

人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5 知识点语法归纳总结

人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5 知识点语法归纳总结

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1.短语归纳2.典句必背3.用法集萃(1)What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm?暴风雨来的时候,那个女孩正在做什么?❖本句是特殊疑问句,时态是过去进行时,结构是“What+was/were+主语+doing+其他?”,用于询问某人在过去的某个时间正在做的事情。

例:—What were you doing at nine o’clock yesterday evening? 昨天晚上九点你正在做什么?—I was watching TV at home. 我正在家里看电视。

❖拓展:过去进行时描述过去某个时刻正在发生的动作或存在的状态,结构是“was/ were+动词的现在分词”。

例:When I got home my mother was cooking. 我到家的时候我妈妈正在做饭(2)My alarm didn’t go off... 我的闹钟没有响.....❖go off意为“(闹钟)发出响声”例:My alarm goes off at six every morning. 我的闹钟每天早晨6点响。

❖归纳:go off还有“离开”和“变质”之意。

例:Bob went off to get a drink. 鲍勃拿饮料去了。

Meat goes off quickly in hot weather. 热天肉变质得快。

❖拓展:go的短语(3)I called at seven and you didn’t pick up. 我七点打的电话,你没有接。

❖pick up意为“接电话”。

pick up有如下含义:(4)I called again at eight and you didn’t answer then either. 我八点再打来,你也没接。

人教版八年级下册英语复习 Unit 5 重要短语、句型、重点讲解及作文范文

人教版八年级下册英语复习 Unit 5 重要短语、句型、重点讲解及作文范文

人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 1重要短语、句型、重点讲解及作文范文Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?一、重点短语1. make sure 确信;确认2. beat against... 拍打… …3. fall asleep 进人梦乡;睡着4. die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失5. wake up 醒来6. in a mess 一团糟7. break.. . apart 使……分离8. in times of difficulty 在困难的时候9. at the time of 当.......时候10. go off (闹钟)发出响声11. take a hot shower 洗热水澡12. miss the bus 错过公交车13. pick up 接电话14. bring... together 使……靠拢15. in the area 在这个地区16. miss the event 错过这个事件17. by the side of the road 在路边18. the Animal Helpline 动物保护热线19. walk by 走路经过20. make one’s way to. •. 在某人去……的路上21. hear the news 听到这个消息22. important events in history历史上的重大事件23.for example 例如24.be killed 被杀害25.over 50 5 0多(岁)26. a school pupil 一个小学生27. on the radio 通过广播28.in silence 沉默;无声29. more recently 最近地;新近30.the World Trade Center 世贸中心31.take down 拆除;摧毁32.have meaning to 对……有意义33.remember doing sth. 记得做过某事34. at first 首先;最初第1页共6页二、重点句型1. — What were you doing at eight last night? — I was taking a shower. 我在洗淋浴。

