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The writer tells us his experience...

The author shares his experiences...

From the passage,we know that...

The passage tells us that...



A__father__came__home__from__work__late,tired__and__exhausted.He worked day and night,hoping to earn more money for his only

child.His__5-year-old__daughter was waiting for him at the door.

“Dad,how__much__do__you__earn__an__hour?”asked the daughter.

“Why do you ask that?”

“I just want to know.Please tell me how much you earn an hour.”

“If you really want to know...I earn$20 an hour.”

“Oh,” the little girl replied with her head down.Looking up,she said,“Dad,may__I__borrow__$10?”

The father became angry.“Go to bed right now! Think about how selfish you are.I work hard every day,but you just want to buy your silly toy!”

The little girl quietly went to her bedroom,feeling sad.After an hour or so,the father calmed down and started to feel sorry because she really didn’t ask for money very often.So he went to his daughter’s room and gave her $10.

The little girl jumped from the bed.“Oh,thank you,Dad!” She was really happy indeed.

Then she took out her own savings and said,“Dad,I have$20 now.Can__I__buy__an__hour__of__your__time? Please come home earlier tomorrow.I__would__like__to__have__dinner__with__you.”



In this passage,the writer mainly tells us about a little girl,who wanted to buy some time from her busy father so that he could accompany her.


Once there lived a very rich and powerful king.All the people in his kingdom were afraid of him.But was he happy? No,he was always ill and unhappy.His money and power could not help him.The doctor in his kingdom could not cure him,either.He was so angry with them that he had their heads cut off.

One day two famous doctors from another kingdom came to his palace.

“If you can cure me and make me happy,” said the king,“I will give you all the gold you can carry.”

The first doctor examined the king.He found nothing wrong with him so he said to the king,“You only think you are ill and that makes yourself unhappy.”

The king was very angry when he heard this.He told his soldiers to cut off the doctor’s head.

The second doctor knew he had to be careful.“Oh,king.You will be well if you wear the shoes of a man who is always happy.”he said.The king was pleased with his answer and thought that the doctor was very wise.He gave the doctor a bag of gold. The king asked hundreds of people if they were always happy.They all said they were sometimes happy and sometimes sad.At last he met a beggar who said that he was always happy.

“Give me your shoes quickly,”said the king.“And I will make you a very rich man.” The beggar laughed,“I am sorry,”he answered,“I never wear shoes!”【参考答案】

As the above story goes,the king,who was rich and powerful,was not happy at all while the beggar claimed he was always happy,indicating that wealth doesn’t mean happiness.


