汽 车 工 程Automotive Engineering 2020年(第42卷)第12期2020(Vol.42)No.12doi :10.19562/j.chinasae.qcgc.2020.12.018新能源电动汽车低温热泵型空调系统研究**天津市科技支撑重点项目(20YFZCGX00580)、江苏省常州市科技项目(CQ20200020)和中国汽车技术研究中心培育项目(19201209)资助。
通信作者:汪琳琳,高级工程师,博士,E-mail :wanglinlin@ 。
汪琳琳1,2,焦鹏飞2,王 伟2,伊虎城2,牟连嵩2,刘双喜2,许 翔3(1.天津大学机械工程学院,天津 300072; 2.中汽研(天津)汽车工程研究院有限公司,天津 300300;3.中汽研(常州)汽车工程研究院有限公司,常州213164)[摘要]为提高电动汽车的能源经济性,减少低温制热性能衰减问题,提岀并分析对比了 3种用于低温环境的热泵空调系统解决方案:(1)余热回收利用:回收利用电池、电机和电控系统的余热,提高热泵空调系统性能的同时,优化整车的能量消耗。
(2)蒸汽喷射热泵空调系统:对R1234yf 制冷剂的蒸汽喷射热泵空调系统进行了试验研 究。
结果表明,开蒸汽喷射比不开蒸汽喷射时的热泵系统的制热COP 约高10%〜30%,环境温度越低,制热COP 改善越明显。
(3)CO 2制冷剂热泵空调系统:研究显示由于CO 2制冷剂的特性,热泵系统可在环境温度-20 t 稳定有 效地采暖。
得岀的结论是,目前利用蒸汽喷射热泵空调系统是解决新能源电动汽车低温采暖的有效手段,而在未 来,使用自然制冷剂CO 2是必然趋势。
关键词:电动汽车;低温热泵;R1234yf ;余热回收;蒸汽喷射;CO 2Research on Low Temperature Heat Pump Air Conditioning System inNew Energy Electric VehicleWang Linlin 1,2, Jiao Pengfei 2, Wang Wei 2, Yi Hucheng 2, Mu Liansong 2, Liu Shuangxi 2 & Xu Xiang 31. School of Mechanical Engineering , Tianjin University , Tianjin 300072 ;2. CATARC ( Tianjin) Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co. , Ltd. , Tianjin 300300;3. CATARC ( Changzhou ) Automotive Engineering Rerearch Institute Co. , Ltd. , Changzhou 213164[ Abstract ] In order to enhance the energy economy of electric vehicles and reduce the degradation of low-temperature heating performance , three solutions of heat pump air conditioning system in low temperature environ ment are proposed and comparatively analyzed : (1) waste heat recovery and utilization : the waste heat of battery , motor and electric control system is recovered and utilized , optimizing the energy consumption of vehicle while im proving the performance of heat pump air conditioning system ; ( 2) vapor-injection heat pump air conditioning sys tem : experimental study is conducted on heat pump air conditioning system using R1234yf refrigerant , and the re sults show that the heat generating COP with vapor injection is about 10% 〜30% higher than that without vapor in jection. The lower the ambient temperature , the more obvious the improvement of COP ;( 3) heat pump air condi tioning system with CO 2 refrigerant : researches indicate that due to the characteristics of CO 2 refrigerant , heat pumpsystem can provide stable and effective heating at an ambient temperature of - 20 兀.So a conclusion is drawn thatat present , vapor injection heat pump air conditioning system is an effective mean for the low temperature heating in electric vehicles , while in the future , the use of natural refrigerant CO 2 will be the inevitable trend.Keywords : electric vehicle ; low temperature heat pump ; R1234yf ; waste heat recovery ; vapor injec-tion ; CO 22020(Vol.42)No.12汪琳琳,等:新能源电动汽车低温热泵型空调系统研究-1745-前言随着大气污染日益加重和电动化技术快速发展,新能源汽车取代传统燃油汽车已是大势所趋。
