the pump with low ambient temperature (softwarefunction)Standard Anti flood system (if automatic filling system included)StandardExpansion valve Electronic expansion valve (EEV)StandardCompressorScroll Standard Crankcase heater Standard Noise reduction jacket StandardSystem integrationRemote on/off StandardSingle free contact for all alarms StandardRemote setpoint + temperature transmission (4.20mA)OptionalModbus RTU - RS480AccessoryProfibus AccessoryProfinet Accessory11Features table TCA 55-215System integrationTCP Accessory Ethernet IP Accessory CANbus Accessory Remote control panel AccessoryConnectivity Smartlink connectivity includes modem (3D) and service license Standard Smartlink UPTIME license optionalFreecooling Aluminum fins copper tube cooling coil n/a Standard Three way valve (free cooling control)n/a StandardAdiabatic systemAdiabatic pads, controlled by patented philosophy n/a Standard n/a Standard Descaling inline filters for adiabatic water system (delivered loose)n/a Optional n/a OptionalHydronicsNo pump StandardPump 1P non-ferrousPump 3P non-ferrousPump 5P non-ferrousPump 1P non-ferrous + standby unitPump 3P non-ferrous + standby unitPump 5P non-ferrous + standby unitNo tank Standard Internal epoxy coated tank, externally painted and insulated, closed circuit Standard Hydro devices included: solenoid valve, water level sensor, city water line filter, safety relief valve(2,5 bar), venting valve, drainStandardManual filling systemAutomatic filling system (solenoid valve, tap water filter, MKVS controlled)External manual by-passWater pressure gauge (only if pump is included)Groover water connectionsFlanges EN 1092-1 type 13B/PN16 galvanized carbon steel (ex UNI 2254-67)Optional Flanges ASME/PN16 Galvanized carbon steel OptionalCounterflanges Optional Gas male threaded water connections = BSP (British Standard Pipe)OptionalNPT (only for TCA 55-65)Optional Water strainer (delivered loose, brass, 500 micron)OptionalFanAC variable speed fan (phase circuit controlled above 14°F)Standard n/a EC variable speed fan (brushless fan with integrated control, sutiable above -4°F ambient)Optional StandardCondenserCondenser (Microchannel) - with epoxy powder coating StandardCleanable condenser air filter (frame and mesh in aluminum)Standard Optional Standard OptionalEvaporator Shell and tubes heat exchanger StandardRefrigerant circuitSight glass Standard Liquid receiver Standard Filter dryer StandardPackaging Pallet and plastic wrap protection StandardWooden crate OptionalSea-worthy wooden box Optional TCA- USATCA ACooling capacity (1) BTU/Hr189,714.98215,647.25258,298333,366.08406,044.66518,645.28638,070.18706,312.98 Total absorbed power (1) kW19.524.226.234.645.753.075.186.8EER (1) 2.85 2.61 2.89 2.82 2.60 2.87 2.49 2.38 Cooling capacity (2) BTU/Hr256,251.71326,541.8368,169.91463,027.4585,182.01757,495.08911,041.381,016,817.72 Total absorbed power (2) kW18.523.425.431.441.950.872.383.9EER (2) 4.06 4.09 4.25 4.31 4.09 4.37 3.69 3.55 TCA AFCooling capacity (1) BTU/Hr184,255.56207,799.33246,356.51321,082.37402,291.31511,479.79615,891.27698,806.28 Total absorbed power (1) kW20.124.427.336.648.654.476.487.4EER (1) 2.68 2.50 2.64 2.57 2.42 2.75 2.36 2.34 Cooling capacity (2) BTU/Hr252,498.36319,376.3363,734.12451,084.91576,310.45742,481.66896,027.961,001,121.88 Total absorbed power (2) kW18.523.625. (2) 4.01 3.97 4.27 5.25 4.02 4.25 3.72 3.45Total Free cooling at (4) (°F)49.146.449.146.442.844.64137.4Total absorbed power (4) kW 6.6 (4) TCA ADCooling capacity (1) BTU/Hr196,198.05229,295.81282,525.19369,875.98458,250.40568,803.74692,835.03778,991.56 Total absorbed power (1) kW17.422.723.531.639.645.764.473.6EER (1) 3.30 2.96 3.53 3.43 3.39 3.65 3.16 3.11 Cooling capacity (2) BTU/Hr268,194.20332,683.65402,973.73504,314.29637,046.54791,616.48939,362.141,135,901.41 Total absorbed power (2) kW16.222.222.428.938.542.963.977.2EER (2) 4.84 4.40 5.28 5.12 4.85 5.41 4.31 4.1913TCA APCooling capacity (1) BTU/Hr194,423.74225,951.91268,774.27347,935.92426,688.11553,176.14684,099.95771,655.46 Total absorbed power (1) kW17.8823.1323.6030.8538.9047.4266.1576.31 EER (1) 3.19 2.86 3.34 3.30 3.22 3.42 3.03 2.96 Cooling capacity (2) BTU/Hr265,805.71333,366.08379,771.18477,358.39604,631.21775,579.42938,338.51,089,156 Total absorbed power (2) kW16.622.522.428.438.044.465.479.9 EER (2) 4.70 4.34 4.97 4.93 4.66 5.12 4.21 4.00TCA- USANotes15Atlas Copco Compressors300 Technology Center Way, Suite 550 Rock Hill, SC 29730Phone: 866.546.3588 2 9 3 5 0 7 7 4 0 0。


