人力资源二级英语 写作题库(有参考答案)

第一章人力资源规划单项选择题【北京和君正德人力资源有限公司整理】1、以下不属于静态的组织设计理论的是( )(A)组织的规章(B)组织的体制(C)组织的机制(D)组织的协调解析:D教材P22、合理分权的作用不包括( )(A)有利于企业统一指挥和领导(B)有利于调动下级的积极主动性(C)有利于基层迅速正确地做出决策(D)有利于领导集中力量抓重大问题解析:A教材P33、以下关于智囊机构的说法不正确的是( )(A)又称战略研究部或信息公司(B)对集团高层提供的方案进行决策(C)参与制定集团年度生产经营计划(D)搜集、整理、储存相关信息资料解析:B教材p74、管理业务流程图中不包括的信息是( )(A)业务程序 (B)业务岗位(C)业务数量(D)信息传递解析:C教材p10-115、企业实施组织结构变革时, 为保证改革的顺利进行,事先采取的措施不包括(A)给员工增加福利津贴(B)让员工参与组织变革的调查、诊断和计划(C)大力推行与组织变革相适应的人员培训计划(D)大胆起用年富力强和具有开拓创新精神的人才解析:A教材P136、挟义的人力资源规划不包括( )(A)人员配备计划(B)人员晋升计划(C)人员补充计划(D)人员培训计划解析:D教材P227、 ()不属于人力资源需求预测的定量方法。
(A)经验预测法(B)转换比率法(C)趋势外推法(D)回归分析法解析:A教材P39图8、人力资源预测的作用不包括( )(A)提高组织的竞争力(B)有助于调动员工的积极性(C)有助于开拓市场空间(D)是实施人力资源管理的重要依据解析:C教材P319、人力资源需求预测的方法中,()的主要思路是通过观察历年企业内部人数的变化,找出组织过去人事变动的规律,来推断未来的人事变动趋势和状态。
10、下面不属于静态的组织设计理论的是( )(A )组织体制(B)机构(C)信息控制(D)规章解析:C教材P211、以下关于新型组织结构模式的说法错误的是((A)卡特尔、辛迪加属于企业集团的结构模式(B)子公司和母公司模式较多地出现在横向合并而形成的企业中(C)多维立体组织结构主要应用于跨国公司和规模巨大的跨地区公司(D)模拟分权组织结构主要应用于生产经营活动连续性很强的大型联合企业解析:B 教材P5。

全国英语二级等级考试真题及答案English: The National English Level 2 Exam is designed to test the English proficiency of non-native speakers. The exam typically consists of listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections, each assessing different language skills. In the listening section, test-takers are required to listen to recordings and answer comprehension questions. The reading section tests comprehension and vocabulary through passages and questions. The writing section usually requires test-takers to write essays or short responses on given topics. The speaking section assesses oral communication skills through conversations with examiners or recorded prompts. Overall, the exam aims to evaluate a test-taker's ability to understand and communicate effectively in English.中文翻译: 全国英语二级等级考试旨在测试非母语人士的英语水平。

2022年-2023年企业人力资源管理师之二级人力资源管理师题库附答案(典型题)单选题(共30题)1、员工素质测评的( )采用"甲,乙,丙,丁"的刻度形式。
A.量词式标度B.数量式标度C.定义式标度D.等级式标度【答案】 D2、员工培训评估的基本原则不包括()A.客观性原则B.先进性原则C.综合性原则D.灵活性原则【答案】 B3、改变某个科室的职能或新设一个职位属于()的组织结构变革。
A.改良式B.渐进式C.计划式D.爆破式【答案】 A4、对培训效果进行学习评估时,不宜采用的评估方法是()。
A.笔试法B.心得报告C.提问法D.行为观察【答案】 D5、实际工资的计算公式是()A.货币工资÷价格B.货币工资÷价格指数C.货币工资*价格D.货币工资*价格指数【答案】 B6、安全卫生认证制度不包括()A.重大事故隐患分类B.有关人员资格认证C.有关单位、机构的劳动安全卫生资格认证D.与劳动安全卫生联系特别密切的物质技术产品的质量认证【答案】 A7、下列哪项是影响企业人力资源规划的内部环境()A.人口环境B.行业特征C.科技环境D.经济环境【答案】 B8、下到关于集中量数的说法,不正确的是()A.它是描述数据集中趋势的指标B.算术平均数和标准差都属于集中量数C.它可以说明一组数据的某项特征D.可以用它进行几组数据间的比较【答案】 B9、关于节俭,正确的说法是()。
A.节俭即是道德义务,也是法律要求B.节俭是一种精神,在具体事务上可以有所不同C.节检是吝裔的表现D.由于生产发展,节俭在当代中国已经失去了必要性【答案】 A10、( )是由于评定人员偏离标准和违反操作程序而带来的测评结果的偏高或偏低。
A.登记误差B.随机误差C.系统误差D.内部误差【答案】 C11、假如企业成员的素质较高,则企业更愿意接受以()为中心设计的部门结构。
A.工作和任务B.成果C.关系D.责任【答案】 B12、劳动法的首要原则是()。

A.人口环境B.行业特征C.科技环境D.经济环境【答案】 B2、在公司里工作,你一般最信得过的人是()。
A.上司B.同学或老乡C.自己在公司里结识的几个朋友D.没有值得信任的人【答案】 A3、企业员工在劳动安全卫生保护工作中的职业道德行为准则不包括()。
A.安全第一B.效率优先C.预防为主D.以人为本【答案】 B4、360度考评方法中,()具有较高的主观性,常给予较高的分数。
A.自我评价B.下级评价C.上级评价D.同级评价【答案】 A5、按要素类别分配社会总产品或收入称为( )收入分配。
A.要素性B.功能性C.结构性D.成本性【答案】 B6、()作为企业生产率测定的基本指标,是研究企业人力资源配置状况的基本依据之一。
A.劳动生产率B.生产率C.生产定额D.生产效率【答案】 A7、“在企业人事管理中,物质激励更重要,还是精神激励更重要?”属于()面试题目。
A.排序型C.开放式D.两难式【答案】 D8、下列关于人力资源预测方法的说法不正确的是()。
A.趋势外推法最简单,自变量只有一个B.回归分析法不考虑不同变量之间的影响C.趋势外推法与回归分析法本质上都是经济计量模型法D.经济计量模型一般只在管理基础较薄弱的小公司采用【答案】 D9、()是以信息、通信技术为基础,依靠高度发达的网络,将供应、生产、销售企业和客户,乃至竞争对手等独立的企业或个体连接成的经济联合体。
A.网络型组织B.流程性组织C.模拟分权组织D.多维立体组织【答案】 A10、劳动争议仲裁的被申请人收到仲裁申请书副本后,应在()内提交答辩书。
A.5日B.10日C.15日【答案】 B11、劳动法律体系的()包括工作时间和休息休假制度、工资制度、劳动安全卫生制度以及女职工和未成年工特殊保护制度等。
A.劳动标准制度B.促进就业法律制度C.职业培训制度D.社会保险和福利制度【答案】 A12、当事人因主张有待确定的权利和义务所发生的争议,属于( )。

