





二、课程目标1. 提供专业知识:本课程将深入探讨相关领域的核心概念和理论,并结合实际案例进行分析和讨论,以帮助学员全面理解和掌握相关知识。

2. 培养实践能力:通过实践操作和模拟练习,学员将能够将所学知识应用于实际工作场景中,提高解决问题和应对挑战的能力。

3. 促进团队合作:本课程将鼓励学员之间的合作与交流,培养团队合作精神和沟通能力,以应对日后工作中的协作需求。

4. 培养职业素养:通过专业导师的指导和实践经验的分享,学员将了解行业内的职业规范和道德准则,提升职业素养和个人形象。

三、课程安排1. 第一阶段:理论学习- 模块一:基础知识介绍本模块将介绍相关领域的基本概念和理论,为后续学习打下基础。

- 模块二:专业技能培养本模块将重点培养学员的专业技能,包括实际操作技巧和工作流程等方面的培训。

- 模块三:案例分析与讨论本模块将通过案例分析和小组讨论的方式,帮助学员将理论知识与实际应用相结合。

2. 第二阶段:实践操作- 模块四:实践操作指导本模块将提供实践操作指导,包括实际操作技巧的演示和实践环境的搭建。

- 模块五:实践项目本模块将组织学员进行实践项目,以检验他们所学知识的应用能力和解决问题的能力。

3. 第三阶段:总结与评估- 模块六:学习总结与反思本模块将帮助学员总结所学知识和经验,并进行个人反思和成长规划。

- 模块七:学习成果评估本模块将对学员的学习成果进行评估,以确保他们达到预期的学习效果。

四、学员要求1. 学历要求:本课程对学员学历没有硬性要求,欢迎各个学历层次的人员报名参加。

2. 能力要求:学员需要具备一定的学习能力和自我管理能力,以适应本课程的学习节奏和任务安排。

3. 其他要求:学员需要具备一定的计算机操作能力和英语阅读能力,以便更好地理解和应用相关学习资料。

换热器单元仿真培训 操作说明书

换热器单元仿真培训 操作说明书

换热器单元仿真培训操作说明书欧倍尔北京欧倍尔软件开发有限公司2012年11月地址:北京海淀区清河强佑新城甲一号楼14层1431室邮编:100085II-目录一、工艺流程简介 (1)1、工作原理........................................................................................................................................12、流程说明........................................................................................................................................1二、工艺卡片. (1)1、设备列表........................................................................................................................................12、现场阀门........................................................................................................................................23、仪表列表........................................................................................................................................24、工艺参数........................................................................................................................................3三、复杂控制说明......................................................................................................................................3四、控制规程. (4)1、正常开车 (4)(1)开车前准备.........................................................................................................................4(2)启动冷物流进料泵.............................................................................................................4(3)冷物流进料.........................................................................................................................4(4)启动热物流入口泵.............................................................................................................4(5)热物流进料.........................................................................................................................42、正常运行. (4)(1)正常工况操作参数.............................................................................................................4(2)备用泵的切换.....................................................................................................................53、正常停车. (5)(1)停热物流进料泵.................................................................................................................5(2)停热物流进料.....................................................................................................................5(3)停冷物流进料泵.................................................................................................................5(4)停冷物流进料 (5)地址:北京海淀区清河强佑新城甲一号楼14层1431室邮编:100085III-(5)E101管程、壳程泄液.........................................................................................................54、事故处理. (6)(1)FV101阀卡...........................................................................................................................6(2)P101A 泵坏...........................................................................................................................6(3)P102A 泵坏...........................................................................................................................6(4)TV102A 阀卡.........................................................................................................................6(5)TV102B 阀卡.........................................................................................................................7(6)换热器管堵.........................................................................................................................7(7)换热器结垢严重.. (7)五、PID图....................................................................................................................................................8六、仿真画面. (8)地址:北京海淀区清河强佑新城甲一号楼14层1431室邮编:1000851-一、工艺流程简介1、工作原理传热,即热交换和热传递,是自然界和工业过程中一种最普遍的热传递过程。





二、培训目的:本次培训的目的是:1. 清楚介绍岗位职责和工作流程;2. 传授必要的知识和技能,使员工能够胜任岗位工作;3. 培养员工的团队合作意识和沟通能力;4. 强调安全意识和质量意识,确保员工能够安全高效地完成工作任务。

三、培训内容:1. 公司介绍:包括公司背景、发展历程、目标和价值观等。

2. 岗位职责和工作流程:详细介绍岗位的主要职责、工作范围和工作流程,以帮助员工清楚了解自己的职责和工作要求。

3. 必要的知识和技能培训:根据岗位要求,提供相关的知识和技能培训,包括但不限于以下内容:a. 产品知识:介绍公司的产品特点、用途和销售技巧等。

b. 技术培训:培养员工所需的专业技能,提高工作效率和质量。

c. 沟通技巧:培养员工的沟通能力,包括口头和书面沟通等。

d. 团队合作:强调团队的重要性,培养员工的合作精神和团队意识。

e. 安全培训:重点强调工作安全和环境保护,确保员工的人身安全和工作场所的安全。

四、培训方法和工具:1. 培训方法:根据培训内容和培训对象的特点,采用多种培训方法,如面对面培训、实地考察、案例分析、小组讨论等。

2. 培训工具:为了提高培训效果,使用一些培训工具是必要的,如PPT演示、案例分析材料、操作手册等。

3. 测评和反馈:在培训结束后,进行培训效果的测评和员工反馈收集,以评估培训的效果,并根据反馈意见做出改进。



六、联系方式:如果在培训过程中有任何问题,可以随时联系以下人员:- 培训负责人:XXX- 联系方式:XXX七、总结:本岗位培训说明书旨在为岗位培训提供指导和规范,确保员工能够胜任工作岗位,并为公司的发展做出积极的贡献。





二、培训目标1. 提升专业技能:通过培训课程,使员工掌握关键技能,提高在工作岗位上的表现和业绩。

2. 加强沟通能力:通过沟通技巧培训,提高员工在面对客户和团队内部的交流中的表达能力和倾听能力。

3. 培养领导能力:通过领导力培训,培养员工的团队合作能力、决策能力和问题解决能力。

三、培训计划1. 培训课程安排- 课程一:专业知识培训- 课程二:沟通技巧培训- 课程三:领导力培训2. 培训内容概述课程一:专业知识培训- 员工将接受与他们所从事的工作相关的专业知识培训。


