












二、信号完整性分析技术的研究内容1. 信号时序分析信号时序分析是指对信号的时序进行分析,以确定信号的传输速度和传输延迟。



2. 匹配阻抗分析匹配阻抗分析是指在电路板中对电路的阻抗进行匹配,以确保信号的传输效果。



3. 串扰分析串扰分析是指在电路板中对信号的串扰进行分析,以确认信号之间的互相干扰程度。



4. 功率供电分析功率供电分析是指在电路板中对电路供电的稳定性进行分析,以确保稳定的供电。



5. 地面反弹分析地面反弹分析是指在电路板中对地面反弹现象进行分析,以确认信号的传输质量。




第9章高速信号的电源完整性分析在电路设计中,设计好一个高质量的高速PCB板,应该从信号完整性(SI——Signal Integrity)和电源完整性(PI——Power Integrity )两个方面来考虑。




9.1 电源完整性概述虽然电子设计的发展已经有相当长的历史,但是高速信号是近些年才开始面对的问题,随之出现的电源完整性的许多概念并不为大多数人所了解。


9.1.1 电源完整性的相关概念电源完整性(Power Integrity) :是指系统供电电源在经过一定的传输网络后在指定器件端口相对该器件对工作电源要求的符合程度。



同步开关噪声(Simultaneous Switch Noise,简称SSN):是指当器件处于开关状态,产生瞬间变化的电流(di/dt),在经过回流途径上存在的电感时,形成交流压降,从而引起噪声,所以也称为Δi噪声。










本文将分析信号完整性(Signal Integrity,简称SI)问题在电路设计中的重要性,并介绍一些常见的SI问题及其解决方法。




二、常见的SI问题1. 反射干扰反射干扰是信号在多个传输线之间传播时产生的一种干扰现象。



2. 串扰干扰串扰干扰是指在多条相邻的传输线上,信号在传输过程中相互影响的现象。


3. 时钟抖动时钟抖动是指时钟信号在传输中出现的随机时移现象。


三、SI问题的解决方法1. 降低阻抗不匹配为了解决反射干扰问题,可以通过匹配传输线和负载的阻抗,减少信号反射。


2. 优化布线方式在设计电路板布线时,应尽量避免传输线之间的相互干扰。


3. 使用信号完整性分析工具借助信号完整性分析工具,可以模拟和分析信号在电路板上的传输过程,帮助发现潜在的SI问题。


4. 时钟校准技术对于时钟抖动问题,可以采用时钟校准技术来调整时钟信号的时序和相位。














图1 背板信号传输的系统示意图在本文的以下内容中,将会看到由于这些支撑与互联结构对电信号的传输呈现出一定的频率选择性衰减,从而会使设计者产生对信号完整性及电源完整性的担忧。



2 版图完整性问题、分析与设计上述背板系统中的硬件支撑及无源互联结构基本上都在一种层叠平板结构上实现。









































1001010…图1 背板信号传输的系统示意图在本文的以下内容中,将会看到由于这些支撑与互联结构对电信号的传输呈现出一定的频率选择性衰减,从而会使设计者产生对信号完整性及电源完整性的担忧。



