





















英文病例写作范文阅读带翻译病例写作是医生日常的工作,英文的病例该如何写呢,接下来店铺为大家整理英文病例写作范文,希望对你有帮助哦!英文病例写作范文篇一Name: Joe Bloggs (姓名:乔。

伯劳格斯)Date: 1st January 2000(日期:2000年1月1日)Time: 0720(时间:7时20分)Place: A&E(地点:事故与急诊登记处)Age: 47 years(年龄:47岁)Sex: male(性别:男)Occupation: HGV(heavy goods vehicle ) driver(职业:大型货运卡车司机)PC(presenting complaint)(主诉)4-hour crushing retrosternal chest pain(胸骨后压榨性疼痛4小时)HPC(history of presenting complaint)(现病史)Onset: 4 hours of “crushing tight” retrosternal chest pain, radiating to neck and both arms, gradual onset over 5-10 minutes.(起病特征:胸骨后压榨性疼痛4小时,向颈与双臂放射,5-10分钟内渐起病)Duration: persistent since onset(间期:发病起持续至今)Severe: “worst pain ever had”(严重性:“从未痛得如此厉害过)Relieving/exacerbating factors缓解与恶化因素GTN(glyceryl trinitrate) provided no relief although normally relieves pain in minutes, no other relieving/exacerbating factors.(硝酸甘油平时能在数分钟内缓解疼痛,但本次无效,无其它缓解和恶化因素。



002.答案要点:根据该病人的临床表现、 体格检查及辅助检查结果,可临床诊断为 胸壁结核并寒性脓肿。由于低热、盗汗, 血沉为40mn/h,应先行抗结核治疗并反复 行脓肿穿刺,抽尽脓液并注入抗结核药。 如效果不好,可待病人一般情况改善及血 沉恢复正常后行手术治疗,术中彻底切除 病变组织,清洗后用肌瓣充填残腔,并撒 人青、链霉素粉预防感染。术毕加压包扎。
004.答案要点 临床诊断为左肺上叶周围型肺癌(T2NoMo, IB期)。治疗:择期行左肺上叶切除+肺门纵隔淋巴结清扫。
术后根据病理结果、细胞类型、淋巴结有无镜下转移等决 定是否进行术后化疗。
005.男性50岁,因咳嗽、咳痰带血丝一月 余人院。吸烟30年,每日30支。体检:一般
情况好,颈及锁骨上均未触及淋巴结,心 肺腹未见异常。x线胸片示左肺门肿块阴影。
试述初步诊断,提出进一步特殊检查项目 (至少四项)及其目的?
005.答案要点 初步诊断为左肺中心型肺癌。根据是:① 痰中带血丝;②长期大量吸烟史;③左肺门阴影。但需要 与其他也可引起痰中带血丝的疾病如肺结核、肺炎、支扩 等相鉴别。还应怀疑造成肺部阴影的疾病如纵隔肿瘤。进 一步检查包括:①胸部CT检查:观察肺门肿块阴影的影像 学特点,左肺支气管有无狭窄阻塞,进一步寻找支持中心 型肺癌诊断和排除其他可疑疾病的根据,并可明确纵隔淋 巴结转移,为肺癌的分期和手术方式选择提供证据;②纤 维支气管镜检查:可能直接观察到左侧支气管内的肿瘤, 并可能取活检或刷片以进一步明确诊断和肿瘤细胞类型, 并根据肿瘤的部位、侵犯支气管的范围指导手术方式的选 择;③骨扫描:排除全身肿瘤骨转移;④有条件时可行全 身PET检查协助明确肿块的性质和全身有无转移;⑤肺功 能检查:为手术选择作准备。
003.答案要点:病人起病咳嗽、右侧胸痛。x线 检查显示右侧胸膜炎并少量胸腔积液。胸膜腔穿 刺抽出淡黄色清亮液体。初步诊断为结核性胸膜 炎并胸腔积液。可作结核菌素试验、血沉、胸液 涂片找抗酸杆菌或胸液作结核菌培养等以明确诊 断。突发高热、呼吸困难、白细胞增高、胸腔积 液增多应怀疑合并细菌感染。若胸腔穿刺抽得脓 液,可诊断为脓胸。观察脓液外观性状,质地稀 稠,有无臭味,并作涂片镜检、细菌培养及药物 敏感试验,选用敏感抗生素。反复行胸膜腔穿刺 排净脓液;同时给予全身支持治疗,如补充营养 和维生素、注意水和电解质平衡、纠正贫血等。



