








In a certain sense,the essence of political activity is the process of information transmission.No matter whether the ruling class governs a state,or whether the public participates in the national political and social life,the communication information is necessary.The development of the Internet has provided a new way for information dissemination and social communication in the history of mankind,which shows the "butterfly effect"of the Chaos in politics and society,and it has a strong influence on the production methods of human society and changes in social relations.

Under the influence of the Internet,the area of national security has been expanded,and the scope of national political security also has been further expanded.Therefore,in the era of Internet,the national political security is effective for the overall external political force to protect the sovereignty of the country from infringement,and to integrate the domestic political,economic and social forces to ensure the realization of the civil rights,so as to ensure the dynamic balance and positive interaction between national political stability and democratic participation.Rawls puts forward"Justice as fairness",it is means that the conditions of social cooperation are consented under the conditions of fairness,and the result will be a fair result.So,put the protect the national sovereignty independence and guarantee the realization of civil rights as the conditions of contract,and coordinate the domestic and international forces to establish the human destiny community,then the result of"fairness and justice"should be got,it is the"political security".Therefore,The essence of safeguarding national political security is upholding"fairness and justice",to protect the independence of the country's sovereignty and to ensure the realization of civil rights.The Internet is a"double-edged sword",which brings both opportunities and challenges to national political security.The development of the Internet is conducive to ensuring the realization of civil rights and promoting the development of democratic politics,so as to

achieve fairness and justice.At the same time,we must realize that it is easy to lose the right of discourse in network,due to the disadvantages of China's Internet technology field,so that resulting in the impact on national sovereignty.Some cyberpowers use technical advantages to break the network frontier,and dilute citizens'political identity towards the mainstream ideology of the country,thus endangering the security of China's ideology.More seriously,the Internet application and popularization network infrastructure is nonidentity,which will exacerbate social gap between rich and poor,and harm the realization of civil rights,the government credibility will be reduced,thereby seriously affecting the stability of the national political security.

In the Internet era,we need to realize that"Internet"is a medium for spreading information and a means of national development objectively.It is urgent for us to pay attention to the impact of Internet on national political security in the process of building the network power and digital China.In the future,we should further strengthen the perfection of core technologies,control cyber sovereignty and safeguard national sovereignty and security.We also should establish a sense of"network frontier"and improve the credibility of the government,so as to enhance citizens'political identity towards mainstream ideology and maintain the stability of state power.We must stick to fairness and justice and establish a community of common destiny to promote the realization of citizens'rights and ensure the political safety of our country.

Keywords Internet Political Security National Sovereignty Civil Rights

Fairness and Justice


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1研究目的和意义 (1)

1.1.1研究目的 (1)

1.1.2研究意义 (2)

1.2国内外研究现状 (3)

1.2.1国外研究现状 (3)

1.2.2国内研究现状 (5)

1.3研究方法 (8)

1.4创新点 (8)

第2章互联网时代政治安全的内涵 (9)

2.1互联网的发展及其两面性 (9)

2.2政治安全的内涵 (12)

2.2.1国家主权:坚持“分毫必争” (13)

2.2.2公民权利:坚持“以人为本” (14)

2.2.3命运共同体:坚守“公平正义” (16)

第3章互联网发展对中国政治安全的影响 (19)

3.1互联网发展对中国政治安全的积极影响 (19)

3.1.1保障公民政治权利的实现,推进民主政治建设 (19)

3.1.2促进公民社会权利的发展,维护社会公平正义 (22)

3.2互联网发展对中国政治安全的消极影响 (24)

3.2.1存在技术鸿沟,国家主权安全受到冲击 (24)

3.2.2打破“网络边疆”,意识形态安全受到威胁 (26)

3.2.3危害公民权利,政府公信力下降 (28)

第4章互联网时代维护国家政治安全的应对策略 (32)

4.1维护国家主权安全,强化公民政治认同感 (32)

4.1.1完善核心技术,把控网络主权 (32)

4.1.2树立“网络边疆”意识,提高公民政治认同感 (33)

4.2加强网络空间管理,保障公民权利实现 (36)

4.2.1完善网络安全法规建设,确保社会公平正义 (36)

4.2.2加强国际合作,协调国内行动 (38)

结语 (41)

参考文献 (43)

致谢 (50)

攻读学位期间取得的科研成果 (51)