2 版图完整性问题、分析与设计上述背板系统中的硬件支撑及无源互联结构基本上都在一种层叠平板结构上实现。


















An Integrated Signal and Power Integrity Analysis for Signal Traces Through the Parallel Planes Using Hybrid Finite-Element andFinite-Difference Time-Domain TechniquesWei-Da Guo,Guang-Hwa Shiue,Chien-Min Lin,Member,IEEE,and Ruey-Beei Wu,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—This paper presents a numerical approach that com-bines the?nite-element time-domain(FETD)method and the?-nite-difference time-domain(FDTD)method to model and ana-lyze the two-dimensional electromagnetic problem concerned in the simultaneous switching noise(SSN)induced by adjacent signal traces through the coupled-via parallel-plate structures.Applying FETD for the region having the source excitation inside and FDTD for the remaining regions preserves the advantages of both FETD ?exibility and FDTD ef?ciency.By further including the transmis-sion-line simulation,the signal integrity and power integrity is-sues can be resolved at the same time.Furthermore,the numer-ical results demonstrate which kind of signal allocation between the planes can achieve the best noise cancellation.Finally,a com-parison with the measurement data validates the proposed hybrid techniques.Index Terms—Differential signaling,?nite-element and?nite-difference time-domain(FETD/FDTD)methods,power integrity (PI),signal integrity(SI),simultaneous switching noise(SSN), transient analysis.I.I NTRODUCTIONI N RECENT years,considerable attention has been devotedto time-domain numerical techniques to analyze the tran-sient responses of electromagnetic problems.The?nite-differ-ence time-domain(FDTD)method proposed by Yee in1966 [1]has become the most well-known technique becauseit pro-vides a lot of attractive advantages:direct and explicit time-marching scheme,high numerical accuracy with a second-order discretization error,stability condition,easy programming,and minimum computational complexity[2].However,it is often in-ef?cient and/or inaccurate to use only the FDTD method to dealManuscript received March3,2006;revised November6,2006.This work was supported in part by the National Science Council,Republic of China,under Grant NSC91-2213-E-002-109,by the Ministry of Education under Grant93B-40053,and by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company under Grant 93-FS-B072.W.-D.Guo,G.-H.Shiue,and R.-B.Wu are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communication Engi-neering,National Taiwan University,10617Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.(e-mail: f92942062@.tw;d9*******@.tw;rbwu@.tw).C.-M.Lin is with the Packaging Core Competence Department,Advanced Assembly Division,Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company,Ltd., 30077Taiwan,R.O.C.(e-mail:chienmin_lin@).Color versions of one or more of the?gures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identi?er10.1109/TADVP.2007.901595with some speci?c structures.Hybrid techniques,which com-bine the desirable features of the FDTD and other numerical schemes,are therefore being developed to improve the simula-tion capability in solving many realistic problems.First,the FDTD(2,4)method with a second-order accuracy in time and a fourth-order accuracy in space was incorporated to tackle the subgridding scheme[3]and a modi?ed form was employed to characterize the electrically large structures with extremely low-phase error[4].Second,the integration with the time-domain method of moments was performed to analyze the complex geometries comprising the arbitrary thin-wire and inhomogeneous dielectric structures[5],[6].Third,the?exible ?nite-element time-domain(FETD)method was introduced locally for the simulation of structures with curved surfaces [6]–[8].With the advent of high-speed digital era,the simultaneous switching noise(SSN)on the dc power bus in the multilayer printed circuit boards(PCBs)causes paramount concern in the signal integrity and power integrity(SI/PI)along with the electromagnetic interference(EMI).One potential excitation mechanism of this high-frequency noise is from the signal traces which change layers through the via transition[9]–[11]. In the past,the transmission-line theory and the two-dimen-sional(2-D)FDTD method were combined successfully to deal with the parallel-plate structures having single-ended via transition[12],[13].Recently,the differential signaling has become a common wiring approach for high-speed digital system designs in bene?t of the higher noise immunity and EMI reduction.Nevertheless,for the real layout constraints,the common-mode currents may be generated from various imbal-ances in the circuits,such as the driver-phase skew,termination diversity,signal-path asymmetries,etc.Both the differential-and common-mode currents can in?uence the dc power bus, resulting in the SSN propagating within the planes.While applying the traditional method to manage this case,it will need a much?ner FDTD mesh to accurately distinguish the close signals transitioning through the planes.Such action not only causesthe unnecessary waste of computer memory but also takes more simulation time.In order to improve the computa-tional ef?ciency,this paperincorporates theFETD method to the small region with two or more signal transitions inside,while the other regions still remain with the coarser FDTD grids.While the telegrapher’sequations of coupled transmission lines are further introduced to the hybrid FETD/FDTD techniques,the1521-3323/$25.00?2007IEEEFig.1.A typical four-layer differential-via structure.SI/PI co-analysis for differential tracesthrough the planes can be accomplished as demonstrated in Section II and the numerical results are shown in Section III.For a group of signal vias,the proposed techniques can also tell which kind of signal alloca-tion to achieve the best performance as presented in Section III. Section IV thus correlates the measurement results and their comparisons,followed by brief conclusions in Section V.II.S IMULATION M ETHODOLOGYA typical differential-via structure in a four-layer board is il-lustrated in Fig.1.Along the signal-?ow path,the whole struc-ture is divided into three parts:the coupled traces,the cou-pled-via discontinuities,and the parallel plates.This section will present how the hybrid techniques integrate the three parts to proceed with the SI/PI co-simulation.At last,the stability consideration and computational complexity of the hybrid tech-niques are discussed as well.A.Circuit SolverWith reference to Fig.2,if the even/odd mode propagation coef?cients and characteristic impedances are given,it is recog-nized that the coupled traces can be modeled by the equivalent ladder circuits,and the lossy effects can be well approxi-mated with the average values of individual and over the frequency range of interest.The transient signal propagation is thus characterized by thetelegrapher’s equations with the cen-tral-difference discretization both in time and space domains. The approach to predict the signal propagation through the cou-pled-via discontinuities is similar to that through the coupled traces except for the difference of model-extracting method.To characterize the coupled-via discontinuities as depicted in Fig.1,the structure can be separatedinto three segments:the via between the two solid planes,and the via above(and under)the upper(and lower)plane.Since the time delay of signals through eachsegment is much less than the rising edge of signal,the cou-pled-via structure can be transformed into a SPICE passive net-work sketched in Fig.3by full-wave simulation[14],where represents the voltage of SSN induced by the current on Ls2. By linking the extracted circuit models of coupled-via disconti-nuities,both the top-and bottom-layer traces together with suit-able driving sources and load terminations,the transient wave-forms throughout the interconnects are then characterized and can be used for the SI analyses.Fig. 2.The k th element of equivalent circuit model of coupled transmission lines.Fig.3.Equivalent circuit model of coupled-via structures.B.Plane SolverAs for the parallel-plate structure,because the separation between two solid planes is much smaller than the equiva-lent wavelength of signals,the electromagnetic?eld inside is supposed to be uniform along the vertical direction.Thence, the2-D numerical technique can be applied to characterize the SSN effects while the FETD method is set for the small region covering the signal transitions and the FDTD scheme is constructed in the most regular regions.The FETD algorithm[15]starts from Maxwell’s two curl-equations and the vector equation is obtained byin(1)where and denote the electric?eld and current density,re-spectively,in the lossless volume.Applying the weak-form formulation or the Galerkin’s procedure to(1)gives(2) where is the weighting function that can be arbitrarily de-?ned.In use of the?nite-element method,the variational for-mula is thus discretized to implement the later numerical com-putation.In the present case,the linear basis function is chosen to express the?elds inside eachtriangular element.After taking the volume integration over each element and assembling theFig.4.FEM mesh in the source region and its interface with the FDTD grids.integrals from all the elements,(2)can be simpli?ed into a ma-trix form of(3) where and are the coef?cient vectors of electric?eld andcurrent density,respectively.In addition,the values of all matrix elements in(3)are formulated asand(4)For the mesh pro?le as illustrated in Fig.4,the FETD re-gion is chosen to be a block replacing the prime FDTD region into which the via transition penetrates.This is an initial value problem in time with the previous and being the initial conditions aswell as the boundary value problem in space with being Dirichlet boundary condition.To solve the initial value problem in(3),the time derivative of electric?eld is approximated by the central difference,that is(5) As for the electric?eld in the second term of(3),it can be for-mulated by the Newmark–Beta scheme[16]to be read as(6)Fig.5.Simulation?owchart of hybrid FETD and FDTD techniques to perform the SI/PI co-analysis for the coupled-via structure as illustrated in Fig.1.Moreover,in the triangular elements with the via transition inside,the term in(3)as expressed bygrid area(7)is needed to serve asthe excitation of the parallel-plate structure with the current shown in Fig.3through the via structure between Layers2and3.It is worth noting that the via transition should be placed on the bary-center of each triangular element to achieve better accuracy.The hand-over schemefor the?eld in the overlapped region of FDTD and FETD can be depicted in Fig.5.Given the boundary ?eld calculated by the FDTD algorithm atthe time step ,all the?eld in the FETD region can be acquired through the matrix solution of(3).The SSN voltage in Fig.3 is then determined by(8)where is the averaging value of nodal electric-?elds enclosing the via transition,and is the separation between the planes.Once and at the FETD mesh nodes(node 1,2,3,and4in Fig.4)become available,together with the ob-tained voltage/current values from the circuit solver andelectric/ magnetic?elds of the FDTD region,the hybrid time-marching scheme for the next time step can be implemented and so on.As a result of using the integrated schemes,the current, arisen from the input signal through the via structure,can have the ability to induce the voltage noise propagating within theFig. 6.Physical dimensions of coupled traces and via pair.(a)Top view (Unit=mil).