新外研社(19)高中英语必修一Unit3Familymatters-Using language教案

新外研社(19)高中英语必修一Unit 3 Family matters-Using language教案Teaching objectives:1.Enable the students to understand and use various tenses in context.2.Guide the students to use the grammar knowledge of the tenses they have learnt to understand the basic meaning of oral and written language, and enable them to describe the past events, ongoing action events and future plans.3.Expand the students’ vocabulary of describing the appearance of characters.Evaluation objectives:1.The students can understand the forms, meanings and pragmatic functions of different tenses and use them correctly in specific contexts.2.The students can use appropriate theme words and expressions to describe the appearance of their family members..3.The students can think about the relationship between family members. Care for family members and create a harmonious family atmosphere together.4.The students can stimulate the interest of English learning by understanding the content related to family life; obtain English learning resources through multiple channels; select appropriate strategies and methods; monitor,evaluate, reflect and adjust their learning content and process.Teaching key and difficult points:1.Help the students understand and summarize the forms, meanings and pragmatic functions of different tenses.2.Let the students learn to use appropriate words and expressions to describe the appearance of their families.Teaching methods:Task-based Teaching Method;Communicative Teaching MethodTeaching procedures:Step1:Lead-inLook at the sentences from the reading passage and match the tense to thedescriptions.a.Grandfather and Father, seated at the table, are playing chess.wyers help people and are respected by others.c....you said that you wanted to be a professional football player.d.you have found the career that suits your talents.e....you will have two options for your future.Options:1.an action that started in the past and is affecting the present2.an action that is currently taking place3.an action that is certain to take place in the future4.an action completed in the past5. a regular action in presentSuggested answers:a-2 ;b-5; c-1 ;d-4 ;e-3;Step2: PracticeTurn to Page 29 and finish the Activities 2 and 3. Pay attention to using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Step3:Explanation of the tenses(1)一般现在时a.主要用来表示人或事物的现在状况和特点;表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often,always,from time to time等时间状语。

Period ⅢDeveloping ideas课前自学导引只是一个兄弟这是2016年墨西哥世界铁人三项大赛的最后一场比赛。
课堂合作探究①As a perfectionist, Virginia was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.作为一个完美主义者,弗吉尼娅就是无法勉强接受任何平庸的东西。
②She settled in Shanghai after her father's death.父亲死后,她就在上海定居了。
③We settled into our new house just last week.我们上周刚刚迁入新居。
高中英语 Unit 3 L3教学设计 北师大版必修1 教案

第三单元教学设计Unit 3 Lesson 3 Weddings教材分析本课是第三单元第三课。
教学内容话题:印尼的婚礼的习俗及希腊婚礼的过程(阅读)词汇:重点词汇:Bride, bridegroom, best man, entrance, invitation, even if, ceremony,attend, indonesian, ought, contribute, Greek, crown, ribbon, link语法:情态动词的使用第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 认读有关婚礼的相关词汇;2. 通过略读理解文章段落大意;3. 了解英语国家人们在行为举止和待人接物等方面与中国人的异同;4. 运用所学词汇设计自己或者朋友将来的婚礼;教学过程注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work第二课时Second Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 理解和使用情态动词;2. 运用情态动词给他人提建议;教学过程注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=IndividualWork; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work第一课时学案I.Brain-storming:1)Match the words to their definition:2)Some skills to memorize the wordsbride &bridegroombridesmaid &best man wedding ceremonywedding receptionIII. Wedding styles:IV. Reading:P art One: Weddings in Indonesiaart Two: Weddings in Greece --ActivitiesPMake a plan for your future wedding.(Use the modal verbs and new words we have learnt.) My future wedding第二课时学案Ⅰ:Advice for bridesmaids:1) Match the words to their definition:have to a) Not necessaryb) necessarydon’t havetocan c) not allowed/notpossiblecan’t d) allowed/possibleought to e) not advisableought not to f) advisableⅢCulture corner:complete the description of traditional weddings in Southern China with the modals: have to, don’t have to, can’t, canA week before the wedding, the groom’s family (1)__________ go to the bride’s house. They take presents in red boxes. Only the men (2)______ carry them –female members of the family (3)_____ carry the presents. One strange thing is that the bride’s family send them back if they don’t like them –they (4)_______ accept the presents. A few days later, females of the bride’s family (5)_________ take presents to the groom's family. On the morning of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom (6)_________ serve tea to their parents. The ceremony is only for the family –friends (7)______ go to it. The reception is where friends can celebrate with the happy couple.。
高中英语人教版必修一Unit3 Living Legends教案

《Living Legends》教学设计Teaching Objectives:1.Students can learn to get information through reading with the help of mind maps and analysis forms.2.Students can learn the way of expressing their own opinions and how to support the ideas in both speaking and writing.3.Students can know the qualities of great/influential people.Focuses and Difficulties:1.To make sure the students understand the structure of an essay in which opinions are expressed.2.To make the students use the qualities they learned in the class to describe people they admire.Teaching Preparations:Multi-media, videos, worksheets教学环节Steps教师指导与学生活动Teaching Activities设计意图Intention1. Lead-in2. Fast Reading 1. Lead-in1. Teacher plays a video clip of the film <Duoguan>(<Chinese women’s volleyball>).2. Questions &AnswersT:Have you watched this movie?Ss: Not yet.T: I know you are busy, but you must have heard of it,right?Ss: Yes!T: Yeah, it has been such a great hit! Why it is sopopular?S1: Because it shows the spirit of Chinese people.S2: Becuase of the main character Lang Ping has alot of fans!T: Yes! Lang Ping is very influential! Do you knowthere is a magazine trying to select the greatestathletes as living legends? Now let’s go and have alook!2. Fast Reading利用热点话题,激发学习兴趣,创设情境讨论,让学生思考到主人翁郎平作为一个体育界的领袖人物所带来的影响,从而引入到课文学习中。
人教课标版高中英语必修一 Unit3 Reading for information 教案-新版

