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( C) 7. Sometimes I go to school foot. A. by B. in C. on D. with ( B) 8. He often helps his mother the housework. A. on B. with C. in D. by ( D) 9. There is a map China on the wall. A. with B. on C. in D. of ( C) 10. My mother can’t find her handbag. She is looking it now. A. at B. after C. for D. to ( B) 11. Count one ten. A. from, by B. from, to C. to, to D. at, to ( D) 12. It’s time supper. A. at B. in C. on D. for
at home ____ The dog is____ at 2 p.m..
地点介词 时间介词
with a knife. It is cutting a cake _____
in China
in Shenyang
in the house
For about five years.(for后接时间段)
2. before 在…之前,after在…之后 I go to school before 7:00 o’clock. I go to school after 7:00 o’clock.
3. from…to… 从…到…
We go to school from Monday to Friday.
in Guangzhou _____
in 2010 in January/ Feb./ March… _____ _____
二、请用适当的介词in,on,at, for 填空。 1.My birthday is ______ on the first day of February.
2. My mother always makes noodles______ at the weekend. in the evening. 3. In England many shops are closed_____ at six thirty. 4. I usually get up ______ 5. I usually go to swim _____ on Sunday morning. in November. 6. It starts ______ on May Day. 7. We are all ______ on holiday _____ 8. On the afternoon of May 5th, we visited the old man. in the tree. 9. Look at those birds_____ in English? 10. What's this ______ 11. Hurry up! We're late _______the class. for 12. They will leave forLondon
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
at noon 在午时
at night 在夜间
1.at six o’clock, at noon, at that time, at half past three, at mid-night… 表示点钟或具体一点时间用 at ______________________________ 2.on Sunday, on New Year’s Day, on March 21st, ,on the afternoon of May 1, on a cold morning 表示具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上用 on。 ___________________________________ 3. in the morning, in a week, in a month, in May, in 1998, in a century…
eg. The bird is___ in the tree.
eg. There are many appleson ___ the tree.
___the tree(多指树外之物)在树上 in
____ on the tree(多指树本身之物)在树上
IV.考考你自己 一、你能正确使用介词on/ at/ in吗?试试看!
三、选择填空,并把其字母编号写在括号内。 (C ) 1. I am sure you can catch up the others. A. at B. from C. with D. to ( D) 2.Is there a river the house? A. to B. of C. in D. behind (B ) 3. Mr Webb comes Britain. A. at B. from C. in D, to ( A) 4. My grandfather is standing the dog and the desk. A. between B. next to C. over D. for (B ) 5. It’s cold outside. Please your warm clothes. A. put in B. take off C. put on D. put up (C ) 6. They went to Shanghai______ a ship. A. by B. at C. on D. under
on holiday _____
on Monday morning ____ on November the first _____
on _____Tuesday
at home _____
at the weekend _____
at school _____
at 7:30 _____
at night _____
• 1.at the village , at home, at the corner of the street.. 表示小地方或某一点位置用at _______________________________________ • 2.in Shanghai , in the country, in Asia, in the
world, in space,in the room…
表示大地方或表示在 …… 里面用 in ______________________________________
under B
outside 在 …外面
outside the school gate 在学校大门口外边
I was born _____
on June 1,1992.
I was born on ___ Children’s Day.
I was born _____ June,1992. 好郁闷啊! 分不清 了耶!!! I was born _____ 1992.
1. 常用的还有: for , after,before,from…to…等。 eg. How long have you learned English?
leave for 17)出发到 _______________
19)讨论___________________ talk about
wait for 18)等待 _______________
20)赶上_____________________ catch up with
21)在……的顶端______________________________ at the top of
up 向上
The cat is climbing up the tree.
站起来 Stand up !
fall off/down from the tree
The man is
in front of
the bus.
The driver is in the front of the bus.
get out of… 22)下来_____________________ get/come down 23)从……出来__________________________ on 上车 get _______ off 下车 get _______ put on 穿上 _______ off 脱下 take _______ on 打开(开关)turn _______ turn off 关闭 _______
注意:在表示时间时,下列情况下一般不用介词。当词组里有: next,last,this,that,tomorrow,yesterday,every,all, the day before yesterday和the day after tomorrow时,前面 不用介词。 eg. 在明天只能说tomorrow,不能说in tomorrow
二、难点精析: 掌握下列介词短语
ask for agree with 1)同意_______________ 2)要求 _______________ be famous for be good at/do well in 4)因……而著名_______________ 3)擅长 _______________ be worried about 6)对……感兴趣 be interested in 5)担心_______________ _______________ 7)在……前面 _______________ in front of 8)在度假____________________ on holiday with 9)帮助做……help _______________ 10)上交(作业)__________________ hand in help yourself to 12)准时______________ on time 11)随便吃_______________ 13)从……到_______________ from…too… 14)在……之间_______________ between …and… look for 15)寻找_______________ be different to/from 16)与……不同_________________
表示表示周、月、季节、年大于一天的 时间用 in或泛指的上午、下午、晚上。 _________________________
onቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ于星期、某天,某一天的上午,下午,晚上 在3月8号 on March 8 在周日 on Sunday 在周日早上 in Sunday morning? × on Sunday morning