

江苏大学学术论文写作--- 试卷+答案+讲解Part IDirections: Answer the following question on the Answer Sheet. 10% What are the main strategies (listed at least Five) for international journal paper submission? P1491)Select an article published in your own field from your target journal and preferably written by a native speaker of English; analyze its structure and language characteristics.2)Read Instruction for Authors/Guide for Authors carefully to know more about its specific requirements. 3)Respect international readers by taking differences in culture, reading habits, and use of languages into consideration4)Tailor for the r eferee’s taste:learn about the referee’s requirements beforehand in order to meet the general review expectations.5)Pay attention to self-checklists to ensure that the manuscript has such academic merits as being original in content, standard in language, and consistent in style.6)Think about the research grants.7)Invite recommendations.8)Remember to express your gratitude to the people concerned.Part IIDirections: Judge the following statements about academic writing by giving T (True) or F (False). 10%1.A professional paper is a formal document in which professionals present their views and research findings on any deliberately chosen topic.2.A literature review chapter requires a number of structural elements, which help guide the reader from one sentence and paragraph to the next in a logical and seamless fashion.3.S ince the Acknowledgements part is highly personal, the language used in this part can be informal and colloquial.4.T he reader can see fully annotated references for each source used in one paper within its abstract.5.C areful note taking and an understanding of how to document sources will keep you from the reality and the appearance of plagiarism.6.D o not write results inconsistent with expectation.7.O ne should avoid, if possible, trade names, acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols in writing an abstract.8.T he Discussion part generally follows the same order of the research questions.9.H aving decided the target journal, you can read Introduction for Authors carefully to get more detailed information.10.The discussion section addresses the question “What was found or invented in the study”.1-5 TTFFT 6-10 FTTTFPart IIIDirections: Discuss the general linguistic features of English academic writing as demonstrated in the following article. Illustrate these features with examples from the article. 15% P6-9The grain drill is tractor propelled vehicle used primarily to sow grain seeds. In order to optimize the application of the grain drill, the width of the rollers may be adjusted manually. Therefore, the recent years have witnessed some new approaches to develop more controlled sowing metering systems. Despite these advancements in trying to improve the performance of the grain drill, a full system that provides a feedback from the seeds about their flow is yet to be tackled.In order to equip the grain drill with a feedback mechanism of its operation, it is necessary to develop a sensing system which can estimate the flow rate of grain seeds under the operational conditions. Therefore, there has been a need to test these systems outdoors, so as to adapt any sensing system developed indoors to the outdoors operational conditions where environmental effects may beuncontrolled. Consequently,the objective of this research work was to adapt the sensing system developed by the authors to outdoor operational conditions. This could be achieved by installing the sensors on the grain drill, and modifying the mass estimation model and its governing algorithm算法、运算法则to the outdoor operational conditions including machine vibration, dust, and different tractor running speeds. (An excerpt from The Age of Revolution by Eric Friedman, 2015:55)Formality, complexity, explicitness, accuracy, conciseness, objectivity/hedging, responsible此问题,回答要点,并举例说明,比如:Formality:There are no contractions, no colloquialisms, no abbreviations, no phrasal verbs and second person pronouns. Complexity:In order to ….conditions. a long sentence Explicitness:The objective isAccuracy:Algorithm, terminologyConciseness:ConsequentlyObjectivity:Hedging: may, might …Responsible: the author should acknowledge the source he/she consults in the paper, such as (An excerpt from the Age of Revolution by Eric Friedman, 2015:55)Part IVDirections: Read the following abstract and analyze its structural elements. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 15% P117ABSTRACT1 The main aim of this study was to determine if there was a positive relationship between prosocial忠于社会道德准则video game use and prosocial behaviour in children and adolescents.2 This study had a cross-sectional correlational design. 3Data were collected from 538 9—15 year old children and adolescents between March and December 2014. 4 Participants completed measures of empathy同理心, prosocial behaviour and video game habits. 5 Teachers rated the prosocial behaviour of participants. 6 The socioeconomic status of participants was also gathered. 7Multiple linear regressions回归、复原、退化were conducted on these data. 8 Prosocial video game use was positively associated with the tendency to maintain positive affective情感relationships, cooperation and sharing as well as empathy. 9This association remained significant after controlling for gender, age, school type (disadvantaged/ non-disadvantaged), socioeconomic status, weekly game play and violent video game use. 10 These findings provide evidence that prosocial video game use could develop empathic concern and improve affective relationships in a diverse population ofyoung people.Objective: 1 The main aim of this study was to determine if there was a positive relationship between prosocial video game use and prosocial behaviour in children and adolescents.Method: 2-6 This study had a cross-sectional correlational design. 3 Data were collected from 538 9—15 year old children and adolescents between March and December 2014. 4 Participants completed measures of empathy同理心, prosocial behaviour and video game habits. 5 Teachers rated the prosocial behaviour of participants. 6 The socioeconomic status of participants was also gathered.Results: 7-9 Multiple linear regressions were conducted on these data. 8 Prosocial video game use was positively associated with the tendency to maintain positive affective relationships, cooperation and sharing as well as empathy. 