
ContentsChinese Abstract (2)English Abstract (3)1. Introduction (4)1.1 Research Background (4)1.2 Research Significance (4)1.3 Paper Structure (4)2. Literature Review (5)2.1 Research on Business English Correspondence at Abroad (5)2.2 Research on Business English Correspondence at Home (5)3. The Overview of Business English Letters (6)3.1 Definition of Business English Correspondence (6)3.2 Classification of Business English Correspondence (7)3.3 Basic Writing Principle --“7C Principles” (7)4. Analysis and Discussion (8)4.1 Lexical Features of Business English Correspondence (8)4.2 Syntactic Features of Business English Correspondence (12)4.3 Textual Features of Business English Correspondence (15)5. Conclusion (18)References (20)商务英语信函写作的文体特征及实际运用摘要随着全球化的加速和商务英语的日益普及,商务英语已成为国际贸易活动中日常的通用语言。

例如,L/C(letter of credit,信用证)、PO(purchase order,订单)、FYI(for your information,供你参考)等。
例如,使用“Dear Sir/Madam,”或“To Whom It May Concern,”作为信函开头,用“We are writing to you”或“We thank you for…”作为信函主体部分。

表 1
常 用
I e nt nt
少 用
Wa t n
Co mblt ee
Fi s nih
Pa tc p t J i rii a e o n De i ht d l g e Gl d a
1 英语商务信函的文体特 征
徐 有 志 ( 9 2 按 照话 语 基 调 将 语 言 分 19 )
学 术 论 坛
英 语 商 务信 函 的 文体 特 征
杨 红 英
( 西财经学 院外语系 广西南宁 5 0 0 ) 广 3 0 3
摘 要 : 着我 国经 济建设的快速 发展 , 来越 多的商家投 入到 国际商务活 动中。 随 越 因此 , 英语 商务信函 的应 用也越来越 广泛 。 本文从文体 学 的 角度 具 体 分 析 了英 语 商 务 信 函 庄 具 备 的 文 体 特 征 , 帮 助 商 家 成 功 进 行 商 贸 业 务 往 来 。 以 关键 词 : 商务信函 文体 特征 中 图分 类 号 : 7 G 1 文 献 标 识 码 : A 文章编 号 : 6 2 3 9 ( 0 9 1 ( ) 0 3 — 2 1 7 - 7 12 0 ) 0 b一 2 6 0
- ・
f e i e s i e c oa eey o r 。 还 会情 境 特征 相互 关 联 。 Hal a (9 8 , c rl y u s 如果 跟对 方较熟 悉 , 可 以使 o r sd nt n a h r d. ” l d y 17 ) i 用 C ril o dal y; “ 们 ” 指 供 货 商 还 是 用 户 , 句 话 我 是 这 G e o y & C r l 1 7 )也 从情 景语 境 rg r a ol( 9 8 很 角度 提 出情 景 语 境 变相 制 约 了对语 义 系统 署名 (intr)署名 应 由写信人 亲手 的语 义 非 常 含 糊 , 容 易成 为 一 个 法 律 问 Sg aue: 的 选择 , 是 生成 语 篇 , 于 出现 各 种 各 样 的语 签 , 在 署 名 下 用 电脑 打 出 署 名 人 的 姓 名 题 。 并 如果 此时换成 I wm e y u ep n t b o rrs o -

[摘要] 本⽂从情景语境特征、语⾔特征、衔接⼿段特征和语篇结构特征四个⽅⾯通过具体的实例来说明了商务英语信函的语篇特点,为商务英语信函的写作交流提供了启⽰。
[关键词] 商务英语信函语篇特点情景语境衔接⼿段 商务英语信函是⼀种常⽤的英语应⽤⽂体,它在贸易往来中发挥着重要作⽤。
⼀、情景语境特征 商务英语信函多⽤于国际贸易交往中,是英语⽂化中的⼀种特殊的语篇。
根据情景语境的三个变项, 商务英语信函的情景语境可以描述为: 话语范围:涉及外贸交易的各个环节,如下订单、跟进业务、付运、存货、付款等等。
⼆、语⾔特征 1.词汇特征 (1)措辞明了、礼貌 商务信函在其词汇选择上,遵循“明了(clarity)”与“礼貌(courtesy)”的原则。
收到对⽅的询盘、报盘、或订货等,不管能否接受,都要以礼貌的语⾔来表⽰诚挚的谢意,例如使⽤以下词汇:appreciate, please, thanks 等。
(2)缩略语使⽤较多 商务英语信函中多使⽤⼀些约定俗成的缩略语,这些缩略语定义准确,在商务信函中的使⽤相当的⼴泛,涉及到贸易价格术语、运输、⽀付与结算等。
例如常⽤的缩略语有:FOB(Free on Board)“装运港船上交货”,CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)“到岸价”,L/C(Letter of Credit)“信⽤证”,D/P(Documents against Payment)“付款交单”等。

商务英语信函的文体特征探析近年来, 随着我国改革开放的不断深入, 特别是我国加入WTO以后, 国际商务活动日益频繁, 商务英语越来越受到人们的重视。
商务信函是贸易活动中买卖双方互通信息的重要手段和行为依据, 它能够保证商务活动顺利进行, 并能在激烈的国际竞争中发现和捕捉无限商机。
本文从功能语篇分析的角度, 采用定量分析的方法分析了商务英语信函的文体特征。
它可长可短, 可大可小, 或以口头形式出现, 或以书面形式出现。
由于语篇同时又是一种交际活动, 所以应该与交际环境相一致,具有博格兰德和德赖斯勒所说的七个特征: 衔接性、连贯性、意图性、可接受性、信息性、情景性和互文性。
(P3) 语篇一般由小句来体现其意义, 它与小句、词组、词等语法单位之间的关系是体现关系, 即: 语篇由小句来体现, 或小句体现语篇的意义。
语篇与小句之间不存在大小高低的关系, 因为语篇与句子等语法单位不属于同一个类型。
语篇分析于1952年由哈里斯首次提出, 之后“慢慢形成了一门专门研究交际中语言运用情况的涉及多学科的学问”。
尽管“语篇分析还属于一个尚未定性的学科”, 但在过去的半个世纪中, 不少学者从不同角度发展了这一学科。
其中韩礼德等人创立的系统功能语法就为语篇分析提供了一个操作性强、应用性强的理论框架, 黄国文把用系统功能语法所做的语篇分析称为“功能语篇分析”。
(P61)这种分析方法完全可以与谢芙林所说的六种语篇分析方法: 言语行为理论、互动社会语言学、交际文化学、语用学、会话分析和变异分析相媲美。
(P105)功能语篇分析的最终目标是对语篇进行评估, 评估的侧重点是看语篇在交际情景中是否合适地起到了它应起的作用。
功能语篇分析是一种解释性活动, 它的目的是解释为什么某一语篇表达某一(些) 意义。
韩礼德和哈桑明确指出, 对一个语篇进行语言分析的目的不是说明, 而是解释。

