
英语翻译Unit one Nine to fivepassage1大学毕业找工作的第一要义:别躺在沙发上做梦今年夏天,超过65 万的大学生毕业离校,其中有许多人根本不知道怎么找工作.在当今金融危机的背景下,做父母的该如何激励他们?1七月,你看着英俊的21岁的儿子穿上学士袍,戴上四方帽,骄傲地握着大学荣誉学位证书,拍毕业照.这时,记忆中每年支付几千英镑,好让儿子吃好、并能偶尔参加聚会的记忆开始消退.但现在,你又不得不再考虑钱的问题.2等到暑假快要结束,全国各地的学生正在为新学期做准备的时候,你却发现大学毕业的儿子还歪躺在沙发上看电视.除此之外,他只是偶尔发发短信,浏览社交Facebook,或者去酒吧喝酒.这位属于"千禧一代〞的年轻人一夜之间变成了"抱怨一代〞的成员.他能找到工作吗?3这就是成千上万家庭所面临的状况:今年夏天,超过65万的大学生毕业,在当今金融危机的背景下,他们中的大多数人不知道自己下一步该做什么.父母只会唠叨,而儿女们则毫无缘由地变成了叛逆者.他们知道自己该找份工作,但却不知道如何去找.4来自米德尔塞克斯郡的杰克·古德温今年夏天从诺丁汉大学政治学系毕业,获得二级一等荣誉学士学位.他走进大学就业服务中心,但又径直走了出来,因为他看见很多人在那里排长队.跟他一起住的另外5个男孩子也都跟他一样,进去又出来了.找工作的压力不大,虽然他所认识的大多数女生都有更明确的计划.5他说:"我申请政治学研究工作,但被拒绝了.他们给的年薪是1.8万镑,交完房租后所剩无几,也就够买一罐豆子,可他们还要有工作经历或硕士学位的人.然后我又申请参加快速晋升人才培养计划,并通过了笔试.但在面试时,他们说我‘太冷漠’了,谈吐‘太像专家政治论者’.我觉得自己不可能那样,但我显然就是那样的.〞6打那以后,他整个夏天都在"隐身〞.他能够轻松地复述出电视剧《交通警察》中的若干片段.他白天看电视的时间太长,已经到了影响健康的地步.跟朋友谈起自己漫无目标的日子时,他才发现他们的处境和自己一样.其中一位朋友在父母的逼迫下去超市上货,其余的则都是朝九晚五地"无所事事〞,晚上则去酒吧喝酒打发时间.要么,干脆就在酒吧工作?这样还可以挣些酒钱."我不想在酒吧工作.我上的是综合学校,我拼命读书才考上了一所好大学.到了大学,我又埋头苦读, 才取得一个好学位.可现在我却跟那些没上过大学的做无聊的酒吧侍应的朋友处在同一个水平线上.我觉得自己好像兜了一圈,又回到了原来的起点.〞7他的母亲杰奎琳·古德温替他辩护.她坚持认为她的儿子已经尽力找工作了.但由于她自己中学毕业后一直都在工作,所以她和她的丈夫发现,建议儿子如何继续找工作是件很棘手的事情.她说:"我一直都不得不工作.而现在的年轻人很难做到这一点,因为如果你有了学位,学位就会为你提供新的机会,至少你自己会这么想.〞8虽然目前她对儿子的态度还比较温和,但是她心里很清楚,去南美度三星期的假之后,他的休假就该结束了.他可能还得付房租,并分担家庭开支.9 她说:"在某个时候孩子们总要长大成人.我们已经帮他交了大学的学费,所以他也该给我们一点点回报了.南美度假就是一个分水岭,他回来以后如果找不到工作,那就圣诞节打零工好了.〞10心理治疗师盖尔·林登费尔德是《情感康复策略》的作者.她说古德温夫妇的做法是很恰当的.从大学到工作的转换对父母和孩子来说都很艰难,关键是父母要在支持理解孩子和不溺爱孩子之间找到一个平衡点.11"父母的主要任务就是支持孩子,如果他们教导孩子该如何做,那么就会引起矛盾.但如果有熟人,一定要找他们想办法,〞她说."很多父母心太软了.必须限制孩子的零花钱,要求他们交房租, 或分担日常生活或养宠物的开销.父母要维持正常的生活,不要让孩子随便用你们的银行账户或者榨干你们的情感能量.〞12为孩子支付职业咨询费、面试交通费或书费是好事,但不能催得太紧.林登费尔德建议:虽说父母不能太宽容,但是如果孩子找工作遇到了挫折,父母应该体谅他们,宽容他们几天甚至几周——这取决于他们受打击的程度.等他们缓过来之后,父母就该坚决要求孩子继续求职.13男孩更容易窝在家里.林登费尔德相信男人比母亲和姐妹更容易帮助儿子、侄子或朋友的儿子.她说,由于男人和女人处理挫折的方式不同,所以男孩需要跟男人谈话才能渡过难关.14林登费尔德强烈支持去酒吧打工:那是克服毕业冷漠症的一剂良方.这工作好不好要取决于你如何看待它.就是在酒吧打工的时候,林登费尔德找到了她的第一份当航拍助手的工作.她说在酒吧工作是拓展人际关系的绝好机会,肯定比赖在家里看电视更容易找到工作.15她说:"在超市上货也一样.如果干得好,你就会被人发现的.如果你聪明、活泼,礼貌待客,你很快就会升职.所以,把它看作是机会.那些最终成功的人士很多都有在超市上货的经历.〞16你的儿女可能不会干好莱坞影星们干过的活,比如像乌比·戈德堡那样去停尸房给死人化妆,或者像布鲁斯·威利斯那样在核电站当警卫,但即便是布拉德·皮特也曾经不得不穿上宽大的小鸡模样的服装站在快餐连锁店El Pollo Loco的门口招揽生意.他们中没有一个人因为这些经历而变得更加穷困.Passage 2依我看1 依我看,现实生活并没有人们想象的那么好.我们上了12年的中小学,又上了3年的大学,这期间老师们一直在没完没了地谈论在备受呵护的学生生活之外的那个广阔天地里的各种机会,可我遇到的又是什么呢?2 无论我怎么想保持心情愉快,可麻烦事总是接踵而来:有时是和人发生矛盾〔尤其是跟男孩子——他们什么时候才能长大?〕,但通常是为钱发愁.这个地方什么东西都很贵!人人都想从我身上赚点钱:税务局要收个人所得税,银行经理要我偿清学生贷款,房东催我交房租、燃气费、水费、电费,手机账单也不断地寄来.所有这些还没算上吃饭的钱.更可气的是,不知从哪里冒出一个自作聪明的家伙给我打,问我要不要买养老金.照这样下去,我甚至都支撑不到年底, 更别提活到60岁领养老金了.3 我那时还不想出去工作.我的意思是,我并不是个逃避现实社会的人,但我知道自己未来某一天可能不得不逃避现实.许多人认为"生活不是野餐〞,"没有免费的午餐〞.但既然我拿到了优等生文凭,我想我应该继续攻读硕士学位.实际上,我已经看中了伦敦政治经济学院的课程.这是一所顶尖的学校,能给我的履历表增添一段光彩的经历.但当我跟妈妈谈起这件事时,她说她没法继续供我上学了.我大概能理解她的心情,但并不仅仅是因为我学的是经济学.15年来,为了能让我上学,她含辛茹苦.这些年来,父亲大部分时间都不在家.就算在家,他也没钱.他把钱都拿去赌狗、喝酒了.所以我听了妈妈的话,向命运低下了头.4 依我看,不管人们说什么,幸运的是世上还有很多好心人.迈克就是其中的一个.大学毕业时,我想如果我回家,妈妈就会觉得她有责任照顾我.所以,我就收拾行李去伦敦找工作.我想找金融和投资方面的职位,因为你知道这样我就可以用上我的专业知识.可是那时候已经没有这样的工作了,但我又不愿意做复印文件、端茶倒水之类的乏味的办公室工作.5 在伦敦,无论走到什么地方,你都能找到一个好酒吧.有一天,我意识到这个城市没有人会雇我,于是我走进位于利德贺街的索尔兹伯里酒吧去喝酒,顺便吃点东西.店主迈克正在店里,他一只手倒酒,一只手做三明治,同时还洗酒杯.他真的好像有三只手.他好像也认识所有的客人,叫得出常客的名字.他跟他们打招呼,帮他们调好酒,并问一句:"今天还喝这个,是吧?〞我觉得他看起来蛮酷的,他在做着他最擅长的事情:为那些口渴的顾客服务,没人能比得上他.所以我就走上前去问他要不要雇人.6 好吧,长话短说,某个周五的午餐时间我开始在那个酒吧打工.这份工作要求很高,但我喜欢.顾客好像觉得我很有趣,这也让我感觉好一些.有位穿西服的中年常客总要半杯苦啤酒和一份火腿泡菜三明治,面包皮要削掉.他叫托尼.我一看见他进来,尽量不等他开口就准备好他的午餐.他也是一个好心人.7 依我看,一个人没钱的时候花钱最容易.我开始琢磨怎么花第一个月的薪水了.我住的公寓房租很贵,我挣的钱刚够支付第一个月的大笔账单,但是我估计还能剩点钱好好犒劳一下自己.我想,何不买张CD或买盆花草装点一下房间?8 发工资的那天正好是我的生日,除了迈克和托尼,我在伦敦就没有别的朋友了.如果你知道我那时还没有男朋友,你就会理解我为什么为自己感到难过了.我给自己定了些鲜花,让卖花的人附上一张卡片,上面写道:"给你我所有的爱.无名氏〞.我生日那天最精彩的瞬间将会是送花人送我花时大惑不解的眼神.9 那周晚些时候,托尼像往常一样来了,在酒吧里坐下."你怎么了?今天怎么不见你笑啦?〞我跟他聊天……嗯,差不多什么都跟他说了:钱、硕士学位、生日,一切的一切.他很同情我.10 托尼离开搁脚凳、走过去和另外几个人说话.别忘了:索尔兹伯里酒吧位于金融城的中心,所以这里所有的顾客都从事银行、保险或证券工作.第二天,他拿着价值两万英镑的几张支票来到酒吧,对我说:"这是给你的创业贷款,你唯一的贷款担保就是我对你的信任,相信有一天你赚了钱会把钱还给我们.如果你还不了钱,那就太糟了,不过对你来说,也算是做过金融生意了.但是,我相信你还得了.〞11 我没说话,我怕我自己要哭了.世上怎么会有这么好的人?12 那些花怎么处理?我叫花店改送到妈妈那里去了,我生日那天鲜花正好送到.她才应该得到这些鲜花,不是吗?13 依我看,回顾这些年的经历,我发现人一辈子只需要一两次的机缘就能成功.就算其余时候都在吃苦受累也不要紧,那是值得的.14 在索尔兹伯里酒吧干了一年之后,我去了伦敦政治经济学院深造.拿到硕士学位之后,我在一家投资银行找到了一份工作.我把那两万英镑投进了证券市场,在20##金融崩盘之前卖掉了所有的股票.我把托尼和其他投资者的钱还了,付给他们10%的年息,并成立了自己的公司.公司的生意好得出乎意料,至今还红红火火.15 托尼给我写了一封感谢信.他出了车祸,现在不能走路了.我还给他的钱正好可以用来改造房子.房子改造后他就可以坐着轮椅在家里自由活动了.下面是他信里写的话:16 "我从事银行业35年来最好的投资就是给你的这笔贷款,你连本带利地偿还了贷款,我对你的信任和你的诚实都获得了百倍的回报.依我看,在人身上投资能带来你所期望的最好的回报.〞17 依我看,他说得对.你说呢?英译汉Google has spent years analyzing who succeeds at the pany. They have moved away from a focus on GPAs, brand-name schools, and interview brain teasers <智力测验题>. Google’s Senior Vice President of People Operations, Laszlo Bock, suggests that credentials are no longer sufficient for success. Bock points out that graduates of top schools can lack intellectual humility and that succeeding in academia isn’t always a sign of being able to do a job.Successful bright young graduates rarely experience failure, and they find that their academic careers have not prepared them to fail gracefully in the real world. Google recognizes the importance of intellectual humility in its applicants. The pany looks for the ability to step back and embrace other peop le’s ideas when those ideas are better. Bock says the No.1 thing he is looking for is general cognitive ability. It is learning ability. It is the ability to process information on the fly.谷歌公司就什么人能在该公司取得成功这个问题做了多年的研究,研究关注的焦点不再是绩点、名牌大学、面试智力测验题.谷歌人力运营部高级副总裁拉斯洛·博克认为,想取得成功,只拥有学历证书是不够的.博克指出,顶尖高校的毕业生可能缺少智力上的谦逊,并且学业上的成功并不意味着工作能力强.聪明的年轻学霸毕业生很少经历失败,他们会发现,在现实生活中,学业生涯并没有使自己做好大方接受失败的准备.谷歌认识到应聘者具有智力上的谦逊是十分重要的,他们所寻找的是一种能退一步思考、接受别人更好想法的能力.博克说他想寻找的首要素质就是常规的认知能力.那是一种学习的能力,是在繁忙的工作中处理信息的能力.汉译英"创客〞指勇于创新,努力将自己的创意变为现实的人.这个词译自英文单词maker,源于美国麻省理工学院〔Massachusetts Institute of Technology〕微观装配实验室〔fabrication laboratory〕的课题.