Paper Title (use style: paper title) Subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author) line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Country Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, CountryAbstract—This electronic document is a “live” template. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. (Abstract)Keywords-component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)I.I NTRODUCTION (H EADING 1)This template, modified in MS Word 2003 and saved as ―Word 97-2003 & 6.0/95 –RTF‖ for the PC, provides authors with most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers. All standard paper components have been specified for three reasons: (1) ease of use when formatting individual papers, (2) automatic compliance to electronic requirements that facilitate the concurrent or later production of electronic products, and (3) conformity of style throughout a conference proceedings. Margins, column widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in; examples of the type styles are provided throughout this document and are identified in italic type, within parentheses, following the example. Some components, such as multi-leveled equations, graphics, and tables are not prescribed, although the various table text styles are provided. The formatter will need to create these components, incorporating the applicable criteria that follow.II.E ASE OF U SEA.Selecting a Template (Heading 2)First, confirm that you have the correct template for your paper size. This template has been tailored for output on the US-letter paper size. If you are using A4-sized paper, please close this file and download the file for ―MSW_A4_format‖.B.Maintaining the Integrity of the SpecificationsThe template is used to format your paper and style the text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed; please do not alter them. You may note peculiarities. For example, the head margin in this template measures proportionately more than is customary. This measurement and others are deliberate, using specifications that anticipate your paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an independent document. Please do not revise any of the current designations.III.P REPARE Y OUR P APER B EFORE S TYLING Before you begin to format your paper, first write and save the content as a separate text file. Keep your text and graphic files separate until after the text has been formatted and styled. Do not use hard tabs, and limit use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add any kind of pagination anywhere in the paper. Do not number text heads-the template will do that for you.Finally, complete content and organizational editing before formatting. Please take note of the following items when proofreading spelling and grammar:A.Abbreviations and AcronymsDefine abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, sc, dc, and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use abbreviations in the title or heads unless they are unavoidable.B.Units∙Use either SI (MKS) or CGS as primary units. (SI units are encouraged.) English units may be used assecondary units (in parentheses). An exception wouldbe the use of English units as identifiers in trade, suchas ―3.5-inch disk drive‖.∙Avoid combining SI and CGS units, such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds. This oftenleads to confusion because equations do not balancedimensionally. If you must use mixed units, clearlystate the units for each quantity that you use in anequation.∙Do not mix complete spellings and abbreviations of units: ―Wb/m2‖ or ―webers per square meter‖, not―webers/m2‖. Spe ll out units when they appear in text:―. . . a few henries‖, not ―. . . a few H‖.∙Use a zero before decimal points: ―0.25‖, not ―.25‖.Use ―cm3‖, not ―cc‖. (bullet list)C.EquationsThe equations are an exception to the prescribed specifications of this template. You will need to determinewhether or not your equation should be typed using either the Times New Roman or the Symbol font (please no other font). To create multileveled equations, it may be necessary to treat the equation as a graphic and insert it into the text after your paper is styled.Number equations consecutively. Equation numbers, within parentheses, are to position flush right, as in (1), using a right tab stop. To make your equations more compact, you may use the solidus ( / ), the exp function, or appropriate exponents. Italicize Roman symbols for quantities and variables, but not Greek symbols. Use a long dash rather than a hyphen for a minus sign. Punctuate equations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence, as inα + β = χ. (1)Note that the equation is centered using a center tab stop. Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before or immediately following the equation. Use ―(1)‖, not ―Eq. (1)‖ or ―equation (1)‖, except at the beginning of a sentence: ―Equation (1) is . . .