Unit3 Reading for information 教学设计Unit 3 Travel journal (BookⅠ)第一部分单元总览1. 教材解读本单元的中心话题是旅游(Travel),通过旅游日记的方式描述了“王坤”等人沿着湄公河自上而下的自行车旅行见闻。
同时,在学习现在进行时表示将来和听读旅行日记的同时,涵盖了课程标准24个话题项目中的个人情况Personal information、家庭、朋友与周围的人中的relatives and other people、兴趣与爱好Interests and hobbies中的hobbies、人际关系Interpersonal relationships 中的making plans、计划与愿望Plans and intentions、旅游与交通Travel and transport中的methods of transportation, travel and describing a journey、自然nature、历史和地理History and geography以及68个功能意念项目中的告别Farewells、祝愿Expressing wishes、偏爱和选择Preference、意愿和打算Intentions and plans等项目,让学生在话题情景中学习、巩固和运用谈论未来计划、祝愿与告别的表达,并在语境中理解掌握现在进行时表示将来的用法。
人教版高中英语必修一unit 3 sports and fitness整单元教学设计教案

Teaching and Learning Design人教社2019年版高中英语新教材Book1Unit 3 Sports and Fitness单元语篇教学设计单元语篇教学分析与整体设计单元主题名称: 运动与健康单元主题语境:人与自我之运动与健康单元主题内容:本单元以运动和健康为主题,从不同方面说明运动除了竞赛的目的,更多的还是为了身心的健康。
单元板块与课程内容要素分析:课程内容要素板块名称:Opening page语篇主题/话题语篇1 All sports for all people语篇类型多模态语言知识名人名言文化知识名人名言语言技能看、说——体育明星和赛事、喜欢的体育项目及其好处学习策略明确单元学习目标,周密计划单元学习课程内容要素板块名称:Listening and Speaking (+Pronunciation)语篇主题/话题语篇2 邀请朋友参加体育运动(Invite a friend to a sports event)语篇类型口语对话/听说语篇语言知识 1. 体育项目词汇;2. 邀请别人以及答复邀请的语言表达方式;3. 掌握附加疑问句升调和降调的基本知识。
文化知识各类运动项目(经典的、新奇有趣的、室内外、南北方不同的运动方式)语言技能听、说——提出邀请和答复邀请学习策略听取对话的主旨大意Listen for main idea课程内容要素板块名称:Reading and thinking语篇主题/话题语篇3 选择你最喜欢的运动员(Choose your favorite athlete)语篇类型杂志文章之人物传记语言知识 1.与体育运动相关的词汇;2. 就运动员的表现和体育精神表达同意或不同意的观点;3.阅读杂志文章,提取主要信息和观点,形成个人见解4.杂志文章语篇文本结构。
人教版高中英语必修一教案Unit 3 Travel journal (含答案)

Unit 3 Travel Journal 单元教学目标I.Target language目标语言Ⅲ教材分析与组合1. 教材分析本单元以travel为主题,使学生通过travel了解他们所去国家或地区的风土人情,地理地貌及气候特征。
本单元把Travel Down the Mekong分成六部分,其中三部分作为阅读材料而另三部分作为听力材料。
1.1 Warming-up 让学生想象去旅游并选择一个地方为题,讨论所需费用,并决定四种交通方式,使学生了解旅行前的准备及计划。
1.2 Pre-reading 部分的三个问题是通过讨论河流在人民生活中的作用以及看图回答问题,让学生找到湄公河流域的国家,作为阅读的“热身”1.3 Reading 是日志的第一部分,它讲述了王坤和王薇的骑车旅行梦想和计划,描述了他们为这次旅游所做的准备,对旅游路线的选定以及他们通过查阅地图对湄公河情况的了解。
日志的第二部分放在workbook 中,主要讲述他们在西藏山中度过的一宿,以及旅行中的苦与乐。
1.4 Comprehending第一题是信息题,通过问答使学生进一步理解课文以训练学生获取信息的能力。
1.5 Learning about language分两部分,第一部分是旨在通过三个题型的练习使学生掌握目标语言。

Unit 3 Family matters
Step2 Presenting ideas
Read the messages again. Think about the saying “Home is where you are loved the most and act the worst”.
1 What does the saying mean?
2 Do you agree with it? Give examples to support your opinion.
Useful expressions
I think it means that…
• In my opinion, …
• Young people should respect… because…
• As an example, I often…
Present your idea to the class.
Step3 Presentation。
新外研社高中英语必修一Unit 3 Family matters--Starting out教案

新外研社(19)高中英语必修一Unit3 Family matters--Starting out&key words教案Teaching objectives:1.Lead the students to watch the video and look at the pictures so that students can initially understand the family life in different countries, and introduce the theme of this unit in this way.2.Enable the students to understand the family culture of different countries and activate their existing language and background knowledge, so as to stimulate students’ interest in the topic and understand the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures.3.Teach the students to describe and evaluate their own family life simply, and lead to the preliminary thinking of the theme of family life.4.Guide the students to stimulate the interest of English learning by understanding the content related to family life, obtain English learning resources through multiple channels, select appropriate strategies and methods and adjust their learning content and process.Evaluation objectives:1.Enable the students to have a preliminary understanding of family life in different countries by watching pictures and videos.2.The students can simply describe and evaluate their family life by connecting with their own reality, so as to improve their language output and expression ability.Teaching key and difficult points:1.Teach the students to understand the video content and understand the picture content.2.Make the students understand the concept and relationship of family through the video and pictures, so as to trigger the thinking of family related topics.Teaching methods:Audio Visual Teaching Method; Communicative Teaching MethodTeaching procedures:Step1: Lead-inShow some posters of movies to the students, and let the students answer the question.1.Have you ever seen some films or comics about family?The names of the films:The pursuit of the happinessLife is beautiful.Change Jiang Qi HaoNezha:Birth of the Demon Child2.Can you tell the class why these films are so popular?Suggested answers:Because these films have one common topic about family and love between the families, which may deeply touch the audience for the reason that there is always love in everyone’s family.Step2:Activity2 on Page25The teacher shows the students some pictures about some classical families and asks them to give their answers.1.What do you already know about these families?Suggested answer:I am familiar with the Parr family in the Incredible .It tells the story about a superman family. Father used to be a superman spy who is warm-hearted, powerful and responsible. Mother is a superwoman who is busy looking after their three children in their happy life. Their three children all have various superpowers.They worked together to fight with the evil business man and successfully saved the world.I am deeply moved by the love between the family members.2.Which family do you relate to most?Give your reasons.Suggested answers:I relate to the Parr family most. I have a happy family with my parents and a little brother. My father is a kind and strong man and my mother is a happyhousewife who takes good care of the whole family. Although we may have some small quarrels in our daily life, we know we love each other very much.Step3:Activity1 on Page 25The teacher shows the video to the students and asks them to have a discussion to answer the two questions below after watching the video.1.What is the video mainly about?Suggested answer: It is about the gathering of a family. The grandpa comes to visit his son’s family. They send gifts of pictures and family tree to each other, which shows their deep love between the family members.2.How do you feel about the family?Suggested answer:This is a happy family in which the family members cherish and love each other.Step4: Discussion(Group work)Think about the topic of family, have a discussion and write something about your family stories, and then present in groups.Step5:Key wordsⅠ.写出下列词汇的汉语释义。
人教版英语必修一Unit 3(Reading:Journey down the Mekong)教案