该课题以客户为中心,以创新为理念,由个人设计、制造满足个人需要的智能设备,参与该课题的学生即"创客〞.在中国,"创客〞特指具有创新理念、自主创业的人.中国的"创客〞即包括发明新设备的科技达人,也包括软件开发者、艺术家、设计师等诸多领域的优秀代表.Chuangke is a term that refers to innovative people who make an effort to turn their cuttingedge ideas into reality. The term is translated from the English word maker, which is derived from the fabrication laboratory project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US. It is a consumer-centred project, emphasizing innovation and designed to empower individuals to develop and produce smart devices to suit personal needs. The students participating in the project arecalled "makers〞. In China, Chuangke refers to those who start their own businesses with innovative ideas. Chinese makers include tech-savvy people who dedicate themselves to creating new devices and distinguished innovators in various fields, such as software developers, artists and designers.Unit2passage1危险!书可能会改变你的人生Danger! Books may change your life1刘易斯·卡罗尔书中的爱丽丝不小心掉进了兔子洞里,但她在那里发现了一个神奇的仙境.当我们打开一本书时,我们也会像爱丽丝那样走进一个全新的世界.我们能从一个年长者的角度,或通过一个孩子的眼睛来观察生活;我们可以周游世界,遍访现实生活中从没想过要访问的国家和文化;我们可以体验未曾经历过的事情,这些事情也许令人困惑,也许引人入胜;可能是不愉快的,也可能是令人痛苦的,但无论如何都至少能把我们从现实世界中解放出来.2 英国诗人威廉·柯珀〔1731–1800〕说:"变化是生活的调味品,它让生活变得有滋有味.〞虽然他没有说在什么地方以与怎样才能找到变化,但我们知道他说得对.我们知道我们生活在一个充满变化与差异的世界里,我们知道人们的生活各不相同,过日子的方式也不尽相同,人们做不同的工作,有不同的信仰,持不同的观点,有不同的风俗习惯,操不同的语言.通常,我们不知道这些差异的大小,但一旦发生了不平常的事情并引起了我们的注意,这种变化或差异与其说是机会,毋宁说是威胁.3 读书让我们能够安全地享受和庆贺这种变化与差异,并为我们提供成长的机会.在家里安详平和的环境中与他人的生活互动,这是阅读小说才享有的特权.我们甚至感觉到——哪怕只是在一瞬间——我们和其他文化读者的共同点或许要多于我们和家门口随便碰到的一个人的共同点.我们学会把目光移出我们周围的环境,投向天边,去领略一下异域风光.4 如果我们怀疑读书是否能给我们力量的话,我们就应该自己去一趟当地的图书馆或书店,或者,如果我们足够幸运的话,可以读一读家里书架上的书.我们会惊奇于古今小说的标题所创造出来的壮观景象:约翰·斯坦贝克的《愤怒的葡萄》、约翰·欧文的《第四只手》、亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴的《癌病房》、欧内斯特·海明威的《丧钟为谁而鸣》、格雷厄姆·格林的《哈瓦那特派员》、奥黛丽·尼芬格的《时间旅行者的妻子》、保罗·托迪的《到也门钓鲑鱼》.一旦开始阅读,我们就应该思考一下我们在书中读到的别样人生.5 每一本书都有自己的语言、方言、词汇和语法.我们不见得总能理解其中的每一个字、每一句话,但不管我们是痴迷其中,还是觉得被排斥在外,我们的情感被调动起来了.尽管在地理上有一定的距离,但其他民族、其他文化未必就离我们那么遥远.在书里我们可能遇见生活在不同气候、有不同信仰、属于不同种族的人.即便是住在同一条街上的邻居,我们也可能对其一无所知,而只能通过阅读结识.6 小时候,在我们刚刚能听懂别人说话的时候书就对我们的生活方式产生了很大的影响.从父母读的睡前故事一直到成年后家中摆满书的客厅,书界定了我们的人生.英国作家E. M.福斯特〔1879–1970〕暗示书对我们具有另一种更加神秘的支配力.他写道:"我认为能影响我们的书籍是那些我们已经准备要读的书,而且这些书在我们已经选定的道路上走得比我们更远一些.〞合适的书好像自己就会在恰当的时候找到我们,出现在我们面前,而不是我们去寻找那本书.7 美国修士、牧师与作家托马斯·默顿〔1915–1968〕曾经被记者一连串地问了7个问题:说出你最近读完的3本书;你正在读的3本书;你打算要读的书;对你有影响的书,并解释一下理由;一本你觉得每人都要读的书,并解释一下理由.关于对他有影响的书,他列出了威廉·布莱克的诗集、古希腊思想家和作家写的各种戏剧以与一些##作品.当被问与这些书为何会影响他时,他回答说:"这些书——还有其他类似的书籍——帮助我找到了人生的真谛.销售就是一切的文化培育了人们无止境的需求和消极被动,生活充满了困惑和空虚,而书籍则把我从这种困惑和空虚中解脱了出来.〞8 那么,你又会如何回答这些问题呢?9 1947年,克里夫顿·费迪曼发明了"全垒打书籍〞这个词.当一个棒球手打出一个全垒打时,因为击球有力、打得远,他有时间跑完整个棒球场内的四个垒,不仅自己得分,而且还能帮其他各个垒的跑垒者得分,这是棒球赛里最有趣和最开心的事情.同样,一本"全垒打书籍〞指的不是儿童第一次读书的经历,而是指他第一次读到一本给他带来极大愉悦和满足感的书以至于让他爱不释手的经历.对世界上数以亿计的儿童来说,"全垒打书籍〞的最典型的例子就是《哈利·波特》系列故事.10 作为作为成年人,我们总在寻找自己的"全垒打书籍〞,不仅是第一次,而是一次又一次地寻找.所有曾经一口气读完一本小说的人都会记得那种令人期待的愉悦和满足感,并会焦急、固执、有时甚至疯狂地寻求重复体验这种感觉.我们想周游另一个世界、想与不同的人见面、想经历别样的人生并自我反省,我们无法遏制这样的渴求.11 危险!书可能会改变你的人生.这就是读书的力量.Passage 2它们是活生生的,而且它们在跟我说话1 我坐在一间小屋子里,屋子的一面墙边排满了书.这是我头一次有闲工夫和一堆书这样的东西打交道.所有的书加起来最多不超过500本,但大多数是我自己挑的.自打我开始写作生涯以来,我第一次得到我一直渴望拥有的这么多书.事实上,我过去的大多数工作都不依靠图书馆,我把这看成是优势,而不是劣势.2 我想到的与读书相关的头一件事就是夺书大战.请注意,不是拥有它们,而是要把它们搞到手.从我对书着迷开始,我就面对着重重困难.公共图书馆里我要借的书总是被借出去了,当然,我又没钱买书.我那时只有十八九岁,要想得到社区图书馆的批准借阅类似斯特林堡写的《痴人的忏悔》这样"不道德〞的书是不可能的.在那个年代,年轻人禁读的书都根据其违背道德的程度被标记了星星——一颗星、两颗星、三颗星.我猜想,这种做法至今依然存在.我也希望如此,因为我知道,没有任何别的方法比这种愚蠢的分类和禁止更能吊起读者的胃口.3 我经常思考一个问题,那就是是什么让一本书有了生命力?我觉得答案很简单:一本书之所以有生命力,是因为读者满怀激情地推荐它.这是人的基本冲动,什么都阻挡不了.不管愤世嫉俗者和遁世者持何种观点,我相信人们总是会尽力分享自己感触最深的经验.4 书是人类最为珍爱的几样东西之一.人越好,就越愿意与他人分享自己的珍藏.搁置在书架上、无人翻阅的书就像是废弃的弹药.书和钱一样要流通起来,要最大限度地流通起来!尤其是书,因为书所代表的东西比钱要多得多.书不仅是朋友,它还可以帮你结交朋友.当你在精神上、心灵上拥有一本书的时候,你的人生就变得丰富多彩.而当你把书转给别人的时候,你的人生就更加丰富.5 说到这里,我有一种抑制不住的冲动想给大家提出一条无端的忠告.那就是:读书尽量少而精,而不是越多越好!唉,不要怀疑我嫉妒那些在书堆里埋头读书的人.我私下里也确实想尽力读完所有一直想读的书.但是,我知道这并不重要,我现在知道我读过的书中只有不到十分之一是我需要读的.人生中最难办到的事情莫过于学会只做对自己有益的事情,这是至关重要的.6 我是经过慎重考虑才提出这条宝贵的忠告的,有一个高招可以检验它是否有效.当你碰到一本你想读或觉得该读的书的时候,先把书搁下,放几天再说.但你要多琢磨这本书,仔细琢磨书名和作者的名字.想想如果让你来写这本书,你会写些什么.认真地问问自己是否有必要把这本书纳入自己的知识库或娱乐储备.尽力想象一下,放弃这份额外的乐趣或启迪对你将意味着什么?之后,如果你觉得你必须读这本书,那么观察一下你在"啃〞这本书的时候是否表现出非凡的洞察力.同时你也观察一下:即使这本书很诱人,它也许并没有给你带来什么新的东西.只要坦诚对己,你就会发现:只要抑制住自己的冲动,你的境界就提高了.7 不容置疑的是,大多数书都互相重复,在文体或内容上让人感到具有独创性的书实在是少之又少.在整个文学库藏中,只有极少数作品——或许不到50本——是独具一格的.在最近出版的一部自传体小说中,布莱斯·桑德拉尔指出,雷·德·古尔蒙之所以能够选择并通读文学领域中一切值得读的书籍,就是因为他知识渊博,并且了解书的这种重复性.桑德拉尔本人就是一个博览群书的人,没有人会怀疑这一点.他阅读了大部分作家的原作.不仅如此,一旦他喜欢上一个作家,他就会阅读这个作家写的每一本书,包括他的书信以与所有有关他的书籍.我猜想,在当今世界上,几乎没有人能像他一样,不仅读得广、读得精,而且还著述颇丰.可以说这一切都是在业余时间完成的.因为桑德拉尔是一个十足的行动家,一个四处跋涉的冒险家和探险家,一个懂得如何"肆意浪费〞时间的人.从某种意义上说,他是文学界的凯撒大帝.英译汉E-books have changed the way we read, in ways both good and bad. On the plus side, people are reading more books. Amazon’s Kindle e-reader and the Google Book Search service have now made a huge number of books available. According to data from Amazon, the convenience of access offered by the Kindle has resulted in users buying significantly more books than they did before owning the device. However, although people are reading more, they may be doing so with less focus. Amazon has released a version of the Kindle app for reading its e-books on an iPhone, which means it will be much easier for readers to be distracted from their e-books as they switch to surfing the Internet and checking email and social media updates. As people read with less attention, they will no longer find themselves immersed in their books — one of the great joys of reading.电子书改变了我们的阅读方式,这种改变既有好的一面也有坏的一面.从好的方面说,人们现在读书的量在增多.随着亚马逊Kindle 电子阅读器和谷歌图书搜索服务的出现,人们现在可以读到海量的图书.亚马逊的数据表明,Kindle 用户在拥有Kindle 电子阅读器之后购书量显著上升,因为用Kindle 购书更加便捷了.虽然人们的读书量在增多,但读书专注度却在下降.亚马逊发布了一款Kindle 应用程序供人们在苹果手机上阅读Kindle 电子书,这意味着读者看电。