浅析商务英语信函的文体特点[摘要] 写好商务英语信函在商务活动(特别是国际贸易)中是极其重要的。
[关键词] 商务英语信函词汇文体特点1.引言随着我国经济建设的蓬勃发展,各地区各部门对外经济贸易业务往来和国际商务活动日益频繁,这将需要大量的懂外经贸业务和国际商务专业人才,而该专门人才必须掌握很重要的一门课程是商务英语信函写作。
那么,什么是经商务英语呢?一般地讲,在英文商务信函中使用的语言通常称之为“商务英语”,即由商业活动(Business Terms),以及习惯用语(Business Experession)所组成的。
(1)We’re sending you herewith a set of our sales literature for your reference.随函寄上我方商品宣传资料一套供你参考。


3) 浓于朴素、 淡于修饰
商务信函的主要功能是传递信息,使收、发双方 发生贸易往来、达成协议。 因此,除了使用专业术语准确表达信息外,还要 求信函语言明白易懂、朴实平易、直达意图。
Dear Sirs, Thank you for your interest in our fireworks. In reply to your enquiry of november10, we are really sorry to say that we cannot divulge ant of our sales information. We hope this will not bring you too much inconvenience. Yours truly.
2.对商务术语的翻译要采用对应的汉语术语,把 握套语翻译的规范性和准确性。 对一般性的叙述,应采用简明易懂的汉语,做到 简洁、流畅、易懂。
3. 应保留原文文体的正式性和委婉礼貌性,应 仔细分析原文情态、礼貌程度、语气、态度。
4.可在译文中使用文言文词语和套语,常用的汉 语信函词语有:收悉、承蒙、乞谅、见告、为盼、 赐复
彻底准确地理解这些独特词汇的专业含义和固定 译法。 尽量保留原文中的术语、套语和商务交际的习惯 表达式。 尽量保留原文中的正式用语,努力使译文在语言 准确、风格规范、功能等方面与原文对等。
1.商务英语信函的功能以传递信息为主,较少使 用修辞手段,一般不存在语言和文化的差异。 因此,多数情况下可按原句结构直译。 功能对等-----指导原则 准确规范-----操作原则

英语商务信函的语言特征及其文体特点剖析第一篇:英语商务信函的语言特征及其文体特点剖析[摘要] 英语商务信函作为一种体裁, 属于边缘文体, 同时具有书面语和口语的文体特征。
本文旨在从语言的角度, 商务英语论文题目在例证的支持下, 就该体裁的文体特征和语言特征进行讨论。
[关键词] 商务信函;文体特征;语言特征一、商务信函的概念和特点商务信函(以下简称商函)是企业用于联系业务、商洽交易事项的信函, 适用于不相隶属机关之间商洽工作,询问和答复问题, 请求批准和答复审批事项。
从商函往来企业之间没有隶属关系, 其性质是相互商洽相互询问和答复这两个方面看, 商函和函有一致性。
从制作上讲, 函要执行国家技术监督局发布的《国家行政机关公文格式》(GB/T9704-1999)和《发文稿纸格式》(GB8026-1989)的规定;商函没有严格的规定, 按照惯例来制作。
从文书内容上讲, 函比较宽泛, 商函则仅限于交易磋商。
私人信函是个人使用, 内容是私人事务。
企业也使用这些书信, 但所针对的事项和所要达到的目的都和商函不一样。
便函也和商函一样没有固定的体式, 但便函的内容和函一样比较宽泛。
商函以商品交易为目的, 以交易磋商为内容。
同时, 商函内容单一还体现了在一文一事上, 即一份商函只涉及某一项交易, 而不同时涉及几项交易。
商函因内容单一, 段落较少, 篇幅也较短, 整体结构比较简单, 所以看上去一目了然。
这种简单明了的结构, 体现了商函完全服务于交易的实用功能, 便于对方阅读和把握。

一、语篇概念及主要标准语篇语言学(text linguistics),有的学者称之为语篇分析(text analysis),是德国语言学家Weinrich于1967年首先提出的。
语篇语言学者Beaugrande & Dressler认为,语篇作为一种“交际活动(”communicative occurrence),必须具有七项标准:衔接性(cohesion)、连贯性(coherence)、意向性(intentionality)、可接受性(acceptability)、语境性(situationality)、信息性(informatively)和互文性(intersexuality)。

琼 州学 院学 报
Jun l f inz o nvri o ra ogh uU iesy oQ t
V0 . 1 .No 1 8 .4
Aug s. 01 ut2 1
论商务英语信 函的文体 特点
陈 平
பைடு நூலகம்( 四川文理学院外语 系, 四川 达州 6 50 ) 3 0 0
Av rg i f t o k d ;Ge e a v rg d p rt u ea e s o w i s n n rl a eae a ai r n l u
a e a e・ v rg
hrwt,teef r h ri,t r rm等 ;d 商 务 英 语信 e i h h ra e,t e h e o e t e n ef . 函常利用构词手段和词类转换手段来 实现其正式规 范性 。 例 1
词 汇 使 用 特 点
( 一) 用词规 范正式 。商务英语信 函中正式词 汇 、基本 词 汇和非正式 词汇并存 ,使 用正式词 汇和 中性词汇 的情 况 多于非正 式 口 词 汇 ,充 分体现 了商 务公 函 的规 范 正式 、 语
公事公办 的的特性 。
基础 , 以在商贸英语 函电中也会使用到较多 的一般词汇 , 所 但 这些一般词汇在 商务英语 中的常用词义 和普通英语 中的 常用词义有较大 区别 ,而且 同一 个词语 出现在不 同的专 业
词 汇 和 口 语 词 汇 , 如 以 if m 或 a vc no r di e代 替 tl 以 e, l
此句中的 cvr 日常英语 中的意思是 “ oe 在 覆盖 ”而在该
d p ct 代替 cp ,以 dsa h代替 sn , o ews 替 u l ae i oy ipt c e d以 t ri h e代

