1 古典家具词汇
A Acanthus 莨苕叶饰 Acorn Turning 橡实车枳饰 Additive 添加剂 Aesthetic Movement 唯美主义运动 Air Drying 常温干燥 Air Pressure 空气压力 Alcove Bed 嵌入式床 Alder 桤木 Amboyna Wood 印度紫檀 Ambry 壁龛 Anhemin 金银花饰 Antique Nail 圆头铜钉 Antique 古代艺术 Applied Guantity 涂布量 Applique 附饰 Apron Or Skirting Board 望板 Apron 望板 Arabesque 阿拉伯式图案 Arcading 拱饰 Architrave 楣梁 Arch 拱 Ark 箱子 Armchair 扶手椅 Armchair 扶手椅 Armoire 法式衣柜 Art Deco 装饰艺术风格 Art Furniture 艺术家具 Art Moderne 现代艺术 Art Nouveru 新艺术运动 Art Pottery 艺术陶瓷 Arts And Crafts Movement 工艺美术运动 Ash 白蜡树 Astragal 半圆饰线脚 B Back 背板 Backstool 靠背凳 Bail Handle,Drop Handle 吊环拉手
Card Table 牌桌 Cartouche 涡纹饰 Carver Chair 卡夫椅 Caryatid 女像柱 Case Piece 柜类家具 Cassapanca 箱体式座椅 Cassone 箱柜 Castor 脚轮 Cedar 杉木 CeLlarette, Ceilaret 酒柜 Chair Of Estate 主椅 Chair Table 连桌椅 Chair 椅子 Chaise Lounge 法式躺椅 Chamfer, Champfer 斜削脚 Channeling 槽 Cherry 樱桃木 Chest Of Drawers 小衣柜 Cheval Glass 穿衣镜 Chevron 锯齿形纹饰 Children Or Babycrib 儿童床 China Shelf 瓷器陈列架 Chinoiserie 中国风 Chintz 摩擦轧光印花布 Chip Carving 粗糙木刻 Circular Front 圆形前板 Cistern 贮水器 Clear finishes 透明漆 Clear 面涂 Club Foot 棒形器 Cockbeading 凸细线脚 Cocktail 牛尾痕 Coffer 箱子 Comb 梳状搭脑 Combination Furniture 组合家具 Commode 五斗橱 Console Table 边桌 Contract Furniture 订制家具 Cornice 檐口 Cornucopia 丰饶角饰 Court Cupboard 传统式陈列橱 Cove 凹形线脚
家具词汇中英文对照总结.txt我都舍不得欺负的人,哪能让别人欺负?一辈子那么长,等你几年算什么我爱的人我要亲手给她幸福别人我不放心我想你的时候我一定要找得到你不许你们欺负他!全世界只有我才可以!放弃你,下辈子吧!!<一)家居种类Adjustablebed可调床Airbed气床Anti-slipstripforstairs<儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手Antiquefurniture古式家具Antiquereproductionfurniture仿古家具Armchair扶手椅BBabycrib婴儿床Backlesswall-unit不设背板的壁橱Bamboofurniture竹家具Banquetingchair宴会椅Barstool吧椅Bathroomaccessories浴室配套装置Bathroomcombination浴室组合柜Bathroomconsoles浴室多用架Bathroomfurniture浴室家具Bathroomvanity浴室盥洗台Battendoor板条门Bedbase床架,床套Bedbaseset成套床架Bedroomsuite卧室系列家具Bedstead床架Bentwoodfurniture曲木家具Besidetable床头柜Birchdoor桦木门Board-roomandconferencetable会议桌Bookcase书柜Bookshelf书架Built-inkitchen配套厨房家具Bunk双层床Bunkbed双层床CCabinbed儿童多功能床Cabinfurnitureforships船用家具Canopybed带天篷的床,四柱床CD-videostoragecabinet边音响组合柜Chairwithcastors脚轮椅Changingtable可调桌Chestofdrawers多屉橱柜Childcot童床Children’sbed儿童床Children’sbedroomsuite儿童卧房系列家具Children’schair儿童椅CKD(completeknockdown>整体拆装式家具Clothesrail挂衣杆Cocktailcabinet吧柜,酒柜Cocktailtable鸡尾酒桌Coffeetable茶几,咖啡桌Combine-unit组合柜Compositefurniture复合家具Console小桌Consoletable<装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌Contractfurniture订做家具,承建家具Contractprogrammes订做家具Cornersofasuite拐角扶杆Cot童床<婴儿床)Couch长沙发椅Cupboard橱柜Cupboardwallunitforflat套房衣柜Curtain窗帘,挂帘Customizedfurniture订做家具DDecorativelighting装饰灯具Diningroomfurniture餐厅家具Diningroomset起居室配套家具Diningtable餐桌Divan长沙发,沙发床Dividingwallandfittedwallunit隔墙板及系列DIYfurniture自装式家具Double-bed双人床Doublefunctionsofa-bed双人沙发床Doublesidedmirror双面镜Draughtsmanchair吧椅Drawer抽屉Dressingtable梳妆台EEasychair轻便椅Endtable茶几Entrancehallfurniture门厅家具Exteriordoor户外门FFilingcabinet文件柜Fireplace壁炉Fitment固定家具Fitting家居用品Flap翻门Flowerstand花架Flushdoor平面门,全板门Foldingchair折叠椅Foldingfurniture折叠家具Folkfurniture民间家具Foot-stool踏脚凳Framedmirror带框镜子French-typefurniture模式家具Frenchcabinet法式桌椅弯脚Frenchdoor玻璃门Functionsofa多功能沙发椅Furnitureforbedrooms卧室家具Furnitureforpublicpremises公共场所家具GGametable玩具桌Gate-legtable折叠桌Glasscabinet玻璃陈设柜Glasscase玻璃陈设柜Glassunitandcontainer玻璃容器制品Glazeddoor玻璃门HHallfurniture厅房家具Hatandcoatstand衣帽架Headboard床头Heirloomqualityfurniture祖传家具Highbed儿童高脚床<不带屉柜)Highchair高脚椅Highbackexecutivechair高背办公椅Homefurniture家庭家具,民用家具Homeofficefurniture家庭办公家具Hotelfurniture酒店家具Householdfurniture家庭家具Hutch碗架IInstitutionalfurniture风俗家具,公用家具JJuniordeskchair学生书桌椅KKitchenblock/kitchenrock厨房地砖Kitchencabinet餐具柜Kitchenchair,stoolandbench厨房椅、圆凳及条椅Kitchenfitment厨房固定家具Kitchentable厨房餐桌Kitchenunit厨房成套家具LLamptable灯桌Lathgrid板条格Ledgeddoor直板门Linkchair写字板椅Livingroomfurniture起居室家具Locker衣帽柜Loungefurniture客厅家具Louvereddoor百叶窗柜门Lowbackexecutivechair低背办公椅Lowbackguestchair低背来宾椅Lowbackvisitorchair低背接待椅MManagerialmediumbackchair中背经理椅Marginedflushdoor镶边平板门Mattress床垫,席梦思Mediumbackexecutivechair中背办公椅Metalfurniture金属家具Mirrordoor玻璃门Mirrorforchestofdrawers多屉柜梳妆镜Multi-purposesofa多用沙发Multi-purposetable多用桌NNest茶几OOccasionalfurniture配套家具,休闲家具Occasionaltable休闲桌Officefurniture办公家具Officeseating办公座椅Officetable办公桌PPartitionwall隔断Pembroketable折面桌Planterschair园艺工用椅Plasticfurniture塑料家具Playfurniture娱乐家具Presidentialhighbackchair高背办公椅Pull-outtable伸缩餐具RRattanfurniture藤家具Recliner躺椅Refectorytable长餐桌Rockingchair摇摆椅Rotarychair转椅Rusticstylefurniture乡村风格家具rectangulartable长方桌red-lacqueredchest红漆木箱roundbed圆床roundstool圆凳roundtable圆桌round-backedarmchair圈椅SSchooltable课桌screen屏风Seat座椅secretaire写字桌(尤指有抽屉及分类格者> Secretarialchair秘书椅sectionalsofa拼合沙发semi-CKD半拆装家具separatewinecabinet独立厨柜servingtable送餐桌settee。
