


2君怡room6 part1 student fruit;part2 成功小公司;part3 家附近都有啥公司 中国最近公司类型有什么变化 一些公司成功原因 家族企业弊端
黑大 room7 part1 one home house; part2 a important photo; part3.should school have art class ,Are people take art class during weekends
辽宁师范 part1 work or study, 学习中你最感兴趣的部分,在学习中什么是最重要的,老师还是学生?交通相关,公共交通和私人交通,对于游客你建议哪种交通方式? Part2 a place to relax:where, what, how, why...part3 what are the benefits to students(especially the high school students and the students who like play computer games), workers to relax how to build a long term relationship with the employer, what are the benefits.
1北京教育指导中心room14带眼镜白人,nice,无口音; part1学习 游泳; part2电影; part3 1.电影流行吗2.什么类型流行3.为什么你觉得中国传统电影有教育性?4.你觉得可以从它们中学到历史事实?5.你更喜欢在哪看电影?6.听一些人说现在也可以在网上买便宜票是吗?



Part1家乡(Hometown):What your full name?你来自哪里?(Where do you come from?)你是从小在这里长大吗?你的家乡适不适合生活?想搬走吗?你喜欢你的家乡吗?为什么?以后想不想住countryside?工作:Study or work?What type of job did you do?你的工作有意思吗?Which part of job do you enjoy most?你觉得同事重要还是工作重要,为什么?衣服:What kind of clothes do you like?Why?Do you usually wear the same color of clothes?Do you wear the same style of clothes?饮食:每天都吃vegetables和fruits吗?住房:你以前住过什么样的房子?/现在住的house还是apartment,是否满意?你现在的房子是什么样的,你喜欢它吗?(What kind of housing/accomdation do you live in,do you like it?)你打算长期住在那里吗?(Do you plan to live there for a long time?)未来你想住什么样的房子?(The house you would like to live in future?)Which kind of house do you like?/Do you enjoy flat or house?/Do you like house or apartment?对现代的房子你怎么看?交通/出行:喜欢自己开车还是使用公共交通?周末/假期/节日:What do you usually do during weekends?Do you study a lot during weekends?你最喜欢哪个国家假日/节日/公共假期,为什么?节日的意义?你喜欢放假(public holiday)吗?上个假期你干了什么?你觉得中国应该多增加公共假期吗?传统的中国节日,人们一般干什么?庆祝是否重要?人们为什么会纪念结婚纪念日?你喜欢一个人呆着吗?上次一个人呆着是什么时候?运动(sports):关于运动赛:国内流行的运动?中国人喜欢看什么运动比赛?你喜欢看什么运动比赛?上次看比赛是什么时候?在家看还是现场看?以后想尝试什么运动?关于游泳:Do you like swim?Do you prefer swim in a pool or the sea?Do Chinese people like swimming?Do you think children should swim?历史(history):有没去过历史博物馆?喜不喜欢历史?上次看历史书是什么时候?喜不喜欢看历史纪录片?着急(hurry):你什么情况下会hurry?你是不是经常hurry?做什么事情你肯定不会hurry?你觉得hurry是不是好事?记忆与遗忘:How do you remember things?(你是如何记忆东西的?)Did you forget something important?帮助与被帮助:是否帮助过别人?父母是否鼓励你帮助别人?上次帮助别人是什么时候?老师和父母谁对你的帮助更大?你一般在哪方面帮助他人?家人是否鼓励你帮助别人?帮助别人我们能得到什么?学习(数学):你的专业是什么?学习该专业有什么乐趣?你从什么时候开始学习的数学?你喜欢数学吗?你认为数学的重要性?/你觉得学好数学对于每个人都重要吗?你平时喜欢用计算器吗?/你在教室里用过计算器吗?阅读:place to readWhich subject do you like most?(喜欢什么课?)Do you like reading when you were a child?What was the last book you read when you were a child?Why?(同年度过什么故事书?)愿不愿意给小朋友送故事书?What was the last book you read recently?Why?Do you prefer books or magazines?Why?新闻:喜欢看newspaper吗?喜欢看国内新闻还是国外新闻(local or international newspaper)?在中国newspaper的种类多吗?现在人看报纸吗?你所知道的报纸有哪些?社交:经常手写还是用电脑?你认为写信会被电脑取代么?什么情况下会写信?中国人喜欢用什么社交网络(social network)?Text message电影:(part3也会问到,见part2、part3汇总——一件艺术品)喜欢什么样的电影?将来会拍电影吗?音乐:What kind of life music do you like?你觉得life music和concert music的区别是什么?你会在concert里开party吗?收藏(collection):摄影(Photography/Take photos)Work in a groupsleepingColorFavorite teacherMuseumSnackTV programPart2&Part31、最想一起工作的家庭成员(family member)Part3中国最多的家庭产业(family bussiness)是什么?我们这一代会开公司吗?2、Describe a person in your family.Part3农村和城市生孩子的数目是否相同?朋友和家庭哪个更重要?3、一个喜欢坐飞机的人part3人们为什么爱坐飞机?有什么benefit?4、Describe a child that make you laugh.(一个小孩)Part3Do you like child?适合成为父母的年龄?对于没有上大学的人适合成为父母的年纪?成为父母应该具备什么品质?钱是最重要的吗?要接受相关的训练吗?5、描述一个外语好的人Part3围绕学外语的一系列问题6、Water place(一个近水之地)Part3Do your country have some water games?What’s it?Do you think it is very important for a child to learn swim?Is it a good idea to learn it at school?Do your country’s people can swim?Do your country has a lot of water?回答说比较缺水,然后问What kind of ways can solve the issure?有哪些有水地方可以去玩?水重要吗?提到海边会问经常有人去海边吗?提政府会追问政府措施7、适合读写的地方Part3小孩几岁开始读写?成人在学习读写过程中遇到的问题?其他适合读写的地方有哪些?8、除家里以外一个让你放松的地方Part3在中国有哪些选择放松的方式和地点?年轻人和老年人去相同的地方放松吗?你觉得放假应该吗?大学生还是高中生应该去放松?你的老板愿意给员工放假吗?9、一个你想去但是没有去过的国家(foreign country)Part3中国人为什么愿意去欧洲?在欧洲工作和去欧洲上学有什么区别?你去欧洲上学最大的困难是什么?10、Describe a historical building.(一个历史建筑)Part3Do you like to visit other historical buildings?(类似提问:还有什么其他的景点?)Type of historical buildings in China?中国古代的富人和穷人都住在什么样的房子里?Historical building怎样吸引更多人来参观?孩子应不应该参观historical building?在书上学习和实际参观有什么不同?年轻人和老年人哪个更喜欢历史建筑?Historical building是否需要修缮,为什么?是government维修还是individual维修?中国名胜古迹如此之多,如何判断哪些需要修缮哪些不需要?该谁来花钱?游客是否需要花钱?游客的责任是什么?政府的钱应该花在人民身上还是建筑身上?关于旅游的提问:跟旅游团走还是自己走好?人们为什么喜欢去旅游这些景点?关于涂鸦你怎么看?11、A long walkPart3Why people need leisure time?Why will the efficiency can be proved?Do you think women are busier?12、street(一条街)Part3街道的安全,环境污染,商店等一系列问题13、Noise(日常工作中的噪音)Part3生活中的噪音有哪些?会对人们造成什么影响?会对雇员造成什么影响?为什么?14、Describe a photo.(一张相片)Part3孩子该不该上艺术课程?艺术的好处?怎么看待自拍?自拍的影响?15、一件艺术品Part3电影:喜欢什么类型的电影,为什么?现在的电影和以前的电影有什么不同?在家看还是在电影院看?为什么觉得在电影院看更有氛围?老年人喜欢看电影吗,为什么?信息的来源:你觉得从哪里可以得到正确的信息?政府的信息永远都是对的吗,为什么?16、Describe a paid job.(一份有报酬的工作)Part3现在什么工作流行,为什么?是否会把工作介绍给他人,为什么?什么工作是完美的,为什么?学历和工作质量有关系吗,为什么?17、Some news read on the internet or newspaper./Describe a good news.(一则新闻)part3人们是否接受了太多的信息?你喜欢什么方式阅读?大多数人喜欢看什么新闻?young people and old people like what news?18、Describe a gift for someone that took long time to choose.(一件礼物)Part3一些列关于gift的问题:如礼物的意义,中国人喜欢什么样的礼物,你喜不喜欢实用的礼物19、Describe a good cook.(一道菜)Part3未来做饭会减少吗?为什么非要家庭聚会?20、festival(一个节日)Part3在中国还有哪些种类的节日?许多人喜欢shopping吗?21、Describe a useful thing you borrowed.When and why?(一件借来之物)Part3Borrow things from people?22、一份喜欢的工作Part3身边有什么人在做这份工作?为什么喜欢?你觉得人们为什么要去工作?在中国什么样的工作比较流行,为什么?你觉得科技类的工作对一个国家重要吗,为什么?23、Childhood song(一首儿歌)24、An age stage you enjoyed most in your life.(一个年龄段)Part3中国有哪些典型的庆祝活动?中国多少岁或者什么事情象征着人成年,为什么?多少岁退休的?25、Activity to keep health./Describe an activity to keep you fit.(一项有益健康的活动)Part3young children做什么来keep fit?(如果说到男女会有所不同,考官可能会接着问boys喜欢什么,girls喜欢什么,以及为什么。



Part15-8月雅思口语题库Part 1人物Famous people(5-8月新题)1.Have you ever met any famous people?2.What kind of famous person are you interested in?3.If you had a chance, which famous person would you like to meet?4.Do you want to become famous?Friends1.What makes a good friend?2.What do you usually do with your friends?3.How do you make friends?4.Do you have many friends?5.Are you a good friend to others?Study or work1.Are you a student or do you work?2.What subject are you studying?3.Why did you choose that subject?4.Is there anything that you don’t like about it?5.What would you like to do in the future?6.What are the most popular subjects in China?7.What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at school/ university?8.Do you think it’s important to choose a subject you like?(What work do you do?Why did you choose to do that type of job? Do you like your job?What do you like best about your job? Do you miss being astudent?)