She underwent biopsy of the sinonasal mass which revealed prominent sclerosis and dense lymphoplasma cell infiltrate. Immunohistochemistry revealed IgG4 plasma cells constituting 50% of IgG plasma cells and IgG4-positive cells >30/hpf, which was consistent with IgG4-related sclerosing disease.

Figure 1 (A-C): A 15-year-old female with recurrent epistaxis and nasal obstruction. MRI T2W axial and coronal (A, B) images revealed T2-hypointense soft tissue thickening (arrows in A, B) involving the nasal septum and right lateral nasal wall, with extension into the right maxillary sinus (arrow in B). Post-contrast T1W axial image (C) revealed heterogeneous enhancement of lesion (arrow) with central hypoenhancing regions. Biopsy with immunohistochemistry of lesion and raised serum IgG4 levels confirmed the diagnosis of IgG4-related disease



胸外科疑难病例讨论记录范文模板英文回答:Case Presentation:The patient is a 45-year-old male with a history of smoking and chronic cough. He presents with a 6-month history of worsening shortness of breath and chest pain. Imaging studies revealed a large mass in the right lung, and a biopsy confirmed the presence of non-small cell lung cancer. The patient's case is complicated by the involvement of nearby lymph nodes and possible metastasis to the liver.Discussion:The management of this patient's lung cancer is challenging due to the advanced stage of the disease and the presence of metastasis. Surgical resection may not be feasible, and the patient may require a combination ofchemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. The involvement of a multidisciplinary team including medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and thoracic surgeonsis essential for developing an individualized treatment plan.English response:The patient's smoking history and the advanced stage of the disease pose significant challenges in the managementof his lung cancer. It will be important to discuss the potential benefits and risks of different treatment options with the patient and involve him in shared decision-making. Palliative care should also be considered to address the patient's symptoms and improve his quality of life.中文回答:患者的吸烟史和疾病的晚期阶段使他的肺癌治疗面临重大挑战。



Guangdong medical college
• • • •
原发病处理. 疼痛 清理呼吸道 引流不畅:观察引流管情况,2 h/ 次。将插管与皮 肤接触处做好标记,观察是否有引流管脱出,每2 h 挤压胸腔引流管1 次。发现引流液突然减少,要查 找原因,将引流管的位置进行调整,或嘱病人变换体 位,确定其是否通畅。
Guangdong medical college
• 胸相(正侧位):左侧肺组织压缩,向肺
门处回缩,但上肺在二三肋间处与胸壁有 粘连存在,肺组织压缩约90%。(见下图)
Guangdong medical college
• 2006-10-01胸相(正侧位)
Guangdong medical college
Guangdong medical college
Guangdong medical college
• 1、该患者最可能的诊断是什么? • 2、需要通过哪些方法来明确诊断? • 3、对该患者需要进行哪种手术? • 4、该手术的手术指征是什么?
Guangdong medical college
Guangdong medical college
F G Guangdong medical college
Thoracic closed drainage
Guangdong medical college
• (1)24小时引流量少于50ml。 • • (2)X线检查肺膨胀良好。 • • (3)停止漏气24小时以后。