( 三) 多使 用 日常词汇
商务英语信 函中避免使用陈腐 、 艰深 的词汇 , 商务 信 函的宗 旨在于 以最简 洁 明了 的语 言传达 最 有效 的信 息
( 诸葛霖 , 2 0 0 7 ) 。
e . 昏 艰 深晦涩 : Y o u ma y p e r u s e t h e c o n t r a c t a n d i f n d
( 一) 缩略语 ( A b b r e v i a t i o n ) 的频繁使 用 缩 略语 和相关商 业术 语的大量使用是商 务英语的一
对应 的简洁表达 :
C o n s i d e r N o w
S o o n Be c a u s e
个突出特 色 , 营造 了一种 专业 的商务语境 , 言 简意赅 , 便
于大家更加 简洁方便 的沟通。 如: WT O ( Wo A d T r a d e O r g a n i z a t i o n ) 世 界贸易组织 L / C ( L e t t e r o f C r e d i t ) 信用证 F . B ( f r e i g h t b i l 1 ) 运费账单
( R e f e r e n c e N u mb e r ) 、抄送 ( C a r b o n C o p y , 简写 为 c c) 、
通 俗 易懂 : Y o u m a y r e a d t h e c o n t r a c t a n d i f n d t h e s o l u .
对外; 圣
பைடு நூலகம்【 经贸教育】
2 0 1 3 年 第 7 期・ 总 第 2 2 9 期
商 务 英 语信 函 的文体 特征 分 析

摘 要 商务 英 语 信 函 在 商 务 英 语 活 动 中起 着 越 来 越 重 要 的作 用 。研 究英 文商 务 信 函的 文体 特 征 对 于 我们 的学 习 、 撰
写 商 务 信 函 以及 推 动各 项 商 务 活 动合 理 有 效 地 进 行 都 有 重
( 所有报盘和销售均应遵 守该协议 。) 22 多 用专 业词 汇 .
浅议商务英语信 函的文体 特点
, ●- 熊 小红 - ‘ ● 一 ’
( 中师范大学外 国语学院 湖北・ 华 武汉
中图分类号 : 3 H 1 9 文献标识码 : A
407 ) 309
文章编号 :6 2 7 9 ( 0 】9 0 — 2 17 — 84 2 1 2— 15 0 1 0
p e n ain o a o s b sn s ci i e .h s p p r ams t lme t t f v r u u i e s a t t sT i a e i o o i vi
a a zstes l t etrso uiesE g s e esf m n ye h t ii f ue fb s s n lhlt r r l y sc a n i t o
23 用词简 单, . 少用修 饰语 商务英语信 函主要 是把商 务信 息传达 给对方或 顾客 , 是贸易往来 、 达成交易很重要 的工具 , 因此 除了必须使用专
业术 语等手段准确传达相关信息 外 ,还要求信 函语 言浅显
易懂 , 没有歧义 。 例如 :
D a i , e Sr r s T a k y uf r o r ne e t n o r a e u s h n o u tr s u p rc p . o y i i p