(b)Side view.parallel plates.After a period of time,owing to the plane reso-nanceand return path,the induced noise will causethe unwanted voltage?uctuation on the coupled traces by the presence of the ?nite SSN voltage.C.Stability Problem and Computational ComplexityIt is not dif?cult to manifest that the FETD algorithm is un-conditionally stable.Substituting(5),(6),and(7)into(3)yields the following difference equation:(9) where(10) the superscript“1”denotes the matrix inverse and the factorgrid areaWithout loss of generality,the time-stepping scheme in(9)is restated as(11)Applying the-transform technique to(11)and solving for ,de?ned as the-transform of,the result reads(12)along with the dependent,de?ned as the-transform of in(11).Regardless of the time step,it can be easily de-duced that the poles of(12)is just on the unit circle of plane. This proves that the time marching by(9)is absolutely stable. The stability condition of these hybrid techniques is thus gov-erned by the transmission-line theory and the FDTD algorithm in the regular region,which are already known.Concerning the computational complexity,because of the consistence of simulation engines used for the circuit solver,parison of differential-mode S-parameters from HFSS simulation and the equivalent circuit as depicted in Fig.3.the only work is to compare the ef?ciency of the hybrid FETD/FDTD technique with that of the traditional FDTD method.In use of only the FDTD scheme for cell discretization, the grid size should be chosen at most the spacing between the adjacent via transitions.However,as depicted in Fig.4, the hybrid techniques adopting the FEM mesh for the source region exhibit the great talent to segment the whole plane with the coarser FDTD grids.Owing to the sparsity of the FETD matrices in(4)and the much smaller number of unknowns,the computational time needed for each FETD operation can be negligible.The complexity of the hybrid techniques is therefore dominated by the FDTD divisions in the regular region.It is ev-ident that the total simulation time of the2-D FDTD algorithm is,where denotes the number of the division in the whole space[7].The coarser the FDTD grids,the smaller the number of the grids and unknowns.Hence,the present hybrid techniques can preserve high accuracy without sacri?cing the computational ef?ciency.III.N UMERICAL R ESULTSA.Coupled via TransitionConsider the geometry in Fig.1but with the coupled-via structure being2cm away from the center of parallel plates, which is set as the origin of the–plane.The size of the plane is1010cm and the separation between the two metal planes is20mils(0.05cm).The physical dimensions of the coupled traces and via pair are depicted in Fig.6.After extracting the -parameters from the full-wave simulation,their equivalent circuit models of coupled-via structures as sketched in Fig.3 can be thus constructed.In Fig.7,it is found that the differen-tial-mode-parameters of equivalent circuit models are in good agreement with those from the HFSS simulations[14]and the extracted parasitic values of inductive and capacitive lumped-el-ements are also listed in the attached table.The top-layer coupled traces are driven by differential Gaussian pulses with the rise time of100ps and voltage ampli-tude of2V while the traces are terminated with the matchedFig.8.Simulated TDR waveforms on the positive-signaling trace.(a)Late-time response for the signal skew of10ps excluding the multire?ection phe-nomenon of common-mode signal.(b)Late-time response while no signal skew.TABLE IC OMPARISON OF C OMPUTATIONAL C OMPLEXITY B ETWEEN THE T WO M ETHODS(T IME D URATION=2:5ns)(CPU:Intel P43.0GHz,RAM:2GHz)loads at their ends.For simplicity,the transmission-line losses are not considered in the following analyses for the transient responses.By using the same mesh discretization as illustrated in Fig.4,the resultant segmentation for the plane con?nes the ?exible FEM mesh in the vicinity of via transitions and the coarser FDTD division with the size of22mm elsewhere. Employing the perfect magnetic conductors for boundary conditions of the parallel-plate structure,the simulated TDR waveforms with and without the signal skew on the posi-tive-signaling trace are presented in Fig.8.In comparison of hybrid FETD/FDTD techniques and?ner FDTD method with center-to-center via spacing(0.66mm)as the grid size,the simulation results are in good agreement.Note that the voltage ?uctuation before900ps is induced by the incident signal passing through the coupled-via structure while the occurrence of late-time response is accompanied by the parallel-plate resonances.As for the signal skew of10ps,the voltage level of late-time response is found to be greater than that of no signal skew because of the existence of common-mode currents produced by the timing skew of differential signals.Moreover,the simulation time of both methods should be pro-portional to the number of grids multiplied by the total time steps.As the physical time duration is?xed,the decreaseof the FDTD division size would correspond to the increase of the total Fig.9.Parallel plane with three current sources inside.(a)3-D view.(b)Zoom-in view of three sources on the plane in(a).(c).FETD/FDTD mesh discretization.Fig.10.Simulated noise waveforms at the preallocated probe in reference to Fig.9(a).time steps.Consequently,asshown in Table I,it is demonstrated that the computational ef?ciency of the hybrid techniques is in-deed much better than that of the?ner FDTD method.B.Multiple Source TransitionIn addition to a pair of differential-via structure,there can be a group of signaling vias distributed in the various regions of planes.Considering the parallel-plate structure in Fig.9(a), three current sources are distributed around the center(0,0) and a probe is located at(1mm,9mm)to detect the voltage noise induced on the planes.The FEM meshes for the source region and the interface with the FDTD region are shown inFig.11.Parallel-plate structure with two differential pairs of current sources inside in reference to Fig.9(a).(a)Two differential pairs of sources on the plane in Fig.9(a).(b)FETD/FDTD mesh discretization.parison of the simulated noise waveforms between three casesof differential-sources on the plane as in Fig.9(a).Fig.9(c).The current sources are Gaussian pulses with the rise time of100ps and different current amplitudes of0.5,0.25, and0.3A.With the same settings of boundary conditions,the simulated voltage noise waveforms at the preallocated probe re-ferred to Fig.9(a)are presented in Fig.10.It is indicated that the hybrid FETD/FDTD techniques still reservesthe great accuracyin predicting the traveling-wave behavior of plane noise.In the modern digital systems,many high-speed devices employ the multiple differential-traces for the purpose of data transmission.These traces are usually close to each other and may simultaneously penetrate the multilayered planes through via transitions.Hence,it is imperious for engineers to know how to realize the best power integrity by suitably arranging the positions of differential vias.Reconsidering the parallel plates in Fig.9(a),instead,two dif-ferential-current sources around the center and the probe is re-located at(25mm,25mm)as shown in Fig.11along with their corresponding mesh pro?le.After serving for the same Gaussian pulses as input signals,the simulated waveforms at Fig.13.At time of400ps,the overall electric-?eld patterns of three cases of differential-source settings in reference to Fig.12.(a)Case1:one pair of dif-ferential sources.(b)Case2:two pairs of differential sources with the same polarity.(c)Case3:two anti-polarity pairs of differential sources.the probe are presented in Fig.12while three cases of source settings are pared with the noise waveform of one pair of differential sources,the signal allocations of mul-tiple differential-sources diversely in?uencethe induced voltage noise.For the more detailed understanding,Fig.13displays the overall electric-?eld patterns at the time of400ps for three casesFig.14.Speci?cations and measurement settings of test board.(a)Top view.(b)Side view.parisons between the simulated and measured waveforms at both the TDR end and the probe as in Fig.14.(a)The TDR waveforms.(b)The waveforms at the probe.of differential-source settings on the plane.Note that the out-ward-traveling electric?eld of Case3(the differential-sources with antipolarity)is the smallest?uctuation since the appear-ance of two virtual grounds provided by the positive-and-nega-tive polarity alternates the signal allocation.IV.E XPERIMENTAL V ERIFICATIONIn order to verify the accuracy of hybrid techniques,a test board was fabricated and measured by TEK/CSA8000B time-domain re?ectometer.The designed test board comprises the single-ended and differential-via structures,connecting with the corresponding top-and bottom-layer traces.The design speci?-cations and measurement settings of test board are illustrated in Fig.14.To perform the time-domain simulation,the launching voltage sources are drawn out of re?ectometer.As the driving Fig.16.Frequency-domain magnitude of the probing waveforms corre-sponding to Fig.15(b)and the plane resonances.signals pass through the differential vias,the parallel-plate structure is excited,incurring the SSN within the ter, the quiet trace will suffer form this voltage noise through the single-ended via transition.After extracting the equivalent circuit models of coupled-via structures and well dividing the parallel plates,the SI/PI co-analysis for test board can be achieved.Simulation results are compared with the measure-ment data as shown in Fig.15accordingly.As observed in Fig.15(a),the differential signals have the in-ternal skew of about30ps and the bulgy noise arising at about 500ps is due to the series-wound connector usedin the measure-ment.The capacitive effect of via discontinuities is occurred at about900ps,while the deviations between the simulation and measurement are attributed to the excessive high-frequency loss of input signals.For the zoom-in view of probing waveforms as in Fig.15(b),it is displayed that the comparison is still in good agreement except for the lossy effect not included in the time-domain simulation.Applying the fast Fourier transform, the frequency-domain magnitude of probing waveforms is ob-tained in Fig.16.In addition to the similar trend of time-domain simulation and measurement results,the peak frequencies cor-respond to the parallel-plate resonances of test board exactly. Hence,the exactitude of the proposed hybrid techniques can be veri?ed.V.C ONCLUSIONA hybrid time-domain technique has been introduced and applied successfully to perform the SI/PI co-analysis for the differential-via transitions in the multilayer PCBs.The signalpropagation on the differential traces is characterized by the known telegrapher’s equations and the parallel-plate structure is discretized by the combined FETD/FDTD mesh schemes.The coarser FDTD segmentation for most of regular regions inter-faces with an unconditionally stable FETD mesh for the local region having the differential-via transitions inside.In use of hybrid techniques,the computational time and memory requirement are therefore far less than those of a traditional FDTD space with the?ner mesh resolution but preserve the same degrees of numerical accuracy throughout the simulation.In face of the assemblages of multiple signal transitions in the speci?c areas,the hybrid techniques still can be adopted by slightly modifying the mesh pro?les in the local FETD re-gions.Furthermore,the numerical results demonstrate that the best signal allocation for PI consideration is positive-and-nega-tive alternate.Once the boundary conditions between the FETD and FDTD regions are well de?ned,it is expected that the hy-brid techniques have a great ability to deal with the more real-istic problems of high-speed interconnect designs concerned in the signal traces touted through the multilayer structures.R EFERENCES[1]K.S.Yee,“Numerical solution of initial boundary value problemsinvolving Maxwell’s equations in isotropic media,”IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag.,vol.AP-14,no.3,pp.302–307,May1966.[2]K.S.Kunz and R.J.Luebbers,The Finite Difference Time DomainMethod for Electromagnetics.Boca Raton,FL:CRC,1993,ch.2,3.[3]S.V.Georgakopoulos,R.A.Renaut,C.A.Balanis,and C.R.Birtcher,“A hybrid fourth-order FDTD utilizing a second-order FDTD subgrid,”IEEE Microw.Wireless Compon.Lett.,vol.11,no.11,pp.462–464,Nov.2001.[4]M. 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From August1994to July1995,he was with the Electrical Engineering Depart-ment,University of California at Los Angeles.He was also appointed Director of the National Center for High-Performance Computing(1998–2000)and has served as Director of Planning and Evaluation Division since November2002, both under the National Science Council.His areas of interest include computa-tional electromagnetics,microwave and millimeter-wave planar circuits,trans-mission line and waveguide discontinuities,and interconnection modeling for computer packaging.。















