经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第一课 Good policy, and bad


经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第一课 Good policy, and bad

经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第一课 Good policy, and bad

Good policy, and badSome mitigation policies are effective,some are efficient, and some are neitherDec 3rd 2009 | from the print editionGREENHOUSE-GAS emissions targets can be implemented through three sorts ofpolicy instruments—regulation, carbon-pricing and subsidies. Governmentsgenerally like regulation (because it appears to be cost-free), economists likecarbon prices (because they are efficient) and businesses like subsidies (becausethey get the handouts).Regulation can be useful where the market is not working well. Buildings are rarelydesigned to save energy, because those who put them up do not usually pay thebills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks, not theirenergy-efficiency. The same goes for appliances, most of which do not use enoughenergy to affect consumers' choices. Small regulatory changes (see box, next page)can cut energy consumption without distorting the market much. According toMcKinsey, around one-third of the required greenhouse-gas reductions will actuallysave money.In this special reportGetting warmerIs it worth it?The green slump»Good policy, and badVampires on a dietCap and tiradeWho cares?A long gameClosing the gapsWhat needs to changeUnpacking the problemSources & acknowledgementsReprintsRelated topics ChinaSolar energyEuropean UnionAlternative energyEuropeThe European Union's Emissions-Trading Scheme, which started up in 2005, is theonly large-scale attempt so far to set a carbon price. Under the ETS, EU countriesget national allocations which they then parcel out to over 11,500 factories in fivedirty industries. Companies can buy and sell allocations amongst themselves, andcan also buy “certified emission reductions” from developing countries to meet theircaps through Kyoto's “clean development mechanism”.Europe's flagshipThe ETS makes up the vast bulk of the global carbon market, which will be wortharound $122 billion this year. It is the principal way of financing the shift from high-to low-carbon power and industrial processes in the developing world. A wind farmin India; a methane-capture scheme for pig farms in Brazil; a forestry project inIndonesia; equipment to capture industrial gases in China—the ETS can financethem all.Although it is still young, the ETS has had some impact on emissions. According toa 2008 study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in its first three years itprobably reduced them by 120m-300m tonnes, or 2-5% a year, below what theywould otherwise have been.2000.This sort of energy is expensive. The best indication of that is the carbon price thatwould be required to make investment in renewables worthwhile without subsidy.According to New Energy Finance, onshore wind energy needs a carbon price of $38,offshore of $136 and solar cells of $196. Europe's target for generating 20% of itsenergy from renewable sources therefore looks pricey. According to Richard Green,director of the Institute for Energy Research and Policy at Birmingham University,the implied marginal cost of carbon would be €129 a tonne—which suggests thatallocating such large resources to renewable-energy subsidies is, as Mr Green says,“seriously sub-optimal”.The worst example of a wasteful subsidy is America's support programme forhome-grown corn ethanol, which is coupled with tariffs on cheaper sugar-caneethanol from Brazil. The programme has raised global food prices (and thusincreased malnutrition among the world's poorest); lined the pockets of America'sfarmers; given policies to cut carbon a bad name; and cut little, if any, carbon.Solar flareThe resulting boom benefited manufacturers not just in Spain but also in Germanyand China, the biggest producers of solar cells. Last year Spain accounted for 40%of world demand. The government had planned for 400MW of solar capacity to bebuilt by2008. “There were all sorts of abuses,” says Jenny Cha se, solaranalyst at New Energy Finance. “If you connected a single module to the grid beforeSeptember 29th, your whole project got financed. So modules were changing handsfor vast sums of money.” After the deadline the market collapsed.Mr Clover is con cerned about the likely effect. “We're expecting a stampede inGlobally, New Energy Finance reckons that only $24 billion of green-stimulus moneywill be disbursed this year, with another $58 billion to follow in 2010 and a further$56 billion in。

经贸英语文章选读Unit 1 Starting a Business

经贸英语文章选读Unit 1 Starting a Business
• But before we get started, let's clear up one point:
• People always wonder if this is a good time to start their business idea. The fact is, there's really never a bad time to launch a business. It's obvious why it's smart to launch in strong economic times. People have money and are looking for ways to spend it. But launching in tough or uncertain economic times c • 2.优惠价 • 3.市场概念 • 4.停车场 • 5.人格特质 • 6.hot business • 7.crop up • 8.gourmet coffeehouse chain • 9.all the rage • 10.mitigate your risk
• 1.Entrepreneur magazine:Entrepreneur Magazine is a publication that carries news stories about entrepreneurialism, small business management, and business opportunities. It is published by Entrepreneur Media Inc., headquartered in Irvine, California. This magazine is published monthly, 12 issues annually. No special extra issues are published. Entrepreneur includes sections like Tech, Money, Sell, and Lead. It is edited by Amy C. Cosper. Entrepreneur Magazine is published under license in countries around the world including Mexico, Russia, India, Hungary, the Philippines and South Africa.



Lesson 1 China’s Foreign Trade第1课中国的对外贸易China in the Market Place 市场经济中的中国一、(Excerpts)(摘录)Barry Coulthurst examines the development of China’s trade policy and the present state of the overseas economic links巴里库尔塞斯特对中国贸易政策的演变和当前与海外经济往来状况的研究The p attern of China’s foreign trade has changed substantially since the founding of the People’s Republic. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and East European countries in return for manufact ured goods and the capital equipment required for the country’s industrialisation programme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry. The Great Leap Forward of 1958-1959 initially produced gains in agricultural and industrial production, but subsequently resulted in serious economic imbalances. Economic problems were exacerbated by three bad harvests (1959-1961) with the result that national income and the volume of foreign trade对外贸易额contracted during 1960-1962.自从中华人民共和国成立以来,中国对外贸易的模式发生了巨大的变化。




As a consequence,,the credit crunch widened the disparity between the wealthy and the rest 3、次债危机过后,很多人已难以获得按揭贷款。

After subprime meltdown,getting a mortgage has been put out of the reach of many people.U23、金融吃紧,很可能会波及欧元区的经济弱国,进而对意大利形成潜在威胁。

The financial strains could become systemic across the weaker members of the eurozone ,and infecting potentially even Italy.4、商业银行包销了日本政府为减缓地震恐慌而发行的国债。

