


目录第一章前后处理简介 (1)第二章前处理功能 (2)2.1主界面 (2)2.1.1 工具条 (2) 第一部分 (3)第二部分 (3) 第三部分 (3)第四部分 (4)第五部分 (5)2.2菜单 (6)2.2.1 File主菜单 (6)文件操作 (7)导入导出 (7)导入 (8) 导入CAD模型文件 (8) 导入网格模型文件 (10)导入GID文件 (12)输出 (12)输出其他CAD格式文件 (13) 输出网格文件 (13) 输出GID的文件 (14) 输出计算数据文件 (14)打印文件 (14) 最近的文件 (15)退出 (15)2.2.2 View主菜单 (16)视图调整 (16)旋转视图 (18)移动视图 (19)视图编辑 (20) 刷新 (21) 渲染视图 (21)透视法 (22) 修剪平面 (23) 显示标签 (24) 察看法线 (25) 观察实体 (25) 视图位置 (25) 设定背景图 (26) Multiple Windows (26) 硬拷贝 (27)2.2.3 Geometry菜单 (28)创建模型 (28)基本元素创建 (28)创建NURBS 曲面 (31)创建参数表面 (33)创建接触表面 (34)创建网格表面 (34)创建体 (34)创建几何模块 (35)删除 (38)编辑 (38)2.2.4 Utilities菜单 (53)2.2.5 Data菜单 (76)2.2.6 Mesh菜单 (78)单元划分设定 (78)单元阶次选择 (78)局部加密 (78)结构化网格 (83)单元类型 (86)网格划分顺序选择 (87)网格生成 (89)编辑网格 (91) 显示边境单元 (92) 显示设定单元值 (93) 网格质量检验 (93)2.2.7 Calculate菜单 (94)2.2.8 Help菜单 (95)第三章后处理功能 (97)3.1主界面 (97)3.1.1功能工具条 (97) View工具条 (98)光源、显示类型及透视工具条 (98)剪切后的显示工具条 (99)剪切面工具条 (99) 结果值工具条 (100)3.2菜单条 (100)3.2.1 Files菜单 (101)文件操作 (101)导入结果文件 (102)导出 (103)打印设置 (103)切换到前处理 (104)最近的后处理文件 (104)退出 (104)3.2.2 View 菜单 (104)3.2.3 Utilities菜单 (105)3.2.4 Do cuts菜单 (109)3.2.5View Results菜单 (112)3.2.6 options菜单 (116) Legends (116)3.2.7 Windows (140)3.2.8 Help (145)第四章例题 (147)4.1球体的结构化网格划分 (147)第一章 前后处理简介GID是一个通用、方便、友好的在几何模型领域的用户图形接口,可以为各个领域的数值仿真计算提供数据的导入和结果的可视化。