2024年企业人力资源管理师之二级人力资源管理师题库附答案(典型题)单选题(共45题)1、( )用于衡量受训者从培训中学到了什么,一般通过笔试来评估。
A.绩效成果B.情感成果C.认知成果D.技能成果【答案】 C2、关键事件法的缺点是( )。
A.不能了解下属如何消除不良绩效B.记录和观察费时费力C.无法为考评者提供客观事实依据D.不能贯穿考评期始终【答案】 B3、在工作岗位设计中,方法研究步骤包括:①记录;②选择;③改进;④实施;⑤分析,其正确顺序是()。
A.①②③④⑤B.②①⑤④③C.①②⑤③④D.②①⑤③④【答案】 D4、我国多数企业对生产性岗位进行纵向分级时所采用的方法是()A.比较法B.点数法C.基准法D.比率法【答案】 B5、下列关于劳务派遣的说法错误的是()。
A.劳务派遣单位可以向被派遣劳动者收取费用B.劳务派遣单位有义务将派遣内容告知劳动者C.劳务派遣单位对劳动者的合法权益承担保护义务D.被派遣劳动者管理的特殊性主要在于避免可能出现的劳动歧视问题【答案】 A6、在培训成果的评估体系中,()是第四级评估。
A.行为评估B.学习评估C.反应评估D.结果评估【答案】 D7、在面试准备阶段,()是促使面试顺利进行的指导方针。
A.面试问题B.面试评估C.面试指南D.面试结果【答案】 C8、企业制定员工培训规划的基础是( )A.培训需求分析B.工作岗位职责’C.培训讲师资源D.设计培训内容【答案】 A9、计划期内员工补充需求量的核算公式,正确的是()A.报告期员工总需求量-计划期期末员工总数+计划期内自然减员员工总数B.计划期员工总需求量+计划期期末员工总数-报告期内自然减员员工总数C.计划期员工总需求量-报告期期末员工总数+计划期内自然减员员工总数D.计划期员工总需求量+报告期期末员工总数-计划期内自然减员员工总数【答案】 C10、关于双向倾听式绩效面谈的表述,不正确的是()。
A.听取下属的意见,给予下属充分发表意见的机会B.在综合归纳各方面考评意见基础上,作出总体评估C.上级主管根据下属自评报告,认真听取其总结汇报D.它首先要求上级主管对下属过去的工作进行回顾【答案】 D11、()是企业根据外部环境存在的机会与威胁及自身的条件所作出的具有总体性、长期性、关键性的薪酬决策。

A.安全生产责任制度B.安全生产教育制度C.安全生产检查制度D.安全卫生认证制度【答案】 C2、下列关于人力资源预测方法的说法,不正确的是()A.趋势外推法最简单,自变量只有一个B.回归分析法不考虑不同自变量之间的影响C.趋势外推法与回归分析法本质上都是经济计量模型法D.经济计量模型一般只在管理基础较薄弱的小公司采用【答案】 D3、培训的印刷材料中,()是培训中的指导和参考材料。
A.工作任务表B.岗位指南C.培训者指南D.学员手册【答案】 D4、尽管有些被录用的新员工有一定相关工作经验,但具体工作特点决定了他们仍须接受()。
A.基础性培训B.特定性培训C.适应性培训D.非个性化培训【答案】 C5、在中国传统儒家道德思想中,处于核心地位的范畴是()A."礼"B."仁"C."态"D."气"【答案】 B6、()过程是整个绩效管理周期中历时最长的。
A.绩效考评B.绩效沟通C.绩效反馈D.绩效监控【答案】 D7、编制绩效考评标准时,无需遵循()。
A.目标导向原则B.突出特点原则C.定量准确原则D.先进合理原则【答案】 A8、《公民道德建设实施纲要》提出的我国从业人员应该遵循的职业道德要求是()A.爱岗敬业、诚实守信、公道正派、服务社会、创业进取B.爱岗敬业、诚实守信、办事公道、服务群众、奉献社会C.爱国守法、诚实守信、崇尚科学、团结和谐、创新进取D.遵纪守法、敬业奉献、公道正派、崇尚科学、开拓进取【答案】 B9、以下关于制度化管理特征的说法,错误的是( )。
A.所有权与管理权相结合B.管理者忠于职守而不是某个人C.把责任和权力作为明确规范而制度化D.以文字形式规定岗位特征,提出员工应具备的素质【答案】 A10、劳务派遣单位、用工单位违反法律法规,由劳动行政部门责令限期改正。

2023年企业人力资源管理师之二级人力资源管理师通关试题库(有答案)单选题(共30题)1、职业化的核心层是( )A.职业化素养B.职业化技能C.职业化行为规范D.职业化纪律【答案】 A2、集体合同是用人单位与本单位职工根据法律的规定,就劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假等事项,通过集体协商签订的( )。
A.临时协议B.口头协议C.网络协议D.书面协议【答案】 D3、不可以比较大小顺序的量表是()。
A.等级量表B.名称量表C.等距量表D.比率量表【答案】 B4、360度考评方法的缺点不包括()。
A.相对而言成本较高B.信息一致性差C.定性评价比重较大D.结果有效性差【答案】 D5、案例评点培训的程序主要表现在以下几个方面,除了()。
A.学习提出解决问题的方法B.注重案例的遴选C.实际角色分析案例D.案例点评和升华【答案】 A6、劳务派遣单位的出现是()的必然结果。
A.社会化大生产B.科学技术发展C.劳动管理专业化分工D.劳动环境改善【答案】 C7、从企业组织机构存在的具体形态来看,下列选项中,不属于企业组织结构设计层级的是( )B.决策层C.操作层D.监督层【答案】 D8、关于工作岗位设计的表述,不正确的是()。
A.岗位设计应遵循步骤和方法标准化的原则B.岗位设计要杜绝人浮于事、效率低下的现象C.岗位的存在是为了实现组织的特定任务和目标D.岗位的调整与合并必须以实现工作目标为衡量标准【答案】 A9、360度考评方法中,()具有较高的主观性,常给予较高的分数。
A.自我评价B.下级评价C.上级评价D.同级评价【答案】 A10、“您还有什么事项需要补充说明的?”这类题目一般用于面试实施过程的()。
A.结束阶段B.导人阶段D.确认阶段【答案】 A11、计划期内员工补充需求量的核算公式,正确的是()。
A.报告期员工总需求量-计划期期末员工总数+计划期内自然减员员工总数B.计划期员工总需求量+计划期期末员工总数-报告期内自然减员员工总数C.计划期员工总需求量-报告期期末员工总数+计划期内自然减员员工总数D.计划期员工总需求量+报告期期末员工总数-计划期内自然减员员工总数【答案】 C12、以下关于人力资源预测方法的说法,不正确的是()。