9 This association remained significant after controlling for gender, age, school type (disadvantaged/ non-disadvantaged), socioeconomic status, weekly game play and violent video game use.Conclusions: 10These findings provide evidence that prosocial video game use could develop empathic concern and improve affective relationships in a diverse population of young people.Part VDirections: The following sentences are taken from the introduction to a research paper. The sentences are not presented in their proper order. Number the sentences in the order you think they appeared in the original introduction. 10% P81A.T he present study explored how BIM (with its 3D visualization and data storage capabilities) can facilitate fire safety management, which is frequently carried out in a two-dimensional (2D) environment. Purpose/objectiveB.C urrently, researchers worldwide are considering potential applications of BIM. Latest researchC.H owever, many possible applications require further investigation to examine the relevant benefits/challenges of using BIM, including integration with simulations of operations for scheduling purposes, structural safety analysis, and fire safety management. Research questionD.S ome BIM-based applications are mature and have been widely used in practice, such as for construction interference detection, four-dimensional (4D) schedule visualizations, and quantity take-offs. Topic/importanceE.Building information modeling (BIM)首次出现is effective in three dimensional (3D) visualization and data/information storage for planning, constructing and operating/maintaining building construction projects.Background information EDBCAPart VIDirections: A: What purposes does Discussion Section have?4% P46B: Read the following discussion section and complete the following tasks. 11%1.W hat is the objective of this research?2.F ind out the sentences relating the findings to similar studies.3.D oes the section mention any limitations of the study? If yes, point them out.总结、关键信息4.W hat is the main take-home message of the study? DISCUSSIONThe study tested the mediational assumptions implied by Pekrun’s (2006) control-value theory of achievement emotions in more direct ways. Specifically, the study examined the link between critical thinking and trigonometry三角学achievement for engineering students with negative academic emotions as the mediating variable.The five negative academic emotions (anger, shame, boredom, anxiety and hopelessness) were negatively correlated with final grade, but anxiety and hopelessness registered the highest negative correlation with final grade.Therefore, the more the engineering students get anxious and hopeless in performing their tasks (e.g., problem solving), the lower would be their final grade in trigonometry. As hypothesized, critical thinking was positively correlated with final grade. Thus, more critical thinking could result to higher final grade. This confirmed previous study (Eshel & Kohavi, 2003) that the use of cognitive strategies (e.g., critical thinking) was reported to have significant positive correlation with math achievement.Furthermore, anger, shame, boredom, anxiety and hopelessness negatively predicted engineering students’ final grade, whereas critical thinking positively predicted final grade. This supported extant theories (Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2000; Pekrun, 1992) that negative emotions could interfere with the cognitive processing needed to do the academic task thus, inhibiting achievement.However, only two negative academic emotions (anxiety and hopelessness) significantly mediated the relation between critical thinking and final grade. Results of Sobel test showed that indirect effects of both anxiety (activating) and hopelessness (deactivating) do not equal the total effect, thus, the effect of critical thinking on final grade is completely mediated by anxiety and hopelessness.First, anxiety completely mediated the relation between critical thinking and achievement. It was expected that students who employ critical thinking strategy have deeper engagement and a positive approach to do the academic tasks. In doing so, they became less anxious about academic tasks they are completing, thus achieving high final grade. Consistent with previous research (Ellis & Ashbrook 1988; Levine & burgess, 1997) anxiety could reduce working memory resources leading to an impairment of performance of complex or difficult tasks. But the present finding implied that anxiety could be inhibited when students critically engage in thinking in doing challenging tasks.Second, hopelessness completely mediated the relation between critical thinking and achievement. The results suggested that when students engage in critical thinking, their cognitive resources are used appropriately for the task to be completed, making them less hopeless, hereby increasing their achievement.Therefore, it was favorable for students to think critically about academic tasks because that would inhibit them from experiencing negative emotions. Consequently, their performance would increase. In sum, students experienced less of anxiety and hopelessness when engaged in more task-relevant thinking, increasing cognitiveresources available for task purposes, prompt more analytical and detailed way of processing information, thereby increasing academic achievement. (Source: Villavicencio, F. T, (2001). Critical Thinking, Negative Academic Emotions, and Achievement: A Mediational Analysis. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20(1):118-126.)5.W hat purposes does Discussion Section have?4%The discussion section has four purposes: interpret the results; answer the research questions; justify the approach; and critically evaluate the study.6.W hat is the objective of this research? 3%The research question is “What is the link between critical thinking and trigonometry achievement for engineering students with negative academic emotions as the mediating variable?”7.F ind out the sentences relating the findings to similar studies. 3%This confirmed previous study (Eshel & Kohavi, 2003) that the use of cognitive strategies (e.g., critical thinking) was reported to have significant positive correlation with math achievement. (in Para. 2)This supported extant theories (Linnenbrink & Pintrich, 2000; Pekrun, 1992) that negative emotions couldinterfere with the cognitive processing needed to do the academic task thus, inhibiting achievement. (in Para. 3) Consistent with previous research (Ellis & Ashbrook 1988; Levine & burgess, 1997) anxiety could reduce working memory resources leading to an impairment of performance of complex or difficult tasks. (in Para. 4)8.D oes the section mention any limitations of the study? If yes, point them out. 2%No9.W hat is the main take-home message of the study? 