关键词:商务英语信函;语言特点;文体特征;词汇;句法;7C原则ABSTRACTWith the deepening of the trend of economic marketization and globalization,the business contacts related to foreign economy and trade are increasingly frequentas well. As the carrier of international communication, business English letter is a combination of English writing and international trade business, has been widely usedin all aspects of daily life and routine work. It is different from ordinary letters whichhas its own language, content, manner, formats unique stylistic features that carry out foreign economic and trade business and related business activities of the important means, for the realization of the globalization of trade which has played a positiverole in promoting it. This paper discusses and analyzes the linguistic characteristics of vocabulary and sentences in business English letter writing to help learners better grasp the usage of vocabulary and sentences in business English letter writing.Key words:Business English correspondence;Language character;Stylistic features;Lexicon;Syntax;7C principleContentsINTRODUCTION (3)CHPTER I Overview Of Business English Correspondence (4)1.1 Development of Business English Correspondence (4)1.1.1 In the Early Term (4)1.1.3 The New Trend (4)1.2 Content of Business English Correspondence (5)1.3 Basic Writing Principles of Business English Correspondence (6)1.4 Classification of Business Correspondence (6)1.5 Functions of Business Correspondence (7)CHPTER II Lexical Features Of Business English Correspondences (8)2.1 Theoretical Foundation —— 7C Principle (8)2.1.1 Courtesy (9)2.1.2 Completeness (9)2.1.3 Consideration (9)2.1.4 Clarity (9)2.1.5 Concreteness (10)2.1.6 Conciseness (10)2.1.7 Correctness (10)2.2 Lexical Features (11)2.2.1 Using Accurate and Careful Words (11)2.2.2 Using Positive and Polite Words (11)2.2.3 Using Fuzzy Language (11)2.2.4 Using Concrete Words over Abstract Words (12)2.2.5 Avoid Ambiguous Words (12)2.2.6 Avoid Repeated Use of Adjectives or Adverbs (13)CHPTER III Syntactic Features Of Business English Correspondence (14)3.1 Using Fixed Phrases (14)3.1.1 Using Emotional Adverbs (14)3.1.2 Using Fixed Sentence Patterns (14)3.1.3 Using Conditional Sentences (15)3.1.4 Using Middle Construction (15)3.3 Using Appropriate Sentence Patterns to Highlight Key Information (16)3.4 Trying to Use Euphemisms (16)3.5 Combination and Simplicity (17)3.6 Common Parallel Structure (17)3.7 Use of Various Sentence Types (17)CONCLUSION (19)REFERENCES (20)INTRODUCTIONLanguage is a basic tool for communication between people. In business activities, people not only talk face to face, but also trade with each other through business English letters. Thus, business English letter also has a place in business activities. Nowadays, with the rapid development of economic globalization, business English correspondence plays a crucial role in the process of international and foreign trade. Business English letter is a general name of many kinds of business letters and electronic data exchange in foreign business center. Business letter is an indispensabletool for business communication and communication, and also an important carrier to convey business information. It is obvious that business English letter and ordinary English letter play different roles due to different application occasions, so there is agreat difference in writing between them. First of all, in terms of the use of vocabulary,the use of vocabulary in business English letters is more exquisite than that in ordinary letters. Even if it is the same meaning, the usage of words will be quite different. Secondly, in the process of writing, many aspects of business English correspondence must strictly abide by and flexibly apply the "7C" principle. Therefore, from the perspective of stylistics, this paper analyzes the lexical characteristics of different parts of speech in business English correspondence bycombining specific practical examples of vocabulary in business English correspondence and the writing principles that should be followed in the writing process of business English correspondence.Through a large number of examples and "Foreign Trade English Correspondence" (2016) edited by Ge Qun, this paper intends to analyze the linguistic characteristics of business English correspondence from the aspects of language, vocabulary and syntax.CHAPTER IAn Overview Of Business English Correspondence1.1 Development of Business English Correspondence1.1.1 In the Early TermThe first stage of development of foreign trade correspondence was probably from the middle and late 18th century to the period before the World War II. With the development of international trade, it is widely used. The main features of foreign trade correspondence in this period are: in terms of vocabulary, a number of large words, loanwords, legal terms and nominal structure to reflect its formality.1.1.2 In the Medium TermThe second development stage of foreign trade correspondence is from the period after the World War II to the 1970s and 1980s of the 20th century, which is also the forming period of the basic style of modern foreign trade correspondence. During this period, there were great changes in the style of foreign trade correspondence, presenting a new style. The most significant change is the practical function of correspondence. The accuracy and efficiency of information transmission required by international trade are put in the first place, which highlights its professionalism.So far, this is still the most basic style of foreign trade correspondence. Duringthis period, foreign trade correspondence became more practical and readable. For foreign trade correspondence style during this period, many documents are happy to use several "C" to summarize. It is generally accepted that courtesy, clarity, concreteness, conciseness.1.1.3 The New TrendFrom the 20th century to now, with people's new understanding of correspondence, the style of correspondence changed significantly during this period, and some new development trends appeared. Specific can be summarized as the following aspects:First, in terms of language style, correspondence is gradually getting rid of the former format of the so-called "business language", oral written business English is widely used, the writing style tends to be personalized and personal. Correspondence began to pursue a fresh, straightforward and humane style of writing; Pay more attention to the beauty of language expression, the human touch in tone and the positive enthusiasm in attitude, in order to close the psychological distance between the writer and the receiver; Focus on brevity, simplicity and clarity.Secondly, the positioning of correspondence function has also changed. Correspondence is no longer just a single exchange of specific business information, but to achieve a broader sense of communication and exchange between the two parties.Thirdly, the correspondence changed the formal face of the past stereotype, but depending on the specific situation to determine the formal level of the correspondence.Fourth, there is a trend towards gender differentiation in wording. Some words and phrases gradually became women's trade correspondence, and letters between men and women became more formalBut at the same time, the old business communication format paper still exists.1.2 Content of Business English CorrespondenceA complete English business letter consists of six parts: head, address, salutation, body, closing and signature. The contents of the header include: full name, address, telephone number, fax and E-mail address of the sending company. The content of the address inside the letter includes the addressee's name and address, the first letter of the addressee's name should be capitalized, the address order from small to large, namely: door plate, street town, county city, country name, the address inside the letter is placed in the lower left corner of the letter head, top case writing, usually separated by two lines with the time. Salutation is an indispensable part of the letter. It is written in the top case, one line below the address. The body of the letter is the main body and the most important part of the full text. Business English letters pay attention to be straight to the point, concise and to the point, and usually adopt the expression that is easy for the other party to accept. The epilogue is written in the space of a blank line at the end of the text, which is equivalent to the "kind salute" used at the end of a Chinese letter. After the conclusion, the American letter is placed at the bottom left and the British letter at the bottom right. It usually takes up 3-4 lines. The first line is the name of the company, the second line is the signature of the writer, and the third line is the position or department of the signer.1.3 Basic Writing Principles of Business English CorrespondenceBusiness English letter is a commonly used business English practical article. It is the main means for both parties to