• 告诉你,我的孩子, 告诉你,我的孩子, 在你一生中, 在你一生中, 有许多事值得争取, 有许多事值得争取, 自由无疑是最重要的。 但,自由无疑是最重要的。 永远不要带着脚镣, 永远不要带着脚镣,过奴隶的 生活。 生活。
• 700年前的一位英雄,700年后的 年前以 来,每一位为了自由而战的英雄以 及凡人。 及凡人。
• 面对亲人的离去、面 面对亲人的离去、 对战友的阴谋与背叛、 对战友的阴谋与背叛、 亦或面对民族的麻木 与嘲讽, 与嘲讽,他并没有被 压垮, 压垮,而是义无返顾 的举起苏格兰的大旗, 的举起苏格兰的大旗, 直至被陷害、被杀死、 直至被陷害、被杀死、 被车裂。。。 被车裂。。。
但是。。。 但是。。。
魅力何在? 魅力何在?
有人说,这是一部有关爱情的影片, 有人说,这是一部有关爱情的影片, 有最唯美的诗情画意
• 他曾与美丽的邻家女 孩梅伦有一段动人的 爱情。 爱情。
• 他也曾与英国王妃伊 莎贝拉有着亦或冲动、 莎贝拉有着亦或冲动、 却又若即若离的万缕 情思。 情思。
也有人说这是一部彻头彻尾的 悲剧, 悲剧,所有的美好都被硬生生撕裂 呈现在面前。 呈现在面前。
——美国《人物》杂志 美国《人物》 美国
• 正因为爱情,所以它才美得一塌糊涂。 正因为爱情,所以它才美得一塌糊涂。
• 也正因为悲剧,他才让人心生感动以至于 也正因为悲剧, 十余年后也如此震撼。。。 十余年后也如此震撼。。。
那么是什么样的精神让这个悲 剧变得可歌可泣呢? 剧变得可歌可泣呢?
• 1314年,苏格兰军队在艰苦的 年 环境下,以少胜多, 环境下,以少胜多,为自己取得 了最后的胜利。 了最后的胜利。
There are some pictures of the fighting
William Wallace and Princess Isabelle
In the war , Princess Isabelle was attracted by the courage of Wallace ,and fell in love with him
William Wallace: Every man dies, not every man really lives. 华莱士: 每个人都会死 去,但不是每 个人都曾经真 正活过
谢 观 赏
Before the executioreedom"
William Wallace: Fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance , just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?! 华莱士:是呀,如果战斗,你们 可能会死。如果逃跑,至少还能…… 多活一会儿。年复一年,直到寿终正 寝,你们愿不愿意?用这么多苟活的 日子,去换一个机会,就一个机会。 回到这里,告诉我们的敌人,他们也 许能夺走我们的生命,但他们永远夺 不走我们的自由。
exogenous tribes invasion. The royal decree” bagpipe as specialized
weapon of army taken for Scotland people”.因此,为了收集各个部落
handkerchief appeared more again when Wallace dead. 第8页/共17页
Finally, Scotland people fight for Wallace, fight for freedom
So why would Mel Gibson chose the bagpipes music as the theme song?
from his pen.这部影片音乐的深刻印象。 它有苏格兰风格强烈的气息,触动我们 的心脏。美妙的音乐是由詹姆斯·霍纳, 在好莱坞最有名的音乐家和作曲家的。 经典电影“泰坦尼克号”的配乐也出自 他的笔下。
When the young Wallace’ father dead
The song we are listening now named Wallace Courts Murron, it through the whole film important plot.
Commemorate the death of heroes 第4页/共17页
Celebration of wedding 第5页/共17页
Sweet secret mar because been betrayed, Wife's handkerchief occur again
影片《勇敢的心》的叙事结构,应从整体出发,整 体故事结构的形成,既离不开苏格兰反对英格兰压迫 的大背景,也不可以去正面表现这些矛盾。影片的开 始,华莱士的父亲及亲人牺牲一段完全从侧面切入,以少年 华莱士的视角去体会那段痛苦。而后,华莱士回到故乡, 也将他和美伦的爱情故事作为前台,英格兰对苏格兰人的 欺侮作为背景,就在华莱士和美伦似乎就要那样恬然而又 麻木的度过他们一生的时候,矛盾激化了,爱妻的惨死,
“Aye, fight, and you may die. Run, and you’ll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our Freedom——” “是啊,如果战斗,你可能会死。如果逃跑,你能活。至少活一阵子。然 后几多年后死在你的床上。那你们,愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换 一个机会,就这样一个机会!那就是回来,告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走 我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走,我们的自由!”