NuMicro N9H30系列开发板用户手册说明书

NuMicro N9H30系列开发板用户手册说明书

NuMicro®FamilyArm® ARM926EJ-S BasedNuMaker-HMI-N9H30User ManualEvaluation Board for NuMicro® N9H30 SeriesNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALThe information described in this document is the exclusive intellectual property ofNuvoton Technology Corporation and shall not be reproduced without permission from Nuvoton.Nuvoton is providing this document only for reference purposes of NuMicro microcontroller andmicroprocessor based system design. Nuvoton assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.All data and specifications are subject to change without notice.For additional information or questions, please contact: Nuvoton Technology Corporation.Table of Contents1OVERVIEW (5)1.1Features (7)1.1.1NuMaker-N9H30 Main Board Features (7)1.1.2NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 Extension Board Features (7)1.2Supporting Resources (8)2NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION (9)2.1NuMaker-N9H30 Board - Front View (9)2.2NuMaker-N9H30 Board - Rear View (14)2.3NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 - Front View (20)2.4NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 - Rear View (21)2.5NuMaker-N9H30 and NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB Placement (22)3NUMAKER-N9H30 AND NUDESIGN-TFT-LCD7 SCHEMATICS (24)3.1NuMaker-N9H30 - GPIO List Circuit (24)3.2NuMaker-N9H30 - System Block Circuit (25)3.3NuMaker-N9H30 - Power Circuit (26)3.4NuMaker-N9H30 - N9H30F61IEC Circuit (27)3.5NuMaker-N9H30 - Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key Circuit (28)NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL3.6NuMaker-N9H30 - Memory Circuit (29)3.7NuMaker-N9H30 - I2S, I2C_0, RS-485_6 Circuit (30)3.8NuMaker-N9H30 - RS-232_2 Circuit (31)3.9NuMaker-N9H30 - LCD Circuit (32)3.10NuMaker-N9H30 - CMOS Sensor, I2C_1, CAN_0 Circuit (33)3.11NuMaker-N9H30 - RMII_0_PF Circuit (34)3.12NuMaker-N9H30 - RMII_1_PE Circuit (35)3.13NuMaker-N9H30 - USB Circuit (36)3.14NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 - TFT-LCD7 Circuit (37)4REVISION HISTORY (38)List of FiguresFigure 1-1 Front View of NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 Evaluation Board (5)Figure 1-2 Rear View of NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 Evaluation Board (6)Figure 2-1 Front View of NuMaker-N9H30 Board (9)Figure 2-2 Rear View of NuMaker-N9H30 Board (14)Figure 2-3 Front View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 Board (20)Figure 2-4 Rear View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 Board (21)Figure 2-5 Front View of NuMaker-N9H30 PCB Placement (22)Figure 2-6 Rear View of NuMaker-N9H30 PCB Placement (22)Figure 2-7 Front View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB Placement (23)Figure 2-8 Rear View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB Placement (23)Figure 3-1 GPIO List Circuit (24)Figure 3-2 System Block Circuit (25)Figure 3-3 Power Circuit (26)Figure 3-4 N9H30F61IEC Circuit (27)Figure 3-5 Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key Circuit (28)Figure 3-6 Memory Circuit (29)Figure 3-7 I2S, I2C_0, RS-486_6 Circuit (30)Figure 3-8 RS-232_2 Circuit (31)Figure 3-9 LCD Circuit (32)NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL Figure 3-10 CMOS Sensor, I2C_1, CAN_0 Circuit (33)Figure 3-11 RMII_0_PF Circuit (34)Figure 3-12 RMII_1_PE Circuit (35)Figure 3-13 USB Circuit (36)Figure 3-14 TFT-LCD7 Circuit (37)List of TablesTable 2-1 LCD Panel Combination Connector (CON8) Pin Function (11)Table 2-2 Three Sets of Indication LED Functions (12)Table 2-3 Six Sets of User SW, Key Matrix Functions (12)Table 2-4 CMOS Sensor Connector (CON10) Function (13)Table 2-5 JTAG ICE Interface (J2) Function (14)Table 2-6 Expand Port (CON7) Function (16)Table 2-7 UART0 (J3) Function (16)Table 2-8 UART2 (J6) Function (16)Table 2-9 RS-485_6 (SW6~8) Function (17)Table 2-10 Power on Setting (SW4) Function (17)Table 2-11 Power on Setting (S2) Function (17)Table 2-12 Power on Setting (S3) Function (17)Table 2-13 Power on Setting (S4) Function (17)Table 2-14 Power on Setting (S5) Function (17)Table 2-15 Power on Setting (S7/S6) Function (18)Table 2-16 Power on Setting (S9/S8) Function (18)Table 2-17 CMOS Sensor Connector (CON9) Function (19)Table 2-18 CAN_0 (SW9~10) Function (19)NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL1 OVERVIEWThe NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 is an evaluation board for GUI application development. The NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 consists of two parts: a NuMaker-N9H30 main board and a NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 extensionboard. The NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 is designed for project evaluation, prototype development andvalidation with HMI (Human Machine Interface) function.The NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 integrates touchscreen display, voice input/output, rich serial port serviceand I/O interface, providing multiple external storage methods.The NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 can be plugged into the main board via the DIN_32x2 extension connector.The NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 includes one 7” LCD which the resolution is 800x480 with RGB-24bits andembedded the 4-wires resistive type touch panel.Figure 1-1 Front View of NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 Evaluation BoardNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL Figure 1-2 Rear View of NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 Evaluation Board1.1 Features1.1.1 NuMaker-N9H30 Main Board Features●N9H30F61IEC chip: LQFP216 pin MCP package with DDR (64 MB)●SPI Flash using W25Q256JVEQ (32 MB) booting with quad mode or storage memory●NAND Flash using W29N01HVSINA (128 MB) booting or storage memory●One Micro-SD/TF card slot served either as a SD memory card for data storage or SDIO(Wi-Fi) device●Two sets of COM ports:–One DB9 RS-232 port with UART_0 used 75C3232E transceiver chip can be servedfor function debug and system development.–One DB9 RS-232 port with UART_2 used 75C3232E transceiver chip for userapplication●22 GPIO expansion ports, including seven sets of UART functions●JTAG interface provided for software development●Microphone input and Earphone/Speaker output with 24-bit stereo audio codec(NAU88C22) for I2S interfaces●Six sets of user-configurable push button keys●Three sets of LEDs for status indication●Provides SN65HVD230 transceiver chip for CAN bus communication●Provides MAX3485 transceiver chip for RS-485 device connection●One buzzer device for program applicationNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL●Two sets of RJ45 ports with Ethernet 10/100 Mbps MAC used IP101GR PHY chip●USB_0 that can be used as Device/HOST and USB_1 that can be used as HOSTsupports pen drives, keyboards, mouse and printers●Provides over-voltage and over current protection used APL3211A chip●Retain RTC battery socket for CR2032 type and ADC0 detect battery voltage●System power could be supplied by DC-5V adaptor or USB VBUS1.1.2 NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 Extension Board Features●7” resolution 800x480 4-wire resistive touch panel for 24-bits RGB888 interface●DIN_32x2 extension connector1.2 Supporting ResourcesFor sample codes and introduction about NuMaker-N9H30, please refer to N9H30 BSP:https:///products/gui-solution/gui-platform/numaker-hmi-n9h30/?group=Software&tab=2Visit NuForum for further discussion about the NuMaker-HMI-N9H30:/viewforum.php?f=31 NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL2 NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION2.1 NuMaker-N9H30 Board - Front View Combination Connector (CON8)6 set User SWs (K1~6)3set Indication LEDs (LED1~3)Power Supply Switch (SW_POWER1)Audio Codec(U10)Microphone(M1)NAND Flash(U9)RS-232 Transceiver(U6, U12)RS-485 Transceiver(U11)CAN Transceiver (U13)Figure 2-1 Front View of NuMaker-N9H30 BoardFigure 2-1 shows the main components and connectors from the front side of NuMaker-N9H30 board. The following lists components and connectors from the front view:NuMaker-N9H30 board and NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 board combination connector (CON8). This panel connector supports 4-/5-wire resistive touch or capacitance touch panel for 24-bits RGB888 interface.Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionCON8.1 - Power 3.3VCON8.2 - Power 3.3VCON8.3 GPD7 LCD_CSCON8.4 GPH3 LCD_BLENCON8.5 GPG9 LCD_DENCON8.7 GPG7 LCD_HSYNCCON8.8 GPG6 LCD_CLKCON8.9 GPD15 LCD_D23(R7)CON8.10 GPD14 LCD_D22(R6)CON8.11 GPD13 LCD_D21(R5)CON8.12 GPD12 LCD_D20(R4)CON8.13 GPD11 LCD_D19(R3)CON8.14 GPD10 LCD_D18(R2)CON8.15 GPD9 LCD_D17(R1)CON8.16 GPD8 LCD_D16(R0)CON8.17 GPA15 LCD_D15(G7)CON8.18 GPA14 LCD_D14(G6)CON8.19 GPA13 LCD_D13(G5)CON8.20 GPA12 LCD_D12(G4)CON8.21 GPA11 LCD_D11(G3)CON8.22 GPA10 LCD_D10(G2)CON8.23 GPA9 LCD_D9(G1) NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALCON8.24 GPA8 LCD_D8(G0)CON8.25 GPA7 LCD_D7(B7)CON8.26 GPA6 LCD_D6(B6)CON8.27 GPA5 LCD_D5(B5)CON8.28 GPA4 LCD_D4(B4)CON8.29 GPA3 LCD_D3(B3)CON8.30 GPA2 LCD_D2(B2)CON8.31 GPA1 LCD_D1(B1)CON8.32 GPA0 LCD_D0(B0)CON8.33 - -CON8.34 - -CON8.35 - -CON8.36 - -CON8.37 GPB2 LCD_PWMCON8.39 - VSSCON8.40 - VSSCON8.41 ADC7 XPCON8.42 ADC3 VsenCON8.43 ADC6 XMCON8.44 ADC4 YMCON8.45 - -CON8.46 ADC5 YPCON8.47 - VSSCON8.48 - VSSCON8.49 GPG0 I2C0_CCON8.50 GPG1 I2C0_DCON8.51 GPG5 TOUCH_INTCON8.52 - -CON8.53 - -CON8.54 - -CON8.55 - -NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL CON8.56 - -CON8.57 - -CON8.58 - -CON8.59 - VSSCON8.60 - VSSCON8.61 - -CON8.62 - -CON8.63 - Power 5VCON8.64 - Power 5VTable 2-1 LCD Panel Combination Connector (CON8) Pin Function●Power supply switch (SW_POWER1): System will be powered on if the SW_POWER1button is pressed●Three sets of indication LEDs:LED Color DescriptionsLED1 Red The system power will beterminated and LED1 lightingwhen the input voltage exceeds5.7V or the current exceeds 2A.LED2 Green Power normal state.LED3 Green Controlled by GPH2 pin Table 2-2 Three Sets of Indication LED Functions●Six sets of user SW, Key Matrix for user definitionKey GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionK1 GPF10 Row0 GPB4 Col0K2 GPF10 Row0 GPB5 Col1K3 GPE15 Row1 GPB4 Col0K4 GPE15 Row1 GPB5 Col1K5 GPE14 Row2 GPB4 Col0K6GPE14 Row2GPB5 Col1 Table 2-3 Six Sets of User SW, Key Matrix Functions●NAND Flash (128 MB) with Winbond W29N01HVS1NA (U9)●Microphone (M1): Through Nuvoton NAU88C22 chip sound input●Audio CODEC chip (U10): Nuvoton NAU88C22 chip connected to N9H30 using I2Sinterface–SW6/SW7/SW8: 1-2 short for RS-485_6 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON5and J5)–SW6/SW7/SW8: 2-3 short for I2S function and connected to NAU88C22 (U10).●CMOS Sensor connector (CON10, SW9~10)–SW9~10: 1-2 short for CAN_0 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON11)–SW9~10: 2-3 short for CMOS sensor function and connected to CMOS sensorconnector (CON10)Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionCON10.1 - VSSCON10.2 - VSSNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALCON10.3 - Power 3.3VCON10.4 - Power 3.3VCON10.5 - -CON10.6 - -CON10.7 GPI4 S_PCLKCON10.8 GPI3 S_CLKCON10.9 GPI8 S_D0CON10.10 GPI9 S_D1CON10.11 GPI10 S_D2CON10.12 GPI11 S_D3CON10.13 GPI12 S_D4CON10.14 GPI13 S_D5CON10.15 GPI14 S_D6CON10.16 GPI15 S_D7CON10.17 GPI6 S_VSYNCCON10.18 GPI5 S_HSYNCCON10.19 GPI0 S_PWDNNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL CON10.20 GPI7 S_nRSTCON10.21 GPG2 I2C1_CCON10.22 GPG3 I2C1_DCON10.23 - VSSCON10.24 - VSSTable 2-4 CMOS Sensor Connector (CON10) FunctionNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL2.2NuMaker-N9H30 Board - Rear View5V In (CON1)RS-232 DB9 (CON2,CON6)Expand Port (CON7)Speaker Output (J4)Earphone Output (CON4)Buzzer (BZ1)System ResetSW (SW5)SPI Flash (U7,U8)JTAG ICE (J2)Power ProtectionIC (U1)N9H30F61IEC (U5)Micro SD Slot (CON3)RJ45 (CON12, CON13)USB1 HOST (CON15)USB0 Device/Host (CON14)CAN_0 Terminal (CON11)CMOS Sensor Connector (CON9)Power On Setting(SW4, S2~S9)RS-485_6 Terminal (CON5)RTC Battery(BT1)RMII PHY (U14,U16)Figure 2-2 Rear View of NuMaker-N9H30 BoardFigure 2-2 shows the main components and connectors from the rear side of NuMaker-N9H30 board. The following lists components and connectors from the rear view:● +5V In (CON1): Power adaptor 5V input ●JTAG ICE interface (J2) ConnectorGPIO pin of N9H30Function J2.1 - Power 3.3V J2.2 GPJ4 nTRST J2.3 GPJ2 TDI J2.4 GPJ1 TMS J2.5 GPJ0 TCK J2.6 - VSS J2.7 GPJ3 TD0 J2.8-RESETTable 2-5 JTAG ICE Interface (J2) Function●SPI Flash (32 MB) with Winbond W25Q256JVEQ (U7); only one (U7 or U8) SPI Flashcan be used●System Reset (SW5): System will be reset if the SW5 button is pressed●Buzzer (BZ1): Control by GPB3 pin of N9H30●Speaker output (J4): Through the NAU88C22 chip sound output●Earphone output (CON4): Through the NAU88C22 chip sound output●Expand port for user use (CON7):Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionCON7.1 - Power 3.3VCON7.2 - Power 3.3VCON7.3 GPE12 UART3_TXDCON7.4 GPH4 UART1_TXDCON7.5 GPE13 UART3_RXDCON7.6 GPH5 UART1_RXDCON7.7 GPB0 UART5_TXDCON7.8 GPH6 UART1_RTSCON7.9 GPB1 UART5_RXDCON7.10 GPH7 UART1_CTSCON7.11 GPI1 UART7_TXDNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL CON7.12 GPH8 UART4_TXDCON7.13 GPI2 UART7_RXDCON7.14 GPH9 UART4_RXDCON7.15 - -CON7.16 GPH10 UART4_RTSCON7.17 - -CON7.18 GPH11 UART4_CTSCON7.19 - VSSCON7.20 - VSSCON7.21 GPB12 UART10_TXDCON7.22 GPH12 UART8_TXDCON7.23 GPB13 UART10_RXDCON7.24 GPH13 UART8_RXDCON7.25 GPB14 UART10_RTSCON7.26 GPH14 UART8_RTSCON7.27 GPB15 UART10_CTSCON7.28 GPH15 UART8_CTSCON7.29 - Power 5VCON7.30 - Power 5VTable 2-6 Expand Port (CON7) Function●UART0 selection (CON2, J3):–RS-232_0 function and connected to DB9 female (CON2) for debug message output.–GPE0/GPE1 connected to 2P terminal (J3).Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 Function J3.1 GPE1 UART0_RXDJ3.2 GPE0 UART0_TXDTable 2-7 UART0 (J3) Function●UART2 selection (CON6, J6):–RS-232_2 function and connected to DB9 female (CON6) for debug message output –GPF11~14 connected to 4P terminal (J6)Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 Function J6.1 GPF11 UART2_TXDJ6.2 GPF12 UART2_RXDJ6.3 GPF13 UART2_RTSJ6.4 GPF14 UART2_CTSTable 2-8 UART2 (J6) Function●RS-485_6 selection (CON5, J5, SW6~8):–SW6~8: 1-2 short for RS-485_6 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON5 and J5) –SW6~8: 2-3 short for I2S function and connected to NAU88C22 (U10)Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionSW6:1-2 shortGPG11 RS-485_6_DISW6:2-3 short I2S_DOSW7:1-2 shortGPG12 RS-485_6_ROSW7:2-3 short I2S_DISW8:1-2 shortGPG13 RS-485_6_ENBSW8:2-3 short I2S_BCLKNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALTable 2-9 RS-485_6 (SW6~8) FunctionPower on setting (SW4, S2~9).SW State FunctionSW4.2/SW4.1 ON/ON Boot from USB SW4.2/SW4.1 ON/OFF Boot from eMMC SW4.2/SW4.1 OFF/ON Boot from NAND Flash SW4.2/SW4.1 OFF/OFF Boot from SPI Flash Table 2-10 Power on Setting (SW4) FunctionSW State FunctionS2 Short System clock from 12MHzcrystalS2 Open System clock from UPLL output Table 2-11 Power on Setting (S2) FunctionSW State FunctionS3 Short Watchdog Timer OFFS3 Open Watchdog Timer ON Table 2-12 Power on Setting (S3) FunctionSW State FunctionS4 Short GPJ[4:0] used as GPIO pinS4Open GPJ[4:0] used as JTAG ICEinterfaceTable 2-13 Power on Setting (S4) FunctionSW State FunctionS5 Short UART0 debug message ONS5 Open UART0 debug message OFFTable 2-14 Power on Setting (S5) FunctionSW State FunctionS7/S6 Short/Short NAND Flash page size 2KBS7/S6 Short/Open NAND Flash page size 4KBS7/S6 Open/Short NAND Flash page size 8KBNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALS7/S6 Open/Open IgnoreTable 2-15 Power on Setting (S7/S6) FunctionSW State FunctionS9/S8 Short/Short NAND Flash ECC type BCH T12S9/S8 Short/Open NAND Flash ECC type BCH T15S9/S8 Open/Short NAND Flash ECC type BCH T24S9/S8 Open/Open IgnoreTable 2-16 Power on Setting (S9/S8) FunctionCMOS Sensor connector (CON9, SW9~10)–SW9~10: 1-2 short for CAN_0 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON11).–SW9~10: 2-3 short for CMOS sensor function and connected to CMOS sensorconnector (CON9).Connector GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionCON9.1 - VSSCON9.2 - VSSCON9.3 - Power 3.3VCON9.4 - Power 3.3V NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALCON9.5 - -CON9.6 - -CON9.7 GPI4 S_PCLKCON9.8 GPI3 S_CLKCON9.9 GPI8 S_D0CON9.10 GPI9 S_D1CON9.11 GPI10 S_D2CON9.12 GPI11 S_D3CON9.13 GPI12 S_D4CON9.14 GPI13 S_D5CON9.15 GPI14 S_D6CON9.16 GPI15 S_D7CON9.17 GPI6 S_VSYNCCON9.18 GPI5 S_HSYNCCON9.19 GPI0 S_PWDNCON9.20 GPI7 S_nRSTCON9.21 GPG2 I2C1_CCON9.22 GPG3 I2C1_DCON9.23 - VSSCON9.24 - VSSTable 2-17 CMOS Sensor Connector (CON9) Function●CAN_0 Selection (CON11, SW9~10):–SW9~10: 1-2 short for CAN_0 function and connected to 2P terminal (CON11) –SW9~10: 2-3 short for CMOS sensor function and connected to CMOS sensor connector (CON9, CON10)SW GPIO pin of N9H30 FunctionSW9:1-2 shortGPI3 CAN_0_RXDSW9:2-3 short S_CLKSW10:1-2 shortGPI4 CAN_0_TXDSW10:2-3 short S_PCLKTable 2-18 CAN_0 (SW9~10) Function●USB0 Device/HOST Micro-AB connector (CON14), where CON14 pin4 ID=1 is Device,ID=0 is HOST●USB1 for USB HOST with Type-A connector (CON15)●RJ45_0 connector with LED indicator (CON12), RMII PHY with IP101GR (U14)●RJ45_1 connector with LED indicator (CON13), RMII PHY with IP101GR (U16)●Micro-SD/TF card slot (CON3)●SOC CPU: Nuvoton N9H30F61IEC (U5)●Battery power for RTC 3.3V powered (BT1, J1), can detect voltage by ADC0●RTC power has 3 sources:–Share with 3.3V I/O power–Battery socket for CR2032 (BT1)–External connector (J1)●Board version 2.1NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL2.3 NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 -Front ViewFigure 2-3 Front View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 BoardFigure 2-3 shows the main components and connectors from the Front side of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7board.7” resolution 800x480 4-W resistive touch panel for 24-bits RGB888 interface2.4 NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 -Rear ViewFigure 2-4 Rear View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 BoardFigure 2-4 shows the main components and connectors from the rear side of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7board.NuMaker-N9H30 and NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 combination connector (CON1).NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL 2.5 NuMaker-N9H30 and NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB PlacementFigure 2-5 Front View of NuMaker-N9H30 PCB PlacementFigure 2-6 Rear View of NuMaker-N9H30 PCB PlacementNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 2-7 Front View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB PlacementFigure 2-8 Rear View of NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 PCB Placement3 NUMAKER-N9H30 AND NUDESIGN-TFT-LCD7 SCHEMATICS3.1 NuMaker-N9H30 - GPIO List CircuitFigure 3-1 shows the N9H30F61IEC GPIO list circuit.Figure 3-1 GPIO List Circuit NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL3.2 NuMaker-N9H30 - System Block CircuitFigure 3-2 shows the System Block Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-2 System Block Circuit3.3 NuMaker-N9H30 - Power CircuitFigure 3-3 shows the Power Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-3 Power Circuit3.4 NuMaker-N9H30 - N9H30F61IEC CircuitFigure 3-4 shows the N9H30F61IEC Circuit.Figure 3-4 N9H30F61IEC CircuitNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL3.5 NuMaker-N9H30 - Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key CircuitFigure 3-5 shows the Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-5 Setting, ICE, RS-232_0, Key Circuit3.6 NuMaker-N9H30 - Memory CircuitFigure 3-6 shows the Memory Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-6 Memory Circuit3.7 NuMaker-N9H30 - I2S, I2C_0, RS-485_6 CircuitFigure 3-7 shows the I2S, I2C_0, RS-486_6 Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-7 I2S, I2C_0, RS-486_6 Circuit3.8 NuMaker-N9H30 - RS-232_2 CircuitFigure 3-8 shows the RS-232_2 Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-8 RS-232_2 Circuit3.9 NuMaker-N9H30 - LCD CircuitFigure 3-9 shows the LCD Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-9 LCD Circuit3.10 NuMaker-N9H30 - CMOS Sensor, I2C_1, CAN_0 CircuitFigure 3-10 shows the CMOS Sensor,I2C_1, CAN_0 Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-10 CMOS Sensor, I2C_1, CAN_0 Circuit3.11 NuMaker-N9H30 - RMII_0_PF CircuitFigure 3-11 shows the RMII_0_RF Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-11 RMII_0_PF Circuit3.12 NuMaker-N9H30 - RMII_1_PE CircuitFigure 3-12 shows the RMII_1_PE Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-12 RMII_1_PE Circuit3.13 NuMaker-N9H30 - USB CircuitFigure 3-13 shows the USB Circuit.NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALFigure 3-13 USB Circuit3.14 NuDesign-TFT-LCD7 - TFT-LCD7 CircuitFigure 3-14 shows the TFT-LCD7 Circuit.Figure 3-14 TFT-LCD7 CircuitNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUAL4 REVISION HISTORYDate Revision Description2022.03.24 1.00 Initial version NUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALNUMAKER-HMI-N9H30 USER MANUALImportant NoticeNuvoton Products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in systems or equipment, anymalfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or severe propertydamage. Such applications are deemed, “Insecure Usage”.Insecure usage includes, but is not limited to: equipment for surgical implementation, atomicenergy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, the control or operation ofdynamic, brake or safety systems designed for vehicular use, traffic signal instruments, all typesof safety devices, and other applications intended to support or sustain life.All Insecure Usage shall be made at customer’s risk, and in the event that third parties lay claimsto Nuvoton as a result of customer’s Insecure Usage, custome r shall indemnify the damagesand liabilities thus incurred by Nuvoton.。