谈论医患关系英语作文范文Title: The Dynamics of Doctor-Patient Relationship。

The doctor-patient relationship is a cornerstone of healthcare, playing a pivotal role in the delivery of effective medical care and patient satisfaction. This relationship is built on trust, communication, and mutual respect, essential elements that contribute to positive health outcomes. In this essay, we delve into the various aspects of the doctor-patient relationship, its significance, challenges, and ways to strengthen it.Firstly, effective communication is paramount in fostering a healthy doctor-patient relationship. Doctors need to communicate medical information clearly and understandably, while patients should feel comfortable expressing their concerns and asking questions. Open communication facilitates shared decision-making, where patients are actively involved in their healthcare decisions, leading to better treatment adherence andoutcomes.Furthermore, trust forms the foundation of the doctor-patient relationship. Patients entrust their health and well-being to their doctors, relying on their expertise and judgment. Trust is cultivated through consistent, compassionate care, respect for patient autonomy, and maintaining confidentiality. Conversely, breaches of trust, such as medical errors or lack of empathy, can erode the patient's confidence and strain the relationship.Empathy is another crucial component of the doctor-patient relationship. Empathetic doctors can understand and resonate with their patients' emotions, offering not just medical expertise but also emotional support. Patients appreciate doctors who demonstrate empathy, feeling heard and understood amidst their health concerns. Empathy humanizes the medical encounter, fostering a connectionthat transcends the purely clinical aspect.However, despite its importance, the doctor-patient relationship faces various challenges in today's healthcarelandscape. Time constraints, administrative burdens, and the pressure to meet productivity targets can hinder meaningful doctor-patient interactions. In some cases, cultural and language barriers may impede effective communication, leading to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction.Moreover, the hierarchical nature of the healthcare system can create power imbalances within the doctor-patient relationship. Patients may feel intimidated or hesitant to question their doctors, fearing repercussions or being perceived as difficult. Addressing these power differentials requires a shift towards patient-centered care, where patients are viewed as partners in their healthcare journey rather than passive recipients of medical advice.To strengthen the doctor-patient relationship, healthcare organizations can implement various strategies. Investing in communication skills training for healthcare providers can enhance their ability to engage with patients effectively. Emphasizing patient-centered care in medicaleducation curriculum can instill values of empathy, communication, and shared decision-making in future healthcare professionals.Additionally, integrating technology into healthcare delivery can facilitate communication and streamline administrative processes, allowing more time for meaningful patient interactions. Telemedicine platforms, patient portals, and electronic health records can improve accessto care, enhance communication between doctors and patients, and empower patients to take an active role in managingtheir health.In conclusion, the doctor-patient relationship is a cornerstone of healthcare, characterized by trust, communication, and empathy. Cultivating a positive relationship enhances patient satisfaction, improves treatment adherence, and ultimately leads to better health outcomes. Despite facing challenges, concerted efforts to prioritize communication, trust, and patient-centered care can strengthen the doctor-patient relationship and enrich the healthcare experience for all involved.。



Chest CT
Chest CT
2015.05.28 Pelvic CT
2015.05.28 Pelvic CT
Present diagnosis
Rectal cancer after resection pT4aN0M0 ⅡB
Liver metastasis
Harbin Medical University cancer hospital
Present history
Tumor marker after Chemotherapy
Before chemotherapy
CEA:0-5ng/ml CA199:0-37U/ml
1 course later
Harbin Medical University cancer hospital
Present history
• 2015-06-01 Left liver lesion biopsy: Poorly differentiated carcinoma, consistent with metastatic carcinoma.
Harbin Medical University cancer hospital
Present history
Clinical diagnosis based on the pathologic
stage Rectal adenocarcinoma after resection pT4aN0M0 ⅡB
Harbin Medical University cancer hospital



(全面版)焦虑症患者病例分析英文版Comprehensive Analysis of Anxiety Disorder PatientsIn this document, we will conduct a detailed examination of case studies involving individuals diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are a common mental health condition characterized by feelings of worry, fear, and unease. These individuals may experience a range of symptoms, including excessive sweating, trembling, and rapid heartbeat.Patient APatient A is a 35-year-old female who presents with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. She reports feeling anxious most days and worries excessively about her job performance and relationships. Patient A also experiences physical symptoms such as muscle tension and difficulty concentrating. Treatment may involve cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication to manage her symptoms.Patient BPatient B is a 25-year-old male diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. He avoids social situations and experiences intense fear of being judged by others. Patient B may benefit from exposure therapy to gradually confront his fears and build confidence in social settings. Additionally, support groups and relaxation techniques may help him manage his anxiety.Patient CPatient C is a 45-year-old male with panic disorder. He suffers from recurrent panic attacks characterized by sudden feelings of terror and physical symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath. Patient C may benefit from therapy to address the underlying causes of his panic attacks and learn coping strategies to reduce their frequency and intensity.ConclusionAnxiety disorders can have a significant impact on individuals' daily lives and functioning. It is essential to provide comprehensive treatment that addresses both the psychological and physical aspects ofthe condition. By understanding the unique needs of each patient and tailoring interventions accordingly, healthcare professionals can help individuals with anxiety disorders lead fulfilling and productive lives.。