A.整体性B.层次性C.针对性D.多元性【答案】 C2、所谓办事公道,意思是()。
A.作风正派,公平正义B.老实厚道,诚恳待人C.一视同仁,不留情面D.折中骑墙,平均对待【答案】 A3、员工处理与领导的关系时,正确的做法是()。
A.即使知道领导的决策是错误的,也要不折不扣地执行B.对于领导含糊交办的任务,要含糊地执行C.如果不同意领导的意见.要敢于随时说出自己的想法D.一般不越级汇报工作【答案】 D4、当经营安全率低于()时,企业就要做出提高经营安全率的决策。
A.20%B.30%C.40%D.50%【答案】 A5、关于劳动争议仲裁说法错误的是()。
A.仲裁主体具有特定性B.仲裁程序具有特定性C.仲裁对象具有特定性D.仲裁实施强制的原则【答案】 B6、关于招聘过程中的群体决策法,表述不正确的是()。
A.运用运筹学中的群体决策法原理B.无形中提高了招聘决策的主观性C.由不同背景的多个决策者进行评价D.要在招聘最后阶段组建决策团队【答案】 B7、()是将企事业单位的所有岗位纳入由职组、职系、岗级和岗等构成的体系之中。
A.岗位评价B.岗位调查C.岗位分级D.岗位分析【答案】 C8、制定培训规划时,培训需求分析的目标是()A.明确员工现有技能与理想状态间的差距B.收集有关新岗位和现在岗位要求的数据C.明确培训的要求,预测培训的潜在困难D.明确测评培训规划的工具、指标和标准【答案】 A9、销售工作要求执行者能说会道,秘书工作要求执行者细致周到,这体现了员工素质测评的()原理。
A.个体差异B.工作差异C.结构差异D.人岗匹配【答案】 D10、()就是通过多方面信息的采集和处理,寻求一个企业成功的关键点,弄清到底是什么原因导致企业克敌制胜的。
A.关键分析法B.标杆基准法C.目标分解法D.目标综合法【答案】 A11、劳动法所规定的劳动标准为()A.最高标准并具有强制性B.最低标准并具有非强制性C.最高标准并具有非强制性D.最低标准并具有强制性【答案】 D12、人力资源需求预测的定量方法是()。

A.高层管理者B.中层管理者C.基层管理者D.公司总经理【答案】 B2、战略层次的培训需求分析一般由( )发起。
A.咨询小组B.人力资源部C.部门主管D.高层管理者【答案】 B3、动态组织设计理论中,()所研究的内容占有主导地位。
A.静态组织设计理论B.动态组织设计理论C.古典组织设计理论D.近代组织设计理论【答案】 A4、在招聘的笔试完成后,阅卷人在阅卷和成绩复核时,关键要( )。
A.客观、合理、不徇私B.主观、合理、不徇私C.客观、公正、不徇私D.主观、公正、不徇私【答案】 C5、下列关于人力资源预测的说法不正确的是()。
A.企业职位空缺不可能完全通过内部供给解决B.严格的户籍制度制约着企业外部人员的供给C.人员供给预测包括内部供给预测和外部供给预测D.企业人力资源需求的满足应优先考虑外部人力资源供给【答案】 D6、( )是指最先的印象对人的知觉产生的强烈影响。
A.光环效应B.投射效应C.首因效应D.刻板印象【答案】 C7、一般作为生产性组织的主要绩效考评指标的l是()。
A.工作效率B.成本控制C.工作过程D.工作成果【答案】 D8、为提高结构化面试的信度和效度,需要对面试考官进行培训,下列选项中,不属于对面试考官进行培训的内容的是()。
A.要求面试考官有丰富的人际关系B.要求面试考官掌握相关的员工测评技术C.要求面试考官有相关的专业知识D.要求面试考官有丰富的社会工作经验【答案】 A9、以下有关工作岗位评价的说法,不正确的是( )。
A.评价的中心是现有的人员B.以岗位员工的工作活动为对象C.是工作岗位分析的延续D.为岗位的分类分级提供了前提【答案】 A10、员工培训认知成果的测量方法不包括()。
A.工作抽样B.笔试C.现场观察D.访谈【答案】 C11、()是指劳动争议的当事人在没有争议主体以外的第三人的介入和帮助下,依靠当事人自身力量解决纠纷。

企业人力资源管理师二级题库与参考答案一、单选题(共50题,每题1分,共50分)1、( )是企业劳动安全卫生保护工作的职业道德行为准则。
A、安全第一、预防为主、及时报告B、安全第一、及时报告、以人为本C、预防为主、防重于治、以人为本D、安全第一、预防为主、以人为本正确答案:D2、最不适合采用激励性薪酬的工作团队类型是( )。
A、流程团队B、项目团队C、平行团队D、交又团队正确答案:C3、获得专利权的数量属于( )绩效考评指标。
A、劳动力需求量B、劳动力供给量C、就业量与成本D、就业量与工资正确答案:D5、360 度考评的优点不包括( )。
A、考评结果较为客观B、效度高、误差小C、考评信息较为全面D、成本低、耗时短正确答案:D6、下列关于以工作为导向的薪酬结构的表述,不正确的是( )。
A、有利于激发企业员工的工作热忧和责任心B、员工的薪酬取决于所在岗位的性质和特征C、岗位薪酬制和职务薪酬制是它的主要形式D、能反映员工的责任心、知识和技能的差别正确答案:D7、( )的主要特点是薪酬标准不是以金额表示的。
A、薪点薪制B、提成制C、一岗一薪制D、一岗多薪制正确答案:A8、计划期内员工补充需求量的核算公式,正确的是( )。
A、计划期员工总需求量+报告期期末员工总数一计划期内自然减员员工总数B、计划期员工总需求量一报告期期末员工总数+计划期内自然减员员工总数C、报告期员工总需求量计划期期末员工总数+计划期内自然减员员工总数D、计划期员工总需求量+计划期期末员工总数一报告期内自然减员员工总数正确答案:B9、在动态组织设计理论中,( )所研究的内容占有主导地位。
A、古典设计理论B、静态设计理论C、近代设计理论D、现代设计理论正确答案:B10、组织无领导小组讨论时,如果被测评者为 7 人左右,讨论的时间一般应控制在( )分钟以内。

A.招聘岗位B.招聘计划C.招聘要求D.招聘人员【答案】 C2、对考评者培训的具体内容不包括()A.考评指标B.绩效反馈C.考评方法D.考评程序【答案】 D3、()是一种评价中心技术,它将被考评者置于模拟管理岗位上,让他在一段时间内参与有关文件或文书的起草,并解决工作中出现的各种问题。
A.实务作业B.个人报告C.管理游戏D.个人测验【答案】 A4、调解员的聘期至少为(),可以续聘。
A.半年B.1年C.2年D.3年【答案】 B5、()又称为序列化面试。
A.结构面试B.小组面试C.情景面试D.单独面试【答案】 D6、企业年金的企业缴费每年不超过本企业上年度员工工资总额的()。
A.1/6B.1/14C.1/12D.1/10【答案】 C7、关不是每个人都能把我们的大学英语课程讲授得很清楚,正所谓术业有专功,这里其实是指( )A.工作差异原理B.性别差异原理C.职位差异原理D.权责差异原理【答案】 A8、适用于促进员工潜能的开发和全面发展的绩效考核面谈类型为( )。
A.单向劝导式面谈B.综合式绩效面谈C.双向倾听式面谈D.解决问题式面谈【答案】 D9、()是心理状态的主要成分。
A.情绪B.情感C.性情D.情态【答案】 A10、劳动关系的内容是( )A.劳动B.劳动力C.劳动者D.报酬【答案】 A11、五班四运转的轮休制循环期为( )。
A.6天B.7天C.8天D.10天【答案】 D12、面试的开始阶段应从( )发问,从而营造和谐的面试气氛。
A.应聘者熟悉的问题B.应聘者不能预料到的问题C.应聘者陌生的问题D.应聘者能够预料到的问题【答案】 D13、在面试过程中,面试考官应()A.多听多说B.多听少说C.少听多说D.少听少说【答案】 B14、在面试过程中,面试考官应()A.多听多说B.多听少说C.少听多说D.少听少说【答案】 B15、实际工资的计算公式是()A.货币工资÷价格B.货币工资÷价格指数C.货币工资*价格D.货币工资*价格指数【答案】 B16、目前了解外部环境情况的主要方法是()A.专题性调研B.获取书面信息C.技术性预测D.获取口头信息【答案】 D17、战略层次的培训需求分析的内容不包括( )。