开源看板wekanwindows环境下离线部署1. 如果已经按照过wekan,建议先备份,2. 下载node.js 安装包(后缀.msi的)并安装(官⽅说安装时要勾选“Install additional tools”,我安装时并⽆勾选,安装完后发现已经存在 Install additional tools for Node.js 所以此项基本可以忽略)nodejs下载地址: 可能需要FQ重要:我在安装时下载node.js版本为14.15.5 始终⽆法启动,当切换到12.20.2时则可以顺利启动wekan,所以官⽅“Install newest Node.js LTS v12.x for Windows”这句话的意思应该是下载12⼤版本号的最新的版本nodejs版本过⾼(v14.15.5)时启动wekan如此报错E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle>start-wekan.bat## There is an issue with `node-fibers` ##`E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers\bin\win32-x64-83\fibers.node` is missing.Try running this to fix the issue: E:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe E:\wekan\ environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers/buildError: Cannot find module 'E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers\bin\win32-x64-83\fibers'Require stack:- E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers\fibers.js- E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\boot.js- E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\main.jsat Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:880:15)at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:725:27)at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)at Object.<anonymous> (E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers\fibers.js:14:39)at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)at Module.Mp._compile (E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\runtime.js:50:23)at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)at Module.Mp.load (E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\runtime.js:15:31)E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers\fibers.js:23throw new Error('Missing binary. See message above.');^Error: Missing binary. See message Object.<anonymous> (E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\node_modules\fibers\fibers.js:23:9)at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)at Module.Mp._compile (E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\runtime.js:50:23)at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)at Module.Mp.load (E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\runtime.js:15:31)at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)at Object.<anonymous> (E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle\programs\server\boot.js:2:15)3.4.5. 解压 得到bundle⽂件夹6.7. windows 下安装的nodejs 和 mongodb 我的实践结果是:安装完成后⾃动启动,且开机⾃动启动,所以官⽅wiki的后续启动⽅法,可以作为参考,本⽂不使⽤8. 启动wekan,⽤管理员⾝份启动cmd.exe,cd bundlestart-wekan.bat部署成功显⽰E:\wekan environment\wekan-4.96\bundle>start-wekan.batNote: you are using a pure-JavaScript implementation of bcrypt.While this implementation will work correctly, it is known to beapproximately three times slower than the native implementation.In order to use the native implementation instead, runmeteor npm install --save bcryptin the root directory of your application.Presence started serverId=i25QswKht75ewDZHe{"line":"87","file":"packages\\percolate_synced-cron.js","message":"SyncedCron: Scheduled \"notification_cleanup\" next run @Fri Feb 19 2021 10:17:25 GMT+0800 (GMT+08:00)","time":{"$date":1613701045574},"level":"info"} (node:8284) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.参考。