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4468.2020.06.102制冷剂充注量对微型制冷系统性能影响的实验研究杨露露U,徐洪波'张慧慧3,李鹏杰3,田长青】,2(1-中国科学院理化技术研宄所中国科学院空间功热转换技术重点实验室,北京100190;2-中国科学院大学,北京100049; 3-中国兵器装备集团兵器装备研宄所,北京102202)[摘要]基于高温环境中人体散热需求,本文设计并搭建了一套空调服用蒸气压缩式微型制冷系统,并 设计实验定量测试了制冷剂充注量对系统性能的影响,分析了不同制冷剂充注量下系统水浴平衡温度、蒸 发/冷凝压力、压缩机吸/排气温度以及系统热力学完善度的差异。
实验结果表明:空调服制冷系统充入过 少的制冷剂时,如20 g或30 g充注量工况下,系统性能极差,几乎不能达到稳定,而过多的制冷剂充入 也会使系统性能下降;制冷剂充注量存在一个最佳值,本系统采用制冷剂为R134a的最佳充注量为60 g,该充注量下系统的性能最好,热力学完善度最高,在制冷量为400 W时系统的热力学完善度达到0.51。
[关键词]制冷剂充注量;微型制冷系统;空调服;R134a中图分类号:TB61+1; TB61+2 文献标识码:AExperimental Study on Effect of Refrigerant Charge on Performance of MiniatureRefrigeration SystemYANG Lulu1,2,XU Hongbo*1,ZHANG Huihui3,LI Pengjie3,TIAN Changqing1,2(1-Key Laboratory of Space Energy Conversion Technology,Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190, China; 2-University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049, China; 3-No.208 Research Instituteof China Ordnance Industries,Beijing 102202, China)[Abstract]Based on the human body heat dissipation requirements in high temperature environment,a vapor compression miniature refrigeration system for air conditioning suit is designed and built in this paper.The experiments are designed to quantitatively test the effect of refrigerant charge on the system water bath equilibrium temperature,evaporation/condensation pressure,compressor charge/discharge temperature and system thermodynamic perfection under different refrigerant charges.The experimental results show that the system performance is extremely poor when the refrigeration system is charged with too little refrigerant,such as 20 g or 30 g,and it can hardly reach stability.Correspondingly,too much refrigerant charge will also degrade system performance.There is an optimal value for the refrigerant charge.In this system,the optimal charging is 60 g of refrigerant R134a,under which condition the system has the best performance with the highest thermodynamic perfection of0.51 and the cooling capacity of400 W.[Keywords]Refrigerant charge;Miniature refrigeration system;Air conditioning suit;R134a〇引言消防现场,我国南方的西沙、南沙群岛的边防前线等,温度甚至高于40 °C。
LI Yanfeng, SHI Jing, CHENG Xun, LIANG Zhiwei (School of mechanical and power engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 45400,Henan,China)
Takahisa Suzuki和 Katsuya Ishii 为 电 动 汽 车 开发 了 以 R134a为 工 质 的 热 泵 空 调 系 统 ,其 风 道 内安装 了两 个换 热 器 ,可 以实现 制 冷 、制热 、除霜 三种 模 式下 切换 ,该 系 统在 较低 环境 温度 下 制热 能 效 比可 达 2.3。