在勇敢的心中运用了苏格兰民族器乐,表现 出音乐的质朴、纯情动人。
Bold Choices
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Brazen Pursuits
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A Review of Brave HeartThe background is based on the real history, and the protagonist is an emblematical hero, I supposed that it was not easy to be represented, but Mel Gibson did it very well in the whole story, not only the scenario conception but also the figure. All of these made this film attractive. First, I‟d like to introduce the whole story. "Brave heart" is afull-throated, red-blooded battle epic about William Wallace, the legendary Scots warrior who led his nation into battle against the English in the years around 1300. At the beginning of the film, the death of Wallace‟s father and relations made Wallace‟s youth miserable. After that Wallace returned to the hometown. Then he met Mullen, a great love occurred. They loved each other very much. When they wanted to spend their lives calmly, the conflict sharpened, and a hero appeared. After Wallace became the civil chief of Scotland, the story never became humdrum and vapid. The battle scenes were intensely and exciting. It showed the Hollywood‟s feature, not only battle of wits, but also battle of forc es, the Wallace‟s hero was substantiated increasingly. Then, another woman appeared. Love throughout the whole story gave Wallace much sensational color. Compared with the wild-eyed hero, Wallace missed his wife eventually.From this film I learnt that we must be brave when facing difficulties, never give up our beliefs, be confident and have awonderful wish in our future. As Wallace said, “I n a force your enemy may take your lives, but they'll never take your freedom! Life may make you up set but it will never beat you.” Keep your desire for life. You‟ll see life is better than it seems. And do not forget the person who always love or help you. What is …b rave heart‟ real meaning? It means having a brave heart when you are in a force; it means having a brave heart when facing yourself; it means never giving up your dream; it means having a hope for what someone else dare not think. That is the value of having a brave heart.。
勇敢的心电影英文分析Braveheart is a historical war film that was released in 1995. Directed by Mel Gibson, who also stars in the film as the main character William Wallace, the movie is set in the late13th century during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. Braveheart is known for its epic battle scenes, breathtaking cinematography, and its portrayal of themes such as freedom, loyalty, and sacrifice.The film's plot revolves around the life of William Wallace, a Scottish warrior who leads the Scots in their fight against the oppressive English rule. The story begins with Wallace's childhood, where he witnesses the death of his father and brother in a battle against the English. As he grows older, Wallace returns to his homeland and falls in love with a young woman named Murron, played by Catherine McCormack. However,their happiness is short-lived as Murron is killed by an English nobleman. This event ignites a fire in Wallace, and he rallies the Scottish people to fight for their freedom.One of the striking features of Braveheart is its portrayal of the Scottish landscape. The film beautifully captures the ruggedness and beauty of the Scottish highlands, adding to the authenticity and grandeur of the story. The cinematography, coupled with the sweeping musical score, creates a sense of awe and captivates the audience.Braveheart