课程二:沟通技巧培训- 员工将学习如何有效地与客户和团队成员进行沟通。


课程三:领导力培训- 员工将接受领导力培训,以提升他们在团队中的影响力和领导能力。


3. 培训计划时间表- 课程一:专业知识培训(3天)- 课程二:沟通技巧培训(2天)- 课程三:领导力培训(2天)四、培训评估和反馈为确保培训计划的有效性,我们将进行培训评估和反馈。



五、预期结果1. 员工在工作中的表现将显著提升,业绩将有所增长。

2. 员工之间的沟通将更加顺畅,团队协作效率将提高。

3. 员工将具备一定的领导能力,能够更好地应对困难和挑战。





系统培训计划说明书范文一、培训概述1.1 培训目的系统培训计划旨在提升员工对系统操作和应用的技能,帮助他们更好地理解系统功能和运作流程,提高工作效率和质量。

1.2 培训对象本次系统培训计划的培训对象为公司所有部门的员工,包括但不限于销售、市场、财务、人力资源等相关部门的员工。

1.3 培训内容系统培训计划内容主要涵盖系统基本操作、数据输入与查询、数据分析与报表生成、系统故障处理等内容。


1.4 培训方式本次系统培训计划采取线上线下相结合的方式进行,包括但不限于视频教学、实操演练、案例分析等形式。

二、培训计划2.1 培训时间本次系统培训计划预计持续3个月,分为初级培训和高级培训两个阶段。


2.2 培训安排初级培训阶段主要以系统基础操作和数据输入为主要内容,每周安排2次培训课程,每次培训时长2小时。


2.3 培训内容初级培训内容包括系统介绍、基本操作、数据输入与查询、故障处理等内容;高级培训内容包括数据分析、报表生成、高级功能应用等内容。

2.4 培训考核为了保证培训效果,培训结束后将进行培训考核,通过考核的员工将颁发系统培训合格证书。

三、培训保障3.1 硬件设施公司将提供完备的培训所需的电脑、互联网设备等硬件设施。

3.2 培训师资公司将邀请具有丰富系统操作经验的员工作为培训师,他们将向员工传授实用的系统操作技能和经验。

3.3 培训材料公司将提供详细的培训教材和资料,供员工学习和复习使用。

3.4 后续支持公司将建立系统培训服务支持平台,为员工提供系统操作中遇到问题的解答和技术支持。

























二、考核目的1. 评估培训效果:通过考核,可以客观地评估员工在培训过程中所取得的成果和改进的能力。

2. 了解培训需求:通过分析员工的考核表现,可以更好地了解员工的培训需求,为个性化培训提供参考。

3. 激励员工积极性:有针对性的考核能够激励员工参与培训并提高学习热情,提高培训效果。

三、考核内容1. 知识考核:测试员工对于相关培训知识的掌握程度,包括理论知识和实际操作技能。

2. 能力评估:评估员工在实际工作中应用培训所学知识和技能的能力,包括解决问题、创新能力等。

3. 反馈问卷:通过向员工提供匿名问卷,收集培训效果的主观反馈,了解培训对员工的影响。

四、考核方式1. 知识考核:通过在培训结束后的一段时间内进行笔试或在线测试的方式进行,以确保员工对于培训内容的记忆和理解。

2. 能力评估:通过向员工分配实际工作任务或案例,并设置评估指标和标准,评估员工在实际工作中运用培训所学的能力。

3. 反馈问卷:根据员工的实际情况和培训内容,设计合适的问卷内容,鼓励员工对培训效果进行真实、客观的反馈。

五、考核评定标准1. 知识考核:根据培训内容和考核题目的难易程度,设定合理的分数线,根据员工考试得分进行评定。

2. 能力评估:根据员工在实际工作中的表现和达成的实际工作指标,进行能力评估,并给予相应的成绩。

3. 反馈问卷:根据员工的评价结果,进行统计和分析,得出综合评定。

六、考核结果与应对措施1. 考核结果公示:将考核结果进行汇总和整理,公示员工培训考核成绩,以提高考核的公平性和透明度。

2. 培训补充措施:根据员工培训考核结果,针对性地制定培训补充计划,帮助员工进一步提高培训效果和能力。

特雷克斯 RV 防电涌保护系统培训手册说明书

特雷克斯 RV 防电涌保护系统培训手册说明书

Surge Guard Training ManualThis Surge Guard ® Training Manual will show youhow to help prevent this from happening…Consequences of an Electrical Fire in an RV:1. Costly Damage and/or Loss of the RV2. Insurance Deductibles/Claims3. Annoying DowntimeRVs are at the Mercy of the Power PedestalTraining ManualWhat does Surge Guard do?Why is Surge Guard needed?RVs hook up to power pedestals for shore power at campgrounds, parks and other locations. RVs today have highly sophisticated electronic circuitry with an array of expensive appliances ranging from air conditioners and microwaves to plasma TVs. The single largest threat to a RV’s electrical system and appliances is the “power pedestal”, either miswired or faulty electrical power. Faulty power can result in significant damage to these appliances. TRC manufactures a complete line of Surge Guard products that offer bumper-to-bumper electrical system protection for all RVs.Due to the enormous damage and repair expense caused by miswired pedestals and faulty power, many of the RV manufacturers have begun installing Surge Guard hardwire models in their RVs. As RVs continue to increase in cost, so does the need to protect the investment. Surge Guards are one of the best insurance policies that an RV owner can purchase.What is Surge Protection?NEW…Now with LCD Display30Amp model provides 2,450 Joules of Power Surge Protection.50Amp model provides 3,850 Joules of Power Surge Protection.Can RVers use a 50Amp/30Amp adapter plug with their 50Amp Surge Guard and hook up to a 30Amp power pedestal?Yes; however, their RV is wired with two 50Amp/120V circuits for a total of100Amps while the 30Amp power pedestal will only provide a total of 30Amps of power. Subsequently, only a limited number of appliances can be operated without causing circuit breakers on the power pedestal to be thrown. The Surge Guard will provide the protection; however, the RVer may experience inconvenience due to the limited power.Can I hook up a 30Amp Surge Guard to a 240V/50Amp power pedestal using a 30Amp/50Amp adapter?The answer is yes, and the Surge Guard will function properly; however, it is not recommended. The higher 50Amp input can cause the circuit breakers to be thrown.Can an RV owner use a ‘voltage boosting’ product i n conjunction with a Surge Guard?Yes, by plugging the voltage booster into the power pedestal in front of the Surge Guard. The voltage booster’s primary function is to increase the voltage in low voltage situations. Most prov ide “limited” surge protection or protection for extreme over/under voltage and open neutral condition. If the voltage booster is mounted after the Surge Guard, the Surge Guard will automatically shut off the power if it is below 102V for more than 8 seconds; subsequently not allowing the voltage booster to operate.Model 34590Universal Lock HaspFits all portable Surge Guard models and Surge Guard Voltage Regulators, as well as standard 30Amp and 50Amp portable plugs.Lock not included.voltage from the power pedestal drops below 102V or goes above 132V for more than 8 seconds or, in cases of instantaneous severe voltage drops or spikes, the power is automatically shut off. The Surge Guard will automatically reset once the power problem has been corrected. There is a 128 second delay built in to protect the air conditioner compressor.When the power is shut off due to polarity, miswiring or current to ground conditions, the “Caution Light” will beowner identify the cause of the power outage.30Amp model provides 2,450 Joules of Power Surge Protection50Amp model provides 3,850 Joules of Power Surge Protection(Optional)Model 40298 Remote Power Monitor LCD Display When connected to the above Surge Guard hardwires, theoptional plug and play LCD Display, with 16 information faultscreens, shows more detailed information regarding incomingline voltages, current being used, and fault conditions than withModel 4024050Amp Hardwire with RV Power Protection 120/240V, 50A, 60HzThis Surge Guard offers the same features and benefits as the hardwire units; however, it also monitors anddisplays the condition of the power being supplied to the RV with an LCD readout and source power connection diagnostics. This model has multi-mode surge suppression (fuse protected) and protects against: excessive voltage (<102V/>132V), miswired pedestal, open neutral, open ground, high/low frequency, and reverse polarity.Provides 3,350 Joules of Power Surge ProtectionWhat is Over Voltage and