底框側檔 底框2配件 下飾條框 下飾條框後檔 下飾條框中檔 下飾條框前檔 下飾條框側檔 下前飾條 下側飾條 底板 下背板 後下檔 前下橫檔 下橫撐 後支撐檔 後中支撐檔 中防塵框後檔 中防塵框前檔 中防塵框側檔 中防塵板框 中防塵板框後檔 中防塵板框中檔 中防塵板框前檔 中防塵板框側檔 中企柱 連接木 邊接木 門 門組立 門芯板 門橫檔 門上,下橫檔 門企柱 門中企柱 門側企柱 門檔塊 抽屜 抽後豎檔 抽屜檔塊 抽底板 抽後板 抽後板 抽後橫檔 抽頭板 抽頭長飾條 抽頭短飾條 抽頭板 上抽頭 抽滑槽 抽導軌 抽側板 抽側檔 抽屜擋塊 抽後檔塊 抽上檔 抽頂防斜桿 上抽 bottom frame rail , side bottom frame 2, parts bottom molding frame bottom molding frame rail, back bottom molding frame rail ,center bottom molding frame rail ,front bottom molding frame rail ,side bottom molding ,front bottom molding , side bottom panel bottom panel ,back bottom rail ,back bottom rail ,front bottom stretcher bottom support back bottom support , center back center dust frame rail ,back center dust frame rail ,front center dust frame rail ,side center dust panel frame center dust panel rail, back center dust panel rail, center center dust panel rail, front center dust panel rail, side center stile cleat cleat, side door door assembly door panel ,core door rail door rail ,top /bottom door stile door stile ,center door stile ,side door stopper drawer drawer back support rail drawer block drawer bottom drawer end drawer end panel drawer end rail drawer front panel drawer front molding ,long drawer front molding ,short drawer front panel drawer front ,top drawer guide,female drawer guide,male drawer side drawer side rail drawer stopper drawer stopper ,back drawer top rail drawer top tilt rail drawer ,top 供稿人:袁玉華
如有错误望各位海涵,留下指教批评建议更佳,小女子在此谢过~下面还给大家分享一下网络热搜关键词ps:本人本科英语专业,外贸入门级,现从事藤木户外家具外贸,请多指教!以下是自己总结的最近接触比较多的:Armchair 围椅、扶手椅Antique carring coffee table sets 古典咖啡桌套装Armless sofa 无扶手沙发Beach mat 沙滩气垫Bentwood chair 曲木椅Ball chair 球椅Camping chair 野营椅、轻便折椅Chaise lounge 贵妃椅、躺椅Corner sofa 转角沙发Canopy 天蓬、遮阳伞Canopy bed 四柱床,带天蓬的床Cloth rack 衣架Defile resisting 防污损、耐脏Deck chair 折叠椅Daybed 坐卧两用长椅、沙发床Egg chair 蛋椅EPE 珍珠棉、发泡聚乙烯Folding sun lounge 折叠太阳躺椅Footrest 搁脚凳Footstool 脚凳Flower stand 花架Garden gazebo 花园遮阳蓬Gazebo 露台、眺望台、凉亭Golf umbrella 高尔夫伞Garden umbrella 花园伞Genuine leather 真皮Hammock 吊床High density sponge 高密度海绵、高弹泡沫海绵High resilience reticulated foam 高弹性快干棉Kiosk 凉亭Loveseat sofa 双人小沙发Lounge chair 躺椅Moon chair 月亮椅Marquee 华盖、遮阳蓬Marble top coffee table sets 大理石台咖啡桌椅套装Moon chair 月亮椅Memory reticulated foam 慢回弹快干棉Oak bar chair 橡木椅Ottoman 搁脚凳Patio furniture 庭院家具Parasol 遮阳伞Powder coating 粉末涂层Platinum 银灰色Quick dry foam 快干棉Recliner chair 斜躺椅Rocking chair 安乐椅、摇椅Reticulated foam 网状棉Seat cushion 座垫Swing rocking chair 秋千摇椅Swing basket chair 悬挂藤椅Sythetic PE rattan 合成PE编藤Swing chair 秋千椅Sunshade 遮阳伞Scratch proof 防划伤Stacking sequence design 铺层设计Side post umbrella 侧壁柱伞Solid wood furniture 实木家具Sterling color 颜色纯正Steel blue 钢蓝色Slate 石板色Teak furniture 柚木家具Tempered glass 钢化玻璃Umbrella stand 伞架Umbrella base 伞基座Wicker furniture 柳条家具WPC = wood plastic composit木塑复合材料以下是网上资料,据说是网络热搜统计关键词:关键词中文翻译furniture 家具chair 椅子sofa 沙发umbrella 伞outdoor furniture 户外家具plastic chair 塑料椅rattan furniture 藤家具table 桌子coffee table 咖啡桌茶几dining table 餐桌dining chair 餐椅beach chair 沙滩椅garden furniture 庭院家具sofa bed 沙发床sofa set 沙发套装folding chair 折叠椅canopy 遮阳蓬hotel furniture 酒店家具wooden furniture 木制家具garden 花园furniture sofacamping tent 野营帐篷wood furniture 木制家具kiosk 一体机wooden 木的wpc 木塑复合材料folding table 折叠桌camping 野营bar chair 酒吧椅rattan 藤条rattan chair 藤椅child furniture 儿童家具leisure chair 休闲椅stool 不锈钢modern furniture 现代家具swing 秋千modern sofa 现代沙发hammock 吊床kid furniture 儿童家具beach umbrella 沙滩伞hanging chairled umbrelladining set 餐厅家具套装camping chair 野营椅wooden chair 木制椅wood chair 木制椅bench 长椅bar furniture 酒吧家具desk 桌子folding bed 折叠床outdoor 户外的bamboo product 竹制品magic cube 魔方metal furniture 金属家具round chair 圆椅moon chair 月亮椅bamboo furniture 竹制家具recliner chair 斜躺椅rocking chair 安乐椅/摇椅mailbox 信箱modern chair 现代椅egg chair 蛋椅patio furniture 花园家具lounge chair 躺椅rattan sofa 藤沙发furniture set 家具套装restaurant furniture 饭店家具aluminum chair 铝制椅子wicker furniture 柳条家具golf umbrella 高尔夫伞parasol 遮阳伞beach mat 沙滩地垫swing chair 秋千椅inflatable chair 充气椅chaise lounge 躺椅/贵妃椅beach tent 沙滩帐篷recliner 斜躺椅sunshademarquee 帐篷;遮篷bentwood chairdirector chair 经理椅metal chair 金属椅folding stool 折叠凳rattan outdoor furniturestadium chairglass table 玻璃桌armchair 扶手椅ball chair 球椅dinning chairdeck chair 折叠椅teak furniture 柚木家具beachhouseware 家用品outdoor umbrella 户外伞tea table 茶几bar table 酒吧桌bamboo chair 竹椅air bed 充气床sun umbrella 太阳伞garden umbrella 花园伞bottle umbrelladinner table 餐桌table base 工作台底座dinning table 餐桌wood plastic composite 木塑复合材料outdoor bedrelax chair 休闲椅waiting chairumbrella base 伞基座outdoor chair 户外椅wooden table 木制桌子camping tablesolid wood furniture 实木家具garden chair 花园椅baby swinggarden gazebo 花园遮阳蓬chiavari chair 竹节椅child chair 儿童椅。
名称 竹家具 曲木家具 浴室家具 婴儿床 床架 小边桌(床头柜) 卧室家具 双层床 儿童床 咖啡桌(茶几) 控制台(边桌) 橱柜 沙发床 梳妆台 文件柜 折叠椅 民间家具 床头 酒店家具 餐具柜 百叶门 嵌套桌 办公家具 折面桌 伸缩餐桌 躺椅 摇椅 乡村风格家具
Description Bamboo Furniture Bentwood Furniture Bathroom Furniture Baby Crib Bedstead Beside Table Bedroom Furniture Bunk Children's Bed Coffee Table Console (Table) Cupboard Divan Dresser File Cabinet Folding Chair Folk Furniture Headboard Hotel Furniture Kitchen Cabinet Louvered Door Nesting Table Office Furntiure Pembroke Table Pull-out Table Recliner Rocking Chair Rustic Style Furniture
Flakeboard, Particle Board
Formica HDF
中密度纤维板、中纤板 MDF
??? (Shanghai) International Ltd.