also explores the theme of freedom. Wallace's unwavering determination to liberate Scotland from English oppression inspires the Scottish people to rise up against their enemies. The film showcases the power of unity and the belief that people are willing to fight and die for their freedom. This theme resonates with audiences and stirs up emotions of patriotism and admiration for those who fight for what they believe in.Moreover, loyalty is another prominent theme in Braveheart. Wallace's unwavering loyalty to his homeland and his people is evident throughout the film. He is willing to sacrifice everything, including his own life, for the greater good of his country. This loyalty is reciprocated by his followers, who remain loyal to the cause even in the face of overwhelming odds. The film highlights the importance of loyalty in achieving victory and emphasizes the bond between leaders and their followers.In addition to its portrayal of grand battles and themes of freedom and loyalty, Braveheart also delves into the personal struggles and emotions of its characters. Wallace's innerturmoil and quest for revenge are portrayed with intensity and authenticity. The love story between Wallace and Murron adds a layer of vulnerability and depth to the film, humanizing the characters and making their actions relatable to the audience.In conclusion, Braveheart is an epic war film that explores themes of freedom, loyalty, and sacrifice. Its breathtaking cinematography, captivating storytelling, and powerful performances have made it a beloved and enduring cinematic masterpiece. Despite its historical inaccuracies, the film's ability to evoke emotions and inspire audiences is a testament to its enduring impact.。
勇敢的心》 《勇敢的心》
《勇敢的心》讲述的是苏格兰历史上的传奇英雄威廉.华莱士的一生。威廉·华莱士于1272 年生于艾尔德斯莱,父亲是苏格兰贵族詹姆斯·斯特沃特的佃农,叔叔是教区的神父。 华莱士的父亲组织了一个秘密抵抗组织,他带领手下人奋勇征战,打击英格兰侵略者。 可是没过多久,父亲就被英国人处死了,华莱士也被叔叔带走了,告别了这个令人悲 伤和恐怖的家乡。从此,华莱士被叔叔抚养成人,叔叔不但教给他很多知识,还教他 学习武术 时光荏苒,已经长大成人的华莱士学成回到故乡,在那里,他重遇到了美丽 的邻家女孩梅伦,两人一见钟情,在雨天的高原上,他们俩骑在一匹马上漫步,秘密 结婚。就在这一对甜蜜的恋人沉浸在婚姻的幸福中时,梅伦却被英军野蛮抢走并遭杀 害。华莱士痛彻心扉,决心向英国殖民者报仇。在他的带领下,广大村民揭竿而起, 屡战屡胜。 狡猾的苏格兰贵族罗伯做梦都想成为苏格兰领主,在其父布斯的怂恿下, 他假意与华莱士联盟。勇猛的华莱士很快就击退了前来挑衅的英军,由于巨大的贡献, 他被封为爵士,并被任命为护国公。但不久,他却失望地发现这些苏格兰贵族要的只 是个人利益,丝毫不关心人民和国家前途。 英王爱德华为了缓和局势,派王妃伊莎贝 拉前去和谈。但由于爱德华根本不考虑人民的死活,只是单纯想收买华莱士,谈判失 败了。恼羞成怒的英王企图汇合爱尔兰军和法军共同包围华莱士的军队,伊莎贝拉发 现真相后赶紧送信给华莱士。此时,情况十分危急,贵族们慌作一团。华莱士毅然领 兵出战,却意外地发现好朋友罗伯竟与英王勾结,重情义的他不禁深受打击。伊莎贝 拉为华莱士的正气和勇敢所吸引,向他吐露心声,两人坠入爱河。 英王再次设下圈套, 提出和谈,华莱士明知此去凶多吉少,但为了人民能够得到和平,他依然赴约。英王 爱德华的阴谋最终得逞,抓住了华莱士。此时,罗伯已深深地看透父亲不正派的做法, 并感到怒不可遏。华莱士被判死刑,伊莎贝拉百般努力却毫无作用,在英王临死前, 她告诉英王她怀的是华莱士的骨肉,而这个孩子不久将成为新的国王。 华莱士自由的 精神感染了所有人。不久,罗伯高呼着为英雄华莱士报仇的口号,英勇地继承了华莱 士的遗志对抗英军。1314年,苏格兰军队在艰苦的环境下,以少胜多,为自己取得了 最后的胜利。
ⅡThough the film, the love between Wallace and Mallon affect most people . Although their love is a tragic ending ,the true love will leave a deep impression on us.
Ⅲ People can see many good qualities from Wallace, such as braveness, persistence, and responsibility. These qualities are marvelous and it is worth learning.
This movie tells the story about a Scotland’s national hero---William Wallace and the national upris ing under his leadership in the late 13t h century.
Ⅳ Brave heart is a epic film that gets five awards in the 68th Oscars: best picture, best director, best cinematography(最佳摄影), best music, best costume.
When was young His father died
Reasons of Recommendation
Ⅰ The film reflect the history of England and Scotland. Through the film, people will have a general idea about the history of both England and Scotland in the 13th century.