Reading: Journey down the Mekong教案
Part 1:The Dream and The plan
Time:September 27,2016
Place:HuizhongMiddle school
Para. 3The preparations before the trip & details about theMekongRiver.
•Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?
•What is their dream?
。Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?
4.Sometimes, the river becomes a ________ and enters ____ ______.
5.At last, the river _____ enters the South China Sea.
6.If you travel with them ,you will see all the following except
A. desert B. a waterfall
C. a delta D. a glacier
Step 4:Summary
Wang Wei and ____.___ have dreamed about ____ a great ___ ___.It was Wang Wei who first had the idea to ____ along the entireMekongRiver. My sister doesn’t ___________ details, because she doesn’t know the best way of getting to places.

高一英语必修一unit3教案第一篇:高一英语必修一unit3教案Unit 3 Travel Journal Period1.Step 1.Warming up 1.Ask some questions:2.Do you often travel? Where have you been?3.2.Following the steps of the warm-up on page 17.Step2.Pre-reading1.Show some traveling pictures of the teacher’s.2.Ask Ss : which river is the longest one in the world and which is the largest one;which river is the longest one in China.3.Ask Ss: how people who live along a river use it.Step3.While-reading1.Scanning: Ss read quickly and answer: What are they going to do?2.Skimming: Ss read again and finish comprehending 1 on page 19.Ss read and get the main ideas of each paragraph.Ss list the countries that the Mekong River flows through.Step4.After-readingSs in pairs and discuss: Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s similar and different attitudes about the trip.Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the trip Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun think…1.Taking this trip is a dreamcome true.2.That they will enjoy this trip a lot.3.They should see a lot of the Mekong.4.That most of the Mekong will be found in Southeast Asia.Wang Wei believes…1.They must start in Qinghai where the river begins /see all of the Mekong.2.That they don’t need to prepare much Wang Kun believes…1.It is too cold and high to start in Qinghai.2.That using an atlas is very important.Step5.Assignment 1.Surf the internet and get more information about the Mekong River.2.Retell the passage use your own words.Period2.Step1.Warming upAsk some Ss to retell the passage that they have learnt last period.Step2.Learning about the languageTeacher explains some language points in the text on page 18.1.Persuade sb.into /out of sth.: cause sb.(not)to do sth.by arguing or reasoning with him 说服或劝说某人(不)做某事He is easily persuaded.Wang Kun couldn’t persuade his sister to change her mind.persuade sb.(that clause): cause sb.to believe sth.;convince sb.使某人信服How can I persuade you that I am telling the truth?2.insist(v.): demand(sth)forcefully, not accepting a refusal 坚持或坚决要求;eg.Since he insisted, I had to stay.insist on sth/doing sth: require or demand;refuse to accept an alternative 一定要(某事物),坚决主张She insists on getting up early and playing her radio loud.3.care about: be worried, concerned or interested 忧虑,关心,惦念don’t you care about anybody? I don’t care about what happens to him.care for /to do: be willing or agree to do sth.;wish or like to do sth.Would you care a drink? Would you care to go for a walk? care for sb.1).Like or love sb.He cares for her deeply.2).Look after sb;take care of sb;be responsible for sb Who will care for your child if you are out?4.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。

必修一Unit 3 Travel JournalLanguage points冷静讲课This is the second teaching period of this unit. We first check the students’homework and off the students to review what they learned during the first period.The emphasis in this period will be placed on the important new words, expressions and sentence patterns inthe parts Warming up and Reading. In order to make the students understand these points thoroughly, we can firstget the students to understand their meanings in the context, then give some explanations about them, later offersome practices to make the students master their usages. Some words and expressions, such as persuade, insist,care about, give in, are very useful and important. So is the sentence pattern“ It is . . . that/who. . . pay more attention to them and design special exercises.At the end of the class, the teacher can make the students do more exercises for consolidation. In doing so,they can learn, grasp and use these important language points well.教课要点1.Enable the students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as persuade, insist,care about, give in, etc.2. Get the students to master the usage of the pattern“ It is. . . that/who. . .”教课难点1.Let the students learn th e usage of the word“ insist”.2.Enable the students to master the usage of the pattern“ It is. . . that/who. . .” and unders long sentences.教课方法1.Discussing, summarizing and practicing2.Cooperative learning教具准备The multimedia and other normal teaching tools教课目的Knowledge aims1. Get the students to learn and grasp some important new words and expressions: journal fare transportVietnam finally cycle persuade stubborn insist proper properly determine determined altitudevalley attitude change one’ s mindcare about give in2. Get the students to learn some useful sentence patterns:1)It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.(It is / was. . . who/that. . . )2)Although she didn ’ t know the best way of getting to places,insistedshe that we find the source of the river andbegin our journey there. (insist that sb. <should> do. . . )3) She gave me a determined look — the kind that said she wouldn’ t changedher.(theminAttributive Clause)4)Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. (Once. . . )5)It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, traveling across western Yunnan Province. (the presentparticiple used as adverbial)6)As it enters Southeast Asia, it travels slowly through hills and low valleys, and the plains where rice grows.(the Attributive Clause)Ability aims1.Enable the students to use some useful words and expressions correctly.2.Enable the students to make sentences after the useful sentence patterns.Emotional aims1.Stimulate the students’ interest in learning English.2.Develop the students’ spirit of cooperation and teamwork.教课过程设计方案(一)→Step 1 Revision1.Check the homework exercises.2.Ask some students to tell something about Wang Kun and Wang Wei’ s bike trip or the Mekong River.→ Step 2 Reading and practice1. Get the students to read the reading passage again to underline all the new words and useful expressions orcollocations in the passage.Collocations: dream about, take a great bike trip, graduate from, get the chance to do sth. , cycle along the river,go for long bike rides, mountain bike, persuade sb. to do sth. , grow up, get sb. interested in sth. , the best way ofgetting to places, the source of the river, care about, give sb. a determined look, change one’of, an interesting experience, make up one’ s mind, give in, a large atlasdmaps,with gookeep doing sth. , passthrough, be surprised to do sth. , half of, at last, the South China Sea2. Do the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions on Page 20.→Step 3 CheckingExplain the problems the students meet while checking the answers.→Step 4 Language Points1. one-way fare single-way fare 单程票价round-way fare 来回 /双程票价one-way ticket 单程票round-way ticket 来回 /双程票2.dream about dream of 梦想,梦见(后接名词、代词或动名词)What a small world! I wouldn’ t dream about/of meeting you世界here真小.,想不到会在这儿遇到你。

