试卷 (6)
(10分)1. ( ) A. sheep B. cheap C. shear2. ( ) A. flesh B. farm C. farmer3. ( ) A. rabbit B. ruler C. yellow4. ( ) A. lamb B. goat C. pig5. ( ) A. tomato B. potato C. onion6. ( ) A. cucumber B. banana C. carrot7. ( ) A. apple B. pear C. horse8. ( ) A. cat B. fat C. bag9. ( ) A. dog B. goose C. geese10. ( ) A. duck B. cup C. bus二、听录音,根据录音内容,选择最合适的答句,将其字母编号填在括号里。
(10分)1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )tomato carrot orange apple watermelon三、听录音,补充所缺的单词,每空一词。
(10分)1. they sheep? No, .2. are they? They are .3. cows do you have? I have .4.I like . I don’t like .四、听录音,根据录音内容,选择最合适的答句,将其字母编号填在括号里。
(10分)1.( ) A. I can see three. B. There are three. C. I have three.2.( ) A. It’s a lamb. B. They’re lambs. C. They’re lamb.3.( ) A. I like tomatoes. B. I like tomato. C. I have tomatoes.4.( ) A. No, they are. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they aren’t.5.( ) A. It’s two yuan. B. There are two. C. They are two yuan.五、听一段话,判断下列句子的对错,对的打√,错的打×。
江西中考数学模拟试卷(六)一.选择题(共6小题,满分18分,每小题3分)1.(3分)如图,是正方体的表面展开图,在相对面上的两数字互为相反数,则在A、B、C 内的三个数依次为()A.0,1,﹣2B.0,﹣2,1C.1,0,﹣2D.﹣2,0,1 2.(3分)预防和控制新冠肺炎最有效的办法就是接种疫苗.截止2021年12月1日,某市累计接种新冠病毒疫苗超过350万剂次,用科学记数法表示350万为()A.35×105B.3.5×105C.3.5×106D.3.5×1073.(3分)如图所示的几何体是由五个小正方体组合而成的,它的俯视图是()A.B.C.D.4.(3分)下列计算正确的是()A.=±4B.3a3•2a2=6a6C.(﹣a3b)2=a6b2D.=5.(3分)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,以顶点A为圆心,适当长为半径画弧,分别交AC,AB于点M,N,再分别以点M,N为圆心,大于MN长为半径画弧,两弧交于点P,作射线AP交边BC于点D,若CD=2,AB=7,则△ABD的面积是()A.7B.30C.14D.606.(3分)二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象如图所示,下列说法正确的是()A.a<0B.4a+2b+c>0C.c>0D.当x=1时,函数有最小值二.解答题(共6小题,满分18分,每小题3分)7.(3分)因式分解;(1)ax2+2a2x+a3;(2)(a﹣b)(x﹣y)﹣(b﹣a)(x+y).8.(3分)古希腊数学家把数1,3,6,10,15,21,…叫做三角数,它有一定的规律性,若把第一个三角数记为a1,第二个三角数记为a2,…,第n个三角数记为a n,计算a2021﹣a2020的值为.9.(3分)若x1,x2是一元二次方程x2+3x﹣2=0的两根,则x1+x2=,x1•x2=.10.(3分)某区10名学生参加实际汉字听写大赛,他们得分情况如表:那么10名学生所得分数的中位数是.人数3421分数8085909511.(3分)已知直角三角形的周长为3+,斜边上的中线长为1,则该直角三角形的面积是.12.(3分)若等腰三角形的两边长分别为2和5,则这个等腰三角形的周长是.三.解答题(共6小题,满分30分)13.(3分)已知:(|x|﹣4)x+5=1,求整数x的值.14.(3分)如图,在Rt△ACB中,∠ACB=90°,CM=BM,点E在线段AM上,EF⊥AC 于点F,连接CM,CE.已知∠A=50°,∠ACE=30°.(1)求证:CE=CM.(2)若AB=4,求线段FC的长.15.(6分)解不等式组,并在数轴上表示其解集.16.(6分)请仅用无刻度的直尺,分别按下列要求完成画图.(1)如图1,在菱形ABCD中,E,F分别是AB,BC上的中点,以EF为边画一个矩形;(2)如图2,在网格中有一定角XOY和一定点P,请作一条线段AB,使点P为AB中点,且点A、B分别在OX、OY上.17.(6分)一只不透明的袋子中装有1个白球和2个红球,这些球除颜色外都相同.(1)搅匀后从中任意摸出1个球,摸到红球的概率为;(2)搅匀后从中任意摸出1个球,记录颜色后放回、搅匀,再从中摸出1个球,请用树状图或列表法列出所有的等可能结果,并求至少摸到1个红球的概率.18.(6分)如图,一次函数y=k1x+1的图象与反比例函数y=点的图象相交于A、B两点,点C在x轴正半轴上,点D(1,﹣2),连接OA、OD、DC、AC,四边形OACD为菱形.(1)求一次函数与反比例函数的解析式;(2)根据图象,直接写出反比例函数值大于一次函数值时,x的取值范围;(3)设点P是直线AB上一动点,且S△OAP=S菱形OACD,求点P的坐标.四.解答题(共3小题,满分24分,每小题8分)19.(8分)据悉,2022年,我国载人航天空间站工程进入空间站建造阶段,将完成问天实验舱、梦天实验舱、神舟载人飞船和天舟货运飞船等6次重大任务.为了庆祝我国航天事业的蓬勃发展,某校举办名为“弘扬航天精神•拥抱星辰大海”的书画展览,并给书画展上的作品打分(满分10分).评分结果有6分,7分,8分,9分,10分五种.每位同学只能上交一份作品,现从中随机抽取部分作品,对其份数及成绩进行整理,制成如图所示两幅不完整的统计图.根据以上信息,解答下列问题:(1)补全条形统计图;(2)所抽取作品成绩的众数为,中位数为,扇形统计图中6分所对应的扇形的圆心角为°;(3)已知该校收到书画作品共900份,请估计得分为8分(及8分以上)的书画作品大约有多少份?20.(8分)我国强大的制造业系统在“新冠肺炎”疫情防控中发挥了巨大作用.为缓解口罩供需矛盾,疫情防控期间新增3000多家公司生产口罩.统计数据显示:A公司口罩日产量比B公司口罩日产量多300万只,A公司生产10000万只口罩与B公司生产4000万只口罩所用的时间相等.(1)A,B两公司口罩日产量分别是多少?(2)A公司由主营汽车生产临时转型口罩生产,随着工人操作不断娴熟和技术不断改进,口罩月产量保持相同增长率的增长.已知A公司第1个月口罩产量为15000万只,第3个月口罩产量为18150万只,请通过计算判断A公司第4个月口罩产量能否达到20000万只?21.(8分)一架无人机沿水平直线飞行进行测绘工作,在点P处测得正前方水平地面上某建筑物AB的顶端A的俯角为30°,面向AB方向继续飞行5米,测得该建筑物底端B 的俯角为45°,已知建筑物AB的高为3米,求无人机飞行的高度(结果精确到1米,参考数据:≈1.414,≈1.732).五.解答题(共2小题,满分18分,每小题9分)22.(9分)如图,已知△ABC内接于⊙O,直径AD交BC于点E,连接OC,过点C作CF ⊥AD,垂足为F.过点D作⊙O的切线,交AB的延长线于点G.(1)若∠G=50°,求∠ACB的度数;(2)若AB=AE,求证:∠BAD=∠COF;(3)在(2)的条件下,连接OB,设△AOB的面积为S1,△ACF的面积为S2,若,求tan∠CAF的值.23.(9分)如图,已知在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线y=ax2+bx+2与x轴交于A(﹣1,0),B两点(A点位于B点左侧),与y轴相交于点C,直线y=x+m经过B,C两点.(1)求抛物线的解析式;(2)点P为第一象限内抛物线上一动点,过点P作PD⊥BC,垂足为D,连接AP.①线段PD是否有最大值,如有请求出有最大值时点P的坐标,如没有请说明理由;②当∠DP A=∠ACO时,求直线AP的表达式.六.解答题(共1小题,满分12分,每小题12分)24.(12分)已知,点E在正方形ABCD的AB边上(不与点A,B重合),BD是对角线,延长AB到点F,使BF=AE,过点E作BD的垂线,垂足为M,连接AM,CF.(1)根据题意补全图形,并证明MB=ME;(2)回答问题:①用等式表示线段AM与CF的数量关系,并证明.②用等式表示线段AM,BM,DM之间的数量关系(直接写出即可).。
”这强调在儿童发展中( )的作用 【 】A. 环境B. 遗传C. 遗传和环境D. 主观能动性2. 由于缺陷而缺乏作为正常人以正常方式从事某种活动的能力,是指 【 】A. 残损B. 残疾C. 残障D. 残缺3. 注意力不集中,不善于完成口头指令,常使用手势及其他动作等举止行为可能预示学生有( ) 【 】A. 听力障碍B. 视觉障碍C. 智力障碍D. 情绪与行为障碍4. “盲态”又称“盲相”,是视力残疾人因早期干预不当而造成的一种外部状态。
从其形成的原因分析,双手前伸、挪步走路、蹭步走路等属于 【 】A. 功能缺陷型B. 自护型C. 功能代偿型D. 自娱型5.按照我国弱智分级标准,“二级智力残疾”属于( B ) 【 】A. 一级智力残疾(极重度)B. 二级智力残疾(重度)C. 三级智力残疾(中度)D. 四级智力残疾(轻度6.心理治疗作为对情绪与行为障碍儿童的一种干预方式,不包括哪一项 【 】A. 认知行为矫正B. 感官游戏训练C. 药物控制D. 艺术治疗7.以下哪一项不属于自闭症儿童的特征 【 】A. 言语发展迟缓B. 刻板行为 C .社会退缩 D. 记忆力低下8.对儿童智力超常与否的鉴别,运用最广泛的是()。
【 】A.观察法 B.教育诊断法 C.测验法 D.作业界析法9. ( )是多种异源性失调,表现为听、说、读、写、推理和数学能力的获得和使用方面的明显障碍。
A.支气管哮喘,慢性肺源性心脏病代偿期 B.支气管哮喘,慢性肺源性心脏病失代偿期 C.COPD,慢性肺源性心脏病代偿期 D.COPD,慢性肺源性心脏病失代偿期 E.支气管扩张,慢性肺源性心脏病失代偿期
(2)治疗中最重要的是( )。
A.平喘、镇咳、祛痰治疗 B.减轻心脏负荷治疗 C.保肝治疗 D.抗感染治疗 E.抗心律失常治疗
(3)如需给予抗生素治疗,首选( )。
A.克林霉素 B.青霉素 C.氨曲南 D.红霉素 E.左氧氟沙星
(4)在发病期间,以下处理不妥的是( )。
A.休息 B.多饮水 C.空气流通 D.饮食合理 E.加强锻炼,提高免疫力
10、(共用题干)女性,55 岁。刺激性咳嗽,咳痰带血伴右侧胸痛 2 周பைடு நூலகம்胸外科病房。肺 CT 示右下肺前段阻塞性炎症,诊断右下肺叶中央型肺癌。
A.有无残留病灶和转移 B.免疫功能 C.有无骨髓抑制 D.肝肾功能 E.临床症状体
11、(共用题干)患者男性,60 岁,咳嗽,咳痰 20 年,有高血压、肝炎病史。查体:BP 150/83mmHg,肺肝界位于第六肋间。心界缩小,心率 110 次/min,律不齐,P2 亢进,胸骨左 缘第五肋间可闻及收缩期杂音。肝肋下 3.5cm,双下肢浮肿。心电图报告:顺钟向转位,V1、
(1)本例肺脓肿应考虑金黄色葡萄球菌的类型( )。
A.凝固酶阳性金黄色葡萄球菌 B.溶血性葡萄球菌 C.凝固酶阴性金黄色葡萄球菌 D.产青霉素酶金黄色葡萄球菌 E.耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)
(2)为确定耐药类型,本例菌株药物敏感试验必须包括下列哪种药物?( )
A.妥布霉素 B.红霉素 C.头孢唑啉 D.苯唑西林 E.青霉素
1. 用正楷字或行楷字抄写下面的成语万象更新【答案】正楷万象更新【解析】试题分析:本题考查学生的书写实力。
2. 下列各组词语中没有错别字的一项是()A. 和煦葱郁杜绢花B. 雄姿膘悍千里马C. 静谧璀灿萤火虫D. 清澈空灵水墨画【答案】D3. 下列说法有误的一项是()A. 传闻,天地开拓后,神通广袤的女神——女娲揉捏黄泥、挥洒泥浆创建了人。
B. “晴川历历汉阳树”中的“汉阳”位于汉水的北面,“衡阳雁去无留意”中的“衡阳”则位于衡山的南面。
C. “野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”“夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄”“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”都出自白居易笔下。
D. 法国作家雨果是享誉世界的文豪,代表作品有《凄惨世界》《巴黎圣母院》等。
4. 用诗词原句填空。
2021年新人教版小升初数学模拟试卷(4月份)(6)一、填空题(每题4分,共40分)1. 9 8760 0037读作________.2. 7142.85÷3.7÷2.7×1.7×0.7=________.3. 已知甲、乙两个数的和为27.5,将甲数的小数点向左移动一位,就等于乙数,则乙数是________.4. 分数单位是18的所有最简真分数的和是________.5. 图中空白部分占正方形面积的________分之________.6. 如果被减数、减数、差三个数相加的和为315,那么被减数的倒数是________.7. 在括号里填适当的数使等式16=1()+1()成立,有________种不同的填法。
8. 有一列数,第一个数是105,第二个数是85,从第三个数开始,每个数都是它前面两个数的平均数。
那么第19个数的整数部分是________.9. 有一个长方体,它的正面和上面的面积之和是209,如果它的长、宽、高都是质数,那么这个长方体的体积是________.10. 学校拨了一笔钱买体育用品,如果用它买足球可以买100个,买篮球可以买80个。
二、解答题(共1小题,满分20分)脱式计算:36.7×8.6+367×0.1499957+9957+957+27×3 1311−[2.75−1512)÷113] (1.5+113)×214÷(3120−1.05)三、应用题(写出主要的解答过程或推理过程,每题10分,共60分)三堆梨共130个,第二堆梨是第一堆梨的3倍,第三堆比第二堆梨的2倍多10个,问:三堆梨中,最多的比最少的多多少个梨?如图所示,长方形ABCD 的面积为36平方厘米。
H 、F 、G 分别为AD 、BC 、CD 的中点,E 为AB 边上的任意一点。
7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun单元测试卷 (6)
![7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun单元测试卷 (6)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7e24bb4b0b4c2e3f572763bd.png)