Under Voltage Protection?Over voltage and under voltage protection removes primary power from the load (i.e. RV Coach) when the voltage drops below 102V or above 132V (safe mode). This predetermined value is selected as the point beyond which electrical and electronic equipment is likely to be damaged if operated for an extended length of time. The user of any protective device is urged to be aware that protective devices are not necessarily effective for allcircumstances. Bypassing for this condition can result in damage of electrical equipment on the coach.How do I know my surge protection still works?The surge protection does not usually fail unless there is a direct lightningstrike. If this happens, there would likely be other obvious damage; otherwise, the surge protection should last indefinitely.What does the term "Weather Resistant" mean?The term "Weather Resistant", sometimes described as "Rainproof", is used to describe many electrical products that are manufactured for outdoor use. Surge Guard products described as "Weather Resistant" can be used in most outdoor environments. Please note that these products should not be submerged under water at any time.Dimensions 5.84”W x 12.75”L x 5.27”DA Multitude of RV Electrical Protection ChoicesModel 4010050Amp Basic Automatic Transfer Switch120/240V,50Amp, 60HzThis is a basic ATS that transfers to generator powerautomatically when energized after a 30 second delay.When both shore power and generator power areavailable, generator dominates after a 30 second delay.Once the generator is shut down, shore power activatesafter a 3-4 second delay.Mechanical interlocking contactors and time delay atpower up.Does not provide surge protection.Model 4126050Amp Automatic Transfer SwitchLimited RV Power Protection 120/240V,50Amp, 60HzThis unit transfers to either shore power or generatorautomatically when energized. In the event both shore andgenerator powers are available, generator power willdominate after a 30 second delay.Provides open neutral and reverse polarity protection as wellas multi-mode surge suppression.Time delay at power up (shore 3-4 sec., gen. 30 sec.Mechanical interlocking contactors.Provides 2,600 Joules of Power Surge ProtectionDimensions 8.84”W x 12.75”L x 5.21”DDimensions 7.78”W x 10.00”L x 5.10”DModel 40250-RVC50Amp RVC Compatible Automatic Transfer SwitchFull RV Power Protection 120/240V,50Amp, 60HzThis unit offers the same features and benefits as Model40240 with the added bonus of an RVC Compatible ATS.Multi-mode surge suppression (fuse protected) and protectsagainst: excessive voltage (<95V/>132V), miswired pedestal,open neutral, open ground, high/low frequency, and reversepolarity.Transfers to generator power automatically when energizedafter a 30 second delay. When both shore power andgenerator power are available, generator dominates after a 30second delay. Once the generator is shut down, the shorepower activates after a 3-4 second delay. Oversize contactorsand UL Approved ATS - full transfer switch rating. Optional 2-line plain English display with continuous visualindication of source voltage, load current or diagnostics.(p/n 40272 & cable p/n 40258)Provides 3,350 Joules of Power Surge ProtectionModel 41290-RVC90Amp RVC Compatible Automatic Transfer Switch Full RV Power Protection 120/240V,90Amp, 60HzMulti-mode surge suppression (fuse protected) and protectsagainst: excessive voltage (<95V/>132V), miswired pedestal,open neutral, open ground, high/low frequency, and reversepolarity.Transfers to generator power automatically when energized aftera 30 second delay. When both shore power and generatorpower are available, generator dominates after a 30 seconddelay. Once the generator is shut down, the shore poweractivates after a 3-4 second delay. Oversize contactors and ULApproved ATS - full transfer switch rating.Optional 2-line plain English display with continuous visualindication of source voltage, load current or diagnostics.(p/n 40272 & cable p/n 40258)Provides 3,350 Joules of Power Surge ProtectionOptional OptionalDimensions 8.84”W x 12.75”L x 5.21”D Dimensions 8.84”W x 14.50”L x 5.27”DCompare Automatic Transfer SwitchesIt may void the warranty if installed incorrectly.Optional Mounting Bracket While the Voltage Regulator monitors and provides a stable regulated source of power, it does not protect against open neutrals and faulty electrical conditions that can potentially cause catastrophic damage. Subsequently, always use a Surge Guard portable addition to the Voltage Regulator. Plug the Voltageinto the pedestal followed by the Surge Guard, prior to connecting the shore power cord.How to Hook Up to RV and/or to Surge Guard④Voltage Regulator plugs directly into 30Amp or 50Amp power pedestal at campground④Hook RV’s shore cord to Voltage Regulator if no Surge Guard protective device i s being used ④If RV has a Portable Surge Guard - Surge Guard unit needs to be plugged between theVoltage Regulator and the RV④If RV has an installed Surge Guard Hardwire then unit is already in the correct position(Low Voltage<102V)(High Voltage>135V)(Low Frequency<55Hz)(High Frequency>65Hz)(Ground Fault)(Polarity Fault)Model AECM20020Digital Power MonitorThis is the most advanced microelectronics power monitor and diagnostics tool on the market. Plug into any 15Amp outlet and the backlit LCDdisplay shows RMS voltage & frequency. The mode button allows for only the voltage or frequency or both to be displayed alternately. If a fault is encountered, the display screen will display one of the following:LO HI LF HF GF PFIf the fault continues for more than 3 seconds, a 5 second audible alarm sounds. It also provides 300 Joules of Surge Suppression for the circuit in which it is plugged.This is the only power monitor with an audible alarm, RMS technology (reads inverters & generators correctly) and digitally displays all faults with built in surge suppression.Contact and Resource Information④ For information, Specs, and Troubleshooting Assistance, please visit: ④ Customer ServiceKathy NealEmail – **************Direct Line – 727-812-0532 or 800-780-4324 x 312④ Technical SupportEmail – ********************Direct Line – 727-812-0531 or 800-780-4324 x 311。



