2010 王中林 ZnO



ZnO作为一种重要的光电半 导体材料, 在室温下具有较 宽的禁带宽度( 3.37 eV )、较 大的激子束缚能( 60m eV ) 和室温紫外光发射的特点, 被广泛的应用于光电二极管, 气体传感器, 压敏电阻和光 电探测器, 短波半导体激光 器件材料。
近期在王中林教授关于纳米发电机的论文 中,我们可以看到其核心就是一维ZnO纳米结 构的压电效应。王中林教授采用的是在硬性水 平基地上制备ZnO纳米线,之后转移到柔性基 底上的方法经过处理得到了性能很好的纳米发 电器件。 从中我们也能看到我们在柔性基底上直接 制备ZnO纳米棒的实用价值。
Experiment Process Current Achievements Envisioned Future
ZnO是一种新型宽禁带 多功能半导体材料。ZnO 纳米材料(如纳米线、纳米 棒、纳米带、纳米环等)具 有较常规体材料更为优越的 性能,在传感、光、电等诸 多领域有着广阔的应用前景, 引起了国际学术界的极大关 注。
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虽 然 两 项 发 明 令王中 林 在 业 内“ 大 红 大 紫 ”,也使 纳 米 能 源 成 为 大 家 眼中的 “香 饽 饽 ”,但 是谁 人 知 道 最初 得 不 到大 家认可,他硬 是 抱 着“冷门”默 默 投 入了十 年。
“迈 克 尔·乔 丹在 美职 篮打 球 时曾说 过‘I love this game(我热爱这场比赛)’。” 谈到自己的偶像时,他抚了抚眼镜,提高了 声调,“对 于 我们 搞 科 研 的人 来说也 是 这 样,面对不分昼夜的工作一定要热爱,要执 着,更要会享受这个过程”。
在 美 国 奋 斗 的岁月里,王中 林 陆 续 收 获美国显微镜学会巴顿奖章、美国化学学
“作为 一 个 教 授,不 教不 授 何为 教 授?”王中林对此解释道,“我们要教的学 生是我们知识和思想的传承,把学生当自 己的孩子看,既要讲还要教,第一职责是育 人,告诉学生做学问先做人。”
正 是 从小就喜 欢研 究,见识 到了科 技 改变生活的力量,王中林才能长久保持对 自己的研究领域的热情,排除生活琐事的 干扰,从而成 为当今 世界 纳 米 领 域 的 执牛 耳者。
改签结缘 ,祖国圆梦 对普 通 人而言,纳 米 发电 机 并不是 一
两 项 发 明 令王中 林 在 业内 “大 红 大 紫 ”,也使 纳 米能 源 成 为 大 家 眼 中 的“ 香 饽 饽 ”,但 是 谁人知道最初得不到大家认可, 他硬是 抱 着“冷 门 ”默 默 投入了 十年。“什么叫冷门?第一,大家 认为不值一 做;第二,太 难;第 三,没多大 用。那 我 就 在 大 家 都 不看好的情况下把它奠定了,这叫 ‘千里走单骑’,做原创一定不能 抓热点!”


王中林– 简介(updated on 07/10/2011)王中林﹐1982毕业于西北电讯工程学院(现名西安电子科技大学)﹐并于同一年考取中美联合招收的物理研究生(CUSPEA)。
1987 年获亚利桑那州立大学物理学博士, 从师于国际电子显微学权威 John Cowley 教授。
王教授荣获了美国显微镜学会 1999年巴顿奖章﹐佐治亚理工学院2000和2005年杰出研究奖﹐2005年Sigma Xi 学会持续研究奖,2001年S.T.Li奖金(美国)﹐2009年美国陶瓷学会Purdy奖,美国自然科学基金会CAREER基金﹐中国首批国家自然科学基金会海外优秀青年科学家基金,中国科学院海外杰出学者基金获得者。
他是英国Manchester大学名誉教授,教育部 “长江”特聘讲座教授,台湾国立清华大学晶元讲座教授和名誉讲座教授。
他是科学院半导体所名誉教授, 科学院化学所名誉教授,中山大学名誉教授,华中师范大学名誉教授,南京航天航空大学名誉教授,兰州大学名誉教授,天津大学名誉教授,西安电子科技大学名誉教授,中南大学名誉教授。
王教授是美国物理学会fellow, 美国科学发展协会(AAAS) fellow,美国材料学会 fellow,美国显微学会fellow。

来源:《科学中国人》 2019年第2期
中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所王中林院士、潘曹峰研究员及卢俊峰博士结合Z n
O光学微腔自身压电特性及其激光模式,通过外部机械应变产生的Z n O谐振腔晶体内部的离
研究论文发表于ACS Nano 。

Abstract: T he nanopow ders of Z nO and silv er m odif ied Ag/ Z nO are prepared r espect ively by hydrot her mal method and phot osy nt hesis m et hod. T he cry st al st ruct ure and surface m orpho logy of t he samples are charact er ized by X ray diff ract ion ( XRD) and scanning elect ron micr oscopy ( SEM ) . T he phot ocat aly tic act ivity o f t he ZnO and Ag / ZnO nanopow ders is tested by using methy lene blue as t he pollut ant mo del and under the irradiat ion w ith ult raviolet light . T he r esul ts indicat e t hat A g can ef fectively load on ZnO surf ace, and t he pho to cat aly t ic perf orm ance is great ly enhanced by mo dif ication w it h a suit abl e Ag loading. T he pho to cat aly t ic activit y of t he A g/ ZnO w it h Ag loading o f 1 0% is higher than t hat o f ZnO nanopo w der. Wit h 5 0% Ag loading, phot ocat alyt ic activit y is t he highest . H ow ev er, t he phot ocat aly tic act ivity decreases w hen Ag loading is 8 0% . Key words: nano zinc o xide; silver; hy drot hermal m et hod; pho to synt hesis; phot ocat alysis

三、研究内容和方法3.1 研究内容(1)制备ZnO薄膜的溶胶凝胶工艺,研究不同制备条件下薄膜的晶体结构和表面形貌;(2)通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等表征手段,分析制备ZnO薄膜的物理结构和形貌;(3)使用紫外-可见分光光度计(UV-Vis)和荧光光谱仪等测试设备,研究制备ZnO薄膜的光学性质;(4)使用四探针测试仪等测试设备,研究制备ZnO薄膜的电学性质。
3.2 研究方法(1)准备所需的化学品和制备溶液;(2)通过控制pH值、温度和制备时间等工艺参数,制备ZnO薄膜;(3)采用XRD和SEM等表征手段对薄膜进行物理结构和形貌分析;(4)使用UV-Vis和荧光光谱仪等测试设备对薄膜的光学性质进行研究;(5)使用四探针测试仪等测试设备对薄膜的电学性质进行研究。

3) 如果以A阳离子为中心观察,A阳离子组成一个六方密堆层,
在此密堆层的基本单元正三角形内,有一个氧负离子密堆单元小 正三角形,这是一个负电荷集中区,为了使3个氧负离子稳定地组 合在一起,B阳离子必须也只有位于此中心。以A阳离子为结点堆
垛形成立方点阵时,在其密堆单元中的氧阴离子密堆单元相互旋 转60 º堆垛形成6配位的八面体空间,B阳离子便处于此空间的中 心。B阳离子为过渡金属,其d电子轨道杂化,与6个氧离子的价层 轨道重叠而结合。在A阳离子与氧阴离子的密堆层中,氧密堆单 元中三个氧离子实际上是分属于三个氧的立方点阵的,加上A阳 离子、B阳离子的立方点阵,这五个立方点阵有序的穿插在一起, 就构成了钙钛矿晶体的单元晶胞。
目前所研发的N型单 晶电池的产业化水 平大概在21%-24% 左右,P型单晶电池 的国内产业化水平 在18.7%-19.2%左 右,海外在19.2%20%左右。多晶电 池的产业化水平则 在17%-17.5%左右。
钙钛矿是以俄罗斯地质学 家的名字Perovskite 命名
钙钛矿 (Perovskite) CaTiO3