‖D.Some Common Mistakes∙The word ―data‖ is plural, not singular.∙The subscript for the permeability of vacuum μ0, and other common scientific constants, is zero withsubscript formatting, not a lowercase letter ―o‖.∙In American English, commas, semi-/colons, periods, question and exclamation marks are located withinquotation marks only when a complete thought orname is cited, such as a title or full quotation. Whenquotation marks are used, instead of a bold or italictypeface, to highlight a word or phrase, punctuationshould appear outside of the quotation marks. Aparenthetical phrase or statement at the end of asentence is punctuated outside of the closingparenthesis (like this). (A parenthetical sentence ispunctuated within the parentheses.)∙ A graph within a graph is an ―inset‖, not an ―insert‖.The word alternatively is preferred to the word―alternately‖ (unless you really mean something thatalternates).∙Do not use the word ―essentially‖ to mean ―approximately‖ or ―effectively‖.∙In your paper title, if the words ―that uses‖ can accurately replace the word ―using‖, capitalize the ―u‖;if not, keep using lower-cased.∙Be aware of the different meanings of the homophones ―affect‖ and ―effect‖, ―complement‖ and ―compliment‖,―discreet‖ and ―discrete‖, ―principal‖ and ―principle‖.∙Do not confuse ―imply‖ and ―infer‖.∙The prefix ―non‖ is not a word; it should be joined to the word it modifies, usually without a hyphen.∙There is no period after the ―et‖ in the Latin abbreviati on ―et al.‖.∙The abbreviation ―i.e.‖ means ―that is‖, and the abbreviation ―e.g.‖ means ―for example‖.An excellent style manual for science writers is [7].IV.U SING THE T EMPLATEAfter the text edit has been completed, the paper is ready for the template. Duplicate the template file by using the Save As command, and use the naming convention prescribed by your conference for the name of your paper. In this newly created file, highlight all of the contents and import your prepared text file. You are now ready to style your paper; use the scroll down window on the left of the MS Word Formatting toolbar.A.Authors and AffiliationsThe template is designed so that author affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of the same affiliation. Please keep your affiliations as succinct as possible (for example, do not differentiate among departments of the same organization). This template was designed for two affiliations.1)For author/s of only one affiliation (Heading 3): To change the default, adjust the template as follows.a)Selection (Heading 4): Highlight all author and affiliation lines.b)Change number of columns: Select the Columns icon from the MS Word Standard toolbar and then select ―1 Column‖ from the selection palette.c)Deletion: Delete the author and affiliation lines for the second affiliation.d)For author/s of more than two affiliations: To change the default, adjust the template as follows.e)Selection: Highlight all author and affiliation lines.f)Change number of columns: Select the ―Columns‖ icon f rom the MS Word Standard toolbar and then select ―1 Column‖ from the selection palette.g)Highlight author and affiliation lines of affiliation 1 and copy this selection.h)Formatting: Insert one hard return immediately after the last character of the last affiliation line. Then paste down the copy of affiliation 1. Repeat as necessary for each additional affiliation.i)Reassign number of columns: Place your cursor to the right of the last character of the last affiliation line of an even numbered affiliation (e.g., if there are five affiliations, place your cursor at end of fourth affiliation). Drag the cursor up to highlight all of the above author and affiliation lines. Go to Column icon and select ―2 Columns‖. If you have an odd number of affiliations, the final affiliation will be centered on the page; all previous will be in two columns.B.Identify the HeadingsHeadings, or heads, are organizational devices that guidethe reader through your paper. There are two types: componentheads and text heads.Component heads identify the different components of yourpaper and are not topically subordinate to each other. Examplesinclude Acknowledgments and References and, for these, the correct style to use is ―Heading 5‖. Use ―figure caption‖ foryour Figure captions, a nd ―table head‖ for your table title. Run-in heads, such as ―Abstract‖, will require you to apply a style (in this case, italic) in addition to the style provided by the drop down menu to differentiate the head from the text.Text heads organize the topics on a relational, hierarchicalbasis. For example, the paper title is the primary text headbecause all subsequent material relates and elaborates on thisone topic. If there are two or more sub-topics, the next level head (uppercase Roman numerals) should be used and, conversely, if there are not at least two sub-topics, then no subheads should be introduced. Styles named ―Heading 1‖, ―Heading 2‖, ―Heading 3‖, and ―Heading 4‖ are prescribed.C.Figures and Tables1)Positioning Figures and Tables: Place figures and tables at the top and bottom of columns. Avoid placing them in the middle of columns. Large figures and tables may span across both columns. Figure captions should be below the figures; table heads should appear above the tables. Insert figures and tables after they are cited in the text. Use the abbreviation ―Fig. 1‖, even at the beginning of a sentence.TABLE I. T ABLE T YPE S TYLESa. Sample of a Table footnote. (Table footnote)Figure Labels: Use 8 point Times New Roman for Figure labels. Use words rather than symbols or abbreviations when writing Figure axis labels to avoid confusing the reader. As an example, write the q uantity ―Magnetization‖, or ―Magnetization, M‖, not just ―M‖. If including units in the label, present them within parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. In the example, write ―Magnetization (A/m)‖ or―Magnetization {A[m(1)]}‖, not just ―A/m‖. Do not label axes with a ratio of quantities and units. For example, write ―Temperature (K)‖, not ―Temperature/K‖.A CKNOWLEDGMENT (H EADING 5)The preferred spelling of the word ―acknowledgment‖ in America is without an ―e‖ after the ―g‖. Avoid the stilted exp ression, ―One of us (R. B. G.) thanks . . .‖ Instead, try ―R.B. G. thanks‖. Put sponsor acknowledgments here.R EFERENCESThe template will number citations consecutively within brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the bracket [2]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]—do not use ―Ref. [3]‖ or ―reference [3]‖ except at the beginning of a sentence: ―Reference [3] was the first . . .‖Number footnotes separately in superscripts. Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in which it was cited. Do not put footnotes in the reference list. Use letters for table footnotes.Unless there are six authors or more give all authors' names; do not use ―et al.‖. Papers that have not been published, even if they have been submitted for publication, should be cited as ―unpublished‖ [4]. Papers that have been accepted for publication should be cited as ―in press‖ [5]. Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.For papers published in translation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-language citation [6].[1]G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, ―On certain integrals ofLipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions,‖ Phil.Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955.(references) 期刊[2]J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol.2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.书籍[3]I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, ―Fine particles, thin films and exchangeanisotropy,‖ in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.[4]K. Elissa, ―Title of paper if known,‖ unpublished.未出版[5]R. Nicole, ―Title of paper with only first word capitalized,‖ J. NameStand. Abbrev., in press.已录用[6]Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, ―Electron spectroscopystudies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,‖ IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982]. 译文[7]M. Young, The Technical Writer's Handbook. Mill Valley, CA:University Science, 1989.手册。
3.Department, City, City Zip Code, China)::keyword1; keyword2; keyword3; keyword4文章题目不超过20作 者1,3, 作 者21.作者详细单位,省市 邮编;2.作者详细单位,省市 200,以便于创新性知识的发现,提取和评价,2; 要求4-8个,用分号隔开文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-731X (年份) 期数-xxxx-xx1Introduction introduction introduction introduction 矩阵用斜体加粗;英文缩写、计量单位、函数名称、运算符号、括号等都要用正体;图表必须有图题、表名;统一全文英文、数字字体为Times New Roman 。
1.1 Titleintroduction introduction introduction introduction introduction, 学历, 究方向为……;姓 名2(出生年-), 性别, 籍贯, 民族, 学历, 研究方向为……。
introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction公式为小五号字,固定行距15磅。
注意公式中的正斜体用法,函数、变量、变动附标等用斜体;在特定场合视为常数的参数用斜体;矩阵符号、矢量、张量用加粗斜体;π、e、i 等数学常数,Δ、矩阵转置T,括号,标点等要用正体!正文文字与公式及图片要相符。
请仔细修改!introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction2 Titleintroduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introductionintroduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction4 结论introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction 外文文献的引用格式各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文格式相同,其中题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母应大写,为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,用(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN 号即刊号。