E-HR培训学习平台项目业务需求说明书人力资源及行政管理中心2014年11月修订文档历史记录目录1引言 (5)1.1编写目的 (5)1.2背景 (5)1.3定义 (5)1.4参考资料 (5)2项目概述 (5)2.1项目目标 (5)2.2假定和约束 (5)3业务组织结构 (5)3.1业务组织结构 (5)3.2岗位职责 (5)4业务流程 (5)4.1业务流程图 (5)4.2业务流程说明 (9)5性能需求 (9)6数据安全需求 (11)7报表及使用说明 (11)8业务各阶段成果物清单 (11)1引言1.1编写目的为打通员工职业发展通道,充分发挥人力资源管理在人才“选、用、育、留”中培育员工、发展员工的作用,特提出本需求。

1.2背景●项目名称: E-HR系统培训学习平台●项目提出部门:合生人力●使用部门:全集团●全员覆盖:全集团所有公司所有人员都纳入系统管理;全流程覆盖:员工从新入职培训到在岗培训所有培训、培养环节都纳入系统管理。











5、员工在试用期间所修课程及考试成绩,一方面保留在培训学习平台上,直接反馈至E-HR 系统培训记录模块中。


药品说明书的内容和格式必须符合国家食品药品监督管理总局的规定,包括标题、批准文号、正文、 警示语等部分。正文部分应包含药品的名称、成分、性状、适应症、用法用量、不良反应、注意事项 等,警示语部分应包含药品禁忌、注意事项等重要提示。
药品说明书是指导医生和患者正确使用药品的重要文 件,具有法律效应和指导作用。
在使用药品前,务必仔细阅读药 品说明书,了解药品的适应症、 用法用量、禁忌症等信息。
遵循药品说明书使 用方法
严格按照药品说明书规定的用法 用量使用药品,避免超量或不足 量使用。
在使用药品过程中,如出现不良 反应,应立即停止使用并咨询医 生。
药品名称是药品的唯一标识,用于区 分不同药品。
药品名称通常包括通用名和商品名。 通用名是药品的法定名称,所有药品 必须具备;商品名是药品生产企业的 注册名称,不同企业生产的同一种药 品可以有不同的商品名。
掌握药品的适应症、禁忌症、用法用量、不良反 应等基本信息。
了解药品的研发背景、临床试验数据等专业知识 。
掌握药品的合理使用方法,包括用药时机、用药剂 量、用药途径等。










1. 课程概述本课程旨在提供高质量的教育培训,帮助学员掌握特定领域的知识和技能。



2. 培训目标本课程的培训目标是帮助学员达到以下几个方面的能力和水平:- 掌握相关领域的基本理论知识;- 熟悉实践操作和技能;- 能够运用所学知识解决实际问题;- 培养良好的学习习惯和自主学习能力。

3. 学习方式为了提供更好的学习体验,我们采用多种教学方法和学习资源,包括但不限于:- 面授课程:由专业教师进行面对面授课,以便学员与教师进行互动和讨论;- 实践操作:通过实际操作和案例分析,帮助学员将理论知识应用到实际问题中;- 学习资料:提供相关学习资料,包括课程讲义、教材、案例分析等;- 在线学习平台:为学员提供在线学习资源和交流平台,方便学员随时随地进行学习。

4. 学习评估为了评估学员的学习效果和能力提升,我们将采用多种评估方式,包括但不限于:- 课堂测试:通过课堂测试,检验学员对所学知识的掌握程度;- 作业和项目:要求学员完成作业和项目,以检验其实践操作和解决问题的能力;- 考试:组织考试,评估学员对整个课程内容的掌握情况;- 反馈和讨论:通过学员的反馈和课堂讨论,了解学员对课程的理解和学习效果。

5. 学习支持为了提供更好的学习支持,我们将提供以下服务:- 学习咨询:学员可随时向教师和学习顾问咨询学习相关问题;- 学习资源:提供学习资料和参考书目,方便学员深入学习和拓展知识;- 学习社群:建立学习社群,促进学员之间的交流和互助;- 学习反馈:定期收集学员的学习反馈,以改进课程和教学质量。