地点Parks(5-8月新题)1.Do you like going to parks?2.What can you do if you go to a park?3.Do you think people in China like going to parks?4.Do you prefer natural parks or amusement parks?Hometown1.Where do you come from?2.What's the most attractive part of your hometown?3.What’s the weather like in your hometown?4.Do you know much about the history of your hometown?5.Has your hometown changed much these years?6.Would you say your hometown is a big city or a small town?7.For you, what benefits are there living in a big city?8.Do you think you will continue to live in this place in the future?Accommodation1.What kind of house or apartment do you live in?2.Do you live in a house or a flat?3.Do you live alone or with your family?4.Could you please describe the place you live in?5.Can you describe the room you live in?6.Which is your favourite room in your home?7.Is there anything which you would like to improve about your flat?8.What can you see when you look out the window of your room?The area you live in1.Do you like the area that you live in now?2.How has the area you live in changed in recent years?3.Is there anything special in your area?4.Do you know any famous people in your area?5.What do you like to do in your area?事物Discussion(5-8月新题)1.What kinds of things do you like to talk about?2.Have you changed the way you discuss things since when you were a child?3.Do you change your opinions frequently?Gift(5-8月新题)1.What’s the best present or gift you have ever received?2.Do you give expensive gifts?3.What do you give others as gift?4.What kinds are popular in your country?Joke & comedies(5-8月新题)1.Are you good at telling jokes?2.Do your friends like to tell jokes?3.Do you like to watch comedies?4.Have you ever watched a line show?Newspapers & Magazines(5-8月新题)1.Do you prefer to read newspapers or magazines?2.Do you prefer to read news online or in a newspaper?3.Do people in your family often read newspapers?4.Do you think it's important to read newspapers?Public transport(5-8月新题)1.Do you often use public transportation?2.Do people in your country take the bus?3.What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?4.How often do you take the bus?Fish(5-8月新题)1.Why do some people like fishing?2.Do you like eating fish?3.Where can you see fish?Breaks(5-8月新题)1.Do you prefer to take a long break or several short breaks?2.What do you usually do during a break?3.Why do you need to take a break?(Why do you think people need to have breaks?)4.How often do you take a break?Math & Numbers(5-8月新题)1.Are you good at math?2.Do you like doing math’s homework?3.How often do you use a calculator?4.Do you think it’s difficult to learn math well?5.Do you think it’s important to learn math well?6.Have your parents ever taught you math?7.Would you say girls are generally better at math than boys?8.Are you good at remembering numbers?9.Do you often use numbers?10.Is there any special number you like?Science class(5-8月新题)1.Do you think science classes are important?2.What kind of science did you do at school?3.Did you have science class in primary school or high school?4.Do you like science class?History(5-8月新题)1.Have you ever been to a historical museum?2.Do you like history?3.Have you ever watched historical films?4.Did you like history when you were young?5.When was the last time you read about history?Scenery(5-8月新题)1.What kinds of beautiful scenery is there around your hometown?2.When you travel, do you like to stay in hotels with scenic views?3.Do people like to take photos of beautiful scenery?4.Why do people prefer to take photos of beautiful scenery with smart phones?Sweets & Cakes(5-8月新题)1.Do you like to eat sweets?2.Do you like sweets more or less now compared with when you were child?3.Have you ever tried to make sweets or cakes?4.Why do people like sweets?5.Do you like cakes?6.Do you eat cakes or sweets after the meal?7.Is there any sweet food in your country?Art(5-8月新题)1.Do you like art?2.Have you ever visited an art gallery?3.Is there any artwork on the wall in your room?4.Have you ever had art classes?Pens & Pencils(5-8月新题)1.When was the last time that you bought a pen or pencil?2.Do you usually use a pen or pencil?3.Which one do you use more often? A pen or a pencil?4.What would you think if someone gives you a pen or a pencil as a gift?Movies1.Do you watch movies?2.How often do you watch movies?3.What kind of movies do you like?4.Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others?5.Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?(Wild) Animals1.Do you like animals?2.What's your favorite wild animal? (Why?)3.What is the most popular animal in your country?4.Do you like to see animals in the zoo?Voice1.Does your voice sound similar to your parents?2.Has your voice ever changed?3.Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?4.Do you like your own voice?Haircut1.What’s your favorite hairstyle?2.How often do you have your haircut?3.Do you often change your haircut?事件Meeting new people (5-8月新题)1.Do you like meeting new people?2.How do you feel when people welcome you?3.Do you often meet new people?4.Can you tell if you like someone when you meet them for the first time? Why?Staying up(5-8月新题)1.Do you often stay up late?2.What do you do when you stay up late?3.How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before?Tidiness(5-8月新题)1.Are you a tidy person?2.How do you keep things tidy?3.Do you think people should be tidy all the time?4.Are you tidier at work(school) or at home?Shopping(5-8月新题)1.Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones?2.Do you like shopping?3.Do you compare prices when you shop? Why?4.Is it difficult for you to make choices when you shop?Spending time by yourself(5-8月新题)1.Do you usually spend time by yourself?2.How do you usually spend time by yourself?3.Do you like spending time by yourself?4.What did you do last time you were by yourself?Laugh(5-8月新题)1.Do you like to watch movies or TV shows that make people laugh?2.Do you usually make your friends laugh?3.Have you laughed recently? Why?Water sports(5-8月新题)1.Have you tried water sports before?2.What kind of water sport have you done?3.What kind of water sport would you want to try?4.Are water sports popular in China?Running(5-8月新题)1.Do you like running?2.Where do you run?3.Which places do you think are perfect for running?4.Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?Walking1.Do you walk a lot?2.Do you walk more or less than in the past?3.Do you walk on your own or with others?4.Would you say that your city is a good place for walking?5.Do you think people will take a walk more often or not in the future?Concentration1.When do you need to be focused?2.What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?3.What do you do to help you concentrate?4.Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?Travel1.What kind of cities do you like to travel to?2.Do you like traveling?3.Which cities have you travelled to?4.What is the place that left you the deepest impression when you travelling?Borrowing/lending1.How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?2.Do you like to lend things to others?3.Have you ever borrowed money from others?4.Have you borrowed books from others?。


这是金老师给认真评价学员的一份礼物,每周都是金老师亲自挑选的最重点题目。(公共版 预测是大范围,学员专享版是最精简必准备的重点)
(4)所有考题为金老师亲自领队在各考场蹲题采集的最准确题目,不是网友回忆的未经验 证题目!不要拿网上一些所谓预测和网友回忆的题目来问哪个准确啦!如果你和身边同学确 定在考场考到了的题目可以把完整题卡给教务老师,经老师验证准确性后及时更新给大家!
