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e.g.=for example


i.e.=that is

etc.=et cetera






<less than


W/=w ith


very expensi v e=v exp



1. 表示各种组织或机构的缩略词

AP EC (Asia-P aci f ic E conomic Cooperation) 亚太经贸合作组织

IOC (International Olympic Committee) 国际奥林匹克委员会

ISO (International Organization for S tandardi z ation) 国际标准化组织

OPEC (Organization of P etroleum E xporting Countries) 欧佩克,石油输出国组织

WTO (World Trade Organi z ation) 世界贸易组织


BBS (Bulletin Board System) 电子布告栏系统或(Bulletin Board Service)电子布告服务

GPS (Global P osition System) 全球定位系统

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) 全球移动通信系统

CIMS (Computer Integrated Manufacturing S ystem) 计算机集成制造系统

DOS (Disc Operating System) 磁盘操作系统

ITS (Intelligent Transportation S ystem) 智能交通系统NMD (National Missile Defense) 国家导弹防御系统TMDE (T est, Measure and Diagnostic E uipment) 试验、测量与诊断设备

NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) 纳斯达克,<美>全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会

3. 有关职务或学位的缩略词

CE O (Chief E xecutive O fficer) 首席执行官

CFO (Chief Finance Officer) 首席财务官

CIO (Chief Information Offi c er) 首席信息官

COO (Chief Operating Offi c er) 首席运行官

CTO (Chief T echnology Offi c er)首席技术官

CP A (Certified P ublic Accountant) 注册会计师

MBA (Master of Business A dministration) 工商管理硕士MP A (Master of P ublic Administration) 公共管理硕士4. 有关金融方面的缩略词

ATM (Automated T eller Machine) 自动取款(出纳)机CBD (Central Business Distri c t) 中央商务区

GDP (Gross Domestic P roduct) 国内生产总值

GNP (Gross National P roduct) 国民生产总值

5. 有关考试方面的缩略词

CE T (College E nglish T est) 大学英语等级考试

GRE(Graduate Record E xamination) 美国研究生入学考试

PETS (P ublic E nglish T est System) 全国英语等级考试6. 其他方面的缩略词

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ) 获得性免疫功能丧失综合症,即艾滋病

AM (Amplitude Modulation) 调幅

AP C (aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine; compound aspirin; heat-relieving and pain-killing medicine consi s ting of aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine) 复方阿斯匹林

AP I (Air P ollution Index) 空气污染指数

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) 码分多址,一种无线电发射和接受方式

CD (Compact Disc) 激光唱盘

CIP (Cataloguing in P ublication)预编目录

DIY (Do It Yourself)指自己动手装电脑,缝制衣服,做贺卡等

DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘

EMS (E xpress Mail Service) 邮政特快专递

E Q (Emotional Quotient) 情商

IQ (Intelligence Quotient) 智商

IT (Information T echnology) 信息技术

OA (O ffice Automation) 办公自动化

OEM (Original E quipment Manufacturer) 原始设备制造商

PC (P ersonal Computer)个人计算机

P T (P articular Transfer) 特别转让

SOHO (Small Offi c e Home Offi c e) 小型家居办公室SOS (Save Our Souls; radio signal once used universally to appeal for help esp. by a ship or boat; urgent request for help from sb. in trouble) 国际上曾通用的紧急呼救信号,也用于一般的求救或求助

ST (S pecial Treatment) 特别处理

VIP (Very Important P erson) 要人

VOD (Video on Demand) 视频点播

WWW (World Wide Web) 万维网


AS AP As soon as possible尽快

BF Boyfriend 男朋友

BTW By the w ay 随便说一下

BBL Be back later 稍后回来

BRB Be right back 很快回来

CU See you 再见

CUL See you later 下次再会

DIIK Damned if I know n 我真的不知道

DS Dunce smiley 笨伯

FE For example 举例

FTF Face to face 面对面

FYI For your information 供参考

GF girlfriend 女朋友

IAE In any event无论如何

IC I see 我明白

ILY I love you 我爱你

IMHO In my humble opinion 依愚人之见

IMO In my opinion 依我所见

IOW In other w ords 换句话说

LOL laughing out loudly 大声笑

NRN No reply necessary 不必回信

OIC Oh, I see 哦,我知道

PEM P rivacy enhanced mail 保密邮件

RSVP Reply if you please 请答复