图1 背板信号传输的系统示意图版图完整性问题、分析与设计上述背板系统中的硬件支撑及无源互联结构基本上都在一种层叠平板结构上实现。





《SFP+串行通道的信号和电源完整性联合分析》篇一一、引言随着高速数据传输需求的增长,SFP+(Small Form-factor Pluggable plus)光模块已成为高速网络连接的必备技术。









为了确保信号完整性,需要对SFP+串行通道进行以下分析:1. 阻抗匹配:确保传输线的阻抗与驱动器和接收器的阻抗相匹配,以减小反射和干扰。

2. 电磁干扰分析:评估外部电磁场对信号的影响,采取屏蔽措施以降低干扰。

3. 信号衰减:分析信号在传输过程中的衰减情况,采取合适的放大措施以保持信号强度。

4. 时序分析:确保信号在接收端具有正确的时序关系,以避免数据混乱和误码。



为了确保电源完整性,需要对SFP+串行通道进行以下分析:1. 电源噪声分析:评估电源系统中的噪声水平,采取滤波措施以降低噪声。

2. 电源稳定性:确保电源系统能够提供稳定的电压和电流,以满足系统的工作需求。

3. 功率分配:合理分配电源功率,以避免局部过载或欠载。

4. 热设计:考虑电源系统的散热问题,采取适当的散热措施以保持系统稳定运行。



信号完整性分析范文信号完整性分析(Signal Integrity Analysis)是指对数字电路、高速信号传输、功耗分布等进行综合考虑的电路设计步骤。



























二、研究内容本次研究的主要内容包括以下几个方面:1. 高速数字电路信号完整性分析:对于传输线上的反射和信号失真问题,本研究将采用有限差分方法进行建模和仿真,并对传输线参数进行优化设计,以减少反射和信号失真问题的影响。