七年级上册英语试卷Unit 6 Outdoor fun单元测试一、单项选择(15分)( )1. I found a small boy _________ in the corner.A. criesB. to cryC. criedD. crying( )2. Hurry______, or we will be late for the class.A. atB. ofC. onD. up( )3. Alice didn’t want to let the cat ______ , so she ran after it.A. get awayB. get intoC. get outD. get off( )4. There is a bookshop on_______ side of the street.A. othersB. otherC. anotherD. the other( )5. She wanted _______ her teachers on her vacation.A. visitedB. visitC. visitingD. to visit( )6. Let me _________ you with your English.A. helpedB. helpsC. helpingD. help( )7. —______ you ______ your key? —Yes. It was in my desk.A. Did; findB. Did; foundC. Do; findD. Are; find( )8. ______ you busy last week?A . Are B. Was C. Were D. Do( )9. The boy tries to go ______ the door, but he was too big.A. byB. throughC. arcossD. cross( )10. Your father _________ in the meeting-room just now.A. aren'tB. wasn'tC. weren'tD. didn't( )11. The girl was so ______ that she got the wonderflu present from her father.A. excitedB. excitingC. exciteD. excitement( )12. Remember_____off the lights when you leave the classroom.A. turnB. to turnC. turning( )13.—Remember _______ to my daughter's dance show next Friday.—Of course I will. I'll never forget _______ her dance for the first time last year.A. to come, to seeB. coming, to seeC. to come, seeingD. coming, seeing( )14. we decide _____ some shopping this weekend.A. didB. doC.doingD. to do( )15. Y ang Liwei, a famous astronaut to Foshan in March, 2012.A. comesB. cameC. was coming二、完形填空(10分)Thursday July 28thToday I’ll go 1 our hometown. We 2 a great time here, in Hainan Province(省). The 3 was a little hot. Every day I 4 to the beaches to play in the water. It made me5 a bit cool. I also6 Wanquan River(万泉河). It was amazing.Five days ago, I went to Sanya by 7 . Although it 8 crowded, my bus trip was full of joy. I 9 myself in the beautiful scenery(风光)10 the bus. There were many visitor visiting “Tianya Haijiao”, I spent all day there.( )1. A. on B. back C. back to D. to( )2. A. have B. had C. were D. spent( )3. A. weather B. water C. sky D. food( )4. A. go B. walk C. walks D. went( )5. A. feel B. was C. have D. to fell( )6. A. swam B. played C. visited D. looked( )7. A. plane B. train C. bike D. bus( )8. A. is B. was C. were D. had( )9. A. lost B. spent C. enjoyed D. thought( )10. A. in B. on C. outside D. with三、阅读理解(10分)Mr. Johnson looked at his watch. It was half past seven. He got out of bed quickly. Then he washed and dressed. He was late as usual, so he did not have time for breakfast. He ran all the way to the station and he arrived there just in time for the train. Mr. Johnson never eats anything in the morning. He always says to his friends at the office: “It is nice to have breakfast in the morning, but it is nicer to lie in bed!”( )1. Before he got out of bed, __________.A. he washedB. he dressedC. he looked at his watchD. he watched TV ( )2. Why did he get out of bed quickly?Because_______.A. he was lateB. he didn' t have breakfastC. he had to run all the wayD. he looked at his time table( )3. What do you think he want to do?Because__________.A. To study.B. To travel.C. To work.D. To say to his friends.( )4. How do you think he went there?A. By bus.B. On foot.C. By car.D. By train.( )5. Please pick out the best title of the passage.A. It is nicer in bed than breakfast.B. Don't be late again.C. Hurry up.D. Get up early.四、根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词。
分析化学试卷6一、选择题( 26分)1. 当pH = 5.00时,0.20 mol/L二元弱酸(H2A)溶液中, H2A的浓度为( )(设H2A的p K a1 = 5.00, p K a2 = 8.00)(A) 0.15 mol/L (B) 0.10 mol/L(C) 0.075 mol/L (D) 0.050 mol/L2. 在下列各组酸碱组分中,属于共轭酸碱对的是( )(A) HCN-NaCN (B) H3PO4-Na2HPO4(C) +NH3CH2COOH-NH2CH2COO-(D) H3O+-OH-3. 下列数据中有效数字不是四位的是( )(A)0.2400 (B)0.0024 (C)2.004 (D)20.404. 在含有Fe3+和Fe2+的溶液中, 加入下述何种溶液, Fe3+/Fe2+电对的电位将升高(不考虑离子强度的影响)( )(A) 稀H2SO4(B) HCl(C) NH4F (D) 邻二氮菲5. 用间接碘量法测定BaCl2的纯度时, 先将Ba2+沉淀为Ba(IO3)2, 洗涤后溶解并酸化, 加入过量的KI, 然后用Na2S2O3标准溶液滴定, 此处BaCl2与Na2S2O3的计量关系[n(BaCl2):n(Na2S2O3)]为( )(A) 1:2 (B) 1:3 (C) 1:6 (D) 1:126. 用0.1 mol/L HCl滴定0.1 mol/L NaOH的突跃范围为9.7~4.3, 则0.01 mol/L HCl滴定0.01 mol/L NaOH的突跃范围应为( )(A) 9.7~4.3 (B) 8.7~4.3 (C) 8.7~5.3 (D) 10.7~3.3 7.关于准确度与精密度关系的四种表述中正确的是( )(1)精密度是保证准确度的必要条件(2)高的精密度一定能保证高的准确度(3)精密度差,所测结果不可靠,再衡量准确度没有意义(4)只要准确度高,不必考虑精密度(A)1,3 (B)2,4 (C)1,4 (D)2,38.在氨性缓冲溶液中,用EDTA滴定Zn2+至计量点时,以下关系正确的是( )A. [Zn 2+]=[Y]B. [Zn’]=[Y’]C. [Zn 2+]=[ZnY]/K ZnYD. [Zn’]2=[ZnY]/K ZnY9.c mol·L -1Na 2CO 3溶液的物料平衡式是( )A. c=[CO 32-]=2[Na +]B. c=[CO 32-]+[Na +]C. c=[H 2CO 3]+[HCO 3-]+[CO 32-]=21 [Na +] D. c=[H 2CO 3]+[HCO 3-]+2[CO 32-]=[Na +]10. 以下溶液加入少量酸,pH 改变最小的是( )(A) 0.1 mol/L NaAc ~0.1 mol/L HAc 溶液(B) 0.2 mol/L NaAc ~0.2 mol/L HAc 溶液(C) 0.05 mol/L NaAc ~0.15 mol/L HAc 溶液(D) 0.1 mol/L NaAc 溶液11. 根据酸碱质子理论,下列表述中正确的是( )(A) 对于所有的酸来说,H 2O 是一种拉平性溶剂 (B) H 2O 是一种两性溶剂(C) NH 4+起弱碱的作用 (D) 醋酸根离子是醋酸的共轭酸12. 某金属离子M 与试剂R 形成一有色络合物MR,若溶液中M 的浓度为1.0×10-4 mol/L,用1cm 比色皿于波长525nm 处测得吸光度A 为0.400, 此络合物在525nm 处的摩尔吸光系数为( )(A) 4.0×10-3 (B) 4.0×103(C) 4.0×10-4 (D) 4.0×10513. 某三元酸H 3A 的p K a1 = 3.96, p K a2 = 7.00, p K a3 = 11.02,则0.10mol/L H 3A 的pH 是( )(A) 1.00 (B) 2.48 (C) 3.96 (D) 4.98二、填空题(24分)1. 天平零点不准确会引起_______误差, 可采用____________________减免。
2012年12月大学英语六级考试CET6真题Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on the saying, “The real danger is not that the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Man and ComputerPart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Thirst grows for living unpluggedMore people are taking breaks from the connected life amid the stillness and quiet of retreats like the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, Pennsylvania.About a year ago, I flew to Singapore to join the writer Malcolm Gladwell, the fashion designer Marc Ecko and the graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister in addressing a group of advertising people on “Marketing to the Child of Tomorrow.” Soon after I arrived, the chief executive of the agency that had invited us took me aside. What he was most interested in, he began, was stillness and quiet.A few months later, I read an interview with the well-known cutting-edge designer Philippe Starck.What allowed him to remain so consistently ahead of the curve? “I never read any magazines or watch TV,” he said, perhaps with a little exaggeration. “Nor do I go to cocktail parties, dinners or anything like that.” He lived outside conventional ideas, he implied, because “I live alone mostly, in the middle of nowhere.”Around the same time, I noticed that those who part with $2,285 a night to stay in a cliff-top room at the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur, California, pay partly for the privilege of not having a TV in their rooms; the future of travel, I’m reliably told, lies in “black-hole resorts,” whi ch charge high prices precisely because you can’t get online in their rooms.Has it really come to this?The more ways we have to connect, the more of us seem desperate to unplug. Internet rescue camps in South Korea and China try to save kids addicted to the screen.Writer friends of mine pay good money to get the Freedom software that enables them to disable the very Internet connections that seemed so emancipating not long ago. Even Intel experimented in 2007 with conferring four uninterrupted hours of quiet time (no phone or e-mail) every Tuesday morning on 300 engineers and managers. Workers were not allowed to use the phone or send e-mail, but simply had the chance to clear their heads and to hear themselves think.The average American spends at least eight and a half hours a day in front of a screen, Nicholas Carr notes in his book The Shallows. The average American teenager sends or receives 75 text messages a day, though one girl managed to handle an average of 10,000 every 24 hours for a month.Since luxury is a function of scarcity, the children of tomorrow will long for nothing more than intervals of freedom from all the blinking machines, streaming videos and scrolling headlines that leave them feeling empty and too full all at once.The urgency of slowing down—to find the time and space to think—is nothing new, of course, and wiser souls have always reminded us that the more attention we pay to the moment, the less time and energy we have to place it in some larger