1. 安装依赖项


sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libx11-dev libxt-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev
2. 下载Opencascade源代码


3. 编译
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
4. 安装Opencascade
编译完成后,可以使用以下命令将Opencascade安装到系统中: sudo make install
5. 测试Opencascade
cd samples






附件链接:/s/1miBE91u 密码:p7iz1.安装USB转串口的驱动双击CP210x_VCP_Win7_8 nodemcu.exe安装驱动。

若安装成功,现象如图1:图1 USB转串口驱动安装成功后显示2.固件下载软件的使用解压nodemcu-flasher-master.zip压缩包即可得到如图2(根据自己电脑选择Win32/Win64),双击ESP8266Flasher.exe如图3。

点击Flash即可下载固件(若没有反应检查驱动是否安装好,是否选择了对应的端口号,此端口是否被其他串口程序占用)图2 固件下载软件目录3.Lua脚本编写软件解压ESPlorer.zip后如图4,双击ESPlorer.jar即可执行。


图4 lua脚本编写软件位置图5 脚本编写软件界面4.软件的使用在网站中有如图6已下载好Getting Started with the ESPlorer IDE - Rui Santos.pdf图6 软件的使用5.附件中的其他资料小板的原理图与PCB图用altium designer打开“LuaIDE软件”的源代码,需要自己编译才能使用,编译方法见连接https:///devyte/nodemcu-platform/wiki/How-to-build-ESPlorer-from-sources 6.使用中遇到的问题这个nodemcu-studio-csharp-master.zip是过时的lua软件,不好用,官方说了没注意。

openslide用法 -回复

openslide用法 -回复








在Ubuntu上,可以使用以下命令:sudo apt-get install openslide-tools在基于Debian的系统上,可以使用以下命令:sudo yum install openslide-tools对于Windows系统,可以从OpenSlide官方网站上下载适用于Windows 的预编译二进制文件。



在Python中,可以使用以下代码行导入openslide库:import openslide第三步是打开图像文件。

使用``函数,可以打开图像文件并获取一个OpenSlide对象,如下所示:slide = openslide.OpenSlide("/path/to/image.svs")在此代码中,`"/path/to/image.svs"`应替换为实际图像文件的路径。



下面是一些示例代码:# 获取图像的宽度和高度width, height = slide.dimensions# 获取图像的级别数level_count = slide.level_count# 获取图像的通道数channel_count = slide.associated_images.count# 获取指定级别的尺寸level_width, level_height = slide.level_dimensions[level]第五步是读取图像的指定区域。

nodemcu API说明

nodemcu API说明

API说明flash 错误注意:有些模块在烧写之后启动,串口输出ERROR in flash_read: r=。




概述:•快速、自动连接无线路由器•基于Lua 5.1.4,使用者需了解最简单的Lua语法•采用事件驱动的编程模型•内置file, timer, pwm, i2c, net, gpio, wifi, uart, adc模块•串口波特率:9600-8N1•对模块的引脚进行编号;gpio,i2c,pwm 等模块需要使用引脚编号进行索引•目前的编号对应表格:新Gpio索引 (20141219及以后的版本采用)index pin0 [*] GPIO161 GPIO42 GPIO53 GPIO04 GPIO25 GPIO146 GPIO127 GPIO138 GPIO159 GPIO310 GPIO111 GPIO912 GPIO10[*] D0(GPIO16) 只能用作gpio读写,不支持中断,i2c/pwm/ownode模块node.restart()描述重新启动语法node.restart()参数nil返回值nil示例node.restart();node.dsleep()描述,进入睡眠模式,计时时间之后唤醒语法node.dsleep(us)-注意: 如需使用此功能,需要将esp8266的PIN32(RST)和PIN8(XPD_DCDC)短接。