Abstract: In this paper, a cooling and heating dual— mode heat pump air— conditioning system based on the vapor — compression cycle is designed for pure electric vehicles, then in the different environmental temperatures , the heating capacity and heating efficiency of the system are tested, which is compared with PTC heating by exper i— ments.The results showed that when the ambient temperature is lower,the pressure in the pipeline , the heating capacity and the heating eficiency are lower too, but the heating ef iciency of heat pump is higher than that of PTC.The heat pump air— conditioning system is feasible to be applied in the electr ic vehicle。 K ey words: Pure electric vehicle; Heat pump air— conditioning; Heating ef i ciency; Exper imental research
I, I一…).‘\刈 1i ijllIj系统 n 求
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R134a系统 使用PAG冷冻油时,适应 的橡 胶材料 有:氯
丁橡 胶、三 元乙丙胶:R410A¥1J冷剂兼 容性与适用性最 好的 整,节流阀和 电磁 阀的耐压都需要进一步增 加。因为R410A
是氢化丁 腈橡胶 (HNBR):氢化丁腈橡胶常温 物理性能、 制冷剂在家用及商用空调中均 己成熟应用,各种元器件也都 高低温 G30"C ̄100 ̄C)耐老化性 能稳 定 ,卸除载荷后变 形 已成 熟,因此只需在现 有物料上进 行车规元 器件的适 用性
左右,故系统 的耐压设计要求也较高 。需要按照R410A系统 R4lOA和Rl34a两种制冷剂物性 的对 比。标准沸点和临界温
的运 行压 力对系统各部件做 相应的调整,比如 :管路壁 厚需 度分别代表 了制 冷剂在正压使用下的饱和温度 下限和上限,
量小,耐油性能优异,选 用邵氏硬度 范围60 ̄75可 以满足要 更改即可满足汽车热 泵空调的要求。
求 ,但 成本较高。
:”’ - 、0 ¨ 一 : 一 _
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由于R410A¥1 ]冷剂 在工作温区内的压 力较R134a高2倍
Rl34a是 目前 汽 车空调应 用最 广 泛的 制冷 剂,表 1是
调研发现常规热泵 型汽车空调制冷剂仍采用R134a,但 以Rl34a ̄.为制冷 剂的热 泵汽 车空调能效 比不高,低温制热 量 羞,一5 ̄C以下无法满足汽 车空调负荷要求 ,’需PTC电加热 辅助 供热。由此可见,低温性能也是 电动汽 车空调 的设计 难 点 之
文章编号:1 6 7 1 . 6 6 1 2( 2 0 1 4 )O 1 . 0 9 5 . 0 7
风冷热泵制热工 况下
多余制冷剂 充注量 的利用研 究
田 甜
苏 顺 玉
4 3 0 0 7 0 )
( 武汉科技 大学 武汉
【 摘
要】 根据 风冷热泵空调系统 中制冷和制热 两种工况下制冷剂流量 的差别 ,将 冬季多余的制冷剂流量应 用于热气 旁通 除霜 、显热除霜 、制冷剂过冷放热 除霜三种不 同的除霜模式 中。当制热 循环与除霜 循环 同时进行时,分别计算 了三种不 同除霜 方式的除霜热量利用率 、除霜耗 热率 以及 理论制热系 数 。当定时除霜时,分别计算 了三种不 同除霜模式的除霜 时间。计算 结果表 明,在控 制制冷剂流 量 的风冷 热泵空调系统 中,系统正 常制 热运 行时 ,三种除霜模式都 能够有 效地抑制室外换热器表
[ Ab s t r a c t ] B a s e d o n t h e d i f e r e n c e o f r e f r i g e r nt a f l u x b e t we e n r e f r i g e r a t i o n o p e r a t i n g c o n d i t i o n nd a h e a t i n g o p e r a t i n g c o n d i t i o n
s u b c o o l i n g . Wh e n ea h t  ̄ c y c l e a n d d e r f o s t i n g c y c l e t o o k p l a c e s i mu l t a n e o u s l y , he t d e r f o s t i n g ea h t u t i l i z a t i o n r a t i o , d e f r o s t ng i ea h t
关键词:新能源;电动汽车;低温热泵;空调系统中图分类号:U469.7 收稿日期:2024-05-14DOI:1019999/jcnki1004-02262024070201 新能源电动汽车低温热泵型空调系统性能新能源电动汽车低温热泵型空调系统,一般是建立在热泵原理的基础上而研发的,它能促进电动汽车外部低品位热能的转化,使其成为高品位热能的形式,再将其传输到车体的内部,能够实现对车体内部温度的合理调节。