v. 规划,设计;系统地阐述;用公式表示
【例句】The contract was formulated in difficult legal language. 合同是用难懂的法律
【助记】form(形式)+ulate 构想出
crucial [
adj. 至关紧要的,决定性的
【例句】Success or failure here would be crucial to his prospects. 在这儿的成功或失
] adv. 可能;按照推测;恐怕
【例句】For this reason, prices can supposedly never go down. 出于这个原因,可以
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
get away with 侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱
Unit 7
In-Class Reading The Commencement Speech You'll Never Hear
faculty [
n. 才能,本领,能力;(大学的)系,科;全体教员
【例句】She has the faculty to learn languages easily. 她有轻而易举学会语言的才能。
【助记】shore 岸 + low 低,岸边的水很低,浅
adj. 预备的,准备的,筹备的; 初步的
3 / 37
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
adv. 在先前,作为准备 n. <美>大学预科; <英>私立预科学校
新编大学英语4课后练习答案(Unit 1, Book 4)

Unit 1Section A. The Temptation of a Respectable Woman《读写教程IV》:Ex. II, p. 81.Her husband expected his friend, Gouvernail, to stay about one or two weeks in their home.2.He was a boring and withdrawn person with a strange personality.3.Sh e decided to leave for her aunt’s house and wouldn’t come back till Gouvernail left their home.4. A once ambitious person, Gouvernail now became one with the mere desire to enjoy a genuine life now and then.5.His tones of voice and personal charm.6.She was afraid that she could not resist being attracted by Gouvernail.7.He mistook his wife’s feeling towards Gouvernail for pure dislike.8.She had overcome both her misunderstanding of and her subtle feelings towards Gouvernail.《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 81.Idle2.melting3.imposes4.penetrate5.presence6.nuisance7.nonsense8.keen《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 91.run down2.taken seriously3.drinking in4.in no sense5.made excellent observations on 6.counted on7.for my part8.make a fuss《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 9 1.sanctions2.Restrictions3.fine4.limits5.problems6.tax7.duty8.responsibility《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 101. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrified《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 101. bravery2. jewellery3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discovery《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 111. She said it might have been all right, if the weather had been good.2. Mrs. Baroda said she might have liked Gouvernail if he had been like the others.3. If I had been there, I could have helped you.4. He could have got tickets if there had been some cheap ones.5. Mrs. Baroda might have yielded to the temptation if she hadn’t been a respectable and sensible person.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 111. “You were different then.” “So was she.”2. “You used to say he was a man of wit.”“So he is.”3. “You’ve made a mistake here.”“Oh, so I have. Thank you.”4. “Children should behave themselves.”“So should adults.”5. “This glass is cracked.”“Oh, so it is. I hadn’t noticed.”《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 121. He imposed his company upon her in spite of her repeated hints of hoping to be left alone.2. His friends can never count upon how he is going to act under given conditions, as he is always full of surprises.3. Don’t make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing I expected.4. Besides being an upright and respectable woman Mrs. Baroda was also a very sensible one.5. She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, unable to gather anything from them.6. From Gouvernail’s talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that his periods of silence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods.7. To Gaston’s delight, his wife had finally overcome her dislike for Gouvernail and invited Gouvernail to visit them again wholly from herself.8. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetrate the silence in which he had unconsciously covered himself.《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 121. 在一起呆了几天,她仍感到对这个客人很陌生,只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着他。

unit-1-新标准大学(dàxué)英语-综合教程-4active-1and-language-in-useunit-1-新标准大学英语-综合(zōnghé)教程-4active-1and-language-in-useunit 1active 1 Your answerCorrect answer 1. proceed proceed 2. transition transition 3. detached detached 4. upcoming upcoming 5. slump slump 6. revertrevert7.recount recountYour answer Correct answer (1)transition transition (2)slumped slumped (3)proceed proceed (4)recounting recounting (5)detached detached (6)upcomingupcomingansweranswer(7)revertrevertI went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. Your replacement:Your answer Correct answercomprehensive comprehensive2.I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. Your replacement:Your answer Correct answercop cop3.Have you seen this beautiful view of Oxford from the air?Your replacement:Your answer Correct answeraerialaerial view of Oxford4.Isabel held her bag tightly as she walked down the corridor towards the office. Your replacement:Your answer Correct answeranswer answerclutched clutched5. You should speak to Toby; he's a supporterof flexible working hours.Your replacement:Your answer Correct answeradvocate an advocate6. I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago,and it still hasn't got better completely.Your replacement:Your answer Correct answerhealed healed1. A dead-end job is one with ________.(a)exciting prospects(b)no future2. A tricky problem is ________ to solve.(a difficultanswer answer)(b)easy3. If an activity saps all your energy, you feel________.(a)tired(b)more active than usual4. A pushy person tries to ________.(a ) persuade you to do something you don't want to(b ) help you by listening to what you have to sayanswer answer5. If you feel apathy, you want to ________.(a)change the world(b)stay at home and do nothing1 . Fork out is ________ way of saying to pay for something.(a)a formal(b)an informal2 . If you are in the same boat as another person, you are ________.(a making the same journey togetheranswer answer)(b ) in the same difficult or unpleasant situation3 . If you feel you have come full circle, you ________.(a)feel you are back where you started(b)feel a sense of satisfaction becauseyou have completed something4 . If someone takes a soft line, they deal with a person ________.(a)in a kind and sympathetic way(b in a lazy way without making aansweranswer) decision5. If you strike the right note about something, you are expressing yourself ________.(a )well(b )badly6. If you do something by all means , you ________.(a )try your best to do it(b )not care about it7If you nudge someone back into the saddle,answeranswer. you are encouraging them to ________.(a )take responsibility again(b )take it easy8. If you talk through a problem with someone, you ________.(a )examine it carefully and sensitively(b ) refer to it quickly and then change the subjectLanguage in use 1.a degree which is awarded afirst classYour answerSuggestedanswera first-class degree a first-class degree2.work in a hospitalYour answer Suggested answerhospital work hospital work3.a ticket for a plane journeyYour answer Suggested answera plane ticket a plane ticket4.a discount for studentsYour answer Suggested answera student discount a student discount5. a pass which allows you totravel on busesYour answer Suggested answera bus pass a bus pass6. a room where an interview isheldYour answer Suggested answeran interview room an interview room7.a period spent in trainingYour answer Suggested answera training period a training period1. a career which is rewardingfrom the financial point of viewYour answer Suggested answera financially rewarding career a financially rewarding career2. legislation which has beenintroduced recentlyYour answer Suggested answerrecently introduced legislation recently introduced legislation3. instructions which are morecomplex than usualYour answer Suggested answerunusually complex unusually complexinstructions instructions4.an institution which isorientated towards academicYour answerSuggested answeracademicallyorientatedworkanacademicallyorientatedinstitution5.work which makes physicaldemands on youYour answerSuggestedanswerphysically demanding workphysicallydemanding work6.information which has thepotential to be importantYour answer Suggested answerpotentially important information potentially important information7. candidates who have beenselected after a carefulprocedureYour answer Suggested answercarefully selected candidates carefully selected candidates8. a coursebook in whicheverything has been plannedbeautifullyYour answer Suggested answera beautifully a beautifullyplanned textbook planned coursebook1. I'm trying to fill this last page, but I just can't think ofanything.Suggested answer:Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can't think of anything.2. I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn't seem torespond.Suggested answer:Try as I might to be friendly with Marta, she doesn't seem to respond.3. I try hard to get tosleep, but I can't help thinking about myfamily.Suggested answer:Try as I might to get to sleep, I can't help thinking about my family.4. He just doesn't seem to get the promotion he deserves, even though he keepstrying.Suggested answer:Keep trying as he might, he just doesn't seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Keep trying as he might to get the promotion he deserves,he just doesn't seem toget it.5. I keep trying toremember her name, butmy mind is ablank.Suggested answer:Keep trying as I might toremember her name, mymind is a blank.1. Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Suggested answer:Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2. Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Suggested answer:Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3. Since we're all here, I think it would be a goodidea to get down to some work.Suggested answer:Given that we're all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4. Since it's rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.Suggested answer:Given that it's rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.1. She's experienced at giving advice. I'm more experienced.Suggested answer:I'm more experienced at giving advice than is she.2. You eat too much chocolate. It isn't good foryou.Suggested answer:You eat too more chocolate than is good for you.3. She worked very hard. Most part-timers don't work so hard.Suggested answer:She worked harder than do most part-timers. 4. You have arrived late too many times. That isn't acceptable.Suggested answer:You have arrived late too more times than is acceptable.5. I don't think you should have given so muchpersonal information. It isn'twise.Suggested answer:I think you have given more personal information than is wise.内容总结(1)unit-1-新标准大学英语-综合教程-4active-1and-language-in-use。

Unit 6一、词汇短语In-Class ReadingRisks and Youhypochondria [] n. 忧郁症,臆想病【例句】People with hypochondria resemble those with OCD: They worry excessively and feel compelled to do something, like visit the doctor over and over.忧郁症与强迫焦虑症相似:他们过分担心并强制自己做一些事情,如一遍又一遍地去看医生。
on the strength of基于;凭借…;依赖…symptom [] n. (疾病的)症状;(不好事情的)征兆,症候;表征【例句】A fever is a symptom of illness. 发烧是生病的症状。
【派生】symptomatic adj. 有症状的;症候的all manner of各种各样的;形形色色的(人,东西等)partial [] adj. 部分的;偏袒的,偏爱的;不完全的【例句】The plan calls for partial deployment of missiles. 这个计划要求部分地疏散导弹。
【词组】be partial to对…偏爱,对…偏袒【助记】part(部分)+ial(形容词后缀)→带有部分的观点→偏袒的physician [] n. 医师;内科医师【例句】It is important to see a physician if an ulcer is suspected, since ulcers can eat through the stomach lining into other organs and occasionally be fatal.怀疑生了溃疡,去看医生是很重要的,因为溃疡会腐蚀掉胃部内层进入其他器官,这有时会是致命的。
新编大学英语视听说教程 4 script unit 1听力原文及答案