The commercial banks underwrote all the bonds issued by Japanese government against the earthquake. Panic.U32、这家设计公司把所有的计算技术工作都报给别家公司去做。

The projecting firm outsources all its computing work.3、供过于求,造成产品大量积压。

Production has outpaced demand,and a lot of products have been lying in the stock.U41、今年全国产出上涨远远高于趋势增长率。

National output has risen well above its trend trend rate this year.4、许多企业正试图利用繁荣的股市来募集扩张资金。

经贸英语阅读教程Text 1(3)

经贸英语阅读教程Text 1(3)

4. trade barrier 贸易壁垒 A general term that describes any government policy or regulation that restricts international trade. The barriers can take many forms, including import duties, import licenses, export licenses, import quotas, tariffs, subsidies, non-tariff barriers to trade. 5. farm subsidy 农产品补贴 A government subsidy paid to farmers and agribusinesses to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities,
Hale Waihona Puke 3. the Doha round 多哈回合谈判
The world Trade Organization (WTO) conducts negotiations through what is called rounds. The Doha Development Round is the current trade-negotiation round which commenced with a ministerial-level meeting at Doha, Qatar in November 2001. The Doha Round’s objective is to lower trade barriers around the world, permitting free trade between countries of varying prosperity.


• 为标新立异、出语不凡, 新闻语言中造词 较多。如superachiever , Watergate,sitin,black power。
• 为了追求新奇和亲切感,它常使用体育、娱 乐、赌博、军事等词语以及俚语、行话和 俗语。有的比喻词用得形象生动, 如“ 削 减” 不用reduce 或decrease,而用诸如不 是斧砍就是刀削等方面的词: cut , trim, ax ,slice, slash 等。再如“ 大” 不用big 和 large 等常用词, 而用mammoth: a
• Lesson 8 China's Textiles in the World Market-Opportunities & Challenges
• Lesson 9 The Commodities Market--Oil, Minerals &Foodstuffs
Lesson 1
China’s Emerging & the World Economy
(二)除通过专业词语外,一部分普通英语的词语也被 大量地 频繁地使用,从而形成带有专业词语色彩的准 专业词语群.
• 增长---increase, rise , grow • 下降--relapse , fall , slide • 比较--lower , higher , the highest, the
Teaching Aims
After studying this lesson, you are required to: Master some new words , expressions and technical terms.
Chugging Along 稳步向前
本文主要介绍了中国经济的飞速发展, 使 之成为世界经济发展的一个主要推动力, 中国的巨大市场吸引众多跨国公司来华 投资,这引起一系列连锁经济效应,随着中 国经济发展,他的进口能力也将进一步提 高,对世界经济而然, 具有重大意义.



Unit5passage1But are today's economic times actually worse?One way to measure that is the misery index.That was a gauge of economic trouble developed in the late1970s and 1980s that was supposed to be a more accurate measure of how bad the economy was for the average Joe.The misery index combines the inflation rate with the unemployment rate to come.And indeed those twin fears of joblessness and souring food and gas prices are what seems to be sapping confidence in the economy these days as well.So how does the economy measure up to the1970s based on the misery index. Actually pretty well.The misery index hit19.3at the end of1974,the year I was born. In1980,the index pare that to now and the economy looks positively rosy.Today the misery index would stand at11.Good times,right.Maybe not.But while the misery index may have been a good gauge of economic health in the1970s,it isn't the best measure of economic health at all times and misses the point today.One example,deflation is one of the worse things that can happen to the economy.Wages and income and asset values tumble,while debts stay the same. Bankruptcies galore.Yet,by the misery index,deflation would be a good thing, bringing the index down.And too little inflation,and the fear of deflation,has been one of the things that Bernanke has worried about.That's why Kathleen Madigan,over at the Wall Street Journal,has devised a new misery index that may do a better job of actually comparing today's economic times to back then.While inflation is low,many think it will soon rise,and that along housing prices and the lack of jobs could be what is holding back the economy.So Madigan's new misery index looks at the one year change in the jobless rate,gas prices and home prices.Based on those calculations,Madigan's new misery index scores in at20, up from8.3a year ago.She also finds that Phoenix is not the most miserable place, economy-wise,in the nation to live.So how does our current economic times measure up to the1970s?The earliest I could find for gas price data was1979.At the end of that year,the new misery index would actually stand at-8.So a rating of positively groovy.That's mostly due to the fact that housing prices rose12that year.The reading for1980would be13.2%.So now we are talking some economic pain.But still that's significantly less than Madigan's misery index reads now.So I guess it's time for me to recalibrate what I think the worst of economic times are.And I thought it was just the music that was better back then.至少对20世纪70年代出生的我们这一代人,那十年仍然是最糟糕的时代。



第一至第三单元Keys to unit 1Text A1) Omit.2) Economics studies the choices made by people who are faced with scarcity.3) Scarcity is a situation in which resources are limited and can be used in different ways, so we must sacrifice one thing for another.4) The resources are limited, and they can be used in different ways.5) Omit.6) Because of scarcity, people must make difficult choices: You must decide how to spend your time; the city must decide how to use its land.7) Omit.8) Together, the choices made by individuals, firms, and governments determine society's choices9) 1. What goods and services do we produce?2. How do we produce these goods and services?3. Who consumes the goods and services that are produced?10) For example, if we devote more resources to medical care, we have fewer resources for education and consumer goods. If we increase the number of people working in factories, we have fewer people to work on farms and in the classroom. Ⅱ. Translate the followings:Part APartBPart C1) 人类有多种需要和需求。