勇敢的心英文介绍My favorite movie is "brave heart", it is formed by Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson, director of the film, tells the hero after Wallace lead the Scottish people JieGan uprising, against the enemy hero of the story. The film in 1996, the 68th annual Academy Awards competition for best picture, best director and five awards.In the middle ages 13 century or so, the king of England "legs" Edward I ruled Scotland, due to his tyranny of Scotland, forcing a small group of Scotland people against, the uprising caused young William Wallace lost his father and brother, the gale adopted after the funeral by his uncle, and as uncle left hometown. Over the years, Wallace adult returned to the hometown, Scotland at this point is still in the Edward long legs under the cruel rule of the tyrant. Wallace home mainly hope to be able to live in a peaceful day, a farmer, he and his childhood sweetheart Mo Aaron (Murron) relationships, and in order to avoid the king gave England the unequal treatment of aristocratic shall enjoy the right of women's virginity, married in a day night secret. Day, Mo resistance due to molest by British soldiers, wounded several soldiers in England. Local governor to Wallace came and killed her, lost his wife Wallace JieGan uprising, also have other Scots, Wallace finally also with his wife was killed (cutthroat) killed the British army officer.Soon, Wallace uprising army with the villagers, and gradually up response just. With Wallace's deeds spread, more and more people response to the uprising, and Wallace's army is on a roll, has won many battles, including the stringer bridge battle broke the infantry wins for England on the superstition of cavalry and important city city of york. King Edward I aware of the gravity ofthe situation, and personally led the stronger forces to deal with Wallace, the two sides at Falkirk (Falkirk), Wallace was joint Scottish nobles rebelled, however, in the war of the kirk.In after the defeat of Mr Kirk, Wallace began to hide guerrilla tactics against the British, and betrayal of two Scottish nobles retaliatory action. At the same time, the son of king Edward's princess princess Isabella has been appointed as the special envoy to meet with Wallace, the princess often helped Wallace againstdanger, two people also developed the relationship, the princess even pregnant with Wallace's flesh. Subsequently, Scottish nobles request to meet with Wallace, Wallace believe noble princes so Robert the Bruce arrived alone, but only to betrayed by Bruce's father, as well as other nobility, Wallace was caught, and Bruce also formally break with his father.Wallace was magistrate judge in England, as long as Wallace acknowledged treason can reduce crimes,Stills (2) (12) but not from Wallace, claims that he has never been loyal to long legs Edward. While in prison, Wallace suffered all kinds of torture would not yield, the princess went to the prison to visit Wallace, to give him a poison, but Wallace refused. Judge on the square in London, the presiding judge if Wallace yell forgiveness can not kill him, the execution of the crowd shouted together: "forgiveness (mercy corps!)", but with the last breath of remaining Wallace yell: "freedom!" (Freedom! , the crowd was quiet. Trance before beheaded, he also saw his wife smiled at him in the crowd, and then hold in the hands of Wallace's promise is loose.After William Wallace was beheaded, affected by the courage of Scottish nobles Robert the Bruce once again led the Wallace'smen against England, this time they yelled Wallace's name, and in the final to win the keen already a long time of freedom.In this movie the most let I touched of is, he finally exhausted life before Wallace was beheaded shouted out, the power of the Scottish people have been looking forward to "free"。
勇敢的心 英语电影介绍
When William Wallace returns home, he falls in love with his childhood sweetheart Murron MacClannough (Catherine McCormack), and they marry in secret in hopes of preventing her from spending a night in the bed of the English lord.
Eventually, two of these nobles betray Wallace The Scots lose the battle, and Wallace nearly loses his life
• f
Despite being half hanged, racked and 最后,在砍头台。这里是这部片的一个精华了, 最后,在砍头台。这里是这部片的一个精华了, disemboweled alive, 思想就是在这里的。行刑前, 思想就是在这里的。行刑前,两个小丑在那里 舞尽丑态,让人发笑, refuses to 舞尽丑态,让人发笑,但也是说明了英国人的 Wallace 行为恰恰就是两个小丑所为。华莱士就刑, 行为恰恰就是两个小丑所为。华莱士就刑,行 submit to the king and 人对这位英雄扔鸡蛋、烂菜, 人对这位英雄扔鸡蛋、烂菜,恰恰说明了国民 beg for mercy. 的麻木和愚昧。后来在刑台上, 的麻木和愚昧。后来在刑台上,华莱士受尽了
the road of his life
growth and love
Brave Heart 勇敢的心
片 长:177分钟
Part I Part II Part III
影片赏析 练习 拓展阅读
Part I 影片赏析
Braveheart is a 1995 epic historical drama film directed by and starring Mel Gibson. Gibson portrays William Wallace, a 13thcentury Scottish warrior who led the Scots in the First War of Scottish Independence against King Edward I of England. The story is based on Blind Harry's epic poem The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace and was adapted for the screen by Randall Wallace (兰道尔·华莱士).