context. “Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for our miseries,” the French philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote in the 17th century, “and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.” He also famously remarked that all of man’s problems come from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone.When telegraphs and trains brought in the idea that convenience was more important than content, Henry David Thoreau reminded us that “the man whose horse trots (奔跑), a mile in a minute does not carry the most important messages.”Marshall McLuhan, who came closer than most to seeing what was coming, warned, “When things come at you very fast, naturally you lose touch with yourself.”We have more and more ways to communicate, but less and less to say. Partly because we are so busy communicating. And we are rushing to meet so many deadlines that we hardly register that what we need most are lifelines.So what to do? More and more people I know seem to be turning to yoga, or meditation (沉思), or tai chi (太极) ;these aren’t New Age fads (时尚的事物) so much as ways to connect with what could be called the wisdom of old age. Two friends of mine observe an “Internet Sabbath (安息日)” every week, turning off their online connections from Friday night t o Monday morning. Other friends take walks and “forget” their cellphones at home.A series of tests in recent years has shown, Mr. Carr points out, that after spending time in quiet rural settings, subjects “exhibit greater attentiveness, stronger memory a nd generally improved cognition. Their brains become both calmer and sharper.” More than that, empathy (同感,共鸣) ,as well as deep thought, depends (as neuroscientists like Antonio Damasio have found) on neural processes that are “inherently slow.”I turn to eccentric measures to try to keep my mind sober and ensure that I have time to do nothing at all (which is the only time when I can see what I should be doing the rest of the time).I have yet to use a cellphone and I have never Tweeted or entered Facebook. I try not to go online till my day’s writing is finished, and I moved from Manhattan to rural Japan in part so I could more easily survive for long stretches entirely on foot.None of this is a matter of asceticism (苦行主义) ;it is just pure selfishness. Nothing makes me feel better than being in one place, absorbed in a book, a conversation, or music. It is actually something deeper than mere happiness: it is joy, which the monk (僧侣) David Steindl-Rast describes as “that kind of happiness that doesn’t depend on what happens.”It is vital, of course, to stay in touch with the world. But it is only by having some distance from the world that you can see it whole, and understand what you should be doing with it.For more than 20 years, therefore, I have been going several times a year—often for no longer than three days—to a Benedictine hermitage (修道院) ,40 minutes down the road, as it happens, from the Post Ranch Inn. I don’t attend services when I am there, and I have never meditated, there or anywhere; I just take walks and read and lose myself in the stillness, recalling that it is only by stepping briefly away from my wife and bosses and friends that I will have anything useful to bring to them. The last time I was in the hermitage, three months ago, I happened to meet with a youngish-looking man with a 3-year-old boy around his shoulders.“You’re Pico, aren’t you?” the man said, and introduced himself as Larry; we had met, I gathered, 19 years before, when he had been living in the hermitage as an assistant to one of the monks.“What are you doing now?” I asked.We smiled. No words were necessary.“I try to bring my kids here as often as I can,” he went on. The child of tomorrow, I realized, may actually be ahead of us, in terms of sensing not what is new, but what is essential.1. What is special about the Post Ranch Inn?A) Its rooms are well furnished but dimly lit.B) It makes guests feel like falling into a black hole.C) There is no access to television in its rooms.D) It provides all the luxuries its guests can think of.2. What does the author say the children of tomorrow will need most?A) Convenience and comfort in everyday life.B) Time away from all electronic gadgets.C) More activities to fill in their leisure time.D) Greater chances for individual development.3. What does the French philosopher Blaise Pascal say about distraction?A) It leads us to lots of mistakes.B) It renders us unable to concentrate.C) It helps release our excess energy.D) It is our greatest misery in life.4. According to Marshall McLuhan, what will happen if things come at us very fast?A) We will not know what to do with our own lives.B) We will be busy receiving and sending messages.C) We will find it difficult to meet our deadlines.D) We will not notice what is going on around us.5. What does the author say about yoga, meditation and tai chi?A) They help people understand ancient wisdom.B) They contribute to physical and mental health.C) They are ways to communicate with nature.D) They keep people from various distractions.6. What is neuroscientist Antonio Demario’s finding?A) Quiet rural settings contribute a lot to long life.B) One’s brain becomes sharp when it is activated.C) Eccentric measures are needed to keep one’s mind sober.D) When people think deeply, their neural processes are slow.7. The author moved from Manhattan to rural Japan partly because he could _______.A) stay away from the noise of the big city.B) live without modern transportation.C) enjoy the beautiful view of the countryside.D) practice asceticism in a local hermitage8. In order to see the world whole, the author thinks it necessary to __________.9. The author takes walks and reads and loses himself in the stillness of the hermitage so that he can bring his wife and bosses and friends ___________.10. The youngish-looking man takes his little boy to the hermitage frequently so that when he grows up he will know __________.Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11. A) Ask his boss for a lighter schedule.B) Trade places with someone else.C) Accept the extra work willingly.D) Look for a more suitable job.12. A) It is unusual for his wife to be at home now.B) He is uncertain where his wife is at the moment.C) It is strange for his wife to call him at work.D) He does not believe what the woman has told him.13. A) The man is going to send out the memo tomorrow.B) The man will drive the woman to the station.C) The speakers are traveling by train tomorrow morning.D) The woman is concerned with the man’s health.14. A) The suite booked was for a different date.B) The room booked was on a different floor.C) The room booked was not spacious enough.D) A suite was booked instead of a double room.15. A) The reason for low profits.B) The company’s sales policy.C) The fierce competition they face.D) The lack of effective promotion.16. A) Go and get the groceries at once.B) Manage with what they have.C) Do some shopping on their way home.D) Have the groceries delivered to them.17. A) The hot weather in summer.B) The problem with the air conditioner.C) The ridiculous rules of the office.D) The atmosphere in the office.18. A) Set a new stone in her ring.B) Find the priceless jewel she lost.C) Buy a ring with precious diamond.D) Shop on Oxford Street for a decent gift.Q uestions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A) Damaging public facilities.B) Destroying urban wildlife.C) Organizing rallies in the park.D) Hurting baby animals in the zoo.20. A) He had bribed the park keepers to keep quiet.B) People had differing opinions about his behavior.C) The serious consequences of his doings were not fully realized.D) His behavior was thought to have resulted from mental illness.21. A) Brutal.B) Justifiable.C) Too harsh.D) Well-deserved.22. A) Encouraging others to follow his wrong-doing.B) Stealing endangered animals from the zoo.C) Organizing people against the authorities.D) Attacking the park keepers in broad daylight.