附件三论文英文稿的排版要求1. 纸型:A42. 页面设置:上边距2cm,下边距2cm,左边距2cm,右边距2cm3. 字体和字号:Times New Roman字体,11号(标题为18号)4. 题目:靠左,0.8cm距上边距5. 作者姓名(名、姓):靠左6. 地址:分行表示,靠左,单倍行距,如下样式:Institution, DepartmentStreet AddressCity, CountryE-mail Address7. 副题:用阿拉伯数字排序、靠左8. 正文:第1行缩进1厘米,靠左9. 公式:靠左,左边距2厘米,放在括弧里并编号10.表格题目:在表格上,用阿拉伯数字编号,靠左11.表格:应作为文本的一部分12.图或者图形标题:在图下靠左,用阿拉伯数字编号13.图画和图形:作为文本的一部分14.参考标题:大写、靠左15.参考文献,单倍行距,靠左,用字母顺序排列,应标明文献作者,用圆括弧标示发表年份16.摘要标题:大写、靠左17.摘要:单倍行距,缩进:第1行1厘米,靠左提交的论文(包括摘要)不超过4页。
Title of the Paper (Titre du Papier)Last Name, First Name (1st Author)Institution, DepartmentStreet AddressCity (with Postcode), CountryE-mail: e-mail addressLast Name, First Name (2nd Author)Institution, DepartmentStreet AddressCity (with Postcode), CountryE-mail: e-mail addressBody Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.SubtitleBody Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1.Figure or Table TitleBody Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. Body Text Style 1. REFERENCES (RÉFERENCES)Body Text Style 2. Body Text Style 2. Body Text Style 2. Body Text Style 2.Body Text Style 2. Body Text Style 2. Body Text Style 2. Body Text Style 2.RÉSUMÉ (ABSTRACT) — optionalBody Text Stile 3. Body Text Stile 3. Body Text Stile 3. Body Text Stile 3. Body Text Stile 3.。
英文作文纸书写规范模板英文回答:Title Page。
The title page should include the following information: Title of the essay。
Author's name。
Course name and number。
Instructor's name。
Date of submission。
First Page。
The first page should include the following information:Title of the essay。
Author's name。
Page number (1)。
Top: 1 inch。
Bottom: 1 inch。
Left: 1 inch。
Right: 1 inch。
Font size: 12pt。
Font style: Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri。
Font color: Black。
Line Spacing。
Double-spaced for block quotes。
Indent the first line of each paragraph by 5 spaces.Leave one blank line between paragraphs.Quotations。
Short quotations (less than 40 words) should be enclosed in quotation marks.Long quotations (40 words or more) should be indented by 5 spaces on both sides and double-spaced.Include the source of all quotations in parentheses, using MLA or APA style.Citations。
英文论文标准格式范文The Standard Format of English Academic Paper。
This paper aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the standard format of an English academic paper. It covers the essential elements such as title, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and references. By following this standard format, authors can ensure that their papers are well-organized, coherent, and professional.Introduction。
The standard format of an English academic paper is crucial for presenting research findings effectively. It helps to structure the paper in a logical and coherent manner, making it easier for readers to follow the argument and understand the key points. Adhering to the standard format also demonstrates the author's professionalism and attention to detail.Title。
The title of the paper should be concise, informative, and engaging. It should clearly indicate the topic of the research and attract the reader's attention. The title should be centered at the top of the first page, in bold and title case.Abstract。
英语论文作文模板Introduction:In academic writing, crafting a well-structured essay is crucial for effectively conveying ideas and arguments. This essay will present a template for composing an English essay or paper, ensuring clarity, coherence, and academic rigor throughout.1. Introduction。
Begin with a hook or attention-grabbing statement related to the topic.Provide background information or context to orient the reader.Clearly state the thesis or main argument of the essay.Example:The issue of climate change has become increasingly pressing in recent years, garnering widespread attention from scientists, policymakers, and the general public alike. As the Earth's climate continues to undergo significant shifts, it is imperative to examine the causes, impacts,and potential solutions to mitigate this global phenomenon.2. Body Paragraphs。
英语作文范文排版模板英文回答:Writing a Research Paper: A Comprehensive Template。
Begin with a captivating hook that grabs the reader's attention.State the research question or thesis statementclearly and concisely.Provide background information on the topic, including its significance and relevance.Body Paragraphs。
Organize the paper into distinct subtopics or themes.For each subtopic, present an argument or claim supported by evidence.Use various forms of evidence, such as research, statistics, case studies, and expert opinions.Connect the evidence to the research question or thesis statement.Provide clear transitions between paragraphs to guide the reader's understanding.Methods。
Describe the research methodology used, including the data collection and analysis methods.Explain how the research design addresses the research question or hypothesis.Discuss any limitations or biases that may have influenced the findings.Results。