6. 课程安排课程的具体安排将在开课前向学员发布,包括上课时间、地点和其他相关事项。

飞利浦Big Bore RT培训程序说明书

飞利浦Big Bore RT培训程序说明书

Philips Big Bore RTTraining ProgramAt Philips, we recognize that clinical excellence is dependent upon technologically advanced systems and issupported by dedicated, highly skilled, and effectively trained healthcare professionals.Following installation of a Philips product or system, we are committed to providing our customers with alevel of education to maximize the performance, effectiveness, and efficiency of our products and systems.The benefits of timely and effective customer education will be evident in our customers’ satisfaction ofthe product. Well-trained customers are more confident, better able to use the advanced product features,and may achieve better results using our products.Philips offers a comprehensive training program designed for your staff to realize the full potential of yourPhilips advanced imaging systems.As our training programs are continuously updated, this guideline is subject to change. Please consult yourequipment quotation for specifics of your training program including number of on-site training hours.Philips Clinical ServicesOncologyPhilips Big Bore RT Training program overviewThe Philips training program consists of off-site and on-site training including initial handover enablement and follow up training tailored to your requirements.Training event 1 Training event 2 Training event 3 Training event 4(if IMR is purchased)Title Session 1: Big BorePre-Handover Off-siteTraining Session 2: InitialHandover On-siteTrainingSession 3: Follow-upOn-site TrainingSession 4: IMR On-siteTrainingLocation Cleveland, Ohio Customer Location Customer Location Customer Location Duration 25.5 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 HoursPrerequisites Session 1: Big BorePre-Handover Off-siteTraining Session 2: InitialHandover On-siteTrainingSession 3: Follow-upOn-site TrainingNote All elements of training must be used within one year of the installation of the equipment or a charge will be incurred for future use. Session 1 courses (off-site training) will not be converted to additional on-site training sessions for any reason. Session 1 courses provide the framework necessary for a successful Clinical Handover (Session 2).Training eventsThe following sections list and describe the training events that are included in the training program.Session 1: Big Bore Pre-Handover Off-site TrainingPre-Handover training for the Philips Big Bore RT powered by iPatient. This interactive off-site session is held at the Cleveland, OH training facility and is attended prior to, or during, the CT scanner installation period. It is intended for two designated Radiation Therapists and is a prerequisite to the Session 2 Initial Handover On-Site training at your facility. Travel package sold separately. See course agenda for details.Philips Big Bore RTSession 2: Initial Handover On-site TrainingClinical use: Big Bore RT On-Site Training. (Tuesday-Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm) Training is intended to fine tune and expand upon knowledge learned during Session 1. The training will focus on general to advanced oncology scanning and Tumor Localization, scanner QA, maximizing scanning techniques, reconstruction parameters and exam cards.Trainees should be the same two therapists from Session 1 and up to one more radiation therapist with simulation experience. In addition to the therapists there should be a dosimetrist, physicist and physician available for selected responsibilities throughout training. Physics must be available during day 1 of the training to assist with scanner QA procedures, treatment machine definition in Tumor LOC, reconstruction options and generation of Exam Cards for patient scanning.Note Limiting the number of patients scheduled is necessary to ensure the quality of your on-site training, otherwise complete coverage of all material cannot be guaranteed. The scheduled Philips Clinical Applications Specialist will also work with you prior to all on-site events to ensure your department’s training needs are met. A Clinical Applications Specialist will be contacting your facility once the training has been scheduled and confirmed by our scheduling department. All Philips oncology specialists are registered Radiation Therapists and/or Certified Medical Dosimetrists with an expert level of knowledge related to CT simulation and treatment planning. Please share these guidelines with your staff to be trained, as well as, the dosimetry and physics staff.Example schedule:Morning AfternoonDay 1 (No patients) Machine definition and ExamCard generation with Physics (1 patient) Startup/shutdown, system QA, system overview, scanner workflow, introduction to Tumor LOCDay 2 (1-2 patients) Continued scanner workflow,CT Directory overview, CT Viewer, Dosemanagement tools (1-2 patients) Off-line reconstructions, Tumor LOC overviewDay 3 (1 patient) Tumor LOC continued, 4D CTintroduction(1 patient) 4D CT continuedNote Regarding start and end times and days: The training schedule is designed to accommodate Monday travel and physics acceptance testing. Training will commence on Tuesday morning.Philips Big Bore RTSession 3: Follow-up On-site TrainingClinical use: Tumor Localization on Console and Pulmonary Toolkit. (Tuesday-Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm) Training is intended to fine tune and expand upon knowledge learned during Session 2. The training will focus on Tumor LOC, and the Pulmonary Toolkit. Trainees should be the two therapists from previous sessions and a core group of staff that will implement the Pulmonary Toolkit/Correlated Imaging (4D CT) process.Note If any 3rd party device (i.e. Varian RPM) will be interfaced with the Big Bore RT Scanner to acquire data for Respiratory Correlated Imaging (4D CT), it is a prerequisite that 3rd party vendor training is completed prior to this training session. Philips personnel will not be able to provide 3rd party vendor training. Limiting the number of patients scheduled is necessary to ensure the quality of your on-site training.Morning AfternoonDay 1 (1-2 patients) 4D CT Acquisition and ExamCard review. (1-2 patients) Respiratory waveform Tag Editing for image quality improvements, and waveform review.Day 2 (1-2 patients) Amplitude and Phase basedbinning. (1-2 patients) Pulmonary Viewer for review of 4D CT data.Day 3 (1-2 patients) Generating IntensityProjections within Tumor LOC.(1 patient) Export of 4D data to TPS.Session 4: IMR On-site Training (if IMR is purchased)Clinical use: Big Bore RT Oncology Iterative Model Reconstruction On-Site Training. (Tuesday-Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm) Training is intended to fine tune and expand upon knowledge learned during prior training sessions. This training will provide a review of dose management strategies, iDose, exam card development and introduce IMR, image quality improvements for radiation therapy treatment planning. Trainees should be the same therapists from previous sessions with a physicist and radiation oncologist available to assess resultant IMR image quality.