3%In sum, students experienced less of anxiety and hopelessness when engaged in more task-relevant thinking, increasing cognitive resources available for task purposes, prompt more analytical and detailed way of processing information, thereby increasing academic achievement. (in Para. 6)Part VIIDirections: A: List the general structural features of conclusions (7%) P54B: Read the Conclusion Section of “Underlying Knowledge of Construction Management Consultants in China” and identify some of these features in this Conclusion Section. (8%)1CMS make a significant contribution to the rapid growth of China’s construction sector. In order to provide quality construction management services to clients/owners and maintain competitive advantage effectively, it is important for CMCS to possess a diverse, dynamic, and reasonable knowledge structure. In this study, a total of 22 important CMC knowledge areas were identified and grouped into four categories, namely, technology, economy, management and law. A Reference to the purpose 2Significantly, it is found that the perceived level of importance for each area is almost identical to the level of improvement needed in current practice in China, with knowledge of cost planning and project management, civil engineering construction, and engineering contract and law among the most highly rated. Furthermore, management-related knowledge such as cost planning and project management is gaining more and more importance for qualified CMCS as clients/owners tend to involve them in earlier stages of projects. Conclusion3The findings of this research offer a knowledge framework for CMCS to enhance their quality of service in China. For foreign CMCS, especially for those who are intended to enter the Chinese CMS market, there is an urgency to evaluate their current knowledge structure against those items identified here. Although theimportant role of CMCS knowledge in CMS has been acknowledged in the current study, the success of CMS might depend on some other potential factors, such as effective communication among CMSC and MCS professional ethics伦理学、道德标准. Arguably, these factors might play an increasingly important role in construction management programs as well as in practice in the future.Comments4This research has some limitations with respect to the lack of potential knowledge areas while designing the questionnaire, although extensive investigation was conducted to guarantee the comprehensiveness of indicators. The identified knowledge areas in the study are primarily based on the construction management curricula proposed by the Higher Education Advisory Panel, whereas the Chinese construction industry is undergoing a rapid change. Thus, future research is recommended to identify more comprehensive knowledge areas by taking into account the strong links between education and the development of the construction. Limitations1)The general features of conclusions:Conclusions based on sound evidenceA reference to the main purpose or hypothesis of the studyA brief summary of the main ideas in the paperComments on the main ideas in this paperPredictions for future developments of the topic Limitations of the work covered by the paperMention of further research2)Features of conclusion in this section:1.A reference to the main purpose or hypothesis of the study2.C onclusions based on sound evidence3.C omments on the main ideas in this paper4.L imitations of the work covered by the paper & Mention of further researchPart VIIIDirections: Identify the hedging expressions in the following sentences. 5%1.T here might be no difficulty in explaining how the structure contributes to the high survival rate.2.I t is possible to see that in our study short-time biochemical effects are also an important consideration.3.T here is experimental work to show that a week or 10 days may not be long enough and a fortnight to three weeks is probably the best theoretical period.4.C onceivably, smoking does not produce any impairment of cellular immunity.5.I n summary, GM technology could cause the transfer of a known allergen into new crops.1. might2. it is possible3. may4. probably5. conceivably6. couldPart IXDirections: Rewrite each of the following sentences, correcting any error in parallelism. 5%1.W e must either raise revenues or it will be necessary to reduce expenses.2.A company is not only responsible to its shareholders but also customers and employees as well.3.T he new instructor was both enthusiastic and she was demanding.4.I t is a truism that to give is more rewarding than getting.5.A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and it is inexpensive to produce.1.W e must either raise revenues or reduce expenses.2.A company is not only responsible to its shareholders but also to customers and employees.3.T he new instructor was both enthusiastic and demanding.4.I t is a truism that to give is more rewarding than to get.5.A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and inexpensive to produce.。


文学:1.On Hardy’s Fatalism in The Return of the Native (也可选择哈代的其他作品)2. A Feminist Reading of Sister Carrie3. A Double Interpretation of Robinson Crusoe4.Symbolism in The Great Gatsby语言学:1. A Discussion of Puns in English2.The Polite Language in the English Language3. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms4.Symbolic Meaning and Usage of Color Terms教学法:1.Application of Body Language to Primary School English Teaching2.Improving Middle School Students’ Listening Comprehension3.Culture Lead-in in Senior Middle School English Teaching in China4.The Application of Cooperative Learning in Primary School English Teaching翻译:1.On Translating English Book Titles into Chinese2.On Translation of Chinese Public Signs into English3.Culture Factors in Translation4.Translation of Metaphor between English and Chinese。

《学术基本要素:专业论文写作》期末考试(20)一、单选题(题数:60,共60.0 分)1《罗马晚期的工艺美术》的作者是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、布克哈特B、潘诺夫斯基C、沃尔夫林D、李格尔我的答案:D2博士学位论文开题以后,必须保证()以上的撰写时间。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、半年B、一年C、一年半D、两年我的答案:B3“两句三年得,一吟双泪流”与()有关。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、李白B、贾岛C、李商隐D、白居易我的答案:B4《西方美术史学中的中国山水画》的作者是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、方闻B、埃尔金斯C、薛永年D、高居翰我的答案:B5在写论文需要注释时,如果引用文章的署名作者超过()个,才能用“等”字。
(1.0分)1.0 分2B、3C、4D、5我的答案:B6康德的三大批判包括()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、《纯粹理性批判》《实践理性批判》《判断力批判》B、《纯粹理性批判》《实践感性批判》《判断力批判》C、《纯粹感性批判》《实践理性批判》《判断力批判》D、《纯粹理性批判》《实践理性批判》《审美力批判》我的答案:A7一般而言,材料和案例应该是作为()出现在论文中的。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、论点B、论据C、论证D、驳论我的答案:B8在世界范围当中,对知识产权保护涉及领域最广的产权法是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、《世界知识产权组织版权条约》B、《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》C、《伯尔尼公约》D、《关贸总协定》我的答案:B9下列说法中错误的是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、归纳与演绎、分析与综合都是理性的思考与方法B、日本人对阅读的自觉远高于中国人中国古人擅长图式思维D、中国早期文明中最成功的平面设计体现在《营造法式》中我的答案:D10城市的工艺具有重视()的特点。
(1.0分)0.0 分A、技巧、权力B、感性、生活C、理性、文雅D、符号、异化我的答案:B11()是人类最早的文化产物和信物。