2. 高速数字电路电源完整性分析:对于电源波动和噪声干扰等问题,本研究将采用SPICE仿真工具进行建模和仿真,并对电源系统进行优化设计,以减少电源波动和噪声干扰对系统的影响。

3. 统计分析:通过对仿真结果进行统计分析,得出信号和电源完整性的指标和规律,为后续的优化和改进提供科学的依据。

三、研究方法本次研究将采用以下方法:1. 理论分析:对于高速数字电路中信号和电源完整性问题的理论研究和分析,为后续的仿真和实验提供理论依据。

2. 仿真模拟:将信号和电源完整性问题转化为电路建模和仿真问题,采用相关的仿真工具进行模拟和分析,得出模拟结果和结论。

3. 统计分析:对仿真结果进行统计分析,获取信号和电源完整性的相关指标和规律,为后续的优化和改进提供科学依据。















直流部分:终端设备需要稳定的电压输出,电源分配网络互连之间串联电阻的存在,直流部分通过,就会产生压降,通常称为IR 压降。


之前的USB设备好像最低电压值4.75 V。






ADS信号完整性与电源完整性的仿真分析与设计ADS(Advanced Design System)是一种强大的电子设计自动化(EDA)软件,用于电路和系统级设计。























信号完整性与电源完整性的详细分析最近在论坛里看到一则关于电源完整性的提问,网友质疑大家普遍对信号完整性很重视,但对于电源完整性的重视好像不够,主要是因为,对于低频应用,开关电源的设计更多靠的是经验,或者功能级仿真来辅助即可,电源完整性分析好像帮不上大忙,而对于50M -100M以内的中低频应用,开关电源中电容的设计,经验法则在大多数情况下也是够用的,甚至一些芯片公司提供的Excel表格型工具也能搞定这个频段的问题,而对于100M以上的应用,基本就是IC的事情了,和板级没太大关系了,所以电源完整性仿真,除非能做到芯片到芯片的解决方案,加上封装以及芯片的模型,纯粹做板级的仿真意义不大,真是这样吗?其实电源完整性可做的事情还很多,下面就来了解了解吧。





















反射系数定义为:ρ= Z2Z1。

其中:Z1为变化前的阻 Z2Z1抗,Z2为变化后的阻抗。


如果传输信号的电压是3.3V电压,100503 反射电压就是1.1V。




阻抗减小有限值:仍按上面的例子,PCB线条的特性阻抗为50欧姆,如果遇到的电阻是30欧姆,则反射系数为ρ=3050=-0.25,反射电压为3.3*(-0.25)V= -0.825V。



