Chinese-English Furniture Glossary
NO.: File No.???.QC-FI-03
Chinese-English Furniture Glossary
Lowback guest chair 低背来宾椅
Lowback visitor chair 低背接待椅
Managerial mediumback chair 中背经理椅
Margined flush door 镶边平板门
Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架
Bathroom furniture 浴室家具
Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台
Batten door 板条门
Bed base床架,床套
Bed base set 成套床架
Bedroom suite 坐室解列家具
Bedstead 床架
Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜
Child cot 童床
Children’s bed 儿童床
Children’s bedroom suite 儿童坐房解列家具
Children’s chair 儿童椅
CKD(complete knock down) 全体拆拆式家具
Clothes rail 挂衣杆
French-type furniture 模式家具
French cabinet 法式桌椅直脚
French door 玻璃门
Function sofa多功能沙发椅
Furniture for bedrooms 坐室家具
Furniture for public premises 公共场所家具
Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜
Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌
Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌
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中文 会计 总务 配料 细作(木作) 砂光 装配 油漆 包装 成品 仓库 工务
家具常用 专有名词
A.产品名称 (ITEM NAME )
end table
SQ lamp table
鸡尾酒桌 SQ cokctail table
rect cocktall table
altar table
扶手餐椅 dining chair(arm)
rocker chair
vanity stool
party chair
mirror frame
Bedroom furniture
Poster bed
Platform bed
Canopy bed
Sleigh bed
Panel bed
Bachelor’s chest/Nightstand
Drawer Chest
Mule chest/Dresser
China cabinet base/Buffet/Credenza
China cabinet top/Hutch
Living room furniture
Cocktail table
End table
Sofa table
Hall Chest
Black walnut
古典家具中文术语和英文解释矮老: Pillar-shaped strut.矮面盆架: Washbasin stand.矮桌展腿式: Low table with extended legs. Low waisted tablewhich is transformed into a high table by adding round extensionsto the square legs.案: Recessed-leg table.暗抽屉: Hidden drawers, opened by raising from underneathrather than with a pull.凹面: Concave moulding拔步床: Alcove [5AlkEJv] bedstead.百宝嵌: One-hundred- precious-material inlay.半槽地: Half-and-half relief. The most common type of relief carving with relief and ground occupying about the same amount of space.半桌: Half table, slightly larger than half an eight Immortals [9ImR:`tel] table.抱鼓: Embracing drums. The drum-shaped elements at the top of a shoe-foot used to hold the spandrels of screens,clothes racks and lampstands in position.抱肩榫: Embracing-shoulder tenon. A mitred joint used in waisted furniture of the corner-leg construc-tion to attach the leg and apron. A concealedtriangular-shaped tenon in the apron fits into amortise in the leg. Simultaneously aconcealed long and vertical dovetailed tenon slides into a mortise in the apron.宝塔纹: Pagoda pattern. Term used in Suzhou to describe the natural grain of beech.包镶: Complete veneer, a hardwood veneer covering the entire piece of furniture.宝座: Throne, for emperor or god.宝座式镜台: Throne-type mirror platform.霸王枨: Giant\'s arm brace, extending from the leg to the underside of the table top at a 45°angle.八仙桌: Eight Immortals table. Square table suitable for seating eight people.边簧: Tongue, on four sides of the floating panel of a table top.边框: Frame.边抹: Square or rectangular frame, consisting of two sides with tenons and two sides with mortises (.榫眼matou).鳔胶: Fish glue, the best cabinetmaker\'s glue made from the air bladder of the yellow croaker fish. 冰盘沿: Ice-plate edge. General term for allinward-sloping mouldings.波纹: Wave lattice. Term found in Yuan ye (The Art of the Garden) and also used for furniture.步步高赶枨: Stepped chair stretchers. Chair stretchers which are arranged with the front one lowest, the side ones higher, and the back one highest, so that the joints do not overlap.踩: Lowering the surface of the wood. General term popular among craftsmen.草龙: Curling limbed dragon. Stylized dragon pattern in which the legs and tail turn into curls, derived from the curling tendril design.侧脚: Splayed legs. Term borrowed from ancient architecture (where it describes the splay of pillars at the base) to describe the slight splay of furniture legs at their base.茶几: Tea table. High table derived from the Ming incense table and popular in Qing times.插肩榫: Inserted shoulder joint. One of the essential joints of the recessed-leg construction. The upper part of the leg is split to form two tenoned pieces; the front one is made shoulder-like so that it can be inserted into cavities in the apron. When the joint is in place the surfaces of leg and apron are flush.铲地浮雕: Relief carving on smoothed ground.长凳: Long bench, general term.长方凳: Rectangular stool.缠枝莲纹: Scrolling lotus design.朝衣柜: Court costume cabinet. Compound wardrobe in four parts with side panels. A kind of sijiangui with panels between the doors and outer frames which make the wardrobe wide enough for court costumes to be placed inside without being folded.插屏式座屏风: Removable-panel screen set in a stand, the panel having tongues which can be slid in and out of grooves in the vertical pillars.枨子: Stretcher. Member used mainly to connect two legs.螭虎闹灵芝: Hornless dragons inter-twined with Iingzhi fungus.螭纹: Stylized hornless dragon design.抽屉架: Drawer frame, put inside a cabinet or shelf to hold the drawers.抽屉脸: Front of a drawer.抽屉桌: Narrow table with drawers.橱: Cabinet, southern term for gui, which is more current in the north.穿带: Penetrating transverse brace, which fits into a groove in the floating panel.床: Bed, which in China is used for daytime sitting as well as sleeping. General term for both large and small beds.床围子: Railing on Luohan and canopy bed.床衣镜: Full-length mirror, a type derived from a screen set into a base which became popular during he Qing dynasty.春凳: Large bench. In south China the term refers to a bench for two or more people. Northerners use this term only for a bench for more than two people.攒: To join.攒斗: Latticework. Literally joining the straight and assembling the curved, two methods of making lattice. General term which is a contraction of cuanjie and doucu.攒牙子: Apron or apron and spandrel made by joining the straight.攒边打槽装板: Assembling a mortised-and-tenoned frame with floating panel. This is done by first making a groove all around the inner edge of the frame and then inserting the tongue of the panel.攒边装板围子: Railing of a Luohan bed consisting of frames with inset panels.