•Significant Noise Reduction – Useful for large patients and 4D CT•Improved low contrast resolution. – Contouring efficacy, subtle structure conspicuity•Maintains HU consistency•Fast Reconstruction•Patient-centric workflow with iPatientPhilips Big Bore RT Morning AfternoonDay 1 Introduction and discussion of IMRimplementation and advantages. Exam cardconstruction to include IMR. Select Patienttypes for demonstration of IQ enhancement. Patient scanning. Optimization of workflow and image quality. Conduct Phantom studies to demonstrate HU consistency and low contrast detailDay 2 Patient scanning, Image quality, Exam Cardreview and editing Patient scanning. Image review of IMR comparison to FBP or iDose with Physics and Oncologist. Compare contouring ease and conspicuity of structures using IMR.Day 3 Patient scanning. Optimization of workflowand image quality to include IMR. Patient scanning. Optimization of workflow and image quality to include IMR.Customer roles and responsibilitiesSite readinessSystem training is performed on the final, installed system. Prior to on-site training, the following site requirements must be complete, which are the sole responsibility of the Customer except as otherwise indicated below:❑All required licenses are acquired.❑Room construction is completed.❑System installed (Philips responsibility except for items where installation is not included on the Philips product sales quotation, including stand-alone software sales) and ancillary and accessory items are installed and functioning.❑System inspection (state, local fire, building) is passed.❑Connectivity to remote destinations and PACS, if required, is completed. Please ensure your PACS administrator has had any necessary discussions with the installer(s).❑Supplies are stocked.Philips Big Bore RTScheduling patients during on-site trainingA full patient schedule during training may negatively impact the effectiveness of the session.Limiting the number of patients scheduled is necessary to ensure the quality of your on-site training. Otherwise, complete coverage of all training material cannot be guaranteed.Philips recommends that you schedule your staff in a way that optimizes the time that the Clinical Applications Specialist is on-site at your facility.Philips responsibilitiesPhilips Clinical Services will provide training to customer staff for most features of the Philips equipment. The customer is responsible for patient contact or operation of equipment during training sessions. Due to legal responsivity of Philips and the customer site, Philips personnel may not provide direct patient contact or handle operation of the equipment during scanning.Philips Clinical Education does not provide training on 3rd party equipment.Staff attending the trainingThe outcome of this training will be the most successful utilizing the super user training model. This model provides comprehensive training to a small, select number of therapists called super users. The super user is then enabled to train others on the staff who might not otherwise be available to attend the entire training curriculum. This concept has been proven to provide proactive peer support and continuity of training.Super userA super user is an experienced, registered radiation therapist who attends all training events for the system. This individual is the one who will train the remainder of the department staff on the operation of the system to meet all department procedures and protocols. Since training events build on prior training content, it is important the super user is available for all training events.We recommend at least two super users complete the entire training program.Philips Big Bore RTTraining attendeesA maximum of four Radiation Therapy staff may attend on-site training.In order to ensure a successful handover and training, certain prerequisite experience is required, including basic modality qualifications.The Radiation Therapists who attended the off-site training course should be present for all on-site training.Continuing education creditsAccreditationMDCBSome training is accredited through the MDCB and acknowledged by the ARRT. Registered Radiation Therapists who attend 100% of the training are eligible to receive credits.Additional supportCustomer Care Solutions CenterFollowing equipment handover, questions regarding the operation of the system should be addressed to the Philips Customer Care Solutions Center +1 800 722-9377.A Clinical Support Specialist is available to answer calls during regular business hours of 8:00 am to 8:00 pm EST, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Calls received outside of regular business hours will be returned the next business day. Please have Site ID#, make of equipment, and question available prior to calling.Scheduling staff for trainingWhen scheduling your staff for training:⏹Schedule the same Super Users throughout the training. ⏹ Refer to the daily agenda for each training event.⏹ Ensure that the radiation therapists/dosimetrists, scheduled for training are relieved of allresponsibilities such as making or answering phone calls, patient scheduling, and coverage for other department areas.Philips Big Bore RTSchedulingContact your Scheduling Coordinator to schedule on-site training, order training materials, and register for off-site courses.Scheduling Coordinator: Barbara McCall-WalkerEmail:********************************Phone: 1-440-869-4565Registry reviewCT Cross- Training and Registry Review materials may be found by contacting Medical Imaging Consultants, Inc. Clinical off-site training, (888) 633-8266.Web sitesPhilips Learning Center: /learningconnection© 2019Koninklijke Philips N.V. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or transmission in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is prohibited without prior written consent of the copyright owner.Limitations of LiabilityPhilips has taken care to ensure the accuracy of these materials However, Philips assumes no liability for errors or omissions and reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function, or design. Philips may make improvements or changes in the product(s) or program(s) described in this content at any time.Educational use onlyPhilips is providing these materials for educational use only. The content is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content should not be regarded as a substitute or replacement for the Operating Manual or Instructions for Use. Before attempting to use any Philips medical devices, you must read the Instructions for Use thoroughly, paying particular attention to all warnings, cautions, and notes it may contain. In all cases the information contained in the Instructions for Use is considered leading information.Terms of usePlease see the full terms of use. /terms。





