中国家电行业China Home Appliance Industry Report, 2009-2010

2. 个性化需求驱动市场细分
Analysis of the Competition Pattern in the Home Appliance Market
Transformation and Innovation in the Home Appliance Industry
我国家电行业经历了从起步到快速发展的过程,市场规模不断扩大,产品种类日益丰富。根据市场研究数据显示, 2020年我国家电市场规模达到1.55万亿元,同比增长5.7%。其中,冰箱、洗衣机、空调等传统家电的销量仍然占 据主导地位,但智能家电、绿色家电等新兴品类也呈现出快速增长的态势。
未来,我国家电行业将继续保持增长态势。一方面,随着消费者对品质生活的追求,高 端家电产品的需求将持续增长;另一方面,智能家电将成为未来家电行业的发展趋势, 智能家居等智能家电产品的普及率将不断提高。此外,绿色家电也将成为未来家电行业 的发展方向,节能环保将成为家电产品的核心卖点。


二、市场规模1. 家电行业的整体规模根据统计数据显示,家电行业在过去几年保持了稳定增长的态势。
2. 子行业的细分市场规模家电行业可以细分为厨房电器、洗衣机、空调、电视等多个子行业。
三、发展趋势1. 智能化是未来发展的重点随着人们对便利性和智能化的需求增加,智能家电逐渐成为市场的主流趋势。
2. 环保节能成为行业发展关键在环境保护意识不断增强的今天,家电行业也在积极响应国家政策,推动产品的环保和节能。
3. 线上线下渠道融合发展随着电子商务的兴起,很多传统的线下家电卖场面临着巨大的挑战。
四、竞争格局1. 国内外品牌竞争加剧在家电行业中,国内外品牌竞争激烈。
2. 合作共赢成为趋势在激烈的竞争中,企业之间的合作成为当前的趋势。
五、行业挑战1. 价格竞争激烈在家电行业,价格竞争一直是一大挑战。
2. 技术更新换代快家电行业的技术更新换代速度较快,企业必须不断进行研发和创新,以满足消费者对更加高效、便捷的产品需求。

关键词:家电制造企业;制造业;内部控制;Research on Internal Control of Household ApplianceManufacturing Enterprises--Taking Gree ElectricAppliance as an exampleAbstract:With the continuous advancement of "Chinese Dream", economic construction as the center, production development has been the most important, how to build China into a manufacturing power topic continues to heat up. Manufacturing industry is the main body of the national economy and the foundation of a powerful country. Among the most competitive industries in China, the home appliance manufacturingindustry is one of them, and the annual output of household appliances in China ranks first in the world. The household electrical appliances industry in our country has a unique industry nature, and the strength of the internal control of the enterprise is closely related to the advantages and disadvantages of its business activities. Constantly improving the internal control and management system of enterprises can provide a more powerful guarantee for the sustainable development of manufacturing enterprises. And the financial situation of household electrical appliances manufacturing enterprises is good and stable, which is a basis for judging the development of the national economy. However, there are still some problems in the internal control system of China's household electrical appliances manufacturing industry.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the development of home appliance manufacturing enterprises taking Gree Electric Appliance as an example. through the analysis of the internal control of Gree Electric Appliance, the problems existing in the development process of Gree Electric Appliance are found, and the existing problems of its internal control are emphatically analyzed. As well as the causes and effects of the problems, put forward practical suggestions and countermeasures to these problems.The purpose of this paper is to put forward the corresponding suggestions for improving the internal control through the analysis ofthe internal control of the household appliance manufacturing enterprises, which is helpful to the sustainable development of thehousehold electrical appliances manufacturing industry and thus to the improvement of the economic benefits of the enterprises. We will further improve the efficiency of resource allocation and market transparency. The continuous improvement and development of manufacturing enterprises is an indispensable part of the realization of the dream of manufacturing power in our country.Key words:Home appliance manufacturing enterprise;manufacturing industry; Internal control;目录毕业论文原创性声明和毕业论文版权使用授权声明 (Ⅰ)摘要 (Ⅱ)Abstract (Ⅲ)1 绪论 (1)1.1 选题背景及意义 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状 (1)1.3内部控制对家电制造业的影响和意义 (2)2 家电制造业发展及特点和内部控制情况 (2)2.1 家电制造业的发展特点 (2)2.2 家电制造业内部控制普遍存在的问题 (3)3 格力电器的发展现状及内部控制分析 (3)3.1 格力电器概况及发展现状 (3)3.2 格力电器内部控制分析 (5)3.2.2 格力电器存在的内部控制问题及产生原因 (6)3.2.3 内控问题对格力电器的影响 (7)4 应对格力电器内部控制问题的措施 (8)4.1 设立独立的业务风险管理人员 (8)4.2 增设预算管理委员会 (8)4.3 增加内部审计人数 (8)4.4 加强相关数据信息管理,提高信息化水平 (8)5 结论 (10)致谢 (11)参考文献 (12)1 绪论1.1 选题背景及意义现今经济全球化持续蔓延,贸易摩擦不可避免的同时市场竞争愈演愈烈,在竞争如此激烈的经济背景下,家电制造企业想要持续发展,提高竞争力并屹立经济之林,内部控制制度的制定与加强是必不可少的。

1. 市场份额分析家用电器市场的份额分布是衡量该行业竞争状况和市场地位的重要指标。
2. 地理分布分析家电行业的地理分布呈现出一定的趋势和差异。