学术论文写作考试题1.What is term paper?In the university grade stage. It is usually accomplished under the guidance of experience teachers to gain the final credit.2.Define the readability of thesis.The text is smoothly, simple, clear chart, well-organized order and brief conclusion. 3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?Focused up-to-date under control4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?F is original opinions S is the original view reviews and comments5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?Summary Paraphrase Direct Quotation Comment6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?Mixed outline: used in humanities and social sciencesNumerical outline: used in science7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposalFirst, you have a good topic.Second, you have the ability to complete the paper.Third, you have a feasible research plan.8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they? Title Introduction Literature review Method Result Discussion Preliminary bibliography9.What is the use of literature review?Understand the background.Familiar the problemsHave a ability of preminary assessment and comprehensive the literature.10.What is abstract?Abstract is a concise and comprehensive summary or conclusion.11.What are the main components of abstract?Objective or purpose Process and methods Results Conclusion12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?It emphasized the most important ideas or conclusion clearly in this paper.13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?For the tutor and teachers who give suggestion, help and support.For the sponsorFor the company or person which provide the dataFor other friends14.Specify MLA formatIt is widely used in the field of literature, history and so on.Pay attention in the original of the Reference.15.Specify Chicago formatThe subject of general format, used for books, magazines and so on.Divided into the humanities style and the author data system.16.Define footnotes.Also called the note at the end of the page. Appeared in the bottom of every page. 17.Define end-notes.Also called Concentrated note or end-notes appear in the text.18.M:monographA: choose an article from the proceedings.J: academic journalD: academic dissertationR: research reportC: collected papersN: newspaper article19.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.Dissertation defined as a long essay that you do as part of a degree or other qualification. It refers to B.AThesis defined as a long piece of writing, based on your own ideas and research, that you do as part of a university degree. It refers to Ph.D.20.What are the general features of the thesis title?As much as possible use nouns, prep, general phrase and so on.The title can be used to express an Non-statement sentence.The first letter of the notional word in the title should be capital.Be cautious using abbreviations and try not to use punctuation marks.Remove unnecessary articles and extra descriptive words.21.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?Research question Rationale Method FindingsDesign sample instruments22.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?It is a concise summary of your work.Abstract should state the objectives of the project describethe methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings.23.How is thesis statement understood?It usually at the final part of the introduction in order that the readers could understood the central idea as quickly as possible. It is the point of view and attitude of the statement.1. Have a brief comment upon the study of ESPSpecial use English also called English for specific purpose. It includes tourism English, finance English, medical English, business English, engineering English, etc. In the 1960s, ESP is divided into scientific English, business English and social sciences, each branch can be divided into professional English and academic English.2. What is the research methods of literature?The external research : from society, history, age, environment and so on relationship to study.The internal research: from the works of rhyme, text, images, symbols and specific level to composed the text.3.Have a brief comment upon the study of interpretation.At present, people in the academia mainly focus on these topics, such as interpreting training, interpreting practices and so on. According to its mean of transfer, interpretation can be divided for simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, whispering interpretation; According to different occasions and interpretation, it can be divided into the meeting interpretation, contact interpretation, media interpretation,etc.4.What is the analytic method in the study of linguistics?In linguistics, analytic method means to make some analysis and decomposition on the various elements of a language according to different research purposes and requirements, andto separate them from the interconnected entirety respectively and extract general and special method.5.In what respects is phonetics studies in the current research?Study on the phonology remains to be further studied, such as Chinese language learning and English phonology, phonological number is still worth discussing. Comparative study of phonology is worth advocating. The combination of researching and teaching for phonetics is also a major focus of current research.6. What is the deductive in linguistics?Deduction is the method to deduce from the general to the special, namely from the general principles of known to conclusions about the individual objects. he deductive method is also known as the study of testing hypothesis.1.What is term paper?2.Define the readability of thesis.3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposal8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they?9.What is the use of literature review?10.What is abstract?11.What are the main components of abstract?12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?14.Specify MLA format15.Specify Chicago format16.Define footnotes.17.Define end-notes.18.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.19.What are the general features of the thesis title?20.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?21.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?22.How is thesis statement understood?。

4.1.3 At the Textual Level
4.2.1 At the Lexical Level
4.2.2 At the Syntactic Level
4.2.3 At the Textual Level
4.2 Stylistic Equivalence in Business EnglishLettersTranslation
The Application of the Functional Equivalence Theory in the BusinessEnglishLetter Translation
Eugene A.Nida.Toward a Science of Translating.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004.