参数us: 睡眠时间,单位:us返回值nil示例node.dsleep(us);node.chipid()描述返回芯片ID语法node.chipid()参数nil返回值number:芯片ID示例id = node.chipid();node.heap()描述返回当前系统剩余内存大小,单位:字节语法node.heap()参数nil返回值number: 系统剩余内存字节数示例heap_size= node.heap();node.key()描述定义按键的功能函数, 按键与GPIO16相连。

osgqopenglwidget linux 编译-概述说明以及解释

osgqopenglwidget linux 编译-概述说明以及解释

osgqopenglwidget linux 编译-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分内容:引言部分的概述用于介绍文章的背景和内容。



OpenSceneGraph (OSG) 是一个开源的3D 图形库,可用于创建交互式的3D应用程序。










接下来,我们将详细介绍OSG (OpenSceneGraph) 的相关内容。

1.2 文章结构文章结构的部分应该包括以下内容:文章结构部分旨在介绍本篇文章的整体组织和内容安排,为读者提供一个清晰的导读,方便他们快速了解文章的结构和内容组成。






首先,我们将介绍OSG (OpenSceneGraph)的概念和基本特点,包括其在图形渲染方面的应用和优势。






准备工作:1. 安装GCC编译器和Make工具。

2. 下载IPMI工具的源码包。

3. 为了使用IPMI工具,您需要有管理控制器访问权限。

编译过程:1. 解压源码包。

2. 进入源码目录。

3. 使用以下命令进行编译:./configuremakemake install4. 编译完成后,您可以使用以下命令查看安装了哪些文件:make installcheck使用方法:IPMI工具可以在命令行中使用。

以下是一些常用命令:1. ipmitool -I lanplus -H [管理控制器IP] -U [用户名] -P [密码] power status这个命令可以检查服务器的电源状态。

2. ipmitool -I lanplus -H [管理控制器IP] -U [用户名] -P [密码] power on这个命令可以打开服务器的电源。

3. ipmitool -I lanplus -H [管理控制器IP] -U [用户名] -P [密码] chassis power cycle这个命令可以重启服务器。

4. ipmitool -I lanplus -H [管理控制器IP] -U [用户名] -P [密码] sensor list这个命令可以列出服务器的传感器信息。



NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit 用户指南说明书

NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit 用户指南说明书

Getting Started With Jetson Nano Developer KitIntroductionThe NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ Developer Kit is a small AI computer for makers, learners, and developers. After following along with this brief guide, you’ll be ready to start building practical AI applications, cool AI robots, and more.1. microSD card slot for main storage 5. USB 3.0 ports (x4)2. 40-pin expansion header 6. HDMI output port3. Micro-USB port for 5V power input or for data 7. DisplayPort connector4. Gigabit Ethernet port 8. DC Barrel jack for 5V power input9. MIPI CSI camera connectorsIncluded in the BoxYour Jetson Nano Developer Kit box includes:∙Jetson Nano Developer Kit∙Small paper card with quick start and support information∙Folded paper standItems not includedYou’ll also need:∙microSD card (16GB UHS-1 minimum)∙USB keyboard and mouse∙Computer display (either HDMI or DP)∙Micro-USB power supply (5V⎓2A)Prepare for SetupItems for Getting StartedmicroSD CardThe Jetson Nano Developer Kit uses a microSD card a s a boot device and for main storage. It’s important to have a card that’s fast and large enough for your projects; the minimum recommended is a 16GB UHS-1 card.See the instructions below to flash your microSD card with operating system and software.Micro-USB Power SupplyYou’ll need to power the developer kit with a good quality power supply that can deliver 5V⎓2A at the developer kit’s Micro-USB port. Not every power supply rated at “5V⎓2A” will actually do this.As an example of a good power supply, NVIDIA has validated Adafruit’s 5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply with 20AWG MicroUSB Cable (GEO151UB-6025). It was specifically designed to overcome common problems with USB power supplies; see the linked product page for details.NoteThe stated power output capability of a USB power supplycan be seen on its label.Actual power delivery capabilities of USB power supplies do vary.Please see the Jetson Nano Developer Kit User Guide foradditional information.Optional ItemsWireless Networking AdapterJetson Nano Developer Kit includes a gigabit Ethernet port, but also supports many common USB wireless networking adapters, e.g., Edimax EW-7811Un.Write Image to the microSD CardTo prepare your microSD card, you’ll need a computer with Internet connection and the ability to read and write SD cards, either via a built-in SD card slot or adapter.1.Download the Jetson Nano Developer Kit SD Card Image, and note where it was saved on the computer.2.Write the image to your microSD card by following the instructions below according to the type of computer youare using: Windows, Mac, or Linux.Instructions For Windows: https:///embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-nano-devkit#collapseZero Instructions For Mac: https:///embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-nano-devkit#collapseOne Instructions For Linux: https:///embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-nano-devkit#collapseTwo After your microSD card is ready, proceed to set up your developer kit.Setup and First BootSetup Steps1.Unfold the paper stand and place inside the developer kit box.2.Set the developer kit on top of the paper stand.3.Insert the microSD card (with system image already written to it) into the slot on the underside of the JetsonNano module.4.Power on your computer display and connect it.5.Connect the USB keyboard and mouse.6.Connect your Micro-USB power supply (5V⎓2A). The Jetson Nano Developer Kit will power on and bootautomatically.First BootA green LED next to the Micro-USB connector will light as soon as the developer kit powers on. When you boot the first time, the Jetson Nano Developer Kit will take you through some initial setup, including:∙Review and accept NVIDIA Jetson software EULA∙Select system language, keyboard layout, and time zone∙Create username, password, and computer name∙Log inAfter Logging InYou will see this screen. Congratulations!Next StepsFind Your Way AroundRead the Jetson Nano Developer Kit User Guide, which includes:https:///embedded/dlc/jetson-nano-dev-kit-user-guide∙Many more details about the developer kit hardware.∙Explanations of all the components of NVIDIA JetPack, including developer tools with support for cross-compilation.∙Lists of all included samples and sample documentation.Head to the NVIDIA Jetson Developer Zone for access to all Jetson platform information.https:///jetsonAsk questions or share a project on the NVIDIA Jetson Forums.https:///default/board/372/jetson-projects/Projects and LearningThe Jetson Nano Developer Kit is an AI computer for learning and for making.Take the free NVIDIA Deep Learning CourseIn the Getting Started with AI on Jetson Nano self-paced online course for beginners, you’l l learn to collect image data and use it to train, optimize, and deploy AI models for custom tasks like recognizing hand gestures, and image regression for locating a key point in an image.https:///courses/course-v1:DLI+C-RX-02+V1/aboutNVIDIA Deep Learning InstituteCheck out the Jetson Projects PageHello AI World∙Get started with deep learning inference for computer vision using pretrained models for image classification and object detection.∙Realtime acceleration with TensorRT and live camera streaming.∙Code your own recognition program in C++.∙For those interested in training their own networks, take the full Two Days to a Demo which includes both training and inference.JetBot is an open-source AI project for makers, students and enthusiasts who are interested in learning AI and building fun applications.∙It’s easy to set up and use and is compatible with many popular accessories.∙Several interactive tutorials show you how to harness the power of AI to teach JetBot to follow objects, avoid collisions and more.∙JetBot is a great launchpad for creating entirely new AI projects.Create your own projects∙Jetson Nano Developer Kit offers useful tools like the Jetson GPIO Python library, and is compatible with common sensors and peripherals, including many from Adafruit and Raspberry Pi.∙Many popular AI frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, Caffe, and MXNet are supported, and Jetson Nano is capable of running multiple neural networks in parallel to process data and drive action. TroubleshootingPowerIf you cannot boot your Jetson Nano Developer Kit, the problem may be with your USB power supply.Please use a good quality power supply like this one.It’s also important to have a good quality cord connecting your power supply to the developer kit:∙It’s good to use a power supply with permanently attached cord.∙Shorter cables will drop less voltage.DisplayHDMI to DVI adaptors are not supported. Please use a display that accepts HDMI or DP input.。














文件制定/修订/废止履历表版本日期制定/修订内容制定核准V1.02020.06.10首次制定谢一骥目录一、概述 (5)二、开发板固件烧录以及串口通讯 (6)三、常见AT指令集 (10)四、AT指令使用示例 (11)五、联系我们 (15)一、概述本文档提供ESP32-S2的AT指令的几种常见使用示例,更多AT指令说明请参考ESP32-S2的AT指令集。