攒接: Joining the straight. Term used for the method of making a lattice from short straight pieces of wood, placed vertically, horizontally, and sometimes diagonally, and mortised and tenoned together. The resulting lattice may have square or rounded corners.攒接围子: Bed railing made by joining the straight.搭板书案: Board and stand desk, consisting of a top resting on two separate stands with drawers which originally were not intended to be used apart from the table.大边: Tenon-bearing frame member. If the frame is rectangular the term refers to the two long pieces with tenons; if square, it indicates the two tenon-bearing members; if round, each piece iscalled a dabian.大方扛箱: Large square box carried on a pole. Term used in Lu Ban jing (Lu Ban\'s Classic) for a large picnic box.带: Transverse brace, which always connects the tenon-bearing frame members. General term which includes the penetrating transverse brace and the curved transverse brace.带口: Dovetailed groove for the penetrating trans-verse brace on the back of a floating panel.大理石: Marble, and in particular Dali marble, from Mount Diancang点苍in the Dali District of Yunnan Province.搭脑: Top rail. Highest rail on the back of a chair. The term also refers to the highest horizontal member of any frame, such as a clothes rack or towel rack.挡板: Inset panel on a recessed-leg table with side panels. It usually has openwork carving finished on both sides and sits on a side floor stretcher or base stretchers.倒棱: Rounding the edges. Procedure done to soften the sharp edges of a member.打洼: Concave moulding; also called aomian or wamian.大叶榆: Large leaf elm, a kind of ju wood; also called juyu.凳: Stool. Also wudeng.灯草线: Beading, a rounded moulding.Dengcao 灯草: are rushes used as lampwicks.灯挂椅: Lamp-hanger chair. Side chair wkh a high narrow bacic resembling the bamboo lamp hangers commonly used in south China.雕刻: Carving.吊牌: Metal pull.吊头: Protruding end. The part of the top of recessed-leg table which extends beyond the leg towards the sides.地枨: Lowest stretcher on a cabinet.顶箱: Upper part of a compound wardrobe in four parts.顶箱立柜: Compound wardrobe in four parts, consisting of two lower cabinets and two upper cabinets; also called sijiangui.地平: Platform. Large low wooden platform, usually square, placed in a room to hold furniture. When used for an alcove bed it is slightly larger than the bed. V ery large ones are for a screen andthrone.斗: Assembly of more than two members.斗柏楠: Burl of nan wood; also toubainan, the term used in Gegu yaolun (The Essential Criteria of Antiquities).斗簇: Assembling the curved, a term for the method of making a lattice unit from large or small curved pieces of wood joined together by loose tenons.斗簇围子: Luohan bed railing lattice made by assembling the curved; or Luohan bed railing lattice made by assembling the curved together with joining the straight.斗拱式: Bracket model, a type of spandrel inspired by architectural members.断纹: Crack patterns, the fortuitous designs formed of small cracks on the surface of aged lacquer. 独板面: Solid board top, found most often on narrow rectangular tables with recessed legs, trestle tables, and benches whose top is not made with a frame.独板围子: Solid board railing.都承盘或都丞盘或都盛盘或都珍盘: Desk tray or desk treasure tray, for holding the treasures (the paraphernalia used in calligraphy and painting) on a scholar\'s desk.墩子: Shoe-foot. Horizontal, usually bridge-shaped, piece of wood supporting a vertical member of a screen, clothes rack or lampstand. It tends to be large and includes the embracing drum.垛边: Frame-thickening inserts. Separate pieces of wood added, mainly for aesthetic reasons, beneath the four sides of a frame of a table top in order to increase its height. They are commonly found on tables and stools, often on the type with leg-encircling stretcher, or with three spandrels to one leg, and a humpbacked stretcher. The inserts are less deep than the frame members and thus give the illusion of a thick frame without having its weight.朵云双螭纹: Cloud surrounded by confronting dragons motif.鹅脖: Gooseneck front posts. Curved posts of an armchair which are often made from the same piece of wood as the front legs.二人凳: Two-seater bench.方凳: Square stool.方角柜: Square-corner cabinet. Usually a metal hinged cabinet with very little or no splay, and in which each of the four corners forms a right angle.方桌: Square table. Term refers to tables of various sizes.风车式: Windmill lattice. Patterned on the shape of the windmill motif used in Chinese paper toys.分心花: Dividing-the-heart motif, the cusp in the middle of an apron.浮雕: Relief carving.浮雕透雕结合: Relief and openwork carving. Term used when both types of decoration occur in a single piece.扶手: Arms of a chair.扶手椅: Armchair.盖面: Convex surface or moulding. Term used in Yingzao fashi (Building Standards) and by cabinetmakers today; also called hunmian and tumian.赶枨: Changing the level of stretchers, in order to spread out the mortises. The term usually refers to the lower stretchers of chairs.甘蔗床: Sugar-cane squeezer.高拱罗锅枨: High humpbacked stretcher. Stretcher which often appears on the type of table with three spandrels to one leg and on rectangular tables with recessed legs.高面盆架: Washbasin stand with towel rack. The two back legs are extended to form the towel rack.高束腰: High waist. On some examples the influence of a Buddhist pedestal is still discernible.高桌: High table.格肩: Mitre; single or double.格肩榫: Double-mitred tenon.供案: Recessed-leg altar table.供桌: Corner-leg altar table.勾挂垫榫: Hook-and-plug tenon joint, used to attach a giant\'s arm brace to the leg. The slightly hooked tenon is secured in the mortise by a small block of wood placed beneath it.瓜棱线: Melon-shaped moulding, a ridge-shaped moulding used on legs. (When the leg is seen in section, it resembles the section of a fluted melon.) It is often found on waistless square tables and round-corner cabinets. Also called甜瓜棱.管脚枨: Base stretcher, a bar placed just above the feet of a piece of furniture to hold the legs in position.官帽椅: Official\'s hat armchair. Term includes the official\'s hat armchair with four protruding ends and the southern official\'s hat armchair. See also nanguanmaoyi.官皮箱: Dressing case, usually having a base with drawers, which are often behind doors, and a top consisting of a lidded tray.