A.数据排列法B.离散分析C.频率分析法D.趋中趋势分析【答案】 C2、()组织将矩阵组织结构形式与事业部组织结构形式有机地结合在一起。
A.独立型B.模拟分权制C.依托型D.多维立体【答案】 D3、以下关于企业集团智囊机构的说法不正确的是()A.任务之一是搜集整理储存相关信息资料B.可以对集团高层提出的方案进行决策C.能够参与制定集团战略经营计划D.又被称为战略研究部或信息公司【答案】 B4、企业基本制度的内容不包括( )。
A.企业章程B.董事会组织C.人事制度D.高层管理组织规范【答案】 C5、关于投射技术的描述,下列说法有误的是()A.那些把真正的测评目的加以隐蔽的一切间接测评技术,是投射技术广义上的概念B.投射技术起源于临床心理学和精神病治疗法C.在投射技术中,试题的结构性越强,限制越多,就越能引发被测评者的内心D.在投射技术中,一般对被测评者的回答或反应不作任何的限制,完全是自由性的反应【答案】 C6、( )是用来决策公司为培训计划所支付的费用。
A.情感成果B.绩效成果C.技能成果D.认知成果【答案】 B7、《北京市工伤保险条例实施办法》属于()A.劳动规章B.地方性劳动法规C.劳动法律D.国务院劳动行政法规【答案】 B8、公司聘请了一个总经理,起初他信心百倍、干劲十足,后来,由于公司管理制度方面的限制,他的许多设想无法实现,热情逐渐消退了,再后来,他干脆辞职了。
A.他的应变能力不足B.他没有处理好与聘用方的关系C.公司聘而不能用,太可惜了D.这个人该走【答案】 A9、人员录用效用的计算公式为( )。
A.人员录用效用=录用人数/招聘总成本B.人员录用效用=应聘人数/招募期间的费用C.人员录用效用=被选中人数/选拔期间的费用D.人员录用效用=正式录用的人数/录用期间的费用【答案】 D10、下列哪项是影响企业人力资源规划的内部环境()A.人口环境B.行业特征C.科技环境D.经济环境【答案】 B11、绩效考评量表不包括()。

A.及时性B.关键性C.有效性D.节约性【答案】 A2、下列关于培训的非正式评估的说法,不正确的是()A.不会给受训者造成太大压力B.评估时需要大量的事实与数据C.评估过程较为方便,成本较低D.建立在评估者主观看法之上【答案】 B3、“诚者,天之道也。
”这里的“诚”的意思解释正确的是( )A.尊重事实和忠实本心的待人对物的态度B.对“天道”的真实反映C.诚信是做人的根本D.自然万物的客观实在性【答案】 D4、竞争分析模型是由()提出的。
A.迈克尔?波特B.杰克?韦尔奇C.彼得?德鲁克D.彼得?圣吉【答案】 A5、()能够鼓励员工发展各项技能,提高业绩表现,增强参与意识。
A.绩效薪酬B.提成薪酬C.技术薪酬D.岗位薪酬【答案】 C6、在确定绩效考评标准时,应做到“定量准确”,其衡量标准不包括()。
A.考评标准越多越好B.各标准间的差距要合理C.标准的含义要明确D.标准的等级数量要合理【答案】 A7、()是一种评价中心技术,它将被考评者置于模拟管理岗位上,让他在一段时间内参与有关文件或文书的起草,并解决工作中出现的各种问题。
A.实务作业B.个人报告C.管理游戏D.个人测验【答案】 A8、类别量化与模糊量化都可以看作是()。
A.当量量化B.二次量化C.等距量化D.比例量化【答案】 B9、( )认为,领导者的主要任务是提供必要的支持,以帮助下属达到他们的目标。
A.费德勒权变模型B.参与模式C.路径一目标理论D.情境领导模式【答案】 C10、 360度考评的缺点不包括( )A.相对而言成本较高B.信息一致性差C.定性评价比重较大D.结果有效性差【答案】 D11、从企业整个生产过程来看,工作岗位的设计无需满足( )的需要。
A.企业劳动分工与协作B.提高生产率、增加产出C.员工发挥自己的技术专长D.劳动者从事劳动活动在生理上和心理上【答案】 C12、基于互联网的360度考评的优势不包括()A.提高了考评结果的有效性B.降低了评价过程的复杂性C.能保持评价过程的适时性和动态性D.克服了地域差异对绩效考评的影响【答案】 A13、劳动争议案件的()是进行诉讼的前置必经程序。