肺部感染死亡讨论范文英文回答:Introduction:Lung infection, also known as pneumonia, is a serious respiratory condition that can lead to death if not treated promptly and effectively. In this discussion, I will explore the causes, symptoms, and potential complications of lung infection, as well as the importance of seeking medical attention and preventive measures.Causes:There are various causes of lung infection, including bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. The most common cause is the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, followed by viruses such as influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Fungal infections are less common but can occur in individuals with weakened immune systems.Symptoms:The symptoms of lung infection can vary depending on the severity and type of infection. Common symptoms include cough with phlegm, fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and confusion in elderly individuals. In severe cases, the infection can lead to respiratory failure and sepsis.Complications:If left untreated, lung infection can lead to serious complications and even death. Some of the potential complications include lung abscess, pleural effusion, sepsis, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). These complications can further compromise lung function and overall health.Importance of seeking medical attention:Seeking timely medical attention is crucial in managinglung infections. Antibiotics are often prescribed for bacterial infections, while antiviral medications may be used for viral infections. Prompt treatment can help prevent the infection from spreading and reduce the risk of complications.Preventive measures:Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to lung infections. Here are some preventive measures that can reduce the risk:1. Vaccinations: Getting vaccinated against bacterial and viral infections, such as pneumococcal and influenza vaccines, can significantly lower the chances of developing lung infections.2. Hand hygiene: Regularly washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizers can help prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.3. Avoiding close contact: Avoiding close contact withindividuals who have respiratory infections, such as cold or flu, can reduce the risk of contracting the infection.4. Healthy lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep, can boost the immune system and reduce the susceptibility to infections.Conclusion:In conclusion, lung infections can be life-threatening if not properly managed. It is important to be aware of the causes, symptoms, and complications of lung infections and to seek medical attention promptly. By taking preventive measures and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can reduce the risk of developing lung infections and protect our respiratory health.中文回答:引言:肺部感染,也称为肺炎,是一种严重的呼吸道疾病,如果不及时有效地治疗,可能会导致死亡。



气胸病例护理讨论记录范文英文回答:As a nurse, I have encountered several cases of pneumothorax, also known as collapsed lung, during my nursing career. One memorable case involved a young male patient who had a spontaneous pneumothorax while playing basketball.Upon arrival at the emergency department, the patient was in significant distress and experiencing severe shortness of breath. As his primary nurse, my initial priority was to assess his vital signs and oxygen saturation levels. I quickly realized that his oxygen saturation was dangerously low, indicating a life-threatening situation.I immediately initiated emergency interventions, including administering high-flow oxygen through a non-rebreather mask and establishing intravenous access forfluid resuscitation. I also assisted the physician in performing a needle decompression to relieve the pressurein the pleural space and allow the lung to re-expand.Throughout the process, I maintained constant communication with the patient, explaining each step and reassuring him that we were doing everything possible to alleviate his symptoms. I used comforting phrases such as "Hang in there, buddy" and "You're in good hands" to provide emotional support and build trust with the patient.After the initial interventions, the patient's condition stabilized, and he was transferred to the intensive care unit for further monitoring and management. During his stay, I continued to closely monitor his vital signs, administer medications as prescribed, and provide emotional support. I also educated him and his family about pneumothorax, its causes, and preventive measures.Overall, caring for this patient with pneumothorax required a combination of clinical skills, effective communication, and empathy. It was crucial to provideimmediate interventions to stabilize his condition, while also addressing his emotional needs. By employing apatient-centered approach and using language that was both informative and comforting, I was able to establish a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship and contribute tohis recovery.中文回答:作为一名护士,在我的护理生涯中,我遇到过几例气胸(也称为肺部塌陷)的病例。