Unit5-7+短语整理 人教版八年级英语下册

Unit5-7+短语整理 人教版八年级英语下册

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1. 在图书馆in the library2. 在……的时候at the time of3. 在车站at the bus stop4. 等公共汽车wait for the bus5. 走路回家walk home6. 在街上on the street7. 忙于找雨伞be busy looking for the umbrella8. 发出响声go off9. 醒来wake up10. 洗热水澡take a hot shower11. 雨下得很大rain heavily/hard12. 一场大雨a heavy rain13. 错过汽车miss the bus14. 在厨房in the kitchen15. 我的作业需要帮忙need help with my homework16. 大风strong winds17. 乌云black clouds18. 没有光亮no light19. 使天空黑暗make the sky dark20. 感觉像午夜feel like midnight21. 感觉像feel like22. 想要做某事feel like doing sth.23. 打牌play a card game24. 做某事过得快乐have fun doing25. 起先at first26. 第一次for the first time27. 入睡fall sleep28. 逐渐消失die down29. 灭绝die out30. 死于die of(内因)/ from(外因)31. 醒来wake up32. 倒下的树fallen tree33. 破烂的窗户broken window34. 破坏许多东西break many things apart35. 一团乱in a mess36. 把一块块木头钉在窗户上put pieces of wood over the windows37. 猛烈地敲打窗户beat heavily against the windows38. 打败某人beat sb.39. 赢得第一名win the first prize40. 太阳从东方升起the sun rises in the east41. 太阳从西方落下the sun goes down in the west42. 睡着的be/fall asleep43. 睡袋sleeping bag44. 感到困倦feel sleepy45. 去睡觉go to sleep46. 确保make sure47. 醒来wake up48. 把小区打扫干净clean up the neighborhood49. 互相帮助help each other50. 在困难时期in times of difficulty51. 昨晚8:00 at eight last night52. 在那时at that time53. 开始下大雨begin to rain heavily54. 打开收音机turn on the radio55. 车祸car accident56. 立刻,马上right away57. 看一看have/take a look58. 到达出事点get to the place of the accident59. 由于大雪because of the heavy snow60. 前一天晚上the night before61. 意识到错误realize mistakes62. 实现梦想realize one's dream=achieve=e true63. 费力前往make one's way to64. 迷路lose one's way65. 顺便说一下by the way66. 阻碍,挡路in one's way67. 在某种程度上in a way68. 在去..的路上on the way to..69. 在历史上in history70. 默默地in silence71. 讲实话tell the truth72. 事实上in fact73. 拆除,记录take down74. 做某事有麻烦have trouble (in) doing75. 如此..以致so...that…76. 在这一天on this day77. 通过收音机on the radio78. 新闻记者news reporter79. 剩下的the rest of80. 对某人来说有意义have meaning to sb.81. 保持沉默keep silentUnit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.1.《西游记》Journey to the west2. 从前once upon a time3. 尽量做某事try to do sth.4. 泥土和石头the earth and stone5. 忙于work on6. 擅长做某事be strong in doing7. 不擅长做某事be weak in doing8. 做完某事finish doing9. 被...感动be moved by10. 一...就.. as soon as11. 继续做continue to do12. 如此…以至于so...that...13. 派某人做某事send sb. to do14. 拿走take … away15. 使它发生make it happen16. 日复一日day after day17. 年复一年year after year18. 做某事的好方法a good way to do19. 一点儿+ad/adv a little/a bit /kind of20. 一点儿+不可数名词a bit of/a little21. 似乎做某事seem to do sth.22. 似乎是seem (to be)+adj/n23. 坚持不懈keep on doing24. 放弃give up doing25. 同意你的意见agree with you26. 代替instead of27. 找到许多另外的方法find many other ways28. 使某人想起remind sb. of29. 提醒某人做某事remind sb. to do30. 英国的学生pupils in England30. 叫猴子的一部新电视节目a new program called monkey31. 一个叫Tom的男孩a boy called Tom32. 第一次for the first time33. 他们中的多数most of them34. 对...陌生be new to35. 主要人物main character36. 事实上in fact37. 把…变成… turn...into…38. 瞒着某人藏起来hide sth. from sb.39. 使它变大或变小make it big or small40. 能够做be able to do41. 出版,发行,开花come out42. 对...感兴趣be interested in43. 对…产生兴趣take an interest in44. 帮助弱者help the weak45. 没时间做have no time to do46. 爱上fall in love with47. 向某人微笑smile at sb.48. 和某人结婚marry sb.49. 想办法去做think of ways to do50. 全世界all over the world51. 在镜子中打量某人自己look at oneself in a mirror52. 听起来很蠢sound stupid53. 给某人某物give sb. sth.54. 将一切据为他们自己所有keep everything for themselves55. 保守秘密keep sth. to oneself56. 试图欺骗皇帝try to cheat the emperor57. 在考试中作弊cheat in exam58. 为某人制作make sth for sb.= make sb. sth59. 童话故事fairy tale60. 在森林里in the forest61. 全家the whole family62. 计划做某事make a plan to do = plan to do63. 听见某人在做hear sb doing64. 安静be/keep quiet65. 在月色中in the moonlight66. 沿路along the way67. 迷路be/get lost68. 醒来wake up69. 出去赏月go out to look at the moon70. 找到出去的路find way out71. 面包屑pieces of bread72. 月亮升起the moon rises73. 在地上on the ground74. 不要紧never mind75. 一直走keep on walking76. 带领某人去某地lead sb. to…77. 引导某人做某事lead sb. to do78. 由...制成be made of(看得出原材料)be made from (看不出)79. 足够…做某事adj. enough to do sth.80. 改变计划change one's plan81. 穿上put onUnit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?1. 面积大约960万平方公里about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size2. 1192米深1192 meters deep=in depth3. 300米高300 meters high=in height4. 其他任何一座山any other mountain in the world5. 最大的沙漠the biggest desert6. 在所有的咸水湖中of all the salt lakes7. 长得多much longer8. 多长how long9. 有最多的人口have the biggest population10. 中国有多少人口What's the population of China?11. 在美国百分之五的人口是华人5% of the population in USA are Chinese.12. 中国的人口the population of China13. 人口多/少have a large/small population14. 与…一样大as big as…15. 不如not as/so...as16. 在亚洲in Asia17. 最古老的国家之一one of the oldest countries18. 随意做某事feel free to do sth.19. 最普遍的问题the most popular question20. 受...欢迎be popular with21. 古代的皇帝the ancient emperor22. 一个令人惊奇的结果an amazing result23. 对...惊讶be amazed at24. 正如你所见as you can see25. 据我所知as far as I know26. 保护…不受…(的伤害)protect...from/against…27. 人造物品man-made objects28 . …的一部分a part of…29. 最有名的部分the most famous part30. 世界上最危险的运动之一one of the world's most dangerous sports31. 处于危险中be in danger32. 登山运动mountain climbing33. 绵延中国的西南部run along the southwestern part of China34. 海拔最高rise the highest35. 厚厚的云覆盖山顶thick clouds cover the top36. 被...覆盖be covered with37. 雪会下得很大snow can fall hard38. 更严峻的困难even more serious difficulties39. 包括冰冻的天气条件和强烈的暴风雪include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms40. 身体状况好/坏be in good/bad condition41. 吸入空气take in air42. 到达山顶reach/get to the top43. 第一位成功的女子the first woman to succeed44. 成功做某事succeed in doing=be successful in doing45. 冒着生命的危险做某事risk life to do46. 主要原因之一one of the main reasons47. 面对困难in the face of difficulties48. 想要挑战他们自己want to challenge themselves49. 挑战某人做某事challenge sb. to do50. 登山者的精神the spirit of mountain climbers51. 决不放弃努力实现我们梦想never give up trying to achieve our dreams52. 实现梦想achieve=realize one's dream53. 自然的力量the force of nature54. 天生by nature55. 本质上in nature56. 逼迫某人做某事force sb to do57. 即使even though/if58. 最受欢迎的地方之一one of the most popular places59. 5000千克重weigh 5000 kilos60. …的重量the weight of61. 增/减肥put on/lose weight62. 双腿站立stand on two legs63. 出生时at birth64. 出生日期date of birth65. 活到20-30岁live up to 20 to 30 years old66. 由某人决定be up to sb.67. 一个成年熊猫an adult panda68. 更少的竹子less bamboo69. 黑白相间black and white70. 为某人准备某物prepare sth. for sb.71. 醒着的be awake72. 兴奋地跑向他们run over to them with excitement73. 走路撞到walk into74. 跌倒fall over75. 照顾得好take good care of76. 全世界around the world77. 中国的象征the symbol of China78. 另外300 只熊猫左右another 300 pandas or so=other 300 pandas or so79. 死于疾病die from illness80. 砍倒cut down81. 导致许多问题cause more problems82. 找到足够的吃的find enough to eat83. 教某人关于teach sb. about sth.84. 其他濒危野生动物other endangered wild animals85. 送某人去做send sb.to do86. 鲸的保护条例rules on whale protection。



八下Unit 5一、必背词汇1.rainstorm[ˈreɪnstɔ:m] n. 暴风雨2.alarm[əˈlɑ:m] n. 闹钟3.begin[bɪˈgɪn] v.开始4.heavily[ˈhevɪli] adv. 在很大程度上,大量地5.suddenly[ˈsʌdənli] adv. 突然地6.strange[streɪndʒ] adj. 奇怪的,陌生的,奇特的7.storm[stɔ:m] n. 暴风雨8.wind[waɪnd] n. 风9.light[laɪt] n. & v. 电灯;点燃10.report[riˈpɔ:t] v. 报导,报告11.area['eərɪə] n. 范围,地域,地区12.wood[wʊd] n. 树木,木材,树木13.window[ˈwindəu] n. 窗户14.flashlight['flæʃlaɪt] n. 手电筒,火炬15.match[mætʃ] n. 火柴,比赛16.beat[bi:t] v. 敲打,打败17.against[əˈgenst] prep. 反对,对…不利18.asleep[əˈsli:p] adj. 睡着的,熟睡的19.rise[raɪz] v. 上升,升起20.fallen[ˈfɔ:lən] adj. 倒下的,落下的21.apart[əˈpɑ:t] adv. 分离,分开22.icy[ˈaɪsɪ] adj. 覆盖着冰的,冰冷的23.kid[kɪd] n. & v. (口语)小孩;开玩笑,欺骗24.realize[ˈri:əlaɪz] v. 认识到,了解25.passage[ˈpæsɪdʒ] n. 章节,段落26.pupil[ˈpju:pl] n. 学生pletely[kəmˈpli:tli] adv. 彻底地,完全地28.shocked[ʃɔkt] adj. 震惊的,震撼的29.silence[ˈsaɪləns] n. 寂静,沉默30.recently[ˈri:sntli] adv. 不久前,近来,最近31.terrorist[ˈterərɪst] n. 恐怖分子32.date[deɪt] n. 日期,日子33.tower[ˈtaʊə(r)] n. 塔34.truth[tru:θ] n. 真相,真理,事实二、词组1.make sure2. 2.beat against...3.fall asleep4.die down5.wake up6.in a mess7.break...apart8.in times of difficulty9.at the time of10.go off11.hear the news12.important events in history13.for example 14.be killed15.in silence16.take down17.have meaning to18.remember doing sth.19.at first三、知识点汇总练习知识点汇总1.go off (铃声)响起2.miss意为“没赶上,错过” 意为“想念,思念”。