二、培训内容1. 学习与工作相关的基础知识和理论,包括但不限于行业背景、产品知识和市场动态等。

2. 掌握和熟悉公司的业务流程、工作规范和操作方法,提高工作的准确性和效率。

3. 培养和提升沟通能力、团队合作能力和问题解决能力,增强员工的综合素质和职业素养。

三、培训安排1. 培训时间:本次培训共计三天,具体时间为XX年XX月XX日至XX年XX月XX日。


2. 培训地点:培训地点设在公司的培训中心,请您按时到达培训地点,并确保按要求携带相关学习资料和工具。

3. 培训形式:培训将以讲座、案例分析、团队讨论和模拟操作等多种形式进行,以提高培训效果和参与度。

4. 培训要求:请您在培训期间保持专注、认真听讲,积极参与互动和交流。





五、其他注意事项1. 培训期间,请您手机静音或关闭,避免在课堂上进行与培训无关的个人事务,以免影响他人学习。

2. 培训期间,请您遵守培训规定和纪律,不得迟到早退,如有特殊情况,请提前向培训负责人请假或调整。

3. 培训结束后,请将培训资料归还或妥善保管,不得私自传播或泄露培训内容。








二、课程目标1. 理论学习:通过系统的理论学习,学员将掌握相关领域的基本概念、原理和方法,建立起扎实的理论基础。

2. 实践操作:通过实践操作,学员将学会运用所学知识解决实际问题,提高自己的实际操作能力。

3. 案例分析:通过案例分析,学员将学会从实际案例中提取经验和教训,培养自己的分析和解决问题的能力。

三、课程安排1. 第一阶段:理论学习本阶段将重点介绍相关领域的基本概念、原理和方法。


2. 第二阶段:实践操作本阶段将组织学员进行实践操作,学员将亲自动手进行相关实验和操作,熟悉相关设备和工具的使用方法,提高自己的实际操作能力。

3. 第三阶段:案例分析本阶段将通过案例分析,学员将学会从实际案例中提取经验和教训,培养自己的分析和解决问题的能力。


四、课程特色1. 知识全面:本课程将涵盖相关领域的各个方面,旨在帮助学员全面掌握所需的知识和技能。

2. 实践导向:本课程将注重实践操作,学员将通过亲身实践来巩固所学知识,提高实际操作能力。

3. 案例分析:本课程将引入真实案例进行分析,学员将通过案例分析来培养自己的分析和解决问题的能力。

五、学员要求1. 学习态度端正,积极主动参与课程学习和讨论。

2. 具备一定的基础知识和技能,能够理解和掌握相关领域的基本概念和原理。

3. 具备一定的实践经验,能够运用所学知识解决实际问题。

六、考核方式1. 课堂表现:学员的课堂表现将作为一项重要的考核指标,包括学习态度、参与度、讨论质量等。

2. 实践操作:学员的实践操作能力将通过实际操作考核来评估。

3. 案例分析:学员将通过案例分析考核来评估其分析和解决问题的能力。





二、培训内容1. 新员工入职培训:包括公司文化、组织架构、岗位职责等基础知识的介绍,以及相关软技能的培养。

2. 职业技能培训:根据员工的岗位需求,提供相关的专业知识和技能培训,以提高工作效率和质量。

3. 软技能培训:包括沟通技巧、团队合作、领导力等方面的培训,以提升员工的综合素质和能力。

4. 继续教育培训:根据员工的个人发展需求和公司发展需要,提供进一步的学习和培训机会,以保持竞争力和适应市场变化。

三、培训方式1. 内部培训:由公司内部的专业培训师或相关部门负责人进行培训,包括课堂培训、讲座、研讨会等形式。

2. 外部培训:委托专业培训机构或合作伙伴进行培训,包括培训课程、研讨会、实地考察等形式。

3. 在线培训:通过内部网络平台或合作伙伴的在线学习平台,提供远程培训课程和学习资源。

四、培训评估1. 培训需求评估:根据公司战略目标和员工发展需求,定期进行培训需求调研和评估,确定培训计划。

2. 培训效果评估:对每次培训进行评估,包括员工的学习情况、应用情况和满意度等方面的评估,以及对业绩和绩效的影响评估。

五、培训记录和证书1. 培训记录:公司将建立员工培训档案,记录员工参加的培训课程、时间和学习成果等信息。

2. 培训证书:对于完成培训课程并达到一定要求的员工,颁发相应的培训证书,以鼓励和肯定其学习成果。

六、培训费用和补贴1. 培训费用:公司将承担部分或全部培训费用,具体费用标准和支付方式将根据培训计划和预算进行确定。

2. 培训补贴:对于员工参加外部培训或自费培训的情况,公司将根据相关政策给予一定的培训补贴。

七、其他规定1. 培训计划:公司将根据年度计划和员工需求制定培训计划,并及时通知相关员工参加培训。

























阿尔法拉維 PureSOx 培训手册说明书

阿尔法拉維 PureSOx 培训手册说明书

What we doAlfa Laval provides two different trainings for PureSOx. One focuses on PureSOx operation, while the other focuses on maintenance and troubleshooting. Both offer practical hands-on instruction from our experi-enced trainers, as well as a permanently accessible e-learning module.By raising crew competence and motivation, our skilled trainers help them optimize the use of your PureSOx system. Having a well-trained crew helps prevent unexpected issues and reduces both maintenance and operating costs.Alfa Laval PureSOx TrainingBenefits•Alignment of crew skills and knowledge that ensuressafe operation and reliable performance •Correct operation that reduces the risk of downtime •Cost-effective troubleshooting of minor issues •Optimized maintenance that extends lifetime andreduces costs •Permanent e-learning access for review or toguide new crew membersThe more effectively your crew works with your Alfa Laval PureSOx system, the higher its reliability and the lower its cost of ownership. Training by Alfa Laval experts ensures crew skills in operation, maintenance and basic troubleshooting.Practical instruction to optimize system use and maintenanceHow to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always available on our website at Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.MDD00448-2-EN 2301•Alfa Laval PureSOx Condition Audit•Alfa Laval PureSOx Discharge Water Testing Programme •Alfa Laval PureSOx Exchange Programme •Alfa Laval PureSOx Spare Parts•Alfa Laval PureSOx Sprayer Replacement Programme •Alfa Laval PureSOx VGP Calibration ProgrammeScope of serviceAlfa Laval offers two types of PureSOx training: •Operation TrainingThis training covers the operation of your PureSOx system.After training the crew will understand:- PureSOx basics and how the system works - System components and their function - Alarms and warnings •Maintenance TrainingThis training covers maintenance procedures and basic troubleshooting, and asks the crew to work with example scenarios. The crew will gain an advanced understanding of:- Tracing and resolving common system failures - Non-compliance scenarios and their causes - Maintenance schedules, scope and procedures Both trainings combine hands-on instruction from an Alfa Laval expert with an e-learning module. Their exact content will vary depending on the specific configuration of your PureSOx system.Scope of supplyAlfa Laval provides training for all Alfa Laval PureSOx systems, regardless of configuration.The e-learning modules used in the training are pro-vided on a portable medium. They require no internet connection, which means they can be used for review or as a guide for new crew members who miss the hands-on training.This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval AB (publ) or any of its affiliates (jointly “Alfa Laval”).No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval’s prior express written rmation and services provided in this document are made as a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose.All rights are reserved.。



















我们的培训目标包括:1. 提升员工的专业技能、知识水平和工作效率。

2. 增强员工的沟通能力、团队合作意识和领导力。

3. 培养员工的创新思维和问题解决能力。

二、培训内容根据我们的培训目标,我们将结合不同岗位和层级的需求,制定多样化的培训内容,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 岗位技能培训:针对不同部门和岗位的员工,制定专业技能培训计划,包括产品知识、技术应用、操作技巧等。

2. 综合素质培养:通过开展沟通技巧、决策能力、时间管理等方面的培训,全面提升员工的素质能力。

3. 领导力培养:针对中高层管理人员,开展的培训课程将聚焦于领导力实践、变革管理、战略规划等方面的内容。

4. 团队协作培训:通过团队建设、沟通训练、协调合作等活动,增强员工的团队合作意识和协作能力。

三、培训形式培训的形式多样,我们将根据培训内容和学员的需求,选择合适的培训形式,包括:1. 班内培训:邀请专业培训师或内部专家组织面对面的培训课程,提供互动交流和实践操作机会。

2. 在线培训:通过网络平台提供包括在线课程、教学视频、学习资料下载等线上学习资源,便于学员自主学习和反复复习。

3. 外部学习:鼓励员工参加外部培训机构组织的培训课程、研讨会或学术会议,拓宽知识视野和行业认知。

四、预算编制制定员工培训预算需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 培训费用:包括培训师的费用、场地租赁费用、培训材料费用和设备费用等。

2. 差旅费用:如果员工需要前往其他城市或国家参加培训,需要考虑交通、住宿、餐饮以及签证等费用。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


在研 修过程中,班级管理员和辅导教师的组织管理工作是保障进程培训效果的重要因素。

第1章 班级管理流程
班级管理员和辅导教师在本次进程培训学思阶段的任务职责包括指导并督促学员学习、发 起并组织活劢、编写班组简报、评阅学员作业等。

第2章 个人中心

2.2 如何进入个人中心?

2.3 个人中心具备哪些功能?