格力电器预计,2023年实现营业总收入2050亿~2100亿元,同比增长7.8%~10.4%;实现归母净利润270亿中国家用电器协会信息咨询部 骆媛媛2023年中国家用电器行业运行形势分析2024/42021年1月2021年1月2021年1月2022年1月2022年1月2022年1月2023年1月2023年1月2023年1月2021年2月2021年2月2021年2月2022年2月2022年2月2022年2月2023年2月2023年2月2023年2月2021年3月2021年3月2021年3月2022年3月2022年3月2022年3月2023年3月2023年3月2023年3月2021年4月2021年4月2021年4月2022年4月2022年4月2022年4月2023年4月2023年4月2023年4月2021年5月2021年5月2021年5月2022年5月2022年5月2022年5月2023年5月2023年5月2023年5月2021年6月2021年6月2021年6月2022年6月2022年6月2022年6月2023年6月2023年6月2023年6月2021年7月2021年7月2021年7月2022年7月2022年7月2022年7月2023年7月2023年7月2023年7月2021年8月2021年8月2021年8月2022年8月2022年8月2022年8月2023年8月2023年8月2023年8月2021年9月2021年9月2021年9月2022年9月2022年9月2022年9月2023年9月2023年9月2023年9月2021年10月2021年10月2021年10月2022年10月2022年10月2022年10月2023年10月2023年10月2023年10月2021年11月2021年11月2021年11月2022年11月2022年11月2022年11月2023年11月2023年11月2023年11月2021年12月2021年12月2021年12月2022年12月2022年12月2022年12月2023年12月2023年12月2023年12月电饭锅吸尘器电热烘烤冷热饮水机电风扇吸油烟机燃气灶微波炉2500·2000150010005000900·8007006005004003002001000900·800700600500400300200100040·3020100-10-20·(万台)(万台)(万台)(%)数据来源:产业在线数据来源:产业在线数据来源:产业在线数据来源:产业在线、国家统计局、中国家用电器协会图1 2021〜2023年中国空调出货量月度走势图2 2021〜2023年中国冰箱出货量月度走势图3 2021〜2023年中国洗衣机出货量月度走势图4 2023年厨电及小家电分品类产量增幅情况~293亿元,同比增长10.2%~19.6%。

基于海尔集团废旧家电逆向物流体系构建对社会的重要性的分析与对策学院(系):经济管理系年级专业: 10 工商管理班级:小组成员:指导教师:教师职称:副教授日期: 2012/12/13基于海尔集团废旧家电逆向物流体系构建对社会的重要性的分析与对策摘要近年来,随着环境污染日益严重,各国纷纷制定了更加严格的环境保护法规,从而进一步加大了环境保护的力度。
关键字:海尔集团逆向物流体系AbstractIn recent years, with the increasingly serious environmental pollution, countries have enacted stricter environmental protection laws and regulations, so as to further increase the protection of the environment. This makes China's home appliance industry have set up the green supply chain to enhance the competitiveness of their products in order to ensure the feasibility of sustainable development. However, the implementation of key of green supply chain management is a ring of construction waste appliance reverse logistics system. The system construction for reverse logistics of waste household appliances is successful or not largely determines the enterprise development potential. The basic operation mode of reverse logistics Haier group paper to do the analysis, and proposed the related countermeasure.Keyword:Haier group Reverse logistics system目录一、引言------------------------------------------------------------------(1)二、海尔集团的家电行业地位------------------------------------------------(1)三、构建逆向物流体系的好处------------------------------------------------(1)(一)、经济效益----------------------------------------------------------(1)(二)、生态效益----------------------------------------------------------(2)(三)、社会效益----------------------------------------------------------(2)四、现阶段废旧家电处理的现状----------------------------------------------(2)五、构建过程中可能遇到的问题----------------------------------------------(2)(一)、政策法规不健全----------------------------------------------------(2)(二)、信息技术的落后----------------------------------------------------(3)(三)、操作水平低--------------------------------------------------------(3)六、解决问题的对策--------------------------------------------------------(3)(一)、健全相关法律法规--------------------------------------------------(3)(二)、加大信息研发力度--------------------------------------------------(3)(三)、对员工进行培训----------------------------------------------------(4)七、海尔集团逆向物流系统的构建对社会的重要性------------------------------(4)八、总结------------------------------------------------------------------(4)引言根据国家统计局的数据,目前我国电视机的社会保有量达3.5亿台、冰箱1.3亿台、洗衣机1.7亿台。



家电行业的产品种类繁多,包括冰箱、洗衣机、电视、空调、微波炉、吸尘器 、电饭煲等。这些产品可以进一步细分为厨房电器、环境电器、个人护理电器 等。
家电行业的上游主要包括原材 料和零部件供应商,如钢铁、
中游是家电制造商,他们负责将原 材料和零部件组装成最终产品。
家电企业可以与其他行业进行跨界合 作,拓展业务范围,提升品牌影响力 。
环保意识的提高将推动家电行业向绿 色环保方向发展,节能、环保的家电 产品将更受欢迎。
消费者对家电产品品质的要求不断提 高,高品质、高附加值的家电产品市 场潜力巨大。
个性化、定制化成为家电行业发展趋 势,企业需要关注消费者需求,提供 定制化产品和服务。
政府加强了对家电产品的标准和质量监管,确保消费者权益。企业需要关注政策变化,确保产品合规,避免政策 风险。
随着中国消费者收入水平的提高,对家电产品的需求也逐渐从基本功能向高端、智能化转变,为家电 行业提供了更大的市场空间。
全球经济一体化进程加速,中国家电企业在国际市场上面临着更多的机遇和挑战。需要关注汇率波动 、贸易壁垒等因素。
下游包括分销商、零售商和最终消 费者。分销商和零售商负责将产品 推向市场,最终消费者则是家电产 品的使用者。
我国家电行业起源于上世纪80年代, 当时市场上主要是进口品牌,国内品 牌处于起步阶段。
家电行业 英语

家电行业英语The Home Appliance Industry: A Comprehensive ExplorationThe home appliance industry has become an integral part of modern life, revolutionizing the way we live and work. From the humble refrigerator to the sophisticated smart home systems, the evolution of home appliances has transformed our daily routines and elevated our standards of living. This industry, marked by constant innovation and technological advancements, continues to shape the future of domestic convenience and efficiency.At the heart of the home appliance industry lies a dynamic ecosystem of manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. Manufacturers, driven by the pursuit of cutting-edge design and enhanced functionality, compete to create products that captivate the market. These companies invest heavily in research and development, collaborating with engineers and designers to push the boundaries of what is possible. The result is a diverse array of appliances that cater to the varied needs and preferences of consumers.Alongside the manufacturers, the retail sector plays a crucial role in the home appliance industry. Brick-and-mortar stores and e-commerce platforms provide consumers with the opportunity to explore a wide range of options and