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial ProgressThe remaining divisions in American society shouldnot blind us to a half-century of dramatic changeBy Abigail and Stephan ThernstromIn the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court.Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners’ association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association’ s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court.But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?”The homeowners didn’t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don’t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.”It’s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well.That’s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another.To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends:A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.But it wasn’t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve ofWorld War II, a trivial five percent of black men were engaged in white-collar work of any kind, and six out of ten African-American women were employed as domestics.In 1940 there were only 1,000 practicing African-American lawyers; by 1995 there were over 32,000, about four percent of all attorneys.Today almost three-quarters of African-American families have incomes above the government poverty line. Many are in the middle class, according to one useful index—earning double the government poverty level; in 1995 this was $30,910 for a two-parent family with two children and $40,728 for a two-parent family with four children. Only one black family in 100 enjoyed a middle-class income in 1940; by 1995 it was 49 in 100. And more than 40 percent of black households also own their homes. That’ s a huge change.The typical white family still earns a lot more than the black family because it is more likely to collect two paychecks. But if we look only at married couples—much of the middle class—the white-black income gap shrinks to 13 percent. Much of that gap can be explained by the smaller percentage of blacks with college degrees, which boost wages, and the greater concentration of blacks in the South, where wages tend to be lower.Blacks are moving to the suburbs. Following the urban riots of the mid-1960s, the presiden­tial Kerner Commission14 concluded that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segrega­tion”—black central cities and whites outside the core. That segregation might well blow the country apart, it said.It’ s true that whites have continued to leave inner cities for the suburbs, but so, too, have blacks. The number of black suburban dwellers in the last generation has almost tripled to 10.6 million. In 1970 metropolitan Atlanta, for example, 27 percent of blacks lived in the suburbs with 85 percent of whites. By 1990, 64 percent of blacks and 94 percent of whites resided there.This is not phony integration, with blacks moving from one all-black neighborhood into another. Most of the movement has brought African-Americans into neighborhoods much less black15 than those they left behind, thus increasing integration. By 1994 six in ten whites reported that they lived in neighborhoods with blacks.Residential patterns do remain closely connected to race. However, neighborhoods have become more racially mixed, and residential segregation has been decreasing.Bigotry has declined. Before World Was ft, Gunnar Myrdal16 roamed the South researching An American Dilemma, the now-classic book that documented17 the chasm betwe en the nation’s ideals and its racial practices, hi one small Southern city, he kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” an African-American who was principal of a black high school. No one seemed to know who he was. After he finally found Smith, Myrdal was told that he should have just asked for “Jim.” That’ s how great was white aversion to dignifying African-Americans with “Mr.” Or “Mrs.”Bigotry was not just a Southern problem. A national survey in the 1940s asked whether “Ne-groes shoul d have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job.” A majority of whites said that “white people should have the first chance at any kind of job.”19. Such a question would not even be asked today. Except for a lunatic fringe18, no whites would sign on to such a notion.1920. In 1964 less than one in five whites reported having a black friend. By 1989 more than two out of three did. And more than eight often African -Americans had a white friend.21. What about the last taboo?20 In 1963 ten percent of whites approved of black-white dating; by 1994 it was 65 percent. Interracial marriages? Four percent of whites said it was okay in 1958; by 1994 the figure had climbed more than elevenfold, to 45 percent. These surveys measure opinion, but behavior has also changed. In 1963 less than one percent of marriages by African- Americans were racially mixed. By 1993, 12 percent were.22. Today black Americans can climb the ladder to the top.21 Ann M. Fudge is already there; she’s in charge of manufacturing, promotion and sales at the $2.7-billion Maxwell House Coffee and Post Cereals divisions of Kraft Foods.22 So are Kenneth Chenault, president and chief operating officer at American Express23 and Richard D. Parsons, president of Time Warner, Inc.24 After the 1988 Demo-cratic Convention25, the Rev. Jesse Jackson26 talked about his chances of making it to the White House. “I may not get there,” he said “But it is possible for our children to get there now.”23. Even that seems too pessimistic. Consider how things have improved since Colin and Alma Powell27 packed their belongings into a V olkswagen28 and left Fort Devens, Mass., for Fort Bragg, N. C. “I remember passing Woodbridgc, Va.,” General Powell wrote in his autobiogra phy, “and not finding even a gas-station bathroom that we were allowed to use.” That was in 1962. In 1996 reliable polls suggest he could have been elected President.24. Progress over the last half-century has been dramatic. As Corctta Scott King wrote not long ago, the ideals for which her husband Martin Luther King Jr. died, have become “deeply embedded in the very fabric of America29.”From Reader’s Digest, March, 1998V. Analysis of Content1. According to the author, ___________A. racism has disappeared in AmericaB. little progress has been made in race relationsC. media reports have exaggerated the racial gapD. media accounts have made people believe that the gap between blacks and whites has become narrower2. What the Kerner Commi ssion meant by “accelerating segregation” was that __________A. more and more whites and blacks were forced to live and work separatelyB. more and more blacks lived in the central cities, and whites outside the coreC. more and more whites lived in the central cities, and blacks outside the coreD. nowadays more and more blacks begin to live in the suburbs3. The last taboo in the article is about ____________.A. political status of America’s minority peopleB. economic status of America’ s minori ty peopleC. racial integrationD. interracial marriages4. Gunnar Myrdal kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” but no one seemed to know who he was, because _____________.A. there was not such a person called Jim SmithB. Jim Smith was not famousC. the whites didn ‘t know Jim SmithD. the white people considered that a black man did not deserve the title of “Mr.”5. In the author’s opinion, _A. few black Americans can climb the ladder to the topB. Jesse Jackson’ s words in th is article seemed too pessimisticC. Colin Powell could never have been elected PresidentD. blacks can never become America’ s PresidentVI. Questions on the Article1. Why were those low-income teen-agers who came to the Perrywood community consid-ered to be “the eyesore”?2. What is the surprising twist of the story?3. According to this article, what has caused much of the white-black income gap?4. Why did the presidential Kerner Commission conclude that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segregation”?5. Why wouldn’t questions as “Should negroes have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job?” be asked today?Topics for Discussion1. Can you tell briefly the dramatic progress in the status of America’ s minority p eople over the last half-century?2. Do you think the article is unbiased? What do you think of the author s view on the African-Americans?1. amenity: n. A. The quality of being pleasant or attractive; agreeableness. 怡人:使人愉快或吸引人的性质;使人愉快 B. A feature that increases attractiveness or value, especially of a piece of real estate or a geographic location.生活福利设施;便利设施:能够增加吸引力或价值的事物,特别是不动产或地理位置⊙ We enjoy all the -ties of home life. 我们享受家庭生活的一切乐趣。