****************************************************************************** 我们共同努力,与雅思说再见!
金长麟老师雅思口语答案题目单(适用 2015 年 5-8 月)
Part 1
新题(8 题,含题卡和双语音频版,必准备)
39. Photo
7. Building
24. History
40. Plans&Goals
8. Camping
25. Hobbies
41. Politeness
9. Cars
26. House
and 42. Public transport
10. City
43. Rain
11. Color
人多题量不够时会出现老题: 建议复习 (16 题;PART2 含题卡、文字版、朗读音频版; PART3 含题卡和双语音频版) 1. App 2. 课题或作业 3. Describe a childhood song you remember well. 4. Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet 5. Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth 6. 交通堵塞 7. 近水之地(2个) 8. Describe a pleasant surprise you had 9. 老人(2个) 10. 童年玩具 11. 网站 12. 想学但现在不能学的东西 13. 邀请别人的一顿饭 14. 友善对待你不喜欢的人 ******************************************************************************






Section 1场景:银行购物新旧情况:旧题题型:笔记填空题(10)难度等级:2星内容大意:咨询买家具部分答案回忆:1. width od bed:140cm2. price:2653. 材料的颜色:natural(录音中颜色还包括dark等其他颜色,说颜色要根据其他的家具来定,女孩说家中其他家具是dark,但最后还是定了natural)4. 和床配套的床头柜:fitted light table5. glass door of cupboard6.上面的shelf有锁,填空: drawer7. 女孩名字:Roata8. 邮编:254EU9.一般送货的时间diliver time为:morning,女孩在家10. 若不在家,就放在garageSection 2场景:工作流程新旧情况:新题题型:填空题(7)、选择题(3)难度等级:3星内容大意:介绍一下casual Emloyment Service Centre部分答案回忆:Applicants:young people aged between 16 and 25people who study full-time 11.vocational courseson your registration form,you must give details of your 12.skills and your availabilityon notice board,you can find information about the 13.type of work,the 14.hours and other informationif you are interested in the job,it's up to you to 15.telephone the employer.16-18 what THREE types of work are most often available? BDEA.carpentryB.childcareputer programmingD.domestic work(家政劳动)boring workF.library assistantnguage centreH.plumbing(水管工)I.restaurantpletionLocation:Centre Council BuildingOpening hours:from 19.10am to 4 pmClosed:20.New YearSection 3场景:作业讨论场景新旧情况:旧题题型:填空题(7)、选择题(3)难度等级:3星内容大意:法学师生讨论部分答案回忆:21-26)Sentence Completion21. 大致是说办一什么手续需要Details Put your name and e-mail address on…22.location:Blackstone upper level room301What’s the name of the Building: 23.Modern languagesthere are not available for fee-paying 24.intensive courses25.What can you find in the Resource Room?填 multimedia resources26.the Law DepartmentSelf-access Room26.go to the Law department27-29)Multiple Choicewhich THREE things does Jan think most important in work? ABGA.cautious languageB.classifyingparingD.contrastingE.describingF.explaining causes and effectsG.generalizingH.summarizingquestion 30 completionwhen is the last date for Jan to get registered? 30.22 October场景:科普物品新旧情况:旧题题型:笔记填空题(5)、选择题(5)难度等级:4星内容大意:非洲鳄鱼介绍,选择题部分说明了它喜欢怎样的栖息方式以及在沙漠中鳄鱼怎么生存。



2015年英语口语考试真题In recent years, English oral examinations have become increasingly important in China. Many students are required to take these exams as part of their school curriculum or as a prerequisite for further education or job opportunities. To help students prepare for these exams, it is crucial to familiarize themselves with past exam papers and practice answering the questions. In this article, we will analyze the 2015 English oral exam questions and provide tips for tackling them effectively.Question 1: Describe a memorable event in your life and explain why it was important to you.When answering this question, it is essential to choose an event that has had a significant impact on your life. It could be a personal achievement, a life-changing experience, or a special moment shared with loved ones. Begin by providing a brief introduction about the event, including the time, place, and people involved. Then, explain why this event holds such importance to you. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the examiner and engage their interest. Finally, conclude by summarizing the lasting effects of this event on your life.Question 2: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social media.In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. When addressing this question, it is crucial to present a balanced view by discussing both the advantages and disadvantages. Start by outlining the advantages, such as connecting with friends and family, accessing information, and promoting businesses. Then, transition to the disadvantages, such as privacy concerns, addiction, and cyberbullying. Support your points with real-life examples or statistics to strengthen your argument. Finally, conclude by expressing your personal opinion on whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa.Question 3: Talk about a book or movie that has influenced you and explain why.When choosing a book or movie to discuss, opt for one that has had a profound impact on your thoughts, beliefs, or actions. Begin by briefly introducing the book or movie, including the title, author/director, and genre. Then, delve into the reasons why it has influenced you, whether it be the compelling storyline, relatable characters, or thought-provoking themes. Use specific examples or quotes to support your analysis. Finally, conclude by discussing how this influence has shaped your perspective or inspired you in some way.Question 4: Describe a place you would like to visit and explain why.For this question, it is essential to select a place that genuinely captivates your interest. Start by providing a brief introduction about the place, including its location and significance. Then, explain why you are drawn to this particular destination. Is it the rich history, stunning natural landscapes, or unique cultural experiences? Use descriptive language to transport the examiner to this place and convey your enthusiasm. Finally, conclude by expressing your desire to visit this place in the future and the impact you believe it would have on you.In conclusion, preparing for English oral exams requires practice and familiarity with past exam questions. By analyzing the 2015 English oral exam questions and following the tips provided, students can enhance their performance and effectively showcase their language skills. Remember to structure your answers coherently, provide supporting details, and express your thoughts clearly. With dedication and practice, success in English oral exams is within reach.。



Text messageDo you text someone if he doesn’t answer your phone?Is there any chance when texting someone is better than calling him? Have you ever had difficulty replying?How often do you send text messages?Vegetables or fruitsWhat’s your favorite vegetables and fruits?How often do you eat fruits?Are there any special fruits in your hometown?Should we eat vegetables everyday?TransportationWhat’s the most popular means of transportation in you hometown? How often do you take buses?Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?Is driving to work popular in your country?Do you think people will drive more in the future?Would you ride bikes to work in the furure?What will become the most popular means in China?Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?SportsDo you like to watch sports on TV?Do you play any sports?Do you have a favorite sports star?What’s the most popular sports in China?What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?Have you ever tried any dangerous sports?MathematicsWhen did you start learning math?Do you like math?Who taught you math?Who’s your favorite teacher so far?Is math diffcult for you to learn?Do you like to use a calculator?Forgetting about thingsWhat do you remember to do every day?What helps people to remember things?Why do old people forget about things easily?Have you ever forgetten something important?HappinessWhat do you think of happiness?What do you like to do when you are happy?What kinds of things make you happy?What kinds of things do Chinese people feel happy about? Is it easy to be happy for you?FilmDo you like to watch films?Do you perfer foreign films or Chinese films?How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film? What kinds of movies do you like best?What was the first film that you watched?Time managementAre you good at organizing time?How do you usually organize time?Do you think planning is important for time management?Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?Do you think children should learn to manage time?Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?How would you teach your children time management?Do old people and young people management time in similar way?FriendshipHow do people(in your country)meet orthers and make friends?Do you think it’s easy for people to make friends at work?Is it important for people to have good relationships with colleagues at their workplace?(why?)Would you say the students (at your school/university) have a good relationship with each other?(possibly) How would you describe a “good relationship”?Do you ever help a friend by giving advice?MuseumsAre there many (or,any) museums in your hometown?Do you think museums are useful for vistors to your hometown/country? Do you often visit a museum?Did you go to any museums when you were a child?When was the last time you visted a museum?Do you think museums are important?Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to vistors?Mobile phoneHow often do you use your mobile phone?Can you describe your mobile phone?What was your first mobile phone?Would you buy a new one in the future?How has your mobile phone changed your life?MusicDo you often listen to music?When do you listen to music?How much time do you spend listening to music ever day?What kinds of music do you like to listen to?How often do you listen to (that type of ) music?When did you start listening to this type of music?Where do you listen to it?How do you feel when you listen to this music?Do you like listening to songs?Have you ever been to a musical performance?Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?Is music an important subject at school in China?Did you often listen to music when you were a child?