量提高了一倍,因多筒冷却机不能抽取三次风供分解炉用燃 烧空气,而逐渐被淘汰,从而开发出了篦式冷却机。
20t/m2.d;篦冷机中心线与回转窑中心线一致,考虑窑口卸出熟料偏心以及物料粒 度离析问题,需安装导料装置,容易烧损和磨损,达不到均匀布料的作用;篦板厚 度55-60mm,间隙3-5mm,磨损严重、漏料严重;活动篦板行程100mm,篦板支承在纵 梁上,每个篦床有许多活动纵梁,无法分隔风室,密封较差,冷却风机压力很低, 一般一室在6000Pa左右,二室在5000 Pa左右,导致产量非常低。
HE Module:高效模块
Inlet chamber:入口模块
Aeration chamber:风室模块
Drive chamber:驱动模块
(两段篦床各配有一个驱动模块,每个驱动 模块各有6个油缸)
1 篦式冷却机主要功能及发展 2 公司第四代篦冷机引进及应用情况 3 CP篦冷机工作原理、结构特点及维护
4 POLYSIUS篦冷机工作原理、结构特点及维护
(一)熟料冷却机的主要功能: ★ 提供适当的熟料冷却速度,以提高水泥质量和熟料的易磨性。
熟料受到急冷后,熟料来不及完成结晶,一部分呈玻璃相,另 一部分即使结晶也比普通的冷却速度得到的晶粒更细,这种熟 料可制成更高标号的水泥;同时由于熟料急冷后颗粒中会产生 热应力和裂纹,更容易粉磨。



水泥熟料煅烧热工过程中,预热、烧成和冷却是 三个不可分割的工艺环节。
1、水泥熟料冷却机的功能与作用: (1)作为工艺设备:它承担对高温熟料的骤冷任务,骤冷可以阻止 水泥熟料中矿物晶体的长大,特别是阻止C3S晶体的长大,还可 以使液相凝固成玻璃体,使MgO及C3A大部分固定在玻璃体内, 提高水泥熟料的活性,防止β -C2S向rC2S的转变。 (2)作为热工设备:冷却水泥熟料,并对入窑二次风,入炉三次风 的加热升温任务,有利于燃料的着火和预燃、 (3)作为热回收设备:对出窑熟料携带出去的大量热焓进行回收。
第四代冷却机:料层厚度:800-1000mm,单位面积负荷 44t/m2.d,随着对热效率和低维护成本要求的提高,在第 三代篦冷机的基础上研发出了CP的η冷却机和Polysius多 轨道梁冷却机为代表的第四代篦冷机。
• 上世纪70年代后普遍采用的第二代篦式冷却机经常会出现 热端篦板烧坏、 料层偏薄〔一般热端料层厚度在400〜 500mm〕,由于粗细料离析(回转窑出料 所具有的特征〉 作用,篦床上串风严重,从而造成热回收效率不髙,设备 故障率 频繁。随着域分解技术的发展日趋成熟及市场激烈 的竞争对大型化及能源消耗等 方面愈来愈高的要求,提高 热回收效率、设备可靠性和大型化的要求越来越迫切。 • 1983年德国人karlaon wedel提出了通过提高篦板阻力可以 有效地改善篦 床上由于粗细料离析而出现冷却风不均现象, 并申请了 “高阻力篦板”的专利。在《zement kalk gips》 杂志上详细地阐述了高阻力篦板的实验结果,1984年 德 国IKN公司取得授权并开发了世界上第一台以“高阻力篦 板”为主要特征的 第三代推动篦式冷却机。