make informed purchasing decisions. These retailers not only showcase the latest models but also offer valuable after-sales support, ensuring that customers are satisfied with their investments.The consumer, the ultimate decision-maker in this industry, has evolved alongside the advancements in home appliances. Consumers today are more discerning, seeking products that not only fulfill their functional needs but also align with their personal style and environmental consciousness. The demand for energy-efficient, smart, and connected appliances has risen significantly, as consumers become increasingly aware of the impact of their purchasing decisions on the environment and their overall quality of life.One of the most notable trends in the home appliance industry is the integration of smart technology. The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled the development of appliances that can communicate with each other and be controlled remotely through smartphones or voice commands. This connectivity allows for greater convenience, enhanced energy management, and personalized user experiences. Smart refrigerators can monitor food inventory and generate shopping lists, while intelligent washing machines can adjust their cycles based on the load size and fabric type. Theseadvancements not only improve the efficiency of household tasks but also promote a more sustainable lifestyle.Furthermore, the home appliance industry has been shaped by the growing emphasis on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Consumers are increasingly demanding eco-friendly products that minimize their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. Manufacturers have responded by developing appliances that consume less energy, utilize recycled materials, and incorporate innovative technologies to reduce waste and emissions. The proliferation of Energy Star-certified products and the implementation of stricter energy regulations have driven this shift towards sustainable home appliances.Beyond the technological and environmental aspects, the home appliance industry also encompasses the realm of design and aesthetics. Consumers today seek appliances that not only function well but also enhance the overall visual appeal of their living spaces. Manufacturers have embraced this demand by collaborating with renowned designers to create appliances that seamlessly blend form and function. The integration of sleek, minimalist, and customizable designs has allowed consumers to personalize their home environments and express their individual styles.The global reach of the home appliance industry has also been asignificant factor in its growth and evolution. Manufacturers and retailers have expanded their operations across borders, tapping into diverse markets and catering to the unique needs and preferences of local consumers. This internationalization has fostered cultural exchanges, enabling the cross-pollination of design ideas and the introduction of innovative product features. As a result, the home appliance industry has become a truly global phenomenon, reflecting the interconnectedness of modern society.In conclusion, the home appliance industry is a dynamic and multifaceted sector that has profoundly impacted the way we live and interact with our living spaces. From the technological advancements that enhance our daily routines to the design-driven innovations that elevate our aesthetic sensibilities, this industry continues to evolve and shape the future of domestic life. As consumers become increasingly conscious of their environmental impact and demand smarter, more efficient, and aesthetically pleasing appliances, the industry must adapt and innovate to meet these evolving expectations. The home appliance industry stands at the forefront of the quest for a more comfortable, sustainable, and visually appealing domestic experience, promising a future where our homes become seamless extensions of our lifestyles.。

Analysis of Policy Environment in the Small Home Appliance Industry
1.中国政府推动小家电行业法规和标准出台,促进行业发展近年来,中国政府已经采取了一系列措施来推动小家电行业的发展,包括出台了多项法规和标准。例如,2019年,国家市场监督管理总局发布了《家用和类似用途电器的安全》国家标准GB 4706.1-2008,对小家电产品的安全性能进行了明确规定。此外,中国政府还出台了《家用和类似用途电器的能效限定值及能效等级》等能效标准,以提高小家电产品的能效水平。

Founded in 1990, Suning Appliance is the leading company in the industry of3C(consumer appliance, computer and communication products) home appliance retail chain in China, which is one of the Top 15 Conglomerates emphatically supported by the Ministry of Commerce. Up to. 2009, Suning has run 1000 chain stores covering more than 300 cities in 30 provinces and municipalities all over China with 120 thousand employees with its annual sales volume of above 100 billion RMB. Boasting its brand value of 45.538 billion RMB, Suning retains ahead of the Chinese commercial chain industry, and ranks the Top 3 domestic private companies and No.54 among the Top 500 Chinese companies, further to be elected into the Forbes Top 50 Asian Enterprises and No.1 Chinese retail company among Forbes Global Top 2000 Enterprises.2004年7月,苏宁电器(002024)在深圳证券交易所上市。