Unit 1 What’s the matter?一、重点短语1. have a fever 发烧2. have a cough 咳嗽3. have a toothache 牙疼4. talk too much 说得太多5. drink enough water 喝足够的水6. have a cold 受凉;感冒7. have a stomachache 胃疼8. have a sore back 背疼9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛10. lie down and rest躺下来休息11. hot tea with honey加蜂蜜的热茶12. see a dentist看牙医13. get an X-ray拍X光片14. take one’ s temperature量体温15. put some medicine on sth在……上面敷药16. feel very hot 感到很热17. sound like 听起来像18. all weekend 整个周末19. in the same way以同样的方式20. go to a doctor 看医生21. go along 沿着……走22. on the side of the road 在马路边23. shout for help 大声呼救24. without thinking twice 没有多想25. get off 下车26. have a heart problem 有心脏病27. to one’ s surprise 使……惊讶的28. thanks to 多亏了;由于29. in time及时30. save a life 挽救生命31. get into trouble 造成麻烦32. right away 立刻;马上33. because of 由于34. get out of 离开35. hurt oneself 受伤36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎37. fall down 摔倒38. feel sick 感到恶心39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血40. cut his knee割伤他的膝盖41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰42.have problems breathing呼吸困难43. mountain climbing登山运动44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事45. run out (of) 用完;用尽46. so that 以便47. so…that 如此……以至于……48. be in control of 掌管;管理49. in a difficult situation 在逆境屮50. keep on doing sth.坚持做某事51. make a decision做出决定52. take risks 冒险53. give up 放弃二、知识点解析1. What’s the matter? 怎么了?若是询问“某人怎么了?”要用“What’s the matter with sb.?”拓展:What’s the matter with sb.? 的同义句:What’s wrong with sb.? / What’s the trouble with sb.?2.疾病类短语:have a +疾病. e.g. :have a fever 发烧have a cold 感冒have a cough 咳嗽.have a +身体部位-ache. e.g.: have a headache 头痛have a toothache 牙痛.have a sore+身体部位. e.g.: have a sore throat咽喉痛have a sore back背痛例题:Mom, I____________.I’m sorry to hear that, dear. We must go to see the dentist right away.A. have a headacheB. have a stomachacheC. have a toothacheD. have a fever3. lie down 躺下V. 躺,平躺。

人教版英语八年级下册 unit 5 单元重点考点短语

人教版英语八年级下册 unit 5 单元重点考点短语

重点考点要点unit 51.what were you doing when the rainstorm came?= what were you doing at the time of the rainstorm?暴风雨来的时候你在做什么?2.wait for sb to do sth等待某人做某事3.pick up the phone=answer the phone 接电话4.take a shower洗澡5.at that time在那时6.so early 这么早7.so many times 这么多次8.need help with 需要在某方面的帮助9.need to help with 需要在某方面进行帮助10.what was the weather like?=how was the weather?天气怎么样?11.bring ---closer together把----距离拉的更近12.make the sky very dark 使天空变得非常黑暗13.with no light outside,it felt like midnight.外面没有光,感觉就像午夜时分14.feel like doing =would like to do 想要做某事15.a heavy rain 一场大雨16.rain heavily/hard 雨下得很大17.put pieces of wood over the windows放好几块木头在窗户上18.make sure 确保19.the flashlights and radio were working电筒和收音机在起作用20.begin to do /doing = start to do /doing开始做某事21.beat heavily against the windows重重的敲打窗户22.make/cook dinner 做晚饭23.play a card game 玩纸牌游戏24.it was hard to have fun with a serious stormhappening outside.外面正发生一场严重的暴风雨,很难玩的开心25.at fisrt起初26.fall asleep=go to sleep 入睡27.die down逐渐渐弱28.die-dying death dead29.wake up 醒来30.find the neighbood in a mess发现邻里附近很脏乱31.fallen trees倒塌的树木32.broken windows 破坏的窗户33.break------apart 把---破坏分离34.in times of difficulty 在困难时期35.take photoes/a photo 拍照36.play the piano 弹钢琴37.turn on /off/up/down开/关/调高/调低38.take the car to the car wash把车送到洗车处39.right away=at once立刻马上40.the car was in bad shape from hitting a tree车因为撞到树严重变形41.luc k→lucky/unlucky→luckily/unluckily42.the roads were icy because of the heavy snowfrom the night before因为前夜的大雪,路上结了冰43.the news of important events重要事情的新闻44.in American history 在美国历史上45.was killed 被害了46.over 50=more than 50 50 多47.on the radio 在收音机上48.be completely shocked 完全惊呆了49.the rest of ---剩余部分50.in silence=silently 默默无语地51.was taken down by terrorists被恐怖分子摧毁52.have meaning to =be meaningful to对—有意义53.remember to do 记得去做54.remember doing 记得做过55.look out of 从—往外看56.I was so scared that I could hardly thinkclearly after that我如此害怕以致于在那之后我几乎不能清楚地思考57.be shocked to do 做某事很震惊58.tell the truth 讲真相59.have trouble /problems/difficulty doing做某事有困难60.sth be important to sb 某物对某人重要61.walk home frome school 从学校走路回家62.in the sky 在天空中63.point it out 把它指出64.go away 走开65.as well 也66.in the sixth grade= in Grade Six 在六年级67.three times a week 一周三次68.call one’s name 点某人的名69.go up 走上去70.evryone sat still and listened每个人静静地坐着听着71.without any mistakes 没有一些错误72.call out the winner喊出胜利者73.stop breathing 停止呼吸74.stop to do 停下来去做75.so far 到目前为止76.decide to do 决定做某事77.get wet 打湿78.many people were caught in the rain许多人被淋雨了79.go off 闹钟响80.all of a sudden=suddenly 突然81.be busy doing =be busy with sth 忙于做某事82.look for 寻找83.see sb doing 看见某人在做某事84.see sb do 看见某人做了某事85.basketball competition 篮球比赛86.leave sth+地点把—忘在某地87.make one’s way to 前往/费力前进88.by the side of the road 在路旁边89.I know how much you love animals我知道你是多么地爱狗90.have to do 不得不做某事91.walk by 路过e sth to do sth 用某事做某事93.no wonder you didn’t make it to the competition难怪你没有成功的到比赛现场94.cheer sb on 为某人加油。