人教版必修一第三单元Sports and Fitness-Living legends教学设计一、文本分析该部分的活动主题是“选择你最喜欢的运动员”。
重点词汇master, captain, determination, graceful, honor glory, failure, fall apart, lose heart, give up主要涉及体育传奇人物的身份、荣誉及其面临的困难时的态度。
本文的价值取向在于学生通过本文的学习,体会到“健康向上,不懈奋斗,团结协作”的体育精神,通过文本的梳理,人物的比对分析形成正确living legends 的评判标准。

⼈教⾼⼀英语必修⼀unit3优秀教案Unit 3第四课时 READING导学案⼀、课前预习、学案导学Fast-reading Match the paragraph and the main idea.b5E2RGbCAP⼆、创设情境、提出问题Careful Reading questions三、⾃主学习、合作探究Key words and phrases词汇要点梳理1.determine vt.决定,决⼼,确定,测定Determinationn. 决⼼,毅⼒determinedadj. 坚毅地,下决⼼地典型⽤法 be determined to do sth⑴ She is a girl of great ______________ (determine). p1EanqFDPw⑵ He is determined ________ (face) out the situation. DXDiTa9E3d⑶ There is a ____________ (determine) look on his face.RTCrpUDGiT2.similar adj. 类似地,相似地Similarly adv. 类似地;同样地Similarity n.类似;(可数)相似之处be similar to[搭配]类似于,与……相似 the same ...as...[近义]与……相同5PCzVD7HxA (1)My opinion is ______ yours.⑵ The __________ between them has often been remarked on. jLBHrnAILg⑶ Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ____________,our minds are developed bylearning.xHAQX74J0X3.persuade vt.说服,劝说persuade sb. to do 说服/劝服某⼈去做persuade sb. into doing 说服/劝服某⼈去做persuade sb. out of doing说服/劝服某⼈不做4.care vi.关⼼;介意 n.关⼼;照顾care about (to be worried about/concerned with)忧虑;担⼼;惦念LDAYtRyKfEcare for(=like,love)喜欢take care of(=look after)照料;照顾Zzz6ZB2Ltktake care ⼩⼼;提防派⽣:careful adj.细⼼地 carefully adv.细⼼地dvzfvkwMI1carefulness n.细⼼ carelessly adv. 粗⼼地 carelessness n.粗⼼ careless adj.粗⼼地rqyn14ZNXI即学即⽤:⑴ The only thing he cares __________ is money.EmxvxOtOco⑵ I don’t really care _____ red shirt.⑶Who will take care ___ your baby if you are out?SixE2yXPq5⑷Many accidents are caused by ________ (care) driving.6ewMyirQFL⑤They studied the question _________ (care) before they made the decision.kavU42VRUs (1)—That’s a lovely dress.—Do you think so?but I don’t thecolor.A.interested inB.care forC.take care ofD.fond of y6v3ALoS89(2)I don’t think Jack what happensto his family.He is so selfish.M2ub6vSTnPA.cares forB.cares aboutC.cares toD.cares of0YujCfmUCw5.attitude n. 态度;看法attitude to/towards ... 对……地态度翻译:我地英语⽼师改变了对我地态度.My English teacher ________________________ me.eUts8ZQVRd has changed his attitude to/towards me.6.be fond of(=love;like)喜欢;喜爱翻译:虽然她有好多缺点,但是我们都很喜欢她.sQsAEJkW5T She has many shortcomings,but we __________________her.GMsIasNXkA四、师⽣互动、引导点拨1.Ever since middle school, my sister WangWei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.TIrRGchYzg1). dream n. v.dream of/about sth. (vi.)dream that… (vt.)dream sb. to be … (vt.)7EqZcWLZNX2. Then she persuade me to buy one.然后她动员我也买了⼀辆.persuade sb. (not) to do sth.=persuade sb. into / out of doing sth.lzq7IGf02E我已说服他做这件事.e.g. I persuaded him to do it.= persuade him into doing it. zvpgeqJ1hk3. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from whereit begins to where it ends. 是我姐姐⾸先想到骑⾃⾏车沿湄公河从它地源头⾏⾛到⼊海⼝.NrpoJac3v1 这是⼀个强调句.强调句地结构是:It was/is+强调成分+that-/who-分句. 如果强调地部分是⼈,可⽤who,也可⽤that, 强调其他成分与内容都⽤that.强调时间和地点不能⽤when或where,只⽤that.1nowfTG4KIe. g.我看这部电影是在上海.(强调地点状语)It was in Shanghai that I saw the film. fjnFLDa5Zoe. g ⑴ All the students held ②a meeting③in the classroom④yesterday.tfnNhnE6e5⑴It was all the students that/who held a meeting in the classroom yesterday. HbmVN777sL(强调主语, was不能换⽤were)②It was a meeting that all the students held in the classroom yesterday. V7l4jRB8Hs(强调宾语 a meeting)③It was in the classroom that all the students held a meeting yesterday. 83lcPA59W9(强调地点状语,that不可换⽤ where)④It was yesterday that all the students held a meeting in the classroom. mZkklkzaaP(强调时间状语that不可换⽤ when)把这个句⼦地不同成分改成强调句.John gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.AVktR43bpw⾼考链接1).Was it ___ that I saw last night at the concert?ORjBnOwcEdA. youB. not youC. that yourself2).It was because of bad weather ___ the football match had to be put off.2MiJTy0dTTA. soB. so thatC. whyD. that gIiSpiue7A3).—Who is making so much noise in the garden?—______ the children.A. It isB. They areC. That isD. There are uEh0U1Yfmh4. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting get to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. 尽管她不知道旅⾏地最佳⽅式, 但是她还是坚决主张她来合理安排这次旅⾏.IAg9qLsgBX1) although, though引导让步状语从句不能再和but, and, however连⽤,although从句多放在句⾸, though从句可在主句前,中,后任何位置.WwghWvVhPE[考例] ______ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.asfpsfpi4kA. SinceB. UnlessC. AsD. Although ooeyYZTjj12) insist : 坚持认为,坚持主张※insist on/upon one’s doing sth坚持做,坚决做e.g. I insisted on/upon his coming with us.※insist that +从句“坚持说”(后表⽰⼀个事实), 后接地从句⽤陈述语⽓,既按需要选择时态. e.g. He insisted that he hadn’t stolen the girl’s handbag.BkeGuInkxI ※insist that sb. (should) do sth. 坚决主张做某事,后接地宾语从句常⽤虚拟语⽓, 既“should +v.”e.g. Mary was ill. Her parents insisted that she (should) see a doctor.PgdO0sRlMo⾼考链接1). I insisted that a doctor __ immediately.A has been sent for B. sent forC. will be sent for D. be sent for3cdXwckm152).The doctor insisted that I a high fever and that I a rest for a few days. A.had;hadB.have;haveC.had;haveD.have;had h8c52WOngM3).The man insisted a taxi for me even if/though I told him I lived nearby.v4bdyGiousA.findB.to findC.on findingD.in finding5. My sister doesn’t care about details. 我姐姐是不会考虑细节地.J0bm4qMpJ9care about: be worried about忧虑,关⼼e.g. 他并不关⼼我地事情.He doesn’t care much about what happens to me.care for sb/sth: look after, love or like希望, 喜欢, 照顾XVauA9grYP1) He cares for her deeply.2) Who will care for your child if you are out?6. She gave me a determined look –the kind that she wouldn’t change her mind.bR9C6TJscw 她坚定地看了我⼀眼----这眼神表明她不会改变主意.determine v. 决定, 下定决⼼, 确定 determine to do sth. =make u p one’s mind 下定决⼼pN9LBDdtrd e.g. He determined to learn French. be determined to do sth. 