Unit 1 Leisure activitiesPart 1 listening oneEver wish you could do magic tricks, or introduce yourself as “magician” at a party? Imagine, everybody wants to have fun, but nothings’ really happening, it’s time for you to show one of your new tricks. Here, you can learn how, and without any need for special materials or much practice.A trick with a coin, a handkerchief and a friend:Put the coin on your palm. Cover the coin with the handkerchief. Ask several people to put their hands beneath the handkerchief and feel the coin, to make sure that it is still there. Then take the corner of the handkerchief and pull it rapidly off your hand. The coin has gone! How? You must make sure the last friend who feels the coin knows the trick and removes the coin when he seems to be just feeling it. And nobody knows where it has gone!A trick with a piece of paper and a pencil:Tell your friend that you can communicate your thoughts without speaking to other people. Write on the piece of paper the word No. Don't let your friends see what you have written. Say, "Now I will communicate this word into your minds." Pretend to concentrate. Ask them if they know what is written on the paper. They will say, "No!" And you say, "Quite correct! I wrote No on the paper!"A trick with an egg and some salt:Ask your friends to stand the egg upright on the table. They won't manage to do it. Say that you can speak to the chicken inside. Say, "Chicken! Can you hear me? Get ready to balance your egg!"When you first get the egg back from your friends, pretend to kiss the egg at the base. Make the base wet. Then put the base into salt which is in your other hand. The salt will stick to the egg. Then put the egg on the table. Twist the egg around a few times as this will arrange the grains of salt. Then it will stand up. Don't forget to thank the chicken.Questions:1.What does the magician ask people to do in the first trick2.What happens to the coin?3.How does the magician prove that he can communicate his thoughts to theaudience in the second trick?4.What is the first step to make the egg stand upright?5.What else is needed to make the egg stand upright?Keys: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. DPart 1 listening two(The following is an interview from a weekly sports program.)Presenter: Good morning, listeners. Welcome to our weekly sports program aimed at all those underactive youngsters with time on their hands! Listen to whatour two guests have to say about their hobbies and how their hobbies havemade a difference to their lives. Adrienne first, then, Jonathan. Adrienne: I collect very interesting jewelry. I tend to travel a lot as most of my family do, so whenever I have a holiday, I like to go traveling. Whenever I travelsomewhere, I like to pick up something to remind me of the place that Ivisited. And, the easiest thing to do is to pick up a small piece of jewelryinstead of getting a poster or a T-shirt that won’t last. I like the idea ofhaving something small and also, I find whenever I wear jewelry fromsomewhere, it’s a good conversation piece. Usually people ask you, “Wheredid you get this?” I then have a story to tell, and it’s a good way to meet andtalk to people. It’s just interesting. I have jewelry that I picked up when Itraveled to Thailand, when I traveled to Africa and when I traveled toEurope.Presenter: Wow! Sounds nice. You’ll have to show your collections to us. Adrienne: I’d love to.Presenter: Thank you, Adrienne. Now Jonathan.Jonathan: I prefer canoeing because you've always got the water there for support. If you're a good swimmer, have a good sense of balance and strong arms,you'll like canoeing! The main trouble is transporting your canoe to theright places—my father takes it on the roof of the car—or sometimes I put iton the roof of the club’s Land Rover. What it has taught me most is to beindependent. It's just you and the canoe against the wind, the weather andthe water. It gives you a lot of self-confidence and it can be really excitingas long as you don't mind getting soaked, of course! It makes you feel closeto nature somehow. Last year, when I was qualified, I began to run my owncanoeing center.Presenter: So you are making your hobby work for you.Jonathan: People are usually very skilled at their hobbies. The combination of interest and skills is a very compelling reason to choose a particular career. Presenter: Then, Adrienne, do you have a similar plan?Adrienne: Yes, I love making beaded jewelry. I’ve decided to get some formal training. I want to learn how to be a jewelry designer.Questions:1. Who is the target audience in the program?2. What is Adrienne’s hobby?3. What does Adrienne usually buy when she visits a place?4. How does Jonathan benefit from canoeing?5. What should be the major concern in choosing a career according to Jonathan? Keys: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B2. T T F F T T F FPart 1 listening threeGerry: I've just been to see Gone with the Wind. It was fantastic. Well worth seeing.Have you ever seen it?Judy : N o, but I've read the book. I don't think I would like to see the film really. It would spoil the story for me.Gerry: Really? Oh, give me a film any day. Honestly, if I had to choose between the film of a story and the book of it, I'd go for the film.Judy : Would you?Gerry: Yes. It's much more real. You can get the atmosphere better. You know, the photography and location shots, period costumes, the right accents. Don't youthink so?Judy : Not really. I much prefer to use my own imagination. I can imagine how I want it, rather than how someone makes me see it. Anyway, I think you get much more insight into the characters when you read a book. Part of a person's character is lost on film because you never know what they are thinking. Gerry: True, but I don't know. It's much easier going to the cinema. It takes less time.I can get the whole story in two hours but it might take me a week to read thebook.Judy : I know, but it's so expensive to go to the cinema nowadays.Gerry: I know, but it's a social event. It's fun. You can go with your friends. When you read a book you have to do it on your own.Judy : All right. Let's agree to differ. I'll get some coffee.Keys:1.1.spoil the story 1.2. and day1.3. Honestly choose the film1.4. Atmosphere photography location period1.5. insight into the characters 1.6. social event1.7. agree to differ2.Films: get the atmosphere better---photography/location shots/periodcostumes/right accenteasiertake less time: two hoursan social event: fun, go with friendsBooks: take more time: one weeknot a social event: do it on your ownbooks: use readers’ own imaginationget much more insight into the charactersfilms: spoil the storyexpensivePart 1 listening fourSally Marino gets married. After the wedding, there is a big party—a wedding reception. All the guests eat dinner. There is a band and, after dinner, everyone dances.Sally's mother and father pay for everything. At the end of the reception, Sally and her new husband cut the wedding cake and all the guests get a piece.Pete and Rose buy a new house. After moving in, they invite their friends and family to a party—a housewarming party. Everybody comes to see the new house. They look at the bedrooms, the dining room, even the garage. Pete and Rose serve drinks, sandwiches, and snacks. The party is on a Saturday afternoon.It is Christmas time. Ted and Sarah Robinson want to see many of their friends over the holiday. So they invite their friends to an open house. The hours of the party are from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. The guests arrive and leave whenever they want. The Robinsons serve sandwiches, drinks, and snacks. Some guests stay for just 20 minutes, others stay for 3 hours. About fifty people come to the open house.Mr. and Mrs. Todd ask their neighbors to come to an evening party. They don't serve much food, just snacks—pretzels, chips, peanuts and many types of drinks. No one dances. Conversation is important with people asking questions like "What's new with you?".Keys:1.√2 √32.4.dinner band dances piece2.5. house drinks snacks2.6. Invite arrive fifty/502.7. snacks Conversation new with youPart 4 Listening 1Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?Cathy: Er...a friend told me that you have exercise and dance classes here. Receptionist: That's right.Cathy: OK. Can you give me some information about days and times, please? Receptionist: Yes, there are four classes a day, every day from Monday to Saturday with nothing on Sunday.Cathy: Yeah, can you tell me the open hours?Receptionist: The first one is an aerobics class from 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning. Then there's another aerobics class at lunchtime from 12:30 to 1:30.Cathy: Right.Receptionist: Then in the evening from 5:30 to 6:30—another aerobics class too. And there's a jazz dance class from 6:30 to 7:30.Cathy: Right. And what level are they for? I mean, would they be OK for a beginner?Receptionist: The morning aerobics—8:30 to 9:30—is advanced. All the others are at the beginner to intermediate level. But let me give you a schedule. Cathy: Thanks. And how much does it cost for a class?Receptionist: You pay a £1 entrance fee and then the classes are £2.50 each and £3.50 for the jazz dancing. It's there on the sheet.Cathy: Oh, yes, I see.Receptionist: If you become a member, entrance is free and...Cathy: Oh, no, it's OK. I'm only in London for two weeks.Receptionist: Oh, right. That's no good then.Cathy: And I guess you have showers and everything?Receptionist: Yes, sure, and in the evenings you can use the sauna free, too.Cathy: Oh, great. So the next class is at 5:30? Well, I'll see you then. Receptionist: Fine. See you later!Questions:1. Where does the dialog most likely take place?2. How many classes are there every day except Sunday?3. At what time does the last class end?4. How much is the entrance fee?5. Which class will Cathy most probably attend?6. What can we learn about Cathy from the conversation?Keys: 1. A 2.C 3.C 4. A 5. C 6. BListening 2Woman: W hy don't we go abroad for a change? I'd like to go to France, Spain, or even Italy.Man: Mm. I'm not all that keen on traveling really. I'd rather stay at home. Woman: O h, come on, Steve. Think of the sun!Man: Yes, but think of the cost! Going abroad is very expensive.Woman: O h, it isn't, Steve. Not these days.Man: Of course it is, Juliet. The best thing about having a holiday here in Britain is that it's cheaper. And another thing, traveling in Britain would be easier.No boats, planes or anything.Woman: Even so, we've been to most of the interesting places in Britain already.What's the point in seeing them again? Anyway, we can travel round Britainwhenever we like. There's no point in wasting our summer holiday here. Man: Mm, I suppose you're right. Nevertheless, what I can't stand is all the bother with foreign currency, changing money and all that when we go abroad. Ihate all that. And it's so confusing.Woman: O h, don't be silly, Steve.Man: And what's more, I can't speak any of the languages—you know that. It's all right for you. You can speak some foreign languages.Woman: Exactly. You see, what I'd really like to do is practice my French and Spanish. It would help me a lot at work.Man: Mm, but that's no use to me.Woman: B ut just think of the new places we'd see, the people we'd meet!Man: But look, if we stayed here, we wouldn't have to plan very much. Woman: I'm sorry, Steve. No. I don't fancy another cold English summer. Questions:1. Where does the man want to spend the summer holiday?2. According to Steve, what is considered important in planning vacation?3. What does Steve find confusing about traveling abroad?4. What will help Juliet in her work?5. What does Juliet think of summer in Britain?Keys:1. C2. B3. D4. C5. B2. 2. 1)keen on 2)The best thing about another thing 3)Nevertheless all thebother with confusing 4)fancyListening 3The game of football may have started in Roman times. It seems that the Romans played a game very much like our modern rugby but with a round ball.English villagers played football in the 16th century and they often had almost a hundred players on each side. It was a very common game, which was very rough and even dangerous until the early part of the 19th century. In the 18th century a Frenchman who had watched a rough game of football in a village wrote, "I could not believe that those men were playing a game. If this is what Englishmen call playing, I would not like to see them fighting!"From the mid-19th century, it was played in schools in England and soon spread all over Britain and Europe. Until in 1850, it was not possible to have football matches between one school and another, because each school had different rules! So set rules had to be made. They were not improved though until, in 1863, when those who preferred to play with hands as well as feet formed the Rugby Union while the others started the Football Association (F.A.). It was only in 1863 that the first set of rules for all football clubs was agreed upon.Nearly 150 years later, football has become by far the most popular sport in the entire world. Would that 18th century Frenchman have believed it possible? Questions:1. According to the passage, when may the game of football have first started?2. How many team members were often involved in the game when the English began to play the game?3. What did the speaker say about the earliest football game in England?4. Why was it NOT possible to have football matches between two schools until 1850?5. What happened to football in 1863?Keys:1. D2. D3. A4. C5. CListening 4In one town, there were three longtime friends, Pat, Mike and Bob. Pat and Bob were quite bright, but Mike was rather dull.One day as Pat and Mike were walking down the sidewalk together, Pat put hishand on a solid brick wall and said, "Mike, hit my hand as hard as you can." Mike struck a hard blow, but Pat pulled his hand away from the wall just before Mike's fist hit it. Of course, it hurt Mike's hand very much when he hit the wall, but Pat said, "That was a good joke on you, wasn't it?" Mike agreed, but was not too happy.The following day Mike and Bob were walking in the town square. Mike decided to play the joke on Bob. He looked around, and seeing no solid object, he placed his hand over his face and said, "Bob, hit my hand as hard as you can." Bob agreed, and as he struck a hard blow with his fist, Mike quickly pulled his hand away and was knocked to the ground, unconscious. After a few minutes Mike recovered, and saw Bob worriedly looking down at him. Mike said, "That was a good joke on you, wasn't it?"Questions:1.Who was NOT clever?2.What did Pat ask Mike to do?3.Who was hurt finally?4.On whom was Mike going to try this joke?5.Where did Mike put his hand when he asked Bob to hit him?6.What happened to Mike after Bob struck a hard blow with his fist?Keys:1.1A2. C3. A4.B5. C6. B2.√2 √5。

全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程4_U n i t1课后答案(总4页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Part II Text A lexf OrganizationAppendix I - $9II. More Synonyms in Context1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of themost dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium.2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off.3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to allmywords.4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile bodycould withstand the harsh weather.- 90 - Appendix IIII. Usage1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health.2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it.3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work1)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if youfall asleep.4)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early.5)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1.1. invasion3. Conquest 5. launching 7. campaign 9. reckon with 2. stand in the way4. catching... off his guard 6. declaration8. drag on10. bringing...to a haltAppendix I - 91 -2.1. allow2.reckoned3. highly4.forecasts5. rapidly6.instant7. delivery8.advantage9. observing10.powerfulII. Translation1.Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on thefarm.2.We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most sophisticatedweapons.3.Having been out of job/Not having had a job for 3months, Phil is getting increasinglydesperate.4.Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate in his judgement.5.Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of solution, the village neighborhoodcommittee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. By a stroke of luck/Lucky enough, thanks to the severely cold weather which made the marshland freeze over, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.。