挂销: Hanger tenon. Dovetail-shaped tenon on the top of a leg on which to hang the apron, usually as long as the apron.挂牙: Hanging spandrel. Spandrel whose length is greater than its width, and which narrows towards its lower edge.挂檐: Canopy lattice, around the top of a canopy bed.鼓钉: Bosses, the nail motifs on a drum stool.鼓墩: Drum stool; also called zuodun.柜: Cabinet, northern term for chu, which is more current in the south.柜帮: Side of a cabinet. Craftsmen\'s term.柜帽: Cabinet\'s cap, the top of a round-corner cabinet which protrudes beyond the side posts to allow for the wood hinged construction and which usually has rounded edges.鬼面: Devil\'s face. Term used in Gegu yaolun (The Essential Criteria of Antiquities) to describe a particular formation in the grain of huanghuali wood.柜塞: One-drawer coffer, literally the plug between two cabinets, because the coffer is often placed between a pair of cabinets or compound wardrobes in four parts.柜膛: Ridden compartment, occupying the space below the door and above the bottom board of a cabinet.滚凳: Roller stool. Stool with movable rollers, used to exercise the feet.裹腿枨: Leg-encircling stretcher. Stretcher continuing around the entire circumference of a piece, passing over the outside edges of the legs.裹腿做: Leg-encircling.鼓腿: Bulging leg.鼓腿彭牙Convex apron and bulging leg ending in a horse-hoof foot. Term used by Beijing cabinetmakers and in the Qing Regulations.海南檀: Daltergia hainanensis, the scientific name previously given to huanghuali wood.海棠式: Begonia-shaped.耗子尾: Upward-tapering member, such as the side posts of an armchair.横枨: Side stretcher, on rectangular tables.横拐子: Short horizontal members on the base of a washbasin stand.合页: Metal hinge.荷叶托: Lotus-leaf support, often occurring on mirror stands.红木:Hong wood. There are two kinds: old hong wood was the principal hardwood used by furniture makers from mid Qing times to the first quarter of the 20th century, and new hong wood is one of the main hardwoods used by furniture factories today.画案: Recessed-leg painting table. Large, wide rectangular table without drawers.花梨: Huali wood, Ormosia henryi. One of the main hardwoods used for furniture after the mid Qing dynasty.花榈: Huali wood. Pre-Ming way of writing the term which at that time referred mainly to huanghuali wood.黄花梨: Huanghuali wood, Dalbergia odorifera, the principal hardwood used for furniture from mid Ming until the first part of the Qing dynasty.黄杨: Boxwood, Buxus microphylia, a dense yellowish wood.。
家具术语中英文对照家具术语中英文对照木料相关用语1 中密度维板M.D.F(Mediumdensity fiberboard)2 三层板3 ply panel3 五层板5 ply panel4 粒片板P.B5 粒片板, 刨花板Chip board6 夹板, 胶合板Plywood7 纤维板Fiberboard8 塑合板, 刨花板Particle boards9 调理板, 刨刀Drawknife10 三角木Cleat/corner block11 树脂Resin12 硅树脂Silicone13 实木Solid wood14 木材Lumber15 毛料Raw log16 树瘤Burls17 硬木Hardboard18 曲木Bend wood19 苦木Quassia20 柏木Cypress21 松木Deal (pinaster)22 水杉Metasequoia23 橡木Oak24 云杉Spruce25 桦木Birch26 枫木Maple27 松木Pine28 红木Redwood29 柚木Teak30 柳木Willow31 荷木Chinese cherry32 椴木Basswood 33 栗树Chestnut34 槐木Locust35 楸木Qiou wood36 榆木Elm37 紫檀/热Rosewood38 白木/热Ramin39 松木/温Pine40 赤杨木Alder41 樱桃木Cherry42 铁杉木Hemlock43 水曲柳Ash44 水冬瓜Chinese birch45 红橡木Red Oak46 白橡木White Oak47 冷杉木Fir48 白花樟Arch Board49 柳婴木Lauan(white/red)50 山茱萸Dogwood51 菩提树Linden wood52 白杨木Poplar53 胡桃木Walnut54 山胡桃木Hickory55 落叶松木Larch56 黑檀/中非Ebony57 印度尼西亚木种Sumkai58 橡胶木/热Rubber wood59 山毛榉/东欧Beech60 西洋杉/香柏Cedar61 棉白杨/三叶杨Cottonwood62 桃花心木/非洲Mahogany63 美洲薄核胡桃树Pecan64 水曲柳/柞木/柯木Chinese oak65 艳阳花薄片Prima Vera66 向上山形花Upwards Cathedal67 漩涡状花纹Scroll68 竹节花, 地板花Butcher block 涂装&包装相关用语1 第一道面漆1st lacquer2 第二道面漆2nd lacquer3 一度底漆Wood sealer4 二度底漆Sand sealer5 消光面漆(亚光) Flat clear6 涂料(配方) Formula7 有色底漆Surface8 色漆,瓷釉Enamel9 封边漆,底漆Base coat10 布印,修色面漆Padding11 抛光,末道漆Finish12 喷底色Spray stain13 喷点Spot (spatter)14 全着色Drerail15 重涂Repainting16 刷涂Brushing17 上涂T op coat18 中涂Under coat19 下涂Primer coat20 涂膜Gel21 格丽丝,光滑釉料Glaze22 釉彩涂装Glaze23 PE 硬化剂(白水) Catalyst24 PE 硬化剂(蓝水) Cobalt25 间隔时间Setting time26 干燥时间Dry time27 干燥时间太长Dry time too long28 干燥时间太短Dry time too short29 气干Flash off30 干燥房Kiln dried room31 预干房Re-dried room32 常温干燥Air drying33 自然干燥时间Flash time34 可使用时间Potlife35 橡木油Oak oil 36 油性着色剂Oil stain37 快干着色剂Nuglaze38 吐纳,调色剂T oner39 香蕉水,稀释剂Thinner40 耐黄剂, 遮光剂"Sunscreen agent, not yellow agent41 添加剂Additive42 硬化剂Hardbey43 缓凝剂Retarder44 灰尘漆Power/dust glaze45 防锈漆Wash prevent46 木材填充剂Filler47 油性填充剂Filler (Oil base)48 水性填充剂Filler (Water base)49 防白水Retander thinner50 慢性水Bcs.Cas51 溶剂Solvent52 桶装涂料Barrel paint53 颜料Pigment54 蜡Wax55 胶Glue56 丙酮Acetone57 修补漆料T ouch up paint58 手砂Handing sanding59 机器砂光Machine sanding60 砂光Sanding61 砂纸Sandpaper62 抛光Polishing63 补土Putty64 布印Smudge65 漂白Bleach66 喷台Spray booth67 喷枪Spray gun68 喷漆柜Booth69 空气喷涂雾枪Air spray gun70 有气喷涂Air spray71 无气喷涂Airless spray72 喷均匀Spray overail73 敲打破坏处理"Physical distress/denting74 牛尾/马尾痕Cowtail75 挫刀Rasp76 挫刀痕Rasping77 V 沟V groove/scratch line78 薄膜流涂法Curtain flow coating79 浸清涂装Dipping finish80 酒精性色精Dye stain81 旋转式砂光机Orbital sander82 油漆摇动器Paint shaker83 高速搅拌机High speed mixer84 氮式搅拌机Air agitator385 搅拌桶Mixing tank86 滚筒涂装机Roller coating87 静电涂装机Electronic coater88 厚膜Film thickness89 粘度Fineness ratio90 粘度太浓Viscosity too thick91 粘度太稀Viscosity too thin92 太快干Dries too fast93 太慢干Dries too slow94 涂装部Finish department95 颜色太深Color too dark96 颜色太浅Color too light97 修色Pad stain98 修红Sap stain99 修青Equalizer100 明暗对比High-Light101 光泽Sheen (Gloss)102 仿大理石涂装Marble effect 103 调合比Mix104 涂装工程Paint process105 上色台Stain booth106 喷涂距离Spraying distance 107 空气压力Air pressure 108 涂布量Applied quantity109 材面Wash coat110 水磨Wet sanding111 色浆喷台Stain booth112 面板涂膜The gel of top113 穿过Thread114 纸杯Paper cup115 塑料杯Plastic cup116 量杯"Graduated measuring beaker" 117 层次感Hi li118 洗干净Wash off119 擦干净Wipe clean120 L型套角Edge protector121 包装方式Packing method122 舒美纸PE foam123 保丽龙Styro-foam/EPS124 天地盒Cover and tray carton125 五层瓦楞纸5 ply corrugated board 126 收缩包装Skin shrink127 纸箱强度Carboard strenth128 全KD Full KD129 半KD Semi KD130 全组立Set-up131 横向,水平Horizontal132 纵向,直的Vertical133 平接Butt joint134 指接Finger joint135 斜接Miter joint136 木纹Wood grain137 假木纹False wood grain138 白身部White department139 涂装部Finish department140 零售商Retailer141 外包商Subcontractor142 批发商Wholesaler143 熏蒸Fumigation品质术语相关用语1 通过Acceptable2 勉强通过Pass this cutting3 不能通过Unacceptable4 家俱Furniture5 雕刻Carving6 配方Formula7 溶剂 Solvent8 涂装Finish9 涂装部Finish department10 现象Phenomena11 硬度Hardness12 