阑尾炎术前讨论记录书写范文英文回答:Preoperative Discussion Record for Appendicitis.Patient: Mr. Smith.Surgeon: Dr. Johnson.Date: October 10, 2022。

Dr. Johnson: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I understand you are scheduled for an appendectomy. Before we proceed, I would like to discuss the procedure and address any concerns you may have. Is that alright?Mr. Smith: Yes, Doctor. I have been experiencing severe abdominal pain, and my doctor suspects it might be appendicitis. I am ready to have the surgery if it is necessary.Dr. Johnson: Thank you for your cooperation. Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a small pouch-like organ located in the lower right side of the abdomen. The most common treatment for appendicitis is surgical removal of the appendix, known as an appendectomy.Mr. Smith: I have heard that appendicitis can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Is that true?Dr. Johnson: Yes, that's correct. If left untreated, an inflamed appendix can rupture, leading to a serious infection called peritonitis. This can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.Mr. Smith: What are the risks associated with the surgery?Dr. Johnson: Like any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. The most common risks include infection, bleeding, damage to surrounding organs, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, these complications arerare and can be managed effectively.Mr. Smith: How long will the surgery take, and what is the recovery time?Dr. Johnson: The surgery usually takes about 1-2 hours. After the procedure, you will need to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation and pain management. The total recovery time can vary, but most patients can resume their normal activities within 2-3 weeks.Mr. Smith: Will there be any dietary restrictions or lifestyle changes after the surgery?Dr. Johnson: Initially, you will be on a clear liquid diet, gradually progressing to solid foods as tolerated. It is important to avoid strenuous activities and heavylifting for a few weeks to allow proper healing. We will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.中文回答:和中文回答:阑尾炎术前讨论记录。


在紧急情况下,经食管超声心动图是明确 近端主动脉夹层的有效方法,因此也能确 诊合并休克的A型主动脉夹层患者。
TOE 的优缺点
limit :in visualising the distal ascending, transverse, and descending aortas in a substantial number of patients. Conversely, transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) is highly diagnostic in aortic dissection encompassing the entire thoracic aorta.
针对年轻患者的分析显示年轻患者(<40岁) 较少有高血压病史(仅占34%)及动脉粥样 硬化史(1%),更可能有马凡氏综合征史、 主动脉瓣双瓣畸形和(或)主动脉手术史。
Upon admission in the emergent setting transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is useful in identifying proximal aortic dissection and thus to diagnose type A dissection in patients with shock.
治疗的目的是减低心肌收缩力、减慢左 室收缩速度(dv/dt)和外周动脉压。治 疗目标是使收缩压控制在100~120mmHg, 心率60~75次/min。
②补充血容量:有出血入心包:胸腔或主动脉破 裂者输血。
③降压:对合并有高血压的病人(可采用普奈洛 尔5mg静脉间歇给药与硝普钠静滴25~50μg/min, 调节滴速,使血压降低至临床治疗指标。)血压 下降后疼痛明显减轻或消失是夹层分离停止扩展 的临床指征。(其它药物如维拉帕米、硝苯地平、 卡托普利及哌唑嗪等均可选择。利血平0.5~2mg 每4~6小时肌注也有效。此外,也可用拉贝洛尔, 它具有α及β双重阻滞作用,且可静脉滴注或口 服。)



Hormonal factors
Hormonal imbalances or
exposure to certain
hormones can influence the development of breast diseases.
Family history
Having a family history of breast
Nipple discharge, nipple
inversion, breast tenderness
Hale Waihona Puke SymptomsGreen or black discharge, breast lump near the nipple
Clinical exam, imaging tests, ductogram, biopsy
Radiation Therapy
External beam
Delivers radiation from outside the body to the cancer
Internal radiation
Involves placing radioactive
material directly into or near the
Stage II
Tumor 2-5 cm Lymph node involvement
Stage III
Tumor > 5 cm Spread to nearby tissues
● 04
第4章 Treatment Options for Breast Cancer
Surgery is a common treatment option for breast cancer. There are two main types of surgical procedures: Lumpectomy, which involves removing the tumor and a small margin of surrounding tissue, and Mastectomy, which involves removing the entire breast. Another procedure, Sentinel lymph node biopsy, is often performed to determine if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.
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