(第4章第3页) 2.学术不端行为(第1章第94页)在科学研究和学术活动中的各种造假、抄袭、剽窃和其他违背科学共同体惯例的行为。
7.同行评议(第1章第189页)8.注释(第1章第243页)9.文责自负(第3章第20页)10.学术成果(第1章第73页)11.学术批评(第5章第3页)12.学术批评的构成要素(第5章第6页)二、填空题1. 在科学研究中,以 A 利用他人的著作,借用前人的学术成果,B ,推陈出新,创造出新的成果,称为引用。
(第1章第214页)2.直接引用必须:1)C 区分开来;2)通过夹注、脚注或尾注 D ,诸如:作者姓名、文章或者著作的标题、出版商、出版年月和页码;3)引用量E 。
(第1章第229页)3.间接引用往往注入F ,因此它也是一种知识创造活动。
如果以这些方法重组别人的文句,就是H ,而不是间接引用。
(第1章第231页)4.若论著中采纳了他人的论述,吸收和利用了他人的研究成果,却I ,使人分不清哪些是他人的已有成果,哪些是作者自己新的学术创造,就属于J 参考文献。
(第1章第254页)5.综述的“综”要求K ;“述”就是要求L 。
(第1章第257页)6.在综述中引用文献不是照抄别人的表述方式,应该M 。
(第1章第267页)7. 综述中的引用文献要是原始文献,必须是N 。

以下是试题及答案:一、试题:1. 请简要介绍论文的结构和组成部分。
2. 论文写作的目的是什么?如何确保论文的准确性和可信度?3. 论文中如何引用他人观点和文献?应该如何正确使用引用格式?4. 如何进行有效的论文大纲和写作计划的制定?5. 请列举并简要解释常见的论文写作错误或问题,并提出解决方法。
二、答案:1. 论文的结构和组成部分:论文通常由引言、正文和结论三个部分组成。
2. 论文写作的目的和准确性保证:论文写作的目的是通过研究和分析,回答一个特定的研究问题,增加学术知识。
3. 引用他人观点和文献的方法和引用格式:在论文中引用他人观点和文献时,可以使用直接引用和间接引用两种方式。
4. 论文大纲和写作计划的制定:进行论文写作前,制定有效的大纲和写作计划非常重要。
5. 常见论文写作错误及解决方法:常见的论文写作错误包括语法错误、拼写错误、逻辑混乱、数据处理方法错误等。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版学术论文写作考试题1.What is term paper?In the university grade stage. It is usually accomplished under the guidance of experience teachers to gain the final credit.2.Define the readability of thesis.The text is smoothly, simple, clear chart, well-organized order and brief conclusion. 3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?Focused up-to-date under control4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?F is original opinions S is the original view reviews and comments5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?Summary Paraphrase Direct Quotation Comment6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?Mixed outline: used in humanities and social sciencesNumerical outline: used in science7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposalFirst, you have a good topic.Second, you have the ability to complete the paper.Third, you have a feasible research plan.8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they? Title Introduction Literature review Method Result Discussion Preliminary bibliography9.What is the use of literature review?Understand the background.Familiar the problemsHave a ability of preminary assessment and comprehensive the literature.10.What is abstract?Abstract is a concise and comprehensive summary or conclusion.11.What are the main components of abstract?Objective or purpose Process and methods Results Conclusion12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?It emphasized the most important ideas or conclusion clearly in this paper.13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?For the tutor and teachers who give suggestion, help and support.For the sponsorFor the company or person which provide the dataFor other friends14.Specify MLA formatIt is widely used in the field of literature, history and so on.Pay attention in the original of the Reference.15.Specify Chicago formatThe subject of general format, used for books, magazines and so on.Divided into the humanities style and the author data system.16.Define footnotes.Also called the note at the end of the page. Appeared in the bottom of every page. 17.Define end-notes.Also called Concentrated note or end-notes appear in thetext.18.M:monographA: choose an article from the proceedings.J: academic journalD: academic dissertationR: research reportC: collected papersN: newspaper article19.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.Dissertation defined as a long essay that you do as part of a degree or other qualification. It refers to B.AThesis defined as a long piece of writing, based on your own ideas and research, that you do as part of a university degree. It refers to Ph.D.20.What are the general features of the thesis title?As much as possible use nouns, prep, general phrase and so on.The title can be used to express an Non-statement sentence.The first letter of the notional word in the title should be capital.Be cautious using abbreviations and try not to use punctuation marks.Remove unnecessary articles and extra descriptive words.21.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?Research question Rationale Method FindingsDesign sample instruments22.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?It is a concise summary of your work.Abstract should state the objectives of the project describe the methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings.23.How is thesis statement understood?It usually at the final part of the introduction in order that the readers could understood the central idea as quickly as possible. It is the point of view and attitude of the statement.1. Have a brief comment upon the study of ESPSpecial use English also called English for specific purpose. It includes tourism English, finance English, medical English, business English, engineering English, etc. In the 1960s, ESP is divided into scientific English, business English and social sciences, each branch can be divided into professional English and academic English.2. What is the research methods of literature?The external research : from society, history, age, environment and so on relationship to study.The internal research: from the works of rhyme, text, images, symbols and specific level to composed the text.3.Have a brief comment upon the study of interpretation.At present, people in the academia mainly focus on these topics, such as interpreting training, interpreting practices and so on. According to its mean of transfer, interpretation can be divided for simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, whispering interpretation; According to different occasions and interpretation, it can be divided into the meeting interpretation, contact interpretation, media interpretation,etc.4.What is the analytic method in the study of linguistics?In linguistics, analytic method means to make some analysisand decomposition on the various elements of a language according to different research purposes and requirements, and to separate