钙钛矿是指一类陶瓷氧化物,其分子 通式为ABO3;此类氧化物最早被发现 是存在于钙钛矿石中的钛酸钙(CaTiO3) 化合物,因此而得名。由于此类化合 物结构上有许多特性,在凝聚态物理 方面应用及研究甚广,所以物理学家 与化学家常以其分子公式中各化合物 的 比 例 (1:1:3) 来 简 称 之 , 因 此 又 名
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二、研究进展和结果1. ZIf-8晶体的制备采用水热法制备ZIf-8晶体,通过X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对晶体的结构和形貌进行了表征。
2. ZIf-8晶体表面的氧化锌纳米颗粒的沉积使用溶胶-凝胶法在水热合成的ZIf-8晶体表面沉积氧化锌纳米颗粒。
SEM结果显示,所得ZnO纳米颗粒的直径约为40-60 nm,分布均匀且与ZIf-8晶体表面结合紧密。
3. ZIf-8晶体表面的分子筛膜的制备利用ZnO纳米颗粒作为模板,采用CVD方法在ZIf-8晶体表面形成分子筛膜。
透射电子显微镜(TEM)和扫描透射电子显微镜(STEM)结果显示,膜的厚度约为100 nm,具有典型的分子筛层间空隙结构。



第26卷 第6期2006年6月 物 理 实 验 P H YSICS EXPERIM EN TA TION Vol.26 No.6 J un.,2006 收稿日期:2005208213;修改日期:2006204207 作者简介:林传金(1979-),男,福建漳浦人,北京师范大学物理系2003级硕士研究生,研究方向为低维材料及其物性. 通讯作者:王引书(1967-),女,甘肃静宁人,北京师范大学物理系副教授,博士,主要从事低维半导体材料的性能研究.氧化锌及纳米氧化锌研究进展林传金,田 强,王引书(北京师范大学物理系,北京100875) 摘 要:ZnO 是一种重要的直接宽带隙半导体,室温下禁带宽度为3.37eV ,激子束缚能为60meV ,对于开发蓝绿、蓝光、紫外等多种发光器件有巨大潜力.纳米ZnO 表现出与体材料明显不同的电学、磁学、光学、化学等性质,是目前纳米材料的研究热点之一.本文介绍了ZnO 和纳米ZnO 的一些基本性质,综述了近年来纳米ZnO 的合成以及应用等方面研究的一些进展.关键词:ZnO ;纳米ZnO ;研究进展中图分类号:O493 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100524642(2006)06200122081 引 言近十年来,宽带隙半导体材料如禁带宽度为3.0eV 的6H 2SiC (2K )和禁带宽度为3.5eV 的GaN 一直活跃在最前线[1].ZnO 作为另一种宽带隙半导体材料,室温禁带宽度为3.37eV ,自由激子束缚能为60meV ,正以其优越的特殊性质得到广泛的关注.1997年,中国香港科技大学的Zu 和Tang [2]等人首先报道了激光分子束外延(PL MB E )生长的ZnO 薄膜在室温下的光泵浦紫外受激发射,目前关于多种纳米微晶结构的ZnO 室温紫外激光发射已有很多的报道[3~5],这也为半导体激光器件的研制提供了新的途径.随着p 型ZnO 研究不断取得进展,国际ZnO 研究权威Look 教授2004年在对ZnO 光发射器件的未来展望中指出,p 2n 同质结ZnO 激光器在不久的将来将成为可能[6].ZnO 在低维结构研究领域也是一个热门的课题,有关纳米ZnO 合成的新技术及各种特殊性质不断得到报道.2 Z nO 的基本性质ZnO 在常温下的稳定相是六角纤锌矿结构,ZnO 在室温下的禁带宽度为3.37eV ,导带为类S 态并具有Γ7对称性,价带为类P 态,由于自旋2轨道与晶体场的相互作用分裂成3个双重简并的能级(A ,B ,C ).关于价带的对称性,Reynolds ,Look 等人[7]1999年在高质量ZnO 单晶发射谱中首次观察到本征激子跃迁,并且通过对这些激子谱性质的研究,得到A ,B ,C 的对称性依次为Γ9,Γ7,Γ7.表1给出ZnO 的一些基本参量.表1 Z nO 的基本参量参 量数 值空间群P63mc晶格常量a =0.325nm ,c =0.520nm禁带宽度(R T ) 3.37eV 激子束缚能60meV 密度 5.642g/cm 3熔点1975℃莫氏硬度 4.5热导率1.16±0.08W/(cm ・K )1.10±0.09W/(cm ・K )本征载流子浓度 1.7×1017cm -3(R T )迁移率(n 型)196cm 2/(V ・s )抗辐射能2MeV 电阻率1012Ω・cm3 纳米Z nO 的制备3.1 Z nO 纳米颗粒的一些主要制备方法3.1.1 气相法这种方法主要通过Zn 蒸气在氧气中直接氧化,或者在真空(或惰性)气氛中,高温加热利用喷雾法导入的Zn(NO3)2[8]使其热分解,最后生成纳米ZnO.3.1.2 液相法液相法是生产纳米ZnO的一种重要方法,主要有均匀沉淀法[9~10]、直接沉淀法[11]、溶胶2凝胶法[12~13]等.直接沉淀法是在金属盐溶液中加入沉淀剂后,在一定的条件下将沉淀析出,除去阴离子后加热,制得纳米氧化物.常见的沉淀剂有:氨水(N H3・H2O)、碳酸铵((N H4)2CO3)、碳酸钠(Na2CO3)、草酸铵((N H4)2C2O4)、碳酸氢铵(N H4HCO3)等.均匀沉淀法是利用某一化学反应使沉淀剂在整个溶液中均匀地释放构晶离子,并使沉淀在整个溶液中缓慢均匀地析出.常用的沉淀剂有:尿素(CO(N H2)2)、六亚甲基四铵((CH2)6N4).溶胶2凝胶法(sol2gel)主要是用锌盐与有机醇反应生成前驱体,加入碱反应得到原生ZnO胶体,通过脱水、干燥处理得到纳米ZnO.对于溶胶2凝胶法,由于生成的纳米颗粒存在表面缺陷和悬键,为了减少表面缺陷和悬键,又有利用化学方法有效地对纳米ZnO进行表面修饰,在纳米ZnO表面添加适当的覆盖层材料,改变表面形貌使其表面钝化,常用有机物作为覆盖层材料,如聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮(PV P)[14].3.1.3 固相法这种方法主要采用在室温条件下,通过机械化学反应生成ZnO前驱体,加热后产生ZnO,通过洗涤烘干得到ZnO纳米颗粒.2001年,Tsuzu2 ki等人[15]通过长时间研磨ZnCl2和Na2CO3,两者反应ZnCl2+Na2CO3ZnCO3+2NaCl,加热生成物ZnCO3△ZnO+CO2,在实验中不加NaCl得到直径100~1000nm有团聚的ZnO颗粒,而整个过程加入NaCl后得到10~40nm的纳米颗粒.2003年,Shen等人[16]报道了通过室温下研磨Zn(CH3COO)2和H2C2O4・2H2O的混合物,整个过程加入NaCl,最后得到直径只有3~4nm分布均匀的ZnO纳米晶,并在吸收谱观察到明显的量子尺寸效应(蓝移).3.2 Z nO纳米线(纳米棒)的制备纳米棒、纳米线属于准一维实心的纳米材料,即在二维方向上为纳米尺度,长度比二维方向上的尺度大得多,有可能为宏观量,而纵横比(长度与直径的比率)小的成为纳米棒,纵横比大的称为纳米线.现在关于准一维纳米ZnO的制备的报道较多,方法也各异.3.2.1 气相法这是一种常用的方法,通过直接蒸发、或者化学还原、或者气体反应生成拟生长纳米线,然后通过气体输运到较低温度的固体衬底表面上,最后得到一维纳米材料.其中利用气-液-固过程合成ZnO纳米线较多.首先通过在高温下,反应物气体溶解到纳米尺寸的催化剂液滴中,接着形核、生长成纳米棒然后成线,最后被气体输运到较低温度衬底上.生长的温度一般在900~1100℃,常用的催化剂有Au[17],Fe2O3[18],Se[19]还有Ni[20]等,生成的ZnO纳米线明显的特征就是通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)可观察到纳米线端存在含有催化剂组分的合金,通过控制纳米催化剂的尺寸可以生长不同直径的纳米线[17].不过由于存在催化剂,使得生成的纳米线不纯,为了避免催化剂引入的杂质,Park等人[21]报道了一种无催化剂的金属有机气相外延生长的ZnO纳米棒, Roy等人[22]又研究了不同条件下生长的ZnO纳米棒的发光与结构性质.3.2.2 分子束外延生长分子束外延生长(MB E)的主要机理是在超真空条件下,相对地放置衬底和几个分子束源炉(喷射炉),将组成化合物和掺杂剂元素分别放入不同的喷射炉内,加热使它们的分子(或原子)以一定的热运动速度和一定的束流强度比例喷射到加热的衬底表面上,与表面相互作用(包括在表面的迁移、分解、吸附和脱附等)并进行单晶薄膜的外延生长.该方法具有生长温度低,可随意改变外延层的组分和掺杂,可在原子尺度范围内精确地控制外延膜的厚度、异质结界面平整度和掺杂分布等特点,主要应用于制备二维和三维图形结构的薄膜.最近,Heo等人[23]利用Ag作催化剂驱使MB E生长制备出直径仅有15nm位置可控制的单晶ZnO纳米棒[图1(a)],通过这种方法他们又生长出纤锌矿(Zn,Mg)O异质结构[图1 (b)],仪器主要结构如图1(c)所示.