1 第四代篦冷机的主要特点经过前三代篦冷机的技术改进,如今的篦冷机出料温度和热回收效率已经达到比较理想的效果,如果继续挖掘篦冷机这方面的潜力,目前看来,很难在短期内再取得大的突破。





Claudius Peters Clinker Cooler Technology克劳迪斯彼得斯熟料冷却技术Claudius Peters Clinker Cooler Technology General overviewof the ETA Cooler克劳迪斯彼得斯熟料冷却技术ETA 冷却机设计、功能介绍nETA Cooler GeneralnETAHE-Module (10 Rows)高效模块(10排篦板)In general一般来说,每套动作循环包括Principle of MovementV clinkerV clinkerFixed inletPrinciple of MovementV 熟料V 熟料固定入料F pressureFixed inletF R bulk solidV c linkerF R bulk solid For more details movie followsF 压力固定入料部位F R物料V熟料F R物料详情请看下面的电影Grate Cooler篦冷机oDefinitionso名词解释•Kiln•窑下料区cooler的要求Kiln窑下料区Requirements:窑下料区要求RequirementsC l i n ke rF l ow热回收区C l i n ke rF l owRequirements余热回收区各输送板行程可以分别设定Requirement后续冷却区Active Controllability Static inlet section料层、热交换具有高度可控性固定入料部位固定入料部位高效模块注:Chamber:风室Lane:输送板F:风机q(HE Module)q(高效模块Steel support (taking up the forces)Aeration fields(separatly aerated aeras via throttle flaps)Grate plates(Clinker aeration/ cooling) Narrowing(Improves clinker distribution)钢支架通风格(各自独立的通风单位,由调节阀调风)篦板(熟料通风、冷却)收窄区(改善布料)。



现场设定: 1、每列的冲程长度 2、时间表 3、时间监视参数 4、PID调节参数 5、液压系统压力
现场设定: 1、前/退的阀门开度 2、液压系统压力 3、前后限位间移动
第 13 页 共 24 页
上图中:S31 为前进等待时间,然后 1-6 列同时前进,s1 为同时前进所 用时间;然后分别是 1、4 列后退,后退时间为 s2;2、5 列后退,后退 时间为 s2;1、6 列后退,后退时间为 s2;经过 s32 后退等待时间后, 一个运动循环结束,同时后退的顺序通过设定可以改变。 前进后退的时间经过 CKE 在厂房调试并不断的进行程序上的优化,在前 进后退的时间上分别增加了相应的斜坡处理,使篦床运行的稳定度有了 很大的改善。
辊破操作箱(LOB01):现场壁挂箱;就近放置在辊式破碎机侧,用 于辊式破碎机的现场操作和监视。
1 段控制箱(LCB01):主控制柜的 DP 远程站,现场壁挂通过光缆与 主控制柜通讯;放置在 1 段篦床侧,主要接入 1 段篦床的一些现场控制 信号,用于 1 段篦床的操作和运行参数监视。
1 段控制箱(LCB02):主控制柜的 DP 远程站,现场壁挂通过光缆与 主控制柜通讯;放置在 2 段篦床侧,主要接入 2 段篦床的一些现场控制 信号,用于 2 段篦床的操作和运行参数监视。 2、辊破控制
第 14 页 共 24 页
4、中控操作 (1)、冷却风机的操作
全自动 DCS
通过PID自动控 制风机入口挡 板,保证风的流 量满足下表中预 设的值。
通过PID自动控制 风机入口挡板,保 证风的流量满足操 作员设定的流量。
手动调节风机入 口挡板。







1.新型4500t/d熟料水泥生产线篦式冷却机安装施工技术 [J], 刘晓亮
2.Phoenix水泥厂的新型双层熟料冷却机(连载一) [J], Krogh.,H;兰海
3.国外新型熟料冷却机技术性能简介 [J], 侯勋伟;满沅澧
4.新型熟料篦式冷却机的设计特点 [J], 宣正元
5.一种新型熟料推动方式的蓖式冷却机 [J], 闻岩;张文明;杨盛福