经贸英语Unit one

经贸英语Unit one

教案2014 - 2015 学年第二学期教学系部外语系教研室公共英语教研室课程名称经贸英语专业、年级、班级14会计1、2班等主讲教师赵熹妮、王银燕等使用教材新职业英语—经贸英语教务处制Unit One Business Relations课型:理实一体课教学地点:授课方式:集中教学I. Periods: 4II. Content:Period1-2 Warming-upReading A –Establish Business RelationsPeriod 3-4 Listening & SpeakingReading B--It Is Not Just SportIII. Unit ObjectivesAfter studying this part, Ss are able to:◆Understand how to establish business relations◆Receive a client◆Answer phone calls from potential customersIV. Main & Hard PointsImportant Points: Reading ADifficulties: Listening;V. Teaching Methods:Interactions; Task-based ApproachVI. Teaching Instruments:textbook,recorderVII. Procedures:Period1- 2Warming-upReading A—Establish Business RelationsStep 1 Warming-upToday we will know something about the logos representing some famous multinational companies in the world and some qualities making a qualified receptionist.1. Learn the logos representing some famous multinational companies in the world, such as Philips, Nokia, Wal-Mart, Lenovo, Dunhill, Toyota.2. Learn to make a qualified receptionist, you should have the qualities as follows:⑴Cordial and Friendly Attitude⑵Considerable Flexibility⑶Great Familiarity with Products⑷Standard Mandarin (or English)Step 2 Reading A—Establish Business Relations★Read the passage and help the Ss grasp some key words and expressions:The functions of establishing business relations:expanding business; starting business; increasing the turnoversources of getting information about potential dealers:exhibitions; business connections; chambers of commerce; advertisement in the media; trade fairsregarding sb./sth.; for the purpose of sth./doing sth.; business associate; establish business relations; market survey; chamber commerce★Language Points:①scope :(做某事物的)机会,余地opportunity to do or achieve sthscope (for sth/to do sth)e.g. a job with (a lot of ) scope for self-fulfillmenta house with some scope of improvementscope : range of matters being deal with, studied etc.(处理、研究事物的)范围)e.g. This subject is outside the scope of our inquiry.②Regarding:对于(某人/事);关于;至于e.g. She said nothing regarding your request.③turnover 营业额,成交量e.g. The reform in the management resulted in a great increase in the turnover.④potential 潜在的,可能的e.g. Potential problems are the focus of the inspection.⑤prospective 预期的,可能要成为、、、的e.g. Those students in the normal school are prospective teachers.⑥associate 合作人,同事e.g. He is on good terms with his associates wherever he works.⑦agency 代理,代理机构e.g. I never believe employment agencies because I used to be cheated by one of them.⑧enclose 把、、、附带装入同一个信封或包裹e.g. I enclosed a check in the envelop and sent it to the orphanage.Useful Expressions:enclose…in…把…..封入enclose… with …随…..附上Step 3 Guide the Ss do the tasks:Task3:Objective: Ss can scan the sample letter to find related information.Read the passage again and tick off the facts mentioned in the sample letter.□1. Location□2. Brief introduction to the company□3. The intention of writing the letter□4. The history of the company□5. Competition on the market□6. Expectation of cooperation and early reply□7. Payment for sales□8. Plan for development□9. The source of information□10. Previous customers’ satisfaction* Suggested Answers: No.2,3,6,9.Period 3- 4Listening & SpeakingReading B--It Is Not Just SportSteps:1) Guide the Ss to read the information and predict the answers.2) Let Ss listen to the tape and finish the tasks.3) Check the answers,explaining any difficult points.4) Ss listen again & repeat.Task 1Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing words in the conversation.Key: 1. business 2. cooperation 3. in 4. the5. business6. appointment7. suit8. youTask 2Objective: Ss can accurately match the people with the correct information.Key:John Foster: visit to see if there is possibility to enter into business relationships with the company;Sales representative from Smart Software CorporationGrace King: assistant to the manager;from the Network Department;consider after-sales technical services are of great importance to thecompany.Task 3Objective: Ss can decide whether the statements are true or false.Key: 1.F 2. T…3. F…4. T… 5. F…. 6. FTask 4Objective: Ss can record information about meeting clients.1.the sales2.the report by her assistant and clerks3.considerable discount4.payment and delivery, their after-sales serviceTask 5Objective: Ss can find specific information from the conversation to answer the given question.1.Toys2.His purpose of visit is to negotiate business3.Some items he’d like to order4.The next morning5.SpeakingTask2:Work in pairs. Speedy Shoe Factory produces high- quality sports shoes and enjoys great popularity. Suppose the sales representative of Speedy is receiving a new client from abroad who hopes to enter into business relations with Speedy. Practice making a conversation. Some useful expressions are provided in the box for your reference.Period 5- 6Writing -- OrderLanguage lab – ExercisesStep1 Writing – OrderLearn how to write an order.An order is a request made by the buyer to the seller, asking the seller to supply a specified quantity of goods on terms agreed upon by both parties. Usually a formal orTask 3 Work in pairs. Vice President of Green Electrical Appliance is paying a visit to the General Manager of Sky Electrical Co. which produces household appliances. Discuss with your partner, decide the right order of the steps and make a conversation accordingly.Suggested order: 3-6-5-2-7-4-1Reading B--It Is Not Just SportObjective:★Language Points:1. adapt (oneself) (to sth.)become adjusted to new conditions, etc.适应(新环境等)e.g. She adapted (herself) quickly to the new climate.2. as well as (sb./sth)in addition (to sb/sth/doing sth)除了(某人/事)也,还,而且e.g. Are they coming as well ?He grows flowers as well as vegetables.She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.