(if yes ,give details.) What kinds of music are popular in China?ClothesWhat clothes do you usually to wear?Do/Did you wear the same clothes at school and at home?Will you change your clothes when you go home today?Did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child?Did you like them?Letters or emailsDo you write many letters or emails?Who do you usually write to?Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?How often do you write an email or a letter?What are the diferents between emails and letters?Is it hard to think of what to write?What kind of letter/email do you think is the hardest to write?How do you feel when you recive a letter or a email?What sorts of letters or emails are the most diffcult to reply to?What kinds of emails do you receive that make you feel excited?Which do you prefer ,to make a phone call or write an email?Do you think people will still write letters in the future?How do you communicate with others at work-by emails or is it more convenient to communicate face-to-face?TreesDo you like trees?Are there any important trees in your country?Is there a forest near your hometown?Would you like to live in a place that has a lot of trees?Where can one find trees in your country?Do you think places with trees attract more vistors than places with few trees?Did you ever like to climb trees when you were a child.Have you ever planted trees?Do you think we should plant more trees?Do you think more people should plant trees?What would you say are the benefits of having trees?SkyDo you like to watch the sky?What is the sky like at night in your hometown?Do you like to watch stars?Have you ever taken a course about stars?Is it important to study stars? /What’s your favorite star?TelevisionHow much TVdo you watch?What’s your favorite TV program?Did you watch much TV when you were a child?(how much?)What programs did you watch when you were a child?Do you think television has changed in the past few years?Has television changed your life in any way?Vistors to your homeDo you like vistors coming to your home?Hoe often do you have vistoes to your home?When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality? What kinds of manners do you expect your home vistors to have? Do you bing gifts when you visit others?Do you like to visit orther people?Describe a place that can be good to relax (not home). You should say :1.Where the place is;2.What it is like;3.How do you spend time there;4.And explain why you think it is a good place for relaxation.Describe a gift for orthers that took you long time to choose. You should say:1.What it was;2.Who you gave it to;3.How you chose it;4.And explain why you spent a long time on choosing it.Describe a small and successful company you know. You should say:1.What is the compang called;2.How did you know this company;3.What kind of business this company does;4.And explain why you think this company is successful.Describe a person you know who dresses well/a person who is fashionable.You should say:1.Who this person is;2.What kinds of clothes this person likes to wear;3.How you know this person;4.And explain why you think this person dersses well.Describe a change that will improve your local area.You should say:1.What the change is;2.How the change works;3.What kinds of problems the changge will solve and how you feel about thechange.Describe an age/stage you enjoyed mostly in your life.You should say:1.What the age/stage was;2.What did you like to do back then;3.Who you enjoed mostly back then and explain why you really like thatage/stage.Describe a picture or photograph in your family.You should say:1.What is in the picture;2.Where ths picture is in your home;3.How this picture was taken and explain why you think this picture ismeaningful.Describe a time that a child did something that made you laugh. You should say:1.When this happened;2.Who the child was;3.What the child did and explain why it was funny.Describe a team you have been part of.You should say:1.When this team was formed;2.Who was on the team;3.What you did together and explain why you become part of the team?Describe a place where you can read and write.You should say:1.Where this place is;2.How do you know this place;3.What do yo do there and explain why you think it’s a good place forreading and writing.Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child.You should say:1.What the game was;2.When,where and with whom you usually played it;3.How you played it and explain why you still remember this game or youliked this game.Describe something that you want to learn more.You should say:1.What it is;2.How would learn it;3.Where you can learn it and explain why you want to keep learning it.Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future. You should say:1.Where this place is;2.Who you would like to go with;3.What would you do there and explain why this would be a special trip.Describe a person who can use/speak a second languag.You should say:1.Who this person is;2.What language this person can use;3.How often this person uses this language and explain why this person canmaster this language.Describe an occasion you got up extremely early.You should say:1.When this happened;2.What you needed to do that day;3.Who you were with and how you feel about getting up that early that day.Describe an educational trip you went on.You should say:1.Where this place was;2.What you did at this place;3.Who you went there with and explain why you thought this trip waseducational.Describe an educational tv program that you haver seen.You should say:What the program is about /what the program is;How often you watch or listen to this program;What type of people enjoy this program and explain why this program is educational.Describe a paid job you ever did or someone you know ever did. You should say:1.What the job was;2.How did you /this person find this job;3.How long did you or this person keep this job and how you feel about thisjob.Describe a time when you feel surprised to meet someone.You should say:1.When this happened;2.Who this person was;3.What did you do together on that day and explain why you thought it was asurprise to meet this person.Discribe a park/garden you visited and liked/that impressed you.You should say:1.Where it was;2.What it looked like;3.What people did(or,were doing) there and explain how you feel about thisgarden.Describe a place you went to that was full of colour.You should say:1.Where it was;2.Why you went there;3.What you did there and explain why you think this place was made socolourful.Describe something you do to (help you) stay healthy.You should say:1.What you do;2.When you started doing this;3.How much time you spend doing this(or, how often you do this)and ou getexplain what benefits you get from this activity or explain how this activity helps you stay healthy.Describe a restaurant that impresses you.You should say:1.Where this restaurant is;2.What type of food the restaurant has;3.Why you go to this restaurant and explain why you like this restaurant whythis resturant impress you.Describe an exciting sport you know.You should say:1.What the sport is;2.How you know about it;3.Is it difficult and explain why you think it is exciting.Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like. You should say :1.When and where it happened;2.Who he or she was;3.Why you didn’t like this person and explain why you were friendly to hinor her on that occasion.Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.You should say :1.What it was;2.Who gave it to you;3.How often you playd it and explain why it was special to you.Describe something you really want to buy in the furure. You should say:What it isWhen you will buy it;Where you will buy it and explain why you want to buy it.Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth. You should say:1.What was the situation was;2.Who was involved;3.Why they didn’ t tell you the whole truth and explain how you felt whenyou found out when you were not told the whole truth.Describe smething interesting you learnt from the internet. You should say:1.What you learnt;2.What website you learnt it from;3.How you learnt it and explain why you think it was interesting.Descibe an interesting website you have visited.You should say:1.When you the visited it;2.How you first knew about this website;3.What the website is about and explain why you think it is interesting.Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.You should say:1.What it is;2.When you first had this ambition;3.Why you had this ambition and explain why you haven’t achieved yet.Describe a family member you would like to work with.You should say:1.Who this person is;2.What kind of person he or she is;3.Whether you’ve worked before and explain why you would like to workwith his person(more than with other members of your family).Describe a long journey/short trips you would like to make again.You should say:1.Where you went;2.Who you went with;3.What you did during the trip and explain why you would like to makethe trip again.Describe a hostorical building in your country/hometown. You should say :1.Where this building is;2.How do you know this building;3.what it is like and explain why it is important to your country.Describe a project that you were once involved in (for example,a project at work or a homework assignment at school or university).You should say:1.The topic of this project or homework;2.When and where you did this project;3.What research or preparation you did;4.How difficult this tasks was;5.How much tim you spent on this project or assignment and explain whatyou learned from this experience.Describe a situation (or a time) when you helped someone. You should say:1.What the situation was;2.Who the person was;3.How you helped them and explain how you felt after helping them.Describe an unusual building you’ve visited.You should say:1.Where it is;2.What it is used for;3.What it looks like and explain why you think it is unusual.Describe a time when you got lost.You should say:1.When and where it happened;2.Who was there with you;3.How you felt when you got lost and explain how you eventually foundyour way.Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet .You should say:1.What the news was about;2.When you got this news;3.Where you got this news from and explain why you think it was agood piece of news.Describe a subject you didn’t like before but have intere st in now. You should say:1.What it was;2.When you studied the subject;3.Why you didn’t like it before and explain why you have interested in itnow.Describe a pleasant surpriou the surprise you had.You should say:1.Where and when it happened;2.Who gave you the surprise;3.Why they gave you the surprise and explain how you felt about it.Describe a place near water(such as river ,a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.You should say:1.Where this place was;2.What you did at this place;3.Who you went there with and explain why you liked this place.You should say:1.What the event was;2.When and where it happened;3.What you saw or did and explain why you remember this event so well.Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.You should say:1.Who this friend is;2.How you first met;3.How other people behave towards him or her and explain why you think heor she is a good leader.。