上半年国内家电市场(注:本报告中所述家电市场规模均不包含3C 产品,主要为彩电、空调、冰箱、洗衣机、厨卫和生活电器产品)销售额累计达到3609亿元,较2021年同比下滑11.2%。

中国电子家电行 业未来的发展趋 势
The Future Development Trends of China's Electronic Home Appliance Industry
首先,中国电子家电行业的发展得益于其强大的制造业基础和日益完善的供应链。中国拥有世界上最大的 制造业,并且已经建立了一个世界级的供应链网络,这使得该行业能够中国电子家电行业,贸易大国之选
其次,中国电子家电行业在全球市场上的份额也在不断增长。随着消费者对智能家居和智能设备的日益接 受,中国电子家电企业正在积极拓展海外市场,以获取更大的市场份额和更高的利润。
1.中国电子家电行业: 世界贸易的重要地位和竞争 优势
中国电 子家电 行业
世界贸 易



过度竞争的后果是产品供过于求 产品积压严重 统计数字显示 2000 年全国过剩的彩 电达 2000 万台 空调 800 万台 冰箱 1000 万台 洗衣机 1100 万台 整个家电行业生产能力 1/3 以上过剩 供销严重失衡
图 1 2000 年全国过剩的家电产量 万台
2500 2000 1500 1000
2000 年 3 月初 海信推出 工薪变频 引发了一场空前的空调价格战
格兰仕在微波炉行业的低价策略换回了 50 以上的市场份额 成了绝对的行业巨头 冰 箱 洗衣机 热水器的价格战烽火也不时燃起 并呈现愈演愈烈之势
持续不断的价格战已使家电企业进入微利时代 2000 年上半年 22 家家电类上市公司毛 利率比上年同期下降了 20.1% 而素以经营作风稳健著称的科龙更在 2001 年年度巨亏 15 亿 一批弱势企业则被淘汰出局 据统计 在年销售总值近 3000 亿元的国内家电产业版图上 仍 具竞争力的品牌目前只剩 20 家左右了
一 商家云集 产品供大于求
人们通俗地将家电行业划分为大家电 小家电 或者白色和黑色家电行业 无论大小黑
白 我国整个家电行业基本上都进入了过度竞争阶段 充斥着众多的品牌 众多种规格 众
多种型号的产品 由于家电是综合性的终端商品 上游产业链相当长 必须具有明显的资源
共享性 随着产业不断的成熟 在我国局部地区形成了特有的三个 家电生态圈 并孕育了
1 珠江三角洲
TCL 康佳 美的 格力 科龙 创维 格兰仕等
2 泛长江三角洲
春兰 小天鹅 奥克斯 新科 美菱 荣事达等
3 胶东半岛
海尔 海信 奥柯玛 小鸭等
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China Home Appliance Industry Report, China Home Appliance Ind str Report2009-2010In early 2009, with the issuance and implementation of China’sp p pppolicies for promotion of home appliances in rural areas, homeappliance replacement, energy-saving products and projects thatbenefit people, the sales volume of home appliances (includingcolor TV sets, refrigerators, washing machine) began to reboundin China. The policy of promoting home appliances in rural areasi Chi Th li f ti h li i lstimulated rural consumption, which greatly boosted the growth ofthe industry. In 2009, the home appliance industry achieved totalp,p y;profit of RMB29.5 billion in 2009, up 50% from a year earlier; theprofit margin rose from 3.0% to 4.7%.In Q1 2010, home appliance industry continued the momentum of rapid recovery since Q4 2009. The sales revenue In Q12010home appliance industry continued the momentum of rapid recovery since Q42009The sales revenue grew by 31.3% against the same period of last year, the total output value of new products rose by 35.3% year-on-year, the output/sale ratio was 95.8%, and the total export value increased by 15.16% year-on-year. The output of refrigerators reached 15.963 million sets, a 27.40% YoY rise; 3.693 million home freezers were produced, up 40.4% year-on-year; 23.757 million air conditioners were made, up 30.0% year-on-year; 14.386 million sets ofhousehold washing machine were produced, up 40.7% compared to the same period of last year.In Q1 2010, 16.033 million sets of home appliances were sold in China, as a part of the home appliance promotionIn Q1201016033million sets of home appliances were sold in China as a part of the home appliance promotion plan in rural areas, up 4.9 times year-on-year, bringing the revenue of RMB31.67 billion, increasing by 6.9 folds. By home appliance sold in rural areas in the first quarter of 2010, RMB11.3 billion came from color TV sets, RMB9 billion from refrigerators, RMB4.2 billion from washing machine, with quarter-on-quarter growth rate of 33%, 35% and 29% respectively. Owing to the home appliance replacement policy, the sales volume and revenue of new home appliances grew by 60.9% and 61.6% respectively over Q4 of last year; in March, 57,000 sets of new home appliances sold out every day.1TV SetIn 2009, 99.66 million color TV sets were produced in China, up 9.3% from a year earlier; wherein, the output of LCD TV sets grew 85.2%. Besides, the sales volume of color TV sets in 2009 got to 39.50 million in Chinese market, up 10.5% from a year earlier; of which 25.5 million LCD TV sets sold out, accounting for a rising share of 67.02% in the overall TV sales volume from 32.84% in 2008. A new round of replacement has begun, and the future TV market still has great potentials. Internet TV, 3D TV and LED TV will be the highlights in the market. Hisense has advanced LCD has great potentials.Internet TV,3D TV and LED TV will be the highlights in the market.Hisense has advanced LCD TV technology; in LCD TV market, Hisense’s share increased from 13.1% in 2008 to 19.8% in 2009, taking the firstplace in the industry; in TV set market, its share rose from 14% in 