以制冷模式为例,随着实验舱温度的下降,从35 ℃降至25 ℃,此时系统的能效比为2.1;在制热模式下,随着实验舱温度的上升,从15 ℃升到达25 ℃,此时系统的能效比为2.3。
R410A制冷剂在电动汽车热泵空调中的应用研究吴会丽;李俊峰【摘要】本文从理论分析和实验测试两方面对比R410A与R134a的制冷剂特性及低温性能表现,实验结果表明,在相同两器配置下,R410A热泵汽车空调系统可以减少压缩机排量,同时制热量尤其是低温制热量有大幅度提升,外环温度-12℃下能效比达到1.6W/W以上;另一方面,R410A热泵汽车空调系统工作压力是R134a系统的2倍左右,在设计R410A系统时管路及元器件耐压要进行相应的优化.综合评价后认为R410A比R134a更加适合应用于热泵汽车空调中.【期刊名称】《家电科技》【年(卷),期】2018(000)007【总页数】3页(P51-53)【关键词】R410A制冷剂;热泵汽车空调;性能【作者】吴会丽;李俊峰【作者单位】珠海格力电器股份有限公司广东珠海519070;珠海格力电器股份有限公司广东珠海519070【正文语种】中文1 引言电动汽车作为目前汽车发展的主流方向之一,具有能源利用多元化,安静无污染等优点。
2 R410A对汽车空调系统的要求2.1 R410A制冷剂的兼容性R134a系统使用PAG冷冻油时,适应的橡胶材料有:氯丁橡胶、三元乙丙胶;R410A制冷剂兼容性与适用性最好的是氢化丁腈橡胶(HNBR);氢化丁腈橡胶常温物理性能、高低温(-30℃~100℃)耐老化性能稳定,卸除载荷后变形量小,耐油性能优异,选用邵氏硬度范围60~75可以满足要求,但成本较高。
关键词:电动汽车热泵空调实验研究三换热器系统系统COPExperimental Research of Heat Pump Air-conditioning Systemfor Electric VehicleSongz automobile air conditioning co.,ltd Shanghai 201108Abstract: Designed a test bench of heat pump air conditioning system based on an electric car air-conditioning. The impact of heat pump air conditioning system transfer performance, average temperature of the outlet assembly and the system coefficient of performance were studied base on two exchangers system and three exchangers system, under different compressor speeds and different ambient temperatures. The test results indicate that, higher the ambient temperature, higher the heat transfer performance of the two exchangers system and three exchangers system, transfer performance advantages more obvious of the three exchangers system. Under compressor speed is 5500rpm, ambient temperature is 7℃,1℃,-5℃conditions, average temperature of outlet assembly of the three exchangers system higher 8.0℃, 7.2℃and 6.1℃than the two exchangers system, the coefficient of performance increased 15.0%, 16.5% and 18.2% respectively, and the electric vehicle passenger compartment comfort and energy efficiency is also improved.Key words:electric vehicle heat pump air-conditioning experimental research three heat exchangers system system coefficient of performance1前言由于新能源电动和混动汽车工业的快速发展,空调系统能耗对电动汽车续行里程的影响日益凸显,这对电动汽车空调系统的节能降耗提出了更高要求。
空气源热泵制冷剂充注量的实验和计算研究李东哲1, 2陈卫星1, 2潘翠连1, 2周绍华1, 2左计学1, 21.海信家电集团股份有限公司山东青岛 266100;2.青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司山东青岛 266510摘要:由于换热器形式不同,分体式空气源热泵产品存在室外机换热器容积大于室内机换热器容积的现象,若采用常规的制冷使用室内机节流、制热采用室外机节流方式,则会出现制冷剂充注量无法兼顾的情况。
实验中使用了8 kW机型,应用R32制冷剂,通过实验和计算,得到室内机和室外机中最优制冷剂充注量总和,计算联机配管中制冷剂充注量与联机配管长度的关系,最终得到最优联机配管长度和最优制冷剂充注量。