智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料2015年8月13日雅思听力机经及答案(网友回忆版)2015年8月13日雅思听力机经(网友回忆版)Section 1版本号:06117场景:咨询场景-Children care centre题型:填空10参考答案:Question 1 - Question 101. $37.50 for children under 2 years old2. 20 hours for free caring (included in the price), one week offers3. Centre has its own playground, offer outdoor programmes.4. Teachers in this centre have experience in a primary school teaching.5. Parents asked that other centre has weeklyreport(wondered if this centre has any? yes we have.)6. Two children, the earliest month child can join is: September7. Other stuff need to bring themselves is: apron and sunglasses, sun cream.8. They should also bring a family photo because chinldren may miss home.9. Need medical certificate from a doctor10. Colliope avenue Lake Road Child care center(答案仅供参考)扩展练习:C6T2S1, C10T3S1解析:咨询场景里的托儿所话题,最新的剑10里也有类似的场景。



雅思考试口语考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心杨超考试日期: 2015年8月1日Part 1考题总结考题总结:Studies1. Are you working or studying?2. Tell me about the school or university you attend.3. Tell me something about your primary school.4. What is your major?5. Do you like your major and why?6. What courses or subjects do you study?7. What is your favorite subject?8. What is the most useful subject?9. What would you like to do in the future?10. What are the characteristics of schools in China?11. What kinds of majors are available in China?12. What do Chinese people think about teachers?13. Is teaching a popular job in China, why or why not?Hometown1. Where are you from?2. Where is your hometown?3. Tell me about your hometown.4. What’s your favorite thing or place in your hometown?5. What is famous about your hometown?6. Tell me about some scenic spots in your hometown.7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?8. Do you like your hometown, why or why not?9. What is the difference between your hometown and Beijing?10. What are the people like in your hometown?11. If you could change one thing about your hometown, what would it be?12. What attractive pieces of architecture are there in your hometown?13. Is your hometown a good place for young people to live?Home1. Do you currently live in a house or a flat/apartment?2. Can you describe your house/flat?3. What main items of furniture or appliances do you have in each room?4. Is it a typical house/flat in your city?5. What kind of house or flat do you want to live in the future?6. Do you like the decoration in your home, why or why not?7. Will you move to another house or flat in the near future?8. What kind of house/flat are you going to move into?9. What do you think of the area in which you live?10. How long have you been living there?11. What are your neighbors like?Housework1. Do people do a lot of housework in your country?2. Do Chinese people like spending time doing housework?3. Did you do a lot of housework when you were a child?4. Is it important for a child to do housework?5. What kind of housework do you have to do in China?6. What different kinds of housework do man and woman do?Work1. Are you working or studying?2. What do you do for a living?3. How long have you been doing this job?4. Do you like your job, why or why not?5. Do you find your job interesting?6. What are your main responsibilities in your job?7. Is working important to you?8. Have you received any training related to your work?9. Tell me about your boss or colleague.10. What would be your ideal job?11. If you could choose another job, what would you choose?Writing1. Do you often write things?2. Do you write every day?3. What do you usually write about?4. Do you like writing to people?5. How often do you send e-mails?6. What are your main reasons for using e-mails?7. Do you like to send e-mails?8. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?9. Nowadays, how do most people write things?10. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?11. When do children begin to write in your country?12. How did you learn to write?13. Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?14. How can children today improve or practice their handwriting?15. What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?Natural places1. Do you like visiting natural places?2. What are some well-known natural attractions in your country?3. Have you even gone camping before?4. Do you like natural environment?5. Is there any ways for urban kids to get in touch with nature?6. Do you have any memories of nature from your childhood?7. What are the benefits of learning about nature?8. What can people get from going to natural places?Hobbies and Interests1. What are your hobbies?2. Did you have other hobbies or interests when you were younger?3. If you had more free time, what would you do?4. How many hours do you spend each day in your hobby?5. Do you think it’s important for people to have hobbies, why or why not?6. What are the most common hobbies for Chinese people?Letter1. Do you often write letters?2. Whom do you often write to and what do you often write about?3. Do you prefer to write letters or e-mails?4. What are the bad effects of writing too many emails instead of letters?5. Do you like reading letters written by some famous people?6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing letter?7. Do you think letter will disappear in the future?Name1. What’s your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning or significance?3. Have you ever changed your name, why or why not?4. Do Chinese people like changing their names, why or why not?5. What kind of people like changing their names?6. What’s their purpose in changing their names?7. In your culture, do women change their names when they get married?Colors1. What’s your favorite color, and why?2. Do you always wear clothes in your favorite color?3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?4. What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?5. What kind of color do you dislike?Friends and Family1. Do you have many close friends?2. What qualities make them good friends?3. Do you live with your family?4. Do your family and friends still live in your hometown?5. Do you think family members should live together, why or why not?6. When do you spend time with your family?7. What do you do together?8. Do you often go out with your friends?9. Is your family very important to you?10. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friends?11. What do you do in your free time with your friends?12. Are there any times when you prefer to be alone?Clothes1. What kind of clothes do you like?2. How do you get information about latest fashion?3. What are the differences in the clothes between now and fifty years ago?4. How do older people feel about younger people’s clothes?5. What kind of clothes do children usually wear?6. What are the most fashionable clothes in China now?Collecting1. Did you collect anything when you were a child?2. Do you still collect them now?3. Do you collect anything as a hobby now?4. Why do you like collecting things?5. Do people in your country like to collect things?6. Why do you think people like collecting things?Sleeping1. How many hours do you sleep every day?2. Is it necessary to take a nap at noon?3. Do old people sleep a lot, why or why not?4. Do you think younger people sleep more than old people?5. What are the effects of sleeping too little on people?6. Do you sometimes find difficult to fall asleep?7. Are there any methods to help us fall asleep more easily?Time1. Do you wear a watch?2. Do you think it is important to be on time?3. How do you feel when you are late for an appointment?4. How do you feel when others are late?5. Do you think time is important?6. What is the best way to have a good time management?Weekends1. What do you do in your spare time?2. How do you spend time with your family?3. What do you usually do on weekends?4. What did you do last weekend?5. What do other people in your country usually do on weekends?6. What are you going to do next weekend?7. Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?8. Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?Weather and Climate1. What type of weather do you like?2. What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?3. Which is your favorite season?4. Do you do different things in summer and in winter?5. What do you often do on sunny and rainy days?6. What is the weather like in your city?7. Do you have some ways to control the global warming?Travelling1. Do you like travelling?2. In which season do you prefer to travel?3. Do you think your country is a good place for travelling?4. What are the effects of the development of tourism?5. Where would you like to travel to in the future?6. Do you prefer to travel to the same place or a different place?Natural places1. Do you like visiting natural places?2. What are some well-known natural attractions in your country?3. Have you even gone camping before?4. Do you like natural environment?5. Is there any ways for urban kids to get in touch with nature?6. Do you have any memories of nature from your childhood?7. What are the benefits of learning about nature?8. What can people get from going to natural places?Museum1. Are there any famous museums in your hometown/country?2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?3. Do you often visit a museum?4. Did you go to any museums when you were a child?5. When was the last time you visited a museum?6. Do you think museums are important?7. Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?Holiday1. Do you like holidays and why?2. Where do you usually go for holiday?3. What do you like to do on holidays?4. If you could go to any foreign country for holiday, where would you go?5. Do you enjoy short holiday or long one?6. Is there any difference in what your parents and you do in holiday?7. What would you like to do next holiday?8. Do you think holidays are becoming more and more important, why or why not?9. Do you prefer staying at home to travelling, why or why not?Shoes1. Do you like shopping for shoes?2. How often do you buy shoes?3. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or good-looking shoes?5. Do you think it’s good to buy shoes on the internet?Shopping1. Do you like shopping or window shopping?2. Where do you often go shopping?3. How often do you go shopping in a week?4. Do you usually do your shopping at one place or at different places?5. What kinds of shops are there near your home?6. Do you pay more attention to price or quality?7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?Teacher1. Do you have a favorite teacher?2. Why do you like that teacher?3. How does this teacher help you?4. Do you want to be a teacher?Advertising1. Are there many advertisements in your country?2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?3. What are the places where we see advertisements?4. How do you feel about advertisements?5. What kinds of advertisements do you like the most?6. Do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?7. Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?8. What kinds of advertisements leave the deepest impression on people?Relax1. How do you relax?2. How do Chinese people relax?3. How do Chinese young people differ from the old in their ways of relaxing?4. Do you think it is good for people to relax too much?5. What’s the difference between the ways of relaxation today and 50 years ago?6. Do you think travelling in a peak season is a good way to relax?7. Do you think it is important to relax after a long hours of work?8. What would you do if you have a lot of pressure?9. Do you feel nervous before contests or exams? What do you often do to release your nervousness?Future Plan1. What job would you like to have in the future?2. What do you plan to major in?3. What do you plan to do after graduation from university?4. What do you want to do when you retire in the future?5. Do you have any long-term plan for your life?6. Do you think people should have a plan for the future, why or why not?Books and Reading1. Do you like reading books, why or why not?2. What books did you like when you were a child? What about now?3. What kinds of books do you like to read?4. For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?5. Would you like to write a book?6. Do you like receiving a book as a gift?Schools1. What was the first school you attended?2. Where was it?3. Was it far from your home?4. How did you go to school?5. Did you like your school?6. What were the good things about that school?7. Would you say it was a good school?8. Would you send your child to that school?9. What different types of schools have you been to?10. Which school did you like the most, why?11. Did your parents choose your university for you?Part 2&3考题总结考题总结:Describe a place that can be good to relax (not home). You should say:where this place iswhat is looks likehow do you spend time thereand explain why you think it is a good place for relaxation.Describe a restaurant you like to go to.You should say:where this restaurant iswhat type of food the restaurant haswhy you go to this restaurantand explain why you like this restaurant.Describe a park or garden you liked.You should say:where it waswhat it looked likewhat people did thereand explain how you felt about his garden.Describe a person you know who is good at cooking. You should say:who this person is;what is your relationship with this person;what kinds of food he or she cooks;and explain why you think this person is so good at cooking.Describe a gift for others that took you long time to choose.You should say:what it waswho you gave it tohow you chose itand explain why you spent a long time on choosing it.Describe a time that you and your friend had a disagreement.You should say:when this happenedwho you disagreed withwhat you and your friend argued aboutand if you two solved the disagreement in the end.Describe a picture or photograph in your family.You should say:what is in the picturewhere this picture is in your homehow this picture was takenand explain why you think this picture is meaningful.Describe a place where you can read and write.You should say:where this place ishow do you know this placewhat do you do thereand explain why you think it’s a good place for reading and writing.Describe an age you enjoyed mostly in your life.You should say:what the age waswhat did you like to do back thenwho you enjoyed mostly back thenand explain why you really like that age.Describe a time that a child did something that made you laugh. You should say:when this happenedwho the child waswhat the child didand explain why it was funny.Describe a person who can speak a second language.You should say:who this person iswhat language this person can usehow often this person uses this languageand explain why this person can master this language.Describe a small and successful company you know.You should say:what is the companyhow did you know this companywhat kind of business this company doesand explain why you think this company is successful.Describe a person you know who dresses well.You should say:who this person iswhat kinds of clothes this person likes to wearhow you know this personand explain why you think this person dresses well.Describe a change that will improve your local area.You should say:what the change ishow the change workswhat kinds of problems the change will solveand how you feel about the change.Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future.You should say:where this place iswho you would like to go withwhat would you do thereand explain why this would be a special trip.Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child.You should say:what the game waswhen and where you usually played itwhom you usually played it withhow you played itand explain why you liked this game.Describe a team you have been part of.You should say:when this team was formedwho was on the teamwhat you did togetherand explain why you became part of the team.Describe something that you want to learn more.You should say:what it ishow you would learn itwhere you can learn itand explain why you want to keep learning it.Describe a time when you feel surprised to meet someone.You should say:when this happenedwho this person waswhat did you do together on that dayand explain why you thought it was a surprise to meet this person.Describe a paid job you ever did or someone you know ever did. You should say:what the job washow did you or this person find this jobhow long did you or this person keep this joband how you feel about this job.Describe an educational TV program that you have seen.You should say:what the program is abouthow often you watch this programwhat type of people enjoy this programand explain why this program is educational.Describe an educational trip you went on.You should say:where this place waswhat you did at this placewho you went there withand explain why you thought this trip was educational.Describe an occasion you got up extremely early.You should say:when this happenedwhat you needed to do that daywho you were withand how you felt about getting up that early on that day.Describe an historical building in your country.You should say:where this building is;how do you know this buildingwhat it is likeand explain why it is important to your hometown.Describe an unusual building you've visited.You should say:where it is;what it is used for;what it looks like;and explain why you think it is unusual.Describe something you do to (help you) stay healthy.You should say:what you dowhen you started doing thishow much time you spend doing this (or, how often you do this)and explain what benefits you get from this activity or explain how this activity helps you stay healthy.Describe an exciting sport you know.You should say:what the sport is;how you know about it;how you feel about it;and explain why you think it is exciting.Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn't like.You should say:when and where it happened;who he or she was;why you didn't like this person;and explain why you were friendly to him or her on that occasion.Describe a place you went to that was full of color.You should say:where it was;why you went there;what you did there;and explain why you think this place was made so colorful.Describe a childhood song you remember well.You should say:where you first heard this song;how old you were when you first heard it;what it was about;and explain how you feel now when you hear this song.Describe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember well.You should say:what the event was;when and where it happened;what you saw or did;and explain why you remember this event so well.Describe a situation when you received some useful advice.You should say:what the situation waswho gave you the advicewhat the advice wasand explain how this advice was useful to you.Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.You should say:where this place waswhat you did at this placewho you went there withand explain why you liked this place.Describe a pleasant surprise you had.You should say:when and where it happened;who gave you the surprise;why they gave you the surprise;and explain how you felt about it.Describe a project that you were once involved in (for example, aproject at work or a homework assignment at school or university). You should say:what the topic of this project or homework waswhen and where you did thiswhat research or preparation you didand explain what you learned from this experience.Describe a situation (or a time) when you helped someone.You should say:what the situation waswho the person washow you helped themand explain how you felt after helping them.Describe a time when you got lost.You should say:when and where it happened;who was there with you;how you felt when you got lost:and explain now you eventually found your way.Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet. You should say:what the news was about;when you got this news;where you got this news from;and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.Describe an interesting website you have visited.You should say:when you visited it;how you first knew about this website;what the website is about;and explain why you think it is interesting.Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.You should say:what it is;when you first had this ambition;why you had this ambition;and explain why you haven't achieved it yet.Describe a long journey/short trips you would like to make again. You should say:who you went with;what you did during the trip;and explain why you would like to make the trip again.Describe a family member you would like to work with.You should say:who this person is;what kind of person he or she is;whether you've worked together before;and explain why you would like to work with this person.Describe a vehicle you would like to buy.You should say:what kind of vehicle it is;what it would look like;why you would like to have it;and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.Describe a movie you would like to watch again.You should say:what it was about;when and where you watched it;who you watched it with;and explain why you would like to watch it again.Describe something you really want to buy in the future.You should say:what it is;when you will buy it;where you will buy it;and explain why you want to buy it.Describe a situation that others didn't tell you the whole truth.You should say:what the situation was;who was involved;why they didn't tell you the whole truth;and explain how you felt when you found out you were not told the whole truth.Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.You should say:who this friend is;how other people behave towards him or her;and explain why you think he or she is a good leader.Describe a famous person (still living), not from your country, who youwould like to meet.You should say:where this person comes fromhow you first knew about him or herwhy this person is famousand explain why you would like to meet this person.Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.You should say:what it was;who gave it to you;how often you played it;and explain why it was special to you.Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest in now. You should say:what it was;when you studied the subject;why you didn't like it before;and explain why you have interest in it now.Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet. You should say:what the news was about;when you got this news;where you got this news from;and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.本次考试考题精选范例解析:1. What are some of the bad effects of reading books?中式回答:If you read too many books, you may become shortsighted, and wearing a pair of glasses, even the invisible glasses, is very inconvenient.地道回答:If you read too many books, you may become shortsighted, and wearing a pair of glasses, even the contact lens, is very inconvenient.2. Are there any traffic problems in your hometown?中式回答:The main traffic problem in my hometown is that the speed of some cars is becoming faster and faster, so that there are more and more accidents on the road.地道回答:The main traffic problem in my hometown is that the speed of some cars is becoming higher and higher, so that there are more and more accidents on the road.3. What is the most important thing to maintain long-term friendship?中式回答:I think the most important thing is to be sincere. If people are not sincere enough, they will show their true face sooner and later, and then the friendship might be broken.地道回答:I think the most important thing is to be sincere. If people are not sincere enough, they will show their true color sooner and later, and then the friendship might be broken.雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导2015年8月份接下来的考试仍然会延续上个月的话题,请各位考生对照以上回顾认真准备。




今日我给大家整理了8-12月雅思口语题库及(范文),我们一起来看看吧!8-12月雅思口语题库及范文1题目:1.Do you think you are a good friend to others?2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with?3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?4.What do you think makes good friends?范文:1.Do you think you are a good friend to others?Yes, I can proudly say so. I am sociable enough to know at first, lovable enough to get along with, and judicious enough to give a piece of advice. Many friends of mine seek advice from me, and generally, they take it into consideration. I guess that shows how close we are.2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with?I like to make friends with honest and straightforward guys. Cuz I’m the hot-headed type of person. Once I was told to do something, I woulddo it blindly. If an honest and straightforward friend came giving me wise advice, I could stop myself from acting stupidly and take a wiser move.3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?Yes, of course. My BFF, Jane, was my kindergarten mate. Isn’t it unbelievable? I have a lot of friends, but it is she who I want to share everything with. When every happy or sad moment came, I would think of her. And then she would listen so attentively. I guess that’s the key to our friendship. Always share and listen.4.What do you think makes good friends?Well, for me, good friends should have something in common. They share a common passion for certain things. It could be minor things. For example, my best friend, Jane, and I am crazy about knitting. Although we are no longer living together, we still share photos of the knitting we have finished recently with each other. Every time we are talking about knitting, we find it hard to stop. It is the same passion that ties us together during the separation.8-12月雅思口语题库及范文2题目:1.Which place left the deepest impression on you when travelling?2.Which cities have you travelled to?3.Do you like travelling?4.What kinds of cities do you like to travel to?范文:1.Which place left the deepest impression on you when travelling?Personally speaking, the place that left the deepest impression on me was Vancouver, which is acoastal city in western Canada. I stayed there for nearly half a year when I was an exchangestudent. I enjoyed travelling around the city and exploring its natural scenery.2.Which cities have you travelled to?Well, I’ve traveled to many North American cities as well as Asian cities, including New York,Washington D. C., Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Bangkok and so on. I visited these cities during myholidays and also my exchange semester two years ago.3.Do you like travelling?Yes, I’m a fan of traveling, especially backpacking, which is a kind of traveling characterized bylow expenses and high degrees of cultural immersion. I enjoytraveling very much mainly out of myeagerness to know more about different cultures.4.What kinds of cities do you like to travel to?As a nature lover, I’m always fascinated by cities with gorgeous natural beauty and authenticcuisine. Compared to metropolitans, I rather prefer traveling to small towns that are close tonature, especially those adjacent to mountains or lakes.8-12月雅思口语题库及范文3题目:1.Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real life?2.Who is your favourite movie star?3.Are international superstars popular in your country?4.Do you want to be a superstar?范文:1.Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real life?Yes, I have! But it was quite unintentional. It was about three yearsago, my friends and I went to the cinema for the latest movie. When we were waiting outside, suddenly a sharp scream caught my attention. Then I found that there was a large group of people holding posters in their hands and among them was a famous actor. That is how I met a celebrity accidentally.2.Who is your favourite movie star?I think Tom Cruise is probably the movie star who can attract my attention most. His appearance and acting skills are the most appealing things to me. In the movie series Mission: Impossible, his excellent performance really impressed me. By the way, his latest movie also made me more respectful to him because he did lots of extremely difficult movements although he is almost 60- year-old.3.Are international superstars popular in your country?I suppose so. As more and more international movies and TV programs are being introduced into Chinese market, we have more exposure to foreign superstars so undoubtedly, they are gaining popularity in China. Most of my friends are passionate about some international celebrities like Mr. Bean, Nicole Kidman and of course, my favorite actor Tom Cruise.4.Do you want to be a superstar?Definitely no! Being a celebrity means that I might lose my privacy and I really detest the feeling of being stared by the paparazzi. And it is very likely that I would be criticized by some people who know me only from the distorted reports in the attention-grabbing tabloids. Although being famous can bring a large amount of money, I still dont want tosacrifice my personal life.8-12月雅思口语题库及范文4题目:1.How can we protect wild animals?2.What wild animals do you like most?3.Have you ever seen any wild animals before?4.Do you like to go to the zoo?