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. A) She has already left school.B) She works for the handicapped.C) She is fond of practical courses.D) She is good at foreign languages.24. A) He is interested in science courses.B) He attends a boarding school.C) He speaks French and German.D) He is the brightest of her three kids.25. A) Comprehensive schools do not offer quality education.B) Parents decide what schools their children are to attend.C) Public schools are usually bigger in size than private schools.D) Children from low income families can’t really choose schools.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A) Encourage the students to do creative thinking.B) Help the students to develop communication skills.C) Cultivate the students’ ability to inspire employees.D) Focus on teaching the various functions of business.27. A) His teaching career at the Harvard Business School.B) His personal involvement in business management.C) His presidency at college and experience overseas.D) His education and professorship at Babson College.28. A) Development of their raw brain power.B) Exposure to the liberal arts and humanities.C) Improvement of their ability in capital management.D) Knowledge of up-to-date information technology.29. A) Reports on business and government corruption.B) His contact with government and business circles.C) Discoveries of cheating among MBA students.D) The increasing influence of the mass media.Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30. A) They have better options for their kids than colleges.B) The unreasonably high tuition is beyond their means.C) The quality of higher education may not be worth the tuition.D) They think that their kids should pay for their own education.31. A) They do too many extracurricular activities.B) They tend to select less demanding courses.C) They take part-time jobs to support themselves.D) They think few of the courses worth studying.32. A) Its samples are not representative enough.B) Its significance should not be underestimated.C) Its findings come as a surprise to many parents.D) Its criteria for academic progress are questionable.Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.33. A) A newly married couple. B) A business acquaintance.C) Someone good at cooking.D) Someone you barely know.34. A) Obtain necessary information about your guests.B) Collect a couple of unusual or exotic recipes.C) Buy the best meat and the freshest fruit. D) Try to improve your cooking skills.35. A) Losing weight.B) Entertaining guests.C) Making friends.D) Cooking meals.Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.People with disabilities comprise a large but diverse segment of the population. It is (36) ______ that over 35 million Americans have physical, mental, or other disabilities. (37) ______ half of these disabilities are “developmental,” i.e., they occur prior to the individual’s twenty-second birthday, often from (38) ______ conditions, and are severe enough to affect three or more areas of development, such as (39) ______, communication and employment. Most other disabilities are considered (40) ______, i.e., caused by outside forces.Before the 20th century, only a small (41) ______ of people with disabilities survived for long. Medical treatment for such conditions as stroke or spinal cord (42) ______ was unavailable. People whose disabilities should not have inherently affected their life span were often so mistreated that they (43) ______. Advancements in medicine and social services have created a climate in which (44) . Unfortunately, these basics are often all that is available. Civil liberties such as the right to vote, marry, get an education, and gain employment have historically been denied on the basis of disability.(45) _______________________________________________________________________. Disabled people formed grassroots coalitions to advocate their rights to integration and meaningful equality of opportunity. (46) . In the mid-1970s, critical legislation mandated(规定)access to education, public transportation, and public facilities, and prohibited employment discrimination by federal agencies or employers receiving federal funds.Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Please write your answers on Answer Sheet 2.Questions 47 to 54 are based on the following passage.A key process in interpersonal interaction is that of social comparison, in that we evaluate ourselves in terms of how we compare to others. In particular, we engage in two types of comparison. First, we decide whether we are superior or inferior to others on certain dimensions, such as attractiveness, intelligence, popularity, etc. Here, the important aspect is to compare with an appropriate reference group. For example, modest joggers should not compare their performance with Olympic standard marathon (马拉松) runners. Second, we judge the extent to which we are the same as or different from others. At certain stages of life, especially adolescence, the pressure to be seen as similar to peers is immense. Thus, wearing the right brand of clothes or shoes may be of the utmost importance. We also need to know whether our thoughts, beliefs and ideas are in line with those of other people. This is part of the process of self-validation whereby we employ self-disclosures to seek support for our self-concept.People who do not have access to a good listener may not only be denied the opportunity to heighten their self-awareness, but they are also denied valuable feedback as to the validity and acceptability of their inner thoughts and feelings. By discussing these with others, we receive feedback as to whether these are experiences which others have as well, or whether they are less common. Furthermore, by gauging the reactions to our self-disclosures we learn what types are acceptable or unacceptable with particular people andin specific situations. On occasions it is the fear that certain disclosures may be unacceptable to family or friends that motivates an individual to seek professional help. Counsellors will be familiar with client statements such as: “I just couldn’t talk about this to my husband.”, “I really can’t let my mother know my true feelings.” Another aspect of social comparison in the counselling context relates to a technique known as normalizing. This is the process whereby helpers provide reassurance to clients that what they are experiencing is not abnormal or atypical (非典型的), but is a normal reaction shared by others when facing such circumstances. Patient disclosure, facilitated by the therapist, seems also to facilitate the process of normalizing.47. To evaluate ourselves, the author thinks it important for us to compare ourselves with _______.48. During adolescence, people generally feel an immense pressure to appear _______.49. It is often difficult for people to heighten their self-awareness without _______.50. What can people do if they find what they think or say unacceptable to family or friends?51. Counsellors often assure their clients that what they experience themselves is only _______.Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.Amid all the job losses, there’s one category of worker that the economic disruption has been good for: nonhumans.From self-service checkout lines at the supermarket to industrial robots armed with saws and taught to carve up animal bodies in slaughter-houses, these ever-more-intelligent machines are now not just assisting workers but actually kicking them out of their jobs.Automation isn’t just affecting factory workers, either. Some law firms now use artificial intelligence software to scan and read mountains of legal documents, work that previously was performed by highly-paid human lawyers.“Robots continue to have an impact on blue-collar jobs, and white-collar jobs are under attack by microprocessors,” says economics professo r Edward Leamer. The recession permanently wiped out 2.5 million jobs. U.S. gross domestic product has climbed back to pre-recession levels, meaning we’re producing as much as before, only with 6% fewer workers. To be sure, robotics are not the only job killers out there, with outsourcing (外包) stealing far more jobs than automation.Jeff Burnstein, president of the Robotics Industry Association, argues that robots actually save U.S. jobs. His logic: companies that embrace automation might use fewer work ers, but that’s still better than firing everyone and moving the work overseas.It’s not that robots are cheaper than humans, though often they are. It’s that they’re better. “In some cases the quality requirements are so exacting that even if you wanted t o have a human do the job, you couldn’t,” Burnstein says.Same goes for surgeons, who’re using robotic systems to perform an ever-growing list of operations—not because the machines save money but because, thanks to the greater precision of robots, the patients recover in less time and have fewer complications, says Dr. Myriam Cruet.Surgeons may survive the robot invasion, but others at the hospital might not be so lucky, as iRobot, maker of the Roomba, a robot vacuum cleaner, has been showing off Ava, which could be used as a messenger in a hospital. And once you’re home, recovering, Ava could let you talk to your doctor, so there’s no need to send someone to your house. That “mobile telepresence” could be useful at the office. If you’re away on a trip, you can still attend a meeting. Just connect via videoconferencing software, so your face appears on Ava’s screen.Is any job safe? I was hoping to say “journalist,” but researchers are already developing software that can gather facts and write a news story. Which means that a few years from now, a robot could be writing this column. And who will read it? Well, there might be a lot of us hanging around with lots of free time on our hands.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
linux操作系统考试试卷(含答案)6试卷编号06 拟题教研室(或教师)签名教研室主任签名长沙理工大学考试试卷………………………………………………………………………………………………………………课程名称(含档次)linux操作系统课程代号专业层次(本、专)考试方式(开、闭卷)开一、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分)1.Linux是所谓的“Free Software”,这个“Free”的含义是()A.LINUX不需要付费B.LINUX发行商不能向用户收费C.LINUX可自由修改和发布D.只有LINUX的作者才能向用户收费2.下面关于SHELL的说法,不正确的是()A. 操作系统的外壳B.什么都不是C.是一个命令语言解释器D.一种和C类似的程序语言3.hda2表示()A. IDE0接口上的从盘B.IDE0接口上的第三个逻辑盘C.接口主盘的第二个分区D.什么都不是4.在安装LINUX时,设置从光盘引导需要改变()。
A.killB.psC.pssD.pstree7.RED HAT LINUX 9默认使用的文件系统类型为()A. ext2B.ext3C.FATD.swap8.LINUX的系统管理员的账号名为()。
A. AdministratorB.rootC.helloD.wang9.在LINUX中,要查看目录文件清单,可使用()命令。
A.ext2B.ext3C.swapD.ISO 966011.以下命令中,可以将用户身份临时改变为root的是()。
2024年山西省中考模拟示范数学试卷(六)一、单选题1.下面有理数比较大小的式子中,正确的是( ) A .12-<-B .12<-C .1123< D .1123-<-2.在我国传统的房屋建筑中,窗棂是门窗重要的组成部分,它们不仅具有功能性作用,而且具有高度的艺术价值.下列关于窗棂的图案中,不是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .3.自山西省惠民惠农财政补贴资金“一卡通”管理平台上线以来,已发放惠民惠农财政补贴资金61366.53万元,惠及全省1695847人次.数据61366.53万元用科学记数法表示为( ) A .96.13665310⨯元 B .86.13665310⨯元 C .90.613665310⨯元D .761.3665310⨯元4.下列一元二次方程中,没有实数根的是( ) A .2560x x ++= B .210x x +-= C .2250x x -+=D .269x x =-5.如图,小明在横格作业纸(横线等距)上画了个“×”,与横格线交于A ,B ,C ,D ,O 五点,若线段4cm AB =,则线段CD 的长等于( )A .4cmB .6cmC .8cmD .12cm6.在某校“我的中国梦”演讲比赛中,有9名学生参加决赛,他们决赛的最终成绩各不相同.其中的一名学生想要知道自己能否进入前5名,不仅要了解自己的成绩,还要了解这9名学生成绩的( ) A .众数B .方差C .平均数D .中位数7.如图,这是某几何体的展开图,则该几何体需要剪开的棱数为( )A .2条B .3条C .4条D .5条8.数学课上,李老师与学生们做“用频率估计概率”的试验:不透明袋子中有2个白球、3个黄球和5个红球,这些球除颜色外无其他差别.从袋子中随机取出一个球,某种颜色的球出现的频率如图所示,则该球的颜色最有可能是( )A .白球B .黄球C .红球D .黑球9.某树苗的初始高度为50cm ,如图,这是该树苗的高度与生长的月数的有关数据示意图,假设以后一段时间内,该树苗高度的变化与月数保持此关系,则该树苗的高度y cm ()与生长月数x 之间的函数关系式为( )A .505(1)y x =+-B .505y x =+C .5010(1)y x =+-D .5010y x =+10.如图,在Y ABCD 中,4AB =,以点A 为圆心,以AB 的长为半径画弧,交AD 于点E ,且E 为AD 的中点,若»BE的长度为π,则图中阴影部分的面积为( )A .4πB .2πC .164π-D .2π二、填空题11.计算:2=.12.如图,AB 是O e 的直径,点C ,D 在O e 上,连接AC ,AD ,CD ,若38ADC ∠=︒,则BAC ∠的度数为.13.如图,8块相同的小长方形地砖拼成一个大长方形,设每块小长方形地砖的长为x cm ,宽为y cm ,可列方程组:.14.如图,在ABC V 中,AB AC =,120BAC ∠=︒,分别以点A ,C 为圆心,大于12AC 的长为半径作弧,两弧分别相交于点E ,F ,连接EF 交边BC 于点D ,连接AD .若8BD =,则ACD V 的周长为.15.如图,E 为正方形ABCD 内一点,ED EA ⊥,连接CE ,F ,G 分别是CE ,CB 的中点,若4AB =,则FG 的最小值是.三、解答题16.(1)计算:()2312233tan 302⎛⎫⨯---++︒ ⎪⎝⎭(2)解不等式组:24223x x -<-⎧⎨-<⎩17.为加快城乡发展,我省持续推进美丽乡村建设.某村计划将一块长为18米、宽为12米的矩形场地建成绿化广场.如图,广场内部修建三条同样宽的小路,其中一条路与广场的长边平行,另外两条路与广场的短边平行,其余区域进行绿化.若绿化面积为140平方米,求小路的宽.18.如图,正比例函数(0)y ax a ≠=与反比例函数(0)ky k x=>的图象交于A ,B 两点,过点A 作AC y ⊥轴,垂足为C ,连接BC ,2ABC S ∆=.(1)求反比例函数ky x=的表达式. (2)若(1,)A a ,以AB ,AC 为边作平行四边形ABDC ,点D 在第三象限内,求点D 的坐标. 19.为了加强手机管理,某校要求“禁止手机进校园”为了解该校学生对手机管理的满意程度,学校团支部对该校的学生进行了随机抽样调查调查分为四个类别:A .非常满意;B 满意;C 不满意;D .无所谓.根据调查数据绘制成如图所示的统计图(不完整).根据以上信息,解答下列问题:(1)本次接受调查的学生共有人,并补全条形统计图. (2)在扇形统计图中,B 所在扇形的圆心角的度数是.(3)若本校有学生2000人,估计“满意”及“非常满意”的学生共有多少人? (4)请对该校学生对手机管理的满意程度作出合理的评价.20.图1是某红色文化主题公园内的雕塑(胜利的号角),将其抽象成如图2所示的示意图.测得AB BC ⊥,DE BC ⊥,52BAM ∠=︒, 1.86m AB =,2 1.24m DE CE ==.连接AE ,交BC 于点F ,若AE MN ⊥,求 AE (即雕塑的高度)的长.(结果精确到0.1m ,参考数据sin380.62︒≈,cos380.79︒≈,tan380.78︒≈)21.阅读与思考下面是小逸同学的数学学习笔记,请仔细阅读并完成相应任务.用“平移法”解答几何问题解答几何问题常常需要添辅助线,其中平移图形是重要的添辅助线的策略.如图1,在正方形ABCD 中,E ,F ,G 分别是BC ,AB ,CD 上的点,FG AE ⊥于点Q .求证:=AE FG .图1小逸在分析解题思路时想到了两种平移法:方法一:平移线段FG 使点F 与点B 重合,构造全等三角形. 如图2,平移线段FG 至BH 交AE 于点K , 由平移的性质得FG BH ∥,图2∵四边形ABCD 是正方形, ∴AB CD ∥,∴四边形BFGH 是平行四边形(依据1), ∴BH FG =, ∵FG AE ⊥, ∴BH AE ⊥, ∴90BKE ∠=︒, ∴90KBE BEK ∠+∠=︒, ∵90BEK BAE ∠+∠=︒, ∴BAE CBH ∠=∠,在ABE V 和BCH V 中,BAE CBHAB BC ABE C ∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩,∴()ASA ABE BCH V V ≌, ∴AE BH =(依据2),图4任务:(1)填空:材料中的依据1是指___________________,依据2________________. (2)补全材料中方法二的剩余证明过程.(3)如图4,在正方形网格中,A ,B ,C ,D 为格点(网格线的交点),AB 交CD 于点O .则t a n A O C ∠=_____________.22.综合与实践 问题情境如图1,将一把含45︒角的三角尺放在边长为2的正方形ABCD 上,并使它的直角顶点始终与A 点重合,其一条直角边与CB 的延长线交于点E ,另一条直角边与DC 交于点F . 猜想证明(1)在三角尺绕着点A 旋转的过程中. ①请判断AE 与AF 的数量关系,并加以证明.②四边形AECF 的面积是否为定值?如果是,求出这个值;如果不是,试说明理由. 问题解决(2)如图2,将这把三角尺45︒角的顶点始终与点A 重合,角的一边与BC 交于点E ,另一边与DC 交于点F .在旋转的过程中,求点A 到线段EF 的距离.23.综合与探究如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线214y ax x c =++与x 轴交于A ,B 两点(点A 在点B 的右侧),与y 轴交于点C ,连接AC .已知点(3,0)B -,(0,3)C .(1)求该抛物线的表达式及直线AC的表达式.(2)D是直线AC上方抛物线上的一动点,过点D作DP AC于点P,求PD的最大值.(3)在(2)的条件下,将该抛物线向左平移5个单位长度,M为点D的对应点,平移后的抛物线与y轴交于点N,Q为平移后抛物线的对称轴上的任意一点.直接写出所有使得以QN为腰的QMNV是等腰三角形的点Q的坐标.。
人教版五年级数学上册《期末质量测试卷》2套附答案 (6)
![人教版五年级数学上册《期末质量测试卷》2套附答案 (6)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ffef136f7f1922791788e8ae.png)
第一学期期末检测试卷五 年 级 数 学(满分100分,考试时间:90分钟)一、填一填。
(每空2分,共32分)1.食堂有一堆煤,如果每天烧3.5吨,可以烧15天,如果每天烧2.5吨,可以烧多少天?此题先要求出( ),列式是( )。
2.把m 千克花生油装到桶里,每桶装4.5千克,装完这些花生油需要( )个桶,当m =40时,一共需要( )个桶。
3.王师傅每天做a 个零件,比刘师傅每天多做6个,那么6a 表示( ),6(a -6)表示( )。
4.10个小朋友排队,每两个小朋友之间的距离是1米,队伍的长为( )米。
5.一个圆形花坛的一周长100米,沿着这一周每隔2米栽一株月季花,一共要栽多少株月季花?求间隔数列式是( ),此题中,株数与间隔数的关系是( )。