为了实现生长出的纳米线从生长衬底到加工器件衬底的转移,他们着重介绍了声波降解的方法:把原生长纳米线与衬底放在乙醇中经过5min超声波降解,降解后ZnO纳米线大部分从原衬底脱离并分散31第6期 林传金,等:氧化锌及纳米氧化锌研究进展(a )ZnO 纳米棒(TEM)(b )(Zn ,Mg )O异质结构(c )MB E 仪器结构示意图图1 Ag 催化剂驱使MB E 生长纳米棒在乙醇溶液中,把纳米线乙醇溶液分散到新的衬底上,然后通过蒸发掉乙醇,从而在新的衬底上得到ZnO 纳米线.为了避免纳米线随机分布而不利于器件加工,一般先在新的衬底上通过特殊手段做上标记,这样就可以通过软件控制的电子束写入进行相关金属接触并加工.ZnO 纳米线衬底转移的主要机理如图2所示,纳米线端由于存在催化剂组分的合金,在新的衬底上依然存在,不过对于做金属接触是有利的.3.2.3 其它方法金属有机气相沉积(MOCVD )[24~25]、化学气图2 声波降解法实现纳米ZnO 的衬底转移相沉积(CVD )[26]及用电沉积Zn 在加工成的矾土纳米沟上然后进行直接氧化成规则排列的ZnO纳米线阵列[27]等都能实现ZnO 纳米线合成,并且在温度较低时即可实现.特别是在最近几年,一种在水溶液中用化学的方法在不同的衬底上生长ZnO 纳米棒、纳米管的报道受到一定的关注,Lio nel 等人[28~29]在水溶液中,通过控制热动力、形核动能产生前驱体,然后通过控制界面应力实现材料可控生长,ZnO 纳米线的尺径最小可以达到10~20nm.关于这方面相关的研究已经有很多的报道[30~31].在这些方法中,MB E 生长的纳米线一方面质量好、可控制、易进行加工,另一方面也比较容易实现异质结生长,因此,MB E 算是目前比较理想的方法.水溶液的化学方法成本很低,温度低于100℃,实验相对容易,目前存在的困难在于如何进一步降低尺寸以及相关机理的探索.3.3 各种结构的纳米Z nO现在已经合成结构多样的纳米ZnO ,特别是王中林等人[32]通过固相热蒸发过程控制生长温度和源材料化学组成,制备出梳形纳米ZnO 、ZnO 纳米环、纳米线、纳米弹簧、纳米笼等多种形态纳米结构,并且他指出,ZnO 纳米结构在目前所有纳米材料中是最为丰富的,甚至超过碳纳米管.多种形态的ZnO 纳米结构为新的研究与应用提供更为广阔的前景.4 Z nO 、纳米Z nO 性质研究与进展4.1 光学性质氧化锌单晶在可见光透过率达到90%,在室41 物 理 实 验第26卷温下(或低温下)ZnO及纳米ZnO光致发光谱(PL)普遍存在2个较宽的发光带,在520nm附近的宽绿色发光带和在380nm附近一系列施主束缚激子峰的紫色发光带,关于这2个发光带的产生机理一直是研究的话题[7,33~36].绿色发光带有时也存在丰富的结构[37],关于绿色发光带一般被认为是杂质或缺陷态(O空缺、Zn填隙)的发光,但是相关机理还有待进一步研究.对于ZnO单晶或体材料由于受激发射强度随温度升高迅速 灭,一般在室温下观察不到强的紫外发射,Zu等人[2]报道了在室温下观察到ZnO薄膜光泵浦紫外发射以来,到目前已经实现了在室温下ZnO纳米线[5]、纳米带[38]等的紫外发光,据2005年1月份《世界激光聚焦》报道,美国西北大学材料研究中心已经制成了在室温下近紫外光泵浦光子晶体激光器.ZnO在短波长光电子器件具有巨大的潜力,目前虽然实现了光泵浦的紫外发射,但是最理想的是做成p2n同质结材料,不过p型ZnO的合成一直以来是个困难,所以稳定的、可重复再现的p型ZnO合成一直是很多人研究的热门,Loo K 教授曾经对2003年ZnO p型掺杂重要进展的9篇论文做过评述[39],其中有我国浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室叶志镇课题组的工作及中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所激发态重点实验室刘益春课题组用热氧化氮化锌方法制备p2 ZnO的工作.2005年,据美国陶瓷学会报道,日本的研究人员已经生产出稳定的、可重复的p型ZnO,并在用同质结构的p2n结ZnO制成的半导体激光器实现蓝紫外电致发光,同年,中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所激发态重点实验室的研究组在蓝宝石衬底上制备出ZnO p2n结发光二极管[40].可以预见,ZnO作为短波光电器件即将成为可能.4.2 电学性质目前已经可以合成质量好的ZnO单晶,在这种单晶中一般存在较低的本底杂质、点缺陷及位错浓度,从而显示出较好的电学性质[1].随着纳米合成技术、金属接触研究的发展,现在关于ZnO纳米线电学性质研究也得到不断报道,Park 等人[41]通过电流感应的原子力显微镜(CSA FM)对ZnO纳米棒及Au/ZnO异质结构纳米棒进行I2V特性测量表明,纯ZnO纳米棒I2V特性显示出非线性而且不对称,呈现出整流、有点像二极管的性质(图3),反向击穿电压达-3V,正向域值电压为0.5~1V.(a)(b)图3 纯ZnO纳米棒I2V特性图4是通过改进的Au肖特基接触Au/ZnO 异质结构纳米棒的I2V特性曲线,反向击穿电压达到-8V,可见金属接触对纳米棒电学性质测量具有重要影响.目前除用Au外,Heo[23]用Pt(a)(b)图4 Au作肖特基ZnO的I2V特性51第6期 林传金,等:氧化锌及纳米氧化锌研究进展做成ZnO 纳米线的金属接触,在黑暗中测量发现Pt/ZnO 纳米线I 2V 特性呈整流特性,而在紫外照射下却呈欧姆特性(线性),如图5(实线与虚线)所示,他们把这种现象归结于紫外照射降低了金属接触与ZnO 纳米线之间的势垒,从而使肖特基接触转变为欧姆接触.图5 Pt/ZnO 纳米线I 2V 特性此外Au/Ti/ZnO 纳米异质结呈现出线性I 2V 特性,意味着Au/Ti 也可与ZnO 纳米线形成欧姆接触.对于已经制成的p 型ZnO ,Makoto 等人[42]用Au 做金属接触,通过2min 300~520℃退火,其I 2V 特性也呈现较好的欧姆特性.目前关于肖特基与欧姆接触也是ZnO 研究领域的一个主要内容,只有好的金属半导体接触才有利于器件的制造与应用.4.3 氧化锌的铁磁性质通过操纵半导体中的自旋(即自旋电子学)代表了电子功能材料一个崭新的研究范畴,目前正在发展的这种想法为从事基于辨别、操纵电子自旋分布的器件理念提供了非常好的基础.ZnO 作为重要的直接宽带隙半导体,在电荷、光电子和基于电子自旋的性能方面为自旋电子学研究提供了得天独厚的条件.Dietl [43]预言在p 型ZnO 通过Mn 掺杂将可以实现室温下载流子控制的铁磁性,对于n 型ZnO ,初始计算也预言大部分过渡金属离子包括Co 和Cr 掺杂也可以实现铁磁性,但是对于Mn 掺杂只能通过空穴掺杂调制(即p 型ZnO ),Y.W.Heo 等人[23]也报道了在低温(10K )下的磁滞现象(图6).通过控制半导体中自旋可以生产相关的器件:如自旋光发射二极管、自旋场效应管(图7)及量子计算机的自旋量子位等.但是关于这方面的相关机理还有待于进一步研究.(a )n (ZnO ∶Sn )∶n (Mn )=97∶3(b )n (ZnO ∶Sn )∶n (Mn )=95∶56 Sn 和Mn 掺杂低温(10K )下ZnO 纳米线磁滞现象(a )自旋2L ED(b )自旋2FET图7 ZnO 纳米线自旋场效应管、发光二极管图4.4 其它性能研究ZnO 材料结构与性能的研究发展到今天已经在原来的基础上不断开拓新的研究领域,例如:ZnO 气敏性能研究,ZnO 掺杂,氢在ZnO 中的研61 物 理 实 验第26卷究,低温下光学性质的研究,基于ZnO与纳米ZnO器件的加工,纳米ZnO的各种量子效应,还有基于ZnO的复合材料与结构,等等.研究内容不断丰富,新的材料与现象不断被发现,器件加工也取得了一些进展,新的应用也开始用于生产.5 Z nO及纳米Z nO应用简介与展望ZnO有许多优质性质,如ZnO本身无毒对人身体无害,在可见光透明并可以吸收紫外线,具有较大的机电耦合系数,对某些气体能在其表面吸附2解析,等等.纳米ZnO(1~100nm)由于颗粒尺寸细微化,表现出与体材料不同的奇异特性,如表面效应、小尺寸效应、量子隧道效应等.这些性质使得ZnO在很多领域得到广泛的应用,如多晶ZnO在表面声波器件(SAW)、光波导器件、声光媒质、导电气敏传感器、压电转换器、变阻器、荧光物质和透明导电薄膜等都具有重要的应用.纳米ZnO更是一种面向21世纪新型功能材料,其主要应用有[44~45]:在化妆品中作为重要的新型防晒霜和抗菌剂,在纺织工业、自洁性陶瓷与抗菌玻璃、橡胶工业、建筑材料涂料工业、催化剂和光催化剂、隐身技术等都有很好的应用.随着高质量、大尺寸单晶ZnO生产已经成为可能,单晶ZnO通过加工可以作为GaN衬底材料.ZnO与GaN的晶体结构、晶格常量都很相似,晶格失配度只有2.2%(沿〈001〉方向)、热膨胀系数差异小,可以解决目前GaN生长困难的难题.GaN作为目前主要的蓝、紫外发光半导体材料,在DVD播放器中有重要的应用,由于世界上能生产ZnO单晶的国家不多,主要是美国、日本,所以ZnO单晶生产具有巨大的市场潜力.