2008 to 17.2 %, following 18.3% of TCL.2Washing MachineIn 2009, 49.4 million sets of washing machine were produced in China, up 13% from a year earlier; 26.8 millionsets were sold domestically in China, up 12% year-on-year. In washing machine industry, brand concentrationdegree is quite high. In April 2010, Haier and Midea enjoyed a respective share of 27.6% and 23.9% in Chinesewashing machine market. Washing machine export market is still dominated by foreign capital. Haier maintains the washing machine market.Washing machine export market is still dominated by foreign capital.Haier maintains thefirst position in the industry, but it has a lower year-on-year growth rate for sales volume than the market average.After being integrated by Midea, the sales growth rate of Little Swan and Royalstar reached 81% and 33%respectively, far higher than the industry average of 17.7% in China.3RefrigeratorIn 2009, 60.64 million refrigerators were produced in China, up 28% from a year earlier; and the sales volume hit59.98 million sets, a 26% YoY rise. In cities, the change of product mix was the biggest highlight in 2009. The 5998million sets a26%YoY rise In cities the change of product mix was the biggest highlight in2009The consumption of medium and high-end refrigerators took a rapidly rising proportion. The markets in first-tier and second-tier cities showed strong recovery. In rural areas, the promotion of home appliances also made remarkable achievements. During the first three quarters of 2009, the sales volume of Haier’s refrigerators in rural areas accounted for 32%of the total sales volume of refrigerator brands in the countryside, ranking first. Yet, Haier’s market shares in Mar.2010 fell sharply from February. Midea, Hisense and Meiling grabbed Haier’s shares.44 Air-ConditionerIn 2009, 81.53 million air-conditioners were produced in China, down 4.1% from a year ealier; and the sales reached 80.70 million ones, down 5.2% year-on-year. In H2 2009, the government granted the subsidies ofRMB300-800 for the first and secondary energy-efficient air-conditioners. Since then, high energy-efficient air-conditioners have been produced in large scale rapidly, becoming the mainstream products in the market. VariableFrequency air-conditioners arose, and major manufacturers quickly launched such products.After their adjustments in product structure GREE and Midea made great efforts in variable frequency air-After their adjustments in product structure, GREE and Midea made great efforts in variable frequency air conditioner and the promotion of home appliances in rural market, and they both achieved growth in each type of product. In Sep. 2009, GREE enjoyed 47% shares in rural air conditioner market, 16 percentage points higher than that of Midea. Due to the channel structure, foreign brands did not develop well in the third and fourth-tier markets, the proportion of their sales volume decreased considerably.5Microwave OvensIn 2009, 60.38 million microwave ovens were produced in China, down 4.7% from a year earlier; the export volume In20096038million microwave ovens were produced in China down47%from a year earlier;the export volume amounted to 44.9 million units, decreasing by 7.6% year-on-year. Europe, the United States and other developed countries are the major consumers of microwave ovens, while China is a potential consumer. In China, 100 urban families have 60 microwave ovens, but 100 rural families only have less than 20 units. Glanz and Midea are still the most notable brands; in Mar 2010, among 10 best-selling models of microwave ovens, 5 were produced by Glanz and the other 5 by Midea.The report first studies the industrial environments and overall operation of China home appliance industry inThe report first studies the industrial environments and overall operation of China home appliance industry in2009 and 2010, and then makes a detailed analysis on the markets of TV set, washing machine, refrigerator, air-conditioner, microwave oven and other household appliances as well as development trends in terms of production and marketing structure, brand competition pattern and key enterprises.Table ofContents Table of Contents• 1 Environments for China Home Appliance Industry • 2.1 Overall Scale y • 1.1 Policies• 1.1.1 New Efficiency Standards for Air Conditioning • 1.1.2 Extended Areas of Implementing Home • 2.2 Operation •2.3 Trends3TV S t M k t Appliance Replacement• 1.1.3 Freight Subsidy Increase of Home Appliance Replacement Enterprises114Wid i S f S b idi f H • 3 TV Set Market • 3.1 Overview • 3.1.1 Production 312Marketing • 1.1.4 Widening Scope of Subsidies for Home Appliances Promoted in Rural Areas• 1.1.5 Adjustments