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An Integrated Signal and Power Integrity Analysis for Signal Traces Through the Parallel Planes Using Hybrid Finite-Element andFinite-Difference Time-Domain TechniquesWei-Da Guo,Guang-Hwa Shiue,Chien-Min Lin,Member,IEEE,and Ruey-Beei Wu,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—This paper presents a numerical approach that com-bines thefinite-element time-domain(FETD)method and thefi-nite-difference time-domain(FDTD)method to model and ana-lyze the two-dimensional electromagnetic problem concerned in the simultaneous switching noise(SSN)induced by adjacent signal traces through the coupled-via parallel-plate structures.Applying FETD for the region having the source excitation inside and FDTD for the remaining regions preserves the advantages of both FETD flexibility and FDTD efficiency.By further including the transmis-sion-line simulation,the signal integrity and power integrity is-sues can be resolved at the same time.Furthermore,the numer-ical results demonstrate which kind of signal allocation between the planes can achieve the best noise cancellation.Finally,a com-parison with the measurement data validates the proposed hybrid techniques.Index Terms—Differential signaling,finite-element andfinite-difference time-domain(FETD/FDTD)methods,power integrity (PI),signal integrity(SI),simultaneous switching noise(SSN), transient analysis.I.I NTRODUCTIONI N RECENT years,considerable attention has been devotedto time-domain numerical techniques to analyze the tran-sient responses of electromagnetic problems.Thefinite-differ-ence time-domain(FDTD)method proposed by Yee in1966 [1]has become the most well-known technique because it pro-vides a lot of attractive advantages:direct and explicit time-marching scheme,high numerical accuracy with a second-order discretization error,stability condition,easy programming,and minimum computational complexity[2].However,it is often in-efficient and/or inaccurate to use only the FDTD method to dealManuscript received March3,2006;revised November6,2006.This work was supported in part by the National Science Council,Republic of China,under Grant NSC91-2213-E-002-109,by the Ministry of Education under Grant93B-40053,and by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company under Grant 93-FS-B072.W.-D.Guo,G.-H.Shiue,and R.-B.Wu are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communication Engi-neering,National Taiwan University,10617Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.(e-mail: f92942062@.tw;d9*******@.tw;rbwu@.tw).C.-M.Lin is with the Packaging Core Competence Department,Advanced Assembly Division,Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company,Ltd., 30077Taiwan,R.O.C.(e-mail:chienmin_lin@).Color versions of one or more of thefigures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TADVP.2007.901595with some specific structures.Hybrid techniques,which com-bine the desirable features of the FDTD and other numerical schemes,are therefore being developed to improve the simula-tion capability in solving many realistic problems.First,the FDTD(2,4)method with a second-order accuracy in time and a fourth-order accuracy in space was incorporated to tackle the subgridding scheme[3]and a modified form was employed to characterize the electrically large structures with extremely low-phase error[4].Second,the integration with the time-domain method of moments was performed to analyze the complex geometries comprising the arbitrary thin-wire and inhomogeneous dielectric structures[5],[6].Third,theflexible finite-element time-domain(FETD)method was introduced locally for the simulation of structures with curved surfaces [6]–[8].With the advent of high-speed digital era,the simultaneous switching noise(SSN)on the dc power bus in the multilayer printed circuit boards(PCBs)causes paramount concern in the signal integrity and power integrity(SI/PI)along with the electromagnetic interference(EMI).One potential excitation mechanism of this high-frequency noise is from the signal traces which change layers through the via transition[9]–[11]. In the past,the transmission-line theory and the two-dimen-sional(2-D)FDTD method were combined successfully to deal with the parallel-plate structures having single-ended via transition[12],[13].Recently,the differential signaling has become a common wiring approach for high-speed digital system designs in benefit of the higher noise immunity and EMI reduction.Nevertheless,for the real layout constraints,the common-mode currents may be generated from various imbal-ances in the circuits,such as the driver-phase skew,termination diversity,signal-path asymmetries,etc.Both the differential-and common-mode currents can influence the dc power bus, resulting in the SSN propagating within the planes.While applying the traditional method to manage this case,it will need a muchfiner FDTD mesh to accurately distinguish the close signals transitioning through the planes.Such action not only causes the unnecessary waste of computer memory but also takes more simulation time.In order to improve the computa-tional efficiency,this paper incorporates the FETD method to the small region with two or more signal transitions inside,while the other regions still remain with the coarser FDTD grids.While the telegrapher’s equations of coupled transmission lines are further introduced to the hybrid FETD/FDTD techniques,the1521-3323/$25.00©2007IEEEFig.1.A typical four-layer differential-via structure.SI/PI co-analysis for differential traces through the planes can be accomplished as demonstrated in Section II and the numerical results are shown in Section III.For a group of signal vias,the proposed techniques can also tell which kind of signal alloca-tion to achieve the best performance as presented in Section III. Section IV thus correlates the measurement results and their comparisons,followed by brief conclusions in Section V.II.S IMULATION M ETHODOLOGYA typical differential-via structure in a four-layer board is il-lustrated in Fig.1.Along the signal-flow path,the whole struc-ture is divided into three parts:the coupled traces,the cou-pled-via discontinuities,and the parallel plates.This section will present how the hybrid techniques integrate the three parts to proceed with the SI/PI co-simulation.At last,the stability consideration and computational complexity of the hybrid tech-niques are discussed as well.A.Circuit SolverWith reference to Fig.2,if the even/odd mode propagation coefficients and characteristic impedances are given,it is recog-nized that the coupled traces can be modeled by theequivalentladder circuits,and the lossy effects can be well approxi-mated with the average values ofindividualand overthe frequency range of interest.The transient signal propagationis thus characterized by the telegrapher’s equations with the cen-tral-difference discretization both in time and space domains.The approach to predict the signal propagation through the cou-pled-via discontinuities is similar to that through the coupledtraces except for the difference of model-extracting method.To characterize the coupled-via discontinuities as depicted inFig.1,the structure can be separated into three segments:the viabetween the two solid planes,and the via above(and under)theupper(and lower)plane.Since the time delay of signals througheach segment is much less than the rising edge of signal,the cou-pled-via structure can be transformed into a SPICE passive net-work sketched in Fig.3by full-wave simulation[14],whererepresents the voltage of SSN induced by thecurrent on Ls2.By linking the extracted circuit models of coupled-via disconti-nuities,both the top-and bottom-layer traces together with suit-able driving sources and load terminations,the transient wave-forms throughout the interconnects are then characterized andcan be used for the SIanalyses.Fig.2.The k th element of equivalent circuit model of coupled transmissionlines.Fig.3.Equivalent circuit model of coupled-via structures.B.Plane SolverAs for the parallel-plate structure,because the separationbetween two solid planes is much smaller than the equiva-lent wavelength of signals,the electromagneticfield inside issupposed to be uniform along the vertical direction.Thence,the2-D numerical technique can be applied to characterizethe SSN effects while the FETD method is set for the smallregion covering the signal transitions and the FDTD scheme isconstructed in the most regular regions.The FETD algorithm[15]starts from Maxwell’s two curl-equations and the vector equation is obtainedbyin(1)whereand denote the electricfield and current density,re-spectively,in the losslessvolume.Applying the weak-formformulation or the Galerkin’s procedure to(1)gives(2)where is the