understand each other and conduct trade. While communicating business information in written form, it also reflects the business image of a company or institution. The principles of business English letter writing are changing with The Times. In the middle of the 20th century, business did not flourish as much as it does today, and even face-to-face meetings were formal. Today's business contacts are close, so it is no longer as formal and rigid as at the beginning. In the communication process, we will use more natural and relaxed language, of course and we will still pay attention to the euphemism andappropriateness. Because easy language makes it easier for us to communicate, and the purpose of communication is to suggest relationships, to communicate ideas accurately, to convey a good impression. With the desire to achieve trade through mutual cooperation, nowadays, business English letter, as an important tool for businessmen to carry out business activities abroad, has its own unique principles in writing in order to play its effect, which should follow the principle of 7Cs. They are: courtesy; completeness; consideration; clarity, concreteness, conciseness, correctness. However, under the guidance of these seven writing principles, business English letter has the characteristics of polite and tactful emotion and concise and accurate expression.1.4 Classification of Business English CorrespondenceThere are four main types of business letters: information letters (including inquiry letters, notification letters, quotation letters, etc.), persuasion letters (including sales letters, cover letters, recommendation letters, etc.), problem solving letters (including claim letters, arbitration letters, decline letters, etc.), and goodwill letters (such as congratulatory letters, etc.).1.5 Functions of Business English CorrespondenceAccording to the definition and the classification, people can easily gain a common sense that business correspondence is used to sell products or services, request information or service, answer customer’s enquires, maintain good public relations, and serve a large range of other business functions.Business English letter is the progress of the import and export business of professional written records. It is business people from all over the world to negotiate trade, contact business for import and export trade in one application documents. This time, a large number of written consultations were conducted through business English letters which stipulated the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller and provided the legal basis for dispute resolution, from the establishment of traderelations to a successful transaction.Business correspondence can act as formal or informal public relations material. It can help to build good relationship between you and you clients, creditors, suppliers and other public groups. It also represents you and your firm to people that you may never meet personally or contact just by phone. How you express yourself forms an impression in the mind of your clients. As a result, business writing deserves considerable care and attention.CHAPTER IILexical Features Of Business English CorrespondencesLanguage is an indispensable part of the development of human society. People often take many things related to language for granted and vocabulary is a unit of language expression. Webster's New World Dictionary offers some of the most common definitions of "language". In fact, the most concise definition of language is a way of verbal communication, which is practical. However, it is difficult to make a scientific definition of "word". It is a natural bounded unit, a common factor that governs a set of forms, and a grammatical unit. According to the differences between different words, we can divide words into changeable words and immutable words, grammatical words and lexical words, closed words and open words, and parts of speech in four ways.2.1 Theoretical Foundation ------ 7C PrincipleBusiness English correspondence is the symbolic manifestation of the changes in the psychological communication between the business interests and the trading participants in the operation of import and export trade. It not only has the exchange value, but also has the economic value. The embodiment of economic value lies in that the participants in import and export trade overcome the cross-cultural economicbarriers and communicate with each other through business English correspondence in the whole process of engaging in import and export trade. Complete the entire process of import and export trade (including: establishing trade relations, enquiries, offers, counter-offers, orders, contracts, payments, packaging, insurance, transportation, appeals and claims, etc.) to obtain economic benefits. Business English correspondence this kind of language behavior satisfies the demand of the import and export trade intercourse, moreover has the broad market and the huge economic value. English is a language with strong network externalities. In economics, network externality refers to the utility generated by the consumption of a certain kind of goods increases with the increase of the number of people consuming the goods. As the world's common language, English is used by a large number of consumers, so the economic utility is huge. The systematic application of principle 7C in the writing of business English correspondence can improve the quality of correspondence and improve the economic benefits obtained through correspondence.2.1.1 CourtesyIn order to establish and maintain a friendly business relationship, business English correspondence should generally pay attention to the principle of politeness, to treat others. The principle of politeness is not only reflected in the use of words such as "please" and "thanks you", but also in the lines to reflect China's foreign trade policy and diplomatic etiquette, to be neither humble nor arrogant, decent and generous. The specific politeness principle basically includes the following aspects: abide by the international business practice; Respect each other's customs; Language should be polite and measured, avoid using command tone; Use a friendly, positive tone, try to use a euphemistic tone to point out the other side is not satisfactory, reply to the letter to be timely.2.1.2 CompletenessA complete business letter should answer each question and clarify the important information you want to convey. The integrity of the letter is conducive to the establishment of a good corporate image, to save both sides of the business time toachieve the desired effect, to avoid unnecessary disputes caused by the lack of important information.2.1.3 ConsiderationUnderstanding refers to the interests of the other side as the starting point and standing in the other side's position to consider the problem carefully, in order to get the other side's good will and achieve the expected purpose.The understanding principle is a technique used in business interactions to facilitate transactions.2.1.4 ClarityThe principle of clarity includes two aspects. One is that the writer knows what to write before writing. The other one is that when the letter received can fully understand the writer’s expression, will not produce misunderstanding. This requires a clear mind, accurate expression instead of using some ambiguous words.2.1.5 ConcretenessSpecific principles refer to the letter involved in the content to say something. Information is completely expression, detailed and specific, rich and vivid. In business letter writing, avoid general, vag ue expressions such as “soon, at an early date, good and nearly”, etc. For example, “I will send the samples to you soon. It would be better if I would send the samples to you in two weeks. ” Or “I will send the samples to you next Monday.”2.1.6 ConcisenessBrevity means to express the richest and most complete content in the least language without affecting the politeness of the letter. Brevity makes a letter more powerful and concise. The format of business English letter should be concise and to the point, the language should be easy to understand, and the content should be concise and rich. This should be about to write in the process of writing as far as possible to choose single room, easy to understand, simple vocabulary, use concise, direct sentences.2.1.7 CorrectnessThe traditional accuracy principle generally includes five aspects: correct information, correct grammar, correct spelling, correct punctuation and correct pragmatics. Pragmatic correctness refers to the appropriateness and appropriateness of language use, which should take into account the linguistic context, the conventional context and the social context. Linguistic context refers to the form, composition, information and communicative intention of the last letter if there is a previous letter. The conventional context refers to the general knowledge of the objective world of the reader, which belongs to the category of