据A2 sia Pulse2005年1月13日一则报道:日本东京Denpa公司将投资4亿日元(约390万美元)购买4个ZnO单晶生产炉,预计可获得年收入达9~10亿日元,足见其经济效益十分可观.ZnO最为诱人的应用就是制作同质结紫外半导体激光器,对于光泵浦ZnO紫外发射和自形成谐振腔早已经成为可能,基于ZnO单晶的光子晶体激光器也已实现,但是最理想的还是制造电泵浦ZnO紫外激光器(基于同质ZnO p2n结),目前关于p型ZnO的研究已经取得了重要进展,多个研究小组都宣布已经合成p型ZnO,特别是来自美国陶瓷学会2005年3月份的一则消息[46],日本的一个合作小组合成稳定的、可重现的p型ZnO并在室温下实现电泵浦ZnO(p2n结)紫外发射.我国浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室叶志镇课题组及中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所激发态重点实验室刘益春课题组在p型ZnO薄膜掺杂研究中也取得了重要进展.可以看到,随着这些技术的进一步发展,ZnO的p2n同质结不久将成为可能,ZnO半导体激光器将在实际应用中发挥特殊的作用.另外基于ZnO、纳米ZnO的发光二极管也被不断地开发出来,同时,基于各种形态的纳米ZnO在不久的将来也可实现制造多种新型的功能器件,如:ZnO纳米线发光二极管、场效应管,单电子晶体管,自旋光发射二极管,自旋场效应管,还有量子计算机的自旋量子位以及各种新型气敏探测器,等等.2005年12月在江苏省南京市召开了第二届全国氧化锌及相关材料的学术会议,这次会议集中展示了2年来我国在氧化锌研究方面取得的成果,研讨氧化锌研究中存在的主要问题和解决的途径,进一步加强了学术交流与合作,通过这次会议,必将进一步推动与促进我国氧化锌材料与器件的发展.6 结束语ZnO具有宽直接带隙和大的激子束缚能,在蓝光、蓝绿、紫外半导体激光器开发方面具有巨大的潜力与良好的应用前景;纳米ZnO的丰富结构和基于ZnO的独特性质为低维材料的研究与应用提供了得天独厚的广阔领域.目前,我们实验室也开展了一些有关纳米ZnO电学、光学等方面性质的研究,用液相沉淀法和溶胶2凝胶法制备了不同掺杂的纳米ZnO样品,光致发光谱(PL谱)、电调制谱等的研究和分析,得到了纳米ZnO在蓝光区域的发光带.另外,我们也已经通过水溶液的化学方法在玻璃衬底上生长出的ZnO纳米棒,研究了各种实验条件对纳米ZnO生长的影响,进一步的研究工作正在进行.参考文献:[1] Look D C.Recent advances in ZnO materials anddevices[J].Mat.Sci.Eng.,2001,B80:383~387. 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1.美利用银纳米线开发出弹性导体 [J],
2.ZnO 纳米线与硫掺杂 TiO2微/纳复合材料的制备及其光催化活性 [J], 张延霖;谢楚如;蔡文娟;吴宏海
3.美国利用银纳米线开发出弹性导体 [J], W.AS
4.美研发出“太阳能墨水”在纸上即可发电 [J],
5.美国研制出白光ZnO纳米线LED [J], 郝云

化学自洁则是在紫外线下,经ZnO 光催化对色斑和溶液进行降解。
1.ZnO 纳米棒阵列、纳米片及其发光和光催化特性∗ [J], 顾留洋;王树林
2.Zn纳米粒子/ZnO纳米棒的光催化降解特性 [J], 洪勇;王树林;李来强;徐波;韩光强
3.ZnO纳米棒与纳米管的制备及光致发光特性研究 [J], 刘文军;孟宪权;郑毅;夏威
4.Ce掺杂ZnO纳米棒的制备及其整理棉织物的性能 [J], 马春艳
5.Ag-Ce共掺ZnO纳米棒及在改性涤纶织物上的应用 [J], 邱雨;王黎明;沈勇;王沥莹;刘亚东
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Flexible High-Output Nanogenerator Based on Lateral ZnO Nanowire ArrayGuang Zhu,†Rusen Yang,†Sihong Wang,and Zhong Lin Wang*School of Materials Science and Engineering,Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,Georgia 30332-0245ABSTRACT We report here a simple and effective approach,named scalable sweeping-printing-method,for fabricating flexible high-output nanogenerator (HONG)that can effectively harvesting mechanical energy for driving a small commercial electronic component.The technique consists of two main steps.In the first step,the vertically aligned ZnO nanowires (NWs)are transferred to a receiving substrate to form horizontally aligned arrays.Then,parallel stripe type of electrodes are deposited to connect all of the NWs ing a single layer of HONG structure,an open-circuit voltage of up to 2.03V and a peak output power density of ∼11mW/cm 3have been achieved.The generated electric energy was effectively stored by utilizing capacitors,and it was successfully used to light up a commercial light-emitting diode (LED),which is a landmark progress toward building self-powered devices by harvesting energy from the environment.This research opens up the path for practical applications of nanowire-based piezoelectric nanogeneragtors for self-powered nanosystems.KEYWORDS Nanogenerator,ZnO,nanowire,light-emitting diode,self-poweringEnergy harvesting is critical to achieve independent and sustainable operations of nanodevices,aiming at building self-powered nanosystems.1-3Taking theforms of irregular air flow/vibration,ultrasonic waves,body movement,and hydraulic pressure,mechanical energy is ubiquitously available in our living environment.It covers a wide range of magnitude and frequency from cell contrac-tion to ocean waves.The mechanical-electric energy conver-sion has been demonstrated using piezoelectric cantilever working at its resonating mode.4-7However,the applicabil-ity and adaptability of the traditional cantilever based energy harvester is greatly impeded by the large unit size,large triggering force and specific high resonance frequency.Recently,a series of rationally designed nanogenerators (NGs)with piezoelectric nanowires (NWs)have shown great