五金Hardware13 钢丝绒Steel wool14 工序名称Steps15 批量生产Cutting16 包装方式Packing -matching17 来料检验Imcoming inspection18 包装线Package line19 零件线Accessories line20 组立线Assemble line21 床线Bed line22 门框线Door frame line23 前框线Front frame line24 抽头线Drawer line25 封边线Edgeseal line26 板料线Cutting line27 仿古线Glaze line28 砂光线Sanding line29 白身White wood30 白身部White wood department31 白身上线White wood loading32 搬运踫伤Handling damage33 保护不当Improper protection34 迭放不当Improper stacking35 角度不对Improper angle 36 孔深不对Improper hole depth37 孔径不对Improper hole diameter38 孔距不对Improper kith between hole39 尺寸不对Wrong size40 面边不平直Gap between top leaves41 贴皮接合不良Bad veneer splicing42 间隙裂缝Gap43 接缝开裂Open joint44 端头崩裂Split on the end45 针孔Pinhole46 补土痕Putty mark47 喷涂漆痕Streaking48 修补不良Improper repair49 表面粗糙Rough surface50 砂光不良Improper sanding51 左右高低不平Left right not in level52 嵌平,使齐平Flush53 平坦Level54 下陷Sinking-in55 粒状涂膜Disfgrittiness seediness56 面板涂膜The gel of top57 粗糙涂膜Pebbing58 漆膜不足Hungry59 油漆露白Unfinished area60 表面污渍Blemish surface61 手砂Hand sanding62 逆砂Cross sanding63 砂破皮Over sanding64 砂光变形Contour variation65 砂纸伤痕Sanding scratches66 零件破损/裂开Parts broken/split67 零配件松散Parts loose68 遗漏或放错配件Missing/wrong parts(hardware)69 配件颜色搭配Part colors matching70 不干Wetting71 刮擦测试Scratch test72 粘迹Sticking73 回粘Reviscid74 底部油漆未擦干Blenish on interior or bottom surface75 压伤Dent76 刮伤Scratch77 碰伤 Bumping78 色板Color panel79 色深Color darker80 色浅Color light81 变色Discoloration82 光泽不均Uneven gloss83 光泽不良Poor gloss84 不良点色/修色Poor touch-up85 胶 Glue86 胶印Glue mark87 溢胶Excessive glue88 溢胶未擦Excessive glue89 拼板脱胶Delamination90 薄片太窄Veneer too narrow91 薄片胶接不对称Veneer pattern slipage92 材料弯曲Warping material93 鱼眼Fisheye94 白化Blushing95 龟裂Cracking96 皱纹Wrinking97 灰尘不干净Dust in parts98 擦拭不良Poor wiping99 剥落Flaking100 剥离Scaling poor adhesionpeeling flaking101 皱黄Yellowing102 裂纹checking103 气泡Bubble104 出钉Bulge; Staple protruding105 橘皮肌Orange peeling 106 跳刀痕Knife mark107 垂流(挂流) Runs108 下垂Sags109 摇摆Swing110 层Layer111 线槽Fluted112 拼板 Laminating113 输送带Conveyor114 一套Suite115 一隔, 一区Section116 纸箱强度Cardboard strength 117 椅子倾斜度Chair pitch 118 打型Shape119 喷点Spot(spatter120 模糊的muddy121 齐平的, 紧接的Flush122 相反的, 颠倒的Reversed 123 铜变色, 生锈Tarnished brass 124 色分离Flocculation125 细粒皱Motting126 修色,布印,补白Padding127 狭长隆起; 脊状Ridge128 恢复原状Return to a former家俱配件相关用语1 床线Bed line2 板料线Cutting line3 前框线Front frame line4 门框线Door frame line5 砂光线Sanding line6 封边线Edge seal line7 组立线Assemble line8 仿古线Glaze line9 包装线Package line10 零件线Accessories line11 抽头线Drawer line12 白身上线White wood loading13 面漆砂光线Finish sanding line14 上前饰条Top front molding15 下前饰条Low down front molding16 上侧饰条Top side molding17 下侧饰条Low side molding18 下横Bottom rail19 上横Top rail20 左侧下横档Left stretcher21 右侧下横档Right stretcher22 立水 Apron23 前立水Front apron24 侧立水End apron25 立水加强木Enforced block for leg26 顶冠Top crown27 顶尖车积Finial28 连接档Center stretcher29 连接木Cleat30 三角木Corner block31 下座Base32 上座Top33 抽屉Drawer34 内抽Interior drawer35 抽前Drawer front 36 抽后Drawer back37 抽侧Drawer side38 抽挡光条Drawer leveler40 左脚Left leg41 右脚Right leg42 左前脚Left front leg43 右前脚Right front leg44 左后脚Left back leg45 右后脚Right back leg46 左扶手Left arm47 右扶手Right arm48 左扶手支柱Left arm post49 右扶手支柱Right arm post 39 椅脑Top rail, cap rail50 椅背条Back slat51 椅背板Back cushion52 前檔Front rail53 侧档Side rail54 床头Headboard55 床尾Footboard56 床侧Rails57 床柱Post58 床单, 床罩Bedspread59 弹簧床面Bedspring60 床垫Mattress61 棉被Comforter62 枕头Pillow63 脚柱Leg64 脚蹄Bun foot65 虎脚Ball & Claw foot66 平脚Empire foot67 南瓜脚Pumpkin foot68 汤匙脚Queen anne foot69 板Board/plank70 饰板Plaque/deck71 中板加立水Leaf w/apron72 拼板Laminating73 隔板Partition panel74 面板/顶板Top panel75 底板Bottom panel76 背板Back panel77 侧板Side panel78 防尘板Dust (proof) panel79 写字板Writing board80 面框Top frame81 门框Door frame82 镜框Mirror frame83 前框Front frame84 背框Back frame85 固定层板Fixed panel86 活动层板Adjustable shelf87 饰条Moulding/decoration strip88 镶花Marquetry inlay89 装饰花Ornament90 弯饰条Crownrail molding91 香蕉条Banana brace92 绳索饰条Rope molding93 原木饰条Wood inlay94 牙齿痕饰条Plaque/dental molding95 湿度测试器Moisture tester96 亮度计量器Sheen meter97 漆膜厚度计量器MM gauge98 动植物检疫证明Plytosanity certificate99 五金Hardware100 把手Handle/Pull101 圆头把手Knob102 滑轨Guide103 合页Hinge104 钢琴合页Piano hinge105 牛排合页Barrel hinge106 插销Pin107 泪扣Glass retainer108 螺栓Bolt 109 角铁Metal bracket 110 弹簧Spring111 脚轮Caster112 地脚钉Floor guide113 大理石Marble114 防火标签Fire retardant115 扳手Wrench116 曲手Spring hinge117 升降架Lifter118 铝支架Aluming post119 水平扣Level lock120 门夹扣Roller catch121 拍拍手Magnet catches122 挂钩Pin hook123 绒布Velvet/felt124 茶玻Smoke glass125 门玻Door glass126 层玻Glass shelf127 镜玻Mirror128 强化玻璃Accent glass129 OG 玻璃OG glass130 削边玻璃Beveled glass 131 芸术玻璃Seeded glass 132 喷砂玻璃/雾玻Frosted glass 133 玻璃夹扣Glass clip 134 灯Light135 灯泡Bulb136 触动式筒灯T ouch lighting 137 卤素灯Halogen138 抽挡片Stopper139 白托吊Plastic drawer guide 140 门挡光条Light strip 141 橡皮压条Rubber strip/band 142 木榫Dowel143 边垫Side pad144 套角Corner pad145 瓦楞纸垫片Corrugated pad146 色板Color panel147 薄片Veneer148 椅子仰角/弧度Pitch149 靠背下横档Back bottom rail 150 沙发座Seat cushion 151 高密度泡棉High density foam 152 座垫Seat pad153 草垫Rush seat154 层Layer155 截面Section156 轮廓,外形Profile157 抽板Pulling tray158 直立板Endlong clapboard 159 横木Cross rail; Corssbar 160 配方Formula161 床柜Box spring162 香菇塞子Mushroom plug163 (盘子)拉沟(Plate) Groove164 顶板四角Four corner of top 165 高柜上座Highboy deck 166 壳状物/贝壳Shell167 调节Adjust168 使成型Shape169 传送带Conveyor170 锡铅合金Pewter。
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古典家具中文术语和英文解释矮老: Pillar-shaped strut.矮面盆架: Washbasin stand.矮桌展腿式: Low table with extended legs. Low waisted tablewhich is transformed into a high table by adding round extensionsto the square legs.案: Recessed-leg table.暗抽屉: Hidden drawers, opened by raising from underneathrather than with a pull.凹面: Concave moulding拔步床: Alcove [5AlkEJv] bedstead.百宝嵌: One-hundred- precious-material inlay.半槽地: Half-and-half relief. The most common type of relief carving with relief and ground occupying about the same amount of space.半桌: Half table, slightly larger than half an eight Immortals [9ImR:`tel] table.抱鼓: Embracing drums. The drum-shaped elements at the top of a shoe-foot used to hold the spandrels of screens,clothes racks and lampstands in position.抱肩榫: Embracing-shoulder tenon. A mitred joint used in waisted furniture of the corner-leg construc-tion to attach the leg and apron. A concealedtriangular-shaped tenon in the apron fits into amortise in the leg. Simultaneously aconcealed long and vertical dovetailed tenon slides into a mortise in the apron.