试题题库-—英语⼆级考试试卷及参考答案精华版Test 1 (CET2)Part I: Listening Comprehension (15%)Section A Short Conversation(10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer.1. A) Use the woman’s phone. B) Get some change from J ane.C) Go to look for a pay phone. D) Pay for the phone call.2. A) It only rained a little bit. B) It’s raining too hard to go out.C) The rain has just begin. D) It’s not raining as hard now.3. A) At a chemist’s. B) On the third floor.C) In a library. D) In a book store.4. A) Arrange some flowers. B) Talk to a doctor.C) Send some flowers to someone. D) Deliver a package to the hospital.5. A) In a classroom. B) At an interview.C) At a party. D) In a theater.6. A) In Europe. B) Here.C) In America. D) In Australia.7. A) He thinks the lady is able to study.B) He thinks the lady is unable to study.C) He dislikes the lady. D) He dislikes studying.8. A) Water her plants while she is free.B) Water her plants while she is on holiday.C) Take care of her house while she is away.D) Buy her some plants and take care of them.9. A) They are boring. B) They are rewarding.C) They are time-consuming. D) They are exciting.10. A) The boss is too strict. B) The company is poor.C) He is poorly paid. D) He is sick.Section B A Short Passage(2%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear two questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken twice. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D).Questions 11 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.11 A) It is a strange city. B) It is a magic city.C) It is a quiet city. D) It is a boring city.12 A) She is trying to become an actress. B) She is trying to find a person.C) She is trying to study there. D) She is trying to find a place to live in.Section C Spot Dictation(3%)Dictions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. Listen carefully during the first reading. Then listen to the passage again. When it is being read the second time, you should fill in the six blanks with the exact words or phrases you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.You may have heard that Americans like hot dogs and hamburgers best of all foods. Well, farmers and __13__ of public eating places might happily agree. So might the nation’s Meat Institute and the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council. But people whose favorites are pizza and apple pie would give the meat-lovers a spirited argument! __14__ the favorite foods of Americans depends a lot on whom you ask. But one thing is sure. The ancestors(祖先) of most Americans came from other countries. The United States owes many favorite __15__, or the ideas for these foods, to the rest of the world. For example, that traditional American favorite, the hot dog, had its modern beginning in Germany. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council __16__ that Americans eat about seven thousand million of these sausages during a summer. Americans also eat lots of hamburgers. This ground meat comes from beef. It can be __17__ in many ways. Like hot dogs, hamburgers are a favorite __18__ food. Many public eating places in the United States say hamburgers are their most popular foods.S13)_______ S14)______ S15)______ S16)______ S17)______ S18)______Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (35%)Section A (15%)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), andD). You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.19.By the time John gets home, his aunt _____.A) will have left B) had left C) will leave D) is leaving20.The reason I plan to go is ______ if I don’t.A) for which she will be disappointed B) because she will be disappointedC) that she will be disappointed D) because she will have adisappointment21.______ a reply, he decided to write a letter to her again.A) Not receiving B) Having not receivedC) Not having received D) Not received22._____, you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.A) No matter who are you B) No matter whoever you areC) Whomever you are D) Whoever you are23. She is tall ____ her age.A) in B) of C) at D) for24.Watson couldn’t come to the party last night. _____ a pity!A) That B) Which C) What D) It25.The room is so dirty; it _________ have been cleaned.A) wouldn’t B) mustn’t C) can’t D) shouldn’t26.I haven’t read ______ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them.A) any B) some C) something D) anything27.If he had followed the doctor’s advice, he ____ quite all r ight now.A) would be B) would have been C) is D) be28.The ______ about nuclear energy revolves around the waste problem.A) public’s chief concern B) chief public concernC) public chief concern D) chief concern of public’s29.Cancer is second only ______ heart disease as a cause of death.A) from B) with C) to D) of30.My sister has a son and a daughter. So I have ______.A) two grandchildren B) a boy and a girlC) a cousin and a niece D) a nephew and a niece31.The population of many Alaskan cities has _________doubled in the past threeyears.A) as many as B) more than C) as great as D) larger than32. ______ that the earth was the center of the universe.A)People were once believed B) It had once believedC) People were believing D) It was once believed33.Peter wishes that he _____ law instead of literature when he was in college.A) would study B) studied C) had studied D) could study Section B (20%)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.34. I feel very helpless to see the _______ telephone bill.A) including B) increasing C) declaring D) decreasing35. Would you like to _______ in cash or by credit card?A) cost B) use C) pay D) spend36. Tom ____he would be looking out for news about me during the week.A) promised B) processed C) programmedD) promoted37. Do you think that stamp-collecting is an educational _____.A) habit B) hobby C) custom D) like38. I think the trouble in your right leg is just a _______ of old age.A) issue B) request C) matter D) question39. The second thing we noticed was that the park looked a lot _____ beautiful than we thought.A) least B) less C) many D) much40. We’re _______ cash at the moment. So we aren’t going anywhere this week.A) few B) lack of C) short of D) sort41. The children felt happy to ______ the museum.A) get B) come C) visit D) look42. Tom realized that he _____ the wrong bus.A) held B) got C) took D) had43. Between them serious disagreements immediately _____.A) raised B) rose C) argued D) arose44. He has had experience in electronics and other _____ fields.A) concerned B) absolute C) combinedD) relative45. The captain is going to_______ his ship through the narrow passage tomorrow.A) sail B) seal C) salt D) sell46. A red pencil-mark on the fifth page caught his _____.A) look B) eye C) watch D) ears47. He is very rich, for his father passed on the family’s _____ to him.A) worth B) wealth C) poverty D) prospect48. Their idea was to get us to _____ the sports meet because of the rain.A) call back B) call at C) call off D) call up49. It is not very _____ to swim or dive in winter.A) pleased B) glad C) pleasant D) happy50. The president of the host nation usually _______ the opening ceremony of theOlympic Games.A) persuades B) permits C) performsD) perfects51. The _____ of oil in the place made their family rich.A) discovery B) recovery C) reply D) display52. Mike is always losing something. He is a ______ boy.A) hopeless B) careful C) hopeful D) careless53. The manager _____ the business very successfully.A) connects B) conducts C) contacts D) contests Part III: Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each question, there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneCoffee is one of the most popular drinks throughout the world today. Coffee contains a kind of drug called caffeine (咖啡因). Caffeine can stimulate (刺激) the nerves of the body. Drinking coffee tends to make people a little bit more awake. One story of the discovery of the coffee plant in East Africa records this effect of caffeine. The story says that coffee was first found by a goat farmer named Kaldi about the year 850.Kaldi was leading his animals through the mountains and the goats were stopping repeatedly to eat the plants near the path. Suddenly, some of the goats started jumping up and down in a very strange way.Kaldi figured out that the goats were acting this way because of the plants they were eating. Kaldi himself tried eating some of the green beans that the goats had been eating. He, too, felt the same effect of the beans.Kaldi wanted to prove what had happened, so he picked some of the beans and took them back to his home village. The green bean got the name“Kaffa”and later“coffee” because the beans were discovered in a place called Kaffa in Africa.Then for years, people used to eat a few of the green Kaffa beans when they were in the mountains and needed extra energy. It was later found that the coffee beans could be picked and then dried until they turned brown, and then they could be stored. Then they could be used at any time.54.What is caffeine?A) A kind of bean. B) A kind of plant. C) A kind of coffee. D) A kind of drug.55.What is the purpose of drinking coffee?A) To become stranger. B) To become cleverer.C) To become more healthy. D) To become more awake.56.Coffee was first found by a _______.A) goat B) chemist C) doctor D) farmer57.How did the goats react after eating the plants?A) They became awake. B) They wanted to eat more.C) They started jumping up and d own. D) They could not find their way home.58.Why did the green bean get the name“Kaffa”?A) Because Kaldi loved his home village very much.B) Because the beans could be picked and dried.C) Because the beans were discovered in a place so named.D) Because Kaldi’s goats loved the green bean very much.Passage TwoHave you ever looked at the sky at night? If so, then you have seen those beautiful bright points that light up the sky. Many, many stars can be seen at night. Long ago, people wondered about the stars. They watched them closely each night. After a long time they began to see that the points made pictures. One of these looked like a bear. Some looked like other animals. Still others looked like people. After seeing these pictures over and over again, people gave them names. One picture that was named long ago is called the Big Dipper. It is made up of seven stars. These stars make a picture of a cup on a long stick, or handle. This cup and handle is called a dipper. A dipper is used to hold water. People can drink right from it. Or they can put the water into a glass first. It is hard to see the Big Dipper in the winter when it is low in the sky. Then tall buildings or big hills can get in the way. They can hide it. But it can be seen better in summer. Face north and look high in the sky. There it is! Look to the right of the Big Dipper. You will see a special star. This is the North Star. It always shows where north is. So people long ago used it to find their places. You too can use it to find where you want to go.59.Why did people long ago call the seven stars the Big Dipper?A) Because people in the past gave all stars names.B) Because these stars form a picture of a cup with a handle.C) Because the Big Dipper is a good name.D) Because these seven stars form a cup.60.Which of the following is NOT true about the North Star?A) The Big Dipper is to the left of the North Star.B) The North Star is one star of the Big Dipper.C) The North Star always shows where north is.D) The North Star helps people to find their places.61.Which of the following is NOT true about the descriptions of the pictures made by the stars in the sky?A) Some pictures look like plants. B) All pictures look like people.C) All pictures look like instruments. D) Some pictures look like animals.62.When can the Big Dipper be seen better?A) In winter. B) In autumn. C) In summer. D) In spring.63.Where is the Big Dipper in the sky?A) In the north. B) In the south. C) In the west. D) In the east.Passage ThreeWhen Beethoven(贝多芬) was 28, he began to notice a strange noise in his ears. As it grew worse, he went to see doctors, and was told that he was going deaf. This was too much for any composer(作曲家) to bear. Beethoven became hopeless; he was sure that he was going to die. He went to the countryside where he wrote a long good-bye letterto his brothers, describing how sad and lonely his deafness made him. He longed to die, and said to death, “Come when you will; I shall meet you bravely.”In fact, Beethoven did something braver than dying. He gathered his courage and went on writing music, He wrote the music for which we remember him best after he became deaf. This music was very different from any that had been composed before. Instead of the past artistic music for the rich listeners, Beethoven wrote stormy, exciting music which reminds us of his troubled and courageous life. In time he went completely deaf, but he wrote more creatively than ever, for he could “hear” his music in his mind. .His Heroic Symphony(交响乐) and Fifth Symphony both show his courage in struggling with his fate.In time he went completely deaf, but he wrote more creatively than ever, for he could “hear” his music in his mind. He was lonely and often unhappy but in spite of this, he often wrote joyful music, such as his last symphony, the Ninth. Because ofhis courage and strong will to success, his music has given joy and encouragement to millions of people.64.How did Beethoven’s deafness affect him?A) It helped him create good music. B) It drove him mad.C) It killed him. D) It stopped his writing music.65.Which of the following best shows Beethoven’s courage in struggling with his fate?A) Fifth Symphony only. B) Ninth Symphony.C) Heroic Symphony and Fifth Symphony. D) Fifth Symphony and Ninth Symphony.66.Beethoven longed to die because ________.A) he wouldn’t be able to support his familyB) he felt his deafness was too much for him to bear as a composerC) he wouldn’t be able to write music for rich listeners after becoming deafD) he had told death he would meet it bravely67.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A) Deafness and Music B) Deafness and ComposerC) Beethoven and His Music D) Music and Musicians68.According to the passage, which of the following is true about Beethoven?A)When he was partly deaf, Beethoven’s music became more and more gentle.B)He wrote less and less music after he went deaf.C)He wrote encouraging music creatively in spite of his deafness.D) His music became more and more artistic when he was deaf.Passage FourYou remember things every day, but how do you do it? You find a telephone number in the phone book, dial it and then forget it. This is your short-term memory. It lasts less than 30 seconds. However you don’t look in the phone book for your best friend’s number. You know it. This is a long-term memory. Your long-term memory has everything you remember. Why do you forget something? What is the reason? You did not learn it in the beginning. This is the major reason for forgetting. But you can remember better. Here are some ideas. 1. Move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. Practice the information. Spend time on it. 2. Be sure that you understand the information. 3. Do only one thing at a time. Study in a quiet place. You can’t listen to music and memorize at the same time. 4. Try to connect the new information with something you already know. 5. Divide the information into parts. Do not have more than seven parts. Learn one part and stop for a few minutes. Don’t try to learn all parts at the same time. 6. Make a picture in your mind. For example, when you learn the word SOFA, make a picture in your mind of this furniture. Remember what it looks like. 7. Try to relax when you study. Enjoy it.69.This passage mainly tells us how to ______.A) remember things better B) practice informationC) remember telephone numbers D) keep short-term memory70.Forgetting easily happens because of ______.A) spending much time on learningB) dividing the information into partsC) failing to practice the information in the beginningD) failing to understand the information in the beginning71.To make sure that your long-term memory keeps what you remember, you need _____.A) to learn all parts at one time B) not forget listening to musicC) to practice and understand it D) not look in the phone book72.You often forget a telephone number quickly because it is only kept in ______.A) your fresh memory B) your short-term memoryC) your mid-term memory D) your long-term memory73.If you want to enjoy memorizing English words, you’ll first have to ______.A) rest B) keep busy C) relax D) draw a picturePart IV: Translate from English to Chinese (10%)Directions: There are five sentences in this part. For each sentence, five suggested Chinese translations are given. There are five choices marked A, B, C, D and E. You are expected to make the best choice.74. I have known several friends who got married without even telling their parents or other family members.A) 我知道⼏个朋友, 他们结婚时连⽗母和其他家⼈都没告诉。