★Guide the Ss to finish the tasksTask 1Suggested Answers:1. F2. T3. F.4. F.5.T6. TTask 2Suggested Answers:1.j2.f3.g4.b .5. h.6. c.7. d .8.e.9.a. 10.i 教学后记:Unit One Business Relations课型:理实一体课授课方式:集中教学I. Periods: 4II. Content:Period 1-2 V ocabulary and StructurePeriod 3-4 Writing & GrammarIII. Unit ObjectivesAfter studying this part, Ss are able to:◆Learn to establish business relations by various ways◆Write and answer emails for establishing business relationsIV. Main & Hard PointsImportant Points: Grammar; WritingDifficulties: WritingV. Teaching Methods:Interactions; Task-based ApproachVI. Teaching Instruments:textbook,recorderVII. Procedures:Period 1-2V ocabulary and StructureTask 1 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from Reading A and Reading B that match the meanings in the column on the right. The first letters are already given. p__________ likely to become or bee__________ to insert into the same envelope or packagec__________ made to orderr__________ mention of a person, an occurrence or a situationf__________.cloth produced especially by knitting or weavingt__________ the value of goods and services that a company sells during a given period of timee__________to increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarges__________ a detailed inspection or investigationr__________ one who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as anotherb______ a______ a person united with another or others in an enterprise or a business Suggested Answers:1. prospective2. enclose3. custom4. reference5. fabric6. turnover7. expand8. survey9. rival 10. business associateTask 2 Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.1. We assure you of our best __________(serve) at all time.2. They mainly trade with Chinese __________(nation) firms.3. Our foreign trade is continuously __________(expand).4. We are writing to you for the purpose of __________(establish) business relations.5. We believe in the bright future of long-term __________(cooperate) with your company.6. From the Chamber of Commerce, we have understood that you are one of the largest__________(import) of coals.7. We are the__________ (manufacture) of electric shavers.8. If you need more information__________ (regard) our products, please contact us.9. To support your sales, we have specially prepared for you some samples of our new products for your __________ (consider).10. If the businessman __________(intend) to buy for import, he may also request for catalogues, samples, price lists, etc.Suggested Answers:1. service2. national3. expansion4. establishment5. cooperation6. importers7. manufacturer8. regarding9. consideration 10. intentionTask 3 Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases given in brackets.1.Our company___________________________________________(愿意与贵公司建立业务关系). (be willing to do sth.)2.I wrote to the manager____________________________________________(为了扩展我们公司的业务). (for the purpose of, expand)3.I ________________________________(随信寄去我公司最新的产品目录). (enclose, catalog)4. His intention of writing the letter is to_________________________________(劝说我们投资给他们公司). (persuade sb. to do sth., invest)5. He is interested in our___________________________________________(优质的布料及其他相关产品). (fabric)Suggested Answers:1.is willing to establish business relations with your company2.for the purpose of expanding our business3.enclose in the letter our latest catalog4.persuade us to invest in their company5.high-quality fabric and other related productsPeriod 3-4Writing★Teaching Aims and Demands:I. The teacher explains the format and characteristics of emails to the students and then ask them to write emails either to the teacher or to their friends.II. The teacher asks the students to identify the sentences often used to write an email message.★Teaching Procedures:Step One: Information Related to EmailsEmail, short for electronic mail, is one of the most popular forms of communication. With emails, people can communicate instantly around the world. In order to send someone an email message, you first must have person’s email address.In the same way, if you want to receive an email, you must get your own email address ready. They can be formal or informal. Speed and convenience are the features of all emails. An email usually consists of the following parts: the receiver’s email address, C.C., the subject and the body. An attachment is often used for a long message which is not proper to be put in the text of the email.Step Two: Useful expressions used in Emails1. The greeting that you sent to Wu Jing(wujing@) on January 24, 2006 has been picked up!2. If you’d like to send another greeting, you can do so at http||greetings. .3. Thanks for using Hotmail!4. This message was undeliverable due to the following reason.5. The user account is disabled.6. Please reply to Postmaster@ if you feel this message to be in error.7. Please let me know if you have problems opening the file.8. I can be reached seven days a week at Howie@.9. I am writing to ask you to make a homepage for my company.Step Three: Sample Study according to exercises.Task 1 Suppose you are Jane Trappe from Swift Communication Company. Write an email to Starcom in the hope of establishing business relations.Suggested Answer:Mr. Blare,I am Jane Trappe from Swift Communication Company. We are one of the largest communication service providers in Brazil. I know you have been an established international company, and your handset products enjoy great popularity in Brazil. Weshall be pleased if we can establish business relations with you.At present we are interested in your new series of mobile phones designed for business purposes, with high technology applied. Could you send your latest catalog for our reference?I am expecting your early reply, and looking forward to cooperating with you.Yours sincerely,Jane TrappeSwift Communication Company Task 2 The following letter is sent to your company. Please write a reply to it.Suggested Answers:Dear Mr. Brown,Thank you for your letter of July 11, 2009. We are glad to learn that you are interested in our products and hope to enter into business relations with us.In compliance with your request, we are sending you by air a catalog togetherwith a range of pamphlets for your reference. If any item in the catalog appeals to you, please let us know and our quotation will be forwarded without delay.I am expecting our successful cooperation.Yours faithfully,Dave LincolnSales ManagerStep Four Summary电子邮件与普通信件格式稍有不同,一般包括如下内容:地址(写信人及收信人电子邮件地址,抄送人电子邮件地址)、主题、称呼、文章开头、正文、结束语、签名及附件等。