weighting function that can be arbitrarily de-fined.In use of thefinite-element method,the variational for-mula is thus discretized to implement the later numerical com-putation.In the present case,the linear basis function is chosento express thefields inside each triangular element.After takingthe volume integration over each element and assembling theFig.4.FEM mesh in the source region and its interface with the FDTD grids. integrals from all the elements,(2)can be simplified into a ma-trix formof(3)whereand are the coefficient vectors of electricfield andcurrent density,respectively.In addition,the values of all matrixelements in(3)are formulatedasand(4)For the mesh profile as illustrated in Fig.4,the FETD re-gion is chosen to be a block replacing the prime FDTD regioninto which the via transition penetrates.This is an initial valueproblem in time with thepreviousand being theinitial conditions as well as the boundary value problem in spacewith being Dirichlet boundary condition.To solve theinitial value problem in(3),the time derivative of electricfieldis approximated by the central difference,thatis(5)As for the electricfield in the second term of(3),it can be for-mulated by the Newmark–Beta scheme[16]to be readas(6)Fig.5.Simulationflowchart of hybrid FETD and FDTD techniques to performthe SI/PI co-analysis for the coupled-via structure as illustrated in Fig.1.Moreover,in the triangular elements with the via transitioninside,the term in(3)as expressedbygridarea(7)is needed to serve as the excitation of the parallel-plate structurewith thecurrent shown in Fig.3through the via structurebetween Layers2and3.It is worth noting that the via transitionshould be placed on the bary-center of each triangular elementto achieve better accuracy.The hand-over scheme for thefield in the overlapped region ofFDTD and FETD can be depicted in Fig.5.Given the boundaryfield calculated by the FDTD algorithm at the timestep,all thefield in the FETD region can be acquiredthrough the matrix solution of(3).The SSNvoltage in Fig.3is then determinedby(8)where is the averaging value of nodal electric-fieldsenclosing the via transition,and is the separation between theplanes.Onceand at the FETD mesh nodes(node1,2,3,and4in Fig.4)become available,together with the ob-tained voltage/current values from the circuit solver and electric/magneticfields of the FDTD region,the hybrid time-marchingscheme for the next time step can be implemented and so on.As a result of using the integrated schemes,thecurrent,arisen from the input signal through the via structure,can havethe ability to induce the voltage noise propagating within theFig.6.Physical dimensions of coupled traces and via pair.(a)Top view (Unit =mil ).(b)Side view.parallel plates.After a period of time,owing to the plane reso-nance and return path,the induced noise will cause the unwanted voltage fluctuation on the coupled traces by the presence of the finite SSNvoltage .C.Stability Problem and Computational Complexity It is not dif ficult to manifest that the FETD algorithm is un-conditionally stable.Substituting (5),(6),and (7)into (3)yields the following differenceequation:(9)where(10)the superscript “1”denotes the matrix inverse and thefactorgridareaWithout loss of generality,the time-stepping scheme in (9)is restatedas(11)Applyingthe -transform technique to (11)and solvingfor,de fined asthe -transformof ,the resultreads(12)along with thedependent ,de fined asthe -transformof in (11).Regardless of the timestep ,it can be easily de-duced that the poles of (12)is just on the unit circleof plane.This proves that the time marching by (9)is absolutely stable.The stability condition of these hybrid techniques is thus gov-erned by the transmission-line theory and the FDTD algorithm in the regular region,which are already known.Concerning the computational complexity,because of the consistence of simulation engines used for the circuitsolver,parison of differential-mode S -parameters from HFSS simulation and the equivalent circuit as depicted in Fig.3.the only work is to compare the ef ficiency of the hybrid FETD/FDTD technique with that of the traditional FDTD method.In use of only the FDTD scheme for cell discretization,the grid size should be chosen at most the spacing between the adjacent via transitions.However,as depicted in Fig.4,the hybrid techniques adopting the FEM mesh for the source region exhibit the great talent to segment the whole plane with the coarser FDTD grids.Owing to the sparsity of the FETD matrices in (4)and the much smaller number of unknowns,the computational time needed for each FETD operation can be negligible.The complexity of the hybrid techniques is therefore dominated by the FDTD divisions in the regular region.It is ev-ident that the total simulation time of the 2-D FDTD algorithmis,where denotes the number of the division in the whole space [7].The coarser the FDTD grids,the smaller the number of the grids and unknowns.Hence,the present hybrid techniques can preserve high accuracy without sacri ficing the computational ef ficiency.III.N UMERICAL R ESULTSA.Coupled via TransitionConsider the geometry in Fig.1but with the coupled-via structure being 2cm away from the center of parallel plates,which is set as the origin ofthe–plane.The size of the plane is1010cm and the separation between the two metal planes is 20mils(0.05cm).The physical dimensions of the coupled traces and via pair are depicted in Fig.6.After extractingthe -parameters from the full-wave simulation,their equivalent circuit models of coupled-via structures as sketched in Fig.3can be thus constructed.In Fig.7,it is found that the differen-tial-mode -parameters of equivalent circuit models are in good agreement with those from the HFSS simulations [14]and the extracted parasitic values of inductive and capacitive lumped-el-ements are also listed in the attached table.The top-layer coupled traces are driven by differential Gaussian pulses with the rise time of 100ps and voltage ampli-tude of 2V while the traces are terminated with the matchedFig.8.Simulated TDR waveforms on the positive-signaling trace.(a)Late-time response for the signal skew of 10ps excluding the multire flection phe-nomenon of common-mode signal.(b)Late-time response while no signal skew.TABLE IC OMPARISON OF C OMPUTATIONAL C OMPLEXITY B ETWEEN THE T WO M ETHODS(T IME D URATION =2:5ns)(CPU:Intel P43.0GHz,RAM:2GHz)loads at their ends.For simplicity,the transmission-line losses are not considered in the following analyses for the transient responses.By using the same mesh discretization as illustrated in Fig.4,the resultant segmentation for the plane con fines the flexible FEM mesh in the vicinity of via transitions and the coarser FDTD division with the size of22mm elsewhere.Employing the perfect magnetic conductors for boundary conditions of the parallel-plate structure,the simulated TDR waveforms with and without the signal skew on the posi-tive-signaling trace are presented in Fig.8.In comparison of hybrid FETD/FDTD techniques and finer FDTD method with center-to-center via spacing(0.66mm)as the grid size,the simulation results are in good agreement.Note that the voltage fluctuation before 900ps is induced by the incident signal passing through the coupled-via structure while the occurrence of late-time response is accompanied by the parallel-plate resonances.As for the signal skew of 10ps,the voltage level of late-time response is found to be greater than that of no signal skew because of the existence of common-mode currents produced by the timing skew of differential signals.Moreover,the simulation time of both methods should be pro-portional to the number of grids multiplied by the total time steps.As the physical time duration is fixed,the decrease of the FDTD division size would correspond to the increase of thetotalFig.9.Parallel plane with three current sources inside.(a)3-D view.(b)Zoom-in view of three sources on the plane in (a).(c).FETD/FDTD meshdiscretization.Fig.10.Simulated noise waveforms at the preallocated probe in reference to Fig.9(a).time steps.Consequently,as shown in Table I,it is demonstrated that the computational ef ficiency of the hybrid techniques is in-deed much better than that of the finer FDTD method.B.Multiple Source TransitionIn addition to a pair of differential-via structure,there can be a group of signaling vias distributed in the various regions of planes.Considering the parallel-plate structure in Fig.9(a),three current sources are distributed around the center (0,0)and a probe is located at (1mm,9mm)to detect the voltage noise induced on the planes.The FEM meshes for the source region and the interface with the FDTD region are shown inFig.11.Parallel-plate structure with two differential pairs of current sources inside in reference to Fig.9(a).