(A)居民户(B)市场(C)政府(D)企业【答案】A 《基础学问》P227、()是劳动权的核心。
(A)择业权和劳动酬劳权(B)同等就业权和自由择业权(C)休息休假权和劳动爱护权(D)劳动爱护权和职业培训权【答案】B 《基础学问》P3028、探讨经营微观环境中现有竞争对手的状况,不包括对()的分析。
(A)竞争对手的数目(B)竞争对手的产品差异化(C)竞争对手的变动成本(D)竞争对手的经营战略【案】C 《基础学问》P4729、组织市场的类型不包括()。
(A)劳动力市场(B)产业市场(C)转卖者市场(D)政府市场【答案】A 《基础学问》P77-7830、个体的沟通风格不包括()。
(A)自我中心型(B)自我爱护型(C)自我暴露型(D)自我实现型【答案】A 《基础学问》P12031、关于人力资本投资的说法,不正确的是()。
(A)人力资本投资并不是越多越好(B)人力资本投资存在最优投资规模(C)人力资本投资存在最优投资结构(D)人力资本投资存在收益递增规律【答案】D 《基础学问》P162-16332、静态组织设计理论探讨的内容不包括()。
(A)管理行为规范(B)组织的权、责结构(C)组织信息限制(D)部门划分的形式和结构【答案】C 《专业教程》P233、模拟分权组织结构模式的主要缺点不包括()。
(A)企业内部的价格体系不简洁完全理顺(B)企业内部信息沟通较差,组织内纵向协调难度大(C)各专业分公司生产经营支配目标和任务难以确定(D)各单位任务完成状况的考核显得比较困难而困难【答案】 B 《专业教程》P834、企业发展战略确定了组织结构的不同模式,与项目为中心的经营活动相适应的是()组织结构。