八年级下Unit1-5重点短语及句型集锦Unit 1短语:1. A be different from B,A与B不同(=There is a difference/Thgere are differences betweenA and B)2.agree with sb.同意某人(的意见)3.Are you kidding?你在骗我吗4.as a reporter作为一名记者5.at the weekends在周末6.be able to 能,会7.be fun to watch 看起来有趣8.be in college 在上大学9.be in different shapes形状不同10.besides(除…之外还,包括)与except =but(除…之外,不包括)e true 实现,成为现实puter programmer 电脑程序员13.fall in love with… 爱上……14.feel lonely感到孤独(比较:live alone/go along等)15.fewer people更少的人(fewer修饰名词复数,表示否定)16.fly to 飞往17.free time 空闲时间18.get bored 变得厌倦(get/become是连系动词,后跟形容词如tired/angry/excited等)19.go skating去滑冰(类似还有go hiking/fishing /skating/bike riding等)20.help (sb.) with sth. 帮助(某人)做某事21.help sb with sth/help sb do sth帮助某人做某事22.high school 高中23.hundreds of +复数,数百/几百(概数,类似还有thousands of; millions of)24.I don’t agree. = I disagree. 我不同意25.in 100 years 一百年后26.in ten years 10年后(in的时间短语用于将来时,提问用How soon)27.in the future在将来/在未来28.job interview 工作面试29.keep a pet pig 饲养一头宠物猪30.less free time更少的空闲时间(less修饰不可数名词,表示否定)31.live alone单独居住feel lonely感到孤独32.live to (be) … years old 活到……岁33.look smart显得精神/看起来聪明34.lots of/a lot of许多(修饰可数名词、不可数名词都可以)35.no longer=not… any longer不再(强调状态不再发生)36.no more=not …anymore 不再(强调多次发生的动作不再发生)37.on a piece of paper在一张纸上(注意paper/information/news/work/homework/housework等常考到的不可数名词)38.on vacation 度假39.one’s own … 某人自己的……40.over and over (again) 一次又一次,再三地41.see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事42.space station 太空站43.study at home on computers在家通过电脑学习44.talk about 谈论,谈及,谈到45.talk to/with 和……交谈46.the same as和……相同47.try to do sth. 试图做某事,尽力做某事48.twenty years from now 今后20年49.wake up 醒来wake sb. up表示“唤醒某人”句型:1.What do you think life will be like in 1000 years?2.There will be fewer trees、more buildings and less pollution in the future.3.Will kids go to school? No, they won’t/Yes, they will。



Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?一、词汇与短语◆重点单词A部分1.rainstorm 暴风雨n.2.window 窗;窗户n.3.alarm 闹钟n.4.flashlight 手电筒;火炬n. 5.suddenly 突然;忽然adv.6.match 火柴n.7.strange 奇特的;奇怪的adj.8.against 倚;碰;撞prep. 9.storm 暴风雨n.10.asleep 睡着adj.11.begin 开始v.12.rise 升起;增加;提高v.&n. 13.heavily 在很大程度上;大量地adv.14.fallen 倒下的;落下的adj. 15.wind 风n.16.apart 分离;分开adv. 17.light 光;光线;光亮n.18.icy 覆盖着冰的;冰冷的adj. 19.report 报道;公布v.&n.20.kid 开玩笑;欺骗v.21.area 地域;地区n.22.beat 敲打;打败v.23.wood 木;木头n.B部分1.realize 理解;领会;认识到v.2.recently 不久前;最近adv. 3.passage 章节;段落n.4.terrorist 恐怖主义者;恐怖分子n. 5.pupil 小学生n.6.date 日期;日子n. 7.completely 彻底地;完全地adv.8.tower 塔;塔楼n.9.shocked 惊愕的;受震惊的adj.10.truth 实情;事实n. 11.silence 沉默;缄默;无声n.◆重点短语A部分1.pick up ( = pick up the phone) 接电话2.have a look 看一看3.die down逐渐变弱;逐渐消失4.at the bus stop 在公交车站5.go off (闹钟)发出响声6.wait for 等待7.go to work 去上班8.rain heavily 下大雨9.see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事10.begin to do sth. 开始做某事11.take a shower 洗淋浴12.at that time 在那时13.so many times 这么多次14.feel like 感觉像15.need help with sth. 需要……(方面)帮助16.make sure 确保17.with no light outside 外面没有灯光18.help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事19.put……over……把……覆盖在……上20.make dinner 做晚饭21.put sth. on the table 把某物放在桌子上22.play a card game 玩纸牌游戏23.beat heavily against the windows 猛烈地敲打着窗户24.get to the place of the accident 到达事故发生地25.have fun 玩得愉快26.wake up 醒来;叫醒27.at first 起初;起先28.in times of difficulty 在困难时29.fall asleep 进入梦乡;睡着30.right away 立刻;马上31.go outside with sb. 和某人一起出去32.in the library 在图书馆33.find sth. in a mess 发现……一片狼藉34.on the street 在大街上35.break sth. apart 把某物折断(或分开)B部分1.in silence 沉默;无声2.in history 在历史上3.take down 拆除;往下拽;记录4.remember doing sth. 记得做过某事5.make one's way 前往;费力地前进6.look out of the window 向窗外看7.the school basketball competition 学校篮球比赛8.have meaning to sb.对某人来说有意义9.walk by 从旁边经过10.point sth. out to sb. 向某人指岀某物11.by the side of the road 在路边12.go away 离开13.at the event 在这次活动中14.as well 也15.be late for 迟到16.call out the winner 宣布获胜者17.on this day 在这一天18.10 minutes ago 十分钟前19.on April 4 在四月四日20.be completely shocked 完全震惊了21.an important event 一次重要的事件22.the rest of 其余的23.on the radio 在收音机上◆重点句子A部分1.What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?昨天暴风雨来临时人们正在干什么?2.when the rain storm suddenly came, what were you doing?当暴风雨突然来临时,你正在做什么?3.So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.因此在你睡觉的时候,我打电话给珍妮,她帮了我。

人教版八年级下册英语:Unit 5重点短语、重点句型、交际用语、语法、书面表达范文汇编(全面!)