使用准备:⏹下载ESP32-S2AT Bin:https:///esp32/sdk烧录方法参考以下开发板固件烧录⏹安信可串口调试工具和固件烧录工具:https:///tools串口调试工具用于向ESP32-S2发送AT指令,串口波特率设置为115200AT指令要求以新行(CR LF)结尾,串口工具支持“新行模式”固件烧录工具用于烧录AT固件二、开发板固件烧录以及串口通讯准备工作:PC电脑一台PC上需安装有安信可串口调试助手和固件烧录工具Micro USB数据线一条(开发板通过USB线供电,供电电压为5V,请不要用其他方式供电)烧入ESP32-S2默认AT固件,烧入步骤如下开发板固件烧入1.把NodeMCU-32-S2和PC的USB口用数据线连接2.打开固件烧入软件(ESP_DOWNLOAD_TOOL_v3.8.5_0)3.按照图中步骤配置烧入参数并开启烧入4.等待烧入完成(开始烧入后会有进度条,进度完成后则可以开始下面的测试)5.烧录成功后,给NodeMCU-32-S2供电后观察LED1是否常亮,若正常亮起,则电源正常,若不亮则电源供电异常串口通讯用数据线连接开发板和电脑,打开串口工具配置如图所示,并连接到开发板的串口,向串口发送AT,日志窗口返回OK视为烧录成功,反之则失败。



(NodeMCU开发)篇1:搭建NodeMCU开发环境,HelloWorld (NodeMCU开发)篇1:搭建NodeMCU开发环境,HelloWorldCONTENTS前⾔⽬前,关于NodeMCU的开发环境各不⼀样,⽀持在不同平台不同语⾔进⾏开发。




名词解释AiThinkerIDE:安信可 ESP 系列⼀体化开发环境(基于 Windows + Cygwin + Eclipse + GCC 的综合 IDE 环境)。






—— 软件开源。

GNU/Linux 的意思是上层应⽤程序是GUN体系(遵循GPL标准的⼀套)。

GPL(GeneralPublicLicense): GUN通⽤公共授权。








ESP8266-DevKitSUser GuideVersion 1.0Espressif SystemsCopyright © 2020About This Guide This user guide provides information on ESP8266-DevKitS-development board.Release NotesDate Version Release notes2020.02V1.0Initial release.Documentation Change NotificationEspressif provides email notifications to keep customers updated on changes totechnical documentation. Please subscribe here.CertificationDownload certificates for Espressif products from here.Tables of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 1.Overview 1.......................................................................................................... 2.Functional Description 2............................................................................................................ 3.How to Flash a Board 4................................................................................................................3.1.Hardware Preparation 4.........................................................................................................................3.2.Hardware Setup 4..........................................................................................................................3.3.Software Setup 4................................................................................................................. 4.Board Dimensions 5.............................................................................................................. 5.Hardware Reference 6............................................................................................................................5.1.Block Diagram 65.2.Power Supply Options 6...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5.3.Header Blocks 6A.Appendix—Learning Resources 8.........................................................................................................................................................................................................A.1.Must-Read Documents 8................................................................................................................A.2.Must-Have Resources 91. Overview 1.OverviewESP8266-DevKitS is Espressif’s flashing board designed specifically for ESP8266. It can beused to flash an ESP8266 module without soldering the module to the power supply andsignal lines. With a module mounted, ESP8266-DevKitS can also be used as a minidevelopment board like ESP8266-DevKitC.ESP8266-DevKitS supports the following ESP8266 modules:-ESP-WROOM-02-ESP-WROOM-02D-ESP-WROOM-02U2. Functional Description 2.Functional DescriptionFigure 2-1. ESP8266-DevKitSThis chapter introduces key components, interfaces and controls of ESP8266-DevKitSdevelopment board:•Spring PinsConnect and fix the module. These spring pins fit castellated holes on the module.• 2.54 mm Female HeadersConnect to jumper wires and other development boards. For description of femaleheaders, please refer to 5.3 Header Blocks.•USB-to-UART BridgeA single chip USB-UART bridge provides up to 3 Mbps transfers rates.2. Functional Description •LDO5V-to-3.3V Low dropout voltage regulator (LDO).•Boot ButtonDownload button. Holding down the Boot button and pressing the EN button initiates the firmware download mode. Then users can download firmware through the serial port.•Micro USB Port/Micro USB ConnectorUSB interface. Power supply for the board and the communication interface betweena computer and the board.•EN ButtonReset button. Pressing this button resets the system.•Power On LEDTurns on when the USB or power supply is connected to the board.3. How to Flash a Board 3.How to Flash a Board 3.1.Hardware Preparation• 1 x ESP8266 module of your choice• 1 x USB 2.0 cable (Standard-A to Micro-B)• 1 x PC loaded with Windows, Linux or Mac OS3.2.Hardware SetupPlease mount a module of your choice onto your ESP8266-DevKitS according to thefollowing steps:•Gently put your module on the ESP8266-DevKitS board. Make sure that castellated holes on your module are aligned with spring pins on the board.•Press your module down into the board until it clicks.•Check whether all spring pins are inserted into castellated holes. If there are some misaligned spring pins, place them into castellated holes with tweezers.3.3.Software SetupFor step-by-step introductions, please refer to ESP8266 Quick Start Guide.Note:1.To flash binary files, the ESP32 chip should be set to UART boot mode. This can be done either by theflash tool automatically, or by holding down the Boot button and tapping the EN button.2.After binary files have been flashed, please reset or power up your ESP32 module again to run theflashed application (this step is executed automatically by the flash tool by default).4. Board Dimensions 4.Board DimensionsFigure 4-1. Board Dimensions5.Hardware Reference 5.1.Block DiagramFigure 5-1. ESP8266-DevKitS Block Diagram5.2.Power Supply OptionsThere are three mutually exclusive ways to provide power to the board:•Micro USB port, default power supply•5V and GND header pins•3V3 and GND header pinsIt is advised to use the first option: micro USB port.5.3.Header BlocksTable 5-1. Header BlockLocation Label SignalL1G GNDL23V3VDD 3V3L33V3VDD 3V3L4EN CHIP_ENL5G GNDL614GPIO14L712GPIO12L813GPIO13L915GPIO15L102GPIO2L110GPIO0L12G GNDL135V External 5VL14G GNDL15G GNDR1G GNDR216GPIO16R3G GNDR4TX U0TXDR5RX U0RXDR6G GNDR74GPIO4R8RST EXT_RSTBR95GPIO5R10ADC To TOUT after a voltage divider R11G GNDR12G GNDR13G GNDR14G GNDR15G GNDA.Appendix—LearningResources A.1.Must-Read Documents•ESP8266-DevKitS Reference DesignDescription: This zip package include ESP8266-DevKitS schematics, PCB layout,gerber and BOM files, and spring design files.•ESP8266 Quick Start GuideDescription: This document is a quick user guide to getting started with ESP8266. Itincludes an introduction to the ESP-LAUNCHER, how to download firmware on to theboard and run it, how to compile the AT application, structure and the debuggingmethod of RTOS SDK. Basic documentation and other related resources for theESP8266 are also provided.•ESP8266 SDK Getting Started GuideDescription: This document takes ESP-LAUNCHER and ESP-WROOM-02 as examplesto introduce how to use ESP8266 SDK. The contents include preparations beforecompilation, SDK compilation and firmware download.•ESP-WROOM-02 DatasheetDescription: ESP-WROOM-02 is a SMD module that integrates ESP8266EX. Themodule has been adjusted to get the best RF performance.•ESP-WROOM-02D/ESP-WROOM-02U DatasheetDescription: ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U are ESP8266EX-basedmodules developed by Espressif. Compared with ESP-WROOM-02, the RFperformance of ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U are optimized.•ESP-WROOM-02 Reference DesignDescription: This zip package includes ESP-WROOM-02 hardware downloadingresources, manufacturing specifications, BOM and schematics.•ESP-WROOM-02D/ESP-WROOM-02U Reference DesignDescription: This zip package includes ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02Umodule reference design resources, including schematics, PCB layout, gerber files andBOM lists.•ESP-WROOM-02 PCB Design and Module Placement GuideDescription: The ESP-WROOM-02 module is designed to be soldered to a host PCB.This document compares six different placements of the antenna on a host board andprovides notes on designing PCB.•ESP8266 Hardware ResourcesDescription: This zip package includes manufacturing specifications of the ESP8266board and the modules, manufacturing BOM and schematics.•ESP8266 AT Command ExamplesDescription: This document introduces some specific examples of using Espressif ATcommands, including single connection as a TCP Client, UDP transmission andtransparent transmission, and multiple connection as a TCP server.•ESP8266 AT Instruction SetDescription: This document provides lists of AT commands based onESP8266_NONOS_SDK, including user-defined AT commands, basic AT commands,Wi-Fi AT commands and TCP/IP-related AT commands. It also introduces thedownloading of AT firmware into flash.•TCP/UDP UART Passthrough Test DemonstrationDescription: This guide is intended to help users run a TCP & UDP passthrough test onthe ESP8266 IoT platform.•FAQA.2.Must-Have Resources•ESP8266 SDKsDescription: This website page provides links to the latest version of ESP8266 SDK andthe older ones.•ESP8266 ToolsDescription: This website page provides links to the ESP8266 flash download tools andESP8266 performance evaluation tools.•ESP8266 App•ESP8266 Certification and Test Guide•ESP8266 BBS•ESP8266 ResourcesDisclaimer and Copyright NoticeInformation in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without notice.THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY , NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE.All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is disclaimed. No licenses express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.The Wi-Fi Alliance Member logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Bluetooth logo is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright © 2020 Espressif Inc. All rights reserved.Espressif IoT Team。