A.社会保险制度B.劳动争议处理制度C.劳动标准制度D.职业培训制度【答案】 A2、员工素质测评标准体系的纵向结构要素不包括()。
A.工作绩效B.测评目标C.测评指标D.测评内容【答案】 A3、在安全生产责任制中,()承担在各自的岗位上严格遵守劳动安全技术规程的义务。
A.工人B.企业法定代表人C.总工程师D.分管安全卫生的负责人【答案】 A4、纠正绩效考评中的晕轮误差,可采用的方法不包括()。
A.建立明确的考评标准体系B.建立完善的数据C.对考评者进行适当培训D.建立严谨的工作记录制度【答案】 B5、影响企业人力资源规划的内部环境有()。
A.人口环境B.行业特征C.科技环境D.经济环境【答案】 B6、给员工支付相同的激励性工资的工作团队类型是()。
A.平行团队B.交叉团队C.流程团队D.项目团队【答案】 C7、绩效考评工具失常的主要客观原因是()。
A.绩效目标不明确B.考评指标设计不规范C.工作分析不到位D.绩效考评标准不明确【答案】 D8、 ( )是以信息,通信技术为基础,依靠高度发达的网络,将供应,生产,销售企业和客户,乃至竞争对手等独立的企业成个体连接而成的经济联合体A.网络型组织B.流程型组织C.模拟分权组织D.多维立体组织【答案】 A9、在( )中,员工薪酬增长的规模和频率取决于其个人的绩效评价等级和在薪酬浮动范围中的位置。
A.技术薪酬B.绩效矩阵C.岗位薪酬D.计件薪酬制【答案】 B10、仲裁委员会应当在受理仲裁申请之日起()日内组成仲裁庭并将仲裁庭的组成情况书面通知当事人。
A.5B.7C.10D.15【答案】 A11、()是指能将绩效优秀者与绩效一般者区分开来的个体潜在的深层次特征。
A.行为特征B.胜任特征C.心里特征D.外貌特征【答案】 B12、()不属于个人行为规范。