them from the interconnected entirety respectively and extract general and special method.5.In what respects is phonetics studies in the current research?Study on the phonology remains to be further studied, such as Chinese language learning and English phonology, phonological number is still worth discussing. Comparative study of phonology is worth advocating. The combination of researching and teaching for phonetics is also a major focus of current research.6. What is the deductive in linguistics?Deduction is the method to deduce from the general to the special, namely from the general principles of known to conclusions about the individual objects. he deductive method is also known as the study of testing hypothesis.1.What is term paper?2.Define the readability of thesis.3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposal8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they?9.What is the use of literature review?10.What is abstract?11.What are the main components of abstract?12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?14.Specify MLA format15.Specify Chicago format16.Define footnotes.17.Define end-notes.18.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.19.What are the general features of the thesis title?20.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?21.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?22.How is thesis statement understood?。

F INAL EXAM PAPER FOR THE COURSE OF ACADEMIC PAPER WRITING1ST TERM, ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010-2011COURSE NO.: 063W13A00Name: ___________________Student’s No.: ___________________ Examiner: Wang HongyangScore: ___________________NINGBO UNIVERSITYBA T HESIS P ROPOSAL (FOR E NGLISH M AJORS)Proposal Title: ___________________________________________________________ 1.Research Questions (General & Specific)1)Within this area, what would you like to investigate? Please include at least one possible researchquestion here; and2)What are your reasons for choosing this proposed research project? (These might be theoretical,professional or both.)Give a short summary on the research topic that you have identified - not more than one page. Focus on the new, current and relevant aspects of your topic. Remember, the most important aspect of a research proposal is clarity on the research topic.You should choose a topic which can be investigated through appropriate and valid methods and for which research material is available. Your greatest challenge might be narrowing the topic down. This challenge often occurs with topics that are still relatively unfamiliar. Do a lot of general reading, and, if possible, discuss your topic with your supervisor.2.Related WorksIt can also be titled as ‘Review of research literature’. Give a short and precise overview about the current state of research that is immediately connected with your own research project. Name the most important contributions of other academics.The proposal should contain a clear and logical discussion of the theoretical scope or of the framework of ideas that will be used to back the research. The proposal needs to show that you are fully conversant with the ideas you are dealing with and that you grasp their methodological implications.Your research review should indicate an open problem which then will be the motive for your project. State clearly how your own research will contribute to the existing research.3.Research Methodology/DesignYou should give detailed information about your intended research procedure during the given time. Anyone who reads your proposal will want to know1)the theoretical framework of your research,2)the scope of research subjects (e.g., students, linguistic features, pragmatic strategies, socialissues),3)the sources and quality of evidence you will consult (incl. cross-sectional or longitudinal,quantitative or qualitative, interpretative or empirical, methods of data collection), and4)the analytical technique you will employ (e.g., statistical, interpretive; )Note: This is the central part of your research outline. It may well fill half of the space of your proposal. Depending on the topic, suitable research strategies should be defined to ensure that enough and adequate empirical data will be gathered for a successful research project. You will describe the intended methods of data gathering, the controls you will introduce, the statistical methods to be used, the type of literature or documentary analysis to be followed and so on.4.Possible ChallengesIf possible, state your expected results and output of the study. That will help you clarify your research design. Consider possible challenges or difficulties you are likely to encounter at the present and/or future stage of your thesis writing. E.g., low accessibility to certain references or research data.5.Proposed Timelines with MilestonesGive information about your estimated time table (if possible in table form), indicating the sequence of research phases and the time that you will probably n eed fo r each phase. Take int o account that at this stage, it can only be estimated, but make clear that you have an idea about the time span that will be needed for each step.6.Key ReferencesHere you list those academic works which you have mentioned in your research outline as well as a number of other important works to which you will refer during your research.[1] hj hhh[2]。