ios trustkit的用法

ios trustkit的用法

ios trustkit的用法TrustKit是Apple开发的一个框架,用于提供安全的网络连接和身份验证。







3.PKCS#12文件:PKCS#12文件是一种用于存储私钥和证书的格式,TrustKit 提供了对PKCS#12文件的读取和写入支持,方便开发者在应用程序中存储和管理密钥和证书。








Handson Technology ESP8266 NodeMCU WiFi开发板用户手册说明书

Handson Technology ESP8266 NodeMCU WiFi开发板用户手册说明书

User Manual V1.2The ESP8266 is the name of a micro controller designed by Espressif Systems. The ESP8266 itself is a self-contained WiFi networking solution offering as a bridge from existing micro controller to WiFi and is also capable of running self-contained applications. This module comes with a built in USB connector and a rich assortment of pin-outs. With a micro USB cable, you can connect NodeMCU devkit to your laptop and flash it without any trouble, just like Arduino. It is also immediately breadboard friendly.Table of Contents1. Specification: (3)2. Pin Definition: (3)3. Using Arduino IDE (3)3.1 Install the Arduino IDE 1.6.4 or greater (4)3.2 Install the ESP8266 Board Package (4)3.3 Setup ESP8266 Support (5)3.4 Blink Test (7)3.5 Connecting via WiFi (9)4. Flashing NodeMCU Firmware on the ESP8266 using Windows (12)4.1 Parts Required: (12)4.2 Pin Assignment: (12)4.3 Wiring: (13)4.4 Downloading NodeMCU Flasher for Windows (13)4.5 Flashing your ESP8266 using Windows (13)5. Getting Started with the ESPlorer IDE (15)5.1 Installing ESPlorer (15)5.2 Schematics (18)5.3 Writing Your Lua Script (18)6. NodeMCU GPIO for Lua (22)7. Web Resources: (22)ing Arduino IDEClick ‘File’ -> ‘Preferences’ to access this panel. Next, use the Board manager to install the ESP8266 package.Click ‘Tools’ -> ‘Board:’ -> ‘Board Manager…’ to access this panel.Scroll down to ‘ esp8266 by ESP8266 Community ’ and click “Install” button to install the ESP8266 library package. Once installation completed, close and re-open Arduino IDE for ESP8266 library to take effect.Setup ESP8266 SupportWhen you've restarted Arduino IDE, select ‘Generic ESP8266 Module’ from the ‘Tools’ -> ‘Board:’ dropdown menu. Select 80 MHz as the CPU frequency (you can try 160 MHz overclock later)Find out which Com Port is assign for CH340 Select the correct Com Port as indicated on ‘Device Manager” Note: if this is your first time using CH340 “ USB-to-Serial ” interface, please install the driver first before proceed the above Com Port setting. The CH340 driver can be download from the below site:Once the ESP board is in bootload mode, upload the sketch via the IDE, Figure 3-2.Figure3-1: Connection diagram for the blinking testFigure 3.2: Uploading the sketch to ESP8266 NodeMCU module.The sketch will start immediately - you'll see the LED blinking. Hooray!Connecting via WiFiOK once you've got the LED blinking, let’s go straight to the fun part, connecting to a webserver. Create a new sketchconst char* host ="";void setup(){Serial.begin(115200);delay(100);// We start by connecting to a WiFi networkSerial.println();Serial.println();Serial.print("Connecting to ");Serial.println(ssid);WiFi.begin(ssid, password);while(WiFi.status()!= WL_CONNECTED){delay(500);Serial.print(".");}Serial.println("");Serial.println("WiFi connected");Serial.println("IP address: ");Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());}int value =0;void loop(){delay(5000);++value;Serial.print("connecting to ");Serial.println(host);// Use WiFiClient class to create TCP connectionsWiFiClient client;const int httpPort =80;if(!client.connect(host, httpPort)){Serial.println("connection failed");return;}// We now create a URI for the requestString url ="/projects/index.html";Serial.print("Requesting URL: ");Serial.println(url);// This will send the request to the serverclient.print(String("GET ")+ url +" HTTP/1.1\r\n"+"Host: "+ host +"\r\n"+"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");delay(500);// Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial while(client.available()){String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');Serial.print(line);}Serial.println();Serial.println("closing connection");}That's it, pretty easy right ! This section is just to get you started and test out your module.ESP8266 Module Breadboard Friendly with Header ConnectorESP8266 Module Breadboard FriendlyPL2303HX USB-UART Converter CableSome Male-to-Female Jumper WiresESP8266 Pin DescriptionCH_PD Pull high, connect to Vcc +3.3VVcc Power Supply +3.3VTXD Connect to RXD (white) of PL2303HX USB-Serial converter cable RXD Connect to TXD (Green) of PL2303HX USB-Serial converter cable GPIO0 Pull low, connect to GND pinGND Power Supply groundPress the button “Flash” and it should start the flashing process immediately, showing the Module MAC address if After finishing this flashing process, it should appear a green circle with a check icon at lower left corner.Your ESP8266 module is now loaded with NodeMCU firmware.Here’s a rundown of the features the ESPlorer IDE includes:Syntax highlighting LUA and Python code.Code editor color themes: default, dark, Eclipse, IDEA, Visual Studio.Undo/Redo editors features.Code Autocomplete (Ctrl+Space).Below the Code Window, you have 12 buttons that offer you all the functions you could possible need to interact with your ESP8266. Here’s the ones you’ll use most: “Save to ESP” and “Send to ESP”.5.3 Writing Your Lua ScriptBelow is your script to blink an LED.lighton=0pin=4gpio.mode(pin,gpio.OUTPUT)Right now you don’t need to worry how this code works, but how you can upload it to your ESP8266.Look at the top right corner of your ESPlorer IDE and follow these instructions: Press the Refresh button.Select the COM port for your FTDI programmer.Select your baudrate.Click Open.Copy your Lua script to the code window (as you can see in the Figure below):Congratulations, you’ve made it! The blue LED at the upper right corner should be blinking every 2 seconds!6. NodeMCU GPIO for LuaThe GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output) allows us to access to pins of ESP8266 , all the pins of ESP8266 accessed using the command GPIO, all the access is based on the I/O index number on the NoddMCU dev kits, not the internal GPIO pin, for example, the pin ‘D7’ on the NodeMCU dev kit is mapped to the internal GPIO pin 13, if you want to turn ‘High’ or ‘Low’ that particular pin you need to called the pin number ‘7’, not the internal GPIO of the pin. When you are programming with generic ESP8266 this confusion will arise which pin needs to be called during programming, if you are using NodeMCU devkit, it has come prepared for working with Lua interpreter which can easily program by looking the pin names associated on the Lua board. If you are using generic ESP8266 device or any other vendor boards please refer to the table below to know which IO index is associated to the internal GPIO of ESP8266.Nodemcu dev kit ESP8266 Pin Nodemcu devkitESP8266 PinD0 GPIO16 D7 GPIO13D1 GPIO5 D8 GPIO15D2 GPIO4 D9 GPIO3D3 GPIO0 D10 GPIO1D4 GPIO2 D11 GPIO9D5 GPIO14 D12 GPIO10D6 GPIO12D0 or GPIO16 can be used only as a read and write pin, no other options like PWM/I2C are supported by this pin.In our example in chapter 5 on blinking the blue LED, the blue LED in connected to GPIO2, it is defined as Pin4 (D4) in Lua script.7. Web Resources:•ESP8266 Lua Nodemcu WIFI Module•ESP8266 Breadboard Friendly Module•ESP8266 Remote Serial WIFI Module•PL2303HX USB-UART Converter Cable。