in the Policy of Subsidies for High Energy-Efficient Air-conditioner• 3.1.2 Marketing• 3.1.3 Production and Marketing Structure • 3.2 CRT TV 321Production • 1.1.6 Promotion of Energy-Efficient Products • 1.2 Home Appliance Industry and Macro-economy • 1.2.1 Comparison between Price Index of Home • 3.2.1 Production • 3.2.2 Marketing • 3.3 LCD TV331Production &Marketing Appliances (including Related Services) and CPI •1.2.2 Number of Home Appliances Owned by Urban and Rural Residents• 3.3.1 Production & Marketing • 3.3.2 Export • 3.4 PDP TV •341Production •2 Overall Operation of Home Appliance Industry,2009-20103.4.1 Production •3.4.2 Marketing•3.5 Brand Competition 445Whirlpool p • 3.6 Key Enterprises • 3.6.1 Hisense • 3.6.2 TCL •4.4.5 Whirlpool• 5 Refrigerator Market 51Production • 3.6.3 Changhong • 3.6.4 KONKA • 3.6.5 Skyworth Digital • 5.1 Production • 5.2 Marketing• 5.2.1 Marketing in China •522Export • 3.6.6 SVA •3.6.7 Xoceco5.2.2 Export• 5.3 Prices and Market Shares of Brands • 5.4 Key Enterprises •5.4.1Meiling • 4 Washing Machine Market • 4.1 Production • 4.2 Marketing5.4.1 Meiling • 5.4.2 Aucma • 5.4.3 Sanhua •5.4.4 Haier• 4.2.1 Marketing in China • 4.2.2 Export• 4.3 Brand Competition • 6 Air-Conditioner Market • 6.1Supply and Demand • 4.4 Key Enterprises • 4.4.1 Little Swan • 4.4.2 Sanyo pp y • 6.1.1 Production • 6.1.2 Import • 6.2 Marketing• 4.4.3 Haier •4.4.4 Little Duck• 6.2.1 Marketing in China •6.2.2 Export• 6.3Key Enterprises 86Range Hood y p • 6.3.1 GREE • 6.3.2 Midea • 6.3.3 Hisense Kelon •8.6 Range Hood•8.7 Electric Baking Appliance •8.8 Electric Fan •89Key Enterprises • 6.3.4 Changfa •6.3.5 Chunlan8.9 Key Enterprises •8.9.1 SUPOR •8.9.2 Joyoung •8.9.3Yankon •7 Microwave Oven Market •7.1 Production •7.2 Marketing 8.9.3 Yankon Group •8.9.4 Elec-Tech •8.9.5 Elecpro•7.3 Glanz •7.3.1 Profile•7.3.2 Development Strategies •7.4 Midea•8 Other Home Appliances •8.1 Induction Cooker •8.2 Electric Rice Cooker •8.3 Dust Collector •8.4 Electric Water Heaters •8.5 Electric Water DispenserSelected ChartsSelected Charts•Comparison between Price Index of Home Appliances (including Related Services) and CPI, May, 2005-Mar. 2010•Number of Home Appliances Owned by Urban Residents (Per 100 Households) by Quarter, Dec. 2000-Dec. 2009•Number of Home Appliances Owned by Rural Residents (Per 100 Households) by Quarter, Dec. 2000-Dec. 2009Revenue of Home Appliance Manufacturing, Dec. 2008-Feb. 2010•Revenue of Home Appliance Manufacturing Dec2008Feb2010•Sales Output Value and Growth Rate of China Home Appliance Industry, 2008-Q1 2010•Total Assets of Home Appliance Manufacturing, Feb. 2009-Feb. 2010•Number of Home Appliance Manufacturers and Employees, Feb. 2009-Feb. 2010 Number of Home Appliance Manufacturers and Employees Feb2009Feb2010•Monthly Output of TV Sets in China, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Quarterly Sales Volume of TV Sets in China, 2004-2010•Export Growth Rate of TV Set, Refrigerator and Washing Machine in China, 2009 •Monthly Export Volume of TV Sets in China, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Quarterly Sales/Output Ratio and Inventory of Color TV Set, 2004-2010 •Number of TV Sets Owned by Urban and Rural Residents (Per 100 Households),1995-2008•Sales Volume Structure of TV Sets in China, 2008-2009•Market Shares for Monthly Sales Volume of TV Sets Promoted in Rural Areas, Q3 2009•Monthly Output and Growth Rate of CRT TV, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010D ti S l V l f CRT TV i Chi J2009M2010•Domestic Sales Volume of CRT TV in China, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Domestic Sales Volume of CRT TV and LCD TV in China by Month, 2009•Monthly Export Volume of CRT TV, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Monthly Sales Volume of LCD TV in China, 2008-2009•Monthly Sales Volume of LCD TV, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Monthly Output of LCD TV, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Sales Volume of Chinese and Overseas LCD TV Brands in China, Jan. 2008-Jan.2010•Monthly Export Volume of LCD TV and TV Set, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Export Volume of LCD TV (by Region), Jan.-Dec. 2009•Export Volume of LCD TV (by Region) in China, Mar 2010•Retail Volume of LCD TV (by City) in China, Jan.