决⼼做DJ8T7nHuGTe.g. She was determined to go to university.change one’s mind 改变某⼈地主意e.g. No matter what you say, I won’t change my mind.QF81D7bvUA7.at an altitude of = at a height of 在海拔……⽶处e.g. The plane is flying at a height / altitude of 10,000 feet.4B7a9QFw9h8. When I told her the air would be hard to breath and it would be very cold…ix6iFA8xoX当我告诉她将呼吸困难, 天⽓严寒……主语 + be + adj.+ to do sth. 是⼀常⽤句式既不定式⽤主动形式表达被动含义e.g. The problem is really hard to work out.My boss is easy to deal with.这类形容词有surprised, moved, disappointed, pleased, happy, sad, delighted, sorry, interested, glad, worried,etc.wt6qbkCyDE9. Finally, I had to give in. 最后, 我只好让步. give in (to sb./sth.) 屈服于, 让步, 递交Kp5zH46zRke.g. He had to give in to my views.\\ It’s time you gave in your papers.Yl4HdOAA61give up 放弃, 认输 ; give out 筋疲⼒尽;分配; ;give away 捐赠, 泄露ch4PJx4BlI练⼀练1) After the long trip, both the men and the horses ________.qd3YfhxCzo2) Because of his small salary, he had to _______ his dream trip to Europe.E836L11DO53) Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to ___________ my view.S42ehLvE3M4) He _________ most of his fortune to the poor.5) Please keep the secret, don’t ____ it _____.思路点拨:gave out; gave up;gave in to ; gave away ; gave away501nNvZFis※ give in (sth. to sb.)屈服让步上交1) He would rather die than give in.2) Wang Kun had to give in because he knew his sister well.jW1viftGw93) Please give your examination papers in ( to the teacher) when you’ve finished.xS0DOYWHLP 选择题---Smoking is bad for your health ---Yes,I know. But I simply can’t ___.LOZMkIqI0wA. give it upB. give it outC. give it inD. give it away ZKZUQsUJed10. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, traveling across dGY2mcoKtTwestern Yunnan Province穿过深⾕流经云南省西部时它变成急流.词汇辨析: Across;through ; over prep. 穿过across 常表⽰从⼀定范围地⼀边到另⼀边或事物交叉位置, “横穿, 横跨”表⾯, 含义与on 有关rCYbSWRLIAthrough 表达两边穿过或穿过空间内部, 含义与in 有关over表⽰“越过”是指越过较⾼地物体从⼀侧到另⼀侧e.g. She swam ________the river.The river flows _________the city from west to east. FyXjoFlMWhWalk _______the square and go _________the gate, then you’ll come to the cafe. TuWrUpPObX The thief climbed______the wall and ran away.across ; through ;across ; through ;over实例:The new railway winds its way to Hong Kong, ___ mountains ___ tunnels and ___ rivers.7qWAq9jPqEA.across; over; throughB. over; across; . through llVIWTNQFkC. over; through; acrossD. through; over; across yhUQsDgRT1五、巩固练习、拓展提⾼A.写出下列单词地正确形式:1. He is planning his work _______ (进度表) for the following week.MdUZYnKS8I2. They took many pictures of the _________ (瀑布) yesterday.09T7t6eTno3. What is the ______ (海拔) of this mountain?4. I think you don’t know your own ___________. In fact, no one is perfect.e5TfZQIUB55. He is so s________ that nobody can change his mind.s1SovAcVQM6. Do you know where the s______ of the Changjiang River is?GXRw1kFW5s7.We are looking for someone who is (可靠地) and hard-working.UTREx49Xj98.We tried to p him to give up smoking,but he just wouldn’t listen.8PQN3NDYyP9.Though with great difficulty,I finished all my work f .mLPVzx7ZNw10.Excuse me,what is the f to London?Is $5 enough? AHP35hB02d11.The captain kept a j when he was at sea.He wrote down everything that happened.NDOcB141gT12.Your main d is your lack of job experience.1zOk7Ly2vA点拨:1.Schedule;2.waterfall;3.altitude;4.shortcomings;5.stubborn;6.source;fuNsDv23Kh7.Reliable; 8.persuade; 9.finally; 10.fare ; 11.journal ; 12.disadvantage tqMB9ew4YXB.课⽂原⽂重点句型再现1.Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy oneHmMJFY05dE2. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River ViLRaIt6sk from where it begins to where it ends.3. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she 9eK0GsX7H1 organize the trip properly.4.When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres,naK8ccr8VIshe seemed to be excited about it.5.It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains rice grows.B6JgIVV9aoC.⾼考连接【例1】The CDs are on sale!Buy one and youget completely free. (全国Ⅱ⾼考)P2IpeFpap5 A.other B.others C.one D.ones【例2】—I’ve read another book this week.—Well,maybe is not how much you read but what you read that counts.(浙江⾼考)3YIxKpScDM A.this B.that C.there D.it 【例3】 the police thought he was themost likely one,since they had no exact gUHFg9mdSsproof about it,they could not arrest him. (湖南⾼考)A.AlthoughB.As long asC.If onlyD.As soon as uQHOMTQe79D. 词组识记/英汉互译1. take a great bike trip 11. ⼭地车2. give me a determined look 12. 与…相似IMGWiDkflP3. change one’s mind 13.下决⼼做某事WHF4OmOgAw4. give in /give up5.make up one’s mind 14. 在海拔5000多⽶处aDFdk6hhPd6. have an idea 16. 沿着湄公河从源头骑车⾄终点ozElQQLi4T7. be fond of 17. 梦想做某事CvDtmAfjiA8. as usual 18. 说服某⼈做某事QrDCRkJkxh9. ever since10.care for版权申明本⽂部分内容,包括⽂字、图⽚、以及设计等在⽹上搜集整理.版权为个⼈所有This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design.Copyright is personal ownership.4nCKn3dlMX⽤户可将本⽂地内容或服务⽤于个⼈学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他⾮商业性或⾮盈利性⽤途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本⽹站及相关权利⼈地合法权利.除此以外,将本⽂任何内容或服务⽤于其他⽤途时,须征得本⼈及相关权利⼈地书⾯许可,并⽀付报酬.ijCSTNGm0EUsers may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or appreciation, and other non-commercial or non-profit purposes, butat the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and otherrelevant laws, and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obligees. In addition, when a ny content or service of this article is used for other purposes, written permission and remuneration shall be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant obligee.vfB1pxanfk转载或引⽤本⽂内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使⽤⽬地地合理、善意引⽤,不得对本⽂内容原意进⾏曲解、修改,并⾃负版权等法律责任.JbA9VhEou1 Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonableand good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shall not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright.X7Ahr18pJI。