6.一件衣服现价300元,比原价优惠了39元,求原价多少元?解题时要用到的等量关系式是( )。
如果用算术法求甲、乙两数的和,一定先要求出( ),列式是( ),再求甲、乙两数的和,题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分得分学校 班级 姓名 考号------------------------------------------------------------装------------------------------------------------------订----------------------------------线---------------------------------------------------------列式是()。
(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(每题2分,共10分) 1.一辆汽车行驶1.5千米耗油0.12升,照这样计算,每千米耗油多少升?列式是1.5÷0.12。
人教版试验小学2021-2021学年六年级下学期数学期中考试试卷(D卷)通过整理的人教版试验小学2021-2021学年六年级下学期数学期中考试试卷(D卷)相关文档,渴望对大家有所扶植,感谢观看!人教版试验小学2021-2021学年六年级下学期数学期中考试试卷(6) 小挚友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,信任你确定是最棒的! 一、填空题(共10题;共12分) 1. (1分)比例尺是1:3000,它表示_______。
2. (1分)把一个圆柱体加工成一个最大的圆锥体后,它的体积削减了40立方厘米,原来圆柱体的体积是_______立方厘米.3. (1分)把长1米地圆柱锯成三段,表面积增加了8平方分米,原来这个圆柱的体积是_______立方分米。
4. (1分)甲城在乙城的南偏东35°方向上,距离是120千米,乙城就在甲城的_______方向上,距离是_______千米.5. (3分)某校就学生对端午文化习俗的了解状况进行了随机调查,并将调查结果绘成如下两幅统计图。
_______ (2)对端午文化习俗比较了解的人数占调查总人数的_______%,不了解的人数占调查总人数的_______%。
6. (1分)两个高相等,底面半径之比是1:2的圆柱与圆锥,它们的体积之比是_______。
7. (1分)书的总册数确定,每包的册数和包数成_______比例;小麦每公顷产量确定,小麦的公顷数和总产量成_______比例。
8. (1分)一个自然数与它的倒数的和是 4.25,这个自然数是_______;一个自然数与它的倒数的差是4.8,这个自然数是_______。
9. (1分)如图,长方形ABCD中有两条平行线,将它分成了一个梯形AEGB、平行四边形EFCG和三角形FDC。
2024年6月英语六级试卷一、写作(15%)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment". You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.二、听力理解(35%)Section A.Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).News Report 1.Questions 1 - 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1. A) The development of a new energy source.B) The discovery of a new species.C) A major breakthrough in medical research.D) An environmental protection project.2. A) It has been widely applied in hospitals.B) It is still in the experimental stage.C) It has caused some ethical debates.D) It is too expensive for general use.News Report 2.Questions 3 - 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3. A) To promote international trade.B) To attract more tourists.C) To improve transportation infrastructure.D) To enhance cultural exchanges.4. A) By building more high - speed railways.B) By offering more favorable policies.C) By strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries.D) By developing new tourism products.News Report 3.Questions 5 - 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5. A) A decrease in the number of students studying abroad.B) An increase in the quality of domestic education.C) Changes in the trend of overseas study.D) Problems faced by international students.6. A) The high cost of living abroad.B) The fierce competition in the job market.C) The improvement of domestic education resources.D) The influence of the global economic situation.7. A) They are more likely to choose Asian countries.B) They tend to focus on high - tech fields.C) They are more interested in short - term study programs.D) They prefer to study in their own countries.Section B.Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Conversation 1.Questions 8 - 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. A) She is preparing for an exam.B) She is looking for a part - time job.C) She is writing a research paper.D) She is planning a trip.9. A) In the library.B) In the cafeteria.C) In the dormitory.D) In the classroom.10. A) It requires a lot of reading.B) It has a strict time limit.C) It needs to be done in groups.D) It involves field research.11. A) Help her find relevant materials.B) Give her some advice on writing.C) Join her study group.D) Share his own experience.Conversation 2.Questions 12 - 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) A new movie.B) A best - selling book.C) A popular TV show.D) A famous actor.13. A) The interesting plot.B) The excellent acting.C) The beautiful scenery.D) The profound theme.14. A) He has seen it many times.B) He doesn't like it at all.C) He thinks it's just so - so.D) He hasn't seen it yet.15. A) Watch it together this weekend.B) Recommend some other movies.C) Discuss the story in detail.D) Buy the DVD of the movie.Section C.Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Passage 1.Questions 16 - 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) The origin of language.B) The development of language.C) The importance of language in communication.D) The differences between languages.17. A) By imitating the sounds of nature.B) By using gestures and facial expressions.C) By making up random sounds.D) By combining existing words.18. A) It helps people express complex ideas.B) It enables people to communicate across cultures.C) It reflects the creativity of human beings.D) It is constantly evolving.Passage 2.Questions 19 - 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) How to choose a suitable career.B) The factors influencing career choices.C) The importance of career planning.D) Different types of careers.20. A) Personal interests.B) Family expectations.C) Social status.D) Economic benefits.21. A) They are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs.B) They can earn more money.C) They can get promoted more easily.D) They are less likely to change their jobs.22. A) Do some internships.B) Take career assessment tests.C) Consult career counselors.D) Follow the advice of parents.Passage 3.Questions 23 - 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23. A) The history of modern architecture.B) The characteristics of different architectural styles.C) The influence of architecture on people's lives.D) The development of sustainable architecture.24. A) It is more energy - efficient.B) It is more beautiful.C) It is more expensive.D) It is more difficult to construct.25. A) Using recycled materials.B) Designing more open spaces.C) Incorporating natural elements.D) Adopting new construction techniques.三、阅读理解(35%)Section A.Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices givenin a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has_(26)_ the way we communicate, learn, work, and entertain ourselves. With just a few clicks, we can access a vast amount of information from all over the world. However, this convenience also comes with some _(27)_. One of the major concerns is the issue of privacy. When we use the Internet, we often leave behind a digital _(28)_ that can be used by others for various purposes. For example, companies may collect our personal information to target us with advertisements. Another problem is the spread of false information. In the age of social media, anyone can _(29)_ information without proper verification, which can lead to misunderstandings and even social unrest. To address these issues, governments and Internet companies need to work together. Governments should _(30)_ laws to protect users' privacy and regulate the spread of false information. Internet companies, on the other hand, should take _(31)_ measures to ensure the security of users' data and promote the authenticity of information.Word Bank:A) transformed.B) challenges.C) footprint.D) publish.E) enforce.F) responsible.G) limited.H) access.I) privacy.J) awareness.Section B.Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose the best answer to each question from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Passage 1.Questions 32 - 36 are based on the following passage.The concept of "green jobs" has gained increasing attention in recent years. Green jobs are those that contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development. These jobs can be found in various sectors, suchas renewable energy, energy - efficient building, and waste management. The growth of green jobs is driven by several factors. Firstly, the increasing awareness of environmental issues has led to a greater demand for environmentally - friendly products and services. Secondly, government policies and incentives play an important role. Many governments around the world are providing subsidies and tax breaks to encourage the developmentof green industries. Thirdly, technological advancements have made it possible to develop more efficient and cost - effective green technologies.However, the development of green jobs also faces some challenges. One of the challenges is the lack of trained personnel. Since green jobs often require specialized knowledge and skills, there is a shortage of workers who are qualified to fill these positions. Another challenge is the high cost of some green technologies, which may limit their widespread adoption.32. What are green jobs according to the passage?A) Jobs that are related to plants and forests.B) Jobs that are only available in the environmental protection department.C) Jobs that contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development.D) Jobs that require workers to wear green uniforms.33. What drives the growth of green jobs?A) Only the increasing awareness of environmental issues.B) The increasing awareness of environmental issues, governmentpolicies and incentives, and technological advancements.C) Only government policies and incentives.D) Only technological advancements.34. What is one of the challenges faced by the development of green jobs?A) There are too many trained personnel.B) The lack of trained personnel.C) The low cost of green technologies.D) The over - adoption of green technologies.35. Which of the following sectors may not have green jobs?A) Renewable energy.B) Energy - efficient building.C) Traditional coal mining.D) Waste management.36. What can be inferred from the passage about green jobs?A) They are not very important for the future.B) They will develop without any difficulties.C) They have both opportunities and challenges.D) They are only popular in developed countries.Passage 2.Questions 37 - 41 are based on the following passage.In the digital age, e - books have become increasingly popular. They offer several advantages over traditional printed books. For one thing, e - books are more convenient. You can carry a whole library of e - books on a single device, such as a tablet or an e - reader. This means you can have access to a wide range of reading materials wherever you are. For another, e - books are often cheaper than their printed counterparts. Publishers can save on the cost of printing and distribution, and these savings can be passed on to the consumers.However, e - books also have some disadvantages. One problem is that reading e - books for a long time may cause eye strain. The backlit screens of e - readers and tablets can be tiring on the eyes, especially in low - light conditions. Another issue is that some people simply prefer the feelof a physical book in their hands. The texture of the paper, the smell of the ink, and the act of turning the pages all contribute to the reading experience for these people.37. What are the advantages of e - books?A) They are more expensive.B) They are less convenient.C) They are more convenient and often cheaper.D) They are only available on one device.38. Why are e - books often cheaper?A) Because publishers don't want to make money.B) Because publishers can save on the cost of printing and distribution.C) Because e - books are of lower quality.D) Because the government subsidizes e - books.39. What is one of the disadvantages of e - books?A) They can't be read on any device.B) They may cause eye strain.C) They are always more expensive than printed books.D) They have no page - turning function.40. Who may not like e - books according to the passage?A) People who like to read a lot.B) People who care about the cost.C) People who prefer the feel of a physical book.D) People who are always on the go.41. What can be concluded from the passage about e - books?A) They will completely replace printed books in the future.B) They are not as good as printed books in any aspect.C) They have both pros and cons.D) They are only suitable for young people.Section C.Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Passage 1.Questions 42 - 46 are based on the following passage.The sharing economy has emerged as a new economic model in recent years. It is based on the idea of sharing under - utilized resources, such as cars, houses, and tools. Platforms like Uber and Airbnb have become very popular, allowing people to earn extra income by sharing their assets.One of the main benefits of the sharing economy is that it can make more efficient use of resources. For example, instead of having a large number of cars sitting idle in parking lots, they can be used by others through car - sharing services. This can also reduce the need for new production, which is beneficial for the environment. Another advantage is that it can provide more affordable options for consumers. For instance, staying in an Airbnb accommodation is often cheaper than a hotel.However, the sharing economy also faces some challenges. One issue is the lack of regulation. Since it is a relatively new model, there are not enough laws and regulations to ensure fair competition and protect consumers. For example, some Uber drivers may not have proper insurance, which can pose a risk to passengers. Another problem is the quality control. It can be difficult to ensure the quality of shared resources, such as the cleanliness and safety of an Airbnb rental.42. What is the sharing economy based on?A) Buying new resources.B) Sharing under - utilized resources.C) Producing more resources.D) Wasting resources.43. What are the benefits of the sharing economy?A) It can make resources less efficient.B) It can only provide expensive options for consumers.C) It can make more efficient use of resources and provide more affordable options for consumers.D) It has no benefits at all.44. What are the challenges faced by the sharing economy?A) The over - regulation.B) The lack of regulation and quality control.C) The too - strict quality control.D) The high cost of production.45. Why is the lack of regulation a problem in the sharing economy?A) Because it ensures fair competition.B) Because it protects consumers.C) Because there are not enough laws and regulations to ensure fair competition and protect consumers.D) Because it makes the sharing economy too popular.46. What can be inferred about the sharing economy from the passage?A) It will disappear soon.B) It has both positive and negative aspects.C) It is only suitable for developed countries.D) It is a perfect economic model.Passage 2.Questions 47 - 50 are based on the following passage.Cultural heritage is an important part of a nation's identity. It includes historical buildings, artworks, traditions, and languages. Protecting cultural heritage is not only important for preserving anation's past but also for its future development.One of the ways to protect cultural heritage is through restoration. Restoration projects can bring old historical buildings back to life, allowing people to experience the past. For example, the restoration of the Forbidden City in China has made it a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors every year. Another way is through education. By teaching people about their cultural heritage, they can develop a sense of pride and ownership, and be more likely to protect it.However, protecting cultural heritage also faces some challenges. One challenge is the lack of funds. Restoration projects can be very expensive, and many countries may not have enough money to carry out large - scale restoration work. Another challenge is the impact of modernization. As cities develop, some historical buildings may be demolished to make way for new construction.47. What is cultural heritage according to the passage?A) Only historical buildings.B) Only artworks.C) Historical buildings, artworks, traditions, and languages.D) Only modern buildings.48. Why is protecting cultural heritage important?A) Only for preserving a nation's past.B) Only for a nation's future development.C) For both preserving a nation's past and its future development.D) For no particular reason.49. What are the ways to protect cultural heritage?A) Only through restoration.B) Only through education.C) Through restoration and education.D) Through demolition.50. What are the challenges faced by protecting cultural heritage?A) The lack of funds and the impact of modernization.B) The over - abundance of funds and the lack.。
小升初分班考试检测试卷6语文[考试时间:90分钟满分:100分 ]题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三十四总分得分一、[考查知识点]字音1.正确读拼音,美观写词语。
lǐng yù bō li shì lì xī shuài yí wènpī píng jiē duàn chǒu è zhèng shí wéi kǒng二、[考查知识点]字形2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是()。
A. 昼夜蚕桑知晓随意B.锄头耐心出丑砍代C. 载树瞎想承认捆绑D.愉树拴住徘徊阴凉三、[考查知识点]字义3.选择带点字在句子中的正确解释,把序号填在括号里。
异:A.不相同的 B.另外的 C.奇怪(1)黄山上的奇石大小不一、姿态各异.。
(1)①纵横()()②悠然()()③极目()()④膘肥()()⑤辽阔()()⑥默默()()⑦仪态()()⑧熠熠()()⑨不由()()(2)词语④形容________,这类的词语还有:________、________(3)词语⑤中,最后一个字的意思是________,这个词语的近义词有________、________ (4)词语⑨的意思是________五、[考查知识点]成语5.下列句子中划线成语使用不恰当的一项是()A. 她惊叫了一声,眼睛睁得圆突突,仿佛听见一件耸人听闻的罪案,“做这种事,我们是不敢的。
”B. 老实说,我读《水浒传》不过是囫囵吞枣地看一遍,只注意紧张动人的情节,那些好汉的个性,全搞不清。
C. 可这壮举刚开头,水便一下子没过了我的头顶。
D. 自信首先是喜欢自己,每一个人都是别出心裁的,没有人能代替你,决定成败的不是你尺寸的大小,而是要做一个最好的自己。
2023年山西省平遥县平遥中学中考学科素养自主测评卷(六)数学试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.1月24日,北方13个省会城市气温创今冬以米新低.其中,长春27.3C -︒,沈阳21.8C -︒,呼和浩特28.6C -︒,太原19.4C -︒.四个城市中,气温最低的是( )A .长春B .沈阳C .呼和浩特D .太原 2.下列安全图标是轴对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .3.2023年2月2日是第27个世界湿地日,我国新增北京延庆野鸭湖、黑龙江大兴安岭九曲十八湾、江苏淮安白马湖等18处国际重要湿地,总数达82处,总面积764.7万公顷.居世界第四位.“764.7万公顷”用科学记数法表示为( )A .27.64710⨯公顷B .67.64710⨯公顷C .77.64710⨯公顷D .87.64710⨯公顷 4.下列计算正确的是( )A .()325a a =B .325a a a +=C .235a a a +=D .623a a a ÷=5.不等式组23412x x x -≥-⎧⎨-≥⎩的解集为( ) A .无解 B .1x ≤- C .2x ≥ D .2x ≤- 6.在今年的世界田联室内巡回赛哥德堡站,苏炳添以6.59秒夺得男子60米冠军.决赛成绩中,前8名选手的成绩如下(单位:秒):6.59,6.82,6.60,6.90,6.69,6.75,6.81,6.81这组数据的中位数为( )A .6.90B .6.69C .6.81D .6.78 7.—个等腰直角三角尺和一把直尺按如图所示的位置摆放.若125∠=︒,则2∠的度数是( )55二、填空题FH三、解答题x图形的一条面积等分线.(1)小明从最简单的图形——三角形入手,很快就想到了它的一条面积等分线.如图1.过点A ,利用尺规作出一条ABC V 的面积等分线(保留作网痕迹,不写作法);(2)平行四边形是中心对称图形,过对称中心的直线可以将其分成面积相等的两部分.图2由一个平行四边形和一个正方形组成,请仅用无刻度直尺画出这个图形的一条面积等分线(保留作图痕迹,不写画法);问题解决:(3)在等分图形面积的过程中,小明发现了如下结论:如图,12l l ∥,点1A ,2A ,3A 在1l 上,点B ,C 在2l 上,则122A BC A BC A BC S S S ==△△△.如图3,四边形ABCD 中,AB 与CD 不平行,AB CD ≠,且ABC ACD S S <△△,请在图3中,过点A 画出四边形ABCD 的一条面积等分线,写出画法,并说明理由. 21.长尾夹一般用来夹书或夹文件,因此也称书夹.长尾夹的侧面可近似的看作等腰三角形,如图1是一个长尾夹的侧平面示意图,已知23mm BC =,70ACB ∠=︒.按压该长尾夹的手柄,撑开后可得如图2所示的侧平面示意图.测量得80GED HDE ∠=∠=︒.求这时这个长尾夹可夹纸厚度GH 为多少mm ?(参考数据:sin 700.94︒≈,cos700.34︒≈,tan 70 2.75︒≈,sin800.98︒≈,cos800.17︒≈,tan80 5.67︒≈)22.问题情境:如图1.在正方形ABCD 中,6AB BC ==,点M 是对角线BD 上的一个动点(不与B ,D 重合).连接CM ,将CM 绕点C 顺时针旋转90︒到CN ,连接MN 交CD 于点P .猜想证明:(1)在点M的运动过程中,试判断DMNV的形状,并说明理由;(2)问题解决:在点M的运动过程中,求线段MN的最小值;(3)当点M为线段BD近点D的三等分线时(如图2).直接写出此时线段MP的长度.23.如图,二次函数223=-++的图象与x轴交于A,B两点(点A在点B左侧),y x x与y轴交于点C.连接BC.点P是抛物线第一象限内的一个动点,设点P的横坐标为m,过点P作直线PD x⊥轴于点D.交BC于点E.过点P作BC的平行线,交y轴于点M.(1)求A,B,C三点的坐标,并直接写出直线BC的函数表达式;(2)在点P的运动过程中,求使四边形CEPM为菱形时,m的值;(3)点N为平面内任意一点,在(2)的条件下,直线PM上是否存在点Q使得以P,E,Q,N为顶点的四边形是正方形?若存在,请直接写出点Q的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.。
A镇肝熄风汤B桑菊饮C川芎茶调散D 消风散E九味羌活汤
A生地B竹叶C银花D 连翘E丹皮
A痰饮B消渴C转胞D脚气 E水肿
A肝脾并调B气血并补C 疏养结合D 心脾同治E脾肾兼顾
1、方剂的变化形式包括药量加减变化、剂型更换变化和( )。
A.泻黄散 B.玉女煎C.清胃散D.左金丸E川芎茶调散
A芍药汤B败毒散C参苏饮D白头翁汤 E葛根芩连汤
《第1章圆柱与圆锥》小学数学-有答案-北师大版六年级(下)数学单元测试卷(6)一、填空:(25%)1.2. 一个圆柱的底面半径是3分米,高2分米,它的侧面积是________平方分米,表面积是________平方分米,体积是________立方分米。
3. 一个圆柱的底面周长6.28厘米,高是3厘米,它的体积是________立方厘米。
4. 用一张长4.5分米,宽2分米的长方形纸,围成一个圆柱形纸筒,它的侧面积是________.5. 一个圆柱形油桶,侧面展开是一个正方形,已知这个油桶的底面半径是10厘米,那么油桶的高是________厘米。
6. 一个圆柱和一个圆锥等底等高,如果圆柱的体积是24立方分米,那么圆锥的体积是________立方分米;如果圆锥的体积是24立方分米,那么圆柱的体积是________立方分米;如果它们的体积相差24立方分米,那么圆锥的体积是________立方分米,圆柱的体积是________立方分米。
7. 把一个底面周长31.4分米的圆锥形木料沿底面直径竖直剖开,表面积增加30平方分米,圆锥体的体积________立方分米。
8. 一个圆柱的侧面展开图恰好是一个正方形,那么这个圆柱的底面直径与高的比是________.(π取3.14)9. 某商品按20%的利润定价,然后按八折出售,结果亏损了64元,这件商品的成本是多少元?10. 把棱长为2分米的正方体木块,削成一个最大的圆锥,圆锥的体积是________立方分米。
11. 一个圆柱体的侧面积为150平方厘米,底面半径是4厘米,它的体积是________立方厘米。
12. 在一个高24厘米的圆锥形量杯里装满了水,如果将这些水倒入与它底面积相等的圆柱形量杯中,水面高________厘米。
13. 一根长4米,横截面半径为2分米的圆柱形木料截成同样长的4段,表面积比原来增加________平方分米。
14. 把一个圆柱的底面平均分成若干个扇形,然后切开拼成一个近似的长方体,表面积比原来增加了200cm2.已知圆柱的高是20cm,圆柱的体积是________ cm3.15. 商品甲的定价中含30%的利润,乙的定价中含40%的利润,甲、乙两种商品的定价相加得470元,甲的定价比乙的定价多50元。
第二学期期末测试卷 四年级英语试卷(时间:60分钟 总分100分)听力部分(40分)一、听录音,圈出你听到的单词。
(10分)1.more music mine2.shirt sock shorts3.class cool computer4.PE pants pretty5.green garden goat 二、听录音,在正确图片下面的括号内打“√”。
(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.姓名 班级___________ 座位号………………………装…………订…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题………………………A.It ’s time for dinner.B.Have some lunch,Mike.C.They ’re so long!D.They ’s just right!E.They ’re your father ’s.F.How do you like this skirt?四、听录音,选择正确的答语。
(8分)()1.A.I’m in New York. B.It’s 6 o’c lock.()2.A.No,it isn’t. B.No,you can’t.()3.A.White. B.Sarah’s.()4.A.No.They’r e too small. B.Size 6,please.笔试部分(60分)五、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是()否()相同。
(6分)1.water sister2.turn card3.tall arm4.bird nurse5.apple table6.fork world六、读一读,勾出每组中不是同一类的单词。
(10分)()1. careful!It’s very hot.A.IsB.AreC.Be()2.Are these ,Mike? —Yes,they are.A.youB.yourC.yours()3.Go to the .Play football.A.libraryB.playgroundC.teachers’office()4.Can I try ?A.them onB.on theyC.on them()5. cows do you have?A.What manyB.How manyC.What八、读一读,给下面图片排排序。
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翔宇监利中学高一下学期第一次月考语文试卷制卷:瞿慧一、(15分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中,加点字的读音有误的一项是A.吮.血shǔn恬.然tián惘.然wǎnɡ 扪参.历井shēnB.猿猱.náo憔.悴qiáo迁谪.zhé渚.清沙白zhǔC.崔嵬.wéi宵柝.tuò西舫.fǎnɡ嘈.嘈切切cáoD.青冢.zhǒnɡ 朔.漠sù石栈.zhàn钿.头银篦diàn2.下列各组词语中,字形完全正确的一项是A.洗漱纳罕孽根祸胎懵懂顽童B.寒喧踌躇惴惴不安瘦消不堪C.残骇桅杆司马轻衫咀嚼赏鉴D.抚赝缭倒恬然自安赴汤蹈火3.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是走进荆州园,一座青铜虎座鸟架鼓雕塑首先映入眼帘:两只昂首卷尾、四肢屈伏、背向而踞的卧虎为底座,虎背上各立一只长腿昂首的鸣凤。
A.引吭高歌烽烟四起留传B.高歌一曲硝烟弥漫流传C.高歌一曲烽烟四起留传 D.引吭高歌硝烟弥漫流传4. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是A.目前,北京大学青少年研究所所长马军说:“只有构建起政府、社会、家庭、学校四位一体的青少年控烟,才能让校园真正成为不受烟草侵害的净土。
5. 下列有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是A.我国文学史上向来“风骚”并称,“风”指以“国风”为代表的《诗经》,它是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,也是我国诗歌现实主义的源头;“骚”指以屈原的《离骚》为代表的《楚辞》,它是我国诗歌浪漫主义的源头。
6. 下列选项不正确的一项是A.从一定程度上讲,盛唐的魅力就是李白的魅力。
7. 下列对开元、天宝盛世诗歌评价不正确的是A.边塞诗人高适、岑参,把边塞生活写得瑰奇壮伟、豪情慷慨。
8. 下列对唐朝时代与诗人的关系评价不正确的一项是A.国力的强盛,政策的开明为文化的发展提供了强有力的保障。
(选自《三国志·魏书》,有删节)9.对下列句子中加点的词语的解释,正确的一项是A.乃解印绶间.行归家间:(得)机会B.若苟僭拟,干.时而动干:冒犯、冲犯,此处可译为“背离”C.欲徼福齐桓,拟.迹高祖拟:比、比拟D.赠遗无所逆.,亦终不用逆:迎、迎接10.下列句子分别编为四组,全都表现张范“忽于荣利”的一组是①太傅袁隗欲以女妻范,范辞不受②征命无所就③乃解印绶间行归家④袁术备礼招请,范称疾不往2⑤范以疾留彭城⑥救恤穷乏,家无所余A.①②③ B.④⑤⑥ C.①④⑥ D.②③⑤11.下列对原文有关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是A.董卓作乱时,张范与张承想要集合徒众与天下豪杰一起讨伐董卓,后在其弟张昭的劝阻下作罢。