关键词:空气源热泵;节流方式;联机配管;最优充注量Research on experiment and calculation of refrigerant chargingamount of air-source heat pumpLI Dongzhe1, 2 CHEN Weixing1, 2 PAN Cuilian1, 2 ZHOU Shaohua1, 2 ZUO Jixue1, 21. Hisense Home Appliance Group Co., Ltd. Qingdao 266100;2. Qingdao Hisense Hitachi Air-conditioning System Co., Ltd. Qingdao 266510Abstract: Due to the difference of heat exchanger in split air-source heat punp, it is difficult to give consideration to refrigerant charging amount of both cooling throttling by indoor unit and heating throttling by outdoor unit. This problem can be solved by adjusting the size of piping connection between indoor unit and outdoor unit, and throttling by outdoor unit in both cooling and heating conditions, without adding other refrigerant receivers. According to the experiment and calculation of 8kW unit using R32, the optimal refrigerant amount in indoor unit and outdoor unit can be obtained. Then the correlation between the refrigerant amount in piping connection and length of piping connection were carried out, and optimal refrigerant charging amount can be determined. Finally, the optimal piping connection and refrigerant charging amount were verified by experiment, which were suitable for both cooling and heating.Keywords: Air-source heat pump; Throttle method; Piping connection; Optimal charging amount中图分类号:TB6DOI:10.19784/ki.issn1672-0172.2020.99.0051 引言近年来,环保的概念日益深入人心,清洁、高效地能源利用受到人们的广泛关注,开发出高效、节能、环保的制冷系统成为制冷行业的重要目标。
关 键 词 电动 汽 车 ; 热泵空调 ; 三换 热 器 系统 ; C O P; 试 验 研 究
Ex pe r i me n t a l r e s e a r c h o n h e a t i ng p e r f o r ma nc e o f he a t pu mp
第1 7 卷 第3 期
2 0 1 7年 3 月
玲 室 调 4源自 — 5 0 R EFRI GERA T1 0 N A N D AI R— C0 N DI T1 0 NI NG
电动 汽 车用 热 泵 空调 系统 制热 性 能 的 试 验 研 究
轩 小 波 , 陈 斐D 戎 森 杰。
( Ne w En e r g y Au t o mo b i l e Ai r Co n d i t i o n i n g En g i n e e r i n g Te c h n o l o g y Re s e a r c h Ce n t e r o f S h a n g h a i )
a i r - c o n di t i o ni n g s y s t e m f o r e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e
Xu a n Xi a o b o ’ C h e n F e i ’ Ro n g S e n j i e 。 ’
’ ( Re f r e r a t i on Re s e a r c h I ns t i t u t e,S on gz Au t o mo bi l e Ai r Con di t i o ni n g Co . ,Lt d. ) 。 ( H e na n Re b or n Env i r o nme n t a nd Te c h no l og y Co . ,Lt d . ) ABS TRACT Ba s e d o n o ne t e s t be n c h of he a t pump a i r — c on di t i o ni n g s ys t e m f or t he e l e c t r i c v e hi c l e a i r — c o nd i t i o n i ng,t he i mp a c t on t he t r a n s f e r pe r f or ma nc e,a v e r a g e t e mpe r a t ur e o f t h e ou t l e t as s e mbl y a nd t he COP o f he a t p ump a i r — c o nd i t i on i ng s y s t e m a r e s t u di e d t hr ou g h t wo e xc ha n ge r s s y s t