人教版八年级下册英语:Unit 5重点短语、重点句型、交际用语、语法、书面表达范文汇编(全面!)

人教版八年级下册英语:Unit 5重点短语、重点句型、交际用语、语法、书面表达范文汇编Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came.一、重点短语Section A 1a-1c1.在暴风雨来临的时候at the time of the rainstorm2.in the library 在图书馆3.在街上on the street4.at the bus stop 在公共汽车站,在公交车站(上车交钱)5.做作业do one’s homework6.打篮球play basketball7.去上班go to work8.wait for 等候9.等候公交车wait for the bus10.walk home= go home on foot 走路回家11.当......的时候at the time of=whenSection A 2a-2d12.寻找look for13.发出响声go off14.睡醒,唤醒wake up15.洗热水澡take a hot shower16.跑向公交车站run to the bus stop17.错过了公交车miss the bus18.昨天早上yesterday morning19.昨天晚上last night20.pick up(pick up the phone)=answer the phone接电话21.in the kitchen在厨房22.take/have a shower 洗澡23.at that time在那时24.so many +复数名词,这/那么多25.那么多次so many timesSection A 3a-3c26.外面狂风大作strong winds outside27.black clouds 乌云28.with no light outside=without light outside外面没有光29.feel like好像,感觉30.就像午夜/半夜feel like midnight31.一场猛烈的暴风雨a heavy rainstorm32.in the area 在这个地区(区域)33.in the neighborhood 在附近(街区/住宿区/小区/社区)34.pieces of wood 木片/块35.make sure 确保;查明;确信;确认;保证36.put ...on the table 把..放在桌子上37.做晚饭make dinner38.beat against... 拍打,敲打……39.after dinner 晚饭后40.玩纸牌游戏play a card game41.玩得开心have fun with...42.at first =first of all=at the beginning首先43.finally =at last=in the end最后44.fall asleep睡着/进入梦乡45.go to bed/\go to sleep 去睡觉46.逐渐减弱/消失die down47.(声音、光线等)渐弱/渐无die away48.消失,灭绝die out49.死于die of/from50.go outside with sb. 和某人出去51.in a mess 一团糟,乱七八糟,乱糟糟的,一片混乱52.fallen trees 倒下的树53.破碎的窗玻璃,损坏的窗户broken windows54.everywhere=here and there到处55.clean up打扫干净,清扫56.break (many things) apart把(许多东西)弄得支离破碎,破坏了许多东西57.把......破坏/折断/分开break...apart58.bring sb. closer together把......的距离/关系拉近;使……靠拢/更亲密了59.bring families and neighbors closer together让家人和邻居们的关系更紧密了60.in times of difficulty 在困难的时候/期Section A Grammar Focus-4c61.昨天晚上八点钟at eight last night62.下大雨/暴雨rain heavily/hard63.帮助某人做某事help sb. with64.拍照take photos65.买饮料buy a drink66.弹钢琴play the piano67.离开家,离开房子leave the house68.打开收音机turn on the radio69.打开turn on70.关闭turn off71.take the car to the car wash开车到洗车场72.听收音机listen to the radio73.广播新闻radio news74.谈论talk about75.一起车祸a car accident76.出去go out77.立刻,马上right away=at once=right now=in a minute78.看,看一看have a look=look at79.到达事故现场get to the place of the accident80.到达 get to=reach=arrive in(大地点)/at(小地点)81.严重变形in a bad shape82.hitting a tree由于撞到树上83.因为,由于because of84.前一天晚上下大雪the heavy snow from the before night85.上个星期天早上 last Sunday morning86.那你呢?What/How about you?87.你在开玩笑吧,你简直是在开玩笑。



人教版八年级下册英语Unit5知识点总结一、语法知识点A部分知识点1.过去进行时❶ 去进行时的构成及用法过去进行时由“助动词(was/were)+动词-ing”构成,表示在过去某一时刻或某一时间段正在进行的动作。


如:then, at that time, at this time yesterday, at 10:00 yesterday morning, all right以及when/while从句等。

❶ 表示过去时间点正在进行的动作。


eg:She was reading a book at this time yesterday.昨天这个时候她正在看书。

(过去时间点正在进行的动作)I was watching TV then. 那时我正在看电视。

(过去时间点正在进行的动作)❶ 表示过去的某个阶段持续的动作。

eg:She was watching TV when the phone rang.(过去一段时间内持续的动作)她正在看电视,这时电话铃响了。

❶ 表示这一阶段反复发生的动作,带有褒贬感情色彩。


eg:The girl was always changing her mind.(过去反复发生的动作,带有感情色彩)这个女孩老是改变主意。

❶ 表示过去动作延迟到以后发生,即用过去进行表过去将来,此类动词是一些位置的变化的词。

eg:He told me that he was going soon.(过去进行表将来)他告诉我他很快就要走了。

❶ 过去进行时的一般疑问句句型:Be(Was/Were)+主语+现在分词+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+be(was/were).否定回答:No,主语+be(was/were) not.eg:--Were you cooking at that time? 那时,你在做饭吗?--Yes, I were.是的。

人教版英语八年级下册Unit5 易混淆单词和短语辨析

人教版英语八年级下册Unit5 易混淆单词和短语辨析

Unit5 易混淆单词和短语辨析1. 辨析:either, also, too例:Are you going to work, too? 你也去上班吗?I didn’t come to school yesterday, either. 我昨天也没来学校。

She speaks English and she also writes English.她说英语,也写英语。

考题链接(1). I don’t like this shirt, and I don’t like that one, ____.A. tooB. eitherC. alsoD. as well【答案】B【解析】四个选项均有“也”的意思,但是能够用在否定句中的只有either。

(2). My friend ________ speaks English.A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. yet【答案】B【解析】too“也”,一般用于肯定句和疑问句,常位于句末,其前常有逗号;also“也”,用于肯定句和疑问句,位于实义动词之前,助动词、连系动词be或情态动词之后;either“也”,只用于否定句,位于句末,一般用逗号隔开;yet“尚;还”。


2. 辨析:while, when例:While he was walking in the park, the accident happened.当他在公园里散步时,意外发生了。