Part II Text Alexf OrganizationParts Paragraphs'' Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-2Introduction — Both Napoleon's and Hitler's military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter.Part Two Paras 3-11Napoleon's military campaign against RussiaPart Three Paras 12-20Hitler's military campaign against the Soviet UnionPart Four Para 21ConclusionConclusion——The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign.2.Sections Paragraphs Main IdeasSection One Paras 12-13Hitler's blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin's scorched earth policySection Two Paras 14-18the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad Section Three Paras 19-20the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war VocabularyI. 1. 1) alliance 3) stroke 5) minus 7) declarations 2) at the cost of 4) limp 6) regions 8) siegeAppendix I - $9 9) raw10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future.2) Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike.3) Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. 4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard. 5) The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date / obsolete. 4. 1) Being faced with an enemy forces much superior to ours, we had to give up an enemy forces much superior to ours, we had to give up the occupation of big cities and big cities and retreat to the rural and mountainous the rural and mountainous regions to build up our bases.2) Unity Unity is is crucial crucial to to the efficient operation operation of an of an organization. organization. Failure Failure to to reckon reckon reckon with with this problem will weaken its strength. In many cases, work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in an organization. 3) The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against the G ermans. In fact, this battle turned the tide in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakened the German army by launching a series of counterattacks. II. More Synonyms in Context1) 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium.2) 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.- 90 - App endi x IIII. Usage1) But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health. 2) A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks —and nobody knew anything about it. 3) It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work 1) Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm —you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep.4) In those days people believed in marrying young a nd having children early. and having children early. 5) Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes.Structure1. 1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that can increase the yield by30 percent.2) To her great relief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed. 3) To our disappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans. 4) We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the coming Christ-mas. 2. 1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the) east of the Nile.2) By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River. 3) Michelle was born in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in the United States at the age of four. 4) 4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United States for about 1,900 kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. invasion 3. Conquest5. launching7. campaign9. reckon with 2. stand in the way4. catching... off his guard6. declaration8. drag on10. bringing...to a haltApp endi x I - 91 -(B)1. allow2. reckoned3. highly4. forecasts5. rapidly6. instant7. delivery8. advantage 9. observing10. Powerful II. Translation1. Mr. Doherty and his family are currently e ngaged inengaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm. 2. We We must must must not not underestimate the the enemy. enemy. enemy. They They are equipped with the the most most most sophisticated sophisticated weapons. 3. Having Having been been been cut cut cut of of of a a a job/Not job/Not job/Not having having having had had had a a a job job job for for for 3months, 3months, 3months, Phil Phil Phil is is is getting getting getting increasingly increasingly desperate . 4. Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient , and accurate in his judgment. 5. Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of solution, the village neighborhood committee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs. The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with strong/fierce/stiff resistance. The divi-sion commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in spite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and the marsh froze over. Thanks to the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.Part III TextBComprehension Check 1. d 3. b.-2. d 4. a- 92 -App endi x ITranslation(#JE Appendix III)Language Practice1. boast2.obstacles3. was concerned4.call ...off5. paid off6.was pinned down7. are contesting8.prior to9. holdout10.objective11. responsible for12.in case13. favorable14.due to15. on the eve of16.cancel17. complications18.stiff19. withstand20.absentPart IV Theme-Related Language Learning TasksWriting StrategyTick which of the following is more convincing: ____________ It was reported that General Eisenhower, though indecisive sometimes, had no hesitation in ordering the assault on Normandy. _____ √ ____ Eisenhower's chief of staff, Brigadier General Water Bedell Smith, later wrote:"... He sat there ... tense, weighing every consideration. Finally he looked up, and the tension was gone from his face. He said briskly, 'well, we'll go." Model PaperCan Man Triumph over Nature?When people talk of man triumphing over nature, many things come to mind. One thinks of successes in medicine in the fight against disease, such as the invention of antibiotics and the promise held out by advances in biogenetic engineering. On a broader scale, one thinks of man's success in harnessing new forms of energy from steam power through oil to nuclear power.Yet, nature has often hit back in unexpected ways to these attempts to tame it. New forms ofAppendix I- 98 -disease that are resistant to antibiotics are constantly developing. Burning fossil fuels has led to fears of global warming; while nuclear power has produced dangerous waste that will remain a hazard for generations to come.However, perhaps to talk of man triumphing over nature is the wrong way to look at the matter. We need to find ways to work with nature rather than forever fighting against it.(154 w ords)。

新编英语教程4(李观仪)-练习册汉译英1-10单元 Unit 11.每当他午夜下班回家,他总是蹑手蹑脚地上楼,以免吵醒邻居。
Every time he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying not to disturb his neighbours.2.为了与新来的邻居建立一种和睦的关系,格林先生不失时机地主动帮她把行李搬进屋子。
To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour, Mr. Jones lost no chance in offering to carry her luggage into the house.3.米勒博士向我们推荐的文章集中论述了空气污染问题,同时也提到了诸如水污染,噪音污染和视觉污染等问题。
The article recommended by Dr. Miller centres on the problem of air pollution;meanwhile, it touches upon other issues such as water pollution, noise pollution and visual pollution.4.要不是她的朋友时常鼓励她、帮助她,她将一事无成。
If it had not been for the constant encouragement and help from her friends, she couldn’t have accomplished anything.5.几天前他还对这项计划嗤之以鼻,可是他现在却以高涨的热情去努力落实这项计划,这真是令人难以理解的转变。
It was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project, but he is now working hard with zest for its realization. What a baffling change!6.从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有着一种复杂的感情。

Unit test 1Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•fraught•clutched•revert•recounted•comprehensive•upcoming•transition•apathy•deduct•gamble•demanding•highlight•redirect•investors•exceeds•repay•concise•embellish•overdo•thriving1.My little brother tends to em bel l i shthe truth, so you can't believe everything he saysat face value.Your answer Correct answerembellish embellish2.Mr. Philips is running for a position in the local government in theupcom i ng elections.Your answer Correct answerupcoming upcoming3.What can we do to hi ghl i ghtall the accomplishments our company has had?Your answer Correct answerhighlight highlight4.In my opinion, the asking price for that painting farexceeds its real value.Your answer Correct answerexceeds exceeds5.Sharon was f r aughtwith indecision over where to go to college.Your answer Correct answer fraught fraught6.Her book is a brief, conci sehistory of World War I.Your answer Correct answerconcise concise7.Too many people accuse students of ignorance about orapat hy toward international issues.Your answer Correct answerapathy apathy8.The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she r ecount edher experience during thecampaign.Your answer Correct answerrecounted recounted9.Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) gam bl eI'm willing totake.Your answer Correct answergamble gamble10.My mother was a very dem andi ngwoman, but she only wanted the best for my sisterand me.Your answer Correct answerdemanding demanding11.If you lend me money today, I canr epay you after I get paid on Friday.Your answer Correct answerrepay repay12.Every time the plane hit turbulence, he cl ut chedthe armrests tightly.Your answer Correct answerclutched clutched13.The purpose of the canal was tor edi r ect the river and provide water to more farmland.Your answer Correct answerredirect redirect14.Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made thet r ansi t i on into my new position.Your answer Correct answertransition transition15.Twenty years ago, this was a wealthy, t hr i vi ngcommunity.Your answer Correct answer thriving thriving16.Please remember that we need to deducttaxes from your paycheck.Your answer Correct answer deduct deduct17.The virus disabled the software, so we needed to r ever tto an earlier version.Your answer Correct answer revert revert18.I know you're excited about the possibilities, but please try not to over doit.Your answer Correct answer overdo overdo19.Many i nvest or slost a lot of money when the stock market fell last month.Your answer Correct answerinvestors investors20.My employer offers a(n) com pr ehensi vebenefits package that is difficult to give up.Your answer Correct answercomprehensive comprehensiveSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.All right, it's time to packup our things and move to the new office upstairs.Your answer Correct answerup up22.The counselor suggested that Felipe talkt hr ough his problems with his brother.Your answer Correct answerthrough through23.Thomas has always been, i fnothing else, a diligent and responsible student.Your answer Correct answerif if24.I find it inconceivable that anyone could turndown a free trip to the Caribbean.Your answer Correct answerdown down25.Jordan bought three cases of bottled water f orfear that the storm would causeserious damage.Your answer Correct answerfor for26. Byall means, please make yourself at home.Your answer Correct answerBy By27.Stephen looked onin horror as the fire consumed his apartment building. Your answer Correct answeron on28.After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself t oa big piece ofchocolate cake.Your answer Correct answerto to29.We're alli n the same boat; so let's try to be nice to one another.Your answer Correct answerin in30.His question came outof the blue and caught me by surprise.Your answer Correct answerout outPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Patrick is in a bit of a financial (31)sl um phelp he can get. Ever since he graduated from college, he's been fairly(32)ai m l essseem to decide what he wants to do. He had been working for a law firm, but he recently got laid off. Now he's having difficulty paying his rent, and his (33)l andl or devict him. Unless things turn around, Patrick might soon be a new (34)cl i entathis old law firm! What a(n) (35)hassl e!I usually make it a rule to not lend money to friends, but Patrick's in a bad situation. I'm going to make an exception and give him a small (36)l oanback. He's always been known for his (37)honest yit.It's difficult not to (38)sym pat hi zewith Patrick. It could happen to anybody. I'm ina much better situation, (39)f i nanci al l yout. (40)For t unat el yfor him before we know it!Your answer Correct answer(31) slump slump(32) aimless aimless(33) landlord landlord(34) client client(35) hassle hassle(36) loan loan(37) honesty honesty(38) sympathize sympathize(39) financially financially(40) Fortunately FortunatelyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.You've written your resume. You've fine tuned your cover letter. You've completed the application. You've lined up your references. Finally, you've been invited to an interview for a job! Interviewing for jobs can be a daunting (yet exhilarating) prospect. Like anything, you will get better with practice. However, the more practice you have in job interviews usually means you're also racking up the rejections, and no one likes to experience too much rejection.Now that you've landed an interview, what's the best way to impress the hiring official, be invited back for a second interview, and get offered the job? You need to be prepared, and, surprisingly, it's incredibly important to know what not to say during an interview. One slip could mean the difference between a job offer and a rejection. With that in mind, here are the things you should never say during a job interview.How much does the job pay?As a general rule, wages and salaries are not usually discussed during a first interview. Asking about this makes you seem like you only care about money. Even if you are invited to a second or third interview, let the employer bring up the topic of money. Be prepared to tell them how much you're expecting. Give a range of what you'd accept rather than a specific amount. Estimating too high or too low might automatically knock you out of the running. It's important to do your research, though. How much do other employers pay? What's the going rate for the position?What does your company do?If you don't know what the company makes or does, why are you interviewing for them? Do your research. With the unbelievable amount of information available on the Internet and at the local library, there's absolutely no excuse for ignorance. You should walk into the interview knowing a lot about the company.I didn't get along with my old boss because . . .Criticizing a previous employer implies that you may do the same to them when you leave. Instead, explain how you overcame a difference of opinion and how you managed difficult situations. Don't dwell on negative issues, and make your answer short.I don't have any questions for you.Of course you do. Saying you don't have any questions indicates you aren't very interested in the job or don't know much about the company. Do your research and walk into the interview with questions. Try to think of questions that the interviewer won't answer as part of the introduction. For example, ask about expansion plans or future development within the company.I've been going through a rough patch at home . . .Interviewers will probably ask you to share something about yourself. Remember to keep your response pertinent to the job and position. Talk about your education, previous employment, goals, and ambitions. If you mention hobbies or personal interests, keep it short. Do not discuss personal problems.In five years, I want to live on a tropical island.When asked about your future, employers want to know how your goals will benefit their company. Saying anything else will tell them that you aren't ambitious or interested in the job at hand. What do you want to achieve in this job or in this industry?41. Of the following, which is the least likely place you would find this article?A. Business magazine.B. College newspaper.C. Management textbook.D. Online blog.42. Which of the following would make the best title for this article?A. What Not to Say in a Job InterviewB. Landing the Perfect JobC. Acing Your Next Job InterviewD. How to Get a Job Interview43. According to this article, what is an acceptable topic of discussion in a job interview?A. Details of your "dream job".B. Hobbies and personal interests.C. Details of a recent divorce.D. Disagreements you had with a previous employer.44. Based on this information, potential employers are interested in which of the following qualities?A. Apathy.B. Sympathy.C. Honesty.D. Ambition.45. With which of the following statements would the writer of this article agree?A. There are only six things you shouldn't say during an interview.B. In a job interview, you should answer all questions as quickly as possible.C. You should share as little about yourself in an interview as possible.D. Every answer you give during an interview should be well thought out.。