经贸专业报刊阅读 翻译 UNIT1-6

经贸专业报刊阅读  翻译  UNIT1-6

Unit 11.buildings are rarely designed to save energy,because those who putthem up do not usually pay the bills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks , not their energy-efficiency.楼房设计很少考虑能效,因为建造者不用为之买单,而那些楼房的住户们买房时考虑的是景色或楼房的外观,而不是它们的能效。

2.that will happen only if governments require them to do so ,or taxdirty products and processes (through a carbon price),or subsidise clean ones .只有政府要求,或是(通过碳定价)对污染产品和工艺征税,或进行清洁生产补贴,公司才会投资清洁技术。

3.a $40carbon price now ,doubling by 2050, and combined withnon-price policies such as appliance standards and R&D support ,is needed to hit the 450ppm targets .碳价需要定在40美元,到2050年翻一番,结合电器标准和研发扶持等非价格政策,才能达到450ppm的目标。

panies can buy and sell allocations amongst themselves ,and canalso buy “certified emission reductions “from developing countries to meet their caps through Kyoto’s “clean development mechanism”.公司间可以买卖分配额,也可以按照京都“清洁发展机制”从发展中国家购买“和政的减排量”,以符合减排限制。



经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程第一课Goodpolicy,andbadGood policy, and badSome mitigation policies are effective,some are efficient, and some are neitherDec 3rd 2009 | from the print edition GREENHOUSE-GAS emissions targets can be implemented through three sorts ofpolicy instruments—regulation, carbon-pricing and subsidies. Governmentsgenerally like regulation (because it appears to be cost-free), economists likecarbon prices (because they are efficient) and businesses like subsidies (becausethey get the handouts).Regulation can be useful where the market is not working well. Buildings are rarelydesigned to save energy, because those who put them up do not usually pay thebills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks, not theirenergy-efficiency. The same goes for appliances, most of which do not use enoughenergy to affect consumers' choices. Small regulatory changes (see box, next page)can cut energy consumption without distorting the market much. According toMcKinsey, around one-third of the required greenhouse-gas reductions will actuallysave money.In this special reportGetting warmerIs it worth it?The green slumpGood policy, and badVampires on a dietCap and tiradeWho cares?A long gameClosing the gapsWhat needs to changeUnpacking the problemSources & acknowledgementsReprintsRelated topics ChinaSolar energyEuropean UnionAlternative energyEuropeThe European Union's Emissions-Trading Scheme, which started up in 2005, is theonly large-scale attempt so far to set a carbon price. Under the ETS, EU countriesget national allocations which they then parcel out to over 11,500 factories in fivedirty industries. Companies can buy and sell allocations amongst themselves, a ndcan also buy “certified emission reductions” from developing countries to meet theircaps through Kyoto's “clean development mechanism”.Europe's flagshipThe ETS makes up the vast bulk of the global carbon market, which will be wortharound $122 billion this year. It is the principal way of financing the shift from high-to low-carbon power and industrial processes in the developing world. A wind farmin India;a methane-capture scheme for pig farms in Brazil; a forestry project inIndonesia; equipment to capture industrial gases in China—the ETS can financethem all.Although it is still young, the ETS has had some impact on emissions. According toa 2008 study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in its first three years itprobably reduced them by 120m-300m tonnes, or 2-5% a year, below what theywould otherwise have been.2000.This sort of energy is expensive. The best indication of that is the carbon price thatwould be required to make investment in renewables worthwhile without subsidy.According to New Energy Finance, onshore wind energy needs a carbon price of $38,offshore of $136 and solar cells of $196. Europe's target for generating 20% of itsenergy from renewable sources therefore looks pricey. According to Richard Green,director of the Institute for Energy Research and Policy at Birmingham University,the implied marginal cost of carbon would be €129 a tonne—which suggests thatallocating such large resources to renewable-energy subsidies is, as Mr Green says,“seriously sub-optimal”.The worst example of a wasteful subsidy is America's support programme forhome-grown corn ethanol, which is coupled with tariffs on cheaper sugar-caneethanol from Brazil. The programme has raised global food prices (and thusincreased malnutrition among the world's poorest); lined the pockets of America'sfarmers; given policies to cut carbon a bad name; and cut little, if any, carbon.Solar flareThe resulting boom benefited manufacturers not just in Spain but also in Germanyand China, the biggest producers of solar cells. Last year Spain accounted for 40%of world demand. The government had planned for 400MW of solar capacity to bebuilt by2008. “There were all sorts of abuses,” says Jenny Cha se, solaranalyst at New Energy Finance. “If you connected a single module to the grid beforeSeptember 29th, your whole project got financed. So modules were changing handsfor vast sums of money.” After the deadline the market collapsed.Mr Clover is con cerned about the likely effect. “We're expecting a stampede inGlobally, New Energy Finance reckons that only $24 billion of green-stimulus moneywill be disbursed this year, with another $58 billion to follow in 2010 and a further$56 billion in。


in the wake of sth/sb.:coming after or following 随 之后而来,跟随在之后
e.g. A group of reporters followed in her wake.
一群记者跟随在她身后 accord v. 给予,授予
9.reverse v. 颠倒,使完全相反 e.g. It is sometimes possible to reverse
the disease. 有时可以使疾病彻底好转。
in reverse 反向,相反 e.g. We did a similar trip to you,but in
reverse. 我们走了与你相反的旅程,但方向相反。
normalize v. to fit or make sth. fit a normal condition. 正常化,常规化, 标准化
e.g. The two countries agreed to
normalize relations. 两国同意恢复正常关系。 normalization n. 正常化
account for vt./vi. 解释,说明 e.g. Bank shall account for all shares of
stock and cash held by it. 银行将阐明其持有的股票和现金。 account for v. to be a part of sth. 占 e.g.The Japanese market accounts for
35% of the companys revenue. 日本市场占该公司收入的35%。
7.item n.货品,项目,条目
e.g. Your breakdown doesn't contain item prices.


Task 1 The following logos represent some of the most
famous multinational companies in the world. Which ones are you familiar with? Please choose and talk about the companies and their products or services briefly.
1. Why do companies need to establish business relations?
Because establishing business relations is the very first step of doing business with clients, especially when your company is newly established, or the client is new, or your company is entering a new market.
2. What are the methods generally adopted to establish business relations?
Meeting in person, making phone calls, writing business letters, sending emails, etc.
Unit 1 Business Relations
Reading A
Background Information Task 1 Text Task 2 Task 3 Task 4
Unit 1 Business Relations


考虑到量化知识的困难,人们通常都用了间接的方式来衡量知识在经济增 长中的总效果。我们假设:凡是经济增长中那些不能被有形的要素(如 劳动力和资本)所解释的部分,都用知识来解释。因为增长中不能由有 形生产要素所解释的部分——计算中的残差——都归功于要素生产率的 提高;也就是说,我们通过知识更有效地利用了其它的要素。这种残差 有时被称为“索洛残差”,得名于经济学家罗伯特·M·索洛,他在20世 纪50年代率先提出这一方法;这一方法所要度量的就是通常所称的全要素 生产力(TFP)增长。
Some also call the Solow residual a measure of our ignorance, because it represents what we cannot account for. Indeed, we must be careful not to attribute all of TFP growth to knowledge, for there may be other factors lurking in the Solow residual. Many other things do contribute to growth—institutions are an example—but are not reflected in the contributions of t he more measurable factors. Their effect is (so far) inextricably woven into TFP growth.
一些东亚国家在20世纪60年代还是低收入国家,但是在短短的几十年之间, 他们成功地弥补了其与经济合作与发展组织(OECD)中高收入国家之间的差距; 与此同时,也有许多发展中国家的经济停滞不前。