encyclopedic knowledge. Social context is cultural context and scene context. Cultural context refers to the consideration of the social norms, cultural contracts and customs of the reader's society. The context of the scene is the specific communicative environment and content of the economic events in which the two parties are involved. Correct pragmatics can make the communication between transaction parties more successful and the economic benefits more smoothly.2.2 Lexical Features2.2.1 Using Accurate and Careful WordsThe essential function of a business letter is to convey information, which is not only related to the company's business development, brand image, customer development, and even affects the company's international reputation. If you want to say "$98", you can write "$98" in a normal letter, but in a business English letter, you must write "$98.00" .It must be strictly distinguished in business English correspondence. There are two prepositional phrases like "by Monday" and "before Monday". The former includes the day" Monday", while the latter doesn't include it, that means the day before the deadline "Monday".2.2.2 Using Positive and Polite WordsIf business letter writers choose the right words, they will leave a goodimpression on the other party and lay the foundation for the cooperation between the two parties. When writing business letters, we should pay attention to the appropriate use of commendatory words and polite words. Example: (1a)" I'm sorry we blundered on your order."; (2a)" We regret the inconvenience you've had been under caused by the broken mixer. " Although the letter writers hope to express a sincere apology, negative (case 1 blunder and 2 inconvenience) will remind receiving bad consequences, affect each other's response to adverse consequences. So the writer can use neutral words to dilute the recipient's response to the consequences. To achieve good communication effect, letter writing can be rewritten as :(1b)" I want to apologize for the order we delivered "; (2b)" We are truly sorry about the experience you had with the mixer."2.2.3 Using Fuzzy LanguageLanguage communication is a necessary means of communicating feelings. In the face of emotional things, fuzzy language can harmonize feelings. The primary basis of business English letter is appropriate and polite language, while the use of obscure words can make the words implicit and euphemistic. Especially for some sensitive topics, such as the interests of both sides, the focus of conflict, etc., fuzzy language plays a role of hiding , avoiding and diversion. Sometimes using vague language out of consideration of discretion and politeness is beneficial to both parties in business dealings.Example 1: “If possible, please also send samples of the goods you are interested in selling.” The writer would very hopeful that the reader to send him samples of interest as soon as possible. But the direct expression will make the sentence rigid, to the reader left an uncomfortable feeling. "If possible" makes the statement more implicit and polite.Fuzzy language is also persuasive. One of the basic requirements of a business letter is truthfulness and accuracy. On this basis, the use of vague language may be easier to arouse the reader's interest or persuade the other side to accept their views.Example 2: “We are very well connected with all the major dealers h ere of industrial products.” The fuzzy adjunct "very well" brings the relationship between the writer and reader much closer, and this relationship provides a good foundation for smooth cooperation. The fuzzy language makes the whole statement more persuasive.2.2.4 Using Concrete Words over Abstract WordsAbstract words are ambiguous in meaning, not directly and accurately expressed in meaning, and specific words are clear in meaning, which facilitates rapid communication between both sides of the letter. It is an important feature of a business letter to use specific words to express one's wishes accurately and help both sides communicate quickly. Therefore, English business letter writing should try to use specific words to express the meaning accurately and quickly, to avoid ambiguity.Example: (1) “The payment of the goods will be effected on July 1st.” (2) “The goods will be paid on July 1st.” (3) “The shipment was affected by weather.” However, the noun "Payment" cannot be used as a predicate to express "Payment" independently, the author must use the verb "effect" to express the meaning. From the stylistic point of view, example 1 to 2 is more formal, but from the concise and accurate level of meaning expression, example 2 is concise and clear, which is more conducive to the communication between both parties. The verb "affect" does not have a clear meaning, so the recipient cannot clearly understand how the weather affects the transport of the goods, and therefore cannot take appropriate countermeasures. So the writer should use accurate words such as "hindered", the "of" or "stopped", facilitate the recipient responded correctly.2.2.5 Avoid Ambiguous WordsAmbiguous words are words that have two or more meanings in the same context. The use of ambiguous words in business letters may affect the misunderstanding of both parties and cause unnecessary trouble. Example: We assembled them by the new machine. (" By "can mean" near "or" by means of ") incase the preposition "by" in English can be interpreted as "by the side of..." and "by means of...”. We put them all together next to the new machine. We used the new machine to put them together. In order to accurately express the meaning, writing a business letter should be changed according to the meaning of the writer on patients into: (1) We assembled them near the new machine, or (2) We assembled them by means of the new machine. In addition, business English letter in a sentence to avoid as far as possible meaning of a word. For example, “Cotton and silk blouses made in China enjoy a good market in the European market. ". In this sentence, the "market" to express the two kinds of meaning: the first "market" means "sales", the second "market" said "the market". In order to facilitate understanding, should put the example for the Cotton and silk blouses made in China enjoy a good sale in the European marketplace ".2.2.6 Avoid Repeated Use of Adjectives or AdverbsChinese people are used to repeating the same meaning in writing. On the one hand, repetition can maintain a balanced lexical structure. On the other hand, repetition also strengthens the mood and the meaning of expression. English culture emphasizes the use of plain language to express meaning. When writing business English letters, we should follow the habits of English language, avoid unnecessary repetition, and keep the letter concise and clear. Repeated errors in adjectives and adverbs commonly found in business letters: General consensus; True facts ("facts "must be true=true); Assemble together (" Assemble "= put together.); Absolutely complete (" Absolutely "= completely).CHAPTER IIIS yntactic Features Of Business English CorrespondenceSentence is the basic unit of discourse. The writing of English business letter must follow the characteristics of business letter and choose the syntactic structure.Professional business English letter writing usually chooses concise sentence structure. The complex long sentence meaning expression is unclear, does not meet the business activity to saves time and the convenience request.3.1 Using Fixed PhrasesUse fixed phrases: as the medium of business communication, both English and Chinese business letters strictly follow the principles of politeness. In the long-standing customs and habits of business communities, some ready-made formulaic patterns, namely social phrases, have been condensed to express social etiquette.3.1.1 Using Emotional AdverbsWith table adverb of emotion, such as: faithfully, kindly, respectfully, sincerely, unfortunately and so on, which are attached to form request, give or inform sentences. It is used to act as additional emotion of the sentence, convey the evaluation of the sender, and express feeling of praise and respect.3.1.2 Using Fixed Sentence PatternsUsing the sentence structure like “I’m sorry to tell... ”, “I regret to say...”, “I appreciate..., but...”, “I 'm afraid.” to sh ow euphemism and politeness, to express sympathy, regret and other feelings. Use “It's very kind of you to...” “It's a pleasure for me to...” “I would like to inform you that...”. This is to express one's feelings of joy or pleasure to attract the attention of the other party. These sentence patterns are characterized by the expression of feelings of the word as the center, euphemism polite introduction of the topic.3.1.3 Using Conditional SentencesIn business English letter writing, the use of conditional sentences will often make the letter achieve a more polite effect. In particular, when making demands or Suggestions to the other party, the use of conditional sentences can euphemistically。