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专业英语写作模拟题1、某外资公司计划近期内在公司内部推行全方位的绩效评估体系,包括上司评估(supervisor evaluation)、同事评估(peer evaluation)和员工自我评估(employee self-evaluation)。
假设公司人力资源总监要求你来设计制作一份员工自我评估(employee self-evaluation)的样本,请你用英文完成这项工作。
2、360度反馈(360-degree feedback)是近年来出现的一种绩效管理的新方法。
请结合你在工作中对这种绩效评估方法的运用,用英文写一篇100字左右的讨论360度反馈的优点和缺点的文章,题目为“Advantages and disadvantages of 360-degree feedback”。
3、某外资公司是一家专门从事财务软件开发的公司,为了保护公司的商业秘密(business secrets)不被公司员工泄露,公司打算与每一位员工签订一份保密协议(Secrecy and Noncompetition Covenant),规定员工必须保守公司的商业秘密,在任职期间以及离职后,均不能向任何第三方泄露;离职后3年内,不得自己经营或帮助别人经营相同或类似业务;以及公司认为必要且正当的其他条款。
4、由于近年来的持续经济衰退,Addison Systems 公司打算在年底进行一次裁员,辞退的对象主要是公司去年招聘的临时工(temporary workers),Thomas就是即将被辞退的临时工。
假设你是Addison Systems 公司的人力资源管理人员,请你为用英文为Thomas写一封员工辞退信(Employee Termination Letter),向他说明辞退的原因以及相关事宜。
在进行任何职位的工作描述之前,需要先在公司内进行有关该职位工作描述的问卷调查(Job Description Questionnaire),以使工作描述更准确、更完善。
请你结合自己的工作实际,用英文写一篇100字左右的讨论人力资源管理部门如何应对技术发展的文章,题目为“How to deal with technology”。
7、上海China-mc管理咨询公司是全国十大管理咨询公司之一,专注于组织智慧技术(organization wisdom technology(OWT))和组织绩效方面的咨询服务,已有8年以上的咨询经验,并为10多家上市公司提供过咨询服务。
由于公司业务的发展需要,现需要从人才市场招聘一位管理咨询总监(Chief management consultant)。
现在需要你为这位销售经理拟定一份录用通知书(Letter Confirming Employment),请你用英文完成这份录用通知书,内容须包括销售经理的工作职责和其他相关事项。
)9、某外语培训学校(用xxx (china)表示)计划招聘一名兼职外籍英语教师,任职期间从2003年9月1日至2004年6月30日。
假设该学校让你为其拟订一份兼职合同(part-time contract),请你用英文完成这份合同,合同格式自拟,合同条款至少包括Employment period、Payment、Duties等内容。
10.某公司欲招聘一位会计主管(chief accountant),需要人力资源管理部门为其编制一份职位说明书(Job Description),假如公司总经理要求你来完成这项工作,请你用英文完成以下职位说明书。
1.Employee Self-EvaluationEmployee Employee No. Department Position Start date Appraisal periodon , consider the following questions. Bring this sheet to your appraisal meeting for discussion.List the performance objectives you established at your last appraisal. Indicate in the table whether you successfully achieved them, and comment on your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with your performance and results.1. Are your performance goals reasonable and appropriate for your position?2. Consider the strengths that enhance your job performance.3. In what areas can you improve your job performance?4. Do you feel that you need additional training? What training would you find helpful?5. What are your short-term career objectives? How can you achieve them?6. What are your long-term career objectives? How can you achieve them?7. If you could change your job or company policies, what changes would you suggest? How can we work together to improve the company?8. Are there any other aspects of your job or the company that you would like to discuss?2.Advantages and disadvantages of 360-degree feedback360-degree feedback is a relatively new feature of performance management. There are some benefits resulted from using 360-degree feedback:1.Individuals get a broader perspective of how they are perceived by others than previously possible.2.Gaining acceptance of the principle of multiple stakeholders as a measure of performance.3.Encouraging more open feedback-new insights.4.Provided a clearer picture to senior management of individual’s real worth.5.Open up feedback and gives people a more rounded view of performance than they had previously.6.Identifying key development areas for the individual, a department and the organization as a whole.7.A rounded view of an individual’s/team’s/the organization’s performance and what its strengths and weaknesses are.8.It has raised the self-awareness of people managers of how they personally impact upon others-positively and negatively.9.It is starting to improve the climate/morale, as measured through our employee opinion survey.But there may be some problem. These include:1.People not giving frank or honest feedback;2.People being put under stress in receiving or giving feedback;ck of action following feedback;4.Over-reliance on technology;5.Too much bureaucracy.3.Secrecy and Noncompetition CovenantThe undersigned Employee hereby promises the Employer:1. T o keep the Employer’s business secrets, including but not limited to customer, supplier, logistical, financial, research, and development information, confidential and not to disclose the Employer’s business secrets to any third party during and after the term of the Employee’s employment;2.That, on the termination of the Employee’s employment with the Employer for any reason, the Employee will not operate a (type of business) business or in any way aid and assist any other person to operate such a business in(geographical area) for a period of (time period) from the date of termination of the Employee’s employment;3. That, on the termination of the Employee’s employment with the Employer for any reason, the Employee will not solicit any customer of the Employer that was a customer of the Employer during the course of the Employee’s employment with the Employer, whether or not still a customer of the Employer and whether or not knowledge of the customer is considered confidential information, or in any way aid and assist any other person to solicit any such customer for a period of (time period) from the date of termination of the Employee’s employment.If any part of these promises is void for any reason, the undersigned accepts that it may be severed without affecting the validity or enforceability of the balance of the promises.Given under seal on (date).Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of:(Signature of Witness) (Signature of Employee)for the Employee.4.Employee Termination LetterDear Thomas:It is with sincere regret that I must inform you that your employment at Addison Systems Inc. will be terminated as of December 31, 2003.As you know, the Downsizing Task Force delivered their report to the general manager in late December, 2002. Among the task force recommendations was the elimination of all temporary and contract positions. Since you occupy a temporary position, your position is automatically subject to the task force recommendations.I would like to make it absolutely clear that in no way does your termination reflect that the company is in any way unhappy with your work performance over the past 12 months. In fact, you have been highly regarded as one of our most productive contract staff. Unfortunately, you and the other non-permanent staff that are being let go are simply a reflection of the general economic downturn over the past year.In an effort to try to reduce the impact of this termination, the company has worked out a severance arrangement that will give you one week's pay for every two months you worked beyond 12 months. In your case this will amount to six (6) weeks of severance pay. In addition, your medical coverage will remain in effect until the end of the severance period. You will soon receive a letter from the Human Resources Department with all of the details on the severance package.Thomas, given your qualifications and proven abilities, I am confident that you will be able to find another position in the relatively near future. If you would like, I would be pleased to write a recommendation letter for you, to help with your job search.Sincerely(Name) XXX(Title) XXX5.Job Description QuestionnaireInstructions: The following information will be used in designing a job description format. For many questions, you might want to leave a full page for an answer. What is the job title? ___________________________________________ In what department is the job located?___________________________________________What is the title of the supervisor or manager to whom the jobholder must report? ___________________________________________________________________________ Does the jobholder supervise other employees? If so, give their job titles and a brief description of their responsibilities.Position Supervised Responsibilities_____________________________ ___________________________________________ What essential function duties does the jobholder perform regularly? List them in order of importance.Duty Percentage of Time Devoted to This Duty_________________________ __________What are the working conditions? List such items as noise, heat, outside work, and exposure to bad weather.How much authority does the jobholder have in such matters as training or guiding other people?How much education, experience, and skill are required for satisfactory jobperformance?At what stage is the jobholder’s work reviewed by the supervisor?What machines or equipment is the jobholder responsible for operating?If the jobholder makes a serious mistake or error in performing required duties, what would be the cost to management?6.How to deal with technologyTechnology has stepped into practically every aspect of an organization, impacting everything from processes to people. This means that HR departments must work with their organizations to understand and anticipate these technological challenges and opportunities--the good, the bad and the unexpected.But smart HR leaders consider how technology trends impact the organization as a whole, rather than just their own departments. For example, if an organization pilots a new technology to reach customers in global markets never before explored, the HR leader needs to be in tune with the change to identify new requirements for HR as a result. Perhaps this new reach will mean that the organization needs to change the competencies for positions in certain divisions, provide training for employees on cultural issues in the new country, or even hire expatriates to manage the process in the field.Only when HR professionals are aware of the impact of trends in areas like technology can they lead the change to explore people management issues to ensure the best possible outcome and enable the HR profession to reach its potential.7.Recruitment postShanghai China-mc consulting management Co,. LTD, is an top-ten management consulting company of China, specializing in organization wisdom technology(OWT) and organization performance .We have over 8 years consulting experience and serve for more than tens of listing companies!Our services include strategy consulting; company culture building; Knowledge management, Learning Organization building, Human resource management, marketing and IT Management basing on OWT.For more information, Please see our websit: .We are looking for talents for China-mc Management Consulting .With these opportunities we are offering you an exciting career!Chief management consultant (one people)Responsibilities:Taking charge for the whole work of company consulting service;Developing company new service;Developing and Training the new consultant;Project management, delivery and team managementDetailed analysis of requirement .Requirement:· No less than 2-year experience of consulting within famous consulting firms, ( international consulting firms such as BCG and Mackenzie prefer);· No less five-years working experience;· MBA or similar educational background;· Have a good management capability· Excellent interpersonal and communications kills· Outgoing and self-motivated· Familiar with PowerPoint;· Persuasive.Email your CV including recent photo to8.Letter Confirming EmploymentDear XXX:I am pleased that you have accepted the position of sales manager at our company, starting on July 1 . You shall perform the following duties and have the following responsibilities:Participate in formulating marketing strategy;Formulate annual sales plan;Ensure that the goals of sales will be fulfilled;Supervise and evaluate subordinates;Direct and controll the sales expenditure;Deal with some special sales;Deal with the complaints of customers.Please note that these duties and responsibilities are not exhaustive and that you may be expected to perform other reasonable duties and responsibilities should the need arise.Subject to statutory holidays, your working hours are from 8:30 to 17:00 . Your starting salary/wage is RMB 4000/month . You will be on probation for 3 months during which time we may terminate your employment at any time without notice or payment.Your supervisor is XXX . Please see him/her on your first day and he/she will help you get settled.I look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.Yours truly(Name) XXX(Title) XXX9.Part-time ContractThis is a contract between xxx (china) and :Name :Position :Terms and Conditions1.Employment periodThis contract is from 01 September 2003 to 30 June 2004.2. Paymenta. Hourly RateYou will be paid fortnightly at the rate of RMB 150 per lesson. Each lesson is of 45 minutes duration and it is expected that you will spend at least 15 minutes on meaningful preparation for that lesson.Wages are paid on the 2nd Monday following the week(s) worked.The teacher must pay income tax in accordance with the laws of the Government of China.3. Dutiesa. Provide English language trainingb. Prepare and mark examinations and tests. Record student marks.c. At all times the teacher is expected to dress and behave in a professional manner. There can be no relationship with a student that cannot be seen as one of a professional nature.d. The teacher is directly responsible to the Director of Studies XXX (China) (DOS).f. The teacher is expected at all times to obey the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.Name of teacher: _________________________Signature of teacher: ______________________Signature of DOS: ________________________Date: ___________________________________10.Job DescriptionPosition chief accountantDepartment financial departmentAccountable to CFOSalary/pay grade 3[ yes ] 35 – 40 hrs/wk [ ] 20 – 35 hrs/wk [ ] less than 20 hrs/wkJob summaryWork c losely with the company’s CFO, and ensure that all of the responsibilities pertaining to the accounting department are met.Develop and direct the activities of the professional staff involved with the financial aspects of operations, including forecasting, planning, budgeting, credit and collections, cost accounting, and financial control systems. Responsibilities/daily tasksReport to the CFO and be responsible for all accounting functions.Providing analytical budgetary & financial planning/reporting support to senior management.Establishing and maintaining internal controls, external financial reporting. Interface with external auditors, handling all corporate tax matters. QualificationsMaster degree or above;At least 5 years experience in accounting work;Work experience in foreign or JV company is preferred;Willing to travel.Relations of the position to others in the companyAdministration department; Marketing department; Manufacturing department; R&D department.。