北师大版高中英语必修一第三单元教案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 3 Travel journal1. Teaching aims:a. Enable students to master some vocabulary related to travel.b. Enable students to grasp some important sentence structures and expressions.c. Cultivate students' listening, speaking, writing and reading skills.d. Cultivate students' interest in writing travel journals.2. Teaching key pointsa. Key vocabulary related to travelb. Important sentence structures and expressionsc. Writing skills for travel journals3. Teaching difficult pointsa. How to use the vocabulary and sentence structures in practical situations.b. How to write a coherent and interesting travel journal.4. Teaching aidsa. Multimedia resourcesb. Whiteboard and markers5. Teaching proceduresStep 1: Warm-up (10 minutes)a. Show students some pictures of famous tourist attractions around the world and ask them if they have ever been to any of them.b. Discuss with students the reasons why people travel and the benefits of traveling.Step 2: Vocabulary learning (15 minutes)a. Introduce some key vocabulary related to travel, such as "destination", "sightseeing", "accommodation", "itinerary", etc.b. Have students practice using the vocabulary in sentences.Step 3: Listening and speaking practice (20 minutes)a. Play a recording of a travel journal entry and have students listen carefully.b. Ask students to discuss in pairs or small groups about their own travel experiences and share them with the class.Step 4: Writing practice (30 minutes)a. Introduce the format and structure of a travel journal entry.b. Have students write their own travel journal entry about a trip they have taken or would like to take.c. Provide feedback and corrections on students' writing.Step 5: Review and assessment (15 minutes)a. Review the key vocabulary and sentence structures learned in the lesson.b. Have students present their travel journal entries to the class for assessment.6. Homeworka. Ask students to continue their travel journal entries at home and bring them to the next class for review.b. Assign some exercises related to the vocabulary and sentence structures learned in the lesson for further practice.Through this lesson, students will not only improve their English language skills, but also develop a greater appreciation for the art of travel journal writing.篇2北师大版高中英语必修一第三单元教案Unit 3 Travel journalⅠ. Teaching aims and requirements1. Knowledge aims:(1) Get to know some news words: trek, snowcapped, spiritual, kingdom, Kingdom, camel.(2) Understand the main idea of each para., comprehend some detailed information to Mary and Mood.(3) Practice reading skills: skimming and scanning.2. Ability aim:Improve students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and wring. Learn how to express travel through it.3. Emotion aim:(1) Cultivate students’ travel mind and prepare their travel ideas.(2) Learn to respect, peaceful and grateful.4. Moral aim:Learn to natural world to love, to know animals and treasure life’s creatures.Ⅱ. Teaching key points1. Summary the passage: Why does Mary Bishop come to the Nepal Himalaya?2. How did she feel after leaving the snow-capped mountain?3. What about another member’s mood?Ⅲ. Teaching difficult points1. Improve students’ summarizing ability.2. Ingrain climate.Ⅳ. Teaching aidsA recorder, a computer and multi-media.Ⅴ. Teaching methodsTask-based teaching. Communicative approach.Ⅵ. Teaching proceduresStep Ⅰ: Lead-in1. Show some cards about the animals and choose the most important animal in their heart.2. Ask: Why do they feel meet?3. Listen to the tape for warming up.Step Ⅱ: Pre-reading.Predict what they may feel during trekking in the Himalayas and give their an example then scan Task1Q1.Step Ⅲ: Reading1. Students read the passage quickly and choose the answer about Mary loses while trekking.2. To teacher’s questions: What’s wrong with Mary’s friend?3. Analyze detailed information of Mood.4. Check the work and ask some questions to each other and fill in the blanks.Step Ⅳ: Comprehension1. Listen to Task2Q2 to particular. They can draw a map to explain that she arrives in Jiri and then to Sethopsar.2. Find the detailed from the passage and fill in the blanks.3. Pair works to discuss mood for 2 minutes.Step Ⅴ: Language practice1. Help student to speak: In pairs. Practice speaking these dialogues.2. To help them to translate Chinese into English.Step Ⅵ: SummaryAsk students to try their best to speak in English about their thoughts when meet animals in trekking.Step Ⅶ: Homework1. Choose another paragraph to summarize.2. Writing an essay with their parents talking about experience of trekking.Ⅶ. Blackboard designUnit 3 Travel JournalMain Idea: Why does Mary Bishop come to the Nepal Himalaya?a) ...........b)...............c)…………Task 1Fill in the blanks.1. The writer saw many ---------.2. There was a dog following the trek who tried to--------.3. In the evening, they camped in a beautiful ---------.Task 2Write down your answers in the passage.1. Travel to Tsomanthang.2. Go to Sethopsar.ConclusionImprove students' summarizing and comprehension abilities.篇3Lesson 3 One's company, two's a crowd, three's a party【Teaching Aims】1. Enable students to master the key words and expressions in the text.2. Improve students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.3. Develop students' ability to express their opinions and thoughts in English.4. Cultivate students' understanding of different cultures and social norms.【Teaching Key Points】1. Key words and expressions in the text.2. Listening comprehension.3. Speaking practice based on the text.4. Writing a short paragraph expressing personal opinions.【Teaching Difficult Points】1. Listening comprehension.2. Expressing personal opinions and thoughts in English.【Teaching Methods】1. Task-based teaching method.2. Group discussion.3. Pair work.4. Role play.5. Multimedia teaching.【Teaching Procedures】Step 1: Greeting and warm-up (5 minutes)- Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson.- Ask students to discuss in pairs: "What do you think makes a good party?"- Have a brief class discussion to share ideas.Step 2: Pre-reading task (10 minutes)- Ask students to look at the title of the text and predict what it might be about.- Play a short video clip of a party scene and ask students to describe what they see and how they feel.Step 3: Reading and listening (20 minutes)- Read the text aloud and ask students to read along silently.- Play the audio recording of the text for students to listen and follow.- Discuss the main ideas, key words, and expressions in the text.Step 4: Reading comprehension (15 minutes)- Divide students into pairs or small groups to discuss and answer the comprehension questions.- Check the answers as a class and provide feedback.Step 5: Speaking practice (20 minutes)- Divide students into groups and assign roles for a role play activity about planning a party.- Encourage students to use the key words and expressions from the text in their conversations.- Monitor and provide feedback on their speaking skills.Step 6: Writing (15 minutes)- Ask students to write a short paragraph expressing their opinions on the importance of social gatherings.- Collect and review the paragraphs for grammar and vocabulary errors.Step 7: Summarizing and homework (5 minutes)- Summarize the key points of the lesson and ask students to review the text for homework.- Assign a writing task for students to write a party invitation using the key words and expressions from the text.【Teaching Reflection】This lesson aims to engage students in a variety of activities to improve their English skills while exploring the theme of social gatherings. By focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing tasks, students are able to practice and consolidate their language skills in a meaningful context. The use of multimedia and interactive activities helps to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment.。