e m a n d t hr e e e x c h a ng e r s s y s t e m und e r d i f f e r e n t c ompr e s s or ’ S s pe e ds a n d a mbi e nt t e mp e r a t u r e s . The t e s t r e s u l t s i n di c a t e t h a t :t he a mbi e n t t e mpe r a t ur e i S hi ghe r,t he he a t t r a ns f e r pe r f o r ma n c e o f t he t wo e xc ha n ge r s s y s t e m a n d t hr e e e x c ha n ge r s s ys t e m a r e hi ghe r,a nd t he he a t t r a n s f e r pe r f o r ma n c e a dv a nt a g e s o f t he t hr e e e xc ha n ge r s
第41卷第6期2020年12月制冷学报Journal o f RefrigerationVoi. 41,No. 6December f 2020文章编号=0253-4339(2020) 06-0040-07doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 0253-4339. 2020. 06. 040R290电动汽车热泵空调性能实验研究黄广燕1,2邹慧明1,2唐明生1,2田长青1,2吴江1于卫滨1(1中国科学院理化技术研究所北京100190; 2中国科学院大学北京100049)摘要本文搭建了带水环路的R290电动汽车热栗空调实验台,研究了不同工况下系统的制冷性能和制热性能。
实验结果表 明:35尤常规制冷工况时,压缩机转速从1800 r/m in增加到6 600 r/m in,系统制冷量从1789 W提升至4 027 W,而系统COP从 3. 65下降至1. 82;45尤髙温制冷工况时,压缩机转速从2 700 r/m in增加到4 500 r/m in,系统制冷量从1973 W提升至3 031 W,而系统COP从2. 10下降至1.88;在-20尤/20尤低温制热工况、压缩机转速6 000 r/m in时,系统制热量为2 911 W,对应的系统 CO P为1. 80;在-25尤/20尤低温制热工况、压缩机转速3 600 r/m in时,对应的系统制热量为1658 W、系统CO P为2. 16。
同时 发现采用水环路的系统形式,提髙了系统的安全可靠性,但与常规循环系统相比,系统性能存在一定程度的衰减,制冷量衰减 300~500 W,制热量衰减 200~400 W。
关键词热栗;电动汽车;R290;系统性能中图分类号:TB61; TB63 + 2 文献标识码:ACooling and Heating Performance of an R290 Heat PumpSystem for Electric CarsHuang Guangyan1,2Zou Huiming1,2Tang Mingsheng1,2Tian Changqing1,2Wu Jiang1Yu Weibin1(i.T e c h n ic a l In s titu te o f P hysics and C h e m is try,C A S,B e ijin g,100190,C h in a; 2.U n iv e rs ity o f Chinese A cadem y o f S cie nce s,B e ijin g, 100049,C h in a)A bstract Responding to the applied air-conditioning requirements for electric cars,an experimental bench for the R290 heat pump system with a secondary medium cycle was established. The cooling and heating performances of the system were tested under various working conditions. As the compressor speed increases from 1800 r/m in to 6 600 r/m in,the cooling capacity increases from 1789 to 4 027 W under standard conditions (35 ^),while the COP decreases from 3.65 to 1.82. As the compressor speed increases from 2 700 r/m in to 4 500 r/m in,the cooling capacity increases from 1973 to 3 031 W under extremely warm conditions (45 丈),while the COP decreases from 2.10 to 1.88. Under cold conditions (-20丈),the heating capacity of the system reaches 2 911 W at 6 000 r/m in,and the corresponding COP is 1.80. Under extremely cold conditions ( -25^ ),the heating capacity reaches 1685 W at 3 600 r/m in,and the COP is 2.16. Meanwhile,the system adopted the form of secondary heat transfer,which improved the safety and reliability. However,compared with the primary circu it,the cooling capacity is attenuated by 300-500 W,and the heating capacity is attenuated by 200-400 W. Keywords heat pump;electric vehicle;R290; performance of the system电动汽车具有可实现节能减排的特点,受到国际 汽车行业的普遍重视,近年来得到了快速的发展。