新标准大学英语综合教程4课后答案unit1Unit1Active reading (1)3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1.proceed2.transition3.detached4.upcoming5.slump6.revert7.recount4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.(1)transition(2)slumped(3)proceed(4)recounting(5)detached(6)upcoming(7)revert5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he’s an supporte r of flexible working hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn’t got better completely. (healed)6 Answer the questions about the words.B A A AB7 Answer the questions about the phrases.B B A A A A A AActive reading (2)4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1.amusing2.fortunately3.loan4.deduct5.highlight6.sympathize7.demanding5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.(1) sympathize(2) fortunately(3) loan(4) demanding.(5) amusing(6) highlight(7) deducted6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. (1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.B B A A B B A A ALanguage in useword formation: compound nouns1 Write the compound nouns which mean:1 a degree which is awarded a first class (a first-class degree)2 work in a hospital (hospital work)3 a ticket for a plane journey (a plane ticket)4 a discount for students (a student discount)5 a pass which allows you to travel on buses (a bus pass)6 a room where an interview is held (an interview room)7 a period spent in training (a training period)2 Write the noun phrases which mean:1 a career which is rewarding from the financial point of view (a financially rewarding career)2 legislation which has been introduced recently (recently introduced legislation)3 instructions which are more complex than usual (unusually complex instructions)4 an institution which is orientated towards academic (academically orientated work)5 work which makes physical demands on you (physically demanding work)6 information which has the potential to be important (potentially important information)7 candidates who have been selected after a careful procedure (carefully selected candidates)8 a coursebook in which everything has been planned beautifully (a beautifully planned textbook)3 Rewrite the sentences using try as …might .1 I’m trying to fill this last page, but I just can’t think of anything.Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can’t think of anything.2 I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn’t seem to respond.Try as I might to be friendly with Marta, she doesn’t seem to r espond.3 I try hard to get to sleep, but I can’t help thinking about my family.Try as I might to get to sleep, I can’t help thinking about my family.4 He just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves, even though he keeps trying.Try as he might, h e just doesn’t seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Try as he might to get thepromotion he deserves, he just doesn’t seem to get it.5 I keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.Try as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank.4 Rewrite the sentences using given that …1 Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2 Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3 Since we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work. Given that we’re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4 Since it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.Given that it’s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.5 Rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than .1 She’s experienced at giving advice. I’m more experienced.She’s less experienced at giving advice than I am. / I’m more experienced at giving advice than she is.2 You eat too much chocolate. It isn’t good for you.You eat too much chocolate than is good for you.3 She worked very hard. Most part-timers don’t work so hard.She worked harder than most part-timers do.4 You have arrived late too many times. That isn’t acceptable.You have arrived late more times than is acceptable.5 I don’t think you should have given so much personal information. It isn’t wise.I think you have given more personal information than is wise.7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.依我看,现实生活与人们想象的不一样。
新编英语教程4练习册 Text 1 Comprehension B部分(Unit 1-10)

1. Quite obviously, anyone who was determined to be guided by the rules of self improvement I collected would be happy and have a richer life, infinite affection from his family and the love and respect of the community.2. Show your love readily and willingly.3. Whole hearted and genuine praise is really valuable.4. Join your children and treat them as your equals.5. I heard screams down the hall one after another and I found Gretchen crying.6. The most unimportant light task may turn out to be worthwhile if it is dealt with eagerly and with interest.7. I started to have a conversation with Kit in a friendly way and tried my best to achieve close agreement and understanding between us.8. You never troubled yourself to chat with people in the past. Why do you want to start doing it now?Unit 21. The richer life experience we have, and the more people from all walks of life we know, we will develop more extensive and flexible knowledge of different English styles and the ability to use each style appropriately when the occasion arises.2. If we do not know when to use each style appropriately, or if we confuse one style with another inappropriately, an unsystematic and casual knowledge of styles is of no use, or even worse.3. Neither “bags of fun” nor “extremely gracious” in its suitable context is a careless expression of one's ideas.4. It would, however, also be absurd to turn the judgment completely the other way round.5. Except in cases where they are used to achieve humorous effect, contemporary writers think that euphemisms are too disgusting, artificial and pretentious.6. Supporting the argument made by using the outdated and stereotyped phrases that are often used by trade union leaders would be as easy as shooting birds that never fly away.7. Some euphemisms are unusual enough to be funny. They are so unusual that they become quite funny.8. Some people may also like extreme understatement.1 Every night for weeks, the priests gave sermons, and people sang songs in praise of God, worshipped God and shouted for joy. Some sinners who had never showed signs of shame or repentance were saved from sin and the number of the members of the church increased rapidly.2 The clergyman spoke on religious matters to the congregation. His speech was marvelously regular and melodious; it was a mixture of the low sounds of pain, grief and suffering, loud and happy as well as lonely cries, and horrible pictures of the world sinners go to when they die.3 The whole building shook with all the praying and singing.4 All the people attending church service prayed only for me; their praying became one strong and powerful sound of pain and suffering.5 The whole church became a sea of great joy.6 When everything became quiet again, during a respectful silence, which was broken only by several people saying “Amen”extremely joyfully and happily, all the children were given blessings by the minister in the name of God.Unit 41 I argue plainly that making marks in a book is not something done to spoil it but to show its worth and value.2 Getting the book by payment is merely a preparatory step on the way to ownership.3 Only when you have fully absorbed it can you say that you own the book completely.4 The third kind of book owners possess only a few or many books, but every one of them is worn, with the corners of the leaves folded over, and has become less tightly bound because of constant use. There are marks and informally written notes in each book from cover to cover.5 I would never mark pages of a first edition copy of Paradise Lost, just as I would not give my baby a set of coloured pencils and a painting by Rembrandt in the original.6 If the elaborate cover, style of printing or layout prevent you from marking up a book, then you'd better buy a cheap edition in which you can show your respect to the writer.7 If you write notes in the book yourself, the words and sentences will stand out more distinctly in your mind and last longer in your memory.8 Don't believe that a reader is only expected to take in passively what is in the book.9 Comprehension is a process involving both reception and production. If you remain a container ready only to receive, you cannot expect to learn very much.1 Where high quality is not just something someone does on certain occasions, but rather something that one does regularly and that one finds it difficult to stop doing.2 ... nowadays by using a computer equipped with a modem and pointing and clicking with a mouse, you can get information from any place in this world, and neither time, nor space, nor high long distance phone tariffs will make it difficult for you to do so.3 Who knew at that time that this humble software consultant would create the World Wide Web which would change our civilization, bring about millionaires, and a rich source of information.4 Surprisingly enough, such a fact did not take place in an industrial city or town but in the Swiss Alps, which seemed to be remote from industry.5 ... that could keep myself informed about all the chance connections that one may meet with in real life, and which one's brains ought to be good enough to remember, but sometimes I would just not remember.6 On the Internet one should be able to begin from one's own software file and move on to get a list of names of people one wishes to contact, and to get access to a phone book, and to get a chart showing an organization, and to obtain whatever information one wishes to get.7 In 1991 the World Wide Web made its first appearance to the world, and thereafter what used to be chaotic on the computer screen began to be orderly and clear.8 He changed a most effective communications system which used to be only at the disposal of the select educated class into a means of communication for large numbers of common people.Unit 61 People usually think that predators do not have to make an effort to kill the prey animals, since the prey have no means of protecting themselves.2 What I have gone through proves quite the opposite, the tiger has to make a real effort to eat. I would say that in order to catch one wild animal, the tiger has to try to make twenty to thirty attempts.3 So long as these systems are functioning properly, an animal will not be caught by a wolf.4 Parasites have the opposite characteristics.5 Naturalists have observed that fleas have smaller fleas living on and feeding off them, and these have even smaller fleas on them. This phenomenon continues almost indefinitely.6 Instead of bringing the insects under control, the birds have spread all over thecountry. Their numbers are so great that they leave little space for blue birds and other birds which have always lived in the area and try to get from them the food and nesting places.7 Remoras, a type of fish, join themselves onto sharks, go where the sharks go and eat bits of shark's food.8 The organisms that a lichen is composed of could not live long separately.Unit 71 The ground looked black because it was covered with numerous black ants. These vigorous, strong and powerful ants, without paying any attention to the boy, were moving quickly towards the wounded buck which was struggling helplessly. The ants looked like brightly shining black water running through the grass.2 Just as he took a breath, feeling pity for the buck and somehow afraid, the buck was no longer on its feet and became silent.3 He looked closely at the twisting body of the buck covered with black ants; its only movement now was short, quick twitches.4 The thought well expressed his growing feeling of anger and unhappiness, and objection to what was happening.5 Near him the ants were gradually going home in small groups with bits of pink meat in their mouths and there was in the air a sharp fresh smell, that of blood and fresh raw flesh.6 People might think the buck had been lying there for years, if there had not been scraps of pink meat on the white bone.7 The buck, walking around happily and proudly with its beautiful white tail swishing from side to side, had breathed in and smelt the cold morning air.Unit 81 We learn from the astronauts that if we look “down”from space, we will find the most conspicuous of Earth to be the thick layer of ice which is Antarctica, which sends light over the southernmost part of the southern hemisphere.2 One hundred and sixty years ago, however, nobody had ever seen this enormous continent, and had certainly not walked on it. Even today whether we can occupy it or not is still uncertain. Further, we know relatively little about it.3 The differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic are greater than the similarities. The Arctic is tightly surrounded by the continents of Europe, America and Asia where there are permanent populations; whereas the Antarctic is unconnected toanywhere else, separated from the nearest land by vast areas of the world's roughest seas.4 Under such conditions, a person could only stand for a few seconds, and that was by leaning forward to form an angle of 45°with the ground.5 It is not surprising that although man did not hesitate to explore and take possession of most of the earth in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the continent in the far south was left untouched.Unit 91 The mothers had already learned the news before their sons could stammer it out.2 The news spread from one brush house to another and continued to travel fast into the town.3 When the doctor realized that Kino was the man who had asked for his help, he became both serious and clever.4 For a moment the doctor's eyes were focussed on nothing as his thoughts turned to Paris.5 The news caused a profound “negative force”to be at work in the town. This could be compared to a scorpion, which causes pain, or the hunger created by the smell of food, or feeling of loneliness which comes when love is refused.6 What acted as the “venom producing bag”of the town, i.e., the increasing self interest in the townspeople, began to create poison which afflicted the whole town with a negative force.Unit 101 He gives us not what is happening outside himself but the deepest, most essential expression of himself as a person and member of the human race.2 If a composer wants to be in any way a great artist, he must have his own individuality. This may be very important or not important at all but as far as significant music is concerned, it will reflect that individuality.3 His personality may include many human weaknesses, as did Lully's and Wagner's, but excellence in his music will still stem from those aspects of his personality which are excellent.4 A composer's style is formed from the interrelationship between his personality and his own period.5 There is no need to argue about the part that an interpreter plays.6 Most contemporary first class musicians have instruments which are very satisfactory for them to meet any challenge in a composition.7 The musical notation cannot be the exact transcription of a composer's thought both because it is ambiguous and because it provides freedom for personal taste and choice.8 The joint efforts of composer and interpreter have significance only when they are appreciated by listeners who understand music. That indicates that the hearer is under an obligation to fully understand music.9It is unquestionable that he tried to suggest by that piece of wit that only when a hearer throws himself into music will be significant to music and its composers.。