例如,Westronglydemandimmediatefullorpartialpaymentwithastatementof whenyouwillpaythebalance(.我们坚决要求你们马上向我们付全款或部分款项,但是要承诺何时付清余款);Theirpricesarealwaysquotedindollars(.他们总是以美元来报价的)。

商务英 语 信 函 的文体特征 分析
袁 继 红 李 孝 英
f 州 医 学 院 外语 学 院, 泸 四川 泸 州 6 6 O) 4 O O
摘 要: 商务英语信 函作为英语在商务领域的变体 , 它具有其 自身的风格特 点。 结合其语 言特 点, 从词汇 、 句法和语篇层面分析商务英语信 函的 文体特征 , 而对商务英语信 函的 写作有所启示。 从 关 键 词 : 务 英 语 信 函 ; 言 特 点 ; 体 特 征 商 语 文
( Weasmbe h m y【enw m e ia 7 s 3 e l dte b h e ahn
运 用显 得尤为必要 。
t omo t . w n hs
1 5简洁。简洁并不意味着与完整相矛盾, 而是 拟通过大量 的例子以及孙志祥主编的“ . 商务 在写作中应 英语函电”( 0) 2 7 o 的五篇函电从 语言、 词汇、 句法和 要求用最少的语言表达最丰富的内容。 语篇 几 卜 / 方面 析商务英语函电的文体特征。 当用简 直接、 短、 朴素的英语避免不必要的重复、 冗 1语 言托 长的话语和华丽的措辞风格 。 ( i o e pes myha t l gai d o 1w s t x rs e r et rt e t h f t u 商务英语信函 国际商贸活动中常见的一种 是 o o o r k n o p r t . o 文嫩 因此其措辞、 句法 、 表达风格 、 意义和内涵等都 y u fr y u i d c o e a i n 玎 h n o o o rki d c o e a o . a k y uf r y u n o p r t n i 具有商业的韵味 语言简练而准确,表达有力而温 和蕻行文通常严格遵守 ‘C ”的写作原则, 's 7 即礼貌 1 6具体。 具体是指信龟要详实明确、 . 丰富生矾 @ u e 体 谅 ( nieai )完整 ( mpe ns, 不能使用含糊 、 o ̄ s c s rtn, o d o c le es o t ) 概括性 或抽象的语言。抽象词汇意 意思表达不直接、 不准确; 具体词汇意思明 清楚 (a t, c ry 简洁( ni ns, li) c c ees 具体( nrtns o s ) c ce e 义含混, 0 e 正确( r cns。 c r tes oe ) 确便 于信函双方的迅速沟通。 1 礼貌。商务英语措辞礼貌婉转用 语诚恳、 . 1 ⑥ we w h t cn r u l i a hd i o ofm orte d p t e s i ex s c etra . 却又不 卑 亢忌 盛气 凌人 、 ^所难 。一封礼 貌 的 y se d y 不 强 _W ec n r o rtlxo uy2 d2O 5 + o f m u e fJ l n O . i e 信函能为你竖立诚信的形_ 为双方合作建立更顺 象 畅 的交 流桥梁 。 在例子⑥中, “ 昨天” 一词表达不明确信 函接收 ( we8esr htyu mi n es o 者不能清楚知道电报发出的确切 日期。 D r or ta o s drt d y u o U S 1 - 7正确。这一点耐那些以英语为外语的写作 (l e r oD ta we dint bW ae s r ht d‘ ma e u - k 0 r 者更为重要, 因为这不仅指使用正确的单词 、 语法还 s l e l a' e v s ce . t 包括精确的数字 、恰如其分的表达和正确的格式 伊④ 中两句话表达的意思基本相同但 a 句显 等 。 然有责备x 方的含 而在 b 寸 句中作者则主动地承 例如 ‘h f ri oe r v asicui T eo e p nf ed y ls e s o f i n v o ted t f i ac. f h aeo s t ”比 ‘ h f r so e o dp h ' eo e i D nf T r 担 了责任瑚 句的表达 效果不 言而喻 。 l 谅 。 体 谅 就 是 指 在 商 务 信 函 中采 取 fed y. 2体 i as表达更 准确 。 v ” 、u atu e的处事 态度 , o— ltd' i ’ 即站在 对方 的立场 考 虑 2词 汇特征 问题 设 身处地 地为xp  ̄想把 对方的 要求愿 望 和 ,T : l 2 用词正式庄重。由于国际商务信函是一种 I 正式的公函涪 因此 多使用正式书面词汇代替普 感 h 虑在 先。例如: 准确具体, 而充分体 ② wea‘ % dso n frcs a一 通词汇辨力求用词简洁朴素、 l1 a5 i u t o ahp y lw c 现国际商务公函的规范正式、 公事公办的特. 。在