Unit 3 Starting out & Understanding ideas名师教学设计●课时内容:本课时的话题是家庭事务和家庭问题,包括Starting out和Understanding ideas两部分。
Starting out是导入部分,通过播放一段视频及展示《父与子》《音乐之声》《家有儿女》《超人总动员》的图片,以轻松、活泼的方式呈现了几种不同的家庭格局。
Understanding ideas部分以一个剧本的形式呈现,剧本“Like Father,Like son”的大致情节:儿子和父亲商量,他打算放弃大学,专攻乐队,却遭到强烈反对。
●课时目标:1.认知并灵活运用本课时的重点词汇:character, approach, chat, focus, assume, respect, studio, court, ignore, professional, talent, option, generation, gap, focus on, jump in with both feet, raise one’s voice, take one’s advice, relate to, calm down。

以下是为⼤家整理的关于《⾼⼀英语必修⼀教案:Unit3》,供⼤家学习参考! (1) 课题:Travel journal (2) 教材分析与学⽣分析:本单元的中⼼话题是旅游,通过旅游⽇记的⽅法描述旅⾏见闻。
Warming Up部分让学⽣想象⾃⼰住在青海,要去东南亚旅游。
Pre-Reading部分的两个问题主要是引导学⽣向阅读部分过度; Reading部分“湄公河旅⾏⽇记(Journey Down the Mekong)”的第⼀部分讲述了王昆和王薇梦想往湄公河做⾃⾏车旅⾏,并为之做准备的过程;⽂章的第⼆部分A Night in the Mountain放在“语⾔运⽤部分”中,主要讲述了他们在西藏⼭中度过的⼀宿,爬⼭路的艰苦和乐趣;Comprehending部分通过回答问题、让学⽣填写表格在课⽂中找到王薇和王昆对旅⾏的相同和不同看法,加强学⽣对课⽂细节的进⼀步理解; Learning about Language 部分讲述了主要词汇及其运⽤和主要语法项⽬(⽤现在进⾏时表⽰将来)。
(3) 课时安排:The first period: Speaking: Warming Up and Pre-Reading The second period: Reading: Journey down the Mekong The third period: Learning about Language The forth Period:Using Language (A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAINS) The fifth period: Listening and writing (4)教学⽬标:①知识与技能:了解旅游所需的准备⼯作,其中包括精神与物质准备。
选择旅游时间、景点、路线、交通⼯具(⽕车、汽车、轮船、飞机、⾃⾏车等); 掌握旅游常识,学会解决旅游中出现的⼀些问题; 掌握和运⽤本单元出现的新词汇和短语;学会向别⼈告别和祝愿;掌握⽤现在进⾏时表⽰将来时的⽤法。
英语人教版高中必修一(新课标)教案Unit 3 Reading for Writing 教案