新标准大学英语综合教程4教师用书Unit1新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit 1Active reading (1)Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofaBackground informationAbout the passage: This is an article by an Education Correspondent, Alexandra Blair, published in September 20XX年in The Times, a long-established British quality newspaper. In Europe generally, and inBritain in particular, for a number of years there has been a rising number of students who go to universityand therefore more new graduates seeking employment. However, for many graduates finding a job became harder in 20XX年C20XX年because the economic downturn Cthen a recession C meant that many employers werereducing their workforce. After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking for jobsand then they found that it was difficult to find employmentin their field or at the level they wanted. Thearticle addresses the problems of such new graduates who might be stuck at home and advises their parentsto be there for their children (ie to be available if their children want to talk about the problem or if theyneed help). The article recommends finding work in a bar or supermarket rather than sitting unemployed at home since this is more likely to lead to better employment later. The style is partly of a report, but alsoof a humorous comment for light entertainment (seen in the jokey language and problem-solving advice toparents).Why finding a job in 20XX年is so difficult for university graduates?Universities in Europe, particularly in Britain, have expanded greatly in the last fifteen years (over 45% ofyoung adults now go on to higher education), so there are more graduates looking for jobs. This competitivesituation became a lot worse in 20XX年onwards with the credit crunch and economic depression, which meant that there were fewer jobs available and a rise inunemployment. Thus new graduates have to be active to seek a job, they need to fill in many application forms and try to get job interviews: they won’t findemployment by lying on the sofa at home.Culture pointshonours degree: Traditionally, in the British university system, BA and BSc honours degrees are awardedin different categories: a first class degree (written using Roman numbers as I), a second (divided into twosubcategories, written as IIii and IIii, which are called “a two one” and “a two two”), a third(written III) anda pass degree. Most people get a second. There are also ordinary degrees with more general courses of studywithout these categories.Generation Y and Grunt: The main idea here is that there is a succession of different generations orcohorts of adults who come into the workforce in North America which are given different informal namesto characterize them. First, “Baby boomers” were born in the great increase (the boom) of birt hs after WorldWar II (1946C1960), followed by “Generation X” people (born 1960C1980) who were said to bring newattitudes of being independent, informal, entrepreneurial, and expected to get skills and have a career beforethem. “GenerationY” or the “Millenial Generation” (born 1980s and 1990s and becoming adult in the newmillenium) are now making up an increasing percentage of the workforce; they are said to be spoilt by dotingparents, to have structured lives, to be used to teamwork and diverse people in a multicultural society. Inthe passage, this generation is now becoming (morphing into) Generation Grunt, which is an ironic namereferring to repetitive, low status, routine or mindless work Cthis may be the only work available to somegraduates, who may have to take very ordinary jobs to get experience before they find something more suitable. “Grunt” also refers to coarse behaviour or bad manners and to the deep sound that is made by a pig;when people “grunt” they express disgust but do not communi cate with words C this may be how the parents of new graduates think their children communicate withthem!A comprehensive refers to a British type of secondary school which became popular in the1960s. Before thatthere were academic “grammar schools” and more general “secondary modern” schools for those who didnot pass the grammar school entrance tests, but the comprehensive schools were designed for all students ina social philosophy of bringing diverse students together whether they were academic or not. Those studentswho went to a comprehensive school probably felt that had to study particularly hard (I worked my backsideoff) to get to university, compared to those who went to grammar schools where all students were academic Ccomprehensive students felt they had to struggle to get to university.Chicken suit This refers to a large yellow costume that someone wears which makes the person look like agiant chicken. Before he became a famous actor, Brad Pitt once dressed in such a costume when he had a jobadvertising for a restaurant called El Pollo Loco (The Crazy Chicken’ in Spanish) C the job meant that he hadto walk around the streets like a chicken to attract customers to come to the restaurant.Language points1 Those memories of forking out thousands of pounds a year so that he could eat well and go to the odd party, began to fade. Until now. (Para 1)The parents paid a lot of money for their son’s university fees and living expenses (so that he could eatwell) and for occasional social events Cat graduation these memories of money were mostly forgotten because the parents were proud. But now the parents are thinking of money again because the son doesn’t have a job and doesn’t seem to be actively seeking one.2 This former scion of Generation Y has morphed overnight into a member of Generation Grunt. (Para 2)The distinguished son of Generation X (of the parents’ generation who worked hard, got jobs, and hadgood careers and expected their son to do the same) has changed into a member of Generation Grunt C hedoesn’t seem to communicate much, lies around and doesn’t get a job (or can only do a low status routingjob).3 I passed the exams, but at the interviews they accused me of being ‘too detached’ and talking inlanguage that was ‘too technocratic’, which I didn’t think possible, but obviously it is. (Para 5)He passed the entrance exams for a government post, but he was criticized in the selection interviews: They said he was detached (not personally involved) and too technocratic (he used the language of atechnical expert or high authority). As a new graduate he probably wanted to show his expertise in hislanguage so he can’t u nderstand this criticism.4 For the rest it is 9-to-5 “chilling” before heading to the pub. (Para 6)The others who do not have a routine low status job (like stacking goods on a supermarket shelf) chill outall day (they spend their time casually relaxing Cthey don’t look for work) and go to pub for a drink in theevening.5 I went to a comprehensive and I worked my bac kside off to go to a good university …(Para 6) He went to a school forstudents of all abilities (not to a special school for academic students) and so hehad to work very hard to enter a good university: Your backside means your bottom Cthe part of your body that you sit on Cto work your backside off is informal and it means you work very hard indeed.6 … bu t having worked full-time since leaving school herself, she and her husband find it tricky toadvise him on how to proceed. (Para 7)The mother has always had a full-time job (presumably the father is also working full-time), so she doesnot have relevant personal experience. For her, it is tricky to give advice (difficult to do).7 Carry on life as normal and don’t allow them to abuse your bank accoun t or sap your reserve of emotional energy. (Para 11) The advice from Gael Lindenfield here is that parents should live as usual. They should neither let theirchildren spend the parents’ money unnecessarily, nor let the problem take away all their energy andemotions. Sap their reserve means use up their store of emotional energy.8 After that the son or daughter needs to be nudged firmly back into the saddle. (Para 12) Then the parents should gently push their children firmly so that they get back into control of their lives.Reading and understanding2 Choose the best answer to the questions.Teaching tipsGo over the correct answers with Ss and ask them to explain why the other answers are wrong (See below).1 Why hasn’t Jack Goodwin got a job yet?(a) He doesn’t have a very good degree.(No, he has a 2:1 which is considered a good degree. )(b) He refuses to apply for jobs with low salaries.(He feels he should get a better job after studying at university.)(c) It isn’t easy to get a job in the current fi nancial climate.(This may be true but the passage does not mention this.)(d) He prefers to stay at home and help his family.(No, he doesn’t seem to be helping his family: he watches TV and talks to friends.)2 How does he spend a typical day?(a) Doing a temporary job.(No, some of his friends are working in temporary jobs but he doesn’t want to do this.)(b) Watching television.(He watches TV a lot.)(c) Queuing up in the university careers service.(No, he went there once but he didn’t want to queu e s o he walked away.)(d) Preparing for the next job interview.(No, he doesn’t seem to be preparing for interviews.)3 How do most of his friends spend the day?(a) They do nothing all day and go to the pub in the evening.(All except one of them do nothing except chill, then they go to the pub.)(b) They do outdoor activities such as sailing.(No, none of them seem to do outdoor activities; there is no mention of sailing.)(c) They are forced to work by their parents.(No, only one of them has been forced out to stack shelves by his parents; the others seem to be like Jack.)(d) They do part-time jobs such as working in a bar.(No, the text mentions bar work but none of Jack’s friends seem to do this work.)4 How are Jack’s parents helping him?(a) By looking for jobs for him.(No, Jack has tried to get a job himself; there’s nothing here about his parents helping him look for ajob.)(b) By paying for a trip to South America.(No, although he is going on a three-week trip to South America, the passage does not say that Jack’s parents have paid for this.)(c) By gradually making him more financially aware.(The passage does not say so explicitly, but this is the implication about the cut-off point after thetrip when he may be expected to pay rent and contribute to the household bills.)(d) By threatening to throw him out of the house.(No, they haven’t threatened to do this, but they definitely want him to work after he gets back fromhis trip.)5 What does Gael Lindenfield say about Jack’s parents?(a) They ha ve not really understood Jack’s problems.(No, she doesn’t say this; she says they must balance being positive with not making life too comfortable. This doesn’t mean they haven’t understood Jack’s problems.)(b) They have made life too comfortable for Jack.(No, she says they must balance comfort with being positive. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they have already made life too comfortable for Jack.)(c) The approach they have chosen is the right one.(She says they have struck exactly the right note.)(d) They need help from a psychologist.(No, she doesn’t say this.)6 What do Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt have in common?(a) They all did bar work before going to university.(No, we don’t know from the passage if any of them did this.)(b) They took part in protests against nuclear power plants.(No, we don’t know is any of them did this)(c) They learnt to act by dressing up as giant chickens.(No, only Brad Pitt did this.)(d) They all did temporary jobs at one stage in their lives.(This is right, although they all had completely different temporary jobs.)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed)2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached)4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming)5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump)6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert)7 to say what happened (recount)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.It isn’t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their careeris going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienceda long period of inactivity like this, when (4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass,they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard (6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or fouryears away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependentagain on their parents.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he’s an supporter of flexibleworking hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn’t got b e tter completely. (healed) 6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future?2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve?3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or(b) more active than usual?4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don’t want to, or (b) help you bylistening to what you have to say?5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or(b) stay at home and do nothing?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 Is fork out (a) a formal, or (b) an informal way of saying to pay for something?2 If you are in the same boat as another person, are you (a) making the same journey together, or(b) inthe same difficult or unpleasant situation?3 If you feel you have come full circle, do you (a) feel you are back where you started, or (b) feela senseof satisfaction because you have completed something?4 If someone takes a soft line, do they deal with a person (a) in a kind and sympathetic way, or (b) in alazy way without making a decision?5 If you strike the right note about something, are you expressing yourself (a) well, or (b) badly?6 If you do something by all means, do you (a) try your best to do it, or (b) not care about it?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle, are you encouraging them to (a) take responsibility again, or(b) take it easy?8 If you talk through a problem with someone, do you (a) examine it carefully and sensitively, or(b) referto it quickly and then change the subject?Reading and interpreting8 Answer the questions.1 “Will he ever get a job?” Who is asking this question? Whatmood does it express?The parents are asking this because the paragraph is addressed to parents (earlier it sa ys “your graduateson”). The mood seems to express patience or resignation because the word “ever” suggests that gettinga job will take a long time.2 Who describes Generation Y as “rebels without a cause”? Is it a fair description?This is the writer’s d escription to indicate that this generation is rebelling against parents or society,but they have nothing particular to rebel against. This doesn’t seem very fair because the students aretrying to find work Cit is just that they don’t like their parents nagging them. So they are a bit rebelliousagainst their parents, but no more than that.3 Jack “walked int o the university careers service and straight back out again”. What does this suggestabout Jack’s character?It suggests that Jack is not very determined. As soon as he saw the queue he left without waiting andwithout trying to ask about jobs or careers.4 Jack spent the summer “hiding”. Hiding from what? Why are quotation marks used?Probably this means he was hiding from the world of work, staying at home and not looking for a job. The quotation marks tell us that he wasn’t literally hiding, he just spent a lot of time at home.5 How is Mrs Goodwin’s point of view affected by her own personal experience?In one way her experience hasn’t affected he r attitude: She left school and went immediately to a job(without going to university) and has been working full-time since then and yet she is sympathetic andtakes a soft line.6 How is Lindenfield’s point of view affected by her own personal experience?Her personal experience was that she worked in a bar before finding her first proper job as an aerial photographic assistant. So she says such work is a great networking opportunity. If new graduates aregood at such work and bright, cheerful and polite, they willsoon be promoted. Her personal experience thus reflects C or perhaps has created C her point of view.7 What would the first two paragraphs have focused on if they had been presented from the point of viewof the students rather than the parents?The first two paragraphs would have focused on the need for the new graduates to rest for a bit after their hard studies. It is OK for students to relax with the TV or to socialize with friends for a while, thenthey can start a serious search for employment after that.Active reading (2)If you ask meBackground informationThis is an informal and personalized account of an economics graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year and then has an opportunity to be successful (a lucky break). She works in a L ondon pub called “The Salisbury”or “The Marquis Salisbury”, named after someone who was the British Prime Minister three times between1885 and 1902 and whose family once owned the pub’s land. The 100 year old pub is in Leadenhall Street, just off the CharingCross Road and Leicester Square. Daytime customers can get a pub lunch and evening customers include many office workers and theatre goers (the pub is near many West End theatres). The interior of this pub is dazzling, with large mirrors, cut glass an d a mahog any décor.British pubs are often named after famous people (Robin Hood, The Duke of Wellington) or royalty (The Queen’s Arms, the Prince of Wales) or historical symbols (The Rose and Crown to represent King Edward III, The Royal Oak to represent King Charles II who once hid in a large oak tree). Other names often includecolours and animals (The Red Bull, The Black Horse, The Golden Lion, The Swan) or symbols of traditional trades (The Compasses for carpenters, The Three Hammers for blacksmiths, The Three Tuns forwinemakers).As the pub is a social place to meet as well as a place to get a drink, people often play games like dominoesor darts or join a quiz or competition. A common expression is to “go down the pub” or “go round to thelocal” (bot h meaning to go to the local pub).Culture pointspub in London: A pub is a place where people go for a drink and to meet friends and socialize. People canplay games Csuch as darts, cards, dominoes Cin a pub and pubs often have quiz nights, with prizes for thewinners, and live music (See also Background information) The Salisbury is a well-known pub in central London (See also Background information) London School of Economics is a distinguished university in central London, famous for social sciences. Language points1 If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. (Para 1)In my opinion (If you ask me introduces an opinion), real life is not everything that people say it is. If athing is cracked up to be, people normally praise it but in the opinion of the speaker they are wrong.2 … spending money when you don’t have any is dead easy. (Para 7)Dead here means very. For example, we can say dead tired (exhausted), a dead loss (a complete loss oruseless), a dead weight (very heavy, difficult to lift).3 What were the odds on anyone being so nice? (Para 11)What are the chances that someone would be so nice? The writer is emphasizing here that such kindness isvery unusual.4 … looking back after all these years, you only need one or two break s in your life to succeed. (Para 13)A break here means a chance to be successful. A lucky break is an unexpected opportunity. Reading and understanding2 Choose the best answer to the questions.1 What did the writer want to do after finishing her degree?(a) To do an MA at the London School of Economics.(b) To earn some money to pay off her loan.(c) To start working as soon as possible.(d) To return home and help her mother.2 Why did she ask for a job in The Salisbury?(a) She was hungry and thirsty.(b) She thought it would lead to better things.(c) She was a friend of the landlord.(d) She had the idea when she saw the landlord working.3 What did she buy with her first salary?(a) A bunch of flowers.(b) A CD and a plant for the flat she lived in.(c) A ham sandwich and a glass of beer.(d) She didn’t have any money left after paying the bills.4 Why did Tony give her 20,000?(a) He found out it was her birthday and wanted to help.(b) He trusted her and thought it would help her.(c) He wanted her to leave the pub and work for him.(d) He was secretly in love with her.5 What did she do with the money?(a) She used it to pay for her course at the LSE.(b) She lost a lot of it in the 20XX年stock market crash.(c) She invested it and paid back Tony and other investors.(d) She used it to start her own business.6 Why was Tony pleased when she repaid the loan?(a) He had had an accident and needed the money for a wheelchair.(b) It meant that he would be able to see her again.(c) It proved that he had been right to invest in her.(d) She paid back the loan with a lot of interest.3 Work in pairs and answer the questions.What do we know about the writer’s:1 family background?Her mother had worked hard for 15 years to support her education but couldn’t afford any further support. Her fath er wasn’t around most of the time. He didn’t have any money because he spent it ongambling on dog racing or drinking in pubs.2 career as a student?She had a good degree in economics and wanted to study for a masters course at the London School of Economics.3 ambition?She wanted to get a job in finance or investments in London because then she would be able to use herdegree.4 appreciation of other people?She appreciated Mike’s friendliness with customers and his s kill, and she appreciated Tony as a nice person; later she appreciated the trust of Tony and his friends5 love life?We don’t know much about this, except that she doesn’t like boys to hassle her. She thinks they areimmature.6 financial expertise?It must be quite good: She invested the 20,000 and made enough profit to pay the money back with interest and set up her own company.7 sense of responsibility?She has a strong sense of responsibility because she paid back the money to the investors and paid theman annual interest for the loan.8 philosophy of life?She believes that you should work hard; you may need one or two breaks to succeed but you should know how to use the breaks. You should be honest and responsible with people who trust you. Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 funny or entertaining (amusing)2 used for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck (fortunately)3 an amount of money that a person, business or country borrows, usually from a bank (loan)4 to take an amount or number from a total (deduct)5 the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of anevent (highlight)6 to show that you understand someone’s problems (sympathize)7 needing a lot of time, ability, and energy (demanding)5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.Teaching tipsWhen Ss have completed the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate words, ask them to practice reading the dialogue, trying to make their reading sound as conversational as possible. Choose a pair toperform their reading to the class. The class listens and gives the performing pair a rating on a scale of 1-10for fluency and naturalness.A After three years at univers ity, I’m now quite heavily in debt.B I (1) sympathize with you, I know what it’s like to have financial problems. But (2) fortunately I didn’tneed to take out a student (3) loan when I was at university, because I had a part-time job.A What did you do?B I worked in a restaurant at weekends.A That must have been very (4) demanding.B Yes, it was. I had to get the right balance between work and study. But the other people who worked there were good fun to be with, so it was quite (5) amusing too. The (6) highlight of the weekend wasalways Saturday night when we worked overtime.A But I don’t expect you made a lot of money?B No, there wasn’t much after they’d (7) deducted tax and pension contributions. But it was enough tokeep me going.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 When I was at college I kept all my personal things in an old cupboard.2 A lot of people who leave university before getting a degree end up in good jobs.3 I think she’ll get a good degree, but I wouldn’t risk my money on the exact result.4 The money I spent at college was more than what I earned in my part-time job.5 The chances of my being offered a job after that interview must be quite remote.6 Our business has done very well since we changed our advertising.7 I think telling the truth and not cheating is always the best policy.Key: (1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If something is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it (a) valid and interesting, or (b) just a little bitdisappointing?2 If someone keeps banging on about something, are you likely to be (a) interested in, or (b) bored bywhat they say?3 If there is a lot of hassle in your life, are you likely to feel (a) stressed, or (b) relaxed?4 If something happens out of the blue, is it (a) unexpected, or (b) part of your plan?5 If you say you ended up in a particular job, do you suggestthat (a) you have fulfilled your ambition, or(b) it happened almost by chance?6 Are the regulars in a pub (a) the customers who come very often, or (b) the food the pub offers mostoften?7 If something is dead easy, is it (a) very easy, or (b) not easy at all?8 If you treat someone to something, do you (a) buy something nice for them, or (b) behave badly to them?9 If you cheer a place up, do you (a) make the place look brighter, or (b) make the people in the placehappier?Reading and interpreting8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the bigwide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression。
新编大学基础英语综合教程四Units 1-5课后翻译答案