potentialtoscavengetinyandirregularmechanicalenergy.8-15However,insufficient electric output hinders their practical applications.We report here a simple and effective ap-proach,named scalable sweeping-printing-method,for fab-ricating flexible high-output nanogenerator (HONG).An open-circuit voltage of up to 2.03V and a peak output power density of ∼11mW/cm 3have been achieved.The generated electric energy was effectively stored by utilizing capacitors,and it was successfully used to light up a commercial light-emitting diode (LED),which is a landmark progress toward building self-powered devices by harvesting energy from the environment.Furthermore,by optimizing the density of the NWs on the substrate and with the use of multilayer integra-tion,a peak output power density of ∼0.44mW/cm 2and volume density of 1.1W/cm 3are predicted.The mechanism of converting mechanical energy by a single ZnO NW that is laterally bonded to a substrate has been discussed in details in our previous report.13Owing to much smaller diameter of the NW compared to the substrate thickness,outward bending of the substrate induces a uniaxial tensile strain in the NW.Because of the piezoelectric property of the ZnO NW,the stress results in a piezoelectric field along the length,which causes a transient charge flow in the external circuit.The Schottky contact at the bonded ends can regulate the charge flow.As a result,the bending and releasing of the single-wire-NG gives rise to an alternat-ing flow of the charges in the external circuit.In this work,the power output has been scaled up with the integration of hundreds of thousands of horizontally aligned NWs,which was made by a scalable sweeping-printing-method that is simple,cost-effective,and highly efficient.The method consists of two main steps.In the first step,the vertically aligned NWs are transferred to a receiving substrate to form horizontally aligned arrays.The major components of the transfer setup are two stages (Figure 1a).Stage 1has a flat surface that faces downward and holds the vertically aligned NWs;stage 2has a curved surface and holds the receiving substrate.Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)film on the surface of stage 2is used as a cushion layer to support the receiving substrate and enhances the alignment of the transferred NWs.The radius of the curved surface of stage 2equals the length of the rod supporting the stage,which is free to move in circular motion (Supporting Infor-mation Figure S1).In the second step,electrodes are depos-ited to connect all of the NWs together.Vertically aligned ZnO NWs on Si substrates were syn-thesized using physical vapor deposition method.16,17The dense and uniform NWs have the length of ∼50µm,diameter of ∼200nm,and growth direction along the c -axis*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:zlwang@.†Authors with equal contribution Received for review:6/3/2010Published on Web:07/21/2010(Figure 1b,Supporting Information Figure S2).The same growth direction of NWs guarantees the alignment of the piezoelectric potentials in all of the NWs and a successful scaling up of the output,which will be elaborated later.A small piece of Si substrate with grown ZnO NWs was mounted onto stage 1(Figure 1a)and a piece of Kapton film with the thickness of 125µm was attached to stage 2(Figure 1a).The distance between the receiving substrate and NWs was precisely controlled to form a loose contact between the two.The receiving substrate then counterclockwise swept across the vertical NWs arrays,which were detached from Si substrate and aligned on the receiving substrate along the direction of sweeping due to the applied shear force (Figure 1a).The as-transferred NWs are presented in Figure 2c with an estimated average density of 1.1×106cm -2.The length variation is probably due to the fact that not all of the NWs were broken off at the roots.Next,the evenly spaced