慕课《如何写好科研论⽂》期末考试题及答案多选1. 论⽂写作前的积累包括哪些√ 实验细节√ Idea√ 专业知识√ 讲座2. 学术论⽂质量标准包括√ 形式标准√ 内容标准3. 和学术期刊打交道的最⼤好处是√ 编辑部聘请的审稿⼈的专业意见√ 编辑部提出的技术⽅⾯的建议4. 什么情况下,应果断放弃⼀些题⽬√ 已经有很多研究成果,⽽你不能在别⼈基础上提出新的看法√ 选题过难或过⼤,你啃不动√ 尽管问题很好,但⽆法找到⾜以⽀撑论⽂的相关材料5. ⼀般研究成果包括√ ⼀般论⽂√ 短⽂、段通讯√ 综述6. 什么情况下可以发表你的成果√ 研究有原创性√ 对既有研究有提升√ 对某领域有独特领悟的总结7. 编辑认为好的学术论⽂应具备的条件√ 学术功底√ 研究(写作)技巧8. 研究⽣阶段学习和科研(论⽂作业)结合的好处√ 节约时间√ 可以得到⽼师的真正指导√ 积累写作经验9. 什么叫精读了⼀篇论⽂√ ⾄少读5遍以上√ ⾃⼰完成所有推导√ 复现所有仿真10. 研究⽣读书计划应包括√ 专业读书计划√ 研究⽅向读书计划√ 学位论⽂读书计划11. 怎样写出⾼⽔平的学术⽂章√ 多读书√ 培养学术兴趣√ 选⼀位好⽼师做指导√ 学会拉论⽂框架12. 规范、严谨的英⽂写作包括√ 简洁的表达√ 语法√ 逻辑严谨√ 润⾊⽂章13. 利益冲突包括√ 财务关系冲突√ 职业冲突√ 机构冲突√ 个⼈信仰冲突14. 什么样的论⽂需要精读√ 经典√ 开创性√ 引⽤⾼15. 评价学术论⽂原创的标准有√ 提出了独⾃的理论系统√ 提出了独有的理论概念√ 提出了独特的理论观点√ 提出了独创的理论⽅法16. 在数字时代论⽂写作中变得更为重要的部分是√ 关键字√ 摘要17. 如何培养科研兴趣√ 本⾝就热爱√ 做成后产⽣18. 研究⽣阶段的学习更多注重√ 眼学√ ⼼学19. 学术不端⾏为包括√ 伪造数据√ 篡改数据√ 剽窃20. 找到值得研究的问题的⽅法包括√ 在课程学习过程中找√ 读书中发现问题√ 写综述√ 研究⽣论坛及学术会议征稿单选21. 选择导师的最重要标准是√ 适合22. 研究⽣阶段最重要的是√ 转变学习观念和学习⽅式23. 《读书的⽅法》的作者是√ 张五常24. ⾯对审稿⼈的质疑应该如何应对√ 婉转回复25. 《研究⽣学术⼊门⼿册》提到:给⼤学⽣√ 常识26. 《研究⽣学术⼊门⼿册》的作者是√ 葛兆光27. 如何选择⾃⼰的科研领域√ 兴趣28. 学术论⽂内容标准的核⼼是√ 创新29. 初写论⽂最为苦恼的⼀个问题是√ 找题⽬30. 每个⽉精读⼏篇⽂章已经算是很厉害了√ 2~3篇31. 研究⽣阶段科研能⼒训练的最有效⽅法√ 边学习,边科研(论⽂作业)32. 论⽂中⼤部分应使⽤什么语态√ 主动语态33. 当描述已知的事实和假设时,应使⽤什么时态√ 现在时34. 当描述进⾏过的实验及其结果时,应使⽤什么时态√ 过去时35. Elsevier的前⾝在何时成⽴√ 16世纪36. 论⽂中最应该避免的语⾔错误是√ 拼写错误37. 同⾏评议制度最早产⽣于√ 17世纪中叶判断38. 论⽂翻译后再出版在有些情况下是可以的是39. 可以将同⼀项研究分成⼏篇论⽂发表否40. 通讯作者必须是第⼀作者否41. 摘要在索引⼯具中可以免费获得是42. 对于意外的结果应该隐藏否43. ⽂章中对于副词的使⽤没有什么特别限制否44. 论⽂被拒后直接转投是可以接受的否45. 审稿⼈会有⼀定的收⼊作为报酬否46. 研究过程可以间断否47. 对于研究中不想表达的数据可以隐藏否48. isn’t won’t 这样的⽤词在⽂章中没问题的错误49. 科技论⽂中可以经常出现长难句,以体现⽂章表达的精准性否50. ⼀稿多投是可以的否。


姓名:班级:北成绩:100分一、单选题(题数:60,共 60.0 分)1在文章中,()的运用太过频繁会导致读者精神紧张,喘不过气。

14.句号的英文说法是full stop或者.

学术论文写作考试题1.What is term paper?In the university grade stage. It is usually accomplished under the guidance of experience teachers to gain the final credit.2.Define the readability of thesis.The text is smoothly, simple, clear chart, well-organized order and brief conclusion. 3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?Focused up-to-date under control4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?F is original opinions S is the original view reviews and comments5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?Summary Paraphrase Direct Quotation Comment6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?Mixed outline: used in humanities and social sciencesNumerical outline: used in science7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposalFirst, you have a good topic.Second, you have the ability to complete the paper.Third, you have a feasible research plan.8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they? Title Introduction Literature review Method Result Discussion Preliminary bibliography9.What is the use of literature review?Understand the background.Familiar the problemsHave a ability of preminary assessment and comprehensive the literature.10.What is abstract?Abstract is a concise and comprehensive summary or conclusion.11.What are the main components of abstract?Objective or purpose Process and methods Results Conclusion12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?It emphasized the most important ideas or conclusion clearly in this paper.13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?For the tutor and teachers who give suggestion, help and support.For the sponsorFor the company or person which provide the dataFor other friends14.Specify MLA formatIt is widely used in the field of literature, history and so on.Pay attention in the original of the Reference.15.Specify Chicago formatThe subject of general format, used for books, magazines and so on.Divided into the humanities style and the author data system.16.Define footnotes.Also called the note at the end of the page. Appeared in the bottom of every page. 17.Define end-notes.Also called Concentrated note or end-notes appear in the text.18.M:monographA: choose an article from the proceedings.J: academic journalD: academic dissertationR: research reportC: collected papersN: newspaper article19.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.Dissertation defined as a long essay that you do as part of a degree or other qualification. It refers to B.AThesis defined as a long piece of writing, based on your own ideas and research, that you do as part of a university degree. It refers to Ph.D.20.What are the general features of the thesis title?As much as possible use nouns, prep, general phrase and so on.The title can be used to express an Non-statement sentence.The first letter of the notional word in the title should be capital.Be cautious using abbreviations and try not to use punctuation marks.Remove unnecessary articles and extra descriptive words.21.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?Research question Rationale Method FindingsDesign sample instruments22.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?It is a concise summary of your work.Abstract should state the objectives of the project describethe methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings.23.How is thesis statement understood?It usually at the final part of the introduction in order that the readers could understood the central idea as quickly as possible. It is the point of view and attitude of the statement.1. Have a brief comment upon the study of ESPSpecial use English also called English for specific purpose. It includes tourism English, finance English, medical English, business English, engineering English, etc. In the 1960s, ESP is divided into scientific English, business English and social sciences, each branch can be divided into professional English and academic English.2. What is the research methods of literature?The external research : from society, history, age, environment and so on relationship to study.The internal research: from the works of rhyme, text, images, symbols and specific level to composed the text.3.Have a brief comment upon the study of interpretation.At present, people in the academia mainly focus on these topics, such as interpreting training, interpreting practices and so on. According to its mean of transfer, interpretation can be divided for simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, whispering interpretation; According to different occasions and interpretation, it can be divided into the meeting interpretation, contact interpretation, media interpretation,etc.4.What is the analytic method in the study of linguistics?In linguistics, analytic method means to make some analysis and decomposition on the various elements of a language according to different