The sun was rising when we got to the top of mountain.当我们到达山顶时,太阳正在升起。

◆考题链接(1).I was very exciting _______ I heard the news that the high-speed rail would be built from Guangzhou to Xiamen.A. afterB. whenC. untilD. while【答案】B【解析】句意:当我听说从广州到厦门将要修高铁时,非常激动。



Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1.What were you doing at the time of the rainstorm?= What were you doing when the rainstorm came?当暴风雨来的时候你正在做什么2. read in the library 在图书馆阅读3. wait for the bust at the bus stop在车站等车4.be busy doing sth忙于做某事be busy with sth 忙于某事5. look for 寻找(强调寻找的动作)find 找到(强调结果)6. see/hear sb doing sth看见/听见某人正在做某事see/hear sb do sth看见/听见某人经常做某事see-saw-seen hear-heard-heard7.go off 闹钟发出响声go-went-gone8. wake up 醒来wake-woke-woken9.take a hot shower 洗热水澡take-took-taken10. eat some warm food 吃一些热的食物eat-ate-eaten11.begin to do sth开始做某事begin-began-begun12. rain heavily 下大雨(副修动)a heavy rain 一场大雨(形修名)13. run to the bus stop 跑去车站run-ran-run14. miss想念,错过15.pick up the phone=answer the phone接电话16.either 也(否定,句末)too也(肯定,句末)17. bring people closer together使人与人之间的关系更亲近18. strong winds 强风blow out吹灭blow-blew-blownblack clouds 乌云19.make sb +形容词make-made-made make sb do sth使某人做某事20.with 有(表伴随)without 没有21. feel like 感觉像feel-felt-feltsound like 听起来像look like 看起来像22.a piece of news一则新闻(不可数)a piece of advice一则建议(不可数)23. in the area在这个区域24. neighbor 邻居in the neighborhood 在街区25. a piece of wood 一块木头pieces of wood (复)26. make sure to do 确保去做make sure that+句子27.make dinner 做晚餐make-made-made28.beat heavily against the windows猛烈地敲打在窗户上29.try to do sth 试图努力做某事30.play a card game 玩纸牌游戏31. have fun (doing sth/with sth )=have a good time(doing sth/with sth)=enjoy oneself 玩的开心,过的愉快32.at first 起初,首先33. finally=at last=in the end 最终,最后34. fall asleep 睡着,入睡fall-fell-fallen35. die down 逐渐变弱,逐渐消失die-died-died-dying 死去,死亡(动词)dead 死亡的(形)death死亡(名)36. about=around 大约37. When he woke up, the sun was rising.当他醒来的时候,太阳正在升起rise-rose-risen升起,增加,提高38.in a mess一团糟39.fallen trees倒下的树broken windows破碎的窗户40.join sb 加入某人take part in参加(活动)41.help each other 相互帮助42.take photos 照相take-took-taken43.play the piano 弹钢琴44. leave 离开,落下leave-left-left45.turn on the radio 打开收音机turn off 关闭turn up 声音调大turn down 声音调小46.take the car to the car wash47. listen to the radio 听收音机48. talk about a car accident 谈论一场车祸49. right away=at once=right now立刻,马上50. have a look (at) 看一看51. get to sp 到达某地get-got-gotten/gotarrive in+大地点arrive at +小地点reach直接加地点52. You are kidding!你开玩笑吧53.be late for school/work上学/班迟到54. by the side of the road 在路边55.walk by 走过,经过56.make one’s way to前往,费力的前进on one’s way to 在去某地的路上57. remember to do sth 记得去做某事(未做)remember doing sth 记得做过某事58.important events 重要的大事件59. for example 例如60. on具体某一天/星期in 月份/季节at 具体时刻61. 被动语态:be+动词的过去分词Dr. Martin Luther King was killed.The World Trade Center was taken down by terrorist. 世贸中心被恐怖分子撞毁take down拆除,往下拽,记录take –took-taken62. Although/though虽然,尽管,不能和but同时连用63. over=more than 超过64. reporter 记者report报道65. die-died-died-dying 死亡(动词)death 死亡(名词)dead 死亡的(形容词)66. completely shocked彻底地震惊,十分震惊67. finish doing sth 完成做某事68. the rest of 剩余的,剩下的69. in silence 沉默,无声(名词)keep silent 保持沉默的(形容词)70. have meaning to ..对…有意义the meaning of …的含义mean 意味着71.never 从不(否定)hardly 几乎不72. realize 意识到realize one’s dream =make one’s dream come true实现某人的梦想73. I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly.我是如此的害怕以至于几乎不能清晰的思考74. tell the truth 说实话true 真实的75. have trouble/difficulty/priblems (in) doing sth 做某事有困难76.a strange light 一束奇怪的光79. as well 也80. a piano competition 钢琴赛81.call out the winner喊出获胜者win-won-won赢得获胜(后接奖品,比赛,战争等名词)beat-beat-beaten 敲打,击打;击败打败(某人)82. stop doing sth 停止正在做的某事stop to do sth 停下来去做另外一件事语法:1.过去进行时:过去正在做某事(常与at the time of, at that time, at…,when, while在具体语境中运用)结构:was/were+动词ing否定句:在was/were后加not一般疑问句:将was/were提前肯定回答:Yes, sb was/were.否定回答:No, sb wasn’t/weren’t.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词加一般疑问句注:主语一三人称用was,其他用were2.when 和while区别while用于进行时单词:暴风雨分离,分开闹钟看一看闹钟发出响声覆盖冰的,冰冷的开始开玩笑,欺骗很大成程度上,大量的理解领会,认识到突然,忽然前往,费力的前进接电话章节,段落奇特的,奇怪的学生风彻底地,完全地光,光线,光亮惊愕的,震惊的报道,公布沉默,缄默,无声地域,地区沉默,无声木,木头不久前,最近窗,窗户拆除,往拽,记录手电筒,火炬恐怖分子火柴日期,日子敲打,打败塔,塔楼倚,碰,撞实情,事实起初,首先Animal Helpline睡着World Trade Center 进入梦乡,睡着逐渐变弱,逐渐消失升起,增加,提高倒下的,落下的。

人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5单元语法知识点总结

人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5单元语法知识点总结

人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5单元语法知识点总结本单元重点短语的具体用法1. make sure:确信;确认。

例如:Make sure you lock the door before you leave.(在你离开之前,确保锁好门。

)2. beat against...:拍打……。

例如:The waves were beating against the shore.(波浪拍打着海岸。

)3. fall asleep:进入梦乡;睡着。

例如:I fell asleep while watching TV.(我看电视时睡着了。

)4. die down:逐渐变弱;逐渐消失。

例如:The fire died down after the firefighters arrived.(消防员到达后,火逐渐熄灭了。

)5. wake up:醒来。

例如:I usually wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning.(我通常早上7 点醒来。