electrode pattern over the aligned NWs was first defined using photolithography and thenfollowed by sputtering 300nm thick Au film (Figure 1d).After lifting off the photoresist,600rows of stripe-shaped Au electrodes with 10µm spacing were fabricated on top of the horizontal NW arrays (Figure 1e).Au electrodes form Schottky contacts with the ZnO NWs,which are mandatory for a working NG.8,18Approximately 3.0×105NWs in an effective working area of 1cm 2,as pointed by an arrowhead in Figure 1d (inset),are in contact with electrodes at both ends.Finally,a PDMS packaging over the entire structure can further enhance mechanical robustness and protect the device from invasive chemicals.The working principle of the HONG is illustrated by the schematic diagrams in Figure 2a,b.NWs connected in parallel collectively contribute to the current output;NWs in different rows connected in serial constructively improve the voltage output.The same growth direction of all NWs and the sweeping printing method ensure that the crystal-lographic orientations of the horizontal NWs are aligned along the sweeping direction.Consequently,the polarity ofFIGURE 1.Fabrication process and structure characterization of the HONG.(a)Experimental setup for transferring vertically grown ZnO NWs to a flexible substrate to make horizontally aligned ZnO NW arrays with crystallographic alignment.(b)SEM image of as-grown vertically aligned ZnO NWs by physical vapor method on Si substrate.(c)SEM image of the as-transferred horizontal ZnO NWs on a flexible substrate.(d)Process of fabricating Au electrodes on horizontal ZnO NW arrays,which includes photolithography,metallization,and lift-off.(e)SEM image of ZnO NW arrays bonded by Au electrodes.Inset:demonstration of an as-fabricated HONG.The arrowhead indicates the effective working area of theHONG.the induced piezopotential is also aligned,leading to a macroscopic potential contributed constructively by all of the NWs (Figure 2b).To investigate the performance of the HONG,a linear motor was used to periodically deform the HONG in a cyclic stretching-releasing agitation (0.33Hz).The open-circuit voltage (V oc )and the short-circuit current (I sc )were measured with caution to rule out possible artifacts.19At a strain of 0.1%and strain rate of 5%s -1,peak voltage and current reached up to 2.03V and 107nA,respectively.Assuming that all of the integrated NWs actively contribute to the output,the current generated by a single NW is averaged to be ∼200pA;and the voltage from each row is ∼3.3mV in average.Considering the size of the working area of the nanogenerator (1cm 2)(Figure 1e,inset),a peak output power density of ∼0.22µW/cm 2has been achieved,which is over 20-fold increase compared to our latest report based on a more complex design.14For nanowires with the diameter of ∼200nm,the power volume density is ∼11mW/cm 3,which is 12-22times of that from PZT based cantilever energy harvester.6,7The durability test and further characterization were performed,which prove the stability and robustness of the HONGs (Supporting Information Figure S3).Voltage linear superposition test verified the proposed working principle of the HONGs (Supporting In-formation Figure S4).Further scaling up the power output is expected to be technically feasible.If NWs can be uniformly and densely packed as a monolayer over the entire working area,and all can actively contribute to the output,the maximum power area density is expected to reach ∼22µW/cm 2.The power volume density is anticipated to be improved up to ∼1.1W/cm 3.With 20layers of such NW arrays stacked together,the power area density would be boosted up to ∼0.44mW/cm 2.The performance of the HONG is affected by strain and strain rate.For a given strain rate (5%s -1),an increase in strain leads to a larger output (Figure 3a,b).Likewise,at a constant strain (0.1%),the output is proportional