新编大学基础英语综合教程4课后翻译答案UNIT 1Page104. 1.I have offered her a wide range of choices.我给了她很大的选择范围2.We can’t identify fortune with happiness.幸福和财富不能混为一谈3.People constantly search for better career prospect.人们总是不断地寻找更好的职业前景4.Teaching is not a highly rewarding job.教书酬劳不太高5.Busy work can take one’s mind off family issues.繁忙的工作总会使人不去想家庭问题Page113. 1.I want to apply for a visa.我想申请签证2.It is difficult to speak in public.当众演讲是很难的3.The old man wishes to go back to his hometown.这位老人的愿望是回到故乡4.She covers her face with her hands to conceal her excitement.或She buries her face in her hands to conceal her excitement.她用手捂着脸来掩饰她的激动情绪5.It would be good to see him again.能再见到他该多好啊Page125. 1.The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.警方向人群呼吁不要惊慌2.We should assume that he is innocent until he is proven guilty. 要是还没有证实他有罪,我们就得认为他无罪3.His wife’s death made him feel vulnerable and depressed.妻子的去世使他感到十分脆弱和消沉4.She has been transferred to our paris branch.她已调到我们巴黎的分部5.As for as the weather concerned I don’t think it is veryimportant.至于天气,我认为无关紧要Page143. 1.I was seeing a friend off at that moment.我当时正在给一位朋友送行2.He told me that Jane had already left.他告诉我简已经走了3.How do you find the weather here?你觉得这里的天气如何4.Did you go there by train or by plane?你是乘火车还是乘飞机去的5.She is very excited ,she has never travel by plane before.她很兴奋,她以前从未坐过飞机Page166. 1.He has a serious aspiration for a career in politics他有从政的雄心壮志2.He doesn’t play half as well as his sister.他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半3.He has never done this kind of job.I don’t know wether he is able to fit in with other employees他以前从未做过这种工作,我不知道他是否能与其他雇员配合好。
新编大学实用英语教程第四册Unit 1课文讲解

He was from England and I was from America. We started chatting about things like common interests, weather and things like that. One night he asked me for a picture, so I sent one to him. Later he started to call me on the telephone and we talked almost every night about everything under the sun. Finally he got a picture of himself online and sent it to me. He was beautiful beyond words.
What do you think of online love? We can’t be more prudent/cautious/careful.
He Is the Best Thing in Life that Happened to Me 遇到他是我一生中最美妙的事情
Our story started out about two and a half years ago. I had just bought my computer and was messing around on it one night, when out of the blue I received an instant message from Matt. I didn’t recognize the name so I didn’t answer. A few nights later the same thing happened. I didn’t know who this person was, so I wouldn’t respond. Well, after the 5th time of this happening finally I answered, never in a million years knowing things would eventually turn out like they are now.
新编大学基础英语综合教程Unit1 Lesson 4

Related Information
Sunset Boulevard a street in the western part of Los Angeles County, California, that stretches from Figueroa Street in downtown Los Angeles to the Pacific Coast Highway at the Pacific Ocean in the Pacific Palisades. The street is an icon of Hollywood celebrity culture.
Lexical Preparation
3. sushi n. a Japanese food that consists of small cakes of cold rice with fish, egg, or vegetables on top or inside e.g. We don’t serve sushi here but there is a Sushi restaurant on the Third Floor.
2. What do you know / would you like to know about these films?
Reading & Vocabulary
1. Read the opening lines of the movie Crash: “It’s the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We’re always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.”
《新编英语教程》第四册unit1 ppt

• v. • to utter a shrill scream • She shrieked at the sight of the cobra. • • Outside the courtroom girls shrieked abuse at the lawyers. • n. • She let out a shriek of laughter.
sneak up
• to come near someone very quietly, so that they do not see you until you reach them. [+on/behind] • vi1. • I didn't notice Tom sneaking up behind me. • 2. 【俚】向老师打小报告[(+on)] • vt.【口】偷窃 • The boy sneaked all the candies he could. • n. • 1. 偷偷摸摸的人,鬼鬼祟祟的人 • 2. 【英】【俚】告密者 • 3. 溜走,不告而别 • Why did he take a sneak?
bless (blessed or blest)
1. To honor as holy; glorify保佑,庇护 • Good-bye, and may God bless you. • 2. 赞美(神);感谢,对...感激 • They blessed her for her kindness. • 3. be blessed with: to have sth as an ability, a good quality, which is admired or which is an advantage to a person • He was blessed with great talent. • Mrs Murphy is blessed with 12 children. • 4. To make the sign of the cross over so as to sanctify
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watch worked.
Reaction: Sammy became absent-minded.
(2) The practice of his 8+2 resolutions
• d. Meet your child at his own level.
2.Pair work: what are your New Year’s resolutions?
3.What’s the text about?
• -The title discloses very little information. • -A narrative piece of writing • -Characters: Dad: the hero • Maggie: his wife • Sammy: 1st son, 5 • Roy: 2nd son • Kit: 1st daughter, 14 • Gretchen: 2nd daughter
• b. A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.
• Practice: He complimented his wife.
• Reaction: Angry, annoyed
• c. Always encourage your child’s curiosity.
While-reading activities
- Listen to the tape for general information Study the text in detail • 1.The main idea of the story: • The writer carried out his New Year’s resolutions faithfully to improve himself, but the results all went contrary to his expectations.
1.About New Year’s Resolutions
• C.Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions
• 1. Don't over promise • 2. Set out a path . • 3. Set markers on your path. • 4. Tell people! • 5. Don't give up!
• a. Be spontaneous in showing affection.
• Practice: He sneak up on his wife and kissed her on the back of the neck.
• Reaction: His wife shrieked and dropped a cup.
ideas (1); • Composition writing—narration; • Letter writing—introducing someone •
Text I Pre-reading activities
• 1.About New Year’s Resolutions
• A.Top 10 Most Common New Year Resolutions • 1. Lose weight • 2. Stop smoking • 3. Stick to a budget • 4. Save or earn more money • 5. Find a better job • 6. Become more organized • 7. Exercise more • 8. Be more patient at work/with others • 9. Eat better • 10. Become a better person
Practice: He greeted his daughter and even her doll.
Reaction: None.
• e. Show an interest in your children’s friends.
• Detailed study of Text I & II • Oral work: • Role-play: asking about bank accounts;
Interaction activities: making one’s resolutions
Guided writing: Basic writing techniques—expansion of
1.About New Year’s Resolutions
B. Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions
• 1) Spend More Time with Family & Friends • 2) Fit in Fitness • 3) Tame the Bulge • 4) Quit Smoking • 5) Enjoy Life More • 6) Quit Drinking • 7) Get Out of Debt • 8) Learn Something New • 9) Help Others • 10) Get Organized
2.The supporting details:
• (1) The writer has collected his New Year’s resolutions from self-improvement books. (1st paragraph)
• (2) The practice of his 8+2 resolutions—all are in the parentheses except trying to establish some kind of rapport (from 2nd paragraph to L.76)