关键词:电动车;热泵空调;充注量;外部冷凝器;内部冷凝器;过冷度;过热度中图分类号:U463.85+1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2019)21-0040-04Abstract: In this paper, through the bench test of the refrigerant charge of the electric vehicle heat pump system, the relationship between the outlet pressure and the outlet undercooling of the external condenser, the inlet superheat of the compressor and the refrigerant charge are verified. It is concluded that the optimum charging range in refrigeration mode is 980~1480 g, and the relationship between the outlet pressure and outlet undercooling of internal condenser, the inlet superheat of compressor and the charge of refrigerants in heating mode. It is concluded that the optimum filling range of the refrigeration mode is 900~1400 g, and the optimum charge amount of the system is 1300 ± 50 g when the refrigeration and heating modes are taken into account.Keywords: electric vehicle; heat pump air conditioning; charge; external condenser;internal condenser; undercooling; superheat前言近年來,随着新能源汽车的蓬勃发展,续航里程不足的问题成为越来越突出的矛盾,尤其在冬季制热的情况下,续航里程将大幅度缩短,这就成了制约电动车发展的关键因素。
电动汽车热泵空调系统的试验研究马国远1) 史保新2) 陈观生2) 吴立志3)((1)清华大学热能系空调教研室 北京 100084)((2)广东工业大学机械系制冷教研室 广州 510643)((3)北京石化学院化机教研室 北京 102600) 摘 要 介绍研制的电动汽车热泵空调系统及其配用的双工作腔滑片压缩机的性能,依据测试样机的试验结果分析了转速对该空调系统制冷量、输入功率及COP 等性能的影响。
主题词 汽车空调 制冷 试验研究0 引 言现代流行的燃油汽车不仅消耗大量的石油资源,而且还严重污染大气环境,危害人类健康。
1 电动汽车热泵空调系统电动汽车热泵空调系统的工作原理如图1所示,压缩机由直流无刷电机通过皮带驱动,空调系统的制热/制冷运行方式由四通换向阀转换,实线箭头表示制冷运行方式,这时向车室内吹冷气,使车内降温冷却;虚线箭头表示制热运行方式,这时向车内吹热风使车内升温加热或对挡风玻璃除雾/霜。
通过感受车室温度,逆变器调制电动机电源的脉冲宽度来控制2000年第4期低 温 工 程No 4 2000总第116期CRYOGENICS Sum No 116本文于2000年3月11日收到。
1. 引言1.1 研究背景新能源汽车的兴起使得传统的车辆动力系统逐渐被电动动力系统取代。
1.2 研究目的本研究旨在优化新能源汽车空调系统中电动压缩机的冷媒流量控制技术,降低能耗并提升系统的效果。
2. 新能源汽车空调系统概述2.1 空调系统的作用与重要性空调系统作为新能源汽车中重要的舒适性装置,可以为驾车人员提供舒适的驾乘环境,有效提高驾乘体验。
2.2 新能源汽车空调系统的基本构成新能源汽车空调系统通常由压缩机、冷凝器、蒸发器和膨胀阀等主要部件组成,其中电动压缩机是实现冷媒流量控制的核心组件。
3. 电动压缩机冷媒流量控制技术现状3.1 传统冷媒流量控制技术的缺陷传统的机械式压缩机在控制冷媒流量时存在能源浪费、冷却效果不佳等问题。
3.2 电动压缩机冷媒流量控制技术的优势与传统机械式压缩机相比,电动压缩机采用电动驱动,可以更精确地控制冷媒流量,并在车辆行驶过程中动态调节。
4. 电动压缩机冷媒流量控制技术的优化方法4.1 控制算法的优化通过改进控制算法,优化电动压缩机的冷媒流量控制,使空调系统能够更加智能地响应驾驶环境的变化,降低能耗。
4.2 传感器技术的应用利用传感器技术监测车内外环境的温度、湿度等参数,从而实时调节电动压缩机的冷媒流量,提高空调系统的舒适性和能效。
4.3 智能控制系统的引入通过引入智能控制系统,对电动压缩机的冷媒流量进行动态调节,根据驾驶员的需求和车辆的实际状况进行精确控制,提高空调系统的整体性能。
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