英文版通用学术英语论文格式样张封面页主要内容页The Researches on Rs Method for Discrete Membership Functions---------------subtitle(副标题12号字加黑右对齐)(空一行)ZHANG Xiaoya, LI Dexiang(题目14号字加黑居中) School of Management,Dalian University, P.R.China,116622 (10 号字居中)(10号字加黑) (空一行)Abstract Mizumoto used to advance a fuzzy reasoning method ,Rs, which fits the……Key words IDSS, Fuzzy reasoning,……(10号字)(空一行)1 Introduction (一级标题12号字加黑)We know that the approaches of implementation of intelligent decision support systems(IDSS)have become variable……(正文均用10号字)(空一行)2 An ExampleAccording to the definition of Rs, we can construct the fuzzy relation matrix, as shown in table 1Table 1 A Fuzzy Relation Rs (9号字加黑居中) U2U3U10.00 0.10 0.40 0.70……0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ……0.20 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 ……(表中用9号字).….. …………………(空一行)Figure 1 Functions of……(9号字加黑居中)3 The Improved Method(空一行)3.1 Method one (二级标题10号字加黑)…………3.1.1 Discussing about method one (三级标题10号字)…………(空一行)3.2 Method two……………………(空一行)4 Result (12号字加黑)5 Discussion (12号字加黑)6 Conclusion (12号字加黑)…………(空一行)References (12号字加黑居中)(空一行)[1] M.Mizumoto,H.J.Zimmermann. 1982, Comparison of fuzzy reasoning methods. Fuzzy Sets and Systems ,8p253~283 (参考文献均用10号字)论文排版要求及样张关于论文1.论文的书写顺序时:标题、作者姓名、作者单位,邮箱,摘要、关键词、引言、正文、结论、参考文献。
1. 论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman〞;左面坚装 ,页边距上下左右均为2.5cm2.标题用 3 号加粗 , 居中;The Characteristics of Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice空一行班级、年级、学院名称、学校名称(小5号,居中 )Fan Lin lin小5号, 居中Class 6, Grade 2003, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Chongqing Normal University空一行Abstract: Through an analysis of Pride and Prejudice, a well-known work written by Jane Austen, the characteristics ofElizabeth and woman rights are discussed. The heroine Elizabeth is full of gaiety, high spirit, courage and energy, withintelligence, wisdom, a good sense of judgment and good feeling. Jane Austen tried to show woman rights through Elizabeth.左顶格 , “Abstract 〞小 5 号加粗 , 内容小 5 号,两端对齐Woman has their own rights, they are not the accessory of man.Key Words: characteristics; marriage; woman rights“Key Words 〞小 5 号加粗,内容小 5 号空两行1 About the author一级标题4号加粗,左顶格,除第一个单词及专有名词外,其它单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号空一行Jane Austens ’works are always humorous, and warmly welcomed by readers. She first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life. The most urgentpreoccupation of her bright, young heroines is courtship and finally marriage. Jane Austenfocused on middle-class provincial life with humor and understanding. She depicted minorlanded gentry, country clergymen and their families, in which marriage mainly determinedwomen's social status. In Austen’s opinion, woman should be brave, independent andintelligent. In Pride and Prejudice , Elizabeth was a girl like this.空一行2 The Characteristics of Elizabeth2.1 Treasonous and IndependentIn English,⋯. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples:(1)I don ’ t know。
英语作文万能排版模板Versatile Essay Formatting Template。
I. Introduction。
Begin with a strong opening sentence that grabs the reader's attention and introduces the topic of the essay.Provide a brief overview of the essay's thesis statement, which should clearly outline the main argument or purpose of the writing.Conclude the introduction with a clear and concise statement of the essay's structure, outlining the main points that will be discussed in the body paragraphs.II. Body Paragraphs。
A. Paragraph Structure:Each body paragraph should focus on a specific topicor subpoint that supports the essay's thesis statement.Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.Provide evidence to support the topic sentence, suchas research, statistics, examples, or expert opinions.Explain the evidence and connect it back to the thesis statement.Use transition words and phrases to connect paragraphs smoothly and ensure a logical flow of ideas.B. Specific Formatting:The first sentence of each paragraph should beindented by five spaces.Double-space between paragraphs to enhance readability.Use clear and concise language throughout the essay.III. Conclusion。
Paper Title(use style:paper title) Subtitle as needed(paper subtitle)Authors Name/s per1st Affiliation(Author) line1(of Affiliation): of organization line2:name of organization,acronyms acceptableline3:City,Countryline4:e-mail address if desired Authors Name/s per2nd Affiliation(Author) line1(of Affiliation): of organization line2:name of organization,acronyms acceptableline3:City,Countryline4:e-mail address if desiredAbstract—This electronic document is a“live”template.The various components of your paper[title,text,heads,etc.]are already defined on the style sheet,as illustrated by the portions given in this document.DO NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS,SYMBOLS,OR MATH IN YOUR TITLE OR ABSTRACT.(Abstract)Keywords-component;formatting;style;styling;insert(key words)标题副标题第一作者1,第二作者21.单位,城市,国家,邮编2.单位,城市,国家,邮编1.E-mail address,2.E-mail address【摘要】本电子文档定义了由IEEE出版的各种中文学术会议论文集的标准文章格式。