)6. in a mess:一团糟。

例如:The room is in a mess.(房间一团糟。

)7. break...apart:使……分离。

例如:The police had to break the door apart to enter the room.(警察不得不破门而入进入房间。

)8. in times of difficulty:在困难的时候。

例如:We should help each other in times of difficulty.(在困难的时候,我们应该互相帮助。

)9. at the time of:当……时候。

例如:At the time of the accident, I was sleeping.(在事故发生时,我正在睡觉。

)10. go off:(闹钟)发出响声。

例如:The alarm went off at 6 o'clock.(闹钟在6 点钟响了。

人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 5 基础知识单词、短语、句子默写版可直接打印

人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 5 基础知识单词、短语、句子默写版可直接打印

Unit 5 What were you doing when therainstorm came?A部分重点单词★ 根据汉语提示默写出下列单词1.暴风雨n.2.闹钟n.3.突然;忽然adv.4.奇特的;奇怪的adj.5.暴风雨n. (简写)6.开始v.7.在很大程度上;大量地adv.8.风n.9.光;光线;光亮n.10.报道;公布v.&n.11.地域;地区n.12.木;木头n.13.窗;窗户n.14.手电筒;火炬n.15.火柴n.16.倚;碰;撞prep.17.睡着adj.18.升起;增加;提高v.&n.19.倒下的;落下的adj.20.分离;分开adv.21.覆盖着冰的;冰冷的adj.22.开玩笑;欺骗v.23.敲打;打败v.★ 写出下列单词变形1.sudden(形容词)⎼______________(副词)2.begin⎼______________(过去式)⎼______________(现在分词)3.strange (形容词)⎼______________(名词)4.sleep (名词)⎼______________(形容词)5.beat⎼______________(过去式)6.ice (名词)⎼______________(形容词)7.fall⎼______________(过去式)⎼______________(过去分词)8.go⎼______________ (过去式)9.heavy (形容词)⎼______________(副词)10.wind (名词)⎼______________(形容词)11.match⎼______________(复数)12.rise⎼______________(过去式)13.kid⎼______________(现在分词)重点短词★ 根据汉语提示默写出下列短语1.接电话2.看一看3.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失4.(闹钟)发出响声5.去上班6.等待7.在公交车站8.下大雨9.看见某人正在做某事10.洗淋浴11.这么多次12.需要……(方面)帮助13.开始做某事14.在那时15.感觉像16.确保17.外面没有灯光18.把…覆盖在…上19.把某物放在桌子上20.猛烈地敲打着窗户21.玩得愉快22.起初;起先23.进入梦乡;睡着24.和某人一起出去25.发现……一片狼藉26.把某物折断(或分开)27.帮助某人做某事28.做晚饭29.玩纸牌游戏30.到达事故发生地31.醒来;叫醒32.在困难时33.立刻;马上34.在图书馆35.在大街上重点句子★ 根据汉语提示默写出下列句子1.昨天暴风雨来临时人们正在干什么?2.当暴风雨突然来临时,你正在做什么?3.因此在你睡觉的时候,我打电话给珍妮,她帮了我。

人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5 重点单词、短语、句型

人教版八年级下册英语Unit 5 重点单词、短语、句型

Unit 5重点单词、短语、句型上信中学陈道锋长郡中学史李东单词alarm n.闹钟begin v.开始heavily adv.大量地suddenly adv.突然;忽然strange adj.奇特的;奇怪的storm n.暴风雨wind n.风light n.光;光线;光亮report v.& n.报道;公布area n.地域;地区wood n.木;木头window n.窗;窗户match n.火柴beat v.敲打;打败against prep.倚;碰;撞asleep adj.睡着rise v.& n.升起;增加;提高fallen adj.倒下的;落下的icy adj.覆盖着冰的;冰冷的kid v.开玩笑;欺骗rainstorm n.暴风雨flashlight n.手电筒;火炬apart adv.分离;分开realize v.理解;领会;认识到passage n.章节;段落pupil n.学生completely adv.彻底地;完全地silence n.沉默;缄默;无声recently adv.不久前;最近date n.日期;日子tower n.塔;塔楼truth n.实情;事实shocked adj.惊愕的;受震惊的terrorist n.恐怖主义者;恐怖分子短语go off(闹钟)发出响声at first起初;起先pick up接电话fall asleep进入梦乡;睡着die down逐渐变弱;逐渐消失have a look 看一看make one's way前往;费力地前进in silence沉默;无声take down拆除;往下拽;记录句型1.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.当雨水开始猛烈地拍打窗户时本正在帮他的妈妈做晚餐。



⼈教版英语⼋年级下册Unit5-6单元短语归纳unit5知识点总结1. at the time of the rainstorm 在暴风⾬的时候2. at the bus stop 在公共汽车站3. wait for the bus 等公共汽车4. walk home 步⾏回家5. pick up 拾起,捡起;接电话(answer the phone)6. so many 那么多7. need help with 在某⽅⾯需要帮助8.①make +sb/sth+adj ②make+sb/sth+do sth ③make+sb/sth+动词过去分词④ make+sb+n.9. make sure 确保,务必①make sure to do ②make sure+从句③make sure+that从句10.make dinner=cook dinner 做饭11.beat strongly against sth 猛烈击打;be against sth/doing sth 反对某事/做某事play against 与‥‥⽐赛12.have fun with sth‥‥事开⼼13. at first 开始,⾸先14. when the wind was dying down 当风减弱时15. fall asleep 睡着16. in a mess ⼀团糟17. fallen trees 倒下的树⽊18. broken windows 破碎的窗户19.clean up 彻底打扫20. break sth apart 把某物折断或分开;break apart 解体21.bring sb closer together 使⼈们的关系更密切22. in times of difficulty 在困难的时候23.right away ⽴刻,马上。

同义词:at once, right now, in a minute/moment24.talk about 谈论25.have a look 看⼀看, have a look at=look at 意为:看什么⼀看26.the car be in a bad shape from hitting a tree 汽车撞到树上严重变形27.because of 由于,因为28.the night before 前⼀晚29.by the side of the road 在路边30.wait for sb to do sth 等候某⼈做某事31.walk by ⾛过,路过32.make one’s way to 向…⾛去33.the news of …的消息34.on the radio在收⾳机上,在⼴播中35.in silence 默默地,沉默地。