经贸英语报刊阅读教程课件 Unit 1

经贸英语报刊阅读教程课件 Unit 1

Canada, Russia, Japan and New Zealand Withdrew from the Protocol.
The advanced countries were unwilling to provide technological and financial aid to developing countries. They are also unwilling to make the reduction in their own countries.
and provide help to developing countries Developing countries: Provide the lists of
sources of the Greenhouse gases and Carbon Sequestration. Principle: common but different responsibilities
Part IV: Paras 13-24 Subsidy: good and bad of subsidies for renewableenergy business. Worries.
Carbon-pricing (Para. 1)
Carbon-pricing is an administrative approach imposing a cost on the emission of greenhouse gases which cause global warming. Paying a price for carbon spewed into our atmosphere is a way of motivating countries, businesses and individuals to reduce carbon emissions. It also provides an incentive to invest and deploy renewable energy technology that does not emit carbon to our atmosphere. Such a pricing mechanism would also act as a disincentive for electricity generators to use relatively more polluting coal, gas and oil fired stations.

经贸英语阅读教程Text 3(3)

经贸英语阅读教程Text 3(3)
以邻为壑政策是指一个国家为改善自己国家 的经济状况(通常是为了减少失业)而采取的损 人利己的经济措施,如提高进口关税、使货币贬 值等。这些政策会对与gar-thy-neighbour policy. It’s just to protect the Swiss economy from deflation. 这不是一 项以邻为壑的政策,它只是为了不让瑞士经济陷入通 缩。 Since the first G20 crisis-related summit in November 2008, the governments of the world have together implemented 496 beggar-thy-neighbour policy measures. 自2008年11月第一场与经济危机相关的G20 峰会召开以来,世界各国政府共实施了496项以邻为 壑的政策措施。 Buy-local campaigns, like putting up a tariff during a depression, are clearly a beggar-thy-neighbour policy. 购买国货运动,就像在经济萧条时期提高关税一样, 显然是一种以邻为壑的政策。
4. unemployment the number of people in a particular country or area who cannot get a job 失业;失业率;失业人数 unemployment可以构成如下相关短语: high/low unemployment rising/falling unemployment rise/increase/growth in unemployment fall/decrease in unemployment level of unemployment/unemployment level unemployment rate unemployment figures/statistics