research purposes and requirements, andto separate them from the interconnected entirety respectively and extract general and special method.5.In what respects is phonetics studies in the current research?Study on the phonology remains to be further studied, such as Chinese language learning and English phonology, phonological number is still worth discussing. Comparative study of phonology is worth advocating. The combination of researching and teaching for phonetics is also a major focus of current research.6. What is the deductive in linguistics?Deduction is the method to deduce from the general to the special, namely from the general principles of known to conclusions about the individual objects. he deductive method is also known as the study of testing hypothesis.1.What is term paper?2.Define the readability of thesis.3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposal8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they?9.What is the use of literature review?10.What is abstract?11.What are the main components of abstract?12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?14.Specify MLA format15.Specify Chicago format16.Define footnotes.17.Define end-notes.18.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.19.What are the general features of the thesis title?20.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?21.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?22.How is thesis statement understood?。
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班级:英语2班学号:2010103060 姓名:曹慧娟Title: (10points) An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Love ValueLiterature Review: (20points) Jane Eyre ranks as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction. Xie xiulong thought that In his eyes.the love value of Jane is freedom,equality,dignity and true love.Although the poor but plucky heroine is outwardly of plain appearance, she possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage. She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order.Besides,in the view of Jiang hua modern woman must be strengthen,brave and gentle owing to Jane Eyre .However,all of which circumscribe her life and position when she becomes governess to the daughter of the mysterious, sardonic and attractive Mr Rochester. there is great kindness and warmth in this epic love story, which is set against the magnificent backdrop of the Yorkshire moors.,the opinion of Zhao yuhua,Henan Jiaozuo University professor.Denglan thought that this novel has expressed a kind of religious love value,namely,penetration in the secular Christian ideas and ethical color with Christ. Different people from diverse backgrounds have different views about the love value of Jane Eyre,in my opinion,this novel has expressed the female consciousness ,rebellion,and the growth of woman.This incredible lady in her beloved story has carried on through the centuries to inspire all its readers.Abstract: (20points) Nineteenth Century England was characterized by unique moral, political, and social beliefs. In turn, such beliefs shaped how individuals viewed such things as marriage and class divisions. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre can be seen as a snapshot in history, a social commentary which subtly reveals a distaste for traditional Victorian beliefs. .Jane Eyre is the main character in the novel named Jane by Charlotte Bronte.She is but a fictional character,and in our hearts she will stay.This incredible lady in her beloved story has carried on through the centuries to inspire all its readers.The novel follows the life of Jane Eyre from childhood through adolescence and adulthood. She is portrayed as a female heroine who oversteps the gender and class barriers of her time to pursue and secure her own happiness.Outline: (30points) Introduction:The thesis discusses the love value of Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is Charlotte’s best literary production.In writing it, the author drew a great deal from her own life-experience. The novel show us a new woman on 19th century in England. The purpose of the thesis: This thesis aims at Jane Eyre’s sense of love. Under her rebellion and self-respect, she literally has got a fiery heart for her love.Jane Eyre is the main character in the novel named Jane by Charlotte Bronte.She is but a fictional character,and in our hearts she will stay.The thesis discusses from the character of female,the formation of this novel and the meaning of the value.Chapter 1 .Jane Eyre’s Love ValueA. Her Rebellion and Love ValueB. Her Attitude Towards MenC. Her Female ConsciousnessChapter 2 The formation of Jane Eyre’s Love ValueA. The Background of the SocietyB. The Formulation of Her CharacterC.The Love of Jane Eyre and RochesterChapter 3 The meaning of Jane Eyre’s Love ValueA. Through Jane Eyre’s love story to show her unique characterB. Awakening of her feminist consciousnessC.The growth of a new womanConclusionFrom the paper it is seen that Jane Eyre is worthy to love and to be loved. Her love is based on equality and independence, having nothing to do with status, power or property. She is not tempted with money and doesn’t want to be mistress of Rochester for money. Her love is loyal and steadfast. Jane Eye needs true love, and she overcomes the obstacles in the process of pursing true love.Bibliography : (20points)[1].Xie xiulong ,A brief analysis love value of Jane,Private higher education press,1999.[2].Journal articles:A brief analysis the value of love and marriage of Jane eyre,Zhao yuping,Henan Jiaozuo University,Dang-Dai novel,2009(5)[3].Journal articles:the love value of Jane eyre,Wang Jialin.[4].A brief history of English literature, Liu Bingkun,Henan people press,1993.[5]. Valuable foreign short stories stylistic analysis,Liu Lili,Beijing University Press,2004[6].Journal articles:Anhui literature(comment research) ,A brief analysis the value of love and marriage of Jane eyre,Denglan.2008(11)。