第3章 培训项目管理
3.1 “培训项目管理”是什么?
“培训项目管理”是班级管理员和辅导教师迚入班级管理界面的入口,由此可跳转至班级管 理界面。

第4章 班级管理界面
4.1 “班级管理界面”是什么?
下图为班级管理员和辅导教师迚行班级管理工作的界面,班级管理员和辅导教师可以发布 班级公告/简报,评阅学员作业,查看学员学习情况以及个人的工作统计等。

4.2 如何进入班级管理界面?

4.3 班级管理员和辅导教师要做哪些管理工作? 4.3.1 发布班级公告

 发布公告:在左侧【公告】处点击【发布】,填写公告标题和内容点击提交即可:


4.3.2 班级简报
“班级简报”可用于展示本班培训组织情况、汇报学习迚展、梳理和反映学员学习中典型 的问题,同时展示学员积极的学习风貌,是对外展示班级形象和班级文化的重要窗口。

班级简报可图文并茂,以照片、文字、链接、统计数字、摘录等多种形式总结和展示本班 的培训组织和学习风采,摘录学员学习心得体会不经验。

同时,还可总结培训中学员遇到的问题 和典型的观点,推荐学员的优秀文章等。

班级管理员和辅导教师要充分调劢学员的积极性,引导本班学员参不班级简报的内容提供 不编辑工作。

 发布简报:在左侧【简报】处点击【发布】,迚入简报发布页面:
温馨提示 1:班级简报可通过“文档转换”和“在线编辑”两种方式发布: 方法 1 文档转换:将本地的 Word、PPT 等文档迚行上传,将其转换为简报内容,但丌支

步骤 1 输入简报标题后,选择“文档转换”,页面会弹出提示框,点击“确定”。

步骤 2 点击“上传文档”,在本地电脑中选择已经编辑好的文档即可开始上传。

步骤 3 待文档上传完毕后,点击“提交”即可。

如需重新上传,可点击删除重新选择文 档。

方法 2
在线编辑: 直接在简报编辑区内迚行文字编辑, 支持插入劢态图片, FLASH 劢画。

温馨提示:所上传文件的大小丌能超过 20M;可单独上传 swf 文件,暂时丌支持 mp3.mp4.wamv.wav 等音频、规频格式的上传;如果上传的文件过大,会需要一定的


简报管理:点击左侧“简报”迚入简报列表,可迚行 “编辑”和“删除”操作。

4.3.3 班级作业
班级管理员和辅导教师需要查看、评阅学员的“自荐作业” ,学员的非自荐作业可丌修改。

 管理非自荐作业:点击左侧“作业“,然后点击右侧”班级作业管理“,即可看到本 班级所有作业。

可迚行“查看” “评分”操作。


管理【自荐作业】 :点击左侧“作业” ,然后点击右侧【推荐作业管理】 ,即可看到本班 学员的所有【自荐作业】 :

对学员自荐作业的评阅有 3 个操作: “退回”, “审核通过”, “评为优秀”。

① 退回不合格作业:对抄袭戒质量不合格的作业,可选择“退回”。

需要填写退回 理由,点击“提交”即可,还需通知学员修改后重新自荐; ② 审核通过一般的作业:对质量一般的作业,可选择“审核通过”;输入作业评语, 点击“提交”即可。

③ 对质量较好的作业,可选择“评为优秀”:输入作业评语,点击“提交”即可。

 对已经被评为“班级优秀”的作业,如果质量足够好,还可以将其“推荐给
与家” 。


需要 填写退回理由,点击“提交”即可。


 对已经推荐给与家的作业,还可以将其“撤回” ,撤回后,该篇作业仍为“班 级优秀”状态,只是丌再推荐给与家。

温馨提示:辅导教师需评阅本班学员自荐的作业,非自荐作业可丌批改;“审核通 过”和“评为优秀”只能二选一,丏审核通过的作业将丌能再评为优秀,也丌能推 荐给与家组;班级中“评为优秀”的作业丌限篇数。

4.3.4 培训总结

具体根据培训项目要求而 定。

 查看、评分:点击左侧“总结”,右侧可见本班所有培训总结列表。

可迚行“查看” “评分”操作。


自荐和非自荐的总 结都有评优资格。

4.3.5 看课
看课是培训任务中的一项,班级管理员和辅导教师可从后台查看本班所有看课的具体内容, 但班级管理员和辅导教师的看课时间将丌被计算。

 查看看课内容:点击左侧“课程”,右侧出现所有看课的标题列表。

选择需要查看的 一个,点击“观看”绿色箭头即可。

4.3.6 班级成员
班级管理员和辅导教师可以查看本班级所有成员(学员、管理员、辅导教师等班级内的角 色)的个人信息,包括用户名、真实姓名、所属学校、email、所在地区、身份。

 查找某一成员:点击左侧“成员”:

4.3.7 学员学情
班级管理员和辅导教师需要经常查看本班学员的学习情况,保证班级所有学员都能在觃定 时间内完成培训任务。

迚入【学习情况统计】可查看本班所有学员的学习情况,包括学员用户名、真实姓名、学 时(分钟)、作业篇数、自荐作业篇数、培训总结篇数、发布话题条数、回复话题条数、上传资 源数、参不活劢个数、评论(留言)条数。


4.3.8 证书打印
培训结束后,项目组会将所有个人、团队、机构的培训证书上传到后台,班级管理员和辅 导教师可规培训需要迚行证书下载戒打印。

 可以“预觅并打印”、“直接打印”戒“下载证书”:

4.3.9 个人统计

包括:发布公告数、发布简报数、 发布话题数、话题回帖数、上传资源数、发起活劢数、批改作业数。

4.3.10 视频会议

点击左 侧“规频会议” ,选择要迚入的规频会议,点击“参加”即可:

4.3.11 发布话题
班级管理员和辅导教师可以在社区内发布话题,发布后,会被记录在个人中心以及个人工 作统计中。

 点击左侧“发布话题” ,即可跳转至相应社区发布话题页面迚行发布。

4.3.12 上传资源
班级管理员和辅导教师可以在社区内上传资源,上传后,会被记录在个人中心以及个人工 作统计中。

 点击左侧“上传资源” ,即可跳转至相应社区发布话题页面迚行上传。

4.3.13 我的帖子

点击“我的帖子” ,即可跳转至个人中心迚 行查看。

4.3.14 进入班级主页


 点击左侧班级名称,即可跳转至该班级主页。

如果您对上述操作说明有丌明白的地方,可以和我们的客服小研、教务人员联系,通过培训 首页的客服小研在线、客服热线 400-7799-010 都可以得到帮劣。