(a)Two differential pairs of sources on the plane in Fig.9(a).(b)FETD/FDTD meshdiscretization.parison of the simulated noise waveforms between three cases of differential-sources on the plane as in Fig.9(a).Fig.9(c).The current sources are Gaussian pulses with the rise time of 100ps and different current amplitudes of 0.5,0.25,and 0.3A.With the same settings of boundary conditions,the simulated voltage noise waveforms at the preallocated probe re-ferred to Fig.9(a)are presented in Fig.10.It is indicated that the hybrid FETD/FDTD techniques still reserves the great accuracy in predicting the traveling-wave behavior of plane noise.In the modern digital systems,many high-speed devices employ the multiple differential-traces for the purpose of data transmission.These traces are usually close to each other and may simultaneously penetrate the multilayered planes through via transitions.Hence,it is imperious for engineers to know how to realize the best power integrity by suitably arranging the positions of differential vias.Reconsidering the parallel plates in Fig.9(a),instead,two dif-ferential-current sources around the center and the probe is re-located at (25mm,25mm)as shown in Fig.11along with their corresponding mesh pro file.After serving for the same Gaussian pulses as input signals,the simulated waveformsatFig.13.At time of 400ps,the overall electric-field patterns of three cases of differential-source settings in reference to Fig.12.(a)Case 1:one pair of dif-ferential sources.(b)Case 2:two pairs of differential sources with the same polarity.(c)Case 3:two anti-polarity pairs of differential sources.the probe are presented in Fig.12while three cases of source settings are pared with the noise waveform of one pair of differential sources,the signal allocations of mul-tiple differential-sources diversely in fluence the induced voltage noise.For the more detailed understanding,Fig.13displays the overall electric-field patterns at the time of 400ps for three casesFig.14.Speci fications and measurement settings of test board.(a)Top view.(b)Sideview.parisons between the simulated and measured waveforms at both the TDR end and the probe as in Fig.14.(a)The TDR waveforms.(b)The waveforms at the probe.of differential-source settings on the plane.Note that the out-ward-traveling electric field of Case 3(the differential-sources with antipolarity)is the smallest fluctuation since the appear-ance of two virtual grounds provided by the positive-and-nega-tive polarity alternates the signal allocation.IV .E XPERIMENTAL V ERIFICATIONIn order to verify the accuracy of hybrid techniques,a test board was fabricated and measured by TEK/CSA8000B time-domain re flectometer.The designed test board comprises the single-ended and differential-via structures,connecting with the corresponding top-and bottom-layer traces.The design speci fi-cations and measurement settings of test board are illustrated in Fig.14.To perform the time-domain simulation,the launching voltage sources are drawn out of re flectometer.As thedrivingFig.16.Frequency-domain magnitude of the probing waveforms corre-sponding to Fig.15(b)and the plane resonances.signals pass through the differential vias,the parallel-plate structure is excited,incurring the SSN within the ter,the quiet trace will suffer form this voltage noise through the single-ended via transition.After extracting the equivalent circuit models of coupled-via structures and well dividing the parallel plates,the SI/PI co-analysis for test board can be achieved.Simulation results are compared with the measure-ment data as shown in Fig.15accordingly.As observed in Fig.15(a),the differential signals have the in-ternal skew of about 30ps and the bulgy noise arising at about 500ps is due to the series-wound connector used in the measure-ment.The capacitive effect of via discontinuities is occurred at about 900ps,while the deviations between the simulation and measurement are attributed to the excessive high-frequency loss of input signals.For the zoom-in view of probing waveforms as in Fig.15(b),it is displayed that the comparison is still in good agreement except for the lossy effect not included in the time-domain simulation.Applying the fast Fourier transform,the frequency-domain magnitude of probing waveforms is ob-tained in Fig.16.In addition to the similar trend of time-domain simulation and measurement results,the peak frequencies cor-respond to the parallel-plate resonances of test board exactly.Hence,the exactitude of the proposed hybrid techniques can be veri fied.V .C ONCLUSIONA hybrid time-domain technique has been introduced and applied successfully to perform the SI/PI co-analysis for the differential-via transitions in the multilayer PCBs.The signalpropagation on the differential traces is characterized by the known telegrapher’s equations and the parallel-plate structure is discretized by the combined FETD/FDTD mesh schemes.The coarser FDTD segmentation for most of regular regions inter-faces with an unconditionally stable FETD mesh for the local region having the differential-via transitions inside.In use of hybrid techniques,the computational time and memory requirement are therefore far less than those of a traditional FDTD space with thefiner mesh resolution but preserve the same degrees of numerical accuracy throughout the simulation.In face of the assemblages of multiple signal transitions in the specific areas,the hybrid techniques still can be adopted by slightly modifying the mesh profiles in the local FETD re-gions.Furthermore,the numerical results demonstrate that the best signal allocation for PI consideration is positive-and-nega-tive alternate.Once the boundary conditions between the FETD and FDTD regions are well defined,it is expected that the hy-brid techniques have a great ability to deal with the more real-istic problems of high-speed interconnect designs concerned in the signal traces touted through the multilayer structures.R EFERENCES[1]K.S.Yee,“Numerical solution of initial boundary value problemsinvolving Maxwell’s equations in isotropic media,”IEEE Trans.Antennas 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of high-speeddigitalsystems.Guang-Hwa Shiue was born in Tainan,Taiwan,R.O.C.,in1969.He received the B.S.and M.S.de-grees in electrical engineering from National TaiwanUniversity of Science and Technology,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.,in1995and1997,respectively,and the Ph.D.degree in communication engineeringfrom National Taiwan University,Taipei,in2006.He is a Teacher in the Electronics Depart-ment of Jin-Wen Institute of Technology,Taipei,Taiwan.His areas of interest include numericaltechniques in electromagnetics,microwave planar circuits,signal/power integrity(SI/PI)and electromagnetic interference (EMI)for high-speed digital systems,and electrical characterization ofsystem-in-package.Chien-Min Lin(M’92)received the B.S.degreein physics from National Tsing Hua University,Hsinchu,Taiwan,R.O.C.,the M.S.degree in elec-trical engineering from National Taiwan University,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.,and the Ph.D.degree inelectrical engineering from the University of Wash-ington,Seattle.He was with IBM,where he worked on the xSeriesserver development and Intel,where he worked onadvanced platform design.In January2004,he joinedTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.,Taiwan,as a Technical Manager in packaging design and assembly vali-dation.He has been working on computational electromagnetics for the designs of microwave device and rough surface scattering,signal integrity analysis for high-speed interconnect,and electrical characterization ofsystem-in-package.Ruey-Beei Wu(M’91–SM’97)received the B.S.E.E.and Ph.D.degrees from National Taiwan Univer-sity,Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.,in1979and1985,respectively.In1982,he joined the faculty of the Departmentof Electrical Engineering,National Taiwan Univer-sity,where he is currently a Professor and the De-partment Chair.He is also with the Graduate Instituteof Communications Engineering established in1997.From March1986to February1987,he was a Vis-iting Scholar at the IBM East Fishkill Facility,NY. From August1994to July1995,he was with the Electrical Engineering Depart-ment,University of California at Los Angeles.He was also appointed Director of the National Center for High-Performance Computing(1998–2000)and has served as Director of Planning and Evaluation Division since November2002, both under the National Science Council.His areas of interest include computa-tional electromagnetics,microwave and millimeter-wave planar circuits,trans-mission line and waveguide discontinuities,and interconnection modeling for computer packaging.。