- 1 -。

商务英语信函的主要⽂体特征及翻译技巧 国际贸易竞争⽇益激烈的今天,为了通过发送商务信函达到有效交流,传达友好情感,增加商务合作机会的⽬的,商务信函必须在风格和语⾔上发⽣变化。
现代商务信函的主要⽂体特征可以概括为以下五点: 内容的清晰性、表达的简洁性、词语的专业性、风格的正式性、措辞的礼貌性。
⼀、内容的清晰性 发送商务信函的⽬的在于建⽴商务往来关系,就某⼀细节进⾏商讨,努⼒达成共识,以便促进⼀项商务活动的开展。
例如: As to the steamers sailing fromHongkong to San Francisco,we have bimonthly directservices. 此处bimonthly 有歧义,可以是twicea month 或者once two month. 故读信⼈就迷惑了,可以改写为We have two direct sailings everymonth from Hongkong to San Francisco. 翻译要保留原⽂的清晰度相当重要。
例如: The prices stated are based oncurrent freight rates,any increase or decrease infreight rates at time of shipment is to be the benefitof the buyer,with the seller assuming the payment ofall transportation charges to the point or place of delivery.例句中以⼀个介词with 来分界,译为“合同价格是以运费计算,装运时运费的增减均属买⽅。

袁美琴1, 凌霄鹏 2 上海商学院 上海 2 ( 0 1 4 0 0 )
摘 要: 随着全球贸 易的日趋融合 , 英语商业信件在对外贸易中起着越来 越重要的作用 . 然而 , 从文体学的角
度系统地去研究它的语言及文体特征还是一个比较新的领域 . 本文采用现代 文体学理论 , 从字位 , 词汇 , 句法 , 语 境四个层面对英语商业信件进行了分析 , 并对未来英语商业信件的语体发展趋势进行了预测 . 关键词 : 商业信件 ; 文体标记 中图分类号 : H3 1 5 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 6 7 3 -2 7 5 8 ( 2 0 0 6 ) 0 2 -0 0 2 4 -0 5 : , A � � � � a � � W� � �� � �� � � � � � a � � � �� ��� � � �� � a � � E � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � �� � � � ��� � � � � a � � � � � �� �� � � � a � �� � � � � � � � �� � a � � . Y� � , � � � �a� � �� � a � �� �� � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � a � � � � �� � � �� � �� � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � . T� � �� a � � � a � a � � � � �E � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � �� � � �� � a � � � � � � � ,� � � � � � � , � � � � a �a � �� � � � � � � . A� � � , � � � � � � � � � �� � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � �� � �� � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �� � � �� � � � � � � � . : ; K� �� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � ��a � � � � � 引言 1 . 在国际贸易中 , 信息的交流是必需的 , 而信件是信息交 流通常采 纳的一种 形式 . 即使在人 们成功地使 用电报 , 电 传之后 , 信件仍用 于确认是 否收到了电 报 , 电 传 . 现在 , 传 真, 比信 件 , 电报 , 电传 受到更多人 的欢迎 , 而传真 , E �a � � 通常 采纳信件的 形式 , 因此 , 传 真, 也可 看成 E�a � � E �a � � 是商业信 件的一种 变体 . 从这一意 义上来说 , 信件仍 然是 现代交际 的主要方 式 .英 语 , 作 为一种全 世界通用的 工作 育人 " 才是目 的 , 教 书与育人 是职校教师 的双重任务 和崇 " 高职责 , 教师不但是知识 , 能力的传播者 , 培养者 , 而且是学 生思想品德的教育者 , 是塑造学生灵魂的工程 师 . 教师与学 生朝夕相处 , 教师 的一言一行 , 一举 一动 , 将 对学生产生潜移默化的影响 . 可以说热爱学生是老师的天 职, 也 是教育成功 的起点 . 教师 热爱教育 , 敬岗爱 业 , 在很 大程度上体现在对学生的热爱上 . 热爱学生的过程就是师 生感情交流的过程 . 高尚的情感 , 良好的师生关系 , 在教学 过程中具有重要的推动作用 , 它可以提高教师 的观察力 , 创
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S/D:sight draft 见票后即付汇票;
1.3 完整。书写商业信函时,应注意包括所有必 lieve- trust, tell- inform, send- dispatch。
D/D:demand draft 即期汇票;
要的细节和信息, 是否回答所有的问题或客户提出
2.2 用词简洁明了。商务英语信函书写的特点
D/A:documents against acceptance 承兑交单。
的要求。一般来说,可以用“5Ws”(who, what ,when, 是明白易懂,言简意赅。在传递信息时,除必须使用专
3 句法特征
where,why)和“1h”(how)来检测所写信涵是否完整。 业术语表达信息意图外,很少使用各种修辞手法。用
3.1 句子表达固定、大量使用套语。为了表达具
1.4 清楚。所谓“清楚”就是要保证所写的函电 简洁明了的词汇使信函意思更清楚,信息表达充分、 体的业务内容, 商务英语函电在长期的实践中已经
We would be grateful if you would help us
you require
汇代 替 的 有 :begin- commence,make- manufacture,
P.S.:post script 附言;
→We regret our inability to serve you at this time. help- assist,buy- purchase,expect- anticipate,be-
(a).We have two direct sailings every month
2.3 用词准确严谨。由于商务信函的本质功能
学习过程中往往由于缺乏文体意识而造成误用。因 from Shanghai to Los Angeles 。 (b).We have a 就是传递信息,因此表达必须准确严谨,不能模棱两
2.5 缩略语的运用。商务英语信函中存在大量
of the date of dispatch.”比 “The offer is open for 以形式出现的固定而又惯常使用的词、词组或名
1.2 体谅。体谅就是指在商务信函中采取 five days.”表达更准确。
语句法有别于其他语体的一个显著的特点。这样的 with your suggestion.
Could you quote us CIF5% New York?
Thank you for your letter of ....
We wish you would let US have your reply
15% of the invoice value.”中 grant 比同义词 give
FOB:free from particular average 平安险;
③ Perhaps next time we can send you what 正式。在商务英语信函中,其他一些常用词被正式词
S.S:steamship 轮船;
selves clear.
包括精确的数字、恰如其分的表达和正确的格式 (实盘);balance(差额);cover(投保,支付);claim(索赔);
例①中两句话表达的意思基本相同,但 a 句显 等。
然有责备对方的含义, 而在 b 句中作者则主动地承
例如“The offer is open for five days inclusive
此, 了解它的文体特征从而在实践中正确和恰当地 direct sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles every 可,更不能出现错误,否则就会让对方误解,给以后的
two months.
当用简短、直接、朴素的英语,避免不必要的重复、冗 即“在…旁边”和“通过…方法”。为了准确的表达意
1 语言特点
思, 商务信函写作时应根据写信人的意思将上例改
⑤I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to 写成:(a) We assembled them near the new machine.
信函能为你竖立诚信的形象, 为双方合作建立更顺
→We confirm our telex of July 2nd ,2005.
在例子⑥中“, 昨天”一词表达不明确,信函接收
Their prices are always quoted in dollars. 他
清楚 (clarity), 简洁(conciseness), 具体(concreteness), 义含混,意思表达不直接、不准确;具体词汇意思明 务内涵的词汇。
⑧ We strongly demand immediate full or
1.1 礼貌。商务英语措辞礼貌婉转,用语诚恳、
Abstract: As a special variant in English, business English correspondence possesses its unique style. Combining its language character, this the-
sis analyzes it's stylistic feature from the aspects of vocabulary feature, syntactic feature and textual feature, so as to give some insight into the writ-
We have received your letter of ...with plea- soon.
Enclosed please find...,
We should be obliged if you would send us
正式的公函语体,因此,多使用正式书面词汇代替普 pilferage and non delivery(盗窃及不能提货险)。商
② We allow a 5% discount for cash pay- 通词汇,并力求用词简洁朴素、准确具体,从而充分体 务英语函电中常用的缩略语还有如下一些:
1.5 简洁。简洁并不意味着与完整相矛盾,而是
⑦We assembled them by the new machine.
英语函电”(2007)的五篇函电,从语言、词汇、句法和 要求用最少的语言表达最丰富的内容。在写作中,应
上例 中“by”可解释为“near”or“by means of”
电子数据交换的总称, 商务信函是商务沟通和交流 清的思想,不得有模棱两可的措辞。
不可或缺的工具, 同时也是传达商务信息的重要载
④As to the steamer sailing from Shanghai to 一般来讲,常用“about”而不用“with reference to”or
① (a).We are sorry that you misunderstood 者不能清楚知道电报发出的确切日期。
1.7 正确。这一点对那些以英语为外语的写作
句中单词的“balance”and “quote”在商务领
(b).We are sorry that we didn't make our- 者更为重要,因为这不仅指使用正确的单词、语法,还 域里具有特定的含义。常见的该类词还有:firm offer
1.6 具体。具体是指信息要详实明确、丰富生动,
2.4 普通词汇赋予商务内涵。在商务英语函电
(courtesy), 体谅 (consideration), 完整(completeness), 不能使用含糊、概括性或抽象的语言。抽象词汇意 中存在大量的由普通词汇转变而来的带有特定商
文体,因此其措辞、句法、表达风格、意义和内涵等都 you for your kind cooperation.
或(b)We assembled them by means of the new ma-
具有商业的韵味, 语言简练而准确, 表达有力而温 →Thank you for your kind cooperation.
⑨ a. You made a very careless mistake dur-
catalogue and price list of…
ing the course of shipment.
袁继红 李孝英
(泸州医学院外语学院,四川 泸州 646000)
摘 要:商务英语信函作为英语在商务领域的变体,它具有其自身的风格特点。结合其语言特点,从词汇、句法和语篇层面分析商务英语信函的