英语论文格式标准范文Writing an English paper requires adherence to certain formatting standards in order to ensure that the document is clear, organized, and professional. In this essay, we will discuss the standard format for an English paper and provide a sample paper to illustrate these guidelines.First and foremost, an English paper should be typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11") with 1-inch margins on all sides. The font should be clear and easy to read, such as Times New Roman or Arial, and set at a standard size, typically 12 points. Additionally, the paper should include a title page with the title of the paper, the author's name, the course title, the instructor's name, and the date. This information should be centered and double-spaced on the page.The introduction of the paper should begin on a new page and include a clear thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of the paper. The body of the paper should follow, presenting evidence and analysis to support the thesis. Each paragraph should be indented, and the first line of each paragraph should be flush with the left margin.In-text citations and a works cited page are essential components of an English paper. Any ideas, words, or other information that are not original to the author must be properly cited within the text of the paper and listed on the works cited page. The format for citations and the works cited page should follow a recognized style guide, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago.Finally, the paper should include a conclusion that summarizes the main points and reinforces the thesis. The conclusion should not introduce new information, but rather bring closure to the ideas presented in the paper.To illustrate these formatting guidelines, we have provided a sample English paper below:Title: The Use of Symbolism in The Great Gatsby。
第二部分:目录(单独用一页对齐方式:两端对齐、1.5倍行距)目录(标题三号,TimesNewRoman,加粗,居中;)摘要(关键词)(小四号,TimesNewRoman)……………………………………(页码)英文摘要(关键词)(小四号,TimesNewRoman)………………………………………(页码)致谢(小四号,TimesNewRoman)……………………………………………………………(页码)1.Introduction………(小四号,TimesNewRoman)………………………………………………(页码)2.XXXXXX(一级标题)(小四号,TimesNewRoman)…………………………………(页码)2.1XXXXXX(二级标题)(小四号,TimesNewRoman)…………………………………(页码)2.1.1XXXXX(三级标题)(小四号,TimesNewRoman)……………………………………(页码)(注:此处目录中的标题层次根据正文标题层次来确定)参考文献(小四号,TimesNewRoman)………………………………………………………(页码) 第三部分:文章标题、摘要与关键词1.文章标题:二号、TimesNewRoman、加粗、居中题目:应在20个单词以内,能简明、具体、确切地表达论文的特定内容。
英文论文格式规范模板Title (“Times New Roman”, size 16)ZHANG Zhen-ling 1,, Author Name2, Author Name1,*(“Times New Roman”,10.5;Pleasemarked …*‟ on the corresponding author name.)(1. Address, Address, City Post Code, Country;2. Address, Address, City Post Code, Country) (“Times New Roman”,10.5)Abstract: The abstract should briefly state the problem or purpose of the research, indicate the theoretical or experimental plan used, summarize the principal findings or the significant results, and point out major conclusions. All letters must be accompanied by an abstract containing about 600 words. Acronyms should be provided their full names, e.g., Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). (Word Style “Times New Roman”, size 10.5).Key words: List 3-5 key wor ds (Word Style “Times New Roman”, Acronyms should be provided their full names, e.g., Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (Word Style “Times New Roman”, size 10.5).标题,字体14号宋体,居中,加粗;标题应准确、清楚、简洁地概括全文,25个字以内,标题内不应出现缩写字,不能出现“小议”“浅谈”等无用语言,不能是综述类语言。
英语一作文排版Sure, I can help you with English composition layout. Here's how you can structure your essay:---。
Title: [Your Essay Title Here]Introduction:Hook: Begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a thought-provoking question related to your topic.Background Information: Provide a brief overview of the topic and its significance.Thesis Statement: State the main argument or purpose of your essay.Body Paragraphs:Topic Sentence: Introduce the main idea of each paragraph.Supporting Evidence: Present facts, examples, statistics, or quotations to support your argument.Explanation: Analyze and interpret the evidence to show its relevance to your thesis.Transition: Use transitional words or phrases to smoothly connect ideas between paragraphs.Conclusion:Restate Thesis: Summarize your main argument.Summary of Key Points: Recap the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.Final Thought: End with a closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.Call to Action or Implication: Suggest further research, propose a solution, or discuss the broader implications of your argument.References (if applicable):List any sources cited in your essay according to the required citation style (APA, MLA, etc.).Formatting Tips:Use a readable font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) anda standard font size (e.g., 12 pt).Double-space your essay.Include page numbers if required.Follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or publication.---。