to the strain rate (Figure 3c,d).Beyond a certain strain and strain rate,saturation of the magnitude occurs,probably due to the converse piezoelectric effect,which is the strain created by the piezopotential and it is opposite to the externally induced strain.It is noticed that 0.1%strain is sufficient to induce effective output,which is much smaller than the 6%fracture strain of the ZnO NW predicted theoretically.20Storing the generated energy and driving functional devices are extremely important steps toward practical applications of the nanogenerator.In this work,they were accomplished by using a charging-discharging circuit with two consecutive steps (Figure 4).The circuit function is determined by the status of a switch (Figure 4a inset).TheFIGURE 2.Working principle and output measurement of the HONG.(a)Schematic diagram of HONG’s structure without mechanical deformation,in which gold is used to form Schottky contacts with the ZnO NW arrays.(b)Demonstration of the output scaling-up when mechanical deformation is induced,where the “(”signs indicate the polarity of the local piezoelectric potential created in the NWs.(c)Open circuit voltage measurement of the HONG.(d)Short circuit current measurement of the HONG.The measurement is performed at a strain of 0.1%and strain rate of 5%s -1with the deformation frequency of 0.33Hz.The insets are the enlarged view of the boxed area for one cycle ofdeformation.switch is at position A for energy storage achieved by charging capacitors.Upon charging completion,the switch is switched to position B for energy releasing to power a functional device,such as a light emitting diode.It is the key for a successful and effect energy storage to take full advantage of the alternating output.As a result,an integrated full wave rectifying bridge (Transys Electronics Limited,DI 102)was connected between a HONG andFIGURE 3.Performance characterization of the HONG with increasing strain and strain rate.(a)Open circuit voltage measurement of the HONG with increasing strain at a given strain rate of 5%s -1.(b)Short circuit current measurement of the HONG with increasing strain at a given strain rate of 5%s -1.(c)Open circuit voltage measurement of the HONG with increasing strain rate at a constant strain of 0.1%.(d)Short circuit current measurement of the HONG with increasing strain rate at a constant strain of 0.1%.For all measurements,the mechanical deformation frequency is fixed at 0.33Hz.FIGURE 4.Application of the electric energy generated by the HONG to drive a commercial light emitting diode.(a)The electric output measured after a full wave rectifying bridge.Signals of negative signs are reversed,as pointed by the arrowhead.Inset:Schematic of the charging-discharging circuit for storing and releasing the energy generated by the HONG,respectively.(b)Image of a commercial LED,which is incorporated into the circuit.(c)Image of the LED in dim background before it was lit up.(d)Image of the LED in dim background at the moment when it was lit up by the energy generated from theHONG.capacitors(Vishay Sprague,Type430P,2µF(10%).The output of the HONG measured after the bridge exhibits only positive signals(Figure4a).Full wave rectification achieved by the bridge ensures energy storage at an enhanced ef-ficiency,although the rectified signal(as pointed by an arrowhead in Figure4a)has appreciably reduced magnitude due to the reverse current leakage of the diodes in the bridge; this reducing effect is rather notable at small output current. To facilitate the charging process,the output frequency of the HONG was tuned up to3Hz by reducing the periodicity of the mechanical deformation.Ten capacitors were con-nected in parallel such that they were simultaneously charged, and the voltage across a single capacitorfinally reached0.37 V.Uponfinishing charging,the capacitors were reconfigured from parallel connection