宝塔纹: Pagoda pattern. Term used in Suzhou to describe the natural grain of beech.包镶: Complete veneer, a hardwood veneer covering the entire piece of furniture.宝座: Throne, for emperor or god.宝座式镜台: Throne-type mirror platform.霸王枨: Giant\'s arm brace, extending from the leg to the underside of the table top at a 45°angle.八仙桌: Eight Immortals table. Square table suitable for seating eight people.边簧: Tongue, on four sides of the floating panel of a table top.边框: Frame.边抹: Square or rectangular frame, consisting of two sides with tenons and two sides with mortises (.榫眼matou).鳔胶: Fish glue, the best cabinetmaker\'s glue made from the air bladder of the yellow croaker fish. 冰盘沿: Ice-plate edge. General term for allinward-sloping mouldings.波纹: Wave lattice. Term found in Yuan ye (The Art of the Garden) and also used for furniture.步步高赶枨: Stepped chair stretchers. Chair stretchers which are arranged with the front one lowest, the side ones higher, and the back one highest, so that the joints do not overlap.踩: Lowering the surface of the wood. General term popular among craftsmen.草龙: Curling limbed dragon. Stylized dragon pattern in which the legs and tail turn into curls, derived from the curling tendril design.侧脚: Splayed legs. Term borrowed from ancient architecture (where it describes the splay of pillars at the base) to describe the slight splay of furniture legs at their base.茶几: Tea table. High table derived from the Ming incense table and popular in Qing times.插肩榫: Inserted shoulder joint. One of the essential joints of the recessed-leg construction. The upper part of the leg is split to form two tenoned pieces; the front one is made shoulder-like so that it can be inserted into cavities in the apron. When the joint is in place the surfaces of leg and apron are flush.铲地浮雕: Relief carving on smoothed ground.长凳: Long bench, general term.长方凳: Rectangular stool.缠枝莲纹: Scrolling lotus design.朝衣柜: Court costume cabinet. Compound wardrobe in four parts with side panels. A kind of sijiangui with panels between the doors and outer frames which make the wardrobe wide enough for court costumes to be placed inside without being folded.插屏式座屏风: Removable-panel screen set in a stand, the panel having tongues which can be slid in and out of grooves in the vertical pillars.枨子: Stretcher. Member used mainly to connect two legs.螭虎闹灵芝: Hornless dragons inter-twined with Iingzhi fungus.螭纹: Stylized hornless dragon design.抽屉架: Drawer frame, put inside a cabinet or shelf to hold the drawers.抽屉脸: Front of a drawer.抽屉桌: Narrow table with drawers.橱: Cabinet, southern term for gui, which is more current in the north.穿带: Penetrating transverse brace, which fits into a groove in the floating panel.床: Bed, which in China is used for daytime sitting as well as sleeping. General term for both large and small beds.床围子: Railing on Luohan and canopy bed.床衣镜: Full-length mirror, a type derived from a screen set into a base which became popular during he Qing dynasty.春凳: Large bench. In south China the term refers to a bench for two or more people. Northerners use this term only for a bench for more than two people.攒: To join.攒斗: Latticework. Literally joining the straight and assembling the curved, two methods of making lattice. General term which is a contraction of cuanjie and doucu.攒牙子: Apron or apron and spandrel made by joining the straight.攒边打槽装板: Assembling a mortised-and-tenoned frame with floating panel. This is done by first making a groove all around the inner edge of the frame and then inserting the tongue of the panel.攒边装板围子: Railing of a Luohan bed consisting of frames with inset panels.攒接: Joining the straight. Term used for the method of making a lattice from short straight pieces of wood, placed vertically, horizontally, and sometimes diagonally, and mortised and tenoned together. The resulting lattice may have square or rounded corners.攒接围子: Bed railing made by joining the straight.搭板书案: Board and stand desk, consisting of a top resting on two separate stands with drawers which originally were not intended to be used apart from the table.大边: Tenon-bearing frame member. If the frame is rectangular the term refers to the two long pieces with tenons; if square, it indicates the two tenon-bearing members; if round, each piece iscalled a dabian.大方扛箱: Large square box carried on a pole. Term used in Lu Ban jing (Lu Ban\'s Classic) for a large picnic box.带: Transverse brace, which always connects the tenon-bearing frame members. General term which includes the penetrating transverse brace and the curved transverse brace.带口: Dovetailed groove for the penetrating trans-verse brace on the back of a floating panel.大理石: Marble, and in particular Dali marble, from Mount Diancang点苍in the Dali District of Yunnan Province.搭脑: Top rail. Highest rail on the back of a chair. The term also refers to the highest horizontal member of any frame, such as a clothes rack or towel rack.挡板: Inset panel on a recessed-leg table with side panels. It usually has openwork carving finished on both sides and sits on a side floor stretcher or base stretchers.倒棱: Rounding the edges. Procedure done to soften the sharp edges of a member.打洼: Concave moulding; also called aomian or wamian.大叶榆: Large leaf elm, a kind of ju wood; also called juyu.凳: Stool. Also wudeng.灯草线: Beading, a rounded moulding.Dengcao 灯草: are rushes used as lampwicks.灯挂椅: Lamp-hanger chair. Side chair wkh a high narrow bacic resembling the bamboo lamp hangers commonly used in south China.雕刻: Carving.吊牌: Metal pull.吊头: Protruding end. The part of the top of recessed-leg table which extends beyond the leg towards the sides.地枨: Lowest stretcher on a cabinet.顶箱: Upper part of a compound wardrobe in four parts.顶箱立柜: Compound wardrobe in four parts, consisting of two lower cabinets and two upper cabinets; also called sijiangui.地平: Platform. Large low wooden platform, usually square, placed in a room to hold furniture. When used for an alcove bed it is slightly larger than the bed. V ery large ones are for a screen andthrone.斗: Assembly of more than two members.斗柏楠: Burl of nan wood; also toubainan, the term used in Gegu yaolun (The Essential Criteria of Antiquities).