1.几种国产第四代水泥熟料冷却机的特点 [J], 李程伟
2.水泥熟料冷却机二:新型干法水泥生产技术系列讲座 [J], 刘德庆;陈全德
3.水泥熟料冷却机一:新型干法水泥生产技术系列讲座 [J], 刘德庆;陈全德
4.2500t/d水泥熟料生产线冷却机升级新途径 [J], 尤小平;陈斌;周斌;许广
5.水泥熟料篦式冷却机技术的新突破与改造研究 [J], 田艺



1.自适应保温壶的设计与实现 [J], 张诗琦;朱思颖;季晓蕾;左晔宜
2.利用仿生学原理设计KEG保温面料问世 [J], 无
3."玉兰花"壶的仿生之美与文化意义 [J], 潘旭峰
4.仿生花货紫砂“事圆如意壶”的设计与审美 [J], 史伟如
5.即倒可饮型智能保温壶设计研究 [J], 孙巧荣;张勇敢;徐耀;邢睿;王鸿飞

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Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
动作模式 ( 前提条件 : 动作循环开始时,所有液压缸的活塞杆都伸出)
一般情况下 : 每套动作循环包括4个步骤
前进冲程 第1步
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
General design and function
Cooler ETA 858 3.300 t/d
2,6m 2,2m 2,2m 3,3m
驱动模块的数量由冷却机长 度决定
Cooler ETA 1079 6.000 t/d
HE10 2,6m 2,2m 2,2m 3,3m
Foil no. 19
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
动作模式 ( 5列到12列输送板的冷却机)
Lane no. Forward 5
Backward I Backward II Backward III
Forward 6
Backward I Backward II Backward III
Forward 7
Backward I Backward II Backward III
General design and function
Foil no. 5
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
Foil no. 6
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
Foil no. 16
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
Foil no. 17
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
分段ETA冷却机 :机型数字代表的意义
ETA 10 6 7 // 6 4
二段冷却机长度 (W个模块)
冷却机宽度 (Y列输送板) 一段冷却机长度 (Z个模块) 冷却机宽度 (Y列输送板) 高效模块 (X 排通风格)
Foil no. 4
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function

Foil no. 7
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
ETA 冷却机设计 – 目标
细料不漏料 ( 冷却机高度降低 )
高效模块 – 利益点
无需维护 改善熟料分布和冷却效果
Foil no. 20
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
高效模块 – 典型设计
前进冲程过程中的受力 ( 各输送板速度、行程一样)
V 熟料
Principle of Movement
V 熟料
Foil no. 14
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
( 夹在托轮挡板之间,押在托轮上前后挪动)
Foil no. 32
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
设计 – 硬面密封板
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
Foil no. 26
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
Байду номын сангаас
Foil no. 30
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
Cross section – 7 lane cooler
输送板 中密封
General design and function
高效模块 – 钢结构、通风格
5 3 1 6 7 4 8 2
Foil no. 23
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
高效模块 – 典型设计
Foil no. 24
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
高效模块 – 篦板
特色 - 采用经过实践证明有效的缝板设计 - 通风面积大 - 安装在顶部 - 使用寿命长
Foil no. 25
: 硬面材料
Foil no. 34
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
设计 – 硬面密封板
: 硬面部位
Foil no. 35
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
Foil no. 36
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
Foil no. 37
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
Backward I Backward II Backward III
Forward 12
Backward I Backward II Backward III
Foil no. 13
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
General design and function
入口模块: 2.6m
Foil no. 38
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
下壳体钢结构本地分交制造,现场 最终组装
高效模块 入口模块 2.6m 侧边可调风室 风室 驱动模块风室 各段风室的数量由冷却机尺寸和熟 料产量决定 出口模块风室
熟料破碎 机
Foil no. 29
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Foil no. 12
Spr / 03-06 / ETA General design and function.ppt
General design and function
ETA 1067//64
Forward 8
Backward I Backward II Backward III
Forward 9
Forward: 前进冲程 Backward:后退冲程
Backwar d I Backward II Backward III
Backward I Backward II Backward III
后退冲程过程中的受力 (各输送板的速度和行程一样 )
F 压力