-Nov. 2009•Monthly Output of PDP TV, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Sales Volume of TV (by Product), 2008 vs.2009,•Sales Volume of PDP TV in China, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Export Volume of PDP TV, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Sales Structure of Major LCD TV Brands, 2009•Market Shares of Major LCD TV Brands in China, 2008 vs. 2009•Proportion of LED TV in LCD TV Sales, Feb. 2009-Feb. 2010Proportion of LED TV in LCD TV Sales Feb2009Feb2010•Market Shares of Major TV Set Brands in China, 2008 vs. 2009•Quarterly Operating Income of Hisense Electric, Q1 2007-Q1 2010•Gross Margin and Net Profit Margin of Hisense Electric, 2008-Q1 2009•Operating Income of Hisense Electric by Product, 2008 vs. 2009•Revenue of Hisense Electric by Region, 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income and Growth Rate of TCL GROUP, 2007-Q1 2010•Operating Cost, Profit and Gross Margin of TCL GROUP (by Product), 2009•Operating Income of TCL GROUP (by Region), 2009•Operating Income of TCL GROUP (by Sector), 2009•Operating Income of TCL GROUP (by Product), 2009•Quarterly Operating Income of Sichuan Changhong, Q1 2007-Q1 2010•Net Profit Margin of Sichuan Changhong, 2006-Q1 2010•Operating Income and Cost of Sichuan Changhong(by Sector), 2009•Operating Income, Cost and Gross Margin of Sichuan Changhong(by Region), 2009•Operating Income and Growth Rate of Sichuan Changhong(by Product), 2009•Occupied Shares for Domestic Sales and Export of PDP TV in China, 2009•Occupied Shares for PDP TV Sales Volume of Changhong and Panasonic, Dec.2009•Quarterly Operating Income of KONKA, Q1 2008-Q1 2010•Operating Income of KONKA (by Product), 2009•Operating Income Growth and Structure of KONKA (by Product), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income Growth and Structure of KONKA (by Region), 2008 vs. 2009•Half-Year Operating Income of Skyworth Digital, 2007-2009•Operating Income of SVA, 2007-Q1 2010•Net Income of SVA, 2006-Q1 2010,•Revenue Structure of SVA (by Sector), 2009•Revenue Structure of SVA (by Region), 2009•Operating Income Revenue and Growth Rate of Xoceco, 2006-2010•Net Income of Xoceco, 2006-2010Net Income of Xoceco20062010•Revenue Structure of Other Business, 2008-2009•Cumulative Sales/Output Ratio and Inventory of Household Washing Machine, Sep. 2004-Mar. 2010•Monthly Output of Household Washing Machine, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010 Monthly Output of Household Washing Machine Jan2009-Apr2010•Monthly Sales Volume and Growth Rate of Washing Machine in China, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Monthly Export Volume of Washing Machine, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Annual Export Volume of Washing Machine, 2005-2010Annual Export Volume of Washing Machine20052010•Monthly Export Value of Washing Machine, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Sales Volume of Washing Machine (by Brand) and Market Shares of Brands, Apr.2009 vs. Apr. 2010Shopping Mall Coverage of Major Brands, Dec. 2008 vs. Mar. 2010•Shopping Mall Coverage of Major Brands Dec2008vs Mar2010•Operating Income and Growth Rate of Little Swan, 2007-Q1 2010•Gross Margin and Expenses Ratio of Little Swan, Q1 2008-Q1 2010 •Operating Income and Gross Margin of Little Swan (by Product), 2000-2009•Operating Income and Growth Rate of Sanyo, 2006-2009O ti I d G th R t f S2*******•Net profit Margin, Gross Margin and Selling Expenses Ratio of Sanyo, 2001-Q1 2010•Marketing Structure of Sanyo, 2004-2009•Washing Machine Structure of Sanyo, 2007-2009W hi M hi St t f S2*******•Monthly Output and Growth Rate of Household Refrigerators, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Cumulative Sales/Output Ratio and Inventory of Household Refrigerators, Sep.2004-Mar. 2010•Monthly Sales Volume of Refrigerators in China, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010 M thl S l V l f R f i t i Chi J2009M2010•Monthly Export Volume of Refrigerators, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Monthly Prices of Refrigerators, 2007-2009•Sales Volume Structure of Enterprises Which Promote Home Appliances in Rural Areas Sep2009Areas, Sep. 2009•Sales Volume of Major Refrigerator Brands, Jan. 2008-Mar. 2010•Operating Income and Cost of MeiLing, 2007-Q1 2010•Gross Margin of MeiLing, 2007-Q1 2010•Operating Income of MeiLing(by Product), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income MeiLing(by Region), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income, Cost and Gross Margin of Aucma, 2007-Q1 2010 Operating Income of Aucma(by Product), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income of Aucma(by Product)2008vs2009•Operating Income of Aucma(by Region), 2008-2009•Operating Income and Profit of Sanhua, 2007-Q1 2010•Operating Income and Cost of Sanhua(by Product), 2009•Operating Income of Sanhua(by Product), 2009Operating Income of Sanh a(b Prod ct)2009•Operating Income of Sanhua(by Region), 2009•Operating Income and Growth Rate of Haier, 2007-2010•Net Income and Growth Rate of Haier, 2007-2010•Operating