斗簇: Assembling the curved, a term for the method of making a lattice unit from large or small curved pieces of wood joined together by loose tenons.斗簇围子: Luohan bed railing lattice made by assembling the curved; or Luohan bed railing lattice made by assembling the curved together with joining the straight.斗拱式: Bracket model, a type of spandrel inspired by architectural members.断纹: Crack patterns, the fortuitous designs formed of small cracks on the surface of aged lacquer. 独板面: Solid board top, found most often on narrow rectangular tables with recessed legs, trestle tables, and benches whose top is not made with a frame.独板围子: Solid board railing.都承盘或都丞盘或都盛盘或都珍盘: Desk tray or desk treasure tray, for holding the treasures (the paraphernalia used in calligraphy and painting) on a scholar\'s desk.墩子: Shoe-foot. Horizontal, usually bridge-shaped, piece of wood supporting a vertical member of a screen, clothes rack or lampstand. It tends to be large and includes the embracing drum.垛边: Frame-thickening inserts. Separate pieces of wood added, mainly for aesthetic reasons, beneath the four sides of a frame of a table top in order to increase its height. They are commonly found on tables and stools, often on the type with leg-encircling stretcher, or with three spandrels to one leg, and a humpbacked stretcher. The inserts are less deep than the frame members and thus give the illusion of a thick frame without having its weight.朵云双螭纹: Cloud surrounded by confronting dragons motif.鹅脖: Gooseneck front posts. Curved posts of an armchair which are often made from the same piece of wood as the front legs.二人凳: Two-seater bench.方凳: Square stool.方角柜: Square-corner cabinet. Usually a metal hinged cabinet with very little or no splay, and in which each of the four corners forms a right angle.方桌: Square table. Term refers to tables of various sizes.风车式: Windmill lattice. Patterned on the shape of the windmill motif used in Chinese paper toys.分心花: Dividing-the-heart motif, the cusp in the middle of an apron.浮雕: Relief carving.浮雕透雕结合: Relief and openwork carving. Term used when both types of decoration occur in a single piece.扶手: Arms of a chair.扶手椅: Armchair.盖面: Convex surface or moulding. Term used in Yingzao fashi (Building Standards) and by cabinetmakers today; also called hunmian and tumian.赶枨: Changing the level of stretchers, in order to spread out the mortises. The term usually refers to the lower stretchers of chairs.甘蔗床: Sugar-cane squeezer.高拱罗锅枨: High humpbacked stretcher. Stretcher which often appears on the type of table with three spandrels to one leg and on rectangular tables with recessed legs.高面盆架: Washbasin stand with towel rack. The two back legs are extended to form the towel rack.高束腰: High waist. On some examples the influence of a Buddhist pedestal is still discernible.高桌: High table.格肩: Mitre; single or double.格肩榫: Double-mitred tenon.供案: Recessed-leg altar table.供桌: Corner-leg altar table.勾挂垫榫: Hook-and-plug tenon joint, used to attach a giant\'s arm brace to the leg. The slightly hooked tenon is secured in the mortise by a small block of wood placed beneath it.瓜棱线: Melon-shaped moulding, a ridge-shaped moulding used on legs. (When the leg is seen in section, it resembles the section of a fluted melon.) It is often found on waistless square tables and round-corner cabinets. Also called甜瓜棱.管脚枨: Base stretcher, a bar placed just above the feet of a piece of furniture to hold the legs in position.官帽椅: Official\'s hat armchair. Term includes the official\'s hat armchair with four protruding ends and the southern official\'s hat armchair. See also nanguanmaoyi.官皮箱: Dressing case, usually having a base with drawers, which are often behind doors, and a top consisting of a lidded tray.挂销: Hanger tenon. Dovetail-shaped tenon on the top of a leg on which to hang the apron, usually as long as the apron.挂牙: Hanging spandrel. Spandrel whose length is greater than its width, and which narrows towards its lower edge.挂檐: Canopy lattice, around the top of a canopy bed.鼓钉: Bosses, the nail motifs on a drum stool.鼓墩: Drum stool; also called zuodun.柜: Cabinet, northern term for chu, which is more current in the south.柜帮: Side of a cabinet. Craftsmen\'s term.柜帽: Cabinet\'s cap, the top of a round-corner cabinet which protrudes beyond the side posts to allow for the wood hinged construction and which usually has rounded edges.鬼面: Devil\'s face. Term used in Gegu yaolun (The Essential Criteria of Antiquities) to describe a particular formation in the grain of huanghuali wood.柜塞: One-drawer coffer, literally the plug between two cabinets, because the coffer is often placed between a pair of cabinets or compound wardrobes in four parts.柜膛: Ridden compartment, occupying the space below the door and above the bottom board of a cabinet.滚凳: Roller stool. Stool with movable rollers, used to exercise the feet.裹腿枨: Leg-encircling stretcher. Stretcher continuing around the entire circumference of a piece, passing over the outside edges of the legs.裹腿做: Leg-encircling.鼓腿: Bulging leg.鼓腿彭牙Convex apron and bulging leg ending in a horse-hoof foot. Term used by Beijing cabinetmakers and in the Qing Regulations.海南檀: Daltergia hainanensis, the scientific name previously given to huanghuali wood.海棠式: Begonia-shaped.耗子尾: Upward-tapering member, such as the side posts of an armchair.横枨: Side stretcher, on rectangular tables.横拐子: Short horizontal members on the base of a washbasin stand.合页: Metal hinge.荷叶托: Lotus-leaf support, often occurring on mirror stands.红木:Hong wood. There are two kinds: old hong wood was the principal hardwood used by furniture makers from mid Qing times to the first quarter of the 20th century, and new hong wood is one of the main hardwoods used by furniture factories today.画案: Recessed-leg painting table. Large, wide rectangular table without drawers.花梨: Huali wood, Ormosia henryi. One of the main hardwoods used for furniture after the mid Qing dynasty.花榈: Huali wood. Pre-Ming way of writing the term which at that time referred mainly to huanghuali wood.黄花梨: Huanghuali wood, Dalbergia odorifera, the principal hardwood used for furniture from mid Ming until the first part of the Qing dynasty.黄杨: Boxwood, Buxus microphylia, a dense yellowish wood.。