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现在进行时的被动语态由“be bein g+及物动词的过去分词”构成,助动词be 有人称和数的变化(am, is are ).

①Modern cell phones are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Internet..


②New functions are being added to the cell phones.


③Is a computer center being built for the students?


④Are those TV sets being checked?


⑤The letter is not being written.


⑥The money for the project is not being collected.




1. The milu deer ______ at the research center at present.

A. was being studied

B. will be studied

C. is being studied

D. have been studied

2. The boys look very happy because they are listening to the music ______ on the radio.

A. that is being broadcast

B. that will be broadcast

C. that was being broadcast

D. that has been broadcast

3. We can hear that the papers _______ quickly on fast-moving printing machines.

A. will be printed

B. were being printed

C. have been printed

D. are being printed

4. Money _______ for the nature project.

A. was collected

B. have been collected

C. is being collected

D. are being collected

5. He said his father ______ abroad the next year.

A. has been sent

B. is being sent

C. will be sent

D. would be sent

6. The plan that he made a few days ago ______ now.

A. has been carried out

B. is being carried out

C. will be carried out

D. was being carried out

7.—Where is the panda?

—It______ by the doctor.

A. was being examined

B. is being examined

C. will be examined

D. has been examined

8. The elephants are hungry. They _______ anything to eat.

A. aren't given

B. weren't given

C. wouldn't be given

D. haven't been given

9. In order to make the trees grow better, ___ ___.

A. he watered them again

B. he had watered them again

C. they were being watered again

D. they are being watered again

10. We can't watch TV tonight because it ___ ____.

A. has been repaired

B. hasn't been repaired

C. had been repaired

D. hadn't been repaired

11. This room is not warm, ______ in winter, because it faces the north.

A. specially

B. special

C. especially

D. especial

12. The company keeps ______ touch with _______ customers.

A. in; thousands of

B. /; thousands of

C. in; thousand of

D. on; thousands of

13. The U. S.A. _______ fifty states.

A. is made into

B. is made from

C. is made of

D. is wade up of

14.—Where have you ______ your textbook?

—I'm sure I _______ it.

A. forgotten; may have lost

B. forgotten; must lose

C. left; can have lost

D. left; must have lost

15.Whether you can succeed in the end will mainly depend on ______ you do and

_______ you do it.

A. what; why

B. what; how

C. how; why

D. whether; how

16. She is afraid of her teacher, and she ______ say a single word before him.

A. dare not to

B. dares not to

C. daren't

D. didn't dare

17. Do you know how the sea water can ______ ?

A. stay clean

B. stay cleanly

C. go clean

D. go cleanly

18. John was made _____ of the national football team.

A. a captain

B. the captain

C. captain

D. as captain

19.—Did you succeed ______ Band Six?

—Yes, I did.

A. to pass

B. to passing

C. in passing

D. and pass

20. The song he sang just now ______ me of the good old days.

A. called

B. remembered

C. told

D. reminded

21. Take the umbrella with you ______ it rains.

A. in case of

B. in that case

C. in the case

D. in case that

22. They have planted _______ they did last year.

A. twice more trees as

B. twice as many trees as

C. twice as much trees as

D. as twice many trees

23. ______ it is to go cycling on such a fine day!