Unit 3 Sports and FitnessPeriod 5 Reading for Writing教材分析本单元我们从体育人物、体育竞技的角度讨论体育,而本课时为读写内容,要求学生从健康的角度探讨体育和人们日常生活的关系。
活动主题是“为健康手册编写一页内容”(Write a page in a wellness book)。
教学目标1. To read and talk about the story of Kayla.2. To read for writing.3. To summarize the information and organization.4. To write a page for a class wellness book.教学重难点【教学重点】引导学生正确描述健康方面的问题和解决办法。
教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. Free talking about health and fitness.(1) How do you keep fit?(2) List different ways of getting fit.设计意图:引导学生谈论自己的健身方法,并且提供图片以供同学讨论不同健身的方法,为引出本课时话题做好铺垫。
Step 2 Pre-readingWork in pairs. Guess what the passage is mainly about according to the theme of this unit and the title Going Positive.设计意图:通过小组活动,根据单元主题来预测文本内容的主旨大意。

北师大英语高一必修一第单元第课(说课教案)整理版————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:23 第三单元 教学设计Unit 3 Lesson 4 Christmas教材分析本课是第3单元的第4课。
学生能够在交流中简单介绍中国的节假日,并利用paragraph planning 和时间顺序,对自己童年的节日回忆进行口头和书面表达。
教学内容话题: 圣诞节的回忆(阅读) 词汇: 重点词汇:seriously, attend, carol, decoration, put up, swallow, carry on, adult; do Spring cleaning, go Spring Festival shopping, put up Spring Festival couplets/papercuts/character fu, set off fireworks , have reunion dinner, go to temple fairs相关词汇:stocking, pudding, envelope, calendar第一课时 Period One教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 总结和掌握有关圣诞节的词汇; 2. 阅读并理解有关圣诞节的文章;3. 掌握阅读策略——多项选择问题,并在阅读实践中进行尝试和体验;4. 谈论自己的童年节日回忆;5. 了解并尊重异国文化差异,培养世界意识教学过程教学活动 Activities设计意图 Intentions互动模式&时间 IP&TimeLead in Step 1Brainstorm: List the words related to Christmas. [PPT 3][学案I] 引出话题,激活学生的背景知识。
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Exercises in xinxinxuean on page42-43.
1.Finish Exercises in Xinxinxuean on page 44.
2.Learn the new words and expressions by heart.
Period 5 Sentence Structures
Step 1.Revision
Review the important words and expressions.
Step2 Explanation
1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑自行车旅游的就是我的姐姐。
主句“It was my sister who first had the idea. . . ”是强调句型,强调的是句子的主语my sister
(1)It was I who/that saw Mary in the street this afternoon.(强调主语)
(2)It was Mary that/whom I saw in the street this afternoon.(强调宾语)
“阅读(Reading)”部分是JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG(湄公河旅行游记)的第一部分THE DREAM AND THE PLAN(梦想与计划),王坤用第一人称讲述了他和王薇梦想沿湄公河骑自行车旅行,并为之作准备的过程。主要目的是通过阅读培养学生略读、跳读、根据上下文猜测词义等阅读技巧,并使学生了解湄公河的地理风貌,丰富他们的地理知识。
Ss can make a travel plan and make full preparations. They will know how to choose suitable transport and what to take with them.
Ss can realize the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland and strengthen the patrioticconsciousness.
4.be surprised to do sth做某事感到惊讶
(1)be surprised + that从句因...而惊讶
I was surprised that these houses stay up for such a long time.让我惊讶的是,这些房子呆这么长时间
5.at last最后,最终
Step 1Revision
1.Review the important words and expressions.
2. Check homework
1.Get the students to read the last paragraph and underline all the new words and useful expressions.
phrases:one-way faredream of/aboutpersuade somebody to do somethingbe determined to do somethingas usualchange one’s mindgive inbe familiar with somethingbe familiar to somebody
1.atlas with good maps地图集
2.Keep asking
(1)Keep doing sth一直做某事
Eg:If you keep (on) practising your spoken English, you'll soon make great progress.
2.Key words: a largeatlas with good maps, keep doing sth. , pass through, be surprised to do sth. , half of, at last, the South China Sea
Step3 Language Points
相关表达:at last,eventually,finally,in the end,lastly这些词或词组均含有“最后,终于”之意。
Step 4 Homework
“热身(Warming Up)”部分让学生讨论乘公交车、乘火车、乘船和乘飞机四种不同交通方式的优、缺点,并填入表格中。然后让学生自己计划选一个地方去度假,并就度假事宜制作一个旅游计划卡片,使学生了解旅游的必要手段和必备的费用。“读前(Pre-reading)”部分通过大家熟悉的汉江,让学生猜一猜中国著名的河流:长江和黄河。进而引出下一个问题:世界上还有哪些著名的河流?住在河边的人们怎么利用水资源呢?它们不仅与单元主题有关,而且与下一部分的阅读材料内容紧密联系,从而导出了话题,并为阅读作好准备。
Unit3 Travel Journey
(3)It was in the street that I saw Mary this afternoon.(强调地点状语)
(4)It was this afternoon that I saw Mary in the street.(强调时间状语)
Was it your brother that/whom you met at McDonald?(强调宾语)
(2)travel through经过
I passed through a picturesque village on my way here.在来这里的路上,我经过一个风景如画的乡村.
He passed through a university course in Beijing.他在北京修完了大学的课程。
Unit3 Language Points
1.atlas with good maps地图集
2.Keep asking
3.pass through通过,经过,经历
4.be surprised to do sth做某事感到惊讶
5.at last最后,最终
本节课主要解决的是课文第三段的内容的难点,让学生先自己阅读,找出他们认为的难点,先和同桌讨论解决,然后教师再进行解释和举例,这样让学生也能让学生自己思考,培养他们发现问题和解决问题的能力, 并且也能对所学知识加深印象。正如《英语课程标准》所要求得:使学生义务教育阶段学习的基础上,进一步明确学习目标,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;在加强对学生综合语言运用能力培养的同时,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力。
(2) keep + sb/sth +形容词。如:
These gloves will keep your hands warm.
3.pass through通过,经过,经历
The country is passing through an economic crisis.这个国家正在经历一场经济危机。