经贸英语Unit 1

经贸英语Unit 1
Leading Emerging Markets India Indonesia Malaysia Brazil Chile Philipines Poland Nigeria Egypt Hungary Ivory Coast Gulf States Argentina Czech Repulbic South Africa
Shareholders' Equity
Para. 3 7 .diverge v.
divergence n. divergent a. converge opp.
to branch out
Many species have ~d from a single ancestor.
2.Survey: n/v A gathering of a sample of data or opinions considered to be representative of a whole 民意调查 E.g. A recent survey showed/found/revealed that… conduct/carry out a survey We surveyed 5000 voters and found that…
4.underpin v. to give support or substance to an argument or claim E.g. The report is underpinned by extensive research. Promotion of internationally accepted standards and conformity assessment services underpin technological development and international trade of HK.
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Good policy, and badSome mitigation policies are effective, some are efficient, and some are neitherDec 3rd 2009 | from the print editionGREENHOUSE-GAS emissions targets can be implemented through three sorts of policy instruments—regulation, carbon-pricing and subsidies. Governments generally like regulation (because it appears to be cost-free), economists like carbon prices (because they are efficient) and businesses like subsidies (because they get the handouts).Regulation can be useful where the market is not working well. Buildings are rarely designed to save energy, because those who put them up do not usually pay the bills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks, not their energy-efficiency. The same goes for appliances, most of which do not use enough energy to affect consumers' choices. Small regulatory changes (see box, next page) can cut energy consumption without distorting the market much. According to McKinsey, around one-third of the required greenhouse-gas reductions will actually save money.Two-thirds, however, will not. They can be achieved only if companies invest in more expensive, cleaner technology. That will happen only if governments require them to do so, or tax dirty products and processes (through a carbon price), or subsidise clean ones.In this special report•Getting warmer•Is it worth it?•The green slump•»Good policy, and bad•Vampires on a diet•Cap and tirade•Who cares?• A long game•Closing the gaps•What needs to change•Unpacking the problemSources & acknowledgementsReprintsRelated topics•China•Solar energy•European Union•Alternative energy•EuropeCarbon pricing keeps government out of management decisions and allows managers to choose between different ways of cutting carbon. According to a paper by Carolyn Fischer, of Resources for the Future, and Richard Newell, head of America's Energy Information Administration, a carbon price is around twice as efficient as a renewable portfolio standard (which requires power companies to generate a certain proportion of the power they sell from renewable sources) and about two-and-a-half times as efficient as a renewable-energy subsidy.A carbon price can be set either by a tax or through a cap-and-trade system. Europe already has such a system and America, Australia and Japan are trying to set one up. Norway and Sweden have carbon taxes and France soon will (though none of them covers much of those countries' economies). The European Commission is also now looking at a tax. Both methods have advantages and drawbacks, but tax wins out for simplicity and stability.More important than the way the price is set, though, is its level. It needs to be high enough to send an unmistakable signal to business. According to Dimitri Zenghelis, one of the authors of the Stern Review and a senior adviser to Cisco and the Grantham Research Institute, a $40 carbon price now, doubling by 2050, and combined with non-price policies such as appliance standards and R&D support, is needed to hit the 450ppm target.The European Union's Emissions-Trading Scheme, which started up in 2005, is the only large-scale attempt so far to set a carbon price. Under the ETS, EU countries get national allocations which they then parcel out to over 11,500 factories in five dirty industries. Companies can buy and sell allocations amongst themselves, and can also buy “certified emission reductions” from developing countries to meet their caps through Kyoto's “clean development mechanism”.Europe's flagshipThe ETS makes up the vast bulk of the global carbon market, which will be worth around $122 billion this year. It is the principal way of financing the shift from high- to low-carbon power and industrial processes in the developing world. A wind farm in India; a methane-capture scheme for pig farms in Brazil; a forestry project in Indonesia; equipment to capture industrial gases in China—the ETS can finance them all.Although it is still young, the ETS has had some impact on emissions. According to a 2008 study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in its first three years it probably reduced them by 120m-300m tonnes, or 2-5% a year, below what they would otherwise have been.Power companies and manufacturers factor a carbon price into their investment decisions these days. A t €15 ($22) a tonne the price is high enough to induce powercompanies to switch some generation from coal to gas at the margin, but not high enough to encourage much innovation.Blame politics. The price is determined by the cap, which is set by the European Commission in consultation with member states. Initially, member states overestimated their emissions in order to get lots of permits, so the carbon price was lower than the commission had expected. For the second phase of allocations, from 2008, member states fought vigorously to get more permits than their neighbours. Some sued the commission and, in September 2009, won. The price dipped again.Thanks to a combination of recession and lack of political will, most estimates of the future level of Europe's carbon price have been revised sharply downwards this year. And if America gets a carbon price, it is unlikely to be high enough to make much difference. According to America's Environmental Protection Agency, the legislation Congress is now considering would set it at $12 a tonne in 2012, rising to $20 in 2020. That, by itself, is unlikely to encourage much new investment, so if America is to make a dent in its emissions, it will have to rely mostly on subsidies.There is an argument for some of those. Basic R&D in new energy technologies—in carbon capture and storage, for instance, which would allow the continued use of coal to generate electricity—is too risky for most companies to undertake on their own, and offers enough social benefits to deserve government support. But the subsidies now on offer go far beyond that.Governments are spending heavily on encouraging the switch to low-carbon technologies, especially wind and solar power. “These policies are not particularly efficient, but they have been quite effective,” says Guy Turner, director of carbon markets at New Energy Finance. Some 50% of new power capacity added in the EU in 2000-06 was renewable energy, compared with 29% in 1990-2000.This sort of energy is expensive. The best indication of that is the carbon price that would be required to make investment in renewables worthwhile without subsidy. According to New Energy Finance, onshore wind energy needs a carbon price of $38, offshore of $136 and solar cells of $196. Europe's target for generating 20% of its energy from renewable sources therefore looks pricey. According to Richard Green, director of the Institute for Energy Research and Policy at Birmingham University, the implied marginal cost of carbon would be €129 a tonne—which suggests that allocating such large resources to renewable-energy subsidies is, as Mr Green says, “seriously sub-optimal”.The worst example of a wasteful subsidy is America's support programme for home-grown corn ethanol, which is coupled with tariffs on cheaper sugar-cane ethanol from Brazil. The programme has raised global food prices (and thus increased malnutrition among the world's poorest); lined the pockets of America's farmers; given policies to cut carbon a bad name; and cut little, if any, carbon.Solar flareEurope has yet to devise a policy quite so disastrous, but Spain's solar subsidy comes a close second. Its feed-in tariff for solar energy, established in 2007, offered generators 44 euro cents per kilowatt-hour. Coal-fired power costs around 4 cents per kwh to generate. The tariff was supposed to be for small-scale projects, of 100kw or less; but generators found that they could get it for larger ones if they installed banks of 100kw modules next to each other.The resulting boom benefited manufacturers not just in Spain but also in Germany and China, the biggest producers of solar cells. Last year Spain accounted for 40% of world demand. The government had planned for 400MW of solar capacity to be built by 2010. In the event, 3GW was built. Panicking about the commitments it was building up, the government announced that rates would drop to 32 cents on September 29th 2008. “There were all sorts of abuses,” says Jenny Chase, solar analyst at New Energy Finance. “If you connected a single module to the g rid before September 29th, your whole project got financed. So modules were changing hands for vast sums of money.” After the deadline the market collapsed.The Spanish crash hit silicon-wafer producers, the manufacturers of equipment for solar-cell producers and the makers of cells across the world. Prices across the industry crashed by 30-40%, and solar companies' share prices fell by 50-75% in 2008, though they have picked up a bit this year. Some 20,000 jobs have been lost in the solar industry in Spain over the past year, and plenty more elsewhere.Europe's energy subsidies, unlike America's, do not include nuclear, largely because of German opposition (which may change, following Angela Merkel's recent election victory). Nuclear power is more expensive than coal and gas, but probably cheaper than most renewables—though nobody is sure, since political opposition has ensured that few plants have been built in the West in recent years. Nuclear power does, however, have the virtue of scale. For renewables a gigawatt of power is a massive amount; for nuclear power it is the basic unit.Thanks to stimulus money to combat the recession, subsidies are now flooding into the renewable-energy business faster than ever before. Governments across the world have trumpeted their stimulus packages as a way of saving the world economy and the planet at the same time. Green stimulus money globally adds up to around $163 billion, according to New Energy Finance, of which more than $100 billion is being spent in America and China. The biggest chunk, around a quarter, is going on improving energy efficiency. Grid development is next, with a fifth.The green stimulus money has been slow in coming. In America it started to flow in the second half of this year, just as the economy began to recover. Some of it has been used to extend the tax credits for wind and solar energy and to convert some of the tax-credit schemes into grants. As a result, wind developers in America now get a cheque for 30% of the cost of the project once they connect to the grid. That scheme runs out at the end of next year.Mr Clover is concerned about the likely effect. “We're expecting a stampede in 2010. The danger is that you just bring forward demand. That's been a key feature of the US market. We've already seen several subsidy cycles—very high installations followed by complete cessations of activity. All anybody wants is long-term regulatory stability.” He hopes that will come with the imposition of a federal renewable portfolio standard on generators, which would require them to sell a certain proportion of renewable electricity as part of the mix.Globally, New Energy Finance reckons that only $24 billion of green-stimulus money will be disbursed this year, with another $58 billion to follow in 2010 and a further $56 billion in 2011. So it looks as though the money will come too late to temper the recession of 2008-09, and may instead fuel another inflationary boom in a couple of years' time.。