Income of Haier(by Product), 2007-2009•Monthly Output of Air Conditioners in China, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Monthly Import Volume of Air Conditioners in China, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Monthly Import Value of Air Conditioners in China, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Monthly Export of Air Conditioners in China, 2006-2009•Monthly Sales Volume of Air Conditioners in China, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Occupied Share for Sales Volume of Variable Frequency Air Conditioners in China, Jan. 2009-Feb. 2010•Cumulative Sales/Output Ratio and Inventory of Air Conditioners, Sep. 2004-Mar.2010•Monthly Export Volume of Air Conditioners in China, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010 •Export Volume of China-made Air Conditioners by Continent, Mar. 2010 •Monthly Export Volume Growth Rate of Major Air-Conditioners Exporting Regions in China, Jan. 2007-Mar. 2010•Annual Export Volume and Growth Rate of China-made Air Conditioners, 2001-2010•Export and Import Prices of China-made Air Conditioners, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010f C C•Operating Income and Net Income of GREE’, 2007-Q1 2010•Operating Income of GREE (by Product), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income of GREE (by Region), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income and Net Income of Midea, 2005-2009•Operating Income and Profit of Midea(by Product), 2008 vs. 2009Operating Income of Midea(by Region), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income of Midea(by Region)2008vs2009•Operating Income and Growth Rate of Hisense Kelon, 2007-2010•Operating Income of Hisense Kelon(by Product), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income of Changfa(by Product), 2007-2009•Operating Income of Changfa(by Product), 2009•Gross Profit of Changfa(by Product), 2009•Operating Income and Growth Rate of Chunlan, 2007-2009Net Income of Chunlan, 20072009•Net Income of Chunlan2007-2009•Monthly Output of Microwave Ovens, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•10 Best-selling Models in Microwave Oven Market by Sales Volume, Mar. 2010•Number of Microwave Ovens Owned by Per 100 Urban Families, 1999-2009 •Number of Microwave Ovens Owned by Per 100 Urban Families (by Region), End of 2008•Sales Volume of Microwave Ovens in Rural Areas, H2 2009y p,•Monthly Export Volume and Growth Rate of China-made Microwave Ovens, Jan.2009-Apr. 2010•Monthly Export Value and Growth Rate of China-made Microwave Ovens, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010(y),•Induction Cooker Market Structure in China (by Brand), 2009•Monthly Sales Volume of Induction Cookers in Rural Areas, H2 2009•Monthly Export Volume of Induction Cookers, 2008-2010•Monthly Output of Electric Rice Cookers, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Accumulative Output and Growth Rate of Electric Rice Cookers, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010 •Monthly Output of Dust Collectors, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Monthly Output of Electric Water Heaters, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010Monthly Output of Electric Water Dispensers, Jan. 2009Apr. 2010•Monthly Output of Electric Water Dispensers Jan2009-Apr2010•Monthly Output of Range Hood, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Monthly Output of Electric Baking Appliances, Jan. 2009-Apr. 2010•Monthly Output of Electric Fans, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Accumulative Output and Growth Rate of Electric Fans, Jan. 2009-Mar. 2010•Operating Income and Growth Rate of SUPOR, 2006-2010•Net Income and Growth Rate of SUPOR, 2006-2010Operating Income of SUPOR (by Sector), 20072009•Operating Income of SUPOR(by Sector)2007-2009•Operating Income of Joyoung, 2007-2010•Net Income of Joyoung, 2007-2010•Operating Income of Joyoung(by Product), 2007-2009•Operating Income and Growth Rate of Yankon Group, 2007-2010•Net Income and Growth Rate of Yankon Group, 2007-2010•Operating Income of Yankon Group (by Product), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income of Yankon Group (by Region), 2008 vs. 2009Operating Income of Yankon Group(by Region)2008vs2009•Operating Income and Growth Rate of Elec-Tech, 2006-2010•Net Income of Elec-Tech, 2006-2010•Prime Operating Revenue of Elec-Tech (by Product), 2008 vs. 2009•Operating Income of Elecpro, 2006-2010•Net Income of Elecpro, 2006-2010How to BuyProduct details How to OrderUSD File By email:t@hi hiSingle user 2,400 PDF 3600PDF report@ By fax:86-10-82601570By online:Enterprisewide 3,600 PDF 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