to series connection,leading to a total voltage source of3.7V.The stored electricity was used to drive a commercial red LED(Figure4b,Avago Technolo-gies US Inc.,HLMP-1700),which has an emission spectrum centered at635nm.The turn-on voltage and forward-biased resistance are1.7V and450Ω,respectively.The discharg-ing process was triggered,leading to a maximum discharg-ing current of4.5mA and the LED was lit up.The emitted light lasted0.1-0.2s and was clearly captured in dim background(Figure4c,d,video in Supporting Information). During the whole charging-discharging process,no other power sources were involved.The entire circuit is essentially a complete self-powered system,which consists of three components:an energy harvester(the HONG),storage units (capacitors),and a functional device(the LED).An effective energy generation efficiency is defined as the ratio between the energy stored by the capacitors and the strain energy input to all of the active NWs,and it takes into account the performance of the electronic components in the circuit.The total electrical energy stored by the capacitor can be calculated as W stored)CU2n/2)1.37µJ,where C is the capacitance of a single capacitor,U is voltage across the capacitor,and n is the number of capacitors.Since the dominant strain in the ZnO NWs is tensile strain,with shear strain safely neglected,the total strain energy can be esti-mated as W strain)πD2L0Eε2ftn0/8)30µJ,where D is the diameter of the NW(200nm),L0is its original length(10µm),which isfixed by the electrode spacing,E is the Young’s modulus(30GPa),εis the strain of NWs(0.1%),f is the frequency of deformation(3Hz),t is the total charging time (7200s),and n0is the number of integrated NWs (300000).13Therefore,the effective energy generation ef-ficiency is estimated to be∼4.6%.This value is naturally lower than the energy conversion efficiency of a single nano/ microwire(∼7%),which is defined as the ratio between the generated electric energy(W generated)∫VI d t,where V is the voltage,and I is the current)and the mechanical input strain energy.13This is mainly attributed to the energy dissipation on rectifying bridge and capacitors,as elaborated in the Supporting Information.In summary,we have successfully fabricated high-output flexible nanogenerators using a sweeping-printing method. We managed to transfer vertically grown ZnO NWs to a flexible substrate and achieved horizontally aligned NW arrays that have crystallographic alignment,based on which an innovatively designed HONG was fabricated.The electri-cal output of the HONG reached a peak voltage of2.03V and current of107nA with a peak power density of∼11 mW/cm3,which is12-22times of that from PZT-based cantilever energy harvester.An effective energy generation efficiency of4.6%was demonstrated.The electric energy generated by the HONG was effectively stored by capacitors and used to light up a commercial LED.Furthermore,by optimizing the density of the NWs on the substrate and with the use of multilayer integration,a peak output power density of∼0.44mW/cm2and volume density of1.1W/c m3 are redicted.This is a key step that is likely to bring nanogenerator based self-powering technology into people’s daily life with potential applications in mobile electronics, health monitoring,environmental inspection,cargo shipping tracking system,infrastructure monitoring,and even de-fense technology.Acknowledgment.Research supported by NSF(DMS 0706436,CMMI0403671,ENG/CMMI112024),DARPA (Army/AMCOM/REDSTONE AR),BES DOE(DE-FG02-07ER46394),and DARPA/ARO W911NF-08-1-0249.The authors thank Cheng Li and Benjamin Hansen for their help on thinfilm deposition and electric circuit design,respectively. Supporting Information Available.Experimental setup, additionalfigures,and video.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at . 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