一、名词1.暴风雨2.闹钟3.风4.光线5.报道6.地区7.木头8.窗户9.手电筒10.火柴11.章节12.学生13.恐怖分子14.日期15.塔二、短语速记1.迄今为止2.敲打着窗户2.be busy (work)3.j oin them (fight) against the illness4.have trouble (learn) a language5.see a boy (come) near6.remember (读过) the book7.remember (关上) the window8.time (take) a lesson四、同义句改写1.When the rain started, I was still making my way to school.When the rain started, I was still to school.3.淋湿4.(闹钟)响了 2.Kate was having dinner when the rainstorm started.5.突然6.路边7.难怪……8.成功到达……9.等某人路过10.给你助威11.拿起、端起12.拉近了人们的关系13.感觉像14.确保15.入睡16.折断、粉碎17.……的消息18.历史上19.……的剩余部分20.默默地21.推倒22.逐渐变弱23.对……意义深刻24.撞击世贸中心25.说实话26.惨遭杀害27.把水溅我一身28.把手机落到了学校29.几乎一个小时30.在5 月12 日31.彻底震惊32.我永远忘不了的一天33.清晰地思考34.一动不动地坐着35.落叶36.倾盆大雨37.变得冰冷38.稍近些时候三、动词结构1.keep (try)Kate was having dinner .3.All of us got wet in the rain.All of us in the rain.4.Terrorists took down the World Trade Center.The World Trade Center by terrorists. 5.G ina wants to get into a good senior high school, too. Gina wants to get into a good senior high school .五、时态训练1.At the time of the competition, my brother(wait) for his friend at home.2.When he arrived, everyone (begin) to cheer.3.Bruce (hit) the tree when he (walk) home yesterday.4.She always (get) up early when she was young.5.The teacher (give) his lesson when Frank(open)the door of the classroom.六、用with/without 结构完成下列句子。

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人教版英语八年级下unit5短语知识点总结八年级英语下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 单元总结一、必背短语Section A 部分1.在…的时候at the time of2.(闹钟)响铃go off3.接(电话)pick up4. 进人梦乡;睡着fall asleep5.拍打…beat against …6. 确信;确认make sure7. 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失die down8. 醒来wake up9. 一团糟in a mess10. 使……分离break … apart11.错过公交车miss the bus12.洗热水澡take a hot showerSection B 部分1. 在路边by the side of the road2. 走路经过walk by3. 在某人去……的路上make one’s way to …4.历史上的重大事件important events in history5. 沉默;无声in silence6.最近地;新近more recently7.拆除;摧毁take down8.对……有意义have meaning to9. 记得做过某事remember doing sth.10. 首先;最初at first11.实话说to tell the truth12.其余的,其他的the rest of【教材内容解析】Section A1.What were you doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? (P. 33)此句是过去进行时,表示过去某个时候正在发生的动作,结构为:was/were doing sth.。

They were watching TV at nine oclock last night.2.My alarm didnt go off so...(P. 34)go off此处表示发出响声,还可以表示爆炸、离开、停止运转。

The alarm went off at 7 a.m. yesterday.A bomb went off just now.Danny decided go off on his own.3.I called at seven and you didnt pick up. (P. 34)pick up意为接电话,相当于answer the phone。

Why dont you pick up/answer the phone?【拓展】pick up还可以表示捡起、开车接送。

My pen is under your desk. Can you pick it up for me?Can you pick me up at the station?4. I called again at eight and you didnt answer then either. (P.34)also, too, as well与either都可以表示也,但是用法不同。

5.With no light outside, it felt like midnight. (P. 35)(1) with这里用作介词,表示伴随状况,意为由于、因为。

With John away, theres more room in the house.(2) feel like表示感觉像、感觉好似The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt like hours.【拓展】feel like还可以表示想要,后接动词时,用doing 的形式。

He didnt feel like going swimming.6.Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. (P. 35)make sure意为确保,后接of短语或者that从句。

I tried to make sure of the problem.Make sure that no one finds out about it.7.She also put some candles and matches on the table. (P.35)match此处用作名词,表示火柴。

Dont let your children play with matches.【拓展】match用作名词还可以表示比赛,用作动词,意为般配。

Our team won the football game.This pair of shoes match your dress well.8.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. (P. 35)(1) beat用作动词,表示敲打、拍打,还可以表示战胜、打败,宾语是对手。

They beat drums to cheer up the players.I beat her at swimming yesterday.(2) against用作介词,表示碰、撞。

The rain beat against the windows.【拓展】against用作介词,还可以表示倚着、靠着或者反对。

The worker put the leader against the wall.We were rowing against the current.They are against building a factory here.9.He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m. (P. 35)die down意为逐渐变弱、逐渐消失。

The wind finally died down.10.When he woke up, the sun was rising. (P. 35)(1) wake sb. up意为把某人唤醒,wake up意为醒来。

His mother often wakes him up at 6:00 in the morning.I usually wake up at 6:30.(2) rise(rose, risen, rising)不及物动词,意为升起,上升辨析:rise与raise11. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together. (P. 35)break...apart意为把……折断;把……分开。

The strong wind broke the branches apart.Rumors broke the two close friends apart.Section B1.Kate realized her bag was still at home. (P. 37)realize用作及物动词,意为理解、领会、意识到,后接名词、代词或者从句作宾语。

He didnt realize his mistake.The man laughed when he realized what happened.2.When the school basketball competition started, Kate wasstill making her way to school. (P. 38)make ones way to意为前往……,后接表示地点的名词。

We slowly made our way to the mall through the crowd.3.Robert Allen is now over 50, but he was a school pupil at that time. (P. 38)over此处表示超过、多于,相当于more than。

She stayed in Lagos for over a month.He is over sixty.4.We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news on the radio. (P. 38)on the radio表示通过广播、通过录音机,on此处用作介词,表示借助、以某种方式,后常接表示媒介的名词。

She is watching the show on TV.5.My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence. (P. 38)(1) rest此处表示其余的部分,the rest of意为其余的……、其它的……,后可接可数名词后者不可数名词,当在句中作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与of后面的名词保持一致,若of后面的名词是单数可数名词或者不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式;若of后面的名词是可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数形式。

The rest of the money is on the desk.Some of the students are reading in the classroom and the rest of them are on the playground.(2) in silence意为沉默、无声。

She stood by the window in silence for a long time.6.More recently, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. (P. 38)(1) recently用作副词,意为近来、最近,常与现在完成时连用。

Have you called your mother recently?(2) take down意为拆除、拆掉,还可以表示写下、记下。

Could you please help me take down this tent?I forgot to take down his telephone number.7.I didnt believe him at first, but then I looked out of the window and realized that it was true. (P. 38)at first意为起初、起先,多用于句首或者句尾,暗示与后来的动作或者情况不同,与at last最后、最终相对。