英语一作文排版Certainly! Here's an English essay addressing your prompt:---。
The Art of Effective Communication。
In today's interconnected world, effective communication skills are more crucial than ever. Whetherit's conveying ideas in the workplace, building relationships, or simply expressing oneself clearly, the ability to communicate proficiently in English opens doors to countless opportunities. In this essay, I will delveinto the importance of effective communication and explore strategies to enhance it.First and foremost, effective communication fosters understanding. Clear and concise expression eliminates ambiguity and ensures that the intended message is receivedaccurately. For instance, in professional settings, precise communication is vital for conveying instructions, sharing information, and collaborating on projects. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to errors, delays, and ultimately, inefficiency.Moreover, effective communication builds trust and strengthens relationships. When individuals communicate openly and honestly, they demonstrate integrity and reliability, laying the foundation for mutual respect and cooperation. In personal relationships, effective communication promotes empathy and emotional connection, fostering intimacy and harmony.Furthermore, effective communication is essential for personal and professional growth. By articulating thoughts, ideas, and aspirations effectively, individuals can articulate their goals, seek feedback, and advocate for themselves confidently. In job interviews, for example, effective communication skills can be the differentiating factor between success and failure, influencing hiring decisions and career advancement opportunities.To enhance communication skills, one must practiceactive listening. Active listening involves fully engaging with the speaker, empathizing with their perspective, and responding thoughtfully. By listening attentively andasking clarifying questions, one demonstrates respect and understanding, fostering meaningful dialogue and building rapport.Additionally, honing verbal and nonverbal communication skills is paramount. Clear articulation, appropriate tone, and body language all contribute to effective communication. Through practice and feedback, individuals can refine these skills, adapting their communication style to different contexts and audiences.Moreover, embracing cultural diversity enriches communication experiences. Recognizing and respecting cultural differences in communication norms and preferences promotes inclusivity and prevents misunderstandings. By embracing diversity, individuals cultivate empathy and appreciation for differing perspectives, fostering a globalmindset and enriching cross-cultural interactions.In conclusion, effective communication is the cornerstone of success in today's interconnected world. By mastering communication skills, individuals can convey ideas, build relationships, and achieve personal and professional growth. Through active listening, verbal and nonverbal communication, and cultural awareness, one can navigate diverse communication contexts with confidence and proficiency.---。
图题五号宋体排图下,居中,单占行图号按流水排序,如图1; 图21图注小五号宋体排图题下,居中,接排序号按流水排序,如1。
; 2。
表题五号黑体排表上,居中,可在斜杠后接排计量单位,组合单位需加括号如表2几种发动机的最大功率/kW 表5几种车辆的速度/(km/h) 表序号按流水排序,如表1 表2表栏头小五号宋体各栏居中,计量单位格式同上图文/表文小五号宋体表文首行前空1字,段中可用标点,段后不用标点(1)著作:作者姓名英语论文格式模板参考(3)篇文章英语论文格式模板参考(3)篇出自://gkstk/article/wk-4238525692061.html,转载请保留此链接!。
期刊名,年份,卷(期)、页码论文格式基本要求:限在CSSCI检索期刊2015 中文核心期刊(学术刊物,非杂志类)北大2015版期刊发表的论文格式基本要求稿件内容观点鲜明、选题新颖、逻辑严密、下笔有据、论证充分、结合实际、深人浅出、文字通顺、言简意赅英语论文格式模板参考(3)篇论文。
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Introduction introduction introduction introduction 矩阵用斜体加粗;英文缩写、计量单位、函数名称、运算符号、括号等都要用正体;图表必须有图题、表名;统一全文英文、数字字体为Times New Roman 。
1.1 Title
introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction
, 学历, 究方向为……;姓 名2(出生年-), 性别, 籍贯, 民族, 学历, 研究方向为……。
introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction
注意公式中的正斜体用法,函数、变量、变动附标等用斜体;在特定场合视为常数的参数用斜体;矩阵符号、矢量、张量用加粗斜体;π、e、i 等数学常数,Δ、矩阵转置T,括号,标点等要用正体!正文文字与公式及图片要相符。
introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction
2 Title
introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction
introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction
4 结论
introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction 外文文献的引用格式
各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文格式相同,其中题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母应大写,为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,用(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN 号即刊号。
例如[1] Kanamori H. Shaking without Quaking [J]. Science (S0036-8075), 1998, 279: 2063.。