范文:1.How can we protect wild animals?There are several ways to protect wild animals. As a normal person, we could stop buying anything made of the wild animals’ body parts, for example, fur products and ivory products. At the same time, our government could also take action to stop the relative manufacturing activities. And I believe it is urgent to build more nature reserves. We should put more money and manpower into it.2.What wild animals do you like most?My favorite wild animals are sea otters. They just seem to get so much enjoyment out of life. Maybe we should try to be more like otters. I also think its cute how sea otters balance shells on their chests and break them open with rocks. Wolves are really cool too. They are very loyal anddevoted to their families. I guess there are quite a few lessons we could learn from wild animals.3.Have you ever seen any wild animals before?Yes. I was so fortunate to see a yak in the plateau. They were large and hairy, ambling quietly. I was about to get out of the car and get a close-up of them, but my mom stopped me. The yak is not docile; they will run fast to escape once a stranger comes close. So, I could only watch them from a distance.4.Do you like to go to the zoo?Yes. Because it is the only way I (and many others too) would see these animals in person. Zoos also educate people about animals, and tell us about the ones in danger of extinction. Some animals are so in danger that there are more of them in zoos than in the wild. Zoos also take in animals that would otherwise be killed, because there is nowhere else for them to go.5.Have you ever kept pets?Yes. I had several ducklings when I was about 8 years old. I hadn’t wished to have my own pets.However, my mom had hoped to nurture my sense of responsibility, so she bought them and asked me to raise them. I started to love the little ducks, as they lined up after me every day, quacking for food. It made me feel that they depended on me. So I had to protect them.8-12月雅思口语题库及范文5题目:1.What languages can you speak?2.Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?3.Will you learn other languages in the future?4.Why do you learn English?范文:1.What languages can you speak?Well, I can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and some English. Yeah, only some English. It’s not that I’m not familiar with English. I actually started to learn English when I was four or five years old. I can understand English when its spoken to me, and I read English magazines. However, speaking is never something I’ve been good at. In fact, I only started to speak English in recent years.2.Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?I think it’s difficult to truly master a language, yeah. I say so out of personal experience. A couple of years ago, I signed up for Spanish lessons. The beginning of it was so easy and interesting.However, I couldn’t carry on after two months when I had to make that weird tongue-twisting sound. Yeah, I was embarrassed to make that sound. I quit it. So no, I don’t think it’s easy to learn a new language.3.Will you learn other languages in the future?I might. Yeah, it’s possible that I may have to learn new languages at some point, especially Japanese because my sister has moved to Japan. She has been granted permanent residency. We are very close, and I do plan to visit her often in the future. So, I may take Japanese lessons in the future, just so I can enjoy my stay there.4.Why do you learn English?I chose to learn English because learning a language gives me a lot of satisfaction. I enjoy learning it, and I know that every hour I spend gets me closer to perfection. Besides, by learning English, I also learn about other cultures. Few experiences will make me grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from mine.8-12月雅思口语题库及范文精选5篇文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。



10月24日雅思口语真题(网友版)2015年10月24日雅思口语回忆网友版(华北&东北区)华北&东北北京1北京教育指导中心room14带眼镜白人,nice,无口音; part1学习游泳; part2电影; part3 1.电影流行吗2.什么类型流行3.为什么你觉得中国传统电影有教育性?4.你觉得可以从它们中学到历史事实?5.你更喜欢在哪看电影?6.听一些人说现在也可以在网上买便宜票是吗?2阀经贸(红庙校区) ROOM3,白人小哥,PART1: forget things, time management, home; PART2: teamwork; PART3:关于合作的问题,成功的一系列问题,什么个人成功和团体成功有什么关系3阀经贸RM 18 Part1手写还是电脑为什么手写重要不重要什么时候手写手写会不会被取代; Part2平时周末喜欢去干什么和谁怎么过; Part3女的和男的度过周末有什么不同假期重不重要你想不想要更长的假期喜欢长旅行还是短旅行河北黑龙江黑大room7 part1 one home house; part2 a important photo; part3.should school have art class ,Are people take art class during weekends辽宁辽宁师范part1 work or study, 学习中你最感兴趣的部分,在学习中什么是最重要的,老师还是学生?交通相关,公共交通和私人交通,对于游客你建议哪种交通方式? Part2 a place to relax:where, what, how, why...part3 what are the benefits to students(especially the high schoolstudents and the students who like play computer games), workers to relax how to build a long term relationship with the employer, what are the benefits.天津天津外国语瀀愀爀琀1你喜欢什么运动,上一次看比赛是什么时候,你看报纸吗,什么时候开始看的; part2 describe a historical building; part3有什么其他景点,跟旅游团走还是自由行,人们为什么喜欢去这些景点旅游,你怎么看涂鸦内蒙古吉林1 吉林君怡酒店part1介绍家乡,特色...part2 an important conversation; part3 中国人之间的谈话,老师和学生朋友之间,男人女人之间,陌生人之间各种不同的说话方式2君怡room6 part1 student fruit;part2 成功小公司;part3 家附近都有啥公司中国最近公司类型有什么变化一些公司成功原因家族企业弊端山西官方网站:教育部考试中心雅思报名:雅思报考资讯雅思预测:雅思机经预测成绩查询:雅思成绩查询雅思真题:雅思考试真题雅思评分:雅思评分标准。

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Part1家乡(Hometown):What your full name?你来自哪里?(Where do you come from?)你是从小在这里长大吗?你的家乡适不适合生活?想搬走吗?你喜欢你的家乡吗?为什么?以后想不想住countryside?工作:Study or work?What type of job did you do?你的工作有意思吗?Which part of job do you enjoy most?你觉得同事重要还是工作重要,为什么?衣服:What kind of clothes do you like?Why?Do you usually wear the same color of clothes?Do you wear the same style of clothes?饮食:每天都吃vegetables和fruits吗?住房:你以前住过什么样的房子?/现在住的house还是apartment,是否满意?你现在的房子是什么样的,你喜欢它吗?(What kind of housing/accomdation do you live in,do you like it?)你打算长期住在那里吗?(Do you plan to live there for a long time?)未来你想住什么样的房子?(The house you would like to live in future?)Which kind of house do you like?/Do you enjoy flat or house?/Do you like house or apartment?对现代的房子你怎么看?交通/出行:喜欢自己开车还是使用公共交通?周末/假期/节日:What do you usually do during weekends?Do you study a lot during weekends?你最喜欢哪个国家假日/节日/公共假期,为什么?节日的意义?你喜欢放假(public holiday)吗?上个假期你干了什么?你觉得中国应该多增加公共假期吗?传统的中国节日,人们一般干什么?庆祝是否重要?人们为什么会纪念结婚纪念日?你喜欢一个人呆着吗?上次一个人呆着是什么时候?运动(sports):关于运动赛:国内流行的运动?中国人喜欢看什么运动比赛?你喜欢看什么运动比赛?上次看比赛是什么时候?在家看还是现场看?以后想尝试什么运动?关于游泳:Do you like swim?Do you prefer swim in a pool or the sea?Do Chinese people like swimming?Do you think children should swim?历史(history):有没去过历史博物馆?喜不喜欢历史?上次看历史书是什么时候?喜不喜欢看历史纪录片?着急(hurry):你什么情况下会hurry?你是不是经常hurry?做什么事情你肯定不会hurry?你觉得hurry是不是好事?记忆与遗忘:How do you remember things?(你是如何记忆东西的?)Did you forget something important?帮助与被帮助:是否帮助过别人?父母是否鼓励你帮助别人?上次帮助别人是什么时候?老师和父母谁对你的帮助更大?你一般在哪方面帮助他人?家人是否鼓励你帮助别人?帮助别人我们能得到什么?学习(数学):你的专业是什么?学习该专业有什么乐趣?你从什么时候开始学习的数学?你喜欢数学吗?你认为数学的重要性?/你觉得学好数学对于每个人都重要吗?你平时喜欢用计算器吗?/你在教室里用过计算器吗?阅读:place to readWhich subject do you like most?(喜欢什么课?)Do you like reading when you were a child?What was the last book you read when you were a child?Why?(同年度过什么故事书?)愿不愿意给小朋友送故事书?What was the last book you read recently?Why?Do you prefer books or magazines?Why?新闻:喜欢看newspaper吗?喜欢看国内新闻还是国外新闻(local or international newspaper)?在中国newspaper的种类多吗?现在人看报纸吗?你所知道的报纸有哪些?社交:经常手写还是用电脑?你认为写信会被电脑取代么?什么情况下会写信?中国人喜欢用什么社交网络(social network)?Text message电影:(part3也会问到,见part2、part3汇总——一件艺术品)喜欢什么样的电影?将来会拍电影吗?音乐:What kind of life music do you like?你觉得life music和concert music的区别是什么?你会在concert里开party吗?收藏(collection):摄影(Photography/Take photos)Work in a groupsleepingColorFavorite teacherMuseumSnackTV programPart2&Part31、最想一起工作的家庭成员(family member)Part3中国最多的家庭产业(family bussiness)是什么?我们这一代会开公司吗?2、Describe a person in your family.Part3农村和城市生孩子的数目是否相同?朋友和家庭哪个更重要?3、一个喜欢坐飞机的人part3人们为什么爱坐飞机?有什么benefit?4、Describe a child that make you laugh.(一个小孩)Part3Do you like child?适合成为父母的年龄?对于没有上大学的人适合成为父母的年纪?成为父母应该具备什么品质?钱是最重要的吗?要接受相关的训练吗?5、描述一个外语好的人Part3围绕学外语的一系列问题6、Water place(一个近水之地)Part3Do your country have some water games?What’s it?Do you think it is very important for a child to learn swim?Is it a good idea to learn it at school?Do your country’s people can swim?Do your country has a lot of water?回答说比较缺水,然后问What kind of ways can solve the issure?有哪些有水地方可以去玩?水重要吗?提到海边会问经常有人去海边吗?提政府会追问政府措施7、适合读写的地方Part3小孩几岁开始读写?成人在学习读写过程中遇到的问题?其他适合读写的地方有哪些?8、除家里以外一个让你放松的地方Part3在中国有哪些选择放松的方式和地点?年轻人和老年人去相同的地方放松吗?你觉得放假应该吗?大学生还是高中生应该去放松?你的老板愿意给员工放假吗?9、一个你想去但是没有去过的国家(foreign country)Part3中国人为什么愿意去欧洲?在欧洲工作和去欧洲上学有什么区别?你去欧洲上学最大的困难是什么?10、Describe a historical building.(一个历史建筑)Part3Do you like to visit other historical buildings?(类似提问:还有什么其他的景点?)Type of historical buildings in China?中国古代的富人和穷人都住在什么样的房子里?Historical building怎样吸引更多人来参观?孩子应不应该参观historical building?在书上学习和实际参观有什么不同?年轻人和老年人哪个更喜欢历史建筑?Historical building是否需要修缮,为什么?是government维修还是individual维修?中国名胜古迹如此之多,如何判断哪些需要修缮哪些不需要?该谁来花钱?游客是否需要花钱?游客的责任是什么?政府的钱应该花在人民身上还是建筑身上?关于旅游的提问:跟旅游团走还是自己走好?人们为什么喜欢去旅游这些景点?关于涂鸦你怎么看?11、A long walkPart3Why people need leisure time?Why will the efficiency can be proved?Do you think women are busier?12、street(一条街)Part3街道的安全,环境污染,商店等一系列问题13、Noise(日常工作中的噪音)Part3生活中的噪音有哪些?会对人们造成什么影响?会对雇员造成什么影响?为什么?14、Describe a photo.(一张相片)Part3孩子该不该上艺术课程?艺术的好处?怎么看待自拍?自拍的影响?15、一件艺术品Part3电影:喜欢什么类型的电影,为什么?现在的电影和以前的电影有什么不同?在家看还是在电影院看?为什么觉得在电影院看更有氛围?老年人喜欢看电影吗,为什么?信息的来源:你觉得从哪里可以得到正确的信息?政府的信息永远都是对的吗,为什么?16、Describe a paid job.(一份有报酬的工作)Part3现在什么工作流行,为什么?是否会把工作介绍给他人,为什么?什么工作是完美的,为什么?学历和工作质量有关系吗,为什么?17、Some news read on the internet or newspaper./Describe a good news.(一则新闻)part3人们是否接受了太多的信息?你喜欢什么方式阅读?大多数人喜欢看什么新闻?young people and old people like what news?18、Describe a gift for someone that took long time to choose.(一件礼物)Part3一些列关于gift的问题:如礼物的意义,中国人喜欢什么样的礼物,你喜不喜欢实用的礼物19、Describe a good cook.(一道菜)Part3未来做饭会减少吗?为什么非要家庭聚会?20、festival(一个节日)Part3在中国还有哪些种类的节日?许多人喜欢shopping吗?21、Describe a useful thing you borrowed.When and why?(一件借来之物)Part3Borrow things from people?22、一份喜欢的工作Part3身边有什么人在做这份工作?为什么喜欢?你觉得人们为什么要去工作?在中国什么样的工作比较流行,为什么?你觉得科技类的工作对一个国家重要吗,为什么?23、Childhood song(一首儿歌)24、An age stage you enjoyed most in your life.(一个年龄段)Part3中国有哪些典型的庆祝活动?中国多少岁或者什么事情象征着人成年,为什么?多少岁退休的?25、Activity to keep health./Describe an activity to keep you fit.(一项有益健康的活动)Part3young children做什么来keep fit?(如果说到男女会有所不同,考官可能会接着问boys喜欢什么,girls喜欢什么,以及为什么。