Sophie Marceau (born 17 November 1966) is a French
actress, director, screenwriter, and author. As a teenager,
Marceau achieved popularity with her debut films La Boum (《初吻》)(1980)and La Boum 2 (《初吻2》) (1982),receiving a César Award for Most Promising Actress (凯撒奖“最具前途女艺人”). She became a
Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》>>>更多电影-Robert: I shall tell you of William Wallace.tell of: 讲述我将为你们讲述William Wallace的故事。
Historians from England will say I am a liar, historian: 历史学家liar: 说谎的人英国的历史学家们会说我在说谎,But history is written by those who have hanged heroes.history: 历史hang: 绞死hero: 英雄但历史是由处死英雄的人写的。
The king of Scotland had died without a son, Scotland: 苏格兰(英国的一部分,在不列颠北部)苏格兰国王死后无嗣,And the king of England, a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks,cruel: 残忍的pagan: 异教徒be known as: 被称为,被认为是longshank: 长腿(合成词long: 长的shank: 腿部)人称长腿Edward的英格兰国王,一个残暴的异教徒,Claimed the throne of Scotland for himself.claim: 声称有throne: 王位宣布苏格兰王位归他所有。
Scotland's nobles fought him, and fought each other over the crown.noble: 贵族fought: 打仗(fight的过去式)crown: 王位苏格兰的贵族们为了王位和他开战,同时也在自相残杀。
So Longshanks invited them to talk of truce...invite: 邀请truce: 休战于是长腿邀请他们共商休战。
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E pic historical drama war filmThe background of the filmEngland England invaded invaded scotland scotland in in13th 13th century century, , , and and and scotch scotch people people courageously courageously rise rise to to resist resist b b but ut ut failed.Willam Willam is is the the representatives representatives of of heroes heroes in in the battle he the battle he is isa person person with with rich rich legend legend..The The film film takes takes the the the politics politics politicsof England England as as the the the background background backgroundand fighting fighting as as nucleus nucleus..The plot Childhood memoryHis fatherhas organized asecret resistanceorganizationbut failedHis His lover lover Melen Melen w w was as as killed by killed byb ritish ritish army army..They They got got merried merriedsecretly,and and had had a happy happy life life..His marriageHis resistanceUnder his leadership ,the scotch people revolt against British colonists .They mostly won every battle and threatened the ruling of the king .They fight bravely , man many y people were killed in the battle . .His failureWilliam was sentenced to death .T he king was on the brink of death and he was told by I sabelle that she was pregnant with william finally the child will be the king of the county .Many people succeed william and they fought fo for r freedo freedomm and peaceThe EndingClassical Lines勇敢的心•"We all end up dead, thequestion is how andwhy." -- William Wallace•我们最终都会死,问题在于怎么样死和为什么而死。
Every man dies, not everyman really lives.-- 威廉·华莱士This movie is about FREEDOM!1.Princess Isabelle: Peace is made in such ways. William Wallace: Slaves are made in such ways! •"It‘s all for nothing if you don‘t have freedom."-- William Wallace如果没有自由,一切都是空想。
He is a hero!Fight and you may die, run and you'll live.At least a while. And dying in your beds many years At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?!The reasonsI recommend the film What makes it spacial Power of artReason 1:The awards it gainsBrave heart is a 1995 American epic/drama film directed by and starred Mel Gibson . The film wins five awards in the 68th Oscars: best picture, best director, best cinematography, best music, best costumeReason 2:This is a film reflect the history of Englandand ScotlandThought this film ,we will have a general idea about the history of both England and Scotland in the13 and 14 century.We can know about Edward I’’s inhumanity, the We can know about Edward IEdward IIEdward II’’ incompetenceScottish people's resistance andWallaceWallace’’s bravenessReason 3:WallaceWallace’’s persistence of loveThroughout the film, the love between Wallace and Murron may affect most of us . Though their love is a tragic ending ,the true love will leave a deep impression on us.Reason 4:The unremitting pursuit of freedom Freedom is the main thing that Wallace pursue in his life. No matter what difficulties he meet ,he still hold on his belief and use his whole life to prove what freedom is.His spirits is marvelous and is worth learning.Reason 5:The characteristics Wallace holdFrom Wallace ,we can see many good qualities ,such as the,persistence ,responsibility. bravenebraveness ss ss ,persistence ,responsibility. These qualities will let us know what is the real man and what is the real hero.Some views about the movie When a man robbed by authoritypower of the time, chose to resistrather than accept their fate; When a person at a critical moment has been betrayed by its allies, the choice is to continue fighting rather than a compromise; When a person receiving torture what he caled out is the pursuit of their own, rather than "show mercy", his mind must exist a belief, a desire to get the mostbasic human survival requirementsof faith, a belief in pursuit offreedom ... ...当一个人为积威之所劫时,选择的是奋起反抗而不是逆来顺受;当一个人在关键时刻被盟友所出卖时,选择的是继续战斗而不是从此妥协;当一个人在接受酷刑时喊出的是自己的追求而不是“开恩”时,他的心中必定存在着一种信念,一种渴望得到人类最基本生存要求的信念,一种追求自由信念……the filmThecomments of of theThe comments•What kind of man would defy a king? Every man dies, not every man really lives.•His passion captivated a woman. His courage inspired a nation. His heart defied a king.•He who fought, fought for freedom.•一部具有深刻民族主义和政治内涵的史诗巨片•一段缠绵而令人荡气回肠的铁血柔情•一部悲壮的血泪传奇•THAT'S ALL,THANK YOU!。