DevKit8000 Linux用户手册版本1.0发布: 2009-03-20版本更新记录版本发布日期描述1.0 2009-01-16 初始发布接洽信息访问如下地址,可获取更多信息: 目录DEVKIT8000 LINUX用户手册 (1)第一部分硬件系统介绍 (5)第一章系统概述 (5)1.1 产品简介 (5)1.2 产品规范 (6)1.3产品配件 (7)第二章接口规范 (8)3.1 接口位置概述 (8)3.2 接口描述 (9)第二部分软件系统介绍 (22)第三章软件系统概述 (22)3.1 预装软件 (23)3.2 BSP features (24)3.3 Introduction to CD................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

第四章从这里开始 (25)4.1 准备 (25)4.2 LED测试 (25)4.3 KEYPAD测试 (26)4.4 触摸屏测试 (26)4.5 RTC测试 (26)4.6 MMC/SD卡测试 (27)4.7 USB OTG测试 (27)4.8 AUDIO/VIDEO测试 (29)4.9 网络测试 (29)第五章L INUX系统开发平台搭建 (31)5.1 交叉编译环境的搭建 (31)5.2 生成系统映像文件 (32)5.3 系统定制 (34)第六章映像更新与恢复 (38)6.1设备连接及设置 (38)6.2 映像更新 (38)6.3 系统恢复 (44)第七章D EV K IT8000应用开发示例 (46)7.1 开发环境的准备 (46)7.2 LED Project (46)第八章D EV K IT8000D EMO演示 (48)8.1 angstrom(GPE)桌面发布版本演示 (48)8.2 google android系统演示 (48)第九章FAQ (50)附录一 (51)附录二 (53)附录三 (58)第一部分概述第一章系统概述1.1 产品简介DevKit8000是深圳市天漠科技有限公司推出的基于德州仪器(TI)OMAP35x处理器的评估套件。




1、Simple DemoWe can operate the GPIO of NodeMCU like Arduino,Code block-1 is a simple demo gave by the official website.For more you can seepin = 1--Define the number of GPIO which to operategpio.mode(pin,gpio.OUTPUT)--Define the mode of GPIO to outputgpio.write(pin,gpio.HIGH)--Output a high levelgpio.mode(pin,gpio.INPUT)--Define the mode of GPIO to inputprint( the input signal,return a number, 0 = low, 1 = highThe syntax of GPIO mode definition is as follows:gpio.mode(pin,mode[,pullup])Parameters2、Pin MapThe Figure-1 (NODEMCU_DEVKIT_V1.0_PINMAP.png) is the GPIO map between NodeMCU and ESP8266.3、GPIO IndexThe Table-1 is the map between pin index and ESP8266 GPIO. Combined with Figure-1 and Table-1,we can get the pin-index corresponding the hardware GPIO.—————————————————————————————————————————上⾯是练英语写作的,欢迎吐槽。

ESP32-DevKitC 使用指南说明书

ESP32-DevKitC 使用指南说明书

ESP32-DevKitC Getting Started GuideVersion 1.2Copyright © 2016About This GuideThis user guide introduces the basic features and operations of the ESP32-DevKitC.The document is structured as follows:Release NotesChapter Title ContentChapter 1Overview Introduction to the ESP32-DevKitC.Chapter 2Download Process Introduction to the boot modes and download operations.Date Version Release notes2016.09V1.0Initial release.2016.10V1.1Updated figure “ESP32-DevKitC Layout” in Chapter 1.2016.11V1.2Updated figure “ESP32-DevKitC Layout” in Chapter 1.Added figure “ESP32-CoreBoard Dimensions” in Chapter 1.Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 1.Overview 1................................................................................................................. 2.Download Process 2....................................................................................................2.1.Create Serial Communication 22.2.Set Download Mode and SPI Boot Mode 2......................................................................................................................................................................................................2.3.Download Methods 2...................................................................................e ESP32 DOWNLOAD TOOL 2e Python Scripts 3....................................................................................................................................................................................................................2.4.Check the Serial Output 41. Overview 1.OverviewESP32-DevKitC is a small-sized ESP32-based development board produced by Espressif.Most of the I/O pins are led out to the pin headers on both sides for easy interfacing.Developers can connect these pins to peripherals as needed. Standard headers also makedevelopment easy and convenient when using a breadboard.Figure 1-1. ESP32-CoreBoard Dimensions Figure 1-2. ESP32-DevKitC Layout 27.9 mm48.2 mm55.0 mm3V3 EN SVP SVN IO34 IO35 IO32 IO33 IO25 IO26 IO27 IO14 IO12 GND IO13 SD2 SD3 GND 5VGNDIO23IO22TXD0RXD0IO21GNDIO19IO18IO5IO17IO16IO4IO0IO2IO15SD1SD0CLK2.Download ProcessYou will need the hardware listed below:• 1 × ESP32-DevKitC• 1 × PC (with Windows OS as an example in this document)• 1 × USB cable2.1.Create Serial CommunicationConnect the ESP32-DevKitC to the PC using the USB cable. Check the list of identifiedexternal COM ports in the Windows Device Manager and confirm the COM port number ofthe ESP32-DevKitC.2.2.Set Download Mode and SPI Boot ModeAs shown in Figure 1-1, the ESP32-DevKitC features two buttons: one marked as “EN”,which is the reset button and is located on the bottom left corner, and another one marked“Boot” on the bottom right corner, which is the download button.•Download mode:While pressing the “Boot” button, also press the “EN” button to initiate the downloadmode. The system should then enter the download mode and output the following onthe terminal:Figure 2-1. Download Mode Output•SPI boot mode:Simply press the “EN” button and the ESP32-DevKitC will enter the SPI boot mode. Ifdownload operation is completed successfully, the system will output some informationon the terminal, as shown in Figure 2-3.2.3.Download Methodse ESP32 DOWNLOAD TOOLPlease download the latest ESP32 DOWNLOAD TOOL from Espressif website.Open the ESP32 DOWNLOAD TOOL. Select bootloader.bin, paritions_singeapp.bin, andtestje.bin to be downloaded to addresses 0x1000, 0x4000, and 0x10000, respectively.Press “START” and wait for the prompt that indicates the download result.Figure 2-2. ESP32 DOWNLOAD TOOL Interfacee Python ScriptsGet Python scripts from esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ in the ESP-IDF.The download process will require the system to have a command terminal. For theWindows System, open the “Windows PowerShell” or “Windows Command Terminal”.On the terminal, set the current directory to where the downloaded Python scripts aresaved, and then type in the following commands:python -b 115200 -p COM3 write_flash -ff 40m -fm qio -ih0x0 -il 0x00 0x1000 bootloader.bin 0x4000 partitions_singleapp.bin0x10000 testje.bin2.4.Check the Serial OutputLaunch the serial terminal on the PC and press the “EN” button on the development board. The system is now expected to enter the SPI boot mode and output the following:Figure 2-3. SPI Boot Mode OutputNotes:•The parameters highlighted in blue represent the baud rate, serial port, flash frequency, and the flash mode, respectively. You can change these parameters as necessary.•Only mode is currently supported. Further updates of download tools and scripts will allow support for both the and modes.•To retrieve “help information”, input python -h . For information on download commands, input python write_flash -h .Disclaimer and Copyright NoticeInformation in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without notice.THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY , NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE.All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to the use of information in this document, is disclaimed. No licenses expressed or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.The Wi-Fi Alliance Member logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Bluetooth logo is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright © 2016 Espressif Inc. All rights reserved.Espressif IOT Team。

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V0.9 2014-12-7
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 3V3 GND D5 D6 D7 D8
D9 D10 GND 3V3
1. 连接开发板硬件之前,确保断开所有电源以避免触电危险。





2. 开发板天线附近请保持足够的净空区,否则会影响天线性能。

3. 开发板的USB接口与计算机连接时,如果开发板的串口没有被打开,插拔计算机USB外设的操作会造成开发


4. 开发板的GPIO0上电时若电平为低,则开发板进入烧录固件模式,此时用户的程序将不会被执行。



5. 烧录固件时如果不慎发生中断导致烧录失败,则开发板的程序不完整,此时有一定的可能无法进入自动模式。


6. 如果用户需要使用休眠功能,需要将RST与GPIO16直接连接。



7. GPIO16不支持中断、PWM、I2C以及One-wire功能,只能作为普通输入/输出端口使用。

8. 不得对开发板输入超过5V以上的电源电压,也不得将开发板GPIO直接连接到5V电平的外设上。


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